How to cook a steam omelette correctly. How to cook a steam omelette: the right recipe. Rules for preparing a steam omelette

Steam omelette Prepared in a water bath or in a double boiler. To prepare a steam omelette in a water bath, you will need a thick-bottomed pan and dishes greased with vegetable (olive) oil. The dishes are placed in a saucepan, water is poured into the pan so that it reaches only half of the dishes, and it is placed on low heat. The prepared mixture for the steam omelette is carefully poured into the bowl, the lid is closed with water and the omelette is left for 25-35 minutes. Steam omelette can also be prepared in a steamer by placing the mixture in a glass or plastic bowl greased with oil.

Steam omelet - recipes

Classic steam omelette.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. milk, ½ tsp. butter, salt.

Preparation: beat the eggs with milk and salt into a thick foam, grease the mold with oil, pour the mixture into it, put it in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Remove the finished omelette from the mold and turn it over onto a plate.

Steam omelette with fish.

Ingredients: 200g halibut, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, starch, 1 tbsp. green pepper, half a cup of strong beef broth, 3 eggs, 1 bunch of green onions, ½ tsp. salt.

Preparation: cut the fish into narrow strips, roll them in corn starch, place on a flat dish, top with chopped green peppers and onions, pour over vegetable oil. Beat the eggs into the heated broth, add salt, pour the mixture over the fish, and place the dish with the omelette in a double boiler for 40 minutes.

Steam omelette with carrots.

Ingredients: 8 eggs, 2 carrots, 2 tbsp. milk, 1 tbsp. butter, salt, parsley.

Preparation: chop or grate the carrots, simmer with a little water and oil, and wipe. Mix eggs with milk, carrots, pour into a mold and place in a double boiler or water bath. When serving, garnish with herbs.

Steam omelette usually keeps its shape well, so when serving the finished omelette, simply turn the dish with it onto a plate. Serve the steam omelette with sauces, vegetables or salad and other toppings to suit your taste.

Steamed omelette is a nutritious egg dish originally from France. It is recommended for use by people with gastrointestinal diseases who are on a diet, as well as for complementary feeding of children from one year of age. But this does not mean at all that a completely healthy person who is not on a diet cannot treat himself to this light and healthy dish. The omelette is rich in vitamins A, D, E, group B, folic acid, lutein, lysine, etc. Thanks to the cooking technology, this dish does not contain carcinogens, cholesterol and calories.

The classic recipe is the simplest. It does not require special ingredients or kitchen equipment. There are two ways to prepare this omelet.


  • 8 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

  1. Mix the eggs with milk with a fork and add salt.
  2. For the first cooking method, take a pan and a colander with a flat bottom. Pour water into the pan, it should not touch the bottom of the colander, bring to a boil, install the colander, and place a bowl with the egg mixture in it. Cover the entire structure with a lid and cook for 20-25 minutes.
  3. The second method is a little easier. Take a pan, pour water into it, its level should reach the middle of the dish in which the omelette will be made. Pour the prepared eggs into a cooking container, place in a saucepan, and cook in the same way for 20-25 minutes.

Steam omelette on water

For those who are lactose intolerant, or simply want to enjoy a lean omelette, we tell you how to cook a steam omelette using water.


  • 6 proteins;
  • 100 ml water (boiled);
  • salt;
  • oil for greasing the mold.

Preparation progress:

  1. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. We set the yolks aside, we won’t need them, and beat the whites with a whisk with salt into a strong foam.
  2. Add water to the resulting mixture and beat again.
  3. Grease the mold with oil.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the mold and place in a double boiler for 10-20 minutes.

You can put a small slice of butter on top of the cooked omelette; it will quickly melt and form a delicious, delicate film.

Omelette in a steamer

Previously, we looked at simple recipes, but you can cook a steamed protein omelette with the addition of vegetables.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 1/2 tbsp. milk;
  • salt;
  • 1 tbsp. chopped vegetables (any).

