Side missions. Completing additional tasks Dying Light All additional tasks in the game dying light

Main missions

The main campaign of Dying Light consists of dozens of missions that must be completed in a given order. It is recommended to complete side missions in parallel, since otherwise it will be difficult to complete the game without a pumped-up hero.

Side missions

Pay attention to characters with whom you can start a dialogue.

Only a few additional missions will appear for you automatically; you will have to activate them yourself. There are "exclamation mark" icons on the map, indicating characters from whom you can obtain a mission. For completing such missions you will receive various rewards: in addition to experience, you will be able to get money, rare weapons, blueprints or upgrades for weapons. The goals of such missions are very diverse: from freeing people hiding from zombies to assisting other groups in the battle with strong mutants.

The most profitable missions are those that involve accompanying characters from one point to another. On the map, such missions are shown as a “shield”. These missions are harder and longer than regular missions, but completing them will usually reward you with blueprints for rare weapons or weapon upgrades.

Some missions can only be completed at certain times of the day. If nothing happens after arriving at the mission point, you will need to return here at another time.

Small tasks and random encounters

You can help the surviving people you meet along the way.

Minor quests in Dying Light are randomly generated. After reaching a certain location, they can be activated automatically. As you explore locations, pay attention to the map where icons may appear.

Such tasks are not recorded in your journal, but this does not mean that you should ignore them; completing them will give you experience points and other valuable rewards.

If you fail a minor task, you will not be able to repeat it again. Don't worry, because in the future you can find exactly the same mission in the game.

Some randomly encountered characters do not give out quests, but in dialogue with them you can learn about the place where valuable objects are hidden, etc.


Challenges are not available at the start of the game. You can activate them by reaching the corresponding marker on the map. For completing them you receive experience points.

Calls are divided into four groups:

1. Timed challenges: you are asked to go through a certain location within the allotted time. Don't try this until you've leveled up your character's skills.

2. Combat Challenges: You are invited to win the battle under certain conditions.

3. Calls in quarantine zones: You must visit quarantine zones. They are generally difficult to complete, so save these types of competitions for the late game.

4. Cooperative Challenges: These challenges have various objectives (killing a large number of enemies, collecting valuable items) and can only be activated by completing the game in co-op with a friend.

Types of Collectibles

There are quite a lot of secrets in Dying Light. In most cases, you can find them while exploring the open game world. Some secrets may only be available during missions.

Secrets fall into five main categories, with most collectibles having no effect on your character's development or power. These are just collections. These five groups are:

1. Zombie figurines. In total there are about 100 of them.

2. Dying Light flags. There are about 30 of them in total, with most of them hidden on the towers.

4. Notes. After receiving the note, you can read it in your inventory.

5. Marvin Zucker's War Logs. Once you find a page from the magazine, you can read it in your inventory.

Story Walkthrough

Chapter 1. Awakening
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 750 experience points.

Leave the room and listen to a short conversation with the guard. Move to room number 190 (the mini-map points to the right place). Another guard will stand near the door - Zafer. Go inside and talk to Rahim, who is standing on the balcony. After the conversation, leave the room and get to the elevator, near which Timur will stand.

Go down to the 13th floor. Get to the number the game points to and go inside. Let's find the first zombie. Push it with your feet and use melee weapons to defeat the monster. Go through the door leading to the bathroom and talk to Mark, who needs help.

Unlock the first one drawing – “First Aid Kit”. To produce a first aid kit you will need to find 1 piece of gauze and 1 bottle of alcohol (alcohol). Examine the neighboring rooms and find the necessary ingredients. Open your inventory, go to the “Drawings” tab and create a first aid kit. Return to Mark and heal him.

Go back to the elevator, move to the 19th floor and talk to Rahim again. Find number 194 and interact with the bag (this is a cache). Select the clothes tab and change into the clean clothes Rahim gave you. Find the stairs and go higher.

When you get to the tower, you will be told about parkour. Approach the edge, run and jump over. Climb up and get to the place where Rahim is waiting for you. Stand on the edge and jump through the hole to land safely on the mattress bags.

Climb an unfinished building, perform new movements. Move in the order shown in the screenshot above. Before jumping, stand at the edge. Climb up, jump and cross the platforms and ledges. Now you need to go upstairs. Next, find Rahim and chat with him.

Leave the roof, return to the 19th floor and use the elevator again, but this time go down to the first floor.

Talk to the quartermaster, who will give you a table leg, a master key, a first aid kit and much more. Leave the tower, but the main door here is blocked. You need to find a large hole with a blue light and jump through it. Go outside.

After leaving the tower, move south. Your goal on the map is marked with the number “1”. You can get there either on the rooftops, or by moving secretly through the city streets. After arriving at the site, climb the damaged fence or cross it over the roofs. Follow the large trailer where Dr. Zeze conducts his research. Talk to the doctor to get the antizine and unlock a new task.

Chapter 2. Emergency de-energization
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 3250 experience points.

Start this mission by talking to Spike, who can be found in a small house in the safe zone. After talking with him, take the fireworks.

You need to return to the tower, get to the car that is parked on the western side of the shelter. Activating the light trap is quite simple, since there will be no zombies in the area. When the trap is ready, listen to the radio message from Jade.

The person you must rescue is in the safe zone north of your position. Get to this area and go through the main gate. Attack the two infected trying to enter the small building. When the fight is over, open the door. Unfortunately, the person who needed to be saved has already turned into a zombie. Deal with him.

Find the fuse box (in the room where you killed the last infected) on the wall and use it. You will be able to unlock the safe zone. After a few seconds you will hear the noise of a radio station. GRE will contact you. You need to climb to a high point nearby.

Once again you need to find car traps. Climb up and leave the safe zone. Move along the roofs to a new marker on the map. Below there will be several marked cars surrounded by undead. Spike will cover you. Remember those fireworks Spike gave you? Equip them and throw them down to attract the zombies' attention. You must move to the cars and make traps. While the fireworks are burning, the undead will ignore you.

Move along the top to encounter fewer undead. Get to the light tower. Near the two-story brick building you will meet the first boss. To climb the tower, you need to move from the neighboring building along a wooden bridge. Build a trap.

As you may have guessed, you still need to prepare a few tools. There is nothing complicated here. One of the difficult moments: in the middle of the railway tracks. Climb onto this object, jump onto the pillar near the light trap. Climb up and then go down the wooden beam. Move to the last marked location and interact with the switches.

Move to the marked area, climb over the wire. The entire area on the map will be marked in yellow, which means that the desired target is somewhere within these limits. At the edge of this area there is a fuse box that is what you need. Here you will encounter the first enemy with a weapon - a sledgehammer or concrete rebar.

Move to the roof to avoid damage. Remember that this enemy can cause more damage to health in one hit than previously encountered mutants. Try to pump up your character's health by this point. Ultimately, you should get inside the substation. Turn on your flashlight and find the fuses. Restore power supply. In the lit room, collect loot. Head back to the nearest safe zone.

(Co-op mode unlocked)

After leaving the hut, go back to Spike near the tower. Talk to him and leave the building. Go to the roof of a nearby building and contact GRE. Return back to the tower and take the elevator to the 19th floor, where Rahim's headquarters is located. When you go through the door, watch the cutscene. Chat with nurse Lena and complete the mission.

Chapter 3. Air cargo
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Follow the elevator and leave the tower. Using parkour, get to the marked roof and contact the organization.

After a short dialogue, move to the Cauldron area marked on the map. When you get there, the yellow area will appear on the map again. There is an inactive safe house here. If you have a desire, then activate it first. On the roof of the blue house there will be a box dropped from a helicopter. It can be recognized by its dangling parachute. Hack the box to see its contents.

After you see two more dropped boxes, leave the roof and move to a new location. Move closer to refresh the target, then quickly jump back to reduce damage.

Follow the marker to another box. When you find yourself in the area where it was dropped, the yellow zone will appear again. Here you will meet several zombies.

You will need to kill four zombies. When everyone is defeated, a cut-scene will activate. Flying creatures are extremely fast, dangerous and resilient opponents. You need to use the weapon Spike gave you against them. Light traps can also be used. But it’s best to hide from them as long as possible. Avoid them at all costs!

When you reach the tower, take the elevator to the 19th floor, go through the headquarters door and talk to the character.

Chapter 4. Agreement with Rais
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 22500 experience points.

Leave the tower and head west. Get to the location marked on the map, run past the zombies and climb onto the car to get over the fence. Move west again, knock on the door and watch the cutscene.

After talking with Rais, find the door leading inside the garrison. Here you must talk to Karim and receive your first task.

Leave Rais' headquarters and head north. In the marked area, climb onto one of the carriages. Contact GRE. Next, move northwest to the first radio tower. Once you are there, you will be attacked by Toad. This monster spits acid, which can poison the hero (when poisoned, the health reserve slowly decreases). Dodge the monster's attacks and try to quickly kill the Toad. Use ranged weapons (for example, throw stars) or fight with melee weapons (in this case the monster will be practically defenseless).

In addition to the Toad, there will be another monster - the Brute. In order to defeat him, you can try to blow up the red barrels. You don't have to kill him: use fireworks to distract the enemy. Regardless of which option you choose, interact with the gate and kill another zombie. Use the switch to restore power.

Now you can get to the first radio tower and start climbing to the top. Use the ladders and grab onto the interactive edges (yellow and black). Don't rush, think through every step, because if you make a mistake, you can fall from a height, which will lead to inevitable death. There's a zombie waiting for you at the top that you can push down. Find a window and open it. Listen to the conversation with Karim and go down the rope to the very bottom.

The second radio tower is located east of here. It will be surrounded by an electric fence, but it will be quite easy to deal with. Climb up the nearby rocks and stand as shown in the picture above. Run along the edge and jump onto one of the metal balconies. Here you can chat with Alexey, or immediately start climbing higher. Just like before, use stairs and interactive edges. Open the next box and activate the radio tower. Use the rope to get down to the very bottom. Return to the garrison to meet Rais again, and also talk to Karim.

Leave the garrison and move east. Climb onto one of the carriages on the bridge and contact the organization. Move to a new place. When you reach the marker, go into the small camp area and find Jaffar. Talk to him to get compensation.

Next, you will need to get to the tunnel entrance, located northeast of your current position. Once you're there, go inside the tunnel (where there's a burning car) and find the south door. Explore the corridors on the sides and open the red door. After watching the cutscene, you will meet new enemies - bombers. As you guessed, they will explode.

The next destination is a fishing village located in the eastern part of the Slums. When you arrive, you will need to deal with all the monsters in the village. But first, close the gate as quickly as possible to prevent new enemies from entering the village. Start killing monsters. Pay attention to runners. Try to break their legs or push them off the roof. Also, don't forget about new explosive enemies. Throw throwing weapons at them, in particular axes or stars. After all enemies are destroyed (a new safe zone is unlocked), find Guzel's hut. Talk to him and get compensation.

Leave the fishing village and head towards the port located north of your position. Go past the barricades, moving along the top, and find Morgan in the port. After a short conversation, take the bag lying on the table.

Now head west. While you are moving towards the garrison, Karim will contact you. He will report a loss of contact with one of the patrols. Drive to the gas station. Before you get closer to the gas station, make sure your health is restored.

Start by opening the back door of the yellow van. Take all the grenades you find. Run away quickly because there is an armed enemy on the roof of the gas station. You need to kill him, only then explore the area. The easiest way: throw a grenade so that it flies over the fence and lands on the roof. You can also use firearms or other throwing weapons. You can go up to the roof, deal with him and get the rifle. In addition, by opening the hatch there, you can unlock the safe zone.

When the battle is over, find the bodies of the patrolling soldiers. Examine the body of the dead mercenary located closest to the gas station building. Turn over the body and find the envelope you need to pick up.

Return to the garrison in the western part of the city. When you are there, first talk to Karim, then knock on the blue door and talk to Rais.

Leave the building and get back to the carriage, climb up and contact GRE. Return to the tower, go inside the shelter, use the elevator and listen to the conversation with Jane. Go to the room where Bracken is located. Follow the stairs to get onto the roof and chat with Rahim. Climb to the top of the roof and stand there to contact the organization. Ultimately, everything will end with a dialogue with Jane.

Chapter 5. Brothers and sisters
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 40,000 experience points.

Head to the meeting point with Jade, who can be found in a van near the school. Open the van door. After watching the cutscene, move towards the school and climb onto its roof. Go to the blocked entrance and use the stairs to go higher. There will be mutants on the roof. Pay attention to Toad and Bombardier. After killing one of them, an infected runner will appear. You can push him off the roof. Find the door on the roof, open it and immediately take a step back. Wait for the mutant to explode, then go inside. Use the hatch to find yourself inside the school.

Start exploring the school. There is only one path leading to your goal, but you will have to move pieces of furniture to clear your path. Bandits will appear on one of the lower floors. Use traps with bombs, a Molotov cocktail and throwing or firearms. If you use melee weapons, do so only in narrow corridors where you will not be surrounded by enemies. Jump back and to the side to dodge enemy attacks.

Move on and turn off the alarm using the switch on the wall. In addition to fighting bandits, you will encounter several infected. Explore the large yellow area that will appear on the mini-map after the security room. Find a large chest, open it, but there will be no antizine inside.

Explore the area to find the basement key. Unblock the passage by moving the wardrobe and break the boards. To do this, you can use any weapon.

As you explore the next part of the building, note that an infected person is waiting for you in the stairwell. A runner will appear after him, so be prepared to run into him as well.

Use the keys to open the door to the basement and then find the room where the valve is located. Interact with him. As you go further, Bombardier will stand in the way.

After watching the cutscene and meeting Jade, the final battle with the bandits will begin. Use grenades and Molotov cocktails against them. After you kill them all, leave the school building.

You can return to the tower. Inside, take the elevator and go up the stairs. Follow to the roof, talk to Rahim. Now you can chat with two people in the tower - Dr. Zeze and the Quartermaster (lobby). Find out about a new type of infected.

Wait until night falls and open the slum map. You need to get to one of the places marked on the map, where there will be a new type of infected. You must get there while avoiding any battles with monsters. Use light gadgets to illuminate the location. After discovering a new monster, make sure that there are no other opponents near it. If they are, then distract them by throwing fireworks, or lure the monster itself away, and then kill ordinary zombies. Sneak up to the monster, use a good melee weapon to kill it, preventing it from hiding (see screenshot below). When the zombie is dead, examine the body and get a sample of its skin.

You can now return to Dr. Zeza, who is now in the safe zone south of the tower. Give the skin sample to the doctor and talk to him. You will receive a new one drawing - poisonous explosion.

Leave the trailer and wait until Rahim gives Crane his contact information. Go north and check the area where there are several dead bodies. Examine these bodies and you will find Omar. Talk to Bracken on the radio.

Head north again. This time you need to get to a warehouse near the road. Open the door to go inside (loading a new location). Attack the zombies surrounding Rahim's hideout. Use melee weapons or Molotov cocktails. When you try to open the carriage door, a Toad will appear. Kill the enemy as quickly as possible while dodging the acid flying at you.

Talk to Rahim and take two bombs from him. You will have 3 minutes to plant all these bombs and leave the place. Don't wait for the objectives to update, but immediately go through the hole and get to the sewer. Get out of the water and use the ladder to get to the surface.

1. Run to the place where you should plant the first bomb. To move quickly, use parkour techniques. Ignore the normal mutant zombies. You will have to kill only runners and only if they are at close range with Crane. Find the marked pillar and place a bomb on it.

2. Find the place where you need to plant the second bomb and go to the wall. Wait for the Brute to destroy it, then defeat him or pass by.

After this, you will need to leave this place before the bombs explode. Get to the exit, jump down and go through the pipes. If you have never been delayed anywhere before, you will have more than one minute to spare.

You can turn around and look at the explosion. Go down the stairs, go into the sewers and swim to the other stairs to return to the warehouse. Approach the carriage and watch the cut-scene.

You can now leave the warehouse and head back to the tower. When you are there, talk to Bracken, who is waiting for you on the first floor.

Chapter 6. The Pit
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 55,000 experience points.

When Rais' men attack you, jump out of the tower and head to the safe zone you were in before. You need to get to this place in less than 40 seconds, so don't engage in combat and use parkour.

When you are in the safe zone, attack the bandits using firearms or throwing weapons. Don't go beyond the safe zone because screams and gunshots may attract runners. Also, keep an eye on the flames. Once the battle is over, enter the trailer to find Malik, who is badly wounded. Wait until a new dialogue with Bracken begins.

Move west to the Raisa garrison. The surprising thing is that you won’t have to fight the bandits guarding the building. You can't go through the main door, so go around the building and position yourself on the north side. Find the red van, climb onto its roof and begin to climb the building to the indicated location (see picture above). You will be able to reach the roof and surprise the enemies standing here. Moreover, they can be pushed down. Go to the southern part of the roof and find a hatch leading inside the building.

Listen to the GRE conversation, then start exploring the garrison. Get to the elevator to open the door. Jump onto the rope to go down to the floor below. Open the door again and go forward. Soon you will encounter enemies inside the garrison for the first time. You can ambush some of them, but still the other part of the bandits will try to make sure that it is you who fall into it. In battles, use Molotov cocktails and throwing weapons. Dodge attacks without forgetting about it. Follow to the lower floors.

While exploring the garrison, go into the rooms you meet along the way. One of these rooms will be the armory. Inside you can find a pistol and an assault rifle. The rifle can be used to destroy bandits! Aim for their heads if the opportunity presents itself. Hide behind obstacles. Keep an eye on the mini-map, which will help you avoid an ambush. Look around the locations for barrels that you can shoot at, thereby exploding them and nearby enemies. Don't forget to collect ammo left after killing enemies. You will soon find Dr. Zeze; a cutscene will start.

When you take control of Crane, you will find yourself in the arena. All equipment will be taken away from you. (Looking ahead, at the end of the mission you will return it to yourself). You need to survive two rounds in the Pit.

In the first round you need to defeat several dozen ordinary zombies. First, try to get a melee weapon (rebar or hammer), and also find as many throwing knives as possible. You can search for them using the Survivor Sense skill. Most of the weapons will be on top of the containers, and some will be on the ground. Explore the arena as you will spend about 5 minutes here. In addition to weapons, collect fireworks that will help you distract opponents and kill them in small groups.

