Indian tea history and varieties. The best varieties of Indian tea - where do they grow and which one to choose? The most delicious Indian tea

Favorite by many Indian tea is known all over the world. There is hardly a person who has not tried this rich taste. "Russian Tea Company" specializes in the sale of natural plantation tea at competitive prices. We offer to buy real Indian tea in the online store, and will be a pleasant addition to the purchase of a unique drink.

The best varieties of Indian tea

The most popular Indian varieties are Assam and Darjeeling. They are consonant with the highlands of India, in which they grow. Leaves on plantations are harvested by hand, pre-sorted and then processed.

    Assam tea. Harvesting on Assam plantations takes place from March to early October. This elite Indian tea has a rich maroon color and a sweet tart aftertaste. Large leaves have a spicy aroma with floral and honey notes.

    Darjeeling tea. Due to the favorable climate, Darjeeling has a bright and rich taste, in which delicate fruity-floral notes are heard and there is a nutmeg flavor. The drink has a golden, transparent hue.

The collection of Darjeeling is carried out in several periods. The best is the collection of the earliest harvests. The early collection of Indian Darjeeling leaves occurs in February - March. This tea is exquisitely light, with astringency in taste. Harvest, harvested in the summer, is more intense and bright. After the autumn harvest, the tea has a simple and pleasant taste.

In addition to the Assam and Darjeeling regions, elite Indian tea and its unique varieties are grown and collected in strictly defined Gardens: Indian tea Meleng, Koylamari, Rishihat, Harmutti. Depending on the location of the Garden, drinks have significant taste differences.

In our online store you can buy tea from India of all the above varieties at attractive prices. We sell only high-quality products that pass 4 stages of quality control. We sell wholesale and retail.

About the benefits of natural Indian tea

Moderate consumption of Indian tea, you can significantly improve your health. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other useful elements. Tea is used to strengthen the circulatory system, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart.

Moderate consumption of the drink (2-3 cups a day) reduces the risk of diabetes, prevents stroke attacks. We offer you to choose your favorite tea and enjoy your favorite drink.

To your attention, in the assortment of the Indian tea shop you can also find Ceylon, Kenyan, African. For you, one-component black and green tea, as well as flavored blends with the addition of pieces of fruit, berries, zest, petals, medicinal herbs. Everyone will find tea to their taste and liking.

How to choose Indian tea

You can buy high-quality tea from India in our online store. A detailed description will help determine the purchase. It is worth choosing tea, taking into account taste preferences and characteristics.

High-quality black tea leaves are well twisted. The Assam drink is rich with amber red and orange hues. Darjeeling is a lighter amber with a yellow tint. The packaging with tea does not have foreign branching impurities - this indicates quality.

In our online store you can buy a pure plantation type of tea, because it is in it that the maximum amount of nutrients prevails, it has the most intense taste and retains its aroma longer.

You can also purchase Indian. This convenient type of packaged tea allows you to appreciate the high quality of the drink, since the same large-leaf tea is located in the pyramids, which fully opens and gives all its taste and useful properties to the drink.

Among the whole-leaf teas, tea with the designation OP, FOP, TGFOP, SFTGFOP is the most highly valued. Chopped tea has a BOP, GBOP grade, but is in no way inferior in taste to whole-leaf tea. Many Indians prefer sliced ​​tea for its peculiarity of quickly brewing and giving the infusion a maximum of taste in a short time.

Russian Tea Company has been a reliable supplier of high quality Indian tea in Moscow and throughout Russia for many years. Our assortment also includes a beautiful one that will make your tea party a real ceremony.

Online store of Indian tea "Russian Tea Company" offers a wide range of teas and coffees from the best plantations in the world. Wholesale of Indian tea is carried out on the most favorable terms. We deliver products in Moscow and regions of Russia.

Hotly loved all over the world, black tea is an infusion of tea tree leaves, which are harvested and then processed using a certain technology. The leader in the production of this product is China, followed by India. Indian tea is made from cut leaves, the rest is granulated. Varieties blend and sell inexpensive cupped teas for general consumption. Alpine tea made from whole leaves is considered the best in India. Varieties of such tea are elite and are highly valued by fans of the drink.