Preparation progress:

  1. As in the previous recipe, separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  2. Mix the egg whites and milk thoroughly and add salt.
  3. Pour a glass of chopped vegetables into the bottom of the steamer bowl and pour the milk-protein mixture on top. Mix.
  4. Turn on the device and set the timer for 20 minutes. When the steamer signals the end of cooking, stir the almost finished omelette and turn it on again, setting the timer for another 10 minutes.
  5. Place the finished dish on a plate and serve with herbs.

Recipe for steam omelette in a slow cooker

The recipe for a steam omelette in a slow cooker is as simple as in a double boiler. But we will cook with tomatoes.


  • 6 eggs;
  • 250 ml. milk;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 1 tsp. butter;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

  1. Mix eggs with salt and milk.
  2. Wash the tomato and cut into medium cubes. If desired, the tomato can be blanched and the skin removed.
  3. Mix the milk-egg mixture with the chopped tomato.
  4. Grease a small baking dish with oil.
  5. Pour about a glass of water into the multicooker bowl, place a wire rack and a container with the future omelet inside.
  6. Close the multicooker, start the “Steam” mode, set the timer for 20 minutes.
  7. Give the finished omelette a little time to cool, then turn the pan over and easily remove the finished dish onto a plate.

In the microwave

If you don’t have any time to cook, but you want to treat yourself and your family to a delicious dinner, make an omelet in the microwave. To do this, you can use any utensils, from one large glass bowl for the microwave to ordinary mugs.


  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. milk;
  • 100 gr. cheese (any);
  • 100 gr. ham;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Preparation progress:

  1. Take 2 mugs, beat 1 egg into each and mix with a fork with salt, pepper and milk.
  2. Three cheese on a grater.
  3. Cut the ham into small cubes or also into three on a grater.
  4. Place 1-2 tbsp in each mug. l. cheese and ham, mix.
  5. Place the mugs in the microwave, no need to cover, set the timer for 1 minute. When the time is up, mix with a fork and set the time for another 1-2 minutes until the eggs become firm.
  6. We serve the finished omelette to the table directly in mugs; you can sprinkle with chopped herbs if desired.

Steamed omelette with mushrooms

To add a little variety to your breakfast or dinner, you can prepare a delicious steam omelet with mushrooms. Any mushroom will do for this purpose, but the most affordable and aromatic ones are champignons.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. corn flour;
  • 5 champignons;
  • 2 tbsp. l. peas;
  • 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce (optional);
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • 125 ml. water.

Preparation progress:

  1. We clean the mushrooms, wash them and chop them finely.
  2. Place the prepared mushrooms in a colander and steam for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix eggs with water, salt, pepper, flour and sauce.
  4. Transfer the mushrooms to an omelet bowl, add the peas, and pour in the prepared egg.
  5. Let it steam for 30 minutes.

Recipe with tomatoes and cheese

This dish comes out very juicy and flavorful. Suitable for variety of diet during a low-calorie diet.


  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. milk;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 100 gr. cheese;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

  1. Wash the tomato and cut into medium cubes. If desired, you can pour boiling water over the tomato and remove the skin.
  2. Three cheese on a grater.
  3. Whisk milk, eggs and salt.
  4. Mix the egg mixture with tomato and cheese and pour into the mold.
  5. Place the omelette in a double boiler or water bath and cook for about half an hour until done.

Subtleties of steaming omelette

  1. The main rule of any omelet is the correct ratio of milk and eggs. To calculate how much milk is needed for a certain number of eggs, you can use half an eggshell as a measuring container. For 1 egg, take 2 shell halves full of milk.
  2. Eggs for omelettes must be fresh. No more than 5 days should pass after their demolition. You can use eggs that are not fresh, but they will not beat as well and the dish will not be as fluffy.
  3. Refrigerated omelette ingredients mix best without lumps.
  4. Beat the omelette with a fork or whisk. A mixer is not suitable for this purpose, as it makes a too homogeneous mass that does not rise well.
  5. Eggs beaten with milk are immediately sent to a double boiler or other cooking device. The longer the prepared mixture sits, the worse it will rise.
  6. Do not add too many additional products to the omelette, this also greatly affects the fluffiness. The fewer additives, the more airy it is.
  7. To prevent the finished omelette from settling, do not remove the lid during cooking until the mixture becomes thick, and for another 5 minutes after cooking is complete. Sudden temperature changes “blow away” the dish.

