Treatment of hypothyroidism with foods that speed up metabolism. How to restore water-salt metabolism Recommendations for taking medications for thyroid hypothyroidism

How to lose weight with hypothyroidism? This question is asked only by 47% of people whose thyroid gland has stopped producing enough thyroid hormones. The rest are gaining extra pounds and trying to come to terms with their new appearance.

In fact, if you follow the advice of an endocrinologist and choose a good diet specifically for a particular organism, obesity will become a thing of the past.

What is better to give up forever, and what should you supplement the menu with so as not to feel hungry and gain weight, and is it worth resorting to physical activity?

Answers to such questions will help both women and men see their own slender, contented reflection in the mirror again.

An endocrinologist will help

You should not select a diet for hypothyroidism or various pills and teas for weight loss on your own.

Dietary supplements for weight loss or any other common methods often used by healthy women and men will not help those suffering from hypothyroidism.

Only an endocrinologist, possibly with a nutritionist, can develop one that suits the patient.

A direct participant in the regulation of body weight will be, a reasonably selected dosage of the drug promotes weight loss.

To lose weight with hypothyroidism, endocrinologists advise the following:

  1. When taking, which is aimed at normalizing hormone levels, you should not drink alcohol or caffeine-containing drinks, as well as iron or calcium supplements - they slow down or interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormones.
  2. Weight loss medications are possible, but must be discussed with an endocrinologist.
  3. When taking or during menopause, women should notify their endocrinologist; perhaps the dosage of thyroid drugs will be revised.
  4. Excessive consumption of dairy, soy and meat products may reduce the effectiveness of medications.
  5. It is better to divide the total amount of food per day into 5-6 parts. It's better to eat less, but more often.
  6. Moderate physical activity will help speed up metabolism - the number of calories consumed should be lower than the level of energy consumed by the body.

To lose weight with hypothyroidism, you must adhere to these rules - without following them, all treatment will be ineffective, which means your weight will remain unchanged.

Women who have entered menopause should take it along with calcium supplements, since there is a high risk of developing osteoporosis.

The dosage of both drugs should be prescribed by a doctor.

To refuse means to lose weight!

In order for the scales to quickly run in the opposite direction, you need to experience parting with some of your favorite foods.

Endocrinologists advise avoiding the following products:

  • preservation, pickles;
  • smoked meats, fried foods;
  • soybean and its products;
  • spices;
  • fat milk, meat;
  • bakery products;
  • pasta, rice;
  • sweets.

You should not eat cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, rutabaga, turnips).

It is best to drink plain water, but it is better to limit the amount to 0.5-0.7 liters per day.

Such products should never be consumed while on a weight loss diet.


However, for lovers of junk food, there is good news - after losing the required number of kilograms and normalizing your condition, you can sometimes enjoy sweet or smoked dishes, the main thing is not to overdo it.

What can you eat and lose weight?

Losing weight mainly depends on restoring the required amount of thyroid hormones to speed up metabolism. Therefore, eating some foods will only harm the accumulated kilograms.

The following products will help replenish lost hormones:

  • seafood;
  • berries;
  • celery;
  • tomatoes;
  • avocado;
  • walnuts;
  • citrus;
  • dried fruits.

Such products must be taken into account when creating a diet for hypothyroidism for weight loss.

Seafood, like nothing else, will support the difficult functioning of the thyroid gland.

Unsweetened compotes and decoctions can be prepared from berries and dried fruits; various salads can be made from vegetables with the addition of vegetable oils (sea buckthorn, olive).

Approximate menu

Experts calculate a diet in which the daily amount of calories will not exceed 1600 kcal. The optimal amount of kcal is 1200-1300, provided that exercises and walks in the fresh air are carried out regularly.

So, the daily menu should consist of 5-6 meals:

Breakfast You can eat buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad or an omelette (it is better if it is without yolks). It is also possible to prepare cheesecakes from low-fat cottage cheese in the morning, adding dried apricots. For drinks, you can choose boiled water, herbal infusion or berry compote.
For Second Breakfast You can eat one green fruit, an avocado or a handful of berries, nuts.
Dinner It should be as nutritious as possible: vegetable or fish soup with a slice of whole grain bread, vegetable stew with lean meat or steamed fish. Vegetable salad or just vegetables. Drink – compote or juice.
Afternoon snack You can have a snack with a fruit or vegetable salad, seasoned with low-percentage natural yogurt.
Dinner Should consist of vegetables, lean fish or other seafood or chicken, beef. You can eat some cottage cheese. The drink is a herbal decoction.
For the night You can eat a fruit or vegetable (banana, apple, carrot or tomato).

