Disinfectant eye drops. Okomistin - antiseptic eye drops. Antiseptic eye drops Levomycetin

In the case when the eye disease is infectious, viral or fungal in nature, it is impossible to cure it without the use of antibiotic therapy aimed at getting rid of all pathogenic microorganisms. If you do not take antibiotics, you cannot fully recover, and the clinical picture can only progress. Antibacterial eye drops - which are most in demand in modern ophthalmology, they gently and purposefully act precisely on the hour of the focus of the disease.

We will talk about the types, methods of treatment and use of these drugs for the eyes in the article.

What are antibacterial eye drops?

In most cases, it is bacteria that leads to the development of eye diseases such as:
inflammation in the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis);
lesion (ulcerative) of the membrane that closes the pupil and iris;
inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis), cornea (keratitis), mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctivitis);
chronic infections.

Bacteria also contribute to the formation of purulent inflammation, both post-traumatic and postoperative. It is the drugs that are designed to treat a bacterial infection of the eyes and their appendages.

Antibacterial eye drops are the most numerous subgroup of antimicrobials, which may contain antibiotics or sulfa drugs.

In the photo: antibacterial eye drops

Eye drops containing antibiotics are drugs whose active ingredient is semi-synthetic or natural compounds that can kill pathogenic microorganisms.

In medicine, an eye antibiotic takes advantage of the ability of certain organisms to secrete substances that inhibit microbial microflora.

Antibiotic eye drops are divided into groups:
aminoglycosides: drops Tobramycin (Tobrex, Dilaterol), Gentimycin;
chloramphenicol: Levomycetin;
fluoroquinolones ( Tsipromed, Tsiloksan, Tsiprolet); Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin.

Varieties of antiseptic eye drops

If an infection occurs in the eyes, the patient should undergo a spectral analysis to determine his sensitivity to broad-spectrum antibiotics for the eyes and to detect the causative agent of the disease.

Antibiotics that are used to treat the eyes, depending on the effect on bacteria, are:
1. Violating the structure of the bacterial cell wall ( Tsipromed, Tsiprolet).
2. Able to disrupt the structure of the membranes of (cellular) pathogens ( Polymyxin).
3. Preventing the process of synthesis (association) of nucleic acids ( Tetracycline ointment, Tobramycin).

Consider the most popular eye drops of this subgroup.


It is considered an antimicrobial and antibacterial drug, a group of sulfonamides. Antibiotic eye drops prevent microorganisms from multiplying.

It is prescribed for various inflammatory or infectious eye diseases (anterior part of the eye):
gonorrheal eye diseases;

Before using antibiotic eye drops, contact lenses must be removed so as not to damage their transparency. A solution of Albucid 30% is prescribed for adults, 20% for children. Acute inflammation is treated by instillation of 2-3 drops 5-6 times a day, when the patient's condition improves, the amount of the drug is reduced.

The drug is used to prevent inflammation with purulent contents in newborns, most often prescribed immediately after birth, 2 drops of the solution and the same amount after 2 hours.

Antiseptic eye drops Levomycetin

This drug is an antibiotic widely used in ophthalmology, which has a wide spectrum of action, has a good bacteriostatic effect, and is able to stop protein synthesis in microorganisms.

Levomycetin is prescribed for:
conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis;
blepharitis and blepharoconjunctivitis.

Duration of treatment - 2 weeks, the drug should be instilled 3 times a day, 1 drop in each eye.

Sodium sulfacyl

In the photo: Sodium-sulfacyl eye drops

These antibacterial eye drops have a bacteriostatic and antiseptic effect, kill pathogenic microorganisms and prevent them from multiplying.

The drug is indicated for use in:
gonorrheal and chlamydial eye diseases;
corneal ulcers (purulent);
removal of inflammatory processes when a foreign body enters the eyes;
eye wounds (infected);
prevention of the development of purulent inflammation in newborns.

The dose of the drug is prescribed by the ophthalmologist after diagnosis and visual examination. Most often, the dosage is as follows: 1-2 drops of the drug 3-5 times a day.

Eye drops for Tobrex infection

The drug is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, belongs to the aminoglycosides.

Appointed for:
kerato- and blepharoconjunctivitis;
prevention of infections after operations and injuries in the eye area.

Depending on the degree of development of the disease, Tobrex is used 1-2 drops with an interval of 40 minutes to 4 hours. Do not use the drug while breastfeeding.


These antibiotics for the eyes in drops belong to the group of fluoroquinolones, have bactericidal properties, and are effective in the treatment of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.

Ophthalmologists prescribe Floxal for:
treatment of inflammatory and infectious eye diseases (keratitis, barley, corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis);
prevention of infection or inflammation after injury or surgery;
curing an infection that appeared after an operation (surgical) on the eye or after an injury to the eyeball.

Drops in the eyes, the antibiotic Floksal should be instilled 2-4 times a day, 1-2 drops in a sore eye, the duration is 10-14 days. In more complex cases, the simultaneous use of drops and ointment Floksal is recommended. During treatment, it is not recommended to wear contact lenses, and the eyes should be protected from the sun with glasses.


This drug is used in ENT practice or as eye drops. The antibiotic included in their composition belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and has antibacterial properties.

Ophthalmologists recommend antiseptic eye drops - Normax for conjunctivitis, bleferitis, corneal ulcers, and also in the presence of chlamydial eye lesions. Treatment is carried out by instillation of the drug 1-2 drops within an hour 2-4 times, when the patient's condition improves, the dosage is reduced and the eyes should be dripped 3-5 times a day.


Eye drops with dexamethasone and an antibiotic (tobramycin) - a combined preparation that contains corticosteroid and antimicrobial components, has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Tobradex is prescribed to patients suffering from eye diseases accompanied by a bacterial infection (blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis).


These eye drops with a broad-spectrum antibiotic belong to fluoroquinolones and begin their bactericidal action within 15 minutes after instillation, the duration of the effect is 5-6 hours.

