Fortune telling 1 99 without zeros. Number magic, number divination and numerology. How to tell fortunes for love

Every girl wants to know what the young man she likes thinks and feels about her, what’s in his soul and thoughts.

This is impossible to do, because someone else’s soul is in the dark! Although, there is one way that helped our great-grandmothers.

These are fortune telling and predictions, and only they can really help you get answers to such soul-tormenting questions, understand the feelings of your beloved guy, find out what is hidden and what cannot be found out in any other way. Why not try telling your fortune?

Fortune telling called “The Hundred” was very popular both among our mothers and today among modern girls. It is distributed online, and you can tell your fortune for free and quickly at any time.

However, this simple prediction is created in such a way that it works best “live” and not online, because in online mode, although it is free and hassle-free, it does not have the necessary energy of the fortuneteller, which means the result may not always be true .

Take a few free minutes to tell your fortune for a young man and find out the truth!

A hundred will give the answer

Numerology is an ancient, precise and mystical science, and with the help of numbers and numbers people can gain a lot of hidden knowledge. It is on numerology that the fortune-telling called “Hundred” is based; it uses numbers from 1 to 99 and 100, and their meanings. Concentrate, make a wish for the young man you love or are interested in, take a piece of paper and a pen.

You should write numbers from 1 to 99, and we do not write zeros (we write one instead of the last number 100). Write numbers in several lines, the first one is written intuitively, there can be any number of numbers in it, but the next line, under the first one, should be the same length. This will create several rows of numbers from 1 to 100.

At the end of the hundred, write the date you are guessing, also without zeros. Then we start counting. Cross out all adjacent numbers (horizontally and vertically) that are either the same or add up to ten.

When all the repeated numbers of hundreds are crossed out, write the full name of the person you are fortune-telling. Under these letters you need to write the remaining numbers.

Then again cross out the numbers in pairs or in total equal to 10. And those that remain uncrossed out are added up to a single digit number. Now let's look at the interpretation:

  1. The guy has strong and tender feelings for you, you probably have love.
  2. He may not show you his interest, but he is very jealous of you and suffers from a lack of your attention.
  3. He is not interested in you yet; it is worth showing effort and activity in order to win his attention to you. Be proactive so that he notices you!
  4. The young man definitely likes you and arouses his interest. This is not love yet, but he noticed you - which means you have every chance to strengthen his interest and win love!
  5. Very soon the guy will pay attention to you. It all depends only on you - whether he likes you or not. So behave with dignity, try to make the best impression!
  6. It is unlikely that he is your destiny. You are very different from this guy, he has other interests, and you probably shouldn’t show your interest in him.
  7. Communication awaits you. Perhaps you will meet at a common party or other event, but fate will give you a great chance to get to know each other better.
  8. He only thinks about you! Even if the guy is timid and secretive, have no doubt - he really wants to be with you.
  9. This is your destiny, and soon the two of you will be together!

This simple and interesting prediction: Hundred should be carried out on one guy only once, then the result will be true. Remember, everything is in your hands!
Author: Vasilina Serova

In this article:

Fortune telling “100” or Hundred is a very common type of fortune telling, which is especially popular among young girls. The interest in this fortune-telling is due to its simplicity; with its help you can get truthful answers to any questions, and for this you do not need any special skills, training, or any attributes, all you need is a desire, a piece of paper and a pen.

How to tell fortunes about a guy

Using fortune telling from 1 to 100, you can get answers to various questions, but most often it is used to tell fortunes about a guy. Before starting fortune telling, focus on the object - the person you are interested in. Try to imagine his face, eyes, lips, smile, etc. as accurately and in detail as possible. When the image is real enough, you can begin the fortune telling itself.

Take a piece of paper and a pen and write down arbitrary numbers within 100 digits on one line. When you finish the first line, start the second, but remember that each subsequent line must contain the same number of numbers as there were in the first. The number of lines is not particularly important, but experienced fortune tellers say that the more there are, the more accurate and truthful all fortune telling will be.

