Plyushkin's syndrome: how to get rid of unnecessary trash. Losing weight in French: how to get rid of extra pounds and not starve

All of us sooner or later overtake one unpleasant occupation - the analysis of the accumulated rubbish. And this means sifting out useful and necessary things from useless and simply taking up space in your home.

This event evokes unpleasant emotions in us not at all because we have to dismantle deposits, breathe dust and transport unusable junk. Not at all!

The fact is that many things peacefully gathering dust in our basement, in the attic or in the pantry cause real pity. It becomes a pity to part with them.

This cup was received in the first class. And this guitar was bought by my father when he was 18 years old. And this set of clay gnomes will definitely come in handy when you have a second dacha (gnomes from another set are already on display at the first one).

And this set of gray shirts was a gift from my mother-in-law. Or a grandmother. Or maybe his wife. It is difficult to remember exactly, but the fact remains - someday it will definitely come in handy. And it doesn't matter that it's the wrong size.

How to get rid of unnecessary things in this case? After all, whatever element of this dusty mountain do not touch, everything turns out to be necessary, or memorable.

First, let's break down the trash into two categories:

  • Things designed for everyday life
  • Commemorative

The first category includes everything that we need in everyday life (furniture, dishes, kitchen appliances, clothes, etc.). The second category includes things that remind you of a certain important moment in life (gifts, awards, trophies).

Both can be both necessary and completely useless. Let's take a look at a few rules to make it easier to parse the trash and really get things done.

1. Principle "2 years without use"

This method of removing debris in the pantry is suitable for items in the "Everyday" category. Not many of us boast that all items from this group find daily use, and do not serve as a dust piggy bank. Each has a set of spoons, a set of outdated tablecloths and towels. And this is only the best case.

Naturally, when it comes to the question of eliminating this type of things, most of them acquire the status of "Useful". However, the next time you sort out the junk, which happens in a year, two or three, you will stumble upon them again. And mind you - they were not useful. But it’s just a pity to throw it away.

In order not to make such mistakes, and to use your housing squares for more useful things than storing junk, remember one simple truth - everyday things that have not been used for two years will not be used by you later. There can be no other way how to get rid of the trash.

2. Memory or junk?

Undoubtedly, it is extremely unpleasant to say goodbye to memorabilia. After all, once so much love and warmth were invested in them. So much joy they caused when you took possession of them. It remains only to answer one question - why are they gathering dust in the pantry now?

Getting rid of trash does not mean throwing out everything that is not in a conspicuous place. There are things that really deserve a place in your home. It may be an item that was so dear to your parents, and which has recently passed to you by inheritance (not necessarily material value).

There may be awards in sports, or even in the army. Cups, pennants, medals. And all this, not only, should not be liquidated like old junk, but simply must be in a place of honor.

However, one should not confuse things that are valuable to the soul with those that should be so in theory. Those. not all gifts are eligible to occupy your living space. Especially if you cannot remember where they came from, and who and when gave it. If such items cannot be sold, then you can safely throw them away.

3. Clothes and gadgets

Although these items belong to the category "Everyday", which, in fact, have already been discussed, nevertheless, they deserve special attention and approach.

For example, clothing, if it is not damaged by cuts or stains, can be profitable. It can be sold on various sites that specialize in similar matters, or taken to a thrift store.

You can also donate "old rags" to charities, or take them to a landfill, where they will be immediately sought after by the homeless. This, of course, will not bring money, but you will receive your "+100 to karma".

As for technology and gadgets, we are often given two multicooker or juicer each for our birthday or New Year. On the one hand, it is not good to re-present gifts, and even more so to throw them away. On the other hand, they take up a lot of space.

By selling these elements of technology, you will receive money for which you can buy something really necessary. And this means that the idea of ​​those who gave gifts, "to make you pleasant" was a success!

Extra phones and tablets, as a rule, are not superfluous. They are spare. When you crash your iPhone, can you get a new one the same day? Unlikely. It doesn't hurt to always have a spare smartphone in your desk drawer, which will temporarily replace your favorite means of communication.

