Tarot decks and spreads for new tarot readers. Tarot cards: Fortune telling technique. Recommendations for students How to do the first tarot spread

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards? This is a universal system. Fortune telling requires a deck and a good mood. We'll tell you about the basic rules of fortune telling for beginners, popular decks and layouts.

In the article:

Tarot as a mantic system

Tarot is one of the most popular divination tools. At all times, there have been people who do not believe that pieces of paper with pictures can tell about the future. However, Tarot has established itself not only as a prediction system, but also as a tool for understanding oneself and the world.

The classic Tarot deck consists of 22 Major and 56 Minor Arcana, for a total of 78 cards. Depending on the school to which the deck belongs, the Major Arcana have a different sequence: Major Arcana or begin with a card "Jester" or end with it, the arcana change places "Force" And "Justice". The names of the Major Arcana differ, for example, in the Tarot system Crowley 22 lasso "World" called " Universe" The major arcana also differ in appearance, for example, on the school arcana Papus letters are always present Caballa.

Drawings on the Minor Arcana can depict one or another situation that describes the meaning of the card, or can remain symbolic (for example, seven swords will be depicted on the seven of swords). The minor arcana are represented by four suits: cups, wands, swords and pentacles.

The four card suits corresponded to the four classes: swords represented the nobility, cups the clergy (through association with the communion cup), coins the merchants and townspeople, and staves the peasants and servants. The court cards Page, Knight, Queen and King conventionally represent the four ranks of the aristocracy in order of increasing power. Subsequently, the names of the suits began to be called differently: there were roses, acorns, bells and others, until, as a result of the development of engraving and the spread of card printing, figures of hearts, diamonds, spades and clubs were established. Tarot games were very popular in Europe, especially in France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Flanders. With the settlers, the cards also reached North America, where at some point the Joker, a descendant of the “Jester” of the Tarot, was born.
Bednenko G. B. “Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Theory and practice".

Traditionally there are three systems:

  1. Rider-White Tarot - the most popular. About ninety percent of modern decks and oracles are based on the principles of this school. Classic deck - deck Rider-White: Clear, colorful cards and drawn plots of the Minor Arcana help you quickly remember the meanings and not get confused when interpreting the reading.
  2. Papus Tarot - appeared earlier Rider-White, differs in the interpretation of some arcana, the order of the cards in the deck and the philosophical explanation of the origin of the cards and their meanings. The Minor Arcana are not drawn in all decks of the system, which makes memorization difficult. On the territory of Russian-speaking countries it is found much less frequently than Rider-White. Classic decks of this system: Tarot of Papus , Kabbalistic Tarot G.O.M., Egyptian Tarot.
  3. Crowley Tarot - reflects the author's philosophy Aleister Crowley and his occult organization "Order of the Golden Dawn". Appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This is one deck designed by the founder of the system - Thoth Tarot. Both the appearance of the arcana and their divinatory meaning are very different from the schools described above. It is usually recommended to move on to Crowley after mastering one of the two classical Tarot systems. Easy to learn without basic knowledge of Tarot Crowleyans(followers of Crowley's teachings).

Deck: how to choose and get acquainted

Where to start if you decide to learn how to tell fortunes using Tarot cards? First of all, you need a deck, but how to choose one?

Every year a huge number of new Tarot decks are released. How to understand which one is suitable for a particular fortune teller? Beginners are recommended to gain experience on a classic deck of one or another Tarot system. In the first stages, it is better to avoid working with decks of a narrow theme, for example, and “dark” decks ( Tarot Vargo, Shadows, all Gothic decks).

Before purchasing, you need to look at images of the deck you like on the Internet. If possible, you should hold the unpacked box with the deck in your hands before purchasing.

Once the deck has been purchased, you can get to work. You need to understand the cards well and have the right mood for fortune telling.

Beginners are advised to start with deck development . These are exercises during which the deck is studied in detail and familiarization with the cards occurs. The most popular methods for developing a deck - instant layout « » And lasso meditation practice.

“Card of the Day” involves a quick daily spread of one card, which symbolizes the general nature of the day for the fortuneteller. Considering the number of cards in the deck, it will take at least a couple of months to work through.

