Ritual for a rival. Features of the behavior of rituals. What not to do in this situation

Not every girl agrees to remain a "dumb corner". Many brave Amazons are wondering how to get rid of a rival. There is something to talk about here. Winning love directly, denigrating a more successful competitor, will not work. And it will be a shame later, believe me! You need to be smarter. Magic will come to the rescue. It will be possible to get rid of the rival with the help of a simple ritual chosen by the soul. Let's understand in detail.

The Rule of Inner Honesty

Before moving on to specific tips on how to get rid of an opponent, a couple of important things need to be clarified. Ask yourself: what are you fighting for? What is the basis of the desire to return (or keep) a young man? This is important for future work. Is the girl who attracts his attention guilty before you? What do you think? In fact, it is desirable to proceed from the fact that all members of your close team (triangle) deserve happiness. Get rid of hatred, envy and other negative feelings. Then, probably, you yourself will be able to understand how to get rid of a rival. The situation develops first in the head. That is, the appearance of another girl in a guy is provoked by your thoughts. They were probably afraid of losing him, jealous. You need to let go of these feelings. In some cases this is sufficient. But, if the situation has gone far, and you are still set to fight, then wish the people you will influence fulfillment and joy. May everything work out for the best for both of them. Try to get into this idea. It will become the basis of your personal magical power. Believe me, no one will be able to oppose.

How to get rid of a photo rival

We will assume that the first rule is fully understood and fulfilled by the sorceress reading these lines. Let's move on to specific rituals. Three photographs are required. One is yours, the second is the rivals, the third is the guy because of whom there is an argument. Also buy a red woolen thread, a pack of brand new needles with big eyes. Perform the ritual on a full moon. At this time, magical powers increase. It is recommended to tell fortunes by candlelight. Close windows and doors, turn off the lights. Light the candles. Lay out the photo in front of you. Using a needle, connect them together with separate pieces of thread. Get a triangle. Holding your hands over it, palms down, think about what exactly you want. Imagine how a guy refuses a rival, and a girl finds another for herself. Just be sure to do it with good feelings for both. Break the thread connecting your photo with the image of a competitor, accompanying this action with the following words: “I'm not asking anything from you! And don't take mine! Amen!" After that, you should break the thread, the guy and the rival. So say at the same time: “Whoever is my name is forever doomed to happiness! Do not encroach on him, do not break our destinies! Amen!" Burn the photo of your opponent in a candle flame. And sew the other two images with a separate thread, but with the same needle along the edge, turning them facing each other. Leave the needle in the design. Ashes from the photo scatter in the wind.

Prayer for the preservation of love

Girls crying: “Help get rid of a rival!” Often forget one important thing. They are the creators of their own destiny. If you create a problem out of ordinary competition, then it will definitely hit you in the head. It will hurt. Tune in to the fact that your guardian angel is standing nearby and catches every thought. And he takes it literally. He will definitely decide that you need a competitor for self-affirmation if you constantly ask how to get rid of a rival. Prayer will help correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. You should contact her guardian angel at dawn. Speak in your own words, but in the present tense and in a positive context. For example: “My angel, I beg you to keep the mutual love between me and (boyfriend’s name). May our relations remain open, honest, deep and sincere!” Do not mention the rival or ask for another happiness for her.

Ritual in the temple

Sometimes young ladies find themselves in a difficult situation when a guy is taken away with the help of a black love spell. In this case, the previous methods will not work. We need another, more efficient way. Let's look at how to get rid of a rival through the church. This ritual removes the blackest bonds from the guy who is your destiny. It is important to understand that forcing a young man to fight a love spell, if you are not supposed to, will not work, and it is not necessary. If you insist, you will regret it. After all, your intention then carries the same black meaning as the actions of the witch. Better do it. I have to go to the morning service on Friday. Take some poppy with you. Ask the priest to bless it. It is necessary to stay in the temple all the time while the service is going on. Place healthy candles for all members of the triangle. Forgive the traitor and rival. And as you leave the temple, say to yourself: “The Lord bound the soul into the temple, and gave me a happy fate! Amen!" As the case turns up, pour the consecrated poppy into the guy's pocket. Little by little, but in different places.

