The child developed a rash on his face. Rash on a child’s face: possible causes, all types of rashes with photos and methods of treating pimples. Infectious and viral diseases

First of all, you need to find out what are the the causes of acne on the face, and, of course, the most important thing is how we can get rid of this trouble.

Pediatricians say that a rash on a baby’s face does not particularly bother him, but every caring parent understands perfectly well that even a small pimple does not just appear.

Having noticed a rash on the face of a newborn, you should not panic; it is much better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge.


The reason for this phenomenon may be:

  • severe overheating of infants;
  • improper feeding: undernutrition or, on the contrary, overfeeding;
  • maternal consumption of alcoholic beverages and large amounts of sweets.

A red rash on the face can also be a consequence of syphilis, which was transmitted by the child’s relatives of previous generations.

Rashes in children are observed under various conditions:

  • infectious reactions;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • in case of changes in the conditions of care;
  • at a temperature.

Correct interpretation of skin rashes in a baby makes it possible to quickly make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

In some cases, obvious changes in the baby’s skin are a complete reflection of the general condition of the internal organs.

Hormonal rashes- A fairly common occurrence in children. This rash on the face of a baby occurs due to the formation of hormonal levels.

It manifests itself in the form of small red pimples, which are located in the cheek area, and sometimes spread to the neck and back of the child.

Sometimes small red pimples with ulcers in the center appear. A small rash usually appears in the second or third week.

Allergic rash may appear on the baby's face due to poor nutrition of the mother.

An extremely strong allergen for babies under one year of age is the protein contained in cow's milk, even if the child consumes it through mother's milk.

It is also necessary to avoid products with red pigment due to the fact that infants experience an allergic reaction in the form of bright red spots and pimples.

A small rash on a child's face can also appear when parents diligently dress their baby warmly, causing him to sweat.

At this age, the sweat glands are not yet well formed and cannot function fully, which is why a rash appears in the form of red dots, sometimes with the presence of blisters.

Prickly heat, can also arise due to the fact that parents do not closely monitor the baby.

Causes acne on the face can be different, so you should not take risks and self-medicate.

It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible, who can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

What not to do?

Whatever type of rash a newborn has on his face, you should not burn the baby’s skin even with a low-percentage alcohol solution.

You also cannot use:

  • especially fatty creams and ointments;
  • standard baby powder;
  • various types of drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Initially discuss any actions with your treating pediatrician.


Of course, parents want to rid their baby of the rash as soon as possible. Often, mothers and fathers are ready to purchase any ointments, as well as creams and powders, just to help their baby. After all, for your own child you don’t feel sorry for anything at all.

But the fact is that treating acne on the face of newborns is a very long process and only care and time can help.

The rash often goes away on its own, and all you have to do is just wait.

The most accurate and effective treatment for rashes on a child’s face consists of the most common observance of the child’s personal hygiene rules:

  1. Parents need to give their baby water treatments every day, preferably adding decoctions of various herbs to the water: strings and chamomile.
  2. It is imperative to trim your child’s nails so that he does not scratch pimples and cause infection in the wounds.
  3. In the baby's bedroom, it is necessary to maintain an optimal air temperature for newborns, equal to 20-22 degrees Celsius. In this case, the air humidity level should be no more than 70%.
  4. As a rule, the rash that forms on the face of babies goes away extremely quickly and painlessly, but, unfortunately, it has the nasty property of jumping from one place to another. All rashes, of course, subject to the necessary hygiene rules, should go away within three months.

Each person is individual, including children. There are babies who quite often experience various types of rashes, but there are also those who very rarely get one pimple.

Allergies on the cheeks in young children are a fairly common disease. Almost every baby suffers from allergic manifestations. The development of this disease is explained by the weakened immunity of the newborn child, when any substance that enters the body causes allergic irritation.

Most often, rashes on the cheeks appear due to food allergens. In medicine, cheek allergies in children are classified as diathesis. This condition causes discomfort to the child. The baby shows anxiety, is capricious and refuses to eat.

Allergic rashes on a baby’s cheeks most often appear at a very early age (3-6 months), manifesting themselves in the form of bright red spots, which require mandatory treatment if they occur.

Causes of redness on the cheeks of a child

The main cause of an allergic reaction on the cheeks is the peculiarity of the digestive system in newborns.

This promotes rapid absorption of unsplit molecules and especially proteins into the blood plasma. Due to its antigenic properties, an acute allergic reaction of the body occurs.

  • The early introduction of complementary foods into the diet of infants provokes the appearance of allergies, since the digestive system is not able to absorb and digest them. In addition, very often there are cases of allergic rejection to force-feeding of children, when the child’s body does not absorb excess foods.