As for meditation on the lasso, everything is both simpler and more complicated. Most often, the practice is applied to the Major Arcana for a better understanding of their meanings. There are several meditation methods that can be used for any deck system.

To create a special mood before fortune telling, they use candles, aromatic oils, and special ritual tablecloths for readings.

How not to pick up Tarot cards

There is no need to force a person to do a reading if he is not in the mood or the fortune teller is physically unwell. Any altered state of consciousness (alcohol intoxication) does not help a beginner to work with cards correctly.

The fortuneteller is not advised to make a reading on a significant personal question, since self-interest will interfere with a correct and objective interpretation. It is better to turn to a person who is less emotionally involved in the situation. This also applies to fortune telling for another person. From the first days of practice, you need to monitor when the fortuneteller interprets the alignment, and when he speaks querent(to the questioner) own opinion about the situation.

There is no need to be shy at first to use tips during interpretation. Included with any deck a book with the main meaning of each arcana. Later, having gained experience, the fortuneteller will remember the meanings of the cards by heart.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the rule “Do not give your cards into the wrong hands.” Many tarot readers do not allow outsiders to touch the divination instrument, even if the reading requires the querent to choose the cards themselves and lay them out in an upright or inverted position, for example, "Seven Bodies". This also applies to cases when the fortune teller is offered personal cards for a reading. You need to listen to yourself: if your hands are drawn to someone else’s Tarot, you need to trust your intuition and work with the deck, and if the fortuneteller is against touching the deck of other people’s hands, you should use layouts where the querent’s touch is optional.

About layouts

There are a great variety, all divided into classic and modern, well-known and original, light (for a small number of cards) and complex, general and for a specific purpose, impersonal and personal (considering an individual person, his personality, character, etc.).

Beginners have a better chance of getting dropped cards and understanding the picture as a whole when performing small layouts of 5–6 cards (classic "Celtic Cross", "Compass", "Gypsy", "Choice of Path" and others). Larger spreads, although giving a more detailed answer, require more cards, and it is easy for a beginner to get confused in the interpretation. It is not recommended to start the practice with, for example, "12 houses" or "Butterflies".

1.1 ANKH

The spiritual and deep reasons for what is happening come to the fore in the scenario. How the problem actually affects the Questioner, what steps should be taken and what they will lead to.

1+2 - Two opposite impulses blocking each other; The questioner is, as it were, crucified between them (If the question concerns the cause of a conflict or crisis. If the question is about some pleasant event, then these cards represent forces that are in harmony.

3 - Long-standing reasons.

4 - The newest reason (reason).

5 — Enlightenment (awareness of the true meaning of events).

6 — Conclusions.

If the Questioner managed to achieve enlightenment (5) and draw the necessary conclusions (6), the remaining cards can be revealed.

7 - Next step.

8 - Unexpected discovery.

9 - Result.

How to interpret cards.

First you need to find out the essence of the conflict with cards (1-2). This is the biggest difficulty in this situation. It can be especially difficult to understand what the conflict is, especially if the opposite cards have a positive meaning. If you do not understand this, then the further arrangement makes no sense.

The most important role in the layout is given to cards (5 - 6), having understood them, we already know exactly what to do next. To interpret map (5), you can refer to the “Consciousness” column, and map (6), in meaning, corresponds to the “Advice” section.

Then you can go to the forecast cards in positions (7 - 8 - 9).

1.2 The pinnacle of happiness

1 - You will get rid of this.

2 - This you will achieve.

3 - It will come.

4 - It will bring you happiness.

5 - This is still bothering you.

6 - This decision will bring you the highest happiness.

1.3 Decision-making issue

1 - 2 - This is what you have come to.

3 - 4 - Where you go, dangers / chances.

1 - 3 - Everything that is against.

2 - 4 - All that.

1.4 Yes or No

1 - What is the question?

2 - How does it affect my life?

3 - What obstacles do I need to overcome?

4 - What is my past experience related to the question?

5 - What do I think about this now?

6 - What will happen in the future?

