Severe itching on the top of the foot. Itchy feet: causes, treatment. Pregnant woman's feet itch

Before thinking about serious health problems that cause your feet to itch at night, you need to rule out possible external factors that could trigger the appearance of such a symptom. First of all, you should examine the itchy area. If areas of hyperemia (redness) with a dot in the center are detected, then it is likely that the cause of the discomfort is insect bites. If, upon visual examination, ulcers with exudate are visible, there is general malaise, and an increase in body temperature, then we can talk about the addition of an infection or diseases of the internal organs. For more information about the possible causes of the symptoms in question, please read our article.

Bed bugs and fleas

Fleas are smaller in size but more dangerous than bed bugs. They are carriers of more than two hundred types of infectious agents and cause a persistent allergic reaction in humans. Also, in the process of evolution, fleas acquired powerful protection - a chitinous cover, which makes getting rid of this type of insect difficult. The risk of fleas appearing in your home is increased if there are pets in the house: cats or dogs walking outside. Flea bites on the legs appear as painful, itchy dots grouped close together.

Mosquito bites, midges

In the summer, there is increased activity of blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes and midges. Sometimes a person does not feel pain during the bite itself. The inflammatory reaction manifests itself in the form of itching, irritation a few minutes or hours after insect damage. Itching in the legs is not related to the time of day and can occur both during the day and in the evening.


As estrogen levels rise in the third trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers sometimes experience itchy feet at night. This is a physiological phenomenon caused by cholestasis - stagnation of bile. An additional itching factor is excessive stretching of the skin of the legs due to swelling. If this symptom occurs, a woman should consult her doctor for advice to rule out serious pathologies.

One-time exposure to an irritating factor

Too cold or hot showers, the use of creams or lotions with aggressive ingredients in the composition or expired, as well as nervous strain and stress can lead to itchy feet. In this case, it is important to notice the cause-and-effect relationship between the irritant and itching, trying to minimize the factors that led to the unpleasant symptom.

Legs itch at night: pathological conditions

Severe itching on the legs below the knees, especially at night, can be an indirect sign of a serious disease that only a doctor can detect. There are a number of diseases in which the symptom in question is observed.


When eating or using externally a product containing an allergen, you may experience itching in the legs as a reaction. When trying to scratch the skin, bright red stripes appear with an increase in local temperature. Common allergens are: tree pollen, citrus fruits, perfume components, some flowers. Often an allergic reaction in people occurs in response to excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or fast food, sweets with sugar substitutes.


Xeroderma is a pathological skin condition in which the sebum production is insufficient to provide sufficient hydration to the skin. Sebum is a secret secreted by the sebaceous glands and is extremely important for maintaining an adequate acid-base balance of the skin. In addition, it protects it from aggressive factors, including infectious ones. As a result of a lack of sebum, the stratum corneum thickens, resulting in flaking and itching.

Cholinergic urticaria

This disease is classified as an autoimmune allergic dermatosis, which is characterized by hypersensitivity of the body. It appears as a cluster of small blisters on the skin of the legs, arms, and body, which are very itchy and tend to spread. In parallel with the rash, general symptoms occur: nausea, vomiting, hypersalivation (salivation).

Hodgkin's lymphoma

Lymphogranulomatosis or Hodgkin's disease is malignant and affects organs that contain lymphoid tissue. Hodgkin's disease is diagnosed and treated by an oncologist. Common symptoms of this pathology are chills, sweating and itching of moderate or severe intensity. Patients complain of itching of the feet at night and throughout the day. Itching can also affect the lower legs.

Possible infectious diseases that cause itchy feet include: scabies, mycosis, bacterial infections and HIV.

There are a number of dermatological pathologies that cause itchy feet. Dermatitis, being a hypersensitivity reaction, is a skin lesion in the form of blisters, nodules, and plaques. Redness, irritation and itching are typical components of skin diseases of various etiologies. When the effect of the allergen is localized on the skin of the feet, patients notice that their feet and ankles itch at night, and this interferes with a comfortable sleep. In psoriasis, itchy skin appears due to excessive activity of humoral and cellular immunity. When you try to scratch an itchy area, increased receptor activity of this localization occurs, and the itching intensifies.

Varicose veins

With varicose veins, the venous outflow of blood from the lower extremities is affected. This process is accompanied by inflammatory reactions, swelling and poor circulation, compression of nerve endings. This may be expressed clinically by itching of the legs, which is mild but constant.

Restless legs syndrome

Primary restless legs syndrome is a condition that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner and does not have any disease as an etiological factor. In the case of secondary restless legs syndrome, discomfort in the area of ​​the lower extremities is part of the symptom of polyneuropathy, which occurs with diabetes, uremia, alcoholism, COPD. Patients have itchy legs before and during sleep, which forces them to constantly change the position of the lower extremities, since the itching subsides with movement.

Autoimmune disorders and cancer

With this type of disease, the body reacts incorrectly to its own tissues and cells, perceiving them as foreign. One of the most well-known autoimmune diseases is systemic lupus erythematosus, in which, in addition to symptoms of damage to connective tissue and blood vessels, there are skin manifestations in the form of psoriasis-like lesions, urticaria, accompanied by intense skin itching. Patients not only experience itchy feet in the evening, but also during the daytime.

Itchy skin on the legs and other parts of the body can result from an active tumor process in the body that interferes with metabolism. With adenocarcinoma, itching in the legs is accompanied by a burning sensation and is often generalized.

Endocrine diseases

Diseases of the endocrine system that cause serious changes in the humoral regulation of the body's activity include: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. A defect in the blood supply and innervation of the lower extremities in diabetes mellitus creates a sock-like sensitivity disorder, as well as periodic paresthesia and itching.


Chronic degenerative diseases of the nervous system in some cases can lead to neurological symptoms, in which a person feels constant irritation or tingling, itching. Many neurological patients have itchy legs in the evening due to problems with the innervation of the lower extremities.

Neurotic disorders

Itching in any part of the body can occur due to neurosis or prolonged exposure to a stressful situation. In this case, the itching is psychogenic in nature, and no lesions are observed on the skin other than scratching caused by the patient himself.

When is it necessary to see a doctor?

