Trade business or commodity science what to choose. Who can work after graduating from the university of commodity science. What does trading activity involve?

Over the past few years, unprecedented growth has been observed in the field of trade in Russia and the post-Soviet countries. The symbiosis of knowledge of economic processes, modern technologies and the ability to optimize resources provides the company with prosperity and profit.

The main task of the trade specialist is to do everything possible to achieve the success of the company in the conditions of fierce market competition. Your skills can be implemented in large wholesale and retail companies, logistics centers, trade enterprises and insurance companies. Practice shows that the trade profession allows you to use the knowledge base for organizing your own business.

Trade specialists are trained by the following universities:

  • Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G. Razumovsky;
  • Moscow State Institute of International Relations;
  • Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov;
  • National Research Technological University;
  • Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration;
  • Russian State Social University.

Trade specialty: necessary skills

Upon graduation from the university, the specialist has knowledge in the field of economics, marketing, management, accounting, the basics of enterprise functioning and pricing.

To understand what kind of trade it is, let's highlight the basic skills for successful work:

  • formation of the assortment of goods;
  • accounting for the quantity and quality of products;
  • determination by the appearance and characteristics of the product of possible marriage and counterfeiting;
  • planning, implementation and control of the physical movement of goods;
  • establishment of optimal prices for goods and services;
  • improving the level of customer service;
  • study of the current legal framework related to the field of trade;
  • inventory taking, shortage identification;
  • constant analysis of the requirements and needs of customers in a particular market segment;
  • search for new customers and sales markets, conclusion of contracts, control over their implementation;
  • the trade profession obliges the employee to develop advertising campaigns, come up with promotions and bonuses.

Trade profession: career growth

Versatile economic training and knowledge of the specifics of modern markets open up broad prospects for trade professionals.

A graduate can realize himself in various fields and positions, among which the most popular are:

  • broker (intermediary functions between the seller and the buyer);
  • Sales Representative;
  • account manager, supply and sales;
  • merchandiser, supervisor.

Do not miss:

Graduates of the trade specialty do not experience any particular difficulties in finding a job. Today, there are enough vacancies on the labor market that a person without work experience can apply for. The starting salary is naturally modest. However, trading is one of the few professions that allows you to achieve quick results with the help of perseverance, dedication and desire to work.

The functions of a Trade Organization Specialist may differ depending on the state and the size of the company. He can deal with logistics, supervise the division, take part in the recruitment of managers and employees of the sales department.

You can start your career as a regular cashier in a store. After a while, diligent employees will be promoted, up to the manager of a trading network. The salary largely depends on the region, on average it fluctuates in the range of 20-80 thousand rubles.

Sooner or later, every person encounters the problem of choosing a profession. In fact, this is a whole psychological branch that deals with the study of various nuances of career guidance. But life dictates its requirements to us, on which we rely when choosing a specialty. Most often, when choosing a specialty, the future salary, the availability of vacancies and social guarantees are taken into account, that is, the demand for a particular profession in the labor market.

Economic specialty "Trade"

Nowadays, economic processes are heard by every person - either the rate of the state currency falls (grows), then new supermarkets are closed or opened, then the population monitors the export or import of a specific product, its price or availability in specific shopping centers, and so on. ... All these processes are considered by several economic sciences. Upon obtaining the specialty "Trade", the student also masters other specific knowledge, for example, how to keep statistics of sales, bookkeeping of a store, learns to advertise goods correctly.

The relevance of admission in the specialty

Many people dream of fast career growth, autonomy at work, as well as quick earnings - selling goods and getting money for it. Therefore, the study of trade for young applicants is relevant. This specialty makes it possible to study many interesting subjects - not only economic, but also humanitarian. Students actively delve into the psychology of concluding commercial contracts, the specifics of the needs of the buyer, and so on. Working in this specialty, a person has the opportunity to interact with many people, that is, make useful acquaintances, reach a new level of relationships, change his social status.

By the way, this specialty can be divided into two types of professional interaction:

  • "Man-man" (constant communication with people: employees, customers, business partners).
  • "Human sign system" (analysis of trade processes, study of financial documents).

What does the trading activity involve?

Recently, in the field of higher and secondary special education, there has been an increased interest of prospective students in specialties related to the field of sales. And this is understandable: today a person who has received the specialty "Trade" has extensive knowledge of the processes in the economy, new technologies and resource optimization.

Such knowledge provides the opportunity to succeed and ensure the firm's prosperity with high profits. The main task of a specialist is to achieve the company's success in a tough competition in the market. These skills are implemented in large wholesale and retail companies, logistics centers, trade enterprises and the insurance business. And, of course, the opportunity to organize your own business should not be overlooked.

Necessary skills of a specialist educated in the specialty

Receiving the specialty "Trade", the student studies an exceptional special complex of educational subjects that give knowledge in sales management, logistics, marketing, business. The acquired knowledge is in great demand today. It is known that there are many private entrepreneurs among graduates of trade-related specialties. Trade today is an area characterized by high competition, investment and business activity.

The layman cannot trade successfully. It requires professional management skills. Its specificity is determined by the form of trade: wholesale, retail, trade on the Internet ... This activity involves not only purchase and sale transactions, but also the legal support of signed contracts, economic and financial sales transactions, price and product policy, leasing and other.

A quality education in this area will enable the student to become an excellent sales organization specialist.

What kind of career growth can there be in this profession?

The received education in this specialty and knowledge of economic processes are considered multifunctional and meet the requirements of the modern trading market. Therefore, the graduates who have received the specialty "Trade" open up broad prospects and the opportunity to realize themselves.

Such specialists do not feel any particular difficulties in finding a job.

It is remarkable that there are many vacancies in this specialty on the labor market. At first, the earnings are small, but with the acquisition of experience, it will certainly grow. Trading is an area where you can quickly achieve high results with a certain perseverance and determination.

The functions of a sales specialist depend on the number of people in the staff and the scale of the firm's activities. This can be logistical support, department control, hiring managers, employees for trade departments.

Sometimes a career starts with a simple job as a cashier, but very little time passes, and the diligent employee gets a promotion. He can safely climb the career ladder to become a network manager.

How can a graduate of the specialty "Trade" work?

Among the most popular professions that make it possible to master the specialty "Trade", whom to work, you can choose, even if you do not continue your studies further:

  • Intermediary (broker).
  • Trade representative
  • Sales manager who regulates sourcing and works with customers.
  • Commodity expert.
  • Merchandiser and supervisor.