The history of Indian tea begins in the northern regions of ancient India. Fanciful tea trees grew on the slopes of the Himalayan mountains, the inhabitants collected their leaves and used them for medicinal purposes. The healing properties of the tea tree were highly appreciated and sung in the ancient Indian epic Ramayana. The mass use and cultivation of Indian tea began only in the first half of the 19th century, thanks to English merchants from the East India Campaign. They smuggled some tea bushes out of China and transplanted them in India.

Tea production began in the eastern Indian state of Assam thanks to the English official Robert the Bruce. In 1823, he discovered tea bushes that had grown to the size of trees and ordered the seeds of Chinese varieties to be planted in this place. And already in 1838 the first large consignment of tea was sent to England. Indian tea fell in love with the British, and it was decided to establish an industrial production of the product. To do this, they made a large-scale deforestation in the jungle and planted extended tea plantations. By the beginning of the 20th century, India had become the largest producer and supplier of tea in the world market, recently it lost its leadership position to China.

Harvesting methods for black Indian tea

Tea plantations are located at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters above sea level in the form of terraces encircling the mountain slopes. Tea is collected in two ways: manually and with the help of specialized machines for cutting tea bushes.

The first method is very laborious, only women pick tea by hand, early in the morning. They cut off the top two leaves from the bush, sometimes they collect flower buds and buds. The most valuable is tea, the leaves and buds of which are the least susceptible to damage. Rough male fingers can severely damage delicate leaves, because of this, the quality is noticeably reduced, and the product falls in price.

The mechanical method is intended for picking low-grade teas, since rough machine pruning damages the leaves and can cut off old dry leaves and branches along with young ones. This method greatly speeds up and simplifies the tea assembly process. It is widely used on an industrial scale.

Where does Indian tea grow?

More than half of all tea produced in India is grown in the state of Assam. It is here that high-mountain plantations are broken, on which the most elite varieties of tea grow. Numerous lowland plantations are broken here, on which tea of ​​medium and lower grades is grown. The second largest center for the production of tea products is the province of Darjeeling, located in the northern part of India, high in the Himalayas. The climatic conditions of this region have a beneficial effect on the growth and taste of tea bushes.

Since the end of the 20th century, the cultivation of tea began in the southern regions of the Indian peninsula - Nilgiri and Sikkim. Tea from these provinces is highly valued in the world market. Along with India, tea production is widespread on the island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Ceylon tea became famous thanks to Sir Thomas Lipton, a British entrepreneur. Knowing the British commitment to tea, he bought plantations in Sri Lanka and founded the Lipton company. Tea under this brand is sold all over the world to this day.

The Hindus have fallen in love with this magnificent drink, so a significant amount of the tea produced ends up in their homeland, in India, while the indigenous inhabitants of Ceylon mostly send it for export.

Varieties of Indian tea

  • Darjeeling is grown from Chinese varieties and is the most expensive Indian tea. After fermentation, in dry form, it acquires a maroon color. "Darjeeling" is made according to Chinese technologies. The quality depends on the time of harvest (the valuable tea is harvested in spring). After brewing, the color of the drink becomes amber, and the taste is filled with fruity notes.
  • "Assam" - grown from local tea bushes, but using the same technologies as Darjeeling. Differs in tart taste and golden color. It is not mixed with other types and an excellent premium product is obtained.
  • "Nilgiri" and "Sikkim" - high-altitude elite varieties, are considered one of the most expensive in the world. "Nilgiri" has a bright color, spicy taste and delicate aroma. Sikkimese tea is reminiscent of Darjeeling, but with a floral scent and a pleasant aftertaste.
  • "Ceylon" tea also belongs to Indian, it is not so bitter. The drink has a tart taste, and after drinking tea there is a pleasant citrus aftertaste. Island tea is produced homogeneous, not mixed with other varieties.