You need to attack ordinary infected only after you have collected at least 2-3 melee weapons. Try to kill zombies one by one, use spikes in a circle. Unfortunately, the runners will appear in the arena at the same time, and you will have to face them all at once. Climb to the top of the container or stand on narrow ledges. Wait until the infected begin to rise towards you, then attack (if you have the appropriate skill) or jump on top of them, performing techniques. There is no need to be a hero: there are too many monsters, and your strength is running out. There are no first aid kits on site!

Battle with the Destroyer in the arena

After destroying all the infected, you will move on to the next round, in which you will need to defeat the giant mutant - the Destroyer (a scale with his health reserve will appear at the top of the screen). Spend some time learning the monster's two special attacks. During one of them, you will have to constantly move around the location, and then dodge to the side at the right moment. The monster's second attack: throwing pieces of concrete in your direction. In this case, you will also have to dodge or hide behind cover.

To attack the monster, use the machete that Rais will throw to you. At least until it breaks. Stand near a wall or other obstacle and wait for the Destroyer to use its attack. Dodge at the right moment, and then quickly attack the enemy while he is vulnerable. You need to hit the exposed parts of his body. Move away from him and repeat the procedure. Another interesting tactic is to use gas cylinders located in the arena. You can throw them at the monster's feet and then explode them.

A little later, during the battle with the Destroyers, things will become completely bad. You will see runners heading towards the arena. You shouldn't ignore them, as these scoundrels will constantly prevent you from attacking the Destroyer. As soon as you see them, run as far away from the Destroyer as possible, climb onto the concrete ledge and attack the runners. You can also try to push them onto the spikes. Use throwing knives to slow them down. Continue fighting the Destroyer until you kill him. Don't take risks! After defeating the monster, pick up the first aid kit lying on the ground. Watch the cutscene.

As soon as control returns, start running away. You won't be able to stop during this episode. Follow the route that the game tells you without making mistakes. If you have few health points left, you can use the first aid kit found in the Pit.

Once you reach the parking lot, the chase will end. There will be one zombie here. Go towards the exit, leave Raisa's base and proceed away from it. Avoid meeting with the infected and wait until the main character loses consciousness.

You will find yourself on the pier. Listen to Bracken's monologue and take the bag lying on the table to return all your equipment.

Chapter 7. Saviors
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 15,000 experience points.

Advice. Before starting the mission, try to complete all the side quests in the Slums, because after completing this task you will move to a new area of ​​Harran - "Old Town".

Move into the buildings located in the central area of ​​the Slums. It is best to move along the rooftops to find the desired balcony. Knock on the door and talk to Kenk, who is the representative of the saviors. Talk twice.

From this point you can start moving towards the new part of Harran. The tunnel is located in the southwestern part of the location, if you look at the map. The bridge leading to the tunnel is destroyed, but you have several alternative routes. The best option is to go up to one of the warehouses located to the west of the destroyed bridge and position yourself in the place shown in the picture. Cross over the scaffolding, past the concrete barriers and head south.

Avoid collisions with zombies, for example, jumping from one car to another, and get to the destroyed tunnel. On the right side there will be a door through which you can get into the sewer. When you reach another door, knock. After listening to Khazan, jump into the small hole in the ground. You will find yourself in an underwater tunnel.

Once you're on the other side of the large gate, grab the yellow pipe attached to one of the walls and start moving slowly to the side. You will need to perform several difficult jumps to get to the small, and from there to the large balconies. Now you can go into another tunnel. Go down and follow the white arrows.

After exiting the tunnel, you will find yourself in a location with a large number of zombies. The passage is narrow, which means using Molotov cocktails is a good option. Keep an eye out for Runners and Brutes to kill: approach them, use a quick attack and jump back. When you clear the location, you can turn the valve located nearby, thereby unblocking your passage.

Go into the next tunnel and pay attention to the Bombardier. At the right moment, you must run back to avoid damage. Kill the runners and move on. Select pistols and cartridges, as they will be useful to you in the future. To continue your journey, jump onto one of the balconies. In some room you will see a Toad. You can get close to this monster and kill it in melee. Or, as an option, shoot the monster with a pistol using cover. Continue forward, grabbing the yellow pipes.

In the next corridor, jump to the yellow pipes located against the wall on the right. Move to the left side, turn the valve to open the door, and jump into the water. The main character will be ambushed by Rais' people sent by the traitor Khazan. Do not swim on the surface as this greatly increases the risk of serious injury. Stay underwater and try to swim to the next area as quickly as possible. Climb onto the metal platform, heal, take out the pistol and move on.

Without taking any risks, shoot the bandits. Use cover to avoid damage. Look at the mini-map. Take your time, as some enemies will appear from the side rooms. After destroying the first enemy group, go forward. You will soon see stairs and enter the courtyard. Sneak up to the bandits and destroy them by acting suddenly. Follow the balcony, find the stairs and get to the door that leads to the Old Town. Chat with Troy and the mission will be completed.

Chapter 8. Find the SPARK
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 5000 experience points.

After talking with Troy, head to the ISCR headquarters in the Old Town. If possible, move along the roofs, as this will make the path shorter. You need to get to the two tallest towers.

Once you are near the tower, climb higher on it. Move up the ledges. Don't rush, because one mistake and you'll end up at the bottom. At the top, talk to Mike and open the window in the attic. Watch the video and meet Savvy and Troy.

Chapter 9. Higher education
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 15,000 experience points.

Head towards the university building, located in the central part of the Old Town. All entrances from the ground will be blocked, so you need to go up to the roof.

Talk to the guard and go inside. Here you must meet Fidan.

After talking with him, leave the university and listen to Troy's message on the radio. Follow Troy's directions and return to ISCR headquarters (again through the attic at the top of the tower). Watch the video and the mission will be completed.

Chapter 10. Fiery face
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 20,000 experience points.

Move to the south of the Old Town location and you will see Toads walking around the area. Find a small hole and jump through it to find yourself in a flooded tunnel. Get to the door in the sewer and go through it. Inside, notice the broken part of the floor. Jump into the water and get to another part of the underwater tunnel. Go through the big hole and continue on.

Soon you will be running away from zombies. Pay attention to the scorers, who should not approach you. Shortly after opening the new door, Crane will lose his strength for a moment. There's nothing you can do about it. Get to Michael and talk to him. You learn that you need to plant four explosives in four different parts of the building. Grab the four remote explosives from the nearby shelf and open the red door to begin exploring the skyscraper.

Bomb 1, 2. First, you must reach the 10th floor. So go up the stairs, find the elevator on the first floor and use it to go up to the tenth.

Unfortunately, the elevator will stop before reaching the 10th floor, somewhere halfway. Get out of it and climb through the hole to the roof. The screen should become distorted. Climb using the ledges and yellow-black edges. Turn around to find the ledges above. Jump to the open door on the 9th floor and begin exploring it. Pay attention to the ceilings in the rooms. In one of the rooms the ceiling will be destroyed. You can go higher, to the 10th floor. Explore the location, deal with zombies, of which there are quite a few here. Among the enemies you will meet two bombardiers.

On the 10th floor you need to find apartments No. 105 and No. 106. In both apartments you will have to destroy several mutants using Molotov cocktails (against large groups). In each of the apartments, find a gas stove and interact with it to plant the first two bombs.

Bomb 3, 4. Go to the stairs and go higher to the 12th floor. There will be one bombardier and several infected. Find a room whose ceiling will be destroyed and go up to the 13th floor.

On the 13th floor, check apartments No. 13 and No. 137. In apartment No. 134 you will meet a new type of zombie - Screamers (zombie children). The first time you won't be able to prevent the monster from screaming. After shouting, other zombies will arrive to answer the call. Please note that the Screamer himself cannot attack you, he only calls other opponents for help. Therefore, in the future you need to avoid direct contact with the Screamers if you do not want to fight a horde of mutants. Deal with the mutants who have come running using Molotov cocktails. Among others, Toad will also be here. When you clear the floor, return to apartment No. 134. You can kill the Screamer using firearms, but it is better to follow the game's advice. Approach the monster and press the “action” key to kill the enemy.

After you clear apartment #134, find the gas stove and place the third explosive on it. Proceed to apartment No. 137, where you can’t expect any surprises.

Detonator. After listening to the conversation with Michael, return to the floor below by jumping into the large hole in the apartments on the floor. Get to the elevator and open the doors. Go down the ropes to the very end. Go inside the elevator car, press the button to go down to another floor. Immediately after exiting the elevator, you are attacked by a large group of infected led by the Brute.

Follow the linear path of the yellow zone, go down to the basement as indicated on the map. Find the detonator here. Pay attention to the scorers. Take the detonator, move into the nearest tunnel, go to the end and follow further.

Soon you will find yourself in the sewers, where there will be another Brute. Defeat him or ignore him, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy is very slow. Climb the stairs and jump from balcony to balcony, then reach the large pipe. Climb the last ladder and leave the sewer. Use the detonator to activate the explosives. Listen to conversations.

Chapter 11. Meeting place
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Head to the indicated building to meet Jade. (This is east of where you entered the sewers in the previous mission). Once you're there, go up to one of the open windows. Enter the room with large writing on the wall and deduce that Jade has been kidnapped by someone.

Chapter 12. Museum
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 20,000 experience points.

Listen to the conversation with Troy on the radio and leave the building. According to the first task, you need to meet with the curator of the museum, which was captured by Rais and his people. The curator is located in a safe zone, in the northern part of the city. You can get there as soon as you go up to the roof (there will be a large garden here).

After talking with Tariq, head to the museum and proceed through the indicated location. You should find the underwater tunnel shown in the screenshot below. Enter this tunnel. Don't waste your time, because you won't be able to stay underwater for a long time.

After exploring the underwater corridors, you will find yourself in a place where you can float to the surface and replenish your air supply. You should not cling to walls, etc., so as not to slow down your swimming. You'll soon reach a ladder and be able to leave the water. Please note that there is a closet here.

Secret. In order to open this cabinet, you need to complete the mission “Chasing the Past” and get the key.

Go through the red door to find yourself in a new location. Enter the water, move without stopping. The screenshot below shows where you need to be careful. You will need to squeeze between the grating and the ceiling.

As you swim underwater, look for places where you can surface and replenish your air supply. Jump along the ledges, and after Crane encounters vision problems, move along the narrow corridors. To destroy wooden barriers, use any melee weapon. Don't fall from a height, as this can cause you to lose a decent amount of health. Jump into the water one last time and swim to the large square near the museum.

Below there will be two opponents. Try to shoot them as quickly as possible. Approach the next area where the first of few battles will begin after listening to Rais' speech. If you wish, inspect the area to the left as soon as the battle begins. Inside there is ammo and a double-barreled shotgun. But to eliminate opponents, it is best to use a machine gun. To find enemies faster, use the mini-map. Also, pay attention to the explosives thrown by your opponents.

After you deal with the first group of enemies, a second squad will appear on the location. The enemies will be on the balconies. You can shoot down from below, or climb up and fight up close. In any case, you will have to get to the upper level as soon as the opponents are defeated. Find the door leading to the next area, which will be guarded by several bandits with machine guns. Raise the gate and move forward, ignoring the hallucinations.

When you find yourself in open space, opponents will attack you. Move forward, killing the villains who stand in your way.

Soon you will reach a room with a huge number of zombies. Don't try to kill them, just run away. This is where skills that reduce damage taken from zombies come in handy.

In the next part of the location, you need to deal with the infected who have crowded around the door behind which Jade is located. You can shoot enemies from the balcony above, or jump down and fight them in close combat. After the battle, go to the large gate, listen to Rais's speech and begin the battle again. Try to kill the most dangerous opponents first. Use Molotov cocktails.

Hallucinations will begin. Get to the place where Jade appears. Avoid falling, but even if you fall down, you will not lose experience points. You won't experience any serious problems. Using rock climbing skills, get over obstacles. At the end of this sequence there will be a more or less complex episode. You need to jump from one vertical pillar to another. When you jump over, climb to the top and jump to the next pillar. After the hallucinations are over, watch the video.

Battle with Tahir

Now you must face Tahir, who is in charge of everything here. During the battle, you will only be able to use a machete. Access to additional equipment is prohibited. The same goes for first aid kits. Do the same as when fighting other bandits. Hit the machete after dodging Tahir's attack. If possible, do not go far from the boss, as he will start using firearms. To avoid damage, dodge to the side and move back.

After you reduce Tahir's health by about half, regular enemies will appear in the location. The battle will become much more difficult. Attack normal enemies that move away from the boss. Use parkour to attack, weaken or stun enemies. When you've dealt with everyone, finish the fight with the boss until his health bar is empty.

Head to the marked museum exit in one of the previously visited areas. There will be enemies near the vans. Use the weapons found on Tahir against them. Find the character's bag and interact with it to return all the equipment.

You can now leave the museum and listen to the conversation with Dr. Camden on the radio. Finally, move to a new location where Troy is located - a lonely tower. You may encounter problems while finding the entrance to the tower. Find the window shown in the screenshot above. Make your way through the window, move along the ledges to the very top, where you will meet Troy.

Chapter 13. On the air
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 20,000 experience points.

Move to the northern part of the Old Town, where you will need to find a staircase leading to an underground corridor. Open the gate on the left and get to the door to the sewer. After this, you will find yourself in a new part of Harran - “Antenna”, from where you will have to broadcast a message.

After loading a new location, you will not immediately find yourself on the antenna. First you will have to cross the sewer. You will be able to find the double-barreled shotgun if you missed it in the previous mission. There will be a Screamer in one of the rooms ahead. Quickly run up to the monster and deal with it by pressing the “action” key.

Immediately after killing the Screamer, approach the barricade in the northwest, which the monster should break. Run back to the place where the shotgun was found. Go up to the balcony and wait for the mutant and many other opponents. They were summoned during the scream of the dying Screamer. Take advantage of the fact that the enemies can't climb up and shoot them from the ledge. It's best to use a shotgun. First of all, defeat the main mutant, and then deal with the rest.

It is recommended not to linger too long on the balcony, since the killed infected will soon be replaced by new ones. Move towards the barricade, clearing your path, and go northwest. You will find yourself near two grates leading to the next sewer. Approach any of the grates and interact with the valve. It will take you a few seconds to turn the valve, so first make sure there are no monsters behind you. Go through the new passage, enter the next room and kill the Toads.

Your next task is to get to the balcony above. This is the only way to leave the sewer. Head northwest and find a ledge you can climb up to. Move along the metal beams and jump over to the adjacent platform. Go through the blue pipe, which will lead you to that same balcony.

Look up and pick up the yellow pipe shown in the screenshot above. Turn right along the pipe. Drop down after you reach the platform above. Turn around and jump towards the balcony. After a while, you will have to go through two blue pipes that will lead you to a platform. Turn towards the last balcony and make the final jump.

Leave the room, go up the stairs and in the next room you will meet the infected. If you have the appropriate skill, you can sneak up and kill those from behind. If you use a firearm, other zombies will come running towards the sound.

As a result, you must reach the exit from the sewer. Stand on the ledge, turn towards the blue bags and try to get over them. Next, you will need to find the key card, and in order to do this, you need to examine the two marked points on the map. Go to the place that is closer to you - to the northeast. Attacking zombies is completely optional. Examine the four blue containers - two at the bottom and two at the top. There won't be a key here.

Now move to another yellow area in the central part of the map. You need to be much more careful here. Try to kill the toads on the containers first. It is not necessary to fight the rest of the mutants. Through the hole on the roof, get to the containers and take the access card from the corpse of the container to the south.

Next, you will need to get to the substation in the northwestern part of the map. It's best to use the main road. Approach the closed area in the south and climb over the fence. Try to get to the roof and kill the toads. Deal with the remaining scorers. The remaining mutants can be ignored. Use the key card to open the door to the building. Go to the second room and find the fuse box.

Leave the building and lure the zombies away, towards the south. Then quickly go to the base of the antenna and use the control panel. Move away and wait for the elevator to break. Go through the hole and climb the stairs to the very top. Turn left and jump onto the platform shown in the screenshot below. Go up the other stairs.

As you make your way to the top, you will encounter some of the most challenging episodes. Basically all of these situations will make you jump towards the red or gray tower element. Each time, jump and hold the jump button until you land. On one of the balconies, turn around and see an interactive ledge just above. There will be corpses on one of the platforms. Attack the zombies before they rise to their feet on their own. Soon you will reach the indicated point. Open a window and start broadcasting the message. Taking the GRE will give you new goals.

Now you need to get to the tunnel in the central part of the map. Use the rope and go down. When you reach the tunnel, you will find a small white door and open it. After returning to the main tunnel you will encounter more zombies. Deal with at least some of the mutants, for which use Molotov cocktails. Head south.

Go to the end of the tunnel, you will be attacked by jumpers. Don't attack them as you will inevitably fail. Instead, start running away, use lamps during the chase, thanks to which you can slow down the monsters.

Once you climb onto the truck's trailer and reach the door, the chase should end. Follow the corridor and swim through the underwater tunnel. Soon you will see a door leading to the Old Town. After speaking with Dr. Camden (when you return to Old Town), the quest will be completed.

Chapter 14. Clinic
Dying Light Walkthrough

Reward: 35,000 experience points.

The clinic is located in the northwestern part of the Old Town, you must go there. There will be at least two mercenaries on the roof of the clinic. You can defeat them, although it is not necessary to do so in the game. The fact is that you can enter the clinic through the entrance on the ground.

Go under the partially raised gate, bandits are waiting for you on the other side. These enemies use only melee weapons, so dealing with them will be quite easy. Once you get inside the clinic, go to the elevator and call it by pressing the button.

Wait for the elevator to go down and head into the underground complex. Go to the door and open it. Kill the infected enemies first, go further to the door with a large pool of blood near it and listen to Camden's comments. Go to the toilet, where you will again have to use your weapon. Find an open ventilation shaft there, get inside and get to the security room. After you kill the officer, do two things: take the key card and use the terminal to open the door that was recently seen. Leave the room and follow through the new passage, dealing with the zombies.