Tsipromed is prescribed:
as a prophylactic after surgical interventions or eye injuries;
with conjunctivitis; iridocyclitis; uveitis, meibomitis.

These eye drops from an eye infection are used 5-8 times a day, a few drops in a sore eye, this frequency is prescribed in the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the eye, in the acute stage of the development of the disease - 9-12 times a day.


These antimicrobial eye drops are fluoroquinolones and are prescribed for adults and children (over one year old). The drug is recommended for use in various eye infections: keratoconjunctivitis, keratitis, corneal ulcer (bacterial).

Oftaquix should be used no more than 8 times a day (in the first days of treatment), after a few days the number of instillations is reduced to 4 times a day.

Antibiotic eye drops, the list is not complete, we have described the most effective and popular drugs.

Is antibacterial eye treatment effective?

In the photo: eyes affected by a bacterial infection

When a doctor prescribes eye drops with an antibacterial effect, both for children and adults, a stable therapeutic effect is provided.

Drops in the eyes from the infection act on the focus of the development of the pathology as follows:
treat and act as a prophylactic for eye diseases: fungal, infectious, inflammatory;
treatment in the complex of eye disease;
prevention of the development of inflammation after surgery on the eye area.

When are antimicrobial eye drops prescribed?

These medications have several main uses:
1. Prevention and treatment of eye diseases, both infectious and inflammatory, which are caused by various types of bacteria. These diseases include: a purulent ulcer, blepharitis, conjunctivitis (for example), keratitis.
2. Prevention of infection and inflammation after various operations that are performed on the eyes. Such anti-inflammatory eye drops with an antibiotic are also prescribed before the operation.
3. Therapy (in combination) of a viral nature to treat and prevent the re-development of bacterial infections. These eye diseases include:, herpetic keratitis,.
4. Prevention of infection after injury to the eye.

Eye drops with a broad-spectrum antibiotic should be used after consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will accurately determine the dosage of the drug and the duration of treatment, which depends on the individual case of the disease.

Drops antibacterial for children

Antibiotic eye drops for children are prescribed for bacterial conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelids or eye bag, to prevent purulent conjunctivitis in newborns.

Good efficiency against gram-positive microorganisms (streptococci and staphylococci) are distinguished by eye drops: Fucitalmic, Tobrex.

Also, combined drugs are used for treatment, which include in their composition: antibacterial eye drops for children and corticosteroids and are used after surgical operations on the eyes ( Tobradex, Maxitrol).

You can also select the following drugs:
Tobramycin, Tobradex, Floxal- eye drops, broad-spectrum antibiotics, which are also approved for use in newborns. This drug is resistant to the action of penicillin, it is able to defeat staphylococcus very quickly. When applied topically, there is minimal risk to the child.
Ofloxacin, Uniflox- are able to eliminate inflammatory and infectious processes in the anterior sections of the eyes, which are caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Antibacterial eye drops for children may have different active ingredients and composition, their name may also differ, it all depends on the manufacturer. Analogues of medications for the treatment of eye diseases should be selected only by a doctor, because. not all of them are suitable for children.

The most important condition when ophthalmic antibiotics are used: the right drug and treatment method. You should also observe the dosage and take into account possible side effects from taking the drugs.

Side effects from taking antibacterial drops can have various manifestations:
burning sensation after instillation;
slight tingling in the eyes.

In no case do not self-medicate, because. this can lead to serious complications, fully follow all the instructions and advice of the attending ophthalmologist.

Swelling, redness, purulent discharge from the eyes… Familiar symptoms? They bring discomfort and anxiety to their owners. Help to deal with them antiseptic drug Okomistin (Okomistin), active against the main pathogens of conjunctivitis, keratitis and other infectious and inflammatory eye diseases. Due to what the remedy helps, how to bury it correctly, whether it can be used to treat children - we will analyze it in our review.

Composition and principle of action of the drug

The active substance in the preparation is benzyldimethyl-myristoylamino-propylammonium chloride monohydrate. Behind the long name is Miramistin known to many - a broad-spectrum antiseptic that is used not only in ophthalmology, but also in surgery, gynecology, dermatovenereology and other branches of medicine. In addition to the active ingredient, the preparation contains a sterile saline solution of sodium chloride.

The mechanism of action of Miramistin is based on:

  • destruction of the cells of most types of bacteria, including those with resistance to antibiotics;
  • destruction of pathogenic fungi, some viruses (HSV, adenovirus);
  • strengthening local immunity and reducing the severity of inflammation.

Besides, substance increases the sensitivity of bacteria to specific antibiotics and is successfully used in the complex treatment of infectious diseases.

The development of this antiseptic began back in the 80s of the twentieth century as part of the Space Biotechnology project in the USSR. Then the scientists were given the task of creating an effective drug for the prevention and treatment of bacterial, viral or fungal infections in astronauts on the orbital station. Important criteria were also safety, versatility, lack of addiction and adverse reactions from the body. Miramistin showed the best results among the experimental agents synthesized during the research. Since 1995, it has been successfully used not only in space medicine, but also in outpatient medicine.

Okomistin is an ophthalmic agent used for infectious diseases of the eye. Despite the pronounced antimicrobial activity, the drug does not apply to antibiotics. In contrast, Okomistin:

Okomistin eye drops are used for independent or complex therapy:

  • acute / chronic conjunctivitis - inflammation of the outer shell of the eye;
  • blepharoconjunctivitis - inflammation of the conjunctiva, combined with damage to the eyelids;
  • keratitis - an infectious process in the cornea;
  • uveitis - inflammation of the choroid;
  • eye injuries.

Often a medicine is prescribed for the prevention of complications - they begin to instill 2-3 days before the upcoming eye surgery.

