Thematic planning in history 10 11. Work program and calendar - thematic planning in history (grade 10). Municipal educational institution

Explanatory note

The work program on history is intended for 10 classes of educational institutions. It is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education and the Exemplary Program in History, the program for basic general education of the Malomayak School; the regional curriculum of educational institutions, implementing the programs of LLC and S (P) O for 2016 - 2017.

The main goal of studying history in modern school - education, development and upbringing of the student's personality, capable of self-identification and determination of their value priorities on the basis of understanding the historical experience of their country and humanity as a whole, actively and creatively applying historical knowledge in educational and social activities. The contribution of the basic school to the achievement of this goal consists in the basic historical preparation and socialization of students.

The tasks of studying history at school :

- formation in the younger generation of guidelines for civil, ethnic, social, cultural self-identification in the outside world;

- the formation in students of a holistic view of the historical path of Russia and the fate of the peoples inhabiting it, about the main stages, about the most important events and major figures in Russian history, about the place and role of Russia in the world historical process;

- education of patriotism, respect for one's Fatherland, the rights and freedoms of another person, social responsibility, commitment to humanistic and democratic values, conviction in the need to comply with moral norms accepted in society;

- developing the ability of students to analyze the information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interconnection and interdependence;

- the formation of skills to apply historical knowledge to comprehend the essence of modern social phenomena, in communication with other people in modern society.

Methods and forms of control

Checking homework by conducting a frontal survey makes it possible to control the assimilation of the studied material.

Conducting written work with the formulation of problematic questions, writing an essay, filling in tables in the process of independent work, allow you to check the ability to search for the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems, separating secondary information from the main one, transferring information to an adequately set goal, working with texts of various styles , creating your own works.

Forms of intermediate attestation of students are: participation in round tables, conferences, testing, preparation of multimedia presentations on certain problems of the topics studied.

Testing - allows you to control the content elements of knowledge, as well as the required cognitive skills. The following elements of basic school history training are tested:

Knowledge of dates, periods of the most significant phenomena, processes, work with chronology.

Knowledge of facts (place, circumstances, participants in events), work with facts.

Working with sources: searching for information in the source (determining dates, events, personalities in question), contextual analysis of the source (disclosing the essence of the described events, phenomena with the involvement of knowledge from the history course)

Description of historical events.

Explanation, analysis of historical events: explanation of historical concepts, terms; correlation of facts and generalized knowledge, concepts; indication of characteristic, essential signs of events, phenomena; explaining the causes and consequences of events; systematization, grouping of facts, concepts, phenomena according to the indicated attribute; presentation and explanation of assessments of historical events, phenomena, personalities.

The history work program for grade 10 is based on

    Federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education in history at the basic level ("Teaching history and social studies at school" No. 4.5 2010)

    Exemplary curriculum of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level in history

    XIXcentury. Grade 10". IN AND. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin. Base.level. "Education",

    XIXcentury. Grade 10". N.S. Borisov, A.A. Lewandowski. Base.level. "Education".

Used teaching kit

    "General history. From ancient times to the endXIXcentury. Grade 10". IN AND. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin. "Enlightenment", 2014

    The history of Russia from ancient times to the endXVIIcentury. Grade 10". N.S. Borisov. "Enlightenment", 2014

    "Russian history XVIIIXIXcentury. Grade 10". A.A. Levandovsky, Yu.A. Shchetinov. "Enlightenment", 2014

The study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    education of citizenship, national identity, development of students' worldview beliefs on the basis of their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines;

    development of the ability to understand the historical conditionality of the phenomena and processes of the modern world, to determine one's own position in relation to the surrounding reality, to correlate one's views and principles with historically emerged worldview systems;

    the development of systematized knowledge about the history of mankind, the formation of a holistic view of the place and role of Russia in the world-historical process;

    mastering the skills and abilities of searching, systematizing and comprehensive analysis of historical information;

    the formation of historical thinking - the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, to compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, to determine one's own attitude to the debatable problems of the past and the present.

History Course Features studied at the stage of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level. The main content lines of the program are implemented within the framework of two courses - "History of Russia" and "General History". Their supposedintegrated study, based on the problem-chronological approach. Priority is given to educational material related to educational and developmental tasks that are important from the point of view of the socialization of schoolchildren, their acquisition of socially significant knowledge, skills and abilities.

General content of the history course in grade 10

Russian history

(42 h)

Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia (1 hour)

Natural and climatic factors and features of the development of the territory of Eastern Europe and the North of Eurasia. Stone Age sites. Transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Cattle breeders and farmers. The emergence of metal tools and their impact on primitive society.

The great migration of peoples and its influence on the formation of the Proto-Slavic ethnos. The place of the Slavs among the Indo-Europeans. East Slavic tribal unions and their neighbors: Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Turkic-speaking tribes. Occupations, social system and beliefs of the Eastern Slavs. Strengthening the role of tribal leaders, property stratification.

Rus' in the 9th - early 12th centuries. (3 hours)

The origin of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. "The Tale of Bygone Years". The emergence of the Old Russian state. Novgorod. Origin of the word "Rus". Beginning of the Rurik dynasty. tribute and allegiance. Princes and their squads. Veche orders. Trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks". Campaigns to Byzantium. Acceptance of Christianity. The development of the rule of law in Rus'. Categories of the population. Princely feuds.

Christian culture and pagan traditions of Rus'. Contacts with cultures of the West and East. Byzantine influence. Monastery building. The culture of Ancient Rus' as one of the factors in the formation of the Old Russian people.

Russian lands and principalities in the XII - the middle of the XV centuries. (6 hours)

Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Strengthening the economic and political independence of the Russian lands. The largest lands and principalities of Rus' inXII– beginning XIIIcenturies Monarchies and republics. The Orthodox Church and the idea of ​​the unity of the Russian land. Rus' and the Steppe. The heyday of the culture of pre-Mongol Rus.

Formation of the Mongolian state. Invasion of Rus'. The inclusion of Russian lands in the Mongolian system of control of the conquered lands. Golden Horde. Adoption of Islam by the Horde. The role of the Mongol conquest in the history of Rus'. Expansion from the West. The fight against crusader aggression. Russian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

The beginning of the revival of Rus'. Internal migrations of the population. Restoration of the economy of Russian lands. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. The role of cities in the unification process.

The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Rus'. Political, social, economic and territorial-geographic reasons for the transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and the struggle against Horde rule. The origin of national self-consciousness in Rus'.

Grand Duchy of Moscow in the system of international relations. The beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde. Formation of the Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan khanates. Consolidation of Catholicism as the state religion of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Cultural development of Russian lands and principalities at the endXIII- the middle of the XV century. The influence of external factors on the development of Russian culture. Formation of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peoples. Moscow as a center for the development of the culture of the Great Russian people.

Russian state in the second half 16 - 17 (6 hours)

Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. Features of the process of folding a centralized state in Russia. The overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure. Formation of a new system of government of the country. The role of the church in state building. "Moscow is the third Rome".

The establishment of royal power and its sacralization in the public consciousness. Formation of the ideology of autocracy. Reforms of the middle of the XVI century. Creation of bodies of estate-representative monarchy. Development of the local system. The establishment of serfdom. Oprichnina. Establishment of the Patriarchate. Expansion of the territory of Russia in the XVI century. The growth of the international prestige of the Russian state.

Causes and nature of the Troubles. The suppression of the ruling dynasty. boyar groups. Exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions. The fight against the aggression of the Commonwealth and Sweden. National rise in Russia. Restoration of the independence of the country.

Zemsky Sobor in 1613 and the restoration of autocracy. First Romanovs. Expansion of the territory of the Russian state inXVIIin. The entry of Left-Bank Ukraine into Russia. Exploration of Siberia. Russia's participation in the wars inXVII in.

Legal registration of serfdom. New phenomena in the economy: the beginning of the formation of the all-Russian market, the formation of manufactories. Development of new shopping centers. Social movements in Russia in the second half of the 17th century. Church schism and its significance. Old Believers.

Culture of the peoples of the Russian state in the second half of the XV-XVII centuries. centuries Strengthening secular elements in Russian culture. New forms of architecture. The heyday of Russian painting and arts and crafts. The beginning of printing and the spread of literacy. The origin of journalism. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. "Domostroy": patriarchal traditions in everyday life and customs. Peasant and urban life.

Features of Russian traditional (medieval) culture. Formation of national identity. Discussion about the prerequisites for the transformation of the social system and the nature of the modernization process in Russia.

Russia in the XVIII - XIX centuries. (24 hours)

Peter's transformations. Reforms of the army and navy. Creation of a factory industry. Protectionist policy. A new system of state power and administration. Proclamation of an empire. The transformation of the nobility into the ruling class. Features of Russian absolutism. Russia in the period of palace coups. Expansion of the rights and privileges of the nobility. enlightened absolutism. Legislative registration of the estate system.

Attempts to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the XIX century. Reforms of the public administration system. The growth of opposition sentiments in society. Decembrist movement. Formation of the Russian conservative ideology. The theory of "official nationality". Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism.

Features of the economic development of Russia in the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century. Development of capitalist relations. The beginning of the industrial revolution. Formation of a single internal market. Changing the social structure of Russian society. Preservation of serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization.

The transformation of Russia into a world power. Russia in the warsXVIIIin. Imperial foreign policy. Partitions of Poland. Expansion of the territory of the state in the XVIII - mid-XIX centuries. Russia's participation in anti-French coalitions during the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. The Patriotic War of 1812 and the foreign campaign of the Russian army. Russia in the Holy Alliance. Crimean War.

The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world culture of the 18th - the first half of the 19th centuries. Features of the Russian Enlightenment. Scientific and technical thought and scientific expeditions. Foundation of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow University. Society scientists. Creation of a public education system. Formation of the Russian literary language. The development of musical and theatrical art. Innovation and continuity of artistic styles in the visual arts. Changing the principles of urban planning. Russian estate.

The beginning of the reign of Alexander 2. The peasant reform of 1861. The content of the reform, implementation.Value. Socio-economic development of Russia after the Peasant reform. Development of agriculture. Industrial production. Industrial rise. S.Yu Witte. Beginning of the labor movement. Results of socio-economic development. Reforms 60 - 70 years. Zemstvo and city reforms. Judicial reform. military reform.

Society and power in the second half of the 50s - early 80s. The attitude of society to reforms. Conservative, liberal, radical currents in social thought, their representatives. Raznochintsy. The origins of populism. populist organizations. Terror and its consequences. "Constitution" M.T. Loris - Melikova. Assassination of Alexander 2.

Domestic policy and social movements in the reign A 3. Strengthening state power. attempts at counter-reform. Features of the social movement. Labor Movement. Russian Liberal Democracy

Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Main directions. A.M. Gorchakov. Exacerbation of the Eastern Question. Causes of the Russian-Turkish war. Alexander 3 Peacemaker. Exacerbation of contradictions between Russia and Germany. Rapprochement with France and Anshlia. Accession of Kazakhstan and Central Asia to Russia.

Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century.

democratization of culture. The beginning of higher education for women in Russia.

The most important discoveries of Russian scientists and their significance for the development of society (D. Mendelev, I.M. Sechenov and others) literature, Topics genres. Theatrical art. Music. Creativity of the perezhdvizhnikov. Creative unions and their influence on the cultural life of Russian society.

History as a science.


Ancient history of mankind

Modern scientific concepts of the origin of man and society. Natural and social in man and the human community of the primitive era. Neolithic revolution. Changes in the way of life and forms of social ties. Tribal relations.

Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages

Civilizations of the Ancient East. Formation of Indo-Buddhist and Sino-Confucian civilizations. Philosophical heritage of the Ancient East.

Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean. Politico-legal organization and social structure. Democracy and tyranny. Roman Republic and Empire.

The emergence of Islamic civilization. Social norms and motives of human social behavior in Islamic society.

Christian medieval civilization in Europe. Formation of the Western European and Eastern European regions of civilizational development. Formation and development of the estate-corporate system in the European medieval society. Feudalism as a system of social organization and power relations. Traditional (agrarian) society in the West and East: features of the social structure, economic life, political relations. Prerequisites for modernization.

New time: the era of modernization

The concept of "new time". Modernization as a process of transition from a traditional (agrarian) to an industrial society.

Great geographical discoveries and the beginning of European colonial expansion. Formation of a new spatial perception of the world. Commercial and manufacturing capitalism. internal colonization. Innovations in the way of life, the nature of thinking, value orientations and social norms in the Renaissance and Reformation. Formation of Protestant political culture and social ethics. Confessional split of European society.

From estate-representative monarchies to absolutism - the evolution of European statehood. Bourgeois revolutions of the XVII-XIX centuries. Ideology of the Enlightenment. Constitutionalism. The formation of civil society. The emergence of the ideological doctrines of liberalism, conservatism, socialism, anarchism. Marxism and the workers' revolutionary movement. Nationalism and its influence on social and political life in European countries. Technological progress in modern times. Development of capitalist relations. Industrial revolution. Free competition capitalism. "Echelons" of modernization as different models of transition from traditional to industrial society. The worldview of a person in an industrial society. The role of geopolitical factors in the international relations of modern times. colonial division of the world. Traditional societies of the East in the conditions of European colonial expansion.


The program provides the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject results.


- education of Russian civic identity, patriotism, love and respect for the Fatherland, a sense of pride in their homeland, in the historical past of the multinational people of Russia;

- awareness by students of their ethnicity, knowledge of the culture of their people and their region in the context of the global cultural heritage;

- assimilation of the traditional values ​​of the multinational Russian society, humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern civilization, respect for human rights and freedoms; comprehension of the socio-moral experience of previous generations, the ability to determine one's position and responsible behavior in modern society;

- understanding the cultural diversity of the world; respect for the culture of one's own and other peoples; tolerance as a norm of a conscious and benevolent attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview, culture, language, faith, citizenship, history, culture, religion, traditions, languages, values ​​of the peoples of Russia and the world.

Metasubject the results of the study of history by students of the basic school include:

- the ability to consciously organize and regulate one's learning activities, exercise control over the result and method of action at the level of voluntary attention, make the necessary adjustments to the execution and method of action, both at the end of the action and in the course of its implementation;

- possession of skills to work with educational and out-of-school information, various logical actions (definition and limitation of concepts, establishment of causal and generic relationships, etc.);

- use of modern sources of information, including materials on electronic media and Internet resources;

- the ability to solve creative problems, present the results of their activities in various forms (message, essay, presentation, abstract, etc.);

- willingness to cooperate with fellow students, teamwork, mastering the basics of intercultural interaction at school and in the social environment;

- possession of the skills to work in a group, listen to a partner, formulate and argue one’s opinion. Correctly defend one’s position and coordinate it with partners, resolve conflicts productively based on taking into account the interests and positions of all its participants, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve conflicts.

subject the results of the study of history by students of the basic school include:

- formation of a respectful attitude to the history of their Fatherland as a single and indivisible multinational state; development of students' desire to contribute to the solution of global problems facing Russia and humanity;

- formation of the most important cultural and historical landmarks for civil, ethnic, social, cultural self-identification of the individual, worldview and knowledge of modern society, its most important social values ​​and public ideas: citizenship and patriotism, humanistic and democratic values, peace in mutual understanding between people; assimilation of basic national values ​​and ideals based on the study of the historical experience of Russia;

- mastering a holistic view of the historical path of the peoples of Russia, basic knowledge of the patterns of Russian history;

- the formation of skills to apply historical knowledge, the conceptual apparatus and methods of historical analysis to reveal the essence and significance of events and phenomena of the past and present, to comprehend life in a modern multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-confessional world;

- development of the ability to analyze, compare and evaluate the information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past, revealing its cognitive value;

- expanding the experience of evaluation activities on the basis of understanding the life and deeds of individuals and peoples in the history of Russia;

- gaining experience in the active development of the historical and cultural heritage of their people, native land, Russia, the desire to preserve and increase cultural heritage;

- creation of a basis for the formation of interest among some schoolchildren in the further expansion and deepening of historical knowledge and the choice of history as a specialized subject at the level of secondary (complete) general education, and later as a sphere of their professional activity.