Move forward along the long corridor and turn into the tunnel on the right. Approach the locked isolation room and listen to Camden's comments again. You must return to the main corridor and wait for the scientist to unlock the door on the left. That's where you need to go. While exploring the installation, pay attention to the group of zombies lying on the ground. Go around them and finish them off before they try to bite you. Use the access card to enter the office and kill the bombardier from a safe distance. Find the ventilation shaft here and climb inside. Follow forward and exit on the other side. Go between the yellow and blue pipes.

The upper path leads you to a room with green gas. Stay away from gas if you don't want to lose your health. Climb the ledges higher and you will find yourself above the infected. You need to get to the forklift near one of the walls and pull the lever. Distract the zombies in advance by throwing fireworks to the side. After using the forklift you will have access to another vent. Follow through it, in the new room you will reach another forklift. But there will be bandits here. After the forklift moves the platform, go underneath it and leave the room.

Go to the room at the other end of the main corridor where the generator is located. Try activating the generators. Two of the three generators will restore power to the underground complex.

Return to the large corridor and go further. Attack zombies from a distance using a Molotov cocktail. Be careful during this part of the mission. Dodge the mutant, but don't attack him. Just run to the other end of the corridor and use the key card to move on.

You can now access an isolation room that was previously unavailable. Once inside, press the red button and wait for the procedure to complete. Kill some zombies in the process. Go to the next room to meet Dr. Camden. After the conversation, return to the elevator; there will be no mutants on the way.

Once you are in the Old Town, go to the new location in the central area to contact GRE. This is one of the tallest towers in the area and, as you might have guessed, you need to climb to the very top. Move along the ledges of the tower, look around to see other places with which you can climb higher. When you find yourself at the very top, talk to Rais.

Chapter 15. Evacuation
Dying Light Walkthrough

Advice. Once you find yourself on the Raisa skyscraper in the Slums, you will not be able to return back. No one will allow you to complete side quests or fulfill the conditions of challenges. However, after completing the final mission, you will be able to continue your journey through Harran based on your earlier saves.

Advice. Before you start this mission, try to create as many first aid kits as you can. Also, learn some new parkour skills because that's what you'll need.

Rice's skyscraper is located in the Slums, which means you'll have to head back there first. You can go through the main passage through the sewers that you used during the mission "Rescue". But this option is bad because it will take up a lot of your time and effort until you get to your destination. In addition, you will have to fight monsters, jump on buildings, etc.

If you do decide to go this route, then follow a linear route. You will be attacked by numerous groups of zombies. You don't have to fight them, using your parkour skills to escape further. Next there will be a very inconvenient episode where you need to jump onto platforms and ledges above. Try to be precise with each jump. At the end of the route you will leave the sewer. Deal with the Toads and turn the valve.

If you don't want to waste your time, you can get to the Slums via an alternative route. Return to the tunnel area through which you ran away from the night zombies at the end of one of the previous quests, “On the Air.” Go down to the sewers located in the south of the Old Town. Once you're in the new area, you'll only be able to walk down a few hallways and swim along a flooded tunnel. Soon you will reach the door leading to the Slums.

If you take the long path, as the game leads you, you will find yourself in a tunnel that you have already visited before. If you chose the alternative route we suggested, you will find yourself in a safe zone in the north of the Slums. In both cases, your current goal is the Raisa skyscraper, which is his headquarters. Once you are near the skyscraper, find the red door and interact with it to get to the next area.

Head to the upper floors and ignore the image distortion, as everything will soon return to normal. After reaching the new large area, you will see a cutscene and talk to Rais, who will unleash a horde of zombies on you. Do not try to fight the infected, as their number is constantly restored. Instead, run away from them. Climb the metal scaffolding, which will allow you to leave a kind of arena.

As you cross the construction site, watch out for mutants and other elite zombie enemies. Follow this until you find yourself in a small tunnel. Move through the tunnel and jump into the hole. Once you find yourself in the sewers, run up to the Screamer and silence him. Move on.

From this moment on, mutants will constantly appear around Crane. Just like before, don't waste your time on them. Use ultraviolet weapons to slow down enemies and reduce the chance of damage. The most important thing now is to escape from them. Along the way, jump onto the small platform and climb onto the ledge above, then use the yellow pipes. When you find yourself in an area where there are two ropes, use them to get around the group of zombies. Take a long jump to the stairs a little to the right. Climb up it.

After you leave the sewers, go forward. Climb onto the overturned container and use the scaffolding to begin the climb. Look for interactive ledges. When you find yourself on the ledge above, go inside the red elevator, press the button and wait until it reaches its final destination. Leave the elevator and go forward. You don't need to run anywhere else, but it is still recommended not to run into zombies. Find the stairs and, when you are near the destroyed part, on the edge, jump to the floor above. Find the seriously wounded Karim and talk to him.

Go to the edge. You need to run up and jump to land on the blue bags. After landing, eliminate the zombies and rise up. Move through the scaffolding to the next building, kill the bombardier and find the destroyed stairs. Continue your way, make several precise jumps onto concrete surfaces. Before each new jump, inspect the distance.

When you reach the vertical ledge, jump towards the metal elements and climb up to the balcony. Climb up some ladders to the top of another crane. Run forward before the crane is destroyed. Go to the ledge on the wall of the adjacent building and use them to climb higher. Now you need to perform a series of difficult tricks (walking on narrow elements of a skyscraper, jumping onto adjacent ledges, etc.). Towards the end of the climb, crouch down to get under the metal elements.

Soon you will find yourself on the roof of a skyscraper. Go up the last stairs to meet Rais. Be prepared, because during the cutscene you will need to press the keys (buttons) indicated on the screen. Click on the additional "action" key.

When you complete the sequence, watch the cutscene. Remove the dagger from Crane’s body by pressing the “action” key (button), and then use it to finally deal with Rais.

9. Higher education. 10. Fiery face. 11. Meeting place. 12. Museum.
13. On air. 14. Clinic. 15. Evacuation.
Additional missions: Slums, Old Town, Antenna.
Achievement "Honorary Reader Site"
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How to unlock: The mission can be accepted after completing the mission "Emergency Power Outage". Move to the 20th floor and go to room No. 202, near which several people will be standing. Talk to Brijesh, who will tell you that Bahir has locked himself in the room.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 3500 experience points.

You must use a master key to open the door. Make sure you have at least one lockpick (you can get one from the quartermaster, buy it from a vendor, or craft it yourself). Complete the mini-game.

Go into the room and talk to Bahir. Pick up the flask with antizine from the floor and talk to the man again. After talking with him, go to Lena, who will be in the clinic, on the 18th floor of the tower. Chat with Lena, and then go to the stairs. This time you need to go up to the roof and find Yusuf sitting near the scaffolding. Talk to Yusuf and find out where he bought the flask.

You can now leave the tower and move towards the pharmacy located northwest of it (on map #1). After arriving at your destination, talk to Bento or immediately attack the bandits, because the situation cannot be resolved peacefully. To kill enemies, use Molotov cocktails or throwing weapons. These enemies are good at melee combat, and some of them use throwing axes. Stay on the move until you unlock a new safe location. Talk to Lena.

2. Mother's Day
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: Complete the second chapter of the "Power Outage" storyline, then talk to Lena.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 3500 experience points, $500, Weapon upgrade (Champion).

You will automatically receive this mission after completing the main quest "Power Outage". Wait for Lena to speak to you and learn about Bracken's wounds and the need to find the appropriate cure.

Leave the tower and move towards the building located in the southwest of the map. Some objects will be included on the map. The westernmost building on the map is Ghazi's house (on map 2a). Talk to the man and he will tell you that you must first deliver him a gift for his mother.

First, go to the movie store (on map 2b). Here you will encounter several mutants who are standing near the only entrance inside. Try to kill them or distract them with fireworks. Go to the door and open it, use the master key. Go inside, close the door behind you and activate the alarm using the switch on the wall. Now you can start searching for the movie. If zombies crowd around the main entrance, then you can leave the store through the back door, having first removed everything unnecessary from the aisle.

After you find the movie and leave the building, move to the nearest store (on map 2c). The strategy is similar: kill or distract the zombies standing near the entrance, go to the door and press the button to open it. Go inside, kill the zombies and find a box of chocolates on the floor.

You can now return to Ghazi's house. He will take the gifts, but will not help you. You need to find an alternative way. Go inside the house through the roof using the brown hatch. Go down to the first floor and after a short conversation, take the tranquilizers lying in one of the rooms. Leave the house through the roof using the hatch.

Return to the tower to give the medicine to Lena and receive the reward described above.

3. Shooter
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: The mission can be accepted after completing the story mission “Emergency Power Loss”. Go up to the 20th floor of the tower and find the room where Davud lives. Talk to him to activate the quest.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 3500 experience points.

You need to give Davud absolutely any pistol. You can find it while exploring the game world, or pick it up when completing one of the future quests by killing an enemy with a firearm. After receiving the pistol, return to the tower and go up to Davud. Give him the gun and receive the key to the pawnshop as a reward, thereby taking on another quest.

Head to Dawood's shop, located east of the tower (#3 on the map). You can only enter the pawnshop when the gate is open. There will be several zombies nearby, so you will have to fight them. Distract or kill enemies, open the gate by holding the indicated key for a while. You should not be attacked during the process. Inside the store you can find a lot of materials. Make sure to take the figurine that Davud spoke about.

After you return to the tower, listen to what Bracken says about Davud. Go to the 20th floor and talk to Salma.

4. Voltage
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this task after completing the main mission "Air Cargo". Go down to the lobby on the first floor of the tower and talk to Alfie.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 4500 experience points, blueprint (Electric cutter).

Alfie will ask you to restore two substations. It is very important that traps can only be prepared at night. If you talk to Alfie during the daytime, you will have to wait until nightfall. There is a bed on the 19th floor. It is also available at one of the substations. The second option is better, since you do not have to go to this place at night through the entire city (look on the map).

You must reach two substations - one in the north (4a on the map) and another in the east (4b on the map). When traveling, stay out of sight of infected people. You can acquire a skill that allows you to see at night. The only way to enter the small building in the northern substation is to use a master key. But the lock is still not so easy to break. Interact with the levers on both substations and restore the power supply.

Your next goal will be the central station, which you will need to get to. It is located in the south of the Slums (4c on the map). Avoid meeting mutants, don't get into fights. Climb higher to reduce the chance of encountering enemies. Find the main terminal in the south building. Use the terminal and unlock the safe zone. Complete the quest and receive your reward by talking to Alfie.

5. Man in a gas mask
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can take this side quest during the story mission "Treaty with Rais" and visiting the fishing village. After you clear the village of zombies, meet with Musa, who is standing near the main gate.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, Weapon Upgrade (Champion).

Musa will ask you to find the man in the gas mask who carried out the recent sabotage. Head northwest (5a on the map). After arriving at your destination, open the gate and talk to Shakura (the masked man). Listen to the long story.

Get to the lake located north of your position and jump into the water. Dive and look for the bag underwater. Don't spend too much time underwater! The bag will be lying near the overturned boat (5b on the map). Get out of the water and return to Shakura to listen to him again. Return to the fishing village, find Gursel's house and find the gas mask. Talk to the old man about this. Return to Musa to receive a weapon upgrade and experience points as a reward.

6. Prodigal Son
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this mission after completing the main story chapter "Treaty with Rais". After you deal with the armed enemy at the gas station, you can climb up to the metal balcony of the nearby radio tower (6a on the map). Alexey will be here.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, blueprint (Classic Zombie).

Talk to Alexei, he will ask you to find his son Kristov in the tower. Go to the tower and ask about Kristov. You will be sent to Ayo, who is on the 19th floor. From Ayo you will learn that Kristov was spotted not far from the newly built tower. Leave the tower.

Wait for Kristov to contact you on the radio. You learn that he has locked himself inside a nearby motel. Go there (6b on the map), ignore the bus filled with infected mutants, and go inside the motel. There will be a Toad on the balcony, and a Bruiser on the main square. The Brute can be left for the end of the mission. Close the door as quickly as possible to prevent other areas from entering the location. Once at the motel, find the power switch (you will also unlock the safe zone) and meet with Kristov.

Return to the place where you talked with Alexei. Find the man in the small building under the radio tower. After talking with him, you will be attacked by enemy mercenaries. Use melee weapons or throwing weapons. Molotov cocktails should not be used, as they can harm Alexei himself. After the battle, talk to Alexey again and receive your reward.

7. Full throttle
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can get this mission after completing the side mission "Voltage" when you have activated the two substations. Listen to Alfie on the radio.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Alfie will ask you to find Jeff's fortress. The fortress is located in the western part of the location (7a on the map). After arriving at your destination, jump over the fortification or climb to the roof of the “fortress”. Get to the small balcony, go to the half-open gate and talk to Jeff, who will tell you the new goal. Leave this area.

Now you need to find three valves.

1.The first valve is located under the overpass (7b on the map). There will be a toad near the valve. Defeat an enemy in close combat. You can kill the remaining zombies or distract them with fireworks. Turn the valve for a few seconds.

2. Move to the next valve located in the tunnel (7c on the map). When you reach the tunnel, look on the left side for a passage leading to narrow rooms. Before moving on, kill the zombies to avoid being surrounded. Turn the second valve.

3. The next valve is located northeast of here, near the railway bridge (7d on the map). There will be a small fenced area, inside of which you can see the Brute. Climb onto the nearby bridge, get rid of the toad and thug using ranged attacks. Go there and turn the third valve.

4. Now you can go to the main valve (7e on the map). Notice the toad, some runners, and a goon nearby. In order to get to the main valve, you need to dive underwater at the location shown in the screenshot above. Swim through the tunnel and you will find the same valve. Kill another goon, turn the valve and run out of the tunnel as fast as possible.

This is not the end of the mission. You need to turn on three valves in the blue gas line. They are located on the surface and you need to look for blue pipes. You need to do this as quickly as possible, since infected and runners will appear at the location. Avoid the flames, talk to Jeff and quickly leave the area as an explosion will occur soon.

8. Tunnel inspection
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: talk to Blake in the tower and get to the building with red smoke coming out of it (8a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.


Go to the building with the smoke (8a on the map), knock on the door and talk to Ryan, who will give you a note. Wait until Crane talks to Aman on the radio.

Move southwest, find a tunnel to the south (one of two on the map). Open the trunks of the cars you find here. There will be a package in the limousine. The limousine itself is parked at the side door (8c on the map).

After you receive the package, return to the tower. Use the elevator to go up to the 19th floor. Find Aziz in one of the rooms.

Note. If you did not find the package in the limousine, then it is probably in another car.

Leave the tower and return to the landfill where Ryan lives (8a on the map). When you arrive, you will see that several bandits have occupied the area. Attack enemies using Molotov cocktails and throwing weapons. Use the fence to stay in cover. Move as some enemies throw different weapons at you. When the battle is over, knock on the door and talk to Ryan.

9. On hooks
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: talk to the messenger in the tower and listen to Tolga and Fatin on the radio.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

Start a dialogue with the messenger in the tower lobby. He will tell you about the tasks of billionaire Volkan Dahl. Wait for Fatin and Togla to contact you. This will happen at some point as you explore the world. You must meet people in the safe zone (9a on the map). Move to the warehouse (9b on the map). When you're nearby, climb onto the roof and break one of the glass pieces to get inside. Balconies here can collapse.

There will be several zombies in the warehouse, including at least one goon. Fight or flight. There are hooks at several different points in the building. Destroy pallets with hooks hidden behind them. After you find at least one set of hooks, climb up to the roof using the balconies and return to Fatin and Tolga.

10. Firefly
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: meet Zaid in the safe zone (10a on the map).

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 5000 experience points, blueprint (Zaeed Flare), 10 flares.

During your conversation with Zaid, you will learn the names of the materials needed to make rockets. Move to the hangar to find them (10b on the map). Use rock climbing to get to the roof. There will be bandits here. Attack one and other enemies will appear. There will be one last enemy with a pistol inside the warehouse. After the fight, pick up the police rifle.

You need to find three things in the warehouse. First, find zinc powder. There are few mutants who will have to be killed. Next, open the carriages and search each of them. The blue containers will contain the same zinc powder.

After you collect 2 containers of zinc powder, return to the balconies above. Find the broken part shown in the screenshot above. Open the door to another room where there will be zombies. The last room contains turpentine.

If you have all the ingredients, then return to Zaid and receive from him a new drawing - Zaid's signal flares.

11. Steal something stolen
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: talk to Jaffar in the safe zone (11a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

Find out about the people of Rais, who are showing strange activity at the nearby construction site (11b on the map). You shouldn't go there until you have a rifle. There are many bandits in the location, and at least three of them carry firearms. When all the enemies on the roof are dead, continue moving, killing the remaining enemies. Runners will appear (during shooting).

Clear the construction site and start searching everything around. In one of the small buildings to the east you will find the keys. Use these keys to open the office to the north. Find the chest, open it and take three sticks of dynamite. Return to Jafar and tell him everything. In addition to other rewards, you will also have dynamite.

12. Spare glasses
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock:

Difficulty level: EASY.


On the first floor, find Khalik, talk to him about spare glasses and find out where his house is. Leave the tower and go south to Khalik's house (12 on the map). Enter the building through the door near one of the balconies above. There are spare glasses on the floor in the briefcase. The book you are also looking for is in the room on the first floor. Return to Khalik and give him all the items you found.

13. Where is my mother?
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: When you find yourself in the fishing village, you will find two women knocking on the door of one of the huts. Talk to Meliha.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

Use master keys to pick the door lock. The castle is of medium difficulty level. Search all the rooms and tell Meliha that you didn’t find anyone.

Ask any person in the village where to find Haruna. You will find out that it is under the broken bridge (13a on the map). Jump into the water, swim to the platform near the large pillar and talk to Haruna. Now you can return to the village, go to Yasmina's hut, and talk to her to find out where her mother is.

Move to the southwest of the village, find the place on the map where the building with Jamil is located (13b on the map). You will recognize it by its red paint. You can enter from the street or through one of the balconies. Search all floors and kill all zombies. Lock all the doors in the house by moving cabinets. Finally, move the third wardrobe where the boy is sitting. Talk to him.

