What to do if you have a stuffy nose. How to get rid of nasal congestion. Fast treatment. Taking dietary supplements and medications

When the cold season sets in, many people become anxious about the upcoming difficult weather conditions, which inevitably lead to the onset of colds. There are many folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion that our grandmothers used.

A weak salt solution is the fastest-acting way to combat the disease. It removes mucus from the sinuses, sanitizes this area, and relieves inflammation. Thanks to its unique composition, sea salt has a soothing and disinfecting effect on the nasal mucosa. To prepare the medicine you will need salt, preferably sea salt (0.5 teaspoon), and water (240 ml).

You can also use oil treatment:

  • If your runny nose is dry, thuja oil, which you should instill at night, will help a lot. This folk remedy for the common cold should be administered to adults and children in just three drops.
  • For a severe runny nose with copious mucus, use a pine decoction. For this you will need: boiling water (240 ml) and pine needle oil (1 tsp). These ingredients are combined, covered with a lid and infused. It is enough to wait for cooling, after which the product is instilled - you will need four drops in each turn.
  • If a nursing baby has a lot of mucus in his nose, which prevents him from sucking and eating, you can turn him over on his tummy, let him lie down and crawl. In half an hour, the nasal passages will be partially cleared.
  • You can use aromatherapy. A napkin will help with this, drop some eucalyptus oil on it and place it near your face. When you breathe with such a napkin at night, you will feel how your nose “relaxes.” This option is suitable for everyone.
  • Instead of oil, you can use “Star”, a small amount of which should be spread on a rag. You can also rub this balm on your chest and back. Many people recommend that they lubricate the inside of their nose, but under no circumstances should they do this - there is a high probability that the balm will corrode the mucous membrane. Therefore, using a very small amount, you should only coat the area around the nose with it. For small children, it is better to apply it above the nostril so that they cannot accidentally lick off the product while sleeping. Adults can apply “Star” under their nose.
  • At any age, you can use a compress on the nasal area from ordinary cottage cheese, which is heated and placed in gauze.
  • Breast milk helps a lot. This natural remedy can be instilled by both children and adults.
  • Massage the edges of the wings of your nose more often.

Treatment of chronic and persistent runny nose

The following procedures will help combat prolonged rhinitis of viral origin:

  1. Apply Vaseline along the very edge of the nostrils. Grind the garlic, grease it with cotton wool and put it in your nose. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
  2. Menthol oil is instilled into the nose, three drops at a time.
  3. Try propolis. It will help “pierce” the nose well. For this procedure you will need water (240 ml), soda (¼ tsp) and propolis (2 drops). Stir and rinse three times throughout the day.
  4. Mix water (90 ml) and iodine (4 drops). Stir and drink. You should rinse your nose and nasopharynx with the same composition at least three times throughout the day.

How to cure allergic rhinitis with folk remedies?

At the first symptoms of an allergy, everyone is accustomed to running to the pharmacy, forgetting that they can do without medications.

We offer the most effective methods of combating allergic rhinitis.

  • Treatment with mumiyo is effective. Prepare water (1 l). Dilute one gram of mumiyo in it - the liquid will darken and become opaque. Use the product in the morning with warm milk. You should take 100 ml of solution at a time. Children from one to three years old - 50 ml, from 6 years old - 70 ml. From 8 years of age, the dose is the same as for an adult. Treatment is carried out every six months. Course – 20 days.
  • Dandelion juice helps get rid of illness. The flowers are crushed using a meat grinder. The puree is placed in cheesecloth and squeezed out. The juice is diluted half with water. Boil and consume before meals a couple of times a day. Norm – 3 tbsp. l.
  • By consuming fresh blackcurrants, you can get rid of rhinitis. Compotes made from this berry and jam also help.
  • Add tar to half a glass of milk. Drink in the morning before meals. The course lasts 24 days. Start with one drop of tar. Then increase the dose drop by drop every day, reaching 12. Then the procedure is repeated in the reverse order.

Folk remedies for runny nose and nasal congestion for adults

Nasal congestion causes great discomfort. Many agree that there is no need to treat the disease - it will go away on its own in the notorious seven days. But why walk around for a week with unpleasant sensations? After all, an untreated problem can lead to serious illnesses: frontal sinusitis, sinusitis or sinusitis. Many people do not undergo treatment due to their reluctance to use medications. But even without them it is possible to calmly cope with the pathology. There are enough alternative medicines for the common cold that will quickly help overcome the disease.

For treatment, plants that have an antibacterial effect are used. At the very beginning of the disease, a physical method of removing mucus gives a good result.


  • Diluted onion juice helps to quickly get rid of the first symptoms of an incipient cold. Can be used from table beets. Juice (1 tsp) must be diluted with water (10 tsp).
  • You can carry out the procedure by sucking a solution consisting of water and salt from a plate with your nose. To do this, close your nostril, draw in the solution with the other and blow your nose. You will need water (240 ml), salt (1 tsp) and iodine (3 drops). Mix. Rinse 4 times a day.


