What is a feat for a dog. Dogs are heroes of the war. Bull Terrier Stubby is a true warrior

It is not only people who do brave things and risk their lives. Our smaller brothers can also act as heroes for the lives of their masters and people in trouble. Not only the heroine of the popular series Lassie performed feats - in ordinary life, thousands of dogs deserve to receive a medal for bravery!

These dogs are completely ordinary animals, but they have a very big heart. They are ready to risk themselves, make sacrifices and save people at the cost of their own lives. This collection contains the most amazing stories of dog exploits!

The militant shot at this husky four times with an AK-47 assault rifle, but she still defeated him. It took 7 hours to save her life, and she deserves a medal for heroism!

This eight-month-old puppy saw a truck rushing towards the boy and pushed him aside. He took the brunt of the blow, but saved Charlie!

This retriever warmed its owner with its body in the cold for almost 24 hours and saved his life. A man went out for a walk, slipped and broke his neck. The dog didn’t leave his side until the doctors arrived!

This blind dog, according to doctors, was expected to live only 2 months. But she managed to save a family of seven during the fire! For two years now, they have been taking her to the vet weekly to have fluid drained from her lungs.

Abby saved little Benjamin when he began to choke in his sleep. The dog rushed to the baby's aid and woke up his mother.

Frida saved 52 people during the 2017 Mexico earthquake. Not every person can boast of such a feat!

This guide dog saved his blind owner as a bus was rushing towards him. Most of the blow fell on the retriever, but the man was saved!

Chaco saved his owner from an attack by her cruel partner, who attacked the woman with a knife. The dog was admitted to the hospital with 12 stab wounds!

Pitbull Lilly saved her owner Kristen from death under the wheels of a freight train. While walking, a woman tripped on the rails and lost consciousness. The dog sacrificed itself to get Kristen out and lost a paw.

This dog is known all over the world - Brittany was the last of the dogs that took part in the rescue operation on September 11th. She died in 2016, just shy of her 17th birthday. Brittany saved many people during the 9/11 terrorist attack and took part in rescue missions during hurricanes. A monument was erected in her honor in the city of Houston.

These dogs are real heroes! While reading their stories, tears well up in my eyes, their actions are so touching. They did not spare their lives to save their loved ones, and this is worthy of a medal!

Tue, 12/11/2013 - 13:29

“A friend in need is a friend in need” - this saying can unconditionally apply specifically to dogs, because when their owner is in trouble, they will do anything to save him. Here are heartwarming stories of dogs' heroic devotion and incredible acts of selflessness.


The dog Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita. Soon after his birth, he was presented to a professor of medicine, who gave the dog the name Hachiko, who grew up to be a faithful dog, following his master everywhere. Such amazing devotion of this dog in the future will make all representatives of the Akita Inu breed symbols of devotion and fidelity.

In May 1925, the owner died of a heart attack, when Hachiko was already one and a half years old. Every day the dog came to Shibuya station, as before, and waited for the professor until dusk. And Hachiko spent the night on the porch of his home, which was tightly closed...

The professor's relatives did not abandon the dog. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its owner. Railway station workers, local merchants and passers-by who knew the whole story never ceased to be amazed at this devotion.

Hachiko became famous throughout Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with an article about this devoted dog, who had been waiting for more than 7 years for the return of his deceased owner. After this, crowds of people poured into the Shibuya train station to see this devoted dog in person.

So Hachiko came, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years the faithful dog waited for the professor to return. The day of Hachiko's death became a day of mourning for all Japanese.


In 1925, disaster struck the small town of Nome in Alaska: a diphtheria epidemic suddenly broke out. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine, since Nome was buried in snow, far from civilization. Children were dying from the rapidly spreading disease, and then the only therapist in the city decided to take desperate measures. He equipped a relay expedition, which consisted of 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage of vaccine delivery was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Eskimo huskies. The leader of the team was the young, but strong and resilient black Eskimo husky Balto. The team had to make their way to the goal in harsh conditions: -51 degrees below zero, snow storm. Kaasen lost his bearings and was blinded by thick snow. Gunar had no other choice but to completely trust the leader. Balto confidently led the team, and they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome, which saved hundreds of lives.

After the successful completion of the mission, Balto became a real celebrity, and a bronze monument was erected in his honor in New York.