It is assumed that as a result of studying the history of Russia in the basic school, students should master the followingknowledge and skills:


1) key historical events (time, place, participants, circumstances);

2) periodization of key phenomena and processes (chronological framework, foundations);

H) the main information sources for historical periods;

4) the most common and scientifically based interpretations and assessments of events, phenomena and personalities of the past, reflected in the textbook and recommended literature;


1) extract the necessary information from various sources (primary sources, historical writings, textbook, historical maps, graphs, etc.);

2) compare data from different sources, historical events and phenomena, determine common and differences;

3) distinguish between facts and their interpretations, assessments; classify facts on various grounds; correlate individual facts and general phenomena;

4) to give definitions of the most important historical concepts through genus and specific differences;

5) on the basis of facts and with the help of historical concepts, describe the events of the past and historical objects, characterize the conditions and way of life of people of different historical eras, identify characteristic, essential features of historical events and phenomena;

6) determine and argue their attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of Russia;

7) apply historical knowledge to interpret and evaluate contemporary events, in communication, in a multicultural environment.

The work program establishes the following system for the distribution of educational material and study time for grade 10:

Volume of study time




Grade 10

70 h

Russian history

XIX c.) - 42 hours

General history

(from ancient times to the endXIX c.) - 28 hours

Requirements for the level of graduate training

As a result of studying history at a basic level, the student should


    basic facts, processes and phenomena that characterize the integrity and consistency of national and world history;

    periodization of world and national history;

    modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history;

    the historical conditionality of modern social processes;

    features of the historical path of Russia, its role in the world community;

be able to

    search for historical information in sources of various types;

    critically analyze the source of historical information (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances and purpose of its creation);

    analyze historical information presented in different sign systems (text, map, table, diagram, audiovisual series);

    distinguish between facts and opinions, historical descriptions and historical explanations in historical information;

    to establish causal relationships between phenomena, the spatial and temporal framework of the studied historical processes and phenomena;

    participate in discussions on historical issues, formulate their own position on the issues under discussion, using historical information for argumentation;

    present the results of the study of historical material in the form of abstracts, abstracts, reviews;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

    determining one's own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life, based on their historical conditionality;

    using the skills of historical analysis in the critical perception of social information received from outside;

    correlating one's own actions and the actions of others with historically emerging forms of social behavior;

    awareness of oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethno-cultural, confessional community, a citizen of Russia.

Evaluation criteria

Rating "5" placed if the student:

1. Shows a deep and complete knowledge and understanding of the entire scope of the program material; full understanding of the essence of the considered concepts, phenomena and patterns, theories, relationships.

2. Able to compose a complete and correct answer based on the studied material; highlight the main provisions, independently confirm the answer with specific examples, facts; to independently and reasonably make an analysis, generalize, and draw conclusions. Establishes interdisciplinary (based on previously acquired knowledge) and intradisciplinary connections, creatively applies the acquired knowledge in an unfamiliar situation. Consistently, clearly, coherently, reasonably and accurately presents the educational material: gives an answer in a logical sequence using the accepted terminology; draws his own conclusions; forms an accurate definition and interpretation of basic concepts; when answering, does not repeat verbatim the text of the textbook; presents the material in literary language; correctly and thoroughly answers additional questions of the teacher. Independently and rationally uses visual aids, reference materials, textbook, additional literature, primary sources.

3. Independently, confidently and accurately applies the acquired knowledge in solving problems at a creative level; allows no more than one defect, which is easily corrected at the request of the teacher.

Rating "4" placed if the student:

1. Shows knowledge of all studied program material. Gives a complete and correct answer based on the theories studied; allows minor errors and shortcomings in the reproduction of the studied material, definitions of concepts, inaccuracies in the use of scientific terms or in conclusions and generalizations; the material is presented in a certain logical sequence, while making one minor mistake or no more than two shortcomings and can correct them independently upon request or with a little help from the teacher; basically mastered the educational material; supports the answer with concrete examples; answers the teacher's questions correctly.

2. Able to independently highlight the main provisions in the studied material; on the basis of facts and examples, generalize, draw conclusions, establish intra-subject relationships. Applies the acquired knowledge in practice in a modified situation, observes the basic rules of the culture of oral and written speech, uses scientific terms.

3. Does not have sufficient skills in working with reference books, textbooks, primary sources (he is oriented correctly, but works slowly). Allows minor violations of the rules for the design of written work.

Grade "3" placed if the student:

1. Has mastered the main content of the educational material, has gaps in the assimilation of the material that do not prevent further assimilation of the program material; The material is presented unsystematized, fragmentary, not always consistent.

2. Shows insufficient formation of individual knowledge and skills; He weakly argues conclusions and generalizations, makes mistakes in them.

3. Made mistakes and inaccuracies in the use of scientific terminology, gave definitions of concepts that were not clear enough; did not use conclusions and generalizations from observations, facts as evidence, or made mistakes in their presentation.

4. Has difficulty in applying knowledge, in explaining specific phenomena based on theories, or in confirming specific examples of the practical application of theories.

5. Incompletely answers the teacher's questions (missing the main one), or reproduces the content of the text of the textbook, but does not sufficiently understand certain provisions that are important in this text.

6. Detects insufficient understanding of certain provisions when reproducing the text of the textbook (records, primary sources) or answers incompletely to the teacher's questions, making one or two gross mistakes.

Grade "2" placed if the student:

1. Did not learn and did not disclose the main content of the material; does not draw conclusions and generalizations.

2. Does not know and does not understand a significant or main part of the program material within the limits of the questions posed or has poorly formed and incomplete knowledge and is not able to apply them to solving specific issues.

3. When answering (on one question), he makes more than two gross mistakes that he cannot correct even with the help of a teacher.

4. Cannot answer any of the questions asked.

5. Completely did not master the material.

Rated "1" » is set if the student:

1. Refused to answer on the topic with no good reason or with complete ignorance of the main provisions of the topic.

Educational and methodological complex in history, grade 10 :

    General history, V.I. Ukolova, A.V. Revyakin, GEF, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014, basic level.

    History of Russia, part 1, N.S. Borisov, GEF, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014., basic level.

    History of Russia, part 2, A.A. Levandovsky, Federal State Educational Standard, ed. "Enlightenment", 2014, basic level.

    Revyakina E.Yu. General history, grade 10: workbook. - M .: "Enlightenment", 2012.

    Levandovsky A.A. History of Russia, grade 10: workbook. - M .: "Enlightenment", 2012.

Educational and methodological support

    Printed aids.



Planned results





Introduction (1 hour)

(Vi) * The subject of historical science, periodization and chronology.

Historical memory, historical source, civilizational theories, anthropology, modernization theories

Page 5-15, ex. work on p.14, analysis of doc. on page 15

Primitive (1 hour)

(V) Background.

Prehistory=Primitiveness, Neolithic Revolution

§1, analysis of doc. on page 26

Ancient world (6 hours)

(Vi) Middle East.

Agrarian civilizations, irrigated agriculture, patriarchal slavery, despotism.

§2, study the map on page 30, analysis of the document. on pages 38-41

(Vi) India and China in antiquity.

Varna, Vedism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, "axial time"

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§3, study the map, analysis of the document. on pages 50-51

(Vi) Ancient Greece. From the first states to the heyday of the policy.

Antiquity, polis, classical slavery, democracy, oligarchy, ochlocracy

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§4, study the map, analysis of the document. on pages 60-61

(Vi) Ancient Greece. From the polis to the Hellenistic world.

Hellenism, Hellenistic monarchy, tyranny

§5, comp. ist. port., study the map, analysis of the document. on page 71

(V) Ancient Rome. From the rise of the city to the fall of the republic.

Patricians, plebeians, republic, plebescite.

§6, study the map, analysis of the document. on pages 82-84, task for working tetra.

(V) Ancient Rome. The Roman Empire

Empire, Principate, Dominate, Christianity

§7, comm., pr. work on page 93

Middle Ages (6 hours)

(Vi) Western European Middle Ages. Development of the feudal system

Feudalism, vassal relations, estates, immunity, fragmentation, estate-representative monarchy

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map on pp. 98, 101,104,

105, analysis doc. on pages 107-109

(Vi) The Rise and Crisis of Western European Christendom. Practical work

Workshops, guilds, communal movement, burghers, scholasticism

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§9, analysis of doc. on pages 117-118

(Vi) Byzantine Middle Ages.

Autocracy, iconoclasm, hesychasm, canon, thematic system and stratiots.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§10, comp. ist. port., study the map on page 122, analysis of the document. on pages 130-131

(Vi) The Islamic World in the Middle Ages.

Islam, Shiism, Sunnism, Caliphate

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§11, study the map on p. 135, analysis of doc. on pp. 141-142, task for working tetra.

(Vi) India in the Middle Ages.

Caste, varno-caste system, raja, dharma, ahimsa, Sikhism

Set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinion and position.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§12, study the map on p. 45, creative. work on page 149

(Vi) China and Japan in the Middle Ages.

pagoda, shinto, samurai, shogunate

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§13, study the map on p. 159, if desired - tvoch. work, task

2.3, p. 162

Prepare for General History Tests

Part 1. Introduction. The history of Russia is part of world history (1 hour)

Tests on the topic "Countries of the West and East in antiquity and the Middle Ages" for 20 minutes

The history of Russia is part of world history.

The peculiarity of Russian civilization.

World history, regional history, historical sources.

Creative. task: "Medieval civilizations"; pp.4-12

Section 1. Old Russian state in IX - XIII centuries (7 o'clock)

Historical roots of the Slavs. Eastern Slavs inVII- IXcenturies

Indo-Europeans, Proto-Slavs, migration, colonization, Veche, Khaganate

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§1, study the map, analysis of the document. on pages 20-22

Kievan Rus.

State, prince, squad, boyars, Varangians, tribute, lesson, churchyard, reform, polyudie.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§2-3, study the map, comp. source port (personality of choice); fill in the table on page 41

Culture of Kievan Rus

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§4, creative. assignment, document analysis. on page 53

Russian lands in the 12th - early 13th century. The heirs of Kievan Rus

Strife, Russian Truth, patrimony, smerd, serf, ladder.

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§5-6, study the map, prep. message about the great princes of Kievan Rus

Culture of Rus' in the 12th-13th centuries.

Destiny, congress, patriotism, chronicle, epic.

Set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinion and position.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§7, creative. assignment, document analysis. on pages 61-62

Mongol invasion. Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde.

Yoke, Horde exit, Baskak, label, residence, Kipchaks.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map, design work

Section 2. The formation of a unified Russian state in XIV - XV cc.(3 hours)

Strengthening of the Moscow principality in the 14th - 1st half of the 15th century.

Zemsky Sobor, orders, centralized state, estate-representative monarchy.

§9-10, study the map, task for working tetra.

The final stage in the creation of a unified Russian state (second half of the 15th - early 16th century)

Nobles, archery army, reserved years

§11-12, study map, analysis of Sudebnik 1497

Russian cultureXIV-XVcenturies

caftan, poloti

§13, project work

Section 3. Russia in XVI - XVII centuries (6 o'clock)

Russia inXVIcentury.

Zemsky Sobor, orders, centralized state, class-representative monarchy. oprichnina, terror.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§14-15, study the map, analysis of the docum. on pages 175-176

Time of Troubles.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§17-18, study the map, analysis of the docum. on pages 205-206, comp. ist. portrait personalities (optional); preparation presentation about din.Romanovs

Revival of the country after the Troubles. Domestic policy of the first Romanovs.

Servants, peasants, owners, palaces, black-haired, tax. Yuriev day.

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, study the map, fill in the table. on page 220

Russia's foreign policy inXVIIcentury.

R.k. Peace of Bakhchisarai 1681

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§20, study the map, task for working tetra.

Russian cultureXVI- XVIIcenturies

Set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinion and position.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§13,21, creative. task or project work (optional)

Prepare for the control test.


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

Rebirth (1 hour)

(Vi) Renaissance as a cultural and historical era.

Renaissance (Renaissance), humanism, utopia, mannerism

§14, study the map on p. 167, pract. work on page 173

New time. Economy and Society (4 hours)

(V) Emergence of the world market.

Great geographical discoveries, price revolution, capital, capitalism, stock exchange

§15, study the map, prep. message about the discoverers of new lands

(V) Society and economy of the "old order"

Old order, three fields, fencing, manufactory

§16, analysis of doc. on page 196

(Vi) The Industrial Revolution.

industrial revolution, protectionism, mercantilism

§17, comp. presentation on the topic: "Stock exchange: historical past and present"

(Vi) Industrial society.

Industrialization, modernization, urbanization, monopoly, bourgeoisie

§18, graph analysis, pract. work on page 219

Spiritual life of society (3 hours)

(Vi) Religion and the Church at the Beginning of Modern Times.

Reformation, indulgences, Lutheranism, Calvinism, Church of England, Counter-Reformation

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, analysis of doc. on pp. 231-232, comp. presentation on the topic: "Reform movement in Europe"

(V) Science and socio-political thoughtXVII- XIXcenturies

Scientific revolution, Enlightenment, civil society, rule of law, principle of separation of powers, liberalism, socialism, communism, positivism

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§20, comp. ist. port.scientist (optional), analysis of documents. on pages 243-244

(V) Artistic cultureXVII- XIXcenturies

Classicism, Baroque, Rococo, Empire, Romanticism, Eclecticism, Realism, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§21, practical. work on pages 254-255, comp. gift. (a branch of culture to choose from)

Political development (3 hours)

(Vi) State in the West and East.

Absolutism, enlightened absolutism, despotism

They set educational tasks on the basis of correlating what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown;

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal;

§22, study the map, pract. work on page 266

(V) Political revolutionsXVII- XVIII


Puritanism, republic, limited monarchy

Plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including internally

adequately use speech means to effectively solve a variety of communicative tasks

Determine the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the educational process; understand the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social way of assessing knowledge

§23-24, study the map, analysis of the docum. on pages 281-282


(Vi) The rise of liberal democracy.


Conservatism, liberalism, democracy

They accept and save the learning task, take into account the action points identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher;

pose and formulate the problem of the lesson, independently create an algorithm of activity in solving the problem;

§25, comp. synchronistic table. on page 294

International Relations (2 hours)


(Vi) Meeting of the worlds: West and East in modern times.


Colony, metropolis, balance of power, dynamic warfare

They plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including internally.

set and formulate the goals and problem of the lesson; consciously and voluntarily build messages in oral and written form, including creative and research character;

adequately use speech means to effectively solve a variety of communication tasks

Determine the internal position of the student at the level of a positive attitude towards the educational process; understand the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social way of assessing knowledge

§26,27, study the map, pract. work on page 305

European equilibriumXVII- XVIIIcenturies


(Vi) Conflicts and contradictionsXIXin.


Legitimism, realpolitik

They determine the sequence of intermediate goals with the end result, draw up a plan and an algorithm of actions.

are guided in a variety of ways to solve cognitive problems, choose the most effective of them.

agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

Express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant area of ​​human life

§28, study the map, pract. work on page 329

2 part. Section 1. Russia in the era of Peter the Great (4 hours)


The beginning of the reign and reform of PeterI.


The German Quarter, the Great Embassy, ​​the Streltsy revolt, the Senate, the colleges, the emperor.

They accept and save the learning task, take into account the action points identified by the teacher in the new educational material in cooperation with the teacher.

pose and formulate the problem of the lesson, independently create an algorithm of activity in solving the problem.

are active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks (asking questions, formulating soy difficulties, offering help and cooperation)

Have a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in the unity and diversity of peoples, cultures and religions

pp.5-10, §1,2, comp. ist. portrait PetraI


Peter's foreign policyI.


recruiting, regular army,

formulate their own opinion and position, ask questions, build statements understandable for the partner

Comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society

§3, study the map, comp. gift. "Peter's foreign policy"


"Cultural revolution in Russia at the beginningXVIIIin.