  • An allergic reaction can occur to the presence of highly allergenic foods in a child’s diet (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate), as well as out-of-season fruits and vegetables that contain nitrates and chemicals added for faster ripening and preservation during long-term transportation.
  • Allergies often occur as a result of contact with too bright toys and low-quality dyes on children's clothes. The body of a newborn child is not able to cope with incoming allergens.
  • Rashes on the cheeks of a baby can occur as a result of contact with house dust, animals, household chemicals, such as soap, shampoos, air fresheners and laundry detergent for an adult. There are cases of allergies even to the water that flows from the tap, since chlorine is added to it for disinfection.

To prevent the occurrence of allergies, first of all, it is necessary to balance the baby’s diet, getting rid of all foods and things that provoke the appearance of rashes on the cheeks. As a rule, after measures have been taken, allergic symptoms in infants occur quite rarely.

Allergy symptoms on the cheeks

With the development of the disease in the cheek area, the clinical picture is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • hyperemia in the affected area of ​​the skin;
  • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes and nose;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature;
  • restless behavior of the child.

Small rashes on the cheeks with watery contents. Sometimes the blisters open and an inflammatory focus may form. Quite often, allergic symptoms develop into eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.


An allergic disease must be diagnosed by a qualified specialist in this field, who is able to determine the best way to treat the disease. As a rule, in each case, individual treatment tactics for children are selected, primarily involving the exclusion of contact with allergens.

  • In almost every case, it is recommended to prescribe antihistamines. Unlike the treatment of an adult patient, it is preferable to use liquid solutions (drops, syrup) for a child. They are most convenient to use for a child and do not cause negative side effects. The required dosage depends on the age of the baby, the general condition of the body and the severity of severe symptoms.
  • Some of the most common drugs for relieving allergies in infants are Polysorb (enterosorbent) and Fenistil (drops, ointment). Pediatricians often advise combined treatment with simultaneous lubrication of the rash-affected cheeks and ingestion of antihistamine drops. Polysorb is prescribed to quickly remove various allergens from the body. In addition, its advantage is its inability to be absorbed into the blood. Therefore, this enterosorbent is considered to be the safest, which is approved for use for children from the first days of life.


Some parents prefer to cope with allergies in their newborn child using traditional medicine. However, it should be remembered that even the most harmless drugs, including herbs, have their contraindications, so before treating allergic manifestations in a baby, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required so as not to harm the baby’s body. It is important to remember that such treatment is carried out with caution in young children.

We should not forget that treatment of infants with medicinal herbs cannot completely replace drug therapy. Allergies need to be treated comprehensively, using all means. Only in this case will the treatment be successful.

A rash on the face of a child is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes this is simply a consequence of the adaptation of a still fragile organism to new circumstances for it, but sometimes the rashes are also infectious in nature. The rash can be different: in the form of spots, papules, vesicles, pustules, nodules, etc. In addition to the face, rashes can appear on the head, neck, back and other parts of the body - each disease has its own characteristics.


What to do if a rash suddenly appears on your baby’s face? First of all, you need to determine what the cause is, because in some cases the rash goes away on its own, while in others, on the contrary, drug treatment is required.

Associated symptoms are fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. From the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, weak appetite. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The rash may appear at the beginning of the disease, but it happens that it appears, on the contrary, at its last stage. The most common childhood diseases, one of the symptoms of which are rashes:

  • infectious erythrema (accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and cough, large spots with a lighter center);
  • chicken pox (rashes are blisters filled with clear liquid, in medical terminology they are called vesicles);
  • measles (the rash first appears on the face and behind the ears, then spreads throughout the body);
  • rubella (multiple rashes that spread throughout the body and last a maximum of 5 days);
  • meningococcal infection (the rash has a star-like shape and is localized on the face and elbows);
  • vesiculopustulosis (pustules ranging in color from white to yellow usually appear on the back, arms and legs, chest, neck, rarely on the face and head);
  • roseola (children under 2 years of age are susceptible to this disease. The rash is pink and lasts about 5 days);
  • scarlet fever (children over 3 years of age are most susceptible to it; associated symptoms are malaise and severe sore throat).


Associated symptoms are lacrimation, sneezing, itching. If an allergic rash is accompanied by swelling of the skin around the eyes and mouth, this may indicate the development of Quincke's edema, which is very dangerous. This disease can lead to suffocation, so call a doctor immediately when the first signs appear.

Allergens can be not only plant pollen, animal hair and food, but also components of formula for artificial feeding, as well as some medications and vaccinations, and even lactose contained in breast milk.

In case of allergies, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and give the child a sorbent drug: Smecta, Filtrum, Zosterin-Ultra or activated carbon

Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

The rash may be the result of subcutaneous hemorrhage. This may occur due to impaired vascular permeability or an insufficient number of platelets - cells that are responsible for normal blood clotting (this is often a congenital feature). The pathology can be expressed as a small red rash in the form of dots or large bruises of various shades. The spots are localized throughout the body: on the face and neck, on the arms and legs, on the back.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

If a baby is over-wrapped, left in a dirty diaper or in wet diapers, spots may appear due to diaper rash. Most often they occur in the groin and armpits, but can also be localized in the folds of the neck. To prevent this from happening, regularly bathe and wash your child, give him air baths, giving the skin a chance to dry, and use special baby powder.