On September 11, 2001, Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind computer scientist, was working on the 71st floor of the World Trade Center with his guide dog Dorado. When the hijacked plane crashed into the tower, Rivera knew it would take a long time to evacuate him, but he wanted his Labrador Retriever to survive, so he disconnected his leash on the stairs. “I thought I was lost forever - the noise and heat were terrifying - but I wanted to give Dorado a chance to escape. I unhooked the leash, ruffled Dorado’s fur and told him to go,” Rivera said.

Dorado was carried away several floors below by a crowd of fleeing people, but a few minutes later Rivera felt the dog nuzzling his legs - Dorado returned to him. Then, with the help of a colleague and Dorado, Rivera descended to the ground, which took almost an hour. Shortly after they escaped the tower, the building collapsed and Rivera says he owes his life to his loyal dog.


In December 2011, a dog named Kabang threw herself under the wheels of a motorcycle, which was literally flying towards the daughter of the dog’s owner. The girl was not injured, but Kabang received terrible injuries, but, fortunately, he managed to survive. The devoted friend was treated in one of the veterinary clinics in California for 7 months. And upon returning to Kabang’s homeland - the Philippines, the dog was greeted as a real hero.

The dog who prevented his owner's suicide

The dog did not allow his owner from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorgues, but her German shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what any loving person would do - he knocked down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands. “The dog sensed what was happening and, in an attempt to save her life, knocked her down,” the officer said. The woman was shot in the chest, but was not seriously injured and is expected to make a full recovery.


Eve selflessly saved her partially paralyzed owner: one day, American Katie Vaughan was driving a truck when suddenly the car stopped, a flame appeared, and the interior quickly began to fill with smoke. Katie couldn't get out of the car on her own, but she managed to open the door for her Rottweiler dog. Katie felt that she was beginning to lose consciousness, but at the same time, Eve, tightly grabbing her owner’s legs, was able to pull her out of the burning car, and as soon as the dog managed to pull Katie a few meters to the side, the car completely caught fire.


A blind and deaf dog named True bravely saved his owners during a fire. One day, late at night, electrical wiring caught fire in the house of American Katie Crosley. The owner and her little son were fast asleep, but their disabled dog, who, in addition to birth defects, had only three legs, sensing something was wrong, was able to get into the owner’s bedroom and wake her up, “reporting” about the fire. Katie says she values ​​her faithful friend very much and is grateful for saving her life and that of her child.


A lost child who had been missing for 14 hours was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all the while guarded by his faithful dog. Dasher, a German shepherd, was found with two-year-old Dante Berry in woodland four kilometers from their home in Mildura, Victoria.
Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child and dog went missing from their daycare. The missing person was discovered when two police officers heard a loud cry coming from a low bush a few meters from the path.


The heroic feat of the pit bull Lefty is admired by all residents of Virginia. The dog literally took the bullet of the robbers who shot at its owner and broke into the house. Even while wounded, she fearlessly attacked the criminals, but they managed to steal valuables and money.

Unfortunately, Lefty's injured leg could not be saved.

And since the dog's family was robbed and could not afford expensive treatment for the wounded Lefty, their neighbors and friends on the Internet organized a fundraising campaign for the heroic pet, thanks to which Lefty underwent surgery, and she quickly regained her strength.


Siko weighs only 5 kilograms, but despite his small size, the dog devotedly protected his owner’s little granddaughter, who was playing in the sandbox, and tried to stand between the girl and the poisonous snake approaching her. The child remained alive and unharmed, and Siko almost lost his eye from a snake bite, but thanks to the operation performed, the dog managed to retain his sight.Now in the Siko family they call him nothing more than “the little hero.”


In the small Russian town of Primorsk-Akhtarsk there is an obelisk with the names of police officers killed as a result of hostilities, and just recently a monument to the dog Elga appeared nearby. The shepherd began his service together with his guide Evgeny Shestak, and their first business trip was Ingushetia. Then - Chechnya. Already during the first reconnaissance, Elga found a tripwire with a hand grenade. A month later, she “smelled” a booby-trapped machine gun, thereby saving 10 policemen. Typically, the working life of dogs lasts no more than 6 years, since they begin to go blind from the smell of TNT and plastid. Elga, who was 20 percent blind, worked for another 3 years. The last time she hit a mine. The shepherd survived, but began to get sick. She died in Evgeniy's arms at the age of 13. At the request of the veterans of the unit, a monument was erected to the shepherd fighter who saved the lives of dozens of people at the beginning of 2013.