A sales manager will always find something to do in a small store. After gaining experience, you can go to work in a company that has a network of retail establishments. A commodity specialist and a specialist in document circulation in trade will calmly move to the logistics department or to a warehouse, he can hire sellers, warehouse employees, managers. Depending on the powers, the trade organizer may be engaged in the development of a market analysis plan, control over the departments of stores, the network, the logistics of the company.

Young graduates can apply for the position of manager in the trading floor, be engaged in purchases, sales, and take the position of a senior seller. For those striving for career growth, it is really possible to take the position of a manager of a trading establishment, director of logistics and sales, senior marketer and others.

Moscow universities that graduate such specialists

In the capital, there is an opportunity to get higher education in this specialty in several educational institutions. These are the following universities in Moscow, which are rightfully considered prestigious higher educational institutions:

  • MGUTiU them. Razumovsky (Moscow State University of Technology and Management).
  • State Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russian University of Economics).
  • NUST (National Research Technological University) MISiS.
  • RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service).
  • RSSU (Russian State Social University).

In addition to the above, "Trade" is taught by universities and others that have the highest level of accreditation. They are less well-known, but at the same time they can give the student a decent education. You can study both on a contract basis and in budgetary places.

What subjects are students studying?

Undoubtedly, the most important subjects that the "Trade" faculty offers to study for the future profession are "Economics", "Marketing", "Pricing", "Commodity Science". In addition to highly specialized subjects, subjects are studied that increase the professional level of a future specialist. These are "Advertising", "Management", "Commercial Law", "Computer Technologies", "Psychology" and others. "Commerce", "Trade business", "Organization functioning", "Accounting", "Trade innovations" are necessarily studied.

Forms of education

You can get education both on a full-time basis and in absentia. In addition to traditional forms of education, there are evening and mixed education systems. The future trade specialist will receive a bachelor's degree in full-time in four years, in correspondence - in five years. For a higher level of education, there is a master's degree "Trade", where you need to work a little more. You can study for three years if you first graduate from a specialized college or already have one higher education.

Trade business (Marketing in trade)

Trade business (Marketing in trade)

Bachelor directions "Trade" on the profile "Marketing in trade" prepares for the following professional activities: trade and technological; organizational and managerial; logistic; research and design.

Do you know the names of such great marketers as Philip Kotler, Jack Trout, Peter Druket, Sergio Ziman? Or the names of our successful compatriots such as Igor Mann, Yegor Yakovlev, Mikhail Dymshits? All of these people are marketers. All of them are the arbiters of the destinies of huge corporations, the most famous companies with megabrands.

If you feel talented and want to become one of the famous marketers, then this specialty is for you! Marketing is a versatile activity. If an analyst, an artist, a mathematician, and a poet live in you at the same time, then this specialty is for you!

The interest of young people in this specialty is understandable. After all, a future specialist is, first of all, a specialist with basic mathematical, solid economic education.

Applicants take the Unified State Exam in Russian language, mathematics and social studies.

Profile "Marketing in sales activities" provides an opportunity for students to gain extensive knowledge in a combination of fundamental training in the field of economics with a thorough scientific training in the field of market research and company patterns.

Marketers are equally well versed in the problems of modern market relations, the requirements of consumers and the capabilities of companies to satisfy them, the interaction of the enterprise with market players, the schemes of interaction of structural divisions in the company, which ensure the strengthening of the efficiency of the enterprise.

Graduates possess the skills of strategic, economic and operational planning in a market economy, the analysis and coordination of the activities of all structures of the enterprise, taking into account changes in market conditions; have experience in using key marketing tools to regulate enterprise strategy in a competitive environment.

This knowledge and skills of graduates of this specialty allow them to apply for prestigious work in serious organizations. Marketers are in stable demand in the labor market, with good prospects for further professional and career growth.

In the process of passing practice students learn to analyze the market situation, ensure the competitiveness of the goods and services being promoted; use information technology to solve marketing problems; determine the degree of financial stability of the enterprise and its business activity, the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activity; develop a product policy of an enterprise (organization); choose the right goals, methods and strategies for pricing for domestic and international markets; develop a strategy for the marketing activities of the enterprise (organization); create a communication system for the promotion of goods and services, form the image of the enterprise.

Employment opportunities for marketers are quite extensive: they can carry out their professional activities as managers and specialists of marketing services of enterprises, commercial organizations of organizational and legal forms and companies; product group and brand managers; sales promotion managers; sales managers; employees in marketing research units, advertising agencies, in federal and regional chambers of commerce and industry, property management services of the administration, centers for the examination of goods and projects, marketing services of various firms and companies.

According to a study by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, marketing specialists will be among the five most scarce specialties on the labor market in Russia until 2020.

Previously, this state standard had a number 351300 (according to the Classifier of directions and specialties of higher professional education)






Qualification: Commerce Specialist

Introduced from the moment of approval

Moscow 2000

  2. 351300 COMMERCE (trade)

  3. The specialty is approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 03/02/2000, No. 686
  4. The qualification of the graduate is a specialist in commerce.
  5. The normative term for mastering the main educational program for the preparation of a graduate in the specialty 351300 Commerce (trade) with full-time education is 5 years.

  6. Qualification characteristics of the graduate.

A commerce specialist is a specialist in organizing processes related to the purchase and sale, exchange and promotion of goods from manufacturers to consumers in order to meet customer demand and make a profit.

The area of ​​professional activity of a commerce specialist is the sphere of commodity circulation.

The objects of commerce, as the professional activity of graduates, are goods. Goods should be understood as products of the branches of material and non-material production that entered the market for sale and purchase or exchange (consumer goods, industrial and technical goods, services, real estate, securities, loans, spiritual and informational, intellectual product, etc.) ).

The graduate must be prepared to perform the following types of professional activity:

  • commercial and organizational;
  • research;
  • design and analytical.

Specific types of activities are determined by the content of the educational professional program developed by the university.

Graduates can work in educational institutions in accordance with the established procedure.

A commerce specialist must be prepared for the following professional tasks:

a) commercial and organizational activities:

  • selection of goods and formation of a product range, selection of buyers and suppliers;
  • planning and organizing the processes of purchasing and selling goods;
  • organization of commercial settlements;
  • organization of product distribution and creation of a sales promotion system;
  • inventory management;

b) research activities:

  • research and analysis of commodity markets;
  • research of assortment and competitiveness of goods;
  • research and modeling of business technologies;
  • analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of commercial activities;
  • research of information and methodological support of commercial activity with the aim of its optimization;

c) design and analytical activities:

  • design of information support for commercial activities;
  • forecasting the conjuncture of commodity markets;
  • forecasting and designing the range of goods;
  • forecasting and development of a strategy for the commercial activity of an enterprise in the commodity market;
  • designing promotion processes and selling goods on the market;
  • forecasting the results of commercial activities of the enterprise.