7 - Should I seek professional advice?

8 - How will it all end? (Or: Will this problem affect my finances?)

1.5 Star

1 - What path in life are you on now? Your current position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Difficulties and obstacles.

4 - Your strengths.

5 - Your goal.

1 - At what stage of your life's journey are you now? Your current position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Fears and concerns.

4 – What/who will help you in the future.

5 - The result of efforts.

1.6 Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card layouts. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose. If you find it difficult to decide which alignment is best to answer your question, use the Celtic Cross - and you will not go wrong.

The meaning of positions.

1 - The meaning of the problem.

2 - Coming circumstances.

3 - What do we think about it?

4 - How do we feel?

5 - The reason for the situation.

6 — The trend of its development.

7 - The questioner's point of view.

8 - Other people's point of view.

9 - What the questioner expects or fears.

10 — Prospects and results.

Meaning of Line Items

1 — Characteristics of the situation at the moment.

2 - An impulse from the outside, which can help the matter, add something to it, or can hinder it.

These two cards describe the external side of events, and the next two - its internal, non-obvious side.

3 - Level of consciousness. What the questioner already knows (understands), or what he strives for.

4 - Subconscious level. “That which is below,” as soothsayers used to say in the old days. This is the basis, the foundation of the existing situation, its roots, a person’s deep inner conviction in his actions, which is very difficult to shake.

5 - Map of the past. It describes what happened relatively recently, what exactly caused the question itself, or indicates the reasons for the occurrence of this situation.

6 - The first card of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - This card represents the questioner, his own attitude towards the situation (i.e., cards 1 and 2), or his mood in connection with it.

8 - External circumstances. This card can represent the place where the situation is playing out, or the role of other people in it. If the issue concerns a relationship between two people, this card denotes a partner, a man or a woman.

9 - Hopes and fears. The role of this card is often underestimated because it does not contain any forecast. Meanwhile, it can provide valuable information, especially if we are guessing at an absent person. It shows how a person assesses the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears.

10 - The second card of the future, describing more distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

Thus, we read the forecast only in positions 6 and 10. All other cards describe only certain details, the “background” against which the situation related to the question asked is played out.

Interpretation of card meanings.

It is better to start with position 5 (past, background), and then move to position 9 (hopes and fears).

In this way, you will immediately get a general idea of ​​both the reasons for the question (position 5) and what exactly worries the questioner (position 9).

Next, look at cards 1 and 2, meaning the main driving impulses, and the first card always shows the initial, initial impulse, and the second - an accompanying one, which can add something to the situation, can stall the matter or, conversely, speed it up.

Check what the questioner is aware of (position 3) and what is hidden in his subconscious (position 4). Please note that this position is especially important. What is rooted in the subconscious cannot be shaken by any hurricanes. If there is a negative or problematic card in this position, this is bad for the entire layout as a whole, even if the other cards are better than each other.

After this, find out how the questioner feels about this situation (position 7), what external factors or other people play a role in it (position 8), and only then move on to predictions in positions 6 and 10.

1.7 Sword

1 - The crux of the matter.

2 - Starting point.

3 - Support, base.

4 - Chances / something that will help the Questioner.

5 - How the problem will be resolved.

6 — What wishes come true.

7 - New state, understanding.

1.8 Crossroads

The layout describes the likelihood of unexpected events in the life of the Questioner, their nature, and also gives wise advice on how to act in this situation.

Cards are interpreted in groups.

1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - These cards describe the life of the Questioner for a given period of time (approximately 3 months). They talk about the situation in which the Questioner will find himself.

3 - 8 - 9 - These cards give advice to the Questioner.

Moreover - (3) - this card talks about how to act in the mental area (that is, which idea to follow).

(8 - 9) - cards indicate which actions of the Questioner will be the most correct.

6 - 7 - These cards describe the nature of the expected surprises.

1.9 Pyramid

This layout is good for considering a particular problem. With it you can get an accurate answer to your question.

1 - Indicates a question of interest. Your problem that you want to solve.

2 - Your capabilities that you have at the moment.