Pathologies of internal organs

Often, a rash reflects disturbances in the functioning of any body system. This may be a symptom of a disease of the pancreas, kidneys, intestines, liver, or nervous system. In this case, only a pediatrician can understand what’s wrong.

Hormonal instability

The hormonal background of babies is still developing, so rashes caused by this very reason are not uncommon. They look like small pimples and are localized on the cheeks, neck and back.

Reactions of the newborn's body of an adaptive nature

Immediately after birth, the baby may develop a rash as a reaction to a change in surrounding reality. This could be toxic erythema (multiple red pimples, dense to the touch) or the so-called newborn acne (small bright red rashes with pustules in the center, only on the face). The latter disease is extremely common and occurs in 1/5 of all babies. Both of these phenomena are harmless and go away on their own. Eritrema - after 2-4 days, acne - after a few weeks.

An infant may experience what is called toxic erythema of the newborn. It does not pose any danger and is a normal reaction of the body to a new environment.

First steps when a rash is detected

  1. See your doctor. If your baby has a rash, it can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis or prescribe medication on your own. This is dangerous for the child's life.
  2. Try not to touch the affected areas of the skin, make sure that the child does not scratch them to prevent infection from entering the wound. And of course, you cannot open blisters or tear off scabs.
  3. Before seeing a doctor, do not treat the rash with anything, especially with dyes such as brilliant green. This will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. You should not use not only alcohol-containing preparations, but also fatty creams.
  4. Don't bathe your baby. In water, the infection will spread to healthy areas of the body. The exception is heat rash; in this case, bathing the baby, on the contrary, is recommended. It is advisable to use chamomile or chamomile infusions for this. They are great for soothing delicate skin.
  5. Provide the patient with plenty of fluids and make sure that the child does not have constipation. It is not recommended to feed him generously, as in this case the body will spend energy on digesting food rather than fighting infection.
  6. Monitor the general condition of the child: is he active or, conversely, looks weak, is there tearing, is he crying or is he sleeping soundly. This information will be useful to the doctor when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Multiple bites from fleas, bedbugs, and mosquitoes are often mistaken for a rash.


Treatment of any kind of rash should be prescribed by a pediatrician, since what is recommended for one disease is strictly prohibited for another. It is better to call a doctor at home so as not to infect people on public transport and in the clinic, because Most infectious diseases are easily transmitted by airborne droplets.

After analyzing the clinical picture, the pediatrician will prescribe treatment, which will include medication and home care. If the doctor recommends cauterizing the pustules, this can be done with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. In other cases, for example, if it is miliaria, on the contrary, cauterization with alcohol-containing solutions is prohibited. The main principles of care are regular bathing in a bath with the addition of a decoction of string, chamomile or yarrow and air baths. If you have allergies, you need to protect your baby from potential allergens as much as possible. You may need to change the type of powder or fabric softener you use. Your doctor will help you find out what the body’s reaction might be. Clues will be the appearance of the spots and where they spread.

Any parent, seeing that a newborn or even a month-old baby suddenly has something on their face, will worry. But a rash is not always a reason to worry. In some cases, this is a natural reaction of the child’s body to external factors, which goes away on its own over time. However, in any case, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you what exactly caused the rashes and how to get rid of them, and will also give the mother useful recommendations for caring for the baby.

  • Rash
  • On the face
  • On the body
  • On the stomach
  • On the back
  • On the neck
  • On the buttocks
  • On foot

Parents always perceive the appearance of a rash on a child’s skin with alarm, because everyone knows that the condition of the skin reflects the condition of the entire organism. Is a child's rash always a cause for concern? We will tell you in this article how to understand what is happening to the child and how to help him.

Features of children's skin

Children's skin is different from adult skin. Babies are born with very thin skin - the dermis of newborns is approximately two times thinner than the middle skin layer of adults. The outer layer, the epidermis, thickens gradually as the baby grows older.

In the first month of life, the skin may be red or purple. This is due to the fact that the blood vessels in babies are located close to the surface, and there is not enough subcutaneous tissue, which is why the skin may look “transparent”. This is especially noticeable when the newborn is cold - a marbled vascular network appears on the skin.

The skin of babies loses moisture faster, it is more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, fungi and mechanical stress. It begins to thicken only at 2-3 years and this process lasts up to 7 years. The skin of younger schoolchildren is already beginning to resemble the skin of adults in its characteristics and functionality. But after 10 years, children's skin faces a new test - this time, puberty.

It is not surprising that thin children’s skin reacts to any external influence or internal processes with rashes of various sizes, colors and structures. And not every childhood rash can be considered harmless.