1.4. Continuing education opportunities

A graduate who has mastered the basic educational program of higher professional education in the specialty 351300 Commerce (trade) is prepared to continue his education in graduate school.


2.1. The previous level of education of the applicant is secondary (complete) general education.

2.2. The applicant must have a state-recognized document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, or primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receiving a secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.


351300 COMMERCE (trade)

3.1. The main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, curriculum of academic disciplines, programs of educational and industrial practices.

3.2. Requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist, for the conditions of its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.

3.3. The main educational program for graduate training consists of disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student's choice, as well as optional disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle should substantively complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

3.4. The main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist should provide for the study by the student of the following cycles of disciplines and the final state certification:

GSE cycle - general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EN cycle - general mathematical and natural science disciplines;

OPD cycle - general professional disciplines;

DS cycle - disciplines of specialization;

cycle FTD - electives.


Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours

General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Federal component

Foreign language

Specificity of articulation of sounds, intonation, accentuation and rhythm of neutral speech in the target language; the main features of the full style of pronunciation, typical for the field of professional communication; reading transcription.

The lexical minimum in the amount of 4000 educational lexical units of a general and terminological nature.

The concept of differentiation of vocabulary by spheres of application (everyday, terminological, general scientific, official and other).

The concept of free and stable phrases, phraseological units.

The concept of the main ways of word formation.

Grammar skills that provide general communication without distorting the meaning in written and oral communication; basic grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech.

The concept of everyday-literary, official-business, scientific styles, the style of fiction. The main features of the scientific style.

Culture and traditions of the countries of the studied language, the rules of speech etiquette.

Speaking. Dialogue and monologue speech using the most common and relatively simple lexical and grammatical means in the main communicative situations of unofficial and official communication. Basics of public speech (oral communication, report).

Listening. Understanding of dialogical and monologue speech in the field of everyday and professional communication.

Reading. Types of texts: simple pragmatic texts and texts on a wide and narrow profile of the specialty.

Letter. Types of speech works: abstract, abstract, abstracts, messages, private letter, business letter, biography.

Physical education

Physical culture in general cultural and professional training of students. Its socio-biological foundations. Physical culture and sports as social phenomena of society. The legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports. Physical culture of the individual. Fundamentals of a student's healthy lifestyle. Features of the use of physical culture means to optimize performance.

General physical and special training in the system of physical education.

Sport. Individual choice of sports or exercise system.

Professionally applied physical training of students.

The basics of the methodology of self-study and self-control over the state of your body.

National history

Essence, forms, functions of historical knowledge. Methods and sources of the study of history. The concept and classification of a historical source. Domestic historiography in the past and present: general and special. Methodology and theory of historical science. The history of Russia is an integral part of world history.

Ancient heritage in the era of the Great Nations Migration. The problem of the ethnogenesis of the Eastern Slavs. The main stages of the formation of statehood. Ancient Russia and nomads. Byzantine-Old Russian ties. Features of the social structure of Ancient Russia. Ethnocultural and socio-political processes of the formation of Russian statehood. Adoption of Christianity. The spread of Islam. Evolution of East Slavic statehood in the XI-XII centuries. Socio-political changes in the Russian lands in the XIII-XV centuries. Russia and the Horde: problems of mutual influence.

Russia and the medieval states of Europe and Asia. The specifics of the formation of a unified Russian state. Rise of Moscow. Formation of the estate system of the organization of society. Reforms of Peter I. Age of Catherine. Preconditions and features of the formation of Russian absolutism. Discussions about the genesis of autocracy.

Features and main stages of the economic development of Russia. Evolution of land ownership. The structure of feudal land tenure. Serfdom in Russia. Manufacturing and industrial production. Formation of an industrial society in Russia: general and special. Social thought and features of the social movement in Russia in the XIX century. Reforms and reformers in Russia. Russian culture XIX century and its contribution to world culture.

Role XX centuries in world history. Globalization of social processes. The problem of economic growth and modernization. Revolutions and reforms. Social transformation of society. Clash of tendencies of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism. Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. The objective need for the industrial modernization of Russia. Russian reforms in the context of global development at the beginning of the century. Political parties of Russia: genesis, classification, programs, tactics.

Russia in the conditions of world war and a nationwide crisis. Revolution of 1917 Civil war and intervention, their results and consequences. Russian emigration. Socio-economic development of the country in the 20s. NEP. Formation of a one-party political regime. Formation of the USSR. The cultural life of the country in the 20s. Foreign policy.

The course towards building socialism in one country and its consequences. Socio-economic transformations in the 30s. Strengthening the regime of Stalin's personal power. Resistance to Stalinism. USSR on the eve and in the initial period of the Second World War. The Great Patriotic War.

Socio-economic development, social and political life, culture, foreign policy of the USSR in the post-war years. Cold War.

Attempts to implement political and economic reforms. Scientific and technological revolution and its influence on the course of social development.

USSR in the middle of 60-80 years: the growth of crisis phenomena. Soviet Union in 1985-1991 Restructuring. The 1991 coup attempt and its failure. The collapse of the USSR. Belovezhskie agreements. October events of 1993

Formation of a new Russian statehood (1993-1999). Russia on the path of radical socio-economic modernization. Culture in modern Russia. Foreign policy activity in a new geopolitical situation.


The structure and composition of modern culturological knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and history of culture. Theoretical and Applied Culturology.

Methods of cultural studies. Basic concepts of culturology: culture, civilization, morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communication, cultural values ​​and norms, cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social institutions of culture, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and popular culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and “middle” cultures. Local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Trends in cultural universalization in the global modern process. Culture and nature. Culture and society. Culture and global problems of our time.

Culture and personality. Inculturation and socialization.

Political science

Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science. Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in the life of modern societies. Social functions of politics.

History of political doctrines. Russian political tradition: origins, sociocultural foundations, historical dynamics. Modern political science schools.

Civil society, its origin and characteristics. Features of the formation of civil society in Russia.