This is only an approximate diet menu for weight loss, foods can be changed, but you must remember that it is better to use light food for dinner, and in no case should you overeat.

Arranging fasting days or following a mono-diet is strictly prohibited in case of thyroid hypothyroidism, since a weakened body must receive all the necessary nutrients.

Hypothyroidism is not a death sentence, especially not a death sentence for a slim figure. When asking how to lose weight, you just need to listen to the advice of your endocrinologist and strictly follow the diet he provides.

You shouldn’t wait to lose weight by lying on the couch; you need to help your body with a little daily exercise and a walk.

A beautiful, fit and slender figure is the dream of every woman. But what to do if you can’t lose weight? Perhaps the reason lies in thyroid diseases and hormone imbalances that provoke weight gain, despite all your efforts.

Acquired hypothyroidism develops:

  • because of ;
  • due to partial or complete operations;
  • due to taking medications;
  • due to lack of iodine in food.


In the latent course of the disease, hormone levels may be within the lower or upper limits of normal, therefore additional diagnostic methods are used:

  • laboratory determination of level, T3, T4;
  • the number of antibodies to thyroid-stimulating hormones;
  • detailed lipid profile.

Slow metabolism is the cause of obesity

Why is it so difficult to lose weight with hypothyroidism? Thyroid hormones in normal quantities regulate the body's metabolism, accelerating the utilization of incoming substances, being catalysts for the production of special enzymes at the cellular level.

If the body receives more nutrients than it is capable of using, then the excess is converted not into the energy necessary to maintain life, but into fat deposits. And in this case, this process is determined not only by the amount of food absorbed, but also by the slow process of its processing into energy, so fasting is contraindicated for hypothyroidism. Due to slow metabolism, the body in any case more actively forms fatty tissue - this is how excess weight appears in hypothyroidism.

Thus, in order to speed up the process of losing weight with thyroid hypothyroidism, a consistent set of actions is necessary: ​​normalization of nutrition, introduction of foods rich in microelements into the diet, aerobic training and exercise.

“Nutrition” of the thyroid gland

How to lose weight with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland if there is a lack of nutrients in the body? Latent forms of hypothyroidism often develop due to a lack of minerals in food. , poor iodine, selenium, zinc and iron indirectly provokes obesity in hypothyroidism:

  • for iodine deficiency, it is necessary to consume arnica, persimmon, dates, spinach, sorrel, and sea fish;
  • with a lack of zinc and iron: veal or rabbit, liver, eggs, dairy products, cereals, seafood, oysters;
  • for selenium deficiency: pumpkin, blueberries, beets.

In order for microelements to be better absorbed, calcium is needed. It can be obtained from dairy products and citrus fruits.

Weight loss program

How to lose weight with hypothyroidism if your metabolism is slow? The approach should be comprehensive and include some features: clarification of the diagnosis, consultation with an endocrinologist, treatment, proper nutrition and diet, intense physical activity. Fasting is strictly contraindicated, because with hypothyroidism, weight loss can only slow down (due to impaired metabolism).

Everything in combination will certainly give the desired result, but without consultation with an endocrinologist it will be more difficult to formulate a program of proper diet or physical activity.

First, confirm your diagnosis

Before going on a diet if you suspect that you have hypothyroidism, you need to get your thyroid hormone levels tested and consult an endocrinologist about this. Sometimes other tests are required to definitively confirm the diagnosis. This is also necessary in order to receive the right treatment.

Secondly, combine foods and medications correctly

Some biologically active substances, when combined, can weaken or enhance each other's effects. Therefore, having chosen a program, a patient losing weight should:

  • exclude foods that reduce the absorption of iodine and other trace elements;
  • take in such a way that an interval of 3-4 hours is maintained between taking calcium and iron-containing complexes, as they weaken the absorption of hormones;
  • do not make independent appointments.