There are a number of alarming symptoms that require the attention of a specialist and are fraught with serious complications. You should consult a doctor if:

  • suppuration of scratches, especially in combination with an increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of pathological formations on the legs: plaque, blisters, blisters, scabies;
  • itching persisting for more than three days without noticeable improvement.
  • accompanying itching with other disorders of systems and organs.

Diagnosis of itchy feet at night

In order to find out why the patient’s lower legs itch in the evening, the doctor conducts a number of studies, including the mandatory ones:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • physical examination of the patient;
  • general blood test, urine test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • scraping from the affected area;
  • analysis for antibodies to hepatitis, HIV.

Depending on the indications and medical history, tests for STDs and consultations with specialized specialists are additionally prescribed: endocrinologist, dermatovenereologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, therapist, neurologist, psychotherapist. As prescribed by doctors of a narrow specialty, instrumental studies are performed: ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging to find out the reasons why the patient’s heels itch in the evening, in the shin area or above.

When the reason why the feet itch at night or other areas of the lower extremities is established, a course of treatment can begin, which will differ depending on the pathology found in the patient.

  • A dermatologist will tell you in detail how to get rid of itching in the heels of your feet due to allergies, but you can apply pathogenetic treatment in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments containing glucocorticoids: Celestoderm with Garamycin, Elok.

  • For mycosis, when the feet itch at night, depending on the depth of the lesion, external and internal antifungal agents are used, such as: Griseofulvin, Lotseril, Fluconazole. The patient is also recommended to wear shoes made of genuine leather that do not restrict movement.

  • Xerosis is most often a symptom of another disease that causes decreased sebum production. But there are cases when the pathological condition is caused by the use of externally drying compounds. In order to correct the situation, it is necessary to restore the hydrolipid mantle of the skin. Lotions containing ceramides (CeraVe. Avene) can cope with this.
  • In the case of an oncological, neurological, or endocrinological disease, first of all it is necessary to contact a specialized doctor and begin treatment of the underlying pathology. It is quite possible that measures to eliminate dry feet will not be necessary. If the skin of your legs itches at night and this interferes with sleep, you can use gels and creams that relieve itching.

Surely many people know firsthand what an unpleasant feeling of discomfort you experience when your feet itch. At the same time, the degree of inconvenience increases in the summer, when the skin on the lower extremities in problem areas begins to crack and become rough - naturally, you won’t want to walk barefoot on the beach like this. And how uncomfortable a person begins to feel when itching begins on the soles of his feet, shod in shoes or sneakers - you won’t deal with this delicate problem in the middle of a working day.

In any case, if your feet are itchy, then you must get rid of this pathology as quickly as possible, and in 99.9% of cases you cannot do without qualified medical help.


At the same time, for many, the question of why itching occurs on the soles of the feet remains unclear.

It should be emphasized that there may be several reasons. Let's look at the most common of them.


Why do my feet itch? Elementarily due to a bite or the presence of an insect on the skin. Ants, fleas and mosquitoes can cause such discomfort that a person ends up in a hospital bed. Of course, by constantly touching the bite site, we create a wound on the skin, and the likelihood of introducing an infection into our own body becomes maximum. This is especially dangerous for little boys and girls, since their skin is too delicate, and if you notice that your child’s feet are itching and against this background he has a fever, then consult a doctor immediately.


Another insidious ailment that makes us suffer from itchy feet is. At the initial stage, you will only slightly feel that your feet are itching.

Gradually, the itching will become stronger, then ulcers and microcracks may form on the problem area. As the disease progresses, the fungus will attack the nail, which can lead to complete destruction of the nail plate. Against this background, toxic substances will begin to accumulate in your body, which can trigger the development of other pathologies. And if you know for sure why your feet itch, without any doubt that you have foot fungus, then you should again seek qualified medical help. Self-medication here will be ineffective: on your own you can only “mute” the disease, but not remove its root.


Don't have the slightest idea why your feet itch? It is possible that you have developed a disease such as scabies. The source of infection here is a tick that lives in human skin.

As a result of its vital activity, it can lay eggs, and you may feel unbearable itching, which worsens at night. At the same time, you can see “itchy” passages on the skin - thin stripes and small formations in the form of bubbles. Again, you cannot do without medical help; you should also remember that this pathology is transmitted from person to person.

and feet

It often happens that the feet and palms itch at the same time. This disease is called. It can be recognized by the following signs: the same small bubbles appear on the soles, on the skin of the palms and on the side surfaces of the fingers.

A dermatologist will help you get rid of this pathology through drug treatment. However, when taking the medicine, you should adhere to some rules, for example, use the drug immediately before bed, and after completing the treatment procedure you will need to change your bed linen.

Pregnant woman's feet itch

Very often, itching on the feet occurs in expectant mothers, and it can be either periodic or permanent.

One of the most common causes of this pathology in pregnant women is liver disease. To make sure of this, it is enough to take tests: if the urine is dark, then your fears are confirmed. If a mother feels unbearable itching on the soles of her feet and only intends to see a doctor, then foot baths with the addition of a decoction of chestnut flowers will help ease her suffering.

The problem in question in a pregnant woman can also arise due to hormonal changes in the body. In this case, you can get rid of itching on the legs only when the baby is born.


If you notice that your child's feet are itching, then it is likely that he has an allergic reaction to certain foods.

Naturally, to make sure of this, you must pass the appropriate tests, the results of which will determine what the child should not eat. In this case, you must consult a doctor, since allergies can cause headaches, nausea and other negative symptoms.

At the same time, not only food, but also medicines, cosmetics, wardrobe items, dust particles, etc. can act as an allergen. It should be remembered that the above irritants can not only provoke itching, but also eczema, not to mention dermatitis. However, there is no particular cause for concern, since ointments and antihistamines effectively cope with the above ailments. Unbearable itching can occur against the background of childhood illnesses such as chickenpox or measles. And if a child experiences redness of the skin, a fever and malaise, this may be a symptom of erysipelas of the skin. The source of this pathology is streptococci, so antibiotics are indispensable.


Don’t know why a person’s feet itch a lot? All kinds of mechanical damage, such as frostbite, burns, abrasions, calluses, can also cause itching. Often, even tight and uncomfortable shoes that compress the blood vessels can be the cause of the problem in question.