Now you need to get to Salim's house, which is located to the southeast of the map (13c on the map). When you're there, knock on the door. After the conversation, get ready to defend yourself from infected people who will come at the sound of the siren. There will be runners here. Be careful when there are 2-3 runners around. Try to climb onto the roof of the building and push monsters down. Fight until all the monsters on the map die.

Now you need to destroy Salim. He wants to fight you in close combat, so try, on the contrary, to keep your distance. Use Molotov cocktails or mines. After killing Salim, search his body and find the keys. Go inside the building, search the wardrobe and find a hidden hatch leading to the basement. Go down and free Aida.

Return to the fishing village and collect the reward from Melich.

14. A Survivor's Guide to Zombieland
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: meet Neil at the boat (14a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 2000 dollars.

Talk to Neil and find out that he is a journalist and needs help. He lost his bag with his reporting materials.

Follow to the Internet cafe located in the south of the Slums (14b on the map). There are zombies near the entrance, so you'll have to deal with them. Use the master keys to open the door. Immediately after opening the door, run back, because a bombardier will come at you. Be prepared to kill a few more runners. After the battle, go inside the cafe and find the notes.

Now go to the broken bridge located in the eastern part of the city. When you are there, move across the roofs of cars, running away from the mutants. You must find the black reporter's car, which is shown in the screenshot above. The car was near the destroyed barrier. Open the trunk and the alarm will sound. The car will begin to fall.

Leave this place and move down the bridge. Dive into the water and find a car at the bottom of the lake. Take the camera out of the trunk, float to the surface and take it to Neil.

15. Spotlights
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this mission some time after completing the Voltage side quest. Talk to Alfie in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

This time you need to find the spotlights attached to the broken bridge (15 on the map) and pick up the bulbs. The task is quite difficult since you can only get the bulbs after sunset. However, don't go there too late as it will be morning by the time you reach the bridge. When moving to the floodlights, you can use the balconies to hide from the infected and jumpers.

Regardless of the method you choose, reach the illuminated area located directly under the lamps. There won't be any jumpers here, so relax. However, move while standing on the roof. Go to the southern pillar on the bridge and go up to the location shown in the screenshot above. You must jump from one edge to another. This will allow you to reach the balcony.

Find the rope and grab it to reach the north balcony. Be careful as the door will open and several monsters will come towards you. Kick the zombies from the edge, but make sure that the hero doesn’t fall down after them.

Enter the north tower. You can't go up the stairs, so use the yellow pipe to climb higher. When you find yourself in the right place, where the pipe goes to the right, you need to be careful not to fall down. Go up to the balcony.

Use the stairs and when you get to the end, use the other balcony. Open the red door and approach the green glowing lights. Interact with them to pull them out. When you have collected all the light bulbs, find the interactive edge on the south wall and use it to climb higher.

Remove all other light bulbs. You can now go to the small safe area and use the bed to wait until morning. If you are not afraid of the night, then use the rope and go down. Return to Alfie and give him the light bulbs.

16. Oh, where are you, brother?
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this quest by talking to one of the survivors you meet. You will learn about a man living in a tunnel near a lake. Go there (16a on the map), go through the northern door inside and explore the corridors to find Osman's hideout.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 5000 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find Nazim. Go to the building marked on the map (16b on the map) and use the door that will lead you to another location.

Search the first rooms to find keys near the dead body, as well as a ventilation shaft. Move along the ventilation shaft into a small room, you will see exploding zombies. Move into the room and prepare for a tough fight against the runners. Try to climb up to the high shelves and fight from there. After the fight is over, go to the other room and talk to Nazim, who is seriously wounded.

Return to the tunnel, to Osman's hideout. The shelter will be attacked by bandits. Attack them, being careful of ranged attacks. You can lure them into narrow corridors. Afterwards, talk to Osman, get money from him and keys to one of the three chests on the map (all chests are marked 16c). Inside the chests there are valuable crafting resources and weapons. Which chest to open is up to you to decide.

17. Midnight Bride
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the fishing village.

Difficulty level: EASY.


You again need to collect plants, but this task will be somewhat more difficult than other quests of this type. Herbs can be found on the western part of the map (17 on the map), but they can only be collected at night. Don't wait for the evening to come, but go out early. At 9 pm the plants will become “active”. Collect 5 Midnight Brides and return to the village. Give them to Gursel.

18. Binoculars
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock:

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find binoculars. You need to inspect radio towers and the roofs of tall buildings. If you don’t want to waste just time, then visit the radio tower in the eastern part of the Slums (18 on the map). There you will find binoculars, on one of the balconies in the center. Return to the fishing village and give the binoculars to Santiago.

Aromatic herbs
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: When you're in the tower lobby, check the notice board to find a mission note.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 3500 experience points, $1000.

You need to collect a few pieces of lavender, which is quite simple. Find the lavender icon on the map near you. Go there and collect the plant. After collecting 6 pieces of lavender, return to the tower and give them to Toygar.

Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: look at the notice board in the fishing village.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, drawing (recipe for Sofia’s healing potion).

You need to find special algae. Find the icon of this algae on the map (for example, by the lake north of the village), follow there and find the algae. Most algae is naturally found in water. So dive into the lake. When you have collected 5 pieces of seaweed, return to the fishing village and give them to Sofia.

Poisonous herbs
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the fishing village.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, 1000 dollars.

You need to find the wolfberry. Find the wolfberry icon on the map and go to the location. For example, south of the tower. Collect 10 wolfberries and return to the village. Give them to Musa, for which you will receive a reward.

10 – 11. The Big Bang Theory
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can unlock this mission after completing the "Steal the Stolen" mission. Wait until Kurt personally makes radio contact with Crane.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 4500 experience points, blueprint (Kurt bombs).

Talk to Jaffar (11a on the map) and talk to Kurt (10a on the map). After that, go to the highway and find a truck with a battery (11c on the map). There will be opponents near the truck, among others - a toad and a thug. Eliminate them or distract them with fireworks, then go to the truck and remove the battery from it.

Return to Kurt with the battery. He will give you a list of other necessary resources that you need to find: 6 pieces of metal, 6 power cables and 6 household goods. You can find these objects while exploring the world. You can take it from the quartermaster or buy it from sellers.

Give all the parts to Kurt and leave this place as he will need some time to make the bomb. Return to him when he himself contacts Crane via radio. Take Kurt's bomb from the table.

You must plant a bomb in the nearby tunnel (11b on the map), but as Kurt says, you can't do it during the day because jumpers are hiding inside. Go into the tunnel in the evening, hide somewhere on the side of the tunnel and wait until it gets dark. You will see the jumpers leaving the tunnel. Let them go away.

If the monsters notice you, quickly run to the nearest light trap and activate it.

Now go into the tunnel, get to the end of it and plant the bomb in the place indicated on the map. Don't rush to run far, because the bomb won't detonate the first time. Listen to Kurt, go back to the bomb to fix it. Now, as quickly as possible, run away from the tunnel so that you are not killed by the blast wave. Return to Kurt for your reward.

11. Total protection
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this quest some time after completing the quest “Steal Stolen” and starting the mission “The Big Bang Theory”. Meet Jafar in the safe zone (11a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 7500 experience points, $1000.

Go to the indicated location where Hanson's group should be (11th on the map). When you are there, listen to Jaffar. You need to turn off three generators in the location. The problem is that there are zombies roaming around. Fight them or distract them. Be even more careful when approaching any switch. One of the generators will be located behind the closed door. Use the master key to open this door.

After you turn off the power, you will find Hanson's body near one of the generators. Start climbing the building marked on the map. This must be done in the place shown in the screenshot above. Plan every step, don't rush.

When you find yourself on the roof, you will find several corpses. It is not necessary to examine them, just take the voice recorder lying on the chair. Listen to the recording and wait until Crane contacts Jaffar on his own. Collect your reward.

Crayons for children
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: This task will appear at least after the fifth main mission.

Difficulty level: EASY.


You need to find six packages of crayons. To do this, go to the school, use the “Survivor Sense” skill to find crayons. Return to the tower and go up to the 20th floor. Give Kate all the crayons you found.

Electronic parts
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, drawing (Electrician).

You need to find two electronic components, which are rare crafting materials. You can find them while exploring the world, but sometimes they are sold by merchants. When you have these two components, return to Toygar and get a new drawing.

19. Birth of a baby
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: After you hear screams in one of the buildings in the Slums, an icon for this mission will appear on your map. Go to the building marked on the map (19).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Climb onto the balcony and open the hatch. Go down to the lower floors and move the cabinet aside to reveal a passage. Knock on the door and talk to Makari. The person will ask you to bring him three bottles of alcohol (alcohol).

You can find bottles while exploring the game world (mostly found in refrigerators or cabinets), obtained from quartermasters, or purchased from vendors.

When you bring alcohol to Makari, he will send you for more, and so on two more times. As a result, you will bring him 9 bottles of alcohol. After that, go into the room and find out what really happened.

Secret. Apart from experience, you will not receive any reward for the quest. But look carefully around the room and you will see the secret.

20. Queen of Witches
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this quest after visiting the school building during main mission 5 "Brothers and Sisters". Some of the survivors will tell you about a witch named Dahlia. Go to one of the safe zones (20a on the map) to meet her.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 1500 experience points, blueprint (Dahlia's mushroom potion), potion.

We learn from Dahlia how she can move among survivors and be unnoticed. Wait for nightfall and go to the cave located in the southern part of the Slums (20b on the map). You should dive into the water at the right place as shown in the screenshot below. Swim into a cave that can only be reached by water.

Start exploring the cave. You need to collect 10 mushrooms. You can find them on walls and shelves. Use Survivor Sense. Also, be prepared to fight zombies. Luckily there are no jumpers in the cave, but there are a few bombers and runners. In order to collect the last two mushrooms, you need to jump along the ledges, which are located quite far from each other.

When you collect all 10 mushrooms, return to Dakhlia and receive your reward.

Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, blueprint (Set them on fire and kill them).

You need to collect 5 gas lighters. This is a rare crafting material and can be found while exploring the game world. If you want to find these materials faster, mark this task in your journal as active. You can also sometimes buy them from a vendor. When you collect all the lighters, return to the tower hall and give them to Toygar. You will receive a new blueprint (Set them on fire and kill them).

Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, $1200.

You need to find 20 cans of coffee. They can be found while exploring the open world, and in particular they are more likely to be found in houses. Coffee can be purchased from merchants. When you have collected all the coffee cans, return to the tower and give them to Toygar.

23. Bandages and medicines
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: check the notice board in the tower lobby.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 2500 experience points, $1500.

Again, you will need to find several crafting materials: 3 syringes, 3 packs of painkillers and 3 packs of another ingredient. In order to find materials faster, make this task active in your journal. Go to your nearest pharmacies and you can find the ingredients you need. One of the pharmacies is located west of the tower (23 on the map). If you have all the necessary items from the list, then return to the tower and give them to Toygar.

21. Assault and batteries
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this task after the quest “On Hooks”. Please wait until Tolga and Fatih contact you. Listen to their conversation.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

Go to the school. Find employers and talk to them. Now you need to go north to get to the bus station (21 on the map). When you arrive at the location, clear it of toads on the roofs and several infected ones. You don't have to attack the thugs. Just distract them and sneak behind them.

You need to steal three car batteries, so you'll have to look for buses. Some of the buses will be locked and you will have to use a master key to open the door. Check the bus item shown in the screenshot above to see if there is a battery inside. After collecting three batteries, return to Fatih and Tolga.

22. Cease and desist henceforth
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can start this quest after visiting the school during the fifth chapter of Brothers and Sisters. Return to the school and go to the entrance that was previously inaccessible. Talk to Edward and ex-governor Erol.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

The man will ask Crane to help him get rid of Rais's people who are trying to kill him. Go to the area indicated by Erol (22a on the map). Start studying. You will hear voices from the walkie-talkie. Find the dead mercenary, search the body and take his radio.

Now you need to go to the next building (22b on the map). Find block #5 and check its northwest corner. There will be a door leading to the basement. Go down and find the stairs to get to the first floor of the building. Now you will meet bandits. Use any type of weapon, but Molotov cocktails still have a significant advantage.

Search the building and find a broken elevator. Open its doors and jump from one edge to the other. Before you press the jump button, you need to touch the edge. Finally, go through the open door and start exploring this floor. Eventually you will reach the room where Karim will be. Talk to him and find the stairs leading to the roof. Leave the building by going down the same path.

Return to Erol and talk to the employer. You need to find paint. Move west (22c on the map), find 3 cans of paint. Two cans are located on the scaffolding, and the third can is on the roof of the building. Return to the school and reach the roof, for example by jumping to the balcony above the main entrance and using the stairs. Use paint to write the word HELP.

After that, go downstairs and talk to Erol. He will tell you to find a bag full of money. Walk around the building and look for the entrance on the side. Go to the locker room and wait for Erol to contact you via radio. You will find out that you have been deceived. Go through the school killing zombies. Climb to the upper floors and soon you will reach a hatch leading to the roof. Meet Karim again. Now you can search Erol's boxes and collect valuable items.

24. Iron
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can pick up this side quest shortly after completing the Assault and Batteries mission. While exploring the world, Fatih and Tolga will contact you via radio. Meet them at the fishing village.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 1000 experience points.

In the first part of the quest, you must bring the guys some crafting materials: 10 power cables and 10 ribbons. They are not found very often in the game world, so searching for them can take a lot of your time. Look for them inside buildings, especially those you visit during other missions.

After you bring the parts to Fatih and Tolga, you need to find the sonar. This time the mission objectives will be more specific. The object can be found in the military camp on the bridge, near the eastern edge of the map (24 on the map). Part of the bridge is destroyed, so you will have to climb up and then use the rope. Start climbing west of the mission objective (15 on the map).

During the process of completing the Spotlights quest, you can see a description of how to climb up. In this mission you must reach the safe zone. Check out metal balconies that will allow you to rise higher.

Your goal is to reach the metal balcony where you can grab the rope shown in the screenshot above. With its help you will fly over the destroyed part of the bridge.

Start exploring the military camp where you will encounter zombies. The sonar (echo sounder) you are looking for is in the last tent. This tent is the only one to the east. After receiving the sonar, listen to Tolga and Fatih on the radio.

Clue. Wait for Fatih and Togly's boss, Volkan Dal, to contact you. This will allow you to activate another side quest, "Launch". This task can be completed in another area of ​​Harran - Antenna. Read the description below. It is noteworthy that this side quest is the only one in that location.

20. Hunt for the Brute
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can unlock this mission after completing the quest "The Witch Queen". Meet Dahlia in the safe zone (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 1500 experience points, drawing (Dahlia's Liver Potion).

As a reward for completing Dahlia's previous quest, you will receive a potion. Drink this potion.

Clue. If you sold or threw away this potion, then make a new one using Dahlia's blueprint. True, you will have to find mushrooms in that very cave.

Drink the potion and hallucinations will appear. After they disappear, talk to Dahlia. She will tell you that you need to find a new ingredient. Find the zombie called Bruiser, defeat him and examine his body to find his rotten liver. Return with her to Dakhlia and give the organ. You will receive another potion and a new drawing.

20. Strike to the kidneys
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: This task will be available after you defeat the Brute in the previous mission from Dahlia and bring his liver to the woman. Meet Dahlia in the safe zone (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 2000 experience points, drawing (Dahlia's kidney potion).

As a reward, if you remember, you received a potion. Drink it.

Clue. If you sold or threw away this potion, you will have to find and kill a new Bruiser.

And drinking the potion again will cause you to hallucinate. We need to find a new ingredient. You must find the scorer. You will often encounter these monsters while completing main quests. One of the locations with them is shown in the screenshot above.

Note: You can find a lot of common infected here, so don't rush to examine the body of the fallen bombardier. Once you've killed everyone, examine the body and take out the bombardier's kidney. Return to Dahlia and give her the kidney. As a reward you receive a new potion and its blueprint.

20. Bring me a monster brain
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: meet Dahlia in the safe zone (20a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 2000 experience points, drawing (Potion of Invisibility).

This mission will become available after completing the previous mission, where you fought the bombardier and looked for his kidney. As a reward you received a potion and a drawing for it. Drink this potion.

Clue. If you sold or threw away this potion, then you will have to find and kill a new bombardier.

Drinking the potion will cause hallucinations. Return to Dahlia and talk to her. We need to find one more ingredient. If you remember, during the main story mission “Brothers and Sisters” you sneaked up on a monster, killed it from behind before it escaped, and tore off a sample of its skin. You can discover this monster in the same way as described in the walkthrough of the main story mission. You must go to one of the infected zones at night and ambush the enemy by sneaking up behind him. Kill him before he escapes. Rip off his skin.

Return to Dakhlia and give the ingredient. You will receive a new potion and a blueprint. Drink a potion, which will again cause hallucinations. When they disappear, talk to Dahlia one last time.

Additional missions. Old city

Side quest selection menu in the Old Town:

1. Radio station
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can receive this quest after completing the main story mission "Find the SPARKS". Find Savvy and talk to him.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

Now you can go to the radio station (1 on the map). The entrance is on the ground floor, but it is barricaded. You can bypass these barricades. Examine the southern part of the building and find the red wires shown in the screenshot below. Follow the wires and you will find the entrance.

You need to eliminate all the Rais bandits who are inside the radio station. You may catch the first of them by surprise. If you have the skill, then sneak up behind them and kill them.

Sooner or later, you will be noticed by other opponents. Take out everyone using firearms or throwing weapons. A mini-map in the corner of the screen will tell you where nearby enemies are. Use cover. A little later, new enemies will arrive, wait and don’t let your guard down. When you protect the radio station, you will complete this task. Leave the building and get to the functioning elevator.

2. Office takeover
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: The mission will be available only after completing the story mission “Find the SPARKS”. Go to ISCR headquarters and talk to Savvy.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

You can head towards the office building (2 on the map). Try to stay on the rooftops to avoid zombies. There will be bandits with firearms on the roof of the office building. Try to attack them with the best weapons. For example, an automatic machine. Stay in cover and kill the infected who come running. Go towards the building, on the north side, using the ropes. Find the door inside.