Thirdly, adjust your diet

A balanced diet for metabolic disorders is a balance in favor of protein foods. Proteins are absorbed faster and are almost completely converted into the energy of chemical bonds, so you need to add 30–40 grams of protein to each meal. An endocrinologist's advice on how to lose weight with hypothyroidism by eating right will help you create a daily diet with calorie counting. This diet completely excludes spicy foods and alcohol.

Fourth - focus on fiber by giving up carbohydrates

Patients with hypothyroidism are not recommended to consume carbohydrates: refined sugar, baked goods, white bread, pasta, potatoes. These products should be abandoned in favor of plant fiber, which at first will give the illusion of satiety, a “full” stomach, without adding as many calories as carbohydrates. 20 – 30 grams of fiber per day will quickly reduce excess weight.

Fifth - consolidate your success with aerobic exercise

Is it possible to lose weight without moving? The results of proper nutrition need to be consolidated. Intense and regular aerobic exercise can speed up your metabolism. Start gradually: with cycling, brisk walking, jogging. In the future, when the body gets used to it, it will be necessary to introduce a more intense physical complex, for example, strength training in the gym. This will help you lose weight faster, you will strengthen your muscles, and fat tissue will gradually give way to muscle tissue.

Feedback from a patient who was able to lose weight thanks to these comprehensive measures: “Due to hypothyroidism, I was overweight. Nothing helped. I found a forum, read reviews about a step-by-step weight loss program, consulted with an endocrinologist and, thanks to the right diet and a set of exercises, managed to reduce weight by 15 kg in six months. I am very grateful, I will continue to follow the recommendations!”


  1. Guide to endocrinology. - M.: Medicine, 2017. - 506 p.
  2. Guide to pediatric endocrinology / Ivan Ivanovich Dedov, Valentina Aleksandrovna Peterkova. – M.: Universum Publishing, 2006. – 595 p. : ill.
  3. Grebenshchikov Yu.B., Moshkovsky Yu.Sh., Bioorganic chemistry // Physico-chemical properties, structure and functional activity of insulin. - 1986. - p.296.
  4. Mikhailov V.S. Food culture. - M.: Profizdat, 2000.
  5. Filippovich Yu.B., Fundamentals of biochemistry // Hormones and their role in metabolism. - 1999. - p.451-453,455-456, 461-462.

⚕️Melikhova Olga Aleksandrovna - endocrinologist, 2 years of experience.

Deals with issues of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid gland, pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gonads, parathyroid glands, thymus gland, etc.

It occurs due to insufficient production of thyroid hormones. This condition develops and progresses for several years, gradually manifesting itself as decreased performance, worsening mood, and obesity. Unfortunately, today this disease cannot be cured, and this is a proven fact.

  • activity, irritability increases, insomnia develops;
  • heart rhythm is disturbed, sweating increases;
  • body weight decreases rapidly with a constant daily caloric intake;
  • tremor of the limbs and head appears.

If these signs occur while taking replacement medications, you should urgently visit an endocrinologist. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the doctor may recommend reducing the dose of the drug or prescribing beta-blockers. After the disappearance of adverse reactions, therapy should be continued by selecting a lower dose.

Recommendations for taking medications for thyroid hypothyroidism

To make therapy more effective, simple rules should be followed:

  • Tell your doctor about all medications you take during treatment, as some of them may negatively affect hormonal medications.
  • Most interactive medications must be taken about four hours before using thyroid medications.
  • It is recommended to take medications with a small amount of water at room temperature. The tablets should not be taken with tea, coffee or milk as these liquids may interfere with the absorption of the drugs.
  • During treatment, it is necessary to follow a diet, since some foods affect the absorption and effectiveness of hormonal agents. It will be better to take replacement medications on an empty stomach.
  • If for any reason you fail to take the medicine, you should not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose.
  • When planning a pregnancy or bearing a child, the use of replacement medications is considered safe.


Replacement therapy for hypothyroidism should be carried out with great caution in case of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, persistent increase in blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, and progressive adrenal insufficiency.

A history of any of these ailments in a patient with hypothyroidism requires dose adjustment and constant medical supervision. If individual intolerance to a particular drug develops, it should be replaced with another.

