Why do you dream about your father-in-law being alive? Husband's real parents. Late father of a loved one

If in a dream you saw your mother-in-law’s husband, you know that a joyful reconciliation awaits you with those with whom you have been in conflict for a long time. This dream has this meaning in most well-known dream books. But there are no less popular interpreters who interpret this night dream in a completely different way. Perhaps it all depends on the plot?! Let's figure out why the father-in-law dreams and how to protect yourself when the dream portends trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Did you dream about your father-in-law? This is a sign that after major family disagreements, peace and goodwill will enter your life. But a woman’s dream about a scandal with him means the following: scandalous and evil people will become an obstacle in the desire to enjoy life. The dream book promises a good interpretation of the dream for a girl who saw that her sick father-in-law is healthy, cheerful and smiling - a wonderful family life awaits her.

Pleasant communication is a sign of joy and good luck

If you dream that your father-in-law hugs you, it means pleasant family meetings and get-togethers. And if you hugged, expect guests.

Kissing your husband's daddy on the temple - one of your relatives will help you get out of a deadlock situation by suggesting the right solution.

If you want to understand why you had a dream in which you are drinking with your spouse’s father and singing songs, take a look at the Lunar Dream Book. His interpretations will delight you: you will soon become the darling of fate - you will be lucky in everything.

If you dream that your father-in-law invited you to dance, expect good news and joyful news.

Arguing with “dad” means depressing events

It’s bad if you dreamed of a quarrel with your spouse’s dad - this is a sign of failure, the White Magician’s dream book upsets with its prophecy.

But the Eastern Dream Book interprets a similar vision somewhat differently, with only one amendment that you are quarreling with your now deceased father-in-law. This plot means that you need to establish contact with your husband’s relatives in order to avoid unnecessary problems with them.

Fighting with your ex-father-in-law brings unpleasant memories.

Dreaming of a drunken father-in-law with whom you are arguing means difficulties in communicating with your loved one, and if it was a former father-in-law, then there will be problems with your ex-hubby. For example, you may not agree on how to raise a child.

Illness and other troubles, or difficulties await you at work

Feeding a “dad” who is dying in a dream means you have to cope with the difficult work that your boss will entrust to you.

The woman who sees that her father-in-law has had an accident and is seriously injured will have problems with colleagues, the Women’s Dream Book prophesies. It’s especially bad if the deceased is actually the father-in-law.

Helping your husband’s sick father in a dream means tedious and painstaking work.

Dream interpretation father-in-law

Most often, people who appear in our dreams are for a reason. It is these night visions that are more difficult to interpret than others for various reasons.

First of all, this person is not just a direct sign; the most important and decisive role here is your attitude towards this person, as this can change all the predictions that are told.

So why do you dream about your father-in-law? He, like his mother-in-law, is a person whose moral position can be extremely diverse.

For an accurate interpretation of night vision, try to remember what exactly he did in your vision. Sad or cheerful, perhaps he was talking to you or doing something. After all, you could see in your dreams your father-in-law, who is now deceased, or the parents of your ex-spouse. You could also see various conflicts in your night vision.

If you dreamed about your father-in-law

It is worth reading this dream interpreter carefully. And think about whether everything in your family is harmonious, whether you spend the necessary time with your family, whether family members are happy, whether there are any hidden conflicts or omissions. You dreamed about your father-in-law being sad or cheerful, alive or dead. All these are important factors that can radically change the interpretation of your vision.

According to all genres of stereotypes, the mother-in-law is at war with her son’s wife and, conversely, the husband does not have an extremely warm relationship with his wife’s mother. However, this stereotype, fortunately, cannot always be found in a vision, and according to the interpreter, the husband’s father is not always a harbinger of misfortune.

The meaning of night vision

If you are married or divorced, then you will not shy away from contacting your husband’s parents. And this relationship can become warm and desirable, or cold and discordant. Your relationship with your husband’s parents will definitely affect your vision.

An unmarried girl can see her father-in-law and mother-in-law

If you dream of a father-in-law or mother-in-law who actually does not exist, it is quite strange, but very important.

According to the interpreter, your loved one’s dad in a dream promises you new acquaintances.

However, you should be on your guard, you need to trust everyone you meet, try to keep your distance from strangers, as they might take advantage of you, which could get you into trouble.

Ex-husband's parents

It’s quite an interesting vision when a divorced lady dreams of one of the parents of her former spouse. Seeing them in a dream means that your ex-husband still thinks about you to this day, remembering the warm and pleasant moments you spent together.

If it was a former father-in-law

Husband's real parents

According to the dream book, your father-in-law cannot promise you anything good. Especially if in real life you are good-natured and warm.

Unpleasant conversations, uninvited guests or unpleasant chores await you. However, you don’t need to attach great importance to this; you can easily overcome all these problems. It is worth remembering that any black streak ends.

