What causes anal itching and what to do if the anus itches unbearably? How to get rid of problems in proctology

Itching in the anus is a painful sensation in a modified form. The nature of the occurrence of this unpleasant sensation is very complex and not fully understood. By nature of origin, itching can be both pathological and physiological. Physiological itching can occur when insects crawl on the skin or come into contact with plants. Various disorders of the nervous system, diseases of the digestive system, diabetes, metabolic disorders, blood diseases, infectious diseases, toxicosis of pregnant women, helminthic infestations can manifest themselves in the form of pathological itching. A distinction is made between limited (localized) and generalized itching. Itching in the anus can occur at any age. It may go away on its own, but if you experience itching regularly, you should consult a doctor to determine its cause.

Possible causes of itching in the anus

Itching around the anus may indicate the presence of worms. If the itching intensifies at night, then pinworms may well be the cause of the discomfort. Worm infestations most often cause itching in children. If the child is irritable in the morning, sleeps poorly at night and scratches the itchy area, then the baby’s stool should be tested for the presence of worm eggs. The cause of itching in children may be diaper dermatitis. With diaper dermatitis, irritation of the perineum and genital area quickly spreads to the anus.

Causes of itching in the anus can be anal fissures or fistulas. Frequent constipation leads to the formation of bulky feces. The release of feces is often accompanied by microcracks. When microcracks become infected, the itching intensifies, becomes unbearable and constant.

Itching often occurs with eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, pubic lice, as well as during exacerbation of thrush in women.

Itching in the anus can occur with frequent use of salt-based laxatives, or from irritation when using toilet paper made with fragrances or dyes.

Internal diseases (liver disease, diabetes, pancreatic disease, intoxication, dysbacteriosis), hemorrhoids are also often accompanied by itching.

People who are overweight and sweat a lot also suffer from itching around the anus.

Treatment of itching in the anus

For itching of any origin, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene. After defecation, it is recommended to use wet hypoallergenic wipes. If itching occurs, you should avoid alcohol, fried, salty, and spicy foods. It is also advisable to avoid synthetic underwear. It does not allow air to pass through, creating a greenhouse effect and causing excessive sweating.

For dermatitis, it is necessary to use special ointments. For drying, you should use salicylic or zinc ointment. For fungus, ointments with activity against this type of fungus are prescribed (Triderm, Onabet, Clotrimazole, Posterisan). For hemorrhoids, drugs such as Proctosan, Relief, Aurobin, Ultraproct, Bezornil, Detralex are usually prescribed.

Treatment of worms is based on the prescription of drugs such as Pyrantel, Albendazole, Metronidazole, Vormil, Dekaris, Vermox.

In case of diaper dermatitis, it is necessary to change the baby's diapers or nappies more often, and do not leave the child in wet diapers. You can use baby powder to dry your baby's irritated skin.

If the cause of itching is internal diseases, then it is the diseases that need to be treated.

To soothe itching around the anus, you can use baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal plants (oak bark, string, birch buds, chamomile). The following recipes from the green pharmacy also help with itching:

  • in equal parts, take field bark herb, walnut leaves, burdock roots, and chamomile herb. Boil one tablespoon of the mixture in one glass of water for fifteen minutes. Strain and take half a glass three times a day;
  • mix and grind seven tablespoons of oak bark, buckthorn bark, and willow bark. Pour two tablespoons of the collection into a liter of boiling water, simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Take the resulting decoction one teaspoon three times a day;
  • take one part of celandine, three parts of yarrow, St. John's wort, and chamomile. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave in a warm place for about two hours. For itching in the anus, take half a glass three to four times a day;
  • take mint leaves, yarrow herb, chamomile flowers in equal parts. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes and leave for about two hours. Strain and take the prepared broth, half a glass three times a day.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Itching in the anus is a delicate problem, which in almost all cases causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Today you will find out what this symptom may indicate and how you can generally get rid of itching.