Ailments such as venous varicose veins also contribute to itching on the soles of the feet, since the walls of the veins are thinned and severely constricted, as a result of which the outflow of blood is impaired. At the same time, when combing the “problem” area, blisters and wounds immediately form. In this situation, you should contact a phlebologist - he will prescribe medications that will thin the blood and relieve swelling. Patients need to reduce the load on their legs, and at night keep their legs suspended using improvised means.


Do you hate the very thought of itchy feet? What to do to prevent such a problem? Of course, you need to remember: the best protection against disease is prevention. First of all, you need to maintain hygiene, limit contact with people who suffer from itchy feet, and regularly visit a doctor so that he can examine your skin.

Preventive measures should not be neglected, otherwise serious health problems may arise. Never use other people's things, wear comfortable shoes with wide toes, when you sweat, be sure to use special products, and treat any damage or scratch with antiseptics.

One of the most common complaints among people is itching on the soles of their feet. The main reason for the manifestation of these uncomfortable sensations is damage to the integrity of the skin on the feet. Self-diagnosing the disease and self-medicating in this situation is not a rational decision.

The sole of the foot itches - reasons

In medical practice, the following are the main reasons why the sole of the foot itches. These include:

Fungal infection of the skin.

Thermal and mechanical damage to the skin.

Venous varicose veins.

Allergic reactions.

Insect bites.

In most cases, an uncomfortable itching sensation occurs due to a fungal infection. This is one of the first symptoms signaling the development of this pathology.

Infection of the soles with pathogenic fungi of any type occurs in case of non-compliance with personal hygiene measures when visiting rooms with high humidity. It is very easy to become infected with this infection, but to completely recover from the fungus is quite difficult and takes a long time.

Mechanical and thermal injuries include abrasions, frostbite and burns. The formation of calluses and corns can also cause an itchy sensation.

Sea salt. Ideal for a special foot bath. To prepare it, dissolve 50 grams of pure salt in 1 liter of hot water without adding various flavors. The duration of this procedure is no more than 10 minutes.

Honey and propolis are a good natural antibiotic that easily minimizes itching sensations. Used for thermal lesions of the skin of the sole.

Cereals. When the soles of your feet are very itchy, it is recommended to apply oatmeal paste to the affected areas, prepared by mixing a glass of flakes with 250 ml of boiling water. Under its influence, the skin structure is restored and an additional protective layer is formed. This helps neutralize itching on the soles.

Itchy soles of feet: treatment

Before starting treatment for this disease, you should undergo a comprehensive examination. Based on its results, a therapeutic course is prescribed. In most cases, it consists of drug therapy and the parallel use of traditional medicine.

In the presence of mycosis of the feet, antifungal drugs with fungicidal and fungistatic pharmacological action are prescribed. Depending on the extent of the lesion, both systemic and local medications can be taken. In this case, derivatives of azoles and allylamines are prescribed.


In case of inflammatory processes or the presence of thermal or mechanical damage, medications are prescribed that have the following pharmacological effects: desensitizing, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

The most effective ointments:



If the soles of the feet itch due to varicose veins, a therapeutic course is recommended, which is based on taking drugs that increase the tone of the walls of veins and blood vessels, as well as strengthening them. Drug treatment is complemented by physical procedures, such as magnetic therapy, laser treatment, and electropuncture stimulation.

Troxevasin ointment.



If the itching sensation was provoked by an allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed, among which it is worth highlighting:


You should also avoid contact with the allergen, which will prevent further development of the pathological process and stop the resulting allergy.

To neutralize the itching caused by insect bites, ointments are used that have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and reparative effects.

The most effective medications include:


Fenistil gel.


Regardless of the causes of itching, a rational and correct prescription would be to take sedatives.

The sole of your foot itches: when do you need a doctor?

The manifestation of uncomfortable itching sensations in the area of ​​the soles indicates the initial stage of development of various pathologies. Only a doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis, identify a specific cause and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

In what situations should you visit a doctor's office:

With severe progression of the disease.

When the itching intensifies.

When itching is accompanied by additional symptoms: increased body temperature, shortness of breath, convulsions, and so on.

To accurately diagnose the disease based on the results of a thorough comprehensive examination.

To prescribe a full course of therapy, including methods and means of traditional medicine, conservative treatment and physiotherapy.

To conduct systematic consultative examinations of the condition of the skin and general health.

To conduct a comprehensive therapeutic course under the supervision of highly qualified doctors. This approach will allow you to carefully monitor the dynamics of the development or subsidence of the disease, as well as promptly adjust the intake of prescribed medications.

It is worth remembering that if the sole of your foot itches, this is a sign of some kind of disease. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct therapeutic course, which is aimed not only at eliminating itching, but also at eliminating the disease itself.

It is worth remembering that the manifestation of itching on the sole is not a separate pathology. These uncomfortable sensations manifest themselves as a symptom of various diseases. Therefore, to eliminate itching, the disease that provokes its occurrence should be treated.

Itching in the legs rarely manifests itself as a single symptom. Usually a person more or less knows the reasons why this happens. However, it also happens that, despite feeling quite well, different parts of the legs itch. Even if the itching is not severe and does not cause much discomfort, it is still a signal from the body that cannot be ignored.

It is advisable to visit a therapist immediately. He will collect anamnesis and refer you for a general and biochemical blood and urine test. After the results are obtained, the doctor will make a preliminary diagnosis, explain why your feet itch, and refer you to a specialist for clarification.

What can cause itching?

Based on the picture of the disease, the patient’s condition and tests, the doctor speaks about one of the following possible reasons why the legs itch.

  • Dermatitis.

Having manifested itself in infancy, it is likely to return in adulthood. Accompanied by severe itching, burning, and unpleasant sensations, a person scratches the skin of his legs until wounds appear. Dermatitis is caused by one of four factors: physical, chemical, biological and obligate irritants. The disease has several forms, most often the legs below the knees itch. To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and take medications.

  • Pregnancy.

Surprisingly, this condition is actually sometimes accompanied by such symptoms. During the period of bearing a child, itching of the feet actively manifests itself twice: in the first weeks (some women suspect pregnancy also due to this) and after 6 months. The lower leg itches, more often in the evening, the sensation is quite strong and lasts about a week. This is due to increased estrogen levels. It inhibits the movement of bile in the liver, its acids accumulate in the body and cause itching. Tests will show increased bilirubin. Symptoms usually resolve as pregnancy progresses and the condition does not require treatment.