Assembly, Kunstkamera

They argue their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities

§4, design work

Section 2. Russia in the middle and second half XVIII century (5 hours)


Russia after PeterІ. The era of palace coups.


Supreme Privy Council, conditions, cabinet of ministers, Bironovshchina,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§5, work with tables, analysis of documents, prep. gift. "Palace Revolutions"


"Enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II. Peasants' War


enlightened absolutism, the Legislative Commission, letters of commendation,

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§6,7, analysis of docum. on pages 64-65, 73-74


Russia's foreign policy inXVIIIcentury.

R.k. The struggle for access to the Black Sea. Accession of Crimea to Russia.


anti-French coalitions,


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§8, study the map, fill in the table. on page 82, analysis of the "Manifesto on the annexation of the Crimea to Russia" dated April 8, 1783.


Reign of PaulI.



Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§9, analysis of doc. on pages 88-90


Russian cultureXVIIIcentury.


"Golden Age" of Russian culture

Set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinion and position.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§10, creative. Job

Russia in the first half XIX century (8 hours)


Russia's economic development inXVIII- first halfXIXcentury.


Fortress system, market relations,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§11, fill in the table. on page 111, design work


Reforms of AlexanderI.


Ministerial reform, public education system, "Plan of state transformations",

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§12, characteristics of the reforms of Alexander I


Fight with Napoleon.


continental blockade, Great Army, Patriotic War, maneuver, guerrilla movement,

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§13, study the map, comp. ist. portrait M.I. Kutuzova, undergraduate Presentation "Patriotic War"


Reaction period. Decembrists.

R.k. Decembrists in the history of Crimea.


constitution, reaction, military settlements

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§14, comparative analysis of the programs of the Southern and Northern societies


Domestic policy of NicholasI.


law codification,

They set educational tasks on the basis of correlating what is already known and learned, and what is still unknown.

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal.

formulate their own opinion and position, ask questions, build statements understandable for the partner

Comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society

§15, characteristics of the reforms of Nicholas I


Russia's foreign policy in the second quarterXIXcentury.Crimean war 1853-1856


oriental question, muridism,

They adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents and other people.

choose the most effective ways to solve problems, control and evaluate the process and results of activities.

agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

Determine their personal position, adequate differentiated self-assessment of their academic success

§16, study the map, fill in the table. on page 155, prep. message about the Crimean War


Social movement during the reign

Nicholas I.


Westernizers and Slavophiles, national identity.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including internally.

independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal, use common methods for solving the tasks.

participate in a collective discussion of problems, are active in interaction to solve communicative and cognitive tasks

Show goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, empathy, as an understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy for them

§17, comp. Comparison table "Westerners and Slavophiles"


Culture of Russia first halfXIXcentury.


Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including internally.

use sign-symbolic means, including models and diagrams, to solve cognitive problems.

argue their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them

§18, design work

Section 4. Russia in the second half XIX century (7 hours)


Beginning of Alexander's reignII. Peasant reform of 1861


Redemption transactions, redemption payments, allotment, segments, temporarily obligated


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§19, work with tab., analysis of docum. on page 183


Reforms 60-70 years.

19th century.


labor legislation, zemstvo, magistrate's court, crown court, appeal, universal military service,

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

§21, comp. tab. "Reforms of the 60-70s of the 19th century."


Socio-economic development of post-reform Russia.


Working off, community, work question

Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§20, prep. gift. "Russia after 1861"


Social movements of the 50-60s. 19th century Opposition between the authorities and revolutionaries in the 70s - early 80s. 19th century


Raznochin intelligentsia, Ishutins, Nechaevshchina, populism, "Walking to the people", individual terror, regicide, counter-reforms, Marxist movement, liberal populism

Adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of teachers, comrades, parents.

They choose the most effective solutions, control and evaluate the process and results of activities. Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities

They determine their personal position, an adequate differentiated assessment of their academic success.

§22,23, pract. slave. “Revolutionary organizations of the 60-70s. 19th century”, analysis of documents. on pages 208, 215-218


Domestic politics and social movement during the reign of AlexanderIII. Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 19th century.


Counter-reforms, industrial rise

Set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known. Independently identify and formulate a cognitive goal. Formulate their own opinion and position.

They comprehend the humanistic traditions and values ​​of modern society.

§24,25, study map, analysis of docum. on page 234


Russian culture of the second half of the 19th century.


Determine the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; Agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; ask questions necessary for organizing their own activities and cooperation with a partner

They express stable aesthetic preferences and orientations towards art as a significant sphere of human life.

§26, creative. Job

Prepare for cont.





classical gymnasiums and real ones.

Accept and save the learning task; plan their actions. They use sign-symbolic means, including models and schemes for solving cognitive problems. They justify their position.

Show empathy, as a conscious understanding of the feelings of other people and empathy with them.

*VI - General History



Calendar thematic planning in history is based on the federal component of the state standard of secondary (complete) general education at the basic level. Planning specifies the content of the subject topics of the educational standard, gives the distribution of teaching hours by sections of the course and the recommended sequence for studying topics and sections of the subject, taking into account inter-subject and intra-subject connections, the logic of the educational process, and the age characteristics of students. The program contributes to the implementation of a unified concept of history education, while maintaining the conditions for the variable construction of history courses.

Place and role of the history course in mastering by students the requirements for the level of training of students in accordance with federal state educational standards

Calendar thematic planning performstwo main functions:

Information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, general strategy for teaching, educating and developing students by means of a given subject.

Organizational planning function provides for the allocation of stages of training, the recommended structuring of educational material, the determination of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for the preparation of thematic planning of the course, the content of the intermediate certification of students.

The planning of the subject "History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century" for grade 10, profile level of study, is compiled on the basis of an exemplary program "secondary (complete) general education in history (profile level) and the author's program" History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century” (profile level) by A. N. Sakharova, V. I. Buganov, edited by A. N. Sakhorov, focused on the work on the textbook by A. N. Sakharov, V. I. Buganov “History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the 19th century” (M.: Enlightenment, 2014).

Characteristics of the subject

The course "History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century" is intended for students of history in the 10th grade of secondary general educational institutions during the second training center (profile level).

The study of history at the level of (complete) general education at an advanced level is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    upbringing citizenship, national identity; development of students' worldview beliefs on the basis of their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines; expanding the social experience of students in the analysis and discussion of the forms of human interaction in history;

    development the ability to understand the historical conditionality of the phenomena and processes of the modern world, to critically analyze the received historical and social information, to determine one's own position in relation to the surrounding reality, to correlate it with the historically emerged worldview systems;

    development systematized knowledge about the history of mankind and elements of philosophical, historical and methodological knowledge about the historical process; preparation for continuing education in the field of humanities;

    mastery skills and abilities of complex work with various types of historical sources, search and systematization of historical information as the basis for solving research problems;

    formation historical thinking - the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, the ability to identify the historical conditionality of various versions and assessments of past and present events, to determine and reasonably present one's own attitude to the debatable problems of history.

Historical education at the level of secondary (complete) general education contributes to the formation of systematized knowledge about the historical past, enrichment of the social experience of students in the study and discussion of historically emerging forms of human interaction. The key role is played by the development of students' ability to understand the historical logic of social processes, the specifics of the emergence and development of various worldview, value-motivational, social systems. Thus, historical education plays a special role in the process of self-identification of a teenager, his awareness of himself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethno-cultural, confessional community. Students are provided with the opportunity to critically perceive the surrounding social reality, determine their own position in relation to various phenomena of social life, and consciously model their own actions in certain situations.

The developing potential of the system of historical education at the level of secondary (complete) general education is associated with the transition from the study of facts to their comprehension and comparative historical analysis, and on this basis, to the development of students' historical thinking. Particular importance is attached to the formation of the skills of searching for information, working with its various types, explaining and evaluating historical facts and phenomena, determining by students their own attitude to the most significant events and personalities in the history of Russia and world history. Thus, the criterion of the quality of historical education in complete secondary school is associated with mastering the skills of analysis, explanation, evaluation of historical phenomena, and the development of students' communicative culture.

Course feature history, studied at the level of secondary (complete) general education at an in-depth level, is its direct connection with the tasks of profiling education and organizing pre-university training of students. In this regard, it is planned not only to increase the volume of the content of the history course, but also to form higher requirements for the level of training of students, develop their skills and personal qualities necessary for the successful continuation of education in higher education.

The study of history should be aimed at a deeper acquaintance of students with the socio-cultural experience of mankind, historically established worldview systems, the role of Russia in the world-historical process, at the formation of students' ability to understand the historical conditionality of the phenomena and processes of the modern world.

The main content lines of the author's program of in-depth study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education are implemented within the framework of three courses: "History of Russia", "History of Religions" and "General History". The study of history at an in-depth level is based on problem-chronological, conceptual approaches and the principles of systemic and historical analysis. The main object of study is the specifics of the development of historically emerged communities, their mental and institutional features.

The place of the subject in the curriculum

Total number of teaching hours: 68 (70) hours (at the rate of 2 teaching hours per week), of which for the study of the history of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. 34/35 hours are allotted, for the study of general history - 34/35 hours.

An in-depth study of the history of the New Age in grade 10 provides for:

tests - 2, seminars - 3, tests - 6.

Test papers:

    "In the struggle for unity and independence."

    Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Seminars:

    1. "The first Russian princes".

      "New features in the life of Russia".


      1. "The Formation of the Old Russian State".

        "The heyday of Rus' in the XI - the first third of the XII century."

        "Rus' struggle for independence in the 13th - early 14th centuries".

        "Russia in the 17th century".

        Russia in the era of palace revolutions and in the second half of the 18th century.

        Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Reforms and counter-reforms.

The study of the history of Russia is based on the following activities:

    lectures and seminars;

    disputes and discussions;

    round tables;

    laboratory and practical classes;

    virtual tours and film lessons;

    project activities, presentations;




    tests, tests, dictations;

    test papers;

    conversations, dialogues;

    quizzes, collages, cinquains, historical portraits.

Planned results of studying the subject

The study of the subject "History of Russia" provides for the formation of students' general educational skills, universal learning activities:

    be able to conduct a comprehensive search for historical information in sources of various types;

    carry out external and internal criticism of the source (characterize the authorship of the source, time, circumstances, purpose of its creation, degree of reliability);

    classify historical sources according to the type of information;

    when searching and systematizing historical information, use methods of electronic processing, displaying information in various sign systems (text, table, map, diagram, audiovisual series) and transferring information from one sign system to another;

    distinguish between facts and opinions, descriptions and explanations, hypotheses and theories in historical information;

    use the principles of cause-and-effect, structural-functional, temporal and spatial analysis to study historical processes and phenomena;

    to systematize various historical information on the basis of their ideas about the general laws of the world-historical process;

    to form their own algorithm for solving historical and cognitive problems, including formulating the problem and goals of their work, determining methods and methods of solving the problem adequate to the historical subject, predicting the expected result and comparing it with their own historical knowledge;

    participate in group research work, determine the key points of the discussion; to formulate their own position on the issues under discussion; use historical information for its argumentation; take into account different opinions and integrate ideas; organize the work of the group;

    present the results of individual and group historical and educational activities in the form of abstracts, abstracts, research projects, public presentations;

    use knowledge and skills to understand and critically reflect on social processes and situations; to determine one's own position in relation to the phenomena of modern life; to formulate their worldview views and principles, to correlate them with historically emerged worldview systems, ideological theories; to take into account in their actions the need for constructive interaction of people with different beliefs, cultural values ​​and social status; to realize oneself as a representative of a historically established civil, ethno-cultural, confessional community, a citizen of Russia.

Planning provides for the formation of general educational competencies among students, universal modes of activity:

    the ability to independently and motivatedly organize their cognitive activity (from setting a goal to obtaining and evaluating the result);

    use of elements of cause-and-effect and structural-functional analysis;

    determination of the essential characteristics of the object under study;

    independent choice of criteria for comparison, comparison, evaluation and classification of objects;

    searching for the necessary information on a given topic in sources of various types, extracting the necessary information from sources created in various sign systems (text, table, graph, diagram, audiovisual series, etc.);

    separating the main information from the secondary, critical evaluation of the reliability of the information received;

    the ability to extensively substantiate judgments, give definitions, provide evidence (including "from the contrary"), explain the studied provisions on independently selected specific examples, master the main types of public speaking (statement, monologue, discussion, controversy).

AT personal requirements

      be aware of the Russian civil identity, have respect for one's people, a sense of responsibility to the Motherland, pride in one's land, one's Motherland, the past and present of the multinational people of Russia, respect state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem);

      have the civil position of an active and responsible member of Russian society, aware of their constitutional rights and obligations, respecting law and order, possessing self-esteem, consciously accepting traditional national and universal humanistic and democratic values;

      be ready to serve the Fatherland, its defense;

      to have a well-formed worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice, based on the dialogue of cultures and various forms of social consciousness, to be aware of their place in a multicultural world;

      have readiness and ability for independent, creative and responsible activity;

      to have a tolerant consciousness and behavior in a multicultural world, readiness and ability to engage in dialogue with other people, achieve mutual understanding in it, find common goals and cooperate to achieve them;

      possess the skills of cooperation with peers, young children, adults in educational, socially useful, teaching and research, project and other activities;

      be ready and capable of education, including self-education, throughout life; show a conscious attitude to lifelong education as a condition for successful professional and social activities;

      make a conscious choice of a future profession and opportunities to realize their own life plans;

      treat professional activity as an opportunity to participate in solving personal, public, state, national problems.

AT metasubject requirements to the results of studying history at the profile level, the student must:

        be able to independently determine the goals of activities and draw up action plans; independently carry out, control and adjust activities, use all possible resources to achieve the set goals and implement activity plans; choose successful strategies in different situations;

        be able to communicate and interact productively in the process of joint activities, take into account the positions of other participants in the educational process;

        possess the skills of cognitive, educational, research and project activities, problem solving skills; be able and ready to independently search for methods for solving practical problems, the use of various methods of cognition;

        be ready and capable of independent information and cognitive activity, including the ability to navigate in various sources of information, critically evaluate and interpret information received from various sources;

        be able to use the means of information and communication technologies (hereinafter - ICT) in solving cognitive, communicative and organizational problems in compliance with the requirements of ergonomics, safety, hygiene, resource conservation, legal and ethical standards, information security standards;

        be able to independently evaluate and make decisions that determine the strategy of behavior, taking into account civil and moral values;

        to master linguistic means - to be able to clearly, logically and accurately express their point of view, to use adequate linguistic means.

AT subject requirements to the results of studying history at the profile level, the student must:

          have formed knowledge about the place and role of historical science in the system of scientific disciplines, an idea of ​​historiography;

          possess systematic historical knowledge, understand the place and role of Russia in world history;

          own the methods of working with historical sources, be able to independently analyze the documentary base on historical topics;

          have formed skills in evaluating various historical versions;

          be able to apply historical knowledge in professional and social activities, multicultural communication;

          possess a complex of knowledge about the history of Russia and mankind as a whole, ideas about the general and special in the world historical process;

          possess the skills of project activities and historical reconstruction using various sources.

Knowledge control

(based on the features of the history course in grade 10)



1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

Academic year



Practical work




Type of study work

Total hours

The total complexity of the discipline

Auditory lessons

Test papers

Practical lessons

Final control

for grade 10 (34 hours)

Chapter, topic of the lesson

Number of hours


Prehistory of the peoples of Russia. Beginning of Rus'

Ancient Rus' in the XI - XII centuries.

Rus' in the XIII - XV centuries.

Russia in the 16th century

Russia in the 17th century

Russia at the end of the 17th - 18th centuries.

Russia in the first half of the 19th century

Russia in the second half of the XIX century.

Final lesson

The history of Russia is part of world history. The main stages in the development of historical thought in Russia (1 hour).