It is important to understand that there is no causeless rash in children; any pimple or change in pigmentation has a reason, sometimes pathological.

What is a rash?

In medicine, a rash is considered to be a variety of rashes on the skin that in one way or another change the appearance of the skin in color or texture. For parents, all rashes are approximately the same, but doctors always distinguish between primary rashes, which formed first, and secondary ones, those that formed later, at the site of the primary ones or nearby.

Different childhood diseases are characterized by different combinations of primary and secondary elements.



The reasons that cause the development of skin rashes can be varied. A lot depends on the age and general condition of the child.

In newborns and children up to one year old

In newborns and babies in the first year of life, the rash is quite often physiological, which should not cause any particular concern on the part of adults. The baby’s skin adapts to its new habitat – waterless, and this process is often difficult for the baby. Therefore, any adverse effect can cause rashes all over the body.

The most common rash at this age is acne hormonal, in which white or yellow pimples may appear on the face and neck. This phenomenon is caused by the maternal hormones estrogen, which the child received in the last months of the mother’s pregnancy. Gradually, their influence on the body decreases, hormones leave the child’s body. By six months, not a trace of such pimples remains.

Breasts react very often allergic rash on unsuitable food products, substances, medicines and even household chemicals that mother uses to wash linen and bedding, wash floors and dishes.

Another common cause of rashes in infancy is diaper rash and prickly heat. A rash on the body, head, arms and legs at an early age appears due to infectious diseases, as well as due to violations of hygiene rules.

Too dry air in the room where the baby lives, heat, excessive diligent washing of the skin with soap and other detergents provoke drying of the skin, which only contributes to the development of various types of rashes.

Slight dryness of the skin in the first 3-4 weeks after birth is a variant of the physiological norm.

From birth, a baby’s skin is covered with a lipid “mantle,” the so-called fatty protective layer. The “mantle” is gradually washed off and washed away. With proper care, this temporary natural dryness is easily compensated by the child's body - the sebaceous glands gradually begin to produce the required amount of protective lubricant.

In children over 1 year of age

There are not many physiological reasons for the appearance of a rash after a year. In rare cases, hormonal imbalances caused by exposure to maternal sex hormones persist. All other cases mostly have pathological causes. In preschool age, the incidence of viral infections, which are characterized by a rash, increases in children. These are chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever and other childhood diseases.

In a one-year-old child, who has not yet started attending kindergarten and organized children's groups, the risks of contracting herpes or other viral infections are lower than in children aged 3 to 7 years. Local immunity at this age begins to work better than in infants, for this reason many bacterial skin ailments can be successfully avoided.

Up to 3 years the impact of allergens on the child’s body is still strong, and therefore the appearance of a rash on different parts of the body - on the face, head, stomach, elbows and even on the eyelids and ears - is a fairly common occurrence after eating a product containing an allergen, one or another medicinal product, contact with pollen, animal hair, household chemicals.

And here acne in preschool age is rare. And even if it does occur, then we are most likely talking about metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins, minerals, and diseases of the internal secretion organs.

For children over 10 years old

After 10 years, children have only one type of physiological rash - teenage acne. Under the influence of sex hormones, which begin to be produced in the bodies of girls and boys, the sebaceous glands are activated.

Excessive production of sebum leads to blockage of the gland ducts and the gland itself and the hair follicle become inflamed.

The immunity of children is already sufficiently developed, preventive vaccinations have not left their mark on the body, and therefore the risk of contracting “childhood diseases” in adolescence is much lower. Many children have already had them before.

A rash in 15-16 year old teenagers can also be a symptom of a sexually transmitted disease, since quite a lot of boys and girls at this age begin to be sexually active. Rashes on the skin of the face and upper body can also be a consequence of taking steroids, with the help of which boys, and sometimes girls, try to create a “beautiful, sculpted” body during fitness classes.

Allergic rashes in adolescence are not as common as in younger children. Usually, if a teenager is allergic, the parents know about it and the appearance of rashes will not surprise or frighten them at all, since they already have a good idea of ​​how to deal with it.

At any age, the cause of a rash can be metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins A, E, C, PP, as well as dysbacteriosis, disruption of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys.

Diagnostics and self-diagnosis

A pediatrician, allergist, gastroenterologist and infectious disease specialist can understand the causes of the rash.

For diagnosis, standard methods are used - blood, urine, and stool tests. Quite often, skin scrapings and samples of the contents of vesicles and pustules are taken for analysis. This makes it possible to establish not only an accurate diagnosis, but also the type and type of pathogen, if we are talking about an infection, as well as what drugs the pathogens are sensitive to.

Self-diagnosis includes a set of simple actions to assess the situation.

Parents should undress the child, examine the skin, note the nature of the rash (vesicles, pustules, papules, etc.), its extent. After which you should measure the child’s body temperature, examine the throat and tonsils, note other symptoms, if any, and decide to call a doctor.