Institutional Aspects of Policy. Political power. Politic system. Political regimes, political parties, electoral systems.

Political relations and processes. Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. Political technologies. Political management. Political modernization.

Political organizations and movements. Political elites. Political leadership. Sociocultural aspects of politics.

World politics and international relations. Features of the world political process. National and state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation.

Methodology of cognition of political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge; political analytics and forecasting.


State and law. Their role in the life of society.

The rule of law and regulations.

The main legal systems of our time. International law as a special system of law. Sources of Russian law. Law and regulations.

The system of Russian law. Branches of law. Offense and legal liability.

The importance of legality and law and order in modern society. Constitutional state.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law of the state. Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of public authorities in the Russian Federation.

The concept of civil legal relationship. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership.

Obligations in civil law and responsibility for their violation. Inheritance law.

Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Family Law Responsibility.

Labor agreement (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation.

Administrative offenses and administrative responsibility.

Crime concept. Criminal liability for committing crimes. Environmental law.

Features of the legal regulation of future professional activities.

Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Legislative and normative legal acts in the field of information protection and state secrets.

Psychology and pedagogy

Psychology: subject, object and methods of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. The history of the development of psychological knowledge and the main directions in psychology. Individual, personality, subject, individuality.

Psyche and organism. Mind, behavior and activity. The main functions of the psyche.

The development of the psyche in the process of ontogenesis and phylogenesis.

Brain and psyche. The structure of the psyche. The ratio of consciousness and unconsciousness. Basic mental processes. The structure of consciousness.

Cognitive processes. Feeling. Perception. Performance. Imagination. Thinking and intelligence. Creation. Attention. Mnemic processes.

Emotions and feelings. Mental regulation of behavior and activity. Communication and speech. Psychology of Personality.

Interpersonal relationships. Small group psychology.

Intergroup relationships and interactions. Pedagogy: object, subject, tasks, functions, methods of pedagogy. The main categories of pedagogy: education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical technology, pedagogical task.

Education as a universal human value. Education as a sociocultural phenomenon and pedagogical process. Educational system of Russia. Goals, content, structure of lifelong education, the unity of education and self-education.

Pedagogical process. Educational, upbringing and developmental training functions. Education in the pedagogical process.

General forms of organizing educational activities. Lesson, lecture, seminar, practical and laboratory classes, debate, conference, test, exam, extracurricular activities, consultation.

Methods, techniques, means of organizing and managing the pedagogical process. The family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the socio-cultural environment of upbringing and personal development.

Management of educational systems.

Russian language and culture of speech

Styles of the modern Russian language. Lexicon, grammar, syntax, functional and statistical composition of book speech. Conditions for the functioning of conversational speech and the role of extra-linguistic factors. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors of public speech. Sphere of functioning, species diversity, linguistic features of the official business style. Interpenetration of styles. Specificity of elements of all language levels in scientific speech. Genre differentiation, selection of linguistic means in a journalistic style.

Features of oral public speech. The speaker and his audience. The main types of arguments. Preparation of speech: choice of topic, purpose of speech, search for material, beginning, development and completion of speech. The main methods of searching for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal design of a public speech. Comprehensibility, information content and expressiveness of public speech.

Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of service documents. International properties of Russian formal business writing. Language and style of administrative documents. The language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructional and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Rules of paperwork. Speech etiquette in the document.

Basic units of communication (speech event, speech situation, speech interaction). Normative, communicative, ethical aspects of speaking and writing. The culture of speech and the improvement of literate writing and speaking (literary pronunciation, semantic stress, word order functions, word usage). Non-verbal means of communication. Speech norms of educational and scientific spheres of activity.


Prehistory and socio-philosophical preconditions of sociology as a science. Sociological project of O. Comte. Classical sociological theories. Contemporary sociological theories. Russian sociological thought.

Society and social institutions. The world system and processes of globalization.

Social groups and communities. Types of communities. Community and personality. Small groups and collectives. Social organization. Social movements.

Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status.

Social interaction and social relationships. Public opinion as an institution of civil society.

Culture as a factor of social change. Interaction of economics, social relations and culture.

Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject.

Social change. Social revolutions and reforms are we. Social progress concept. Formation of the e world system. Russia's place in the world community.

Sociological research methods.


The subject of philosophy. Place and role of philosophy in culture. Formation of philosophy. The main directions, schools of philosophy and stages of its historical development. The structure of philosophical knowledge.

The doctrine of being. Monistic and pluralistic concepts of being, self-organization of being. The concept of material and ideal. Space, time. Movement and development, dialectics. Determinism and indeterminism. Dynamic and statistical patterns. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world.

Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Society and its structure. Civil society and the state. A person in the system of social connections. Man and historical process: personality and masses, freedom and necessity. Formation and civilizational concepts of social development.

The meaning of human existence. Violence and Non-Violence. Freedom and responsibility. Morality, justice, law. Moral values. Ideas of the perfect person in different cultures. Aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life. Religious values ​​and freedom of conscience.

Consciousness and cognition. Consciousness, self-awareness and personality. Cognition, creativity, practice. Faith and Knowledge. Understanding and explanation. Rational and irrational in cognitive activity. The problem of truth. Reality, thinking, logic and language. Scientific and non-scientific knowledge. Scientific criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. The growth of scientific knowledge. Scientific revolutions and changes in the types of rationality. Science and technology.

The future of humanity. Global problems of our time. Interaction of civilizations and scenarios of the future.


Introduction to Economic Theory. Good. Needs, resources. An economic choice. Economic relations. Economic systems. The main stages in the development of economic theory. Methods of economic theory.

Microeconomics. Market. Supply and demand. Consumer preferences and marginal utility. Demand factors. Individual and market demand. Income effect and substitution effect. Elasticity. Proposition and its factors. The law of diminishing marginal productivity. Scale effect. Types of costs. Firm. Revenue and profit. The principle of maximizing profits. An offer from a completely competitive firm and industry. The efficiency of competitive markets. Market power. Monopoly. Monopolistic competition. Oligopoly. Antimonopoly regulation. Demand for factors of production. Labor market. Labor demand and supply. Wages and employment. Capital market. Interest rate and investment. Land market. Rent. General equilibrium and well-being. Distribution of income. Inequality. Externalities and public goods. The role of the state.

