What causes demodicosis on the face? Demodicosis treatment on the face: medication and folk remedies. Is Demodex really to blame? Causes of development and possible complications of the disease

Today, demodicosis is not a very common disease, but sometimes it still occurs in both humans and mammals. Signs of demodicosis are not difficult to recognize, but for an accurate diagnosis it is still strongly recommended to go to a medical institution, where a qualified worker will confirm or deny the presence of this pathology.

The disease affects the sebaceous glands, as well as hair follicles on the human body, and most often it occurs when certain disruptions have occurred in the body. The disease can become chronic, and also begin to occur with exacerbations. Further in the article we will talk about what are the main signs of demodicosis, and also learn how to treat this disease using various methods. Please read the information provided carefully in order to protect and equip yourself as much as possible.

What is demodicosis

If the person’s immune system is in excellent condition, then the mite can be located directly in the upper layers of the skin, while feeding on dead cells. But as soon as the body’s defenses are weakened, the tick penetrates deeper, and then the first signs of demodicosis can be noticed.

Signs of demodicosis can be seen especially clearly if you examine the hair follicle under a microscope. There you will notice an incredibly huge accumulation of colorless mites that have already managed to attack your body.


If the disease begins to actively progress, then more than ten representatives of demodex can be found in each hair follicle. Let's consider the main reasons leading to the appearance of signs of demodicosis on the face:

  • prolonged exposure to nervous tension, as well as constant experience of stress;
  • non-compliance with the diet and consumption of excessive amounts of spicy and fatty foods;
  • a provoking factor is visiting solariums, saunas and baths;
  • excessive abuse of cosmetic products that have a highly fatty and oily base.

All of the above factors contribute to the activation of increased work of the sebaceous glands, which in turn contributes to the appearance of signs of demodicosis in humans. Skin with increased oil content is an excellent habitat and breeding ground for mites.

A very common cause of pathology is a malfunction of the immune system. Even the most common cold can stimulate active tick activity. The disease can also be caused by a disruption of metabolic processes in the body. This is especially true for representatives of the fair sex who use hormonal contraception methods.

By the way, for a person infected with a tick, daily use of cosmetics from the same package will contribute to constant self-infection. To avoid this, doctors advise choosing medications placed in a tube rather than a jar. This way the risk of constant self-infection will be minimal.

As practice shows, it is not very difficult for a person to get rid of the signs of demodicosis, especially if the disease is at an early stage. But if the tick is also associated with various bacterial infections, then the treatment process will be longer and more tedious.

Most often, the signs and symptoms of demodicosis can be found in people with oily, sensitive and loose skin. In women, as we have already said, the disease is much more common, since the fair sex uses a large number of different cosmetics.

Signs and symptoms of demodicosis

In fact, recognizing pathology is not very difficult. After all, it is characterized by certain symptoms. Let's look at what signs you can use to understand that such an unwanted resident has settled in your skin and hair follicles:

  1. The presence of various pimples, blackheads and ulcers on the face. The more the disease begins to progress, the more of the skin it affects. Gradually, the rash can also spread to the neck, back and chest.
  2. The skin becomes incredibly oily and the pores become enlarged. The greatest fat content can be seen on the nose, forehead, and chin.
  3. The skin becomes lumpy. A special tissue begins to form under them, which gives the skin an unhealthy and unkempt appearance.
  4. If the disease is severely advanced, the nose may begin to change its shape and increase in size. Sometimes the skin on it acquires a bluish tint.
  5. A clear sign of demodicosis in the ears and face is a slight itching sensation. However, most people pay absolutely no attention to this sign and simply automatically scratch one or another part of the body. Most often, this symptom intensifies significantly at night. This indicates that the ticks are beginning their active activity and mating.
  6. Severe itching is also observed in the scalp. In this case, the disease can be accompanied by significant hair loss.
  7. The same goes for eyelashes. A person feels a strong burning sensation at their roots, which indicates the active activity of demodex. A clear sign of demodicosis of the eyelids is loss of eyelashes.

As you can see, there are simply a huge number of signs indicating the presence of a tick in your body. If you notice at least one of them, contact a dermatologist for diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

Signs of demodicosis of the eyes

Most often, the described disease affects only the skin on the face, but sometimes it spreads to the eyelids. This form of pathology is considered the most severe and is characterized by special symptoms. Usually people are not sufficiently aware of such manifestations of the disease and do not even realize that demodex has taken over the work.

Let's consider what are the main signs of demodicosis of the eyes in humans:

  • The occurrence of severe redness, inflammation and swelling of the eyelids.
  • In some cases, white-yellow discharge from the eyes is noticed, which is foamy in nature.
  • Small white scales appear at the base of the eyelashes, and the eyelashes themselves begin to rapidly fall out.
  • The patient feels a constant burning sensation, so he scratches the eyelid very hard. As a result, his situation becomes even more complicated. He may also have a feeling of having a foreign object in the eye.
  • Signs of demodicosis of the visual organs in humans also include the frequent occurrence of styes and other diseases such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis and many others.
  • Some patients experienced significant visual impairment.

Stages of the disease

The symptoms of this disease primarily depend on the number of mites, as well as on the rate of their reproduction. The very first and main sign of the presence of the described pathology is acne not only on the face, but also on the skin of the eyelids and throughout the body.

There are several forms of the disease, which are characterized by the type of rash. Let's consider the main stages and forms of demodicosis.

Erythermal form

This type of pathology is manifested by the appearance of erythema in certain areas of the skin. Most often, these rashes can be found on the nose and cheeks. Moreover, they are characterized by clear boundaries and slightly raised edges.

This form of demodicosis is very similar to rosacea, so comprehensive diagnostic measures must be taken to differentiate it.

Papular-pustular type of disease

The next type of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of papules and pustules. Such phenomena occur when the sebaceous ducts are simply overfilled with fat, and they become blocked by mites. In this case, the pustules can acquire quite impressive sizes and turn red and burgundy.

Hypertrophic stage of the disease

This stage of pathology develops with the active progression of the disease, which is not subject to any therapeutic measures. In this case, the patient may experience hypertrophic processes in some areas of the skin. Usually this is the chin, nose and cheeks.

Is it possible to develop complications?

If you do not begin timely treatment of demodicosis, serious complications may occur. Moreover, if you remove pimples yourself at home, you can only worsen your situation, because the purulent infection will begin to spread rapidly, and besides, there is simply a huge risk of introducing other infections. Just imagine what can happen to your skin if you mechanically squeeze out pimples on your own.

If the pathology was detected in the early stages and the patient began treatment in a timely manner, then complications can be avoided.

Demodectic mange in dogs

Signs of demodicosis in a pug, as well as in other dog breeds, are easy to notice. The main thing is to carefully examine your animal. And we will tell you what symptoms can be used to determine the presence of a tick in a dog:

  • Pathological hair loss. In this case, this process begins with a small area of ​​skin, after which it spreads throughout the body.
  • Animals develop skin scales, scabs, rashes, acne and some nodules.

