Features of intermittent fasting: types and scheme of application. Is fasting the key to eternal life or useless self-torture? Dry fasting according to Shchennikov

Hunger is a signal that the body needs to be replenished with nutrients. In an animal, hunger is considered an absolutely physiological factor, forcing the individual to promptly replenish expended energy. With a person everything is different.

A person can experience several types of hunger with different causes. If you confuse one type with another, sooner or later problems may arise with gaining excess weight, inability to regain your slimness, and the development of obesity.

Features of psychological hunger

When a person has had to go without eating for a long time, he may not feel hungry, but it seems to him that he should want to have a snack. You may have a fairly hearty breakfast, but come midday, your usual snack time, and you invariably have the feeling that it's time to get hungry. In this case, you have to eat because of a deceptive feeling, a developed reflex, although in reality there is no question of a state of hunger. If you manage to wait out such a moment of deceptive hunger, distract yourself, and do something, such hunger can pass very quickly.

The essence of cognitive hunger

This type of hunger occurs when a person sees or smells tempting, tasty food. Such sensations often occur even thirty minutes after a hearty lunch. Moreover, this signal in some cases turns out to be stronger than physiological hunger. This type of hunger is also considered unreal. And if you do not distinguish between the deception of feelings and are not able to resist temptation, this will lead to excess weight gain.

This type of hunger appears when people decide to set a meal schedule. At the hour traditionally set aside for lunch, breakfast, and dinner, a reflexive feeling of hunger appears. The well-known Pavlovian conditioned reflex is triggered. When you manage to skip a meal time and you are not actually hungry, after a certain time this deceptive feeling goes away.

Real - biological hunger

A person with an empty stomach experiences real hunger. Some researchers prefer to associate it with the phenomenon of stomach fullness, others with the fact that the level of glucose in the blood decreases or gastric juice is released. In this case, you have to deal with real hunger, when you have to eat without fail. But you shouldn't overeat. Keep in mind that the feeling of fullness is a little delayed, and we feel that we are full approximately fifteen to twenty minutes after the start of the meal. But we are able to eat the required amount of food much faster. So don't expect an immediate feeling of fullness - it will come a little later.

If you think that a rumbling stomach and a strong desire to eat something here and now are a sign of the body’s need for food, then you are mistaken. It often happens that we eat only because it gives us pleasure, improves our mood, or, for example, we head to the refrigerator out of boredom. We decided to take a closer look at the problem of hunger and talk about several of its types. But before getting to the heart of the matter, it’s worth understanding what hunger is and how it “works.”

"Mechanics" of hunger

To put it simply, hunger is a phenomenon that occurs some time after eating due to the cessation of the supply of nutrients. At this time, strong stomach cramps occur, irritating the receptors in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ. In addition, the feeling of hunger is caused by a decrease in blood glucose levels. If it is low, this causes an acceleration of the bioelectrical activity of the hunger center neurons located in the hypothalamus. The cerebral cortex and subcortical centers can also have a stimulating effect. Thus, if our stomach growls, we experience a “sucking” sensation, and the brain commands us: “Eat something!” But are we really always hungry?

What types of hunger are there?

    Natural hunger

Hunger is not a thing.

Have you not eaten for a long time (several hours) and feel the urge to eat something, feel unpleasant phenomena in your stomach: rumbling, gurgling, etc.? In this case, you may simply need to replenish your supply of nutrients. This is the basic and “classic” type of hunger. You don't have to feel guilty about it - you just need to eat something.

    Hunger caused by anger

Did someone make you angry? Don't try to eat it!

This is not exactly a type of hunger, but it is a significant reason why our body requires providing it with nutrients. Anger is a strong emotion that in specific people (after all, not everyone reacts in the same way) leads to the fact that we suddenly feel very hungry and feel the need to eat something. What happens after eating? We feel peace and great pleasure. Unfortunately, this is the kind of disorder that should not be underestimated.

    Hunger caused by a bad mood

Snack on depression, don’t snack, you won’t get enough.

As with the previous point, this is a type of hunger caused by feeling unwell or depressed. We suffer, we are sad because something extremely unpleasant happened in life (someone died, a loved one left us, we did not pass the exam, etc., etc.), so there is a desire to compensate ourselves something bad is pleasant. What are we doing? Let's eat! Chocolate, ice cream, candy, pizza, hamburger... There are many options, but we still feel hungry. Moreover: the very fact of eating something tasty improves our mood, and we finally begin to smile. Alas, this does not lead to anything good.