Go down to a lower level and attack the enemy first. Fight the bandits inside the office. We need to clear two floors. After a while, a second group will appear, so don’t let your guard down. By protecting the building, you will complete the mission. Leave the building and get to the door on the first floor.

3. Lost in Space
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can only receive this task if you have completed the additional mission “Shooter” in the Slums, during which you were looking for a pistol for David. Get to the building where Sammy is located (3 on the map).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

You need to save a boy whose father has been infected. Using one of the windows, go up into the building and deal with all the infected. Find Sammy inside the closet. Talk to the boy, then talk to Troy on the radio.

4. Bunker
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can find Ihsan in the safe zone, in the northern part of the Old City (on the roof of one of the buildings). (4a on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

You will learn about a bunker with a lot of supplies inside. On behalf of Ihsan, move to the meeting place with Thabit in the central part of the map (4b). There are several options for how you can get inside Tabitha's hideout. It is located on the middle level of the building. Talk to him. To find out the location of the bunker, you need to convince the mayor to put a seal on Tabit.

To find the seal, you need to head to the hotel in the western part of the Old Town (4c on the map). Try to navigate on the rooftops, since you can only get into the hotel through the roof. Find a hatch on the roof and go down. Move the cabinet blocking the path. Some of the corpses on the floor hide loot behind them. Fight zombies in narrow corridors.

You need to get to the hotel hallway, which is on the first floor of the building. There will be a terminal here that you can interact with. Use it, after which you will be able to go to the first floor. Move onto one of the ledges and enter the room in the yellow area on the minimap. The Mayor's Seal is in the chest shown in the screenshot above, at the foot of the bed. Open it, but to do this you will need to win a mini-game. Hacking of medium difficulty level.

Leave the hotel by moving the closet. Return to Thabit and give him the seal. He will tell you the location of the bunker.

The bunker is located near Tabitha's shelter (4d on the map). There will be several zombies around. You must reach the main door behind a grate that you can climb up. The new location will begin loading. Kill the infected in the city hall building. There are two bombardiers in the large room on the left. Go to the stairs and go down. After a while you will find yourself in front of a locked door to an underground bunker. Talk to Tabit on the radio and leave the bunker.

To find the bunker key, you need to go west (4e on the map). Police captain Halim, who has turned into a monstrous mutant, has the key. Before you defeat the boss, you need to fight the rest of the mutants. Specifically, kill the runners. As for the captain himself, the easiest way to destroy him is to use a machine gun. You need to aim for the head, using cover, and shoot. Fighting the captain head-on is a bad idea. But if you have a good melee weapon, you can try to attack him and dodge. Regardless of your tactics, search the corpse and take the key to the bunker.

Again, go to the city hall (4d on the map) and go down the stairs. There will be zombies here. At the entrance to the bunker you will meet Sabit. After a short conversation, Sabit will attack you. Don't retreat back towards the stairs as a bombardier may appear there. Instead, kill Sabit near the bunker entrance by using a melee weapon and dodging his attacks. When you get your way, use the key to open the bunker and get to the locked warehouse. Turn left and look up. Make your way through the ventilation shaft and you will find yourself in the vault. Take everything that's there.

Gunsmith Rupert
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: This mission can only be obtained after completing the main story chapter "Higher Education". Talk to Fidan at the university to learn about the gunsmith.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Now you can go towards the house where the gunsmith lives (Rupert's apartment on the map). As is usually the case, you need to climb up the building because the entrance is only on the balcony. Find Rupert's apartment and talk to him. Here you can get several additional quests (the first one will be available immediately after your conversation with Rupert).

5. Healing potion
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: you must have completed the previous side quest "Rupert the Gunsmith".

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

After talking with Rupert, leave the building. There are two marked pharmacies on the map of the Old Town (5a on the map). You must visit them and find insulin there. First, move to the pharmacy that is located in the northern part of the location. Deal with the zombies and open the door using the master key. There is no need to use the grate at the back of the building, as this will activate the alarm and more monsters will appear. Search all the rooms and cabinets inside the pharmacy, but you will not find insulin here.

Now head to the pharmacy in the central part of the Old Town. There will be several bandits around the pharmacy. There is also a machine gun here. Attack your opponents from a roof or other high ground. Monsters will come running at the noise and help you deal with Rais’s people. Destroy the pharmacy, but there is no insulin here either. Talk to Rupert and use the computer on the counter.

Now you need to gain access to the apartment of Ikrem, the father of a girl with diabetes. It is located east of the pharmacy in the center of the location (5b on the map). Find a window and go up to it. Inspect the apartment and kill the infected. Find the kitchen and pick up Ikrem's note. Listen to the conversation and leave the building.

Next you need to get to the pizzeria north of Ikrem's apartments (5c on the map). There will be monsters around the pizzeria. Distract them with fireworks and quickly run inside. Find Ikrem's corpse and turn it over to find insulin. Go to Rupert and give him the insulin.

Constructor for a boy
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can unlock this simple quest after completing the previous side quest, Healing Potion. In the kindergarten, find a boy named Kadim.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 5000 experience points.

Kadim will ask you to find the lost construction blocks. Explore the stairs and you will find 9 blocks. Use the Survivor Sense skill. Return the found blocks to the boy and talk to Rupert.

Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: Another simple quest that will become available after the previous task “Construction Set for a Boy”. Talk to Rupert in one of the kindergarten rooms and raise the issue of strange sounds coming from the basement.

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 15000 experience points.

Rupert will give you the key to the basement. Go down the stairs to the very bottom, in the corridor to the right of the entrance you will see a basement. But first, go to the left side, explore the room and find the fuse box. Turn off the power and go to another part of the basement. Open the red door and kill Rupert's infected wife. Go back upstairs and talk to Rupert.

6. Troll
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can only unlock this mission after completing the Dungeon side quest. In the kindergarten, find the girl and talk to her to learn about the troll who haunts children at night.

Difficulty level: HEAVY.

Reward: 10,000 experience points, drawing (Angel Sword).

Leave the building and go down the ropes. You will find yourself in the courtyard north of Rupert's apartment (6a on the map). Defeat the infected bandit. Use a Molotov cocktail and melee weapons.

After killing the bandit, you will meet a real troll. Use the same tactics as in the case of the battle with the Destroyer in the Rais arena during the passage of the main story mission “The Pit”. Wait for the mutant to prepare to attack you, dodge to the side and attack him while he prepares for another attack. Use firearms and grenades. But remember that shooting and other noise can attract runners to the location. After the battle, listen to Rupert's radio message and get to his workshop southwest of your current position (6b on the map). Take the drawing (Angel Sword) and take out useful items from the nearby chest.

7. Do you believe?
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You will not receive this mission before completing the main quest "Higher Education". Find Mufid at the university and talk to him.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.


You will learn about a mysterious place from where music can be heard (7a on the map). Once you are there, climb to the balcony above, enter the building and talk to Ishak.

You must wait for nightfall (the bed is nearby) and go to the northeast of the location (7b on the map). Avoid encounters with mutants at night and get to the indicated area. You need to find night herbs here. Only 6 pieces. Return with the herbs to Ishak and after the conversation, put them in the bowl.

8. Shadow of the King
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: you need to complete the side quest "Do You Believe?"

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 7500 experience points.

Stand where you completed the “Do You Believe?” quest. Talk to Ishak, after which you will need to get to the southeastern part of the Old Town (8 on the map). Go there during the day, after you are in the yellow zone, find the fountain of blood shown in the screenshot below. Examine it. The tracks will lead you to the hotel entrance nearby. Follow the linear path while exploring the hotel where you need to activate the elevator. Push the elevator doors apart and climb up to the roof using the hole at the top. You will find yourself on the second floor of the building.

Find room No. 206 and find out that it is blocked. Return to the floor below and go to room #107, which you can access. In the room, find the key card to the staff room. Go to the lobby on the first floor and find the door to the staff room (Only Staff). Use the map you found, go inside and kill the zombie lying on the floor. Examine the shelf with keys and find the key to room No. 206.

Return to room #206 on the second floor using the elevator shaft. Go inside, kill the zombies and examine the room to find out that Rais was here. Use the master key to open the lock on the closed cabinet. Take Rais's unique pistol. Listen to Crane's comments, then loot the room. The quest is completed.

9. Fan zone
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You can only take this quest after completing the main mission "Higher Education". Meet Noah on the balcony near the ISCR headquarters.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 10,000 experience points, $1,500.

You will learn from Noah that a distress signal is coming from the fan zone. Get to your destination (9 on the map), go around the zombies in the yard, since it is not necessary to fight them. Go up and over the barricades and calmly go into the elevator, which you can call. Follow the elevator to another floor. Look around and pick up the key card and firearms. Go to the door in the corner, to the right of where you started exploring this floor. Get to the room with electronic equipment and find the laptop. Read the message and realize that you have fallen into a trap.

Leave the studio and try to call the elevator. Failure! Climb to the elevator roof through the hole and move through the ventilation. Do not stop under any circumstances, otherwise you will be killed. After exiting, go to one of the side rooms to hide from the toxic gases. Find and kill an enemy wearing a gas mask using the pistol or machine gun found earlier. Get to the fuse room and restore power. Return to the elevator and leave this place forever. Return to Noah and collect your reward.

9. Legless Spider
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: will become available automatically after Savvy contacts you while exploring the Old Town location.

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 15,000 experience points, unique weapon upgrade.

Wait for Savvy to contact Crane. You will learn about signal flashes that he noticed. Move to the southwestern part of the Old Town (9a on the map). If possible, climb onto the roofs, because your goal is on one of the roofs. Talk to the wounded runner nicknamed Spider, then take his bag.

Your first task is to find 3 parts of the hookah that Spider should have gotten (9b on the map). You can collect these parts in any order, but each time you will be fighting monsters. When you receive all three parts, then go to David’s location (9c on the map). Take your time, because David is now captured by Rais' bandits. You should kill these bandits first. Use a machine gun, shoot from a distance, hiding behind cover. After that, enter the building and free David. Talk to him.

Next you need to find meteorite fragments. These materials are lying around a small pond north of the current position (9d on the map). Three fragments are stuck in the rock, one fragment is under water. If you have difficulty finding the fragment, you can return here at night. At night, these fragments will glow green. But if you use a generator, you will attract toads and runners. When you find all five fragments, return to David and receive a unique weapon upgrade.

10. Chasing the Past
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: The quest will not be available until you complete the main mission “Museum”. You must meet Takir in the safe zone on the roof of one of the buildings (10a on the map).

Difficulty level: EASY.

Reward: 10,000 experience points, $2,000.

Take the recorder from Takir, move to the building where Takir lived with the boy - in the south of the Old City (10b on the map). Go through the main entrance; fortunately, there is no need to climb the building. Follow the stairs to the first floor and go to apartment #2.

Search all the rooms and examine the closet. Crane will be able to listen to the first audio recording from the recorder that the boy made. Leave the apartment and go up the stairs to the second floor. Enter apartment #3. Listen to the next part of the recording and head to the basement. Search the basement and find a door that can only be opened with a key. Return to apartment number 3 and find the keys to the basement in the main corridor.

Go back to the locked door in the basement. Go to the bloody room (using the keys). There is a dog on the table. Examine the dog and take Mike's collar. An ogre will jump out from the next room. Kill him. Leave the building and return to the safe area. Talk to Tariq, give him the collar and collect the reward. In addition to the money, you will receive a key to the museum.

The best path to the vault in the museum (10c on the map) is through the underwater tunnels, which you will visit during the main story mission "Museum". Make sure you have lock picks as many of the cabinets in the room will be locked. Get to the museum storage room and open it with the key.

Additional missions. Antenna

25. Launch
Dying Light Walkthrough

How to unlock: You will unlock this quest after completing Fatin and Tolga's final quest in the Slums. If you remember, you had to find the sonar. After this, Volkan Dal will contact you, but the quest itself will become available only the moment you find yourself at the “Antenna” location. The transition to this location is in the northern part of the Slums, in the safe zone near the construction site (25 on the map).

Difficulty level: AVERAGE.

Reward: 10,000 experience points.

When you reach the indicated location, go up to the tunnel above and go into it. Look at the door on the left and move to another area.

You will begin exploring this location in the sewers (1a on the map). You must go through the tunnel where you ran away from the infected monsters during one of the main quests. There won't be any jumpers here this time. Kill other opponents.

After you leave the tunnel, follow the northern part of the location (1b on the map). Stay close to the shore, because somewhere there will be an entrance to a cave that serves as Volkan Dal's base. Talk to Volkan Dahl here and attach the sonar to the back of the boat. After a short scene the quest will be completed.

5. Brothers and sisters. 6. Pit. 7. Saviors. 8. Find SPARK.
9. Higher education. 10. Fiery face. 11. Meeting place. 12. Museum.
13. On air. 14. Clinic. 15. Evacuation.
Additional missions: Slums, Old Town, Antenna.

As soon as you complete the prologue in the main campaign, you will be able to launch The Following add-on (as it is written in the game itself). In my case, the storyline of the original game was completed 100%.


Objective: Find a way out of the sewer.

After watching the introductory video, you appear in the sewers. Move forward through the sewer pipe and jump down. Go a little further and dive into the water through the hole in the pipe. Swim to the other side and hold down the Spacebar to get to land. Follow the left wall, climb onto the ledge and jump forward. Continue moving and in a few seconds you will find yourself on the surface. The goal has been achieved.

After talking with Lena, a new goal will appear.

Goal: Find someone who knows more about this rumor.

Follow the left along the mountain, jump along the ledges. A little further you will need to cling your hands to the depression in the rock and climb all the way to the right. Now look in the opposite direction and jump to the other ledge. Walk along the log and make a dizzying jump into the water.

Perhaps one of the most memorable tricks in the game: jumping into the water from a bird's eye view!

Follow the marker on the map and you will find a fenced area. To get over the fence, go along it to the left. Around the bend you will find two blue pipes. Climb onto them and jump over the fence. You can climb over any gate. After talking with Eylem, the goal will be achieved.

Goal: Learn about "people who don't convert."

Goal: Find the main one.

Move left and after a few meters on the left side you should see a barn (a long gray building). The first door will be open. Approach her and chat with the character. When he moves away, go inside and see Jasir and his daughter on the right. After their conversation, talk to Jasir. Both goals have been achieved.

Goal: Find someone who wants to talk to you.

Exit the barn and watch the cutscene. You will meet Kaan.


Objective: Look for the car on the nearby farm.

Leave the safe zone and move towards the marker. Please note that, unlike the original game, in the expansion you will find yourself in a location with a small number of buildings. Therefore, you need to move carefully, but if necessary, be prepared to run. When you reach the neighboring farm, climb over the fence...

Goal: Steal a car.

There will be several thugs on the farm itself, so prepare for a fight. Having dealt with them, jump into the buggy. Return back to the farm.

Objective: Report success to Kaan.

Objective: Ask the girl where Kaan is.

Enter the trailer, but Kaan won't be here. But you can talk to the girl. After talking with her, the quest will end.


Objective: Go to the pumping station.

Ride the buggy to the checkpoint. There will be a lot of zombies at the main entrance to the station, so I advise you to go along the fence to the right. You can go around it near the water. As soon as you find yourself in a fenced area, you will be given a new task.

Objective: Talk to the bandit leader.

Follow to the indicated location and chat with the leader. In any case, a battle will begin and you will have to kill all the bandits.

Goal: Find out who is screaming.

The building you need will be marked on the map. All doors leading inside are locked. You need to go upstairs to the place where the slightly open red door is located. Once up, go through another red door. Go downstairs and look around the first floor. Approach the red door, where the last bandit will break out. After killing him, free the hostage. Ali will try to open the water, but something will go wrong.

Objective: Ride along the pipe to the main valve.

Leave the building, get into the buggy and ride along the pipe marked with a yellow line. Eventually, the pipe will lead you to another fenced area. Climb over the fence using the white minibus. Enter the only building through the door, go down to the basement and turn on the flashlight (key T by default). Follow the doorway, turn right and go forward to the very end. Here you will see the very valve that you must close. After closing it (after talking with Ali), return to the farm. Approach Jassir and chat with him. You will need to follow him inside the barn and continue the conversation.


From now on, any help you give to the community will increase trust on the part of the “Faceless Ones.” This is the only way you can achieve a meeting with the Mother. To increase your trust level, you must complete side quests, help people, and create safe zones. Go to bed.


Goal: Help locals.

This task requires you to increase your level of trust, so let’s move on to completing side tasks.

In the morning you can go to the house located at the main entrance (the man you met when you first visited the community is still there). Go inside the house, go up to the second floor and find the stairs to the attic. Climb it and talk to the man sitting on the floor. Hearing his story will increase his trust. Go to the barn where Jasir is and look at the blue door to the left of the table. On this door there are notes with tasks and photographs of missing people. Take both tasks and collect the photos. The tasks will be entered in your journal, but as for missing people, their location will be marked on the map with the corresponding markers (not always).

The same Kaan who agreed to talk to you when you first visited the farm.


Objective: Deal with mysterious sounds in the park.

Get into the buggy and go to the indicated location on the map. Having arrived at the place, go down and kill all the zombies. Find a stone well and go down. Kill the monster and go to the other side of the cave. Jump into the water and swim along the rope. You need to swim quickly, because the path is not short, and there is little air supply. After getting out of the water, climb the ledges and kill three zombies. A little further there will be another hole with water. Jump into it and continue swimming along the rope. Eventually you will find a man. Talk to him and the quest will end.


Objective: Destroy the jumper nest.

Move to the indicated location. It is advisable to visit it at night, when the Jumpers leave it and walk on the surface. During the day, the activity of Jumpers in the caves is high, and therefore the difficulty of the task is increased. Once in the cave, inspect it, killing ordinary zombies and those that seem to be “tied” to the ground. You must clear the entire cave before daylight comes (the Jumpers will return and the task will be almost impossible).


Objective: Meet Bilal at the gas station.

Drive to the marker on the map and climb to the roof of the gas station building. Bilal is in the building itself. Jump to the ground, go through the doorway near the guy sitting on the chair and immediately open the door on the right side. Watch the cutscene, after which a new task will automatically appear.