If the disease is localized, it does not pose a particular threat to the animal. In this case, there are no large lesions on the pet’s body, and the disease does not spread throughout the body. According to veterinarians, in this case there is no need to resort to the use of antibiotics or other serious medications, since the disease may disappear on its own. The main thing is to be patient.

But generalized demodicosis affects a large surface of the skin. Moreover, such a disease is most often transmitted to offspring by inheritance. To eliminate it, it is very important to take urgent treatment measures.

How is diagnostics carried out?

According to statistical data, during the first analysis it is not always possible to detect adult ticks and their larvae on the skin. Therefore, to establish accurate results, it is recommended to take it several times.

The doctor will determine the presence of pathology if at least five adult ticks were found on the skin covering an area of ​​1 cm². In this case, you will have to begin treatment immediately.

How is the treatment process carried out?

Features of topical medications

Sometimes photos of signs of demodicosis are truly amazing, since the patient’s skin can change beyond recognition, and it will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to return it to its previous appearance. In many ways, everything will depend on the actions of the patient himself.

Topical medications are usually used in courses with short breaks. Thus, mild stages of pathology can be completely eliminated in one to two months. But if the disease has already begun to actively progress, then treatment may take more than one year.

Most often, for therapy, doctors recommend their patients to use various ointments for external use. Thus, drugs containing zinc, sulfur, as well as mercury or tar have an excellent therapeutic effect. Products based on these components can stop the activity of ticks.

The drugs most often prescribed to patients include the following:

  • “Ichthyol” ointment;
  • "Metragil";
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • "Demalan" and many others.

Each of these medications is very effective. However, it is worth remembering that treatment can only be prescribed by an experienced dermatologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient’s body.

If the pathology begins to spread to the eyes, then additional treatment should be prescribed. It is very important to use special eye drops. Such drugs as “Armin”, “Tosmilen” and “Physostigmine” showed their best results. And in order to restore the growth of hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, it is recommended to rub burdock oil into the skin.

Systemic treatment

First of all, in the presence of demodicosis, the specialist should prescribe his patient a course of systematic therapy. With this disease, it is very important to improve the functioning of the immune system. To do this, it is worth normalizing your diet, including sports, and also accustoming your body to hardening. An additional measure may be the use of immunomodulator drugs. They can have either a natural or synthetic base.

Additional measures

We have listed for you which clinical signs of demodicosis are most often observed. But before you start treating any disease, you need to diagnose it correctly. Therefore, if you have the first symptoms of demodicosis, go to a dermatologist to confirm or refute your doubts.

By the way, during the course of treatment, doctors recommend adhering to additional skin care procedures. So, you should avoid washing your face with water and chemical cleansers. It is better to replace your usual washing procedure with the use of decoctions of chamomile, sage or calendula. Use tar soap once a day. Avoid creams with a fatty oil base. If necessary, replace them with lighter gel formulations. During the course of treatment, it is not recommended to perform any cosmetic procedures, including going to the solarium.

Preventive measures

To prevent tick infestation, be sure to maintain personal hygiene. Do wet cleaning and washing at home as often as possible. It is recommended to iron washed items.

Pay attention to your diet. Eliminate sweet, fatty, fried and spicy foods from your diet. Be sure to include meat, vegetables, fruits, cereals and vegetable oils in your diet.

Do not spread any fungal or viral diseases. Always start treating them promptly. At the same time, be sure to monitor the state of the immune system, and then demodex simply will not have the opportunity to exist normally in your body.


Only you are responsible for your health, so start doing it right now. If you notice even the slightest signs of demodicosis, immediately go to a dermatologist. Quickly started treatment will save you from many unpleasant consequences.

Start leading a healthy lifestyle, eat well, avoid stress, monitor your immune system, and you can protect yourself from many dangerous and unpleasant diseases. Take care of yourself and you will be free from many health problems.

Demodectic mange is a mite infection of the facial skin. Most often, the disease is localized on the eyelids, eyebrows, chin, nasolabial folds, and external auditory canals. It contributes to the appearance of allergic reactions, rosacea, seborrhea and the development of blepharitis and conjunctivitis. In a chronic course, exacerbations occur in spring and autumn.

For all women, demodicosis on the face is a serious cosmetic problem that requires professional and long-term treatment, and not masking with various foundations. You have to fight the tick with medications. To protect yourself from its effects, you should know the causes of the disease and, if possible, avoid them.

During the specified time, female ticks must lay eggs. Within 2-3 days, larvae develop from them, and then adults. Mainly, Demodex lives in the sebaceous glands or follicles, but it comes to the surface to lay eggs. A healthy person is almost not bothered by ticks. However, with a decline in immunity or severe stress, microorganisms begin to multiply, and their number rapidly increases. Skin redness, itching and other symptoms occur.

Factors favoring the development of demodicosis

Factors that provoke the disease include:

  • pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  • elderly and senile age;
  • low level of hygiene (insufficient cleansing of the facial skin);
  • excessive production of sebum;
  • various dermatoses (including infectious origin);
  • prolonged use of certain pharmacological drugs (especially corticosteroids);
  • chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • low level of immunity;
  • use of facial skin care products that contain hormonal components;
  • frequent insolation (abuse of sunbathing and going to the solarium).


According to doctors, the main symptoms of this disease are swelling of the eyelids, dermatitis on the face, eye fatigue, itchy skin, and the formation of scales at the base of the eyelashes, which become more noticeable over time.

You can find out whether demodicosis occurs on the face by visual examination. This diagnosis will be confirmed if plaque is found along the edges of the eyelids, the eyelashes will stick together and fall out, there will be a lot of acne on the skin and psoriasis will develop. The patient's medical history also includes styes.

What demodicosis looks like on the face, photo

The photo below shows how the disease manifests itself on a person’s face in the initial and advanced stages.


Lack of treatment for demodicosis in the early stages leads to progression of the disease and the development of other dermatological or ophthalmological diseases. Complications of demodicosis on the face in women include the following diseases:

  • rosacea on the face;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • purulent inflammation of the facial skin;
  • barley;
  • damage to the superficial layers of the sclera.


In order to distinguish demodicosis from other dermatological diseases, the doctor must examine the characteristic rashes, collect anamnesis, prescribe scraping of hair follicles, eyelids, or collection of material from the sebaceous glands.

During the research, the doctor uses a cotton swab to take the scales that have formed on the crab of the eyelid or the rash itself. After which the material for research is sent to the laboratory. Such an examination does not require preliminary preparation, but before the procedure it is necessary to perform a hygienic toilet of the eyes and face.

After collecting the material, the research results will be ready within 2–3 days. The results of the examination for demodicosis will allow the doctor to identify the pathogenic pathogen and prescribe the necessary treatment to eliminate it. If necessary, the patient will be scheduled for consultation with other specialists: ophthalmologist, endocrinologist.

How to treat demodicosis?

Curing skin affected by subcutaneous mites is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. As a rule, it lasts from several months to several years, depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Typically, treatment includes a whole range of measures aimed at increasing immunity and eliminating endocrine disruptions.

