How to painlessly teach your child to fall asleep on his own: the technique of falling asleep independently. Simple tricks to help your baby fall asleep faster How to help your baby fall asleep

In our hectic times, it is difficult to meet a person who does not have problems with healthy sleep. But, if an adult shows a desire and at least somehow tries to correct the situation, then it is more difficult for children to understand the problem and they intensely resist.

During the publication, we will give advice for both adults and children of various ages that will help in resolving this issue.

The most popular exercise to fall asleep quickly (in 1 minute)

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There are various ways for an adult to quickly fall asleep and get enough sleep. The most famous is called "4-7-8". Its implementation is not difficult and, due to its simplicity, does not inspire confidence among many. However, experts say that all fears are in vain: exercise slows down the heart rate and calms you down, resulting in sleep.

Essentially, it can work as a mild sedative.


1. Inhale slowly, calmly and deeply for 4 seconds.
2. Hold your breath for 7 seconds.
3. Then exhale very slowly through your mouth, the exhalation process should last 8 seconds.

This exercise will help both adults and children of a conscious age - from 7 years old, so learn it and sleep sweetly.

Relax your muscles to fall asleep in 5 minutes

In their technique, yogis practice exercises on correct and deep breathing (breathing exercises), and also learn to relax the muscles and body.

Complete relaxation, immersion in good and pleasant memories, proper breathing - this is what a person really needs to fall asleep. Regarding memories or fantasies, you should not overdo it, you should not include experiences here - the picture should be calm and peaceful, for example, a light breeze and relaxation on the ocean.

To avoid waking up in the middle of the night and sleep well, experts recommend eliminating irritants, preparing properly and using several proven methods:

  1. First tip: bedding and the bed itself should be comfortable and clean; experts believe that the predominance of warm colors helps a person fall asleep easily. It’s better to start making the bed in the morning and then before going to bed you don’t need to check if everything is in order;
  2. Second tip: fresh air in the sleeping area not only helps you fall asleep when you need it, but also helps you get a good night's sleep;
  3. Third tip: A walk before bed is the best way to recharge with positive emotions, prepare your body and fall asleep easily.

After working all night, falling asleep quickly during the day can be problematic. Many people in this situation resort to secret services method.

So, you need to completely relax, lie on your back, close your eyelids and in this position raise your eyes. Experts believe that this eye position is natural for a sleeping person, and therefore will allow you to achieve the desired result (you will be able to quickly fall asleep).

Another way is to hang dark blackout curtains in your room and purchase a sleep band. All this will allow you to relax and abstract from daylight.

And also, in order to quickly fall asleep at home, even if you don’t want to sleep at all, you need to follow a number of tips.

  • Pleasant water treatments before bedtime they help to relax the body, and this is important both before daytime and before night sleep;
  • If you want to read before bed, take a boring book, it will help you fall asleep easily and have a good night's sleep;
  • Free your thoughts from everyday worries, it is not recommended to think about plans for the near future before going to bed, go through thoughts in your head about what has been done today and what has not, etc.;
  • The best way to disconnect from reality is listen to your breath.

And here watch some movie at night neither on TV, nor on the phone or tablet Not recommended. The experience and involvement in the story will not allow you to fall asleep.

Also, in order to fall asleep if you have insomnia without pills and medications, which many people doubt, despite the fact that experts prescribe them, you can drink relaxing warm drink.

This will help not only an adult, but also a child to fall asleep. It is better to drink herbal tea: lemon balm, mint, thyme, etc. These herbs help you relax, calm mild nervous disorders and allow you to fall asleep quickly, i.e. give a hypnotic effect.

How to help your child fall asleep depending on age

Children perceive reality and their needs differently. It's harder to get them to go to bed. Advice in this option depends on the age of the child. Of course, it’s easier to put kids to bed, because they are exhausted all day and as soon as they put their head on the pillow, sleep comes. The hardest thing is to lie down for them.

It is much more difficult for children who already go to school to fall asleep, as they already have stress and worries.