But do not forget that the complexity of the entire process ahead of you depends on their quantity. The last of them should end with the full date of birth of the guy you are guessing for. For example, if he was born on August 12, 1986, then at the end of the last there should be: 12081986.

Perhaps this method of fortune telling will awaken your interest in numerology

At the second stage of fortune telling by 100 numbers, you will need to cross out the extra numbers. You should cross out all adjacent numbers that either add up to “10” (8 and 2, 1 and 9) or are equal to each other (5 and 5, 3 and 3). You must operate with individual digits, and not the numbers they form, that is, if you wrote down the number 67, then it must be divided into its components - 6 and 7.

When you cross out all the numbers nearby, the remaining values ​​​​need to be written out again, and in each line there should be exactly as many numbers as there are letters in the name of the guy you are guessing for. If the guy's name is Alexander - 9 digits, then each of them should consist of 9 numbers. If there are more numbers in one line, then the extra ones need to be transferred to other lines, if there are fewer, add them from other lines. After this, you will need to repeat the procedure by crossing out paired numbers in all lines. You need to repeat the procedure until there are no paired numbers left to cross out.

Fortune telling meanings

After completing the main work, you will need to count the number of values ​​that have not been crossed out and, based on this, draw conclusions about the results of fortune telling.

    • 1, 10, 19 - the chosen man likes you, or he can like you if you put a little effort into it.
    • 2, 11, 20 - the guy does not pay any attention to you, you are unlikely to be able to be together.
  • 3, 12, 23 - there are all the prerequisites for starting a serious relationship, the guy is either already in love with you, or will fall in love, for this a minimal push on your part is enough.
  • 4, 13, 22 - the guy is already not indifferent to you, moreover, he is jealous of other men and is very worried about it.
  • 5, 14, 23 - the guy is ready to communicate with you, he is completely open to friendly relations, but it’s too early to talk about anything more.
  • 6, 15, 24 - the guy doesn’t know anything about you, but he wouldn’t mind getting to know you better.
  • 7, 16, 25 - he paid attention to you, soon he will take the first step, or is waiting for this step from you.
  • 8, 17, 26 - a man is offended by you for something, perhaps because you do not pay enough attention to him.
  • 9, 18, 27 are the best numbers, indicating that you are destined to be together, you can form a wonderful loving couple.

Second option of fortune telling 100

Take a blank piece of paper in a square and at the very top write the name of the man who interests you. After that, start writing numbers on a line, starting with one. The first row can contain any number of numbers, as long as the values ​​are 10, 20, 30, etc. were written without zeros, that is, the number series should look like this: 1,2,3,4,...9, 1, 11. All subsequent lines should contain the same number of digits as in the first of them. The last row should end with 99.

This method requires care

After this, you will need to cross out all the same numbers next to each other, as well as the numbers that add up to ten.

The remaining uncrossed out values ​​must be written out again in lines; each line must contain as many numbers as there are letters in the name of the man you are guessing for. After this, you need to repeat the process of crossing out identical numbers again, giving a total of ten. When there are no options left for crossing out, you can move on to interpretation.


  • 1, 10, 19 – love is possible.
  • 2, 11, 20 – relationships will be overshadowed by jealousy.
  • 3, 12, 21 – indifference.
  • 4, 13, 22 – sympathy, but love is also possible.
  • 5, 14, 23 – chances of a relationship are low.
  • 6, 15, 24 - no chance.
  • 7, 16, 25 - only friendship.
  • 8, 17, 26 – mutual sympathy.
  • 9, 18, 27 - all chances for love.

Which can only be used under certain conditions and during a certain period, but there are those that can be used in almost any environment. How to do numerical fortune telling from 1 to 100 - “Hundred”?

Fortune telling on paper using numbers “Hundred” - what is it?

A hundred is just a fortune telling that can be used almost anywhere, you only need lined paper and a writing object. However, this Fortune telling can be used for only one purpose - to find out the attitude of this or that person towards you.