Objective: Get to Silas's truck standing on the highway.

As usual, the location of the truck is indicated on the map. Drive there and you will see a high highway. You need to climb up. You can do this by going up the mountain and walking along the entire road, and then jumping over the gap. But there is a closer way. Notice that there are two train cars below. Climb onto the carriage, and from it climb along the platforms to the very top. Enter the truck and chat with the Trucker. Spare parts can now be purchased directly from him.


Objective: Ask Bilal about the power plant.

As soon as you move away from the mechanic and leave the buildings, you will hear a characteristic sound - the electricity has gone out. Enter back into the building. A new task is automatically activated - “Light for the People”. Talk to Bilal to find out the essence of the problem.

Mechanic Bilala, who will give you several side quests.

Objective: Find the insulator on the electrical tower. Deliver the NPDS to Bilal.

So, you need to deliver a fuse and an insulator to Ali. Bilal gave you the first item during the conversation. But he warned that without an insulator, the fuse would immediately blow. It is noteworthy that the electrical tower from this mission and the truck from the mechanic's previous task are located next to each other.

The tower is easy to recognize. Climb up using the yellow-black ledges. Remember to use the mouse wheel to look in the other direction. Move to the edge of the arrow and knock one of the insulators down. Go down and pick up the fallen insulator from the ground.

Proceed now to your destination. The power plant is located a little far away, so it’s better to go by car. Here you should find Ali. Ali is on the right side of the enclosed area when looking at the dam. Ali sits on his haunches and digs into the shield, and next to him stands the Faceless Man in a mask, reading a prayer. Kill the enemies nearby and chat with Ali. This task will not be completed yet.

Objective: Go inside the dam.

Open the door, go forward and you will see another door. A surprise awaits you behind it - a huge armored zombie. It's not worth killing him. It is best to make explosive packages and throw them to the side. As long as they make noise and you do not touch the monster, the enemy will not notice you. Go to the indicated place and you will find a regular transformer on the wall. Activate the switch, but nothing will happen.

After talking with Ali, jump down the hole in this room. The required transformer is located on one of the middle floors. Just go down until the marker becomes normal. Walk up and activate the switches.

Jump down, where there are a lot of monsters. By the way, you can attract them with an explosive package and throw a grenade into the crowd. You need to go under the water near the grate and get under it. Once in a room with sewer pipes, turn the valve to the left and open the grate. Follow the pipe towards the exit.

Go upstairs and talk to Ali as soon as you kill all the zombies surrounding the building. When Ali comes out and starts finishing his work, you will need to protect him. This is quite easy to do. Finally, talk to Ali one last time. The quest is completed.

Note. To receive the reward, you need to return to Bilal and give him the NPChS.


Objective: Get to the transport company's warehouse.

So, when you drive away from the power plant, some guy will contact you. He asks for help because he fell into a fissure in the warehouse closest to the power plant. Move there after talking with him on the radio, climb over the fence. The boy will say that he got into the warehouse through the roof. Climb onto the truck between the two buildings and use the visor to reach the roof. Find a hole and jump down. Open the door and climb over the crates to reach another part of the warehouse. Go to the scarecrow in the center and pick up the toy sword.

The boys will appear, and a little later - the Destroyer. This time the monster will have to be killed. Attack him with firearms. Shoot the helmet! When the helmet is destroyed, shoot in the head. This is the only way to kill the Destroyer. However, if you do not have ammo, then make the Destroyer run towards you. You must quickly move away so that the monster crashes into the wall. He will be stunned for a short time. At this point, attack him with a sword, ax or other melee weapon. With these items you can also break the helmet and subsequently kill the monster.

Next you need to get to the boys. Go to the next room, where there is a corpse of a man in a red jacket. Turn over the corpse, pick up a photograph of the missing person and another item. Under them you will find a key - pick up the key and open the door nearby. Climb up and find yourself in the boys' lair. Mission accomplished - get out of here through the roof.


Objective: Destroy the Jumper nest.

On the notice board inside the gas station there is a sheet with a new task. Accept it. We need to destroy the Jumpers' nest. There are a lot of enemies in this nest during the day, so go to the place at night.


Objective: Ask Bilal about racing posters.

On the notice board inside the gas station there is a large poster with a picture of a buggy and the words RACE. Race? Talk to Bilal to find out more about this..

The same poster that you can see on the notice board inside the Bilala gas station.


Objective: Talk to Jasir.

Some time after you serve water to people, Jasir will contact you. He will say that something is wrong. Return to the farm and talk to him. Water makes people sick and you have to find out what's wrong.

Drive back to the pumping station. The door you previously used to get inside (at the top) is now closed. Go to the water, dive and see three pipes. There is a lock on the middle pipe - open it using a master key. Swim through the pipe, turn left, then right. You will soon emerge inside the station. Kill three bandits. Power needs to be restored, but the door through which you can quickly get to the transformer is locked.

Go down and go to another door, which is located exactly under the previous one. Bekir will appear. Chat with him. In the end, you still have to kill him. Having done this, go into the room and go up the stairs. Turn on the transformer. Mission accomplished!


Objective: Get to the post office.

There is a note on Jasir's desk. Read it. The boy is waiting for a gift from his mother, who left for Harran before the epidemic. Accept the task. Follow the indicated location where the post office is located. By the way, if you go outside, the same boy will be near the barn opposite. You can chat with him.

Go to the post office, which is located in a small village near the Bilala gas station. Find the branch marked on the map. Next you will need to get inside. Open the door on the first floor, go inside and close the doors behind you. Go to the end of the corridor and turn off the alarm using the red button on the wall. Having done this, try to get inside through the nearby doors. It won't work.

Climb the stairs to the floor and you will see a hanged man. Find the keys on the table. Go downstairs and open the door. Search ALL packages that are interactive. When you do this, Crane should say that there is no package for the boy. Find the notice board on the wall between the two doors. Read the note and remove the van keys.

Now two marks will appear on the map - these are two vans. The first van is nearby. Get the letters out of it. You can take these letters to the owners and receive a reward. Nothing complicated, but you'll have to run.

Move towards the second van, which will be on the high highway. Open it and take the parcel. Take it to Jasir and receive your reward.

Jasir, the community elder on the farm.


When your level of trust with the Faceless Ones is increased, you can return to Jasir. A Faceless Man will stand nearby (rank should be “Guest”). Talk to him and you will be rewarded with a crossbow. He will say that you should continue to help people.


Objective: Find Sabit.

After you receive a gift from the Faceless One (crossbow), a new additional task will appear on the door near Jasir. Accept it. You need to find Sabit, who was helping the farmers. You can also ask Jasir about him.

Move to the indicated location. Climb the mountain using equipment (a crampon with a rope). Break the glass of Sabit's hut and climb inside. The herbs you need to find are located under Jasir's house. Jump down and you will see a fallen bag and wooden boxes. There is a bag under one of the wooden boxes - search it and you will find herbs. Return to Jasir and give him the herbs.

Note. If you go even lower down the rope, you will find yourself in the Jumpers' lair. But there will be no enemies here, except one. Follow the sound and you will see Sabit. Kill him to end the torment.


Objective: Clear the area.

The task is taken on the notice board located at Bilal's gas station. Just go to the indicated area and kill all enemies. There will be a Hell Toad here. How did I do it? Stand behind the fence, having first killed the enemies around the closed area, and then throw grenades at the toad. Search the corpse of the Hell Toad, where there will be a reward for the task “Harvest” as part of the Dying Light: The Following walkthrough on the website.


Goal: Put all the unfortunate souls in the city to rest.

The task is taken on the notice board located at Bilal's gas station. Go to a small village where you will need to find four unfortunate souls in the indicated areas. These are little zombie children. They are marked on the map with a specific symbol. Point it at it and you'll understand.

So, as soon as you find them, come close and press the F key. This way you will kill them. Markers of unfortunate souls show their location as if from a satellite. You cannot see on the map whether the child is above or below relative to your position. It must be said that one child will be on the tallest building. The second child will be inside the truck. Two more are located inside the house. You can only get inside one of the houses through a door that needs to be broken open. My advice: use explosive packages to distract the zombies, and at that moment break down the door. Return to Bilal and tell him that all the children have been killed.

Objective: Find out from Bilal about the poisonous oil.

The task is taken on the notice board located at Bilal's gas station. Just pick it up and talk to Bilal.


Goal: Find out more from Ezga.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after “Post Madness”). After talking with Jasir, go to the house guarded by Eylem, go up to the second floor and enter the back room. Ask Ezgi about the task.

Ezgi, daughter of Jasir.

Drive to the indicated location and clear the location of bandits. You can only get here through a hole in the fence. Just walk around the perimeter of the area, carefully examining the wall. When you kill all the bandits outside, then enter the house with the porch to make sure that all the enemies are dead. Go down to the basement and kill the last enemy. You hear some noise. In the same basement, find a wooden door leading even lower (on the floor, hatch). Open and go down. Talk to Erkan.

After talking with Jasir, return to the farm and inform Ezgi that Erkan is alive.


Objective: Kill the Runner and bring his liver to Jasir.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after “Post Madness”). You should already know how to kill Runners from the original game. Do this and bring the liver. Next, you will need to throw the liver into the indicated barrel and talk to Jasir again.


Objective: Clear the area.

The task will hang on the door near Jasir (I got it after “Post Madness”). Just move to the indicated location and kill all enemies. There will be a leader here - Lamenter. It's slightly larger than the Destroyer you fought at the power plant. You need to kill him. When he throws stones, try to hide behind buildings. Otherwise there is no hiding from them. You must lure him onto walls and houses. The mourner will hit. After this he is temporarily stunned. Destroy his helmet first and then attack his head. Take the reward from the Weeper's body.


Give the letter from the first van to Sera, who is on the farm in the house guarded by Eilem.


Give the letter to Eilem, the man you met when you first visited the farm.

After some time, a stern man named Eilem will have a completely different attitude towards Kyle Crane.


Give the letter to Polat, who is in one of the farm's barns.


Goal: Get to the Eye of the Sun.

When you have the rank of “ally”, you will receive an invitation to a meeting of the Mother and the Faceless Ones. The Faceless One should contact you and inform you about this. Just complete side missions. Follow the indicated location. Don't turn off the road - it leads to where you need to go. Climb the mountain along the steps and paths, go to the temple. Watch the video. Afterwards the Priest will explain to you what happened.

Goal: Continue to help the Children of the Sun.

Now you must continue to complete additional tasks.

Leave here, Jasir will contact you soon.

Goal: Get to Jasir.

Follow to the farm. Talk to Jasir. He will give you an army magnetic card as a reward. Continue to help the Children of the Sun.


Objective: Get to Adam's house.

When you return to Jasir after the temple, there will be a new task hanging on the door. Take it.

Move to the town and find the indicated house. Walk around it and find the roller shutter gate. Lift them to get into the adjacent annex. Find a hatch on the floor and go down. Move through the basement until you see a hole in the wall on the right. This hole leads to Adam's house. Now comes the relatively difficult part of the game.

You need to find notes with clues. They are on all three floors. There are fewer of them on the ground floor. Inspect everything. The floor of all floors, cabinets, notes on the walls, on paintings, on beds and other pieces of furniture. A total of four seats must be entered into the CPC! After this, the goal of looking for clues will be completed.

They are marked on the map.


Objective: Find the secret cave under the lighthouse.

Move to the indicated location. There will be a lighthouse at the top. But you go down to the shore, to the right of the lighthouse (if you go to it along the road). You need to go down within the yellow area. Below, in the rock, find a passage. This passage is right at the edge of the yellow area. Crouch down and go into the cave. Take the revolver from the chest.


Objective: Find the cave under the dead tree.

Move to the indicated location. Climb to the top. You may have already been here on Jasir’s instructions. You need to get into the cave. It would seem that there is a cave inside the house, but it will not lead you under the tree. Follow the tree itself on the edge of the hill. Carefully walk to the edge and look down. You should see some ridges. Jump down and look for a long crevice through which you can get under a tree. Take the second revolver from the chest.


Objective: Find the secret cave under the statue.

Move towards the temple where you first met the Mother. As soon as you enter the cave with a metal staircase up, note that you don’t have to go up, but jump down along the ledges. There is water below, so you can safely jump deeper into the cave. Find a chest underwater, break it open and take out a revolver.


Goal: Find Tom's grave.

Follow to the cemetery and start searching all the graves in the marked area. You are interested not in small, but in large graves with signs hanging on them. One of these signs will say Tom. Move it aside and you will find a note and a saber.


Objective: Give the saber to Jasir.

Return to Jasir and give him the saber to complete this lengthy quest.

View of the Suburb from above.


Objective: Inspect the crash site.

After visiting the temple, Jasir should contact you again and tell you about the crashed plane. You could also see him immediately after attending the meeting. Move to the place indicated on the map and approach the burning plane. Fatin and Tolga, acquaintances from the original game, will contact you. Go to them, climb the tower and talk about everything. Take the tracking device from the box located here.

Follow the signal in the marked area. You should find Volkan's backpack, which is in the middle of a wheat field, near the parachute. The closer you are to your destination, the stronger the signal will be. The screenshot below shows the location of the backpack.

The location where you can find the backpack for the quest "Falled from the Sky".

Next you will switch to another channel. We will have to try again to find Volkan. Go to Jasir's farm. Enter one of the barns and you will find Polat. Talk to Polat standing behind the workbench. This quest will end, but a new one will begin.


Objective: Get to the railway bridge.

Follow to the indicated location, and then kill all enemies on the railway bridge. Once all the enemies are killed, you will have to walk past all the cars and knock. There will be brothers in one of the carriages who will open the door. Chat with them, the task will be completed.


Objective: Ask Jasir what happened. Go to the farm and talk to Jasir. He will tell you that Ezgi ran away. Well, you'll have to follow her. Move to the place indicated on the map, to Ozan's farm. Kill all the enemies, and then examine the two corpses on the ground, where there is still a pool of blood. One of them is Ozan. Read the note and talk to Jasir on the radio (automatically).

Follow to the campsite, kill the enemies and search all the trailers. In one of the trailers there are Ezgi and her friend.

In order for Ezgi and her friend to enter the city, you must check the indicated tunnel. Follow your destination, go into the tunnel and kill everyone you see until you reach the checkpoint. Now the mission will be completed, but...


Objective: Return to the tunnel and help Ezgi.

Everything you did went down the drain. Return to the tunnel and find Ezgi. Kill the zombies, then talk to Ezgi. To do this, go up to the truck and open the right door of the container. After this, return to Jasir and tell him that his daughter has gone to the city. Mission Complete.


Objective: Investigate a strange phenomenon

Move to the marked area. Don’t be afraid to approach the big guy, because near the jeep there is that same blue cloud of smoke that protects from monsters. Approach the jeep. Behind him will be a long box. Open the box to complete part of the quest.

Return to the farm and find the Faceless Man in the barn. Chat with him, he will tell you that you need to explore the cave.

Follow the cave, move deeper into it, killing opponents. Eventually you should notice an army convoy. Check the back of the truck first. Go inside and look in the only locked drawer. But there is nothing in the box.


Objective: Find the entrance to the mansion.

At a certain moment, the Faceless One should contact you and inform you about a certain ethnographer. Move to the mark on the map and you will find yourself near the mansion. Find a wooden bridge in your backyard. It's destroyed. Walk up to it and look down to the left. You will see the continuation of the bridge. Jump down there using the "crampons", go into the cave and enter the basement of the mansion.

Here you will need to destroy the wooden boxes to move the closet and get into the mansion itself. Be careful because there is a gas cylinder behind the crates. If you hit it with a cold weapon, an explosion will occur in a few seconds. Go up to the top floor and talk to Atilla sitting in one of the rooms.

Now you need to fix the cable to get electricity back into the mansion. Go outside. On the map, the active point is shown as a long yellow line. This is the cable. You need to walk along it and find three break points. Go to the very end. Stand with your back to the missing gate, while being on the territory almost adjacent to the mansion.

So this is where the cable just starts. Do you see a building with stairs (steps) ahead? Go up the stairs, enter the building and look immediately to the left. There is a broken cable on the floor. Repair it by holding down the F key.

You will find the other end of the cable near a large metal tower nearby. The cliff is on the ground, in the grass. Once the cable has been repaired, power will need to be restored.

There are three active points. Start the generator inside the barn. Screw in the plugs on that same metal tower. Finally, switch the toggle switches on the pole. You can climb onto the pole and tower only with the help of a “crampon” with a rope.

Now return to Atilla and talk to him to complete the quest.


Objective: Examine all shrines.

The task is given by Atilla himself. There are three holy places to visit. They are all marked on the map. Head north from Attila's house first. Swim through the water and you will find a rock in the middle of the sea. Climb to the very top. Kill the three zombies that will be lying here. Find the drawing on the rock and examine it by pressing the F key.

Follow the new marker, which is located in the lower right corner of the map. Jump into the water, dive down and find the stone with the second design. Press the F key. It remains to find the third place. It's not difficult to find. Just move there and look at the drawing on the rock.

After talking with Athill on the radio, move to the place marked on the map. It's next to the third shrine. Climb to the top of the mountain. Use the hook with rope. Examine the image on the monolith. Jump down into the hole nearby, under the tree, and remove the Faceless Man's mask from the corpse.

Hunting towers, which in the game are kind of control points.

Return to Atilla and give him the mask. The task will be completed.


Objective: Talk to the brothers.

At some point the brothers will contact you. Go to their indicated location and find out more about the task. They will ask you to find some details. In principle, you should have had all this for a long time. Give Fatin the parts and receive your reward. The brothers will say that they need time.

The brothers will contact you in a few minutes. Meet and find out that they need fuel (they will be in the same carriage). Go in search of fuel. Fortunately, fuel will be in all cars during this quest. Having collected 11 containers, return to Fatin and give them to him. This will complete the quest.


Goal: Find out what happened to Atilla.

Follow back to Atilla's house as soon as you are informed about it. Go into the house and go upstairs to Atilla's office. There is a note hanging on the office door - read it. Next, go down into the dungeon through which you came to the mansion the very first time. Examine Attila's corpse and take the mask. After taking the mask and listening to Faceless’s message, go back to the office and pick up the book that the ethnographer wrote.