Putting the kids to bed

Children of preschool or primary school age Often it is enough for parents to turn on cartoons or read a book. It is important to read slowly and expressively, pronouncing each word clearly.

You should choose calm cartoons. Those that will not disturb the child's psyche. These should be kind and bright pictures, for example, Luntik, Fixies, etc.

For older children(10-12 years old) light music will help you fall asleep quickly. She calms and relaxes. But you shouldn’t turn it on too loud, as it will only interfere and distract.

Exercising throughout the day will also help your child fall asleep quickly and get a good night's sleep. But those children who move little, do not attend sports sections and clubs, and spend a lot of time at the computer, do not get tired. Accordingly, getting them to sleep is problematic.

Also remember that an early dinner equals a quick nap. This means that you need to follow the advice of nutritionists - your last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. If the child is hungry after this, offer him yogurt or an apple, it is better to exclude cookies and cakes.

By the way, these tips will help not only a child, but also an adult. An evening walk also helps. This way you can unwind and get rid of the tension accumulated during the day. Sleep comes almost instantly after this.

If it is impossible to put a child to sleep at 1 or 5 months, then it is best to consult a pediatrician. But if there are no serious reasons for concern, you can use one of the methods for quickly falling asleep or listen to popular advice from experienced specialists.

The question of how to properly put a newborn or a slightly older child to sleep does not have a clear answer. Causes of insomnia can include intestinal colic, teething, and poor health.

There are some rules and age-specific features that will allow you to get to know your baby better and understand how to put a newborn to sleep at night.

Many doctors are convinced that it is not so important for a baby to follow a special regime, since until the child is one year old, biological rhythms have not yet been fully established. In addition, the quality and duration of sleep are also influenced by temperament and characteristics of the nervous system.

Popular styling methods

How to put a child to sleep without any problems? There are many effective methods known since ancient times - the so-called grandmother's advice.

For example, many people still use lullabies, since the soothing mother’s voice cannot be replaced by any modern technology. Moreover, what is important to the baby is not the aesthetics of the song, but the emotional mood and soothing rhythm. How else to put your baby to sleep?

This method should take into account the age and characteristics of the child’s nervous system. In this case, a ritual is understood as some action that is repeated every day at a certain time, and it does not matter whether it is summer or winter.

For children under 6 months of age, being in a familiar environment will help calm them down. But a violation of the ritual can create problems with falling asleep - changing the crib, room, pajamas, mother’s hairstyle, the appearance of strangers in the room, etc.

If the child is already 6 months old, it is necessary to create his own ritual that the baby would associate with falling asleep. The most important rule is that this “rite” should be associated exclusively with positive emotions.

An example of such “sleepy” actions are:

  • "farewell to the sun" Mom takes the baby in her arms, brings it to the window and says that the sun, as well as all the animals, have already fallen asleep, therefore, it’s also time for little children to “baby”. Then the curtains are drawn, the lights are turned off, and the baby is placed in the crib;
  • reading fairy tales, poems, viewing colorful pictures;
  • a child hugging his favorite teddy bear;
  • humming a lullaby;
  • observation of aquarium fish, etc.

Such ritual actions usually make it possible to put a child to sleep without any problems, who already understands their meaning. However, when the baby gets sick, even this method does not always work.

Contrary to the fears of many mothers, you can, of course, rock your baby to sleep if there are no medical contraindications. On the contrary, some doctors are convinced that moderate motion sickness can benefit the child’s body.

Rhythmic rocking, repeating the heartbeat, stabilizes the baby's biological rhythms.

It is only important to remember that babies have an imperfect vestibular apparatus, so the question of how to rock a baby correctly is really relevant.

The main thing is to act extremely carefully, slowly rocking the baby back and forth while being held in your arms.

Such monotonous movements act on the human body like a sleeping pill.

On the other hand, by constantly rocking a child to sleep, parents risk turning this habit into a kind of psychological dependence.