How to get rid of a rival forever: a conspiracy

Our ancestors also faced the problem of infidelity in love. They came up with a rather simple way to radically solve the problem. It only acts on a girl who has encroached on a guy. Take her away, but don’t correct your thoughts, a new one will appear. But, decide for yourself. The ritual can be performed for each competitor as they arise in your life. And you need to do the following. Pour some salt into a small bag. Carry it with you. When you see a guy with a competitor together, throw a pinch of salt between them, mentally pronouncing the formula. She is like this: “A cat and a dog don’t play a wedding, they don’t have children. And the Lord's servants (names) should not be together, forget love! Amen!" After a while, the guy will forget about this beauty. And so that the next one does not appear, you need to think not about how to get rid of a rival forever, but about strengthening relationships. They depend almost entirely on the magical girl.

For the cheated wife

Unfortunately, the mothers of the family, who have given their spouse many years, also face competition. By the way, this happens even more often than in younger years. To get rid of a rival, a husband should be loved and understood. He, like a small child, is drawn to everything new, bright, interesting. And the wife is like a “read book”. But the situation is easy to fix. Buy ordinary woolen threads and wooden knitting needles. Tie any thing that the guy could wear. If you do not have needlework skills at all, then choose a scarf. It is very easy to knit even for the incompetent. As you begin to needlework, weave hairs torn from your own hair into the product. At the same time, say this: “The soul touches the soul when the product of my hands is put on you. The heart ignites with fire, the members are filled with passion, the legs themselves return home, the hands reach out to me, my wife. Amen!" Just try to convince your husband to wear a gift. Let him take off his scarf, as he leaves your eyes on the street. But a few minutes is enough for the impact. He will never look at others, he will lose interest in young ladies, realizing what a treasure is nearby.

radical method

If the competitor is too annoying, does not accept refusal, does not feel cool on the part of the guy, you should dare her in another way. This, by the way, will help those who are looking for how to get rid of an opponent once and for all. The method should be used with extreme caution. If you use it against a sincere, loving soul, the return will definitely come. Misfortune will fall on your head, as from Buy seven thicker candles in the temple. Also save a photo of your loved one. It is necessary that his face is clearly visible, his eyes are open. On Friday evening, with the rising moon, make a circle of candles on the floor. Place the image in the center. Light the candles. You yourself walk around the structure counterclockwise, pronouncing the formula. It should be said as many times as the man is full years old. The words are as follows: “My Lord’s servant (name) is named, forever doomed to be near. Souls merge, the family will last. I will turn the other (the name of the rival) away from you, I will not let her into our common destiny. Let her eyes turn away from you, other guys take a closer look. Holy fire with me. It will protect us from the rival! Amen!" Wait until the candles go out on their own. And keep the photo with you at all times.

Holy water conspiracy

This ritual is recommended to be performed first. He cleans the space in which you live with a man, communicate, where another girl has climbed into. You will need a candle from the church of any thickness, and a photo of your loved one. Perform the ritual only on a waning moon. Put a lit candle on the table, in front of it - a glass of water. And next to him - a photo. Look at the light, trying to absorb its light. You should feel how it enters between the eyebrows (third eye) and spreads over the body. Look at the face of your beloved and say this: “Holy water will not converge with fire, and the Lord’s servant (name) will not turn away from me. God's servant (name) will never be taken away, happiness cannot be found on my grief. Amen!" With the last word, lower the candle into the water. Then pour the liquid into a small vial or jar. Wrap the candle in a clean canvas. When you go to work in the morning, take everything with you. Water should be poured into the river (stream). Let the stream carry away the trouble. And bury the candle away from human eyes. And if possible, throw it into the fire.

Castle conspiracy

Here is another effective ritual. He helps a lot because of the simplicity of execution. It is necessary to buy a simple one. But it is important that he has only one key. The rest will have to be spoiled, with a file, for example. Stand with the lock in one hand and the key in the other on the threshold of the apartment at midnight. Close it, saying this: “I close the castle, I call on the brownie. You chase your rival with a filthy broom so that you don’t fool your loved one with deceit. Cross the threshold - trouble will rush with all legs. If the lock opens, your heart will calm. Amen!" After that, the magical attributes should be well hidden away from each other. Throw the key to the bottom of a deep reservoir, and bury the lock far away in the forest, where no one walks.