Introduction to the course. Conceptual approach to questions of history. Features of the formation and development of Russian civilization. Sources on the history of the Fatherland. The history of religions is part of the history of mankind.

Basic concepts : religion, totemism, animism, afterlife, funerary cults, magicism, shamanism, polytheism, paganism, monotheism.

Section I. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia (3 hours).

Human development of the eastern and northern regions of Eurasia. The Great Glaciation and the Climate of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. Stone Age in Russia. Transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Cattle breeders and farmers. The emergence of metal and its impact on primitive society. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia.

The initial stages of the formation of ethnic groups. language families. Indo-Europeans. Great Migration of Nations. Discussions about the ancestral home of the Slavs. Historical roots of the Slavs. Christian Church IV-X centuries. Eastern Slavs on the eve of the formation of the state. East Slavic tribes and their neighbors. Occupations, social order, beliefs. Tribal and territorial community. Town. Origins of Christianity. On the threshold of the Christian era. Sacred Books of the New Testament. Gospel story. Christians under persecution. Organization of the Early Church. Apologists. Christian Church in IV-X centuries.

Basic understandings : primitive society, Stone Age, Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, great glaciation, appropriating economy, productive economy, ethnos, language family, Indo-Europeans, Great Migration of Peoples, Slavs, traditional society, tribe, union of tribes, Eastern Slavs, Finno-Ugric peoples, Balts , Turks, cutting, fallow, plow, beekeeping, fur trade, rope, veche, prince, team, paganism, know, Bible, Old Testament, Messiah, Christ, Gospel, canon, apocrypha, sacrament, baptism, Eucharist (communion), Church, bishop, presbyter, monasticism, apologist, heresy, Ecumenical councils, patriarch, Church Fathers, Catholicism, Orthodoxy, autocephaly, local church.

Section II. Rus' in the 9th - early 12th century. (3 hours).

Eastern Slavs in the 10th-10th centuries. The emergence of the state of Rus in the Dnieper region.

The first Russian princes. The reign of Svyatoslav. Old Russian state under Vladimir.

The adoption of Christianity by Russia. local and orthodox churches. The emergence of statehood among the Eastern Slavs. "The Tale of Bygone Years". Discussion about the origin of the Old Russian state.

Test on the topic "Formation of the Old Russian state."

Basic concepts : state, early feudal monarchy, tribute, chronicle, Norman question.

Persons: Rurik, Gostomysl, Vadim, Askold, Dir.

Section III. Rise of Rus'. XI - the first third of the XII century.

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise. The beginning of Russian holiness and the birth of Orthodox culture. Kiev-Pechersky monastery. The development of feudal relations. Rus' under the Yaroslavichs. Rus' under the grandchildren of Yaroslav the Wise. Vladimir Monomakh. Kievan Rus. Princes and squad. Veche orders.

The role of the Church in the history of ancient Rus'. Boris and Gleb are the first Russian saints. Saints of Ancient Russia. Metropolitan Hilarion. Beginning of Russian monasticism. Edict of Milan. Christian Empire of Constantine the Great. Monasticism. Ecumenical Councils. Fathers of the Church. Division of Christian churches. local Orthodox churches. "Russian Truth". Discussions of historians about the level of socio-economic development of Ancient Russia. "Ladder" order of inheritance of power.

Test on the topic "The heyday of Rus' in the XI - the first third of the XII century."

Basic concepts: culture, Cyrillic, icon, word, life, walking, teaching, Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition, dogma.

Persons: Cyril, Methodius, Boris, Gleb, Theodosius, Hilarion, Nestor.

Section IV. Political fragmentation in Rus'

political fragmentation. Political fragmentation in Rus' before the Mongol invasion. Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Princely power and boyars in Russian lands and principalities. Monarchies and republics.

Rus' and the Steppe. Princely strife of the Russian land.

Features of the cultural development of Russian lands. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". The idea of ​​the unity of Rus'. Blessed Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky. Culture of Rus' X - early XIII century. The origin of Russian civilization.

Basic concepts: inheritance, boyars, boyar republic, patrimony, feudal immunity.

Personalities : Yuri Dolgoruky, Andrey Bogolyubsky, Vsevolod the Big Nest, Daniil Galitsky.

Section V. Rus''s struggle for independence in the 13th - early 14th centuries. (2 hours).

Mongol-Tatar invasion of Rus'. Formation of the Mongolian state. Mongol conquest and its influence on the history of our country.

Expansion from the West and its role in the history of the peoples of Rus' and the Baltic states.

Formation of the Golden Horde. Control system for conquered lands. Rus' and Horde. Adoption of Islam by the Horde. The influence of the Mongol conquest and the Horde on the culture of Rus'.

Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Russian lands within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The onslaught of the conquerors on the northwestern borders of Rus'. The first battles with the crusaders and Lithuanians.

Alexander Nevsky - defender of the Russian land. Rus' and the Golden Horde under Alexander Nevsky. Prerequisites for the revival of Rus'. Rise of new Russian centers.

The beginning of collecting lands around Moscow. Moscow is the Orthodox capital.

Test on the topic "The struggle of Rus' for independence in the XIII - early XIV centuries."

Basic concepts : khan, Horde, yoke, label, exit, baskak, order, request, bessermen, vizier, sofa, yamchi, tamga, beklyaribek.

Persons: Genghis Khan, Batu, Mikhail Chernigov, Alexander Nevsky, Mindovg, Gedimin.

Section VI. In the struggle for unity and independence.

The era of the Battle of Kulikovo. On the way of Dmitry Donskoy. Sergius of Radonezh. The defeat of the Golden Horde by Timur and the campaign against Russia. Feudal war in Rus'. Ivan III - sovereign of all Rus'. Rus' between East and West.

Economy, power and the Church in the XV century. Restoration of the economy of Russian lands. Colonization of North-Eastern Russia. Forms of land tenure and categories of the population. Russian city. Josephites and nonpossessors. Features of the formation of a centralized state in Russia. Completion of the unification of Russian lands and the formation of the Russian state. The formation of central authorities. The role of the Church in state building. The struggle of the Josephites and non-possessors. "Moscow is the third Rome". Heresy in Rus'. The social structure of society. Forms of land ownership. Culture and life in the Х1У-ХУ centuries. The role of the Church in the consolidation of Russian lands. The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Rus'. Discussions about the ways and centers of the unification of Russian lands. Moscow as the center of the unification of Russian lands. Politics of the Moscow princes. The relationship between the processes of unification of Russian lands and liberation from the Horde dominion. The birth of national identity. Grand Duchy of Moscow in the system of international relations. Autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Control work on the topic "In the struggle for unity and independence."

Basic concepts : colonization, patrimony, national self-consciousness, union, autocephaly, Josephites, non-possessors, strigolniki, heresy of Judaizers, Golden Horde, Grand Duchy of Lithuania, feudal war, centralized state, Palace, Treasury, order, Sudebnik, boyars, clerks, Boyar Duma, Local church cathedral, district, feeding, feeders, volostels, St. George's Day, elderly, nobles, peace, peasants, heretic, ideology, estate.

Persons: Daniil Alexandrovich, Ivan Kalita, Peter, Theognost, Uzbek, Alexy, Sergius of Radonezh, Dmitry Donskoy, Mamai, Tokhtamysh, Vasily I, Timur, Olgerd, Jagiello, Vasily II, Yuri Dmitrievich, Dmitry Shemyaka, Vasily Kosoy, Ivan III, Sophia Paleolog , Marfa Boretskaya, Filofey, Joseph Volotsky, Nil Sorsky, Akhmat.

Section VII. Russia in the 16th century (3 hours).

The coming to power of Ivan IV. Reforms in the 1550s Establishment of royal power. Formation of the ideology of autocracy. Creation of bodies of estate-representative monarchy. Discussion about the nature of the oprichnina. Enslavement of the peasants. Foreign policy of Ivan IV. Livonian war. Oprichnina. Expansion of Russian territory in the 16th century: conquests and colonization processes. The Last Years of Ivan the Terrible. New phenomena in Russian culture. Russian Church under Ivan the Terrible. Metropolitan Macarius. Collection "Fourth Menaion". Stoglav Cathedral. Metropolitan Philip. Establishment of the Patriarchate.

Basic concepts: Astrakhan Khanate, Kazan Khanate, Crimean Khanate, Siberian Khanate, Livonian Order, kopeck, tsar, Elected Rada, Zemsky Sobor, estates, civil society, archers, head, tselovalnik, headman, Stoglav, order, Sudebnik, Rzeczpospolita , Cossacks, oprichnina, reserved years, serfdom, patriarchate.

Persons: Elena Glinskaya, Ivan IV, Anastasia Romanova, Alexey Adashev, Sylvester, Andrey Kurbsky, Ivan Viskovaty, Makary, M. I. Vorotynsky, A. I. Basmanov, Vladimir Andreevich, Stefan Batory, Kuchum, Yermak, Theodosius Kosoy, Philip, Malyuta Skuratov, Boris Godunov, Ivan Ivanovich, Dmitry, Fedor Ivanovich, Job.

Section VIII. Russia in the 17th century (5 hours).

Discussion about the causes of the Troubles. The suppression of the ruling dynasty and the aggravation of socio-economic contradictions. The phenomenon of imposture. Historians on the controversial issues of the Time of Troubles. Beginning of Troubles. The crisis of society and the state. Russian Church in the 17th century Troubled times and schism. Saviors of the Fatherland. Russia after the Troubles. Social movements in Russia at the beginning of the 17th century. The fight against the Commonwealth and Sweden. Elimination of the consequences of the Troubles. Old Believers. New features in the life of Russia. XVII - "rebellious" century. Discussion about the prerequisites for the transition from a class-representative to an autocratic monarchy and the nature of the modernization process in Russia. Domestic and foreign policy of Alexei Mikhailovich. Peoples of Russia. Russia on the eve of reforms. Culture and life of Russia in the XVII century. Russian traditional (medieval) culture. Formation of national identity. The strengthening of secular elements in Russian culture of the 17th century.

Test on the topic "Russia in the 17th century."

Basic concepts: fixed summers, Troubles, imposture, impostor, civil war, intervention, seven boyars, people's militia, Council of the whole earth, autocracy, white settlements, black settlements, craft, yasak, manufactory, working people, national market, economic specialization of regions, regiments of foreign ( new) system, “rebellious” age, dues, corvee, protectionism, fair, Novotragovy charter, estates, charming letters, anathema, split, schismatics, Nikonians, Old Believers, Order of secret affairs, Pereyaslav Rada, hetman, localism, Slavic-Greek- latin academy, modernization.

Persons: Fedor Ivanovich; Boris Godunov, Fyodor Nikitich Romanov (Filaret), Xenia Ivanovna Romanova (Martha), Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Fyodor Ivanovich Mstislavsky, Job, Grigory Otrepiev (False Dmitry I), Marina Mnishek, Maria Nagaya, Vasily Shuisky, Germogen, Ivan Bolotnikov, Prokopy Lyapunov, False Dmitry II, M. V. Skopin-Shuisky, Vladislav, Sigismund III, Ya. K. Khodkevich, I. M. Zarutsky, D. T. Trubetskoy, Dmitry Pozharsky, Kuzma Minin, Ivan Susanin, Alexei Mikhailovich, B I. Morozov, Maria Miloslavskaya, Natalya Naryshkina, S. T. Razin, Simeon Polotsky, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin, Nikon, Avvakum, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, S. I. Dezhnev, E. P. Khabarov, V. V Atlasov, Fedor Alekseevich, Ivan Alekseevich, Pyotr Aleseevich, Sofia Alekseevna, V. V. Golitsyn, I. A. Khovansky.

Section IX. Russian Empire at the beginning of the XVIII century. (6 hours).

The era of Peter I. Northern war. Reforms of Peter I and the subordination of the Church to the state. Peter's transformations. Formation of the bureaucratic apparatus. The abolition of the patriarchy. The nobility is the ruling class. Traditional orders and serfdom in the context of the deployment of modernization. Absolutism.

Proclamation of an empire. Discussions about the place and role of Peter's reforms in the history of Russia.

Final summary on the topic "The era of Peter I".

Basic concepts: modernization, reforms, amusing troops, guards, Grand Embassy, ​​recruitment, recruit, emperor, empire, shipyard, ascribed peasants, sessional peasants, Decree on single inheritance, Chief magistrate, mercantilism, protectionism, cameralism, military charter, maritime charter, Senate, Synod, colleges, "Table of Ranks", province, politeness, digital school, Kunstkamera, Academy of Sciences, absolutism, Decree on succession to the throne, assembly, chief prosecutor.

Persons: Peter I, Ivan V Alekseevich, Evdokia Lopukhina, Marta Skavronskaya (Catherine I), Tsarevich Alexei, Nikita Zotov, B. A. Golitsyn, Alexander Menshikov, Fyodor Apraksin, Patrick Gordon, Franz Lefort, B. P. Sheremetev, A. S. Shein, Karl XII, August II, Ivan Mazepa, Pyotr Shafirov, D. Bernoulli, V. Bering, J. Delisle, Feofan Prokopovich, I. N. Nikitin, A. M. Matveev, Kondraty Bulavin, P. A. Tolstoy .

Section X. Russia in the era of palace revolutions and in the second half of the 18th century. (6 hours).

Russia in the period of palace coups. Legislative registration of the estate system.

Features of the Russian economy in the XVIII century. The crisis of traditional society. Development of capitalist relations. European influence on Russian society. Russian Enlightenment. enlightened absolutism. Freemasonry. The transformation of Russia into a world power. Russia in the system of international relations in the XVIII century. Imperial foreign policy of Russia. Culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world cultures of the 18th century. Rise of the nobility. eldership. Monasteries and Monasticism. Devotees of Piety. Politics of Catherine II. The mighty foreign policy stride of the empire. Economy and population of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Culture and life of Russia in the second half of the XVIII century. Anxious end of the century.

Test on the topic "Russia in the era of palace coups and in the second half of the 18th century."

Basic concepts: palace coup, Supreme Privy Council, leaders, conditions, favorite, "Bironism", Cabinet of Ministers, Secret Chancellery, estate, Imperial Council, Conference, Manifesto "On the Liberty of the Nobility", Enlightenment, enlightened absolutism, Laid Commission, province, governor, general -governor, county, "Charter to the nobility", "Charter to the cities", banknotes, otkhodnichestvo, noble estate, Pale of Settlement, university, Institute of Noble Maidens, research expedition, baroque, classicism, sentimentalism, salon, freemasonry, freemason.

Persons: Catherine I, Alexander Menshikov, Peter II, A. I. Osterman, Ivan Dolgoruky, Anna Ioannovna, Ernst Biron, B. X. Minich, A. P. Volynsky, Anna Leopoldovna, Anton Ulrich of Braunschweig, Ivan VI Antonovich, Elizaveta Petrovna, A. G. Razumovsky, A. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Frederick II the Great, S. F. Apraksin, P. A. Rumyantsev, P. S. Saltykov, 3. X. Chernyshev, Saltychikha, Batyrsha, Peter III, Ekaterina II, Nikita Panin, Grigory Orlov, Grigory Potemkin-Tavrichesky, N. I. Novikov, Emelyan Pugachev, Salavat Yulaev, A. V. Suvorov, Stanislav Poniatovsky, A. G. Orlov, G. A. Spiridov, F. F. Ushakov, M. I. Kutuzov, A. N. Radishchev, Tadeusz Kosciuszko, M. V. Lomonosov, I. I. Shuvalov, I. I. Polzunov, I. P. Kulibin, A. I. Chirikov, A. D Kantemir, V. K. Trediakovsky, A. P. Sumarokov, G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin, N. M. Karamzin, V. V. Rastrelli, C. Cameron, J. Quarenghi, V. I. Bazhenov, M. F. Kazakov, I. E. Starov, P. I. Argunov, A. P. Antropov, F. S. Rokotov, V. L. Borovikovsky, E. M. Falcone, F. I. Shubin , F. G. V Olkov, D. S. Bortnyansky.