There is also a whole line of products designed specifically to combat demodicosis, which is called “Stop Demodex” and includes hygiene products: soap, balms, gels, sprays, shampoos.


How to get rid of Demodex on the face at home? Popular recipes for folk remedies against ticks:

  1. Clay face masks from Demodex. Take an alcohol tincture of calendula and mix it with white or blue clay until it becomes a paste. Apply to the face for 20 minutes and remove with a cotton-gauze swab and apply the treatment. Clay only dries and regenerates the skin; it penetrates quite deeply into the subcutaneous layers. But the clay itself will not kill the tick - it will dry out the fat and it will have nothing to eat - so it will die of hunger. The strongest ones will remain, which will saprophyte the skin.
  2. The therapeutic mask with Trichopolum is very effective, but it can only be used with the permission of a dermatologist. Crush 2 tablets of the drug into powder, mix with a small amount of Vaseline to form an ointment. Apply locally, only to the affected area of ​​the face.
  3. Washing with tar soap, which has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antifungal effects;
  4. 10% alcoholic propolis (buy at a pharmacy) has proven itself well - you can rub it (dilute 20 drops in 50 ml) on the face, back skin, and décolleté. Lubricate the eyelids with a weaker solution and a stick. For demodicosis of the scalp, it is recommended to add propolis to shampoos and rinse your hair with water with propolis.
  5. You can buy calendula tincture and Demalon ointment at the pharmacy without a prescription. In tandem they cope well with demodicosis. After morning washing, dry skin is first wiped with tincture, and after 5 minutes the ointment is applied in a very thin layer and is not washed off. After evening washing, they only wipe with tincture, but no ointment is applied. The course of treatment is 1.5 months.

There are many more folk remedies that you can find on your own; I recommend looking at the reviews on the demodex treatment forum.

Nutrition rules and diet

A special dairy-vegetable diet for demodicosis helps reduce the load on the digestive system and cleanses the body of toxins. The patient should avoid alcohol, heavy and fatty foods, canned food, pickles and fast food with semi-finished products. It is also not recommended to consume citrus fruits and other foods that can provoke an allergic reaction, such as eggs and honey. Baked goods and sweets are also not needed during this period. Drinks prohibited are soda, coffee, packaged fruit drinks and juices.

Porridge, vegetables and lactic acid products are the basis of nutrition during the treatment of demodicosis. Dried fruits and lean meats are allowed. Drinks include green tea, fresh juices and regular still water without additives. Many patients try to get rid of demodex exclusively with folk remedies, rubbing the skin with herbal decoctions and alcohol tinctures. But such treatment at home will not help completely get rid of the tick. These drugs can only be used after a doctor's permission and exclusively as an adjuvant therapy. Otherwise, you can only worsen the skin condition.

How to behave during treatment

Treatment of demodicosis on the face requires careful adherence to certain hygiene standards. While fighting the disease, hot baths, any warming procedures, sauna, solarium, and swimming pool are prohibited.

It is also very important to adhere to the following hygiene principles:

  1. Avoid scrubs, fatty creams, and decorative cosmetics.
  2. When washing, use cleansers that do not irritate the skin. It is recommended to select them together with a dermatologist.
  3. Carry out thorough washing in the morning, evening and before each application of local products for the treatment of demodicosis.
  4. Wipe your face not with an ordinary towel, but with high-quality disposable napkins. Do not apply medicinal products to wet skin.
  5. Before going outside, use a good sunscreen.

Modern methods

There are several effective techniques in the arsenal of dermatologists:

  1. Ozone therapy is characterized by a whole range of beneficial effects on affected areas. Active oxygen is important in the treatment of the inflammatory process.
  2. Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen. Cools the skin, dries it, reduces inflammation. The method does not get rid of ticks, but reduces their activity. Itching and burning are reduced.
  3. Plasmophoresis. A painless but rather dangerous procedure. Mandatory high qualification of a dermatologist who knows this technique. There are a number of contraindications.
  4. TCA peeling. The modern technique is approved for irritated skin covered with acne; regular peeling is prohibited! The cells responsible for the skin's immune defense are preserved. During the procedure, a strong burning sensation is felt. Deep pore cleaning should be performed by an experienced professional.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are beneficial:

  1. Applications with dimexide relieve inflammation.
  2. Electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory compounds.
  3. Masks with soothing ingredients.

If funds allow, pay attention to the new development - the effective Demodex Complex. The composition of medicinal cosmetics includes natural ingredients. The basis of the complex is Kang and Xinshen creams, created according to original recipes. The line includes shampoo, soap, tonic, milk, spray, tea and other products.

How to recover from demodicosis in 4 days

It is traditionally believed that you can get rid of this disease in no less than 30-60 days. However, now these ideas are gradually changing. In 2014, a group of scientists from Orenburg presented a new combination of drugs that eliminates pathology in 4 days. This approach not only proved its effectiveness, but also allowed patients to quickly return their previous quality of life.

The following medications are included in this regimen:

  • 10% Benzyl benzoate ointment is one of the most effective substances that kills ticks;
  • Uniderm cream is a strong remedy that suppresses inflammation and associated symptoms (redness, itching, thickening of the skin);
  • Emolium cream - normalizes the condition of the skin, reduces peeling and damage to the epithelium.

Each of these drugs is applied sequentially to the infected tissue, at 20-minute intervals, in the same order as the drugs above. To prevent relapses, the course is repeated after 2-2.5 weeks.

It should be noted that this combination is effective only if no bacterial infection has occurred. This complication requires additional prescription of antimicrobial medications.

The disease has not only a purely medical name (scientific), but also others, such as “rosaceo” or “acne rosacea”. All names characterize the disease, which in appearance resembles clusters of acne, pink in color. The affected areas of the skin are clearly visible. From them it can be determined that the areas have both redness and thickening of the epidermis layer, through which the smallest blood vessels are visible. They are also called “temangiectasia,” as evidenced by the photos.

As a rule, demodicosis affects the skin of the face, and women between the ages of 30 and 50 are affected much more often than men. Much less commonly, other parts of the body are affected, such as the chest, back, neck, etc. In this case, it all depends on how actively the disease is spreading.

Interesting fact! Residents of Ireland and the southern regions of Italy quite often suffer from “acne rosacea”, compared to the population of the African continent and China, for which such a disease is very rare.

This disease is caused by special ticks of 2 types, characterized by very small sizes:

It is important to know! Demodex brevis also has a second name - eyelash mite, since its usual habitats are eyelash hairs.

Demodicosis is transmitted in the following ways:

  • In case of contact with a sick person or a healthy person, but who is a carrier of Demodex mites. Such people, according to scientists, are about 80 percent.
  • The tick is not able to live for a long time outside the human body, especially in a dry environment, but in a humid environment it can live for several weeks.

Conditions that precede the development of Demodex mites in humans:

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Problems related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes mellitus, hormonal imbalance and problems in the endocrine system.
  • Decreased immunity levels as a result of a cold or long-term chronic illness.
  • The influence of various external factors, such as psychological stress, taking hormonal drugs or antibiotics for a long time, harmful working conditions, unhealthy diet (excess weight), abuse of alcoholic beverages, etc.