Spring water ritual

You know, there are people who, for certain reasons, are not suitable for divination religious attributes. But these girls are also looking for a way to get rid of a rival. They should think about the forces of nature that helped many generations of our ancestors. Why not take advantage of their wise advice. For example, perform such a ritual. It is necessary to draw water from a clean source, away from industries and fuss. Also buy two candles: red and white. Prepare a photo of the beloved. Arrange candles on the table, light them. Place a clear glass of water between them. And put a photo under it. Look at the image through the liquid gleaming in the flashing flame. So say: “Water is a reflection of life. Through it comes and goes obsession. She sanctifies our love, and drives our rivals away. As the spring water spills, so the young witch will leave, returning my happiness back. Amen!" Say the formula three times. Extinguish the candles. Immediately open the window and throw water into it without looking.


There are many more rituals that allow you to get rid of an evil and successful rival. But the magic is in your soul and thoughts. They need to use. Do not think that a loved one can betray, then rivals will not appear in life. Good luck and mutual love!

Our life is very diverse, the experience of my many years of practice shows that not every person can cope on his own with the problems that arise in his path, sometimes the help of a strong magician is simply necessary. Someone wants to make a love spell, someone needs career growth, and there are those who cannot get rid of annoying rivals. Here we will talk about the latter.

As you know, the female population suffers from problems in the love sphere to a greater extent. After all, when in our world the number of men and women differs sharply, then every young lady tries to “grab” the best for herself. Therefore, there is competition, which entails many problems. Even if a man is already married and has children, he does not cease to be a desirable object for others. Especially if personal happiness is at stake. I very often witnessed such stories, when girls could not share one gentleman and invented various tricks to emerge victorious.

So, today I will tell you about how to get rid of a rival forever. Just a few days ago, a young lady came to me and said that her husband was being blocked by a girl. It turned out that they were married recently, but they know each other from school, and therefore the feelings are time-tested. And yet, one of the fans turned out to be so annoying that the husband begins to bend under her spell. After all, she guards him everywhere. Tired of this, the girl decided to use the last chance - to come to me. After listening to her story, I decided not to refuse her help.

I chose one of the most powerful rituals, using a snapshot. And now you can also learn how to eliminate your photo rival once and for all. Any professional magician able to establish an energy connection between the image and its owner. And only then act on the person himself through this invisible thread. In very difficult situations, you can use the drawn silhouette of the one who caused you pain and suffering. The main thing is to properly build and conduct the ceremony. If for some reason you can’t get to a specialist, here are some tips on how to do everything at home. However, you need to know some features before you practice it yourself.

Features of the behavior of rituals

Do not rush to carry out this or that ritual, even if it seemed to you the most suitable. Everything must be done consciously, with an understanding of what exactly you are doing. You need to be able to interact with an external force, which, in fact, is the guarantee that the ritual will work. Without this, any rite is just a useless set of movements. Therefore, it is best to seek help from the master. In addition, there are a few more features that need to be considered when conducting rituals. Here are some of them:

It is necessary to perform rituals to get rid of a rival on a waning moon, this means that an external force will, in the same mode, reduce the influence of a rival, gradually reducing it to zero.

Rites should be carried out impartially, remove all your emotions. Everything must be done with a cool head. Change your attitude towards your opponent, you can’t wish her bad. Remove all hatred and anger, otherwise the external force will not be connected to this process, and your anger and aggression will be directed against you and those who are close to you.

When you pronounce the words of conspiracies or spells, they cannot be read from a piece of paper or from a phone, you must know them by heart and pronounce them freely. And not just pronounce, but delve into the meaning of each word.

You can’t dedicate anyone to what you are doing, talk about the rituals you have performed, even to those people you trust. Other people's impulses can involuntarily distort the result that you are trying to achieve. Keep everything under wraps.

No need to do rituals out of revenge or just suspicion. If your opponent is not like that, and your suspicions are unfounded, the ritual performed can bring very undesirable consequences for yourself. Be careful in this matter.

When conducting rituals, you need to see a picture of the intended future. Try to see what you are striving for as if it has already happened.