    Hunger from boredom

The emptiness cannot be filled with food...

Are you sitting at home and it's raining or snowing outside? The temperature on the thermometer is not conducive to going out, but all your friends, as luck would have it, are busy today? Bored, I need to do something... Maybe eat something? This is mistake!

    Night hunger

If I dream about food, then what is that sign for?

The gourmands who are affected by this problem will probably smile now. Night hunger is something of a fantasy for some, but for others it is a real curse. Have you ever heard of people who wake up in the middle of the night with a sudden strong desire to eat something (often sweets)? This is an example of night hunger, known as night eating syndrome. Its causes are not fully understood, but it is known that in some cases it can be caused by too little nutrients supplied during the day. Therefore, if the body has not received enough, for example, sugar during the day, it will require it at night.

    Hunger as a habit

If I want, I eat, if I don’t want, I eat... That’s how it is in our family.

Do you eat food at a set time every day? Breakfast at 10, lunch at 14? It's no wonder that you become hungry just before it's time to eat. This is hunger out of habit, programmed by the body. He knows when to send you the appropriate signals, even though he doesn't actually have much of a need for food. Of course, this has its advantages, because any nutritionist will advise sticking to regular eating hours. But if you feel full, refrain from eating, wait for a while, even though you feel like you need to eat something.

    Visual hunger

I would eat everything... with my eyes! Everything is so delicious!

Do you see something delicious, such as cookies on the shelf, or your favorite candy, and immediately feel hungry? The fact is that your eyes and available treats make you hungry, which try to deceive the body and send “false” signals to the brain.

So what should we do about it now?

It is easiest to give universal advice: if your hunger is one of the 6 listed (for only the first is physiological and natural), run away from food and do not give in to temptation. By the way, in some cases this works great. But only in some. For if everything were so simple, there would be no need for diets and psychological techniques created to alleviate the plight of the “starving”, and there would not be numerous weight loss centers, as well as an entire industry for the production of drugs for achieving a healthy weight. The problem of eating behavior is complex and complex, and this article is only a small contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms that should be known in order to overcome “false” hunger, which often has a psychological cause.

Reading time: 9 minutes. Views 1.3k. Published 06/25/2017

Main types of fasting

All types of fasting differ in quality. According to the method of implementation, there are several types of fasting:

  • "classical" fasting
  • "dry" fasting

There are many options possible within one method of fasting, as well as combinations. For example, a person fasts “dry” for the first 2-3 days, and “classically” for the next 5-10 days.

Classic fasting

This is one of the types of fasting in which water is allowed. Duration ranges from 24 hours to 30 days or more. In classical fasting, three main stages can be distinguished:

  • preparatory
  • unloading
  • restorative

How to do a 24-36 hour fast

A 24-36 hour fast should be carried out from dinner to dinner (at 24 hours) or from dinner to breakfast (every other day at 36 hours). During this period, do not take any food except water (distilled or spring).

To better dissolve toxic substances and mucus, you can add 1/3 tsp to a glass of water. natural honey or 1 tsp. lemon juice. This will improve the passage of toxic substances and mucus through the body's natural filter - the kidneys. The kidneys play the most important role in this fast, as well as in longer fasts.

Carrying out a 3-4 day fast

Practically no different from fasting for 24-36 hours. These fasts are also carried out on distilled or artesian water. Drink water as desired. The way out of hunger is the same.

Fasting for 10-30 days

Fasting for medium and long periods (10-30 days) implies the following rules of conduct.

  1. Rule one— for better entry into the fasting process, you need to take a large dose of a laxative — 10 tablets — immediately after your last meal. The laxative has the following purposes:
    • when cleansing the stomach and intestines, the mechanisms for switching to a full internal diet work faster;
    • The feeling of hunger disappears faster.
  2. Rule two- observe the drinking regime. During “classical” fasting, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.
    If a person begins to fast with an elevated body temperature, then it is advisable to limit the amount of water taken orally.

    At normal temperatures, drinking regime is necessary for better breakdown of fat. Drink water as needed.

  3. Rule three- motor mode is required. You need to walk an average of 10-15 km a day in the fresh air. It is recommended to follow a motor regimen based on how you feel.
  4. Rule four- water procedures. For better detoxification of the body through the skin, to strengthen the skin barrier and combat dry skin and mucous membranes, it is recommended to take a shower or bath at least once a day. Soap should not be used frequently. It is enough to use it once every 7-10 days, preferably for children, you can rub the body with a washcloth, use the sauna.
  5. Rule five- cleansing enemas. An enema should be given approximately one day after the laxative takes effect. Esmarch's mug is filled with 1.5 liters of boiled water. The water temperature should not exceed 36°C. 2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate are added to the water so that it is colored slightly pink.