Common signs of demodicosis:

Demodicosis is classified in humans according to the ICD-10 code: B88.0 and is determined by external visual signs:

It is important to know! Symptoms of demodicosis in children are often disguised as a rash that appears in adolescence due to hormonal changes in the body. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist to determine the presence or absence of ticks.

The eyelids and eyes are quite often affected by this disease, since mites reproduce in the meibomian glands, which are located at the base of the eyelashes. If treatment is delayed, eyelashes may fall out, as well as an increase in the edges of the eyelids, which leads to difficulty closing the eyelids.

Interesting fact! When the eyelids are affected, in many cases demodicosis appears on the scalp, as well as on the face, which causes chronic conjunctivitis, abnormal eyelash growth and other pathologies.

Demodicosis of the scalp occurs due to favorable conditions. It is not easy to identify, since negative processes are hidden under a person’s hair and visually occur unnoticed. At the same time, in the evening and at night, severe itching is felt, and as a result of palpation of the scalp, thickening of the skin can be felt.

Diagnosis of demodicosis

When you first suspect demodicosis, you should consult a dermatologist. Only a specialist in a clinical setting can make an accurate diagnosis and decide on treatment tactics. To do this, he takes a scraping from the affected areas and examines it in the laboratory using special equipment.

It is important to know! To obtain realistic test results, it is not recommended to use cosmetics or wash your face for 2 days before taking the test. Moreover, it is not recommended to use herbal infusions and decoctions.

The biological material under study is examined under a microscope for the presence of eggs, larvae and adult mites. If up to 5 adult individuals are found on 1 cm square of skin or up to 6 mites on 1 eyelash, then a diagnosis of demodicosis is made.

Methods for treating demodicosis in humans

Treatment of demodicosis involves the use of systemic agents, such as:

  • Immunomodulator drugs.
  • Sodium thiosulfate, to kill mites and reduce inflammation.
  • Vitamin complexes, amino acids and minerals, which increases the body's resistance.

Important point! Treatment of the skin is carried out in several stages. Depending on the extent of the damage, treatment can take up to a year. The most effective are ointments and creams that contain components containing zinc, mercury, tar, sulfur, etc. They do not allow oxygen to the affected area, which leads to suffocation of ticks and their death.

Removing toxins from the body

Treatment of demodicosis with traditional methods

It is also possible to fight demodicosis with the help of traditional medicine, but again, treatment is carried out comprehensively, in several stages. At the initial stage, the functions of the immune system are restored, the next stage is the fight against ticks, and the final stage is the restoration of the functions of the skin of the affected areas.

  • Take 1 part each of leaves of plantain, wormwood, mint, yarrow, tansy inflorescences, string and nettle. Then take 2 tbsp. spoons of this mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for half an hour, under a tightly closed lid. Use half a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals for 4-6 weeks.
  • Take 2 parts of violet, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, as well as 1 part of mint, plantain and elecampane root. Then take 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and pour half a liter of boiling water, after which the product should brew for about half an hour. Before use, strain and consume similarly.
  • For external use, it is recommended to prepare the following compositions:
  • Squeeze aloe juice and dilute it in water in a 1:1 ratio, then moisten a napkin with the solution and apply it to the affected area of ​​skin for 15 minutes. It is necessary to carry out up to 25 similar procedures every other day.
  • A decoction of linden inflorescences is prepared. For this, take 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and pour 1 glass of boiling water. The solution must be kept in a steam bath for about 10 minutes. After filtering the solution, wipe the affected areas of the skin with it 2 times a day. After completing the procedure, it is better not to go outside.
  • For 20 days, compresses from the juice of ripened tomatoes are applied. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  • Take a couple of spoons of dry chamomile and pour 1 glass of boiling water, after which the solution can be boiled for about 10 minutes. Then the product is filtered and applied to the affected areas in the form of compresses. Hot and cold compresses should be alternated. The procedures are used up to 3 times a week.
  • Take 1 tbsp. spoon of juniper berries and crushed, after which the berries are poured with 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to infuse for up to 6 hours. The solution should be filtered before use. The product is used up to 2 times a day in the form of lotions. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes. Before use, it is better to treat the affected areas with tincture of calendula or eucalyptus.
  • Take 100 g of tansy inflorescences and infuse them in 400 ml of vegetable oil for 2 weeks. Before use, the mass is filtered and used in the form of warm compresses up to 2 times a day.
  • Wormwood leaves are ground to a powdery state, after which 3 tbsp is taken. spoons and steams. After this, add 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of alum, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of viburnum berries, which are crushed. All components are thoroughly mixed. It is used as follows: the ointment is applied to pieces of cotton fabric, and then applied to problem areas. The duration of the procedure is up to 2 hours. The number of procedures is no more than 2 times a day. Before use, problem areas should be wiped with a glycerin solution in a ratio of 1 teaspoon to 1 glass of water. After 2 hours, after removing the product, it is washed off with salt water at a concentration of half a teaspoon per 1 tbsp. water.

  • Make sure that personal hygiene items are always clean, including bed linen, which needs to be changed daily. Items should only be washed at high temperatures followed by ironing with a hot iron.
  • During the treatment period, it is advisable not to use cosmetics, avoid visiting baths and saunas, as well as solariums or simply sunbathing.
  • To prevent re-infection of problem areas, it is better to carry out medical and cosmetic procedures after a certain time on the recommendation of a doctor.
  • Laser therapy will not hurt as a preventive measure, which will optimize metabolic processes in the epidermis within problem areas.
  • Adhere to a proper diet to reduce oily skin, as well as increase the overall tone of the body.

As a rule, treatment of demodicosis is a long process, including a complex of therapeutic and preventive measures. The earlier the source of mite damage to the subcutaneous tissue is identified, the less time and money will be spent on treatment. The main thing is not to self-medicate and not to rely only on traditional methods of struggle, which are more focused on preventing the appearance of demodicosis. As a rule, it is possible to completely get rid of ticks using chemicals only. If the disease is only suppressed, but not completely eliminated, then the treatment will indeed be long-term.

Appearance is important for any person. Various skin diseases can cause damage to it. And even if they do not cause irreparable harm to health, their treatment should not be delayed. Similar problems include demodicosis. This is more likely a pronounced cosmetic defect than a serious illness, but measures should be taken immediately so that a person’s self-esteem does not suffer.

What is demodicosis

Demodicosis is a disease that is caused by a specific subcutaneous demodex mite (Demodex Folliculorum). This is a microscopic arachnid that lives on the surface of human skin and in its deeper layers. The mite is considered a representative of the opportunistic flora of human skin, that is, normally it can be found even in a healthy person (according to research, up to 80% of healthy people have demodex as part of their skin microflora). But if the pathogen population increases sharply, it begins to cause significant harm to humans.

It usually lives in the ducts of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles (including the follicles in which the eyelash bulbs are located). Conditions for increasing its numbers arise when local immunity is weakened. Then demodex penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and begins its life activity so actively that signs of its presence are detected.