Objective: Bring the twins a gas pipeline from the wreckage of the plane.

Go to the plane crash site that you have already visited. Go to the hood and take out the gas line. Return to the brothers and give them the gas pipeline. Watch what happens.


Objective: Get to the granary.

Follow to the indicated place and go upstairs. First, jump from the grain hill onto the platform. Find the stairs up and go up. Further the stairs are blocked. Find another flight of stairs. It seems to be closed, but there is a hole on the side of the wall. Jump over the hole onto the flight of stairs. Go upstairs, kill everyone and in the far room on the roof you will find a hostage - Brother Orkan. Talk to him. Leave the room, after which the Priest will contact you.

After talking with him, you will have to visit the lighthouse. Climb up the walls. There are windows on each tier. You must climb through the window on the penultimate tier. Climb inside and go up the steps. Open the door and watch the video.

Kill all enemies for the mission to count. Next, find a box with capsules near Kaan's corpse. Take all three capsules.


Goal: Get to the entrance of the dam before the bandits.

You have a limited amount of time for this task - six minutes. Drive to your destination without turning anywhere or being distracted by anything. Use all the jumps, etc. Climb up the red structure, go to the adjacent platform and climb the wall higher. Jump to the top of the red platform. Run along the pipe along the wall and climb higher along other ledges. Go through the door.

Follow the corridor to the checkpoint, listening to Mother's voice. Go through the door, approach your mother and talk to her.


There are two endings in the game. The first ending - you agree to help Mother save the world and admit that this is not a cure, but real poison. In this case, follow Mother, open the door and activate the warhead. That's all!


Second ending - you refuse to help Mother. In this case, you have to fight with her. What can I recommend? Just kill Mother's ghosts first. Until, eventually, Kyle feels like he's getting sick. From now on, you will kill Mother's ghosts with your bare hands. If you move away, after a few seconds your health will begin to recover on its own.

Next you will have a fight with the Mother herself. Attack her with your hands. Try to move away from her when your health is low. At the same time, move back forward, without taking your eyes off the Mother herself. When she runs up, try to strike a counter blow and retreat again. This way you can restore your health. At the end, when the mask falls off and Mother has very little health left, she will attack you. Press the F key several times. After dropping it, finish it off and watch the final video of the game..


There are currently 50 achievements in the game.
8 - plot.
4 - for co-op playthrough (not enough in my opinion)
6 - you will get 100% if you complete at least half of the story.
7 - you get if you go through the entire story and just run around the city in search of adventure.
25 - you will need to make an effort, somewhere more, somewhere less.

You can get all the achievements, but there are some problematic ones:

Created specifically for the group

Tips from Mr. Bebeka

1. If your game crashes, then it’s better to adjust and after completing several quests, collecting items or going through quarantine zones... Quit the game, then your progress will be saved, but if you crash, it may not be saved.

2. Don’t be disdainful of collecting, at first the zombies may seem light, but by the middle of the game they will get stronger and can give you a lot of cabbage soup. First aid kits will be very helpful.

3. If there is a non-activated safe zone next to the quest zone, then activate it, because sometimes you have to run a lot after death, otherwise you will be reborn at the nearest one.

4. There is practically no need for money in the game. So don't focus on them.

According to the plot

You can find a pistol here.

4. Voltage
The task is given by Alfie (Tower, first floor, workshop) After completing the story mission "Air Cargo".

The task will have to be completed at night (Holy shit! Yes, it’s difficult to run at night. So, stock up on first aid kits) You need to restore power to 3 power plants. Initially, two are marked on the map; turning them on is a fairly easy task, but the third will be more difficult.

I advise you to run along it in advance and think over the route, it is quite large, covered with barbed wire and there are a lot of zombies and monsters there ready to feast on us.

The third power plant is located here. We need a house at the very bottom of the station.


We're all just collecting Lavender

6. Spare glasses
They give it in the Tower. The task is hanging on the board, first floor.
Nothing complicated, we find a house, take everything we have, and return.

After completing the story mission “Treaty with Rais,” many tasks open throughout the settlements.

7. Man in a gas mask
Fishing village. Moussa.
Nothing complicated))

Tip: While you are swimming for the bag, collect 5 algae for the mission "Algae"))) You need algae from this particular lake, others will not work!


9. Binoculars
Fishing village. Hanging on the board.
The binoculars can be found on the roof of the supermarket.

10. Where is my mother
Fishing village. Gives Melikha. 2 girls are standing near the door of the shack.

We save the boy, we save the mother from the maniac. While rescuing your mother, you will have to fight many fast zombies. Be ready.

11. Poisonous herbs

They grow here.

12. Midnight Bride.
Fishing village. Hanging on the board. Will be available after completing the mission "Man in a Gas Mask"

Night mission) Grass grows in the park at the opposite end of the map from the fishing village. The marker will appear on its own. So, if you don’t want to stomp through the whole city at night, get closer in advance.

13.Prodigal Son
Alexey gives. He is on the tower.

We need to find Alexey’s son, who has signed up to become a parkour athlete, and then protect Alexey himself.
Medium level of difficulty.

14.Full throttle
Gives Alfie a walkie talkie
We need to find Jeff, the tower's gasman. Be ready to go one on one with the thug.

15. Steal something stolen
Jafar gives

Advice: Before running to a construction site, find a firearm, it won’t hurt you.

16. Arsonist
Jafar's hideout. Said gives
We need to search the railway hangar. It won't be easy.

Advice: Before you go to the warehouse, talk to the twins Tolga and Fatin (task “On Hooks”) They are also located in Jafar’s hideout. Complete these two tasks together.

17. On hooks"
Tower. Man near the elevator
While visiting the tower, on the first floor, near the elevator, there will be a man in a suit. He will tell you about the twins Tolga and Fatin, who work for a large oilman. Later they will contact you and will be sitting in Jafar’s hideout.

18. The Big Bang Theory
Jafar's hideout. Kurt gives.
The task will become available after completing "Steal Stolen".
After completing all of Kurt's instructions, you will have to wait for some time. Do other missions. Later, he will call us on the radio and ask us to test a bomb in a tunnel full of mutants who only walk at night.

19. Useful security.
Jeff's hideout. They give "The Big Bang Theory" assignments during the break.

Tower. Gives it to Alfie.
Another night suicide mission from Alfie
If you exit the game while under the bridge, and then enter again, you will find yourself on the bridge. Half way done

21. Foray into the tunnel.
Gives an amphetamine maker, his laboratory is located at a car dump.

22. Guide to Zombieland
Gives by Felon

the assignment is given here.

He will ask you to find a camera and notes. The car with the camera is located on the left side of the bridge, half hanging from it.

23. Where are you, brother
Osman gives

The assignment is given here.

After completion, you will receive keys to 3 caches))

24.Home birth
While walking through this area (screenshot), women's screams are heard and a mark appears. We need to see what's going on there.

The next portion of additional missions will become available after completing part of the story mission “Brothers and Sisters” (after clearing the school)

25.Crayons for children
Tower. Board.
Where else should crayons be if not at school?)

26.Electronic parts
Tower. Board.
You will most likely already have the electronic parts, but if not, they won't be hard to find!

27. Queen of Witches
Market. Given by Dahlia (Witch)
Night mission. Mushrooms grow on the walls of the cave.

28. Hunt for the thug
Market. Dalia gives
To get this mission, drink the potion prepared by Dahlia.

29.Blow to the kidneys
Market. Dalia gives.
Drink the kidney potion prepared by Dahlia in the mission Hunt the Brute. To get a kidney, the mission must be active.

30. Bring me a runner's brain.
Market. Dalia gives
Kill the runner, son... he can be lured into an electrical trap, for example at the entrance to the Tower.

31. Batteries and swearing
School. Tolga and Fatin
You'll have to search the bus station for batteries. First, clear it of small zombies, otherwise they won’t let you hack the buses in peace.

That's all. Side missions. Part 2 (32-51)

32. Stop actions!
School. Erol

Paint cans can be on the roof, on scaffolding, or downstairs around the building.

33. Gas reserve
Tower. Board
In order to complete this quest, track it, and then the necessary items will appear in the boxes.

34. Bandages and medicines
Tower. Board.
The same story as with the “Gas reserve”, only the necessary items appear in first aid kits.

35. Coffee
Tower. Board
I didn't sell coffee to merchants, so I completed this quest immediately after receiving it.

The mission will become available after completing the story mission "The Pit"

36. Equipment.
Fishing village. Tolga and Fatin
These funny twins will first ask you to bring them 10 pieces. cable and 10 pcs. duct tape, and then sent across the shameful bridge to a military base. You will have to climb to the very top of the bridge support and balance on the rope to the other side.

Missions will become available after completing the story mission "Find SPARK"

37. Guard posts.
Sector zero. Gives it to Smart Guy. Sanctuary Troy
It's better not to bother without a machine gun.

38. Radio station.
Sector zero. Gives it to Smart Guy. Shelter Troy.
And here too.

39. Lost.
Sector zero. Your old friend Daoud gives it.
Nothing complicated, we just find Daud.

40. Gunsmith Rupert
Sector zero. Fidan gives. University.
It will open up a very interesting line of quests for you.

41. Fan Zone
Sector zero. Noah gives. Shelter Troy.
And there were some psychos here.

The following missions are given after completing the story quest "Higher Education"

42. Legless Spider
Sector zero. They give it on the radio.
Completing this quest will reward you with the "Shh, Quiet" achievement.

Sector zero. Rupert gives. Will become available after completing the mission "Rupert the Gunsmith"

44. Bunker
Sector zero. Ishak gives.

45. Cubes for a boy
Sector zero. Gives it to a boy.) Will become available after the mission "Medicine"

Sector zero. Ruppert gives. Will become available after the mission "Cubes for the Boy"
In general, they made a very interesting series of these quests.

47. Troll
Sector zero. The girl gives. Will become available after the mission "Dungeon.
And here comes the TROL.

48. Do you believe?
Sector zero. Mifud gives. University.

49. Shadow of the King.
Will become available after the mission “Do you believe?

Missions will become available when you complete the story mission "Meeting Place"

50. Chasing the past
Sector zero. Tariq gives.

You can find Tariq here.

You will receive it on the radio after completing part of the story mission “On the Air” (after sending a message)

This section covers all side missions. Many of them are very complex, requiring participation in difficult battles, searching for tricky and hidden objects, and considerable pedantry. Read on to find out where it all begins and ends so you can access the most exciting challenges anytime!

Birth of a baby

Location: Macarius is located on the eastern side of the map, near the overpass
Difficulty: medium

In the Slums there is a building with someone screaming in it (south of the overpass). Knock on the door to speak with a survivor named Macarius. His wife is giving birth, and a little alcohol could save her life. This is a pretty good disinfectant in a pinch. Find some bottles and bring them to Macarius.
He asks for more alcohol and forces me to do this entire race several times. After the third attempt, you will be able to pick the lock on the door. Look inside to receive your quest reward.

A Survival Guide to Zombie Land

Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: Talk to Neil in the Harbor
Reward: 5000 Survival XP and $2000
Difficulty: medium

Neil is a journalist who needs to get back his interviews and videos from the outbreak. The notes are located in the Internet cafe at the top of the map. Take a decent supply of weapons, because the enemies there are thick. Fight your way or run to the cafe, and then look on the second floor (from the back) to get inside. There is a door there that can be hacked, but listen for the approaching infected as you open it.
DO NOT enter the cafe quickly. Run sideways into the room to see the Bomber happily waiting to blow you up, then immediately retreat to avoid dying from the explosion. When he dies, go back in, close the door and search. There is a Note, a Statue and the actual Notes that Neil needs.
Next is the camera. Ugh. She's on an overpass with about 300 infected people. It will be something. Approach the overpass from the depths of the island. It's too high to climb from the water, so walk around and climb onto the overpass further. The matter is greatly simplified if you have the Dexterity skill “Vault Jump”; it allows you to run along the overpass and jump over the infected that get in the way. Otherwise, stay on cars and buses, and if pinned, use Firecrackers as a distraction.
The car you need is black. It is on the east side of the overpass and is mostly located behind the guard railing. So it's quite easy to notice. Use the Firecracker to distract the infected from the car, and then try to open the trunk. When the car falls into the water, wait on land, talk to Neil on the Radio, and then dive for his camera. She's still in the trunk, which is at the bottom. Swim, get it, and then return to Neil for your reward!


Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: Find Job Board in the Harbor, in the eastern part of the Slums
Reward: 2500 Survival XP and $500
Difficulty: easy

Job Board conveys Sofia's request to collect Algae. The woman lives in the southeastern part of the harbor. She asks people to collect Underwater Herbs so that they can be used to make medicine for the locals. The best lake for collecting Algae is marked on the map, and you can go there and get herbs when you have free time. Once you find them, the quest will complete and you will receive experience. Return to Sofia to claim your money.

Bandages and medicines

Availability: After completing the events following "The Sisters Brothers"
Location: Job Board in the Tower, first floor
Reward: 2500 Survival XP and $1500
Difficulty: easy

Take this quest from Job Board and look for three Syringes, Painkillers and Gauze. Take them to Toygar to get experience and money. That's all! All three item types are components, so it takes some digging, but you may already have everything you need. If not, carefully inspect first aid kits and other places with medical supplies. The stores also have some of what you need. Gauze is usually sold and is not that expensive.


Availability: upon reaching the Old City
Location: Ozan in the Old City, in the Troy Tower
Reward: 2500 Survival experience (each race) and Father's Vault (not a bad weapon)
Difficulty: medium

Look for the boy in Troy Tower, on the upper bridges. Talk to him. His name is Ozan and he wants you to show how cool you can be. He will give you access to your father's treasure if you succeed.
Use the teddy bear to start the first challenge. You are running against the clock through markers in the Old Town. There are six markers in the first race. This is almost impossible to do without using Slides and Forward Rolls. Freerunning skills also help a lot.
You should also keep your eyes on the ground and avoid direct routes that will cause you to fall between buildings. It’s better to waste a second on a hook than to climb another floor or two again!
Return later to start the second race, which has five checkpoints. She is more intelligent. You won't need great reflexes, but you will have to take careful steps the entire way. Crossing the street is always the difficult part, so look for cables to bridge large gaps.
Another tricky place is located towards the end. The last marker is high, and you fell off the building after the fourth one. Land safely on the garbage bags, jump onto the white van and from there onto the pillars with the marker.
The last race is something with something. There are six markers and very little time, and the jumps can be tricky. First, jump down and turn right. Use the lamppost to get across the street and up to the first marker. Run through it and continue to the next one.
Carefully get down to the ground and cross the street (even if it's a little past the next marker for easier climbing). Grab it and then make a careful jump off the next lamppost to cross the next street. This will take you to the third marker very quickly.
Then the only question is to jump off the roof and land safely on the garbage bags. The rest of the race is pretty straight forward, but it's still hard to finish with more than a few seconds to spare!


Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: Job Board in the Harbor, in the eastern part of the Slums
Reward: 2500 Survival XP and $1000
Difficulty: easy

Fishermen in the harbor want Binoculars so they can see enemies approaching. Take the task from Job Board in the city (in the middle of the zone), then start looking for binoculars. There is a hint in the quest description where a good place to search is. Turn around and look at the antenna on top of the hill overlooking the harbor. Yep, that's where we should go.
Check each antenna level for Binoculars. It's halfway up the structure, but you don't want to miss it on such a long climb. Take the item and return to the harbor. Give Santiago the Binoculars and claim your reward.

Cubes for a boy

(moves into missions Dungeon and Troll)
Location: Kadim is located in the Magic Fortress Safe Zone
Reward: 5000 Survival experience, 15000 Survival experience and then 10000 Survival experience + Blueprint: Angel Sword
Difficulty: easy

Kadim - in the Magic Fortress, Safe Zone in the eastern part of the city (it's in the building you enter through the roof). Invite the boy to bring his blocks. He dropped them as he explored the lower levels of the building.
On the stairs leading down from the Kadima floor.
Three are on the landing below these stairs.
Four more are one level below (three in the box and one nearby on the floor).
Look for the last cubes on the floor just around the corner.
When you finish collecting the cubes, take them to Kadim. Tell Rupert what you heard. After talking with Rupert, a new quest will appear.
It's called "Dungeon". Take the Key from Rupert and return to the basement. Open the door and follow the left branch to turn off the electricity that creates a trap on the other side of the level.
With the lights out, it's easy to walk through the basement and find the locked room where Rupert's wife is. Get rid of her, look for a locked chest in the room, and then return to Rupert. Talk to him to complete the quest.
However, before you leave, another one will appear. The little girl also hears something! Let's help her. Leave the Safe Zone and look for the Troll your new friend heard.
In the courtyard below there is a Brute and several ordinary zombies. Shoot the Brute, avoiding the bites, and wash your hands. So simple! It was even possible to kill this nonentity with a baton.
Oops, something else is happening - a battle with the Destroyer! Use Side Dodge to avoid attacks and punish the bad guy with attacks from behind. Once he's dead, you'll need to meet Rupert at his workshop on the other side of town. Standing on the ground floor at the entrance, he will give you plans for the Angel Sword - a great recipe. You can also find several Pistols in the workshop.

Cease and desist henceforth

Location: Erol is in the old school

Difficulty: medium

You will hear from the guard in the Tower that armed men have gone to the school. Find it in the west of the map and talk to the man in front of the building to get inside. Erol is just outside the door (he helped you in). Talk to him to agree to solve his problem.
Go north until you reach the marker. There will be a message from Karim on the radio, but it is not addressed to you. Kill all infected nearby, search the bodies on the ground for a Walkie-Talkie. One of the people in yellow has it (who would doubt it). Take it and get a quest update.
Head south to find Gabriel's Estate. Find the stairs in the northwestern part of the marked area that lead to the basement of the building. There's nothing particularly valuable downstairs, but at the end of the hallway there is a staircase leading up to the main level. Climb it and sneak through the next floor. There are plenty of Rais people here, so use firearms or just the latest weapons. Use the small rooms as cover, going out to shoot at Rais's men and returning so they can come to you.
Take the elevator on the other side of the level to get to the top floor. There is no light, but you can climb up the shaft and exit through the open doorway. Karim is there, in one of the corner zones. Talk to him peacefully. When you're done, leave the building and return to school. Talk to Erol again. Now he needs Paint. Go to the building that is now marked on your map. There's a bunch of infected on the roof if you haven't unlocked that Safe Zone yet. Get rid of them and look around the outer perimeter of the roof for a can of Paint (it's near the edge).
Another jar is located below, on the outer scaffolding, and the third is on the upper scaffolding, on the corner of the building. Get all three and go to the roof of the school. Paint over the four highlighted dots, then talk to Erol again. His last request is to get the bag from the basement. Exit and get to the back door. Enter the basement through it and carefully search the yellow room (you need to open all the bags and drawers). When the quest refreshes, run through the building and up the stairs. You cannot keep up in time and change anything. Talk to Karim on the roof. Complete the quest and open the air cargo containers before leaving; There are three of them on the roof!

