What Happens During Menstruation? Menstruation as a physiological process. Causes of the onset of menstruation

To maintain reproductive health, it is important for every woman to monitor the regularity of her menstrual cycle and the pattern of bleeding. Normally, 21-36 days pass between menstruation, and the duration of bleeding is from 3 to 8 days. However, it happens that menstruation lasts only a day or 2 days. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "hypomenorrhea" or short periods. Let's figure out in which cases this is the norm, and in which pathology.

Causes of short periods: 1 or 2 days

The reasons for short periods lie in a variety of factors. Allocate primary and secondary hypomenorrhea.

They talk about primary hypomenorrhea when, from the very first menstruation, the girl has short and scanty periods. This is a rare occurrence, most often observed when there are chromosomal abnormalities in a child.

Secondary hypomenorrhea is observed against the background of previous normal menstruation. This may be the result of hormonal disruption or the result of physiological changes in a woman's body: lactation, menopause.

Is it normal that your period lasts 1-2 days

If the duration of menstruation has sharply decreased against the background of a normal menstrual cycle, this is a reason to go to a gynecologist. As a rule, this occurs in the presence of any somatic pathology or in violation of hormonal levels. The doctor will prescribe a full range of tests and conduct an examination.

Short periods can be caused by:

  • Fasting or unhealthy diet low in protein, fat and carbohydrates.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals into the body.
  • Short periods can be due to overwork and prolonged stress in the premenstrual period.
  • The use of individually inappropriate hormonal pills for contraception or treatment, as well as not following the instructions when taking them.
  • Diseases of the endocrine glands: diabetes mellitus, hyper- or hypoparathyroidism, thyrotoxic goiter, hypofunction of the thyroid gland.
  • Infectious and viral diseases can also cause short menstruation. This group includes both acute respiratory infections and inflammatory diseases of the uterus.
  • Another rare reason: exposure to radiation and chemical agents, chronic or acute intoxication.
  • Scanty periods are caused by medical abortion and uterine curettage. In this case, it is a symptom of the onset of infectious complications that require medical correction.

Important! Lean menstruation lasting no more than 2 days is a symptom of a disorder in the body. If the period was only one day and ended, then this means that a serious malfunction has occurred in the body. Contact an antenatal clinic as soon as possible to clarify the cause and get timely medical assistance.

How short periods go

Short periods come a few days ahead of schedule or exactly on schedule, however, bleeding with them is scanty, short-lived. Blood is released in the form of smearing or mucous secretions, which end by the end of the first or second day. As a rule, such menstruation is accompanied by headache or dizziness, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and stool disorders (diarrhea, constipation).

Lean menstruation as a variant of the norm

With normal physiological processes, when the duration of the menstrual cycle has not been established, there may be scant spotting, which women take for menstruation:

Menstruation after lactation

One of the normal physiological conditions of a woman is the postpartum period. The restoration of the previous hormonal background continues for several months. The onset of menstruation marks a scanty, rusty spotting for 1 to 2 days, and this is normal. From next month, full menstruation should come, lasting from 3 days to a week. If this did not happen and the discharge continued, this is an occasion to contact a gynecologist.

Short periods in a teenager

Puberty for a girl is the time to establish a constant menstrual cycle. While the hormonal background is not constant, the girl may occasionally have short periods, which last 1 day and end. If this process has been going on for a long time, then you need to go to the doctor. As a rule, at a young age, these symptoms disappear, the girl has a normal menstrual cycle.

Short periods during pregnancy

It is known that a fertilized egg, when implanted into the lining of the uterus, injures several adjacent uterine arteries. Therefore, at the onset of pregnancy, a woman may notice a meager short-term spotting, which she mistakenly takes for menstruation. They come at the usual time of the menstrual cycle or a week earlier.

Important! As a preventive measure, women of reproductive age with the onset of single short periods are recommended to carry out a pregnancy test to exclude "implantation bleeding".