It is not for nothing that eggs are considered a valuable product, as they have a balanced composition of proteins, fats, vitamins, macro- and microelements. They contain lecithin, which is necessary for the development of the child’s nervous system, lutein, which is beneficial for vision, and many other components that contribute to the development of the baby in the first years of life. You will learn about the beneficial properties of a steam omelette, and also read how to cook it tasty and quickly.

What are the benefits of eggs

  • Vitamin A regulates metabolism, strengthens the developing skeleton and teeth, retinol is necessary for normal vision. It is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body.
  • B vitamins affect the functioning of the body's immune and nervous systems. Together with tocopherol (vitamin E), they control the functioning of the endocrine glands, participating in the production of hormones.
  • The yolk contains a lot of vitamin D. It ensures the growth and development of the skeleton, regulates mineral metabolism and calcium deposition in the teeth.
  • Eggs contain macro- and microelements: calcium, iodine, potassium, iron, phosphorus, necessary for the normal development of the baby.
  • Lecithin prevents cholesterol from settling on the walls of blood vessels, one of the main components of the formation and development of the nervous system. Prevents heart and vascular diseases.

Did you know? Scientists from Columbia University have found that the amount of lecithin received in the first year of life determines future memory capacity.

  • Lutein, which is part of the yolk, plays a huge role in the physiology of vision.
  • Kholin reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Contains protein necessary for building muscle tissue.
  • Promotes a good mood and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Steamed omelette can be consumed for diseases of the digestive system.
  • Eggs contain all the amino acids necessary for the harmonious development of the baby.

How and when to introduce steamed omelets into your child’s diet

Important! Eggs are considered an allergenic product. Monitor your child carefully; in case of allergies, exclude eggs from the child’s diet.

  • The yolk is introduced from 7-8 months. It should be given in small quantities, first mixed into the mixture, preferably in the morning. Observe the child's reaction. The product may cause skin rash, or. If everything is fine, then after a couple of days increase the portion a little. By the age of one year, the baby can eat half of one yolk.
  • Protein begins to be given at the age of eleven months, since, unlike yolk, it is more common.
  • One chicken egg can be replaced with four quail eggs. They are no less useful.
  • But a steam omelette is suitable for a child aged 1 year. Since it is undesirable for children at this age to eat more than half an egg, give your baby half a portion, increasing its size by six months. Pediatricians recommend consuming this dish no more than three times a week.
  • Do not forget to wash the eggs thoroughly in running water: there may be some on the shell.
  • Country milk should be boiled.

How to cook a steam omelette


  • Egg – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – 50 ml;

How to cook an omelette

Steam omelette is easy to prepare without a steamer.

This steam omelette can also be made in the oven.

Steam omelette with vegetables in the microwave


  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Milk – 50 ml;
  • Carrots – ½;
  • Cauliflower – 2 inflorescences;
  • Butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste.

How to cook an omelette

A steam omelette made according to this recipe is perfect for an older child. This dish will turn out fluffy and tender, and most importantly – delicious.

What to do if you want to cook a steam omelette, but don’t have a steamer at home? The answer is simple - build a water bath and use it. But these are not all the secrets! We will tell you in more detail how to create a lush steamed omelette without a double boiler and reveal all the subtleties and nuances of its preparation. This is an excellent option for dietary or baby food, because everything is done without frying - no carcinogens from boiling oil! Children can be given this egg dish from the age of one, starting with half a teaspoon. Well, if you already have this recipe in your piggy bank, try adding additional flavoring ingredients to it using our tips.

We prepare steam omelette in silicone cake molds; you can also use any other molds; deep plates, such as soup plates, will do.


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Milk – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Butter – 5-6 g;
  • Salt - to taste.