A faithful dog led rescuers half a mile down a dark Florida highway to the site of a fatal car crash involving his owner. Gregory Todd Travers, 41, lost control of his vehicle on Highway 84 near Davie before hitting a crossbar support and sliding into a ditch. When rescuers arrived at the scene, the dog hobbled towards them.

Simon, a German shepherd, led the rescue team to the wrecked car. Simon spun around and licked Travers before jumping into the car next to his owner and waiting for the rescuers to finish their work. Travers died at the scene.

The faithful dog waited while his owner was rescued from the cold waters of the river

As if there weren't enough examples of how dogs are man's best friend, a recent news story told the story of how a devoted dog waited for half an hour while rescuers pulled out his owner who had fallen through the ice of the Colorado River. A 60-year-old man and his dog went to the river bank in the afternoon to hunt ducks. The man fell through the ice after he entered the river to collect his loot.

Other hunters noticed the incident and called emergency services. However, while they were waiting for rescuers to arrive, the dog did not want to leave the scene. Like a concerned relative in a waiting room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to help the man who was shooing away his dog out of fear for its safety.


In January 2009, 10-year-old Maxim Kurguzov was playing outside his home in Russia when a fox snuck into the yard, killed one of the chickens, and then turned its attention to the boy. The dog Shrek bravely defended his owner and drove the fox away, biting her on the head several times. Hearing the noise of the fight, Maxim's father Alexey grabbed his son and quickly took several pictures of the fearless dog, embroiled in a 25-minute fight with the fox.


Golden retriever Lady was a loyal friend to 81-year-old Parley Nichols for six years, and she remained by her owner's side even as he developed dementia and began to lose his memory. When Nichols went missing in April 2010, police searched for the man for a week before finding his body in a field with his trusty dog ​​nearby. Nichols died of heart failure, but the Lady did not leave him, feeding only on water from a nearby stream. The devoted dog did not want to leave Nichols, but his family eventually took Lady from the scene of the tragedy and left her to live with them.

Have you ever wondered why pets have played an important role in many of mankind's remarkable achievements over the centuries?

It's simple: having found a corner for a dog in our hearts, we find a faithful ally in all endeavors and a friend who shows unwavering devotion and exemplary courage, which can rightfully be set as an example to people. Sometimes it happened that the destinies of entire nations and empires were in the clutches of one dog.

Hero dogs - who are they? It is difficult to list all the exploits of our most faithful friends even in a whole book, let alone in this short article. Let's talk about just a few of them.

Thus, the founder of the Dutch state, William 1st of Orange, could have died at the hands of his enemies if his favorite pug had not raised the alarm. And Napoleon Bonaparte would not have participated in the Battle of Waterloo if not for the dog that pulled the emperor, who could not swim, out of the water...

It is difficult to name a commander who could compare with Alexander the Great, who, with the help of a small army, managed to carry out a grandiose campaign and create an entire empire. In one of his countless battles, Alexander took a risky step that could have cost him his life. They say that on that day he miraculously avoided a meeting with a war elephant, when the commander’s huge dog named Peritas, at the last moment before the collision, grabbed the giant’s lower lip with his teeth and hung on it, distracting him from his owner and giving the man the opportunity to escape. Alexander appreciated the courage of his pet and even named one of the cities of the empire in honor of the brave dog...

For centuries, on the St. Bernard Pass in the Alps, where snow storms and avalanches are commonplace, there was a refuge for travelers, and in the 15th century huge dogs began to be bred there. These animals helped dig people out of snow debris or escort travelers lost during snowstorms to safety. Nowadays this breed is known to the world as St. Bernards, but then they were called Barry dogs in honor of the most famous dog of this breed.

The heroic Barry saved 40 travelers from certain death during his service at the pass from 1800 to 1810. However, according to legend, the mighty dog ​​died at the hands of the forty-first man, who mistook his four-legged savior for a wolf... other than that, this is just a touching story invented by enthusiasts. Fortunately, in fact, 14-year-old Barry died of old age in the capital of Switzerland, and since then the shelter at the monastery of St. Bernard honors the memory of its outstanding pupil: one of the dogs at the local kennel always bears the name Barry...

Bull Terrier Stubby is a true warrior

History has preserved many references to the heroism of dogs in wartime. Some of these dogs were trained from birth to live at the front, but a bull terrier named Stubby ended up in the line of fire by accident. He was picked up as a puppy by a private in the American Army, and soon Stubby became the darling of the entire camp. He even learned to “salute” by raising his right paw to his temple!