The most common cause of itching is a simple neglect of personal hygiene standards. A person does not wash himself in a timely manner, uses hard toilet paper, shaves the hair around the anus too often, wears tight synthetic underwear, which first causes diaper rash, and then burning and itching. As a rule, this phenomenon does not require serious treatment - it can be solved by maintaining the same hygiene.

But in some cases, anal itching is a symptom of other, sometimes even dangerous, diseases.

Table. The main causes of itching

NameDescription of the reason

One of the main symptoms of helminthiasis is itching in the anus. This is explained by the fact that worms can lay their eggs next to the sphincter, which leads to itching and burning in the intestinal mucosa. Helminths can also cause diarrhea, and frequent bowel movements, as is known, also often lead to burning and itching.

One of the specific signs of this disease is itching in the genital area and anus.

They may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the anal area. This may indicate the appearance of polyps, malignant or benign tumors, diseases of the pancreas and liver, or poisoning.

A sign of dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema is severe itching, and these diseases can manifest themselves not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membrane of the anus.

Most sexually transmitted diseases are accompanied by characteristic itching of the genitals. And infections caused by bacteria and fungi may well “reach” the anus.

Itching can also be a symptom of hemorrhoids (both internal and external), anogenital warts, anal fissures, genital warts and fistulas.

Itching may occur after drinking low-quality alcoholic beverages, foods containing preservatives or artificial colors. In addition, allergies can be a consequence of taking antibiotics.

In addition, itching can be a consequence of the use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline and erythromycin), chronic intoxication (excessive use of alcohol, drugs), mental illnesses (psychosis, neuroses, dermatozoal absurdity or Ekbom syndrome, etc.).

Note! Listed above are only the most common diseases, the symptom of which is anal itching. But in rare cases, it is a manifestation of other, less common pathologies.

How is it diagnosed?

Due to the fact that the list of diseases that can cause itching is quite large, in any case it is impossible to do without consulting a qualified doctor. A proctologist can identify the cause and prescribe appropriate treatment (although a woman can also consult a gynecologist). Next, a general analysis of blood, feces (for helminthiasis) and urine is prescribed. Sometimes a biochemical analysis is required, as well as consultation with an endocrinologist.

Further treatment depends mainly on the cause of the described problem. Let's look at the most common options.

Skin diseases

In this case, the itching is treated with topical corticosteroids - for example, prednisolone or hydrocortisone. Such drugs are hormonal, therefore, therapy should be a course, and a short break should be taken between courses.

As for symptomatic treatment, it should include sedatives and antipruritics. The treatment uses mild-acting agents that are taken in a course of approximately two weeks. If allergies are being treated, antihistamines can be used (they also have antipruritic properties).


If your doctor has diagnosed a sexually transmitted disease, you will need to take antibiotics. Broad-spectrum agents (such as Amoxicar, Ciprofloxacin, etc.) that are highly effective can also be used, which means that the course will be reduced to six to seven days.

Women can be prescribed topical antimicrobials (vaginal suppositories), while men can be prescribed external agents (chlorhexidine bigluconate).

Finally, if there is a fungus, the doctor may additionally prescribe antifungal agents - clotrimazole, fluconazole, etc.

At the initial stage, the disease is treated with local medications (ointments, rectal suppositories), as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Sometimes itching is caused by genital warts. To eliminate them, your doctor may prescribe Imiquimod in combination with immune-boosting medications.

If drug therapy is ineffective, then condylomas are removed surgically - by cryodestruction or using a laser.

Helminthiasis - treatment

Note! While treatment is ongoing, the patient must pay special attention to personal hygiene. You should wash yourself twice a day, and after each bowel movement. It is advisable to use hypoallergenic soap (for example, baby soap).

To reduce itching after a bath, you can use talc - this will not affect the effect of medications. In addition, you should wash your hands after contact with animals. As for the special diet, which can also be prescribed, it consists of the complete exclusion of fatty, canned, salty and spicy foods (all of which irritate the intestinal walls).