Chasing the past

Availability: During the Museum
Location: Talk to Tariq at the top of the Old City Safe Zone
Reward: 10,000 Survival XP and $2,000
Difficulty: easy

Talk to Tariq after you get information about the museum from him. He will try to enlist your help regarding the orphan he found. The little boy is missing a brother who may still be alive in the Old Town.
Take the quest from Tariq and go to the southwestern part of the city. Find the marked door at ground level and enter the building. Go up the stairs and open the door on the first floor (right). Search the apartment for evidence. You will find a recording there. After listening to it, go upstairs and look into the apartment on the left. There will be another entry that will direct you to the basement. Search there and listen to the evidence you found, but return to Apartment 3 (the one on the second floor). In the front there are Keys to a door in the basement that you cannot open. Take them.
Go back downstairs and open Door #4. Look at what's in the room, and then use a good melee weapon to kill the person who came through the door on the other side. Kill him well.
When everything is clear, return to Tariq to talk to him and complete the quest... almost. He will give you the keys to the treasury under the Museum. You must dive into the lake to the south and find the underwater tunnel that leads there. There will be a room with several locked chests. Enjoy Jewelry Cases and the latest weapons hidden inside. It was worth your time!


Availability: after you kill your first Runner
Location: Job Board in the Tower

Difficulty: easy

Get this task from Job Board and look for a lot of Coffee for Toygar (the guy who hangs around with Board). Coffee is easiest to find in old bars and shops, but sometimes you can also pick it up from the phone. You need 20 units to complete the quest, so it's all a matter of being patient and completing other tasks along the way. Just bring the Coffee when you have enough!

Crayons for children

Availability: after you kill your first Runner
Location: Job Board in the Tower
Reward: 2500 Survival XP and $1200
Difficulty: easy

Five sets of Crayons would bring an element of normalcy to the lives of the children in the Tower. Your job is to go old school, find some and bring them home. The school is located on the right side of the map, in an industrial area.
Go around the school and climb over the barricades to get inside. You may have to talk to the guy guarding the door if you haven't been here before. Either way, you will be given access to a small area. Three sets of crayons lie on the table at the front of the room. The other two sets are in the small passage behind and to the right (one set lying on the ground may be hard to see, so use Night Sense or just look carefully).
Take it to the Tower and ride the elevator to the top. Give the crayons to Kate in room 204.

And do you believe?

Availability: after completing "University"
Location: Mafid is located in the Library Safe Zone, in the western part of the Old City

Difficulty: medium

Look for Mafid near the window in the library. He hears sounds in the quarantine zone and, of course, would be glad to know what their origin is. Exit the building and go to the northwest corner of the Old City. There's actually music coming from the apartment upstairs. Climb up and enter.
A new Safe Zone will open. Inside is a man named Donkey. Talk to him for a bit. He needs Night Herbs from the northern shore, growing near the water. Go there at night and collect six special plants. This area of ​​the forest is home to Toads and zombies, so bring a ranged weapon so the enemies on the rocks won't bother you too much while you're collecting.
Take the herbs to Donkey and place them in the coppersmith for the sacrament. He will tell you a prophecy that will complete the quest, but will immediately begin a new one (Shadow of the King).

Dying Lunch

Availability: after the “Treaty with Rais”
Location: Irvine is located in the “Penultimate” Safe Zone, in the upper right corner of the Slums
Reward: 2500 Strength experience and $500
Difficulty: medium

This challenge is located on top of a small building to the southwest. Talk to the film director, then kill 40 infected with the Double-Barrel Shotgun in a limited time without getting killed.
Don't try to hit the head; With this weapon you deal so much damage that a kill is practically guaranteed. Just gather your opponents together by running around them and shoot into the crowd as often as possible. Retreat when you're reloading and stay that way until you've earned all your kills.
Get rewarded for this and return to Irwin later for another challenge. This time he wants you to shoot 60 infected with a machine gun. Jump back if the Virals get too close, fire in bursts instead of holding the trigger, and hit heads whenever possible. Be especially careful of the Toad that spawns on the roof opposite your starting point, and avoid exhausting easy targets. As soon as the ranks of zombies thin out, cross the street to the train station. There are still a lot of them, and getting the required number of kills will not be difficult.
The third test is a headshot competition. You must collect 30 pieces in the allotted time. The field is mostly zombies, with two Brutes (as your secret weapon). Use the crosshair to improve Crane's accuracy, and be sure to score some headshots when targeting Brutes to increase your score as quickly as possible. You can get almost 10 headshots from one Brute, so don't miss this opportunity.
Otherwise, just stay calm and aim. Random kills aren't great here, so don't shoot until you have the perfect shot. Don't look at your watch. If you run out of easy targets, turn around, jump off the bus and kill the infected on the overpass.

Electronic parts

Availability: After you kill your first Runner
Location: Read what Job Board writes
Reward: 2500 Survival experience and Blueprint: Electrician
Difficulty: easy

Receive a message from Job Board and bring Toygar some Electronic Parts. He needs five sets of Electronics. They are rare and expensive, but can still be found if you check locked chests throughout the city.


Availability: before you move from the Slums to the Old City
Location: throughout the Slums
Reward: various
Difficulty: medium

There is a busy American man (Nick Pesto) at the gas station. He wants to be escorted to the Tower, but he needs to pick up a couple of items along the way. First he takes you to Rais' group. They are near his bag. Throw Firecrackers to attract the zombies' attention to the thugs, and then attack from relative safety from an ambush.
There Nick will receive his ring, but he needs a Passport. Follow the building where it is hidden. You'll probably be attacked along the way, but the enemies aren't too strong. Nick even helps out a little during the fight (don't count on him too much, though, because he's not that great of a guy).
After this, Nick goes to the Tower. Stay with him all the way and defeat the Brute, who is within a stone's throw of the front door. Use standard hit-and-run tactics to kill the Brute without taking his rebar. Once inside, Nick will give you the Infernal Blueprint as a reward for escorting him - not bad!

Farouk is a sales agent located on a bench next to the Tower in the Slums. Talk to him when you want to be an escort. This task is divided into three stages, and the first two are quite easy. Take Farouk to his clients and protect him from minor attacks from ordinary zombies that naturally occur while moving through the Slums.
At the last stage, you can stumble upon Rais's thugs or something worse. Keep a firearm or good melee weapon at the ready, keep your health at maximum, and use sprint to attack anything that threatens Farouk. If you get to the Tower with him, you will receive the Fire Launcher Drawing!

Near the warehouses in the center of the Slums, you meet a cursed man. He needs to collect the ingredients to cure himself of this scourge. Lead him around the market to get three items for this cleansing "potion", and then take Babar to the Tower. He will give you the Holy Ghost Blueprint as a reward. Towards the end of the route, a Brute appears, but this is the only serious threat.

Ranged weapons can really help with this escort, so have one ready if you have one!
To the west-southwest of the Tower is a former member of Rais' team. His name is Ahmet, and he is hiding inside a small blue building. Enter the main part of the store and use the door behind the counter to reach Ahmet. Start escorting him and take him to a storage facility that he knows about. Before and after this there will be regular zombies in the area, but no major massacres yet.
They start when you cross the railway. Several of Rais' boys attack. Shoot them from a distance with whatever firearm you have, or rush towards the carriage and quickly kill the Heavy on the roof (he's a big threat). When he is defeated, heal, jump down on the bandits without guns and finish the battle.
There will be one more fight (with regular zombies and a Brute) and then a skirmish with several Toads before you reach the Tower. Needless to say, this escort is killer! But at the same time, it’s fun, and at the end you get the Puff-Puff-Pass Drawing.

Talk to the fisherman who often stands in front of the Tower. His name is Omar. Help him get around the city and collect several necessary things. There will be a lot of fighting involved in this escort. There will be Infected, Toad, Brute and many ordinary zombies. The most dangerous thing is on the bridge at the very beginning. Shoot the Brute standing there, or provoke him and retreat when he tries to break the explosive barrel!
Take Omar to the items of his desires and then to his favorite fishing spot. For your work, he will give you a GTFO Blueprint.

Family doctor

Availability: after completing Part 2 of the “Treaty with Rais”
Location: Victor is located in the Harbor, in the east of the Slums
Reward: $3750
Difficulty: easy

Talk to Victor at the harbor and use his medical bag to begin the challenge. You must deliver four sets of supplies to different points in the Slums. You can't use the Grasping Hook, and there are also a number of small elevation changes and dangerous zombies around. Stay to the left as you approach the first marker so you don't end up below it. This is followed by a straight run to point 2, then a sharp right turn to reach 3. From there it's a straight path to the last marker, and getting there on time is easy. Look out for the Bombers, but other than that it's less of a race and more of a treat.
Meet Victor later for another race. There are many more goals here. First visit the house ahead, then left to reach the next one two floors up. Next, in a circle, visit the remaining targets.
There's plenty of time. Your task is to prevent yourself from being killed by the Bombardiers or distracted by the Infected. The actual “racing” aspect is far-fetched. Avoid battles, keep moving, and the race will be feasible.

Fan zone

Availability: after “Higher education”
Location: you will receive a message in the eastern part of the city
Reward: 10,000 Survival XP and $1,500
Difficulty: difficult

When approaching the Fan Zone in the eastern part of the Old City, you can hear a message. Get even closer to the source and track the quest you receive to understand where to go. Noah (with the Embers) will also give advice on this post. There is a barricade around the center, but careful jumping and a Firecracker as a distraction will allow you to get inside.
Find the elevator on the main floor, call it and ride up. Look there for an explanation of what's going on. In the conference room on the left there is a Personnel Card, a Pistol and a good set of ammunition.
Use the card to open the video and audio recording room in the corner of the building. One of the doors there is barricaded, but the other is not. Go there and find the entrance to the adjacent computer room. Turn off the computer, search the room and return to the elevator.
Try to use it, and when it stops, make your way into the mine. Crawl through the ventilation and fall exactly to the floor you were looking for. With a ranged weapon in your hands, fight the attacking psychopath (he has a Military Rifle). Or rush in with a really powerful melee weapon and attack over and over without letting it fire.
Kill the enemy and turn on the power supply. Find many Throwing Stars in this room, then use the elevator to return to the first floor. This will complete the quest, but you will also receive $1500 from Noah (in the Troy Safe Zone).


Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: Safe Zone in the southwest
Reward: 5000 Survival XP and 10 Flares
Difficulty: difficult

Zayed is located in the Safe Zone in the southwestern part of the city. Talk to him to start the quest. He needs to get supplies from the hangar to the north. Go there and find a way into the hangar; At first it is not clear how to get there.
If you have the Grasping Hook, pull yourself up to the hanging roof on the side of the building and make your way out from there. Otherwise, go to the eastern hangar. Using the metal supports next to this building, climb onto the lower roof and jump until you can get to the hangar. The jumps are quite tricky, so take your time.
Rais' people are inside the hangar, so take heavy weapons with you. Remote is best because these guys have guns. Kill the guards at the top, then go to the far end of the walkways to safely descend onto the carriages. Kill any zombies that get in your way as you move from car to car. Open their doors and look for the Zinc you need. He's all there.
When you have Zinc, move through the doors or along the upper paths to the side rooms of the warehouse. The turpentine is on the floor there. Take it and return to Zaid.

Man in Gas Mask

Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: Musa is located at Fisherman's Wharf
Reward: 5000 Survival experience and Warmaster
Difficulty: medium

Musa guards the gate. He tells you about a crazy man who runs around in a gas mask and causes trouble. Go to the marker and find an almost closed garage in a large building. Open it and talk to the zone inhabitant. Yes, he is quite eccentric.
You need to find the bag with “treasures” that he threw into the lake nearby. Make sure it's daytime so you can see the water and swim to the marked area. It's wide, but the designated area gets smaller as you get closer to the center (which is where the bag is). Look for the Oar sticking vertically out of the mud at the bottom. It's right next to the bag, so use it as a guide. Take the loot and return to the Man in the Gas Mask.
He will provide you with information. Return with her to the village and inform the guard at the gate. Then search the house of Gursel (the guy you had to shake for money when you first appeared in the village). He has a gas mask in the kitchen, in a basin. Hm…
Talk to Gursel again. He is outside, next to his house. This ends the quest, but don't forget to take the reward from Musa near the gate.


Availability: after completing the second half of "The Treaty with Rais"
Location: radio call
Reward: 5000 Survival XP
Difficulty: easy

When you reach the Tower, the radio says it's out of gas. This is how the “Gasification” quest begins. You need to find Jeff's fortress next to the train station. It's on the other side of the map, so it's a long way. Jeff is in a blue building surrounded by a stone wall. He is on the second floor, and you can talk to him through a partially boarded up window. Find out what you need to do to get gas flowing again.
There are three valves nearby. One is in a tunnel, another is under an overpass, and the third is near a bridge.
The bridge valve has two problems. First, you need to climb onto the bridge and jump off. You can climb nearby, so it's not so bad. Kill all the zombies at the top, then drop down to face the second problem. A large zombie inside a fenced area with a valve. Actively attack and dodge to kill him, then open the valve. When you're done, climb up the pillar to jump out of the area.
The valve in the tunnel is easy to find and reach, but it is surrounded by a number of zombies. Keep a strong melee weapon in your hands and kill many of them; otherwise you won't have time to turn the valve without being interrupted. The last valve is under the overpass. It's also easy to find, but zombies like to gather there. Area of ​​effect weapons such as Grenades would be useful for such a battle, since the infected may crowd on the stairs leading to the valve. If he's not there, lure them out with a few ranged attacks and use hit-and-run tactics to end things.
Your next target is the primary distribution valve. Go there, but don't go directly into the structure. There are powerful zombies there, and you can't get to the right valve from above. Instead, go outside to the other side of the facility and look for the rain drain that leads under the gas plant (where the valve is located). Take out the larger zombies at the valve and turn on the gas supply.
Quickly leave the area and look for the new marker that appears. This is the gas flow control zone. Go there and turn off the gas in three more valves. They are all on the same site. To find them, follow the blue pipes and look out for the white valves at ground level. If a section is on fire, there is still a valve there that needs to be turned. When you're done, return to Jeff. Talk to him and then leave the camp. Something will happen and you will receive a quest reward.

Good night Mr. Bahir

Location: Upper Tower, in the corridor
Reward: 3500 Survival XP, $697
Difficulty: medium

When you return to the Tower, listen to the noise. Several people are banging on the door of Room 202. They need you to pick the lock. Do this and check the room. Talk to Bahir in his bedroom. Pass what you learn to Lena in the Isolator. After talking with Lena, go up to the roof. The guy you need is named Yusuf. It's on the left, around the corner. Talk to him seriously, then leave the Tower.
There are several survivors living in and around the pharmacy. Follow the marker to find these gentlemen and chat with their leader. He is trying to praise his product, but you have already seen the effect. Prepare a good weapon and defeat a group of assassins to complete the quest.
This is a good time to try out the crafted weapons if you haven't already. It is often deadlier and easier to handle. These guys aren't kidding; they have throwing weapons and their own equipment for hand-to-hand combat, and their leader is a nimble fellow who constantly evades. So ditch the slow melee weapons and get something that's fast and deadly at the same time.
Don't be afraid to use First Aid Kits to stay alive, and if things get really bad, jump over the fence. Use cars in the yard to prevent opponents from grouping. Try to force them to come at you in ones or twos, thinning out the enemy ranks by killing less important thugs before tackling the boss.
When you win, make a short radio call to complete the quest. As a result, you will receive a reward, but before you leave, find a Note and a Drawing of a Toxic Grenade in the pharmacy.


Availability: after completing the "First Mission"
Location: Talk to Davud in the Upper Tower
Reward: 3500 Survival experience
Difficulty: easy
Healing Potion

Availability: after completing “Higher Education”
Location: Rupert is in the Magic Fortress Safe Zone (in the east)
Reward: 10,000 Survival XP
Difficulty: medium

There is a kindergarten inside the building in the eastern part of the city. He's still working under a man named Rupert, and he has a quest for you. You must find Insulin for a child with diabetes. There are a couple of pharmacies in town, so look for your medicine there. The Southern Pharmacy is under the control of Rais. Ambush his men by shooting from afar or throwing Firecrackers (the Infected nearby will probably hear this and attack, making your attack easier).
After you kill everyone and everything, pick the lock on the pharmacy door to look for Insulin. Alas and ah. So head to the northern pharmacy. She's on the ground, so don't worry about the apartment above her unless you're looking for supplies or the Statue.
Open the metal bolt that leads to the pharmacy, and then run inside to turn off the screaming alarm. She's in the second room, on the left. Kill everything that comes after you (and there will be a lot of them, even if you quickly deal with the alarm). Then - to the search!
Call Troy when you don't find anything here either. Use the computer in the back to get information on where to look next. When you get the address, move south and go down to the ground, approaching the building. To get to your destination, you must be under an open window and use a hook to climb up.
Be quiet while searching the apartment. There are probably powerful enemies nearby and several Infected ready to tear you to pieces if you run into them. Continue towards the kitchen once the path is clear. Grab the message from the refrigerator and leave the apartment.
Go to the designated pizzeria, kill all the zombies inside and turn over the bodies to find the insulin you need. Return to Rupert's Safe Zone and hand over the medicine. This is how the quest ends.