  • Diabetes.

This disease causes itchy skin all over the body, but in some people it affects only the legs. The disease significantly worsens the general condition of the skin and is the cause of many of its problems. In this case, the patient is prescribed maintenance therapy and vitamins for the skin.

  • Fungus.
  • Allergy.

The legs below the knees may itch because of this reaction. The culprits are purely individual. Most often these are food, household chemicals and pet hair. For some, the body responds with an allergic reaction to strong vibration and other skin irritants. Even seemingly harmless chamomile can provoke a response in the form of itchy skin. In order for it to stop, you need to identify the source of the allergen and minimize contact with it. You will have to take antihistamines in combination.

  • Winter.

During the cold season, the body reacts with itching in the legs and not only when the temperature drops sharply. Red spots appear, hives appear, the skin becomes blistered and very itchy. In especially sensitive people, such a reaction occurs in winter even after eating ice cream or drinking a cold drink. Usually a person is aware of this peculiarity and tries to keep his body and limbs warm.

  • Phlebeurysm.

The development of the disease provokes disturbances in blood flow in the legs. Cells do not receive enough nutrients and oxygen from the inside, but harmful elements, on the contrary, accumulate in the vessels. This causes the skin on your legs to itch. It is subject to trophic changes, eczema, ulcers, changes color, becomes yellow-earthy, dry, and flakes. The knee area is especially troubling at first. It is important not to skip this phase, when the skin still has normal color and structure, but the symptoms of varicose veins are already making themselves felt. Modern treatment methods will come to the rescue, eliminating the cause itself and the itching as a consequence.

  • Stretch marks on legs.

In this case, the legs above the knees itch, because this area of ​​the lower extremities is most susceptible to them. This is due to sudden weight gain (during pregnancy) and swelling due to certain diseases of the internal organs.

  • Hosiery.

As well as other clothing and shoes made from low-quality material. Often the dye used to treat the fabric becomes a powerful allergen. This is the most common cause of itching reaction in children. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the composition, evaluate the product by touch and smell. If you suspect low-quality material, do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate.

  • Razor, depilator.

Dull blades, unsterile instruments, too frequent processing - these factors lead to an irritant reaction, itching, inflammation of the follicles, and ingrown hairs into the skin. You need to take a gentle approach to carrying out these procedures, try to minimize its damage, and use soothing lotions.

Possible causes in children

The skin of children is many times more sensitive to irritants than that of adults. Therefore, the child often complains of itching in the legs. This is due to the following reasons:

Allergies from:

  • insect bite;
  • skin contact with nettle and some other plants;
  • food products;
  • household chemicals, washing powder;
  • medicines;
  • toys and clothes with aggressive dye;
  • contact with animal fur.

Eczema manifests itself at the beginning of its development by itching in the knee area and in other places where the limbs are bent. It is treated in the same way as allergies.

When is it time to sound the alarm?

In most cases, itching of the feet goes away on its own after a short time and does not require special measures. But there are a number of symptoms that indicate serious malfunctions in the body. These include:

1. severe itching, causing scratching, damage to the integrity of the skin, which lasts for several days in a row;

2. The alarm should be sounded when swelling is added to the itchy area, and uncharacteristic changes in the color and structure of the skin occur;

3. inflammation of the scratched area after itching. Folliculitis or another disease most likely develops at this site. The symptoms in this case will bother you for a very long time if you do not consult a doctor and begin adequate treatment;

4. if, with severe itching of the legs below the knees, atypical reactions of the body occur: nausea, increased body temperature, fainting.

With such manifestations, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible; these are signals of possible serious health problems.

How to quickly get rid of itching?

If there are no factors with a long-term therapeutic effect, the following recommendations will help to effectively eliminate itching of the legs below the knees in a short time:

1. Remove the allergen (if any).

2. Take a cool shower.

3. Moisturize the skin of your feet with cream or lotion; for prevention, do this at least every other day.

4. In the evening before bed, take a bath with brewed chamomile; this is also beneficial for the child.

The legs below the knees are more likely to itch than any other area. It is provoked by a number of reasons. Among them are both harmless and quite serious. If there is an uncharacteristic reaction of the body, or your legs itch for too long, it’s time to go to the doctor.

The topic of this article is the reasons why your feet itch. Why do they itch? There would seem to be no problem. And yet, there is reason to think.

Reasons why your feet itch

So, there are a number of factors that can trigger severe itching of the feet. These factors include the following:

  • burns, damage, injuries;
  • insect bite, allergic reaction;
  • severe stress;
  • scabies.

If the reason your feet itch is allergic reaction, then in addition to itching on the feet, other symptoms also occur - headache, swelling of the respiratory tract, attacks of nausea.

Also, with allergies, itching can spread to the ears, palms and other parts of the body. To get rid of itching, it is not enough to take antihistamines; the main thing is to identify the allergen and eliminate it.

The most unpleasant phenomenon of the above is scabies. This is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of mite infestation of the upper layers of the skin. Scabies is transmitted through sexual intercourse, and even through a normal handshake. The incubation period of this disease lasts two weeks. Severe itching occurs when mites (and there are up to 20 of them on the human body during illness) form scabies burrows and lay eggs. At the same time, not only the feet itch, but also the palms. The itching is especially painful at night - at this time mites are most active. After taking a hot shower, the itching also intensifies. If an infected person appears in the family, he should be isolated from the rest of the family.

A common cause of itchy feet is fungus. Fungal disease is also infectious and quite dangerous. The first signs of foot fungus are itching between the toes and slight darkening of the nail plates on the toes. If treatment is not started on time, the symptoms worsen over time. The advanced condition of fungal feet is ulceration and severe cracks on the heels, nails crumble and collapse. It must be remembered that fungal foot disease is contagious and easily transmitted through household items - towels, slippers, rugs.

Toenail fungus requires patient and long-term treatment. Self-medication is ineffective here. A specialist may prescribe antifungal ointment externally and antifungal drugs internally.