4. Get over yourself

Especially when it comes to things that remind you of someone or something. So, throwing out an old, half-rotten portrait of a grandmother is tantamount to throwing grandmother herself in a landfill.

In fact, love, affection and other warm feelings remain inside you, and there is not a drop of them in the objects (no matter how some esotericists say otherwise). Throw it out without hesitation!

5. The most important thing is fast

It is necessary to get rid of unnecessary things on the same day when they received the "Unnecessary" status. Do not put it off until tomorrow, as trash that has been in plain sight for a long time has the property of regaining its former "Useful" status.

Finally, I would like to wish you not to get attached to things, since these are just things. Instead of piling up mountains of rubbish that has some connection with your past, it is better to develop your memory - after all, this is the only place where the brightest and happiest moments from your life accumulate.

For this, see also “Modern rhythms of life make more and more demands on humanity. In order not only to stay afloat, to be "in trend", but also to achieve certain successes, to be in demand, a person needs to keep a huge amount of information in his head and daily replenish his collection of professional and personal knowledge with new facts.

Be happy!
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Set realistic goals for yourself. The more extra pounds you have, the more you can lose. Nutritionists say that 5-7 kilograms is a very real result. And by tightening your muscles and getting rid of excess water, you will look much more attractive.

In the most candid show about women's health and beauty, the presenters and the director of the Research Institute of Naturotherapy tested 5 methods of express weight loss and found out which of them are the most effective.

One of the best ways to lose weight quickly and not gain weight immediately after dieting is a protein-based diet while reducing your total daily calorie intake. For those who prefer high-carbohydrate foods, adhering to such a diet is difficult, but the results are more impressive. The minimum program is designed for 14 days, but you will see weight loss immediately after starting the diet.

An approximate daily diet should consist of grapefruit, a couple of slices of protein bread, lettuce, a slice of fish, and a few slices of lean meat. Tomatoes, cucumbers, celery and carrots are allowed in limited quantities. Drinks - tea, black coffee and still mineral water. Servings of food should be small, it is recommended to eat at least 4 times a day. Such a program allows you not to feel hunger, while the body does not suffer from a lack of nutrients, fiber and vitamins.

To activate the process of losing weight, establish the correct drinking regimen. A day you need to drink at least 5 glasses of water, mineral or key. During the diet, it is important to give up sweets, fatty foods, fruits, nuts. Eliminate dairy products as well, the result will be more noticeable. Avoid snacking between meals, but only a glass of water, a couple of lettuce leaves, or a cup of sugar-free coffee.

Strengthen the effect of the diet with physical activity. Don't rush to the gym. At the initial stage, cardio is much more important: running, brisk walking on rough terrain, jumping and dancing. A ten minute walk won't help. Make a program for 1.5-2 hours, alternating running, walking, going up and down stairs. Exercises on simulators are also useful: treadmill, mini-trampoline, stepper or exercise bike.

Include exercises for problem areas in the program: hips, back, abs, waist, arms. Exercises after cardio are especially effective. Warmed up muscles work harder, the process of burning fat goes at maximum speed. Do the exercises 10-12 times at a fairly fast pace, doing 2 or 3 sets. Do not use dumbbells, barbells, or other weights. Your job is to burn fat, not build muscle.

Cosmetic procedures will help to improve the appearance. At the stage of rapid weight loss, intensive rubbing of the skin with a coffee scrub works very well. Mix dry ground coffee or coffee grounds with a spoonful of vegetable oil and a small amount of shower gel. Apply the mixture to damp skin and massage intensively all over the body. Then, rinse off the scrub and apply a firming cream with caffeine, herbal extracts and collagen. This procedure will help avoid stretch marks and dry skin often associated with rapid weight loss.

