Saul which means in Dagestan. Dagestan-Russian dictionary. No, the natives of the North Caucasus are all different

Avars (self-name magIarulal) are one of the most numerous indigenous peoples of Dagestan. Avars inhabit mainly the mountainous regions of Dagestan. Outside of Dagestan, the Avars live in some regions of Azerbaijan (Zakatala and Belokan) and in certain villages of Georgia. In addition, speakers of the Avar language also live in some countries of the Middle East (in particular, there are up to 10 thousand Avars in Turkey alone). According to the 1989 census, the total number of Avars in the USSR was 604,292 people.

Avar language ( magIarul matzI) together with the closest related Ando-Tsez languages ​​belongs to the Nakh-Dagestan (otherwise - East Caucasian) group of Caucasian languages. The Avar language is also widely used by the Ando-Tsez peoples as a literary language.

Until 1928, the Avars, like other peoples of Dagestan, used a writing system created on the basis of Arabic script called "adjam". From 1928 to 1938, the Latin alphabet was used in Avar writing with some additional characters. Finally, in 1938, the current alphabet based on Russian graphics was adopted.

Currently, newspapers, magazines, translations of classics of fiction, original works of art are published in the Avar language, radio, television and theater work.

* * *

This phrasebook consists of thematically united sections, each of which is devoted to a specific topic and includes the most common words and expressions in everyday communication, as well as the necessary minimum vocabulary and reference materials. This will help anyone who speaks Russian to build their conversation with the interlocutor using the most elementary phrases that have already taken shape in the Avar language. Of course, it is not designed for people who are going to fully learn the Avar language, because the phrasebook provides elementary forms of the spoken language of interlocutors in certain situations: at a party, on the street, in a store, in a theater, etc.

To create convenience when using the Russian-Avar phrasebook, capital words are highlighted. Such a construction of sections and the “List of headwords” placed at the beginning in alphabetical order of the Russian language with page indications are intended to facilitate and speed up the search for the necessary words and phrases in the phrase book. A short Russian-Avar dictionary is also built in alphabetical order of the Russian language. Substituting words from the given situational-thematic lists and the dictionary into phrases, you can vary the sentences given in the phrase book, thereby significantly expanding the possibilities of communication. True, it must be remembered that the word order in the sentences of the Russian and Avar languages ​​does not always coincide, and therefore, when building a new phrase, one should pay attention to the place of the replaced word in the given sample and place the new word in the same place. When using a phrasebook, it should be borne in mind that not all expressions of the Russian and Avar parts are in literal correspondence, since the author sought to convey only a situational correspondence.
* * *

When using a phrase book, one must keep in mind that using the letters of the Russian alphabet it is impossible to convey all the features of the Avar pronunciation. Therefore, for a more or less correct assimilation of specific Avar sounds (the explanation of which in the transcription is simplified for practical reasons), it is necessary to carefully listen to the Avar speech.

Regarding the Avar alphabet, based on the Russian graphic basis, it should be remembered that there are double letters in it, which have their own specifics, namely: gb, gb, gI, kb, kb, kI, lb, tI, xb, xb, xI, cI, hI- only 13 characters. They (with the exception of I) are the usual characters of the Russian alphabet, which are used as the main letters in the Avar alphabet. H with the addition of second signs to them ( b, b, i) the main letters denote specific Avar sounds, which need to be explained.

The so-called specific Caucasian sounds (abruptive or stop-laryngeal consonants) are indicated in writing by the combination k, t, c, h with Roman unit (stick): kI, tI, tsI, chI(kIul- key, tIor- ear, cIa- fire, chIor- arrow). When pronouncing them, the organs of speech take the same starting position as when pronouncing k, t, c, h. But at the same time, the tongue is pressed closer to the posterior palate, forming a more energetic shutter. At the same time, the pressure of the outgoing air increases to the maximum. It produces a sharp clicking sound with a supraglottic explosion.

gh- corresponds to the German h (in the word haben - have). Examples: gyan - meat, gjogyen - cool.

xx- pronounced softly X, but with a big wheeze (in the word Houston). Examples: hag - boiler, rechied - herd.

хъ- formed in the larynx. To pronounce хъ try saying the guttural a few times kx, and lingering, you get a long wheezing sound. Examples: hosh - hut, rax - channel.

to- also formed in the larynx. Try again several times to pronounce the drawl of the guttural kx. Then, uttering another drawl kx, suddenly close your larynx completely and break through this closure with the force of trapped air. You will get a sharp, guttural sound with a “creak”, in other words, “wheezing” kx with an explosion. Examples: ko - day, tank- Sun.

l- one of the specific side sounds. Pronounced roughly like aphids. l This l without a voice, with a breath. Examples: ralad - sea, Nile - sickle.

ky- when pronouncing this sound, an extremely narrow, intensely vibrating gap is formed. Consists of a side aphids with a characteristic "creak". The location of the lateral slit ky is located deeper - in the region of the posterior molars. Examples: kyo - bridge, mikgo - eight.

gj- reads close to Ukrainian G, but with a deeper guttural pronunciation. close to burry R. Examples: gvetI - tree, tiaghur - a cap.

gI- guttural voiced fricative. Articulation is associated with tension at the site of fissure formation. Corresponds to Arabic " ain". Examples: geech- apple, ragii - word.

xI- guttural deaf fricative. Articulation is associated with tension at the site of fissure formation with free exhalation. Examples: xIan - cheese, maxI - smell.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the Avar w, w, l pronounced softer than in Russian ( rages - garlic, shagyar - city, mali - ladder).