There are other reasons why your feet start to itch. Itching may be a result wearing uncomfortable tight shoes- it compresses the blood vessels, which causes discomfort. The cause of the itching may be, however, the itching is mainly localized on the calves of the legs. It is impossible to determine the source of discomfort yourself, and only a phlebologist can make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Sometimes, some people may complain of itchy feet. It most often occurs after damage to the skin of the legs. This phenomenon has many reasons. You should contact the clinic to determine the cause of the itching.

Making a diagnosis and self-medicating in such a situation is completely pointless, and the quality and, most importantly, the time of complete recovery depend on how soon a person consults a doctor.

What is itching

Itching is an extremely unpleasant sensation of irritation of any area of ​​the skin, which can cause significant discomfort to a person. It is usually the body's response to remove an irritant from the surface of the skin (for example, removing a caustic substance or an insect that irritates the skin). In other cases, itching can be a symptom of certain diseases. Severe, constant itching of certain areas of the skin or the entire surface of the body can cause thinning of the skin, damage in the form of scratches and cracks, as well as inflammation if an infection is attached.

Itchy skin occurs when nerve endings (sensory receptors) are irritated. The patient may complain that his whole body or some parts of it are itching. Often, people who are concerned about itching of the palms and feet turn to a dermatologist. These are very uncomfortable sensations that lead to skin injuries and microcracks, where infection can subsequently penetrate.

Causes of itching

Itchy feet can be caused by a fungal skin disease, allergies, stress, as well as insect bites and burns. Irritation is also provoked by various mechanical damage (tight shoes rubbed the foot), and many infectious diseases.

On a note!

The most common cause of itching is allergies. When it occurs, the palms, ears, and feet itch. Sometimes headache, nausea and swelling of the airways also occur. First of all, it is necessary to determine the source of the allergic reaction (allergen), and then eliminate it.

Human skin contains many sensitive nerve endings that perceive any irritation: touch, vibration, chemical irritation. In some cases, mechanical irritation of the skin (crawling insect), as well as some chemicals, can irritate the nerve endings and cause itching, which consists of a desire to scratch the skin of the area in order to eliminate the irritant.

There are a number of reasons that provoke the appearance of severe itching of the feet. These reasons include:

  • insect bites;
  • fungal infections;
  • burns;
  • allergic reactions;
  • severe stress.


Often itching is caused by an infectious disease such as scabies.

Manifestation of the disease

A similar disease is caused by the scabies mite, which penetrates human skin. During this disease, a person experiences severe itching of the abdomen, hands, and feet, which intensifies at night. After some time, thin gray stripes (scabies mite burrows) and small blisters form on the skin.

This disease can be treated perfectly, but it never goes away on its own. At the first signs of scabies, the main thing is to play it safe and go for a consultation with a dermatologist. Most often, children experience this disease; it is easily transmitted through a simple handshake. If such an infection is detected in one of the family members, the entire family should undergo treatment.

Treatment of foot itch

  1. Strict adherence to instructions for medications.
  2. Application of the product must be done in the evening before bedtime.
  3. The drug should be applied to the entire body, and not just to the affected area. The only exception is the scalp.
  4. During the treatment period, it is necessary to completely abandon bath procedures. Washing the body is permissible only after the patient has completely recovered.
  5. Upon completion, the bed linen must be changed.

In order to ensure a complete cure, consultation with a specialist is necessary. It is strictly forbidden to interrupt treatment on your own.


The cause of itchy feet may well be a fungal disease. Many people begin to pay attention to this disease only after the appearance of physical torment, which is very bad. An neglected fungal disease provokes the development of many other serious diseases. The right step is to check yourself for symptoms of foot fungus.


In the human body, due to fungal foot disease, toxins gradually accumulate, because a larger number of fungi synthesize toxic substances. This disease is accompanied by:

  • severe itching of the feet;
  • interdigital folds itch;
  • the skin begins to peel off, and over time small bubbles filled with liquid appear on it;
  • In the case of an advanced form, irritation moves to the back of the foot.

Foot treatment

It is recommended to begin treatment when the first signs of the disease appear. Self-medication may be ineffective, so you cannot do without a visit to a specialist. The most effective treatment method is selected for each patient individually. The most common schemes may be:

  • External treatment. With this method of treatment, certain ointments are prescribed that have an antifungal effect.
  • Taking medications in the form of tablets. This course of treatment involves the systematic use of drugs that can have a negative effect on the body.
  • The therapy is complex. This treatment regimen involves the use of ointments and oral medications.

Itchy feet in a child

In children, the immune system works quite weakly, as a result of which the immune system suffers. Because of this, any disease, even a minor one, has a rapid course. So, if your baby has any of the signs of illness, you should urgently consult a pediatrician.

Itchy feet are a fairly common complaint among children. The most common cause of this phenomenon is allergies. It can be triggered by:

  • mosquito bites;
  • contact with household or chemical allergens, medications.

Children under 5 years of age often develop urticaria. When a child has an allergic disease, red spots appear on the legs or other parts of the body, denser than the surrounding tissue. Often the exact allergen cannot be identified. That is why parents of a child with allergies should protect him from contact with all sorts of allergens, including synthetic clothing.

When a child’s palms and feet itch, parents should not think that everything will go away on its own - they need to ask themselves: what is the reason for this phenomenon? Itchy skin is caused by irritation of free nerve endings - sensory receptors. It can spread throughout the body, or it can be localized in one place.

On a note!

Treatment is prescribed after receiving the results of special allergy tests. For treatment, antihistamines and sometimes hormonal ointments are used to relieve local inflammation and itching.

A dermatologist often hears complaints that a child has itching in the area of ​​the palms and feet. A similar phenomenon occurs in the same places among adults and it causes a lot of trouble for everyone. When scratched, the skin is traumatized, causing microcracks to appear, which open the way for all kinds of infection.

Prevention of childhood infectious diseases primarily involves compliance with vaccinations. Vaccination is the greatest invention of people, which was made for all possible prevention of serious diseases. A small red rash on the legs may be a sign of some kind of infection, so from birth it is necessary to follow the vaccination schedule, following all the recommendations of your doctor. At an early age, many children do not tolerate vaccinations well, after which they may experience fever, weakness and general malaise.

Itchy feet are often accompanied by burning, peeling and redness of the skin. If such symptoms occur systematically, then you should not postpone going to the doctor. The most common cause of itching is a fungus (mycosis). But this is far from the only pathology that can cause discomfort in the foot area.

