Outdoor games in the camp for the older group. Outdoor games for children in the camp. Fun, interesting, educational games for children


Dragon head

The players cling to each other like a little train. At the command of the leader, the head of the dragon - the first person - tries to catch the tail - the last person. He, in turn, must dodge. When the last one is caught, it goes to the beginning of the chain.

Fishing rod

Participants stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center with a "fishing rod" - a skipping rope or rope, at the end of which a bag of sand is tied. The leader twists the fishing rod in a circle, and the participants must jump, trying not to hit it.

Golden gate (planets)

Planets are formed from the participants (3-4 people), which, holding hands, stand in a circle. The rest form a snake, where each holds onto the waist of the other. To the music (or the planetary participants all together say: "The Golden Gate is not always allowed through. The first time is forgiven, the second time is forbidden, and the third time we will not let you in! At this time, the hands of the planets are lowered), the snake runs under the hands of the" planets. " When the music stops, the "planets" capture those who did not have time to run at hand. That. The planets grow and so on until the last participant - the fastest.


Players stand in a circle. The leader is in command; "Touch yellow, one, two, three!" The players try to grab the thing (object, clothing, body part) of the other participants in the circle as soon as possible. Those who do not have time are eliminated from the game. The presenter repeats the command again, but with a new color. The last one wins.

On the wreckage of the ship

The game for 4 or more participants of any age is held on the street - where there are objects on which the participants can climb so as not to stand on the ground. Young children can play indoors by jumping on scattered pillows or bedspreads on the floor. In a word, any area with a sufficient amount of "ship wreckage" - safe places of shelter will do. The rest of the space is considered the sea. One of the participants plays the role of a pirate who pursues others. They are surrounded by the sea everywhere, and they can only be saved on the wreckage of the ship. A salted player who has at least one leg left in the sea becomes a pirate himself. The pirate is not allowed to run after one player for a long time, since no one should stay in place for a long time. You can stay in safe areas for no longer than 10 seconds. Two players cannot occupy the same seat at the same time. The winner is not determined - the game continues until the participants get tired.

Three lives

Each participant is given three lives. The ball lies on the ground, and the players stand on the court in arbitrary places. The player closest to the ball takes it and throws it, trying to hit another player with it. Whoever gets hit by the ball loses one life. But the game continues, and the participant who picked up the ball aims at the other player. As long as the ball is in the air, you can move. As soon as someone catches the ball, everyone freezes in place until the ball hits one of the players or flies past. Participants who lose all three "lives" are eliminated from the game. The winner is the last participant.

High chair from hands

Two teams. Start, finish and distance. Teams of three are formed. Two team members cross their arms to form a chair, and the third sits on it. The player is carried to the finish line and back, trying to do this as quickly as possible. Then the players change - and so on until each team member sits on a chair. You can play in a shallow pool, in a deep one - drag a team member while floating on the water. The winner is the team that will be the first to carry all of its players on the chair.

Touch the shadow

A game for any number of participants. It is carried out outdoors in sunny weather. The game is based on the game of tags, but in this case the goal of the driver is to shower not the player himself, but his shadow, with his hand or foot. The salted player becomes the driver. The only way to escape is to hide in the shadows. Otherwise, the player must be constantly on the move. While two players are running, the rest remain in place

River bank

A line is drawn that divides the field into two parts: the bank and the river. The driver randomly calls the "bank" or "river". Players at this time must jump either onto the bank or into the river. If at the command “river” the player is already standing in the “river”, then he simply jumps in place.

Scouts and sentry

The sentry is selected. Flags (5-7 pieces) are placed around it at a distance of 15-25 steps. All the rest are scouts. They move so far away that the sentry can't see. The scouts' task is to steal the flag. The sentry can only move around the perimeter bounded by flags. If the sentry, noticing the scout, calls him by name, the scout is out of the game. If the sentry saw the scout running away with the flag, and managed to call him by name, the flag returns to its place, and the scout hides again. The game ends either when 1 flag remains, or if 1 scout.

(The scouts may not leave the game, but be taken prisoner, that is, stand in the limited space of the sentry. In this case, other scouts can release him by touching him. If the sentry does not have time to name the liberator, the captive is free. can last indefinitely).


The players are divided into two teams: guards and spies. A circle is drawn, along the perimeter of which the guards are blindfolded. In the center is a hostage. He must be freed by spies, unnoticed by penetrating between the guards and taking him out of the circle. The guards are about at arm's length from each other. If the guard touches the spy, he becomes another hostage. After a certain period of time, the guards and spies change places.


7 or more people are playing. Inventory: whistle.

Each player builds a depot for himself: draws a small circle. In the middle of the site there is a driving steam locomotive. He does not have his own depot. The driver goes from one car to another. To whom he approaches, he follows him. This is how all the cars are assembled. The locomotive whistles unexpectedly, and everyone runs to the depot, the locomotive too. The player left without a seat becomes the driver - a steam locomotive.


There is a strip in the center of the room. Two teams on opposite sides of the lane are trying to win a friend over to their side. The one who intercepts the lane goes over to the other side and fights for the opposite team.


Children stand in a circle, join hands. The presenter is in the center. The players walk in a circle and chant the words:

Uncle Tryphon's

There were seven children

Seven sons:

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They looked at each other.

At once they did, as I did!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat his gestures. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the leader. Rules of the game. When the game is repeated, children standing in a circle go in the opposite direction.

Frost-Red nose

On opposite sides of the site, two houses are designated, in one of them the players are located. In the middle of the platform, the driver stands up - Frost-Red nose. He says:

I am Frost-Red nose.

Which one of you will decide

To set off on a path-path? ...

The players answer:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost.

After that, the children run across the playground to another house. Frost catches up with them and tries to freeze (touch with his hand). The frozen ones stop at the place where Frost overtook them, and stand until the end of the dash. After several runs, another driver is chosen.


Splitting into two teams, the players form two circles. Each player standing in the inner circle remembers the player of the opposite team standing in front of him. Then, at the signal of the leader, the players standing in the circles begin to move with side steps in different directions. On the second signal, the players in the outer circle scatter, and the players in the inner circle chase them. You need to chase only the player who was standing opposite. The presenter counts to thirty, then says: "Stop!" - and counts the salted. Then the teams switch roles.


The players are divided into two teams and are built in columns of two, holding hands, one column parallel to the other. At the signal of the leader, the children, who are the last in the columns, run forward under the raised hands of the players and stand in front of their column, raising their hands up. The latter is a signal for those who find themselves behind, and they do the same as the previous pair. The first team to finish the run wins.


Two or three players join hands, forming a "seine". Their task is to catch as many "swimming fish" as possible. If the "fish" is caught, then it joins the leaders and becomes part of the "seine".


Children stand in several lines. 2 drivers (hare, wolf). Children stand at arm's length (the side ones do not raise their hands). The hare runs through the maze without running under the hands. At the instructor's command "to the right", the children turn and the hare is already running through another labyrinth. The wolf catches up with the hare, if it catches up, they change.

Ball in hand

Players line up. Outstretched arms with open palms are held behind the back. One of the players is behind their backs. He has a ball or pebble in his hand. Walking along the line, he pretends to drop the ball into someone's palm. Players shouldn't look back. Finally, he drops the ball into someone's hand. The player who received the ball suddenly breaks out of the line. Neighbors on the right and left must grab him (or resent him) before he moves. But at the same time, they have no right to go off the line. If they fail to grab him, he can return to his seat and the game continues. If caught, he changes places with the leader.

Moscow hide and seek.

One person turns his back to the participants and one of the participants hits him on the back with his hand, then he turns and says to whom he thinks, and they answer him: “How much will you give?” (For example, run around a house or building), he says how many circles, and only then they tell him correctly or not, he guessed right. If not, then he runs himself, and during this time everyone is hiding in a certain area. Then he looks for everyone he finds, runs to a certain place and shouts "tukita", who has time to tukitak himself. The one who gets knocked out, he becomes the leader.

Ocean is shaking.

The presenter is selected and the participants are told the following words: "The sea is worried once, the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three, the sea figure freezes." Participants must depict any figure they wish, and the leader must guess the figures and say which one he liked best. The person whose figure you liked becomes the presenter. (The game is endless in theory).?.


Two equal teams are taken, stand against each other at a distance of 4 meters, they take hands tightly. In turn, each team says the following words: "Kondaly" - the first team, "Shackled" - the second, "Uncover us" - the first, "Which of us" - the second. Then the first team chooses from the opposite any person and he must break their chain, if he does not break, then he is part of the first team. Then the commands change, i.e. the second command starts to speak. We play while in one of them there will be not a single person.