X- more “rough” than in Russian, pronounced with a big “wheeze” ( halicha - carpet)

V- reads like English w ( varani - camel).

e- like Russian e ( kIert - foal, mesed - gold).

In all positions, vowels sound equally distinct.

In addition, when using a phrase book, you should remember:

1. In the Avar language there is no category of grammatical gender. On the other hand, the category of the grammatical class, which is manifested in all parts of speech, is widely represented in it. Many lexical and grammatical meanings are associated with it. Grammatical classes do not coincide with the genders of nouns in Russian. Each class has its own special grammatical class indicator:

I class (class of men) - indicator V;

II class (class of women) - indicator th;

III class - indicator b.

The plural indicator for all classes is R or l.

The class indicator is a part of all adjectives, participles, most verbs and pronouns, many adverbs. It rarely occurs as part of a noun.

In class I men (indicator - V!) includes all males ( you « boy» , in-ac « Brother» , in-hugo « There is» );

In the II class of women (indicator - th!) includes all females ( y-as « girl» , y-as« sister» , yoke« There is» );

In grade III (indicator - b!) includes all words denoting or characterizing animals, inanimate objects, natural phenomena, etc. ( b-ac « wolf» , piri« lightning» , geech « apple» , cIar « Name» , b-hoo « have, have» , lyikIa-b « good» etc.).

The indicator of the plural of all classes, regardless of whether the word means men, women, animals or inanimate objects and phenomena, is R-, or at the end of adjectives and participles -l (p-hugo « have, have» , r-achIana« came» , lyikIa-l « good», wasa-l« boys» , yasa-l « girls» , cIalara-l« those who have read».

Class indicators are a means of expressing the connection of words in a sentence. So, the definition is consistent with the defined word in terms of class and number, which is manifested in a change in the class indicator depending on the semantics, for example:

bercina-in-as« a handsome boy» ;

bertsina jar« beautiful girl» ;

bercina-b chu« a beautiful horse» ;

bercina-l limal « beautiful children» .

2. The plural of nouns is usually formed by adding the following endings:

-al (was-al« boys» , gIoral « rivers» );

-bi (tsa-bi « teeth» , mina-bi« building» );

-str (gIund-str « ears» , bulld street « shovels» );

3. There is no polite form of address in the Avar language « You» . When addressing elders, the Avars use the form « You» .

4. The adjective in the Avar language is always placed in front of the noun it defines and agrees with it in class and number (lyikIa-v-as « good boy» , lyikia-th jar« good girl» , lyikIa-b chu« good horse» , lyikIa-l lima-l« good kids» etc.).
* * *

The phrasebook is not designed for people who want to make a complete conversation in the Avar language. For complete assimilation of the language after mastering this material, those who wish can proceed to the study of other available aids (textbooks, books for reading, tutorials and etc.).



a be ve ge ge ge ge ge de

e yo zhe ze and y ka kaa

kye kIa el el em en o pe

er es te te u ef ha ha

xa xIa tse tse che chIe sha sha
b y b e yu i

er er er er yu i

Avar cuisine - MagIarulazul quen-tIeh

Bus - Bus

Car - Car

Address - Address

Pharmacy - Pharmacy

Aul - Rosu

Library - Library

Gratitude - Barkala

Household services
Age - GIel

Questions - Sualal

Doctor - Tokhtur

Dentist - GIusazul tokhturasuh

Eye doctor - Berazul tokhturasuh

Time - Zaman

Seasons - LaagIalil zamanabi

Temporary concepts - Zamanalul bayanal

Exhibition - Exhibition
Newspaper - Newspaper

Verbs - Verb

Year - Sleep, laagIel

City - Shagar

Guests - Gyalbal
Money - GIaratz

Days of the week - Ankyil koyal

House - Ruk

Houses - Roquiob

Friendship - Gyudullii
Railway - Mahhool nuh

Female names - Ruchchabazul tsIaral

Animals - KhIivanal

Wild animals - GIalhul khIayvanal

Pets - Rukalul xIayvanal

Magazines - Magazine

Health - Sahlya

Acquaintance - Lai-hwai

Knowledge of languages ​​- MatsIal lai
Learning Languages ​​- MatzIal Lazari

Personal names - Hasal tsIaral

Nouns - Subject tsIaral

Art - Art

Cinema - Cinema

Class - Class

Climate - Climate

Bookshop - Tiahazul tukada

Concert - Concert

Cultural goods - Cultural goods

Kitchen - Bogoruk
Personal data - Napsial xIuzhzhabi

Love - Rocky

Store - Tuken

Mathematical actions - XIisabalul gIamalal

Measure - Roczen

Pronouns - TsIarubakIal

Months - Mocial

Male names - Bihyinazul tsIaral

Museums - Museum
Inscriptions - TIadhyvayal

Adverbs - adverb

People - Hulk

Insects - ХIutI-humur

Science - GIelmu

Nationality - Millat

Like - RekIee gIese, bokhize
Education - Lai-kyei

Appeal - HitIab

Shoes - Hytal

Custom - GIadat

Garden - PastIan

Clothing - RetIel

Approval - TIad recey

Optics - Optics

The human body - GIadamasul lag-cherkh

Answers - Zhavabal

Recreation - XIalhyi ghabi

Refusal - NahchIvay

Vacation - Vacation
Fee - Fly

Weather - Gyava-bak

Congratulations - Barki

Post - Post

Holidays - Holiday

Greeting - Salam kyi

Invitation - AhIi (gyobollyukhye)