  • Horseradish effectively helps to overcome even a severe runny nose. To do this, the root is rubbed and its vapors are inhaled. For subsequent procedures, a new piece of root is needed.
  • Boiled potato peelings, soaked in essential oils of fir, eucalyptus and juniper, give a good effect in the fight against the runny nose. It is enough to add 10 – 15 drops.
  • To combat the disease, use an infusion of herbs. To do this, add a tablespoon of plantain leaves, linden flowers, sage and chamomile flowers to a liter of boiling water.


  • Kalanchoe juice will help you say goodbye to congestion. Three drops in each nasal passage are enough. Repeat the procedure three times a day
  • You can squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf and apply it to your nose five times a day. You will need six drops each turn.
  • Garlic and onions help fight the runny nose no less. Pure juice burns the mucous membrane, so it is better to dilute it. You will need twice as much water as vegetable juice. Bury three times. It is enough to use two drops.

How to cure a disease for children at home?

To treat runny nose and nasal congestion in children, it is best to use folk remedies, because not a single drug is intended for treatment. Everyone just removes swelling of the mucous membrane. Most are not recommended to be taken for more than four days, after which addiction to the medicine may occur.


  • For small children under one year old, it is best to instill carrot juice (1 tsp), which is diluted with water (1 tsp). Instead of water, use sea buckthorn oil or natural olive oil. Remarkably helps with severe congestion and thins mucus. You can use beet juice in the same way.
  • If the child is already five years old, then garlic will help a lot. To do this, you will need a grater on which to grind the garlic cloves. Stir in olive oil. Wait for half a day. Apply two drops at a time. The child needs to be patient for a few minutes; it will sting slightly.
  • If a runny nose is just beginning, you should lubricate your nose with Kalanchoe, the juice of which is squeezed from a fresh leaf. Carry out the procedure three times a day.
  • When treating with aloe juice, it is necessary to use large leaves. Be sure to rinse before squeezing the juice. Mix with water. You will have to instill three drops five times a day. You will need juice (1 tsp) and water (1 tsp).

Inhalations for children

  • Pour water into the kettle. Wait for the water to boil and add soda (4 tsp). Cover with a terry towel and breathe under it for eight minutes. To avoid getting a burn to the mucous membrane, watch the steam - it should not be very hot.
  • A decoction of herbs helps a lot. Pour boiling water over sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, mint, and bay leaf. Mix. Breathe the steam while covering your head with a towel.


Not all children allow nose drops. They don't like the feeling of droplets in their nose. Then ointments will come to the rescue. They will not flow out of your nose or get into your throat. You can't swallow them. Therefore, they remain in the nasal cavity until completely absorbed.

  • Mix a couple of spoons of honey with one spoon of mint. Apply three times a day.
  • A spoonful of honey mixed with half a spoonful of St. John's wort oil also helps fight colds.
  • Table salt will help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane. Half a teaspoon is diluted in 100 ml of warm water. Moisten a tampon with the resulting solution and insert it into the nostril. The second time you need to use a new tampon.

Warming up

  • If the body temperature is normal, local warming is done. You should boil a couple of eggs and apply it to your nose. Hold until the product cools down.
  • Coarse sea salt heated in a frying pan works well. It is placed in a sock and the sinuses are warmed up.

Folk remedies for runny nose during pregnancy

Any medications or drops are contraindicated for pregnant women. If there is a problem with mucus secretion, rinsing the nose helps a lot. This method gives a quick effect in fighting infection.

  • Use sea salt, which is diluted in water. This will require 240 ml of water and 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.
  • To treat with an infusion of medicinal herbs, you will need to mix in equal proportions the roots of the knotweed, meadow clover, licorice root, medicinal calendula and sage. Grind. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture into boiling water (240 ml). Boil. Leave in a thermos for two hours. Then strain. Rinse your nose with a slightly warmed infusion.
  • Pour two large spoons of chamomile flowers into a glass of boiling water. Pour into a thermos. Leave for half an hour. Strain. The resulting infusion can be washed or instilled into the nose.

Any infusion prepared at home can be stored for a day. Therefore, the next day you should brew a new portion.

Inhalations for pregnant women

Inhalations will help cleanse the nasal passages and improve mucus discharge. They can only be carried out at normal body temperature.

For inhalation, you need to boil a glass of water and add two large spoons of chamomile flowers. For the procedure, use a steam inhaler, a saucepan or a kettle. Instead of chamomile, you can brew calendula, coltsfoot, thyme or plantain.

Warming up

For severe congestion with thick discharge, thermal procedures will help. To do this, you need to heat raw buckwheat in a frying pan, pour it into a sock or linen bag and apply it on both sides of your nose. The procedure should not be carried out at temperatures above 38°C.

If a runny nose provokes irritation of the nasopharynx, then use a warm solution of fresh white cabbage juice to rinse. To do this, you will need to squeeze the juice from the leaves and mix two large spoons of the resulting product with a mug of water.

How to cure a runny nose for a nursing mother?

Any medications are contraindicated for a nursing mother. Therefore, you should help the body fight the virus using natural products.