Get rid of your rival from the photo yourself

Take a photo of a lovebird and put it in a glass of water. The ideal time for this event is winter or late autumn. But if time does not wait, put the glass in the refrigerator and let the water freeze well. After ice has formed in the container, remove it from there along with the photograph. Putting all your strength and desire to get rid of the third superfluous in your relationship with your loved one, break the ice and scatter it in all corners of the room. Then say the following words: "Just as ice melts, as water flows away, let sympathy (competitor's name) evaporate from your heart. And you will never persecute my beloved (name) again. Let your love pass, passion decrease and soon you will forget that when "I was so possessed. My word is strong, my will is strong. Amen."

Another conspiracy on how to punish the enemy can be carried out using a candle. This rite is suitable if your husband or boyfriend nevertheless succumbed to temptation and ended the relationship with you for the sake of a new passion. The feeling of emptiness and the desire to return the one with whom you were so happy provokes the most daring actions. After all, you have to fight for yourself!

To make it work, you need to buy two black candles, as well as get a joint picture of the couple you are going to destroy. You will place it on a smooth dark surface, face up. When everything is ready, place the candles in such a way that the wax drips exactly on the faces of the people shown in the photo. Take a knife with a black handle and draw a line between a man and a woman with a light movement. And then imagine that you are cutting off all connection, love and attachment. Draw a clear picture in your head of how they part, not wanting to be together anymore. At the same time read the plot: “I’m laying a path of discord and misunderstanding between you (the names of the lovers on the card). From now on, you will not be together, because the wall of enmity, resentment and mutual reproaches will stand in your way. You will swear, shed tears, hate each other. You will never be together again. And as the candles melt, so does your attraction. Repeat these words six times, and then cut the photo in the middle with a sharp movement. Don't wait for the candles to burn out, let them sit all night. Wax should literally soak through the image. In the morning, bury it in the ground, and take the cinders to the place where this couple lives.

Eliminate an opponent with the power of fire

How to destroy an opponent if it is necessary to act quickly without carrying out too complicated rituals? For this, there are external sources of forces, for example, fire. From this source you can be charged with incredible power that can sweep away any enemy or rival. I did it for one of my clients. She was in a hurry and asked to do everything as soon as possible. A close friend took her husband away from her and she wanted only one thing - to return her beloved. When asked how to eliminate the photo and win back my betrothed, I offered her this strong, effective method. Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary, looking through the fire, to concentrate on a joint photo of the rival and spouse, if, of course, there is such a photo. The most important thing here is to collect within yourself the maximum of the forces of the elements of fire, which basically requires a very serious load. When the concentration is sufficient, you need to put all this strength to break the picture. We put the halves of the photographs in different vessels and burn them. During this process we read: "Your love with ashes will go away forever. And you won't be together, you won't experience happiness. Discord and quarrels will come to your house. You won't find a common language and save your feelings. Everything goes away, and you won't be there. My words are true and it will be as I say." At the end of the ritual, it is necessary to scatter the ashes into the wind in different directions.

I want to say that the above method can only be done by an experienced specialist who has a colossal source of Power.

Rite to break

This ritual is carried out in order to break the connection between your loved one and the lovebird, to sow discord and misunderstanding between them, both on the one hand and on the other. This is a very ancient and effective method that shamans often use.

You need to take a piece of paper and with a simple pencil draw on it the face of your loved one, and next to it is the face of a lovebird. No artistic skills required - just draw how you like it. Most importantly, imagine, feel that you are drawing this particular person, putting all your soul into this drawing. When the drawing is ready, sign the names below - your loved one and rival. Then set the drawing aside for a few hours.

You need to wait until midnight, turn off the lights and light a candle. Take the drawing in your hands and carefully tear it apart so that it and its images are separated so that they remain on different halves. When performing this action, you need to pronounce a conspiracy: “I do not break the drawing, but I disconnect the connection of the youths (the name of the man and the name of the woman). From now on, they will not live together, they will not love each other, they will not raise children. There will be forests and mountains between them, quarrels, yes, strife. Truly."

After that, part of the drawing depicting a woman must be torn into small pieces and put in an ashtray to burn from the flame of a candle. When the fire ignites, cast a spell: "I burn it, I remove it from my path." Throw the ashes out into the street, and put the other half of the picture with the image of your loved one in a secluded place so that it is not accessible to anyone.