Therefore, if there is an opportunity to do without motion sickness, then you should take advantage of it. In such a situation, you won’t have to wean your baby off the habit of falling asleep from constant rocking and only if he is in his mother’s arms.

Babies at both 2 and 4 months have developed a sucking reflex, which they strive to satisfy in all available ways. If you can’t put your child to sleep, you can offer him a pacifier, which will help him calm down and fall asleep.

After the child falls asleep, it is better to take out the pacifier. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing a new unwanted habit - pacifier sucking.

At five or six months the sucking reflex begins to fade. And when the baby turns one year old, it is better to abandon the silicone assistant altogether and find other methods that allow the child to calm down before falling asleep.

Musical works

You can put your baby to bed either in silence or with appropriate musical accompaniment. You need to choose calming melodies to fall asleep. The noise of the ocean, raindrops, singing birds, etc. will perfectly cope with this role.

By the way, pediatricians do not recommend putting a baby to bed in absolute silence. If the parents behave quietly, the child will react to any rustle. However, it is also undesirable to teach your baby to fall asleep with the TV on.


This method works both for falling asleep as quickly as possible and for quickly calming a newborn baby. The baby, especially if he is less than 4 months old, often tosses and turns in his sleep, spreading his arms and thereby disturbing his own sleep.

If you don't know how to put a 2-month-old baby to sleep, try swaddling him, quite tightly, but not too tightly. The tightness of the diaper creates an association in the baby with the mother's womb, so it rather soothes and lulls it to sleep.

In order to quickly and easily put your baby to sleep, it is necessary to create a strong association with him: the bed is a place for falling asleep and sweet dreams, and not for play activities or regular rest.

Imagine if the mother puts the baby in bed almost all day, with the exception of time for walking and feeding. In this case, the child will not have the necessary connection, signaling that it is time to close his eyes when going to bed.

Of course, sometimes it turns out that the child falls asleep wherever he has to: in a car seat, a stroller, on his mother’s arms or in a high chair. However, it is necessary to accustom him to the crib, which becomes an ideal place to sleep.

For more detailed information on how to train a child, read the article by a child psychologist. From this material you can learn the pros and cons of co-sleeping, as well as possible training mistakes.

"Exit - Entrance"

A rather ambiguous method, its meaning is that the child needs to be put in a crib and immediately left for five to seven minutes, without waiting for the little reluctant one to fall asleep.

If during this period the baby still does not fall asleep, then the mother needs to return, try to calm him down, lull him to sleep and leave the room again so that the baby can fall asleep on his own.

Usually, after a few days, the child understands that he needs to fall asleep “on his own.” Therefore, this method is more suitable for babies 2 years old or slightly younger, but not for newborns.

Caress and hugs

You can calm the child with gentle stroking when he is already settled in bed. Some children like to have their eyebrows, ears, and palms stroked. Others calm down from gentle touches on the back or tummy.

This feature is typical for children under 6 months of age, whose tactile sensations are quite developed. Therefore, the question of how to quickly put a child to sleep can be answered simply: touch the baby more often or hold him close to you.


If not a single method has worked and the problem of how to put the baby to sleep during the day or at night has not been solved, the mother needs to calm down, first of all. A woman trying to put her child to sleep tries too hard, as a result the baby feels tension and cries even more.

Therefore, the mother needs to give up excessive efforts and simply try to distract the baby in any way: show something bright, turn on unfamiliar music, dance with him. After the tension is relieved, the child will begin to calm down and fall asleep faster.

Pediatricians recommend understanding the background of childhood insomnia and eliminating it. Therefore, parents need to make sure that the child is not sick, is fed, and is not bothered by too high or low air temperature in the room.

Author's methods

The question of how to properly put a child to sleep is asked not only by parents, but also by specialists - somnologists or pediatricians. They offer their own methods, which involve either the baby quickly falling asleep on his own, or the mother performing certain sequential actions.