Section XI. Russia in the first half of the 19th century (6 hours).

The first years of the reign of Alexander I. Legal reforms and measures to strengthen absolutism in the first half of the 19th century. Features of the Russian economy in the first half of the XIX century. Development of capitalist relations. Patriotic War of 1812 Life in Russia in the post-war period. Church and society. Social movement in 1801-1825. Domestic policy of Nicholas I. The beginning of the industrial revolution and its consequences. The crisis of traditional society. European influence on Russian society. Political ideology in the first half of the XIX century. Freemasonry. The movement of the Decembrists and its evaluation in Russian historical science. CoAervators. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism. Russia in the system of international relations in the first half of the XIX century. Imperial foreign policy of Russia. Caucasian war. The Crimean War and its consequences for the country. The role of the Orthodox Church. Russian culture in the first half of the XIX century. Formation of classical Russian culture. Elite and folk culture. The culture of the peoples of Russia and its connection with European and world cultures in the first half of the 19th century. Development of science and education system.

Control work on the topic "Russia in the first half of the XIX century."

Basic concepts: great European power, multinationality, polyconfessionalism, civilian labor, free cultivators, Unspoken Committee, ministry, minister, Constitution, State Duma, State Council, continental blockade, militia, partisan movement, redoubt, flushes, legitimism, pan-European congress, Vienna system, Holy Union, military settlements, "Arakcheevshchina", serfdom, "State statutory charter", Grand Duchy of Finland, Kingdom of Poland, Seim, secret societies (unions), Decembrists, codification, credit card, state Peasants, obligated peasants, rural society, gathering, volost, headman, centurion, Third branch, gendarme corps, censorship, reaction, theory of official nationality, Petrashevites, fusophobia, Koran, sharia, adat, muridism, murid, giaour, imam, imamat, gazavat (jihad), sha - head, industrial revolution, factory, plant, customs tariff, joint-stock company, share, shareholder, "eastern question", west nicks, Slavophiles, Russian utopian (peasant) socialism.

Persons: Alexander I, V. P. Kochubey, P. A. Stroganov, N. N. Novosiltsev, A. Czartoryski, M. M. Speransky, Napoleon I, M. I. Kutuzov, M. B. Barclay de Tolly, Ya. P. Kulnev, P. I. Bagration, A. P. Tormasov, A. P. Ermolov, M. A. Miloradovich, D. S. Dokhturov, M. I. Platov, F. P. Uvarov, F. V. Rastopchin, P. Kh. Wittgenstein, D. V. Davydov, I. S. Dorokhov, A. S. Figner, A. N. Seslavinsky, Gerasim Kurin, Vasilisa Kozhina, Ermolai Chetvertakov, A. A. Arakcheev , A. N. Muravyov, S. P. Trubetskoy, S. I. Muravyov-Apostol, M. P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, P. I. Pestel, N. M. Muravyov, K. F. Ryleev, P. G Kakhovsky, Konstantin Pavlovich, Nicholas I, E. F. Kankrin, P. D. Kiselev, A. Kh. Benkendorf, S. S. Uvarov, I. I. Dibich, I. F. Paskevich,

    S. Griboyedov, Shamil, P. H. Grabbe, A. I. Baryatinsky, P. S. Nakhimov, V. A. Kornilov,

    I. Istomin, E. I. Totleben, N. M. Karamzin, Serafim Sarovsky, Filaret, P. Ya. Chaadaev,

    1. S. Khomyakov, Yu. F. Samarin, I. V. and P. V. Kireevsky, I. S. and K. S. Aksakov, V. I. Dal,

      P. Botkin, I. S. Turgenev, T. N. Granovsky, B. N. Chicherin, K. D. Kavelin, V. G. Belinsky, A. I. Herzen, V. A. Zhukovsky, A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. N. Ostrovsky, O. Montferrand, A. N. Voronikhin, A. D. Zakharov, K. Rossi, O. I. Bove, A. A. Betancourt, E. S. Nazarov, V. A. Tropinin, K. P. Bryulov, A. G. Venetsianov, O. A. Kiprensky, A. A. Ivanov, P. A. Fedotov, A. N. Verstovsky, M. I. Glinka, A. S. Dargomyzhsky, A. A. Alyabiev, A. E. Varlamov.

Section XII. Russia in the second half of the XIX century. Reforms and counter-reforms

Prerequisites for great reforms. Abolition of serfdom. Agrarian, judicial, zemstvo, military, urban reforms of the 1860-1870s. Autocracy and class system in the conditions of modernization processes. Social movement in Russia in 1855-1881. Russia after the abolition of serfdom. Russia during the reign of Alexander III in 1881-1894 The state-social system of Russia at the end of the 19th century. Social movement in Russia in 1881-1894. The policy of counter-reforms. The role of the state in the economic life of the country. Approval of a new model of economic development: capitalist relations in industry and agriculture. Preservation of the remnants of serfdom. The growth of economic and social contradictions in the conditions of forced modernization. populist movement. liberal movement. "The Theory of Small Things". Spread of Marxism in Russia. End of the Caucasian War. Accession to Russia of the Far East and Central Asia. Sale of Alaska to the USA. Balkan war. Russia in the system of international relations in the 80-90s. 19th century The discussion about the "revolution from above" in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Russia in the era of transformations.

Influence of the Orthodox Church on the development of society. Russian culture in the second half of the XIX century. Spiritual life of Russian society in the second half of the 19th century. critical realism. Elite and folk culture. The culture of raznochintsy.

Development of science and education system.

Test on the topic “Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Reforms and counter-reforms.

Basic concepts: "revolution from above", reform, free rural inhabitants, allotment, temporarily liable peasants, rural society, gathering, volost, headman, volost foreman, redemption payments, mutual guarantee, world mediator, cuts, working off, redistribution of land, "peasant question", zemstvo , zemstvo assembly, zemstvo council, zemstvo collection, city duma, city government, mayor, city collection, jury trial, property qualification, compulsory military service, university autonomy, gymnasium, real school, “Polish question”, “railway boom”, nihilists, populism, populist, raznochintsy, "going to the people", bombers, terror, terrorists, "the theory of small deeds", liberals, liberal populists, police department, counter-reforms, factory inspection, factory inspector, zemstvo chief, circular "On the cook's children ”, autocratic monarchy, estates, committee of ministers, working class (proletariat), “labor question”, bourgeoisie (entrepreneurs), finance, economism, modernization, protectionism, golden age of Russian culture, elite culture, folk culture, romanticism, realism, classicism (Empire), opera, symphonic music, Russian romance, anthem, critical realism, Russian novel (novel of ideas), Wanderers, The Mighty Handful, pseudo-Russian style, zemstvo school, parochial school, gymnasium, real school, Higher courses for women.

Persons: Alexander II, V. A. Zhukovsky, N. A. Milyutin, P. A. Valuev, A. M. Gorchakov, D. A. Milyutin, M. X. Reitern, B. N. Chicherin, K. D. Kavelin , A. M. Unkovsii, M. A. Bakunin, I. I. Petrunkevich, S. A. Muromtsev, D. I. Shakhovskoy, P. A. Dolgoruky, M. N. Katkov, P. A. Shuvalov, N K. Mikhailovsky, P. L. Lavrov, P. N. Tkachev, D. V. Karakozov, S. I. Nechaev, P. A. Kropotkin, G. V. Plekhanov, V. I. Zasulich, S. L Perovskaya, A. I. Zhelyabov, N. I. Rysakov, S. N. Khalturin, N. I. Kibalchich, M. G. Chernyaev, K. P. Kaufman, M. D. Skobelev, N. G. Stoletov , I. V. Gurko, N. M. Muravyov-Amursky, M. T. Loris-Melikov, D. A. Tolstoy, I. D. Delyanov, K. P. Pobedonostsev, N. Kh. Bunge, I. A. Vyshnegradsky, S. Yu. Witte,

        L. Gurilev, A. F. Lvov, I. F. Kruzenshtern, Yu. F. Lazarev, F. F. Bellingshausen, M. P. Lazarev, A. A. Baranov, G. I. Nevelskoy, K. M. Baer, ​​N. I. Pirogov, N. I. Lobachevsky, B. S. Jacobi, E. X. Lenz, N. N. Zinin, A. M. Butlerov, Ioann Kronstadsky, F. I. Dostoevsky, L. N Tolstoy, A. N. Ostrovsky, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, N. G. Chernyshevsky, V. S. Solovyov, K. P. Leontiev, A. P. Chekhov, P. M. Tretyakov,

        G. Perov, I. N. Kramskoy, N. N. Ge, V. V. Vereshchagin, I. I. Shishkin, I. E. Repin, V. I. Surikov, A. N. Pomerantsev, V. G. Shukhov, A. A. Semenov, V. O. Shervud, M. O. Mikeshin, A. M. Opekushin, M. P. Mussorgsky, P. I. Tchaikovsky, S. V. Rakhmaninov, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S. I. Mamontov, K. S. Stanislavsky, V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, I. M. Moskvin, M. F. Andreeva, O. L. Knipper-Chekhova, V. E. Meyerhold, M. N. Ermolova, V. F. Komissarzhevskaya, F. I. Chaliapin, A. G. Stoletov, P. L. Chebyshev, A. S. Popov, P. N. Yablochkov, A. F. Mozhaisky, D. I. Mendeleev, V. V. Dokuchaev, I. S. Sechenov, I. P. Pavlov, I. I. Mechnikov, N. F. Gamaleya, P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N. M. Przhevalsky, N. N. Miklukho-Maclay, S. M. Solovyov, V. O. Klyuchevsky.

Final repetition -1 hour.

Calendar - thematic planning of the course of the history of Russia

Chapter. Lesson topic







Prehistory of the peoples of Russia. Beginning of Rus'

The emergence of man in Eastern Europe. The formation of nations. The emergence of the Slavs in Eastern Europe. Slavs in the 5th - 7th centuries Religion of the ancient Slavs.

Prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state. The emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs.

Rus' in the reign of Igor, Olga and Svyatoslav. Rus' in the time of Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Rus' inXI- XIIcenturies

The reign of Yaroslav the Wise. Russian society in the XI century.

Time for new strife. Vladimir Monomakh - Grand Duke of Kyiv.

Political fragmentation of Rus'. Kiev and Chernigov-Seversk principalities. Galicia-Volyn principality. Novgorod land. North-Eastern Rus' in the XII - early XIII century.

Culture of Rus' X - early XIII century.

Rus' inXIII- XVcenturies

Start of the Mongol invasion. Batu's invasion of Rus'. Crusader invasion. Alexander Nevskiy.

The economy of Rus' and the position of various groups of society in the XIV - XV centuries. Moscow is the center of the unification of Russian lands. Dmitry Donskoy.

Russia inXVIin.

Reforms of Ivan the Terrible. Foreign policy of Ivan the Terrible. Russian multinational state.

Seminar session on the subject of Ivan the Terrible. (causes of subsequent turmoil)

Culture and life of the late XV - XVI centuries. Seminar session

Russia inXVIIin.

In anticipation of the Troubles. Time of Troubles.

Time of Troubles.

First Romanovs. "Priesthood" and "Kingdom". Economy and estates.

Foreign policy of Russia in the XVII century. Annexation of Siberia. Non-Russian peoples of Russia. "Rebellious Age".

Board of Fyodor Alekseevich and Sofya Alekseevna.

Culture and life of the end of the XVII century.

Russia at the endXVII- XVIIIin.

The era of Peter the Great. The beginning of glorious deeds. Northern war and transformations.

Northern war ending. Reforms of Peter the Great.

The era of palace coups. Seven Years' War.

"Golden Age" of Catherine II.

Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the 18th century. Great commanders and naval commanders.

Economic development of Russia in the XVIII century. Estates and social groups. Peoples of Russia. From Bulavin to Pugachev. Church.

Culture, spiritual life and life in the XVIII century.

Russia in the first halfXIXin.

Russia at the beginning of the 19th century The short reign of Paul I. The beginning of the reign of Alexander I.

Beginning and end of the Patriotic War of 1812. Liberation campaign of the Russian army.

Domestic policy of Alexander I after the Patriotic War of 1812. Speech of the Decembrists.

Began the reign of Nicholas I. Attempts to strengthen the empire. Public life in Russia under Nicholas I.

Crimean War 1853 - 1856

The golden age of Russian culture. Education and science in the first half of the XIX century.

Russia in the second halfXIXin.

State transformations of the 60-70s. 19th century

Foreign policy of Russia in the 60s - 70s of the XIX century. Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. The internal situation of Russia after the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

Industry and transport in post-reform Russia. Agriculture after the abolition of serfdom. social movements.

Russia at the end of the 19th century Industrial boom in the 1990s 19th century Achievements and miscalculations. Russia in the early years of the reign of Nicholas II.

Culture of Russia in the XIX century. Project protection. Education, architecture, sculpture, painting, theater, music, printing. Russian Orthodox Church.


Final lesson (repetition and generalization)

Logistics of the educational process

1. Basic literature.

          Sakharov, A. N. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 17th century. Part 1: textbook. for grade 10 general education. institutions / A. N. Sakharov. - M .: LLC "TID" Russian word - textbook ", 2013.

          Sakharov, A. N. Russian history. 18th-11th centuries. Part 2: textbook. for grade 10 general education. institutions / A. N. Sakharov, A. N. Bokhanov. - M .: LLC "TID" Russian word - textbook ", 2013.

          Sakharov, A. N. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century. : course program. Grade 10 / A. N. Sakharov, A. N. Bokhanov, S. I. Kozlenko. - M.: Russian Word, 2012.

          Sakharov, A. N. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 19th century: course programs (profile level). Grade 10 / A. N. Sakharov, A. N. Bokhanov, S. V. Agafonov. - M.: Russian word, 2010.

          Sakharov, A. N. History of religions / A. N. Sakharov. - M .: LLC "TID "Russian Word - RS", 2009.

          Starobtsnskaya, G. I. Lesson methodological recommendations for the textbook A. N. Sakharov, A. N. Bokhanov "History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the 16th century." Grade 10: at 2 pm Part 1 / G. I. Starobinskaya. - M.: Russian word, 2005.

7.Starobinskaya, G. I. Lesson methodological recommendations for the textbook A. N. Sakharov, A. N. Bokhanova “History of Russia. XVII-Х1Х centuries. Grade 10: at 2 pm P 2 / G. I. Starobinskaya. - M.: Russian Word, 2005. _

2. Additional literature for the teacher.

            Bokhanov, A. N. Autocracy. Ideas of royal power / A. N. Bokhanov. - M.: Russian word, 2004.

            Gerasimenko, G. A. Zemstvo self-government in Russia / G. A. Gerasimenko. - M.: Nauka,

            Mountain, P. V. Improving the effectiveness of teaching history in secondary school / P. V. Gora. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988.

            Knowledge- strength: log. - 1994. - No. 2. - (Thematic issue "Trouble in Russia").

            Karpov, G. M. Petrine era in questions and answers: a guide for teachers / G. M. Karpov. - M „2003.

            Kirillov, V.V. History of Russia 1800-2002 : lesson. method, developments and scenarios of lessons / V. V. Kirillov, M. N. Chernova. - Rostov n/a. : Phoenix, 2002.

            Clarin, M. V. Innovations in teaching: metaphors and models. Analysis of foreign experience / M. V. Klarin.-M. : Nauka, 1997.

3. Additional literature for students.

              Valkova, V. G. Rulers of Russia / V. G. Valkova, O. A. Valkova. - M.: Rolf: Iris-Press, 1999.

              Gromyko, M. M. The world of the Russian village / M. M. Gromyko. - M .: Young Guard, 1991.

              Zarubina, N. N. Russian entrepreneurs in the literature of the XX century. / N. N. Zarubina // Social sciences and modernity. - 2003. - No. 1.

              History: training tasks of increased complexity: work with historical documents / ed. N. A. Grigorieva, N. I. Chebotareva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.