One night, the dog saved soldiers from a sudden gas attack. Stubby caught the smell of gas, after which he ran along the trenches and woke up the sleeping people with a loud bark. In addition, the bull terrier found the wounded and brought reinforcements to them. The soldiers well remembered the incident when the dog took a German intelligence officer by surprise, whom he later helped capture! Stubby took part in a dozen battles, but, fortunately, he and his owner returned safely from France to the USA, where he was greeted as a hero...

Newfoundland Tang - Canada's national hero

For a long time, the mighty Newfoundlands worked as lifeguards on beaches and ships, but the dog Tang, who sailed on the steamer Iti, especially distinguished himself. On Christmas Eve 1919, a strong storm threw the ship onto the rocks, and the only way to escape was to stretch a rope between the ship and the shore and cross it to land.

However, to do this it was necessary to overcome a distance of almost a kilometer through icy water. And the brave Tang did it: holding the end of the rope in his teeth, the dog reached the shore, where he gave the rope to the rescuers. So this brave Newfoundland saved the entire team and became a national hero of Canada...

Boundless devotion to Akita Inu Hachiko

Speaking of devotion, one cannot help but recall whose name has become a worldwide symbol of canine fidelity. The legendary dog ​​belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo and every morning accompanied his owner to the train, and at three o’clock in the afternoon he met him at the station. On the day the professor died, faithful Hachiko never waited for his owner, but for another eleven years he came to the station every day in the hope of meeting his beloved friend.

The dog became a local landmark, and after a while the story about him hit the pages of newspapers, and Hachiko instantly became a national hero, winning the hearts of the Japanese. In 1934, a bronze statue was erected to him at the station, but the devoted dog himself did not even suspect how his behavior affected the fate of the breed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Akita Inu was close to extinction, but the fame of the most famous representative of the breed gave these dogs a huge number of fans around the world...

Labrador Dorado - the hero dog of the New York tragedy

During the tragedy of September 11, 2001 in the United States, many people showed courage. And not only them. One of the heroes was the four-year-old Labrador retriever Dorado, the guide dog of the blind programmer Omar. That morning, Dorado was dozing under his owner's desk when the plane crashed into the building. Omar was not injured, but he was afraid that he would not be able to get out of the fire and chaos, so he unfastened the dog’s leash and said goodbye to him, hoping that at least he would be able to escape.

Omar hoped that Dorado would start running: the dog really disappeared, but two minutes later he returned and began pushing the owner towards the emergency exit, where his boss came to the man’s aid. The dog moved ahead, followed by a woman and a blind programmer leaning on her shoulder. Thanks to the smart Dorado, people were able to get out of the building before the skyscraper collapsed... Our four-legged friends surprised and continue to amaze us with their exploits.

Not long ago on the pages of our website we published material about the golden retriever Yogi, who saved his owner. You can read more about this story in the article.

Countless stories about how dog heroes save their owners, sometimes even at the cost of their own lives, once again convince us that we were not mistaken when we once called them man’s best friends.

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A dog is man's most devoted and faithful friend. For more than a millennium, four-legged friends have been serving people, showing such dedication that representatives of the human race could envy. Many of the dogs managed to leave a noticeable mark on history.

History of Pavlov's dogs

One of the most, of course, is Pavlov's dog. And we are talking here not about a single dog, but about thousands of four-legged heroes who laid down their lives on the altar of serving people. Here you can talk for a very long time about the ethical side of the issue. However, to this day, doctors rely on the research conducted by the Russian scientist. Thanks to those who are cruel to dogs, millions of human lives have been saved today. Many treatment methods are based on the recommendations given by the Russian physiologist.

Pavlov himself, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, loved his four-legged helpers and sincerely admired them. He often wrote that he grieved with all his heart for every life lost. The physiologist resorted to euthanasia only if the dog no longer had a chance to live normally. Currently, the phrase “Pavlov’s dog” is used when it is necessary to talk about cruelty and sadism. Surprisingly, the contemporaries of the great Russian physiologist often wondered why he spent so much of his time and mental energy on nursing laboratory animals. They said: “This dog will die anyway - maybe in a year or two. But he’s still going to feed him for nothing.”