Eye drops - a convenient form of release

Okomistin eye drops are produced by the domestic pharmaceutical company Infamed LLC, as well as the Ukrainian plant PrJSC Darnitsa. Miramistin solution with a dosage of 0.01% is placed in a 10 ml plastic dropper container, provided with instructions for use and packed in a white-green cardboard box. The average price of a medicine in pharmacies is 135 rubles.

Less commonly, the drug can be found in the form:

  • dropper tube with a volume of 1 or 1.5 ml;
  • glass bottle with a capacity of 20 ml.

The shelf life of Okomistin is 3 years.

After opening the bottle, the drops can be used within 1 month.

Mode of application

The dosage and course of treatment with the drug may differ depending on the disease. Possible ways of using eye drops Okomistin adults are presented in the table below.

To achieve a medicinal effect in the shortest possible time, follow the algorithm:

  1. Before dripping the medicine, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, rinse your eyes with boiled water and remove contact lenses (if using).
  2. Prepare a clean cotton pad or disposable tissue.
  3. Remove the cap from the vial by unscrewing it counterclockwise.
  4. Tilt your head back, pull back your lower eyelid and look up.
  5. While pressing the bottle, carefully drip 1-2 drops of Okomistin into the inner corner of the eye. The tip of the dropper should not touch the skin or mucous membranes.
  6. Return the head to its normal position and gently remove excess drug with a tissue or swab.

Do not forget to remove the lenses before using the drug.

You can put on contact lenses a quarter of an hour after the procedure.

If Okomistin is used in conjunction with other ophthalmic drugs, it is recommended to bury them no earlier than 5 minutes after its use.

Despite the absence of a systemic effect on the body and a minimal number of side effects, the use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation, according to the instructions, is contraindicated. This is due to the lack of clinical studies of its safety for expectant mothers.

Okomistin for children

Okomistin is prohibited by official instructions and in childhood. However, practitioners often prescribe it even to infants for the treatment of infectious processes in the tissues of the eye, including conjunctivitis and tear duct obstruction. According to indications, this antiseptic is also used for neonatal blenching (infection of the eye when passing through the birth canal).

The dosage and duration of treatment with the drug is set individually: remember that Okomistin children should be prescribed by a doctor.

When treating rhinitis of a bacterial or viral nature, Okomistin is instilled into the nose 1-2 drops 3-4 times a day. The medicine not only directly fights the causative agent of the infection, but also creates a thin protective film on the surface of the nasal mucosa that prevents the infection from penetrating in the future.

An antiseptic will help the baby with otitis media. It is instilled into the ears 1-2 drops 3 times a day until a stable clinical improvement (usually 5-7 days).

Contraindications and unwanted effects

The main contraindication to the use of Okomistin is individual intolerance. Rarely, when using drops, hypersensitivity reactions develop, accompanied by severe pain, burning and discomfort in the eyes. In this case, stop treatment and contact your doctor to select another antimicrobial agent.

Usually, instillation of drops into the eyes does not cause any negative sensations.

Rarely, patients talk about mild discomfort, which disappears on its own after 15-20 minutes.


Nina, 22 years old:

“I am familiar with conjunctivitis firsthand - I get this infection several times a year. Over time, I developed the most effective, in my opinion, treatment tactics, and if earlier I had several vials of antibiotics, artificial tears and vasoconstrictor drops on my shelf, now one bottle of Okomistin is enough for me. This drug is easy to use, versatile, quickly copes with itching and discharge from the eyes and has an attractive price.”

Okomistin - quick help with inflammation of the eyes.

Alena (daughter Christina, 8 months old):

“For the first time, I had to deal with Okomistin drops almost immediately after being discharged from the hospital. A week after the birth, my daughter's eye began to turn sour, and every day the situation became worse. The pediatrician, who came to our house for a patronage examination, advised me to wash Christina's eyes more often with tea leaves and buy drops of Okomistin.

Although the instructions say that the medicine is contraindicated for children under 18, the doctor reassured me that it is safe to use even for newborns. I instilled his daughter 1 drop in both eyes three times a day. Christina was not capricious and endured the procedure absolutely calmly. Already after 3-4 days, the discharge stopped, and the eye no longer festered.

A little later, I found good reviews on the Internet about the use of these antiseptic drops for a runny nose or otitis media in babies. Therefore, I think that the medicine will linger in our home medicine cabinet for a long time.

Ignatenkov V.B., ophthalmologist:

“Okomistin is a relatively new drug, known only in the post-Soviet countries. While he receives the necessary documentation and undergoes clinical studies, the instructions indicate that its use during pregnancy, lactation or in childhood is contraindicated. In fact, many doctors, including myself, prescribe it for infectious eye infections, even for infants.

I like that these drops clear up the infection quickly, do not cause side effects and are well tolerated by my patients.”


What other antiseptic and antimicrobial agents are used in ophthalmology? Popular drugs that have a similar effect to Okomistin are presented in the table below.

analogue Active substance Peculiarities average price
Miramistin (Russia) Miramistin Antiseptic, has an identical active ingredient. It is used in various fields of medicine. There is no information on the use of Miramistin in the treatment of eye infections in the official instructions. Nonetheless, the drug is used to wash the eyes with keratitis, conjunctivitis and other diseases. Unlike Okomistin, in addition to the active substance, it contains purified water, and not saline. Bottle 150 ml - 360 r.
(France-Switzerland) Picloxidine Antiseptic prescribed for infectious conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Bottle 10 ml - 350 r.
Levomycetin (Russia) Chloramphenicol An antibiotic from the amphenicol group. It has a wide spectrum of action, is active against most bacterial cells, including those resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, etc. Dropper bottle 5 ml - 15 r.
(Russia) Sulfacetamide An antibacterial agent from the CA group (sulfonamides). May be used in newborns. Bottle 10 ml - 40 r.
(Belgium) Tobramycin An antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides. Bottle 5 ml - 180 r.