Lean menstruation with menopause

Menopause is the time when there is a gradual decrease in the production of female sex hormones by the ovaries. Thus, the menstrual function in women decreases gradually, over several months or years. One of the main symptoms of the onset of menopause is short-term spotting, which is accompanied by a decrease in libido, hot flashes, sweating and other symptoms.


Therapy is required only if the pathology that caused the short menstruation has been established. It is selected individually by a doctor depending on the results of tests and gynecological examination. If it is established that the cause of short menstruation is pregnancy, menopause or lactation, then treatment as such is not required. Such patients are advised to enrich their diet with vitamins, take walks in the fresh air every day, and reduce the influence of stress factors.

The menstrual cycle, or MC, is the most important indicator of women's health. The ability to get pregnant and bear a child depends on its regularity and correctness. In addition, MC disorders may indicate the pathology of other systems - for example, endocrine or metabolism. However, over time, a woman's reproductive function fades away, and menstruation stops.

Extinction of reproductive function

Although menstruation is uncomfortable and uncomfortable, when it ends, the woman experiences anxious feelings. The termination of menstruation is called menopause, and the accompanying period is called menopause, or menopause.

Menopause, according to popular belief, is the end of the childbearing period. In addition, it is a sign of approaching old age, osteoporosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and other problems.

That is why many are so worried about the question "When does menstruation stop, and what does it threaten?" To answer it, you need to imagine what happens to the reproductive system of a woman at a certain age.


Actually stopping menstruation, their termination is called menopause. This is a genetically programmed process that depends little on the place of residence or nationality, climate and race.

Natural menopause in most women occurs between 45 and 55 years old, and it is almost impossible to delay its approach. Although there is such a thing as late menopause. In this situation, the menstrual cycle begins to be disrupted only after 55 years.

The opposite happens more often - under the influence of certain factors, menstruation may disappear earlier. This is usually due to the following reasons:

  1. Mental overload.
  2. Physical deprivation.
  3. Severe stress (war, past disasters).
  4. Constant malnutrition.

Menopause does not develop overnight. Usually, the complete cessation of menstruation is preceded by long-term changes in MC. It is difficult to say for sure how long they will last for a particular woman. On average, this period takes from one and a half to two years, and is called premenopausal.

The cycle itself and menstruation can first be shortened and then lengthened. Over time, they become irregular and completely disappear by the end of the premenopausal period. These processes in the female body occur under the influence of sex hormones, the level of which also completely changes by menopause.

After the disappearance of menstruation, the postmenopausal period begins. Usually its onset is noted after 50–55 years.

Postmenopausal period

The postmenopausal period is the period from the date of the last menstrual period to the end of life. It is divided into early and late. The first lasts from five to ten years, and the second - all the remaining time.

The main changes and restructuring in a woman's body occur in the premenopausal period and early postmenopausal period. 1-2 years before and after stopping menstruation are called menopause.

It is important to remember that at this time fertility does not completely disappear, even if menstruation does not go on. And there is a definite possibility of getting pregnant when the couple is not protected. Of course, the likelihood of successful conception in menopause is much lower, but expectant mothers at the age of 45-50 have long surprised no one.

In addition, during menopause, there can be a significant deterioration in the health and well-being of a woman, the appearance of new diseases - for example, arterial hypertension, various hormonal disorders. All these symptoms are combined into a climacteric syndrome, which can cause severe discomfort to patients.

Climacteric syndrome

Probably most women know that the cessation of menstruation is accompanied not only by infertility, but also by increased pressure, irritability, and a feeling of heat in the body.

In practice, the list of unpleasant symptoms in menopause is much longer. These include primarily psychoemotional disorders, among which the most common are:

  • fatigue;
  • decreased performance;
  • tearfulness;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • weakening of memory;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • pain during intercourse of a psychogenic nature.

Very often, patients cannot cope with them on their own and the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist is required.

Also, for climacteric syndrome, neurovegetative disorders are extremely characteristic:

  • sensation of hot flashes.
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache.
  • the appearance of red spots on the skin;
  • thermal lability;
  • chills;
  • paresthesia (a feeling of goose bumps on the body);
  • dry skin;
  • increased pressure;
  • crisis course of arterial hypertension and angina pectoris.