For several decades now, the method of the American pediatrician Karp has been used in practice by parents all over the world. It consists of 5 effective techniques:

All of these steps can be used in combination or individually. Some people manage to send their baby to a nap during the day or put him to bed at night after motion sickness; other parents note that the child instantly calms down when hissing over his ear (“white noise”).

This method of the Spanish pediatrician is more suitable for children over one and a half years old, who already understand a little of the words spoken by their parents. This method of placement is unacceptable for newborns.

Dr. Estiville's method of falling asleep independently is that the mother regularly tells the baby during daylight hours that he is sleeping today in his own crib without rocking or reminding.

In the evening, the mother puts the baby to bed, wishes him pleasant dreams and says that she will come in to check on him in a minute. She then leaves the room and locks the door. These 60 seconds must be endured, although the baby will cry loudly.

During the week, the duration of the child’s solitude increases. At the same time, the mother does not need to feel sorry for him, but explain in the same words why he is now sleeping in his crib. The pediatrician even developed a special sign for the intervals through which the baby is examined.

This method of falling asleep has both followers and opponents. Therefore, you should focus not on the opinions of other parents on the Internet, but on your own child.

Nathan Dylo Method

Is it possible to put a baby to sleep in a minute? It turns out that this is possible if you approach the matter with a certain imagination. Thus, a young father from Australia showed on video how he put his two-month-old son into a restful sleep in 40 seconds by rubbing a paper napkin over his face.

As experts explain, there is nothing extraordinary about this, since many newborn children react in a similar way to the touch of a soft object on their face or ears. Touching your fingernails or toenails is also often triggered.

Naturally, it is not easy to find a guaranteed way to lull a baby or older child to sleep. What works for one child may not work for another. The trial and error method will help you find the most suitable option.

Popular TV doctor Evgeny Komarovsky identifies 10 basic recommendations, the implementation of which will help ensure healthy sleep for your baby and other household members.

  1. Set your priorities. The first point, in other words, is that all family members should rest. Newborns require the mother to be calm, happy and well-rested.
  2. Determine your sleep pattern. The sleep and wakefulness routine must necessarily take into account the peculiarities of the parents' daily routine, as well as the baby's biorhythms. Moreover, you need to observe the time of falling asleep every day.
  3. Decide where the baby will sleep. Komarovsky believes that a baby should sleep alone in a separate crib. In this situation, adults will get enough sleep, and at 1 year the bed can be moved to another room. However, the mother can place the baby next to her.
  4. Don't be afraid to wake your baby. Often the question of how to put a child to sleep during the day smoothly flows into the problem of his reluctance to sleep at night. So adjust your nap time.
  5. Optimize feeding. Observe how your child reacts to food. If he feels sleepy after eating, feed him tightly in the evening. If the situation is the opposite and the baby wants to play after milk, on the contrary, reduce the amount of food.
  6. Increase your activity during the day. Make your waking hours more active: walk outside, communicate with people and animals, observe the world around you, play. This will increase the length of your night's sleep.
  7. Provide fresh air. If the room is stuffy, the baby simply will not fall asleep. Low air humidity also does not contribute to healthy sleep. Bring these parameters to optimal values.
  8. Give the baby a bath. Warm water will relieve fatigue, improve mood, and also relax the little bather.
  9. Prepare the crib. Komarovsky advises to monitor every time whether the sleeping place is organized correctly. It is important to purchase only high-quality sheets, mattresses and diapers.
  10. Don't forget the diaper. A high-quality disposable diaper will allow the baby to sleep and the mother to rest. Therefore, do not be afraid to use these hygiene products.

As a conclusion

The question of how to put a child to sleep in 5 minutes will probably never lose its relevance. In order for your baby to fall asleep quickly and without tears, you will have to try many methods and use a variety of recommendations.

It’s just important not to forget about yourself and your mental health. Agree that an exhausted mother and a tired father will in no way help the child fall asleep quickly. Therefore, remain calm and solve the problem without unnecessary nerves.