Agents 007

Location: lawn

Duration: 5 min.

Number: 20 people

Equipment: film cans + for example: sand, cereals, pebbles, coins, pebbles, small screws, water, etc.

Game progress:

Each participant is given a jar of film. Inside they can be pebbles, sand, salt, flour, etc. The task of the participants is, without opening the jar, by sound, to find their pair as quickly as possible.


To begin with, we will offer everyone to be called a bird (animal), provided, however, that there should not be two identical birds in the game. The players are placed in a circle in the room, leaving the middle of it free.

One of the participants in the game is the driver. Its place is in the middle of the circle. The driver is blindfolded. He's a blind man's buff. Perhaps it will be useful if someone once again reminds the driver what birds are presented today in our game. However, from time to time they themselves, as best they can, will make themselves known, echoing bird voices - chirping, croaking, quacking. The blind man's buff summons any two birds, which, according to his assumptions, are in opposite ends of the room. The summoned must swap places. Making a flight, that is, moving around, they can resort to various tricks and evasions: squat, crawl, distract blind man's buff with false maneuvers, thereby helping each other.

If the flight is made by them safely, they inform the blind man's buff about it, clapping their hands, and he calls two other birds. This continues until the blind man's buff catches someone. In this case, the caught one becomes a blind man's buff, and the former driver takes the vacant place in the circle, immediately declaring himself to be some kind of bird.

Neighbor on the right

All participants in this fun game sit in a circle. The driver stands in the center of the circle. Turning now to one or the other of the players, the leader asks everyone a question or asks to perform some movement: stand up and turn in place or clap his hands three times, etc. But to answer the question asked, or the required movement should not be performed by the one to whom the driver is addressing, but his neighbor on the right, at whom the driver does not even look. Having received the answer, the leader immediately turns to another, to a third, and so on, until one of the players makes a mistake.

The question is asked (or the task is given) quickly and suddenly. Just as quickly, you need to give an answer (or perform the required movement). If a question is asked that is difficult to answer right away, then you can say: “I don’t know”, which is already the answer, but just don’t be silent.

It would seem that these rules are very simple and easy to remember, but in the game they are often violated due to the suddenness with which the driver addresses the participants in the game. Either the one to whom the question is addressed answers it himself, or the neighbor to the right of the surprise will be confused and not immediately realize that he is just supposed to answer. Whoever broke the rule will have to give up the driver his place in the circle and give a fant.


The playing field (-8-10 meters long is outlined on both sides by lines behind which the bouncers (drivers) stand, their task is to knock the players off the field with the ball, the ball is fed alternately from one bouncer to another, there are many options for players, a) the bouncer becomes a "knocked out" or newly arrived player, b) the players are divided into teams and the knocked out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while a "candle" can be caught from the hands of the bouncer, which means either the opportunity to stay in the circle or return one of the knocked out players on the field, c) if the previous options are widely known, then I came across this only once - in the pioneer camp. There should be a lot of players - at least 4-5 in each of the two teams. Each team has one bouncer (B) and the rest of the players (S) on the field as follows:

| | | В1 | I2 | I1 | B2] | ]

Each of the teams alternately holds the ball and knocks out the opposing players (I1-I2), the players kicked out of the category of players go into the category of bouncers, that is, they go out of the field into the sector (B1-B2, respectively), only the player who caught "candle" (a ball caught from the ground is not considered a "candle", the player who caught such a ball goes to the bouncers). The team that still has players wins, and they start the next round.


A circle with a diameter of 1.5-2 meters is drawn, in which all participants are placed, the driver throws the ball as high as possible and runs farther from the circle, the player who managed to catch the ball shouts "stop" and assigns the number of steps to the driver (steps can be the most diverse and in different quantities, for example, 2 "giants" and "5" midgets "), if after completing the prescribed steps he manages to touch the driver, he himself becomes the driver. I remember only a few steps, but you can dream up yourself:" Giant "- big steps in a jump," midgets "- half a step," thread "- from toe to toe," ducklings "- squatting," umbrellas "- jump with a turnover," bunny "- jump-legs together).

The circle is divided into sectors - countries, while the water utters a game phrase (again lost, you have to invent) the players scatter. The command "Stop!" Sounds, the players freeze, then the water chooses a victim (usually the one closest to it) and assigns steps, if guessed correctly, then cuts off the loser's country a piece to himself, no, he gives up a part of his territory (you can cut it only by standing with your foot (s) on your territory, and there you can reach it (the circle must be large enough).


The ball should be light, preferably a small inflatable. The players, standing in a circle, throw the ball to each other (catch or hit it like in the game "volleyball"), the one who misses or drops the ball becomes a "potato" - squats in a circle and the ball can be hit on it. If the ball after hitting the "potato" falls to the ground, then it is not considered a missed and the game resumes, if the "potato" manages to catch the ball (like a "candle"), then the "potato" becomes the one who lost the ball, and the rest of the players leave the circle. The last of the two remaining players to drop the ball to the ground becomes the first "victim" of the new knight.

Fifteen on a string

Tie a rope 3-4 meters long to the post. Draw a circle with the same radius around the post. Scatter two to three dozen pebbles (cones, sticks, etc.) inside the circle. This wealth will be guarded by one of you, the one you choose by lot. And all the rest (about five people), having settled down first behind the circle, try to take possession of the pebbles, to take them out of the circle as much as possible. The watchman must hold on to the rope with one hand, but his other is free in order to spot unwary miners. The one who has been tainted is eliminated from the game. After the agreed time (three minutes is enough?) The watchman's shift ends. You can count how many pebbles were stolen from him, and how much he saved.

Now repeat everything with the other guard. When everyone is in this role, it will not be difficult to determine who has succeeded best.

Edible - inedible

The playing field is drawn in a ruler, where each ruler is separated from the other by one step (you can play on a wide ladder), the players stand behind the last line and the driver throws a ball to them in turn, naming various objects. If the word "edible" sounds, the player must catch the ball, "inedible" - to skip or discard, when the player's actions correspond to the named word, the player moves to the next line (on the next step). The one who first crosses the last line wins and becomes the driver.

I know 5 names!

They strike the ground with a ball (palm), uttering the next word at each blow: "I know 5 names of girls (boys, names of flowers, birds, and so on ad infinitum): Masha - one, Tanya - two, Katya - three," Sonya - four , Ira - five "," I know 5 ... "If a player makes a mistake or makes a long pause, the ball goes to another player, when the ball makes a circle and returns to the player, the game for this player resumes from the place where he was interrupted ( as it is done in the "classics"), while in advance it is better to agree in what order the objects will be named.This game is useful even without the ball, at home.

You go quieter ...

One of the variants of "sea figures", the driver stands on one side of the playing field, the players at the other end of it, the water turns away and says: the moment they run to the driver, they must freeze, the one who did not have time to stop in time returns to the starting line. The winner who first reaches water becomes water himself. The whole interest lies in the fact that the phrase can be cut off in any way (an element of surprise is introduced), but the last word should still be "stop", only after it the water can turn around.

Small houses

Circles-houses are drawn on the field, exactly one less than the number of players, the water bypasses the houses, collecting the players in a chain and taking them away, while telling them where it leads them, after the command "home" everyone rushes back and the player who did not get the house , becomes driving. I don’t remember the words at all, it’s not very important, but here is my early version of the beginning of the saying: “the gnomes went for a walk, left their houses: the gnome Misha (for example), the gnome Sasha (etc., listing all the players), they went into the forest, but got lost, walked for a long, long time, (further to taste) "then follows an unexpected command" home "anywhere in the story - develops attention and reaction.


Players sit on a bench and hold their palms folded in a boat in front of them, water clamps a ring (you can use a coin) in its "boat" and alternately passes through all the players (more than once), putting their palms into the players' palms, imperceptibly shifting the "ring to one of them" ", then he says:" Ring-ring, go out on the porch ", the player who received the ring is to get up and get out, while becoming the driver, the task of the rest is to keep him, if, of course, they have time to figure out who got the ring, it is interesting to play in the line-up at least 4-5 people.

Traffic lights.

After the driver is selected, everyone stands on one side of him at a distance of five steps. The driver turns away from the players and names any color. Participants must find this color in their clothes, and holding on to it, they can freely switch to the other side. The one who does not have this color must run across so that he does not get caught. Whoever gets caught becomes the driver.

Squirrels - arrows

(Someone mistakenly, or maybe correctly, calls this game "Cossacks-robbers") Players are divided into two teams, the "shooters" are given time to hide and then the chase begins, the search is carried out on the trail-arrows placed by the "shooters" cornering, and maybe more often. Once the last "arrow" is found and caught, the teams switch roles.