  • Rinse with water and salt. For half a liter of water you will need a tablespoon of salt. Rinse five times a day.
  • Instillation of juice. Kalanchoe or aloe will do. The bottom sheets should be torn off. To obtain an infusion, use one tablespoon of juice per five tablespoons of water. Apply three times a day, placing three drops in the nostril. This remedy is used only for green purulent discharge. It retains its healing properties for a day, so do not forget to prepare a fresh solution.
  • Instillation of infusion with chamomile. Add a tablespoon of inflorescences to a glass of hot water. They insist for half an hour. Instill four drops three times a day. Use when a runny nose is caused by a bacterial infection. Chamomile can be replaced with string or thyme.

  • If you are suffering from a severe runny nose, it is recommended to remove dairy products, white bread, milk and sugar from your diet. By eliminating these foods, you will be able to beat your cold faster because these foods cause excess mucus to be produced.
  • Experts also advise drinking plenty of fluids, including infusions of linden or chamomile. Thanks to this, the nasopharynx will be constantly moist and the disease will not bother you much.
  • Use a humidifier. If there is always the necessary humidity in the room, the mucous membrane will not dry out. This will prevent the mucus from thickening. The device should be filled with water with the addition of vinegar (white). It will help prevent the spread of mold and fungi, which cause deterioration of the condition.
  • You should regularly rinse your throat with salty water. This will help remove excess fluid from the nasal posterior cavity.
  • Avoid even the slightest stress. If you're nervous, your immune system doesn't work properly, causing your runny nose to get worse.
  • At the first symptoms, put everything aside and lie down.

Many people try to blow their nose as often as possible. But this is not entirely correct, since with frequent use the nasal mucosa becomes even more irritated, which aggravates the runny nose.

An excellent way to use these methods is the use of modern air humidifiers. In addition, it is necessary to drink more fluid to maintain the body's overall fluid balance.

Methods for treating nasal congestion

One of the most effective and popular methods of treating nasal congestion, which is used both by qualified doctors and in folk medicine, is rinsing the nasal cavity. For this, regular boiled water or mineral water is suitable, or you can prepare a saline or soda solution.

For the rinsing procedure, you can use special watering cans, which are sold in, or take improvised material (a pear, a bottle of nasal drops). After dropping the solution into your nose, you need to blow your nose well.

It is advisable to perform this nasal rinsing procedure several times a day, then you will feel a significant improvement.

An interesting option for rinsing the nasal cavity, used in folk medicine, is to use beet juice with honey as a solution.

This solution can be made as follows: you need to add 2 tablespoons of honey to a glass of beet juice, then dilute it with boiled water one to one. You need to rinse your nose in the same way as described earlier.

Eat foods that have anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an onion salad or generously season a meat dish with spices and pepper, but only if there is no contraindication to such a diet.

Another good method is inhalation. If there are no special inhalers in the house, simply boil water and breathe in the steam. Or breathe in the steam of herbal infusions. Alternatively, simply soak a handkerchief in any essential oil, such as peppermint or eucalyptus, and inhale the aroma periodically. This will relieve swelling in the nasal cavity and make breathing easier.

If all these methods do not suit you, you can simply take a shower to improve your condition. If you increase the water temperature, this will not only make breathing easier, but also reduce swelling. After you get out of the shower, drink a cup of hot tea with lemon.

You can relieve a runny nose, nasal congestion and other symptoms at home using simple remedies, methods or some pharmaceutical drugs.

Best Home Remedies

A runny nose can cause significant discomfort, especially when it is accompanied by nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing and headaches.

1. Salt water

  1. Crush dry thyme into powder using a mortar or other method.
  2. Gently inhale thyme powder to catch its scent for a few minutes several times a day

Another recipe:

  1. Heat a little thyme oil over low heat.
  2. Use a dropper to place 1-2 drops into your nostril.
  3. Wait a minute for the oil to be absorbed, then apply the drops to the second nostril.

To use garlic, which has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Boil 3 cloves of garlic in 1 glass of water for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Strain the solution and then add sugar to sweeten it before using.
  3. Use twice a day.

You can also eat a small piece of garlic 3 times a day or take garlic supplements regularly. The latter are now available in most health food stores.

7. Pharmaceutical drugs

If symptoms are too bothersome, you may consider the following over-the-counter medications:

  • Antihistamines: These medications work by blocking the action of histamine, a chemical responsible for symptoms such as runny nose and sneezing that accompany colds and allergies.
  • Decongestants: Also help relieve symptoms of a runny nose. They are available in the form of oral syrups and tablets, such as pseudoephedrine, and nasal sprays, such as oxymetazoline and phenylephrine.

There are now many products that combine antihistamines and decongestants.

How to get rid of a runny nose quickly?

A runny nose will go away in most cases within a week or so, even without further treatment. To get rid of it faster, you need to take measures aimed at reducing the secretion of mucus in the nose and removing any infections, irritants or allergens.

How to eliminate a runny nose in an hour?

Sometimes a runny nose strikes at the most inopportune moment and you have no more than an hour to be in shape, for example, when a business meeting, date, or interview is planned.

The best option in this case would be antihistamines to block the action of histamine, which is the main cause of a runny nose, as well as combination drugs that contain antihistamine and decongestants.