So, the technology of fortune telling is quite simple and understandable. In order to start guessing, you will need to select the size of your table, any arbitrary number. Next, you begin to write numbers from 1 to 9 in a row, and you need to write in the number in a row that you have chosen.

For example, if you chose the number 12, then you write 123456789111 in a row in a row. This completes the first row, then continue with the next row 213 and then also in the amount of 12 numbers in a row. You need to write all the numbers up to 100, but without zeros, that is, if the number is 20 or 30, you just write 2 or 3.

As a result, you fill the table with numbers up to 100. The table ends with the number 99, and then you need to add the day, month, year of your boyfriend’s birth. Observe the rows, for example, if you chose 12 digits in a row, then this number must be observed.

After this, you begin to cross out two numbers that are located next to each other. You need to cross out if these numbers add up to 10 or if they are identical.

For example, you are telling fortunes about a guy named Ibrahim, there are 7 letters in this name, and accordingly there are 7 numbers in your row. Write down the numbers sequentially, and cross out the numbers in the new table according to the algorithm described earlier. After this, you will have a certain number of numbers left, and this number is the answer for fortune telling.


Now all that remains is to find out the answers to your fortune telling and there are different interpretation options. Let's first describe the first option.

First option

See how many numbers you have left in the end and get the result of fortune telling:

  • If the number of digits is equal 1, 10 or 19, then the guy loves you.
  • 2, 11 or 20, then the guy is jealous of you.
  • 3, 12 or 21, then the guy is indifferent to you.
  • 4, 13 or 22, then the guy likes you.
  • 5, 14 or 23, then the guy will notice you later.
  • 6, 15 or 24, then the guy doesn't feel anything about you.
  • 7, 16 or 25, then the guy will communicate with you later.
  • 8, 17 or 26, then the guy wants to date you.
  • 9, 18 or 27, then the guy will create a couple with you.

Second type of interpretation

There is a second interpretation. If the number of digits is:

  • 1 - bores you
  • 2 - you will meet a guy
  • 3 - he has a girlfriend
  • 4 - he doesn’t have feelings for you
  • 5 - he likes you and treats you positively
  • 6 - he likes someone else
  • 7 - they are jealous of you
  • 8 - promises the way
  • 9 - separation
  • 11 - meeting
  • 12 - communication
  • 13 - marriage
  • 14
  • 15 - he thinks about you
  • 16 - he is indifferent

In fact, a hundred refers to entertaining fortune-telling, and even if you get some kind of negative result, then do not pay significant attention or tell your fortune again until you get a positive result. Remember, if you want to please a guy, a lot is in your hands and depends on your efforts, and fortune telling can only help and give confidence.

There are many options for fortune telling and there are fortune telling that can only be used under certain conditions and during a certain period, and there are those that can be used in almost any situation. How to do numerical fortune telling from 1 to 100 - “Hundred”?

A hundred is just a fortune telling that can be used almost anywhere, you only need lined paper and a writing object. However, this fortune telling can be used for only one purpose - to find out the attitude of this or that guy towards you.

So, the technology of fortune telling is quite simple and understandable. In order to start guessing, you will need to select the size of your table, any arbitrary number. Next, you begin to write numbers from 1 to 9 in a row, and you need to write in the number in a row that you have chosen.

For example, if you chose the number 12, then you write 123456789111 in a row in a row. This completes the first row, then continue with the next row 213 and then also in the amount of 12 numbers in a row. You need to write all the numbers up to 100, but without zeros, that is, if the number is 20 or 30, you just write 2 or 3.

As a result, you fill the table with numbers up to 100. The table ends with the number 99, and then you need to add the day, month, year of your boyfriend’s birth. Observe the rows, for example, if you chose 12 digits in a row, then this number must be observed.

After this, you begin to cross out two numbers that are located next to each other. You need to cross out if these numbers add up to 10 or if they are identical.