Break the eggs into a container. This recipe is also suitable for using quail eggs, just maintain the proportion of eggs and milk (approximately 120 ml of egg mass per 50 ml of milk). It is important, otherwise the omelet will not thicken.

Beat them with a whisk or blender until smooth. There is no need to whip until thick foam - it will still settle during cooking.

Pour in milk and add salt to the mixture. If you don’t have milk on hand, take cream or sour cream - the taste of the omelette will only benefit from this.

Mix the ingredients.

Grease small silicone muffin tins well with a knob of soft butter. Pour the omelette mixture into them. And if you have special paper capsules for such molds, use them instead of oil. Then the omelette can be served on a plate directly in them, and eaten with a teaspoon.

Set up a water bath for steaming. This recipe does not use a double boiler, but it doesn’t matter, the omelette will still turn out fluffy and tasty. Pour half the volume of water into the pan, place a sieve or colander on it (here it’s plastic, but it’s better to take an iron one with small cells - hot air circulates better in it). It is necessary that there is enough space for steam between the water and the bottom of the sieve. Place the pan on the fire. Carefully place the silicone molds containing the egg mixture onto a sieve. Cover with a lid.

Wait about a quarter of an hour with water boiling moderately in a saucepan. After this, remove the molds from the heat along with the sieve. So the steam omelette is ready without a steamer in silicone molds. Carefully flip them onto a plate and remove the omelette. Decorate it with sliced ​​fresh vegetables or herbs. Serve this easy, low-calorie dish for breakfast or afternoon snack.

You can add additional ingredients to the egg mixture for steam omelette to taste:

  • a teaspoon of wheat or cereal flour as a thickener, but the omelet will become denser and less fluffy;
  • crushed cheese - hard, processed or pickled;
  • chopped or dried spicy herbs;
  • dessert greens – spinach, sorrel, mint, basil;
  • spices and seasonings - ground pepper, turmeric or saffron;
  • corn or green peas;
  • onions, carrots and garlic sautéed in oil;
  • pieces of olives or pitted olives;
  • finely chopped or grated pieces of sausage, bacon or smoked pork belly.

You can prepare a puff omelette in the same way. The cooking principle is as follows:

  1. separate the whites from the yolks;
  2. mix the yolks with milk (1 tsp milk for 1 yolk) and an additional component to your taste;
  3. beat the whites with salt until thick foam;

Place the whites and yolks in layers in oiled molds and immediately place them in hot steam to cook.

Steamed dishes are considered the healthiest and most dietary, they do not contain oil, and all beneficial substances are preserved. Steam omelette is suitable even for those who watch their figure or play sports.

Air omelette in a double boiler

Photo: If you have a double boiler, you can prepare a wonderful fluffy omelette that everyone will love. The dish will not burn, it will turn out unusually tender.

What do you need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml milk
  • salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook a fluffy omelette in a double boiler:

To make your breakfast more satisfying, you can grate cheese on top of the still hot omelette, which will result in a very appetizing crust. This option is suitable only for those who do not follow a strict diet and do not count the calorie content of each dish.

And if you can’t live without sweets, prepare an original omelet according to the recipe of maestro Alexander Seleznev!

Omelet in a slow cooker

Using the same recipe, you can cook an omelet in a slow cooker in ten minutes. Fill the cooking bowl two-thirds full with water, and place a grate on top for steaming dishes. All ingredients need to be mixed and poured into silicone muffin tins and placed on a wire rack. With function "Steaming" You can make a wonderful omelette.

Original omelet in a jar

Photo: If you don’t have a slow cooker or a double boiler, you don’t have to give up a delicious omelet. In this case, you can use improvised means that any housewife will have in stock.

For example, if you have glasses or small jars, you can cook an omelette in them. The recipe is standard, the number of eggs will depend on the number of servings. To prepare, you need to pour water into the pan and place the jars with mixed ingredients directly on the bottom.

It’s very easy to get an omelet out of a jar, and the result is a kind of turret; children should like this design. The cooking time will depend on the volume of the mold, for example, in a baby food jar the dish will be ready in 10 minutes.