    If the patient has hemorrhoids, erosions, polyps or intestinal ulcers, then instead of potassium permanganate, it is advisable to add a solution of chamomile, mint or St. John's wort and a number of other herbs to the enema.

  6. Rule six- massage and self-massage. In the morning and evening, it is recommended to carry out a vascular massage for 30 minutes, rubbing alternately different parts of the upper and lower extremities, alternating the lower leg with the shoulder, the thigh with the forearm, then a circular massage of the abdomen.
    Chest massage is performed by a massage therapist or people around the patient. From behind between the shoulder blades and below, a pressure massage of the chest is performed for 10-15 minutes with the fists or fingers of the masseur.
  7. Rule seven— oral hygiene. During fasting, a huge amount of toxins are removed by the “upper route” - through the mouth and nose. The tongue is heavily coated. Plaques appear in the oral cavity. Within 6-7 days or more, free outflow of pus may begin through the oral cavity from the maxillary or frontal sinuses, from teeth affected by periodontal disease. They are cleared of the purulent contents of the tonsil in the presence of purulent “bags” and plugs.
    To remove these toxins, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with cold water, herbal decoctions and soda solution, alternating them. Rinse at least 6-7 times a day.
  8. Rule eight— during the period of fasting, it is not recommended to wear synthetic clothing, which isolates a person from the external environment and does not allow the body to be fed with free electrons through the skin.
  9. Rule nine- do not come into contact with food. Violation of this rule reduces the therapeutic effect of fasting by approximately 50%.

Dry fasting

It is carried out mainly independently. There are two types of “dry” fasting:

  • complete
  • partial

Complete and partial “dry” fasting differs from “classical” second rule- drinking regime. He is completely absent. The exclusion of liquid promotes faster breakdown of fat. The very patience with the feeling of thirst contributes to rapid release from sensory pain pathology. The “roots” of diseases are turned out much faster.

Rule four- water procedures are completely absent in complete “dry” fasting. It is allowed to use baths, showers, and douses during partial “dry” fasting. This makes the skin deslagging better.

Rule five— cleansing enemas are completely absent in both types of “dry” fasting.

Rule seven— oral hygiene is completely excluded in a complete “dry” fast,
but is applied in partial. At the same time, the fasting person only rinses his mouth.

Rule eight- do not contact with food - in a complete “dry” fast, another one is not to contact with water.

The advantage of the “dry” type of fasting over the “classical” one is that it places the body within a more rigid framework. Now the body must restructure itself in such a way as to “extract” from itself not only nutrients, but also water. Body tissues break down even more quickly, souring occurs in a short time. Hence all the subsequent effects: the destruction of everything alien, the growth of adaptive abilities and much more.

Breaking out of fasting

During a long fast (10 - 30 days), your stomach and entire intestinal tract shrink, and digestion is partially “relegated” to the cellular level. Now we need to slowly “launch” it. To do this, on the last day of fasting, at approximately 16:00, you can do the following.

Take a crust of bread, rub it with garlic, chew it thoroughly and spit it out. This procedure will allow you to cleanse your mouth of waste and toxins. After 15-20 minutes, start restorative nutrition according to the proposed option.
After disinfecting the oral cavity, drink 200 ml of kefir.

  1. First day of nutrition.
    Take 1 glass of rolled oats (oatmeal) and pour five glasses of water over it, cook over low heat for 20 minutes, and then strain through a colander. Drink the resulting decoction in small sips throughout the day. From the second half of the day, chew oranges - swallow only the juice (for lunch - 1 pc., dinner - 2 pcs.)
  2. Second day.
    Prepare 2 cups of vegetable broth. Why boil white cabbage, carrots, beets and onions - rub through a colander.
    Drink the decoction throughout the day. Chew oranges all day (in the morning - 1 pc., lunch - 2 pcs., dinner - 3 pcs.).
  3. The third day.
    Prepare 3 cups of vegetable broth. The preparation procedure is the same as on the second day. Drink the decoction throughout the day. Chew oranges all day (in the morning, at lunch and dinner - 2 pieces each).
  4. Fourth day.
    Before lunch, chew 400 g of grated apples. After lunch, chew 300 g of grated carrots. Chew oranges all day.
  5. Fifth day.
    Breakfast. Cook buckwheat porridge (pour 1 cup of cereal with 3 cups of water - cook for 15 minutes). Season the porridge with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, add onion and garlic.
    Dinner. Cook vegetable soup, season with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, onion, garlic. You are allowed to eat 2 slices of bread.
    Dinner. Prepare a vegetable salad (white cabbage, carrots, beets) and season with sunflower oil. The salad is served with black bread.