Jumping over each other in a chain, "Brook" is also known to everyone and is more suitable for folk dances (IMHO).

Above the legs from the earth

The players run up and settle down so that their feet do not touch the ground (they sit down, hang on trees, etc.) your location.


D variant of the salted (tag), the salted one clings to the water and together they salat the next one, the last salted player becomes the driver.

Pike 2

Another version of this game, but the hardened ones freeze in place, opening their hands, they can be disenchanted again if the driver allows other players to see them, the last one becomes the driver salted.

Grandfather water

Everyone stands in a circle and walks around, driving with closed eyes: "Grandfather Waterman, why are you sitting under water! Come out for a minute! Let's play a joke!" After that, the merman gets up and chooses any player at random, touches it and tries to guess who it is. If guessed, then guessed, becomes "Water".

Third wheel

"Players stand in a circle two by two (one after the other), the driver runs after one of the free players along the outer circle, without crossing it, the player can stand in front of one of the pairs and then the one who turns out to be the third and stands with his back to the border of the circle will have to run away. The soldier becomes the driver.

They sat on the golden porch

The driver spins in place and spins around him with jump ropes (if they are long, it is better to fold them in half), saying (for each turn by word): “On the golden porch sat a king, a queen, a king, a queen, a cook, a tailor, ... (I don’t remember further, but it rarely came to that, if you come up with it yourself :) So, the players around should jump over the rope, whoever does not have time, he leads and until the next mistake is called the word on which he got entangled in the rope.


The cannibal sits with his eyes closed and everyone touches him in turn, the one whom he manages to grab by the hand becomes a "cannibal".


Two teams are playing: the "elephants" stand up in a chain, holding each other in a bent state, the riders jump on them and the "elephant" tries to walk with this burden.

Ball game

The key phrase is Squirrel, but you can invent it yourself, girls usually play it. In turn, hitting the ball against the wall, they jump over the ball that bounced to the ground, if the jump fails, the player is given a name for the next word of the key phrase. As soon as the phrase ends, the player is eliminated from the game.


The players stand in a circle, lead a round dance around the Leading ("king") with the words: - The _King_ walked through the forest, through the forest, through the forest, I found myself a princess, princess, princess, (the king chooses a princess from a round dance) Let's jump with you, jump , we jump, (all the specified actions are performed) And we kick up with our legs, we kick up, we kick up, And we stomp with our legs, we drown, we drown, And we pat, pat, pat, shake our hands, and start again ... (it is better to choose a princess with closed eyes)

Fight of roosters

The number of players is 20 - 40 people.

Preparation. Distribute the guys in pairs according to their capabilities. In each pair, the players stand opposite each other, one leg bent, hands behind their backs.

Description of the game. According to the signals, the players try to unbalance the opponent by pushing their shoulders, forcing him to stand on both legs.

Rules. 1. Do not push with your hands.

2. you cannot change legs without a command.

The pedagogical significance of the game. This is a game of resistance. It contributes to the development of strength, agility, speed of reaction.


The game involves teams of 4 - 5 people each. Children stand in ranks opposite each other and learn to weave a wattle fence. To do this, cross your arms in front of you and connect your right hand with the left hand of the neighbor on the left, and the left with the right hand of the neighbor on the right. Both ranks, hands down, go towards each other with the words:

One two three four,

The order must be obeyed.

Of course not in the whole world

Friendship is better than ours!

After that, the children disperse or scatter across the veranda. At the signal of an adult, they should stand in ranks and form a wattle fence. The first line to take action wins.

Who's flying?

The players and the leader stand in a circle. An adult says, for example, the following words: "The starling is flying!" - and raises his hands up, children do the same. After several repetitions, he suddenly says again: "The bear is flying!" If one of the players raised his hands at the same time, he lost, takes a step out of the circle.

Catch and Throw

Children stand in a circle, an adult in the center. He tosses the ball and catches it back, saying: "Catch it, throw it, don't let it fall." The text is said slowly in order to catch and throw the ball. The distance gradually increases: from! up to 2 m and more. For older children with good fishing skills, invite them to name words of the opposite meaning. For example, one child, throwing the ball, says "narrow", the caught, throwing the ball to another, calls the word of the opposite meaning - "wide", etc.

Traffic lights

The participants in the game must be very attentive. When the presenter says green, the guys should stamp their feet; when the color is yellow - clap your hands. When the color is red, silence.

Make a figure

Children run, jump all over the court, and one child - the judge - stands aside. At the signal of the counselor "One, two, three!" all children stop and make a "figure". The judge examines all the "figures", chooses the one that he likes, and this child becomes the judge.Rules. The players stop at the signal and each time draw a new "figure". The judge, when choosing a "figure", must evaluate a beautifully and accurately executed movement.

Stand still

The players form a circle. The driver walks inside the circle and, stopping in front of someone, says loudly: "Hands!" The one to whom he turned should stand still, and his neighbors should raise their hands: the neighbor on the right - the left, the neighbor on the left - the right. Whoever makes a mistake, raises the wrong hand, or barks, he replaces the leader.

Chut - Gut

5-6 children play. They stand in one line at the line. Each of them should have a stick 60 - 70 cm long. At the signal of the counselor, the players, one after the other, begin to throw their sticks, trying to make them fly as far as possible (but in the same direction). The one whose stick falls the closest must run forward, collect all the thrown sticks and bring them back, but at the same time he must continuously repeat: "Chut - gut", "Chut - gut" (until all the sticks are returned to their owners).

Then the game is repeated. The one who turns out to be the most awkward 3 times in a row and whose stick is closest to everyone, is eliminated from the game.

The statue.

It is better to play this game with a big ball. Players stand in a circle and toss the ball to each other. Whoever does not catch the ball is punished: he will have to continue the game while standing on one leg. If in this position he manages to catch the ball, then the penalty is removed. If he misses the ball again, he will have to kneel down and try to catch the ball in that position. On the third mistake, the unlucky player drops to both knees. If he manages to catch the ball, everything is forgiven. On the fourth error, the player leaves the game;


This is a game of great mobility. It develops a quick reaction and an eye in the child. In addition, the game has a cognitive value. Children train in counting, develop memory, remember the names of the city!

A large circle is drawn on the ground. Everyone stands in a circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city.

The host throws the ball up and names a city. The player whose city he named must catch the ball. If he caught it, then, in turn, he can also throw the ball up and name any city. And if he didn't catch, then all the players scatter in different directions while he catches up with the ball. When the player grabs the ball, he shouts: "Stop!" And then all the "cities" freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any city and determines by eye how many kilometers it is. Every kilometer is a step.

Goes to him and counts the steps. If, after the named number of steps, he can reach the player with a hand, he becomes a city, and the player becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.


You are running away from the leader, and he must resent you. Whoever he caught, he must take the leader by the hands to catch the rest. This continues until everyone is caught.

Day and night

Across the site or hall, in the middle, two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1-1.5 from one another. On both sides of them at 10 - 15 m. Parallel to them are lines of "houses", "day" "night".

Everyone who wants to play is divided into two teams: one of them is "night", the other is "day". Both teams line up at their midlines. Moreover, the players of one and the other turn to face their "houses * ie backs to each other,

In the very center of the site is the leader. He suddenly gives "Day!" After this signal, the players of the team run away to their "home" at night, and the players of the team "day" try to catch up with them and beat them down. The salted go to the "day" team. The leader again gives a signal: "Day!" or "Night", trying to strictly alternate the names of the teams so that they are unexpected for the players. In order to distract the attention of the players and somehow diversify, to lead before the signal can offer them on their toes, raise their hands up or forward, sit down, etc. Then suddenly say: "Night" or "Day!" Rules:

1. It is forbidden to run into your house before the leader gives a signal. 2. The players can build "facing the leader (sideways to each other).


The players join hands and form a long "chain" or "snake". At the head of the "chain" is the strongest player who, while running, pulls the rest. He runs in different directions, describing various figures, passes under the hands of his comrades who make up the "chain", and braids everyone. Sometimes it stops and whirls in place, twisting the whole "chain" around itself. The twisted and twisted "chain" must be able to untangle, otherwise it loses the right to further leadership.

After doing several exercises with the "chain", the leader tries to break it with quick and unexpected turns. First, he pulls the "chain" in a straight direction, then suddenly turns sharply backward, from which the latter in the "chain" acquire such a rapid movement that they cannot keep from breaking away.

The player, through whose fault the "chain" was broken, leaves the game, and the "chain" is connected again. Ig] "" continues until only strong players remain in the "chain", which the leader cannot lose, no matter how fast and unexpected movements he does.