The optimal number of hours of sleep for newborn babies varies from 16 to 20 per day. The amount of sleep is determined by many factors, primarily the baby’s temperament.

Some sleepyheads prefer to fall asleep immediately after feeding, lulled on their mother's shoulder, while others, being fidgety, strive to quickly explore the world around them and it is quite difficult to put them to bed.

The baby does not necessarily sleep and wake at regular intervals. If the total number of hours of sleep per day (including half-hour periods of napping) reaches 16, then there is nothing to worry about.

The baby does not necessarily sleep and wake at regular intervals.

However If the baby sleeps for less time, then you should immediately pay attention to this.

You may need to get tested soon. To know, how to collect urine from a baby girl or boy you can by following the link.

The baby does not sleep well during the day. Common Causes

Even if you have come to the conclusion that your baby’s sleep is restless, with frequent interruptions and less than the recommended norm, don't rush to panic. Perhaps the reasons why a baby does not sleep well during the day are very minor and can be easily eliminated on your own, without the help of a pediatrician.

1. The temperature in the room in which the baby is located must be constant. It is recommended to ventilate the room in the absence of the baby two to three times a day. The optimal temperature is 21-22 degrees Celsius. If you notice that the child is actively moving his arms and legs and sneezing, most likely he is cold and you need to dress him warmly.

In winter, babies do not sleep well during the day due to dry air. If batteries work intensively in the house, It's better to use a humidifier which will help the child breathe easily. However, you should not turn it on often - High humidity can harm the baby's health.

2. Sound and light stimuli can also cause poor sleep during the day. Check to see if there is a strong light shining into the baby's eyes and whether he is wincing. Darken the room with curtains to create an optimal light atmosphere for healthy sleep. Loud noises and loud music can also cause anxiety in a baby.

If batteries are used intensively in the house, it is better to use a humidifier, which will help the child breathe easily.

3. The child needs constant attention , so it’s not always enough to just lull him to sleep and put him in his crib. In his mother’s womb, he always heard the soothing beat of her heart, and now he falls asleep mostly on his mother’s chest. Many parents notice that newborn babies calm down faster in an upright position when they are stroked in their arms.

If you want to do household chores at the same time, freeing your hands, It's better to buy a sling. With him, the baby will always be under careful supervision, and the mother will be able to calmly go about her business.

4. Some of the most common reasons for poor sleep during the day are hunger and wet diapers. Constantly check the dryness of the diaper and change it on time. Feed your baby constantly, maintaining equal intervals between feedings.

If you want to simultaneously do household chores with your hands free, it is better to purchase a sling.

The baby does not sleep well during the day, often due to discomfort from the diaper. Periodically give your baby air baths in a warm, ventilated room.

Other causes of poor sleep during the day

In addition to the environment, Conditions that prevent a baby from falling asleep during the day may be the following:

1.Colic. A large accumulation of gases in the tummy prevents the baby from falling asleep during the day. Apply a warm baby heating pad to your baby and give a light massage. For frequent colic Pediatricians recommend adhering to the following rules:

Before feeding your baby every day, you should lay on your tummy on a hard surface.

After feeding, be sure to you need to carry the baby vertically in your arms and wait until he burps.

Before daily feeding, the baby should be placed on his tummy on a hard surface.

In acute attacks of colic, heat the diaper with an iron to a pleasant temperature and tie it around the baby’s tummy– this will significantly reduce symptoms.

Massage the tummy with light movements in a clockwise direction.

After feeding you can give a little dill water, which will reduce the risk of gas in the child.

Nursing It’s better for mom to exclude tomatoes, cabbage, spicy seasonings, dairy products, and nuts from her diet. Every day you can drink a cup of tea containing lemon balm, fennel, and cumin.

Contact your pediatrician, he will prescribe medications that reduce the formation of gases and give general recommendations on feeding the child.

Massage the tummy with light movements in a clockwise direction.

If the baby is bottle-fed, try changing the mixture . Most likely, its composition is poorly absorbed in the baby’s body.