Macroeconomics. National economy as a whole. Circulation of income and products. GDP and how to measure it. National income. Disposable personal income. Price indices. Unemployment and its forms. Inflation and its types. Economic cycles. Macroeconomic equilibrium. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Stabilization policy. Equilibrium in the commodity market. Consumption and savings. Investments. Government spending and taxes. Multiplier effect. Fiscal policy. Money and its functions. Equilibrium in the money market. Money multiplier. Banking system. Money-credit policy. Economic growth and development. International economic relations. Foreign trade and trade policy. Payment balance. Exchange rate.

Features of the transitional economy of Russia. Privatization. Forms of ownership. Entrepreneurship. Shadow economy. Labor market. Distribution and income. Social transformations. Structural shifts in the economy. Formation of an open economy.

General mathematical and natural sciences

Federal component


Analytical geometry and linear algebra. Differential and integral calculus. Rows. Differential Equations. Elements of the theory of probability. Mathematical methods in economics: linear and dynamic programming; queuing theory; game theory; elements of graph theory.

Computer science

The concept of information, general characteristics of the processes of collection, transmission, processing and accumulation of information; hardware and software for the implementation of information processes; models for solving functional and computational problems; algorithmization and programming; high-level programming languages; Database; software and programming technologies; local and global computer networks. Fundamentals of protection of information and information constituting a state secret; information protection methods. Computer workshop.

The concept of modern natural science

Natural science and humanitarian culture; scientific method; history of natural science; panorama of modern natural science; development trends; corpuscular and continual concepts for describing nature; order and disorder in nature; chaos; structural levels of organization of matter; micro, macro and mega worlds; space, time; principles of relativity; principles of symmetry; conservation laws; interaction; short-range, long-range; condition; principles of superposition, uncertainty, complementarity; dynamic and statistical patterns in nature; energy conservation laws in macroscopic processes; the principle of increasing entropy; chemical processes, reactivity of substances; internal structure and history of geological development of the earth; modern concept of the development of geospheric shells; lithosphere as an abiotic basis of life; ecological functions of the lithosphere: resource, geodynamic, geophysical-geochemical, geographic shell of the Earth; features of the biological level of organization of matter; principles of evolution, reproduction and development of living systems; the diversity of living organisms is the basis for the organization and sustainability of the bio-sphere; genetics and evolution; person: physiology, health, emotions, creativity, efficiency; bioethics, man, biosphere and cosmic cycles: noosphere, non-reversibility of time, self-organization in living and non-living nature; principles of universal evolutionism; the path to a common culture.

National-regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university

General professional disciplines

Federal component

Economic theory

Economics subject; introduction to economics: preconditions for the formation and development of the market, division of labor, property relations, competitive market; the unity of value, value and price in the theories of labor value, costs and factors of production, utility, supply and demand; money, monetary circulation and monetary policy.

Demand, consumer choice, cost and supply; enterprise and forms of competition; types of market structures: perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly; factor markets and income distribution; economics of agricultural and natural resources.

National economy, aggregate supply and demand, price level, fiscal policy; macroeconomic problems of inflation and unemployment; major macroeconomic schools; macroeconomic equilibrium and economic growth; government regulation, fiscal and monetary policy; socio-economic well-being and inequality; economic systems and their transition; general theoretical models of socio-economic systems and their national characteristics; world economy.


General theory of statistics: subject, method and tasks; observation; information; summary of observation materials; groupings and grouping signs; summarizing statistical indicators in analysis and forecasting; the use of averages, indicators of variation, sampling, index, graphical methods, as well as the study of the dynamics of commercial activities.

Business statistics: statistical study of trade in goods and services; inventory statistics and turnover; statistical study of prices and pricing in commerce; business infrastructure statistics; commerce finance statistics; investment statistics in commerce; statistics of labor and consumer services in commercial activities. Statistical methods for evaluating and forecasting commercial activities.

Accounting, audit

The essence of accounting; balance sheet of the enterprise; accounting: cash and settlements; production stocks; fixed assets and intangible assets; capital and financial investments; finished products and their sales; funds, reserves and loans; and analysis of financial results and use of profits; financial statements; principles of production accounting. Accounting on a personal computer. International accounting. Auditing activity. Auditing firms. Legal basis for auditing.

Finance, money circulation and credit.

The essence and role of finance. Financial system. Business finance. Budget. Extrabudgetary funds. Insurance. Credit and banking system. Money-credit policy. Methods for regulating money turnover. Cash and non-cash transactions. Forms of credit relations. Financial market.

Enterprise economy

Organizational and legal forms of enterprises. Resources of the enterprise: fixed assets, circulating assets, personnel.

Economic foundations for the development of commercial enterprises. An enterprise in the system of market relations. The main indicators of the company's development: turnover, profit. Composition and structure of trade, patterns of development. Commodity support of commodity circulation, commodity resources. Sources of income. Costs of circulation at the enterprise.

Costs and prime cost of products and services. Cost structure and optimization.

Taxes and tax system.

Prices and pricing.

Planning income and expenses.

The influence of the external environment on the economic indicators of the commercial activity of the enterprise.

Commercial risk. Survival of the enterprise.

Profit and profitability. The efficiency of the functioning of a commercial enterprise.

Economic analysis of the commercial activities of the enterprise.


Concept, essence, patterns, principles and main categories of management. Evolution of management concepts. History and features of Russian management. Organization as a management system, life cycle and types of organizations, strategic management of the organization. Formal and informal groups in the organization. Management functions (planning, organization, motivation, control), their relationship and dynamics. Types of organizational management structures, principles of designing the management structure of organizations. Management methods: economic, organizational and administrative, social and psychological. Decisions in management: requirements for decisions, stages of adoption, performance evaluation. Design principles of optimal labor motivation systems. Forms of power and influence. The main theories of leadership, organic functions of the leader. Self-management. Adapting leadership styles to business situations. Conflict, stress and change management. Assessment of management efficiency.


Essence, goals, basic principles and functions of marketing. Marketing development evolution. Marketing concept. Marketing environment and its structure. Consumer priority.

Marketing research. Segmentation. Choosing a target market. Marketing strategies.

Marketing mix: product, price, distribution, promotion.

Marketing management. Marketing plans system. Evaluation and control of marketing. Organization of marketing services. Areas of marketing application. Marketing and Society.

Business fundamentals

Commercial activity. Concept. Subject and method. Objects and subjects. Spheres of application. Development history in Russia and abroad. Role in the training of the Commerce graduate.

Methodological foundations: goals and objectives, structure and content; factors that determine the development of commercial activities, methods of research, organization and modeling.