In addition, climacteric syndrome affects the entire body. Metabolic disorders develop. In some patients, this leads to obesity or the appearance of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Lack of calcium and its excessive losses lead to osteoporosis.

Not only the work of the ovaries is disrupted, but also the thyroid gland, the adrenal glands. Atrophy is noted in the genitals, dysfunctional uterine bleeding is not uncommon. Often women often complain of joint and muscle pain.

The climacteric syndrome is perceived more easily when a woman is ready for it and is under the supervision of a doctor. But this is not always the lot of those who are over 45. In some cases, menstruation disappears much earlier, and then doctors talk about premature menopause.

Premature menopause

Premature menopause can occur between the ages of 30 and 40. In medicine, this pathology is called ovarian depletion syndrome, or premature menopause.

It is characterized by the following manifestations:

  1. Sudden cessation of menses.
  2. Reduction of the uterus and mammary glands in size.
  3. Thinning and increased dryness of the mucous membrane.
  4. Decrease in the level of sex hormones.

In addition, other organs and systems begin to suffer - cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine.

Premature ovarian failure can be caused by:

  1. Complications of previous pregnancies (toxicosis and gestosis).
  2. Infectious diseases (toxoplasmosis, rheumatism, measles rubella, tuberculosis).
  3. Occupational or household hazards.
  4. Strong stress.
  5. Genetic predisposition. In this case, the syndrome is observed in women for several generations.

Premature menopause implies damage not only to the ovaries, but also to other genital organs, as well as disorders in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Menopause and menopause are not only physiological or pathological (premature), but also artificially induced.

Artificial menopause

Sometimes the termination of menstruation can be caused artificially. As a rule, this condition is a consequence of stopping the work of the ovaries due to their surgical removal.

The influence of chemotherapy and radiation therapy on these organs also leads to the destruction of their functional apparatus.

What caused the need to suppress the work of the sex glands? Most often, these measures are taken when a malignant tumor, especially hormone-dependent, develops in the ovaries or other organs. In such a situation, blocking their function is extremely important in the selection of therapy.

After the removal of the ovaries, for how many days a deficiency of sex hormones develops and all the symptoms characteristic of menopause are observed, menstruation ends. It can come at any age.

There is another option for the development of artificial menopause. It is about the removal of the uterus for a malignant or benign neoplasm. In this situation, despite the safety of the ovaries, menstruation immediately stops. However, the symptoms characteristic of menopause develop only after a few years and are approaching in terms of natural menopause. If a woman is 50–55 years old, then usually the uterus and ovaries are removed at the same time.

Cessation of menstruation is often perceived negatively by women. However, this period should be considered as another life stage, with new opportunities and discoveries.

Today you will learn about how your periods go, how long they should last and about the quality of your blood. The arrival of menstruation for a girl can be a real shock if you do not discuss this topic with her in advance. This completely natural process should not cause disgust or discomfort in the girl. About how menstruation begins for the first time, how to carry out care procedures and much more, you need to tell the future woman in advance, overcoming all the inconveniences and discomfort during the conversation.


In girls, this period is usually called pubertal. The first menstruation in girls begins already in the middle of this cycle. What happens to the girl at this point in her life? There is a process of transformation from a girl into a mature woman who is able to continue her family. Menstruation in girls also suggests that the reproductive function is neglected, now there is a chance of pregnancy with unprotected intercourse.

How this process starts:

  • the brain transmits a signal to the ovaries at the right time;
  • the latter respond to it by producing hormones;
  • hormones start the process of shaping the girl's body.

It is important to note that there are both visible changes and not. At the time of puberty, the following changes occur:

  • the girl begins to grow;
  • the brain is enlarged;
  • there is an expansion of the hip bones;
  • mammary glands are formed;
  • reproductive organs grow and actively develop;
  • changes occur in the nervous system and much more.

Menstruation occurs about one year after the onset of puberty in the girl. The first menstruation is usually called "menarche". This suggests that the ovaries began to function, and now they are able to produce hormones. Right now, ovulation appears and the likelihood of pregnancy is high.