Traditional methods of treating itching

There are many folk remedies against anal itching, although it is worth remembering that they are all symptomatic, that is, they eliminate (to one degree or another) the symptoms, but the cause of the discomfort remains.


The following ingredients are mixed in a 1:1:1 ratio:

All this is thoroughly mixed and stored in a cold place for three days. A candle is cut out of a potato, then it (the candle) is dipped into the prepared mixture and inserted into the anus for fifteen minutes. This remedy is especially effective in cases where the itching is caused by anal fissures.

Herbal decoction

The following ingredients will be required:

All this is mixed in equal proportions and boiled for fifteen minutes (four tablespoons per liter of water). It is necessary to take approximately 100 ml three times a day.

Baths (sitz baths)

The basin is filled ½ full with a not too hot decoction of oak bark (three tablespoons per liter of water). You need to sit in the basin for half an hour. It is worth knowing that oak bark can be alternated with birch buds and calendula.


Dried calendula flowers are poured with boiling water (100 ml of water for each tablespoon), after which the liquid is brought to a boil, removed from the heat and infused for an hour. When the broth has cooled, you need to add two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil.

The enema is given before bedtime.


200 g of Vaseline should be diluted in 50 ml of cranberry juice. The prepared mixture is used to lubricate the anus, the procedure is repeated twice a day.

There is another recipe: toasted oats are ground to a powdery consistency, mixed with butter (1:2), and the finished ointment is rubbed into the “problem” area twice a day.


Two teaspoons of veronica are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and infused for two hours. The finished decoction should be drunk four times every day (before meals).

A similar decoction can be prepared from other plants, such as:

  • mint;
  • yarrow;
  • chamomile;
  • St. John's wort;
  • series.

All ingredients are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1:1. Then you need to take three tablespoons of the resulting mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. The mixture is kept on fire for five minutes, after which it is infused for several hours. The decoction is taken three times a day, 100 ml (also before meals).

Preventive measures

As noted above, the main thing in this case is personal hygiene. Ideally, to prevent anal itching, you should wash yourself after each bowel movement, so you should try to get into this habit.

Note! Hard toilet paper or, worse, newspaper can irritate the delicate skin in the anal area, which in turn can lead to burning and itching. Feces contain a huge amount of bacteria, which, penetrating into vulnerable skin, can cause discomfort.

Video - Anal itching

Most people are ashamed of this phenomenon and put off going to the proctologist until the last minute or self-medicate, but such a symptom may indicate a serious illness. Don't put off going to the doctor, otherwise you will only make the situation worse. , and how to treat this phenomenon you will find out below in the article.

Why does this phenomenon occur?

There are a huge number of reasons that cause this condition. Possible reasons for the phenomenon:

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In addition to these reasons, the consumption of spicy or salty foods may be a consequence of the problem.

How does the condition manifest?

This pathology varies from mild to severe. This phenomenon is a rather painful condition, the discomfort can be painful and irritating, and can also be short-lived or quite long-lasting. In advanced situations, swelling and thickening of the skin may occur.

The patient may suffer from this phenomenon for years, constantly scratching the skin. This symptom becomes especially pronounced after taking a shower, and in order to relieve the unbearable sensation, the person scratches and injures the skin with even greater intensity. When examining the affected area, severe redness and irritation are noted, as well as traces of constant scratching; the person complains of unbearable pain and burning. The area is so irritated that it is unbearable to touch.

The condition is observed in the acute form of the pathology. In the chronic form, the symptom, although not clearly expressed, occurs constantly. As a rule, this phenomenon is accompanied by thinning of the layers of the skin, as a result of which it is easily injured. The disease often takes a cyclical form, i.e. with periods of relief and exacerbation.

Patients suffering from this phenomenon experience discomfort, sleep poorly, performance decreases, and depression occurs.

Traditional medicine

The treatment regimen for the pathology depends on the cause that influenced the occurrence of the phenomenon. If the symptom was caused by a pathology of the internal organs, then first they begin to treat the underlying disease itself.