Itchy feet may indicate a fungus

Why do my feet itch?

Itching can act as a symptom and indicate the presence of hidden diseases. A person may have itchy palms and feet, fingers, knees, face, and groin area. Many infectious and fungal diseases, as well as allergic reactions, are localized in these areas.

Fungus on the foot manifests itself in the form of peeling and burning skin

The feet may also become itchy due to insect bites. Itching appears against the background of somatic diseases, neuroses, and HIV infection. An unpleasant symptom can occur after drinking alcohol, since drinking alcohol leads to intoxication of the body. Often, feet begin to itch very much after swimming in a pool or swimming in a river, which directly indicates dirty or contaminated water.

Itchy feet during pregnancy

Itching during pregnancy is caused by hormonal changes occurring in the body. Discomfort can be localized in any part of the body, but most often it affects the nipple areolas, feet, palms and abdomen. An equally common cause of itching is swelling that occurs on the legs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.

Also, do not forget about chronic dermatitis, which worsens during pregnancy. If a woman has any skin diseases, then they can remind themselves through itching, peeling and irritation of the epidermis in different places.

Expectant mothers who take a large number of medications (in particular, vitamin complexes) may develop hepatosis. This disease is localized in the liver area, the disease is also accompanied by itching.

Any liver disorders, as well as increased levels of bilirubin (liver pigment), lead to itching. This is another reason for the appearance of scabies syndrome after drinking alcohol.

During pregnancy, the level of estrogen (female steroid hormones) increases. Because of this, not only the feet, but also other parts of the body may begin to itch. If the estrogen level does not exceed the permissible norm, then there is no need to worry.

Itchy foot in a child

Children's skin is more delicate and susceptible to various infections and bacteria. In infants, itchy feet may occur due to an allergic reaction to skincare products, fabrics, or food. As a rule, discomfort caused by allergies is accompanied by a rash and burning sensation. Itching at night may also indicate scabies. Because of this, the child will sleep poorly, be capricious and fidget.

Children often develop enteroviral infections, the causative agents of which are enteroviruses, as well as the Coxsackie and ECHO viruses. Pathogenic microorganisms from these categories are found in water and food. Viral infection leads to itching, rash, and the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

A child may develop vitamin deficiency due to a lack of useful microelements in the body. Both the lower and upper torso suffer from this. Peeling appears on the arms and legs, the skin becomes dry and painfully pale. Such symptoms most often result from a lack of B vitamins.

Lack of vitamins can cause itching and peeling of a child's feet

Methods for treating itchy feet

What to do if the soles of your feet itch? You definitely need to see a doctor. Self-treatment will not provide a 100% guarantee of recovery, and in some cases it will only make things worse. It is not recommended to take any medications without medical advice. For therapy, you can use ointments and creams, since they do not have a negative effect on the body.


At the very beginning of treatment, you can use emollient creams. They are suitable for children and adults. Such products do not penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, but they can relieve itching caused by dermatitis or an allergic reaction. For children, you can use products from the Mustela company. The cheapest option is regular Vaseline, which has a softening and caring effect.

For adults, pharmaceutical creams from the Vishy company (from the Normaderm series) are suitable. These products are the safest and most effective when compared with other pharmacy cosmetics.

Under no circumstances should you use salicylic ointment if your skin is extremely dry. It can only be used for dermatitis and eczema. To get rid of itching, it is better to use zinc ointment (it is allowed even for pregnant women).

Medications that can relieve itching:

  1. . An ointment containing menthol, boric acid and petroleum jelly. Has a calming, analgesic and antiseptic effect. The product should be applied to the feet in a thin layer 1-2 times a day. The ointment quickly relieves itching and softens the skin. Cost of the drug: within 100 rubles.
  2. Oxycort. The medication should not be used by pregnant and lactating women. The drug contains oxytetracycline, petrolatum and hydrocortisone acetate. The ointment is used to treat various dermatitis and pruritus. It helps get rid of burns and frostbite. The product should be used up to 3 times a day. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas. The course of treatment for children should not last longer than 7 days. The cost of the ointment (for 10 grams) is 250-300 rubles.
  3. Iricar. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect. This remedy can be used to treat children. It should be applied in a thin layer 3 times a day. Severe itching should go away after 1 day of use. The ointment contains tropical liana extract and lanolin. Cost of the drug: about 1000 rubles.

Boromenthol ointment eliminates itching and moisturizes the skin

Before using each product, it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, a small amount of the drug should be applied to any area of ​​the skin and left for several hours.

Folk remedies

You can get rid of itching by using readily available and cheap ingredients. Folk remedies are not suitable for the treatment of serious diseases, since their effect is superficial and is aimed only at relieving discomfort.

Baby cream and essential oils

It is best to buy baby cream with chamomile extract. This medicinal plant is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory effects. Instead of cream, you can use Vaseline, but you will need to melt it first. The following oils should be used for this recipe:

  • tea tree;
  • jojoba;
  • menthol (or mint).

Tea tree oil helps relieve itching

You will need to add 2 drops of each oil to the base (cream or Vaseline). The resulting product should be smeared on the heels 2-3 times a day.

Essential oils can be used separately, as they work well against itching. To do this, apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the affected area. It is worth considering that oils greatly dry out the skin.

Soothing baths

To make a soothing bath, you can use sea salt, chamomile or lavender infusion. An important rule: the water should not be hot. For 10 liters of water you will need 100 ml of medicinal decoction or 100 grams of sea salt. It would be much more economical to make one basin. In principle, if your feet do not itch too much, even a cold shower will help.

Sea salt is suitable for preparing soothing baths.

Alcohol solution

An excellent remedy to help relieve itching from insect bites. For 100 ml of water you will need 20-30 ml of alcohol. The finished product should be applied locally using a cotton swab, as it can cause peeling of the skin.

Baking soda is also very good for itching. One glass of soda should be added to the bath or basin. The water should be warm (ideally cool). You will need to immerse your feet in the resulting solution for 30-40 minutes.

A baking soda bath helps relieve itching.


The soles of your feet may itch due to vitamin deficiency or poor nutrition. Therefore, if itching occurs, you need to reconsider your diet. Especially if all kinds of medications do not have a positive effect.