Adjectives - Adjective

Nature - TIabigIat

Grocery store - Quen-tIehalul touken

Industry - Industry

Request - Gyari

Birds - XIanchIi

Farewell - K'o-meh lyikI ghabi

Travel - Sapar
Work - XIaltIi

Radio - Radio

Joy - Rohel

Talking on the phone - Telephonal kIalai

Family Relations

Pisces - ChchugIbi

Market - Bazaar
Garden - Ah

Airplane - Airplane

Family - Khizan

Condolence - Zigara Bai

Consent - Razily

Regret - RekIeklyi

Sympathy - RakIgurhIi

Specialty - Makhshel

Sports - Sports

Account - RikIkIen


Theater - Theater

Television - Television

Telegraph - Telegraph

Phone - Phone

Temperature - Temperature

Fabric - Hham

Trade - Daran

Toast - L'lar borhi

Herbs - Khurdul

Transport - Transport

Tourism - Tourism

Lesson - Dars

Educational Institutions - TsIalul Idarabi

Colors - Kjeral

Flowers - TIugdul


Man - GIadan, insan

Numerals - RikIkIenal
School - School
Language - MacI

Comrade! - Gyalmag!

Comrade Suleymanov! - Gyalmag Suleymanov!

Comrades! - Gyalmagzabi!

Friends! - Gudulzabi!

Expensive! - Hiria V!

Expensive! - Hiria th!

Dear Dad! - Hiria V emen!

Dear mom! - GIaziza th ebel!

Dear! - XIurmatia V!

Dear! - XIurmatia th!

Dear comrades! - XIurmatia l gyalmagzabi!

Dear friends! - Hiriyal gyudulzabi!

My dear... - Dir hiriya V...

My dear... - Dir hiriya th...

My dear ones... - Dir hiriya l...

Brothers! - Vatsal!

Sisters! - Yatsal!

Buddies! - Gudulzabi!

Mother! - Baba!

Dad! - Yes Yes!

Father! - Emen!

Mother! - Ebel!

Girl! Young woman! - Yasa th!

Boy! - Vasa V!

Children! - Limal!

Uncle! - Daqi!

Aunt! - Hell! Uncacho!

Uncle Ali! - Giali-datsi!

Grandmother! - Kiodo! DakhIababa! KIubaba!

Grandfather! - KIudada! DahIadada!

Hey! -( to husband.) colloquial. - Le!

Hey! -( to wives.) colloquial. Yo!

Excuse me, would you say...? - TIasalugya, nuzhetsa (duca) bicinar...?

I'm sorry, you don't know...? - TIasalugya, need (duda) lalarish ...?

Excuse me, if I may... - TIasalugya, beguleb batani...

Tell me, if you can ... - Beguleb batani, bicep ...

Can I ask you something...? - Duda gyikize begylisch...?

May I ask you...? - Need gyikize runways...?

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugya, que quarigIun V-huh...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugya, que quarigIun th-yoke...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugya, que quarigIun b-huh...

Excuse me, I need ... - TIasalugya, que quarigIun R-huh...

Hello! Good morning! ( to husband.) - IN orcs!

Hello! Good morning! ( to wives.) - Y orcs!

Hello! R orcs!

Salaam Alaikum! (greeting) - Asalamualaikum!

Waalaikum salam! (answer) - WagIalaikum salam!

Hello! - Salam!

Welcome! ( to husband.) - Liik shvara V!

Welcome! ( to wives.) - Liik shvara th!

Welcome! ( pl. h.) - Liik shvara l!

Welcome back! ( to husband.) - LyikI V ussara V!

Glad to be in good health! ( to husband.) - LyikI V atara V!

Welcome back! ( to wives.) - LyikI th ussara th!

Glad to be in good health! ( to wives.) - LyikI I container th!

I am glad! - TsIak V ohara in in Hugo!

I am very happy! - TsIak th ohara th th yoke!

And I'm glad! - Dungi V ohara in in Hugo!

And I'm glad! - Dungi th ohara th th yoke!

How do you feel? - Shib hIal bugeb?

How are you? - Ish kin bugeb?

How are you doing? - Dur ish kin bugeb?

Thank you, good - Barkala, lyik bugo

How is your health? - Sahl'i kin bugeb?

Health is not bad - Sakhli kvesh gyechio

What's the news? - TsIiyab swag schib bugeb?

No news - TsIyab Khabar gyechIo

What's new? - TsIiyab zho shchib bugeb?

Nothing new - TsIiyab jo gyechio

How is the family? - Hyzan kin bugeb?

As children? - Limal kin rugel?

Thank you, not bad - Barkala, kvesh gyechIo

I am glad to meet you - Mun vihyialdasa dun voharav vugo

We are also glad to meet you - Mun vihyialdasa nizhgi roharal rugo
Goodbye! - Naha l'ikI rihagi!

Farewell)! - Ko-meh lyik!

Bon Voyage! - Nuh bitIagi! (1)

Nuhal ritiagi! (2)

Happy to stay! - Rokhalida tagi!

Be healthy! - Sahliyalda tagi!

Best wishes! ( pl. h.) - LyikIgo hand!

All the best! - LyikIgo tagi!

We'll see you again - Nil zhegi rihila

Don't forget us! - Lower kIochon toge!

