Is such a union possible: Cancer woman - Leo man? Compatibility Leo (woman) - Cancer (man) If Cancer is in love with a lioness

The Cancer man and the Leo woman are astrological neighbors, since the constellations of these zodiac signs are located next to each other, and our heroes were born exactly one after the other, in the hottest time of the year. However, this is where the list of their common qualities can end. The compatibility horoscope for Cancer and Leo shows that many contradictions await them. Will the partners be able to see the maximum benefit in their relationship or will they understand that this is not their love story - a question that needs to be asked, first of all, by themselves.

Initially, a Cancer man and a Leo woman can feel mutual attraction, since they represent completely different elements: he belongs to water, and she belongs to fire. The Cancer guy is somewhat mysterious, he is cautious and almost always closed from others. Yes, in reality he may look like a very sociable, friendly, even simple person, but such an idea is a big illusion, and to understand this, you don’t have to work in a detective agency.

A typical Cancer assumes that silence is golden, and if you know less, you definitely sleep better. His tactics are that of a cautious observer who does not get into the epicenter of events, but simply looks at them from the outside. Moreover, the Cancer guy will always rush to defend the interests of his family if circumstances require it. But because he knows. that the best fight is the one that did not take place, it is extremely rare to find yourself in such situations. In a word, this man does not at all fit into the image that the temperamental, risky lioness cherishes in her heart, who cannot imagine her life without thrills.

The Leo girl is charming, and moreover, it is her natural feminine energy that blows away many men. Ten chances against one that a sentimental cancer will literally become dizzy when he meets such a bright lady on his life's path. Of course, she herself almost never shows initiative, since male attention is quite enough for her. That is why Cancer, with his rather slow nature, will have to make a lot of effort so that her regal gaze meets his mysterious eyes.

And it must be said that in matters of love, these men can show amazing activity, which, generally speaking, is not characteristic of them. Cancer will use fantasy, unusual plot moves, will use its purely natural intuition at full capacity, but will certainly achieve its goal. And if someone gets ahead of him, he will not fight - he will simply quietly preserve the image of the beauty in his heart and will sometimes indulge in memories. But that's a different conversation.

It is the persistence of a Cancer guy, which has nothing to do with arrogance, that may well attract the attention of a Leo girl, spoiled by the attention of gentlemen. And out of curiosity, she will reciprocate his feelings. And then she may notice a rather interesting phenomenon: as she communicates with this man, she literally begins to get sucked in. Still, the natural charisma of cancer, the feeling of comfort and reliability that it gives to every close interlocutor, cannot be described in words. Yes, this guy not only considers family to be the highest value - he completely believes in these ideas. That is why he exudes a sense of calm and even kinship, which we all sometimes really lack.

And in this sense, the compatibility of Cancer in love relationships is especially successful with water or earth signs of the zodiac, which also put family values ​​at the forefront. But whether the lioness will be able to share his views is unknown. She is used to shining, showing off and swimming in oceans of attention. That is why her compatibility in love specifically with cancer is a big question. Of course, miracles happen. Moreover, in more mature couples their likelihood increases. It’s just that in this case, the Leo girl has already had her fill and wants a home that she will share with a reliable and sweet husband, as soft as her favorite teddy bear.

But in all other options, the pair of a Cancer man and a Leo woman looks downright weak. The reason is simple – partners have different life values ​​(read: goals). They are looking for something to cling to, that very basis of compatibility in love and family relationships. But often they don't find it. That is why such unions are quite rare.

Marriage compatibility: 2 scenarios

If a Cancer man and a Leo woman survive to the serious stage of the relationship, this is an achievement in itself. Of course, when a cancer decides to marry, and a lioness reciprocates his feelings, they are guided by some specific ideas, and not at all by emotions.

Perhaps Leo has some selfish considerations - representatives of this zodiac sign often turn out to be selfish people who can make certain calculations to achieve their goals. And cancer, most likely, will rely solely on its patience, which it really doesn’t have enough of. It’s just that this man is very sentimental, and in terms of sensuality he can give odds to even the fair sex.

Another thing is whether his beloved lioness will appreciate such a gentle soul. It is no secret that conflicts can arise quite often in a couple, and the greatest emotional stress will come from the wife. That is why the compatibility of our heroes in marriage does not look particularly promising. A touchy Cancer can endure her outbursts of anger, outspoken statements and other troubles for quite a long time. But sooner or later his shell will give way, as a result of which he himself may go on the warpath. And this is the worst, but nevertheless not the rarest development scenario.