For example, you are telling fortunes about a guy whose name is Ibrahim, there are 7 letters in this name, and accordingly there are 7 numbers in your row. Write down the numbers sequentially, and cross out the numbers in the new table according to the algorithm described earlier. After this, you will have a certain number of numbers left, and this number is the answer for fortune telling.

Now all that remains is to find out the answers to your fortune telling and there are different interpretation options. Let's first describe the first option.

See how many numbers you have left in the end and get the result of fortune telling:

  • If the number of digits is equal 1, 10 or 19, then the guy loves you.
  • 2, 11 or 20, then the guy is jealous of you.
  • 3, 12 or 21, then the guy is indifferent to you.
  • 4, 13 or 22, then the guy likes you.
  • 5, 14 or 23, then the guy will notice you later.
  • 6, 15 or 24, then the guy doesn't feel anything about you.
  • 7, 16 or 25, then the guy will communicate with you later.
  • 8, 17 or 26, then the guy wants to date you.
  • 9, 18 or 27, then the guy will create a couple with you.

There is a second interpretation. If the number of digits is:

In fact, a hundred refers to entertaining fortune-telling, and even if you get some kind of negative result, then do not pay significant attention or tell your fortune again until you get a positive result. Remember, if you want to please a guy, a lot is in your hands and depends on your efforts, and fortune telling can only help and give confidence.

Among the many love fortune-telling, there is one, in my opinion, simple fortune-telling for relationships, which has the colloquial name Fortune telling by numbers without zeros up to one hundred.

Paper fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100 without zeros

This fortune telling is done on a piece of paper. It is advisable to take the leaf into the cage. Write the full name of the person you want to tell fortunes for. Online fortune telling without zeros up to one hundred is suitable for identifying the state and prospects of friendship, but most often it is used to find out the relationship with a loved one.

True fortune telling without zeros to one hundred - how to do it

Write numbers from 1 to 99 in a row; there can be any number of numbers in a row. But remember: you can’t break the numbers. The next rows of numbers should have the same number as the first. Don’t write zeros, because this is fortune telling by numbers from 1 to 100 for your beloved guy!

The last row may not be complete, but that's okay. After the number 99, write down the date of the fortune telling, also without zeros. written down, cross out the same ones - both vertically and horizontally. In addition, you need to cross out numbers whose sum is 10.

But that's not all! There is one nuance that may make fortune telling from 1 to 100 without zeros for love somewhat more complicated, but this condition must be met. So, if the number is crossed out, this gives us the right to conditionally assume that this place does not exist. That is, if you get 4##4, where # means that the number is crossed out, you can also cross out fours with a light heart.

And now that all unnecessary things have been removed, proceed to the final part of this modern fortune-telling without zeros up to one hundred. Rewrite the remaining numbers according to the number of numbers in a row equal to the number of letters in the full name of your chosen one. And if extra numbers are again discovered in accordance with the conditions of this fortune-telling, cross them out without doubt or regret. This must be repeated until there are no applicants left to be removed from the list.

Now count the number of remaining digits and see the meaning of the values.

The meaning of the result of fortune telling without zeros to one hundred for love

0 – Crazy about you
1 – Does not love at the moment
2 – Call, he wants to communicate with you
3 – Thinks you are cute
4 – In love
5 – He doesn’t care about you
6 – Your chances are low
7 – He likes you as a friend, and nothing more
8 – He needs you
9 – You have a rival
10 – Wants to seem cool
11 – Offended
12 – Not his type
13 – There will be a difficult conversation
14 – Will invite you on a date
15 – He likes your girlfriend
16 – Travel
17 – Meet soon
18 – His friend likes you
19 – Will be with you
20 – Loves
21 – Shy
22 – Afraid
23 – Hates
24 – Will call you for a walk
25 – Thinks you are beautiful
If as a result fortune telling from 1 to 100 If the result is 26 or more, unfortunately, he is not at all interested in you.