The first menstruation should normally begin between twelve and fifteen years of age. There are cases when they start much earlier or later. It is important to know that there are many factors that affect the time of the onset of the first menstruation:

  • hereditary information;
  • the degree of physical development;
  • nervous system;
  • there is a lifestyle influence;
  • social environment;
  • knowledge about and inter-sex relations;
  • health status.

Early menstruation occurs between eight and ten years of age, and late menstruation occurs between the ages of 15 and more. The latter option occurs quite often in children who have been ill a lot and have been taking medications for a long period of time. Quite often, hormonal disruptions and abnormal development of the reproductive organs are considered the cause of deviations from the norm.

Cycle time

The girl just needs to be told how her periods go, how long they last, possible problems and how to take care of herself during this period. It is very important to familiarize her with the concept of the duration of the menstrual cycle and teach her how to use the calendar, so as not to get into a "leak".

And so, how should your period go? It is important to know that this question is purely individual, because each organism is special. If there are no health problems, then the cycle should be stable. However, it takes a little time to stabilize the menstrual cycle.

What is a kind of menstrual, readjustment of the body. This process involves:

  • vagina;
  • uterus;
  • ovaries.

It is important for a girl to know that menstruation is a natural process that occurs when hormones are produced by the ovaries. This bleeding from the genital tract should not be frightening or uncomfortable. A cycle is the length of time between the first day of one period and the first day of the next. While the ideal cycle is lunar (28 days), 10 to 45 days is the norm. If you notice a deviation from these norms, or for a long time the cycle has not been established, then you need to consult a gynecologist, because the problem may be in the dysfunction of the ovaries.

Control (calendar method)

We figured out what menstruation means. We repeat again - this is the monthly bleeding from the vagina of every woman. When a girl starts her period, she should be taught to mark these days on the calendar. Why is this needed? Of course, the calendar tracking method helps to determine the length of the cycle and the duration of the menstrual flow.

In addition, the calendar method is a contraceptive method. Thanks to the calendar, you can avoid unwanted pregnancy, as it is possible to calculate the approximate day of ovulation. It is worth noting that this method should be combined with others, because there is a low probability of unwanted pregnancy even on days unfavorable for conception.

Personal hygiene

While menstruation passes, it is necessary to observe it more carefully.This will help to avoid unpleasant sensations, both for the girl and for others.

Everyone knows that the secreted blood has a specific smell. You can get rid of it very simply by observing some rules.

What is discharge during menstruation? This is mostly the top layer of the endometrium. The endometrium lines the walls of the uterus from the inside. It is important to know that this layer needs to be changed over time. As a result, menstruation occurs. During the "cleaning" of the uterus, its cervix expands so that unnecessary parts can come out without any obstacles. A dilated cervix is ​​ideal for bacteria to enter the uterus. They can be contained on a pad or tampon that has not been changed for a long time.

To eliminate unpleasant odors and prevent bacteria from entering, it is worth listening to some hygiene rules:

  • change your pad or tampon every three hours;
  • if possible, take a shower before changing protective equipment;
  • if the last point is impossible to implement, then it will be enough to wash or wipe with a damp cloth;
  • when washing, first of all, you need to clean the perineum and only then the anus (this will be an obstacle for microbes from the rectum to enter the vagina);
  • you can not take a bath and go to the bathhouse.

The last point is mandatory, because the water in the bath is not sterile, therefore, bacteria and microbes can enter the vagina. In addition, hot water and high temperatures promote blood flow to the pelvis and dilatation of the cervix, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter the uterus.

How long does your period go?

So how does a normal period go? Let's start with the fact that menarche, that is, the first menstruation, does not last long, only a couple of days. At the same time, there is practically no blood (just a couple of drops), as a rule, this is a "daub". The normal cycle will be established only after a year and a half.

Please note that the established cycle should not get lost throughout the entire childbearing period of a woman's life. This is very important, if there are deviations, then it is better to visit a gynecologist.