The causative agent of demodicosis is the opportunistic mite Demodex Folliculorum

The mite can settle on any part of human skin where there are sebaceous glands, because their secretion is the arachnid’s main nutrition. A comfortable temperature for demodex is 37–40 o C, so in warm rooms or during the hot season, the symptoms of the disease may become more acute.

Demodex mite development cycle

The life cycle of Demodex consists of the following stages:

  • The female lays eggs in her habitat.
  • After 60 hours, the eggs hatch into worm-shaped larvae. They cannot move yet, but they require increased nutrition, which is sebum.
  • After 36 hours, the larva transforms into a protonymph, which already has 8 limbs.
  • After 72 hours, a nymph emerges from the protonymph. She does not yet move and does not have genitals, but is otherwise completely similar to an adult.
  • After 60 hours, the adult has already fully formed, and the adult stage begins. Adults actively feed and grow, and after 12 hours they are ready to begin reproduction.

    The life cycle of a microscopic Demodex mite is 14 to 25 days

  • After mating, the fate of adult ticks is different: females lay eggs, and males die. One clutch of a female consists of several dozen eggs.

    Demodex reproduces most actively in the off-season, when a person’s natural immunity is weakened.

    Video: demodex mite under a microscope

    Routes of infection with demodicosis

    A person can become infected with a tick from another person only through close contact with exposed parts of the body. But even in this case, pathology will develop only with weakened immunity, and its signs will appear if the concentration of mites in one hair follicle reaches 30 individuals.

    Studies have been conducted that have not revealed a relationship between the incidence of demodicosis and the age or gender of a person.

    Nevertheless, there are a number of factors that predispose a tick to multiply in a particular person. And it must be said that most people themselves provoke the onset or exacerbation of their pathology. Conditions for an increase in the number of Demodex Folliculorum occur when:

  • disruption of sebum production and changes in its composition (usually the development of demodex occurs with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands);
  • a person’s attempts to squeeze out pimples (the mite is driven from the surface into the skin, where it begins to multiply);
  • long-term use of certain medications (antibiotics or hormonal drugs), which can disrupt the balance of microorganisms on the surface of the skin;
  • using low-quality cosmetics;
  • poor nutrition (abuse of carbohydrate foods, salt, spices);
  • presence of bad habits.
  • People at risk for developing demodicosis:

  • with conditions of immunodeficiency (diabetes mellitus, HIV, tuberculosis, malignant tumors);
  • with gastrointestinal diseases leading to disruption of the intestinal microflora;
  • prone to allergic reactions;
  • living in constant stress;
  • having occupational hazards (contact with dust, toxic substances).
  • Demodex mites can also live on the skin of animals, but humans cannot become infected with these types of pathogens. These are specific types of mites (Demodex cati and Demodex gatoi) that cannot live on human skin.

    Classification of the disease

    Depending on the site of development of the pathology, demodicosis is distinguished:

  • ophthalmological (demodex of the eye) - provoked by the Demodex Brevis mite, often accompanied by eye complications:
    • chronic conjunctivitis;
    • dry eye syndrome;
    • keratitis;
    • injury to the conjunctiva due to improper eyelash growth;
  • dermatological - caused by the species Demodex Folliculorum, observed on the skin.
  • Dermatological demodicosis has several forms. They are also called the stages of pathology, because in its development it sequentially goes through each of them:

  • Erythematous. It is characterized by the appearance of pronounced areas of redness (erythema) on the skin.
  • Papular-pustular. On the skin, against a background of redness, papules (pimples, lumps) appear, and then from them - pustules (pustules). Externally, these formations resemble juvenile acne. Another name for the pimples that appear is rosacea.
  • Hypertrophic. Appears with advanced demodicosis. It is characterized by thickening and growth of the skin in areas of rashes, and blood circulation and nutrition of these areas are disrupted. If areas of hypertrophy form on the face, they have certain names:
    • rhinophyma - on the nose;
    • metaphima - on the forehead;
    • otofima - on the earlobe;
    • gnathophyma - on the chin.
  • Photo gallery: stages of dermatological demodicosis

    At the first stage of demodicosis, areas of redness appear on the skin. The second stage of demodicosis is characterized by the appearance of compactions (pimples). In advanced cases of demodicosis, the skin in the affected area thickens and grows.

    Demodectic mange is also distinguished:

  • primary - as an independent disease;
  • secondary - as a complication of other diseases, often chronic.
  • Some doctors do not consider demodicosis as an independent disease, but consider it a provoking factor or a stage in the development of another, more severe skin pathology - rosacea. By the way, in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), demodicosis is not identified as a separate disease.


    Depending on the stage of the disease, its symptoms vary. But still, the beginning of demodicosis can be distinguished by its manifestations:

  • The appearance of acne. Acne is formed due to narrowing of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands and their blockage. When a staphylococcal infection occurs, pustules (pustules) form at the site of acne (papules).
  • A greasy sheen on the skin. When affected by Demodex, the sebaceous glands begin to intensively produce their secretions. It is very difficult to get rid of excess oily skin; the shine remains even after washing.
  • Itchy skin. During its life, Demodex secretes toxins, to which the human immune system responds with a violent allergic reaction, accompanied by itching, which intensifies in the evening and at night. This is due to the activity of the tick at this particular time of day.
  • Redness of the skin. The capillaries in the area affected by demodex expand, blood flows to them, which causes redness of the skin. This is a sign of inflammation.
  • Hypertrophy (overgrowth) of the skin. Inflamed skin thickens and gradually loses some of its functions. This is especially noticeable in severe forms or advanced stages of the disease.
  • Diagnosis of demodicosis

    Demodicosis is detected using microscopic examination. Two days before taking the material, the patient should not wash with soap or other alkaline products, and should not use cosmetics. Under such conditions, the results will be most reliable.

    Material for research is taken in different ways:

  • Scraping using a scalpel. The advantage of the method is the ability to collect material from several affected areas at once, as well as from the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage is that it damages the skin.
  • Superficial biopsy (“tape punch”). A piece of adhesive tape measuring 1 cm2 is glued to the affected area for 1 minute, after which it is examined under a microscope. The method is quite informative and widely used.
  • Epilation of 2–4 eyelashes from the affected area (eyelash test).
  • When using microscopic examination, indicators of tick activity are the presence of more than 5 adults, larvae or eggs per 1 cm 2 of skin. When conducting an eyelash test, the presence of more than 1 mite on 2–4 eyelashes indicates demodicosis.

    The microscopic research method consists of counting adults, larvae and eggs of Demodex under high magnification.

    But laboratory methods are considered not as reliable and informative as a biopsy of an area of ​​affected skin followed by histological examination. Unfortunately, after using this method, a scar remains on the skin, but it is possible to diagnose not only demodicosis, but also the fungal and inflammatory diseases that accompany it (if any).

    Treatment of pathology

    It is impossible to completely get rid of the presence of demodex mites on the skin, because they are found in 90% of healthy people. Therefore, the main goal of treatment is to achieve stable remission and prevent complications in the future.