Which one is the best? And the best thing is that the Cancer man and the Leo woman will simply live different lives and not delve into each other’s affairs much. That's when cancer will show its best side. Left alone, he can decorate the home so much that his wife will not even recognize his own apartment. It’s just that this person knows how to perfectly select colors, comfortable furniture, and organize the correct arrangement of objects so that a family atmosphere can be felt in the house. And that in itself is a lot. And crayfish also adore pets, because they simply do not understand how they can be in empty walls, where there is not a single living soul except a human one.

In addition, Cancer will prove himself to be an excellent family man - he is one of the few men who will not be embarrassed at all by a gift from a stork. On the contrary, he can put all the burdens of upbringing on his father’s shoulders while his bright wife goes to shine at the next social event. Of course, one should not conclude from this that the Leo woman is an irresponsible lady who does not pay attention to her home. It’s just that cancer can cope with such responsibilities much better. And the lioness will be happy to entrust them to a real professional.

And she herself may well achieve high career positions and provide her family with everything necessary. Just a typical lioness is ambitious, hardworking and incredibly persistent in achieving her goals. She gravitates toward money, even luxury, and understands perfectly well: if you demand something from life, first of all, comply. And this lady definitely knows how to match. Indeed, she acquires the necessary connections, moves in high circles, in a word, acts clearly and consistently.

So it turns out that the very positive scenario of compatibility between a Cancer man and a Leo woman in marriage is based on a non-classical division of roles. It’s just that it is in this combination that our heroes will be able not only to open up to their fullest, but also to discover a number of wonderful qualities in their spouse. which they had no idea existed.

However, even in this case, they are unlikely to expect complete mutual understanding. Rather, they will simply work as one strong, organized team. But this is quite enough. Yes, cancer and lioness sometimes do not support each other, and often they can even quarrel strongly. But they proceed precisely from common interests – i.e. family needs. And that in itself is wonderful.

Sexual compatibility: a long search for an approach

In bed, our heroes will have to search for quite a long time for those very treasured keys to the secret door of the room of passion. Yes, Cancers are full of emotions, desires, whole storms and hurricanes can roar within them. Another thing is that they are not used to expressing their desires. It's just a feature that you have to put up with. But the lioness, this fiery lady, cannot understand how one can be so passive, modest and even lethargic.

She's used to rocking. Always, in everything and everywhere. Again, this is a feature that you need to put up with. But to what extent the partners will be able to live with such an imbalance, moreover, whether they will be able to solve this equation is unknown. And here there is a rather serious risk that the lioness, hungry for Mexican passions and hot nights, may go looking for adventure. But to her credit, we can say that she will do everything so skillfully that the gullible cancer will not even have any suspicions.

Compatibility at work: tense atmosphere

At work, a Leo woman and a Cancer man should adhere to certain boundaries in their relationship, since they cannot fully open up. Cancer can constantly withdraw into himself and pointedly avoid such a bright lady, and she will even be seriously offended, believing that this is a very wrong approach.

Partners may often think about emotions rather than business. That is why it will be quite difficult for them to find a common language - minor misunderstandings, negative emotions and other troubles will appear more often than they would like.

Cancer man and Leo woman do not have particularly favorable chances of compatibility. However, partners can learn many useful things from each other. And if they try to look at their relationship less critically, good things may come out of it.

Representatives of the signs of Leo and Cancer are complete opposites of each other. If the relationship between these people is stable and lasts a long time, this indicates the constant work of each of them on themselves. In the absence of a mutual desire to make concessions, nothing good will come of such a connection - Cancer and Leo will not fight, but their union will not last long.

LEO man and CANCER woman

A relatively successful relationship between these people can be if the Leo man has serious intentions towards the Cancer woman. The fact is that Cancer is a rather reserved zodiac sign that is in no hurry to get close to people, so for the relaxed Leo, who is often content with short-term relationships, seducing a Cancer woman is too troublesome. The union of Leo and Cancer is more successful if these people are of sufficiently mature age or have unsuccessful experiences in family life.

♌ + ♋: In love

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- Almost always these relationships begin on the initiative of the Leo guy. He is used to easily winning the favor of girls he likes, but if his chosen one is born under the sign of cancer, he will be surprised more than once. A Cancer girl does not consider his brightness and charisma to be an asset, and a guy’s bold behavior may even be regarded as arrogance. The Leo guy, who was confident in advance of his victory, will simply be confused by such a reaction, but he is by nature a conqueror, so he will not give up easily. Most likely, Leo will achieve reciprocity in love, but it is not a fact that this will make him happy.