Come (come) to us! - Burn racIa below!

Call us! - Nizhehye kIalai!

Write letters to us! - Nizhehye kagtal hwai!

I came to say goodbye to you - dun V achIana nuzhergun ko-meh lyikI gabize

Say hello to your husband - Salambitse rosasda

wife - chuzhuyalda

I wish you a good trip home! - Rokyore lyik shvagi!

Good night! - Sordo lyik!

(Answer) - Radal lyikI rihagi!

Good news! - Khabar lyikIab ragIagi!

It's time for me to go home husband.) - Die Rocoo V e ine fur schwana

(female) - Die Rocoo e ine fur schwana

Thank you, they are waiting for me - Barkala, dih ralagyun chIun rugo

Well, we're off! - Gah, lower anakha!

Goodbye, come (come) to us again! - Ko-meh lyik I, racha burn lower!

Say hello to you - Nuzherazda salam bitse

Thank you bye! - Barkala, ko-meh lyik!

Thanks for all! - Kinalukhgo barkal!

I have a request to you... - Dir dudehun gyari bugo...

A small request... - GyitIinabgo gyari bugo...

Tell (those), if possible, ... - Bice, beguleb batani ...

Explain (those), if possible, where is ...? - Bice, beguleb batani, ki- b b-uh- b...?

Repeat (those), if not difficult - Takrar gabe, zahImalichIoni

If possible, ... - Beguleb batani, ...

Translate, ... - Bussinabe, ...

Write, ... - Hwai, ...

Give, ... - Kyo, ...

Help, ... - Kumek gabe, ...

Wait for me, ... ( husband.) - Dun V- achIinegIan chIa...

(female) - Dun th- achIinegIan chIa...

Wait (those) a little, ... - Dagyal lalhe, ...

Please... - Gyaruleb bugo... Gyarula...

May I ask? - Gyikize runaways?

Could you (you)...? - Need (duda) kIvelarish ...?

I ask you (you) ... - Gyarula need (duda) ...

Allow me to enter husband.) - Iznu kye que jani- V-e lugine

(female) - jani- th-e lugine

sit down ( husband.) - gIodo V through

(female) - gIodo th through

Allow me to ask - gyikize

take a look - hal gabize

find out - laze

go out ( husband.) - quatIi V e ine

(female) - quatIi e ine

Could you (you) help me? - Die kumek gabize kIvelarish need (duda)?

May I ask you (you) for one favor? - Tso gyitIinabgo ish gyarize runways needs (duda)?

Can I sit with you (you)? ( husband.) - Nuzhgun (mungun) gIodo V where are the refugees dong?

If possible, please take me female) - Beguleb batani, tIo th other dun

Could you (you) take (take) me to...? ( husband.) - Need (duda) kIvelarish dong shveza V ize...?

Take (take) me, please... (husband.)- Beguleb batani, dong shweza V e...

Don't bother me, ... - Die kvalkval gabuge, ...

I will fulfill your (your) request - Nuzher (dur) gyari tIubala ditsa

Unfortunately, I cannot fulfill your (your) request - KigIan bokyanigi, dida nuzher (dur) gyari tIubase kIolaro

Unfortunately, I do not have the opportunity ... - KigIan bokyanigi, dir res gyechIo ...

Request to you: come with me (with us) ( to husband.) - Gyari bugo dude: villa dida (below) tsadakh

Please wait here for me to husband.) - Gyaruleb bugo, dih balagun chIa gyani V

If possible, be patient (those) a little - Begyuleb batani, sabra gabe tsodagial

If possible, wait (those) a little - Begyuleb batani, tsodagial lalkhye

Thanks - Barkala

And thank you (to you) (answer) - Nuzheegi (duegi) barkala

Thank you very much - Nuzhee (due) kIudiyab barkala

Thank you from the bottom of my heart - RakI-rakIalul barkala

Let (those) me thank you (you) for everything - Iznu kye kinaluhgo nuzhee (due) barkala chiese

Good luck to you (you)! - Due (need) talikh I kyogi!

Good luck in everything! - Gabuleb dande billagi!

May dreams come true! - Anischal tIuragi!

Long time to live! - GIimru halalagi!

Joy to you! - Fool cancer gods!

Thank you for your attention - Barkala gIintIamuralyuh

invitation - ahIaralyuh

help - kumekaluh

congratulations - barkiyaluh

gift - saigatalukh

meeting - dandchIvayaluh

treat - gyobolliyalyalukh

You (you) helped me a lot, thank you! - Dutsa (nuzhetsa) que kIudiyab kumek gabuna, barkala!

Let me shake your hand - Dur kver bachine from the kye

So glad! - Bugeb lazat!

How glad I am! - Dun V okhun V ugh V kuts!

I am so glad! - Dun th okhun th yoke th kuts!

This is very good! - Gyeb tsIak lyikI boogo!