Components of commercial activities: research of commodity markets, selection of goods and formation of an assortment, determination of the volume of purchases and sales of goods, conducting commercial negotiations, concluding sales contracts; commercial settlements, purchase and delivery of goods; formation and planning of inventory, organization and management of the processes of goods movement and sale of goods; service maintenance.

State regulation and regulation of commercial activities of enterprises by industry and application.

Financial and logistical support for commercial activities. Sources of development.

Commercial results.

Exchange business

Commodity exchanges and their activities in the market. The history of the development of exchange trading and its tendencies. Exchange as a form of organized market. Types of exchanges. Regulation of exchange activities. Governing bodies and organizational structure of the commodity exchange. Exchange transactions, their essence. Hedging. Brokerage firm, its place on the stock exchange. Organization of exchange trading and its participants. Exchange commodity. The economic role of commodity exchanges and analysis of their activities. Material and technical security of commodity exchanges.

Stocks and bods market. Securities as an exchange commodity. Organization of exchange trading with securities. Foreign exchange market and foreign exchange transactions. Organization of commercial activities by brokerage firms in the securities market.

Organization and technology of foreign trade operations

The nature of the foreign trade operation and its types. Organizational forms of international trade (MT) in raw materials, finished goods, and the results of intellectual activity. Purchase and sale of goods and services. Stages of preparation and organization of the transaction. Organizational and legal forms of participants in international commercial transactions. Intermediary agents in the international market. International transport operations. Basic transport terms of delivery. Transport conditions of contracts of purchase and sale. Services associated with the implementation of transport operations. Management of transportation of goods of the foreign economic complex. The main transport documentation in foreign economic relations.

Standardization, metrology and certification

Basics of standardization. Basics of metrology. Basics of certification. Normative documents and organization of work on standardization, ensuring the uniformity of measurements and certification. State control and supervision over compliance with the requirements of state standards, metrological norms, rules of mandatory and voluntary certification. Responsibility for violation of the requirements of regulatory documents. Certification of products and services. Quality systems certification. International cooperation in the field of standardization, metrology and certification.

Merchandising and examination of goods

Merchandising: basic concepts, goals and objectives. The use value of a commodity as a subject of commodity science. The relationship between use and exchange value. Fundamental commodity characteristics as important criteria for the competitiveness of goods. Methods of commodity research: a systematic approach, classification and coding of goods. Classifiers.

Assortment of goods: types, properties, indicators, methods of formation and management. Assortment policy.

Quality: properties, indicators, their classification, quality assessment.

Consumer properties: nomenclature, indicators, methods of their determination. Safety and environmental friendliness.

Factors that form and maintain quality: raw materials, production technologies, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage. Quality control.

Information about the product and its importance in commercial activities.

Expertise: concept, goals and objectives. Identification and falsification of goods. Types and methods of examination. Organization and procedure. Documenting.

Assortment, quality and expertise of certain groups of goods.

Organization, technology and design of enterprises

Commercial enterprises, their types, types, functions. Trade and technological process. Features of its organization and management. The importance of individual components of the trade and technological process in the organization and design of wholesale, retail and various trade and intermediary structures.

Organization of labor and management at enterprises.

Principles, norms and methods for the design of commercial enterprises, the organization of their construction and overhaul.

Technical equipment.

Operating rules and safety standards. Occupational Safety and Health.

Commercial law

Subject and its importance in commercial activities; subjects of commercial activity; the most important types of contracts; non-contractual obligations; settlement and credit legal relations; legal protection of property; legal relations of subjects of commercial activity with state authorities and administration;

Legal bases of foreign trade turnover: concept; sources; legal foundations of the mechanism for its implementation; the legal status of Russian and foreign subjects of foreign trade turnover; legal regulation of export and import of goods; foreign economic transactions; contracts for the international sale (supply) of goods; legal regulation of customs; the procedure for resolving disputes between participants in foreign economic relations.

Information technology in business

General information about information technologies, their use in commercial activities; basic principles, methods and properties of information technologies, their effectiveness; automated workstations (AWP), their local networks; spreadsheets, databases and data banks, their use in commercial information systems; integrated information systems in commercial activities, problem-oriented software packages for industries and areas of activity; expert systems and decision support systems, modeling and forecasting in commercial activities. National and international information networks and their interaction. Electronic data exchange. International information exchange system.

National-regional (university) component

Disciplines and courses of the student's choice, established by the university (faculty)

Disciplines of specialization

Federal component

Organization of commercial activities of enterprises (by industry and application)

Organizational and legal forms of functioning of enterprises by industry and application. Organization of commercial services and management of commercial activities of enterprises. Information support for commercial activities.

Supply planning, sales and organization of commercial activities in industry, agriculture and other areas. Sales promotion.

Features of the organization and management of commercial activities of enterprises of wholesale, retail trade, trade and intermediary structures.

Peculiarities of assortment formation, organization of purchases, supplies, commodity circulation and sale (marketing) of goods, service in enterprises by branches of the national economy and spheres of commercial activity. Models of building and conducting commercial activities of enterprises. Commercial innovation.

Analysis and strategic planning of the commercial activities of the enterprise.

Organization of commercial activities in the market infrastructure (real estate, banks, insurance and leasing companies, engineering, know-how, etc.).

Transport support for commercial activities

The current state of the transport system in Russia. Transport security and transport management system. Freight transportation. Railway transport. Automobile transport. Sea transport. Inland waterway transport. Air Transport. Pipeline transport. Specialized and non-traditional modes of transport. Industrial transport. Transportation planning and organization. Economic indicators for assessing the work of transport. Principles and methods of transport selection. Direct multimodal transport and their efficiency. Container and package transportation. Freight transport costs and transport tariffs. Continuous cold chain (CCC). Insulated wagons and containers. Organization of transportation of perishable goods. Transportation of perishable goods by sea vessels

Commercial logistics

The concept, method and function of logistics. Forecasting logistics requirements. Strategy and planning in commercial logistics. Purchase logistics, wholesale logistics. Storage and warehouse handling system. Service in commercial logistics. Inventory Management. Transport services. Logistics information support. Logistics mediation. Control and management in commercial logistics. Features of logistics in industry areas.


Customs in the Russian Federation. Legal basis for organization and activities. Cooperation of the customs service with countries of the near and far abroad in the field of customs. Fundamentals of customs regulation of the passage of goods across the border. Issues of registration as participants in foreign economic relations, admission and declaration of goods, movement across the border, the procedure for filling out a customs declaration, customs payments, licensing and quotas for export and import operations. The specifics of customs regulation of certain issues: the organization and functioning of customs warehouses, the procedure for the import and export of goods for processing, especially the legal regulation of issues of admission and declaration of some goods. Customs control issues within the CIS member states.