3 - Influence of the surrounding world, external circumstances. They have the most direct impact on you and the state of affairs. The map will help you figure out what factors matter to you.

4 - What stands in your way. These are barriers and obstacles (including psychological ones) that you must cope with.

5 - Describes those details of the current picture in your life that you do not like and that you must overcome. It is likely that this is some kind of long-standing habit of yours or a job on which you spend a lot of effort and get nothing in return.

6 - Positive aspects of the current situation. This is something you would like to keep for the future.

7 - Key. The most favorable way to get out of this situation.

8 - Unforeseen circumstances. Something will probably appear that you never expected.

9 - Alternatives. You are free to choose and the map will indicate new paths of development.

10 - Result, outcome of the situation.

1.10 Path to resolution

1 - What you have.

2 - Where are you going?

3 - Chances and opportunities.

4 - Challenge of fate.

5 - Something that is a mystery to us.

6 - Cargo, which, however, is necessary for you.

7 - Tasks.

8 - Problems.

9 - how your problems will be resolved.


Tarot, like any system, is like a multi-layer cake. In order for you to get a cake, the various elements of the system need to be laid layer by layer, and the fortune telling process itself will only be a decoration - a beautiful rose. Well, or cherry. On this topic “how to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards on your own” one could write more than one book, but I will try to limit myself to brief excerpts.

Choosing a Tarot deck for beginners

The first thing to do is choose a deck. Since you have decided to learn tarot fortune telling on your own, I advise you to choose a popular deck that has enough materials and whose symbolism is clear to you at first glance at the card. In this article I will refer to the Rider-Waite Tarot and similar decks (Universal Tarot and others like it). Subsequently, when you master the system, you can change the deck to any one you like. If you immediately choose “Tarot of Enchanted Frogs in the Ryazan Forest” (I’m fantasizing), keep in mind that you will have to invent your own interpretation system.

The simplicity of the plot in the picture will be a hint for you if you completely forget the description from the interpreter. However, you will only need a strict connection to the interpreter at first.

Methods of interpretation


When you have a certain system that you stick to. And, in principle, it is enough for you to know the serial number of the card and the suit in order to give the answer.


When you look at the picture depicted on the map, images are born in your mind that you verbalize.

Synthesis of systematic and intuitive approaches

This method inevitably comes to any person who has chosen the first approach to the tarot over time.

I advise using the third, but relying, especially at the very beginning of practice, on the first. In this article I will adhere to the theory that you want to study the tarot as a system. In order to tell fortunes with tarot, you must have the meanings of the cards in the “firmware”. And, unfortunately, cramming interpreters will not help here. But still, I want to dispel your fears that tarot is difficult, and tell you that you already know a lot about the meanings of the cards.

How to learn to read Tarot on your own. First try

If you want to learn how to tell fortunes with tarot cards from scratch, then do just that right away. Ask some question that interests you, not too important, the answer to which you can more or less guess. Take any card from the deck, look at what is shown on it and interpret what is shown in the picture, do not be afraid to make mistakes.

For example: “How does Petya treat me?” We draw out the King of Wands (in my example, this is the King of Wands from the “Universal Tarot”). And we describe the card: It seems to me that this is an active person, he is cheerful, because the colors on the card are bright - yellow and orange, it feels like he wants to get up and do something, go somewhere, perhaps commit an action. Most likely, he is a leader, a crown on his head speaks of power, etc. Next, we relate this description to the question about Petya.

Well, for example, Petya is determined towards me, interaction with me gives him a surge of energy, perhaps he wants to do something. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Practice has shown that the meanings of the cards are easily read from the picture. At one of the classes, I asked to describe the qualities of the character and the sensations that the image on the card evokes of people who had absolutely no understanding of tarot at that time. Practice has shown that two or three people jointly produced a description very similar to the meaning of a card from a tarot interpreter.

And then - this is an important point - you open the interpreter and read the description of the card. Pay attention to how accurate you were in your description. And, of course, notice where you went wrong. How does your first interpretation compare to the meaning of the card? Approach this analysis critically, but don't beat yourself up for not getting to the heart of the map.