    Depending on the severity of skin lesions, doctors recommend combining systemic and local drugs with physiotherapeutic methods.

    Systemic therapy

    Among the systemic drugs most often prescribed:

  • Metronidazole - it has anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and immunomodulatory effects;

    Metrogyl is a gel for combating demodicosis based on metronidazole. The use of Spregal against demodicosis is highly effective and convenient.
    Blefarogel 2 effectively reduces the mite population, quickly relieves inflammation of the eyelids, eliminates itching
    Ichthyol ointment can be used to treat demodicosis by patients of any age and gender, including pregnant women and people with sensitive skin
    It is recommended to use salicylic ointment against demodicosis at night. Demoten suppresses the activity of ticks and disrupts their comfortable habitat. The effect of Vishnevsky ointment against demodicosis is based on faster regeneration of the skin.


    Physiotherapeutic effects will help speed up the treatment of demodicosis with drugs. The following methods are most effective against subcutaneous mites:

  • electrophoresis with medications - under the influence of electric current, the active substances of medications better penetrate deep into the skin, affecting mites;
  • narrow-band blue light radiation - the blue wave penetrates to a depth of 2.5 mm, which corresponds to the location of the sebaceous glands, the light has disinfecting properties and contributes to the death of pathogens.
  • Traditional methods of treatment

    Treatment of demodicosis is long-term. Sometimes it takes 4–6 months to get rid of the symptoms of the disease completely. Folk remedies will come to the rescue, which will support the effect of medications and will contribute to a speedy recovery. But you should not replace your doctor’s recommendations with home remedies: the effect of treatment is not immediately noticeable, and the disease may progress in the meantime.

    Decoction of wormwood

  • Pour 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials into a liter of boiling water.
  • Boil for 5 minutes.
  • Leave for 3 hours.
  • Take half a glass according to the following scheme:
    • 1st day - every hour;
    • 2nd day - every 2 hours;
    • Days 3–6 - every 3 hours.
  • The drink can be sweetened with honey. Prepare fresh decoction daily.

    Celandine root oil extract

    Oil extract of celandine roots is convenient to use not only for dermatological demodicosis, but also for damage to the eyelids. It is prepared like this:

  • Finely chop the fresh celandine root.
  • Fill a glass of crushed root with the same amount of vegetable oil (sunflower oil is fine).
  • Close the jar with the product and leave it in the sun for 2 weeks.
  • Strain, pour into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator.
  • Sour cream is added to the oil and applied to the face every night at night. If the eyelids are affected, the oil is carefully applied along the eyelash line.

    Aloe juice

    Aloe juice is known for its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties. It does not act on the mite itself as much as it improves the condition of the skin affected by it and alleviates the symptoms of demodicosis:

  • The juice of the houseplant is squeezed onto a sterile bandage and applied to areas of the skin inflamed by demodicosis. You can squeeze the juice onto a cotton pad and apply it to your eyelids.
  • After 20 minutes, the compress can be removed.
  • There is no need to wash off the juice from the skin.
  • The procedure can be performed several times a day.
  • Calendula is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the alcohol tincture removes excess sebum from the skin surface, which reduces the breeding ground for demodex. But you shouldn’t use this product on an ongoing basis, since alcohol in this case dries out the skin and the sebaceous glands, on the contrary, will strive to restore the moisture of the skin. It is best to use calendula tincture in courses of 1 week with a week break.

    Ready-made calendula tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy. In the morning and evening after washing, wipe the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad soaked in the tincture. There is no need to wash it off the skin.

    Birch tar is a natural antibiotic. It is successfully used for any skin lesions, including eczema and psoriasis. It is also effective against demodicosis. But there is always a risk of an allergic reaction of the body or a skin burn. Therefore, before using birch tar, a skin test should be performed.

    It is better to apply tar to the skin of the face by mixing it in equal proportions with olive oil. Gently spread the product in a thin layer over the affected areas. In case of any unpleasant sensations, remove the drug from the skin using a cotton pad soaked in vegetable oil, and then wash with warm water and baby soap.

    Garlic oil with propolis tincture

    This remedy can be taken both externally and internally. Such a complex effect will more likely get rid of demodicosis.

    First prepare the garlic butter. For external use, it is better to take castor oil, if you plan to take it internally - sunflower or olive:

  • Peel the head of garlic and finely chop it with a knife.
  • Place the prepared garlic in a jar and pour in enough oil to cover it by 1 cm.
  • Leave for a week in a cool, dark place.
  • Strain. The oil should now be stored in the refrigerator.
  • It is better to purchase propolis tincture at a pharmacy. Then proceed as follows:

  • Mix a small amount of garlic oil with propolis tincture in equal parts.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to the affected areas, cover them with a gauze bandage or bandage (convenient to do at night).
  • If it is not possible to apply a bandage, leave the mixture on the skin uncovered.
  • Apply 2-3 times daily.
  • For oral administration, garlic oil should also be mixed with propolis tincture in equal quantities and consumed 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. It is recommended to drink the product with a decoction of calendula.

    Photo gallery: components of folk recipes for demodicosis

    Wormwood leaves act as a natural antiseptic. Aloe leaves contain about 200 substances that have medicinal properties. Birch tar is one of the most popular traditional medicines. Calendula tincture is an effective drug widely used in both traditional and traditional medicine. Propolis tincture has an antipruritic and analgesic effect. , stimulates the regeneration process

    Features of the treatment of demodicosis in children, pregnant and lactating women

    Demodicosis always develops against a background of weakened immunity. The body's defenses have not yet fully formed in children, and in pregnant and lactating women they are significantly weakened. Therefore, it is so important in these cases to get rid of the pathology without harming the growing body, as well as the developing fetus and baby.

    In children

    Most often, demodicosis in children develops in the off-season, when the body is weakened by constant attacks from viruses from the outside. But the diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor; no self-medication of the child is acceptable.

    Therapy for demodicosis in children includes the following areas:

  • Vitamin therapy and strengthening the immune system. This is achieved by prescribing appropriate medications, as well as normalizing the child’s diet and regimen.
  • Treatment of the underlying disease that gave rise to the development of demodicosis (this could be gastrointestinal pathologies, colds or viral infections).
  • Gentle external therapy. Children are most often prescribed drugs based on tar or sulfur.
  • Skin hygiene. During treatment, parents are advised to treat the baby’s skin with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Furacilin) ​​to avoid secondary infection.
  • In pregnant and lactating women

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is not recommended to start treatment for demodicosis, because it is during this period that all the internal systems of the baby are formed. Metronidazole-based medications are especially dangerous during this period.

    But if the symptoms of the disease are obvious and there is noticeable discomfort, the doctor still recommends starting treatment. Drugs are selected taking into account the least possible harm to the developing fetus.

    Treatment is equally carefully selected for a nursing woman, because most of the active components of drugs for demodicosis penetrate into breast milk and can affect the well-being of the baby.

    Relatively safe drugs are considered to be products from the Demodex Complex series. Most often, when treating children, pregnant and nursing mothers, doctors turn to them.