Tobrex, although related to antibiotics, has a similar effect.

The benefits of Okomistin include:

  • broad activity: the drug acts against most pathogens - bacteria, viruses, fungi;
  • ease of use;
  • minimum contraindications and side effects;
  • no discomfort during and after instillation;
  • local action - the drug does not enter the bloodstream and has no systemic effect on the body;
  • positive feedback from doctors and patients;
  • affordable price.

Despite all the obvious advantages, you should not “prescribe” it yourself on your own, guided by the advice of friends or reviews on the Internet. Remember: like any drug, Okomistin must be prescribed by a doctor. Inflammatory lesions of the eye can lead to serious complications. Therefore, it is important that their treatment takes place only under the supervision of a specialist.

Svetlana Sharaeva

Irritations of the mucous membrane of the eye occur due to various pathogenic factors: microorganisms, mechanical particles, colds. Properly selected drops for inflammation will help get rid of various manifestations of the disease, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration.

Types of drops

As a remedy for inflammatory processes, specialists prescribe drops with steroid, non-steroid and combined components.

Varieties of eye drops:

Also, an acute inflammatory process can occur against the background of an allergic reaction. When histamine is released, changes occur in the mucosa. This reduces its protective function, making it much easier to become a victim of an infection or bacterial irritant.

For the treatment of allergic inflammation of the mucosa, specialized drops are used that block the release of histamine. Most of them are characterized by high speed of action and duration of effect.

Antibiotic drops for inflammatory processes

Depending on the cause of the irritation, ophthalmologists may prescribe steroid eye drops for eye inflammation. They contain at least one active ingredient, characterized by a high spectrum of action.

NameComposition and application
AlbucidThis is a solution of sodium sulfacyl. It is used to treat bacterial conjunctivitis, eyelid diseases and some types of fungal diseases. Because of the aggressive action, along with this antibiotic, it is recommended to drip Levomycetin - it will speed up the recovery processes.
VitabactThe composition includes piloskidin, which blocks the reproduction of various pathogenic microorganisms that cause inflammation. Used to treat conjunctivitis, trachoma, keratitis. Not recommended for use in children under 8 years of age.
L-OpticThe active ingredient of the drug is levofloxacin hemihydrate. It is an antimicrobial substance with an extremely wide spectrum of action. In ophthalmology, it is used to treat bacterial inflammation, blepharitis, and dry eyes. It is prescribed for pregnant women and children from 1 year.
TsiproletContains ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. It is prescribed for the treatment of various bacterial eye diseases (including ulcers), acute inflammatory processes, and also to accelerate tissue repair. Contraindicated for use in pregnant women.
UnifloxThe composition of the drops includes ofloxacin, due to which the drug is a new generation antibiotic. It is prescribed for the treatment of keratitis, ulcers, inflammation caused by other pathogenic organisms sensitive to the main component.
TobrexUrgent drops to relieve inflammation. Almost instantly eliminate redness and itching, thanks to tobramycin in the composition accelerate the recovery of the mucosa. Approved for use by children from 3 years.
ChloramphenicolThis is an analogue of Levomycetin. Inexpensive drops that quickly fight mucosal redness, swelling and bacterial exposure. Helps moisturize the cornea.

These drugs can only be prescribed by an ophthalmologist who has performed the examination and tests.

Antiviral drops

If no pathogenic bacterial effect is noticed during eye irritation, then antiviral drops are prescribed for redness and inflammation.

NameComposition and scope
Acular LSKetorolacathromethamine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The active ingredient quickly reduces the temperature, eliminates swelling and redness. It is strictly forbidden for use in pregnant women.
Diklo FThey are Diclofenac. Characterized by an analgesic effect. They are used to eliminate inflammation resulting from mechanical damage to the mucosa or cornea. Safe for use by children, have virtually no side effects.
NevanakThe best postoperative drops. In ophthalmology, they are used to eliminate swelling and pain after surgery or to remove an irritant in an invasive way. Contribute to the removal of fatigue, normalization of lacrimation, acceleration of regenerating processes.
Oftan DexamethasoneRepresentative of combined drops with a wide area of ​​action. The active substance is dexamethasone. It is characterized by the strongest anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect. Has a high speed of action. Removes redness, swelling, eliminates itching.

Drops against allergies

With an allergic reaction, itching in the eyes, swelling, uncontrolled lacrimation occurs. To get rid of these and many other symptoms, doctors recommend using specialized drops against inflammation and allergies.

NameComposition and description
OpatanolVery good drops. They consist of a solution of olopatadine. This substance is considered one of the most powerful antihistamine compounds. The tool is characterized by high efficiency and duration of effect. Suitable for long term use. Allowed for children from 3 years.
AllergodilContains azelastine. It is considered a drug of "urgent" action. Instantly removes puffiness, hyperthermia of the eyelids, eliminates itching and the feeling of "dry" eyes. It can be used for a long time, but only under the supervision of a specialist.
KetotifenConsists of clenbuterol hypochloride. This compound strengthens the mucosa, normalizes the viscosity of tears, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. At the same time, it blocks mast cells and eliminates visible signs of an allergic reaction.
Vizin allergyA unique composition that allows you to simultaneously get rid of inflammation, redness and restore normal lacrimation. It is an improved prototype of the drops of the same name. Not allowed for use during pregnancy, while wearing lenses, and children under 12.

Universal drops

Naturally, diseases are not always the cause of redness and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eye. When working at a computer for a long time, the body can react to a light stimulus in the same way as to a mechanical one.