Indian green tea

Black tea is grown in India, Indian green tea is significantly inferior in taste to Chinese, so its production is not so large. Darjeeling green tea is valued by gourmets; when brewed, its taste resembles the taste of Darjeeling black tea. With strong brewing, it turns out to be a little spicy, acquires a slight bitterness and perfectly refreshes the body.

Indian tea in the USSR

Thanks to the friendship between the USSR and India, black Indian tea was dearly loved by the Soviet people. Unlike Georgian and Krasnodar, Indian tea had a richer, brighter taste and the finest aroma.

Due to the total shortage of products, it was difficult to “get” good tea. One of the more or less accessible types of Indian tea in the USSR was “Tea with an Elephant” (produced in packs with a painted elephant on it). This tea was a blend of Indian and Georgian varieties, sometimes diluted with Madagascar and Ceylon.

Tea with an elephant is one of the symbols of the Soviet era and still causes slight nostalgia. In Russia, “The Same Tea” is sold, which is similar in composition and design to tea produced in the Soviet Union.

Tea culture in India

The love of drinking tea with milk was inherited by the Indians from the British, and the method of brewing has undergone changes taking into account the exotic taste preferences of the local population. This drink has long become national: they drink it in all corners of India. There is no specific recipe for making tea in Indian style, because each family has its own traditions and keeps its secrets of preparation. The main ingredients are: black tea, buffalo milk, salt and sugar. Real Indian tea is prepared in front of visitors in numerous cafes and roadside shops. Hot boiled milk is added to a strong brew and masterfully poured from cup to cup at high altitude until a thick foam forms. Drink this tea with milk and spices in small portions. Half a glass or a cup is enough, and the energy charge will last for a long time.

In India, they are very fond of drinking spiced masala tea, which is prepared according to the same recipe, but various spices are added to the composition. For vivacity, add ginger, cardamom, cloves and a little nutmeg. But cinnamon, saffron, lemon balm or mint, on the contrary, perfectly calm the nerves and improve sleep. Indian masala tea will be highly appreciated by lovers of spicy, exotic drinks.

Useful properties of Indian tea

When used in moderation, Indian tea serves as a real elixir of health. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, essential oils and other useful elements. Tea strengthens the circulatory system and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. Thanks to the content of tannin and caffeine, it is an invigorating drink and activates the digestive tract. Stimulates metabolism in the body, strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency and mental activity.

Drinking two to three cups of the drink daily reduces the risk of diabetes and prevents stroke. Choose your favorite tea and enjoy your favorite drink. It's so nice to dream about distant and hot India over a cup of hot fragrant tea on cold winter evenings.

Publication 2017-10-20 Liked 13 Views 12100

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Sikkimese tea is new

"Special" Masala

Real Ceylon tea

Types of Indian tea

India is known for the abundance of its products and perhaps the most popular of them is Indian tea. The climate and proper care have created ideal conditions for the magical tea plant to supply not only one country, but the whole world with a divine drink.

Tea from India is famous for its excellent taste, aroma and benefits for the body and soul.

Assam - popular Indian tea

Its history began in the 19th century, when the British brought its first seeds to the state of Assam. The growing conditions were suitable, and a few years later, the world's first tea company with the same name "Assam" appeared. Plantation owners began shipping Indian black tea to Britain. It is still the market leader to this day. Assam has a tart taste and a spicy aroma with honey notes. It perfectly invigorates and strengthens blood vessels, if you drink it in moderation.

Indian tea is grown exclusively in tropical highlands.

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Around the same time, in the 19th century, the seeds of the tea plant also came to Bengal, the Darjeeling district. The mountainous area in northeastern India on the border with Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet has become the birthplace of the eminent Indian variety "Darjeeling". Workers on the plantation were recruited from Nepal, and, of course, the British were in charge of the business. In the 1970s, almost all the land was bought by the Indians. Until now, Indian tea is harvested by hand. For two centuries, the clothes have not changed, the women pickers are the same.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the last decade has sparked a new wave of interest in Darjeeling. Because of the nutmeg, refined and delicate taste, the drink is called "tea champagne". Darjeeling invigorates, tones and improves digestion.