Try on the role of mother-in-law and father-in-law

According to the interpreter, seeing in a dream that you are a mother-in-law or father-in-law has a pretty good meaning. As the interpreter says, this promises you to deal with all your problems and defeat your rivals in reality. With the help of your own strength, you can begin a favorable period in life.

See him mocking you in your face

Seeing your loved one's dad laugh in your face does not bode well for you. Sadness and troubles will await you soon. However, take a closer look at these problems, you will definitely find something new for yourself that will help you further in life.

Late father of a loved one

According to the interpreter of dreams, if you happened to see a father-in-law who died in your dreams, then this is a sign that you should be more attentive to your soulmate.

Show care and attention, romance will definitely not hurt you. But if you happen to see your spouse’s deceased father talking to you, then be sure to listen to what you heard.

I dream about conflicts

Disagreements in a dream foreshadow quarrels in reality, with people who didn’t give a damn about your own worldview and hobbies. Try to avoid or prevent these unnecessary quarrels, as they will not bring any benefit, but will take a lot of energy.

Deceased who is alive

I dreamed about my deceased father-in-law

Seeing your spouse’s father die in a dream suggests that you blame anyone but yourself for any quarrel. Don't do this, you may also be guilty. Sometimes it is worth looking at the situation soberly and still realizing that sometimes you are the culprit of the quarrel.

Inaction of husband's parents

Seeing in night vision how your husband's father or mother-in-law are inactive, foretells you a whole series of pleasant events. All current difficulties will resolve themselves, the negativity will pass without a trace, and you will be able to breathe a sigh of relief, because life will become much more pleasant.

The parent who cries in your dream

To see your spouse’s father grieving in your night dreams indicates that pleasant events await you. Moreover, these great joys are just around the corner.

Other interpretations

For a more extensive interpretation of what a parent dreams about, we invite you to also look at other options for interpreting this night vision.

Family interpreter

  • Insulting your father-in-law or mother-in-law portends bad news for you.
  • The house of your husband’s parents suggests that you will soon have a chance to improve relations with his relatives. Do not miss this opportunity, because the main thing in a family is love and mutual understanding.
  • The deceased father of your spouse indicates that your spouse’s parents are concerned about your relationship with your husband. You should take more care of your soulmate and give him love.
  • In a vision where the husband’s father died - to a conflict in the family, where you will be the culprit. Try to monitor your own behavior and words; do not react violently to minor problems. It is then that you will be able to prevent this conflict.
  • The deceased father of your spouse, who appeared alive before you in a dream, indicates that problems will overtake you very soon. If he said something, then it’s worth listening, such images never deceive, and advice always helps.

Miller's interpretation

listen to your father-in-law's words

  • If you dreamed about your spouse’s late father, listen to what he says. Perhaps they want to warn you of danger.
  • The deceased father of the spouse, who actually died, tells you that you have finally forgiven each other and the cessation of communication between you.
  • Your spouse’s dad died in a dream, but in reality he is alive, warning you about problems in the house and conflicts with your husband. Be careful, this quarrel can lead to the end of the marriage.
  • If in a dream you happened to see your father-in-law alive, although in fact he died, this is a warning; you need to be more vigilant towards your family.
  • Seeing your loved one's ex-dad die indicates that the spouse with whom you divorced needs support.
  • According to the dream book, a father-in-law suffering from a rare disease promises support from unfamiliar people; you should not miss this opportunity.

Female interpreter

  • Seeing your husband's late father alive means you need to try to do everything in your power to save the family. Surround your loved ones with love and care, and then everything will work out.
  • Seeing your father-in-law alive and joyful means harmony and happiness in your family.
  • If the spouse’s father appears in visions, it means that soon the dark streak of life will end and all problems will disappear.
  • Seeing him sad in your night dreams means a quarrel with friends and relatives.

We hope that the dream interpreter helped you correctly interpret what your father-in-law is dreaming about and you can prevent disastrous events. It is worth remembering that everything in this life depends on you. And dreams simply warn of impending danger.

Night vision, where the spouse's mother appears, is a neutral sign. Dreaming about mother-in-law predicts a number of changes that usually concern the home and family. However, according to some famous interpreters, the vision promises a successful solution to an important matter. For a more accurate interpretation of a dream, you should take into account its details, as well as current or past relationships with your mother-in-law and the emotions that the sleeper experienced.

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      Interpretation of a dream about mother-in-law

      The mother-in-law is an image that predicts conflicts, quarrels and family troubles. A living mother-in-law in night dreams, who wants to report something, portends changes in the family. The interpretation of the dream depends on the woman’s appearance. If you saw her as neat and in a good mood, the changes will be positive. A dream about an angry mother-in-law foreshadows unhappiness in family life, a quarrel with her husband, and constant scandals.