It's boring to sit like that

There are chairs along the opposite walls of the hall. Children sit on chairs near one wall. Read the rhyme:

It's boring, boring to sit like that. All to look at each other. Isn't it time to go for a run. And change places?

As soon as the rhyme is read, all the children run to the opposite wall and try to take free moves, which are one less than the participants in the game. Anyone who is left without a chair is eliminated. Then two chairs are removed. Everything is repeated until the winner takes the last remaining chair.

Sick cat


more than five people play

The course of the game. One player is a healthy cat trying to catch everyone else. Every player who is spotted must place his hand exactly where he was spotted. He also becomes a cat, but sick and helps a healthy cat when fishing. A sick cat can only stain with a healthy hand. The player who is not tainted wins. He becomes a healthy cat for the next round.

Thailand boxing

Two people in the ring blindfolded fighting
bags, on-bi-ty soft rags. There are various options: you can
give one a bell, and the other a bag - he hits the sound, a man with
bends away with a bell, you can give bags to both, and introduce two intermediaries -
they direct their players in short commands.

Relay race

The group is lined up in several columns. Each is preceded by a row of pins. The first person closes his eyes and tries to loop around them, and the group
tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty is that when everyone
groups begin to scream at the same time, to distinguish from the general noise of the team of their
groups are extremely problematic.


Two people in a circle are taking a log. Need to be pushed out by a log
an opponent from the circle.

Two rings

The group stands holding hands around the painted on zimle
rings. Inside this large ring is a small one. Human can
be only either outside the large ring, or inside the small one. Everyone's task is
force others to step on forbidden territory and at the same time hold on

Run in a bundle

You need to run the distance with your legs tied. It is possible in pairs or even several people.

American triangle

Everyone breaks into fours. Three form
triangle. The rest is the driving one. His task is to shower one of the triangle.
The task of the other two in triangles is to protect their comrade. Salt,
stretching your hand through the circle is impossible, you can only run around the triangle. When
the driver manages to grease, the salted one becomes the driver, gradually everything
change roles.

Sippin '


10 or more people play.

The course of the game. The participants in the game are divided into two equal groups. The players of each group hold onto each other and form one chain with the help of arms bent at the elbows. Ahead of the chain are stronger and more agile participants - "groovy". Standing against each other, "clockwork" also take each other by the arms bent at the elbows and pull each in his own direction, trying to either break the opponent's chain, or pull it over the intended line.

Rule. They start pulling exactly at the signal.


The number of participants is odd.

Participants stand in a row in pairs, hold hands, and raise their arms above their heads. It turns out like a "corridor". The remaining participant, grabbing the hand of any person standing in a pair, runs with him along the "corridor", and they stand together at the beginning. The participant left without a pair, in turn, does the same. During the game, each participant must change partners.


The host announces the dances. It can be any dance: slow or fast. You can dance in pairs or alone. Everyone starts dancing. The host has a hat. He puts it on the first participant he comes across. The most important thing is not to be left with the hat in your hands or on your head when the music stops. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the hat as soon as possible - put it on someone else. If a couple is dancing, you can put a hat on one of the dancers and pick up your partner. The one who remains in the hat becomes the leader.

Kite and Cludge

Two drivers are selected: "kite" and "klusha".

All other players become chickens. They line up in a column, one at a time, and hold on tightly to each other. The "kite" needs to drag the "chicken" away, and the "klush", spreading its arms to the sides, protects its offspring. The one whom the kite catches becomes naked.

Ball fight

The players are divided into two equal teams. Each team elects a captain. The playing area is limited by lines. The approximate dimensions of the site are 18x36 meters.

Team captains go to the middle of the site and stand opposite each other. All other players, placing themselves on the court, become pairs: one player - from one team, the second - from the other. The presenter tosses the ball between the captains, who are trying to catch it or pass it to one of their players. Having caught the ball, the player seeks to pass it to someone else on his team. Members of the other team bounce, intercept the ball from the opponents and pass it to their players. The task of all participants is to make ten passes in a row between their players. The team that succeeds earns a point and the game continues from the middle of the court. If the ball is intercepted by an opponent, the pass starts again.

They play for a set time: 10-15 minutes (or up to the indicated number of points - 10-20). The team that scored the most points or earlier scored the indicated number of points wins.

Rules of the game:

    You cannot snatch the ball, you can only intercept it on the fly or knock it out of your hands without pushing the opponent.

    If the ball overflows the field, the opposing team throws the ball from the place where it flew over the border.

    If two players touch the ball at the same time, play is stopped and the referee must throw a dropped ball between them.

    You cannot run more than three steps with the ball, but you can lead it by hitting the floor, like in basketball.

    If during the passes the player was rude (pulled out the ball, deliberately
    pushed the opponent) play is stopped and the ball is returned to the team

Black horse

The participants in the game choose a presenter. The facilitator's task is to "tarnish" all the players. To do this, all participants scatter in different directions, and the leader, catching up, touches the players' shoulders with a light touch. The one who has been "stained" freezes on the spot, spreads his arms to the sides and shouts: "Disenchant me, black horse!" So, the task of the leader is to "stain" all the players, the task of the players is to help each other out.

Fire brigade


10 or more people play.

Chairs according to the number of players are installed in a circle, backs inward. The players (firefighters) walk around these chairs to the sound of music (beats of a tambourine, drum). As soon as the music stops, the players must place a piece of clothing on the chair near which they stopped. Game continues. When each participant removes 3 objects (they are on different chairs), the alarm sounds: "Fire!" Players must quickly find their belongings and put them on. Whoever gets dressed the fastest is the winner.

One in a circle


5 or more people are playing.

Inventory: ball.

The course of the game. Players stand in a circle and toss a big light ball to each other until someone makes a mistake and drops it. This player enters the circle and stands in the middle. The players continue tossing the ball, but try not to be grabbed by the person in the center, and the ball hits him. If, nevertheless, the central player manages to catch the ball, then he can throw it at anyone. Whoever gets hit takes his place. The game becomes more interesting if it goes at a good pace and with a quick pass it is possible to make the person standing in the center turn and jump properly.

Capture the Flag

Game rules: Two teams are involved. The territory of the camp is conventionally divided into 2 equal halves (you can draw a line or designate landmarks). Each team hangs its flag in an accessible, conspicuous place. The task of both teams is to capture the enemy flag and carry it into their territory without being fired. In case of capture of the flag by several players, the flag is allowed to be transferred.

The flag can be guarded by no more than three people, but not in the immediate vicinity of it, but at a distance (4-5 meters from the flag), i.e. in a circle with a radius of 4-5 meters, the guards have no right to influence (fire) the enemy if he is already inside this circle. The guards can only not let the invaders back when they try to leave the saving zone. Each team has a prison on its territory, where the captured (salted) players of the opposing team are taken. Salt can only be done on your own territory. In the prison, the prisoner is vigilantly guarded, but he can free himself if a player from his team sneaks into the prison and touches him. In this case, they freely return to their territory, and no one can foul them.

Big hunt

Rules of the game; The camp is divided into three or four teams. The task of each is to collect a sufficient number (for example, 50) toothpicks or any other small identical objects. Some counselors have toothpicks, but none of the teams knows which ones. The players themselves have to find out this. these counselors do not give themselves away, try to be inconspicuous or even disguise themselves. Among the counselors there are also "killers" whose task is to take the participant out of the game by drawing a strip on the open area of ​​his body.

An injured player has no right to look for toothpicks until he runs to the base and is "cured". At the base, he is healed by crossing the black stripe with red. After that, he continues to collect toothpicks. The team that has collected the required number of toothpicks receives a plan (all teams receive this plan after collecting the required number of toothpicks), using which they are first given the opportunity to find a real camp treasure - a box of sweets.


Preparation: the players form two circles. The inner circle, holding hands, moves to one side, the outer to the other.

The content of the game: at the signal of the leader, both circles stop, those standing in the inner circle raise their hands, forming a gate. Others run into the circle, passing under the gate, then run out of it. Suddenly, the leader gives the next command, and the players of the inner circle sharply lower their hands down. Those who find themselves inside the circle are considered trapped. They join those in the inner circle and join hands. The game repeats and continues until then. until three players remain in the outer circle, who will be the winners. Rules of the game: 1 - the game starts at the sign of the leader and in the given directions 2 - the caught players stand in the inner circle,


All players stand in a circle at a distance of at least 2 meters from each other, one of the players receives the ball and passes it to the other, the third, etc. round. The transmission speed gradually increases. Each player tries to catch the ball.

Law of the Game: A player who missed the ball or threw it incorrectly is out of the game. The one who remains the last wins.