Many medical websites recommend using steroid nasal sprays as a first aid treatment for allergic rhinitis. There are also combination medications containing steroids and antihistamines, such as Dymista which contains azelastine (an antihistamine) and fluticasone (a steroid).

How to get rid of a runny nose overnight?

You might consider drinking a cup of ginger or herbal tea, followed by a hot bath or shower and ointment before bed.

Also run a humidifier while you sleep to increase the humidity level in the room. It's a good idea to add an extra pillow to help you sleep with your head elevated.

How to get rid of congestion?

Nasal congestion occurs when the blood vessels in the nose become inflamed as a result of infection or exposure to allergens and irritants.


They help fight swelling in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, effectively improving breathing. Available in the form of tablets and syrups and nasal sprays.

Phenylephrine and pseudoephedrine are the two most commonly used decongestant medications.

Nasal sprays include oxymetazoline phenylephrine as the active ingredient. According to WebMD, sprays may work faster than oral tablets and syrups, but their use should not last more than 3 days. It is not recommended to take tablets and nasal sprays at the same time.

1. Massage

Acupressure is quite effective in treating nasal congestion and runny nose.

Gently press on the corners of your nose. Repeat ten times. In addition to relieving congestion and runny nose, massage therapy can also help relieve headaches that often accompany colds and allergies.

2. Steam and humidity

Dry air provokes and aggravates nasal congestion. One effective remedy to eliminate this problem is a humidifier. In addition to this, you should take a hot shower for 10 minutes, actively inhaling the steam.

You can also do steam inhalations (possibly with the addition of essential oils) by bending over a container of water and covering yourself with a towel. Steam helps thin mucus in the nose and remove allergens and irritants.

3. Spicy food

Helps in removing mucus from the nasal passages.

4. Warm compress

To treat a runny nose that accompanies congestion, you can apply warm compresses. You need to moisten a towel in hot water and place it on your face.

5. Ointments

A study from the Penn State College of Medicine found that cold ointments provided symptomatic relief from cough, runny nose, and congestion when used in children over 2 years of age. The ingredients they contain, namely menthol, camphor and eucalyptus, are believed to be responsible for the positive effects.

Runny nose and cough

1. Salt water rinse

Gargling with salt water is beneficial for runny nose and cough because it helps reduce the accumulation of excess mucus in the throat, which makes coughing easier.

  1. Add a teaspoon of salt to a cup of warm water and stir.
  2. Rinse for 5 minutes.
  3. Repeat 2-3 times a day until symptoms go away.

2. Honey

Due to its strong antibacterial and antiseptic properties, honey is a powerful remedy for runny nose, cough and sore throat.

  1. Mix 2 tablespoons honey, ¼ spoon lemon juice and a pinch of cinnamon powder in a cup. Add hot water and drink the mixture. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to a glass of warm water. a spoonful of honey and about 3 drops of lemon juice. You need to drink the mixture while it is warm, twice a day.


Add a pinch of pepper to a cup of water, boil for twenty minutes and a little sugar, then a little cumin before drinking the mixture.

4. Medicines

In addition to the above home remedies for runny nose and cough, you can take medications that contain antihistamines, decongestants, or a combination of both. In addition to these, there are cough suppressants such as dextromethorphan and antitussive expectorants such as guaifenesin.

For a runny nose and cough it will also be useful:

  1. sleeping with your head elevated to reduce mucus buildup;
  2. drinking large amounts of hot liquids, including tea, soup, water, etc.;
  3. garlic (described above);
  4. ginger (also explained earlier).

Runny nose and sneezing

If a runny nose is accompanied by sneezing, WebMD recommends taking antihistamines such as chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), diphenhydramine (Benadryl), loratadine (Claritin), and cetirizine (Zyrtec).

But they may make you drowsy. Driving and operating complex machinery should be avoided. Antihistamines can also cause dry mouth, eyes, and nose. It is advisable to drink plenty of water when taking them.

In addition to medications, you can use folk remedies:

1. Peppermint oil

The antibacterial properties of peppermint oil help reduce sneezing. Simply add 5 drops of peppermint to a container of boiling water and then inhale the resulting steam.

Everyone knows how unpleasant it is to feel nasal congestion, which prevents you from living, working, getting enough sleep at night and performing household chores. Many people are so accustomed to using vasoconstrictor drops that they carry them with them everywhere, without even thinking that their long-term use can become addictive, which is then very difficult to get rid of.

Meanwhile, there are many solutions to the problem of how to get rid of nasal congestion without drops and other chemicals. It is imperative to combat the manifestations of a runny nose. After all, stagnation of mucus in the nose can provoke much more serious problems than simple rhinitis - this is sinusitis, which can even be complicated by meningitis and brain abscess.

The bottom line is that vasoconstrictors only relieve symptoms, but do not treat the root causes of the runny nose, and it is these that need to be dealt with. We need to take a closer look at ways to decompress the nose without droplets, maintaining the health of the mucous membrane and preventing complications.

When are drops not needed?