Symptomatic therapy for thyroid hypothyroidism

To improve well-being and improve the quality of life, the patient, in addition to hormonal medications, is prescribed maintenance therapy. It helps reduce the manifestations of the disease and maintain the performance of those organs that suffer from hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland.

Symptomatic treatment includes taking the following groups of drugs:

  • agents aimed at correcting the functional state of the myocardium: Mildronate, ATP-Long, Asparkam, Mexicor (Mexidol), Niacin, Riboflavin;
  • medications that have cardiotonic and antiarrhythmic effects used to treat heart failure: Digitoxin, Digoxin, Celanide, Strophanthin K, Korglykon, infusion of adonis herb;
  • nootropics and neuroprotectors;
  • preparations of female hormones: Premarin, Estroferm, Pregnin, Norkolut, Postinor, Ovidon, Pregestrol;
  • vitamin-mineral complexes and immunostimulants.

Taking these medications will help support the body and restore lost performance. There is no need to use them constantly. It is enough to undergo 3-4 courses of treatment per year strictly as prescribed by the doctor. and immunostimulants can be used continuously.

The role of iodine preparations in the treatment of hypothyroidism

The fight against hypothyroidism always begins with etiotropic therapy, which eliminates not the hypothyroidism itself, but the root cause of the painful condition.

Hypothyroidism often develops against the background of iodine deficiency pathologies - and colloid nodes. In this case, there is a chance to do without hormonal treatment and restore the functionality of the thyroid gland with the help of iodine-containing drugs.

For optimal hormone production, the daily dose of iodine should be 150 mcg. For pregnant women, this figure increases to 230–250 mcg per day.

When treating hypothyroidism, you can take the following iodine preparations:

  • IodActive;

All these medicines contain not only the daily dose of iodine, but also various vitamin and mineral supplements.

However, the use of even such drugs, which in most cases are dietary supplements, must be agreed with a doctor. Excessive dosage can lead to problems - the development of iodism. The following symptoms appear:

  • lacrimation and runny nose;
  • excessive salivation;
  • itching of the skin.

If these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce the dosage or discontinue the drug.

Therapy for hypothyroid coma

Mexidematous coma is rare in medical practice. It develops quite slowly, so it is difficult to miss.

Therapy of patients in a coma is complicated not only by the severity of the pathology, but also sometimes by the elderly age of the patients, for whom it is very difficult to quickly compensate for the lack of thyroids.

Treatment of critical condition with hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland is carried out in the intensive care unit. In this case, T3 drugs are most often used, since they act much faster than T4.

To bring the patient out of a coma, glucocorticoids and drugs to restore water-salt metabolism are used.

Diet for hypothyroidism

Therapy for hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland necessarily requires proper nutrition. To correct hormonal levels more successfully, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • exclude from the diet all fatty, spicy, pickled and fermented foods, sausages and smoked meats;
  • reduce to a minimum the consumption of sugar, baked goods, confectionery products and replace them with honey;
  • include in the diet protein, complex carbohydrates and;
  • limit fluid intake, since with hypothyroidism there is a risk of swelling;
  • remove tea, coffee, cocoa, sweet carbonated water, alcohol from the diet and replace them with clean liquid, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

If the diet is supplemented with daily exercise or regular visits to the gym, hypothyroidism will quickly subside. Excess weight, bad mood and fatigue will be a thing of the past.

Why do you need to lose weight with hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism and excess weight in women are related in much the same way as diabetes and obesity. The culprit is hormonal changes, due to which substances involved in all metabolic processes (protein, fat, carbohydrates) are no longer produced in the required quantities. So losing weight with hypothyroidism, as with diabetes, first of all involves normalizing hormonal levels.

It is mainly women who gain weight with hypothyroidism, this is the peculiarity of this disease (it is diagnosed extremely rarely in men). The question of whether it is possible to lose weight in principle is not relevant. This must be done, otherwise serious health problems threaten.

Patients with hypothyroidism, first of all, need to figure out not how to lose weight with thyroid hypothyroidism, but why to do it.