Fine. Very good - LikI bugo. TsIak lyikI boogo

I Won't Forget This - Dida gyeb kyochon telaro

“Zhi is or the phenomenon of Dagestan jargon”
Each region of Russia has its own dialect, its own turns of speech. Some words will be understood only by a Petersburger, some are typical for the dialect of a Tomsk or Kazanian, but there are regions where their own “language”, a kind of local jargon, was born from individual words and sentences. As a rule, this happens in international regions, in port cities, where a mixture of different cultures and dialects cannot but create such a common “language”.
Such is the well-known Odessa jargon, such is the new, only emerging, but already penetrated on the streets of Russian cities, Dagestan jargon, born on the port streets of Makhachkala among mountain settlers and the urban bustle of the Caucasus.
Which of the young people has not heard the expression “zhy is”, “le”, did not pay attention to the specific construction of the sentences of immigrants from Dagestan? I believe that such a minority among Russians under 35 years old ... Dagestan words and expressions are already included in the everyday speech of the inhabitants of St. Petersburg and Moscow streets and are used by far not only by the highlanders. What is Dagestan jargon? Where did it come from? How to understand it?
Dozens of indigenous peoples and ethnic groups live in Dagestan, each of which has its own language and dialect. And accordingly, words and expressions from different languages ​​entered the common jargon, understandable to every Dagestan. Here are the Avar "le" and the Dargin "utsi" and the Turkic "haivan". Many words are borrowed from the criminal jargon, something came from the Islamic-Arabic vocabulary, something even from Yiddish. However, all words, regardless of origin, very organically fall on top of each other.
In addition to words, the classic Dagestan expressions and their origins, which can often be heard on the streets of Makhachkala, are interesting. For example, a true native speaker of Dagestan jargon will definitely put the words “too” “yes” in almost any sentence. For example, “There is not much money in your pocket either” - which means deplorable, you can say the plight of your interlocutor.
Or here's another option:
“Is there a labazan, Labazan!? (question - statement), so borrow two papers from him (200 rubles), it is specifically packaged, there is” (again, a question - a statement). Interestingly, the word “live is” is most likely a translation of the Avar “bugo”, “vugo”, as well as the frequently occurring word “it happens” (a Dagestani will not say it will or it was - he will say exactly “it happens”).
And here is another interesting twist, a true character of Makhachkala folklore, will definitely add a piece of “ha” to some words. For example, “come on, ha,” and as a result, it’s already Russian-village: “sister, wrestler, selukh, father-in-law, etc.” . The particle "ha" presumably came to the Dagestan slang from the Khunzakh dialect of the Avar language.
The Dagestan jargon is curious not only because of the colorful composition of its vocabulary, but also because it is used, to one degree or another, by all the inhabitants of the republic. From Wahhabist preachers to doctors and teachers, from deputies to car mechanics and athletes. That is, the Dagestan jargon, truly, is the "folk language." Next, I give examples of words and speech patterns most often found on the streets of Makhachkala and Khasavyurt, Derbent and Izberbash.
1. Do things - do something worthwhile, useful.

2. Drizzle - lie, slow down, talk out of business.

3. Skid - slow down, change your mind.

5. Carry chanda - talk nonsense.

6. Ha ha catch (catch) - laugh.

7. Sabra (sabur) to do - calm down.

8. Drag - to be well versed in some topic or to know well about someone, from the series - "I drag for her / him."

9. Le / E - an appeal to a man / woman (Avar.)

10. Utsi - brother (darg.)

11. Ahi / Uhti (uhtishka) - brother / sister (Arabic)

12. Zhi is - it does not matter as such. It is used either as a statement of something, or to enhance the emotionality of a sentence.

13. Rat calls - a dishonest approach to business, a fight, a game.

14. Shabit - smoking hashish, marijuana.

15. Leave children's things, play - it's not serious to approach this or that issue.

16. Quilt - win in martial arts, beat.

17. Ma - Na, take it (Avar.)

18. Hayvan (Turk.) - animal

19. Movements - business and crime, and in general any activity.

20. Gai-Kui - noise, fun, scandal

and y is an expression incomprehensible to a non-Dagestanian, with which the speaker can convey feelings, replace words and even whole sentences. Interlocutors translate what was said based on the context.

and u, what’s there? - a question asked a short time after the meeting or in a pause during the conversation and meaning interest in advancing the discussed business

ai saul - admiration

aleurmana lead - to perform socially encouraged deeds

alchiki - bones

balk - disagree to do something, break down

cormorant - a person who is fluent in the art of street fighting

fight - fight

balabol - 1) liar; 2) one of the types of presentation (see "presentation") is applied to a person who told a lie and this lie led to serious consequences

barkalla - thank you, thank you (tagiev kemran)

bartsukha - wrestler

bang in the gums - kiss

melon - an extremely unpleasant smell

trouble - some thing whose names you can’t remember or the interlocutors have in mind

sore - disrespectful about an ugly girl

barrel - Nokia phone model 6600

boyaki - hallucinations

slip - do not agree to do something, break down

paper, sheet - 100r

buvaetzhi is - there is

bovine - cattle

in the gums - a sign (syn "on the leg")

in jazz - being in a state of severe alcohol or drug intoxication

in roles - to be in good standing, to be respected, to behave arrogantly

in deadlifts - the same as in jazz

wow - "I'm discouraged", also "I'm extremely upset"

heating - 1) a gift; 2) bribe

warm up - 1) donate; 2) give a bribe

warm up - laugh

turn on the horns - heat up the situation, behave defiantly

drag - I know

stink - disrespectful about an ugly girl (syn. "sore")

to harness - to intercede for someone

to meet - to get into a difficult situation

all the way - all the time

endured - conquered

write out / prescribe atas - refuse to meet

jumped out - got out

unfasten - 1) quickly fall asleep; 2) get tired

win - win

pull out - take a person away for a conversation or a fight

gamach - an overly serious person, a person who does not understand jokes

sleeve - cigarette "Belomorkanal" or "Preference"

