Alcohol causes aggression. Aggression while intoxicated: what to do with an aggressive person? How to help a loved one

When a husband drinks and is aggressive, family life becomes unbearable. The character of an alcoholic is unstable and explosive, any little thing can piss him off and induce him to loose his hands. In a state of intoxication, he becomes uncontrollable. All households adjust to the mood of an alcoholic, trying to predict his actions and not fall under a hot hand. Children at the sight of a drunken father hide in the corners so as not to run into screams and beatings. The house is full of fear and anxiety. The situation is aggravated by the progression of alcoholism. The binges are getting longer, and the alcoholic is getting angrier and more intolerant.

If, then it is important for the husband to take timely measures.

How to behave during the aggression of the husband?

The correct behavior of the wife when dealing with an aggressive spouse will help to avoid moral and physical injuries, as well as maintain control over the situation.

At the sight of an angry spouse, you should try not to show your fear to him. Fear is a provocateur of anger and aggression, it feeds the alcoholic. In families where drunkenness and violence are chronic, the woman's personality is deformed. It is almost impossible for her to keep her cool in a critical situation. But you need to make an effort on yourself and hide emotions.

You should not notice his behavior and not show discontent. Despite the screams, nit-picking and provocations, you need to calmly go about your daily business. With such behavior of the wife, the husband will cease to be the center of attention of the family. Sometimes alcoholics behave aggressively, trying to assert themselves. They like that everyone is afraid of them and depends on their mood. There is no need to defiantly ignore the aggressor. This will make him even more furious. You need to talk calmly and peacefully.

You should not argue with a drunken husband and try to convince him of something.

In a state of intoxication, a person is not able to adequately perceive the situation. He will only become more angry, and in the morning he is unlikely to remember the events of yesterday. The wife is just wasting her energy.

Although children often suffer from the aggression of fathers, many alcoholics try not to take out emotions on their offspring, especially young ones. Therefore, it makes sense to move to the children's room if the husband is scandalous. With children, he will behave calmer and will not touch his wife.

To calm an irritated spouse, you need to switch his attention to what is of interest to him. You can invite him to watch a football match or play a computer game with the children.

If the wife is sure that the husband will not use force, he can be stopped with a sharp and categorical answer. For example, to demand not to speak in such a tone or to behave more quietly. You need to speak firmly, confidently, with self-esteem. The non-standard behavior of the wife will puzzle the brawler and stop him for a while. After a cooling phrase, you should pause and continue the conversation in a peaceful, calm tone, transferring it to the everyday mainstream. This will allow the woman to take control of the situation.

Why do drunken husbands become aggressive?

The aggressive behavior of a drinking husband is usually caused by exposure to alcoholic beverages. As alcoholism develops, a man's behavior changes. If in the early stages he experiences a surge of strength and euphoria when intoxicated, then after the development of dependence, alcohol causes aggression, rudeness and irritability in an alcoholic. The more a person drinks, the tougher, more ferocious and despotic he becomes. This needs to be understood by the wives of alcoholics who hope for a change for the better. After all, many alcoholics, when sober, become sweet, loving spouses. They sincerely repent of their deeds and swear on their knees that this will not happen again. It is more pleasant for a wife to believe her husband, because she does not want to destroy the family and deprive the children of their father.

Alcoholism is a disease. Ethyl alcohol (a component of alcohol) accumulates in the body and destroys it. Ethyl alcohol has a major effect on the brain and nervous system. Even if low-alcohol drinks, over time he develops alcoholic psychosis. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, an alcoholic develops hallucinations, fear, panic and anxiety, as well as hatred and aggression. It seems to him that he is surrounded by enemies and ill-wishers, and his wife is cheating and making cunning plans. The destruction of the psyche will continue as long as the alcoholic drinks. The damage to internal organs that ethyl alcohol causes only accelerates the process of personality degradation. Therefore, it is possible to stop the aggression of a drinking spouse only if he stops drinking.

How can I get my husband to stop drinking?

A drinking spouse usually understands well where and how he can behave. A person can control a lot. The behavior of the husband largely depends on the reaction of his wife. Therefore, the wives of chronic alcoholics are considered codependent. They support the husband's desire to drink, often without realizing it.