A diet for thyroid hypothyroidism is necessary because it is the only way:

  • you can lose weight. No matter how effective hormonal pills are. Only giving up unhealthy foods (fast food, baked goods, sweets, alcohol) and reducing the overall energy value of the menu for a week or one day allows you to lose weight. And get ready for physical activity - the integrated approach has not yet been canceled;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland. The diet for thyroid hypothyroidism is aimed not only at creating a deficit in energy value (simple mathematics: the greater the energy expenditure, the faster the weight loss), but also at normalizing iodine levels. It is the lack of the latter that leads to disruption of the production of thyroid hormones - triiodothyronine (it contains three iodine molecules), tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (contains four iodine molecules). The result of such a violation is the accumulation of excess weight;
  • prevent disruption of internal organs. The disease is accompanied by obesity, yellowing of the skin, and early atherosclerosis (formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels). And also swelling around the eyes, teeth marks on the tongue, pain in the heart and behind the sternum, constipation, nausea, flatulence, enlarged liver, cholelithiasis, menstrual irregularities;
  • reduce swelling. When hormonal levels change, sooner or later kidney function is impaired. The result is fluid retention in the body. Stimulating kidney function through diuretic products and exercise leads not only to a reduction in edema, but also helps to achieve weight loss in hypothyroidism;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiorespiratory system. One of the complications of thyroid dysfunction is a violation of pulmonary ventilation, that is, the supply of oxygen to the tissues. This process not only provides nutrition to the entire body, but also triggers fat burning (lipid metabolism is possible only in the presence of oxygen). A special menu for hypothyroidism, supplemented with at least light physical activity, allows you to speed up blood circulation, which means speeding up metabolism.

Comment from an endocrinologist! To produce hormones, the thyroid gland needs two components: iodine and the essential amino acid tyrosine. Both with hypofunction (deficiency) and hyperfunction (excess), all metabolic processes are disrupted to one degree or another. In this case, each subsequent violation is layered on the previous one. The result is a kind of critical mass of disorders, leading to various diseases, ranging from hypothyroidism to thyrotoxicosis (with thyrotoxicosis, the thyroid gland, on the contrary, begins to produce too much thyroid hormones). For example, a decrease in the amount of iodine in the body leads to a complete cessation of the synthesis of thyroid hormones. This, in turn, leads to a disruption in the production of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. This is a hormone released during stressful situations. As well as dopamine (pleasure hormone) by skin cells. Melanin (the pigment responsible for the color of eyes, hair, skin). So a diet for hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland is not just an indispensable condition for treatment, but a matter of life and death

Dietary rules for different types of hypothyroidism

A diet for losing weight in case of thyroid dysfunction largely follows the principles of dietary nutrition for diabetes mellitus.

The basic rules of nutritional treatment are as follows:

  • Refusal of sweets, pastries, soda, alcohol, smoked foods, marinades, pickles. Not only do they contain a lot of “empty” calories (which do not benefit the body, but simply clog and lead to fat formation), they also affect the water-salt balance, which is already disturbed.
  • Small meals five to six times a day with an interval of two to three hours. This approach will help you avoid hunger and maintain your metabolism at the required level.
  • A clear distribution of products throughout the day depending on the predominance of proteins, fats or carbohydrates. All carbohydrates are consumed before 16:00, then the body will have time to use them to maintain vital processes. After 16:00 is the time for proteins of plant origin (it is better to consume proteins of animal origin in the first half of the day, as they take longer to digest). It's the same with fats. The best way to consume fat is in the form of salad dressing (two to three tablespoons per day). This is important because many vitamins from vegetables are absorbed only in the presence of fat. These include vitamins A, , and provitamin beta-carotene. The precursor to vitamin A is synthesized from beta-carotene only in the presence of fats. The last meal should be no later than two hours before bedtime. It must be proteins. Otherwise, the body will spend energy on digestion and it is unlikely that you will be able to fall asleep. And proteins are needed because it is them that the body uses as building material. All recovery processes occur mainly during sleep.
  • Maintain drinking regime. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day (tea, coffee, fruit drinks, compotes do not count). Thanks to water, metabolic products are removed, intestinal function is stimulated, and the water-salt balance is normalized.

Doctors' recommendations regarding diet for hypothyroidism

How to lose weight with (advice from an endocrinologist):

  • Despite the similarities between diets for diabetes and hypothyroidism, it is important to know and understand some nuances. Losing weight by reducing the amount of carbohydrates and reducing the calorie content of dishes is not the case.