From the leaves collected by the residents of the Darjeeling district, an amazing Indian tea will turn out

Sikkimese tea is new

In India, another young and unique species grows - Sikkimese tea. It appeared on the market only at the end of the 20th century, but quickly won the love of connoisseurs. The conditions of the highlands of the eastern Himalayas give Indian Sikkimese tea the sweet taste of Assam and the nutmeg aroma of Darjeeling. The first harvest of this Indian black tea of ​​the year is considered the most valuable, refined, retaining a large amount of useful substances, and, accordingly, the most expensive and rare.

Tea is the second most popular drink after water. And almost a third is in Indian

Nilgiri - elite Indian tea

India is known for another variety - "nilgiri". This Indian variety is not easy to buy: 1 kg of dried leaf costs about $600. Therefore, if you usually see a low price tag on a package of nilgiri, it is most likely mixed with cheaper varieties. It grows in southern India, where abundant rains allow tea to grow all year round. It has a mild and light taste, set off by hints of lemon aroma. The antioxidants found in nilgiri can have a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system.

One kilogram of leaves makes almost 400 cups of tea.

"Special" Masala

Now a few words about the famous Indian masala chai. "Masala" is translated from Hindi as "spice", that is, masala is tea with. Any black (preferably Indian) tea is taken as the basis, milk, sweetener, cardamom, cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, anise and other spices are added to it. In Asia, masala can be bought ready-made - the powder is poured with boiling water, it remains to add only milk and sugar to taste. However, the most delicious masala is the one prepared at home, with your own hands. This Indian tea warms, reduces fever during colds, satisfies hunger, and regulates blood pressure.

Masala - the gastronomic heritage of India

Real Ceylon tea

Very often, Ceylon tea is confused with Indian tea due to ignorance. Ceylon is the old name for the island. Tea from here ranks third in the world in terms of the number of exports to the world market. It, unlike the real Indian, is both black and green, while India is famous for its predominantly black varieties. The legendary Thomas Lipton, whose name has been around for many years, acquired most of the Sri Lankan plantations in the 1890s. He began to grow tea on them and sell it at the lowest price, which made him famous all over the world.

Ceylon tea ranks third in popularity after Chinese and Indian teas.

The variety of varieties of Ceylon tea creates some difficulty with its choice. However, do not be afraid, you need to understand. Variety "Nuwara Eliya" grows at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, has a mild and delicate taste. It is intolerant, contains the aroma of herbs that grow nearby. "Uda Pussellava" grows 200 meters lower than the previous one, has an average strength and slight astringency. Varieties "Dimbula", "Uva", "Kandim" and "Rukhuna" decrease by 200-500 meters, respectively, and the lower the level of the mountains, the stronger the drink. To feel their differences, you need to buy a 100% variety of one tea, refusing blends (blends).

There are about 1500 varieties of tea in the world

Types of Indian tea

According to the method of mechanical processing of tea leaves, Indian tea can be divided into four types:

  • sheet. It happens large - and medium leaf
  • granular - these are crushed and twisted leaves in a special way
  • pressed. It is divided into brick and tile (tablet)
  • powder. This type of tea is packaged in bags.

Both green and black Indian teas are made from the same plant. The difference is in processing.

It is believed that it is leaf Indian tea that retains the maximum amount of nutrients, keeps aroma and taste. Granular is brewed many times faster than others and is more economical. Pressed gets such a shape for convenient transportation over long distances with the preservation of aroma and taste. Powdered Indian tea is packaged in bags, it goes into mass sale - the aroma and taste are significantly lost.

Even 200 years ago, tea cubes replaced money in Siberia

How to choose the perfect Indian tea

You can buy Indian tea both in India and abroad. A special marking on the packages indicates its quality. If you want to find the highest grade, look for the tops of the plant's shoots and avoid "firewood powder". That is, with impurities of branches or other varieties.