Small red

On the body

A small rash without suppuration on the stomach, back, buttocks can be a clear and characteristic symptom of allergy. In children under one year old, a small red rash under the armpits, on the shoulders, on the buttocks and in the perineum may also indicate the presence of prickly heat or diaper rash.

If red skin rashes cover a large area of ​​the body, you should think about erythema toxicum.

It is important to remember and analyze what preceded the appearance of bodily rashes.

If the child felt sick, vomited, or had diarrhea, then we can talk about gastrointestinal pathologies; if the rash appeared after a fever and it is red-pink, then it is probably a herpes virus that causes childhood exanthema.

In most cases, the appearance of a small red rash on the body is a sign of an infectious disease, such as rubella.

On the face

Such a rash on the face may indicate an allergic reaction to food, medicine or cosmetics. The rashes themselves in case of allergies do not have purulent cavities or blisters.

Most often, in young children, an allergic rash is localized on the chin, cheeks and behind the ears, and in older children - on the forehead, eyebrows, neck, and nose. Rarely do allergic rashes affect only the face; usually the rash is found on other parts of the body.

A red rash appears on the face due to some viral diseases. If the child has not eaten anything suspicious or new, has not taken medications, and has led a normal lifestyle, then if there is a rash on the face, you must take the temperature and call a doctor. The temperature usually rises, and the doctor diagnoses chickenpox, measles, or another infection.

In this case, the child exhibits signs of ARVI - malaise, headache, runny nose, cough.

On arms and legs

In children of the first year of life, a reddish small rash on the extremities can be a sign of an allergy (like urticaria), as well as a consequence of overheating and violation of hygiene rules - diaper rash.

The rash is usually located in the folds of the skin - under the knees, on the inside of the elbow, in the groin area.

A red rash of various sizes and types can affect the arms and legs of a child due to viral and bacterial infections, scarlet fever, and leukemia. With measles, the rash appears on the palms and soles of the feet. The appearance of red rashes on the limbs is always a reason to call a doctor at home.

On the head

The scalp usually becomes covered with a red rash due to allergic reactions, including to hair care products and soap. In children, the most likely cause of the rash is different - prickly heat. Since babies use their scalp to regulate thermoregulation, it is the scalp that reacts to overheating and sweating. This symptom may also indicate a viral infection.


It can be difficult for parents to notice a colorless rash, but this is a fixable matter, since any colorless rash will sooner or later manifest itself more clearly. Most often, a rash without a distinct color signals the starting stage of an allergy.

    On the body. An almost imperceptible rash without a specific color or very pale that appears on the body can cause a feeling of rough “goose bumps” when touched. It looks like goosebumps that “run” across the skin when scared or chilled. The rashes are located close to each other and sometimes are massive. There is an assumption that such a rash is a consequence of hormonal “bursts”.

    On the head. A rough, colorless rash usually appears on the face and head due to lactose deficiency. This is usually accompanied by intestinal disorders; the child often has foamy, greenish, liquid stools with an unpleasant odor.


A watery rash can be a clear symptom of a herpes infection, as well as impetigo, streptococcal angulitis, and even sunburn.

    On the body. If fluid-filled blisters appear on the sides and limbs, there is a chance that the child has bullous impetigo. Long exposure to the sun will also cause blistering skin lesions in children, but the skin will appear red and somewhat swollen. Blisters may appear on the stomach and back with chickenpox.

Often blisters on the body occur as a result of an allergic reaction, as well as insect bites.

  • On the face. Watery rashes on the face manifest themselves as herpes diseases. In the nasolabial triangle, around the lips, and in the nose, the herpes simplex virus appears. Streptoderma and erysipelas can manifest themselves in a similar way.

Infectious bacterial

A pustular rash caused by pathogenic bacteria is treated with antibiotics and antiseptics. Moreover, antibiotics are selected after a culture test, when the doctor has clear information about which bacteria caused the suppuration and to which antibacterial agents they demonstrate sensitivity.

Usually children are prescribed penicillins, less often cephalosporins. For mild infections, local treatment with ointments that have an antimicrobial effect is sufficient - Levomekol, Baneocin, erythromycin ointment, gentamicin ointment, tetracycline ointment.

In some cases, for widespread and severe infection or an infection that risks spreading to internal organs, it is prescribed antibiotics orally - for children in the form of a suspension, for preschoolers and adolescents - in tablets or injections.

Preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs, usually of the penicillin group - “Amoxiclav”, “Amosin”, “Amoxicillin”, “Flemoxin Solutab”. If drugs in this group are ineffective, cephalosporin antibiotics or macrolides may be prescribed.

As antiseptics Well-known aniline dyes are often used - a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green) for staphylococcal infections or "Fukortsin" for streptococcus. Damaged skin is treated with salicylic alcohol.