              History Fatherland: people, decisions: essays on the history of Russia in the 9th - early 20th centuries. - M.: Politizdat, 1991.

              Karamzin, N. M. History of Russian Goverment. T. 1 / N. M. Karamzin. - M. : Dilya, 2008.

              Klyuchevsky, V. O. Historical portraits / V. O. Klyuchevsky. - M. : Veche, 2005.

              Klyuchevsky. V. O. Russian history / V. O. Klyuchevsky. - M. : Eksmo, 2009.

              Kushnir, A. G. Eleventh century of Russian statehood. The history of the Russian state in documents, materials, comments. T. 1 / A. G. Kushnir. - M.: Ripoll-classic, 1999.

              Lotman, Yu. M. Conversations about Russian culture: life and traditions of the nobles of the 18th - early 19th centuries / Yu. M. Lotman. - St. Petersburg. : Art-SPb, 1994.

              Pavlenko, N. I. Peter the Great and his time / N. I. Pavlenko. - M. : Enlightenment, 1989.

              Pipes, R. Russia under the old regime / R. Pipes. - M., 1993.

              Sakharov, A. N. Alexander I / A. N. Sakharov. - M.: Nauka, 1998.

              Solovyov, S. M. History of Russia since ancient times: in 18 books. Book. 1 / S. M. Solovyov. - M. : Eksmo, 2009.

              Solovyov, Ya. V. Unified State Exam-2013: History: the most complete edition of typical assignments / Ya. V. Solovyov, E. A. Gevurkova. - M.: Astrel, 2013.

              Tyurin, V. I."Verkhovniki" and Bironovshchina // Knowledge is power. - 1992. - No. 9.

              Chulkov, G. I. Emperors. Psychological portraits / G. I. Chulkov. - M. : Ardis, 2013.

              Eidelman, N. Ya. Your eighteenth century. Your nineteenth century / N. Ya. Eidelman. - M. : AST, 2011.

              School encyclopedia "Russika". Russian history. XX century. - M. : Olma-Press Education, 2003.

4. Printed manuals.

Historical maps.

The primitive communal system on the territory of our country, the resettlement of the Slavs, the Bronze Age on the territory of our country.

The resettlement of the Slavs in the 1st millennium BC. e. Settlement of tribes in the U-IU centuries. BC e.

Eastern Europe in the 9th century, the settlement of the Slavs, the tribes of the Eastern Slavs, the Slavs and their neighbors. Eastern Slavs in the 10th-10th centuries. Formation of the Old Russian state. Kievan Rus in the 10th-10th centuries.

Campaigns in Byzantium. Gathering polyudya Kyiv princes. Polovtsy.

Ancient Rus' under Yaroslav the Wise. ^

German-Swedish aggression in the XIII century, Novgorod land in the XII-XIII centuries.

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 13th-18th centuries, Eastern Europe in the second half of the 13th century.

Old Russian principalities in the 12th-13th centuries.

Mongol conquests in the 13th century. Mongol invasion of Rus'. Russia in the Х1У-ХУ centuries. Kulikovo battle. Internecine war in Rus' in the second quarter of the 15th century.

Completion of the unification of Russian lands into a single Russian state under Ivan III the Great and Vasily III (1462-1533). Russian principalities in 1425-1462

Formation of a unified Russian state in 1462-1533.

Eastern Europe in 1462-1505 (under Ivan III Vasilyevich).

Livonian War 1558-1583

Russia under Ivan the Terrible.

Russian state in the XVI century.

Time of Troubles.

Popular uprisings in the 17th century

Pedigree (table).

Russia XVII - early XVIII century.

Northern War 1700-1721

Russian Empire in the 18th century

Russian-Turkish war 1735-1739

Russian-Turkish war 1768-1774

Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century.

Caucasus in the first half of the XIX century.

The invasion of the army of Napoleon I in Russia. 1812

Counteroffensive of the Russian army. 1812

Russo-Turkish War 1828-1829

Crimean War 1853-1856

Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878

                Informative and communicative means.

History. 5-11 grades / ed.-stat. N. B. Kryuchkina, I. V. Kuzmina, A. A. Melnikov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 1 electron, opt. disk (CO-COM).

History. Social Studies. Preparation for the exam / ed. E. V. Panteleev [i dr.]. - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2013. - 1 electron, opt. disk (SE-COM).

History. 6-11 grades. Demo tables / comp. T. V. Kovrigina. - Volgograd: Uchitel, 2011. - 1 electron, opt. disk (SP-K.OM).

portraits great scientists (with a brief biography) / ed. N. V. Shirshina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 1 electron, opt. disk (SE-K.OM).

Selyanina, L. V. History. 10-11 grades. Test editor: thematic tests / L. V. Selyanina. O. V. Semenova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.-1 electron, opt. disk (CO-NOM).

                Internet resources.

Bibliographic information about historical literature, historical documents, excerpts from the works of historians /historiya.html http://cwer. ws/tag/10584

Historical photographic documents, reproductions

Audiovisual sources

Historical maps

Presentations http://5klass:net/istorija-7-klass.html rija/3

http://www. i st-i v. ru/prezent_h i stor i. htm 1

http://pedsovet. su/load/13 0

Background and additional materials on history

7. Technical teaching aids.

                  TV set.

                  Record player.


                  A computer.

                  Multimedia projector.

                  Screen (projection).

Calendar-thematic planning of the course “Russia and the world. Antiquity. Middle Ages. New time" in the 10th grade
No. p \ n Lesson topic Date according to the plan Date according to the fact Number of hours Main activities Approximate homework
1-2 Introductory lesson. History in the system of the humanities. Basic concepts of human development 2.09.
6.09. 2 Teacher's lecture, abstract, frontal discussion §§1,2
I Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Early Middle Ages
3-4 Ancient East and ancient world. 09.09.
13.09. 2 Individual survey, independent work with the text, compiling a comparative table §§3,4,5
5 Birth of the European medieval civilization 16.09. 1 Frontal conversation, discussion of issues, preparation of messages §9
6 Countries of Western Europe in the Early Middle Ages 20.09. 1 Frontal conversation, discussion of issues, preparation of messages §10
7 The Byzantine Empire and Eastern Christendom 23.09. 1 Frontal survey, teacher's lecture, compiling a comparative table §11
8 Islamic world 27.09. 1 Problem discussion, conversation, drawing up an outline §11
9 Repetitive-generalizing lesson on the topic "Civilization of the ancient world and the early Middle Ages" 30.09. 1 Seminar §§1-5
II Ancient Rus'
10 Peoples of Eastern Europe 4.10. 1 Brainstorming, working on a problem situation, working with a map, frontal discussion §6
11 Eastern Slavs in antiquity 7.10. 1 Seminar §12 East. §9
12 The emergence of the Old Russian state. Baptism of Rus' 11.10. 1 Brainstorming, working on a problem situation, working with a map, frontal discussion §13
13 State and society 14.10. 1 Brainstorming, working on a problem situation, working with a map, frontal discussion §14
14 Church and culture 18.10. 1 Frontal survey, conversation, work with additional literature, preparation of messages §15
15 Fragmentation of Rus' 21.10. 1 Protection of messages, teacher's mini-lecture, drawing up an outline §15
16-17 Rus' between East and West. Alexander Nevskiy. (lesson with Spanish ICT) 25.10.
28.10 2 Differentiated survey, slide review, brainstorming, problem discussion §16
18 Test work on the topic "Ancient Rus'" 1.11. 1 Control testing §§6-16
19 Seminar lesson "World religions and world culture" 11.11. 1 Seminar §§7,8
III Western Europe in the XI-XV centuries
20 Economic and political development 15.11. 1 Teacher's lecture, independent work with text, conversation §§19,20
21 Interaction of medieval civilizations 18.11. 1 Frontal discussion, teacher's story, work with additional material, conversation §§21,23
22 Culture of the Medieval West (lesson with Spanish ICT) 22.11. 1 Protection of presentations §§24,25
23 Repetitive-generalizing lesson on the topic "Western Europe in the XI-XV centuries" 25.11. 1 Round table §§19,25
IV The Russian state in the XIV-XVII centuries
24-25 Moscow at the head of the unification of Russian lands 29.11.
2.12. 2 Problem presentation of the text of the teacher, compiling a comparative table §§17,18
26 Russia: the third Orthodox kingdom 6.12. 1 Protection of tables, teacher's story, independent work with the text §18
27-28 The crisis of the state and society. Time of Troubles 9.12.
13.12. 2 Frontal discussion, lecture, problem solving, project development §§19-21 Ist.Don. cr §1
29 Formation of the autocracy of the Romanovs 16.12. 1 Frontal conversation, work with additional literature, map, project development §21
30 Beginning of the formation of a multinational state 20.12. 1 Differentiated survey, tabulation §21
31 Russian culture 23.12. 1 Protection of projects §22
32 Examination on the topic "The Russian state in the XIV-XVII centuries" 27.12. 1 Control testing §§17-22
33 Seminar lesson "Features of the political system and spiritual life of Russia" 10.01. 1 Seminar §23
V West in modern times
34 Europe at the beginning of the new time 13.01. 1 Teacher's lecture, conversation, work with additional literature, map §24
35 The state and society of Western Europe in the XVII century. 17.01. 1 Frontal conversation, independent work with the text, compiling a comparative table §25
36 Age of Enlightenment 20.01. 1 Protection of abstracts §28
37-38 Revolutions of the 18th century 24.01. 2 Teacher lecture, brainstorming, text work, problematic discussion §§33-34
39 Trends in the development of European culture in the 16th-18th centuries 27.01. 1 Teacher lecture, brainstorming, text work, problem discussion §40
40 Test work on the topic "The West in modern times" 31.01. 1 Control testing §§24-34
VI Russian Empire in the XVIII century
41 Power and society 3.02. 1 Problem presentation of the teacher's material, conversation, work with additional literature, map §26 East. §five
42 Socio-economic development of the country 7.02. 1 Problem presentation of the teacher's material, conversation, work with additional literature §27
43-44 Expansion of the territory of the state (lesson with the use of ICT) 10.02
14.02. 2 Frontal conversation, watching an educational film, working with text, map §§29,31 East. §6
45 Education, science and culture 17.02. 1 Protection of abstracts §30
46 Test work on the topic "Russian Empire in the XVIII century" 21.02. 1 Control testing §§26-31
VII West in the XIX century. The rise of an industrial civilization
47 The era of the Napoleonic wars (lesson from Spanish ICT) 24.02. 1 Teacher's mini-lecture, slideshow, problem discussion, work with additional material §33
48 The Industrial Revolution and the Rise of the Industrial West 28.02. 1 Frontal survey, independent work with text, work with aphorism §33
49 Revolutions and reforms 3.03. 1 Sample survey, creative work in groups, problematic discussion §35
50 Ideological currents and political parties 7.03. 1 Frontal conversation, analysis of additional material, compilation of a comparative table §36
51 Colonial empires 10.03. 1 Frontal discussion, independent work with the text of the textbook, map §36
52 Features of the development of Western countries in the second half of the XIX century. 14.03. 1 Frontal discussion, independent work with the text of the textbook, map §§41
53 Repetitive and generalizing lesson on the topic “The West in the 19th century. Formation of industrial civilization» 17.03 1 Seminar §§33-41
VIII Russia on the path of modernization
54-55 The Russian state in the first half of the XIX century. 21.03
4.04. 2 Problematic presentation of the material by the teacher, drawing up an outline plan, working with the map §37 East. §10
56 Public life in the first half of the XIX century. 7.04. 1 Selective survey, problematic presentation of the material by the teacher, drawing up an outline plan, working with a map §37
57-58 Reforms of the 1860s-1870s 11.04.
14.04. 2 Frontal conversation, creative work in groups, problematic discussion §38 East. §13
59 Social movement in Russia in the second half of the XIX century. 18.04. 1 Individual survey, independent work with text, work with additional material, conversation §39
60-61 Russia is a multinational empire 21.04.
25.04. 2 Individual survey, independent work with text, work with additional material, conversation, work with statistical material §40
62 Test work on the topic: "Russia on the path of modernization" 28.04. 1 Control testing §§37-40
63 Seminar lesson “Problems of capitalist industrialization and political development” 2.05. 1 Seminar §41
IX Culture of the 19th century
64-65 Scientific and technological progress and society 5.05.
12.05. 2 Preparing and protecting message messages
66 World literature and artistic culture 16.05. 1 Working with additional material, problematic discussion, project development §39
67 Culture of Russia in the 19th century (lesson with the use of ICT) 19.05 1 Development of projects, viewing presentations §40
68 Lesson-excursion "My favorite Russian artists and architects" (lesson using ICT) 23.05. 1 Protection of message presentations
69-70 Final lessons on the course "Russia and the world" 2 Protection of message presentations
Calendar-thematic planning of the course "History" in grade 11
No. Date according to the plan Date after the fact Lesson topic Number of hours Main activities Approximate homework
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Russia and the World at the Beginning of the 20th Century1 2.09. Introduction. World map at the beginning of the 20th century 1 Problem discussion, teacher's story, work with the map Zagladin N.V. §§1,2
2 3.09. Russia at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries. Socio-economic development. 1 Differentiated survey, mini-lecture, independent work with the text of the textbook, discussion Levandovsky A.N. §1
3 9.09. New phenomena in the development of capitalism 1 Differentiated survey, teacher's story, work with additional material, problematic discussion Title §3
4 10.09. Exacerbation of the contradictions of world development at the beginning of the XX century. 1 Oral survey, brainstorming, analysis of educational text, problematic discussion Chapter § 4
5 16.09. Domestic and foreign policy of the autocracy in the late XIX - early XX century. 1 Differentiated survey in the form of tests, mini-lecture of the teacher, analysis of documents, problematic conversation, work with the map Lev.§2
6 17.09. Popular movement and social struggle on the eve of the first Russian revolution.
R.K. Speech by workers in Rostov-on-Don. 1 Poll, viewing presentations, problematic conversation, drawing up a table Lev.§3 East. Don. edges §2
7 23.09. Revolution of 1905-1907 1 Frontal conversation, independent work with the text, drawing up a text plan, discussion, problem solving Lev. § 4
8 24.09. Revolution at a breaking point. (1906 - early 1907) 1 Differentiated testing, brainstorming, analysis of the text of textbooks, sources, problem solving Lev.§5,6
9 30.09. Stolypin's reforms 1 Oral survey, independent work with the text, problematic discussion Lev.§7
10 1.10. R.K. Donskoy region at the beginning of the 20th century. 1 Differentiated testing, brainstorming, textbook text analysis, problem solving Ist. Don. edges §§3,4
11 7.10. International relations in the late XIX - early XX centuries. Path to war. 1 Selective survey, teacher's story, work with additional material, problematic discussion Chapter § 5
12 8.10. World War I 1914-1918 1 Poll, watching a documentary film teacher's story, work with a map, creative work in groups, problem discussion Chapter § 7
13 14.10. Russia in the First World War (lesson using ICT) 1 Differentiated survey, mini-lecture, independent work with the text of the textbook, with a map, discussion Lev.§8
14 15.10. "Silver Age" of Russian culture. (lesson using ICT) 1 Oral survey, work with presentations, their analysis Lev.§9
15 21.10. Test work on the topic: “Russia and the world at the beginning of the 20th century.” 1 Testing Lev.§§1-9
Revolution and Civil War in Russia
16 22.10. February events of 1917 Dual power 1 Lecture by the teacher, independent work with the text, problem solving Lev.§10
17, 18 28.10.
29.10. From February to October 1917 The formation of Soviet power. 2 Teacher's lecture, work with a map, independent work with text, problem solving Lev.§§11,12
19 11.11. The first months of Bolshevik rule 1 Oral questioning, brainstorming, independent text analysis, frontal conversation Lev.§13
20 12.11. Civil war and intervention. 1 Differentiated survey, work with text, with a map, problematic discussion Lev.§14
21 18.11. Reasons for the victory of the Reds 1 Selective survey, group work, creative analysis of the results of the war Lev.§15
22 19.11. R.K. Donskoy region 1917 - 1920 1 Frontal conversation, problematic discussion, work with the text of the textbook Ist. Don. edges §§6,7,8
USSR and the world in 1922-1991.
23 25.11. Development of the political system. NEP and its goals 1 Oral survey, selective testing, independent work with the text, solving problem situations Lev.§16
24 26.11. National policy of the Bolsheviks. Education USSR 1 Differentiated testing, work with text, creative analysis Lev.§18
25 2.12. industrialization of the country. The question of the fate of the NEP. First Five Year Plan.
R.K. Dispossession on the Don. 1 Oral questioning, teacher's lecture, problematic discussion Lev.§20 East. Don. edges §§10,11
26 3.12. Foreign policy of the USSR in the 20-30s. 1 Differentiated testing, lecture by the teacher, work with the map, problematic discussion Lev.§19
28 9.12.
10.12. Culture of the USSR in the 20s and 30s. The end of the cultural revolution. 2 Frontal conversation, drawing up a detailed plan, text analysis Lev.§§19,21
29 16.12. Test

Zagladin N.V., Zagladina H.T. Course program and thematic planning for the textbook by N.V. Zagladina, N.A. Simoniya “General History. Grade 10” for grade 10 of educational institutions. M.: OOO TID Russkoe Slovo-RS, 2010.