How long does your period last? 10 days, 7 or 2 are all normal limits. For some, they go away quickly enough, but there are cases when periods last up to ten days. There is no need to worry about this, because every organism is individual. Below are some norms for menstruation, if you do not have any deviations from them, then consider that you are completely healthy:

  • The cycle should be in the range from twenty to thirty-five days. The "lunar cycle" is widespread and, according to gynecologists, the most successful (28 days).
  • On average, for women, the duration of menstruation is five days, but the norm is an interval of two to ten days.
  • The intensity of bloody discharge should decrease by the last day of menstruation.
  • It is quite difficult to determine, but, nevertheless, there is a rate of lost blood. Be sure to pay attention to the intensity of the discharge, for the entire cycle you should not lose more than 60 milliliters of blood. This amount is optimal, the woman does not feel any discomfort or malaise, because the loss is quickly restored by the body.

Amount of blood

The amount of bloody discharge during menstruation depends on many factors:

  • the presence of an intrauterine device as a means of contraception increases blood volume and the duration of critical days;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives can reduce blood volume and reduce or increase the number of "red days";
  • hormonal background;
  • existing diseases;
  • heredity;
  • body type;
  • external factors (climate, social environment, and so on);
  • quality of food;
  • the state of the nervous system;
  • age;
  • in women who have given birth, the amount of blood during menstruation increases significantly;

At the same time, the color of menstruation can also say a lot. We will talk about this in the next section of the article. Please note that the amount of blood lost should not exceed 60 milliliters for the entire cycle. If you go beyond this framework, contact your gynecologist, perhaps he will prescribe a special drug for bleeding during menstruation.

The quality of blood secreted during menstruation

The color of menstruation can tell about any disorders and diseases occurring in the female body. Please note that the color, volume and nature of the discharge can change in a woman many times in her life. This process is influenced by many factors.

What are scanty dark periods talking about? As a rule, these are only their harbingers. Brown discharge before menstruation is considered the norm, and you should not worry about this. Also, dark menstruation occurs after abortion and miscarriage, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

The first menstruation should be a bright scarlet color, their number should be minimal. Please note that if menstruation of this nature appeared after the establishment of the cycle (that is, this is not the first menstruation), then it may be endometriosis, which undoubtedly needs to be treated with hormonal drugs.

Brown or black discharge three days before menstruation or earlier may also indicate the presence of endometriosis or an ectopic pregnancy, which poses a serious danger to a woman's life. Take a pregnancy test and go to the gynecologist urgently.

Pain during menstruation

Some girls note that the first day of menstruation is very difficult to endure, as it is accompanied by strong pain. Sad as it may be, there are most of such cases. Seek advice from a gynecologist, and he will help you relieve these sensations with the help of drugs. It is completely pointless to worry about this issue, this is a completely normal state of a girl during her period. Many women claim that after giving birth to a child, they were able to get rid of this symptom.


With the question of how menses go, we figured it out. Now let's take a very brief look at the concept of PMS. This is premenstrual syndrome, which manifests itself differently in everyone. The most common symptoms are:

  • irritability;
  • aggression;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • high temperature;
  • chills;
  • decreased attention and memory;
  • swelling of the breast and more.

Sex during menstruation

It is better to wait a little with an intimate life. Why:

  • from an aesthetic point of view, it is disgusting;
  • during menstruation, there is a high probability of "catching" the disease, because the cervix is ​​open;
  • the likelihood of developing diseases is possible - endometriosis, algodismenorrhea;
  • many believe that it is impossible to become pregnant during menstruation, but this is not so (not one, but two eggs can mature; early ovulation can come, and sperm live in a woman's vagina for up to eleven days);
  • blood is a very bad lubricant during intercourse, because the latter is much thicker than blood;
  • it can alienate the partner.

Menstruation during pregnancy

If you notice spotting while waiting for the baby, then you should immediately go to your doctor. This may indicate some pathologies of pregnancy or the possibility of miscarriage. However, there are cases when a girl has her period during pregnancy. In any case, the presence of bloody discharge during pregnancy is a deviation from the norm.