      • A dream in which the future mother-in-law appeared foreshadows success in a relationship with a young man and an early marriage. For a married woman, the appearance of her spouse's mother foretells unexpected guests with whom she will not be happy. Seeing yourself in the role of a mother-in-law is a good sign. The vision predicts overcoming all obstacles and successfully solving financial problems.

        Why do you dream about your ex-husband - interpretations in dream books

        Freud's Dream Book

        According to Freud, the image of a mother-in-law tells a girl about her lack of self-confidence . Seeing an unkempt woman in a dream who gets drunk and behaves provocatively means that in reality the girl experiences hidden contempt for herself.

        A good-natured, elderly woman in a night vision tells the girl about her desire to trust people more. The dream also represents the need to be the object of maternal care. A person is vulnerable to various difficulties and needs the attention of loved ones. A dream in which the mother-in-law appeared in the form of a young and beautiful woman symbolizes the sleeping complexion and dissatisfaction with her own appearance.

        Miller's interpretation

        According to Miller's dream book, a night vision in which the mother-in-law appears speaks of failures in the business sphere. Seeing a woman who has been silent throughout the dream is considered a good sign. This means that nothing will disturb the sleeping woman in the near future, and difficulties will be overcome.

        A dream where the spouse's mother wants to do something bad predicts future work troubles and family scandals. If a woman sees herself with a knife in her hand, this portends for married women a divorce or a serious scandal with her husband.

        Seeing your current mother-in-law in a dream means that the girl in reality is worried about her relationship with her husband and is constantly looking for reasons to be jealous. The dream also represents sexual dissatisfaction, because of which the girl feels guilty before her beloved man.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        Circumstances and details of the dream

        The circumstances under which the spouse’s mother appeared can tell about some events that will happen to the sleeping woman in the near future. It is important to pay attention to the mother-in-law’s behavior in her sleep. It represents the following:

        • If you dreamed of a mother-in-law with whom a woman constantly conflicts in reality, this means that there are many hypocritical people around the sleeping woman; they are able to take advantage of her kindness and trust.
        • Arguing with your husband's mother in a night vision - in reality means a person who is trying to achieve success at the expense of the dreamer.
        • Talking with your mother-in-law in a dream about something good means positive changes in the sleeping woman’s family life.
        • Seeing her laughing in a dream means minor, but very unpleasant troubles in the house.
        • A crying woman in night vision speaks of great difficulties in resolving family conflicts.
        • Caring for your spouse’s elderly mother in a dream means that the sleeping woman in reality will have to provide help to a person who, in the end, will not appreciate it.
        • A dream where a mother-in-law is caring for her daughter-in-law represents the help of people from whom this was not expected.

        Watching in a dream how your mother-in-law washes the floors in the house is a sign of love troubles that will affect the family of the person who saw this dream. For married women, such a vision indicates that the husband is capable of leaving for his rival forever. For an unmarried girl, the vision predicts loneliness.

        If you dreamed about your spouse’s mother in the company of your father-in-law, this means family well-being. Such a dream suggests that the relationship with your loved one will be strong. If a couple is in a quarrel, the dream foreshadows an imminent reconciliation.

        Deceased mother-in-law

        If during her lifetime the mother-in-law was on bad terms with her daughter-in-law, then she appears in a dream to predict the return of forgotten problems, which will make themselves felt with a vengeance.

        Seeing the deceased mother-in-law in a black robe means a quarrel with a close friend. Watching a woman's funeral means a serious breakdown in the relationship with her husband, exposure of treason and betrayal.

        If a deceased relative dreamed of a widow, such a dream symbolizes the woman’s memories of the relative’s advice, which helped to cope with troubles. The dream also foreshadows problems in your personal life, quarrels with your current love object. For an elderly woman, the vision predicts a deterioration in health, the death of a loved one.

        If during her lifetime the spouse’s mother was friendly and treated her daughter-in-law well, then her image foretells success in her career and the patronage of an influential person. Seeing a deceased relative holding a baby in her arms is a sign of a new addition to the family. For a pregnant woman, a dream indicates a difficult but successful birth.

        Watch from the side

        A dream in which a husband kissed his mother speaks of the dreamer’s hidden grievances. Jealousy and fear of loneliness manifest themselves in such dreams.

        A vision where a husband communicates with his mother-in-law and sister-in-law means news that will soon be received from him. If in a dream you heard women scolding a sleeping woman behind her back, in reality this foreshadows gossip from her friends, their hidden envy. Hearing good things about yourself from your mother-in-law and husband's sister means that soon the girl will face a rival who is currently trying to pass herself off as a friend.

        If you dreamed about your friend’s mother-in-law, then in real life your friendly relationship may be in danger. The dreamer will blame his friend for something she did not do; in the future, the sleeper will feel guilty for the act he has committed.