The remaining days, eat according to the program of the fifth day (changing cereals). The entire period of recovery from hunger, and it should be the same as the number of days you fasted (and if you are on a hunger strike for more than 22 days, it is advisable to increase the recovery by 1.5 times), the diet should be without salt.

It is advisable to follow the hunger recovery program. If violated, there can be serious consequences. It is only allowed to initially replace kefir with fruit juice, but it must be diluted by half with water. You can drink carrot juice.

According to the advice of P. Bragg, you can take 4-5 medium-sized tomatoes, put them in boiling water and immediately remove them. Cool, remove the skin, cut and eat. All of the above options for starting to overcome hunger promote digestive function.

The way out of hunger on a juice diet

  1. On the first day (i.e. the next day after the start of release), juice should be given in the amount of 100 ml every hour or 200 ml every 2 hours.
  2. On the second day, the same routine may be followed, or the juice may be given at smaller intervals.
  3. On the third day, you can take one cup of juice as a meal (about 500 ml).
  4. In the following days, the amount of juice can be increased, but there should always be a sense of proportion.

The best juices to use after a fast are freshly prepared ones.

If the juice is consumed hastily without proper mixing with saliva, stomach cramps and gas formation may occur. If the juices are “chewed” before swallowing, then the acid and sugar of the fruit mix with saliva, and the work of the stomach will be minimized.

The duration of the juice diet ranges from one to six days, depending on the duration of the fast. For example, with a 1-2-day fast, you need to drink juices at the exit, only juices for one day.

  • During a 4-8 day fast, drink juices alone for 3 days.
  • During a 9-14 day fast, drink juices for 3 days.
  • During a 16-24 day fast, drink juices for 4 days.
  • During a 25-35 day fast, drink juices for 5 days.
  • After 35 days of fasting, drink juices for 6-7 days.

Such a scheme, if followed, significantly enhances the results of therapeutic fasting and protects against all unwanted accidents.

In the diet following the juice diet, all types of raw foods can be consumed. This diet should last the same amount of time as the juice diet. The first regular intake of raw food after a juice diet should be limited. In subsequent days, the amount of food may gradually increase. However, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount of food to avoid digestive excesses. Restriction in food is always advisable. Proper chewing of food is equally important.

Liquids should be swallowed in small sips, solid foods should be chewed until involuntary swallowing.

Once again, attention should be paid to the fact that the program for overcoming hunger must be followed. Only with proper fasting and exit from it can the desired positive results be achieved, since the effectiveness of fasting depends not only on the fast itself, but also on the successful exit from it.

Source ru.proua.com

Hunger- this is what most often frightens and stops most of those who want to lose weight.

Hunger is what makes a person break down and eat with relief.

The feeling of hunger depends on many reasons and even in the same person under different conditions it can be different.

Have you noticed that, for example, urgent work or an interesting conversation - and you literally forget about food.

Many people under stress completely lose their appetite.

Often a person decides to START LOSSING WEIGHT precisely under the influence of stress.

I saw myself from the outside, and it became scary.

Anger and guilt directed at oneself do their job, and the decision to lose weight begins to come true.

At first, the state of stress helps to cope with the feeling of hunger.

Under stress, the activity of adrenaline and norepinephrine increases.

These hormones depress the appetite center in the brain.

After some time, this mood disappears, but the temptations remain...

Man as a biopsychosocial being needs a constant flow of energy:

We feel a lack of information, emotions, food as hunger, but we don’t always differentiate which one it is.

Informational and emotional energy deficiency can be perceived as gastric hunger and partially dulled by its satisfaction.

Naturally, satisfying stomach hunger is the most easily accessible action.

There may not be stomach hunger, but hunger in the sense of “lack of something important” is definitely present.

Very often this is a lack of positive emotions or a feeling of stability and comfort, as well as a lack of interesting things to do (at the information level).

Since the body is a biopsychosocial being, it signals its hunger on all these levels at once.

Due to a complex of physiological and mental processes, we feel the stomach first, most likely because we are used to listening to it.