The first mention of tea in the 16th century

Six signs of original tea:

  1. Smell. The drink should smell good even when dry.
  2. Colour. When brewed, tea looks according to its variety.
  3. Humidity. Good tea is quite dry, but not overdried.
  4. Appearance. The original tea leaves are always twisted, regardless of the size of the leaf.
  5. Marking. Must be present on the package.
  6. Storage. The ideal Indian tea should be fresh and not sit on the shelf for more than a few months.

Brew yourself and loved ones Indian tea

Choosing your favorite Indian tea is like a science or an art. Try, experiment, comprehend this knowledge, and very soon the magic of this drink will give you its fruits.

A real Indian grandfather shares a recipe for real Indian tea. Masala with your own hands - a magical result is guaranteed!


The origins of the traditions of growing Indian tea go back to where for many centuries the local population used leaves from wild tea trees that grew on the slopes of the steep mountain ranges of the Himalayas. However, it is generally accepted that the classic Indian tea production was brought to the country by merchants from England, who illegally entered from China with several stolen tea bushes, and, choosing a suitable site for planting, grew exotic trees on it, which began to produce a rich harvest ten years later. tea.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the British colony acquired another oriental treasure - Indian tea, which was subsequently cultivated by the East India Company. A huge number of tea bushes were brought into the country, which took root and forever entered the culture of India, but never became for the indigenous people something more than just an agricultural crop.

Terraces with elite varieties of Indian tea, encircling the slopes of the mountains, are processed under the scorching sun with their own hands, mostly by women. The collection of tea leaves is a very laborious process that requires great painstaking work, in which each leaf, its integrity and shape are of great importance. Nowadays, the use of tea-harvesting equipment greatly simplifies and speeds up the process, but adversely affects the quality of tea, making its mixture heterogeneous, with impurities of twigs and coarsened leaves - it is precisely because of this that shoots obtained by an industrial method are used only in inexpensive varieties.


The benevolence of black tea cannot be overestimated: at the same time, it can manifest both soothing, relieving fatigue, as well as stimulating and increasing efficiency, qualities. With its constant use, immunity increases, the functioning of the nervous system improves, and a general cleansing of the body occurs. Important components of this noble drink are caffeine and tannin. Caffeine, found in tea rather than coffee, has a smooth gradual effect, it tones and energizes, improves brain function and increases concentration. Tannin, on the other hand, protects us from the adverse effects of the external environment, is indispensable in the prevention of colds, especially in the cold season, and, on top of that, strengthens gums and protects teeth from caries.
In addition, black tea has its own psychological aspect: in China, it is actively used as a remedy that can protect a person from seasonal depression, mitigate the course of neurosis and psychopathy, reduce nervous tension and fatigue. ie.


There are only a few main areas in India that produce the best varieties of Indian tea - Darjeeling, Nilgiri, Assam and Sikkim. And, despite the fact that this fabulously beautiful country is the second largest supplier of tea to the world market, nevertheless, the main part of the harvest still remains in India, because the indigenous people themselves in countless quantities, in different variations, and with great love and reverence consume this drink.

Darjeeling - darjeeling tea

Darjeeling is a territory of western Bengal located in the northeastern part of India. E that provincial place where monkeys frolic loudly near waterfalls, where, as if from the dawn of civilization, mighty trees grow, deeply rooted in stony soil, standing so silently and motionless on grassy mountain slopes. Where winding, like lianas, stairs lead to temples of extraordinary beauty, so majestic and high, as if they were about to touch the clouds, where the air is filled with the sonorous singing of exotic birds. And there is not a single gram of doubt that the noble variety of Indian tea, grown in such a place, has absorbed all the extraordinary, indescribable, unforgettable charm of the local territory.
According to experts, an invisible, but such a tangible component, due to which an ordinary drink turns into a real masterpiece, is the special environment of this fabulous land.

Darjeeling black tea variety has a transparent golden hue, a delicate taste with floral and fruity notes, and leaves behind a light grape aftertaste. It is so bright and rich that real tea gourmets try to avoid drinking this drink with additional ingredients such as milk and sugar.