When you come to visit, you probably wondered more than once: "God, how can you live in such a rubble?" or, on the contrary, they were surprised at the asceticism of someone else's interior, in which the owners themselves feel great. The fact is that each of us has our own maximum permissible level of litter. Creative people usually surround themselves with trinkets that inspire them, pragmatists, on the contrary, use the necessary minimum of things. To get rid of the craving for hoarding, you do not have to clear the apartment down to concrete - you just need to understand at what dose of decor and accessories you feel “at ease”.

Get rid of everything you don't like

One of the reasons why our apartments are overgrown with rubbish to the ceiling is succinctly described by the wording "It's a pity to throw it away." In almost every home there is a service with blue hydrangeas, which was presented for a wedding by a cousin, a three-meter carpet with oriental patterns from a trip, a vase with porcelain angels from childhood - items, in general, are not bad, but completely inappropriate in your home simply because you don't like them. Yes, "don't like it" is a good reason to free the house from specific accessories. If it's a pity to throw them away, arrange an attraction of unheard-of generosity for loved ones: what you don't like may well be useful to relatives, friends and neighbors.

Treat interior shopaholism

Can't resist the temptation to constantly buy all the new decor, although there is no room in the apartment even for the old one? It seems that you are dealing with interior shopaholism, and deep down it seems to you that all the beautiful things in the world should live only in your home.

Don't worry, it can be cured, rather even preventable. Every time you open the store door, ask yourself simple questions: Do I really need a sixteenth vase? Where will I put it? Can I afford this purchase, or is it better to save the budget for more substantial business? Honest answers at the first stage will help to avoid at least half of impulse purchases, and then reasonable consumption will become a habit.

Plus or minus one thing

The interior often looks overwhelmed with stunt items. Make a rule of thumb to throw away the old item when you buy an alternative. Have you brought a new set of pots into the house? Say goodbye to the old. Can't resist a luxurious bedding set? Well, you have to get rid of one of the usual. This approach can hardly be called cost-effective, but it effectively sober up the modern Plyushkins: before buying a new accessory, you now have to think about whether you are sorry to throw out the old one.

Change your attitude towards cleaning

The need to remove household rubble is usually perceived as a punishment for sins - there is nothing surprising that you do not have a desire to incur this "punishment" voluntarily. It seems that the moment has come when it's time to change the attitude to business: to look at cleaning not as a day-long hard labor, but as an exciting project with a spectacular result.

In fact, there is a special magic in the cleaning process: before your eyes and with your efforts, textured surfaces appear from under the rubble, it becomes easier to breathe in the apartment and, on the whole, it is more pleasant to be. When starting to sort out the trash, do not focus on the negative aspects of the process - instead, think about how to reward yourself with a glass of wine and a sense of accomplishment in the evening.

Take seasonal inventory

The change of seasons causes big changes in the house: clothes move to a prominent place according to the weather, and the decor of the apartment adapts to new realities. When taking out winter accessories, do not forget to remove summer accessories out of sight, and at the same time revise your wardrobe and get rid of frankly unnecessary things. The very phrases with which you usually persuade yourself to keep the old stuff will help to identify them. “Or maybe I’ll put on these boots someday — say, into the forest? I looked so impressive in this dress ten years ago - nothing, I will lose weight and will wear it again! It is a pity that such swimsuits are out of fashion, but fashion is back! " - here are your main helpers in the fight against clutter. Take it for granted that things should work for you here and now. Otherwise, it is better to throw them away or give them to those who need them.

Start the system

Separate boxes for each pair of shoes, signed containers with accessories, white hangers only for shirts, and black hangers for dresses - at first glance, this meticulous storage organization smacks of schizophrenia, but we, the Plyushkins, need "heavy artillery." Make a contract with yourself: every thing in the house should have the only correct place of "registration" - this way it will be much easier for you to clean, and situations when you spend hours looking for the right item will be forgotten like a bad dream. And even if the system fails, you can easily restore balance: acting according to a pattern is always faster and more efficient than rebuilding the storage system every time.