Ritual for a man from a rival

This rite will help cool a man's feelings for another woman. For its implementation, you need ordinary edible salt. Before you cook any food, set aside a small handful of salt in advance and read this conspiracy on it: “White salt, take away my pain, return peace and happiness, turn away my betrothed (man's name) from (woman's name). So that he did not look in her direction, did not want her, did not want. To be that." Then, when cooking, use this salt and make sure that your man eats this food. If you do everything right, he will forever move away from your rival.

Ritual for a rival

This rite is designed for the lovebird herself, so that it is she who turns away from the man. For the ritual, you will need a fresh chicken egg, preferably not from a store, but a village one. And you also need to know the name of your opponent.

So, in the evening, shortly before bedtime, take the egg prepared in advance and start in a circle, clockwise, driving it along the pillow on which your man always sleeps. At the same time, pronounce the following conspiracy: “I conjure you (the name of the opponent), I take off interest in (the name of the man). Do not twist novels with him, but forget forever. While driving the egg on the pillow, this spell must be cast at least ten times. Then at night, the egg should be placed under the bed under the side of the bed where your man sleeps.

The next day, you need to get the egg, and take it to the forest or to nature, break it with the words: "I break the egg, I fix the plot." And without looking back, go home.

A conspiracy from a rival to fish

This rite and conspiracy will help cool the opponent's feelings for your other half. This is done using fresh fish. In the morning you need to go to the market and smoke any fresh fish. When you buy it, do not bargain with the seller and do not take change.

Come home and clean and gut the fish, collect all the insides and take it outside, leave it so that yard dogs or cats can eat it. Returning home, take the fish in your hands and say the plot: “Just as this fish no longer swims in the sea, so my rival (name) and my husband (husband’s name) will not be together.”

Then cook any dish from this fish and it is imperative that your man try it.

A conspiracy from a rival on her husband's shirt

If you want the rival to stop seeking your betrothed, you can conduct a very effective ceremony using your husband's thing - his shirt. This is also a very powerful rite that will allow you to draw your husband's attention to yourself, refreshing past feelings.

So, take your husband's shirt and cut off the topmost button. Light a regular candle and start sewing on the button again. While you are doing this, say the incantation: “How strong is this thread, so will I and (husband's name) love each other. Hold on tight to the button, and leave your rival with her husband, now and forever. After the button is sewn, burn the remnants of the thread in a candle flame.

Then the shirt needs to be washed, ironed, and for the husband to put it on.

The power of prayer to eliminate a rival

And the last thing I would like to tell you about is how to pray or an ill-wisher. Many have enemies and rivals, but some of them poison life so much that you want to get rid of them once and for all. The steps I will describe are quite simple and do not require any special accessories. But you need to be deeply aware of what you are doing. Always carry a coin equal to one penny in your pocket. After all, when you meet your ill-wisher on the street or somewhere else, it will come in handy for you. When meeting with a hated person, take out this money and cross his back, first with your left hand, and then with your right twice. Of course, do it as inconspicuously as possible, even barely moving your hands. Try not to let anyone see this, but say to yourself: "I do not give you a blessing, but I baptize you. And everything that you wish me bad, I will return you back. Amen".

In conclusion, I would like to warn that all violent actions are of a dual nature and can hook you yourself. You can use them only if you restore justice. It is impossible to perform rituals out of a simple sense of revenge and a desire to harm. Otherwise, everything can turn out unpredictably, including against you. And if you do not have experience with such rituals, please contact me for help. After all, only a strong magician can return happiness to someone who undeservedly lost it.

If you decide to resort to love magic and get rid of a woman who got into your relationship with your beloved man, a conspiracy from a rival is the first thing you should use. Let's figure out how to conduct this magical ritual correctly.

If you want the plot to work for sure, follow these rules:

  1. Faithful attitude. You should wish only one thing - to return the man's attention to yourself and speak him from a rival. In no case do not seek to cause any harm to the lovebird - such actions will turn against you, and as a result, a lot of grief can come to life.
  2. Think carefully about your decision. Maybe you yourself are to blame for the fact that the man began to look at the other. Perhaps you “drank” him with constant reproaches, stopped taking care of yourself, or do not give enough love. Then it is better to start the change with yourself. A conspiracy should be resorted to only when an outsider brazenly intervenes in your relationship and seeks to destroy them
  3. Strictly follow the sequence of actions described in the conspiracy. Speak the text without hesitation, confidently and calmly. It is better to memorize the words in advance so as not to stumble during the ritual
  4. Keep your intention to read the plot a secret. No one should know about this except you. Otherwise, the consequences may become irreversible.
  5. Believe in the magical power of conspiracy. Only then will it work. Skepticism and doubts in magic have no place

A little advice: if you want the conspiracy to be as effective as possible, after the rite on the opponent’s lapel, you can perform a ritual of drying a man to you in order to rekindle the faded feelings between you.