National-regional (university) component


Military training

Total hours of theoretical training - 8154


- 756 hours - 8910 hours


5.1. The term for mastering the main educational program for the preparation of a graduate in full-time education is 260 weeks, including:

  • theoretical training, including research work of students, workshops, including laboratory, as well as examination

sessions, 187 weeks;

Practices - at least 14 weeks,


educational - introductory - 2 weeks,

production - 12 weeks

Final state certification, including preparation and defense of the final qualifying work for at least 9 weeks;

Holidays (including 8 weeks of postgraduate leave) no more than 50 weeks.

5.2. For persons with secondary (complete) general education, the terms of mastering the basic educational program for the preparation of a graduate in part-time (evening) and part-time forms of study, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of education, is increased by the university to one year relative to the standard period established by clause 1.2 of this state educational standard.

5.3. The maximum volume of a student's study load is set at 54 hours per week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.

5.4. The volume of classroom studies of a student in full-time education should not exceed an average of 27 hours per week for the period of theoretical training. At the same time, the specified volume does not include compulsory practical classes in physical culture and classes in optional disciplines.

5.5. In the case of part-time (evening) training, the volume of classroom studies must be at least 10 hours per week.

5.6. In the case of part-time studies, the student must be provided with the opportunity to study with a teacher in the amount of at least 160 hours per year.

5.7. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be 7-10 weeks, including at least two weeks in winter.


6.1. Requirements for the development of a basic educational program for the training of a commerce specialist

6.1.1. The higher educational institution independently develops and approves the main educational program of the university for the preparation of a graduate on the basis of this state educational standard.

Disciplines of the student's choice are compulsory, and the optional disciplines provided by the curriculum of a higher education institution are not compulsory for the student to study.

Term papers (projects) are considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and are performed within the hours allotted for its study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of a higher educational institution, a final grade must be given (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory or passed, not credited).

Specializations are part of the specialty within which they are created and involve the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge, skills and abilities in various fields of activity in the profile of this specialty.

In the main educational programs, which have the words “by industry” or “by type” in their name, the specificity of training for a particular industry or type is taken into account primarily through the disciplines of specialization.

6.1.2. When implementing the main educational program, a higher educational institution has the right

  • change the amount of hours allocated for mastering educational material for discipline cycles - within 5%;
  • to form a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, which should include the eleven basic disciplines given in this state educational standard, as mandatory the following 4 disciplines: “Foreign language” (in the amount of at least 340 hours), “Physical culture” (in volume not less than 408 hours), "Domestic history", "Philosophy". The rest of the basic disciplines can be implemented at the discretion of the university. At the same time, it is possible to combine them into interdisciplinary courses while maintaining the mandatory minimum content. If the disciplines are part of general professional or special training (for humanitarian and socio - economic areas of training (specialties)), the hours allocated for their study can be redistributed within the cycle.

Classes in the discipline "Physical culture" in part-time (evening), part-time forms of study and external studies can be provided taking into account the wishes of the students;

Teach general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of author's lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical lessons, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional, national-ethnic, professional specifics, as well as research preferences teachers who provide qualified coverage of the subjects of the disciplines of the cycle;

  • to establish the necessary depth of teaching of individual sections of disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic, mathematical and natural-scientific disciplines, in accordance with the profile of the cycle of disciplines of specialization;
  • when forming the main educational program, the university (faculty) is obliged to highlight:
  • for each natural science discipline (with full-time education) at least 50% of the labor intensity for classroom studies with students, of which

laboratory work (workshop) at least 30% of the volume of hours; as part of the national-regional (university) component, half of the number of hours should be allocated to the disciplines of the student's choice;

  • to establish the names of specializations in the specialties of higher professional education, the names of disciplines of specializations, their volume and content, in excess of that established by this state educational standard, as well as the form of control over their development by students;
  • to implement the main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist in a short time for students of a higher educational institution with secondary vocational education of the corresponding profile or higher vocational education. The reduction in terms is carried out on the basis of the existing knowledge, skills and abilities of students obtained at the previous stage of professional education. In this case, the duration of training must be at least three years. Training in a shorter time frame is also allowed for persons whose educational level or ability is a sufficient basis for this.

6.2. Requirements for the staffing of the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist should be provided by teaching staff who, as a rule, have a basic education corresponding to the profile of a specialist training and are systematically engaged in scientific and / or scientific and methodological activities; teachers of special disciplines, as a rule, must have an academic degree and / or sufficient experience in the relevant professional field.

6.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist should be ensured by access of each student to library funds and databases, according to the content corresponding to the full list of disciplines of the main educational program, the availability of teaching aids and recommendations for all disciplines and for all types of workshops, course and diploma design, practices, as well as visual aids, audio, video and multimedia materials.

The following disciplines should be provided by laboratory workshops: Standardization, metrology and certification, Commodity science and examination of goods.

The information base should provide training for a highly qualified specialist and include: professional journals (Kommersant, Demand, Foreign Trade, etc.), modern educational computer programs for this specialty and the necessary educational and methodological literature according to the lists recommended by the UMO.

The library fund must contain textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines for all disciplines of the curriculum in an amount of at least 0.5 copies per student.

6.4. Requirements for the material and technical support of the educational process

A higher educational institution that implements the main educational program for the training of a commerce specialist must have a material and technical base that meets the current sanitary and technical standards and provides for all types of laboratory, practical, disciplinary and interdisciplinary training and research work of students provided for by the approximate curriculum.

6.5. Requirements for the organization of practices

There are two types of practice: educational and familiarization and production. The content, goals and objectives of each type of practice are determined in the corresponding programs that are developed by the graduating departments, coordinated with adjacent departments and approved by the Faculty Councils.

Educational and familiarization practice is carried out at the leading enterprises of the industry.

Industrial practice should be carried out at enterprises corresponding to the profile of specialist training, having qualified personnel to manage the practice, an appropriate material, technical and information base.


7.1. Requirements for the professional training of a specialist

A graduate with a degree in Commerce (trade) must be able to solve problems corresponding to his qualifications specified in clause 1.2 of this state educational standard.