The types of this elite Indian tea differ in the time of collection: early harvest is considered the most exquisite, produced from the end of February to the beginning of March, it has a light taste and a slightly tart aftertaste. The second harvest, summer, is more saturated in taste, but not so refined and refined, the last harvest, autumn flush, occurs after the end of the rainy season and its harvest is inferior in classification to the two previous ones, because it has a very simple, but, of course, still taste good. There are also intermediate tea collections between spring and summer, as well as during the rainy season.

How to brew Darjeeling tea?

Darjeeling is brewed in water at a temperature of 90 degrees and allowed to brew for about five minutes. Ginger, spices, spices and milk can be added to the finished drink, but it is preferable to enjoy it without various additives.

ASSAM - assam tea

A significant proportion of Indian tea varieties come from the Assam variety of the tea bush, which grows at the foot of the eastern Himalayas and is distinguished by a very bright, rich, tart and slightly malty taste, but a subtle aroma, and its color is often compared to the color of dark cherry and biscuit crust. It is produced in granular form and is often used in blends. The best collection of Assamese gardens is summer, since the size of the leaves at this time of the year reaches its greatest values. Since the indigenous people themselves drink the traditional one, which is used with the addition of all kinds of spices, spices, herbs, fruits and milk, therefore, no special importance is attached to the aroma of tea directly.

In the UK, Assam tea has been given the title of classic English black tea. This variety is often included in a complex of various tea blends, including the traditional British combination of English Breakfast Tea and, yes, it is the basis of the very one: the first Indian tea brought to the USSR, in a yellow box with an elephant depicted on it, which eventually turned into a symbol Soviet system. To experience the expressive bouquet of aromas of dry brewed Assam tea, you should perform the well-established Chinese ritual of acquaintance used in the tea ceremony: take three short breaths, then exhale the air through your mouth directly onto the tea leaves, warming them with the warmth of your breath.

To fully reveal its special taste, Assam requires due attention when brewing. It is necessary to rinse the kettle with boiling water, pour tea leaves into it in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per glass of water, and then pour water, the temperature of which should be about 60-70 degrees and leave for about five minutes. Following the instructions, you can fully enjoy the amazing taste of tea growing at the foot of the mountains of India.

NILGIRI - nilgiri tea

True tea lovers know firsthand about such a variety of black tea as Nilgiri, the eponymous name of which comes from tea plantations in southern India and literally translates as “Blue Mountains”. The nature of this tea plantation, towering among the wild greenery, is so wonderful that it is impossible to take your eyes off. The majestic mountains, stretching from Tamilland to Kochi, feed the life of a huge number of streams and rivers that flow through the tea gardens and nourish them from the inside.

Plantations of this unique black variety of Indian tea are cultivated all year round, their fruiting does not stop even for a season. And despite this, its taste is the most delicate, slightly sharp and invigorating and has a tart lemon aftertaste, and the fragrant aroma will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated tea lover.

Nilgiri tea is produced not only as a separate type, but blends from it are very excellent. Connoisseurs of tea prefer to drink this tea in its pure form, without impurities.Nilgiri should be filled with water at a temperature of about 75 - 85 degrees. Brew in the proportion of 1 hour spoon per glass of water. This kind of tea can not be infused at the first brewing, the tea leaves can be used several times.

Sikkim - sikkim tea

Sikkim is a relatively new variety of tea that began to be produced and supplied to the world market in the 80s and 90s of the last century. Its name comes from the Indian state of the same name, in which this tea grows. The natural growing conditions and the cost of Sikkim are very close to Darjeeling, but still it does not have such popularity yet. This variety has its own taste characteristics: the drink adopted from Darjeeling such qualities as an exquisite delicate aroma and light golden color, and from Assam it borrowed light notes of malt and slight hints of astringency.

It is worth brewing in a teapot rinsed with boiling water. Pour the tea leaves, following the standard proportion - a teaspoon per glass of water, then fill it with water close to 100 degrees in temperature and insist for 5 minutes.

It is important to remember that when stored at home, black tea intensively absorbs all odors, so you need to give it your special “tea” shelf in the kitchen cabinet. It is desirable that as little air and moisture as possible get into the package, it must be airtight. For these purposes, a tin or glass jar with a tight-fitting lid is ideal.