Powerful universal conspiracy

This rite uses a very powerful weapon - the food that you cook for your beloved man. It is known that the mood with which it is prepared has a great effect on the psychological state of the chosen one. Food can be "charged" for success and love.

To read the plot, you will need a knife with which you usually cut food when preparing food. You need to cook the man's favorite dish. After using a knife for cutting vegetables or other products, bring the blade to your lips and read the text of the plot:

After reading the plot, wait for the man and treat him to cooked food. Then affectionately ask the chosen one to sharpen the knife that you used for the ritual. Do not demand or reproach - this should be a polite request of a loving woman.

After all the manipulations performed, the conspiracy is considered completed. To enhance its action, you can read a prayer to St. Boniface three times before going to bed.

How to cool a husband's feelings for a rival

This is another ritual that is suitable if there has not been adultery yet, but the man has already begun to pay attention to an outside woman. To perform a magical ritual, you need salt.

In the early morning, immediately after waking up, read the words of the conspiracy, picking up a pinch of salt:

Say the magic text three times, and then salt the food prepared in the evening for the man with salt. Serve food for breakfast and make sure he eats everything. Treat your loved one with a smile, in a good mood to charge him with positive energy.

On an egg

This version of the magical rite is suitable for you if the name of the opponent is known. For the ritual, prepare a chicken egg in advance.

Wait until your loved one falls asleep, and at midnight, taking the egg in your hands, carefully move it over the man's head in a clockwise direction. Whisper the words of the conspiracy:

Say the magic text an odd number of times (at least twice). The egg must be removed under the bed so that it lies under the man. It is advisable to hide it in such a way that the missus does not notice it.

The egg should lie under the bed for two weeks. During this period, the conspiracy will work. The ritual will be especially effective if the initiative in the relationship mostly comes from the rival, and not from the man.

Watch a video on how to make a man's lapel from an opponent:

Conspiracy for fish

To perform this ceremony, you need to go to the market in the morning and buy fresh fish. Then go home, clean the fish, give the insides to the cat, dog, or throw them away. Rinse thoroughly and say the following words:

After all the magical manipulations, the fish must be cooked and served to the husband for dinner in the evening. You also need to eat at least a piece.

Exactly the same text can be pronounced over any food that you cook for your husband. It is food that is a powerful weapon of magical manipulation. The food you feed the man you love can help in other situations as well. For example:

  • Charge it up for success. To do this, always cook in a positive mood and mentally repeat affirmations while cooking: “My man is becoming more successful day by day”
  • Charge your husband and other family members to good health: “Everyone in my family is healthy and happy”
  • Other positive affirmation options: “My husband loves only me”, “My man is faithful to me and considers me the best”, “I love my man and am happy next to him.” Etc. It is important to pronounce phrases in the present tense as if the desired has already happened.

Food charged with love and happiness will seem especially tasty to a man. Incredible, but it works. Therefore, broadcast the right energy - and you will never need a conspiracy to get rid of an opponent again.

And a little piece of advice in the end: the effect of any conspiracy will intensify if you fix it with prayers. Refer to those saints who patronize the family and couples in love.

Today, relationships from the category "once and for all" are a rarity.

But after all, every girl so wants to be lucky, and her chosen one turned out to be the only one with whom she will live life only in love and harmony. Therefore, girls, in most cases, when a threat appears on the horizon in the form of a pretty and arrogant lady, they try to eliminate the barrier at any cost. And the first step on the path of local war is the search for an answer to the question: "How to get rid of a rival?".