How further relationships will develop depends on the desire of these people to be together. It’s good if they both clearly understand that remaking each other is a pointless exercise. It will be much easier for Cancer and Leo to simply accept each other as they are - in this case, quarrels and resentments do not threaten their love.

Young people will spend their leisure time separately. The Cancer girl will only occasionally appear in a large campaign of friends of her lover, and then only for the purpose of letting potential rivals see that Leo is not alone. A love relationship between Leo and Cancer can develop into a strong bond, but the lovers will need to be patient to get used to each other's personality traits.

♌ + ♋: Married

GOOD COMPATIBILITY- In marriage, representatives of these zodiac signs will have many disagreements, but with a strong desire to be together, they will be able to overcome them over time. By and large, everyone in this couple will find in the other half exactly what they need. The Cancer woman does not want to dominate in a relationship and wants to see a strong man next to her. Her Leo husband is satisfied with the fact that his wife does not claim a leading role in the relationship, and he is also very pleased with the freedom of action that he gains in this marriage. The wife respects his need for communication and craving for secular society, but since she does not share these interests, she will calmly go about her business and will not create unnecessary scenes of jealousy for her husband.

The financial situation of the spouses is quite stable. Leo knows how to earn money, but does not consider it necessary to save and deny himself anything. Unlike her husband, the Cancer woman makes sure that the family budget has at least a small reserve of money for unforeseen expenses, and in difficult moments of Leo’s life, Leo greatly values ​​this quality of his wife.

Unfortunately, it often happens that after a short period of time after the wedding, Cancer and Leo decide to break off the relationship. This mainly happens due to the fact that the spouses are young and are not tolerant enough towards each other. After 4-5 years of marriage, we can safely say that the grinding-in period is over and nothing threatens the marriage anymore.

♌ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- There is no and cannot be friendship between a Cancer girl and a Leo guy. These people are different in everything, they have no common interests, so they are unlikely to prefer to spend their free time in each other’s company. If they are united by a family connection, then the Cancer girl will take care of the Leo as a younger brother who periodically gets into trouble and needs help.

Friendship between Leo and Cancer in the absence of kinship most often indicates sexual attraction, which will soon develop into a love affair. Such relationships can be long and very strong, but they no longer have anything to do with friendship.

CANCER man and LEO woman

Such couples often meet, but there is little sincerity in these relationships. The Leo woman is more emotional than her companion and behaves more openly, while Cancer more often acts based on her own interests. He does not like many of the character traits of the lioness, but if he sees benefit for himself in this relationship, then his companion will not even guess about it. The Leo woman is used to being in charge and always being on top. A Cancer man will give her the opportunity to feel this, but only because he is used to behaving like a gentleman. From all sides this union is undesirable for the lioness.

♋ + ♌: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- A Leo girl for a Cancer guy is attractive with her brightness and relaxedness, but as a rule, initially there are no serious intentions towards each other on both sides. However, this connection can become very strong.

A calm and not too sociable Cancer will not change his chosen one to suit himself, because he does not see anything dangerous for their relationship in her behavior. The lioness will be flattered by the freedom of action given to her loved one; it will seem to her that the young man has completely accepted her for who she is. In reality, things are different - the Cancer guy simply does not take her seriously, but it may also happen that, unexpectedly for himself, he becomes very attached to this girl. In any case, their relationship will not be smooth. A Cancer in love will begin to torment the lioness with jealousy and attempts to control her, and if there are no feelings on his part, then after several pleasant evenings in each other’s company everyone will go their own way, and the girl may have an unpleasant aftertaste in her soul for a long time from this connection, and the guy in very soon he will completely forget that she was in his life.

♋ + ♌: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY- A Leo woman and a Cancer man can create a strong family, but only if the wife does not reproach Cancer for his insolvency. The wife will be the breadwinner in the family; she is better at both earning money and achieving success in her career. Her husband will take on most of the household responsibilities, and after the birth of the child he will become a wonderful and caring father. If the lioness appreciates these qualities of her husband, they will have, although not an ordinary, but friendly family.

In bed, the spouses have complete mutual understanding - both have a fairly high need for sex, both are romantic and love to experiment. The more time these people are together, the more interesting and varied their intimate life becomes.

Cancer's jealousy can seriously overshadow this relationship, but the problem is that his claims are not unfounded. Even after the wedding, the contact lioness will flirt with other men, and if her husband notices that his wife has lost interest in him, he will simply begin to enjoy the fruits of her success, while simultaneously looking for an alternate airfield.