    With demodicosis, the skin suffers enough, so the main goal of caring for it is not to burden it even more, but to help it recover faster without losing important qualities. Therefore, dermatologists recommend:

  • During treatment, use a minimum of cosmetics (it should be of high quality), and if possible, do without it at all.
  • Completely avoid powder and foundation.
  • Avoid scrubs, products containing alcohol or menthol. They dry and irritate the skin.
  • Moisturize the skin with a high-quality cream.
  • Protect the affected areas from exposure to ultraviolet radiation (if possible, use not a cream, but a hat with a brim or clothing that does not allow the rays to reach the inflamed skin).
  • Wash with water at room temperature and mild products.
  • After washing, gently pat your skin dry with a cotton or disposable paper towel.
  • Video: how to treat demodicosis

    Prevention of demodicosis

    There is no special prevention of demodicosis, because the mites that cause the pathology are permanent inhabitants of the microflora of human skin. But still, some tips will help avoid their activation:

  • for the slightest changes in the skin (the appearance of acne, itching), consult a dermatologist;
  • strengthen the immune system by hardening, and in the off-season - with vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • Maintain personal hygiene, change bedding and towels more often;
  • minimize stressful situations, try to rest more, take daily walks;
  • Reduce touching your face with your hands to a minimum, and if you wear glasses, wipe their bridge and temples with disinfectant solutions more often.
  • Video: how to protect yourself from demodicosis

    Full information: “What is demodex?”, “What are the newest and most effective drugs for treatment?”, “How to cure demodicosis once and for all?”, “Why are relapses common with demodex and how to avoid them?” read this article.


    There are 65 known species of Demodex mites. Two species, Demodex Folliculorum and Demodex Brevis, collectively called Demodex, have been found in humans. This subcutaneous mite is one of the smallest arthropods.


    Mature Demodex Folliculorum mites are 0.3-0.4 mm in length, Demodex Brevis are slightly shorter - 0.15-0.2 mm. This makes them invisible to the naked eye, but under a microscope the structure of the subcutaneous Demodex mite is clearly visible: a translucent, elongated body, which consists of two fused segments. Eight short legs are attached to the first body segment. The eight legs of this mite move at a speed of 8-16 mm/hour, and this is mainly done during the night, as bright light causes the Demodex to retreat deeper into the follicle. The body is covered with scales. Females are shorter and rounder than males.


    The size of Demodex mites makes them invisible to the naked eye. Mature Demodex Folliculorum mites are 0.3-0.4 mm in length, Demodex Brevis are slightly shorter - 0.15-0.2 mm. Under a microscope, the structure of the subcutaneous mite is clearly visible and studied.


    Demodex on the face quickly reproduces (reproduces). The reproduction period of the new generation is 2-3 weeks. Mating of acne mites occurs on the skin of the face at night.

    Demodex mites live on the skin of the face for about 3 weeks. During this time, the female lays eggs inside the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Six-legged Demodex larvae appear in 3-4 days and develop into adults in 7 days. The full life cycle is 14-20 days. Dead mites decompose inside the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, causing inflammation on the skin.

    The life cycle of demodex mites dictates the duration of treatment. Using drugs over 4-5 life cycles to kill not only adults. Applying the drugs for a shorter period of 10-15 days will lead to a relapse of the disease: ointments are not able to kill the eggs and larvae of demodex, the hatched individuals will quickly multiply and cause new rashes.


    The subcutaneous demodex mite is affected by the time of day: bright daylight forces it to retreat deeper into the hair follicle. And the evening hours are the time when ticks are most active. At this time, patients note increased itching. Every evening, demodex mites come to the surface of the skin to mate, and returning to the hair follicles they introduce many pathogenic bacteria, as a result the skin becomes infected and inflamed.

    The subcutaneous demodex mite feeds on sebum, dead skin cells, and cosmetics. The most favorite and favorable habitat for ticks is fat, vegetable oil, and petroleum jelly. These ingredients are found in many cosmetic products. Therefore, sometimes even very expensive cosmetics, instead of caring for skin suffering from demodicosis, often have the opposite effect: they aggravate the disease, causing new inflammations and rashes on the face.


    Demodex mites on the face live in the mouths of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Favorite habitats are areas with increased oily skin - forehead, chin, wings of the nose.

    The facial mite easily moves across the surface of the face. Therefore, the disease quickly spreads to new foci. Starting in the area of ​​the “demodex triangle” (nasolabial fold - wings of the nose - chin) it spreads to the hair follicles of the eyebrows, eyelashes, and hair.

    The demodex mite is able to exist perfectly well outside the facial area - chest, back, etc. Therefore, when applying medicinal preparations for demodicosis, it is recommended to apply them not precisely to the inflamed areas, but to the entire area of ​​the face, in order to avoid the spread of the subcutaneous mite throughout the body.


    Are Demodex mites contagious? It is a common mistake to think that yes, but this is not true. According to many scientific studies, it was found in 97% of healthy people who are not even aware of the presence of a tick on the skin of their face. The presence of five individuals per 1 square centimeter does not appear in any way externally; the skin has a completely healthy appearance.

    People undergoing treatment did not become infected with Demodex from anyone. It was a malfunction in their body that caused the disease.

    Dermatologists associate the sudden intensive proliferation of Demodex mites with a combination of reasons:

    • weakened immunity,
    • gastrointestinal diseases,
    • severe emotional stress.
    • hormonal disorders

    The causes of demodex lie in the use of hormonal drugs, biological additives, abuse of saunas, steam baths, and prolonged exposure to the sun.


    Signs and symptoms of demodex appear when there is a sharp increase in the number of subcutaneous mites.

    • Itching.

    The appearance of itching on the face is a pronounced, classic symptom of demodex.

    Itching occurs on the face in the T-zone (forehead, lower part of the nose, chin), later on the cheeks and hair.

    When this sign appears, people do not pay attention to scratching, and later scratch their face and head automatically. The itching is most intense in the evening and at night, because... This is the time of greatest tick activity.

    • Acne.

    The main symptom of demodex is the sudden appearance of numerous acne and pimples on the skin of the face. Visually, the rashes resemble rosacea and rosacea, which makes correct diagnosis and selection of the correct treatment difficult. Localization of inflammation - places with increased fat content (nose, forehead, chin, cheeks).

    • Lumpy facial skin

    The skin becomes inflamed and becomes lumpy instead of smooth and smooth. An unhealthy, dirty gray tint appears. The skin becomes rougher and facial expression becomes more difficult.

    • Increased oily skin, enlarged pores

    With this symptom, the skin is often compared to the “peel of an orange”: oily skin with wide pores.

    • Itching of the ears.

    Often, patients do not notice that during demodicosis their itching in the ears intensifies and perceive this symptom separately (demodex was first discovered in earwax).


    Signs characterizing the complication of the disease:

    • Increase in nose size

    The disease is called rhinophyma. The nose increases in size due to the proliferation of connective tissue.

    • Damage to the eyelids (eyes)

    Symptoms of demodex eyes: itching, redness, inflammation of the edges of the eyelids, heaviness of the eyes, eyelash loss begins. Patients complain of itching on the eyelids, which intensifies in the evening, pustular discharge in the eyelash area, especially after sleep, lacrimation, and the appearance of a “foreign body” in the eye.