What not to do

Indeed, not only the success of a particular operation, but also the fate of further relations depends on the choice of the right strategy. So let's try to figure out whether it is possible to get rid of a rival forever and save your relationship. Of course, we are not considering now the option “no man - no rival”, since this is too radical a method, moreover, it automatically annuls those very notorious relationships. Also not an option - the physical elimination of the unfortunate, who risked coveting your betrothed. In addition to being a criminal offense, it will also have a very bad effect on your karma. And there is hardly a man who wants to continue living together with such an aggressive "half".

Another wrong way is a search for mystical help. Simply put - trips to all sorts of psychic sorcerers who claim that they know how to get rid of a rival, bewitch a loved one and charge you with "rays of goodness." If they will help you effectively and surely get rid of something, or someone, then only from your money and self-confidence.

So, if you decide to eliminate the rival and keep the love of your companion, you need to carefully analyze not only the personality of the lover, but also your own relationship. Find out what led to the current situation - your flaw, the character of your chosen one, or both of you became a victim of an impudent, unscrupulous person who chose your loved one as a victim. Your next steps depend on the results of this analysis.

So the first step is you. Take a look at your relationship. Is everything as good as you thought before the appearance of a rival? Perhaps, having received what you wanted, you relaxed and waved your hand at yourself? Have you paid less attention to your partner? Or, on the contrary, did they “crush” him too much with their care and constant control? Pay attention - men are polygamous by nature, but lazy. And they can be forced to leave their usual “comfort zone” either by the complete absence of this very comfort, or by boredom and routine. Therefore, to begin with, change yourself and your attitude to the situation. Remember what makes your eyes shine, remember how you conquered it in your time and go ahead. Arrange a romantic weekend, show yourself from an unexpected side, become mysterious and interesting again. Pay enough attention to his hobbies, do not limit his personal space - all this will create a good base for further steps.

The second step is the rival. Study your enemy. Find out who she is, what she wants, how serious her intentions are. Keep in mind that in 8 cases out of 10, the rival is in close proximity to your loved one - a classmate, employee, neighbor, your girlfriend. Therefore, finding information is not difficult. And then it all depends on your imagination:

You can put the impudent in the most unsightly way - as if by chance to tell a couple of piquant cases from her past or present, hint that this person is still a little thing - and her men are like gloves (a man always wants to be the only one, and not “one of ").

You can "seduce" your rival on the social network - create an account with a handsome man in the photo, start a correspondence. Knowing her desires and goals, it will be easy to “fall in love” with a non-existent macho, and then force her to break the connection with your loved one. But - be careful - this option requires careful elaboration of details and great care. One ill-conceived word - and all the work is in vain.

Another effective way- Communication with a partner. If you are confident in your own irresistibility and rightness (and you are sure!), Write her a letter or talk frankly over a cup of coffee. Correctly, without aggression and humiliation, explain to her that she stuck her nose in the wrong place. And if she does not come to her senses, the consequences will be the most serious (this method is especially effective if the opponent has a family and she has something to lose).

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to get rid of an opponent. But whatever you choose, it is worth remembering that the success of this little war depends only on self-confidence, on your wisdom and patience. And one more thing - before throwing yourself into the flames of war, answer yourself - “Do you really want to maintain such a relationship?”. After all, if you are not ready to win, then such a relationship can turn into a “suitcase without a handle” - it’s hard to carry, but it’s a pity to throw it away.

Almost every modern woman must have come across a situation where another lady appeared between her and her loved one - a lover. Usually, to get rid of a rival, it is enough to meet with her and have a “serious” conversation. But if the conversation did not help, then you can solve the problem with the help of magic.

Getting rid of an opponent is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

There can be many options for proving one's superiority over a homeowner and methods for eliminating it. From constant competition with her in all areas (cooking, cleaning, beauty, financial independence, etc.) to her complete forgiveness and attempts to pity her.

But, as the long-term practice of our ancestors testifies, sometimes it is better to act not directly, but for sure. To do this, modern magic has a whole arsenal of various means.

And they are all called differently depending on the effect to which they lead.

Lapel- This is an action diametrically opposed to a love spell. The person on whom the lapel is made begins to experience a lot of negative feelings towards the object of his love. As a result, he completely terminates the relationship, which previously seemed quite prosperous.

squabble- this is a special case of a lapel, in which both people who are in an undesirable union receive a portion of negativity in relation to a partner. It becomes unpleasant for them to be near each other, as a result of which they disperse.