For skin ailments, medications are prescribed that have a drying effect, for example, salicylic or zinc ointment. If an STI is detected, special drug treatment is prescribed. antihistamines are prescribed.

  • Helminthox
  • Dekaris

For diseases of the rectum, complex therapy is prescribed, which consists of the use of special medications, adherence to nutrition, diet and lifestyle changes. Today you can find an impressive list of medications in the pharmacy:

  • rectal suppositories

Such drugs have a wide spectrum of action and help relieve such an unpleasant symptom. The most effective are:

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Before using any of the products, apply a small amount to a healthy area of ​​the skin; if an allergic reaction does not occur, you can safely apply to the affected area. Any ointment must be applied to the affected area about 1 cm thick.

All medications are prescribed only by a doctor and only after diagnosis.

Treatment of pathology with folk remedies

Alternative medicine treats such an unpleasant symptom with the help of medicinal decoctions and baths. You should consult your doctor before using any prescription.


Rectal suppositories can be prepared from natural remedies.

To prepare suppositories, you should take badger fat, medical alcohol and propolis. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions and mixed. Then the product is put away in a cool place for 3 days. Next you need to take one potato. The root vegetable needs to be peeled, washed and a candle cut out of the vegetable, then dipped in the prepared product and inserted into the anus for 15 minutes.

Such candles perfectly eliminate this unpleasant phenomenon.

Herbal infusions

Any medicinal herb for the preparation of the following recipes can be purchased at the pharmacy:

  1. To prepare the recipe, you need to take chamomile, leaves, and burdock root in equal proportions and mix everything thoroughly. Then take 1 large spoon of the mixture, pour it into an enamel pan and add 200 ml of boiling water, put it on the fire and boil for 15 minutes. The finished product is filtered, cooled and drunk ½ glass three times a day.
  2. We take in equal proportions such components as mint, linden flowers, yarrow leaves, chamomile, and mix. Pour two large spoons of the mixture into a separate container and add a glass of boiling water, heat in a water bath for several minutes, then infuse the drug for 2 hours. The drink should be filtered and drunk 60 ml 3 times a day.
  3. In equal proportions you need to take the bark of oak, willow and buckthorn, grind all the components well. After that, 2 large spoons of the mixture must be poured with a liter of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes. Next, the contents should be allowed to brew for half an hour, filtered and drunk with a dessert spoon 3 times a day.

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When preparing the products, the indicated dosage must be observed.

Baths (sitz baths)

For manipulation, take water no higher than 37 degrees, to which various decoctions of medicinal herbs are added: chamomile, calendula and others. This procedure is usually carried out at night. Its duration is about 30 minutes. In addition, a bath with colloidal oatmeal perfectly relieves unpleasant symptoms and also soothes inflamed skin. For the best effect, manipulations are carried out daily. The course of procedures is 7 days.


It is good to use in combination with other traditional medicine recipes.

One large spoon of calendula should be poured into 100 ml of boiling water and brought to a boil. Afterwards, remove the product from the heat and let it brew for 45 minutes. Add 2 small spoons of sea buckthorn oil to the cooled product and use it as a microenema at night.


The use of traditional medicine is combined with regular showering, proper nutrition and strict adherence to the doctor’s rules:

  1. It is recommended to take cosmetic Vaseline 200 grams and 60 ml, mix and lubricate the affected area.
  2. The oat grains need to be toasted a little and then ground to a powder. Take a large spoon of oats and two equal spoons of unsalted butter. The prepared ointment is rubbed into the affected area 2 times a day.

Such recipes are time-tested and really relieve unpleasant symptoms.


To prepare the product, take 100 grams of fresh marigolds, pour them into a glass container, add olive oil and put them in a dark place. A day later, use the product: moisten a cotton pad or bandage in this solution and apply to the affected area for 30 minutes.