A lioness does not always think about the feelings of other people and acts as is convenient for her, therefore she can awaken in her husband the worst trait of his character - vindictiveness. A Cancer man is not offended - he draws conclusions, so a careless act by his wife can lead to unpleasant consequences even after a very long period of time.

♋ + ♌: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION- These people are too different to get close. The Cancer guy is quite secretive, so the lioness perceives him as a dark horse and does not open up with this man, and he considers her flighty and unreliable. If for some reason these people are together, but a love relationship between them is excluded, this union still has nothing to do with friendship. Most likely, they are united by common affairs, or one of them (usually cancer) demonstrates affection towards the other for selfish purposes.

Video: LEO ♌ Zodiac sign

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

The relationship between a Leo woman and a Cancer man will not be very simple. The fact is that in relationships with the opposite sex they are looking for different things: she is looking for brightness of feelings, and he is looking for depth and tenderness. The Cancer man is committed to intimate relationships, it is very difficult for him to express himself, so he takes contacts seriously. For a Leo woman, it is not so important to feel a deep spiritual connection (at first), as it is necessary to feel the intense emotions that permeate her and her lover. Such different modes do not allow them to fully understand each other, although there is certainly an interest in each other. They are both more emotional than rational, so the area of ​​romantic relationships is an area in which they feel excellent. They can flirt with each other successfully, but in order to have something more serious, both the Leo woman and the Cancer man will have to try hard.

Sex between a Leo woman and a Cancer man can be very vibrant and enchanting. He has the ability to deeply feel his desires and the desires of his partner, thanks to which their intimate life is very harmonious, because both partners will receive everything that their body and subconscious asks for. The Leo woman will be grateful to her lover for such a fine adjustment, and she herself will provide strong emotions, show enthusiasm and imagination, so that he will be pleased and even surprised by her sexual talents. Due to the fact that they suit each other well in bed, their relationship can last a very, very long time.

Family and marriage

If a Leo woman and a Cancer man get married, they can have a good family. However, there will still be problems associated with different expectations. The Cancer man is an excellent family man, however, he does not have all the qualities that a classic husband should have: he is not too firm and practical, and making money is usually not on the list of his values. The Leo woman is considered one of the best housewives (unless, of course, the stage attracts her), so she may be slightly offended by the fact that she invests more in the well-being of the family. On the other hand, the Cancer man is the best at preserving family foundations and traditions; he is a kind of emotional core on which everything rests.

Friendship between a Leo woman and a Cancer man can be very pleasant. However, there will be something missing in it: they live in different rhythms and, most likely, it will be difficult for them to “coincide” with each other. Where the Leo woman will rush, the Cancer man will want to stop and think, listen, and feel. Only if they understand this difference can their friendships develop.

The Sun (Leo) and the Moon (Cancer) are two luminaries that divide the celestial sphere between themselves. Cancers reflect the optimism of their partners, making them excellent mirrors for the regal Leo. The happier Leo is, the brighter Cancer shines! Cancer men almost always have children; in addition, they have many friends, and among them they also count their dogs and representatives of the feline family. Due to their inherent sincerity, Leo women are often called the children of the zodiac - sometimes even infantile - but this is not the only reason why these two signs converge.

Cancers, being water creatures, live in a world of emotions. They are distinguished by a durable shell that protects their vulnerable insides, and a tendency to restlessness. When a Cancer man and a Leo woman, radiating optimism, meet, mutual attraction arises almost instantly. If Leos are strong enough to continue to shine without being afraid to show their vulnerabilities, they will become those partners that Cancers cannot resist.

The combination of these two is a beautiful sight. Cancers are good mothers (regardless of gender), and Leos are born kings. As long as Leos remain appreciative of Cancer's thoughtfulness, and Cancer encourages childish behavior in their partner, they will be charmed by each other. People of these signs need a comrade with whose help they can be convinced of the significance of their actions. The support of Cancer men is capable of pacifying the head of the pride, who is dangerous in his pride, and the praise of Leo women frees Cancers from their protective shells.

When everything goes well, the rooms of their house are filled with laughter, but in case of any complications, each of them loses the “sun” or “moon”... which is quite tragic. But let's not talk about sad things. Both the Cancer man and Leo woman value loyalty in their partners, and each fiercely defends the other. A sense of humor and mutual friendliness strengthen their relationship. This astrological combination - a fruitful combination of tolerance and encouragement - produces a union that can stand the test of time.