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream Interpretation considers it a fairly common occurrence when dead visits alive in dream. Not surprisingly, there are many interpretations as to why dreaming similar "meeting". The plot of a dream sometimes causes a strong emotional outburst, and sometimes Deceased aunt symbolizes unfinished business. Mother in law Even in heaven she is worried about her family, listen to her advice. Father-in-law portends a deterioration in relations with her husband through the fault of the dreamer herself. If dreamed about it deceased great-grandmother, you will soon find what you have been looking for for so long. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it mother-in-law (deceased) But in dream live. We were driving together in the same car with her and another woman I didn’t know. Today in dream I gave two pairs of trousers to my deceased father-in-law and wanted to give back the money he lent us. He took the trousers because I said that I bought them for my husband (his son) too, but the size was smaller. He took the trousers, but no money, and said that he would never take the money from us and left. Read more

  • Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law alive, then the tense situation in the family worries her even in heaven. Dream Interpretation advises you to listen to what she told you in dream, perhaps her words contain practical advice that will help improve relationships with your other half. Reply. Anonymous: Me in dream kissed mother-in-law deceased...What awaits me?Read more

    Dream Interpretation "nepoznannogo"

    Wherein If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law and you quarreled with her, then in real life you will be to blame for a family conflict. Dead, late father-in-law dreaming to the fact that the family will be annoyed by strangers and scandalous people. If deceased father-in-law And mother-in-law dreamed about it together - the husband is in danger of trouble. Seen in dream, How mother-in-law dies in your arms - to a wonderful relationship with her. Dreaming dead father-in-law if he alive- there will be good luck in business. An intimate conversation with mother-in-law dreaming to a quarrel with her. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If mother-in-law which actually alive dreamed about it deceased, then perhaps you should prepare for changes in family life. But if a woman dreamed that she herself mother-in-law cares for her, then in reality such a person expects the help of a person from whom this very help could least be expected. If a woman in dream has a nice conversation, hugs or makes friends with deceased mother-in-law- this is certainly a good sign. Read more

    Dream book "i-sonnik"

    Dream Interpretation Deceased dreamed about it alive reports that in reality someone is judging you, conflict situations arise out of the blue, things are resolved with difficulty. In addition, this dream may mean that distant relatives are looking for you. Just hear a voice deceased in dream- this means you can get seriously ill. If dreaming calls you to his place - it’s better not to go, because such dream can lead to depression. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    I dreamed about it father-in-law? This is a sign that after major family disagreements, sad things have come into your life. dreams about death, as a symbol of disappointed hopes. Died in night visions late See alive deceased in real father-in-law– you shouldn’t trust what they tell you...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    On the other side, dream with alive character may be inspired by the dreamer's constant thoughts about him. And then all the value specified dream book, will not take place. This should be soberly and adequately assessed and taken into account before opening the interpreter. See how she laughs, laughs in your face. ex mother-in-law in the dream of a divorced lady. Mother of the future husband, groom. Dreaming that she died. Dreaming deceased mother of the spouse. Deceased mother-in-law something for you in dream says. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "bledans"

    For what dreaming deceased mother-in-law? Dead relatives and acquaintances often visit a person in dream. Similar dreams have different meanings, but often for a long time dead a person appears to the dreamer in order to warn the latter, to indicate the right. Deceased mother-in-law, dreamed alive, symbolizes a meeting with an unpleasant person. Image deceased mother-in-law giving you money is a favorable sign indicating an imminent gift. Read more

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    For what dreaming mother-in-law meaning dreams dream book online. Dream Interpretation deceased mother-in-law- If a woman dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, But in fact she alive, This dream predicts big changes in family life. If you dreamed about it father-in-law who is sick means a quarrel with friends or relatives. If you dreamed: Sharpener Sharpener - to an unpleasant quarrel with mother-in-law. Weevil See in dream this beetle - for arrival mother-in-law or mother-in-law and their conversations. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation cloth deceased deceased in dream. Cloth deceased deceased dead in reality relatives dream alive dreamed relative.Read more

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    I dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, Mother in law deceased- to big changes in your personal life, to changes in your relationship with your husband. If a woman dreamed about it Mother in law deceased, But in fact she alive, This dream predicts big changes in family life. Our experts will help you find out why dream Father-in-law, mother-in-law in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol.me dreamed about it alive mother-in-law who died a long time ago. I told her that we were breaking up with her son... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation late. If late in dream lies calmly in dream deceased Late alive Read completely

    Dream book "sonnikus"

    in dream with mother-in-law If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law- this speaks of changes in the relationship with her husband, and of big changes in her personal life. Father-in-law also died 24 years ago. In dream He alive and is going to bury mother-in-law, but didn't tell me about the funeral. Alone tonight dreamed about late father-in-law with his deceased mother and shouted at me so that I would mother-in-law(also deceased)...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "GadalkinDom"