to drive - to mislead the interlocutor, to tell a lie

golyaki - a state of financial crisis (tagiev kemran)

hollywoods - (syn. golyaks)

chasing - to force a person to perform buying and receiving actions in relation to the nearest store

drive - behave inappropriately

rook - taxi, taxi driver

warm ears - eavesdrop

coffin - Nokia phone model 3310

dara - a word used as an interjection meaning: "You understood what I wanted to say" (common in Derbent)

give back / turn on the back - refuse to solve the problem through a fight

movements - various actions

do - a call to perform the necessary or expected from the person to whom the appeal is directed, various actions

do things; do things - the same as "do" (kemran tagiev)

dikush - explosive, choleric person (syn. punched)

game - something of poor quality (syn. "chanda")

catch up - understand something

dofan - name-calling, meaning an awkward, disrespectful person (syn. fuqing)

jazzy - strong alcohol or drug intoxication

let's go - let's go

there is - an additional expression, difficult for the non-Dagestan soul, with which the speaker can express any residual feelings that were not uttered in the previous sentence, can also be a link between parts of the sentence

we live! - now we have the necessary

beetle - a cunning person

drive - sell, sell off

zakidushka - the same as "put nits"

freeze - take any property for a certain period, but not return it to the owner

fix a problem

backwater - the answer to "driving"

to slaughter - to fight

cheating - fear

Indian - harmless name-calling

as you please - whatever

stone - a word that has some negative connotation and means reckless courage, stupidity, slowness, extreme strength, power, sometimes stupidity.

rigmarole - some thing whose names you can’t remember or the interlocutors have in mind (syn. trouble)

drop - Nokia phone model 6630

kapukha - money

to dance is a purely Makhachkala reality: to walk around the city with only 10 rubles for a minibus; walk without money

porridge is a positive description of something. (for example: disks-porridge! (about the car))

throw sour; wet sour - take offense (kemran tagiev)

brick - Nokia phone model 3310

gut - to satisfy the need for food

turn on the horses - hurry, hurry up

kotsy - shoes, mostly shoes

penny - money

to do beautifully - to do socially encouraged actions (e.g. shout in a bar: "Today the drink is at my expense !!")

I scream - I say

to circle - to deceive, circle around the finger

circling - deceive, circle around the finger

a rat is a greedy person

kyif - a person who does bad deeds on the sly

climb - walk, exercise, etc.

paw - money

paw walks - "there is money"

le - appeal

petal - Nokia phone model 7610

leh - same as loh

treat - 1) speak; 2) to assure, persuade, persuade, try to guide on the "true path" (tagiev kemran)

Leshka - an uncultured and uneducated girl, a female sucker

bream - slap

to break - to run, to move quickly

best, gifted - words that, unlike the original meaning, have a negative connotation, it is said about a person who has acted illogically, absurdly Message

moor - harmless name-calling

smears - used to express pleasure from the strong effect of light drugs such as marijuana. (e.g. "Here she smears (whispers)!)

Marcella - a girl of easy virtue and heavy appearance

wave - fight (syn. cormorant)

to swing - to exchange (some things)

melyak - small money, mostly coins (tagiev kemran)

dead - slow, inactive, heavy person

young - junior

drizzle / drizzling - do not work (about technology); behaving strangely

muscular - good, strong

mouse - hide

on alchiks - squatting

on shank - (syn. shank)

in hollywoods - (syn. golyaks)

on the move - dating a girl

on the leg - a sign (from the expression "to be on a short leg")

in the area - in the place of residence or predominant location

on the solids; on solidols - to be dressed in a suit, classic clothes (about a man)

haha struck - laughed

roll over - fall

induce movement - 1) do something to solve problems, advance things; 2) meet / date a girl

draw - find, get something you need

draw - appear

overtake - bother, get, get in the sense of "I'll get to him - I'll overtake him. Stretch - put yourself into a state of alcoholic intoxication

not in a rush - I don't want it, I don't like it

do not get lost - an expression of the desire for further meetings

misunderstandings - conflicts

surprise - strike unexpectedly

surprise - unexpected blow

don't blame me - please don't be offended (from "don't blame me")

ni on high - uncomfortable, ashamed

nishtyaki - goodies

throw insults - take offense (syn. throw sour)

exacerbate - aggravate the situation, behave defiantly

common salam - a greeting given to a large number of people and freeing from handshakes Message

one horse - once

dangerous - used to describe anything unusual, "cool"

knock over - 1) do not answer the handshake; 2) disrupt any planned event (syn. break off); 3) win a fight

shard - (syn. "stone")

from the bottom of my heart - 1) excellent 2) thank you

pull away - take a person away for a conversation or a fight

leave - die

spectacled coward

go crazy - 1) an exclamation, meaning an extreme measure of surprise 2) go crazy

turn over - win (in a fight) (tagiev kemran)

feathers - problems, difficulties

pzr - one of the types of presentation (see "presentation"), is used if a man changes his planned pastime with friends (friend) to an unplanned one with a girl (p .... eclipsed the mind)

dive - refuse to solve the problem through a fight (syn. give back / turn on the back)

shove - sell, sell off

decele - little

little things - little

along the way - apparently

get under the smoke - enter into a state of drug intoxication from the smoke of a drug being smoked nearby

podzafon / podstrafon write out - kick the buttocks

pull up - come, come

confuse - inadequately assess one's strengths, position

constant - disrespectful about a girl with whom an intimate relationship has been established

get lost - get away, get out of sight

presenting - a public or individual claim to any action of a person that contradicts the honor of a normal kid))

broken - reckless, crazy, idiot

to punch - 1) to strike a muscle at a certain point, than to cause a painful contraction of the muscle and long discomfort; 2) get the necessary information

throw harness - stand up for someone

let the nit / goat / throw off the beep - most asking to call back

confuse - it's hard to bear what is happening (for example, "I'm confused from this heat")