Preventive measures

  • Regular washing
  • Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics
  • Replace soap for washing with one specialized for intimate areas
  • Avoid
  • Use regular toilet paper, i.e. without various additives
  • Promptly treat hemorrhoids and other diseases that provoke the appearance of the disease
  • To live an active lifestyle

Strict adherence to these rules will help to avoid many intestinal ailments in the future and prevent the development of this unpleasant phenomenon.

If this condition appears constantly, you should consult a doctor. The symptom may indicate the development of serious illnesses. leads to terrible and irreparable consequences. Only a doctor, through examination, will find out the cause of this phenomenon and prescribe adequate treatment. Alternative medicine recipes are used in combination with traditional treatment and only after consultation with a doctor.

It is important to remember that any medication is prescribed only by a doctor. Before using the drug, it is recommended to carefully study the leaflet attached to the medicine. Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

Oct 18, 2017 Violetta Doctor

Not all health problems can be shared with others. Some consider it inappropriate to tell those closest to you about high blood pressure, let alone pain in the anus. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity rarely pay due attention to their health.

Primary causes

There are many reasons for pain and itching in the anus. There are primary (which signal) and secondary, indirect (which are a consequence of other diseases, conditions). The most common are:

Each reason that can cause a burning sensation must be considered separately. If, despite the external calm of the anus, you feel persistent itching, most likely this is an exacerbation. At first, only itching and minor pain will indicate its presence. In the absence of treatment, hemorrhoids will begin to appear outside after some time, causing a lot of anxiety.

If the itching is caused by hemorrhoids, other symptoms may also occur. Firstly, there is bloody discharge. appears from nodes, the integrity of which can be disrupted even due to difficulties during defecation. Secondly, there are difficulties with defecation. Nodes can become an obstacle to the normal movement of feces.

Cracks in the anus without external or internal causes appear in extremely rare cases. This is mainly a consequence of hemorrhoids, but there may be others. In principle, it is not so important why the cracks appeared. In any case, they will constantly interfere and cause a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Is itching in the anus normal? An expert will tell you in a thematic video:

Polyps are soft tissue formations on. Polyps can appear in all areas where there are mucous membranes, including the rectum. If the polyp is located inside the rectum, it will not be visible from the outside. But you will feel itching.

If polyps are present, surgical intervention is required. The fact is that, once they appear, they themselves will not disappear, they will only grow. Over time, this will cause the rectum to fill and make defecation difficult.

Proctosigmoiditis- a disease characterized by inflammation of the colon. In its chronic form, it leaves a lot of problems. Due to inflammatory processes in the colon, pathology begins to be observed in other organs. With this disease, a strong burning sensation is felt in the anus.

Dysbacteriosis is understood as an imbalance between microorganisms that are beneficial to health and harmful. As the number of beneficial bacteria decreases, pathogenic microflora begins to increase. As a result, malfunctions occur, manifested in constipation and diarrhea. In general, this affects discomfort in the rectum.

Urethritis, prostatitis, and gynecological diseases are accompanied by infectious lesions of the pelvic organs. When it enters the rectum, it further multiplies, leading to various unpleasant sensations.

Secondary causes

Diabetes can also cause a burning sensation in the anus.

A burning sensation is not always a consequence of damage to the rectum. Such symptoms may be a consequence of the presence of serious diseases in the body that are not related to the condition. Sometimes this is how the body reacts to poor ecology and other unfavorable living conditions.

Diabetes mellitus often provokes itching in the anus or pubic area. This is due to the composition of the blood and all body fluids. Obesity, which causes excessive sweating, leads to chafing of the skin in places where there are many folds. The abrasions make themselves felt with severe pain and burning. Such symptoms are observed not only in the area between the legs, but also under the armpits, near the chin.

But this does not mean that you can delay the examination and experiment on yourself, varying your diet. After all, prostatitis is also a very common cause of itching, and here delay can end badly.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you will have to undergo a series of examinations. First he takes tests. This is a determination of the level of bilirubin, sugar, urea, creatine in the blood. Then, on the doctor’s recommendation, proctology-specific examinations are carried out. If there is no pathology in the rectum or intimate area, this is a reason to think about maintaining hygiene.