Set small tasks

A large-scale project is easier to implement if you create a detailed algorithm and adhere to it strictly. This rule works not only in business, but also in matters of cleaning and organization. “Disassemble the study and the library” is too large a request, from which it emanates with drama. Start with a smaller operational task - for example, tidy up your desk first.

Set aside 15 minutes a day for cleaning

10, 20, half an hour - exactly as much as you are really able to spend a day for the benefit of your own home. Wash the countertops today, dust the living room and bedroom tomorrow, vacuum the day after tomorrow - with this approach, you will much less often have to allocate a whole day off for general cleaning.

Be inspired by someone else's example

Many books and articles have been written on the topic of cleaning and tidiness: do not neglect the advice and life hacks of professionals. One of the most recent bestsellers is Mary Kondo's Life-Changing Tidying Magic: The Japanese Art of Getting Rid of Things and Organizing Space. Mary knows what she is writing about: it is not customary for the Japanese to leave things in plain sight, and minimalism is preferred to all interior styles in the Land of the Rising Sun. Other helpful books include The Art of Living Simple by Dominic Loro, Free Your Life from the Junk by Andrew Mellen, or Self-Organizing Inside-Out by Julia Morgenstern. The advice of the authors really inspires and convinces: everyone can cope with the chaos in their own apartment.

Rule 90%

The 90% rule applies to any choice or dilemma. Rate options on a scale from 0 to 100. If a particular option gets a score below 90, discard it. This criterion forces you to choose ideal opportunities rather than letting other people or the universe do it for you.

Extra "yes"

Unable to refuse people, we say “yes” more often than we would like. Time spent on tasks is irretrievable, and the feeling of joy from them is zero.

Here's one exercise to help you say no: Put a string in your pocket in the morning. Every time you say no clearly and clearly, tie a knot on it. In the evening, summarize: if you count five knots, you can no longer do this exercise.

When we are nervous, afraid, and stressed, we move faster. And we need to slow down. Just one yawn will help. It will signal the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation, that the danger has passed, and will help calm down.

Our memory is experiencing colossal overloads: work issues, household chores, meetings ... As a result, we cannot fill even an elementary shopping list. The method of contemplating a point will help to put things in order in consciousness. Pick a point on a wall or piece of paper and concentrate on it. Your attention will jump from side to side - don't resist it, but rather encourage it. Each time you notice that you are distracted from this point, write down what distracted you, and return back to the point. This will give you a list of what else matters to you and needs to be either cleaned up or decided.


How to eat right, but not harass yourself with exhausting diets? No need to weigh your food, count calories, or study ingredients - just balance the contents of your plate. Two or even three quarters of a balanced plate should be plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds, nuts, and whole grains. If you work hard to adequately fill this part of the plate, the rest of the decisions will not matter much, and the extra pounds will go away.

Facebook friends

Draw six concentric circles in your notebook. The center circle is you. Name the rest: day, week, month, year, etc. Add to your circle of friends from the list in accordance with the desired frequency of personal communication. See what happened. Now think about what happens if you friend those who fall into the “other” category? Perhaps nothing terrible will happen, but it will be much easier for you without this communication.

Toxic people and unnecessary meetings

Toxic people are the ones who force you to settle for what you don't like. In this case, you spend a lot of energy communicating with them, and they only wake up your personal gremlins. How can you say no to them and protect your interests?

Don't beat around the bush. When in doubt, toxic people will sense your weakness and try to get the best of you. Speak clearly and clearly.

I'm sorry, but I can't go with you.

I will not be able to meet with you.

I can not come.

Formula 4D

If you are busy, separate them. Formula 4D will help.

Let's! Cases that cannot be delayed. If you need to do it now, go ahead and do it.

Down with! If there is no result from cases, then they have nothing to do on your list. Don't be afraid to say no to meetings you don't want to go to and other people's requests that waste your time.