Menstruation and menopause

At this time, the woman is "reconfiguring" the body, now it will only serve you. It's not that bad. During this period of time, there may be strong disruptions to the menstrual cycle (menstruation comes twice a month, blood is replaced by scanty secretions, and so on). It's quite normal. Be sure to learn to distinguish menopause from pregnancy, because the absence of menstruation occurs in both cases. Menopause has a number of symptoms: vaginal dryness, frequent headaches, prolonged depression, profuse night sweats, and many others.

  • Menstruation is not a special excretory function of the body, without which the body cannot do. This is just the body's reaction to the absence of pregnancy in this particular cycle. Reset already expired settings to create new ones.
  • The main indicator that everything is normal with the reproductive system is the regularity of menstruation, that is, from the beginning of menstruation to the beginning of the next, approximately the same number of days pass +/- 1-3 days.
  • Normally, the interval between menstruation is from 21 to 35 days (with a tolerance of 1-3 days). Single skips of one cycle are not abnormal, but systematic delays are not.
  • If the duration of the cycle has pronounced fluctuations, for example, 21, 35, 24, 42, 23 - this is not the norm, you should consult a doctor.
  • The volume of menstruation should normally be about 80 ml, but in some women, menstruation is normal from the very beginning, without any reason. Then it is the change in the abundance of menstruation that is important - if it becomes abundant - to the doctor.
  • If menstruation suddenly became leaner - this is not a sign of "early menopause", but this is most often influenced by external reasons - weight loss, changes in the nature of diet, regularity of sexual activity, stress, the beginning of active sports, climate change, change in drinking regimen, etc.
  • The color of menstrual flow depends on two indicators: the volume of the discharge and the rate at which it flows out of the uterus. If there is a lot of discharge and it flows out quickly, the discharge is lighter and thinner. If there is little discharge and it flows out slowly, the blood has time to oxidize in the vagina and acquire dark shades, up to black, in addition, clots can form. That is, the color of the clots reflects not the pathology, but the volume of secretions and the speed of their flow.
  • Black thin clots or "black dirt" at the beginning or end of menstruation are menstrual flow from the previous cycle that did not leave the uterus during menstruation. This is normal, no need to worry.
  • It is possible to influence the rate of menstruation, that is, to speed up the process of emptying the uterus: sex and / or orgasm (even obtained independently) is best suited - the contraction of the uterus will increase the discharge, but they will end faster; a warm heating pad on the stomach, classes in the gym; massage of the lower abdomen.
  • To avoid an unpleasant smell during menstruation, you should not resort to perfumery, here are some tips: give preference to loose clothing (skirt, loose pants), change pads and tampons more often, avoid eating certain foods: garlic, broccoli, moldy cheese By the way, even outside of menstruation, these products can change the smell of normal discharge.
  • Never rinse the vagina from discharge, rinse only from the outside. Water entering the vagina can lead to an imbalance in the flora.
  • To relieve pain during menstruation will help: a warm heating pad on the stomach, getting an orgasm, sex, taking painkillers of the NSAID group (ibuprofen); Long-term effect is given by: taking contraceptives, doing yoga and sports in general, meditative practices.
  • Yes, the period of menstruation is not a reason to give up sports and sex - it is not dangerous and even useful, as it relieves pain and facilitates the process. For sex during menstruation, they came up with a special female condom, we do not sell it, you have to order. This condom prevents contamination of the laundry.
  • There is a chance of getting pregnant during menstruation, but the risk is very small. In any case, it is advisable to avoid getting sperm into the vagina. If you are taking contraceptives, the contraceptive effect persists during the period of bloody discharge.