To the meaning of the card that you understand and verified for accuracy by the interpreter, you gradually need to add various elements of the system. Remember the cake analogy? Let's now figure out what layers it consists of.

Basics of Tarot divination. What is important to pay attention to


It is believed that tarot, astrology and alchemy are based on the concept of the elements. The minor arcana are divided into four elements. In order to understand the tarot, you need to understand how one element differs from another. And the fact is that these differences are fundamental. Fire - Wands, Earth - Pentacles, Air - Swords, Water - Cups (but not in all systems the correspondence of suits to elements is such, be careful).

Conventionally, Fire and Air are considered active and masculine elements, and Water and Earth are conditionally feminine and passive. Water and Fire are emotional (Fire has external emotionality, Water has internal emotionality), and Earth and Air are intellectual or rational. You will find a description of the elements in any tarot reference book. But in order to learn fortune telling with tarot cards for beginners, it is important to connect your book knowledge with real experience.

Let's take the suit of Fire, which was the card from our example about Petya. What associations and word-symbols do you have when you remember a real fire? Bright, fiery, impulsive, active, hot? Gradually add your knowledge of the elements to the interpretation of the map.


From one to ten. What do you mean by unit? One? Ego? I? Self? Indivisible? Whole? Start? I suggest that you first turn to your rich life experience and knowledge, and then study the interpreter, of course, correcting yourself in those moments where you were mistaken in understanding what is, for example, “one”. And now pay attention on the card not only to the suit, the associative series that evokes the image, but also to its serial number.


Yellow color, on any map. What do you associate it with? Joy, sun, activity, energy. Well, and so on. What characteristics does it add to the meaning of the card? Do the same exercise with the rest of the flowers.

Symbols, objects, plants, animals

Tarot is not a simple system; knowledge was often encrypted in one or another symbol that was not understandable to the uninitiated. But subconsciously we understand and read most of the symbols. What do you associate with grapes that appear on several cards? With fertility and abundance? And the dog? And the clouds? And now, when you see grapes or a dog on the map, first look into your subconscious, perhaps some information is already stored there. And then read about the symbol you saw either in the card description or in the encyclopedia of symbols. Tarot is not as complicated as it seemed at first glance.


From Page to King. Rank matching indicates the level of maturity of the character on the card. And also figured cards can mean characters expressing the features of the suit to which they belong.

How to correctly lay out Tarot cards for fortune telling and how to charge the deck

Many beginners wonder “how to correctly lay out tarot cards for fortune telling.” The most important thing in the fortune telling process is not whether you place the tarot cards on the table correctly or not, but in what state you are doing it. In order for you to have accurate forecasts, you do not need to become emotionally involved in the situation. It is important to take the position of a detached observer. And enter a state of inner silence. This is perhaps the most difficult and most important thing to learn. At least at the moment when you draw cards from the deck, you should not be disturbed by any thoughts or states generated by thoughts.

And the best and most proven way to charge a deck is to understand the meaning of the cards that are in it.

Simple Tarot card spreads for beginners

The simplest and at the same time the most complex tarot card layout for beginners is for one card. You ask a question (oh, how to ask questions correctly is a separate topic, the main thing is to try to make the question correct and not vague), and as an answer you draw one card. When you are more or less fluent in the meaning, you can connect one or two more cards to this card, clarifying the meaning of the first. Combine the meanings of the cards, at first you will not understand anything, but then you will get used to it, and this procedure will be easy.

You can add positional layouts gradually. Don’t chase complex layouts; there is no problem in making a layout with at least 78 cards. But you will need to interpret it. Therefore, if you are a beginner tarot practitioner and have just moved on from the question “how to learn to tell fortunes on tarot cards on your own” to learning fortune-telling, pay more attention to the meaning of the cards rather than their number.

A technique that will help you learn to freely navigate the interpretation of cards

The basis of any Tarot divination practice is gradualism and regularity. Once you've mastered enough cards, like at least five, you can practice making up stories based on the meanings of the cards you're familiar with. Especially if you are still afraid to go to real people with an offer to tell fortunes.