    In this article we will try to understand the situation and give a summary interpretation of what it means to see in dream deceased mother-in-law alive and talk to her. If deceased mother-in-law She also told you something in a dream - remember what exactly and listen. Lunar dream book. Deceased mother-in-law dreamed about it alive– this is a standard phenomenon that precedes the appearance of unexpected guests. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "mufi"

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    If in dream dreamed about it ex mother-in-law, or she met, then dream book interprets this as the approach of some family events with quarrels and proceedings. But this also leads to quick reconciliation between relatives, to a quick resolution of all family disagreements. To significant changes in personal life dreaming deceased mother-in-law. If dreamed about it my husband's mother is dead, but in fact she alive and healthy, then this dream has a forecast for major changes in family life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    If dead friend, sister or brother dreamed about it alive. Dead Brother in dream warns you that someone will soon need your help. Don’t refuse people, you will get it all back later. Fight with deceased brother promises profit. If to you in dream came dead Friend alive, then this portends you to meet a good person soon. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Father-in-law, mother-in-lawAlive you are depressed by your relationship with them; Don’t try to forcefully please them, it will only make everything worse. Dream Interpretation G. Miller. For what dreaming Father-in-law By dream book: If you dreamed about it mine father-in-law- this means quarrels with friends or family. See. also: why dreaming mother-in-law, for what dreaming mom, why dreaming dad. Dream Interpretation S. Karatova. For what dreaming Father-in-law By dream book: If you saw in dream father-in-law- then you have to experience some kind of failure in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "Apteke"

    See in dream mother-in-law deceased portends changes in relationships with her husband and big changes in her personal life. If mother-in-law dreaming deceased and she really alive, changes in family life can be both positive and negative. Deceased mother-in-law, which dreamed about it a married woman, warns about problems that may arise in relationships with her husband and sorting things out with him. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Argue in dream with father-in-law or mother-in-law- a harbinger of scandal and failure in business. Female dream book. If you in dream see your recently purchased father-in-law- you cannot avoid serious conflicts with your loved ones and family. Father-in-law, mother-in-law - alive you are depressed by your relationship with them; Don’t try to forcefully please them, it will only make everything worse. Collection dream books. if you dreamed about it father-in-law who is sick means a quarrel with friends or relatives. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation late. If late in dream lies calmly and does nothing - this means changes, but not bad ones. See in dream deceased violent or if some kind of threat comes from him, there is serious trouble or danger ahead. Late alive means obstacles and delays in business. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream Interpretation cloth deceased deceased in dream. Cloth deceased deceased symbolizes unfinished business. Blood on clothing, if it is scarlet, often indicates money. Almost always dead in reality relatives dream alive in cases where they want to point out something, warn or reassure. An important aspect of such dreams is what your personal relationships were like during life. dreamed relative.Read more

    Dream Interpretation "snitsya-son"

    Miller dream book dead relative dreamed about it alive. According to Miller, seeing the dead alive in dream– is interpreted as a warning. If suddenly you had to see in dream deceased father alive, then you should be wary of enemies lurking in your immediate environment, and also be prepared for failures in business. In cases where you need to learn restraint and be able not to show evil feelings towards others, you can see in dream deceased mom alive.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "fitodo"

    For an unmarried girl to talk in dream with mother-in-law- to meeting people whose problems she will have to solve in the future, and who will cause her trouble. If dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law- this speaks of changes in the relationship with her husband, and of big changes in her personal life. If mother-in-law alive, A dreamed about it woman deceased, dream portends big changes in family life. Read more

    Dream book "mega-sonnik"

    deceased mother-in-law alive in dream- A pin burns out at the place of dinner with young children (a perverted communist fantasy), or it’s just that you’ll be pleasantly surprised. It is also possible that To a creepy purchase and to greedy health... Why dreaming deceased grandma in a coffin? For what dreaming deceased mother alive?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "owoman"

    Mother in law- See in dream mother-in-law - dream, which means that you will be able to overcome all the difficulties in your life and come to the result you need. In particular, if you take family life, then after quarrels and misunderstandings you will be able to find a common language with your loved ones, and your life will improve. if you dreamed about it mother-in-law with whom you are constantly in dream If you swear, then in real life you will be surrounded by insensitive and tactless people who will constantly piss you off. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: I dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law. Useful information for reading: - how to remember the dead -. Hello, dreamed about it deceased mother-in-law a week ago it was already 40 days. Dreaming as if I were walking down the street and there was a table sitting at my father-in-law, my aunt, my husband’s aunt, my father (everything in life alive)and a woman sits sideways on the edge, I begin to look at her and realize that she is very similar to mother-in-law.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    He told me dreaming as if he alive, Although in dream I know he died. In the first dream after death, I even asked, crying, “how are you alive and where have you been,” he doesn’t say, but just smiles sweetly. Already 2 similar ones sleep, what he alive returned to us. Help me understand. Friend dreamed that she is with her husband, deceased mother-in-law, father-in-law and as a child are in the old apartment where they used to live.