Delegate! Cases that can be delegated to another person without loss. Do not try to take control of absolutely all processes. Stop burdening yourself with things that other people can do.

Until better times! If the matter can be postponed until better times, then calmly postpone. Just remember to mark when you plan to implement it.

Lists of books, films and TV series

Love making lists of interesting books and movies but still can't get over them? But it’s impossible to read and see everything (yes, it’s so)! Divide your list work into two steps. First, make a list of books (or films) that interest you. Second, next to each item, list the reasons why you decided to contribute this book or film. Answer the questions, who recommended you, for example, or why you should read it and what useful things you could learn.

What for? The additional information will help you recall the feelings you had when you decided to add the book to the list. You will remember why you wanted to read it, and either want to do it immediately, or with peace of mind decide to cross it off the list.

How to get rid of extra pounds

During pregnancy, you had to limit yourself in food, and now, having become a mother, you thought: “Well, that's it! Now I will eat whatever I want! " The desire is understandable, but ... So you will not lose weight! Do you really want to be mistaken for a pregnant woman, while your child is already several months old? Take a look in the mirror: it won't hurt to lose a few extra pounds, right? This means that malnutrition should not be in any case. In general, proper nutrition is very important for you and your baby, especially if he is breastfed. Eat as often as needed. Fractional meals throughout the day are always the best option.

The diet should be well balanced, because the nutrition of the child depends on it. In addition, choosing the right food will help you regain your shape. If a woman overeats during pregnancy, it will be a little more difficult for her hips and pelvic area to return to their original appearance.

If you try to eat less fatty and sugary foods, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, and weight loss will happen on its own. Try to limit your caffeine intake and avoid alcohol.

What to do if caring for your baby leaves no time for exercises, or for the pool, or for going to the gym? And to your horror, you notice that you are not losing weight after giving birth, but that you are adding - already several kilograms. And so I wanted to quickly return to the original size of the clothes and remove all unnecessary folds on the body.

Do not panic. First, check your diet. You are completely absorbed by the baby while he is awake, and you practically forget about yourself. Drink a large mug of milk tea before feeding, choosing the fattest variety for "better breast milk". And as soon as the child falls asleep, fill the stomach with anything. With the wrong diet, not only are you gaining extra pounds, but fatigue does not go away.

Here are some prohibitions:

Don't overeat. Breast milk production depends on the hormone prolactin, not on the abundance of maternal nutrition.

Do not deny yourself dinner, it is not scary that you eat four hours before bedtime.

There is no categorically forbidden food, there are only temporary restrictions. Fats should be no more than a quarter of the total calorie intake. If you stick to the 1500 kcal norm, then you can get no more than 40 g of pure fat daily. For reference: a liter of one percent kefir and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil contains 10 g, and a bar of milk chocolate is 70 g of pure fat.

Do not get carried away with fat milk. If you want to lose weight, eat low-fat foods. Kefir, yogurt and milk - no more than 1% fat, cottage cheese - no more than 5%, cheese - max 30%.

Do not eat a lot of meat food: once a day is enough, for breakfast or lunch. But try to include fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables without fat in every meal.

Don't eat nuts and seeds. Unbeknownst to you, along with a couple of handfuls of nuts, you will get almost half the daily calorie intake and exceed the fat limit.

Do not give up cereal products - cereals with water or with skim milk, whole bread, brown rice. But it is better to exclude sweets from the diet.

Don't skip water in favor of juices. A liter of orange juice contains as much as 900 kcal, and a kilogram of fresh oranges - only 400. Eliminate carbonated sugary drinks. They contain sugar, caffeine and a lot of dyes, flavors and preservatives that you and your child absolutely do not need.

Remember to take vitamin and mineral supplements, but do not exceed the permissible limits.

Avoid taking special medications, weight loss supplements, or “cleansing” herbal teas while breastfeeding. Their use will affect the quality of milk.

Do not get carried away with diets and starvation. All these extreme methods of losing weight will inevitably affect both your health and the well-being of the child.

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