  • During menstruation, it is safe to swim, go to the bath and sauna (remember that after this the intensity of bloody discharge may increase, that is, strengthen the protection), but the duration of the menstruation itself may become shorter.
  • For hygiene during menstruation, it is safest to use a menstrual cup, then pads (no perfume) and tampons last. Remember that it is not recommended to use tampons with scanty bloody discharge, as well as outside bloody discharge, as this contributes to the violation of the flora of the vagina. Always choose tampons that match the intensity of your discharge (one drop less is better than more).
  • If you are going to epilate, remember that it will be most painful 3-4 days before and after your period, and during your period. The rest of the time, the pain will be less. Anyway - good advice - take an ibuprofen (nurofen) tablet 30 minutes before your procedure
  • The onset of menstruation can be accelerated by: sex, especially passionate, active sports (press), visiting a bath or sauna, active massage, stress, etc.
  • Lead to a delay in menstruation can be: stress, climate change, severe course of any disease, surgery, weight loss, weight gain, active sports (especially running), drug use, starting to take antidepressants, drugs for hypertension, psychotropic drugs, antiallergic , chemotherapy, breastfeeding and of course pregnancy.
  • The onset of pregnancy can cause a complete delay in menstruation or menstruation can forgive poorly and unusually. Any change in the nature of menstruation (poorer, in short, with a break) requires a pregnancy test in the morning from the first portion of urine. Remember to always exclude an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy test will also show a positive result.
  • Against the background of breastfeeding, menstruation can recover at any time, but most often there is a complete absence of them until lactation has completely ceased. It is important to remember that during this period, contraception is just as important, since pregnancy is rare, but possible.
  • For any violation of the menstrual cycle, it is imperative to see a gynecologist, but it is more important to do an ultrasound. Without an ultrasound scan, a simple examination by a gynecologist will not be informative. Most often, with ultrasound, you have inflated: an ovarian cyst (or follicular or corpus luteum), polycystic ovaries (if you had a regular cycle before, then you don't need to pay attention to this, they just describe the appearance of the ovaries), they may not reveal any significant pathology or write "anovulatory menstrual cycle." There is no need to be afraid - the identified cysts disappear on their own, or you will simply be prescribed a drug for 10 days and everything will go away after the menstruation has finally come.
  • Endocrine diseases (thyroid disease, diabetes mellitus), pituitary tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc., lead to persistent menstrual irregularities.
  • Quite often, the expected menstruation disrupts plans, for example, a vacation at sea, sports competitions, a date. There is a need to cancel or reschedule your period. It is quite easy to do this if you are taking hormonal contraceptives. In this case, you simply skip the pacifiers or start taking the next pack without interruption and it is safe to do so much as many times as you like (in a row). If you do not take contraceptives, it will not be possible to reliably transfer your period, but there are cases when it was possible to delay the onset of menstruation or to cause them earlier by the force of self-hypnosis - just look every day at the date of the desired start of menstruation marked in the calendar with a circle and very much believe in a miracle. It is not joke)
  • The occurrence of heavy and painful menstruation (if you did not have any before) indicates the presence of a disease (polyp, uterine myoma, adenomyosis, endometrial hyperplasia, etc.) - be sure to contact a doctor. A once profuse painful menstruation with clots, especially after a short delay or, on the contrary, a little ahead of time, may indicate a very early miscarriage. There is nothing wrong with that, usually no medical attention is required, but after menstruation, forgive examination by a doctor, ultrasound, and take an analysis for hCG.