Popular suppliers of Indian tea to the CIS countries are: Greenfield", "Lipton", "Ahmad", "Brook Bond" ”, “Akbar”, “Tess”, “Princess Nouri”, but which, unfortunately, cannot always be vouched for. We can recommend brands such as« Society» , Organic India» distinguished by the excellent quality of their products.



Tea with tulsi leaves (a type of basil) has been known to the Indian population and a number of other eastern countries for about 5 thousand years. This unique plant contains a huge amount of antioxidants, it will help to put your thoughts in order, relieve stress, emotional tension and calm the central nervous system. Tulsi is actively used in Ayurveda, because. it is rich in useful properties: it has a calming effect, promotes good health, protects the body from the negative effects of the environment. The leaves of the plant contain a lot of useful elements, plant substances and essential oils.

Cooking method:

First, bring the water in a pot to a boil, and then toss the tulsi leaves into it, along with any other loose leaf tea. You can add any spices, spices and herbs to your broth to taste, then strain and pour into cups. Add milk to taste and drink hot.


Masala Chai is a traditional Indian drink, popular not only in India itself, but also abroad. An exquisite and incomparable combination of black tea, milk and spices in this drink will perfectly relieve stress, help you relax and tune in to a positive mood.

Like many national dishes, there is no strict recipe for making Masala tea. Each Indian family prepares it in its own way, and only the same spices, milk and tea remain unchanged.

Masala tea recipe.

To taste, you can use both black and green tea, but the black Indian variety is traditionally preferred, more saturated and tart! The main spices for the decoction are cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper and ginger, you can also add cloves, nutmeg and fennel seeds. All spices are ground to a homogeneous mass. Milk for this drink during preparation should be used in a ratio of 2: 1 with water. It is necessary to bring tea, water and milk to a boil in one container, then turn off the fire, and, adding a mixture of spices, leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes. Strain and serve hot.

Publication 2017-10-20 Liked 13 Views 12100

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Sikkimese tea is new

"Special" Masala

Real Ceylon tea

Types of Indian tea

India is known for the abundance of its products and perhaps the most popular of them is Indian tea. The climate and proper care have created ideal conditions for the magical tea plant to supply not only one country, but the whole world with a divine drink.

Tea from India is famous for its excellent taste, aroma and benefits for the body and soul.

Assam - popular Indian tea

Its history began in the 19th century, when the British brought its first seeds to the state of Assam. The growing conditions were suitable, and a few years later, the world's first tea company with the same name "Assam" appeared. Plantation owners began shipping Indian black tea to Britain. It is still the market leader to this day. Assam has a tart taste and a spicy aroma with honey notes. It perfectly invigorates and strengthens blood vessels, if you drink it in moderation.

Indian tea is grown exclusively in tropical highlands.

Darjeeling is assembled by hand

Around the same time, in the 19th century, the seeds of the tea plant also came to Bengal, the Darjeeling district. The mountainous area in northeastern India on the border with Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet has become the birthplace of the eminent Indian variety "Darjeeling". Workers on the plantation were recruited from Nepal, and, of course, the British were in charge of the business. In the 1970s, almost all the land was bought by the Indians. Until now, Indian tea is harvested by hand. For two centuries, the clothes have not changed, the women pickers are the same.

The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the last decade has sparked a new wave of interest in Darjeeling. Because of the nutmeg, refined and delicate taste, the drink is called "tea champagne". Darjeeling invigorates, tones and improves digestion.

From the leaves collected by the residents of the Darjeeling district, an amazing Indian tea will turn out

Sikkimese tea is new

In India, another young and unique species grows - Sikkimese tea. It appeared on the market only at the end of the 20th century, but quickly won the love of connoisseurs. The conditions of the highlands of the eastern Himalayas give Indian Sikkimese tea the sweet taste of Assam and the nutmeg aroma of Darjeeling. The first harvest of this Indian black tea of ​​the year is considered the most valuable, refined, retaining a large amount of useful substances, and, accordingly, the most expensive and rare.