Ostuda- This is a lightweight version of the weakening of a love relationship. Ostuda is used in cases where strong passions are burning, and one of the partners wants a more peaceful development of relations. In rare cases, cooling off a relationship can even be done on yourself.

Drying- this is also one of the ways of breeding a couple, which is most often associated, for example, with the elimination of the consequences of a love spell. It is done when a man was dried by one lady, and the second dried him, that is, returned him to normal, opened his eyes. However, getting rid of a love spell is not always easy, so this method is not without reason considered one of the most difficult.

Modern magical practices that help get rid of a rival and regain your beloved husband or boyfriend are very diverse. Some of them were inherited from distant ancestors, others arose in the process of development of our people, and others were born quite recently.

One way or another, a woman who has lost a person dear to her always has a huge selection of lapels, dryers, quarrels and separation plots.

It remains only to choose one of the ways. Just as importantly, it is necessary to take full responsibility for the implementation of the procedure.

Experts advise holding such events in secret from everyone and on strictly defined days. It is categorically not worth dedicating neither relatives, nor girlfriends, nor work colleagues to this. It is not recommended to violate the methodology given in the instructions, since the effect can be deplorable.

It should immediately be noted that by carrying out such a practice, a woman assumes the full burden of responsibility for its consequences. After all, it not only interferes with the subtle world, removing the educated connections between people, but also violates their destinies, exposing the very patterns of human lives to a huge risk.

It is important to remember that the lapels of any property (whether it’s a squabble, cooling, removing love spells) should be done exclusively at night, when the moon is waning! Otherwise, the result may well be the most unexpected.

Without much difficulty, you can get rid of a rival with the help of the rite of drying.

For this ritual, you will need a photograph (or a rival’s thing) and an ordinary black wax candle.

It is advisable to carry out the drying ceremony at night, in an empty room.

You should put a candle on the photo or thing of the woman who took your loved one away from you, and light it.

Then they take scissors and begin to methodically cut the flame with them.

Simultaneously with the cutting of the flame, one should say:

“I cut off the flame of a black candle, for black melancholy, for separation, for boredom.
I cut off the servant of God (the name of the man) from the servant of God (the name of the woman-separator).
You walk, the servant of God (the name of the woman-separator), on the earth, live on the sidelines.
Do not touch the servant of God (name of the man), do not come to his doorstep, do not anger God.
Don't want someone else's husband and return him. Amen".

When pronouncing the word "Amen", it is necessary to stop and not cut the flame, since the word is sacred.

Conspiracies for separation from a rival

A conspiracy to part with a rival is the strongest quarrel technique, especially if you use it for food.

You need to take ordinary edible salt and say over it:

“Like you, salt, salty, so the servant of God (the name of the woman-separator) would be salty and tasteless to my husband (name of the man).
As that salt melts in the water, disappears, so the slave (the name of the woman-separator) will disappear from the heart of the husband. Amen".

After that, place the salt in a glass and pour water, carefully making sure that it dissolves in the liquid.
At midnight, the dough is kneaded with yeast, and after it begins to rise, they crush it with a rolling pin, saying:

“As I knead this dough, so I tear your anger. I'll feed your business to the dogs. Amen".

Then the dough is left overnight, and in the morning it is thrown out to be eaten by dogs.

In love magic, there are a large number of methods on how to independently make a lapel from a rival.

Consider one of these rituals, which is performed using voodoo magic.

This lapel and voodoo magic have many similarities, which is not surprising.

Since both of these techniques are based on the creation of material prototypes of people who need to be separated.

To create prototypes of a husband and his mistress, plasticine is taken, from which figures of a woman and a man are made (special detailing is optional, but welcome).
They write their names on the figurines, drip water on them and call out loud the names of those people who are going to be separated in different directions.
After that, plasticine copies are placed in diagonally opposite corners of the room so that the faces of the figures do not look at each other, but into a dark corner.
Then each of the figures needs to say in a whisper:

“You can’t be together, don’t live, don’t eat bread together, don’t swing children together, don’t sit at the same table, don’t go to bed together. Amen".

Now you should leave the composition as it is, for forty days, in no case touching or moving anything.
Every day you need to say the above conspiracy to plasticine dolls, and after forty days they can be thrown away.

Prayer from a rival - how to save love