2. The baby may have difficulty sleeping during the day due to breathing disorders, possible diseases of the central nervous system. In any case, you need to undergo a thorough examination under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

What to do if your baby doesn't sleep well during the day

Daily walks in the fresh air will help normalize your baby's sleep. The singing of birds and the rustling of leaves are the most soothing sounds for a baby after the beating of the mother's heart. Fresh air has a beneficial effect on his overall well-being. Make it a habit to walk with your baby twice a day, excluding cold and cloudy weather.

Daily walks in the fresh air will help normalize your baby's sleep.

1. There should be a calm atmosphere at home. If possible, peace and quiet so that the baby is not distracted by extraneous sounds.

2. When bathing your baby, use a decoction of string and chamomile , this will calm the baby and prepare him for sleep.

3. Various sachets with lavender or valerian will help him fall asleep faster. Sew a regular linen bag, fill it with one of the herbs, and place it in the baby’s crib.

4. After sunset, active games should be avoided. Prepare your baby for bed several hours in advance. Pleasant strokes on your mother's chest will guarantee a sound sleep.

Pleasant strokes on your mother's chest will guarantee a sound sleep.

5. Soft, relaxing music often helps children fall asleep.

The baby may have difficulty sleeping during the day due to increased noise from the street. In this case, you need to close the windows after ventilation. Simulate the sound of leaves or birdsong. The main thing is that the music is very quiet and does not distract the baby. Watch his reaction - some babies fall asleep very quickly, and for some, the presence of extraneous sounds only disturbs them.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

Do you feel like your baby is not sleeping well or waking up too often? How to help the baby? What is the reason and is there any cause for concern?

Sleep is a very important part of a newborn's life. During deep sleep, children produce growth hormone, so babies usually sleep a lot and grow quickly. Another important property of sleep is the protection and restoration of the nervous system. A tired child begins to be capricious and move restlessly. And after sleep there is no trace of excitement left. That's why proper sleep is vital for your baby. There are averages for sleep duration depending on age. However, it is important how many hours a day the baby sleeps, and not how many hours in a row.

Features of children's sleep

Before falling into deep sleep, babies go through a stage of light sleep, lasting about 20 minutes. Your baby may wake up if you put him in his crib during the light sleep stage. We need to wait for him to fall asleep soundly. As your baby grows up, he will learn to fall asleep faster.

Children's sleep cycles are short. After 20-40 minutes, the child’s deep sleep again turns into superficial sleep, and here he can wake up from the slightest noise.

How to help your child sleep

You won't be able to force your child to sleep, but you can help him fall asleep faster.

1. You should start putting your baby to bed for a nap when he shows signs of fatigue: rubbing his eyes and being capricious.

2. For proper daytime and night sleep, it is important that the child is actively awake: talk to the baby, sing songs, recite little rhymes to evoke visual and auditory reactions. Provide him with the opportunity to move freely, lay him out on a wide sofa or on the floor, travel around the house in your arms, and walk more in the fresh air.

3. When you put your baby to bed for the night, sing a lullaby. His mother's gentle, gentle voice will calm him down and lull him to sleep. Wonderful lullabies on the website

4. Create an inviting environment. Make it traditionally pleasant. The styling process should be the same every day. The repetition of events gives the baby a feeling of security.

5. The baby will fall asleep faster if the room is a little cool. It is advisable to maintain the temperature +18 ... +20 C, and humidity 45-60%. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well. Don't wrap your baby up, just periodically check if his nose and hands are warm.

6. When mom can’t lull her baby to sleep, dad can help out. Fathers often put their babies to bed faster, oddly enough, especially for naps. If your baby has colic, you can put his tummy on his dad's chest or stomach: he will warm up and fall asleep.

7. Calm down during the day. Use the language of touch: stroke it, massage it, play with it, carry it with you. Such gentle communication will give the baby a feeling of security - this will allow him to sleep soundly at night.