The first impulse is to give the stomach what it needs.

The resulting feeling of satiety and pleasure only confirms us in the correctness of the choice, although in fact, the needs of communication are only successfully muffled.

Sometimes a certain type of food is associated with comfort and security.

Sometimes, in general, the absorption of anything brings calm in itself... due to the flow of blood to the stomach and, accordingly, the flow from the brain.

Subconscious reactions contribute.

What conditions are most often interpreted as hunger?:

These conditions can be classified as " hunger of mind" And " hunger action".

Instead of taking action, you wait passively.

Then something inside you begins to “move.”

These are internal processes that are often interpreted as a requirement for action.

The instability that such discomforts bring is temporarily eliminated by eating.

Eating as a sign of comfort (the state of satiety is calming) can reduce discomfort when visiting.

Eating food together generally brings people together, not to mention drinking.

In such a situation, you should pay more attention to people, outfits, behavior, flirt and, only after that, eat something if you want it.

Many people believe that when the stomach is empty, a person is hungry.

But people without a stomach also feel hungry.

The brain decides when to eat by monitoring the levels of glucose and fat in the blood.

The stomach also sends signals to the brain.

It is logical to assume that their interaction should ideally regulate food intake.

So why are we getting fat?

It’s simple: the formation of humans as a species took place during a period when food was periodically in short supply.

In lean years, the body used stored fat to survive.

Now there is more food, and it contains more fat, but we do not yet perceive this difference.

There is no physiological mechanism that signals that we have consumed too many calories.

And this partly explains the excess weight.

The cure for obesity is activity and proper nutrition, scientists say.

It's important to understand why you overeat.

Depending on your answer, you can come up with a defense strategy.

For example, when settling down with a book on the sofa, be carried away by the book and the plot, and not by nuts and candies.

Scientists believe that those for whom the process of eating is associated with violence against their own personality are sick.

These include those who starve themselves to the point of complete exhaustion, and those who cannot stop eating, and those who suffer from bouts of gluttony, and then try to hide it by forcing artificial vomiting.

Six types of hunger

Just as the human body has a hunger for food and vitamins and is depleted without them, the nervous system is starved for sensations and its activity is impaired if they are lacking. This is well known to the political police of all countries and prisoners of solitary confinement. To force a person to “confess” to anything, you just need to keep him in solitary confinement long enough, or with the lights on all the time, or in complete darkness. The key word here is monotony: the absence of human contact, changes in the environment (including sunrise and sunset) and the same food from the same bowls every day. Under such conditions, the nervous system fades away, and the mind along with it. The need for sensation becomes so great that the victim will do almost anything just for a cigarette or a few words from another human being, even angry ones.

A child who is not held is in the same position. He lies in his cradle-prison hour after hour, day after day, without any change or stimulation except nutrition, and this gradually leads to physical and mental decay. This is because there is a special part of the brain, the "wake-up system", that must receive regular stimulation in order to maintain normal health. If it is not stimulated, it gets worse. In a mild form, this can be seen in sensory deprivation experiments, where people are asked to simply sit in a chamber with their eyes closed to eliminate vision and with their hands wrapped to prevent touch. Few people can withstand more than 48 hours, many begin to experience hallucinations, the same ones that could be caused by drugs.

Most people are hungry for human contact, at least the sight of another person and the sound of their voice, and in most cases also touch and stroking. We have already seen that such contact can make the difference between physical and mental health or destruction, and even between life and death.

Among all forms of sensations, most people prefer contact with human skin. This gives not only a sense of touch, but also a special kind of warmth. Human skin is the best known emitter and receiver of infrared rays. People who emit infrared rays use human skin as a standard, just as diamond is a standard for hardness. Infrared rays are heat waves that can be easily captured on special film or “seen” through special lenses, like those used by snipers to see enemy soldiers in the dark. Infrared rays emitted by the human body have a specific wavelength - just the one that produces the best effect on the skin of another person. This is why babies respond so well to physical contact with their mother, and why mothers love the feeling of their children's warmth. There is something close to sexual pleasure in all this, and part of sexual pleasure is receiving infrared radiation from another. Any living creature with a temperature of 36.6° - an animal, a child, a person of the same sex, as well as a person of the opposite sex, apparently emits infrared rays, and this is one of the reasons that anything with a temperature of 36.6° can become a sexual object under certain conditions.