Owl and birds

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a tit, a goose, a crane, etc. The players choose an owl. He goes to his "nest, and those who play quietly, so as not to hear the owl, come up with what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop and crouch. Each player imitates the cry and movements of the bird that he has chosen.

To the signal "Owl!" all birds try to quickly set a place in their house. If the owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an eagle owl.

Right-handed game. Bird houses and the eagle owl house must be located on a dais. The birds fly away to the nest on a signal or as soon as the owl catches one of them.

Cat and mouse

The players (no more than five pairs) stand in two rows facing each other, hold hands, forming a small passage - a hole. In one row there are cats, in the other - mice. The first pair starts the game: the cat catches the mouse, and the mouse runs around the players. At a dangerous moment, the mouse can hide in the corridor formed by the players' clasped hands. As soon as the cat has caught the mouse, the players line up. The second pair starts the game. The game continues until the cats catch all the mice. Rules of the game. The cat must not run into the hole. The cat and mice should not run far from the burrow.


The players choose the driver - the tag. Everyone scatters around the site, and the tag catches them. Rules of the game. The one whom the tag touches with the hand becomes the tag.


1. Fifteen, feet off the ground. The player can escape from the tag if he stands on some object

2. Fifteen - bunnies. Fifteen can only stain a running player, but the last one should jump on two legs / one leg - he is safe.

3. Fifteen with a house. Two circles are drawn along the edges of the site; these are houses. One of the players is a tag, he is catching up with the participants in the game. The persecuted can escape from the tag in the house, since it is impossible to spot the spot in the circle. If the tag touches one of the players with his hand, he becomes a tag.

4. Fifteen with a name. All the players, except for the tag, choose for themselves the names of flowers, birds, animals, the tag does not stain the one who named himself in time (for example, a fox).

5. Circular tags. The participants in the game stand in a circle at a distance of one step. Each place is marked with a circle. Two drivers stand at some distance from each other, one of them is a tag, he is catching up with the second player. If the runner sees that the tag is catching up with him, he asks for help from the players who are standing still, calling one of them by name. The named player leaves his place and runs in a circle, the tag catches up with him. The free space is occupied by the player who started the game. A free circle, if it has time, can take a tag, then the one who is left without a place becomes a tag. The game continues, the fifteen catches up with the player who left the circle.

Ball up

The participants of the game stand in a circle, the driver goes to the middle of the circle and throws the ball upward with all his might, while calling the name of one of the players. Those who play together with the driver scatter in different directions. The player whose name has been announced, as soon as he catches the thrown ball, must shout “Stop!”. At this signal, the players should stop. And the new driver must hit one of the players with the ball, taking three large steps from the place from where the ball was thrown. If he hits, then the saddled player becomes the driver, if the ket, then he drives again.

Flashing lights

Some of the participants in the game take chairs arranged in a circle, while one chair must remain free. The other players stand one by one behind the participants sitting on chairs. Anyone who is behind the back of an empty chair must wink at one of the players sitting on the chair, and the latter, in turn, can take an empty seat. It is important for the rest of the participants behind the chairs to keep the players in the chairs.

Four forces

The players stand in a circle, in the middle of it is the leader. He throws the ball to someone from the players, while pronouncing one of four words: “earth”, “fire”, “water”, “air”. If “land” is said, the person who caught the ball must quickly name a domestic or wild animal. At the word “water,” the player calls a fish. When the word "air" sounds, the player must name the bird. At the word “fire,” everyone needs to turn around several times, waving their hands. Then the ball is returned to the driver. The one who made a mistake is out of the game


Players are placed in a circle and are settled in numerical order. The presenter, being in the center, calls any two numbers. The players who got these numbers must hit on the knees, adding: "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - and swap places quickly. The presenter seeks to take the place of one of the players. The participant left without a seat becomes the leader.


The players stand in a circle, the driver - in the center, the music turns on, and the driver begins to dance, and the players must repeat all of his movements. At the same time, the driver tries to unexpectedly and imperceptibly step on someone's foot, and the players must try to dodge. Those who did not succeed become the driver, and the game starts over.


The presenter is in the middle of the room, makes various movements with a request to repeat them. The players repeat the movements only if the presenter adds "please" to his request. Whoever makes a mistake and repeats the movement, when “please” is not pronounced, is out of the game.

Unusual relay

The participants are divided into two teams. At the command of the leader, the teams perform the following tasks: (everyone decides how to run. No need to look around - there is no single correct solution. Go ahead!)

    run in a triangle! No, not in a triangle, but in a triangle. How do triangles run?

    Now, in the other direction, they ran with a dotted line!

    They ran in squares, in a slanting ruler, in a column, soft-boiled. The team that first and originally completed the tasks wins.

    completed the tasks.

Bear in the forest.

Preparation: The driver is chosen - a bear, he stands in the corner of the site - a den. The rest of the players are children. They stand on the other side of the playground in their house. The space between children and the bear - bor
Game: Children go to the forest for mushrooms and berries, gradually approaching the bear. While collecting gifts, the children amicably say: At the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
And the bear is sitting
And growls at us
Only after the last words does the bear, which pretended to be asleep, wake up and run to the children, and they quickly scatter in different directions from the bear. The task of the latter is to catch one of the children. Caught, becomes a bear and goes to the den.


Preparation: A circle with a diameter of 1 meter is indicated. They choose the Poultry Catcher and the Sparrow, all the other members of the bird: pigeons, titmice, ducks, etc. The sparrow sits in the center of the circle, in a cage. The birdman walks around the cage, protecting the captive from the attack of birds, which try to touch the sparrow with their hands in order to free him. Whom the Birdman bruises, he is considered caught and sits in a cage. If the Poultry Catcher does not manage to resent anyone for a long time, then a new driver is chosen. Winner: Birder if all birds are caught.

Outdoor games for the summer camp.

"Sly Fox"

You can play with any group of children, but the optimal number is 6-10 people. At the beginning of the game, the children stand with their faces in a circle, with their hands behind their backs. An adult or a driver from among the children walks behind the circle and imperceptibly touches the hand of one of the children. The one touched by the driver immediately becomes “ a sly fox. "

After that, the driver chooses one of the guys and invites him to look at the faces of his friends and guess who is the "sly fox". If this player did not guess right away, then all the children in unison ask:

Sly fox, where are you ?!»

and look at each other's faces, trying to guess and find the cheat.

If the fox is guessed correctly, the game starts over. If the fox still managed to escape, then after three questions asked, she replies:

I'm here!!!

and runs to catch the guys. All are scattered. After 3 children caught and salted, the game ends and everything starts all over again.

Cheerful little train

The detachment is in a circle. The counselor invites the boy and the girl to go to the center - they will be driving (funny trains), and all the guys around - trailers. The counselor asks to give the drivers their names. On command, the trains run up to any trailer and say: "Hello, I'm a funny little train, but who are you?" "Trailer" calls his name, for example Denis, after which the driver waves his hands to the right and left five times, pronouncing the name of the trailer for each movement: "Denis, Denis, Denis!" Then the engine says: "Come with me!" To which the trailer must raise and lower its right hand, while saying: "Tu-tu, tu-tu." After that, the locomotive takes the wagon by the hand, which now becomes the driver, and they go on to get acquainted with the guys. At the end of the game, the counselor announces the winner of the funny little train that has collected the most trailers.


Players (from 3 people) enter the water. In order to play comfortably, you need a fairly large area with a depth of about chest-deep or a little deeper. The participation of an adult is highly desirable and his observation of children in the water is obligatory!

In the beginning, as in any other tag, it is selecteddriving ... How in ordinary he must catch up with and beat the players. But at the same time, one essential rule applies: if the player dives and is under water, then the driver must dive and shower him under water. The player chased by the driver can run away from him, swim away and dive. In addition, it can splash into the driver. But, of course, everyone is forbidden to run out of the water onto the shore during the game.

In addition, the usual precautions for playing in water apply: Do not push, drown or hold players underwater.

The player who is salted by the driver becomes the driver. But he cannot immediately grease the former driver.

Santiki - Fantiki - Limpopo

The counselor chooses the driver and asks him to go to the center, say loudly his name (for example, the driver's name is Petya). Then the counselor asks Petya to close his eyes and, so that he does not see, silently chooses the second driver. Petya opens his eyes. The guys begin to utter the same phrase: "Santiki - Fantiki - Limpopo", while everyone crouches a little and makes movements with their hands, as if they were screwing in flashlights. The second driver, whom Petya does not know about, but the guys know, begins to come up with new movements - to squat, like in physical education, or jump like a ball. All the other guys repeat the steps for the second driver. Petya's task is to determine who the detachment is following the movements, and to show who was the leader in the circle. If he succeeds, then the second driver goes to the center, calls his name, closes his eyes, and the counselor chooses a new player who will set the movement.