8. Develop a daily bedtime routine and strictly follow it. Let there be more pleasant processes for the baby. For example, evening bathing with relaxing foam, pine extract or sea salt, the gentle touch of your hands during a massage. Well, how can you not fall asleep here?

9. At night, be sure to put on a clean diaper and comfortable pajamas so that nothing interferes with your baby’s sleep. Feed your baby before bed.

10. Don't listen to other mothers' stories about how great their babies sleep. All babies are different, each has their own temperament, each goes through the main periods of development differently: teething, learning the skills of crawling, sitting, walking. Observe your baby, notice what actions you take best to help him fall asleep, and you will become a real expert in this matter.

Good luck and sweet dreams to you and your baby!

Adequate sleep is one of the most important conditions for the normal development of a child. That is why it is necessary to pay due attention to the problems associated with children's sleep. One of these problems is the baby’s inability or unwillingness to fall asleep without the help of mom and dad. This question may concern both the parents of an infant and the parents of an older child. How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own without tears and hysterics?

Can a child under one year old fall asleep on his own?

Most of those who have recently become parents do not even think about letting their baby fall asleep on his own. Almost every family creates entire rituals designed to help put the child to sleep. But experts say that even a baby who has not reached the age of one year is able to independently go to sleep during the day and at night, if he is taught this in time. Exceptions apply only to a newborn baby: children under 4 weeks still need their mother too much, because they have not yet adapted to the world around them. It is impossible to teach such babies anything, but it is quite possible for mothers and fathers to help their baby fall asleep faster and easier. For this you can use:

  • swaddling It is much more common for a newborn to feel somewhat cramped: this allows him to feel as if he is still in his mother’s belly. Proper swaddling helps your baby fall asleep warm and comfortable;
  • calm music, mother's singing or other sounds that are pleasant for the infant. You can play slow classical music for your baby (including music specially adapted for newborns) or quietly sing lullabies. Gentle melodies and mother's voice always have a calming effect on the baby. By “other sounds” we mean so-called white noise. It could be the sound of a waterfall, pouring water, the hiss of a radio wave;
  • gentle pats. If the mother holds the baby close and lightly pats him on the back or bottom, the baby will fall asleep faster. Light rhythmic movements calm babies.

While the baby is still very small, the use of motion sickness is quite acceptable. For this, a stroller, a special baby lounger, a car seat and, of course, mother’s hands can be used. But before you put your newborn to bed this way, try letting him fall asleep on his own. If he doesn't need rocking and is quite capable of falling asleep without screaming and crying after lying in his crib for a while, that's just great. It is quite possible that in the future he will fall asleep on his own. If motion sickness is the main method for putting the baby to sleep, then it is necessary to abandon it when the baby is 2 months old. The older the child, the more difficult it is to teach him to fall asleep without rocking for a long time in a stroller or in his arms.

For children 2-4 months old, the rules change slightly. You can still use swaddling and lullabies if it helps your baby fall asleep on his own. The child will fall asleep faster if he is slightly tired: for this, he must be awake for at least an hour and a half before going to bed at night. You can and should give your baby a bath at this time; this will help you fall asleep better and have a stronger, more peaceful night's rest. Children under one year of age have a strong sucking reflex, so a pacifier can be used within reasonable limits. The pacifier helps the baby calm down and fall asleep faster - provided that the baby is dry and well-fed. If the baby is lying in the crib and tossing and turning, but not crying, do not rush to pick him up. Stay close, but don't talk or play with him. If your baby knows that mom is nearby, he will feel safe and will eventually go to sleep peacefully.

How to teach a baby to sleep at 1 year old

It is much more difficult to teach a one-year-old child to fall asleep on his own than a baby. This is partly explained by the fact that at this age the baby often experiences a 1-year-old crisis, one of the manifestations of which is the urgent need for the constant presence of the mother. A one-year-old baby perceives himself and his mother as a single whole and simply cannot imagine that she will disappear somewhere. When his mother leaves the room, it seems to him that she will never return. On the other hand, children at the age of 1 year are already quite successful in manipulating their parents and forcing them to obey their rules. Therefore, in order to avoid tears and screams, many mothers and fathers prefer to put the child to sleep for hours, instead of teaching him to fall asleep on his own. But this can continue indefinitely, and the child will only strengthen his habit. Therefore, it is necessary to wean him from this method of falling asleep as early as possible.