To prevent dry eye syndrome, eliminate pain, fatigue and redness, it is recommended to use special drops for inflammation of the eyelids and eyes. This list includes:

NameComposition and action
VizinConstricts blood vessels, due to which it significantly reduces the redness of the protein. It has a local anti-edema effect, but is not recommended for long-term use.
OkumetilRefers to combined anti-inflammatory drugs. It has an anti-allergic and vasoconstrictive effect. At the same time, it helps to reduce puffiness and get rid of fatigue in the eyes. The active ingredient is zinc sulfate.
PolinadimThis remedy is the most effective combination of diphenhydramine and naphthyzinum. Such a tandem has a cooling and soothing effect at the same time. Due to this, immediately after use, blinking is relieved, fatigue disappears, and the mucous membrane is moistened.
AlomidThe main component is lodoxamide. The drug is able to block the release of histamine, urgently relieve inflammation and redness. It is also prescribed to restore damaged tissues, moisturize the eyelid.

Before using any drops, it is important to read the instructions for use. Otherwise, manifestations of side effects or aggravation of existing conditions are possible.

How to use drops

Brief instructions for the use of eye drops:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and wipe your eyes with Chlorhexidine solution. This will remove pathogens and clean the outer surface of the eye;
  2. Gently pulling the lower eyelid, you need to drip the number of drops indicated in the instructions into the eye bag;
  3. Excess funds must be removed with a sterile cotton swab.

Some time after instillation, there may be unpleasant sensations: blurred vision, tearing, or a slight burning sensation. If these symptoms do not go away within 10-15 minutes, then the remedy does not suit you and it is recommended to choose another drug.

For drug therapy and prevention of eye diseases, antiseptic eye drops are used, which have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and disinfecting effect. Each person should know the names of such drugs, be informed which solutions are used as a result of the occurrence of any disease, and be able to use the information received if necessary.

Why are they needed?

Antiseptic eye drops, which are used by ophthalmology in the treatment of eye ailments, contain both natural and semi-synthetic substances in their composition. The effective components of the medicinal product actively destroy pathogens and contribute to a quick recovery. Such drops are used for therapeutic purposes in the following types of diseases:

  • fungal eye infections;
  • viral diseases;
  • eye diseases.

How to apply correctly?

If a person wears lenses, then they need to be removed.

Particular attention should be paid to the dose of the medicinal substance, since the active components contained in it tend to accumulate in the eye apparatus, and the excess of the drug remains on the mucous membrane of the eye, as a result of which an overdose is possible. If a person wears contact lenses, they must be removed when introducing liquid drops, and it will be possible to return them to their place only 40 minutes after instillation.

If the drug is used in combination with other drugs, the interval between applications should be at least 50-60 minutes. Usually, for infectious eye diseases, drugs are used up to 10 times a day, and for chronic forms without an inflammatory process for preventive purposes - 2-4 r. per day. General rules of use:

  • Wash hands with soap before instillation.
  • If the medicine does not contain a special dropper in the kit, collect the required amount of liquid with a pipette.
  • Before the procedure, take a comfortable position, tilt your head up and look at one point above you.
  • With the fingers of one hand, pull down the lower eyelid, so it is more convenient to inject the liquid solution.
  • Inject the medicine one drop into the area of ​​the conjunctival sac. Try not to stick with a pipette of eyelashes and mucous membranes of the eye.
  • After the introduction of drops, keep your eyes open for 15 seconds.

Medicines should be stored at the recommended temperature and kept in a dark, light-tight place. The shelf life of antiseptics is individual - it can be 10 days or 30. After the recommended time of the open drug, stop using it.

Drug names


The drug successfully copes with blepharitis.

This is a drug that is used in ophthalmology for the treatment of eye diseases that are infectious and inflammatory in nature. The antibacterial agent belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones and is used to treat blepharitis, acute conjunctivitis, chronic dacryocystitis, bacterial corneal ulcer, eye injuries and postoperative rehabilitation.


This is an antibacterial antiseptic for the treatment of the eye apparatus. It belongs to the pharmacological group of fluoroquinolones. It has a disinfecting effect and is used for the treatment of blepharitis, hordeolum and chalazions. It blocks the reproduction of pathogens and destroys an already existing infection. It is prescribed for thermal and chemical burns in the area of ​​the eye apparatus, promotes rapid healing of the wound.


An ulcer on the cornea will heal faster when treated with such drops.

An antiseptic drug with broad-spectrum active ingredients, which is used to treat ophthalmic diseases. The medicine has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing effect. Ophthalmologists prescribe a Normax therapeutic course for keratitis, corneal ulcer, blepharitis, and chlamydial etiology. A prophylactic course of treatment with these drops is carried out by patients who have undergone surgery and are at the stage of rehabilitation.


Combined drug for topical use, which is indicated for the treatment of ophthalmic ailments and has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The composition of the medication contains a broad-spectrum antibiotic, such as toramycin and dexamethasone. The drug does not slow down the regeneration of the eye cornea and can be prescribed for the treatment of infections, inflammatory pathologies and the postoperative stage.

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Antiseptic eye drops are used for many ophthalmic diseases, which are accompanied by inflammation and reproduction of pathogens. An infectious inflammatory process in the eye area can be caused by 3 types of microbes: viruses, bacteria and fungi. Depending on the pathogen, the optimal treatment is selected for the patient, since a certain drug may have antiviral activity, but not affect bacteria and fungi (or vice versa). The task of local antiseptics is to stop the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby accelerating the process of recovery and restoration of eye tissues.

Varieties of drugs

Among the wide range of antiseptic drops, there are 2 types of them:

  • actually broad-spectrum antiseptics;
  • antibacterial agents.

Broad spectrum antiseptics have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. Some of them even affect those types of bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotics. They are prescribed for bacterial, viral conjunctivitis, keratitis and inflammation of unclear etiology. Fungal infections of the eyes are extremely rare, although there are keratitis that are caused by this particular microflora. Broad-spectrum antiseptics are used in this case as part of complex therapy, since such diseases are usually treated systemically and for a long time.

Antibacterial eye drops are antibiotics for topical use in ophthalmology. They differ in their spectrum of activity, structure and chemical properties. They are used in the case when the doctor is sure that the infectious eye disease is caused only by bacterial microflora.