The weekly menu must include natural coffee - up to two cups per day (total volume - 300 ml). Sugar, cream and milk cannot be added. Coffee helps remove excess fluid and stimulate metabolism. But you can’t get carried away with this drink, since a number of micro- and macroelements are washed out of the body along with water, first of all,

  • Physical activity should be moderate. With high intensity exercise, the swelling will not only not decrease, but will worsen, since the kidneys will not be able to cleanse the incoming blood so quickly. The maximum heart rate during exercise is 120-130 beats per minute. One to two hours before training, be sure to eat “slow” carbohydrates, such as porridge.
  • You can learn more about the intricacies of fighting hypothyroidism in the video below.

    A typical situation: a person decides to lose weight, starts actively playing sports, and goes on a diet. A week passes - there is no result, a second week passes - nothing changes. After a month of unsuccessful attempts, one gives up, not a trace remains of motivation, and everything returns to normal: physical inactivity, eating without restrictions and internal complexes about being fat.

    In such a situation, many do not think about why weight loss did not occur. And only a few, after such an unsuccessful experience, go to see an endocrinologist. Although this is exactly what everyone should do. If a lack of thyroid hormones is detected, you will have to not only radically change your lifestyle, but also undergo a course of treatment. Losing weight with hypothyroidism has its own characteristics.

    Hypothyroidism and excess weight

    Hypothyroidism is the body’s reaction to a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones, the main function of which is to maintain normal metabolic processes. As soon as their deficiency is detected, metabolism slows down significantly, and fat deposits increase. This disease is one of the most common causes of excess body weight.

    And even if the patient decides to get rid of excess weight on his own, he will not achieve significant results for two reasons. Firstly, losing weight with hypothyroidism requires a special diet and compliance with specific recommendations from an endocrinologist. Secondly, you need to undergo a course of treatment and eliminate the causes that led to disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Hypothyroidism causes excess weight gain equally in women and men. However, this diagnosis is made first more often. Although for men this disease is fraught with more dangerous consequences. Not only do they begin to age quickly (hair, eyebrows, eyelashes fall out) and gain weight (the lower part of the body becomes massive, the breasts swell), but with an advanced form of the disease, they lose their reproductive abilities.

    So the first step towards losing weight with hypothyroidism is to find out what led to this diagnosis and eliminate the triggering factors. Without this, neither treatment nor weight loss will be effective.

    Causes of the disease

    Endocrinologists call the following factors provocateurs:

    • active impact on the thyroid gland: this can be surgery (it is sometimes removed), radiation therapy, taking powerful hormonal medications;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • blocking of thyroid hormones by autoantibodies and proteases (this occurs during exacerbation of pancreatitis, sepsis, and in states of shock);
    • hypo- and aplasia of the thyroid gland (reduction in size);
    • deiodination of thyroid hormones;
    • lack of iodine and selenium and excess of thiocyanates, calcium and lithium ions;
    • low sensitivity of cellular receptors to hormones;
    • pathologies of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland (for example, loss of the latter’s tropic function, i.e., the production of thyroid hormones, or hypopituitarism);
    • overwork;
    • thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland).

    Most causes are revealed only during a medical examination. Two factors depend on the person himself, which can lead to decreased hormone production. This is poor nutrition, when the diet is sorely lacking in iodine and selenium, and overwork. The easiest way to deal with them is to include more seaweed with fish oil in the menu and get plenty of rest. Everything else requires long-term treatment by an endocrinologist. So you can’t count on rapid weight loss. Minimum - 3-4 months.


    In order not to confuse hypothyroidism with other diseases, you need to be able to differentiate it by the following manifestations:

    • lethargy, slowness, lethargy, decreased performance, attention, intelligence and memory, fatigue;
    • drowsiness;
    • anemia;
    • puffiness, swelling of the face, limbs, vocal cords (deepening of the voice), nasal mucosa (difficulty breathing), joints;
    • brittle nails, hair loss, dry and jaundiced skin;
    • gaining excess weight;
    • decreased temperature, chilliness, paresthesia, muscle pain;
    • problems with the nervous system: bradyphrenia, polyneuropathy, cerebellar ataxia, depression;
    • myxedema heart, polyserositis, hypotension;
    • hepatomegaly (liver enlargement), constipation, nausea, vomiting;
    • amenorrhea and galactorrhea - in women, decreased libido and erectile dysfunction - in men, delayed psychophysical development - in children.