Cleansing the anus should be done not just with toilet paper, but also with water procedures. Creams and ointments that soothe and relieve itching should be applied to the clean area of ​​the anus. If a person often plays sports or endures other physical activities, they need to be reduced so as not to provoke burning and itching.

It is impossible to defeat this scourge in a short time. Even with ordinary abrasions, you will have to try to get rid of them completely. And if we are talking about a serious illness, you need to be patient for a long time. The main thing is to place it correctly

There are manifestations of diseases that cause obvious discomfort, but people are embarrassed to talk about them. The patient is ashamed to go to the doctor and tries to treat such conditions at home on his own.

Incorrect therapy causes unwanted complications. This is why doctors advise not to delay visiting a doctor if, for example, you experience itching and burning in the anus. These unpleasant symptoms may indicate the development of dangerous pathologies or be the result of improper hygienic care. In any case, consulting a doctor will not hurt.

Causes and treatment of itching in women

The described condition makes a person nervous and irritable, which negatively affects performance and relationships with others. Therefore, it is important to identify the cause of the illness in time and get treatment.

The problem should be addressed to a proctologist; often a consultation with a gynecologist (in case a pathology is detected in a woman) and a urologist (in a man) is required. There are several provoking factors that can cause unpleasant symptoms. The intensity of their manifestation plays an important role in determining the diagnosis.

Constant itching

This condition can be facilitated by the appearance of many pathological processes: the presence of internal and external hemorrhoids, genital warts, fissures in the anal canal.

As a rule, a person experiences a burning sensation accompanied by pain and bleeding. Such symptoms cannot be ignored. They may indicate the presence of anorectal fistulas or malignant neoplasms, in which the itching is constant and of moderate intensity.

Early diagnosis allows for timely detection of such conditions and significantly improves the prognosis for their treatment.

  • Constant itching in women and adult men is often a companion to diseases of the genitourinary system. It occurs with thrush and during the course of gonorrheal-trichomoniasis infection, urethritis and prostatitis. Its appearance is associated with the impact of secretions flowing from the genitals on the skin of the perineum.
  • In diabetes mellitus, doctors explain the appearance of itching and burning around the anus by dry skin and changes in the composition of urine. The described manifestations are of a pronounced nature and high intensity. Adjusting the diet helps improve the condition, but it is not possible to completely get rid of the symptom even after taking medications. If the diet is violated, the clinic worsens.
  • Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, pubic lice). Their course causes redness around the anus, the appearance of spots that begin to peel off over time, and in their place constantly itchy erosions form.
  • The described reaction can be triggered by contact dermatitis or an allergy to the use of aggressive cosmetic products that contain large amounts of chemical fragrances.
  • Itching in the anus of a girl or woman appears during menstruation, while using pads or intimate hygiene products.

A characteristic skin reaction can occur when wearing clothes washed with powders and softening conditioners. Often characteristic manifestations occur after using colored toilet paper.

Eliminating provocateurs allows you to quickly get rid of unpleasant discomfort.

  • The described symptom often accompanies psychoses and neuroses; if its appearance is hidden by such instability, it cannot be controlled with medications.
  • The cause of constant burning may be a pimple that has grown near the anus.
  • Anal itching is often diagnosed in individuals with prolonged intoxication and weakened immunity.

Experienced smokers and alcoholics may suffer from such discomfort even with careful adherence to personal hygiene rules. Therefore, to eliminate the malaise, it is necessary to fight bad habits.

The risk group also includes people suffering from obesity and excessive sweating.

Itching after bowel movement

Occurs due to pathologies of the stomach and intestines. This manifestation can accompany gastritis, colitis and acute pancreatitis. Their course is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membranes, a lack of digestive enzymes, due to which the structure of feces changes. Therefore, after defecation, the described syndrome appears. It increases as a result of taking foods that contain spices, bitterness, artificial flavors, dyes, and preservatives.