For a husband not to drink alcohol, he must understand that his wife will never put up with his addiction. By her behavior, a woman must constantly demonstrate her negative attitude towards alcohol. You can not show weakness and encourage drinking sometimes, "on holidays." You should not reward a glass of alcohol for the work done.

It is advisable not to keep alcoholic beverages at home and to abandon the habit of celebrating various minor events with a drink.

You should not justify the antics of a drinking husband to others and solve his problems. He himself must be responsible for his actions.

It is not necessary to create comfortable conditions for the husband to drink with drinking companions at home. Such "friends" should not hesitate to be driven away. Any contacts of the spouse with drinkers should cause a strong rejection in the wife. If a man values ​​his family, he will begin to avoid them himself.

There is no need to feel sorry for the drinking spouse, hiding from him his "exploits" in a drunken state and downplaying the damage caused to him. Do not keep secret and the state of his health. An alcoholic must know about himself everything impartial.

A man should form a stable association of alcohol consumption with unpleasant events: conflicts in the family, health problems, difficulties at work or quarrels with friends.

You need to find any way to captivate your husband with an interesting activity. If a man has a hobby, it should be encouraged. An enthusiastic person rarely drinks alcohol.

The sooner a spouse begins to fight her husband's addiction, the more likely it is to stop the development of alcoholism, save the family and the health of all its members.

If the husband drinks every day and goes into hard drinking, medical assistance is needed. In this case, you need to convince the alcoholic to see a doctor.

How to reduce the aggression of a spouse?

It occurs more often in men who are prone to violence. Such men already in the early stages of alcoholism terrorize their wife. The tendency to aggression is evidenced by the desire of the husband to control his wife in everything. He does not trust her, considers her a weak, weak-willed person, unable to answer for her actions. A despotic husband does not respect his wife and does not consider her wishes. He quickly "explodes", loses his temper. Easily offends his wife, even being in a good mood. The tyrant never admits his guilt and considers others to be guilty, especially his wife. He is aggressive, rude and disrespectful to others. A man does not show sympathy and does not feel sorry for his wife.

To prevent aggressive behavior in an abusive spouse, you need not to allow yourself to be humiliated from the very beginning of their relationship. Husbands treat their wives the way she allows them to. Insults should never be tolerated. A woman must protect her dignity and demand respect. At the first attempts of violence, the wife must be given a tough rebuff: to threaten with a divorce, division of property or calling the police.

Quite often, after drinking large doses of alcohol, people behave in a way that is very different from their usual behavior. The manifestation of aggression in a state of intoxication is a fairly common occurrence these days. People of all ages are exposed to it - both young people and the adult generation, gender does not matter here. Such people are often simply able to lose control over their actions, inappropriate behavior will only be a vivid confirmation of this. The consequences of this are often quite serious disturbances in the work of many body systems caused by intoxication. These two concepts themselves - alcohol and aggression, have always been closely related to each other. This disease must be treated, after identifying the cause of this condition.

Causes of alcohol aggression

Why, when intoxicated, some people begin to show increased aggressiveness, what to do at the same time, how to behave are very important issues that require detailed consideration. According to the results of research by scientists involved in this issue, it became clear that the alcohol in alcoholic beverages directly affects the human psyche, which is the reason for the aggressive behavior of some drunk people. Depending on the stage of alcohol intoxication, the instability of a person’s character, his control over emotions, words, and actions varies.

After a certain amount of alcohol consumed, a person usually begins to feel euphoria, lightness, his mood rises. But after a short period of time, all these sensations will begin to fade and they will be replaced by anger, despair and irritability.

It is at this moment that the drinking person becomes the most dangerous for the people around him. Often it is those who are next to him at this time, that is, his family, who suffer. Many actions of family members can anger him or provoke him to rash acts. Not infrequently, in this state, he begins to recall old grievances, the husband is jealous of his wife for others or splashes out accumulated anger on her. Another effect may also be due to injuries suffered by a person, among which the main ones are concussions and any mental disorders. Here conflicts often begin and threats are made against other people.

There are times when a person suffering from a similar disorder understands the need for treatment, but still shows aggression. The reason for this is the withdrawal syndrome, which has a serious impact on the human psyche. When there is a huge craving to take a certain dose of alcohol, hostility, unfriendliness and an aggressive state can always arise. Such behavior can also be manifested in people who lead themselves calmly in ordinary life and never show any signs of aggression - alcohol brings hidden feelings out.