Cancer Man and Leo Woman Compatibility

Finding themselves in each other's arms, the Cancer man and the Leo woman violate the laws of two elements such as Fire and Water, which do not mix in nature. The result is either amazing unity or desperate struggle. The Lioness will have to calm down her pride, and Cancer will have to crawl out of her shell. This is a very complex relationship, woven from contradictions and opposites. A unique union that can teach you a lot. Although partners bring each other’s shortcomings to light, they set an incentive for the development and improvement of their own personality.

At first, Lioness attracts Cancer with her gallantry and polite manners, then she can hurt her with her humor and frighten her with her desire to control a man. The Leo woman gladly lets Cancer into her small kingdom in order to add a couple of rubies to her tiara, then discovers that he is not inclined to carry out her orders and whims, and it will be he who will conduct all the responsible affairs, even if not sitting on the throne, but modestly stomping around behind the scenes.

Cancer's kindness, compassion and sensitivity seem like virtues to her, but all his other qualities slip away in an elusive way. The secrecy of the Cancer man, his habit of withdrawing into himself for no apparent reason, can infuriate the Lioness. Her Sun is trying to merge with his Moon, but in reality they seem to be constantly “on different sides of the world.” This leads to disappointment, mental fatigue and emptiness. Their relationship is like a dialogue between two deaf people; both need a separate, understandable only to them, language of love.

One of these languages ​​is sex. The sexual relationship between a Cancer man and a Leo woman is characterized by emotional depth and warmth. If during normal interaction Cancer and Lioness often suffer from misunderstanding, then their intimate world is filled with bliss and voluptuousness. In it, they forget all real and imaginary grievances, and experience genuine joy from possessing each other. Often, it is on the basis of their sexual interest, from a small seed of flirting, that a tree of close, long-term relationships grows.

Cancer's mood changes along with the Moon, and a truly loving Lioness takes this into account. She a priori allows the rays of her energetic positive Sun to be extinguished by its watery pessimism or negativity. During periods of depression of a Cancer man, she is in no hurry to express her dissatisfaction or irritation. But, unfortunately, not all Leo women are so patient and generous, and then the Cancer man perceives the behavior of the Lioness as disdainful, and sometimes sees an attempt to humiliate and insult him even over small things.

The fact that he has nowhere to escape from her powerful Sun, Cancer understands only in marriage. He can come to terms with her desire to be an absolute monarch in the house, if his pride allows. But if this does not happen, then a dark streak begins in the relationship, to the point that being together becomes unbearable. As a result, he finds himself alone with his problem, when the world around him seems unusually hostile, and the room is dim, gloomy, with shabby walls. A classic sad picture: he is in an empty house, alone with a bottle, she, avoiding new showdowns, tries to lose herself in a cheerful circle of friends or in the colorful fog of entertainment establishments. For Cancer, there is nothing worse than being left alone, forgotten and unwanted. The Leo woman can make Cancer experience this more than once...

A Leo woman and a Cancer man can use the beneficial aspects of their union in the event that both literally cannot live without each other. We are talking about the spiritual component of love. Love is a source of energy and inspiration... At the same time, the Lioness is not afraid to sacrifice anything for the sake of her lover, like the relationship between the Master and Margarita. As soon as she understands that this man is destined for fate, she stops suppressing him, proudly shaking her mane, snorting contemptuously, releasing her claws and squinting her cat eyes... She takes care of him with enthusiasm, protects him from adversity, and he seems to grow together with her energy level. They become part of a whole, and this makes them happy.

The compatibility of this couple in everyday life is based on the desire not to live one day at a time, but to provide a material basis for the future. At the same time, Leo is committed to great achievements, and Cancer helps with his forethought and intuition. From time to time, it extinguishes Leo’s desire to spend money thoughtlessly and encourages him to invest in something more reasonable and practical. There is also creative compatibility between them, when they, exchanging the missing opposite energy vibrations, help each other reveal their talents. The rest is done by the natural artistry of the Lioness and the well of imagination of Cancer.

The Leo woman finds the Cancer man gentle, receptive, strange and very attentive. He tries to dominate her, allowing her to make decisions on her own. The Cancer man has a very changeable mood, but he takes care of the Leo woman and always takes into account her feelings. He will protect her from ill-mannered and vulgar offenders. The Leo woman has found a man who values ​​her highly, but something in this relationship still bothers her. This is some kind of uncertainty that makes you feel some awkwardness, like a warning spoken in a whisper. But what is its meaning?