Merits of four-legged heroes

Thanks to four-legged heroes, today humanity knows that reflexes are divided into conditioned and unconditioned. Also, experiments with Pavlov’s dogs made it clear in which area of ​​the brain the signal to trigger a certain reflex originates. This gave a powerful impetus to the development of neurosurgery.

Several decades after Pavlov himself passed away, no one will even remember the nicknames of his experimental subjects. In memory of them, in 1935, a monument called “Pavlov’s Dog” was erected in what is now St. Petersburg. On a high pedestal you can see a Doberman Pinscher, surrounded by the heads of dogs of other breeds. Streams of water pour from their open mouths.

Dog Dzhulbars

Another famous dog was a German shepherd named Julbars. The dog was the only four-legged hero who was subsequently awarded a medal. He was able to detect 7468 mines, as well as more than one and a half hundred shells. With the help of Julbars, Prague, Viennese cathedrals, and palaces over the Danube River were cleared. After the war ended, Dzhulbars was awarded the honorary medal “For Military Merit.” Rogue became the most famous dog and took part in the 1945 post-war parade held on Red Square. But the dog could not walk on his own, as he was wounded at the end of the war. At the Victory Parade, the four-legged hero was carried on the overcoat of Stalin himself. The excellent instincts of the tireless hero were proudly noticed by the sappers who cleared the mines from the grave in Kanev, as well as the St. Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv.

Rogue's Talent

Dzhulbars, or Zhulik, as he was called for short, was the personal dog of Dina Volkats, the wife of Alexander Mazover, one of the most famous dog handlers of the USSR era. The famous dog was trained by its owner for a wide variety of services. But the Rogue was especially skilled at finding mines. In the first years after the end of the war, on many buildings one could see the inscription: “Checked: no mines!” Under these inscriptions were the names of those servicemen who carried out the inspection - this was the rule for sappers. Those mine detectors who worked with dogs did the same. They did this with special pride, since it was believed that checking a four-legged sapper was a guarantee of safety.

The feat of Laika - the first cosmonaut

The infamous dog is also the first cosmonaut - Laika. It was her flight that showed that a living creature can endure the state of weightlessness and survive the launch into orbit itself. However, the fate of the poor dog was predetermined long before the launch itself. The Sputnik 2 that carried her into orbit was not equipped to return. Small consolation: Laika had everything to survive in space for at least a week. But even this experiment could not be completed. The poor animal died four hours after the satellite was launched - the cause was stress from the launch, as well as overheating due to a failure of the thermoregulation system. In the Western media, Laika was called “the loneliest, most unfortunate dog in the whole world.”

Hachiko - an example of samurai devotion

The dog Hachiko became one of the most famous dogs in world history. A film was made in his honor. Hachiko became a true example of loyalty and devotion. This story took place in Japan. An Akita Inu puppy was given to a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno. The owner and his friend were practically inseparable. Every day, Hachiko accompanied his friend to the station and specially returned to meet him again. But one day a terrible misfortune happened - Ueno suffered a heart attack at work, and he never returned. At that time, Hachiko was only about one and a half years old - he was a very young dog.

And he continued to come to the station to wait for his master. Every day, Hachiko stubbornly walked to the station and waited. The professor's relatives tried to take the dog home - in vain. Hachiko faithfully returned to the same place in order to someday see his friend. The wait for the faithful dog lasted nine whole years. So Hachiko died in his endless waiting. The day of his death was declared a mourning day in Japan - after all, at that time the whole country already knew about the dog, who had become the standard of true fidelity.

The most famous and famous dogs: Collie Dick

The collie dog Dick served in the 2nd special service regiment called “Kelecki”. In the dog’s personal file it is written: “During the war years, I discovered more than 12 thousand mines. He took part in demining Stalingrad, Lisichansk, Prague and other cities.” However, Dick was destined to accomplish his main feat in the city of Pavlovsk.

It was like that. Dick, just an hour before the explosion, discovered a huge landmine weighing 2.5 tons, which had a clock mechanism. And the land mine was located not just anywhere, but in the foundation of the Pavlovsk Palace. If there had been an explosion, thousands of people would have died.

After the end of hostilities, Dick, even despite numerous wounds, won victories at numerous exhibitions. The four-legged hero lived to an old age and was buried with all honors - as befits heroes.