Create a character. For example: Ivan, 25 years old, designer. And take out three cards that will symbolize the successive events in Ivan’s life. Make a story based on them. How to lay out cards with this technique - three cards in a row. The first card is the beginning, the second is the continuation of the story, the third is the conclusion.

We draw three cards to Ivan and look. I got 4 cups, an Emperor and 2 swords. Our story will begin with the fact that now Ivan is disappointed in life, and most likely due to problems in love, perhaps he broke up with his girlfriend. He is still sitting and observing what is happening in his life, or rather what is not happening, of course, in such an upset state there is no inspiration that he needs for work, because he is a designer... You can continue on your own.

Video on how to lay out Tarot cards for fortune telling

Watch the video in which Sergey Savchenko will talk about how to lay out Tarot cards for fortune telling and give advice to newcomers to Tarot.

What should I do if I want to tell fortunes for others?

In order to learn how to tell fortunes with tarot cards not only for yourself and at home, but also for other people, you will have to select a whole range of layouts suitable for a comprehensive solution to questions that may arise for your clients. Globally, the topics that people most often address are:

  • relationships
  • work and self-realization
  • money
  • health
  • all kinds of forecasts

There are also unique topics that people may come to you with, for example, questions about the presence or absence of magical abilities and harmful influences. But this is rather a rare case than a frequent one.

If you are wondering how to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards yourself, then take the trouble to analyze the questions that people may come to you with. Take, for example, the topic of relationships. Let's narrow it down to the relationship between a man and a woman. In order to consider this topic comprehensively, you need to analyze the current situation. Make a forecast for the development of relationships. If you see an approaching storm there, make a plan on how to avoid this situation and whether it is even possible. See the compatibility of these people.

Make a forecast from the series “How favorable and promising is it to marry Petya?” If there are two or more Petits, be puzzled by the choice of Petits and the potential consequences of this choice. If Sing is not present, and is not expected in the near future for which you made a forecast, you need to look at the reasons for the lack of relationship, and also give recommendations on how to correct the situation.

Most likely, all these questions are not the topic of one consultation, but you should be familiar with the topic and with the help of what layouts you will consider these issues in order to comprehensively help the person who contacted you. Other topics should be similarly developed.

If this whole idea of ​​learning how to read tarot on your own seems too complicated to you

You have three options. Give up this idea. Overcome internal resistance. Or go to learn fortune telling with tarot cards from a specialist who has already gone through this whole path of trial and error. He will be able to guide you in the right direction, bypassing the thorn bushes, which he himself has already visited and from which, with his own hands, or with someone’s help, he got out. However, even if you decide to learn tarot cards as a beginner, do not forget about self-education.

Of course, one article cannot help answer the question “How to learn to tell fortunes with tarot cards for a beginner,” but perhaps it will give you some guidelines. Whatever path you choose to understand the tarot - on your own or with a teacher, I wish you a clear mind and successful practice.

Every beginner who begins fortune telling on a Tarot deck must follow the general rules for performing layouts. Following these principles will allow him to make work with maps as efficient as possible, and - accurate and reliable. The rules governing how to lay out tarot cards for the near future have been created over the centuries. When developing them, not only esoteric principles were taken into account, but also the personal experience of many successful tarot readers. Based on such information, universal algorithms were compiled that describe how to correctly lay out Tarot cards for a situation. Compliance with these simple principles allows you to direct energy in the necessary direction, receiving reliable data about the situation that worries the questioner and making fortune telling as effective as possible.

Key principles on how to correctly lay out Tarot cards

Before laying out Tarot cards for relationships, you need to clearly decide on the choice of fortune telling method. Specialized sites dedicated to Tarot will help you find a suitable alignment for love. Before starting fortune telling for a loved one, it is also necessary to properly prepare the workplace. It is best to perform the layout in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. It is advisable to cover the table used for fortune telling with a thick dark cloth (or a social tablecloth).