Important! The result of the constant use of alcoholic beverages is the complete degradation of a person. In this state, he is not aware of what is happening and does not think about the fact that his actions can hurt other people. Constant conflicts quickly become the norm, and if the drinking person is not helped in time, then harmful consequences cannot be avoided.

Studies have shown that aggressive behavior while intoxicated is directly related to the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol. When ingested, alcohol causes vasodilation, which only accelerates its penetration into all tissues, but it has the worst and most noticeable effect on nervous tissue. Alcohol that has penetrated the blood-brain barrier reaches the brain and begins its toxic effect. There are three main factors in this process:

  • Hypoxic action- alcohol metabolism requires oxygen, which is eventually taken away from neurons.
  • direct poisoning effect- Ethyl alcohol itself is toxic to nerve cells.
  • Action of acetaldehyde. This intermediate breakdown product of alcohol is the main cause of hangovers. It is more toxic than alcohol itself and is poorly soluble in water, which increases the osmotic pressure and edema of the nervous tissue is formed. Headache and worsened health with a hangover are his merits.

From the impact of the above factors, many nerve cells die, which significantly reduces the ability of an excessively drinking person to normal, adequate perception of the surrounding reality and the ability to adjust their behavior according to the situation.

It is believed that alcohol affects the part of the cerebral cortex that is responsible for the inhibition of the primitive sections of the subcortex. In the absence of the effect of cortical inhibition, control over behavior is transferred to the subcortical regions, which include primitive behavioral reactions, including aggressive behavior. In this case, it is not alcohol itself that is to blame, but the peculiarities of a person’s own physiology.

According to psychologists, the mechanisms of aggressive behavior were the norm for human ancestors, but with evolution, the cerebral cortex began to control animal instincts more and more, the mind began to prevail over them. Alcohol simply weakens this influence, which is why ancient instincts are released. In addition, alcoholic beverages have an effect similar to the effect of adrenaline, stimulating the nervous system, which further contributes to aggressive behavior.

There is another theory, according to which the occurrence of alcoholic aggression is explained not by biochemical, but by social mechanisms. It says that a person, when observing other drinking people, begins to assimilate a model of their aggressive behavior. Then, when drinking alcohol, he consciously reduces control over himself, allowing himself such defiant behavior at the subconscious level. This theory also has experimental confirmation - in some experiments, when people were offered a placebo under the guise of alcohol, they began to show aggression, even though there was no alcohol in the drinks.

An important factor is also the fact that alcohol disrupts cognitive functions, reduces mental abilities, impairs the perception of information and memory. Therefore, a drunk person is far from always able to correctly interpret the words and actions of others, to objectively assess the situation. The experience of alcohol consumption also plays a role.

Perhaps the best option would be to assume that the causes of alcohol aggression are all of the above factors - the hypoxic and toxic effects of alcohol on the brain, the release of primitive instincts, a socially determined decrease in control, previous experience and an erroneous perception of the behavior of others.

Important! Basically, the development of aggressive behavior is observed in people dependent on alcohol. In this case, aggression becomes not a single phenomenon, but goes into the category of constant sources of danger to others.

Types of alcohol aggression

Now not only narcologists are studying the behavior of drunk people - psychiatrists are also interested in this issue. They made a special classification of the forms of behavior observed in alcoholics after taking a certain dose of alcohol, and also identified the types of aggression:

  • Physical - the use of force against others;
  • Direct - a person openly shows anger and is able to commit irreparable acts;
  • Indirect - a person purposefully tries to take out anger on a specific object, while being aware of his actions;
  • Verbal aggressive behavior- is to insult others;
  • altruistic- a person seeks to protect someone from threats, real or imaginary, his sense of justice is aggravated;
  • Auto-aggression - directed against oneself, expressed in self-flagellation, often there is an attempt at suicide.

Günter Ammon, a well-known German psychiatrist, considers the manifestation of any kind of aggression while intoxicated as an attempt by a person to protect himself. After a dose of alcohol, an alcoholic is unable to adequately assess the situation and, as a result, chooses attacking tactics to protect himself from external stimuli.

