Call of Cthulhu. Inexplicable sounds of the ocean depths. Secret, now revealed Video: The sound of the Roar recorded by scientists

Familiar and understandable sounds accompany us throughout our lives, be it music or our mother’s voice. But sometimes terrible and frightening things appear; even scientists cannot immediately determine their meaning and source. Their opinions on this matter often do not coincide.

Who croaks underwater?

Quaker is a source of low-frequency underwater vibrations of unknown origin. Most often they are detected by ship radar systems. In consonance with the croaking of frogs, they received the name Quakers.

Since the 50s of the last century, acoustic instruments installed on submarines and surface vessels began to receive sounds, the source of which could not be identified for a long time. Some were of the opinion that sounds similar to the croaking of frogs were made by living creatures.

For a long time, among sailors who were distinguished by superstition, there were legends about mermaids and other sea creatures that resembled humans in appearance, but in the modern world this was not taken seriously.

During World War II, American and British sailors used sonar equipment to detect strange sounds in the ocean that could not be determined. They concluded that this was the latest German weapon.

In the mid-fifties, Soviet submarines also began to record strange noises, the tonality of which changed. The commander of one of them said that during the voyage their ship was surrounded by unknown creatures. They accompanied the boat for a long time, then quickly disappeared. The objects did not behave aggressively and did not attack the boat; on the contrary, it seemed that they wanted to establish contact with the person. Science at that time could not answer the question - what or who it is.

At one time it was believed that these were not living organisms, but the latest developments of engineers who created modern underwater vehicles. But no country has such technologies. There was an assumption that whales make such sounds, but how to explain the speed at which objects move, this is more than 350 km per hour. No whale can move that fast.

In recent years, unidentified objects have begun to be detected more often by radar. It was no longer possible to remain silent about this. It is officially recognized that Quakers exist.

Signal from space - they are looking for us!

The most daring astronomers in their beliefs believe that there are many planets in the Universe on which intelligent life is possible. Since the middle of the last century, constant observations have been carried out, the purpose of which is to discover a civilization beyond the Earth. In the seventies of the 20th century, scientists received a long-awaited signal, which was registered by Dr. Eyman.

From time to time, scientists and simply amateur astronomers in all countries received mysterious and inexplicable signals. And more recently, in 2015, in the astronomical laboratory in the city of Zelenchuk, a radio telescope recorded a signal from the HD164595 star system. This system is located in the constellation Hercules at a distance of 95 light years from Earth. Unfortunately, there was no repeat message, but scientists began to regularly observe this star system.

It is unlikely that life is possible on any planet in this system, nevertheless the signal was received, and a very powerful one. This suggests that only a highly developed civilization could have sent him. If the signal was sent with the goal of establishing contact specifically with Earth, perhaps one of the planets is inhabited!

Underground groans

Sometimes people hear scary sounds coming out of the ground. They are called “sounds of the Apocalypse”; this phenomenon is observed anywhere in the world. For the first time, drillers from the Kola Peninsula (Russia) spoke about it. They drilled a well more than 12 km deep and carried out the necessary research work there to study the composition of the earth's crust. Then they turned on the microphone and what people heard on the recording horrified them! They could clearly distinguish terrible groans and screams, as if hundreds of unfortunate people were experiencing unbearable pain.

A loud underground groan was also heard in Novokuznetsk. Scientists from Kuzbass tried to explain this phenomenon and came to the conclusion that the movement of tectonic plates is “to blame” for these sounds. When moving, the plates move towards each other, and when they rub, they emit a strong grinding sound. And if there is a cavity nearby in the earth’s crust, then it plays the role of a resonator, making the sound many times stronger.

This was the first mention of underground sounds, but over time they began to appear more often in different parts of the world.

Rustle of the Northern Lights

Interesting sounds can also be heard in the sky, for example, during the northern lights. They are not loud, more like a rustling or rustling sound. The peoples of the north, who have a strong belief in everything supernatural, believe that these are the spirits of deceased ancestors - they either want to communicate with their descendants, or are simply making themselves known. The sounds themselves can be different or perceived differently by a person; moreover, some clearly hear something, while others do not. There is no answer why this happens.

The sounds of the aurora have not been studied, so there are only hypotheses about their appearance. Some say that magnetic fields act on the nerve, causing auditory hallucinations. According to another version, a person himself, especially if he is impressionable, comes up with a sound accompaniment for the aurora. There are other scientific hypotheses that will undoubtedly be explored.

Bloop - squids or icebergs in the ice of Antarctica

Bloop - translated means roar. This sound was recorded several times in 1997 in an area southwest of South America. The source of Bloop is believed to be Antarctic ice. Icebergs, drifting, touch the bottom with their underwater part and emit a strong sound, the strength of which is increased by the peculiar acoustic conditions.

But according to another version, it is believed that huge squids live in these waters, since by the nature of the sound they determined that it belongs to living creatures. Who is roaring there, in the very south among the ice, it is still impossible to say with certainty?

The world of sounds is mysterious, without it the world would not be so bright and interesting. By his inquisitive nature, a person always wants to know, to understand the incomprehensible, including the origin of various sounds and signals. And it doesn’t matter whether they are from the bottom of the ocean or from deep space. Humanity will definitely reveal all the mysteries.