Drops "Okomistin" and its analogues contain the disinfectant miramistin. This tool is a broad-spectrum antiseptic that inhibits the vital activity of most pathogenic microbes. The concentration of the active substance in eye drops is 0.01%. The medicine is used for viral, fungal and bacterial conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis. This antiseptic is also prescribed for eye injuries, as well as its burns as part of complex therapy.

The medicine is instilled 1-2 drops in each eye up to 6 times a day. The optimal treatment regimen should be selected by an ophthalmologist, based on the characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the symptoms of the disease. This drug can be used to treat all age categories of patients, including infants. The use of "Okomistin" is allowed for pregnant women, as well as lactating women, since the agent practically does not enter the systemic circulation. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to Miramistin or other components in the drops.

Under the action of the antiseptic Okomistin, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics decreases, therefore, in complex clinical cases, they are used together.


"Albucid" is an antimicrobial agent that has a bacteriostatic effect. This means that the medicine does not kill microbes, but only inhibits their vital activity, making it impossible to function and multiply normally. Due to this influence, it becomes easier for the body to fight the infection, and the local immunity of the mucous membrane of the eye is activated.

The active substance of Albucid is sulfacetamide. It blocks the production of vital substances in bacteria, due to which they become inactive and stop dividing. "Albucid" is active against Escherichia coli, gonococci, streptococci, chlamydia and staphylococci. It is important to remember that this substance does not affect viruses and fungi in any way, so it can only be used to treat patients with a bacterial infection.

Indications for use:

  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • corneal ulcers with purulent discharge.

"Albucid" is instilled 2 drops in each eye about 4-6 times a day. During the medication on the mucous membrane, the patient may feel a strong burning sensation and discomfort, and also complain of increased lacrimation. In connection with this side effect, it is better not to use the drug for the treatment of young children, preferring other, milder drugs, although the drug is not formally contraindicated in children and can be used at any age.


Eye drops with the antibiotic tobramycin are widely used for the treatment and prevention of infectious eye diseases. The most famous trade names for drugs with this active ingredient are Tobradex and Tobrex. This antibiotic has a wide spectrum of action, it is active against staphylococci, some streptococci, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia, gonococci and enterobacteria.

Indications for use:

  • bacterial blepharitis;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • the recovery period after eye surgery in order to prevent the development of a bacterial infection.

The medicine is instilled 1-2 drops into each eye, the frequency of procedures during the day is determined by the attending physician. Sometimes in the acute period it may be necessary to administer the agent frequently (about every hour). On average, the medicine is recommended to be instilled every 4 hours. Tobramycin, like other antibiotics, is inactive against viral and fungal infections. If the inflammation is of just such a nature, then drops with this substance can only be prescribed to prevent the addition of bacterial microflora.

Tobramycin is used to prevent eye infections even in newborns


"Floxal" is an eye drop with ofloxacin. It belongs to the fluoroquinolone group of antibiotics and is active against a large number of bacterial species. Ofloxacin inhibits the growth and activity of staphylococci, Klebsiella, gonocci, shigella, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae, etc. Due to such a wide range of influence, it can be used in cases where it is impossible to accurately determine the bacterial pathogen.

Indications for the use of "Floxal":

  • barley;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • ulcers on the surface of the cornea;
  • rehabilitation after ophthalmic operations.

The medicine is instilled 1-2 drops 2-4 times a day, depending on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment should not exceed 14 days, as bacteria may develop resistance to these antimicrobial drops.


The main active ingredient of Vitabact ophthalmic drops is pyloxidine. It belongs to the antimicrobial substances of the biguanide group. These drops are a broad spectrum antiseptic, as they affect not only pathogenic bacteria, but also some viruses, as well as fungi.

Indications for use:

  • inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva;
  • keratitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • prevention of infectious diseases of the anterior part of the eye in the rehabilitation period after eye surgery.

The multiplicity and duration of treatment is determined by the ophthalmologist, taking into account the characteristics of the disease. On average, the medicine is recommended to be instilled 2 drops 2-6 times a day. In order to prevent complications, it is used 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 10 days.

Drops can temporarily reduce visual acuity, which returns to normal after discontinuation of drug treatment. As a rule, such a phenomenon is not a reason to cancel the remedy, but if it occurs, it must be reported to the ophthalmologist.


"Maxitrol" are eye drops that contain two antibiotics and anti-inflammatory components in their composition. Indications for use are infectious diseases of the eyeball, which are caused by microorganisms that are sensitive to the components of the drug. The composition of "Maxitrol" includes 3 active ingredients:

  • neomycin,
  • polymyxin B,
  • dexamethasone.

The first 2 components are antibiotics, the third substance is a hormone. The drug has a bactericidal effect against Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Klebsiella, enterobacteria, Shigella, Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Due to dexamethasone in the composition of the drops, they show a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. They quickly eliminate swelling and redness in the area of ​​the conjunctiva and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelids.

"Maxitrol" can not be used for tuberculosis, fungal and viral eye infections. The side effect of this drug can be manifested by an increase in intraocular pressure, so patients with glaucoma and cataracts should be prescribed with caution.

How to choose a medicine?

Antiseptic drops should be selected only by an ophthalmologist based on the diagnosis and severity of symptoms. It is quite difficult to distinguish viral conjunctivitis from bacterial conjunctivitis on your own, in addition, many drugs have their own contraindications and application features.

Before prescribing eye drops, the oculist must examine the patient and make a diagnosis.

When choosing the optimal drops for the patient, in addition to the diagnosis, the doctor must consider:

  • patient's age;
  • general condition of the body and immunity;
  • spectrum of breadth of action of the drug;
  • compatibility of drops with other medicines that a person takes;
  • the predicted tolerability of the drug and the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to it;
  • availability of funds.