A runny nose develops due to inflammation of the mucous epithelium of the nasal passages, and it is provoked by the contact of bacterial, viral or allergic irritants on its surface. The mucous membrane, as best it can, fights the invasion of foreign microorganisms, responding to the attack with increased mucus production.

Often this situation is complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, which develops with inadequate treatment of a runny nose - a person tries to relieve nasal congestion with drops, but in the end he simply gets rid of the symptoms, leaving the root cause without action. This leads to stagnation of exudate in the sinuses, which is fraught with more serious complications.

There are situations when there is no infection, but the nose reacts with congestion to allergic irritants, such as dust, animal hair or the smell of household chemicals. In this case, specific treatment for a runny nose is not required; it is enough to eliminate the allergen and mucus production will decrease on its own, and breathing through the nose will be restored.

The causes of a runny nose are not always due to infection.

Dry and thin epithelial tissue can cause nasal congestion due to insufficient air humidity in the room, severe gas pollution or irritation from household chemicals - this ailment often plagues workers in hazardous industries. In such situations, a runny nose must not only be treated, but also prevented in ways that will be discussed later.

General methods for getting rid of congestion

To relieve nasal congestion without drops, you need to restore the structure of the mucous membrane, which, under the influence of external factors, becomes dry and reacts with a runny nose, in order to somehow compensate for this fact. For this purpose, there are general recommendations suitable for every patient suffering from regular manifestations of rhinitis.

This procedure can be called the best and most effective for relieving congestion symptoms. The more often and more severely a runny nose appears, the more intensively you need to rinse your nose - this is the only way to achieve success in the fight against the disease. What products are suitable for washing?

The most famous is saline solution. You can prepare it yourself by stirring a spoonful of table or sea salt in a liter of warm water (necessarily pre-boiled). You can buy a ready-made isotonic solution, especially for washing at home - for example, Marimer or Dolphin. The latter is even equipped with a convenient system for better nose treatment.

Air humidification

It is no secret that in winter, heating radiators greatly dry out the air in the room. The skin of the nasal passages becomes thinner, the capillaries expand, and as a result, it is difficult for a person to breathe and severe congestion develops.

Compliance with drinking regime

Water is a universal means of salvation in a situation where the nose cannot breathe. It can be used to rinse the nostrils, humidify the air and restore the water-salt balance in the body. To maintain the mucous epithelium in a healthy state, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of mineral water during the day.

Eating healthy foods

In a situation with a runny nose, spicy, salty and spicy foods are considered such. To achieve a better anti-inflammatory effect, you need to eat more garlic, onions, pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, sauerkraut, and peppers.

Clean and ventilate the room regularly

Dust, pet hair, bed mites, mold - all these factors irritate the nasal mucosa, which becomes inflamed and swollen. Wet cleaning should be carried out daily; at the same time, it is recommended to disinfect the bedding and inspect the floors and walls for the presence of fungus.

Regularly rinsing your nose with salted water can not only cure rhinitis, but also prevent its occurrence.

These simple methods will help relieve nasal congestion caused by external factors - dry air and the presence of allergens. As you can see, in order for the nose to breathe, incredible efforts are not required; it is enough to regularly rinse the nose, humidify the air and monitor the condition of the living space.

Treatment of congestion in accessible ways

You can eliminate nasal congestion without using drops; it is enough to know about effective and efficient ways to cope with the problem. If you don’t have time to go to clinics and buy expensive rinsing medications, you can restore nasal breathing on your own.


Acupuncture methods of influencing certain points of the face are an ideal way to combat a runny nose for those who do not have vasoconstrictor drops on hand, and who do not want to once again expose the body to the chemical effects of drugs.

By applying pressure on certain areas of the forehead, temples and wings of the nose, you can restore blood supply to the mucous membrane, relieve pain and get rid of swelling of the nasal epithelium, the main thing is to massage regularly and correctly.

You can effectively narrow the blood vessels in the nose and eliminate the symptoms of a runny nose by massaging the following points on the head:

  • a point located between the eyebrows, more precisely, between their inner corners, just above the bridge of the nose;
  • the second point is located 15 mm above the first;
  • two points are located on both sides of the bridge of the nose - you need to retreat approximately 0.5 cm from the corners of the eyes;
  • two points can be found by placing your fingers below the nostrils on both sides of the wings of the nose. You just need to massage the area in front of the skin fold of the upper lip.

Each of these points needs to be massaged for at least one minute, so the entire session will take about 6-8 minutes. If you feel uncomfortable doing a facial massage (while at work or in a public place), you can massage your fingertips. Pressing on the pads has an equally effective effect, relieves lacrimation and removes congestion in the nostrils.

The most effective point of influence is the place between the thumb and index finger, right in the middle; you need to massage these areas on both hands. By the way, to get rid of a child’s runny nose, you can teach him this simple technique so that the child can independently help himself in kindergarten or school.

Scheme of self-massage of acupuncture points


With the help of physical exercises you can achieve a good effect in getting rid of a runny nose. The main goal of physical exercise is to improve cardiac activity, increase muscle tone, accelerate blood circulation in tissues and sweat.