To teach your baby to fall asleep on his own, you must first prepare him, otherwise you may encounter very sharp resistance on his part. To do this, you must adhere to several important rules:

  • If possible, stick to your daily routine. Many children at one year of age are already quite capable of eating, walking and sleeping according to a certain schedule. Their little bodies quickly get used to this way of life, so it is much easier for these children to adjust to a night’s sleep than for those who always go to bed at different times;
  • calmly explain to the baby why he should fall asleep on his own and in his crib. Tell him that he is already big, brave and knows how to do everything on his own. Of course, this does not work immediately and not always, but this point should not be neglected;
  • develop your own bedtime ritual. This happens differently in every family. For example, a child took a bath, put on pajamas, listened to a fairy tale, kissed his mother, and then calmly fell asleep. If you have come to this particular course of action, always follow it. This helps the baby get in the right mood. Soon he will begin to understand that all these procedures are related to preparing for sleep;
  • give the child a “protector”. This means he can sleep with his favorite toy. Explain that she “protects” his sleep and is always nearby. This will make it easier for him to fall asleep and wake up much more pleasant.

Once you notice that all these rules are being followed regularly, move on to the next step. Teach him to fall asleep on his own in his own crib.

To do this, give up rocking, lullabies, stroking, patting and other methods that you actively used before. You simply put your baby in his bed, say goodnight, turn on the night light and leave the room. Almost all children at this moment begin to cry and call for their mother. Wait a few minutes and enter the room to let the child know that mom has not disappeared, is always nearby and can come at any moment. Put your baby to bed again and tell him it's time to sleep. Speak calmly and confidently. After that, log out again. Gradually, the time after which you return to the room needs to be increased. Soon the baby will understand that mom will not disappear anywhere, will stop being afraid and crying and will begin to fall asleep on his own.

This is a slightly softened Esteville method. As is, it involves some pretty tough training, but promises that a child can be taught to fall asleep on their own in just 7 days. For many parents, the Estiville method is unacceptable, since they feel that the child is exposed to severe stress, and this can negatively affect his nervous system. In fact, there is no evidence that this technique causes any harm to the baby. The only problem is that most parents cannot calmly tolerate the child’s tears associated with his refusal to fall asleep on his own. Each parent has the right to decide for himself whether this method is suitable for him.

How to teach a 2-3 year old child

All recommendations that relate to falling asleep independently at the age of 1 year also apply to children 2-3 years old. Often at this age, the baby is “resettled” not only in his own bed, but also in a separate room. It should be cozy and the baby likes it. Don't forget about your bedtime rituals. For children aged 2-3 years this is still relevant, and sometimes even more important than for one-year-old babies.

Do not allow your child to fall asleep in your bed and then move him to the nursery. From the very beginning, teach him to go to bed at night in his own bed. You can and should turn on your baby’s night light and give him his favorite toy in his crib. Determine the time you will spend with him before bed and be sure to let him know about it. For example: “Now we will read this fairy tale, and after that we will go to bed.” Keep your promise. After reading the story, wish your child good night and leave the room.

Often at this age, children already develop obsessive fears that prevent them from falling asleep alone. If this applies to your child, don't ignore it. Listen carefully and try to allay his fears. If he is afraid of the “monsters” that live in the closet or under the bed, be sure to take his hand and show him that there is no one there. Tell your child a story about how toys are his most reliable protectors, and remind him that mom and dad are also nearby and are always ready to help.

Be patient when teaching your child to fall asleep on his own. Don't yell or get angry at him if he can't do it yet. Success depends only on your actions. Confidence, calmness, patience, supported by boundless parental love - these are the conditions for achieving the desired result.