You can not self-medicate, because neglected infectious eye diseases can cause serious complications (even blindness). It is important to remember that eye drops must be individualized. They cannot be transferred for use by other people, even if they are next of kin.

Terms of use

The effect of treatment largely depends on how correctly the drops are used. One of the main rules is to maintain cleanliness. Before and after the instillation procedure, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water to prevent the spread of infection. If the patient does not live alone, until complete recovery, he must use an individual towel or disposable dry wipes to wipe the face and eyes. Such measures are necessary to prevent infection of his family members.

  • a bottle of drops should not touch the eyelids and conjunctiva; when instilled, it is advisable to keep the medicine container at a distance of at least 4–5 cm from the surface of the eye;
  • before pressing the bottle, you need to look up and pull the lower eyelid so that the drops fall into this space;
  • the amount of medicine should not exceed 1-2 drops (the excess will still pour out, since the capacity of the conjunctival sac is small);
  • the medicine should always be administered in both eyes, even if the painful symptoms bother only one side.

After instillation of the remedy, the eyes can be closed and lie down a little in a relaxed state. If the doctor has prescribed several types of drops, the minimum interval between the use of different drugs should be 15-20 minutes.

In case of infectious diseases of the eyes of any nature, contact lenses should not be used. Until complete recovery, patients with impaired visual acuity are better off wearing glasses. If contact lenses were worn during inflammation, they must be replaced with new ones, as they can cause the re-development of the infectious process.

Side effect

A side effect when using antiseptic drugs most often consists in local discomfort. If the product gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, the patient may feel a temporary burning sensation, as well as notice severe lacrimation. In some cases, redness and slight swelling of the conjunctiva is possible.

If, when using some drug, unpleasant symptoms cause severe discomfort, then this should be immediately reported to the optometrist. The risk of developing an allergy or individual intolerance to a remedy can never be ruled out, even if the patient has already used this medicine before. With a wide range of modern antiseptic drops, an ophthalmologist will be able to choose the best drug, the use of which will be effective and as comfortable as possible.

Antiseptics are often used not only in ophthalmology, but also in other areas of medicine. Inhibition of vital activity of pathogenic microbes allows minimizing the risk of developing severe complications of the disease, as well as speeding up recovery. To select antimicrobial drops, you should always consult a doctor, since unsuccessful attempts at self-treatment can distort the clinical picture and complicate an accurate diagnosis.

In the event of an infectious disease, antiseptic eye drops are prescribed. Such drugs can be used both for the treatment of an already developing disease, and for its prevention. This is especially true in case of corneal injury or if a foreign body enters the eye. Medicines belonging to this group should be prescribed by an ophthalmologist.

Ciprolet is an antibacterial drug based on ciprofloxacin, locally used in ophthalmology for the treatment of infectious eye lesions (blepharitis, hordeolum, blepharoconjunctivitis, acute unspecified and chronic conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcer, keratitis, inflammation of the lacrimal ducts) and the prevention of similar complications after suffering injuries, ingress of foreign bodies into the anterior sections of the eye and in the postoperative period.

Tobropt is an antibacterial drug for topical use. Its active substance is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic from the pharmacological group of aminoglycosides - tobramycin, and therefore these drops are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the eyes and its appendages of infectious etiology, as well as postoperative complications caused by microorganisms sensitive to tobramycin.

Okomistin is an ophthalmic antiseptic that has been widely used for the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the anterior parts of the eye of an unspecified infectious nature (acute and chronic conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharoconjunctivitis, keratouveitis, iridocyclitis), as well as for the prevention of purulent-septic complications in pre- and postoperative period or with trauma to the eye and orbital region.

Maxitrol has a dual effect on eye infections. On the one hand, it is a strong antibiotic, and on the other hand, it is a hormonal substance. When using such a double strike, the chance of a speedy recovery increases. But unfortunately, such a composition provokes the possibility of developing various undesirable phenomena. Of course, most likely, this will apply to people who have a predisposition to allergic reactions.

Uncontrolled use of an antiseptic can cause a violation of the normal microflora of the eye. Its constant oppression is likely to provoke the development of a fungal infection. That is, treating one, you can provoke the development of another. Therefore, such drugs should be used only in cases where they are really needed.

Probably the most famous antiseptic eye drops are those containing boric acid. Silver nitrate-based preparations are no less widely used, the use of which is especially important for the prevention of the development of blennorrhea in newborns.

The main contraindication to the use of all drugs in this group is hypersensitivity to their active and excipients. Special attention should be paid when prescribing them to pregnant and lactating women, since the use of certain drugs during these periods is contraindicated.

Like any chemotherapeutic agent, such drops have side effects, but if all recommended instructions are followed, their development can be minimized.

Drops for the treatment of eye diseases are effective medicines. An antiseptic is prescribed for children or adults if patients are diagnosed with infectious diseases of the eye tract.

The antiseptic used in ophthalmology basically provides for medicinal substances of both natural and semi-synthetic origin. The main components help to effectively fight pathogenic bacteria, help get rid of infectious eye diseases.

The list of ailments of this spectrum is quite extensive, so the antiseptic is one of the largest groups of drugs. Drops for the treatment of eye diseases contain different active substances, they are divided into the following categories depending on the main components:

  1. Sulfanilamide antiseptic.
  2. Drops with antibiotics.
  3. Therapeutic drops for eye diseases containing antiviral substances.
  4. Medications with an antifungal base.
  5. Drops containing an antiseptic.

See also: Treatment of astigmatism in children

Drops for the treatment of eye diseases with antibiotics

The group of drops with antibiotics includes the following drugs:

  • Signicef;
  • Tsipromed;
  • Phloxal;
  • Tobrex and Dilaterol;
  • drops made on the basis of chloramphenicol.