    • Early baldness, hair loss

    Demodex mites move at a speed of 8-16 mm/hour. Often during treatment it hides on the scalp, where therapy is most often missed. Destroys the hair follicle, hair loses its elasticity, shine, becomes brittle, weakened, thinned. Demodex mites cause pathological hair loss and early baldness begins.


    Demodex mites are diagnosed in a laboratory. The doctor conducts the test in the presence of the patient and immediately reports the results of the study.

    Mandatory preparation for demodex analysis: When preparing for the procedure, it is recommended not to wash your face and not use anti-tick medications for 7 days.

    How is the analysis carried out?

    When a Demodex mite infests the skin of the face, scrapings are taken from the affected areas. If the eyes are affected by demodex, 2-3 eyelashes from each eyelid are pulled out for analysis. The resulting material is examined under a microscope.


    Traditional aggressive topical drugs

    For a long time it was previously believed and many mistakenly believe now: “The main factor in improving the health of facial skin is the rapid elimination of facial mites.”

    The demodex mite has a protective shell that makes it difficult for therapeutic agents to penetrate, which complicates treatment.

    Until now, dermatologists prescribe outdated drugs permethrin ointment, benzyl benzoate, metrogyl gel, yam ointment and others. They have one thing in common: aggressive acaricides are used to combat demodex mites.

    In developed countries, more than 40 years ago, large-scale studies conducted proved: “It is impossible to cure demodicosis with aggressive acaricides.” The damage to the skin from aggressive agents is so great that it never has time to recover before the next invasion of demodex mites. Each subsequent lesion becomes even more powerful and the so-called “demodectic circle” appears. The consequences of this “circle” are lifelong treatment and a disfigured face.


    People often try to fight demodex mites using traditional medicine. List of plants useful for demodicosis: tansy inflorescences, wormwood, decoction of black currant leaves, oak bark, aloe, garlic, etc.

    Distinctive feature and advantage of folk remedies:
    • low price
    • time-tested safety.

    The disadvantage of traditional methods is also well known:

    • low efficiency.

    Over the decades of using folk remedies, there is not a single scientifically proven case of complete cure of demodicosis with folk remedies. There are many positive examples of relieving exacerbations, redness, itching, and temporary remission. But there is no complete cure without repeated relapses. Therefore, this does not solve the problem, but only prolongs and aggravates it, because each subsequent rash with demodicosis affects new areas that were previously healthy.

    • danger, harm when used independently.

    Traditional methods listed on the Internet have nothing to do with using the real properties of plants and can harm the patient. For example, when preparing an ointment for demodex, it is often recommended to use fat and vegetable oil. But the tick’s most favorite and favorable habitat is fat, vegetable oil, and Vaseline. Therefore, the use of these ingredients will have the opposite effect: it will aggravate the disease, cause new inflammation and rashes on the face. (Examples of texts on popular sites: “Take fresh lard, melt it in a water bath. At this time, you need to grind sulfur in a porcelain bowl. Mix these two ingredients.” or “Take six cloves of garlic and grind it to the consistency of sour cream, pour it with half a teaspoon of sunflower oil and mix everything.”)

    Therefore, folk remedies for demodex can be used as part of complex therapy, but only after prior consultation with your doctor.

    The value of folk remedies for demodicosis has not disappeared. Treatment with folk remedies on the face has now received a “second wind”:

    1. Traditional medicines are used as adjuvant therapy during treatment;
    2. Medicinal herbs are used as raw materials for the most modern drugs for demodex. The creation of such funds became possible quite recently with the advent of new biotechnologies.

    A classic example is the Demodex Complex set, created using American technology using herbal components of traditional Chinese medicine, i.e. folk remedies.


    Demodex Complex is a well-known brand of natural cosmetics for demodicosis. It is a generally recognized leader in the treatment of demodicosis in the world today.

    Demodex Complex is a standard with which you can compare other drugs for the treatment of demodex: the more similar to Demodex Complex, the better.

    How to cure demodex? Getting rid of subcutaneous mites is not the only condition for successful treatment of demodicosis disease.

    The main advantages of Demodex Complex: restoration of not only the superficial layers of the skin and the rapid return of facial beauty, but also the restoration of deeply affected layers of the skin and its protective functions. Only this can guarantee the exclusion of repeated relapses.


    Previously, the treatment of demodex required constant monitoring by a dermatologist in clinics, hospitals and clinics. Creams, gels, ointments, and aerosols for demodicosis prescribed by dermatologists required combination therapy, i.e., they were not independent drugs that could get rid of demodex mites.

    Demodex complex is a ready-made solution for complete restoration of skin of any degree of damage (initial, moderate, severe). Modern natural-based products are created for professional and home use. For a month's treatment you need only 4 products: morning and evening creams, toner and cleanser.

    The result of home use of Demodex Complex products gives results comparable to visiting an elite beauty salon. The complex does everything that a competent dermatologist or cosmetologist would prescribe: first it kills demodex, exfoliates, then narrows pores and restores the skin.

    In total, Demodex Complex performs 17 most important tasks for the treatment of demodicosis:

    • acaricidal (destruction of demodex mites)
    • inhibition of microflora growth,
    • decreased sebum secretion (sebum),
    • wound healing,
    • anti-inflammatory effect,
    • rejuvenation,
    • hydration,
    • restoration of skin barrier functions,
    • increased penetrating ability (active substances),
    • increasing immunity,
    • mitigation,
    • skin cleansing,
    • anesthesia,
    • narrowing of pores,
    • cell renewal (regeneration),
    • reduction of redness,
    • antioxidant protection.

    The closest analogues of Demodex Complex perform only 4 functions and therefore are not able to achieve results even closely comparable to the well-known brand.

  • After the third month of treatment: complete restoration of the deep layers of the skin. After which the basic protective properties of the skin are restored, eliminating repeated relapses.
  • Only after this there are high real chances of getting rid of demodex forever.


    The role of prevention is very high when using outdated drugs for demodex - yam ointment, benzyl benzoate, sulfur ointment, metrogyl gel, permethrin ointment, etc. It is prevention that allows you to live for some time without inflammation on the face until the next re-infection (relapse).

    The goal of prevention is to protect skin weakened by demodex mites and aggressive acaricides from getting new mites on it.

    • Daily change of pillowcases.
    • Using disposable paper napkins to wipe your face instead of towels.
    • Stick to a diet: exclude spicy, sweet foods, alcohol from the diet
    • Avoid visiting saunas, baths, and exposure to the sun.

    A repeated relapse when using outdated drugs is inevitable: since 98% of the population are carriers of demodex mites, and it is impossible to protect yourself from everyone, and weakened skin is not able to resist new demodex mites.
    The role of prevention when using the newest drugs Demodex Complex is insignificant: during the course of treatment, the herbal composition completely restores the deep layers of the skin, after which the protective properties are restored and now healthy skin itself eliminates repeated relapses.