N.V. Zagladina, N.A. Simoniya "General History. Grade 10" for the 10th grade of educational institutions. M.: OOO TID Russkoe Slovo-RS, 2010.

History. Grades 10-11: work programs for the textbooks of N.S. Borisov and A.A. Levandovsky. Base level/auto-stat. T.V. Kovrigin. Volgograd, 2011.

Borisov N.S. History of Russia from ancient times to the end of the XVII century. : Grade 10: textbook. for general education institutions: basic level. M: Enlightenment, 2010.

Levandovsky A.A. History of Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries: Grade 10: textbook. for educational institutions: basic level. M: Enlightenment, 2010.

Number of hours according to the program -68, according to the plan -68.

History of Russia - 44 hours; General history - 24 hours.

Title of section and topic

Number of hours

Requirements for the level of training


Basic knowledge

Basic Skills

General history

Section 1. History as a science.

1.1. History in the system of the humanities. § 1.

The value of studying history. History in the system of the humanities. The subject of historical science and the stages of its development.

Name in chronological order the stages of human development, their chronological framework. Explain the features of the knowledge of the past.


1.2. Problems of historical knowledge. § 2.

The problem of reliability and falsification of historical knowledge. Scientific principles in the study of the past: a concrete historical approach, the principle of objectivity, verification of the authenticity and reliability of historical sources.

Principles of periodization of history. Stages of human development. Periodization of modern history.

Explain the principles of studying history. Name the stages of human development. Describe theories of historical development. To identify the positive and negative aspects of the Marxist concept of history, the theory of local civilizations, the theory of world civilizational development.

Frontal survey

Section 2. Mankind at the dawn of its history.

2.1. Origin of mankind. §four

Modern concepts of the origin of man and society. Anthropology, archeology and ethnography about the ancient past of man. Mythological and religious versions of the protohistory of mankind. Human society and natural communities. Stages of human development. Origin of human races. Humanity in the Paleolithic and Mesolithic.

Describe the basic concepts of the origin of man. Show on the map the regions that are the ancestral home of mankind. To characterize the role of climatic and geographical factors in the development of man.

Oral survey.

2.2. Stages of development of the human community. §§4,5.

Man and nature: the first conflict. Neolithic revolution. The transition from an appropriating to a producing economy. Agricultural and pastoral cultures. Transition from matriarchy to patriarchy. The onset of the Eneolithic.

Explain the term Neolithic Revolution. To characterize the changes in the way of life and forms of social ties during the transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. Describe the changes in human economic activity associated with the Neolithic revolution.

Oral survey.

Section 3. Civilizations of the Ancient World.

3.1.-3.2. The first states of the Ancient World. §6,§§7-8

Prerequisites for the emergence of the state. Slavery and social relations in the ancient world. Culture and beliefs in ancient Egypt. Features of the development of despotisms of antiquity. Military despotisms of the ancient world. Ancient India. China in antiquity. New stage of spiritual life.

Name and show on the map the regions where the first state formations appeared. Characterize the social structure, features of political power, the spiritual life of ancient civilizations. Characterize religions (Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism).

oral questioning


3.3.-3.4. An ancient era in the history of mankind.

Ancient Greece. City-states of Greece. City-states of Italy. Foundation of Rome. Greco-Persian Wars. 5th century BC. Peloponnesian Wars IV - V centuries. BC. Rise of Macedonia. Conquests of Alexander the Great.

dominance over Italy. Punic Wars. Crisis of the Roman Republic. The rise of the Roman Empire. Spiritual heritage of antiquity.

Name the key events of the Antiquity era. To identify the features of the economic activity of Greece. Describe the options for the development of the ancient Greek policy. Identify similarities and differences between the Roman and Athenian policies. Express value judgments about the nature of the conquests of A. Macedon. Describe the earliest systems of law.

Section 4. Middle Ages.

4.1.Islamic civilization.

The emergence of Islamic civilization. Islamic society: features of development. Arab conquests. The collapse of the Arab Caliphate. Historical heritage of the Arab Caliphate. Islamic spiritual culture and philosophical thought in the Middle Ages.

Describe in chronological order the events associated with the rise of Islam. Show on the map the territory of the settlement of Arab tribes. Explain the origins of Islam. Understand the difference between Islam and other world religions. Determine the significance of the historical and cultural heritage of the Arab Caliphate for world culture.

Oral survey.

4.2. The formation of the Christian-medieval civilization.


Early feudal state formations in Europe and the reasons for their collapse. The role of the church in early feudal society. Catholic and Orthodox spiritual traditions.

Name and show on the map the areas of settlement of the Germanic tribes in the process of the great migration of peoples. Determine the causes of the collapse of the early feudal states in Europe. Describe the role of the church in early feudal society. Name the similarities and differences between the Catholic and Orthodox spiritual traditions.

Oral survey.

4.3.-4.4. Feudalism in Western Europe. §18, §§20-21, §22

Socio-economic relations in the early Middle Ages. Features of feudal relations. Religious and secular power in Europe. Norman conquests and the creation of the Holy Roman Empire.

Determine the significance of the growth of cities as centers of economic, social, spiritual life; identify the socio-economic and political factors of the centralization process. Name the reasons for the strengthening of the power of monarchs in Western European states. Name the main achievements of culture and science of the European Middle Ages.

Oral survey. Messages.

4.5. The crisis of traditional society in Western Europe. §19, §§20-21.

Traditional societies in the West and East. Urban growth in Western Europe: causes and consequences.

The conflict of secular and spiritual power. Knightly Orders and the Inquisition Strengthening royal power in the countries of Western Europe. Cities and royalty. Creation of estate representation bodies. Eastern Europe in the XII-beginning of the XV centuries.

To identify the prerequisites for strengthening the central government in the countries of Western Europe. Describe the prerequisites for the start of the modernization process. Compare the development paths of the countries of Western, Central and Eastern Europe, Europe and Asia.

Oral survey.

4.6. Repetitive-generalizing lesson on the topic "Civilizations of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages".

Repetition and generalization.

Test control.

Section 5. New time: the era of modernization.

5.1. What is "New Time"?

The concept of "new time". Periodization principles. Modernization as a process of transition from traditional to industrial society.

Define the concept of "new time". Describe the principles of periodization of the New Age. To identify the features of modernization as a process of transition from a traditional to an industrial society.

Oral survey.

5.2. Great geographical discoveries. §27.

The main milestones of the great geographical discoveries. Formation of a new spatial perception of the world. The beginning of the colonial expansion of European powers.

Name and show on the map the regions discovered during the Age of Discovery. To identify the reasons that prompted the Europeans to look for new sea routes to India. Characterize the pre-Columbian civilizations of America, identify the features of the colonization of North America. Determine the significance and consequences for the countries of the West of the creation of colonial empires and the opening of new maritime trade routes.

Oral survey.

5.3. -5.4. Western European countries in the 15th - mid-17th centuries.

§§28-29, §§30-31

Commercial and manufacturing capitalism. The formation of common domestic markets in European countries. Innovations in the way of life, the nature of thinking, value orientations and social norms in the Renaissance and Reformation. Confessional split of European society. The influence of Catholicism and Protestantism on the political culture of society, social psychology, aesthetic worldview. The Thirty Years' War and its consequences for the spiritual life of European states.

Determine the socio-psychological, economic and technological factors of modernization. Describe the changes in the spiritual image of Europe. Describe the main currents of the Reformation (Lutheranism, Calvinism). Determine the causes of religious wars. Determine the influence of Catholicism and Protestantism on the political culture of society, social psychology, aesthetic worldview.

Oral survey. Table.

5.5. Absolute monarchies in Western Europe. §§28-29, §§30-31

The rise of absolutism. The emergence of the concept of state sovereignty. Philosophy and ideology of the Enlightenment. State sovereignty as a reflection of the universal recognition of the state power of the monarch over his subjects.

Define "absolutism". Determine the characteristic features of absolutism, identify the prerequisites for strengthening the central government in the countries of Western Europe. Name the features of the formation of absolutism in various countries of Europe. Identify the differences between absolutism and the despotic regimes of antiquity.

Oral survey.

5.6. The industrial revolution and its significance.

§38, §39, §§40-41.

Socio-economic prerequisites for the industrial revolution. From manufacturing to industrial production. The growth of industrial production. Problems of social development of industrial countries. Bourgeois and proletarians. Marxism and the revolutionary movement. The formation of trade unions and the first workers' parties.

Define the concept of "industrial revolution", name its features. Describe the social consequences of the second industrial revolution. To characterize the position of the working class in industrial countries, to identify the characteristics of the labor movement in England, France, and Germany. Describe the ideas of Marxism and the reasons for their popularity in the labor movement. Characterize the ideas of liberalism, socialism, conservatism, anarchism.

Oral survey.

5.7. Socio-political and spiritual development of the countries of Western Europe in the 1st half of the 19th century. §40.

The worldview of a person in an industrial society. Formation of the classical scientific picture of the world. Cultural and philosophical heritage of modern times.

Name the features of the formation of a scientific picture of the world. To characterize the features of the worldview of a person in an industrial society. To characterize the main directions of development of literature and art in modern times. Name prominent cultural figures and their achievements.

Oral survey.

5.8. International relations in the era of modern times. §48.

The evolution of the system of international relations in modern times. The origin of international law.

Westphalian system of world order. Napoleonic Wars. The Congress of Vienna and the Creation of the Holy Alliance. International Relations of the Second Half of the 19th Century: Rivalry of Nation States. colonial division of the world.

Name the main changes in the system of international relations at the end of the 15th - the middle of the 19th century. determine the features of the Westphalian system. Describe the Vienna system. Reveal the role of geopolitical factors in the international relations of modern times. Identify the features of the colonial division of the world.

Oral survey.

5.9. States of Asia in modern times. §§44-45, §§46-47

The influence of European colonial expansion on the traditional societies of the East. Economic development in colonial and dependent countries. The first anti-colonial actions of the peoples of the East. Meiji Restoration in Japan and the first experience of modernization development in Asia.

Determine the causes of the crisis of traditional society in Asian countries. Describe their manifestations and consequences. Determine the features of the anti-colonial movement of the peoples of the East. Describe economic development and social movements in colonial and dependent countries.

oral questioning


5.10. Final generalization and control.

Control testing

Russian history

Section 1. The formation of Russian civilization

1.1. Peoples and ancient states on the territory of Russia.

The history of Russia is a part of world history. Natural and climatic factors and features of the development of the territory of Eastern Europe and the North of Eurasia. Stone Age sites. Transition from an appropriating economy to a producing one. The emergence of metal tools and their impact on primitive society. Great Migration of Nations. Proto-Slavs. Archaeological monuments of Udmurtia.

Determine the main factors of Russia's development. Compare the effect of factors that determine the civilizational development of Russia and one of the countries of the West or East. Determine the reasons for the difference in the historical path of development of Russia. Analyze historical information.

oral questioning

Section 2. Old Russian state inIXXIIIcenturies

2.1. Eastern Slavs in the VI-IX centuries. Formation of the Old Russian state. §1.

East Slavic tribal unions and their neighbors. Occupations, social order and beliefs. Strengthening the role of tribal leaders, property stratification. The path "from the Varangians to the Greeks". Calling Rurik. Norman theory.

Name the reasons and stages of the formation of the state among the Eastern Slavs; theories of formation of the ancient Russian state; show on the map the territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs, their neighbors; analyze documents.

Oral survey.

Table, work with a map

Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Strengthening the economic and political independence of the Russian lands. The largest lands and principalities of Rus' in the XII - early XIII centuries. (Veliky Novgorod, Galicia-Volyn principality, North-Eastern Rus'). Monarchies and republics. Formation of the ancient Udmurt people.

2.6. Culture of Rus' XII-beginning of the XIII century. §4, §7.

Christian culture and pagan traditions of Rus'. Contacts with cultures of the West and East. Byzantine influence. Monastery building. The heyday of the culture of pre-Mongol Rus. The culture of Ancient Rus' as one of the factors in the formation of the Old Russian people.

Determine the essence and originality of the culture of Kievan Rus and Rus' XII-beginning of the XIII century. The influence of the collapse of Kievan Rus on the development of culture. Show the achievements of Kievan Rus on specific examples. Analyze historical sources.

2.7-2.8. Mongol invasion. Russian lands under the rule of the Golden Horde. §8.

Formation of the Mongolian state. Invasion of Rus'. The inclusion of Russian lands in the Mongolian system of control of the conquered lands. Golden Horde.

Udmurtia under the rule of the Golden Horde. Expansion from the West. The fight against crusader aggression.

Determine the reasons for the conquest of Rus' by the Mongol-Tatars. To characterize the Mongolian system of administration of Russian lands and the foreign policy activities of A. Nevsky. Characterize the Mongol-Tatar yoke and its historical consequences, show on the map the conquests of the Mongol-Tatars, Germans, Swedes, battlefields.

Poll by map

KIM Test No. 6

2.2.-2.3. Kievan Rus. §§2-3.

tribute and allegiance. Princes and squads. Veche orders. Acceptance of Christianity. The development of the rule of law in Rus'. Categories of the population. Lubech Congress. Foreign policy.

Determine the trends in the development of the ancient Russian state, its internal and external tasks. Characterize early feudal relations in Kievan Rus, highlight their features. Compare historical sources, analyze documents, evaluate the activities of the first princes, show on the map the military campaigns of the princes.

Table, work with a map

2.4.-2.5. Russian lands in the XII-beginning of the XIII century. The heirs of Kievan Rus. §§.5-6.

Causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state. Strengthening the economic and political independence of the Russian lands. The largest lands and principalities of Rus' in the XII - early XIII centuries. (Veliky Novgorod, Galicia-Volyn principality, North-Eastern Rus'). Monarchies and republics.

Determine the causes of the collapse of the Old Russian state; the historical significance of feudal fragmentation. To prove that feudal fragmentation is a stage in the progressive development of society; give a comparative description of the principalities.

Section 3. The formation of a unified Russian state inXIV- XVcenturies

3.1.-3.2. Strengthening of the Moscow principality in the XIV - the first half of the XV century. §§9-10.

The struggle for political hegemony in North-Eastern Rus'. Political, social, economic and territorial-geographic reasons for the transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands. The relationship of the processes of unification of Russian lands and the struggle against the Horde dominion. The origin of national self-consciousness in Rus'.