Sulfanilamide antiseptic

The second category of drops for the treatment of eye diseases - a sulfanilamide antiseptic, is prescribed if the disease is infectious in nature, since the substances in the medicine can adversely affect harmful bacteria. The most common sulfa drops are the following:

  • zinc sulfate;
  • Albucid;
  • sodium sulfate.

What drug is better to use for a developing disease. It must be prescribed by the attending physician, especially if the disease develops in children. Komarovsky, a well-known pediatrician, claims that the antiseptic is suitable for treating children's eye diseases, but you only need to choose a gentle drug. In addition to the medicine, children are prescribed a special solution for treating the organs of vision, and frequent washings of the inflamed mucosa are also prescribed.

Antiviral medicinal drops

Such eye drops are prescribed for the treatment of viral diseases. The following are considered the most effective:

  • Poludan;
  • Aktipol;
  • Berofor;
  • Oftan I go;
  • Trifluridine.

The appointment is made by the attending physician, after examining the patient.

Eye drops based on antifungal agents

If the eye disease is caused by a fungal infection, then the ophthalmologist will prescribe a drug with antifungal components for treatment. It should be noted that in our country there is not a single officially registered antifungal drug. The doctor may prescribe such drugs for treatment:

  • suspension of natamycin 5%;
  • Fluconazole;
  • Flucytosine;
  • Ketaconazole;
  • Miconazole.

Antiseptic eye preparations

Preparations containing an antiseptic are prescribed to patients for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision, which can be caused by a viral infection or pathogens. The list of drugs based on antiseptic is as follows:

  • Miramistin;
  • Ophthalmo-Septonex;
  • Avitar.

In addition to the above drops, the ophthalmologist can additionally prescribe therapeutic solutions for the patient to wash the eyes, which are suitable for both children and adult patients:

  • boric acid 2%;
  • zinc sulfate 0.25%;
  • protargol, or silver nitrate 1%.

Which drug is more effective from this list, the doctor must decide after taking the patient and identifying the causative agent of the disease.

Children's eye drops

For the treatment of eye diseases in children, the same drugs are used as for adults, however, only the attending physician prescribes the dosage. Pharmacies do not have special drops intended for children, therefore, when carrying out preventive independent treatment methods, you should know exactly which drugs cannot be used for children.

If the child's age has not reached 16 years, then liquid medical preparations for the eyes containing the following therapeutically active substances are contraindicated for him - Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin. Such active substances are contained in the following liquid preparations:

  1. Digital.
  2. ciloxane.
  3. Ciprofloxacin.
  4. Vigamox.
  5. Okatsin.
  6. Phloxal.

Children under 3 years of age are not allowed to use liquid medicinal substances for the eyes of a vasodilator for treatment:

  1. Spersallerg.
  2. Vizin.
  3. Octilia.

Regardless of the age of children, drops containing glucocorticoid hormones should be used very carefully:

  1. Betamethasone.
  2. Dexamethasone.

Other types of liquid medicinal substances for the eyes have a more gentle effect, so they can be used to treat diseases, but it is best to consult an experienced ophthalmologist before starting treatment.

Recommendations for the treatment of childhood eye diseases according to the Komarovsky method

Komarovsky argues that effective treatment of childhood eye diseases should be carried out only according to the rules and, first of all, the causative agent of the disease should be recognized. An experienced ophthalmologist can help with this, so in no case should you delay the visit to the clinic. When the first symptoms of eye inflammation are detected:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the eyelids and eyes of the child;
  • detection of nitrous oxide, especially after waking children from sleep;
  • manifestation of itching, which will be indicated by the children themselves, intensively rubbing their eyes.

You need to go to the doctor's office and cancel school attendance. Children will be able to attend educational institutions only after all symptoms have completely disappeared.

How to use drops for the treatment of diseases of the organs of vision

Liquid medical compositions for the treatment of organs of vision are not allowed to be used if the lenses are on the eyes. Therapeutic antiseptic contains active substances that accumulate over time, and their excess settles on the mucous surface. As a result, an overdose of the components may occur. During the treatment process, it is necessary to replace the eye lenses with glasses for vision correction. If this does not work out, then contact lenses can be used 30-40 minutes after instillation of eye drops.

An interval of at least 40-50 minutes should be maintained if the treatment method involves the use of 2 or more therapeutic solutions at the same time. How exactly to instill eyes depends on the current basis of the chosen drug and the disease from which the drugs help to get rid of:

  • for eye diseases caused by infections, liquid solutions are administered up to 11 times a day;
  • in a chronic illness that is not accompanied by an inflammatory process, drops are used 3-4 times a day.

It is necessary to store the medicinal preparation at positive temperature indicators, make sure that the chosen storage place is shaded, otherwise the drops will lose their therapeutic abilities. After the solution is opened, it can be used for a month. If it is not possible to use the liquid composition at this time, the drops must be disposed of.

Subtleties of use

A liquid composition is used to treat eye diseases strictly according to the rules:

  1. Drops should be administered with washed hands, it is advisable to wash them with baby soap.
  2. If a special dropper is not included with the bottle, the required amount of liquid substance is collected using a pipette.
  3. Before instillation, it is important to take a comfortable position, throwing your head back to look at the ceiling.
  4. With the help of a finger, you need to pull down the lower part of the eyelid so that you can carefully enter the therapeutic composition.
  5. Introduce the composition one drop at a time into the area of ​​​​the conjunctivitis sac, making sure that the edge of the pipette does not touch the mucous apple of the eyes, as well as the eyelashes.
  6. You should try not to close your eyes for at least 20 seconds after the introduction of the composition, so that the antiseptic begins its therapeutic effect.
  7. If you can’t keep your eyes open, you need to make several movements with your eyelids, while making every effort to keep the liquid composition in the area of ​​​​the conjunctivitis sac.
  8. To enhance the process of penetration of the therapeutic fluid to the organs of vision, you should lightly press your finger on the outer part of the eyes.
  9. After the introduction of the drug, the bottle with drops must be carefully corked.