The article on the topic: “dream book of father-in-law and mother-in-law” provides current information on this issue for 2018.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law

Dream Interpretation Father-in-law and mother-in-law dreamed of why father-in-law and mother-in-law dream in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a father-in-law and mother-in-law in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation father-in-law and mother-in-law

The mother-in-law is considered the second mother. True, life doesn’t always work out this way; sometimes the second mother ends up worse than ever. How many jokes and stories have been created about this character. Therefore, when she appears to us in a dream, we think that this dream will not lead to good. Let’s see if this is what the mother-in-law dreams about by studying the dream books.

Prediction from a dream book

Let's start with the fact that all dreams where a girl or woman dreams of a female individual are already considered unfavorable. The exception is immediate relatives, mother and grandmother. Seeing a mother-in-law in a dream is a symbol promising overcoming certain difficulties. To find out which ones, the dream book asks you to remember the accompanying symbols.

If you dreamed about your mother-in-law

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? The dream promises resolution of conflicts, both at home and at work.

Mother-in-law in a dream, a scandal with her - quarrelsome people will annoy you.

Dream Interpretation of Meredian

This source gives many interpretations of what the second mother dreams about. Particular emphasis is placed on the former mother-in-law. So, the ex-mother-in-law in a dream:

  • to trouble. Pay special attention to your relationship with your loved one. The dream is especially dangerous for those who have an ambiguous relationship with their former “second mother.”
  • in a dream, joyful and cheerful - for a woman, troubles in the family.
  • If you see a quarrel with your ex’s mother in a dream, you subconsciously believe that you are to blame for the breakup. Be sure to analyze the situation; in any family squabbles, both the wife and husband are to blame. Forgive yourself for past mistakes, but be sure to learn from the lesson.
  • quarrel with her - in the near future neither your close people nor strangers will understand you.
  • asks you for forgiveness for his son, wants to reconcile you - it is possible that your ex-husband has realized his guilt and wants to get you back. Think about whether you want this.

Dream book for the whole family

A dream book promises an unmarried woman: her mother-in-law portends new unpleasant acquaintances. For a married woman - troubles, unwanted guests, hard work.

If you quarreled with your mother-in-law

If you dreamed that you were a mother-in-law, you would overcome obstacles.

A quarrel with your mother-in-law is a conflict with people who completely disagree with you.

A dream in which the mother-in-law says absolutely nothing - all problems, misunderstandings, both at home and at work, will end, and the long-awaited peace will come.

Muslim dream book

A quarrel with a loved one awaits, this is what a mother-in-law dreams about, according to Muslims. If she is cheerful, then you can recreate peace in the family. If you are dissatisfied with something, then you will be constantly annoyed by unpleasant individuals.

Esoteric dream book

If you dreamed about your mother-in-law, it means that the general atmosphere that has developed in the family circle clearly does not suit you. It’s high time to say a decisive word, since trying to please everyone does not always give a positive result. Perhaps, as a result of the rebuff, a scandal will break out, but in the end, those around you will begin to put up with your opinion.

I dreamed about my mother-in-law - something is greatly bothering you, the current situation clearly does not suit you. The essence of the dream comes down to the fact that you have accumulated too many undeserved grievances; perhaps your husband is the offender. It is worth being able to ask for forgiveness and forgive. Don't accumulate negativity in yourself. And soon the husband will ask for forgiveness.

Relationships with mother-in-law

What is your relationship with your mother-in-law?

The interpretation of the dream directly depends on your real relationship with your second mother. And also from her and your behavior in the dream itself.

  • Scandal with mother-in-law - you are surrounded by tactless people who will provoke a scandal.
  • Caring for a sick mother-in-law - someone from your loved ones subconsciously asks you for help. On the contrary, you are surrounded by people who will definitely help you in difficult times.
  • I dreamed about my husband’s parents, there are obvious problems between you.
  • Joyful mother-in-law - they want to take your loved one away from you.
  • In a dream, your daughter-in-law hugs and talks nicely to her mother-in-law - in reality you should treat her more politely.
  • The husband's deceased mother means great troubles in the family.
  • Seeing that your mother-in-law is drunk means that presumably there is something wrong with her body.
  • Beating your mother-in-law means you are too angry with her, but your negative emotions find an outlet that is not at all in her direction. Both the husband and children can fall under the “hot hand”. Ask them for forgiveness and calm down. Another interpretation: hitting in a dream means that in reality you will be very friendly.

The second mother is crying - to joy, you and your husband will live in harmony.

Family ties

Even in reality, it is difficult to understand all the concepts that indicate family ties: mother-in-law, mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law. What can we say about dreams? It’s worth figuring out why we dream about relatives.