The tiger is walking

The counselor announces that the driver is a tiger and invites him to hide in a burrow (exit the circle). When the tiger leaves, the counselor says to the detachment: "We went for a walk in the clearing." After these words, all the guys depict how they walk around the clearing - somersaults, picking flowers, catching butterflies. When the fun is in full swing, the counselor shouts: "The tiger is coming!" All guys should freeze and not move. The tiger appears. He approaches the players and with his growl tries to cheer them up, make them move. The tiger is not allowed to touch the guys. Guys who start to laugh, move, drop out of the game. And whoever does not make the slightest movement are declared the winners. Then a new tiger is selected.

Earth, water, fire, air

A very funny collective ball game, develops attentiveness in children.

Description of the game

All players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle. The driver throws the ball to any player, while uttering one of four words: earth, water, fire or air.

At the word "earth" the one to whom the ball was thrown must name any animal, "water" - any fish, "air" - a bird, and at the word "fire" everyone waves their hands. The player who made a mistake is eliminated.

Rules of the game

  1. All players stand in a circle, the driver stands in the middle.
  2. The driver throws the ball to any player, while uttering one of four words: earth, water, fire or air.
  3. At the word earth, the one to whom the ball was thrown must name any animal, water - any fish, air - a bird, and at the word fire - everyone waves their hands.
  4. The player who made a mistake is eliminated.

Dwarfs and giants

The host explains to the players the rules of the game.

When he says the word "dwarfs" - everyone should sit down, because dwarfs are small. He must pronounce this word in a thin voice.

When he says the word "giants," in a rough voice, everyone should stand up and put their hands up.

The host announces: "Guys, remember, the correct commands are" dwarfs "and" giants. "You should not react to other commands." And he says the aforementioned commands, and also "Stand up", "Sit down", "Raise your hands up", all mixed up. Those who execute the wrong commands are eliminated. The winner is the one who makes the least mistakes.


With the help of a counting board,driving , the rest of the players form a circle. It is advisable to mark the center of the circle with chalk. The driver takes the ball and stands in the center of the circle. The distance from the center of the circle to the rest of the players should be one or two steps.

The driver throws the ball high up and calls the nameany player from the circle. The named player must try to catch the ball. If he succeeds, the player becomes the new driver, and the former driver takes his place in the circle.

If the player did not manage to catch the ball and it fell, touching the ground, all playersscatter in different directions until the player picks up the ball and shouts "Shtander!" or just "Stop!". After that, all players freeze and the player, returning to the center of the circle, must hit any player with the ball. If he succeeds, the salted player becomes a new driver, if he doesn't hit anyone, he drives again.

Games for the children's school camp.

Competition "Who Can Count Better" The first comic competition game will tell you which team can count better. To do this, you need to create two groups of children, in which there will be 8 people. The guys line up, and numbers from 1 to 8 are attached to their backs, randomly. Children do not know what number they have on their back, but they can see the number of the player in front. The essence of the competition: line up as soon as possible so that the score is correct.

Competition "Artist, or like a chicken paw" You can also use creative contests in the camp for children. Here, for example, is an excellent competition that will help reveal a non-standard artist in a child. To do this, you need to take one person from each squad. The essence of the game: you need to draw a drawing (the same for everyone) using a pencil and feet (not hands!). For example, a house or a flower. Whoever does the best won.

Competition "Crocodile". It should also be remembered that competitions in the camp for children should also be very fun. So why not play good old Crocodile with the kids? To do this, you need to choose one person who will be the presenter. Children from different teams sit in front of the main player and try to guess what he is showing. In this case, the presenter should not use words or other sound prompts. The winner is the team that scores the most points for the entire competition. Each guess by a team member is 1 point.

Competition "Cooks" You also need to remember that competitions in the camp for children should also teach children something useful. This is exactly what this competition is. For him, children are divided into two teams, one of which "cooks" soup, the other - compote. That is, the participants must take turns calling vegetables or fruits. And so on, until one team knows what to say. Alternatively, it can be a captains' competition, where not a whole team will name vegetables and fruits, but only one person.

In search of treasures ... When choosing interesting contests for children in the camp, one must not forget to organize a game for the children called “In Search of Treasures”. To do this, you need to hide the treasure in a certain area and hang out hints that should help the players move forward. As a result, the winner is the team that found the treasure before the others. Attention: this competition also requires adults. After all, it is best to hide the treasure somewhere in the forest.

Animals... What other contests are there for children in the camp? Merry! So, you can just fool around. For this, the guys are divided into two teams. The players of one meow, the other grunts. Then everyone is blindfolded, the children are mixed with each other. Purpose of the game: with your eyes closed, find all members of your team, holding hands in a chain as a result.

The attentiveness competition is an individual competition .

That is, everyone here plays for himself. However, as a result, the winner can also represent the entire team. So, all the children stand in a row. When the leader says "sea" - everyone should jump forward, "land" - back. Also, the presenter can say "water", "river", "lake" and so on, that is, everything that refers to water. And the same with land. Variations: "shore", "earth", "sand". Those of the children who jump incorrectly are eliminated from the game. There should be one person who will bring the winning ball to his team.

Portrait. It often happens that you have to spend some time in the building. To do this, you need to have in reserve various contests for children, in the camp indoors which can be held without much difficulty. An excellent competition in this case is for the ability to draw. So, each player chooses a "victim", that is, the person he draws (from those present). Further, all other participants must guess who is depicted in the portrait. The winner is the one whose drawing is recognized by more people.

Prize. We consider further contests and games for children in the camp. So, you can ask the children to get the prize as soon as possible. That is, a large barn lock is hung on a drawer or cabinet. Children are given a bunch of keys, among which they need to find the right one as soon as possible. If there is no way to hide something interesting, you just need to ask the children to pick up the key to the lock.

Young sculptors. There are also very funny contests in the summer camp for children. For example, all the kids will definitely like the "Sculptor" game. The props here are simple: balls and scotch tape. From the inflated balloons, you need to glue a man or a woman so that it is as similar to the original as possible. Next, you will have to explain your creation, so that the most fun will be yet to come. games quiz contests for children in the camp

Sports competition "Marine" You can play this game in the gym, which, by the way, will be even better. Here - every man for himself. An admiral is chosen, that is, the commander-in-chief of the ship. He will give orders that players must obey.

"Starboard!" - all the kids run to the right wall.

"Left side!" - the guys run to the left wall.

"Korma" - children go to the back wall.

"Nose" - to the front.

"Set sail!" After this command, everyone should immediately stop and raise their hands.

"Scrubbing the deck!" In this case, all children pretend to wash the floor.

"Cannonball!" After this command, all children squat.

"The admiral is on board!" In this case, the children should freeze and "salute" the commander-in-chief.

Out of the game is the person who did the wrong command or was the last to run to the wall. And so on until one or more players remain.

Overwhelm the mammoth... This game is more suitable for junior squads. To do this, you need to imagine that the whole team is a tribe. The counselor chooses a mammoth, that is, the one who needs to be piled onto the nearest bed or mat. In principle, there can be no winners. But you can try to keep track of how long this or that mammoth will last. contests for children in the day camp.

Accuracy game... So, guys love the following fun, which also develops accuracy. To do this, put a plate of sand or flour on the stool. All children in turn should throw there, being at a certain distance, a coin or a bottle cap. The team with the most items in the bowl wins.

Games on paper. If there is no way to go outside and even to the gym, you can keep yourself busy with a very fun and simple game. To do this, all participants are given a piece of paper and a pen. One long word is chosen, from which the participants need to add many small ones. There can be two winners here. One - who has added the most words. Another is who of the longest word has put together the longest. You can also play the good old "Sea Battle". If it’s very boring What other contests can there be for children in the day camp? Why not start your day in a good mood? To do this, all the children sit in a row, and each says a compliment to his friend or wishes something good. It can also make you make a funny face. games contests for children in the summer camp

Make a mummy. The kids also really like the competition game., the purpose of which is to make a mummy out of a person using toilet paper. That is, you need to wrap the player so that he looks like her as much as possible. The winner is the one whose mummy the audience likes best. As a small conclusion, I would like to say that when choosing games, quizzes, contests for children in the camp, you need to take into account not only the age of the kids, but also their interests. After all, you need to work with different children in completely different ways. Someone needs more sports competitions, someone - fun, and someone - intellectual.