Kamikaze dogs

However, dogs were often used as kamikazes during the war. They were simply tied with explosive devices on all sides, the poor animal threw itself under the tracks of the tank and died. Until 1943, there were units of kamikaze dogs. According to some estimates, they were able to destroy up to 300 enemy tanks. But even more four-legged heroes died during the battles themselves.

Some dogs died even before they threw themselves under the tank tracks. And sometimes they had to die at the hands of their own - after all, a dog with a mine, which for some reason did not complete the task, posed a danger to life.

On March 14, 1942, the commander of the 30th Army, Lelyushenko, reported that during the defeat of the enemy in the Moscow region, German tanks were put to flight by dogs. The enemy was afraid of anti-tank dogs - the Germans specifically hunted for four-legged heroes.

Mukhtar - dog-orderly

The list of the most famous dogs in the world continues with Mukhtar, a dog that saved wounded soldiers during the war. On the battlefield, the dog crawled up to the wounded man and offered him his side. Medicines were attached to this side. Moreover, if a soldier of the Soviet Army was unconscious, the dog would lick him and bring him to his senses. Even without checking the pulse, the four-legged orderlies knew whether the person was alive.

During the war years, the famous dog-medic named Mukhtar rescued about 400 wounded from the battlefield, and also managed to save his guide, Corporal Zorin, who was shell-shocked. For the 80 wounded rescued from the battlefield, the orderlies were then awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. It turns out that Mukhtar was supposed to become a five-time Hero...

Terrible fight of border guard dogs

Not far from the village. In Legedzino, Cherkasy region, you can see a monument to four-legged border guards. They were the ones who tore the throats of several hundred fascists. On the monument you can read the inscription: “Stop and bow!” What follows is a text stating that 150 service shepherd dogs died the death of heroes at this place, remaining forever faithful to their owners. These were some of the most famous dogs in life, who managed to show true valor in the fight against the enemy.

A dramatic episode in the history of the Second World War is the feat of 500 border guards near the village. Legedzino, which is located on the Talnoe - Uman highway. This detachment also included 150 (and according to some sources, 250) service dogs. The battles were long and exhausting, and the detachment commander, Major Lopatin, was asked to disband the dogs. After all, there was nothing to feed them anyway. However, the major did not comply with the order; the four-legged fighters remained as part of the detachment. Uman was a city of enormous strategic importance. 22 fully equipped divisions were rushing towards it, which also included elite SS units - one of Hitler’s personal guard units.

Oskar Münzel, in his book entitled “Tank Tactics,” describes how terrible the spectacle of this battle was. At a critical moment, when the Germans attacked again, Major Lopatin gave the order to introduce the last reserve - to send hungry dogs into battle. 150 four-legged fighters rushed into mortal combat against the Nazis, who were spraying them with machine gun fire. Some dogs latched on to their throats even while in mortal convulsions. The Germans began to retreat. However, tanks came to their aid. The bitten fascists climbed onto the tank armor and from there they shot the four-legged heroes.

500 border guards lost their lives in the battle. None of them surrendered. The dogs that managed to survive, according to eyewitnesses, remained faithful to their owners to the end. Each one lay down next to its owner and did not let anyone near him.

Saint Bernard Barry

A dog named Barry is another one of the most famous dogs in the world. Information about him has survived to this day. In Paris, there is a monument to a dog with a girl holding its neck. This is a monument to a four-legged hero, about whom they usually say: “He saved 40 lives and died on the 41st.”

In the Swiss Alps there is a dangerous pass called Saint Bernard. The cold season there lasts 8-9 months, and frosts sometimes reach -34 o C. Quite a few people there have become victims of the elements. In the 16th century, a monastery was built here, whose monks began breeding large dogs. The breed was named in honor of Saint Bernard. Four-legged pets could find and dig out a person even under a large layer of snow. When the dog got to the freezing one, he lay down on it and warmed it with his breath. And so that the lost one would not die of hunger, a bag of provisions, a flask of wine and a warm blanket were tied to the St. Bernard’s neck.

Barry became one of the most famous dogs in history thanks to his sense of smell. When a storm approached, he became restless and often went to the mountains himself, where he easily found those in distress. One day, Barry smelled people in one of the deep crevices and began to make his way to the victims of the disaster. A woman and a child found themselves in the abyss due to an avalanche. When the woman saw the dog wanting to help, with the last of her strength she covered the child with a cape and tied the shawl to Barry’s back. The dog licked the baby's face until he woke up. Then he carried the child safely to the monastery.