Why do you dream about your daughter-in-law?

Negative dreams are confirmed by absolutely all dream books. Your daughter-in-law hugs you - in reality you will not avoid conflict situations. A quarrel, a scandal, you will fight and swear, and perhaps you will be beaten.

Seeing your daughter-in-law means someone will act in a completely undignified manner.

If you dream about your daughter-in-law

A daughter-in-law seen in a dream means separation, sad departure.

For a man, a daughter-in-law in a dream means a new business. For a girl, a daughter-in-law means enmity.

Based on this, it turns out that all interpretations of dreams in which the daughter-in-law participates are negative for women.

Why does the daughter-in-law dream about

For a man, the dream predicts success in a job. Mother-in-law means trouble. In a dream, the daughter-in-law runs away from home - a white streak will come.

Often this symbol prophesies infidelity and jealousy. It is possible that your husband may betray you. In reality, you will be “breaking pots.”

The daughter-in-law dreams that she is diligently washing the floor and dishes at her husband’s parents’ house; the dream does not bode well. You have a long period of failures and failures ahead.

Family matters

To see your mother-in-law washing the floor in a dream means that a certain person wants to take your place at the family hearth. The floor is in your apartment, the second mother is very dissatisfied with you, she thinks that you are not a match for her son.

In a dream, the sleeping woman washes the floor; changes are coming in family affairs. Mopping the floor in an unfamiliar room, your actions will have a great impact on others.

If the floor is strong and reliable, in reality you have the same protection. If the gender is unstable - betrayal on the part of a loved one.

Do not forget that any dream, good or bad, can just be a reflection of the real state of affairs or your inner experience. Perhaps you had a quarrel the night before you went to bed, and you don’t know which of you will ask for forgiveness.

It doesn’t matter who asks for forgiveness in a dream, perhaps your mother-in-law is asking you - forgive her and in reality, your life will become easier. Maybe your reflection asks her for forgiveness - it means you want to make amends. The main thing is to correctly decipher the dream and draw conclusions.

Why do you dream about your mother-in-law in a dream, what does the dream book say?

Under the influence of stereotypes, the opinion has developed that any mention by a daughter-in-law of her mother-in-law is necessarily negative. However, this is not always the case. Quite often, the mother of a young man can be a good friend, adviser, and protector for his daughter-in-law. That is why the dream in which the beloved’s mother had a dream can be interpreted not only from the bad side. The dream book contains both negative and positive characteristics for such a dream.

To correctly interpret what your husband’s mother dreams about, you need to remember the details of the dream, down to the color of clothing, actions, conversation and intonation in the voice. And then, find out what meaning the dream carries, where the in-laws were. There are many explanations for such a dream.

What could it mean if you dreamed about your mother-in-law?

The dream book interprets this dream as follows: you need to learn to repel enemies and protect yourself from the negative influence of others, be able to stand up for yourself in everything.

Such a dream can occur to a girl who has not yet become an official daughter-in-law. He promises strained relations with my future husband's mother. Especially if something didn’t work out initially. But, after some time, everything will fall into place.

A dream in which a husband and his mother dream suggests that in reality family troubles and worries await you.

If you dream that your mother-in-law treats you to something, then in real life she wants to appease you and is looking for an approach to you.

Good sleep meaning

No matter how common it is to say that the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is always tense, this is not always the case. After all, the parents of both the wife and the husband are the guardians of the family. And regardless of their character and outlook on life, they always want the best for their children in everything. Therefore, a dream in which a father-in-law and mother-in-law dream can also have a good meaning:

Negative meaning of sleep

If you dream of a father-in-law or mother-in-law, then in many cases such a dream can promise trouble:

The meaning of the dream according to the dream book

In order to find out why the father-in-law or mother-in-law dreamed, you need consult dream books. It is there that you can find the correct interpretation of such a dream. Let's turn to the most popular dream books. So:

As you can see, the dream is interpreted in different ways. Main, take into account the details and compare everything to get the correct result.

And we must remember that many dreams are just display of internal experiences and the real state of affairs. Perhaps, shortly before this dream, a quarrel occurred that you are worried about, then it becomes clear why the mother-in-law is dreaming.

Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? Dream Interpretation: mother-in-law. Swear in a dream with your mother-in-law. Dream interpretation

Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? What does this vision mean? Now let's look at this issue.

Mother-in-law in our country has an ambiguous perception. Many daughters-in-law do not find understanding with their husband’s mother, although there are cases when women begin to be friends. It would seem, what should these two representatives of the fair sex share? After all, they love the same man. But female behavior is based on emotions. Therefore, they may become offended by certain things. The situation is especially aggravated if they have to live in the same territory.