Ways to deal with alcohol aggression in men

The main problem with the aggressive state of drunk people is that they do not realize the danger of their actions. Men in a state of intoxication will insult others, try to fight with them, spoil nearby objects, sometimes what is at hand, including weapons, can also be used. It is unlikely that a drunk person will decide to stop on his own, only when he is completely exhausted, therefore, in most cases, others have to stop his aggressive actions. In many families, it is left to the wives to subdue their husbands when they are thoroughly drunk.

There are several recognized behavioral strategies to help calm the drinker in order to control the manifestations of his aggression. All of the behaviors listed below do not require the use of great physical strength, so fragile women can also use them to subdue a drunken husband.

Important! To successfully use any of these behavioral strategies, you need a strong self-confidence and a desire to calm a drunken loved one. Even a small display of weakness can easily provoke a drunkard to even greater aggression, which will only aggravate the situation.

Here are the main strategies:

  • Complete calm. A rather complicated strategy that involves talking to a drunk person in an even, calm tone without raising your voice, regardless of provocations and insults.
  • Cold shower . A rather dangerous method, under which decisive and calm requests to stop aggression, the use of cold water splashed in the face or a directed stream under the shower can be considered - sometimes such actions help to reason a drunk person and bring him to his senses. However, there is a possibility of the opposite effect - aggression will worsen. This method is more often used for verbal aggression, because it will rather provoke a person who wants to fight to continue their actions.
  • Distraction or full consent. Quite controversial tactics, but they work in some cases, and they also work well together. With a drunk person, you just need to completely agree on everything, without being distracted from your affairs. You can try to transfer the attention of the drunk to other things, up to the next portion of alcohol - the result is important here. Thus, the wife can be able to slip out of the apartment unnoticed while the husband is busy with something, even if only for a short time.

The above methods can most often help to contain verbal aggression for a while, but they generally do not work against physical aggression. The effectiveness of each of them depends on the individual and the case. But sometimes they are useless or have the opposite effect, and the most effective means against the aggressor is only a police squad.

What you definitely need to refrain from in situations with aggressive behavior while intoxicated is from arguing and sorting out relations with a drunk person, you can’t show him weakness and fear. This has never helped any wife deal with a raging drunken husband. Here, the aggression of a drunk person can finally get out of control, and no methods will be able to curb it.

The aggressive behavior of a drinking husband is usually caused by exposure to alcoholic beverages. As alcoholism develops, a man's behavior changes.

If in the early stages he experiences a surge of strength and euphoria when intoxicated, then after the development of dependence, alcohol causes aggression, rudeness and irritability in an alcoholic. The more a person drinks, the tougher, more ferocious and despotic he becomes.

This needs to be understood by the wives of alcoholics who hope for a change for the better. After all, many alcoholics, when sober, become sweet, loving spouses.

They sincerely repent of their deeds and swear on their knees that this will not happen again. It is more pleasant for a wife to believe her husband, because she does not want to destroy the family and deprive the children of their father.

An aggressive state after drinking alcoholic beverages appears for several reasons:

  • with intoxication. Intoxication comes in several stages: first, there is a spiritual uplift, then - despondency, and then - weakness. Aggression manifests itself just in the second stage;
  • as a response to external stimuli. After drinking alcohol, thought processes slow down, the perception of reality is distorted. Various provocations become the cause of aggression;
  • due to mental illness. Alcoholic drinks can become a prerequisite for the manifestation of negative emotions if there is a tendency to rash actions.

Causes of alcohol aggression

Why, when intoxicated, some people begin to show increased aggressiveness, what to do at the same time, how to behave are very important issues that require detailed consideration.

According to the results of research by scientists involved in this issue, it became clear that the alcohol in alcoholic beverages directly affects the human psyche, which is the reason for the aggressive behavior of some drunk people.

Depending on the stage of alcohol intoxication, the instability of a person’s character, his control over emotions, words, and actions varies.

After a certain amount of alcohol consumed, a person usually begins to feel euphoria, lightness, his mood rises. But after a short period of time, all these sensations will begin to fade and they will be replaced by anger, despair and irritability.

It is at this moment that the drinking person becomes the most dangerous for the people around him. Often it is those who are next to him at this time, that is, his family, who suffer.

Many actions of family members can anger him or provoke him to rash acts. Not infrequently, in this state, he begins to recall old grievances, the husband is jealous of his wife for others or splashes out accumulated anger on her.