    Based on the presence of several of the above symptoms, hypothyroidism can only be suspected. To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test for hormones is performed.

    About analyzes

    • TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone produced by the pituitary gland)

    To restore thyroid function, it is necessary to control the amount of TSH that affects this organ. The TSH norm is 0.5-5 mU/l. If its level is lower or higher, appropriate treatment is prescribed. However, there is one point that needs to be taken into account by everyone who is focused on losing weight. Hormone replacement therapy is discontinued as soon as the 1 mU/l mark is reached. This is enough to normalize your weight and feel good. American scientists recommend reducing the upper limit of normal for this hormone by almost half - to 2.5 mU/l.

    • Thyroxine (T4, thyroid hormone)

    The norm is 50-140 nmol/l.

    • Triiodothyronine (T3, thyroid hormone)

    The norm is 1.5-3.85 mmol/l.

    Types of hypothyroidism

    Treatment and weight loss will also depend on what particular form of hypothyroidism you were diagnosed with during the examinations. He can be:

    • primary (associated with pathologies of the thyroid gland itself);
    • secondary (due to disorders in the pituitary gland);
    • tertiary (pathologies of the hypothalamus);
    • tissue (peripheral causes are to blame).

    It is easiest to lose weight with primary hypothyroidism, since normalizing the functions of parts of the brain is much more difficult.

    There are also congenital and acquired hypothyroidism. The first is chronic, people suffering from it struggle with excess weight throughout their lives, losing weight is difficult, and the kilograms quickly return.

    Another classification of the disease - depending on the severity:

    • latent (subclinical hypothyroidism), when the TSH level is elevated and T4 is normal;
    • manifest, in which TSH is increased, but T4 is decreased;
    • complicated.

    In case of subclinical and manifest symptoms, it is possible to organize both treatment and weight loss in parallel. If complications occur, you first need to undergo a full therapeutic course and only then achieve weight loss.

    Depending on the body’s reaction to problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland:

    • compensated, when the body independently tries to make up for the deficiency of hormones - weight loss is possible without treatment;
    • subcompensated - the body cannot cope, weight loss slows down, the first signs of hypothyroidism appear;
    • decompensated - treatment required.

    If the disease is diagnosed in the initial stages, hormone replacement therapy quickly normalizes the patient’s condition and allows parallel weight loss (in consultation with the doctor).

    What medications can be prescribed?

    To treat hypothyroidism, medications containing synthetic thyroid hormones are usually prescribed.


    Release form: tablets.

    Contraindications: intolerance, after a heart attack, damage to the heart muscle, thyrotoxicosis, hypocortisolism, galactosemia, lactase deficiency, intestinal malabsorption syndrome, heart and vascular disease, severe forms of hypothyroidism, diabetes.

    Dosage: 100 mcg per day. The course of treatment is in consultation with the doctor.


    Release form: tablets, granules.

    Contraindications: drug intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes, Addison's disease, coronary insufficiency, pregnancy.

    Dosage: 0.2 g per day in the morning. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.


    Release form: tablets.

    Contraindications: intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, ischemic heart disease, myocarditis, adrenal and heart failure, tachycardia, cachexia, diabetes.

    Dosage: 25 mcg per day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.


    Release form: tablets.

    Contraindications: intolerance, myocarditis, angina pectoris, after a heart attack, thyrotoxicosis, adrenal and heart failure, tachycardia, hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis.

    Dosage: 1 tablet per day an hour before breakfast, every 2 weeks the amount increases and is brought to 5 tablets per day. The course of treatment is until hormone levels normalize.


    Release form: tablets.

    Contraindications: intolerance, after a heart attack, thyrotoxicosis, myocarditis, adrenal insufficiency.

    Dosage: ½ tablet per day half an hour before breakfast, every 2 weeks the amount of medication is increased and brought to 2 tablets per day. The course of treatment is until complete recovery.


    Release form: tablets.

    Contraindications: intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, pituitary and adrenal insufficiency, pregnancy, lactation, heart disease, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome, hypertension, diabetes, arrhythmia.

