Center for traditional garden obstetrics in the Chinese city. Natural childbirth in a maternity hospital. Partner birth: pros and cons

The Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine was created following the example of obstetric services common in Europe today. The main concept of the Center is a harmonious combination of modern clinical achievements with the experience of traditional obstetric art. “Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman’s life, the natural state of her body. It is unacceptable to treat pregnancy as a disease; however, it is possible and necessary to use all the wealth of both traditional and modern means of helping the expectant mother and her child. We are ready to introduce you to such means, provide all possible assistance, and will be happy to share the joy of anticipation with you.”

The proposed monitoring program for pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period is focused on the woman, her individuality, desires and needs. In the Center, equipped with all the necessary equipment, the expectant mother and the medical specialist are equal partners: the specialist provides the necessary information and assistance in full, and the right of choice and decision always remains with the woman. The pregnancy is over, and your long-awaited, wonderful, best baby in the world was born. We are very glad to see you and your baby. We will help you maintain his health from birth and will be there in those difficult moments when the child is sick. We are confident that you, as parents, feel and understand your child's needs very well. And therefore, we will try to make sure that you have the opportunity to choose for your family exactly the doctor with whom you could form common approaches to treatment methods, vaccinations, and ways to improve the health of children.

Services of the Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine (CTA):

  • Home visits
  • Chief physician services
  • Comprehensive services
  • Obstetrics. Gynecology
  • Pediatrics and other services for children
  • Family medicine (homeopathy, manual therapy, psychotherapy)
  • Subspecialists
  • ENT services
  • Oculist services
  • Diagnostic and laboratory tests
  • Ultrasound diagnostics
  • Childbirth preparation courses

Addresses of Traditional Midwifery Centers:
