Treatment of a runny nose in an infant. What to do if your baby has a runny nose 2 month old baby has a runny nose

A runny nose is one of the most common pathologies. An adult copes with the disease easily and without problems. And nasal congestion and discharge cause many problems not only for the baby, but also for the parents. This condition disrupts sleep and does not allow him to eat normally, and not all medications are suitable for the baby. How to treat a runny nose in a 2 month old baby?

What should parents do?

If a 2-month-old child develops a runny nose, it should be shown to a doctor. He will examine the baby and prescribe the correct treatment.

How to treat a runny nose in a 2 month old baby? A severe runny nose can disturb a baby, and only a doctor can determine the nature of rhinitis in a newborn.


There are many known factors that provoke the development of rhinitis in young patients. Here are the most common causes of a runny nose:

  1. Viruses. The most well-known factors for the occurrence of rhinitis include adenoviruses, rhinoviruses and other types of microorganisms.
  2. Bacteria. The development of rhinitis can be caused by streptococci and staphylococci. And also bacteria that normally live on the mucous membranes of the nose, but when the immune system is weakened, they begin to grow and multiply.
  3. Physiology. In babies under one year of age, a type of disease occurs that is caused by the structure of the nasal passages. At this age they are narrow and mucus accumulates there. This does not change the baby's general condition, but it prevents him from breathing normally.
  4. Allergy. Allergic edema most often occurs in babies who are bottle-fed. The cause may be an unsuitable mixture.
  5. Disturbance of the microclimate in the baby's room. It is dry air that causes diseases associated with problems of the nasal cavity. It dries out, which leads to the negative effects of various viruses and bacteria.

If a 2-month-old child develops snot, what should parents do? Initially, it is necessary to establish the cause of rhinitis in an infant. Particular attention should be paid to humidity and temperature in the room. Then they make sure that the pathology is not caused by physiological reasons, and only after that they proceed to treatment.

What is the danger of rhinitis?

In infants, due to the structure of the nasal passages, prolonged lying on the back leads to negative consequences. As a result, the inflammatory process spreads to the underlying sections and ears.

A child at a tender age is not able to blow his nose on his own, so the contents stagnate and prevent him from sleeping and eating. The baby becomes restless and capricious, and the parents also begin to worry. Against this background, his temperature rises.

If rhinitis is a common disease for an adult, then for an infant it is a serious problem that leads to complications.

If a 2-month-old baby has snot, what should the mother do? In this situation, parents should not take pathology lightly, but immediately take appropriate measures.

Symptoms of rhinitis

When a 2-month-old baby has a runny nose, treatment should begin by identifying the signs of the disease:

  • the child is capricious and crying;
  • his mouth is constantly open;
  • the wings of the nose are tense;
  • clear or purulent discharge occurs;
  • breathing becomes noisy, and sometimes the child snores;
  • the baby refuses food and breastfeeding because it is difficult for him to suck due to swelling;
  • the child sleeps restlessly and wakes up frequently;
  • if a bacterial infection occurs, the temperature rises and general symptoms of intoxication occur.

If the mother cannot independently determine the symptoms of the disease and the cause of its occurrence, then it is best to consult a doctor who will accurately select the correct treatment regimen. How to cure a runny nose in a 2 month old baby?

Therapy for rhinitis in infants

If a 2-month-old baby has a runny nose, what to treat should be determined by a specialist. Treatment of rhinitis at this age has particular difficulties. They consist in the impossibility of using many drugs that are prescribed to older children. However, babies at this age do not know how to blow their nose.

First of all, the baby's nose is freed from secretions. What can be used to treat a 2-month-old child:

  • Various aspirators.
  • Douches or small enemas. It is best to choose them with a wide tip. Before the procedure, the syringe is disinfected and the tip is lubricated with Vaseline oil so as not to injure the baby’s mucous membranes. It is injected shallowly, thereby avoiding injury.
  • Electronic devices. They are battery operated and have an attractive shape.

To treat rhinitis, solutions for rinsing and moistening the nose can be used. The opinions of pediatricians in this case are quite contradictory. One group of doctors is sure that rinsing is absolutely necessary. Others warn that if done incorrectly, there is a risk of infection in the middle ear. If there is a fever and purulent nasal discharge, parents should not rinse the baby's nose.

If light mucus and crusts occur, it is allowed to carry out the procedure with the following solutions: “Humer”, “Aqualor”, “Salin” and others.

For a 1-2 month old baby, parents should not prepare the saline solution themselves, since there is a high probability of going too far with its concentration. This can lead to irritation of the delicate mucous membranes.

Inhalation with a nebulizer is one of the possible procedures at this age. Steam inhalations are prohibited for use in infants.

If snot appears in a baby at 2 months, the pediatrician should determine how to treat it at home. It is best to carry out inhalations with a nebulizer with a decoction of herbs. However, such a procedure should only be done as prescribed by a pediatrician.

What drops can be used for a runny nose in a 2 month old baby? These include "Protargol". They are based on colloidal silver. The product is approved for use by children if they are not allergic to the main active ingredient.

Other drugs (vasodilators, antiallergic) are prohibited for use at this age.

Features of the course of the disease

How to treat cough and runny nose in a 2 month old baby? In this situation, the pediatrician usually prescribes the following:

  1. Inhalations with a nebulizer. If the baby does not have a fever, the procedure can be carried out twice a day. In this case, use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and saline solution.
  2. For viscous and difficult to separate sputum, use "Rinofluimucil". Drops have anti-edematous and mucolytic effects. The instructions for use indicate that they are prescribed with caution to children under 3 years of age. Therefore, drops should be used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Chamomile tea. The decoction from the bottle has a disinfectant and soothing effect, so if it gets on the back wall of the throat, it will improve the baby’s condition. After all, a child at that age will not be able to gargle.
  4. Drugs with a vasodilating effect. If swelling prevents the baby from falling asleep, use baby drops - "Nazivin" for children. They are used once, for 3-4 days, exclusively at night.
  5. Balms and ointments. There are many products that can be used to lubricate the patient’s nose to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. However, they are allowed to be used by children over 2-3 years old. There are no data on the use of the product by children of the younger group.

Among the alternative methods for treating a runny nose in a 2-month-old baby, drops of carrot, beet juice and breast milk are suitable. It is not recommended to use the products during purulent processes, so that they do not become a breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria.

Why does a baby’s runny nose not go away after 2 months?

What is the correct treatment and what does it depend on? There is no clear answer to this question. A common runny nose occurs in several stages:

  • Elementary. It lasts from several hours to several days. The baby is bothered by pain and burning.
  • Serous discharge. Continue for 2-3 days. This causes swelling and clear mucus.
  • Purulent discharge. Lasts 2-3 days. The discharge becomes purulent, the color ranges from light yellow to green.
  • Restorative. At this stage, the functionality of the nose is restored. After that, he begins to do his job normally. This happens within 3-4 days.

Thus, the disease lasts 7-10 days. If it lasts longer, then perhaps:

  • therapy is carried out incorrectly;
  • low immunity;
  • allergies to medications;
  • foreign body;
  • inconsistency of therapy with the cause of the disease, for example, when allergic rhinitis is treated with antiviral drugs.

Parents need to reconsider all the means used and seek help from a specialist. In this case, the doctor will be able to prescribe the correct treatment tactics.

Treatment of rhinitis in the absence of fever

In this case, therapy has certain features. A runny nose can be the result of narrow nasal passages, the onset of a viral infection, or a manifestation of an allergy.

If a baby has snot for 2 months without fever, how should parents treat it? The mother’s main task is to cleanse the nasal passages using cotton swabs. If your baby has dried crusts in his nose, you can soften them with warm vegetable oil. The most effective methods include instilling a decoction of chamomile or other medicinal herbs into the nose.

Snot without fever in a 2-month-old child must be treated correctly, having first established the cause of the runny nose. Rhinitis can be caused by the physiology of the child’s body. In this situation, you should not over-treat. It is enough to clean the nose with an aspirator or a cotton tourniquet.

Is it allowed to walk with a child with a runny nose?

If it is hot and the baby is in serious condition, walking is prohibited. In this situation, it is enough to ventilate the room several times a day. And it’s best to visit the street after recovery.

If the baby feels fine, you should not stay at home. Time spent walking will improve blood circulation and breathing, have a positive effect on the immune system, and the patient will recover faster.

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky is also confident in the benefits of fresh air for a runny nose and minor colds.

Signs of allergic rhinitis

If the discharge is due to an allergy, then neither drops, nor rubbing, nor other procedures may work. The disease has a different nature, so approaches to therapy also differ.

How to understand that a child has allergic rhinitis:

  • the discharge is mostly clear;
  • there are no symptoms of ARVI or colds (cough, fever);
  • a rash, itching and swelling appeared;
  • symptoms occur when exposed to certain substances or when specific foods are included in food.

If the cause of the disease is an allergy, then parents should closely monitor the baby’s health.

Such rhinitis requires the following treatment:

  1. Initially, contact with the allergen is eliminated. It can be calculated independently or using laboratory tests.
  2. Washing and irrigation. This allows you to reduce the negative impact on the mucous membrane.
  3. Antiallergic drops - "Vibrocil". They are allowed to be used for children up to one year old.
  4. Antihistamines in the form of drops. "Fenistil", according to the instructions, is approved for use by children after 1 month. Use drops as prescribed by a specialist.

Rhinitis brings suffering not only to the baby himself, but also to the parents. Therefore, it is important to help him survive this disease.

What not to do when treating a runny nose

  • put antibiotics in the nose;
  • rinse your nose with an enema.

Use vasodilator drops without a doctor's prescription.


A runny nose in a 2-month-old child has a negative effect not only on the baby himself, but also on his parents. In order not to harm the fragile child’s body, it is necessary to listen to the advice of the pediatrician and follow all his instructions.

A runny nose is usually not a cause for concern, especially in adults, but for infants it is a serious illness. A runny nose in newborns requires urgent treatment. Firstly, because it does not allow the child to breathe normally. Infants in the first months of life do not know how to breathe through their mouths, so the child may even suffocate. Secondly, a runny nose can develop into more severe illnesses, such as bronchitis or pneumonia.

The body of a newborn child is very sensitive and it is not worth treating it with methods suitable for an adult - they can seriously harm the baby. Only a pediatrician is able to determine the nature of the disease in an infant and prescribe effective and safe treatment.

A newborn baby may suffer from a runny nose for various reasons. A runny nose does not always mean that a child has become infected with ARVI; in children, a runny nose can be physiological or allergic. Also, with a runny nose, a cough may appear, this means that the runny nose begins to turn into, and it is worth urgently starting to treat it. In any case, in order to properly treat a runny nose in a baby, it is important to know its nature.

Causes of a runny nose in a newborn:

  • Flu, cold or ARVI . With such infections, a runny nose in a newborn is accompanied by swelling of the nasal mucosa, which leads to breathing problems.
  • Allergic reaction to chemical irritants . In addition to a runny nose, in this case, sneezing and swelling of the mucous membrane may occur.
  • Adaptation of the nasal mucosa to the environment . The child in the womb was in a completely different “climate”, and after being born, the child’s body begins to get used to the new conditions. The respiratory organs are not fully formed, and therefore breathing may be difficult. This is how a physiological runny nose manifests itself. Most often, if the baby “grunts”, then we are talking about him.
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa . This usually happens if there is low humidity in the room where the child is. Under such conditions, the child, in addition to a runny nose, may develop a cough.

Symptoms of a runny nose in a newborn baby may also include:

  • snot;
  • heavy breathing, snoring, snoring, the baby “grunts” with his nose;
  • sneeze;
  • cough.

Due to illness, the baby may lose appetite and have difficulty sleeping. It is quite difficult to independently determine the cause of a runny nose and treat a runny nose. If any symptoms appear, you should contact your pediatrician, especially if your baby has a runny nose for the first time.

If, in addition to a runny nose, a newborn child develops a cough, profuse lacrimation, a high fever, loss of appetite, and begins to cry more than usual, you should call a pediatrician. The doctor will prescribe treatment himself.

Types of runny nose

Depending on the causes, runny nose in children under one year of age is divided into several types. Since it is always necessary not only to relieve the symptom, but also to eliminate the cause, before starting treatment, you need to find out what kind of runny nose you are dealing with.

Physiological runny nose

A runny nose in children 1–3 months old may not require treatment. It is quite possible that we are just talking about a physiological runny nose. The fact is that before it is born, the child, as you know, is constantly in liquid. Therefore, mucous membranes begin to form only after birth. At first, the nasal passages are completely dry. Only after a couple of weeks does mucus begin to be produced in the baby’s nose.

Since this mechanism has not yet been developed, and the nasal passages are very narrow, a small amount of clear liquid discharge may flow from the nose during this period. Nothing wrong with that. This does not cause any inconvenience to the child and will soon go away on its own. Intensive treatment in this case can only do harm.

Firstly, the idle use of medicines, in principle, does not bring anything good. Secondly, stopping a physiological runny nose does not allow the child’s body to complete the adjustment of this protective mechanism.

Infectious runny nose

Also, viruses or bacteria often cause a runny nose in children under one year of age. In this case, it is accompanied by other symptoms of respiratory diseases: fever, cough, difficulty breathing. In addition, the nasal discharge itself becomes less liquid and transparent. The color of the discharge changes to yellowish or greenish, and it thickens. This occurs because pus is added to the normal mucus.

This condition, of course, must be treated. If only because it causes a lot of inconvenience to your child. It's hard for him to breathe. Difficulty breathing, in turn, interferes with the feeding process. The baby has to constantly look away from the breast to breathe in air through his mouth.

Of course, such a need irritates him, he begins to cry, fidget, and refuse the breast. The consequence of this is weight loss and weakness. It is also quite difficult for an infant to sleep with a runny nose. Moreover, in his sleep he may have an attack of suffocation.

Allergic runny nose

Rhinitis can be a symptom of an allergic reaction. Typically, this manifestation occurs if the allergen enters the body through the nose. However, food allergies can also manifest themselves as a common runny nose in an infant.

In this case, the main difficulty is making a diagnosis. It is difficult to distinguish an allergic runny nose in an infant from an infectious one. However, for proper treatment, the cause of the runny nose must be accurately determined. As a rule, the idea of ​​​​the allergic nature of rhinitis comes if it cannot be cured for more than 2 weeks.

Stages of development of a runny nose

As a rule, a runny nose in infants goes through three stages of development. At an early stage, a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occurs, which causes dryness and burning in the nose.

At the second stage, on the contrary, the dilation of blood vessels begins, the mucous membrane swells, and the rapid secretion of transparent mucus begins. This stage lasts approximately 2-3 days. In the case of the infectious nature of the disease, after some time the color of the mucus changes, which was already mentioned above.

The third stage is gradual relief. Swelling of the mucous membrane subsides. There is less discharge, but it thickens. It is during this period that crusts may well form, which are then so difficult to get rid of. To avoid this, it is important to moisturize the nasal mucosa in a timely manner.

In total, the illness takes about a week, sometimes dragging on for 10 days. However, if treatment is neglected, it may well develop into a chronic form. Or cause a whole range of other complications. By the way, it makes sense to talk about them separately.

How long does a runny nose last in a baby?

Physiological runny nose lasts about 2 weeks. Although the duration of this process depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the conditions in which he lives.

Incorrect intervention can disrupt the natural course of the process and increase the duration of a runny nose. If parents begin to actively treat a physiological runny nose, which does not need treatment, it may drag on or turn into a pathological form.

An allergic runny nose in a newborn can last until the allergen is eliminated from his life. As for infectious runny nose, its duration also depends on the effectiveness of treatment. It is important to remember that a prolonged runny nose in an infant can develop into more serious illnesses.

Possible complications of a runny nose in a child under one year old

One of the most common complications of a runny nose in a baby can be the already mentioned chronic rhinitis. Every now and then the child's nasal passage is clogged, and nasal breathing is difficult, and at times even impossible. This condition is much more difficult to treat than ordinary rhinitis. However, it is quite possible to treat it at home, which cannot be said about other possible complications.

If a baby's runny nose does not go away for a long time, it should be urgently shown to a doctor.

A runny nose in children under 5-6 months of age is especially dangerous due to its high risk of development. This is facilitated by 2 factors: the structural features of the auditory tube at this age - it is very short and wide; in addition, at this age, the child spends most of his time in a supine position, which contributes to the flow of mucous secretions into the middle ear through the auditory tube.

Otitis media manifests itself as acute pain in the ear area. The child becomes restless and turns his head from side to side. Even with these symptoms, it is urgent to show the child to an ENT specialist.

Otherwise, you may experience purulent discharge from the ear. This will mean that the inflammation is becoming critical. In addition, if pus is already leaking from the ear, it means that the eardrum has ruptured.

If you can start treatment at an early stage, it is quite possible to cure it at home. If it comes to purulent discharge, then you can’t do without hospital treatment.

When a child begins to sit, crawl and walk, the risk of developing otitis media decreases sharply. In addition, with age, the auditory tube develops, becoming longer and narrower. Therefore, a runny nose in infants aged 7–10 months is much more dangerous than the development of other respiratory diseases.

Unfortunately, the nasopharynx is a leaky system, and contaminated physiological fluids can spread throughout the respiratory system, causing various diseases. Most often, of course, it is inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.

The situation is complicated by the fact that at an early age these sinuses are very poorly developed. This means that sinusitis can be asymptomatic. But it is quite possible to treat this disease at home. As well as other inflammations: tonsillitis, pharyngitis and the like.

Unfortunately, infection can spread to other body systems. In this case, the development of complications is almost impossible to predict.

How to treat a runny nose in a baby

Treatment for a runny nose in an infant depends on the reason why it appeared. It is usually more effective if medications are used. There are several types of remedies for the common cold: vasoconstrictors, antivirals, moisturizers.

Cold medicines for newborns come in the form of drops and sprays. It is recommended to treat newborn children using drops or only metered-dose sprays; spray atomizers cannot be used.


Vasoconstrictors are recommended for use when swelling of the nasal mucosa becomes very severe. This type of drops for the treatment of runny nose in newborns should be used carefully, in no case should an overdose be allowed, which may cause symptoms such as vomiting, convulsions, etc. It is better to instill drops into the nose using a pipette.

Doctors usually prescribe treatment with medications such as Nazol Baby, Nazivin Children's,. These products are used 3 times a day, one or two drops. The most favorable time to take the medicine is before night or daytime sleep.

Vasoconstrictors should not be used for more than three days, otherwise complications may arise and you will have to go to an otolaryngologist.

Cough cannot be treated with vasoconstrictor drugs, so if this symptom appears, you should consult a pediatrician. It is also worth understanding that such drops will not be able to cure a runny nose in a child under one year old - they only relieve congestion and help the baby breathe more freely.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

It is also advisable to use antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs only as prescribed by a doctor, since today the consequences of the use of such drugs on the child’s immunity have not yet been sufficiently studied.

If a baby develops a runny nose, especially if the baby “grunts,” the pediatrician may prescribe treatment with Grippferon drops, Viferon or Genferon-light suppositories.

Derinat, which is an immunomodulatory agent that includes exclusively natural components, has good recommendations. It is easily tolerated by children, activating their immunity to fight the disease. When putting drops into the nose, it is also better to use a pipette.

Derinat can be used both for prevention and to combat the disease. As a prophylactic agent, it is used to prevent illness in children who have been in contact with sick people. For prophylaxis, a newborn is given 2 drops 2 or 3 times a day for two or three days. If there are signs of a cold, two drops are placed in the nose every hour and a half.


A variety of sprays, such as Aqualor and Aquamaris, cannot be used to treat a runny nose in children under one year of age. Sprays can cause pus discharge and laryngeal spasm. In addition, if it enters the Eustachian tube, sprays can provoke otitis media.

They can be given to children under one year of age only in the form of drops. Aqualor and Aquamaris contain sea salt, so these medicines have very good healing properties, they:

  • moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • treat inflammatory infections;
  • prevent infections from entering the body;
  • treat allergies;
  • eliminate bacteria, preventing them from multiplying;
  • remove excess mucus and dirt from the nasal cavity;
  • increase immunity.

Traditional methods of treatment

Some parents use ancient methods of treating a runny nose in a baby and put breast milk in the nose. This is the most popular folk remedy used when the baby is snotty and “grunting.” According to the recipe, it is recommended to use a few drops of milk 3 times a day. Although breast milk is indeed very beneficial, it is not worth doing.

Breast milk contains antibodies that strengthen the newborn’s immunity, but if you use milk as nasal drops to treat a runny nose in a baby, it will not bring any benefit.

In the nasal cavity, milk will create an excellent environment for bacteria to multiply, that is, milk will only worsen the condition of the newborn.

Another folk recipe, which is based on the use of Kalanchoe juice, also cannot be used to treat a runny nose in an infant. Using Kalanchoe juice will irritate the nasal mucosa.

It is considered a safer folk remedy for treating a runny nose. It quickly and effectively relieves inflammation, and also supplies the body with vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. It is only important to prepare it correctly. When treating a runny nose in children, juice should be made from an adult aloe plant that is more than three years old.


  1. Pick off the lower leaves, wash them and wipe dry.
  2. Wrap in newspaper and refrigerate for more than 12 hours.
  3. Squeeze the juice from the leaves.

Mode of application:

  1. Bring the juice from aloe leaves to room temperature.
  2. Place 3 or 4 drops into your baby's nose 3-4 times a day.

Use only fresh juice, which was prepared no more than a day ago, otherwise the healing properties are lost. Aloe juice has the most beneficial effect and promotes rapid recovery. It also helps relieve cough.

Folk remedies, including breast milk, do not have a strong scientific basis, and their side effects are unpredictable, so consult a specialist before use.

How to clean a child's nose with a runny nose

Treatment of a runny nose in an infant should begin with cleansing the nasal passages. You can clean your baby’s nose with a special blower or an aspirator. They come in a variety of types; aspirators can be purchased at a pharmacy.

But it is better to clean the nose with cotton wool, which you twist yourself from cotton wool. They are cheaper and safer, unlike aspirators, which can harm the baby if used incorrectly.

Making a flagellum is very easy: you need to twist a small piece of cotton wool into a tube. A cotton swab must be carefully inserted into each nostril and twisted several times. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the nasal passages. The procedure should be repeated until the nostrils are completely cleaned, if necessary, changing the tubes to clean ones.

It is not recommended to use cotton swabs, as they are much harder than flagella and can damage the baby’s fragile nasal walls. In addition to mucus, crusts form in the nose, which are first softened when cleaning the nose. Vaseline or peach oil, simple boiled or sea water are suitable for this.

Lifestyle of a child during treatment of nasal congestion

To make it easier to treat your baby, you should pay attention to his lifestyle.

If a child has a high fever due to a runny nose, then you should not go for a walk. During a runny nose, a child may also have a cough; in such a situation, the child can walk, but in calm weather. it is impossible if he has a fever, cough, or runny nose, otherwise serious complications may arise.

When a child has a runny nose, his appetite disappears, as it is difficult for him to breathe. Parents should make every effort to ensure that the baby eats normally. During illness, the child should eat at least 1/3 of the usual portion, and the interval between feedings can be shortened.

If the baby does not breastfeed or bottle, then you can try feeding him with a spoon or from a syringe without a needle, the main thing is that he eats. Milk or formula helps prevent dehydration. If the child already drinks water, then there is no need to limit its volume.

There should not be dry air in the child’s room; it must be constantly humidified. You can carry out wet cleaning or hang wet things to dry. Dry air can trigger a cough. It is also important to regularly ventilate the room so that the air is cleared of germs.

Prevention of a runny nose in a newborn

First of all, you should learn how to maintain the correct climate in your home. The optimal temperature in a living room is 19-21 degrees. Air humidity is no less important. It should be around 60% percent. If the air in your home is dry, purchase. In addition, try to regularly ventilate the room so that the air does not stagnate.

It’s also a good idea to start toughening up your child. These procedures significantly increase immunity, which is what protects the child’s body from infections and rhinitis. Rubbing with cool water is a good place to start. You should not take on this matter with special fanaticism.

It is equally important for the immune system to maintain breastfeeding for as long as possible. Infants' own immune system is not fully developed, and mother's milk, which contains the necessary antibodies, is largely responsible for protecting the child's body.

Try to walk more with your child. Staying in the fresh air and the sun also contributes to the development of immunity and the body's defenses. In addition, germs and viruses really do not like fresh air, whereas in a confined space they spread very quickly and, unfortunately, inevitably.

And, of course, to prevent rhinitis, it is simply necessary to consume more vitamins. In the summer, this could be fruits and vegetables. In winter, when fresh “vitamin sources” are practically unavailable, you can switch to special vitamin complexes.

Remember, if your child has a runny nose, you should not get carried away with self-medication, but it is better to immediately contact a specialist.



Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 02/13/2019

Most parents are familiar with nasal congestion in infants. Many believe that discharge from a child’s nose is necessarily a sign of a cold; worried mothers rush to treat their child with medications. But experts come to the general opinion that in babies during the first 2 months of life, rhinitis is not always associated with manifestations of a cold.

The main causes of runny nose in two-month-old children

A newborn may have several causes of nasal congestion. Regardless of the factors that provoked the appearance of a runny nose, this phenomenon greatly disrupts the child’s usual routine, as it causes discomfort. A stuffy nose or excessive mucus discharge disturbs the baby: his appetite may decrease, anxiety may appear, and his usual sleep may be disturbed.

It is important for parents to know that a runny nose may cause a baby to refuse breastfeeding or formula. As a result of malnutrition, the child begins to lose weight, the gain of which is mandatory for children in the first year of life.

A runny nose in an infant can be caused by a virus or bacterial infection, the entry of various allergens into the respiratory tract, and possibly due to foreign objects entering the nose.

Experts divide rhinitis into several types:
  • bacterial;
  • viral;
  • allergic;
  • mechanical.

Discharge can also occur in infants as a result of incorrectly selected medications. The development of the nasopharynx in a child also affects the manifestation of rhinitis.

What do yellow and green nasal discharge mean?

Almost every parent worries that they will not be able to timely identify a cold in their infant and begin treatment.

The main sign of a runny nose is copious discharge, which over time begins to thicken and change color. At first it may be a clear liquid, after a while it becomes thicker, turns white or acquires a yellow or greenish color, which indicates a stagnant process. The green color of mucus appears when a bacterial infection is attached: dead leukocytes and bacteria give this exact color to children's snot.

The yellow color of the discharge also indicates a bacterial runny nose; this color may also be due to pollen from various plants entering the respiratory tract of a newborn. Parents need to remember that yellow and green mucous discharge from the nasal passage, lasting more than 14 days, is a serious reason for concern for dad or mom.

If a child begins to develop sinusitis or sinusitis, the snot becomes bright yellow. If the discharge is yellow, but the consistency is similar to water, then this indicates an allergic rhinitis. Often, after contact with any allergen, children begin to leak yellow water.

In addition to color, the main signs of the development of a runny nose in a baby are:

  • increased body temperature in a newborn;
  • severe nasal congestion, the child is forced to breathe only through the mouth;
  • shortness of breath may occur due to insufficient oxygen supply;
  • with a runny nose caused by contact with an allergen, there is itching, sneezing, and redness of the nose.

How to cure a runny nose in a two-month-old baby?

If signs of a runny nose appear in a newborn, mom and dad should contact a competent pediatrician who will advise how to treat this disease. Parents will begin a number of treatment and preventive procedures.

Before you bury the baby's nose, you will need to clean it. All necessary manipulations with the child’s nasal cavity are carried out with extreme caution so as not to injure the baby’s mucous membrane.

For babies in the first six months of life, there are special preparations, often they are made on the basis of sea water; experts also advise using ordinary saline solution, 2 drops of it are instilled from a pipette into each nasal passage. Then use an aspirator to clear the nose of accumulated mucus.

The most popular preparations for rinsing the nose of a newborn are:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Aqualor;
  • Salin.

In addition to the above remedies, you can prepare your own herbal decoction: brew chamomile and sage. This folk remedy will not only help thin the mucus, but will also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

To make breathing easier for babies, pediatricians often prescribe vasoconstrictor drops, such as Nazivin for children, Nazol Baby and others. It must be remembered that in addition to the beneficial effects, such drugs are addictive in children, and also dry out the mucous membranes of the baby, causing itching and sneezing. Therefore, any mother should use vasoconstrictor drops with caution and no more than the prescribed period.

Also, when a two-month-old baby has a runny nose, doctors prescribe antiviral medications if there is a suspicion of a viral origin of the disease. Some experts believe that antiviral drops Grippferon, Derinat or Interferon help most effectively treat a runny nose. These drugs speed up the recovery of the newborn by destroying the virus. But they prescribe drugs with caution; pediatricians are of the general opinion that such drugs should not be prescribed constantly when rhinitis occurs. Most often, antiviral drugs are prescribed to children with weakened immune systems.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice on treating a runny nose in a newborn

According to Oleg Evgenievich, it is possible to treat a runny nose in 2-month-old infants using ectericide, which is an oily solution with excellent bactericidal properties. This oil prevents the baby’s mucous membrane from drying out. Also, to treat childhood rhinitis, you can use olive and petroleum jelly oils, the drug tocopherol, which contains vitamins A and E, and retinol.

The above remedies are used with a two-hour break, three drops are instilled into each nasal passage. No side effects were identified from the drugs. But, according to Komarovsky, vasoconstrictor drops should be completely abandoned, since they are addictive in infants.

The doctor believes that mucous secretions in a newborn’s nose are a natural barrier to infections; they also contain substances that neutralize viruses.

The main task of parents when their child suffers from a runny nose is to prevent the baby’s mucous membrane from drying out. To do this, it is necessary to maintain the required temperature in the room - no more than 22 degrees. Provide the baby with plenty of fluids. Humidify the air in the room where the baby is.

Also, the famous doctor is of the opinion that a runny nose in infants goes away on its own if you provide the baby’s body with the right help, and not interfere with recovery with illiterate treatment.

Read further:

A runny nose is one of the most common diseases of the ENT organs in children. During the off-season, abundant nasal secretion in infants is perhaps the most common symptom of a cold. This phenomenon causes considerable discomfort to the child and his parents, who sometimes do not know how to cope with this problem. Because of this, appetite and sleep are disturbed. At the same time, the long course of the disease can lead to a number of unwanted, and moreover, dangerous complications.

It should be remembered that in a child under 2.5 months, nasal discharge does not always signal the presence of any pathology. This condition may be purely physiological in nature, in which case no treatment is required.

The first thing you need to do when a runny nose appears is to consult a doctor, who will find out the reason for its appearance, based on what, and make the best decision.


Almost always, the occurrence of a runny nose in a child in the second month of life is associated with a bacterial or viral infection.

The infectious process, as a rule, is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, secretory activity of the glands, and impaired nasal breathing.


In addition, an allergic reaction resulting from exposure to unfavorable environmental factors or constant contact with allergens can trigger a runny nose in a baby. The allergy is manifested by watery nasal discharge, paroxysmal sneezing, increased lacrimation, swelling of the mucous membrane, and redness of the eyes.


There are also several types of runny nose that are unique to newborns. These include physiological rhinitis, which is a natural process of adaptation of the nasal mucosa. When a child is born, there is a drastic change in the environment. The mucous membrane, which is not fully formed and does not fully perform its functions, adapts to the new conditions of extrauterine habitat. The mucous glands of the nasal cavity begin to work in active mode, which is why transparent discharge appears. It is not necessary to treat this type of rhinitis.


Also, special types of runny nose that do not require serious treatment in newborns include “dental snot” that occurs during teething, and “false runny nose” that appears due to activation of the salivary glands.

Regardless of what type of runny nose the baby has, parents, first of all, should prevent the nasal mucosa from drying out. For rhinitis of a physiological nature, this will be quite enough. In the case of an infectious or allergic origin of an unpleasant symptom, such measures will enhance the therapeutic effect.

For any type of runny nose in a newborn, you should:

  • ensure an optimal microclimate in the room in which the child stays. The humidity level in the children's room should be at least 60-70%. Humidifiers can be used to achieve this goal. However, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it, so you can use a more affordable method - place a wet towel on the battery. And also, do not forget about systematic wet cleaning;
  • if there is an accumulation of mucous discharge in the nasopharynx, it is necessary to give the child water in the intervals between feedings;
  • It is especially important during the period of a runny nose to promptly clear the baby’s nose of mucus.

Difficulty breathing disrupts the functioning of all organs and systems, so mucus should not be allowed to accumulate; Ventilate the room regularly. It is advisable to do this every time before going to bed.

If a newborn baby's nasal discharge is accompanied by fever, general malaise, loss of appetite, and lethargy, this may indicate the development of a bacterial or viral disease. In this case, such measures are only auxiliary; this kind of runny nose should be treated with medication.

Conservative treatment

If there is abundant formation of mucous secretion, which is not accompanied by alarming symptoms, the doctor may recommend treating the disease exclusively with local agents. For treating infants, the safest option is to use nasal drops rather than sprays.

Most often, to eliminate local symptomatic manifestations, the following are prescribed:


In case of pronounced swelling of the mucous membrane, the use of drugs that constrict blood vessels is recommended. You should not independently resort to using drops belonging to this pharmacological group. The advisability of their use is determined solely by the doctor. Rhinitis in an infant should be treated with this kind of medicine with extreme caution, avoiding overdose, and for no more than three days.

Nasal drops that are acceptable for use in the treatment of newborns are Nazol Baby, Nazivin 0.01%. It is advisable to perform the nasal instillation procedure no more than once every six hours.

Antiseptic drugs

The most common and most often prescribed drug belonging to the group of antiseptics is Protargol, which is a colloidal solution of silver. The drug is not sold in regular pharmacies; it can be ordered and purchased only with a doctor’s prescription, at pharmacies that manufacture medications.

Antiviral immunomodulators

All medications, including antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, are no exception, can only be used as prescribed by a specialist. Since the long-term consequences of the use of drugs that, to one degree or another, have an effect on the infant’s immune system, have not yet been studied enough. If the pediatrician considers it rational, rhinitis can be treated with drugs such as: Grippferon, Genferon-light, Viferon.

Under no circumstances should a runny nose in a 2-month-old child be left without proper attention. A long-term illness is dangerous due to its complications, especially for infants. If heavy nasal discharge, difficulty breathing and other characteristic symptoms appear in a newborn, you should definitely consult a pediatrician, since treating the disease on your own is also not recommended.

Treating babies is very difficult. It is not recommended to use even a universal anti-inflammatory folk remedy for up to 2 months, let alone medications.

But a runny nose in a baby is not always a sign of the onset of a cold. This age is characterized by a physiological runny nose.

The respiratory system of infants has not yet adapted to the extrauterine state - this requires another 6 months.

For every irritation - dust from the air, liquids, hypothermia, overheating - the body reacts with increased production of nasal secretions.

Nasal secretion - or snot - is mucous, liquid, transparent, and is not a symptom of the disease, but makes it difficult to breathe through the nose.

Since babies can only suck, impaired nasal breathing affects their general condition - they cannot feed normally, swallow air, regurgitate, as a result of which they become capricious and begin to lag behind their peers in physical development.

So it turns out that there is no need to treat rhinitis in infants, but it is necessary to get rid of snot.

In addition, a physiological runny nose increases the risk of infectious inflammatory processes. Favorable conditions are created in the nose for the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms - it is warm, humid and the supply of fresh air is limited. A signal that it is time to treat rhinitis is the thickening of nasal secretions and their loss of transparency.

How to help a baby get rid of snot and prevent infection? Babies do not know how to blow their nose on their own.

Physiological runny nose - 2 months old child

The task that parents have to complete is quite difficult. A physiological runny nose does not require treatment, but it is necessary to eliminate its consequences - completely clear the nasal passages of snot and dried crusts. Children under 2 months of age should not rinse their nose with a syringe without a needle or with Aqualor or Aquamaris solutions through a nozzle. Children of this age have a very short and wide Eustachian tube, which exits into the nasopharynx at a right angle. If fluid gets into it, otitis media will quickly develop.

The nose is not washed; snot is removed using an aspirator. If the mucus has dried at the entrance, then the edges of the nostrils are lubricated with oil products - sea buckthorn or vaseline oil. If the nose is stuffy, oil solutions should not be administered orally.

The edges of the nostrils are cleaned with cotton swabs, and products are dripped into the nose that thin the nasal mucus and moisturize the mucous membrane - for example, “No-salt”. Then the mucus is removed using an aspirator.

When the above methods did not help, the baby is capricious, refuses to eat, the nasal mucus has thickened, and the temperature is above 37.2ºC even when the child is dressed appropriately for the microclimate and lies calmly, we can conclude that it is time to treat rhinitis of an infectious nature.

Runny nose in a baby for 2 months - treatment

At the initial stage of the inflammatory process, the mucous membrane becomes dry and hyperemia occurs. At this stage, moisturizers are used - saline solutions, including "No-sol", "Aqua-lor" baby in the form of drops.

In pharmacies you can purchase special products for moisturizing the nasal mucosa in disposable bottles.

The next stage: swelling of the mucous membrane appears, the amount of nasal secretion increases, and it begins to thicken. At this stage, it is very important to normalize nasal breathing.

For this purpose, vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed. You cannot use the same products as for adults, even diluting them with boiled water. Nazivin 0.01 is available in a children's version. Infants are prescribed special children's drops "Otrivin Baby" or "Nazol Baby".

Sometimes pediatricians use Vibrocil, which contains phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. The drug has both a vasoconstrictor and an antihistamine effect.

To treat runny nose in infants, Protargol, a solution of colloidal silver, is also used. In most cases, this remedy is used for bacterial infections as an antiseptic.

Sometimes it is advisable to use an antiseptic that adults use to drip into their eyes - Albucid - to restore breathing.

Vasoconstrictor drops should not be used for more than 5 days. When purchasing nasal drops, you should carefully read the instructions - it is very important to follow the dosage. The solutions are dropped using a measuring pipette. Typically, vasoconstrictor drugs are administered once every 6 hours - it is necessary to restore brain ventilation.

It’s not enough to just get rid of snot - a runny nose needs to be cured, and this needs to be done as quickly as possible - within 3-4 days - complications quickly develop in infants.

For this purpose, antiviral and antibacterial agents are used, treatment is supplemented with immunomodulators.

Grippferon and suppositories are used "Viferon", "Genferon-light". Currently, Derinat drops are used to improve immune status - this remedy is approved for newborns from the first day of life. The main active ingredient is sodium deoxyribonucleate, the effect of the drug is to enhance the body’s reparative and regenerative processes, stimulate the production of B-lymphocytes and activate T-helper cells.

Despite the fact that Derinat bottles are sold with a special nozzle, it is better for infants to drip the drug using a regular pipette. This reduces the possibility of overdose.

It is very difficult to give a pill to a baby, even after dissolving it in milk or water. That is why, for children of this age, antiviral drugs are available in the form of drops and suppositories. Some antiviral drugs have not only anti-inflammatory, but also antipyretic effects. (For example, "Viferon")

Antipyretics are used symptomatically. Children may experience convulsions due to a high temperature, so you should not wait until the reading rises above 38.6ºC.

To stabilize the condition of infants, the following auxiliary actions should be taken:

  • expand the drinking regime - give babies more liquid; at this age, use boiled water, weak black tea or fennel tea;
  • create a comfortable microclimate in the room - the air temperature should be no lower than 18 and no higher than 22 ºС, humidity from 60 to 70%;
  • the room must be regularly ventilated.

Snot in a baby is not normal.

Ordinary rhinitis can cause serious complications:

  • otitis of the middle and inner ear;
  • acute bronchitis;
  • bacterial conjunctivitis;
  • ethmoiditis - inflammation of the mucous membrane in the area of ​​the lattice of cells of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • Dacryocystitis is inflammation of the lacrimal sac.

It is very difficult to cure these complications in an infant - you will have to prescribe antibiotics.