To begin with, you should give up alcoholic drinks and excessively fatty foods. You should reduce your consumption of citrus fruits and sweets. It is also recommended to add more foods containing vitamin B to your diet (tomatoes, nuts, cereals, beef). For the best effect, you need to give up caffeine.

If your feet feel itchy, stop drinking coffee.


Many reasons can cause irritation of the skin around the feet. Despite this, everyone can protect themselves from itching.

Main rules of prevention:

  • do not wear someone else's shoes;
  • do not abuse alcoholic beverages;
  • refuse narrow shoes that squeeze your feet;
  • get rid of shoes made of synthetic materials;
  • do not use expired, low-quality foot creams;
  • do not swim in dirty water;
  • Avoid close contact with people who show symptoms of scabies or fungus.

To avoid irritation on your feet, avoid wearing uncomfortable shoes.

These rules will help protect yourself from the most common diseases that cause itchy feet.

It is also worth understanding that scabies syndrome can occur against the background of stress and neuroses. If itching appears constantly and for no apparent reason, then you should take sedative tablets or decoctions.

Surely many people know firsthand what an unpleasant feeling of discomfort you experience when your feet itch. At the same time, the degree of inconvenience increases in the summer, when the skin on the lower extremities in problem areas begins to crack and become rough - naturally, you won’t want to walk barefoot on the beach like this. And how uncomfortable a person begins to feel when itching begins on the soles of his feet, shod in shoes or sneakers - you won’t deal with this delicate problem in the middle of a working day.

In any case, if your feet are itchy, then you must get rid of this pathology as quickly as possible, and in 99.9% of cases you cannot do without qualified medical help.


At the same time, for many, the question of why itching occurs on the soles of the feet remains unclear.

It should be emphasized that there may be several reasons. Let's look at the most common of them.


Why Elementary due to the bite or presence of an insect on the skin. Ants, fleas and mosquitoes can cause such discomfort that a person ends up in a hospital bed. Of course, by constantly touching the bite site, we create a wound on the skin, and the likelihood of introducing an infection into our own body becomes maximum. This is especially dangerous for little boys and girls, since their skin is too delicate, and if you notice that your child’s feet are itching and against this background he has a fever, then consult a doctor immediately.


Another insidious ailment that makes us suffer from itchy feet is. At the initial stage, you will only slightly feel that your feet are itching.

Gradually, the itching will become stronger, then ulcers and microcracks may form on the problem area. As the disease progresses, the fungus will attack the nail, which can lead to complete destruction of the nail plate. Against this background, toxic substances will begin to accumulate in your body, which can trigger the development of other pathologies. And if you know for sure why your feet itch, without any doubt that you have foot fungus, then you should again seek qualified medical help. Self-medication here will be ineffective: on your own you can only “mute” the disease, but not remove its root.


Don't have the slightest idea why your feet itch? It is possible that you have developed a disease such as scabies. The source of infection here is a tick that lives in human skin.

As a result of its vital activity, it can lay eggs, and you may feel unbearable itching, which worsens at night. At the same time, you can see “itchy” passages on the skin - thin stripes and small formations in the form of bubbles. Again, you cannot do without medical help; you should also remember that this pathology is transmitted from person to person.

and feet

It often happens that the feet and palms itch at the same time. This disease is called. It can be recognized by the following signs: the same small bubbles appear on the soles, on the skin of the palms and on the side surfaces of the fingers.

A dermatologist will help you get rid of this pathology through drug treatment. However, when taking the medicine, you should adhere to some rules, for example, use the drug immediately before bed, and after completing the treatment procedure you will need to change your bed linen.

in a pregnant woman

It very often occurs in expectant mothers, and it can be either periodic or permanent.

One of the most common causes of this pathology in pregnant women is liver disease. To make sure of this, it is enough to take tests: if the urine is dark, then your fears are confirmed. If a mother feels unbearable itching on the soles of her feet and only intends to see a doctor, then foot baths with the addition of a decoction of chestnut flowers will help ease her suffering.

The problem in question in a pregnant woman can also arise due to hormonal changes in the body. In this case, you can get rid of itching on the legs only when the baby is born.


If you notice that he is itching, it is likely that he has an allergic reaction to certain foods.

Naturally, to make sure of this, you must pass the appropriate tests, the results of which will determine what the child should not eat. In this case, you must consult a doctor, since allergies can cause headaches, nausea and other negative symptoms.

At the same time, not only food, but also medicines, cosmetics, wardrobe items, dust particles, etc. can act as an allergen. It should be remembered that the above irritants can not only provoke itching, but also eczema, not to mention dermatitis. However, there is no particular cause for concern, since ointments and antihistamines effectively cope with the above ailments. Unbearable itching can occur against the background of childhood illnesses such as chickenpox or measles. And if a child experiences redness of the skin, a fever and malaise, this may be a symptom of erysipelas of the skin. The source of this pathology is streptococci, so antibiotics are indispensable.


Don’t know why a person’s feet itch a lot? All kinds of mechanical damage, such as frostbite, burns, abrasions, calluses, can also cause itching. Often, even tight and uncomfortable shoes that compress the blood vessels can be the cause of the problem in question.

Ailments such as venous varicose veins also contribute to itching on the soles of the feet, since the walls of the veins are thinned and severely constricted, as a result of which the outflow of blood is impaired. At the same time, when combing the “problem” area, blisters and wounds immediately form. In this situation, you should contact a phlebologist - he will prescribe medications that will thin the blood and relieve swelling. Patients need to reduce the load on their legs, and at night keep their legs suspended using improvised means.


Do you hate the very thought of itchy feet? What to do to prevent such a problem? Of course, you need to remember: the best protection against disease is prevention. First of all, you need to maintain hygiene, limit contact with people who suffer from itchy feet, and regularly visit a doctor so that he can examine your skin.

Preventive measures should not be neglected, otherwise serious health problems may arise. Never use other people’s things, wear comfortable shoes with wide toes, when you sweat, be sure to use special products, and treat any damage or scratch with antiseptics.

When your feet itch, it can disrupt your normal rhythm of life. If, in addition to burning, rashes, redness and peeling appear on the soles of your feet, you should contact a qualified specialist.

What to do if your foot itches? Is it worth paying attention to?

In this article we will look at the causes, methods of treatment and prevention of itchy skin on the feet.