The human nervous system is designed in such a way that verbal recognition can partially take the place of physical contact or stroking. This means that when people say "Hi" to you, it can keep your spine from shrinking almost as well as physical stroking, although it does not provide as much satisfaction, and the hunger for physical stroking remains, although it may not be suppressed. It is interesting to observe that in our country some bottle-fed children never feel their mother's skin directly, but always through clothing. The warmth penetrates, but does not seem to give the same satisfaction as from bare skin. So for a child, it's like the old saying "taking a bath in stockings": the child takes an infrared bath, while the mother is wearing a blouse.

There are even more details here. A baby not only wants the warmth of another body, but most of all he wants to be stroked by his mouth, and nursing mothers love to have their breasts stroked by their baby's mouth. After a period of feeding, these desires may subside in the child until puberty, but then the hunger for close contact of certain parts of the body arises again, and this turns into sexual desires in adults.

If we take it all together, we can call these different types of hunger, and sex is one of the most exciting ways to satisfy them all at once.

· (A) Hunger for stimulation, for sensory stimulation of sight, sound and touch, with smell and taste as an added reward for gourmets.

· (B) Hunger for recognition, a special kind of warmth and contact in deeds and words.

· (C) Hunger for contact, physical stroking, although some agree to pain or even prefer it.

· (D) Sexual hunger - the desire to penetrate or to be penetrated, which satisfies all other needs when this happens.

Sexual hunger can begin with any of the types. A sexually hungry girl living in a lonely little room that doesn't even have a picture on the wall doesn't get any satisfaction. In a big city there are a certain number of people who themselves chose such a life. They cannot afford the slightest luxury or indulgence as they undergo psychotherapy. They keep only a little of their earnings for a minimum of food and gas and give the rest to their therapist, slowly “progressing” year after year towards a melancholic menopause. Others have hobbies that keep their feelings alive (A), while recognition, contact and penetration with love are unattainable for them. Still others receive sensory stimulation (A) and recognition (B) at work or play, but refuse contact and penetration, perhaps for some “reason.” It happens that people unexpectedly commit sexual crimes, almost always of a cowardly nature. Half-virgins and half-virgins love stimulation (A), recognition (B) and contact (C), but avoid penetration - out of fear or out of dubious principles, which does not prevent them from being very seductive and teasing until the last moment when they scream “Violence! " I won again, and the dejected partner goes home to a lonely bed. People who find a suitable match for themselves can get satisfaction of all types of hunger - (A), (B), (C), (D).

One of the great problems of life is how to structure your time, and this causes the fifth kind of hunger. There are 24 hours in every day, 188 hours in a week, 52 weeks in every year and 50 or 100 years still to come. All this time should be filled with events or “structured”. Structural or time-filling hunger is more common and almost as dangerous as malnutrition or malaria. When it escalates, it turns into incident hunger, which causes many people to get into uncomfortable situations and create them just to relieve boredom, and this is one of the reasons why people play difficult and destructive games. (The other is that they don't have time to stop and think.) This sixth famine, the hunger for incidents, was much better understood by old-time poets, philosophers, and men of action than by modern social scientists, because it is bad fodder for computers and government subsidies . Isaac Watts said about this: “Satan will find some evil to occupy idle hands with.” Military officers and sea captains understood this no worse than Watts and Kierkegaard, but they also knew what to do about it: “Keep people busy with what you want, otherwise they will lose morality and respect for you.”

Even individuals with strong internal stimuli experience structural hunger from time to time, and for most people with repetitive scripts, it is chronic. Structuring for a long time is the least pressing and can be a satisfying career choice. Shorter periods can be filled with setting up something to look forward to - finishing school, the next holiday, a promotion, a vacation. The most difficult problem for most people is what to do right now, today, if there is leisure or free time. There must be someone with whom you can do something, or, conversely, some interesting way of spending time that ignores other people: meditation, masturbation, defecation and intoxication are all excellent ways to kill time and dry out the soul, if only you You are not one of those great ones who can benefit from such activities.

But stop racking your brains, you yourself can create those who will take up all your time, without any initiative on your part and provide you with incidents in abundance. You'll see, you'll have something to do today and tomorrow, and 168 hours a week, and 52 weeks of next year, and over time you'll see, if you only have a little good will, that every minute was worth living. All you need to do to achieve this fulfilled time is to have sexual intercourse once a year on a suitable day of the calendar, with a willing partner. Children are the greatest antidote to structural and incident hunger that has ever been created.

List of used literature:

1. Eric Berne. Sex in human love. AST-LTD. 1998.