Piglet - a place of gathering, pastime (syn. dimmed)

remixes - tales, lies masquerading as truth (tagiev kemran)Message

ramsey - conflicts

dissect - walk, ride, go (can also be used about moving in a vehicle)

scatter - win

to strike - to strike

fight - fight

with a mouse - on the sly

saul - thank you, thank you

sakhch - extremely unpleasant smell

knock down - drink

knock down dry land - quench your thirst

sit down on treason - be afraid of something

strength - a quality that characterizes a thing or phenomenon on the positive side (for example, 11a - strength)

jumps - vanity, extra movement

suck - kiss

nipple - disrespectful about a beautiful girl

jump - run away

start - go (syn. gonza)

dried wood - 1) thirst; 2) soft drink

clash - 1) fight; 2) meet

to hide - to hide

tariff kif / reverse - throw off the dial tone, thereby asking you to call back (syn. let the nits)

tihushnik - a person who does bad deeds on the sly (tagiev kemran)

push - pass the test / exam with the help of material or other means, such as the authority of a relative, acquaintance, etc.

ax - (syn. "stone")

to hang around - to be in a doga

tokhch - extremely unpleasant odor

herbivore - a person who uses soft drugs (marijuana)

traction - the same as jazz

pull - carry

throw smarties - be clever

carried away - won

fall on the motions - start dating a girl

uraza - a large crowd of people

drop - win (in a fight)

hit - hit

fantasy - a word that has a negative connotation and characterizes any message or fact as a lie, exaggeration

farshmak - something unpleasant (for example, spit against the wind - you get a farshmak)

flashlight - Nokia phone model 1100

fofan - an awkward, disrespectful person (syn. "fuqing")

fuqing - name-calling, meaning an awkward, disrespectful person

hawal - to know about something ("I hava everything for this topic" - I know everything about it)

hai-hyy - exclamation, equivalent to "Hurrah!" Message

haivan - 1) animal; 2) inoffensive name calling

grab - buy (tagiev kemran)

hut walks - an apartment or other place of residence is free and can be used for the purpose of temporarily finding any unauthorized person (persons)

haha catch - laugh

humar beats - the same as "in jazz"

humar / kumar - the same as "jazz"

zinc - rumor, news

tsinkanut - inform, call

what the heck - anything

what are you?; what's up there? - How are you

what, is there what? - a question expressing interest in the presence of something that the speaker and the listener have in mind

nonsense - insulting name-calling

devil - 1) one of the types of presenting (see "presenting"), is applied to a person who has committed one or another act that is contrary to the honor of a Dagestan

2) insulting name calling

check - punch in the face

scratch - speak

chanda - something not of good quality

shabit - smoking soft drugs (marihana)

shabotun; shabot - a person who uses soft drugs (marijuana)

sharoob - reveler, loafer

move - agree to an intimate life (about women)

shitz - danger warning (syn. atas)

shkers - shoes

skin - disrespectful about a beautiful girl

whispers - a word used to express pleasure from the strong effect of light drugs such as marijuana. (e.g. "Here she smears (whispers))


Uh, what's there? - a question asked a short time after the meeting or in a pause during the conversation and meaning interest in advancing the discussed business

Here you can - the expression means the surprise or dissatisfaction of the interlocutor speaking with any act

YES kAnza - an optimistic farewell, which is like "morally I'm with you" (pronounced exactly "yes kAnza") Message

Give him money for a minibus - an expression used to make it clear to a person that he is not welcome here

Do it beautifully, it will be normal / do it normally, it will be normal - Dagestan truth

Presses on the gut - "I want to go to the toilet"

It hit the gut - "I'm hungry" (tagiev kemran)

Pull (take) on the bash - beat, win in a fight

Operation "lizard" - an expression meaning measures to get rid of a person "falling on his tail" (tail drop)

The point is not iron - an expression that can be translated as: "it's too dangerous"

Around the city - an expression that can be used to answer the question "where do you disappear ?; where do you go?" means any undefined places

Say "salaam alaikum" - break up with a girl

Falling on the tail is very difficult to explain without an example: they say so when they don’t want to take with them or do something with some person, they hide from him, but he still guesses about the plans of these people and goes or does it with them .))

I am dragging for him (her) - I have information that is of interest at the moment about the object of discussion, i.e. "I know about her"

I shout to you (those) - an expression meaning not only "I tell you" but also "I assure you!", "Imagine"

I'm already around the corner - "I'm already there" is usually said at a considerable distance from the listener, waiting for the speaker, in order to calm down.