Determine the political, social, economic and territorial-geographic reasons for the transformation of Moscow into the center of the unification of Russian lands. To characterize the role of the church and its leaders in the events of the XIV-first half of the XV century. Name the causes and consequences of the Battle of Kulikovo, the essence and features of a centralized state; causes and consequences of the feudal war. Describe the activities of the princes, evaluate.

KIM Test No. 7

3.3.-3.4. The final stage in the creation of a unified Russian state (the second half of the 15th-early 16th centuries). §§11-12.

Features of the process of formation of the Russian state. The overthrow of the Golden Horde yoke. The beginning of the collapse of the Golden Horde. Accession of Udmurtia to the Russian state. Changes in the social structure of society and forms of feudal land tenure. Formation of a new system of government of the country.

Determine the relationship between the process of unification of Russian lands and liberation from the Golden Horde yoke, characterize the activities of Ivan III. Name the stages of the formation of the system of serfdom. Outline the contents of the Sudebnik of 1497; compare the processes of formation of a single state in Russia and in the West; draw up a thesis plan.

Table, thesis plan.

3.5. Culture of Rus' in the XIV-XV centuries. §13.

Books and literature. Monuments of the Kulikovo cycle. Lives of the Saints. Praise words. Travel stories. Chronicles. Stone book. Moscow architecture. Architecture of Novgorod and Pskov. Shimmer brush. Andrei Rublev. Theophanes the Greek. Dionysius.

Determine the features of Russian culture of the XIV-XV centuries. characterize its achievements, identify the distinctive features of architectural monuments.


KIM Test No. 9

Section 4. Russia inXVI- XVIIin.

4.1.-4.2. Russia in the 16th century.

Agriculture. Craft and trade. Society and power. Political system. Control system. Basil III: quiet victories. Moscow ideology. Boyar rule. Ivan the Terrible: at the head of advisers. Ivan the Terrible: at the head of the guardsmen. Foreign policy: onslaught to the east. Livonian war. On the steppe borders. The last Rurikovich. Estates support. The death of Tsarevich Dmitry.

Determine the role of the natural and climatic factor in the life of Russia; successes of craft and trade; changes in the position of certain segments of the population. Name the functions of the organs of the estate-representative monarchy. Characterize the role of the church in the development of feudalism, in the formation of the ideology of autocracy. Analyze the system of government in Russia in the 16th century; to compare the estate-representative monarchy in Russia and in European countries; synchronize and compare domestic and foreign policy events during the reign of Ivan IV.

KIM Test No. 10

4.3.-4.4. Time of Troubles. §§17-18.

Causes and nature of the Troubles. The suppression of the ruling dynasty. boyar groups. Exacerbation of socio-economic contradictions. The fight against the aggression of the Commonwealth and Sweden. National rise in Russia. Restoration of the independence of the country. Zemsky Sobor in 1613

Determine the causes and nature of the Troubles. Name major events. To characterize the activities of B. Godunov, impostors, boyars led by V. Shuisky, Bolotnikov, Pozharsky, Minin, M. Romanov. Evaluate the events of the Troubles. Analyze documents.


KIM Test No. 12

4.5. Revival of the country after the Troubles. Domestic policy of the first Romanovs. §nineteen.

Restoration of autocracy. First Romanovs. social movements. Legal registration of serfdom. Expansion of the territory of Russia in the XVI century. Udmurtia in the 17th century. Church schism and its significance.

Determine the level of development of the economy and trade; the essence of serfdom, the reasons for its registration in Russia; causes and essence of public administration reforms and the formation of estates; provisions of the church reform of Patriarch Nikon. Evaluate the activities of a historical person. Describe the class structure of Russian society.

4.6. Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. §20.

Stolbovsky world. Deulin truce. Smolensk war. Reunification of Ukraine with Russia. Wars with Poland, Sweden and Turkey.

Name the main directions of Russian foreign policy in the 17th century. Analyze its main events. Assess the reunification of Ukraine with Russia. Describe the results of foreign policy. Make a table, work with a map.

Poll by map

4.7. Culture of Russia in the XVI - XVII centuries. §16, §21.

Pen of Maxim the Greek. Generalizing works. Publicism. Beginning of typography. Architecture. Painting. Artistic craft. Strengthening secular elements in Russian culture. Features of Russian traditional culture. Expansion of cultural ties with the countries of Western Europe. Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy.

Name the main works of culture. Determine the features of cultural development in the conditions of the establishment of autocracy. Establish the relationship of political history and culture. Analyze works of culture. Determine the features of education, enlightenment, literature, architecture, icon painting of the 17th century. Compare the culture of the 16th and 17th centuries.


KIM test No. 11, 15.

Section 5. Russia in the era of Peter the Great.

5.1. Beginning of the reign of Peter I. Reforms of Peter I. §1,§2.

Peter's transformations. Reforms of the army and navy. Establishing a factory industry policy of protectionism. A new system of state power and administration. Proclamation of an empire.

To characterize the domestic and foreign policy of Sophia, Peter's reforms. Analyze, structure the material into diagrams, tables.

5.2. Foreign policy of Peter I.

Azov campaigns. In search of allies. Beginning of the Northern War. War for the Baltic. Campaign of Charles XII to Russia. Poltava battle. End of the Northern War. Nishtad world. Popular uprisings

Name the main events in the foreign policy of Peter I. Establish causal relationships, compare folk performances.

Map work.

KIM test No. 16-18.

5.3. "Cultural Revolution" in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. §four.

Innovations in life. Education and enlightenment. The science. public thought. Fiction.

Name the features of Russian education under Peter I; the main achievements and directions of Russian culture in the first quarter of the 18th century. prepare messages, analyze documents.


Section 6. Russia in the middle and in the second halfXVIIIin.

6.1. Russia after Peter I. The era of palace coups.

First successors. "Zateyka" of the leaders. Bironovshchina. "Brunswick surname". The reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. Peter III and the Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility.

Name the main directions of the internal policy of Peter's successors, changes in the position of the nobility. Determine the causes of palace coups. Make a chronological table. Compare autocratic and oligarchic rule, compare the reign of Peter I and his successors.

Table, document analysis.

6.2. "Enlightened absolutism" of Catherine II. §6

Path to the throne. Catherine II and Enlighteners. Fixed commission.

Name the features of the domestic policy of Catherine II, the main provisions of enlightened absolutism. Compare Zemsky Sobors and the Legislative Commission. Draw up a scheme of central and local government. Evaluate the results of the reforms of Catherine II.

Work with the scheme, table.

6.3. Social policy of Catherine II. Peasant War. §7.

Provincial reform. nobility and peasantry. Merchants and settlements. Complaint letters. Peasant War (1773-1775). The participation of the Udmurt people in the peasant war led by

E. Pugacheva.

Name the changes in the social sphere that occurred under Catherine II, the rights and obligations of the nobility. Analyze Pugachev's peasant war. To make plan.

Working with the map

KIM test No. 21, 22

6.4. Foreign policy of Russia in the XVIII century. The reign of Paul I.

Directions of foreign policy. The struggle for access to the Black Sea. Sections of the Commonwealth. Russia in European politics. New emperor. Domestic policy. Foreign policy. Conspiracy and assassination of Paul I.

Name the main directions of Russian foreign policy. Describe Russia's relations with the Crimean Khanate, the Ottoman Empire, the Commonwealth, leading European countries. Describe the main directions of the foreign and domestic policy of Paul I. work with the map. Analyze the policy of Paul I.

oral questioning

Working with the map

6.5. Culture of Russia in the 18th century.

Features of the Russian Enlightenment. Scientific expeditions. University of Moscow. Society scientists. Public education system. Urban planning. Culture and life of Udmurtia in the XVIII century. A.N. Radishchev about the Udmurts.

To characterize the features of the development of science, literature, architecture, music, theater. Compare the views of Novikov, Shcherbatov, Radishchev on Russian reality. Assess the role of Lomonosov in the development of science and culture.


KIM test

Section 7. Russia in the first halfXIXin.

7.1.-7.2. Economic development at the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century. Reforms of Alexander I. §11, §12.

New in the Russian economy. Trade, transport, cities. Fortress manufactories. Manufactories with freelance labor. Serfdom in the late 18th - early 19th century. The impact of market relations. "Young Friends". Establishment of ministries and transformation of the Senate. Peasant question. Creation of a public education system. MM. Speransky and his "Plan of State Transformation". "Note" N.M. Karamzin. Socio-economic situation of Udmurtia in the first half of the XIX century.

Determine the features of the socio-economic development of Russia at the end of the 18th - the first half of the 19th century. Compare the serf and civilian manufactories. Name the reforms carried out by Alexander I. Characterize his personality, the activities of the Private Committee. Schematically depict the system of central and local governments, compare the plans of Speransky, Karamzin, the results of public administration reform. Analyze document.

Oral survey.

7.3. Fight with Napoleon. §13.

Wars of 1805-1806 Aggravation of Russian-French relations. Preparation for war. The ratio of forces. Patriotic War of 1812 Participation of the population of Udmurtia in the Patriotic War. The end of the wars with France. Eastern question.

Determine the tasks of Russia's foreign policy at the beginning of the 19th century; causes, course, significance of the Patriotic War; goals, results of foreign trips; solution to the Eastern question. Describe the continental blockade.

KIM Test No. 27

7.4. Reaction period. Decembrists. §fourteen.

Reaction. The first Decembrist organizations. Northern and Southern societies. Decembrist revolt.

Determine the impact of the Patriotic War on public consciousness. Name the first secret organizations. Describe the causes, objectives, course, significance of the Decembrist uprising. Give your assessment of the movement. Compare program documents of secret societies.

oral questioning

7.5.-7.6. Domestic and foreign policy of Nicholas I. Caucasian War. §§15-16

Features of the Nikolaev control system. The theory of "official nationality". Strengthening foundations. reform attempts. "The Dark Seven Years". Russia and Europe. Eastern question. Crimean War. Russia and the Caucasus. Beginning of the Caucasian War. Muridism. Imamat Shamil. End of the war.

Name the features of the domestic policy and the main directions of the foreign policy of Nicholas I. Characterize the personality of Nicholas I. Analyze the main provisions of the theory of "official nationality". To evaluate the contribution of Nicholas I to the improvement of public administration, education, and the solution of the peasant question. Analyze Russia's foreign policy. Describe the territorial and military-political changes after the signing of peace treaties. Determine the causes of the Crimean and Caucasian wars.

Oral survey. Map work.

KIM test No. 29, 30

7.7. Social movement during the reign of Nicholas I.

Formation of the Russian conservative ideology. Slavophiles and Westernizers. Russian utopian socialism.

Name the main directions of social thought during the reign of Nicholas I. Determine the importance of magazines, salons, friendly circles in the development of the social movement. Analyze the views of Westerners and Slavophiles. Compare the views of Slavophiles and supporters of the theory of "official nationality" on Orthodoxy, autocracy, and nationality. Describe the activities of the Petrashevites. Analyze the statements of Herzen.

Oral survey. Working with a table.

Section 8. Russia in the second halfXIXcentury.

8.1.-8.2. Peasant reform of Alexander II. Socio-economic development of post-reform Russia. §19, §20.

Preparing for reform. The content of the reform. Peasant Administration Agriculture. Industrial production. bourgeoisie and proletariat. Town. Transport. Domestic and foreign trade.. Significance of the reform. Approval of the capitalist model of economic development. Completion of the industrial revolution.

Name the reasons and stages of preparation for the abolition of serfdom. Determine the main provisions of the reform and its significance. Analyze the role of reform in the development of the country. Characterize Alexander II as a liberator tsar. Determine the attitude of the peasants to the abolition of serfdom. Describe the economic development of the country in the post-reform period.

oral questioning

KIM test No. 33, 34

8.3. Reforms of the 60-70s 19th century

Zemstvo and city reforms. Judicial reform. military reforms. Reforms in the field of public education and the press. Carrying out the reform of 1861 in Udmurtia.

Describe the content of the reforms. Establish causal relationships between the abolition of serfdom and liberal reforms. Assess the role of the Zemstvo in society, innovations in the court. Assess military and urban reforms. Analyze changes in the field of education. Make diagrams, thesis plan.

8.4. Social movement of the mid-50s-60s. 19th century The confrontation between the authorities and the revolutionaries in the 70s and early 80s. 19th century §22, §23.

The appearance of a razor. "Land and freedom". Polish uprising. Nihilism. Circle of Ishutins. Nechaevshchina. Populism. "Journey to the People". The reaction of the authorities. "Land and freedom".

Compare the main directions of social movement .. analyze documents. Structure the learning material into a table.

oral questioning

8.5.-8.6. Social movement, domestic and foreign policy during the reign of Alexander III. §24,§26

Strengthening the administrative and police power. Counter-reforms. Politics in the field of education and censorship. Social movement of the 1880s - the first half of the 1890s. Struggle for the revision of the Paris Peace Treaty. Eastern crisis of the mid-70s. 19th century Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878 Exacerbation of contradictions with Germany. Russian-French alliance. Annexation of Central Asia.

Determine the main directions of the domestic policy of Alexander III, the features of the social movement during the years of his reign. Analyze the counter-reforms of the 80s. Systematize information about the social movement of the 1880s-first half of the 1890s, drawing up a diagram. Compare the ideas of Marxism and revolutionary populists. To characterize the main directions and tasks of foreign policy, the eastern crisis. Compare the conditions of the San Stefano Peace and the decisions of the Berlin Congress. Analyze relations between Russia and Germany. Evaluate the Russian-French treaty. Determine the consequences of the accession of Central Asia for Russia and the Central Asian peoples.

oral questioning

Working with the map

KIM test No. 37, 38

8.7. Culture of Russia in the 19th century. §25

Development of the education system. Scientific achievements. Revival of national traditions in literature, musical and theatrical art, architecture, painting. Education. Printing and libraries. The science. Russian pioneers. Literature. Theatre. Music. Painting. Sculpture. Architecture.

Determine the features of the development of culture, science of the XIX century. Describe the main achievements. Analyze works of culture, science. Compare the development of the education system in the reign of Alexander I and Nicholas I. Prepare messages.


9.1. History of Russia from ancient times to the endXIXin.

Final summary.

Final test for the course.





in history

(a basic level of)

Grade 10

Compiled by:

Lebedeva Ludmila Viktorovna,

teacher of history and social studies of the 1st category


1. The source documents for drawing up the working program of the training course are:

the federal component of the state educational standard, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089;

an exemplary program for basic general education in history. A basic level of;

history programs for educational institutions. 5-11 grades/comp. A.A. Vigasin, G.I. Goder, I.S. Sventsitskaya “History of the Ancient World. Grade 5"; V.A. Vedyushkin “History of the Middle Ages. 6th grade"; A.Ya. Yudovskaya, L.M. Vanyushkina “New history. 7-8 grades"; A.O. Soroko-Tsyupa, O.Yu. Strelova “The latest history of foreign countries. XX-beginning of the XXI century. Grade 9"; A.A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulina “History of Russia. Grades 6-9" - M, "Enlightenment", 2009; Zhuravleva O.N., Andreevskaya T.P., Iskrovskaya L.V., Shevchenko S.V. "History. Grades 10-11" - M, "Ventana-Count", 2014;

the basic curriculum of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 of 09.03.2004;

order of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region dated April 15, 2016 No. 1427;

2. This program was compiled on the basis of the author's program Zhuravleva O.N., Andreevskaya T.P., Iskrovskaya L.V., Shevchenko S.V. "History. Grades 10-11", the program has been amended.

The teacher reserves the right to make minor changes to the program when adjusting the number of topics - the number of hours.

3. Goals and objectives of the course:

The study of history at the level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

· education of citizenship, national identity, development of worldview beliefs of students on the basis of their understanding of historically established cultural, religious, ethno-national traditions, moral and social attitudes, ideological doctrines; expanding the social experience of students in the analysis and discussion of the forms of human interaction in history;

development of the ability to understand the historical conditionality of the phenomena and processes of the modern world, to critically analyze the received historical and social information, to determine one's own position in relation to the surrounding reality, to correlate it with historically emerged worldview systems;