Many have noticed that when consuming hot food or a drink, secretions immediately begin to flow from the nose - the same thing happens during intense physical activity. The body itself begins to help cleanse the nostrils of mucus in order to ensure full saturation of the tissues with blood.

Exercises performed in the fresh air have a double positive effect. During exercise, you can not only get rid of a runny nose, but also saturate your brain with oxygen, which is so lacking for workers in stuffy offices.

What exercises can you do to force your nose to breathe actively:

  • swing your legs;
  • squats;
  • strengthening the press;
  • walking on stairs;
  • skiing, skating in winter, and roller skating in summer.

After the very first exercise, you can notice a pattern - as soon as the armpit area sweated, the congestion in the nostrils immediately subsided. The effect of vasoconstriction, however, will not last long, so you need to immediately help the body get rid of secreted mucus - rinse your nose with saline solution.


Not everyone likes to immediately resort to the help of vasoconstrictors at the first signs of rhinitis. A good effect in getting rid of congestion without the use of chemicals is provided by physiotherapy, which can be carried out even at home, using improvised means.

Even our grandmothers, at the first symptoms of the disease, steamed their feet in hot water. You can prepare a foot bath with mustard powder and the addition of eucalyptus or mint essential oil.

You need to keep your feet in warm water for at least 15 minutes, then rub them dry, lubricate them with Zvezdochka balm or Doctor Mom ointment and put on warm socks, preferably made of clean wool.

You can also dip not only your feet in water, but also prepare a full-fledged bath. You can add a decoction of chamomile (1-2 liters per bath), calendula, mint or St. John's wort to warm but not scalding water. You can use natural pine branches; they will saturate the bathroom with their essential oils, relieve a runny nose and tone your muscles. After taking a warm bath, you need to dry yourself and go to bed.

Warming up is a good way to get rid of congestion; it reduces swelling of the mucous tissue, relieves inflammation and makes breathing easier through the nose

For effective heating, you can take a hot hard-boiled egg, as well as bags of heated salt or cereal. The only contraindication for the procedure is a suspicion of the bacterial nature of the runny nose. In this case, heating will only aggravate the course of the disease, providing microbes with a favorable, warm environment for reproduction.

Inhalation based on saline solution, essential oils or a decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs has a powerful effect on the mucous membrane, facilitates nasal breathing, reduces irritation of the epithelium and moisturizes it.

To carry out inhalation, you need to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, for example, peach, eucalyptus or pine, to hot water and breathe over the steam for 10–15 minutes. You can prepare an infusion of chamomile, string, coltsfoot or oak bark and add it to the water for inhalation.

Traditional treatment

If nasal congestion, which is difficult to eliminate, nevertheless returns, in the form of a complex effect, you can use traditional medicine recipes to relieve nasal swelling:

  • aloe and kalanchoe juice– contain substances that have anti-inflammatory and vascular tone-strengthening properties. The juices of these plants effectively narrow the capillaries in the nose, making breathing easier and reducing the level of inflammation. Freshly squeezed extract should be instilled several times a day, 3-4 drops into each nostril;
  • Honey is a natural remedy to combat many ailments, including a runny nose. To get rid of congestion, you need to soak cotton balls in honey and insert them into each nasal passage, leaving them there for 15 minutes;
  • garlic is a powerful antimicrobial agent containing a huge amount of phytoncides. To relieve the symptoms of rhinitis, you need to cut a slice of root vegetable into small pieces, put them in a glass, and then place it in a container with hot water. You need to breathe in the aroma of garlic using a funnel, placing its tip against each nostril alternately - the procedure takes 3-5 minutes;
  • beet-carrot drops– to prepare them, fresh small fruits are grated, the juice is squeezed out and mixed in a 1:1 ratio. You need to instill the prepared composition three times a day, a few drops.

Such simple methods will help to effectively relieve swelling of the tissue of the nasal passages and make breathing easier.

Before using any folk recipe, you need to make sure that it is safe for the body, that is, that there is no allergy to the components of the medicinal compositions.

Now it has become clear what to do if the nose cannot breathe fully. The use of vasoconstrictor drops, of course, quickly and effectively helps get rid of a runny nose, but these drugs will not cure its cause. In addition, excessive use of drops and exceeding their dosage can damage the nasal mucosa and cause an addictive effect.

It is better to get rid of rhinitis in accessible and safe ways than to deal with dangerous complications later. If a runny nose does not leave you alone for 2–4 weeks and is not relieved by available methods, this is a reason to consult a doctor; perhaps an infectious process is rapidly developing in the nasal cavity.

You can treat nasal congestion at home using pharmaceutical drugs or folk remedies. To do this, you need to understand the cause of the symptom: it can be caused by allergic rhinitis, colds, or mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane. Difficulty breathing is often worse at night, but may persist during the day. Treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion should be started immediately - an advanced infection can lead to dangerous complications, including pneumonia.

Difficulty breathing is dangerous to health. The most common cause of nasal congestion in children and adults is the common cold. It is accompanied by a runny nose, cough, fever and general deterioration in health. It follows - the treatment will be different. Reasons may also be:

  • anatomical features - curvature of the nasal septum;
  • bacterial and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis of any origin;
  • foreign body in the nasal passages or the formation of polyps.