Another effect may also be due to injuries suffered by a person, among which the main ones are concussions and any mental disorders. Here conflicts often begin and threats are made against other people.

Alcohol causes changes in brain tissues, liberates behavior, disrupts logical thinking. There are several theories for the development of alcohol aggression.

According to one of them, the reason for verbal behavior is that a man or woman in ordinary life is restrained from the manifestation of violence, physical rudeness, etc., and alcohol weakens these protective factors.

The second factor of aggressive behavior in drunkards is a change in the perception of information. A clouded mind cannot fully assess the environment, a person concentrates on a specific topic and, if it is negative, reacts rather violently. Information can also be perceived incorrectly, which further provokes a surge of aggression.

This effect is not observed in all persons who consume alcohol. At risk are people who abuse alcohol, have various mental disorders, hereditary predisposition, reduced tolerance to ethanol. The provoking factors are:

  • low social status;
  • lack of communication;
  • withdrawal syndrome;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • chronic stress;
  • taking drugs that lower blood cholesterol levels.

From the use of alcoholic beverages, various changes in the state can occur. There are too many facts here to immediately and easily determine the dose after which a person becomes aggressive.

How alcohol and alcohol are related, you will definitely understand better after reading the main material below. And now we give other thematic links for convenience:

  • What mental disorders directly provoke aggressiveness - find out why alcohol is an aggravating factor in this case;
  • Causes of aggressive behavior on the part of patients - read how to behave in order to avoid confrontation;
  • What signs directly indicate an increased likelihood of aggression - here, an analysis of verbal and non-verbal symptoms;
  • How a patient is fixed in alcoholic delirium - here are the means and ways of how to protect yourself and patients.

Everyone sooner or later in their life is convinced that "the drunken sea is knee-deep." We note that this is associated with narcotic, intoxication, and other varieties of the psychoactive effect of alcohol.

Aggression with strong alcohol intoxication often accompanies drinking people. You need to know its causes and remember that treatment should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Quite often, after constant large doses of alcohol, some people become not like themselves. The manifestation of aggression while intoxicated is a very common occurrence these days. Moreover, both young people and quite adult people are exposed to it, regardless of gender.

Often a person is simply able to lose control of his actions, and inappropriate behavior will be a clear confirmation of this. Subsequently, even quite serious disturbances in the functioning of many body systems are possible, the cause of which will be intoxication.

The two concepts themselves - aggression and alcohol are very closely related to each other. And the treatment of such an ailment is simply necessary.

Causes of aggression in alcohol intoxication

alcohol induced aggression

A group of scientists who dealt with this issue came to the consensus that ethyl alcohol is the cause of aggressive behavior, because it has a direct effect on the human psyche. At different stages of alcohol intoxication, a person can be unstable in character, he often does not restrain his words, actions and emotions.

After a certain amount of alcohol consumed, a person will feel a certain euphoria, excellent mood and lightness. But, it won't be long before these feelings start to go away. They are replaced by irritability, despair and anger. We need to figure out what to do with such a patient.

It is at this time that a drinking person becomes quite dangerous both for the people around him and for his family in particular. Many actions of loved ones can simply anger him, provoke him to rash acts. Often in this state, old grievances are remembered, jealousy of others, or accumulated anger emerges.

Alcohol can lead to crime

Another effect may be due to injuries suffered by a person, in particular, concussions or any mental disorders. There is no longer without conflicts and threats to other people.

If we consider the aggressive state of the drinker, then most often it manifests itself in the third stage. Then there is a direct threat to both the close people of the drinker and the most ordinary passers-by.

What doctors say about alcoholism

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Malysheva E.V.

Alcohol intoxication is associated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior, being fertile ground for the implementation of aggressive actions. This phenomenon is associated with the disinhibitory effect of alcohol, the inability of a person in a state of alcoholic intoxication to adequately control their behavior, altered self-esteem, a decrease in critical and prognostic functions, psychopathological disorders in intoxication, and other causes.

Aggressive behavior is especially noticeable on marital status. When conducting special studies, it was found that physical violence is committed in more than 40% of families in which one or both spouses suffer from alcoholism. Children in the family of a patient with alcoholism are at higher risk of various types of aggression: verbal, physical, criminal, sadistic.