Factors that cause itchy feet

Unpleasant symptoms usually indicate the development of various diseases. It is extremely difficult to independently identify the cause. Before starting treatment, you must be examined by a dermatologist.

An itchy instep may be a result of wearing ill-fitting shoes.

The most harmless reason why your feet itch is. Most often, itching occurs after using new cleansers, powders and medications. Rash, redness and irritation can appear not only on the feet, but also on the elbows and other parts of the body. You can get rid of discomfort by limiting contact with the irritant.

Also, itching of the feet may occur for the following reasons:

  • Stress. Emotional turmoil, depression or a stressful environment have a negative impact on our health. In this case, it is necessary to use not only special ointments that relieve itching of the feet, but also take soothing herbal teas. In more severe cases, the help of a psychotherapist will be required.
  • Burns. When severe burns occur, the skin becomes red and large blisters filled with liquid appear on its surface. Often a person is also bothered by itching. If you suffer a burn, seek medical attention immediately.
  • Damage to the skin of the feet. If you receive a wound or scratch (after exercise, relaxing in the fresh air), be sure to treat the affected area with an antiseptic, otherwise you may get an infection. Itching in the feet usually occurs because the injury is healing and a “crust” forms in its place.
  • Uncomfortable shoes. Wearing tight and closed shoes leads to increased sweating of the feet. This can trigger the development of fungus. Try to wear comfortable shoes made from natural materials.
  • Vascular disease. Varicose veins can cause itchy feet. This occurs due to dysfunction of the blood flow. Usually the burning sensation is accompanied by swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities.
  • Scabies. A disease caused by the scabies mite. It spreads quickly over the surface of the skin and is also contagious. Distinctive symptoms of infection: severe itching and the appearance of a rash in the form of small blisters.
  • Fungal infections. Most often, itching on the feet occurs due to fungal microorganisms. They can be picked up at a swimming pool, public bath, shoe store or in a beauty salon through untreated manicure tools. The initial stage of fungal infection is asymptomatic. Only after some time does the infected person begin to show the first signs of the disease: burning and peeling of the skin, discoloration of the nail plate. Treatment must be started as early as possible.

Do not ignore unpleasant symptoms. Inaction can lead to serious complications.

If you notice several symptoms at once, consult a dermatologist or allergist. The doctor will conduct an examination to help identify the causes and treatments for itching.

Itchy foot in a child

Why do feet itch in childhood? Children have very delicate skin, so they are most susceptible to various irritants. Newborns may experience itching on the soles of their feet due to food or grooming products. The skin usually develops a rash and redness. The child’s sleep also worsens.

Enterovirus infections often develop in young children. The causative agents of the disease are found in some foods and untreated water. Signs of infection: burning, irritation, etc. Lack of therapy leads to serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Another factor that causes a child’s feet to itch is vitamin deficiency. Vitamin deficiency in the body worsens the condition of the epidermis. The skin becomes dry and flaky. To prevent the appearance of unpleasant symptoms, try to give your children vitamins (calcium, folic acid, iodine, iron, etc.). Also make sure their diet is balanced.

Itchy feet: treatment

There are two types of therapy: traditional and medicinal. It is also advisable to follow a special diet during treatment. This will help speed up the healing process.

Traditional medicine

The doctor prescribes medications depending on the cause and severity of the itching. Everything is individual, and if a remedy helped someone, it is not a fact that your unpleasant symptoms will disappear after using it. Therefore, you must first be examined by a doctor and take the necessary tests.

To cure the initial stage of fungal infections, antimycotic ointments, sprays, gels and lotions are used. The most effective medications are Nizoral, Mycoderil and Lamisil. They are applied to clean skin of the soles of the feet several times a day.

For burns, cuts, various injuries, etc. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. These include: “Soventol”, “Elidel”, “Rescuer”.

If the feet itch due to varicose veins, it is recommended to use medications that increase the tone of the venous and vascular walls (Venoruton, Detralex, Troxevasin ointment). In addition to drug treatment, the patient can undergo a number of medical procedures:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • electropuncture therapy.

Antihistamines are used to treat an allergic reaction. Also, to more quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, you must adhere to a special diet. It helps the body not only fight irritants, but also improves the condition of the epidermis.

Treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine does not always bring the same results as medications. It is advisable to use home methods only if your feet do not itch too much.

Oatmeal paste. Mix a glass of rolled oats with 200 ml of boiling water, stir and cool the mixture to a comfortable temperature. Apply the resulting paste to your itchy feet, then wrap them with gauze. After 30 minutes, you can wash the product off the soles of your feet. Repeat the procedure once a day.

Salt bath. To prepare it, you will need to dilute about 4 tablespoons of sea salt in a liter of hot water. You can also add lemon juice to the bath and place your feet in it. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Soda bath. Mix a liter of hot water and 50 grams of baking soda. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. After using the product, do not rinse your feet, just let them dry. If you do not have the opportunity to use baths, you can dilute the baking soda with a small amount of water and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.

Cold compress. If your feet itch (in one place, the middle, or their entire surface), then a chamomile decoction will help greatly. After preparing it, pour the product into small molds and place in the freezer. Once the ice is ready, wrap it in gauze. Apply the resulting compress to the affected areas of the skin. Due to the cold, pores narrow and irritation decreases. And chamomile decoction helps eliminate peeling and redness of the epidermis.

You can also use essential oils (tea tree, jojoba, eucalyptus, menthol, etc.) to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


An equally important treatment method is diet. The diet should include foods rich in macro- and microelements. They will help restore the epidermis and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment for itchy feet should begin with diet.

The first thing you need to do is give up sweet and alcoholic drinks. Fatty and too salty foods are also prohibited.

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • Beef, tomatoes, nuts, spinach and various grains (except white rice). They are rich in vitamin B and can eliminate skin flaking.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Low-fat dairy products and poultry.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits (no more than 70 grams per day).
  • To achieve a positive effect, you need to give up coffee.


Anyone can experience itchy feet, but it is easier to prevent its occurrence than to deal with long-term treatment later. The basic rule of prevention is to take care of the hygiene and appearance of your feet. It is also recommended to wear high-quality shoes made from natural materials.

If unpleasant symptoms occur, contact a dermatologist immediately. The sooner you start treatment, the less damage will be done to your feet.