Speaking about how to correctly lay out Tarot cards in fortune-telling for love, it should be noted that the right attitude to work is key in the prediction process. The person who performs the layout on the Tarot deck should be in a calm, peaceful state. He needs to fully concentrate on the situation at hand. The question that the cards should answer can be asked mentally or written down on a piece of paper. The main thing is to concentrate on it throughout the entire fortune telling process. Having formulated the question, you can begin to plan the relationship. There is one important nuance to take into account here. If the fortuneteller wants to take into account both the direct and inverted positions of the Arcana, he needs to shuffle the deck. In this case, you need to shuffle the cards on the table clockwise. If the inverted positions of the Arcana are not taken into account, the deck just needs to be shuffled, then fanned out and the required number of cards selected. You need to pull them out with your left hand. It is important to lay out the Tarot cards as required by the layout chosen for fortune telling for the development of love relationships.

Simple Tarot Spreads for Beginners

Beginners should start fortune telling with the simplest Tarot card layouts. This way, they will be able to gain the necessary experience and hone their skills. There are no special Tarot layouts for beginners. However, some methods of fortune telling have a very simple scheme, and therefore can be used even by those who do not have experience with cards.

  1. Schedule of the day. There is only one card involved. For beginners, this tarot spread will be an excellent daily practice.
  2. "Three cards" layout. It also has a very simple layout. From left to right three cards are laid out on the table. The first indicates the reasons for the situation, the second - the essence of the problem under consideration, and the third - options for the development of events in the near future.
  3. "Pyramid of Lovers" layout. It allows you to reveal the essence of the relationship between partners. For beginners, performing the “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layout should not be difficult. The first card is placed in the middle of the table (it symbolizes the person himself), the second is on the left (denotes the partner), the third is on the right (the nature of the relationship at the present time), and the fourth is on top (the immediate future).

With the help of Tarot card layouts, you can find clues to many life questions and understand complex and confusing situations. Love relationships and starting a family, financial difficulties and job searches - this is not a complete list of questions that Tarot cards can help answer.

The appearance of two or three Major Arcana in the “Three Cards” layout indicates the importance of this situation and its strong impact on the life of the fortuneteller. If at the same time Arcana with a negative value appear, for example, the Tower or the Devil, this means that you cannot influence the situation, and its outcome does not depend on you.

When interpreting, you need to pay attention to the presence of the Minor Arcana of the same suit. So, for example, if you were interested in a love relationship, and Swords predominate in the scenario, this will mean quarrels, a change in your partner’s feelings and a breakup.

"Cross" layout

It is also one of the simplest and most effective layouts that allows you to answer any questions you may have. It can be used for fortune telling on relationships, pregnancy and childbirth, partner fidelity, finances and work.

You can use the whole deck or take only the Major Arcana. First you need to shuffle the cards and pick them up with your left hand. Pull out 4 Arcana and arrange them in a cross: the first card on the left, the second on the right, the third in the center, the fourth at the bottom.

  • The first card indicates the deeper meaning of the problem.
  • The second talks about your desires and actions, what you should not do.
  • The third will advise what to do.
  • The fourth will show how events will develop in the future.

The “Cross” layout can also be used to clarify the meaning of the Arcana in other layouts. To do this, you need to collect the cards of this layout, mix them and make a “Cross” layout, while asking a question about the meaning of a certain Arcana.

Tarot spread "The Path"

This alignment allows you to find out what capabilities a person has to carry out the task, predicts events and gives advice on how to do the right thing. Unconscious actions and emotional attitude, feelings.

  • External side: what others think about this person, what actions he performed in relation to them.
  • The cards in the right column will show you what you can do to achieve your goal. Here it is necessary to compare positions from the second to the fourth.

    1. Outer side. What to do. This has to happen.
    2. Emotional side. What feelings will you have to face?
    3. A rational attitude to the situation, which the fortuneteller must determine for himself.

    First, you need to assess the success of the plan and the possibilities for its implementation, whether you need to strive for this goal at all, and whether the time has come for this. The card in the first position will tell you about this.

    If the value of the Arcana in the first position is favorable, you can begin to consider the value of the remaining cards. They will help determine how to proceed in the future. The meaning of specific Arcana can be found in the book: Self-instruction manual for the Tarot by Hayo Bantskhav.