Along with antibiotics, if they are prescribed orally, the child is recommended to take drugs that will help avoid the occurrence of dysbacteriosis - “Bifiborm”, “Bifidumbacterin”. It is also useful to start taking vitamin complexes appropriate for the child’s age.

Some purulent rashes, such as boils and carbuncles, may require surgical intervention, during which the formation is incised crosswise under local anesthesia, the cavity is cleaned out and treated with antiseptics and antibiotics. There is no need to be afraid of such a mini-operation.

The consequences of refusing it can be very dire, because staphylococcal infection can lead to sepsis and death.

Heat rash and diaper rash

If a baby develops prickly heat, this is a signal for parents to change the conditions in which the child lives. The temperature should be at 20-21 degrees Celsius. The heat only makes the prickly heat worse. Irritation from sweat, although it gives the child a lot of excruciating sensations and pain, can be treated fairly quickly.

The main cure for this is cleanliness and fresh air. The child should be washed with warm water without soap or other detergents. Several times a day you need to give your baby naked air baths. You should not wrap your child up, but if he does get sweaty, for example, while walking outside in a warm overall in winter, then immediately upon returning home, bathe the child in the shower and change into clean and dry clothes.

For severe diaper rash, damaged skin is treated 2-3 times a day. Most carefully and thoroughly - after daily evening bathing. After it, Bepanten, Desitin, and Sudocrem are applied to still damp skin with signs of prickly heat. Use the powder with great care, since talc dries out the skin very much.

Baby cream or any other greasy creams or ointments should not be applied to the skin of a child with heat rash, as they moisturize and do not dry out. You should also avoid getting massage oil on diaper rash during evening restorative procedures.


If the rash is allergic, treatment will involve finding and eliminating the child's exposure to the allergenic substance that caused the rash. To do this, the allegologist performs a series of special tests using test strips with allergens. If it is possible to find the protein that caused the rash, the doctor gives recommendations on eliminating everything that contains such a substance.

If the antigen protein cannot be found (and this happens often), then parents will have to try and exclude from the child’s life everything that poses a potential threat - pollen, food (nuts, whole milk, chicken eggs, red berries and fruits, some types of fresh herbs and even some types of fish, plenty of sweets).

You will have to be especially careful when using baby skin care products.

Usually, eliminating the allergen is more than enough for the allergy to stop and the rash to disappear without a trace. If this does not happen, or in case of severe allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamines (“Tavegil”, “Cetrin”, “Suprastin”, “Loratadine” and others).

It is advisable to take them simultaneously calcium supplements and vitamins. Locally, if necessary, the child is given hormonal ointments - Advantan, for example. Severe forms of allergies, in which, in addition to a skin rash, there are pronounced respiratory manifestations, as well as internal pathologies, the child is treated as an inpatient.

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are very contagious, so the child must be isolated. The children are treated as inpatients. Older children will be admitted to the infectious diseases hospital in case of moderate to severe illness. Prescribed as local treatment antifungal ointments- “Lamisil”, “Clotrimazole”, “Fluconazole” and others.

In case of extensive damage, when colonies of fungi have “settled” not only on the limbs, wrist, legs or neck, but also on the back of the head in the scalp, the child is prescribed in addition to ointments antifungal agents in tablets or injections.

At the same time, doctors recommend taking immunomodulators, as well as antihistamines, since waste products of fungal colonies quite often cause an allergic reaction. Treatment for fungi is the longest, after the first course, which lasts from 10 to 14 days, a second, “control” course is required, which must be carried out after a short break.

At home, all clothes and bedding of a sick child must be thoroughly washed and ironed. He himself cannot be bathed during treatment.

The time has passed when the treatment of such diseases was quite painful. There is no need to sprinkle lice dust on your head or smear your skin with kerosene.

Most children's lice and nit treatments only require one application. The most effective in pediatric practice are products based on permethrin.

It is important to follow safety precautions during treatment. Almost all products are toxic; they should not be allowed to get into the baby’s eyes and ears, mouth or mucous membranes.

Worm infestations

The doctor decides what exactly to treat for giardiasis, roundworms or pinworms. Not all drugs that are effective in adolescence are suitable for treating children and primary schoolchildren. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Pyrantel, Albendazole, Levamisole and Piperazine.

Acne in teenagers

It is impossible to cure teenage acne, but you can alleviate its symptoms. To do this, parents must explain to their teenage child that pimples cannot be squeezed out and that treating them with alcohol or lotions is also undesirable.

Pubertal acne is treated comprehensively by changing the child’s diet, excluding fatty, fried, smoked and pickled foods, and fast food. Skin affected by acne is lubricated twice a day with salicylic alcohol and one of the modern products in the form of a cream or ointment.

Zinc ointment and “Zinerit” are very effective. If acne is complicated by a purulent bacterial infection, antibiotic ointments are used - chloramphenicol, erythromycin.

Baby cream and other fatty creams should never be used on skin with acne.