Even if the symptom is caused by seasonal colds, it affects your well-being. Due to insufficient oxygen supply, metabolic processes slow down and the body cannot produce energy for recovery. It is necessary to treat nasal congestion simultaneously with taking etiotropic therapy - those that affect the cause of the disease. Only an integrated approach will ensure a quick recovery without consequences.

How to make breathing easier

If your nose is stuffy and it’s hard to breathe, your therapist will tell you what to do at home. Treatment tactics vary for different causes of this pathology. Thus, for allergic rhinitis, the use of antihistamines is indicated. For the symptomatic treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion, if they are not associated with allergies, you can use one of the following methods:

  • pharmaceutical nasal drops with anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor components;
  • steam inhalations with the addition of essential oils, pharmaceutical preparations or medicinal herbs;
  • rinsing the nasal passages;
  • warming is contraindicated in case of bacterial infection.

In some cases, home remedies are not enough. So, with a deviated septum, the nose is constantly blocked. This symptom can only be completely eliminated through surgery.

Wash solutions

You can prepare medicines to cleanse the nasal passages yourself. They are used as a washing procedure, which allows you to remove mucus and snot, as well as treat hard-to-reach areas of the mucous membrane. There are several safe and healthy recipes that you can make yourself:

  • aqueous solutions of salt - table salt, but it is better to purchase sea salt;
  • soda with water - cleanses the nose and disinfects the mucous membrane;
  • a weak aqueous solution with the addition of propolis tincture;
  • herbal decoctions;
  • Furacilin is one of the most affordable pharmaceuticals;
  • a product with the addition of sea salt, soda and a few drops of iodine is one of the most complex and effective;
  • pharmaceutical medications (Rotokan, Elekasol).

The rinsing solution should be at room temperature. Too warm a liquid burns and damages the mucous membrane of the nasal passages and can cause an exacerbation. This is a very effective procedure if breathing is impossible due to the accumulation of mucus in the nasal passages. However, it cannot be carried out constantly - no more than 2-3 times a day for a week.

Making your own rinsing solution

You can always find the ingredients for treatment at home; just add a spoonful of simple table salt to get a cure for a runny nose. If you combine salt and soda in half a spoon and add a couple of drops of iodine, you will get a more effective remedy with a pronounced antibacterial effect. When it is not possible to go to the pharmacy, such a solution will get rid of accumulated exudate, destroy bacteria, relieve inflammation and swelling.

Instructions for the nasal rinsing procedure

First, you need to clear the nasal passages of mucus mechanically (blow your nose), and, if necessary, relieve swelling with a vasoconstrictor spray or drops. Next, wash according to the instructions:

  • measure 200 ml of liquid solution and draw it into a syringe, bulb or special teapot;
  • tilt your head so that one nostril is higher than the other;
  • pour the liquid into the upper nostril - it should flow out of the lower nostril without entering the mouth.

According to the instructions, you can be treated with different solutions, alternating them. So, use Furacilin in the morning, and in the afternoon prepare a complex medicine with the addition of herbs and essential oils.

Warming up the sinuses

This procedure is recommended at the initial stage of colds, when nasal congestion is caused by non-purulent transparent exudate. Heat stimulates blood circulation in the sinus area, swelling quickly disappears and breathing is restored. Warming up at home is simple: you need to make a warm compress from recommended products and keep it in the sinuses until they cool down, or use ready-made products:

  • salt and rice heated in a dry frying pan with a drop of essential oil added, wrapped in cloth;
  • 2 boiled potatoes in their jackets or 2 eggs in the shell;
  • pepper patch;
  • compress of grated radish with honey, covered with cling film;
  • special devices: Minin reflector and Ugolek.

If you have a severe runny nose, which is accompanied by the discharge of pus or blood, heating is contraindicated. They are also not carried out when the body temperature rises - acceleration of blood circulation can lead to the infection quickly spreading throughout the body.

Massage for a runny nose

A useful life hack if it’s hard to breathe and you don’t have any medicine on hand - acupressure massage of certain areas. This procedure will help with nasal congestion caused by a cold and the accumulation of thick mucus. After massage, it becomes more liquid and is easily removed. It is worth paying attention to several zones in turn, for 5-10 minutes each:

  • massage the sides of the nose with circular movements;
  • acupressure of a point located between the eyebrows;
  • pressing with a finger on the area that is several cm above the first point (on the forehead);
  • point pressure on the area under the wings of the nose.

The main advantage of massage for a runny nose is the absence of contraindications. The procedure can be performed at any age, even infants and pregnant women, without fear of allergies and other side effects.

Folk remedies

The nose can be blocked for various reasons. Among the recipes of alternative medicine there are those that cure a runny nose of any origin. Food, beneficial herbs, essential oils and many other products are used as ingredients for procedures. Medicines must be prepared in compliance with all proportions - improper use can cause side effects.