Her vague sensations are the leadership of the Cancer man, whom astrologers call a cardinal sign. This means that courtesy and gallantry, subtle humor and gentleness hide behind a person who is capable of skillfully managing everything, including the life of a Leo woman. At the same time, the Cancer man never shouts in her direction and does not become scatterbrained in his demands.

The Leo woman is not afraid of a direct challenge, which to some extent will even be a stimulus. But somewhere deep down she feels that the Cancer man is gently guiding her. Whatever kingdom they have, they will rule it together. She will be able to attend all the balls, give orders around the house and choose linen and silverware. On special occasions, she will sit on a throne made of roses with a smile on her face. But he will decide the really important issues. The Leo woman's whims will, of course, be fulfilled out of love, but periodically her impulsive desires will be rejected by the Cancer man's foresight.

This will be a surprise for her, because the Leo woman believed that he should embody the qualities of representatives of the Water sign - compassion, kindness, sensitivity and gentleness. But the Cancer man is actually endowed with all these traits, but what should he do with leadership? Pisces and Scorpios do not have this quality, so if the Leo woman is not satisfied with being controlled, she will have to look for a partner among these signs. True, Pisces are still endowed with pronounced evasiveness, and Scorpio will be furious if his pride is touched, which the gentle Cancer man will never do.

It is ruled by the Moon, so it will gently reflect the sunlight of the Leo woman, illuminating her with it, and this reflection will be very valuable. She was born under the sign of the organizer and can allow the Cancer man to lead her, while organizing this leadership. The patronage of the Sun and Moon will allow this couple to abandon hackneyed rules in all aspects of life. The Leo woman will awaken unprecedented courage and originality in the Cancer man.

And it would seem that they are different like the Sun and the Moon, but they were still able to meet and love each other. It is worth noting that the union of a Cancer man and a Leo woman is quite difficult, but far from hopeless. They need to learn to take into account each other's interests and correctly distribute responsibilities. To get to know and understand their partner well, they must overcome many obstacles. The Cancer man is very quiet and domestic, but at the same time jealous. She loves to dress extravagantly and attend various parties.

The Leo woman does not like his partner's passivity. Many acquaintances notice that the Cancer man fades against her background, and they look like an unequal couple. She tries in every possible way to stir him up with her defiant behavior, but he prefers to hide from his problems. The Cancer man resists being dominated, and the Leo woman would not refuse the role of the head of the family.

Love on the physical level in this union will be a discovery of freshness and novelty and the unnecessaryness of familiar patterns. A Cancer man's feelings are impressionable, quiet and poetic, while a Leo woman's are passionate and sometimes serene, so their physical union can be a magical experience. But such a union of Water and Fire cannot be calm. There are times when the Leo woman’s pride is hurt and she becomes cold, and the Cancer man may feel rejected and even be rude to her or cry, although the reason will be far-fetched. It is important for both of them to remember that the main thing in their relationship is tenderness, and when it disappears, along with it goes the peace and joy of physical intimacy.

The mood of a Cancer man changes along with the phases of the moon, which instantly affects his feelings. This not only bothers the Leo woman, but sometimes makes her angry. But her heart knows how to easily forgive, especially if she loves. At the same time, the Leo woman does not hide her grievances for long. When her Ascendant or Moon are in Cancer, both will be offended, but not at each other, but against someone outside their union. In this case, dissatisfaction should not affect the Cancer man's mother or deprive her of attention. The Leo woman needs to know that her mother is the most sacred thing for him. Leos usually do not keep old grievances, Cancers, on the contrary, hold on to them very tenaciously. A Cancer man would be happier if he learned a lesson in generosity from a Leo woman.

Cancers are very constant, and the Leo woman needs to feel like a queen-wife, and not just a girlfriend, so marriage between them is very likely, especially if their relationship has been tested for strength by all sorts of disagreements. And when this happens, the Cancer man must remember that his other half needs to subjugate someone or something. She may try to control him, so it is better for the Cancer man to contribute to the realization of her career or allow her to completely manage the house. Otherwise, the Leo woman will feel unhappy, and the Cancer man will not know where to hide from her power. He may begin to wash his grief with wine or leave completely until she asks for forgiveness. But this may be useless, since the Leo woman does not like to apologize.

She needs to learn to tame her pride, and he needs to crawl out of his shell and, rising above all insults, find himself in each other’s arms. When the elements of Fire and the elements of Water mix contrary to all laws, an amazing integrity is created that recognizes the laws only created by the two of them.