The commerce professional should know:

  • fundamentals of humanitarian, socio-economic, mathematical and natural science disciplines for solving professional, social, scientific and pedagogical problems;
  • informational and methodological support of commercial activities;
  • methods of research, analysis and forecasting of commodity markets and product range;
  • features of modeling business technologies;
  • technology for the formation of a product range and ways to optimize it;
  • the process of purchasing goods: sources of supply of goods, systems for selecting suppliers, the procedure for concluding and executing sales contracts;
  • the procedure for placing orders and settlements with suppliers;
  • methods for determining the volume of purchases and deliveries of goods and methods of their delivery;
  • regulatory documents governing the rules of transportation, acceptance, warehousing, storage, sale of goods and provision of services;
  • components of the distribution system, their essence, conditions, features of organization, functioning and ways to minimize distribution costs;
  • types of stocks, ways of their formation, accounting and control, methods of planning, optimization and management;
  • forms and methods of selling goods, determining and forecasting its volume;
  • trade and technological processes in commercial activities, especially their organization and management;
  • the organizational structure of the enterprise, the procedure for interaction of the commercial service with other departments;
  • methods of determination and methods of ensuring the effectiveness of the commercial activity of the enterprise;
  • types of commercial projects and innovations, the procedure for their development and use for the development of commercial activities;

should be able to:

  • create an information base for organizing commercial activities;
  • form a product range;
  • organize work with suppliers and buyers;
  • organize and manage the processes of buying and selling and exchanging goods;
  • manage inventory;
  • apply methods to stimulate sales (sales);
  • analyze commercial activities and determine their effectiveness;
  • to model and design commercial activities.

7.2. Requirements for the final state certification of a specialist

7. 2. 1. The final state certification of a graduate includes a final qualifying work and a state exam, which allows to identify theoretical preparation for solving professional problems.

7. 2. 2. Requirements for the final qualifying work of a specialist

The final qualifying work of a commerce specialist is carried out in order to establish the skills and abilities of a graduate and is a complete development in which one or another specific practical task of commercial activity is solved in accordance with clause 1.3.

7. 2. 3. Requirements for the state exam

The final interdisciplinary exam is held in a set of disciplines that provide the basis for professional training, in order to determine the compliance of a graduate's knowledge with the requirements of the State Educational Standard in the specialty 351300 Commerce (trade).


Educational-methodical association for education in the field of commerce

The state educational standard of higher professional education was approved at a meeting of the Council of the Educational and Methodological Association for Education in Commerce on December 2, 1999.

Chairman of the UMO Council ____________ N.P. Vaschekin

Deputy Chairman of the Council of the UMO ___________ S.M. Samarina


Department of educational programs and higher standards

and secondary vocational education ___________ G.K. Shestakov

Head of Department ____________ T.E. Petrova

liberal education


supervising this specialty __________ M.G. Platonov

There is a noticeable shortage of specialists who have a diploma in the specialty "Trade". Who to work in this specialty and why completely diverse organizations require specialists, let's try to figure it out in this article.


About what the specialty "Trade" is, who to work after the university, they can tell at the Open Day of the nearest educational institution. Usually, such events are attended not only by representatives of the university, but also by senior students, even former graduates come. They can tell in more detail how to get a diploma in the specialty "Trade", who to work with, and which organizations a young specialist should boldly go to. And the teachers will tell you how you can enter this specialty.

If a future student is interested in this profession, he can enter the faculty of "Trade". Who to work and what to study, the student will be able to tell already in the first year. When entering a university or college, applicants take exams such as:

  • Russian language;
  • maths;
  • Social Studies.


To receive a diploma in the specialty "Trade", you need to study for at least three years in a college or technical school, at least 5 years - in the full-time department of the university. Distance learning takes one year longer. But already in senior years, students can try to get a job in the specialty "Trade". Who to work, everyone decides independently. Typically, students are offered minor or low-paying positions. But in a good firm, responsible and executive employees rarely stay in low-paid jobs. Perhaps your career will begin as a sales agent or merchandiser.

First profession

In senior courses or after graduation, a young specialist must clearly understand the basics of the profession in the specialty "Trade". Who can work, it is easy to determine by the labor market in each separate region of the country. The standard demand for specialists in this profession is traditionally very high. After all, professional sellers who are able to assess the quality of the product and see its prospects are appreciated in any company. And the ability to sell a product is the main goal of a merchant who has received an education in the specialty "Trade". Who to work then, after receiving a diploma, can be determined based on the availability of vacancies in the labor market. Employment in large trading companies will be especially successful.


As a rule, heads of sales departments prefer to hire specialists with work experience in management positions. But young people can also make their way in life. As statistics show, it is the employees of the trade directions that quickly make their career takeoff and achieve high positions and salaries. This is due to the fact that salespeople bring direct profits to the company, and the quality of their work is reflected in the income of all employees. And although the profession of a sales representative does not pay very high at first, it provides good practical knowledge and invaluable experience of communicating with people. Of course, it is important to apply in practice all the knowledge that was obtained in the study of the discipline "Trade".

Who to work

Feedback from yesterday's students and employers suggests that more often than not, undergraduates or recent graduates start working as merchandisers or sales representatives. Further career growth allows you to hold positions:


The main skills and abilities presented to the holder of a diploma in the specialties "Commerce" or "Trade" are as follows:

Required knowledge

As you can see from this short list of requirements, a young professional must be able to work with people and documents, have an idea of ​​the legal side of the transaction, and must also calculate the real profit from a particular trade agreement. Read the agreement and predict the consequences of the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of this or that clause. Before concluding a contract, it will be useful to find out whether the future client has all the permits and whether they are correctly drawn up.

In addition, knowledge of accounting is required, because a sales representative not only signs contracts with customers, but also makes sure that no overdue debt for the goods or services received is formed on the accounts. The so-called "accounts receivable" is the main indicator of the effectiveness of a sales agent's work - after all, it is important not only to sell your product, but also to get money for it. To do this, you need to be well versed in people and understand how to work with them.

A much greater freedom of action in any trading company is given to successful employees with a good track record, who have long received a diploma in the specialty "Trading". They decide on their own who to work and how to apply the accumulated professional experience. The next step in a sales rep's career can be a supervisor position. This is the name of the heads of sales departments and direct heads of sales representatives.


As you can see, the specialty "Trade" is suitable for people with good organizational skills. Professional specialists in this area are relatively rare, and their work is highly valued. Therefore, for those who are interested in fast career growth and decent pay for their work, it is really worth making an effort to study the intricacies of this profession.

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