Doug - jargon

Zhi is - an interjection characterizing the thieves belonging of the speaker
Brake, yes! - stop
Don't blame me - I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Saul! - Thank you
If what is an interjection
There is no special penny either - finances sing romances
It happens zhi - interjection
There is no-no - rather the presence of something than its absence
What are the options? - confusion about unethical behavior
Don't Get Lost - Be Prepared
Do things, live there! - be active
Leave yes uh-uh - please take it easy
Do it right - it will be okay! - you to me - I to you
I don’t drag in my soul - I don’t know
I will find you, I will pay you!
I'll kick you out! - frivolous obligation to send a knockout
Narmalna talk, live there ...; filter the bazaar - be polite
Barkala, le, I rode - an Avar goes to Tambov
Talk to your companies normally - speak more clearly
All your house book parvem - frivolous threat of genocide
Sabur, boys!! - everyone stand!
Jumped out of here! - get lost!
Well, they all fell apart! - get lost!
What has become? - and what, exactly, is the matter?
Make your face better! - recommendation for plastic surgery
Rat visits - an accusation of greed
Lyashki that scratched - a tendency to sadism
Togo the world trampled - an inexplicable expression of anti-humanity
I am responsible for the market! - this is my market!
There is no goodbye - do not tell me "goodbye"
From the heart! - disinterestedly
Uh-uh, do you want mahazza? - You want trouble?
Deer! - also a bad person
Everything is chiki-pokey! - Everything is fine
Come alone, we'll come alone too! - deceit
They will offend - do not be offended!
I (to the 6th department, to Magomedali, to the dean, somewhere else ...) open the door with my foot! - indefatigable bragging
Bumped! - beating
Torn off - beating of moderate severity
Broke - causing grievous bodily harm
Where is this trolleybus going? - what is the route of the trolley bus?
What are you, le. look here?
I don’t know you, if you get to the bottom - I’ll drip without a shovel! - unreasonable.aggression
We are sitting on the chandelier, we eat seeds! - like, messing around
What do you want from life, eh? - What are your plans for the future?
Haivan! - cattle!
Hakhmach! - clown!
Let's gather the crowd! - they beat us!
5 sec - now!
What did you say? - repeat, please
Le, what are you doing! - behave yourself properly
Responsible for the elephant! - false oath
By park! - forgot!
Ramtsy beguiled! - confused Hegel with Gogol
... Once we stand, I look, he aggravates, I unexpectedly waited for him, he got lost in trifles ...
Bang-boom, hacked to death, in short, we are with him ... I once threw him on the return line ... - a story of dubious origin about a won fight.
Have you lost your sense of smell? - loss of the ability to recognize "friend or foe"
One on one
let's jump out? - challenge to a duel
Yes, I'm dragging for him! - knowledge of the biographies of remarkable people
He’s such a devil, there he is .., - a bad person
As you please - as you wish
Call me back, I don't have any money either, Saul! - telephone "nit"
Wow, he's so hippy - prone to noisy, inappropriate behavior
Whoa, let's get it right?! - call to fight
Uh, what are you doing there uh???? - what are you up to?
I answer for my native words! - I swear!
It's ok, yes! - please refrain from using obscene language
Don't make a fuss!! - calm down!!
Whoa! are you spinning me? Why are you cheating?
What are you boiling? - what kind of dispute, but there is no fight?
Back and forth - interjection
Get lost - to be looked for!
In nature - real
Let's ride up and down on 26? - shall we hang out?
What's in the area? - What is the weather like in the mountains?
Yes, I hawala this system - knowledge of a particular subject
Ai saul, a literate kid, a handsome guy is a good person
Wai, ebel - mama mia
Chixa-bixa is such a beautiful girl
What's up there?? As there??
Where exactly

Zhi is - interjection
Brake, yes! - stop
Don't blame me - I'm sorry, I'm sorry
If what is an interjection
There is no special penny either - finances sing romances
It happens zhi - interjection
There is no-no - rather the presence of something than its absence
What are the options? - confusion about unethical behavior
Don't Get Lost - Be Prepared
Do things, live there! - be active
Leave yes uh - please calm down
Do it right - it will be okay! - you to me - I to you
I don’t drag in my soul - I don’t know
I will find you, I will pay you! I'll kick you out! – a frivolous obligation to send a knockout
Parvem your whole house book - a frivolous threat of genocide Jumped out of here! - get lost!
Well, they all fell apart! - get lost!
What has become? – and what, exactly, is the matter?
Make your face better! – recommendation for plastic surgery) (please change facial expression)
Rat visits - an accusation of greed
Lyashki scratched that - a tendency to sadism
Togo the world trampled - an inexplicable expression of anti-humanity
Have you lost your sense of smell? - loss of the ability to recognize "friend or foe"
Let's go one by one? - challenge to a duel
Yes, I'm dragging for him! – knowledge of the biographies of remarkable people
He is such a devil, there he is ... - a bad person
As you please - as you wish
Call back, I don’t have any money either, - telephone “nit”
Wow, he's so hippy - prone to noisy, inappropriate behavior
Whoa, let's get it right?! - call to fight
Uh, what are you doing there uh???? – what are you up to?
I answer for my native words! - I swear!
Say it right, yes! - Please refrain from using
foul language
Don't make a fuss!! - calm down!!
Why are you spinning me? - why are you cheating?
What are you boiling? - what kind of dispute, but there is no fight?
Back and forth - interjection
Get lost - make sure that you are searched for!
In nature - real
What's in the area? What is the weather like in the mountains?
Yes, I hawala this system - knowledge of a particular subject
Ai saul, a literate kid, a handsome guy is a good person
Chiksa-Biksa ​​is such a beautiful girl
What's up there?? As there?? Where exactly??? Movements - not movements ... - how are you?
I am responsible for the market! This is my market!
There is no goodbye - do not tell me "goodbye"
From the heart! - disinterestedly