    The dosage is determined individually, the drug is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is long (3-4 months, depending on the severity of the disease).

    Fish oil

    Helps treat hypothyroidism and fish oil, which endocrinologists often include in the therapeutic course. First of all, it eliminates negative symptoms (depression, inflammation). In addition, it is useful for losing weight (more on this).

    Release form: gelatin capsules, purified oil.

    Contraindications: intolerance, thyrotoxicosis, hemophilia, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, hypervitaminosis, ulcers, nephritis, lactation, kidney, liver, heart diseases.

    Dosage: 6 capsules or 1 tbsp. l. oils per day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

    It is not recommended to take other weight loss products (dietary supplements, pills for weight loss and acceleration of metabolism, traditional recipes) while taking medications for hypothyroidism, as they may not be compatible.

    Do I need a diet?

    To lose weight with this diagnosis, you cannot reduce it below 1,200 kcal, as this will slow down the metabolism and the course of the disease will only worsen. For the same reason, it is not recommended to remove any of the three essential nutrients (proteins, fats or carbohydrates) from the diet. Nutrition should be as balanced as possible.

    • daily calorie content should not be less than 1,500 kcal;
    • : 110g/70g/200g;
    • easily absorbed simple carbohydrates are replaced with complex ones (you can find lists of products);
    • The norm for salt consumption is 5 g per day;
    • daily drinking norm - 1.5 l;
    • the basis of the diet is;
    • fractional meals;
    • taking a vitamin-mineral complex;
    • carrying out (1-2 times a week);
    • frying is excluded.

    Authorized products:

    • eggs (no more than 3 pieces per week);
    • low-fat vegetable soups;
    • seafood, white lean fish;
    • kefir, curdled milk, yogurt, cottage cheese (with minimal fat content);
    • oatmeal, buckwheat, oatmeal, bran;
    • fruit juices diluted with water (1 to 1), weakly brewed tea, compote of dried fruits without added sugar, decoction of rose hips and other medicinal herbs, still mineral water;
    • lean red meats, turkey, chicken, rabbit;
    • rye or whole grain bread (no more than 100 g per day);
    • potatoes, green peas, carrots, beets (once a week);
    • foods rich in potassium (dried fruits, shrimp, soybeans, cabbage, peaches, currants), magnesium (rose hips, bran, buckwheat), iodine (seaweed).

    Prohibited products:

    • cream, sour cream, butter;
    • offal, fatty meats and fish, caviar, canned food, smoked meats;
    • meat, fish, mushroom broths, bean soups;
    • rice, pasta, semolina, flour products;
    • mushrooms, spinach, turnips, sorrel, grapes, raisins, legumes;
    • jam, jam, honey, sugar;
    • sauces, seasonings, spicy snacks;
    • alcohol.

    Sample menu for the week

    Normalizes the level of hormones in the body and metabolic rate. This, in turn, will contribute to effective weight loss.

    An interesting diet is proposed by the American Mary Chaumont in her book “How to Lose Weight with Hypothyroidism.” However, when deciding to try it, you must obtain permission from the endocrinologist observing you, since not all doctors approve of its nutritional system.

    Do not organize weight loss with hypothyroidism on your own, without consulting a doctor and a course of treatment. You won’t achieve results, but your condition will worsen.

    Of course, you need to play sports. However, with hypothyroidism, training should be moderate, no more than half an hour a day, 2-3 times a week. It is better to leave the gym and morning jogging for the period after recovery. Recommended exercises: bending, stretching. Light dumbbell weights. Walking and climbing stairs are encouraged.

    Don't expect to lose weight quickly. You will be able to lose no more than 1-2 kg per week.

    Stress and overwork are the main enemies of the thyroid gland. Make sure that work harmoniously alternates with rest. Don't let yourself worry.

    Bad habits are also not welcome: nicotine and alcohol negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, which means they will hinder weight loss.

    Hypothyroidism is a serious disease, but not a death sentence. Recovery, as well as weight loss, are quite possible if you follow all the recommendations of the endocrinologist. Normalizing nutrition while taking synthetic thyroid hormones will definitely have an effect. True, not as fast as we would like, but the main thing is the result.