Call of Cthulhu. Inexplicable sounds of the ocean depths

American scientists have recorded sounds in the ocean, the origin of which no one can explain. These are not tectonic shifts, nor animals, nor the sounds of moving icebergs. All sorts of theories have been expressed: from hitherto unknown inhabitants of the ocean depths to aliens. And these are not sluggish farts of an incomprehensible nature, but really powerful signals that travel thousands of kilometers. Perhaps they are what force whales to wash ashore.

We are accustomed to thinking that the surface of the earth has already been studied in detail. But what about the part that's underwater? For a moment, the world's oceans cover 71% of the planet's area. Moreover, the volume of water on the surface of the earth is ten times greater than the volume of land above the surface of the sea. Yes, this is a whole world of unreal sizes! Despite all the efforts of Jacques Cousteau and his followers, the world's oceans are still very poorly studied. One way to study the ocean is to listen to it using powerful hydrophones. The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) began placing these instruments in the ocean during the Cold War to monitor the movements of Soviet submarines. But now these hydrophones are used more for exploring the ocean depths. Most sounds have an explanation - volcanic activity, iceberg collisions, whales, even underwater currents have their own sound. But there are also those whose nature has not yet been established. We have collected the most interesting sounds that are officially considered inexplicable. In order for the human ear to hear them, the recordings were slowed down 16-20 times.


This sound was recorded in 1997 in the Pacific Ocean, 2500 km southwest of the coast of Chile. The sound traveling at ultra-low frequencies was so strong that it was recorded by hydrophones within a radius of three thousand kilometers. This is not the sound of an animal, as one might first think, because no known underwater animal can make sounds of such force. It lasted about a minute and never happened again. Fans of H.P. Lovecraft have found a connection between “Roar” and the book “Call of Cthulhu.” The sound was recorded approximately in the habitat of Cthulhu described by Lovecraft. They believe that this is nothing more than the call of an ancient deity.


This sound was first recorded in 1997. The sensors that recorded it are located two thousand kilometers south of Peru, but the source itself is even further south. It is possible that he is even in Antarctica. At first, scientists thought it was the sound of an iceberg crashing into land or ice friction, but after analyzing it, they came to the conclusion that the nature of the signal was different. What makes such sounds is not yet known, but they are repeated several times a year without any special system.


This sound was first recorded in 1991. Like “Slowdown,” it can still be heard today. Most often it repeats in autumn and spring. Its source is located somewhere deep in the South Pacific Ocean, almost off the coast of Antarctica, 2500 km lower on the map than the extreme point of South America. At first, whales were considered the source of the sound, but they cannot communicate by emitting sounds of the same frequency, and even of such incredible power. Another version is volcanic activity in the region, but no one can accurately explain the origin of the “Rise.”


In March 1999, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration stations in the Pacific Ocean recorded a strange sound called “Julia.” Why Julia is not clear, perhaps this is the name of the daughter or lover of one of the scientists. A 15-second signal was detected in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, somewhere between South America and Easter Island. The nature of this sound is still not clear.


In 1997, the American Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recorded a very strange sound in the ocean depths, similar to the roar of a huge creature. The sound came to be called Bloop.

During the Cold War, the American fleet was very wary of Soviet submarines, so autonomous hydrophones were installed throughout the perimeter of North America in the ocean depths - devices that made it possible to hear the noise of the engines of a sailing submarine. After the end of the Cold War, the Department of Defense transferred hydrophones to scientists.

It was with the help of such devices that specialists from NOAA detected the roar of the underwater monster. The roar was recorded several times in the summer of 1997. Its source was located at coordinates 50 S. and 100 W. near South America. A study of the nature of the sound allowed scientists to conclude that it is not mechanical and belongs to some living creature, and of enormous size, much larger than a blue whale (judging by the volume of the sound - several times).

As scientists from NOAA write, “the frequency of the sound increases in about a minute, and its amplitude is strong enough for the sound to be detected by several sensors located at a distance of more than 5 thousand km.” At first, scientists thought the sound was coming from a cracking iceberg, but analysis showed that its structure was strikingly similar to the structure of sounds made by marine animals. There was only one difference - none of the largest marine inhabitants can make sounds so loud that they can be heard thousands of kilometers away.

Some scientists suggest that Bloop is the sound made by a school of giant squid, others that it is the sound of giant icebergs cracking... What or who exactly is behind the roar from the depths is still unknown.

Video: The sound of the Roar recorded by scientists

In addition to the Roar, NOAA recorded several more mysterious sounds, whose origin scientists also find it difficult to explain. In July 1997, NOAA hydrophones recorded a sound called “Whistle.” The source of the sound was in the Pacific Ocean - The whistle sounded at a frequency of 1-6 Hz only once and was never repeated anywhere else. NOAA gave other mysterious sounds recorded at different times the names “Julia,” “Train,” “Slowdown,” and “Comb.”

It’s not just scientists who hear sounds of unknown origin—for example, Australian military submarines often record a sound nicknamed “Bio-duck.” The bio-duck resembles a quack at a frequency of 50-300 Hz and is often heard off the coast of Australia. The duration of the sound is from one and a half to three seconds, and it can only be heard from October to December (up to several times a day). Some scientists believe that the bio-duck is the sounds made by whales (minke whales), but this fact has not yet been proven.