Menstruation is an excellent mirror of a woman's health, her ability to conceive and bear a child, the presence or absence of inflammatory or infectious processes in the body, and general condition. Cycle disturbances, even if the deviation is minor, can indicate both a threat and natural, safe changes to which the body responds.

But, in any case, knowledge of the characteristics of the menstrual cycle, understanding what is normal and what is not, will help not only to learn more about yourself, but also to recognize the upcoming diseases in time.

When does your period start?

The first menstruation occurs in girls at the age of 12-15, when their puberty begins. Due to modern acceleration, the lower bar can shift up to 10-11 years, but still such cases are extremely rare. By the age of 16-17, menstruation should already appear more than once, but normally - go regularly. Lack of menstruation means there are serious problems in the body and requires careful medical research and treatment.

The time of the onset of puberty (when secondary sexual characteristics develop and the hormonal balance changes) is determined by heredity. The start of the physiological changes that a teenager is going through, as well as their character, the characteristics of the course, is genetically laid. To understand how old a girl should have her first period, it makes sense to analyze the age of the onset of menstruation in her mother, grandmother and other direct female relatives.

After the onset of menstruation, the period of the establishment of the cycle begins, which can last up to two years. How long this stage will take is unknown, because each case is individual. During this time, there may be disruptions in the duration of menstruation, an increase or, conversely, a reduction in the pause between secretions, they can appear six months after the first menstruation, they can be scarce or abundant. But after two years (and more often this process fits in only a few months - six months), the cycle is getting better, menstruation should begin to go regularly, starting every 27-29 days, and in the future, its violations should be considered as symptoms of diseases.

How long is your menstrual cycle?

To begin with, you should understand that the menstrual cycle is not the time between menstruation, but the period from the first day of the appearance of the discharge to the first day of their next appearance, which occurs about a month later. According to the World Health Organization, for most women, the cycle length is from 27 to 29 days, the most common is the 28-day cycle - by analogy with the lunar. But this does not mean that if the cycle is less or more, then it is knocked down or the body is acting incorrectly. The appearance of menstruation every 21 to 35 days is also considered the norm.

Only 30% of women all their life after the establishment of the cycle observe regular ideal menstruation, the nature and duration of which does not change throughout their lives. But for most of the fairer sex, menstruation does not always go right, at regular intervals. The cycle is a mobile phenomenon, and it can even experience minor fluctuations in adulthood - within 3-4 days. If they are not accompanied by other painful symptoms, then, most likely, nothing terrible has happened.

In a normal state, menstruation occurs every 27-28 days, the standard length of menstruation is 3-4 days, although normally they can last from 3 to 5 days. If your period lasts 6-7 days, it can be either a hereditary feature (if there are no other symptoms, your period goes well, there are no special complaints), or a sign of a deviation (if there are other complaints).

Why does the cycle break?

By keeping a calendar of the menstrual cycle, any woman can determine how regular her periods are, after how many days the next discharge should appear. Sometimes there are deviations that arise for the following reasons:

  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • An inflammatory process or the presence of an infectious disease caused, respectively, by hypothermia or a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Hormonal disruptions that occur due to the use of contraceptive pills, as well as due to treatment with drugs that change the activity of hormones and, accordingly, their balance in the body.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Overwork, fatigue, stress, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body necessary to maintain its vital functions.
  • Anorexia, as well as rapid weight gains - both weight loss and weight gain.
  • Irradiation, stay in a zone of poor ecology, chemotherapy for cancer.
  • Abrupt climate change.

The nature of the discharge and the amount of blood loss

Many girls who have menstruation for the first or second time are intimidated by the extent of blood loss that occurs during menstruation. First of all, it should be understood that the discharge that comes out of the vagina is not pure blood, and although there are many blood cells there, they do not make up more of the discharge. Mucus, pieces of connective tissue peeling from the walls of the uterus, and many other components provide the appearance of profuse blood loss.

It is rather difficult to determine the rate of losses; it is different for each girl. In addition, the scarcity or abundance of secretions depends not only on heredity and individual characteristics of the organism. Often, the nature and volume of discharge change due to a change in lifestyle: active sports or, conversely, the emergence of bad habits.

The norm is 3-4 pads for the maximum number of "droplets" per day - up to 80 ml of blood. The indicator can be significantly less - especially if the girl has a fragile constitution or she is actively involved in sports or dancing. If the volume of discharge per day is less than 30 ml, and this is not the last day of menstruation, you should consult a doctor. Smudged discharge, like their brown or other color other than red, also indicates a deviation.

Of course, the main companion of monthly sickness is pain and weakness. They are especially strong on the first or second day of menstruation, when the body rebuilds before the start of a new cycle. Light dizziness, pulling aching background pains in the lower abdomen are the norm. But with accompanying symptoms in the form of hypersensitivity in the chest, acute pain in the abdomen, it is better to consult a doctor.

A successful course of menstruation and a relatively clear cycle is a sign of health and the ability to conceive and carry a child.

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