Death of Barry

Barry became a very famous dog as he saved 40 people. He died by an absurd accident. In 1812, the dog once again found a frozen man and warmed him with his warmth. When the rescued man came to his senses and opened his eyes, he saw the snow-covered face of a huge dog. He thought it was a bear and stabbed it. The seriously wounded dog barely made it to the monastery. He survived, but was no longer able to do rescue work due to weakness. Barry died in 1814. For many years after this story, St. Bernards were also called barryhunds.

The most famous dog breeds: ranking of four-legged pets

After reading such stories, even those who have not previously experienced any particular passion for four-legged pets may have a desire to buy a dog. But you need to approach this step consciously, first considering all the costs. Those who are interested in what types of four-legged friends are popular today will be interested in the list of famous dog breeds:

  • Welsh Corg;
  • bullmastiff;
  • German Shepherd;
  • Border Collie;
  • chihuahua;
  • dachshund;
  • French Bulldog;
  • Golden retriever;
  • Pomeranian Spitz;
  • miniature poodle;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • mini maltese;
  • Siberian Husky;
  • Yorkshire Terrier.

There is nothing more touching and beautiful than the love of four-legged friends. They are ready to sacrifice their lives to save a person. In a dangerous situation, they behave like real heroes.

A dog is man's most faithful friend. It’s simply amazing how much humanity there is in them, sometimes even more than in you and me. I never cease to be amazed at their loyalty and self-sacrifice. Today's top includes 10 of the most amazing hero dogs.

Laika is the first astronaut dog. Laika is in 20th place in the top because flying into space was not her choice. But she, having sacrificed her life, made an invaluable contribution to the development of astronautics. Unfortunately, the dog died during the flight for reasons that could not be identified for a long time. However, her example proved that people can conquer space.

9. Bobby

After getting lost during a trip, Bobby traveled 2,800 miles to return to his owners. His owners were stunned to see their beloved Bobby on their doorstep after six months of searching. The dog was extremely exhausted, but still returned home, having covered a huge distance in the cold winter time. Bobby lived with his owners for three more years, and died at home, close to the people who loved him.

8. Apollo

Apollo is 911's first canine K-9 agent. He is an example to all rescue dogs and has been awarded the Medal of Merit. The brave dog almost died during the first task, but completed it with honor. This heroic dog is the standard of a brave and devoted service dog.

7. Old Shep

Old Shep lived at the station for six years waiting for his master to return. Shep's owner died, his body was loaded into a carriage and sent home, but the dog was left behind. Poor Shep waited every day for his owner to return until he died under the wheels of a locomotive. Hundreds of people, inspired by the dog's loyalty, gathered to bury him, and a local carpenter even made a wooden monument to him. In 1995, the feat of the most faithful of dogs was immortalized in bronze.

6. Nemo

Nemo is a military dog ​​who took part in the Vietnam War. During one of the attacks on an American base, Nemo was seriously wounded, receiving a bullet in the eye and nose, but despite this, he remained to guard the bodies of the soldiers. It was thanks to his selfless actions that several wounded were saved.

5. Jackie.

This dog went down in history as one of the most successful trolls. Having learned to raise his paw in the Nazi salute, he expressed contempt and hatred for the Nazis. Naturally, not your own - but that’s already a lot. The Nazis considered this a mockery, but were never able to officially accuse the dog and its owner of anything.

4. Lukaniko

Loukaniko is a revolutionary dog ​​present at every Greek protest. The dog expresses the indignation of citizens with all his behavior - he runs, barks, bites Monovites and pees anywhere. At the moment he is a real symbol of the Greek resistance.

3. Gender

Gender was a dog that entertained children, but after one child was injured, Gender was sent to serve in the army. During World War II, he accomplished a real feat - when a Japanese grenade fell next to his comrades, he took it in his teeth and... carried it back.

2. Barry

Barry is the symbol of all rescue dogs. This heroic St. Bernard saved about 40 people. Trying to save one of the victims, Barry was seriously injured - a man, distraught with shock, mistook the dog for a wolf and wounded him with a knife. However, both the dog and the man survived. Barry died a few years later of old age, warm and comfortable.

1. Chips

Chips was listed as inventory, but this did not diminish his heroism. During the war, this dog saved more than one life, but the most significant incident occurred when, during machine gun fire, he made his way to the side of the enemy and single-handedly forced him to surrender.