Other effective drugs for teenage rashes on the face, back and chest are Baziron AS, Adapalene, Skinoren. In some cases, the doctor may recommend hormonal ointments - Advantan, Triderm. This is true for deep and very severe rashes.

At the same time, vitamins A and E are prescribed in an oil solution or as part of vitamin-mineral complexes. Treatment of pubertal acne takes a very long time. If you follow all the dermatologist's recommendations, it sometimes takes from 2 to 6 months to achieve the effect.

Neonatal hormonal rash

Newborn acne or three-week rash does not require treatment. All skin rashes will disappear after the baby’s hormonal levels return to normal. This usually takes about a month or two. It is useful to wash the child with a decoction of chamomile, apply baby cream to pimples on the face and neck, and sprinkle them with powder. Trying to squeeze or burn with alcohol is strictly prohibited.


Since a child’s skin needs special care and protection, proper hygiene and an understanding of the approach to treating dermatological ailments in children will be an excellent prevention of the appearance of pathological rashes.

    A home microclimate that is favorable for skin health will help you avoid 90% of skin problems. The air temperature should be no higher than 21 degrees Celsius, and the air humidity should be 50-70%. Such conditions will not allow the child’s skin to dry out or crack, which means there will be fewer prerequisites for the development of severe bacterial infections. It is especially important to follow this rule if there is a small child in the house.

    All preventive vaccinations required by the child’s age should be completed in a timely manner. This will help protect him from dangerous infectious diseases - measles, diphtheria and a number of others. Vaccination is not a guarantee that the child will not get this infection at all, but it does guarantee that if the child does get sick, the illness will be easier and with fewer health consequences.

  • When going to the sea, it is important to ensure that your child's skin is protected. To do this, you need to buy a sunscreen that is appropriate for your age and skin type. And in order to protect your baby from rotavirus, it makes sense to get a vaccination at a paid clinic, which is not included in the list of mandatory ones - a vaccination against rotavirus infection.

    Proper hygiene– the key to healthy children’s skin at any age. It is a mistake to wash your baby rarely, but it is equally a mistake to wash him too often. You should use soap for infants no more than once every 4-5 days; it is better not to use shampoos at all for up to a year.

It is important to choose care products for your child that are created specifically for children and are hypoallergenic. Antibacterial soap kills not only pathogenic bacteria, but also beneficial ones, and therefore its use without the need is generally not justified.

    Children's skin should not be exposed to hard washcloths, bath brushes, or brooms. After bathing, the skin should not be wiped, but blotted with a soft towel; this will keep the skin intact and sufficiently moisturized.

    Clean your baby when changing a diaper It is necessary only under running water, and not in a basin or in the bathroom, to avoid intestinal microbes getting on the skin, external genitalia and urinary tract. Girls are washed in the direction from the pubis to the anus.

    When a rash appears You cannot self-medicate.

    In a house where children grow up, should never be in the public domain chemicals, acids and alkalis, aggressive household cleaning products.

    Young children should buy bed linen and clothes only from natural fabrics. Let them look more modest and discreet, but there will be no irritating effect on the skin of synthetic fabrics, seams and textile dyes, which are used to color bright and alluring children's things.

    For healthy skin in a child's diet, always There should be enough vitamins A and E. From childhood, you need to teach your son and daughter to eat fresh orange and red vegetables, greens, sea fish, lean meat, dairy products with sufficient fat content, butter, oatmeal and buckwheat porridge.

    From early childhood, the child's skin should be Protect from excessive exposure to strong winds, frost, and direct sunlight. All these factors dry her out, dehydrate her, as a result she becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to various infections.

    No crusts, pustules or blisters on the child’s skin cannot be mechanically removed or opened at home, far from sterile. Most of the cases where an infection is attached to a seemingly harmless rash are associated precisely with parents’ attempts to rid the child of pimples or vesicles on their own. On the neck

Babies have incredibly delicate and soft skin. Just touching her brings pleasure. She's just perfect. But, as practice shows, various rashes may appear on a child’s face. It is clear that parents are not happy with this situation, and, moreover, they are terrified, since the reasons for the appearance of these rashes are not clear.

The worries are completely justified, because a tiny child cannot express in words possible pain or discomfort in the body, so the body itself gives an important signal that something has gone wrong. It is very important to study this rash in detail and find out its nature.

In medicine, the most common types of rash are distinguished:

  • hormonal;
  • heat rash;
  • food allergies;
  • from scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • contact allergy;
  • measles.

Hormonal rash

The hormonal type rash is better known as infant acne. About 30% of newborns are at risk of developing such a rash. Acne is completely safe for others, that is, it is not transmitted by airborne droplets or through contact. In order to eliminate this rash, there is no need to use medications or any special preparations.