Causes of aggressive behavior in drinkers

A number of researchers note that the commission of aggressive actions is associated with the direct effect of alcohol on the human psyche, they describe changes in behavior characteristic of alcohol intoxication: unrestrained aggressive, sexual impulses that reach frenzy, unstable mood, etc.

It is believed that affective disorders in the structure of alcohol intoxication have their own dynamics: euphoria, carelessness characteristic of the initial stage of intoxication, are replaced by a maliciously irritable mood, followed by aggressive actions.

Other studies indicate that the presence and severity of aggressive manifestations depends on the "soil" that alcohol affects. So, the pathological structure of the personality, traumatic brain injuries, concomitant mental illnesses lead to altered forms of intoxication, which are characterized by malice, anger, increased conflict, motor excitement, impulsive actions, threats, physical violence.

The relationship of aggressive behavior with the dynamics of alcoholism

There is a certain relationship between aggression and the dynamics of alcoholism. Already in the first stage of alcohol dependence, against the background of a reduction in the duration and a decrease in the intensity of euphoria, irritability, rudeness, captiousness, and aggressiveness appear. The most cruel acts against a person are more often observed in the second and third stages of alcoholism.

Withdrawal syndrome, regardless of the phase of its development (beginning, apogee, reduction), is also accompanied by aggressive manifestations. Affective disorders of the aggressive spectrum (irritability, anger, rage, anger) are closely related to pathological craving for alcohol.

The emotional component of pathological attraction within the framework of abstinence is most often represented by dysphoric disorders of varying severity: from grouchiness, discontent, sullenness to tension, explosiveness, aggressiveness.

Aggressive behavior is usually considered within the framework of a psychopathic syndrome that develops as a result of the direct or indirect action of ethyl alcohol on the central nervous system. In connection with the progression of the organic encephalopathic process, aggressive manifestations reach significant degrees of severity.

Individual psychological characteristics are leveled by organic changes. Intellectual-mnestic disorders, weakness of judgments, predominance and uncontrollability of base instincts, incontinence of affect, gross cynicism, lowering of ethical standards, mental rigidity, brutality of affect come to the fore.

The natural final course of alcoholism is psychosocial degradation, which is accompanied by various types of deviant, aggressive, self-destructive, criminal behavior. Social maladaptation in such people is manifested by violations in interpersonal communication, increased conflict, and a decrease in professional and social status.

Having drunk, a husband, son, a loved one becomes aggressive: what to do?

The long-term practice of helping people with alcohol addiction in our health center convincingly testifies to the need for a special approach to drinking people who show aggression. We recommend: before starting any action in relation to a drinking person with aggressive behavior, get advice from a specialist.

Aggression in alcohol intoxication occurs in about 20% of cases. Significant risk of being physically or verbally attacked when interacting with a person who is intoxicated. This phenomenon is directly related to the effect of strong drinks on the human central nervous system.

Psychologists and physiologists carefully study the facts of the manifestation of aggression in a state that occurs after drinking alcohol. Attention to this problem is due to the fact that the number of people suffering from alcohol addiction is in the millions.

In the light of hostile behavior while intoxicated, cases of murders are considered in which either the killer or the victim was under the influence of alcohol.

According to the World Health Organization, under the influence of intoxication, alcohol and drugs, half of all rapes and more than 85% of murders are carried out.

In the event of physical aggression, an important role is played by the dose of alcohol consumed and the strength of the drinks.

Path of aggression in disinhibition models

Two models of disinhibition are being seriously considered by researchers of aggressive behavior under the influence of alcohol.

The physiological model prioritizes the effect of alcohol on inhibitory processes. Those areas of the brain that are responsible for controlling behavior are affected. As a result of the suppression of the processes occurring in the cortical layers, there is a stimulation of the deeper and more primitive parts of the brain.
The psychodynamic model states that alcohol intoxication weakens the censorship system and manifests repressed aggression.

Both theories are based on two postulates. First, alcohol directly affects the inhibitory nerve centers in the brain. Secondly, a force lives in a person that seeks to harm another individual. This force will certainly manifest itself if it is not controlled by the nervous mechanisms.

Unfortunately, these models, which have many supporters among specialists, cannot answer a number of important questions. It is clear from experience that people do not always behave aggressively afterwards. Often, prior stimuli are necessary for hostile behavior to occur.