Itching at night

An infected person's appetite decreases and he constantly loses weight. If one or more manifestations are detected, you must contact a helminthologist and take a smear from the skin around the anus. Only comprehensive treatment of helminthic infestation will help eliminate itching at night.

Itching after taking antibiotics

A long course of antibacterial drugs (tetracyclines and erythromycin) provokes intestinal dysbiosis. Such drugs, when entering the tract, destroy not only pathogenic microbes, but also beneficial bacteria that are part of the microflora of the hollow organ.

For most people, this imbalance is quickly compensated, however, for others, the disorder becomes long-lasting, causing anal itching. The risk group includes children, elderly people and patients with a history of chronic pathologies.

Self-medication, incorrect choice of doses, non-compliance with the duration of their administration can also lead to the appearance of dysbacteriosis. This is why it is so important to seek medical help and strictly follow your doctor's instructions. Indirect symptoms may indicate the development of an imbalance:

  • Cramping pain in the abdominal area.
  • Gas formation, bloating.
  • Changes in constipation and diarrhea.

A characteristic sign of a violation of the intestinal microflora is the appearance of mucus or foam in the stool, a putrid or sour smell of feces. Similar manifestations can occur both while taking antibiotics and after the end of drug therapy.

Itching during menopause

During menopause, a woman's body decreases the production of sex hormones, causing the skin to lose its elasticity. The number of collagen fibers in the epidermis decreases, as a result - the lack of possibility of rapid regeneration, the development and worsening of atrophic processes.

They can cover the perineal area and explain the reason for the appearance of the described symptom during menopause. The skin around the anus can itch severely or moderately, the discomfort always increases in the evening.

Itching during pregnancy

Unpleasant sensations around the anus most often occur in the first trimester. At this time, the hormonal background changes, and this leads to the appearance of periodic discharge. Their intensity may vary. Even abundant secretion is considered normal, but it is excessive humidity that creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogens. An increase in their number explains the causes of itching.

Weakening of the immune system during pregnancy leads to disruption of the normal microflora of the vagina. Against this background, thrush often “wakes up”. It is accompanied by a cheesy discharge that has a sour odor.

Candidiasis also causes itching in the anal area. If left untreated, the newborn will become infected during childbirth, which is why it is important to eliminate the described problem in the early stages of its manifestation. Otherwise, the infant will suffer from the same ailment.

You can prevent the occurrence of discomfort by undergoing a thorough examination of the genitourinary system at the planning stage of maternity. It is important to eat right during pregnancy and strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

If it itches in the anus, the symptom cannot be ignored. Therapy with drugs prescribed by the gynecologist will be carried out taking into account the identified cause of discomfort and without harm to the fetus. The traditional method of treatment, according to patients, will not help eliminate itching.

Accurate diagnosis

To determine the cause of the itching, you need to contact a proctologist. At the appointment, the doctor draws up a chart of the patient’s complaints. Includes the time of onset of itching, indicates the presence or absence of dependence on the phase of the day, and lists the accompanying symptoms.

In case of negative results, a colonoscopy is performed, which will identify internal hemorrhoids and polyps in the rectum. After the procedure, you will definitely know why the skin around the anus is so itchy.

Based on the results of laboratory tests, the proctologist can write a referral for a consultation with a gastroenterologist or infectious disease specialist. These specialists also consider the causes of burning and itching in the anus in an adult or child.

Possible complications

The discomfort described may vary in intensity and duration. The mild course is always short-term and disappears after hygienic skin care. In patients with severe forms, itching in the perineum lasts for years, significantly worsening the person’s quality of life.

Discomfort usually worsens at night. To make it easier, the patient tries to scratch the areas around the anus. Such actions lead to skin damage and the appearance of deep purulent lesions. Secondary bacterial infections are the most common complication.