Tea is the second most popular drink after water. And almost a third is in Indian

Nilgiri - elite Indian tea

India is known for another variety - "nilgiri". This Indian variety is not easy to buy: 1 kg of dried leaf costs about $600. Therefore, if you usually see a low price tag on a package of nilgiri, it is most likely mixed with cheaper varieties. It grows in southern India, where abundant rains allow tea to grow all year round. It has a mild and light taste, set off by hints of lemon aroma. The antioxidants found in nilgiri can have a therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system.

One kilogram of leaves makes almost 400 cups of tea.

"Special" Masala

Now a few words about the famous Indian masala chai. "Masala" is translated from Hindi as "spice", that is, masala is tea with. Any black (preferably Indian) tea is taken as the basis, milk, sweetener, cardamom, cloves, ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, anise and other spices are added to it. In Asia, masala can be bought ready-made - the powder is poured with boiling water, it remains to add only milk and sugar to taste. However, the most delicious masala is the one prepared at home, with your own hands. This Indian tea warms, reduces fever during colds, satisfies hunger, and regulates blood pressure.

Masala - the gastronomic heritage of India

Real Ceylon tea

Very often, Ceylon tea is confused with Indian tea due to ignorance. Ceylon is the old name for the island. Tea from here ranks third in the world in terms of the number of exports to the world market. It, unlike the real Indian, is both black and green, while India is famous for its predominantly black varieties. The legendary Thomas Lipton, whose name has been around for many years, acquired most of the Sri Lankan plantations in the 1890s. He began to grow tea on them and sell it at the lowest price, which made him famous all over the world.

Ceylon tea ranks third in popularity after Chinese and Indian teas.

The variety of varieties of Ceylon tea creates some difficulty with its choice. However, do not be afraid, you need to understand. Variety "Nuwara Eliya" grows at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, has a mild and delicate taste. It is intolerant, contains the aroma of herbs that grow nearby. "Uda Pussellava" grows 200 meters lower than the previous one, has an average strength and slight astringency. Varieties "Dimbula", "Uva", "Kandim" and "Rukhuna" decrease by 200-500 meters, respectively, and the lower the level of the mountains, the stronger the drink. To feel their differences, you need to buy a 100% variety of one tea, refusing blends (blends).

There are about 1500 varieties of tea in the world

Types of Indian tea

According to the method of mechanical processing of tea leaves, Indian tea can be divided into four types:

  • sheet. It happens large - and medium leaf
  • granular - these are crushed and twisted leaves in a special way
  • pressed. It is divided into brick and tile (tablet)
  • powder. This type of tea is packaged in bags.

Both green and black Indian teas are made from the same plant. The difference is in processing.

It is believed that it is leaf Indian tea that retains the maximum amount of nutrients, keeps aroma and taste. Granular is brewed many times faster than others and is more economical. Pressed gets such a shape for convenient transportation over long distances with the preservation of aroma and taste. Powdered Indian tea is packaged in bags, it goes into mass sale - the aroma and taste are significantly lost.

Even 200 years ago, tea cubes replaced money in Siberia

How to choose the perfect Indian tea

You can buy Indian tea both in India and abroad. A special marking on the packages indicates its quality. If you want to find the highest grade, look for the tops of the plant's shoots and avoid "firewood powder". That is, with impurities of branches or other varieties.

The first mention of tea in the 16th century

Six signs of original tea:

  1. Smell. The drink should smell good even when dry.
  2. Colour. When brewed, tea looks according to its variety.
  3. Humidity. Good tea is quite dry, but not overdried.
  4. Appearance. The original tea leaves are always twisted, regardless of the size of the leaf.
  5. Marking. Must be present on the package.
  6. Storage. The ideal Indian tea should be fresh and not sit on the shelf for more than a few months.

Brew yourself and loved ones Indian tea

Choosing your favorite Indian tea is like a science or an art. Try, experiment, comprehend this knowledge, and very soon the magic of this drink will give you its fruits.

A real Indian grandfather shares a recipe for real Indian tea. Masala with your own hands - a magical result is guaranteed!