Apple vinegar

This remedy is considered universal in folk medicine; it is used, among other things, to cure runny nose and colds. To do this, take a cotton pad, soak it in a vinegar solution and place it on the wings of your nose for 30 minutes. Then wipe the skin so as not to cause burns.

Marjoram decoction

Medicinal herbs can be purchased in dried and crushed form. For a glass of boiling water you will need 4 spoons. The mixture is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for another 5-10 minutes, cooled and drunk. Pharmacies sell marjoram oil for adding to steam inhalations.


The spice is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. Ginger has an irritating effect, which improves blood circulation and helps remove puffiness. Several ways to prepare and use it for a runny nose:

  • hot tea with the addition of a slice of lemon, a small amount of grated ginger and 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • an infusion of 1 tablespoon of chamomile with the addition of a spice plate for rinsing the nasal passages;
  • Mix 100 g of beet juice with a spoon of grated ginger and instill a few drops into each nostril.

Ginger is also sold as a seasoning. When you have a cold, it is recommended to add it to hot food or drinks. It is also effective for sore throats.


This product is one of the first known natural antibiotics. If the runny nose becomes severe and purulent discharge appears from the nose, its use will be most effective. A mixture for instillation is prepared from garlic: one part of the grated fresh raw material is mixed with water or oil (olive, sea buckthorn) in a ratio of 1:10. The product is instilled into the nose a few drops. It is recommended to add fresh garlic to the liquid for inhalation in small quantities.

Essential oils

They are an extract of plants and herbs. Oils of eucalyptus, fir, camphor, garlic, sea buckthorn, tea tree and many others have proven themselves well in the treatment of the runny nose. The peculiarity of their use is that they need to be used in a few drops, unlike ordinary herbal ones. Can be added to inhalation solutions, nasal instillations and rinses, as well as warm baths to generally strengthen the immune system.

Expert opinion

Pavlova Marina Genadyevna

Physiotherapist. 12 years of experience. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Essential oils are concentrated extracts of herbs and fruits of medicinal plants. It is necessary to know exactly the mechanism of action of the drug, permission and contraindications for use. When exposed to pure essential oil, burning and irritation are observed, and a chemical burn may occur. In this case, the damaged area must be rinsed under water and a cold compress applied.

Methods for pregnant women

During this period, you should be wary of unknown recipes. Folk remedies can cause allergic reactions and exacerbation of chronic diseases. It is better to avoid essential oils and steam inhalations. Among the safe remedies are decoctions and infusions of herbs (chamomile, calendula, sage) for rinsing the nose. They have a mild anti-inflammatory effect and relieve swelling.

Herbal inhalation

For the procedure, it is better to use raw materials of several herbs. Conifers (fir, pine or juniper), eucalyptus leaves, raspberry and currant greens are especially helpful. They are steamed with boiling water and try to inhale the steam through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Before the procedure, it is recommended to perform mechanical cleaning of the nasal passages, and after it, stay warm for an hour.

Inhalation with essential oils

The method will allow you to quickly get rid of congestion and restore normal breathing and sense of smell. Each of the oils has its own application characteristics, but more than 1-2 drops per liter of solution are not added. Thus, tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties, has a detrimental effect on bacterial microflora, relieves swelling and normalizes sleep. Eucalyptus helps with rising temperatures. Camphor and fir eliminate coughs and calm the nervous system. For them to start working, a small amount of the concentrate is dissolved in warm water and the vapors are inhaled.

Mint tea

This method can be used for prevention purposes. The recipe is simple: mix a spoonful of green tea with fresh or dried mint leaves in equal proportions, add water and leave to brew. You can add honey or sugar to taste. The product relieves swelling of the mucous membranes, helps with colds, coughs, and nasal congestion.

Sea water

It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, sanitizes mucous membranes and reduces their swelling. There are isotonic salt solutions for rinsing on the market; they are suitable for daily use, act gently, thin and remove mucus. Hypertonic solutions are those in which the salt concentration exceeds 0.9%. These are powerful absorbents, they draw out fluid and relieve swelling of the mucous membranes. The solution can be prepared at home from water and sea salt.

Nasal drops

It is recommended to use freshly squeezed juices of some plants. Nasal congestion can be quickly relieved with the juice of aloe and Kalanchoe, beets, ginger or garlic. They are not used in their pure form due to the high probability of getting a burn to the mucous membrane. The concentrates are mixed with water or vegetable oils in a ratio of 1:1-1:5 and a few drops are instilled into the nostril.

Warm bath

These procedures are pleasant and useful for colds. The water should be 34-37 degrees; if it is too hot, there is a risk of increasing body temperature. The bath can be supplemented with decoctions of chamomile, pine needles or linden flowers, and essential oils. They are absorbed by the body through the skin, providing an antipyretic effect and strengthening the immune system.

Preventive measures

Colds can be avoided at any time of the year, including during the seasonal decrease in immune defense. There are several simple ways to prevent nasal congestion:

  • monitor your diet - your diet should contain the right amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • avoid hypothermia, keep your throat and feet warm in winter;
  • Maslennikova Irina Petrovna

    ENT (otolaryngologist)

    Observation and treatment of chronic ENT pathology.

    19 years of experience.