Road games 1, 2, 3, stop car. This game can be included in children's sports competitions for the study of road rules. The leading policeman stands with his back to the players and pronounces the words “One, two, three, stop car”. At this time, the players-cars go to the host. As soon as the policeman uttered the words, he quickly turns and looks who did not have time to stop. Penalties start their journey all over again. The presenter turns away again and says the words. He can stretch them or chatter. The players' task is to “reach” the presenter and touch him imperceptibly. Then the player becomes the leader, and the game starts over. contests for children 10 years old

Traffic lights. This game is similar to the previous one. Only the presenter stands facing the players and pronounces a traffic light color smoothly, quickly or in syllables. The players should stand motionless with the "red" (hands at the seams), with the "yellow" tilt the body forward, and with the "green" run to the leader. The first one to reach the leader will be the winner.

Conduct a squad champion competition using Russian tongue twisters. The one who makes a mistake, for example, three times, is eliminated from the competition. Tongue twisters can be written on separate pieces of paper. Participants draw sheets of paper, memorize it and repeat it aloud.

1.grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

2.two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two woodcutters

3.reported, but did not report it, but began to report it - reported it

4.In the field - horses trampled, dust flies across the field from the trampling of hooves

5. Arkhip osip, osip hoarse

6.Lucky Senka Sanka and Sonya on a sled

7.mow, scythe, while the dew, the dew away, and we are home

8.bristle - at the pig, scales at the pike

9.Margarita collected daisies on the mountain

lost Margarita daisies in the yard

10.Three woodcutters in three yards chop wood

11. a cat walks around, a mouse suddenly under the locker,

mouse suddenly under the chest

12.cap is sewn, but not in Kolpakov style, you need to repack the cap

12.our Polkan got into a trap

13.the water carrier was carrying water from the water supply

14.dear Mila washed herself with soap, lather,

washed away - this is how Mila washed

15. walks with a scythe goat scythe

16.not slippery at all, not slippery at all

17.the scythe goat with the goat left

18.hemp has five honey agarics again

19.from the trampling of hooves, dust flies across the field

20. Sasha sewed a hat to Sasha

21. I'll tell you about purchases, about cereals and about sub-pieces

22. I will tell you about purchases, about my purchases

23. grandfather Dodon played a pipe, grandfather touched Dimka with a pipe

24.Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying

25.Ships maneuvered, maneuvered, but not fished out

26.The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry

27. the wet weather is wet

28. Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers

29. put the coals in the corners, put the coals in the corners

30.the weaver weaves fabrics on Tanya's hat

31.the three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce

32.Baker Peter baked pies

33.Near the stake, the bells are ringing

34.Beaver is kind to beavers

35. do not talk over all tongue twisters, do not over-talk

36.the king is the eagle, the eagle is the king

37. Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole a clarinet from Karl

38.The painter Shurik interfered with the red lead

39.Sandro was dozing in the arboretum

40. Sasha collected a bag of drying.

Each participant is pinned with a pin on the back of any noun - giraffe, hippo, mountain eagle, bulldozer, bread slicer, rolling pin, etc.Everyone can read what the others are called, but, naturally, cannot read what he himself is called. The task of each participant is to find out from the others their new name. Participants can only answer "Yes" or "No" to questions.
The volunteer stands with his back to the rest of the game and closes his eyes. The players are positioned in a semicircle, one of them stretches out his hand and quickly touches the back of the leader. Once this has happened, the host can turn around. However, players are also at the ready. All of them, both the one who touched the back and those who have nothing to do with it, stretch their hand forward, making a sign that they are braking the car on the street. In this case, all the players, as one, declare: "I!", Meaning that it was they who touched the host's back. The task of the presenter is to determine who, after all, touched him. If the presenter guesses who played a trick on him, then he stands in a circle, exchanging places with the joker. And if not, then he suffers for the second, third, fourth time, until he catches the joker red-handed.

Undoubtedly, the organization of summer vacations is of great importance for children of primary school age. Every adult understands that the cold season, constant mental stress and the child's life within the walls of the house and school for 9 months greatly deplete the psychological, physical and emotional strength of elementary school children. Therefore, summer holidays are, first of all, a time for relaxation. However, in the summer, another, additional educational program should be implemented, which, in addition to mental rest and health improvement of children, would ensure the development of their self-determination, contribute to their creative self-realization, and would also provide them with social adaptation. That is why the most serious requirements are imposed on such health-improving and educational children's institutions of the summer type. Children's summer camps must solve a number of important and significant problems. Their activities are aimed, first of all, at the implementation of the positive socialization of children, as well as at their physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and moral development.

A special form of existence of all these aspects of human life is play. Play is the most important cognition and learning process for a child's development. Therefore, games for children in the summer camp do an excellent job with the tasks listed above, set for additional educational institutions of the summer camp type.

The child's age - 6-10 years - is the period when he is more or less independent. At this age, children are interested in the world around them and actively interact with their peers and with adults. They already know how to think critically, reason and build their thoughts. They have already formed basic life values ​​and skills. At this age, children are quite mobile, curious, open to communication and to assimilate new information. They are happy to agree to any experiments, to everything new and unusual. Therefore, outdoor games that teach collective interaction, develop reaction, strength, endurance, imagination, memory and dexterity are acceptable for children aged 6-10 years. Summer camp games for children are creative activities where they express their vision of life, they reveal their thoughts, dreams, aspirations and feelings. This is an independent activity of children, where they are united by a common goal and joint efforts. Therefore, individual and computer toys at this time fade into the background, freeing up the entire field of activity for active and plot-based role-playing games.

Scenarios of some games:

Games for children in the summer camp for the development of agility and reaction:

"Fishing rod".A group of children should stand in a circle. In the center of the circle is the leader, who, holding the end of the rope, twists it, and there is a tied ball on it. He must twist it so that the ball hits the rest of the players on the legs. They should also jump up and not let the ball hit their feet. Whoever hit the ball loses and leaves the game. And the winner is the last one remaining.

"Crow and Sparrows". A circle is drawn on the asphalt or scratched on the ground. The driver enters the center of the circle - he is a "crow". All the other children are behind the circle - they are "sparrows". The "sparrows" jump into a circle, and the "crow" catches them. The caught "sparrow" becomes a "black".

"Hold the ball."The guys in pairs stand in a circle about 1 meter in diameter. They take a balloon. And they hold him above them without the help of hands. They should blow on it without touching the line of the drawn circle and trying not to go beyond it. A pair of children wins, which will hold the ball longer.

Claps.All children have serial numbers. They stand in a circle, and then in turn clap their hands 2 times and knees 2 times. When a person claps his hands, he says his number, and when he hits his knees, he says any other number. The player whose number was named claps. If he didn’t react and didn’t have time to continue the game or called the number that was already said, he loses. Thus, the last two people are considered the winners.

Outdoor games for children in the summer camp for endurance and reaction development:

Bulldogs.This is a simple, but quite fluid and fun game. 2 Bulldogs are selected. They stand guard and catch all other players who must run from one side of the conditional field to the other side. If a child who tried to run is caught by a "bulldog", he himself becomes one. The game continues until the Bulldogs catch all the players. The latter wins.

"Homeless Hare". It is necessary to choose a "homeless hare" and a hunter. All other children are hares, which are each in their own house. A house is a circle drawn on the ground or on the asphalt. One hare is running, and the hunter is trying to catch up with him. A "homeless hare" can hide from a hunter in a house he likes. But the hare, into the house of which the "homeless" ran into, becomes one himself and he already runs away from the hunter. When the hunter finally catches the "stray hare", they switch roles and the game continues.

"Sardines".This game is something like hide and seek in reverse. First, one person hides, and everyone else is looking for him. Then the one who finds the first hides with him. And so everyone hides in one place, and the last one is considered a loser and then hides first.

"Empty place".All children stand in a circle, and one remains behind him. He is a driver who walks around and touches any person, which means a challenge to the competition. Both of them must run in opposite directions to each other, and having met, greet each other and run a race to take the vacant place.

Games for children in the summer camp to develop thinking and attention:

"Yes-no-ka"One of the children is the presenter. He asks a few simple questions that the rest of the participants must answer without using the words "Yes" and "No".

"Dispute".It is necessary to divide into 2 groups. Group 1 asserts and proves something. And the 2nd group confronts them and proves the opposite.

Games for children in the summer camp for the development of memory:

"I know five names." Children take turns hitting the ball on the ground and at the same time say: “I know five names, boys” - and list what names they know, with the words: one, two, and so on up to 5. You can increase to 10. And so in turn. Then, girls' names, cities, animals, plants and whatever. The one who pauses for a long time and cannot remember loses.

Children's play is not only an excellent means of entertainment for a child, but also a very important method of teaching and developing a baby. In the game, children learn something new, learn new skills, acquire new skills. Outdoor games are designed to physically develop children. We'll talk about these games now.