These rashes appear on the face as well as on the head. With a hormonal rash, there are no pimples in the form of ulcers, since in this case there is no clogged pore. This rash simply slightly changes the texture of the skin, and in some cases it can be felt by touch. The reason for the appearance of this rash is the process of normalization of hormonal levels.

Acne also occurs because there is an excessive amount of fungi on the surface of the skin, which belong to the normal microflora. You should not try to cure hormonal rashes in infants with compresses based on tinctures, such as calendula. This procedure can be harmful to the baby's skin.

At best, the rash will become slightly inflamed and become more noticeable, and at worst, allergic reactions may develop. To eliminate this rash, simply follow standard hygiene rules. The rash will go away on its own. This can take from one to several months, it all depends on the child’s body.

If the healing process is very slow, then a specialist can simply prescribe special ointments that speed up the process. Infant acne appears before the age of three months.

Between 3 and 6 months, your baby may develop baby acne. In this case, the characteristics of the rash are completely different. The pimples have a black head, which is characteristic of acne. These pimples may leave marks in the form of scars. There are specific reasons for the appearance of infant acne. This is a high level of androgen production. And in this case, professional treatment is necessary.

Prickly heat

Infants quite often suffer from rashes such as prickly heat. It appears not only when the temperature outside is very high and the baby is sweating a lot, but at any time of the year. This is a pink rash. The rashes are slightly raised and therefore can be felt by touch. It may even be slightly cool outside, but the rash will still appear, since a small child has his own characteristics of body thermoregulation. The main causes of rashes can be identified:

  • overheating of the baby's body;
  • inadequate hygienic care;
  • long stay in wet pants.

To avoid the appearance of this type of rash, it is necessary to control the temperature in the room. It should be at 18 degrees Celsius.

Miliaria can appear on the face, namely on the cheeks, forehead, neck, ears, legs and arms, but the rash itself does not bring any discomfort to the child. You should not treat prickly heat, since it will disappear on its own as soon as the reasons for which it appeared are eliminated.

Allergy to food

In the first year of life, a child may have a reaction to certain foods. This is a food allergy. It is characterized by a red rash. These pimples appear on the cheeks, as well as on the ears and chin area. These rashes appear in the form of spots that peel off. They can appear not only on the face, namely the cheeks, ears, but also on the back, stomach, legs and other parts of the body.

If a child constantly eats food that causes a similar reaction in him, this can lead to the rash taking the form of a scab.

In general, it looks very unpleasant, and not only on the face, but also on areas of the body that are hidden under clothing. A baby who is fed breast milk may experience such a reaction due to the mother's failure to comply with the diet. You should not eat all the foods in a row, since the infant’s digestive system is not yet strong, and it cannot accept some types of food. Everything needs to be approached gradually.

If there is a need to introduce a new type of food into the mother’s diet, then this must be done gradually, that is, first eat a small amount of the product and see the child’s reaction, does it break out? First of all, rashes appear on the face.

An allergic reaction in a baby can be caused by:

  • red fish;
  • tomatoes;
  • citrus;
  • some types of meat.

Allergic pimples can appear in infants who eat artificial formulas. They contain a large amount of proteins, and they are the allergens that cause pimples. If a baby develops rashes in this form, then you need to stop using the mixture and choose another suitable option.

Contact type of allergy

Infants are susceptible to allergies that appear not only internally, but also appear on the skin. Contact allergies are also commonly called dermatitis. This is a small rash that looks very similar to a simple chafing.

The cause of this type of rash is believed to be the use of laundry detergents that contain large amounts of fragrance. Most often, a large proportion of fragrances is contained in mouthwashes.

The skin of an infant is very sensitive, so when washing clothes it is necessary to use only hypoallergenic products that do not contain components that can cause allergies.

Contact allergies appear on those areas of the skin that come into contact with clothes washed using incorrectly selected products.

That is, if it is a cap, then the rash will appear on the face, ears and head. The appearance of pimples can be caused by clothing made from synthetic materials.


Roseola is an infectious disease that is typical for children under two years of age. This disease has symptoms that are unique to it. Initially, the temperature rises, and it can only be brought down on the third day.

As soon as the temperature returns to normal, red pimples appear on the skin. They are located in patches and can be on the face, as well as other parts of the body. With roseola, there is no point in treating a child with medications.

Scarlet fever

This is a small rash that appears in the form of small pimples in the neck, back and chest. In addition, it can spread to other parts of the body, and even appear on the face. This disease can be transmitted through the air. Treatment is carried out only according to the doctor’s recommendations.


With measles, the rash has a characteristic large size of lesions and a bright color. Initially, rashes in the form of papules appear behind the ears, as well as on the face, that is, on the eyelids, cheeks and other parts of the body. If measles appears in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since only a specialist will prescribe the correct treatment that will help prevent the formation of unpleasant scars on the eyelids, cheeks, and ears that remain after measles.

In general, the result can be very unpleasant, so you need to worry about the child’s face and contact a specialist.