Physiological arousal theory

Currently, the theory is gaining popularity, according to which the main emphasis is on the fact that the pharmacological effect is on emerging states of strong emotional experience.
According to this model, after drinking alcohol, there is an increase in physiological arousal, which manifests itself in the form of an increase in blood pressure, blood sugar, and so on. Such arousal in a certain situation can be interpreted as dangerous behavior. This theory also does not provide exhaustive answers to questions that arise when considering all aspects of hostile behavior after drinking alcoholic beverages. And this indicates that alcohol-aggression is a complex complex in which many variables interact.

Learned release model

The learned disinhibition theory argues that the signaling significance of the act of drinking is responsible for the increase in aggression. This model ignores the pharmacological manifestations of the action of alcohol, and the social aspects of learning come to the fore. That is, people seem to profess the belief that they can behave more directly when they are in a state of intoxication. And this state interrupts the circle of norms of behavior in the social environment.
Under experimental conditions, the subject is convinced that he is drinking an alcoholic beverage, but in fact he is offered a placebo. However, after drinking a drink that did not contain a single gram of alcohol, he behaves more liberated than in a state of complete sobriety.

In some subcultures, the opinion is accepted that a person in a state of intoxication is partially relieved of responsibility for his actions. And this can become a way to evade the implementation of the norms of social behavior. But this model also does not provide answers to many questions. For example, why small portions of alcohol are not able to increase the intensity of hostility.

An attempt to synthesize models of aggression

Recently, models have emerged that try to reconcile several aspects of the problem of the emergence of hostility after taking alcoholic beverages, in one theory.

These theories attempt to prove that aggression is the result of both a pharmacological condition provoked by alcohol and situational motivators. It has been proven that aggressiveness appears when an altered state of consciousness is activated against the background of provoking factors.

So why is there an increase in man's hostile tendencies? It has long been established that the intoxication that occurs after drinking alcohol is characterized by inhibition of nervous processes. This negatively affects thought processes, memory, speech skills and behavior. The violations that have arisen reduce the ability to adequately perceive external impressions, comprehend their meaning and fix them in memory. The reduced ability to see things clearly and closely follow the relationships between them alters cognitive processes.

Brain activity is controlled by stimulating and inhibiting impulses. Threats or insults at an increased level of arousal increase the possibility of an aggressive reaction.

The norms of social relationships, the physical strength of the opponent reduce the possibility of collisions, lowering the excitement. Anticipation of the negative consequences of aggression leads to a revision of the meaning of the situation. Aggression will occur only if the provoking signals are stronger than the deterrent motives.

Under the influence of intoxicating drinks, adequate processing of signals coming from the external environment becomes impossible. The speed of switching attention between sources of information is reduced. When the field of attention is reduced, the amount of information about the state of the object will be reduced. For this reason, it will be wrong for an individual to evaluate the actions of others. The actions and words of the other will be interpreted randomly. This can cause aggression.

Alcohol addiction

With the appearance of alcohol dependence, aggressive behavior may occur more often, since cognitive abilities are severely suppressed, therefore, the world around becomes more and more situationally dangerous for the alcoholic. The stage of euphoria is reduced, but rudeness and irritability after taking alcoholic beverages come to the fore and hostility towards other people is manifested. Signs of aggression may also occur when the patient decides to give up alcohol. In this case, the forces of withdrawal syndrome come into play.

The completion of the process of alcohol addiction is psychological and social degradation, which is accompanied by antisocial and criminal behavior.

Aggression in the family

The risk of being subjected to domestic violence if an alcoholic lives in the house is quite high. And everyone solves this problem in their own way. You can call the police and send your raging spouse to places of forced isolation or leave home, taking your children with you.

Alcohol addiction, with its inherent aggressive behavior, is a developing disease that provokes illness and trouble. But the alcoholic himself often does not understand that he is sick. He sincerely believes that he will stop drinking on his own at any moment he wants. An attempt by close people to convince an alcoholic to start treatment can lead to an aggravation of the situation and new scandals.

Talking about the need to consult a narcologist is possible only when a person is sober and can adequately assess the circumstances of his life. It makes sense to turn to a professional psychologist who will help convince the alcoholic that there is a problem.

If meaningful consent to treatment is obtained from a sick person, then in this case it is necessary to determine the methods and methods of treatment. The narcologist will select the appropriate option based on the patient's condition.