The fact is that women, like cats, should each have their own territory. When they intersect, conflicts may begin. As a rule, mother knows more and better. And the young wife wants to do everything exclusively in her own way. Relationships can work out if the mother-in-law is wise and does not dictate how and what her daughter-in-law should do. But if a young housewife turns to her for advice, she will give it as correctly as possible. Unfortunately, more often than not, a woman’s emotional state prevails over common sense. Then she begins to get offended, sort things out, and so on. In any case, the mother-in-law is an iconic figure in the life of the daughter-in-law. Therefore, a dream with her participation has a certain meaning. In the dream book, mother-in-law can be interpreted in different ways.

Interpretations of night visions: different dreams and interpretations, description

Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? Let's figure it out now. It is worth knowing that there are different interpretations of a dream in which the mother-in-law is present. Why do you dream about your mother-in-law? The interpretation depends on what other objects and phenomena were present in the night vision.

In order to analyze the dream and understand why the mother-in-law is dreaming, you need to try to remember what the woman looked like, what dress or suit she was wearing. Then remember what she said and with what emotional overtones. Several dream books describe a dream in which a dead mother-in-law or something similar was present. Details, colors and surroundings are also important here. They are the ones that will matter when interpreting night vision.

Below will be listed the meanings of how mother-in-law is interpreted in the dream book. If a woman who saw her mother-in-law in a dream has a birthday in the summer, then such a dream can be interpreted as not a very good sign. Most likely, a series of negative events will befall this person in the near future. The best option for her would be to find support. Then you will be able to survive all the hardships. In the case when a representative of the fair sex was born in the autumn, then a mother-in-law in a dream means the following: in reality, she may be subject to false accusations from her husband’s relatives. In such a situation, women should understand where these accusations are coming from.

Namely: the husband's parents learn information from their son. Therefore, if a woman hears dissatisfaction addressed to her by her husband’s relatives, this means that he is giving them such information.

When a girl ends her relationship with her husband or partner and after some time begins to see her ex-mother-in-law in a dream, this means that her ex-lover is going through a breakup. This man wants to renew the relationship. Because he misses his ex-other half. If a representative of the fair sex has similar experiences, then perhaps it is worth thinking about resuming the romance or spending time together.

Interpretation of sleep for an unmarried woman

There are dreams when a girl has not yet married, and in her dream she sees her future mother-in-law. It all depends on how the mother of the future spouse behaved. If she was friendly, then this means that future relationships will develop positively. And vice versa, if the future mother-in-law behaved incorrectly in a dream, reprimanded something, then this means that there will be difficulties in your communication.

Interpretation of sleep for a pregnant woman

A woman who is carrying a child may dream of a pregnant mother-in-law. The meaning of such a dream is quite simple. It lies in the fact that the husband’s mother is worried and worried about the birth of her grandson. Such a dream is considered good.

Sometimes a woman dreams that her mother-in-law is crying. This means that everything will be fine. But when the spouse’s mother laughs, then perhaps sad events will happen in the near future.

Dream interpretation: mother-in-law and her house

This dream can also be very simply interpreted, namely: if in a dream a young woman ends up in her mother-in-law’s house, this means that she begins to gain confidence in her. In reality, the mother of her loved one will treat her daughter-in-law more calmly and trustingly. A woman’s heart and soul are designed in such a way that often the fair sex is worried without any particular reason. Therefore, mothers worry about their children. The mother-in-law naturally tries to protect her son from any unfavorable moments. She does not understand that by interfering in the relationship between her son and his wife she can harm the couple. Those women who strive for self-development understand that it is better to leave the young son and his chosen one alone for a while. And then the children themselves will want to get closer to their mother.

Swear in a dream with your mother-in-law. What does such night vision mean?

Seeing in a dream that a young woman is arguing with her mother-in-law, sorting things out with her, does not mean anything good. In reality, events will occur that can shake a person’s emotional and mental state. Therefore, you should be careful about your surroundings. If a woman dreams of a similar plot, then perhaps she will be able to avoid any events that will negatively affect a person’s health.

There is a type of dream in which the mother-in-law does the cleaning. For example, she cleans the floor. If at the same time the daughter-in-law watches her and does not try to help, then this means that in ordinary life the mother-in-law will help her son and his wife. She will do some of the things around the house herself out of good intentions. Such a mother-in-law will be of great help to a young husband and wife. So don't push your spouse's mother away.

Late mother-in-law. What does such a vision mean?

How is mother-in-law interpreted in the dream book? There are several explanations for this dream. One of them boils down to the fact that the daughter-in-law cannot improve relations with her beloved man and shifts the blame for this onto her environment. If a woman sees her deceased mother-in-law in a dream, then she needs to think about reconsidering her attitude towards loved ones. Perhaps she should change some character traits in herself. Another explanation for a dream in which a woman sees her mother-in-law dead is that unpleasant events will happen to her in the near future. She has only herself to blame for them. Therefore, a girl must act more carefully in her life so as not to bring trouble upon herself.