About the choice

When choosing mobile ones, you should approach this wisely. So, in this case, several very important factors must be taken into account.

  1. The age of the players. So, younger children need to choose games of less complexity, older children - more. However, it is worth remembering that any elements of the game, even if they do not correspond to the age of the participants, are often perceived without problems and complaints (that is, seventh-graders, as well as toddlers, will gladly clap their hands, but they will definitely not play bees to cute children's songs).
  2. Premises. So, it is very important when choosing a game to decide where all this will happen. Some games are only suitable for indoor use, some for outdoor use.
  3. Inventory. When preparing interesting outdoor games for children, it is important to take into account the fact that some of them may need special equipment - pins, balls, hoops, etc. You will need to stock up on these things first.


Having picked up funny outdoor games for children, the counselor in the camp should be able to correctly explain the rules so that it is clear to all participants. So, an adult can face the kids (therefore, it is best to place the children in a semicircle). The explanation itself should be clear, concise, understandable for everyone (for this you do not need to use specific words or terms, it should be told in a language accessible to children). If the rules are very complex, before starting the game, you can conduct a small rehearsal, which will clearly show and explain to the children all the nuances. Another very important point: the choice of a driver for entertainment. The main player must be cheerful, active, "infect" others with the game. Therefore, it is good if the driver is an active, cheerful child. However, it often happens that the drivers change during the game. In this case, in order not to offend anyone, it is best to resort to a counting rhyme. Example:

One, two, three, four, five,
We are going for a walk with you.
One two Three
You will be the driver in the game!

Whoever gets the counting finger at the very end will be the leader at the moment.

Treasure hunt game

So, we choose the most exciting outdoor games for children. In the camp, you can organize a game called "Treasure Hunt". This will definitely appeal to all children, regardless of age. Inventory that you will need: pointers (signs), you can also stock up on a small shovel (if the treasure is buried). So, if you want to entertain younger children with this game, there should be no more than 10 signs, but if the participants are high school or high school students, there can be much more signs. The essence of the event is that the players, divided into teams, need to find a previously hidden treasure (it can be a toy, candy, etc.). And to do this, you will need to follow the signs and, perhaps, even complete small tasks in order to find the next sign. The winning team receives a hidden treasure as a prize.

The game "hide and seek"

What other outdoor games are there for children? You can also play hide and seek in the camp, why not? So, this game is best played outdoors. It will take one child who will look for everyone. To do this, he closes his eyes and slowly recites the following count: “I count to five, I can’t until ten. One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look. Ready or not, here I come!" While the counting room is talking, the rest of the children must find a secluded place where the driver will not find them. If the main player finds someone, he must first run to the place where the countdown was pronounced and knock on it. And so on until the last player. The one who was found last won.

The game "Keen eye"

We look further on funny outdoor games for children. So, the guys can be offered a game called "Sharp Eye". However, there needs to be a place where children can hide. For example, behind the trees. In this case, the driver stands in the center of the clearing, other children hide behind the trunks. The essence of the entertainment is that you need to get as close as possible to the driver. To do this, you can move unnoticed, running from tree to tree. If the driver noticed a player, he calls him by name. If the name is named correctly, the player joins the driver and helps him to follow the other children, if not, the participant simply will not respond. The winner is the person who, at the end of the game, will be the closest to the driver.

Find the cubes game (for kids)

What other movable ones are there? So, the smallest can be entertained with a game called "Find the Cubes". Previously, the counselor must hide about a dozen cubes on the site. Players can be divided into two teams, and each participant can play for himself. The bottom line: each child must find as many blocks as possible. Whoever has the maximum number of them is the winner.

Fishing game

We look further on summer outdoor games for children. So, in the camp you can also play "Rybalka". To do this, on the asphalt, you first need to draw a small circle with a diameter of five meters, which will represent the sea. Two people are chosen as fishermen, who must hold hands at all times. At the command of the counselor, the fishermen run into the drawn water (drawn circle) and catch fish (other children) - one by one. To do this, the participants' hands must close around the caught fish. In this case, she goes over to the side of the fishermen, and the network is constantly growing. Purpose of the game: to remain the last fish.

Crocodile game

There are also active educational games for children. One of them is the well-known "Crocodile". So, for this you need a leader who will constantly change. The counselor whispers a word in his ear that he must show as clearly as possible. At the same time, one cannot say anything, one can only show: with the whole body. Whoever guesses the displayed word first becomes the leader. Etc. This game can be played indefinitely, because she doesn't get bored. It is suitable for children of middle and senior school age.

Game "Wolf and Hares"

We choose further outdoor games for children. You can also play Wolf and Hares in the camp. To do this, along the edge of the site, you need to draw a forest where hares can hide. The wolf is a kind of driver. He stands in the center of the site and, at the command of the counselor, begins to catch all the hares that run from one forest to another, located on the opposite side of the site. If the wolf touches the hare, it stops at the same place and becomes the wolf's assistant. To do this, he simply spreads his arms and blocks the way for other runaway hares. When most of the hares are already assistants, the counselor announces that they have all come to visit the wolf on the occasion of his birthday. Then the wolf is surrounded by children holding hands, singing songs to him, and the birthday boy dancing.

Game "The sea is worried"

There are also outdoor song games for children. However, some of them are entirely composed of small quatrains, and some are only partially. The well-known game "The sea is worried" can be an example. So, the presenter is chosen, who will pronounce the following text: “The sea is worried - once! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! The sea figure is in place - freeze! " At this time, the children are dancing, when the last word of the counting room has sounded, they should freeze in the form of sea figures. The leader must guess all the figures. Whose remains unsolved, he becomes the new leader.

The game "Owl"

As many children as possible can take part in this game. You will also need to choose a driver - an owl. When the counselor says "It's day on the street!", All the children who portray birds or spider worms jump, dance, have fun. At this time, the owl is sleeping. When the counselor says "Night has come, the owl goes hunting!", All the children freeze. The owl must find those who move or giggle. She takes these children outside the game, into her so-called nest.

Sport games

There are also outdoor games for 2 children. An example would be a variety of activities that may require sports equipment. So, it can be badminton, where the players must hit the shuttlecock with their rackets. You can also kick the ball, trying to score it into the opponent's goal. As an option - a game "Hot Potato" for two: a couple of guys will just throw the ball until one of the players drops it.

Game "Fashion Designer"

This game will require several pairs of participants (boy-girl). So, each couple is given a roll of toilet paper. The essence of the game: from this inventory, come up with and make the best costume for your partner. First, boys create designer dresses on girls, then girls make fashionable tailcoats on boys. The winner is the couple whose creativity surpasses the rest.

Game "Witch"

You can also offer the kids a game called "The Witch". However, there is nothing wrong with that. For the game, you will need a couple of participants, who must, riding on a broomstick, run past the set obstacles without catching any. The winner is the one who did not knock down any obstacles with a broom or knocked down the least number of them. As barriers, you can make small towns of sand or cubes.

Game "Chauffeur"

To do this, you will need the following inventory: glasses of water, trucks. Several participants are selected for the game. A rope must be attached to each machine, which will be wound around a stick. A glass of water is placed in the trailer of the truck. Purpose of the game: as quickly as possible to pull the machine towards you, winding the rope, and at the same time not to spill water. The winner is the participant who not only has the fastest car, but also has the maximum amount of water in the glass.

Game "Dancing"

Children, however, like most adults, are very fond of music. Why not host a game based on music? An excellent musical outdoor game for children - "Dancing". For this, the participants are divided into pairs, best of all - a boy-girl. A newspaper should be placed under the feet of each of them. When the music turns on, the couple dances on the newspaper without leaving it. After the music stops, you need to fold the newspaper in half. Then everything, again, is done according to the above scenario. The couple who will be able to dance on the smallest piece of newspaper without leaving it will win. At the same time, it is easy to establish very different rules: you can be allowed to take your partners in your arms, you can not, etc.

Game "Robot"

This game is suitable for two players. One of them will be a robot, the other a tester. Previously, the tester in the room (classroom) must hide the thing that the robot must find. In this case, the tester for commands the robot uses the following words: "forward", "backward", "right", "left", etc. The game ends when the robot finds the hidden thing.


You can also pick up various movable ones. One of them is "Boxing". So, this will require two people who will be boxers, as well as two balloons, which are given to each player. The essence of the game: you need to fight not with your hands, but with balls. The winner is the player who, in three rounds, retains his ball: does not burst it, does not let go of it. Another fun and pretty good competition for kids: the team needs to move apples from a full basket to an empty one. Which team has more apples - that one won. The prize for the winners is the same apples.

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