How to destroy the influenza virus. Flu symptoms and treatment. Give up bad habits


Olga Makaryuk

I speak as a doctor. Viruses are perfectly preserved and transmitted at low temperatures. That’s why epidemics occur in the cold season, and that’s why the body’s self-defense mechanism turns on (high temperature!) when the virus enters the body. All viruses die at high temperatures!


It depends on what temperature you consider low. Frosts really do not contribute to the spread of viral infections.


They die only from the action of your immunity, strengthen it.
Use folk remedies to strengthen the immune system to strengthen the body. A folk method that has survived to this day to combat the ARVI virus is artificial stimulation of a sneeze. To avoid getting sick, you need to sneeze; this is a simple and wise reflex of our body to get rid of any virus. It can be stimulated with a regular ear stick, irritating the mucous membrane. If there is an epidemic, then sneeze 5-10 times; if you want to be extremely strong, sneeze twenty times. You can instill Kalanchoe juice or aloe juice at this time 3-4 times a day for sneezing. You can use pepper or snuff to stimulate a sneeze. By the way, snuff has always been the first means of healing the body, the first means of preventing colds, since sneezing strengthened antiviral immunity.

Strengthening antiviral immunity must begin with strengthening antimicrobial immunity, that is, rubbing your arms and legs. A signal of the presence of a virus in the body and weakened antiviral immunity is a common headache, or pain in the head, which is detected by tapping the head with fists with moderate force or using a half-liter plastic bottle filled with water without air bubbles. Now let’s look at a way to strengthen antiviral immunity: 1) Find all the painful areas on the head and begin to massage them. Typically, pain accumulates in the area of ​​the occipital protuberances, there are painful temples, the area of ​​the temporomandibular joint, this is the joint in front of the ear canal, the inner upper corner of the orbit, and the forehead area. Many people note the occurrence of a headache together with pain in the eye, in the eyes, so you need to use the nail of your index finger to influence the pain of the eye through the eyelid. Many will probably find their own special pain points. All painful points must be massaged day after day until the pain from pressure completely disappears; for this you will need at most two weeks, and perhaps you will have your own time frame. It all depends on your diligence and the degree of neglect of the body. 2) The next technique for strengthening antiviral immunity is tapping the head with fists or a plastic (preferably SPRITE) half-liter bottle of water, day after day, until the pain in the head completely disappears. The number of procedures per day can be increased to ten; the duration of the tapping procedure is different and individual. To begin with, you can tap for 3-5 minutes with little force. As the pain in the head decreases, the intensity of the effect increases. 3) You can strengthen antiviral immunity if you also use a sneeze. Spontaneous sneezing during a viral infection is precisely a pure self-healing reflex to the introduction of the virus into the body during a cold. But, when we comprehend this, we can, by consciously irritating the nasal mucosa to the point of sneezing, thereby contribute to strengthening antiviral immunity and getting rid of headaches. It is advisable to do this during periods of influenza virus epidemic in order to prevent ARVI. The number of sneezes can be increased from 10 to 20 times a day. When sneezing, it is advisable to direct the air flow through the nose. It is convenient to irritate the nasal mucosa with ear sticks or instill 4-5 drops of fresh aloe or Kalanchoe juice into the nose 3-4 times a day; the juices of these plants irritate the nasal mucosa and cause repeated sneezing. Some may experience nasal irritation from pepper or snuff.

Maria Bondarenko

A person like that can't stand it.


The one on our street is not! Viruses die within minus 100... so winter is not a threat to them. Virus outbreaks occur during the cold season.

How does the flu usually occur and how to treat it?

In order to understand how the flu progresses, it is necessary to learn more about this pathology. Influenza is an acute infectious respiratory disease. Its causative agent is the influenza virus. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person. Once in the body, the influenza virus provokes the development of the disease.

Characteristics of the disease

Flu is considered a seasonal disease. Influenza epidemics in medical practice rage mainly in the cold season: late autumn, winter, early spring. Absolutely all people are susceptible to the disease, regardless of age and race. In terms of its spread, influenza can cover several large regions.

The first mention of influenza appeared many centuries ago. The causative agent of the disease was officially discovered in 1931. Identification occurred in 1933. Group B virus was discovered and registered in 1936. Group C virus - in 1947.

Group A virus is considered a disease of moderate or complex severity. Both people and animals can get sick from it. With this virus, severe epidemics and pandemics occur (disease coverage throughout the entire country).

Group B virus is characterized by an outbreak of the disease in several regions. It may be a precursor to virus A or be identical to it. Found only in humans.

The influenza C virus has still been little studied and remains an object of special interest in medicine. It occurs in a very mild form or with virtually no symptoms. It occurs only in human society, and does not leave any health consequences and is not widespread.

This disease is quickly and easily transmitted by airborne droplets. A person with the flu talks, sneezes, coughs, and at the same time releases particles of mucus and saliva into the air. They carry pathogenic microorganisms, including influenza viruses. Thus, the patient creates an infectious space around himself with a diameter of up to 3 m. A healthy person becomes infected with the flu by entering this space or through household items.

How the flu progresses

When the virus enters the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it immediately begins to penetrate into the blood. The bloodstream immediately spreads the virus throughout the body. The result is general intoxication. The defensive forces cannot adequately perform their functions. The influenza virus has a negative effect on the heart, brain, blood vessels, joints, and muscles.

The patient poses a risk of infection in the first 5 days from the moment the early signs of the disease appear. Mild to moderate severity of the disease can be treated at home. Recovery usually occurs within 6-7 days. Severe flu takes longer and is best treated in a hospital setting.

The course of influenza has common symptoms: fever, intoxication, muscle and headache, chills, cough, malaise and weakness. Now in more detail about each symptom:

  1. The very first sign of the disease is a state of fever. The chill manifests itself with such force that nothing can calm it down. It stops only after the temperature drops.
  2. A sudden strong increase in temperature up to 40ºC indicates the beginning of intoxication of the whole body. In this regard, there is a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition.
  3. The cough is mostly dry, it indicates the penetration of the inflammatory process into the area of ​​the lower respiratory tract - the bronchi. The cough is accompanied by pain in the chest.
  4. Pain in the joints and muscles is also a sign of general intoxication and occurs in the first days of the disease.
  5. Malaise, weakness, lethargy of the patient, the desire to constantly sleep - all this is a natural reaction of the body to the development of the disease due to a significant decrease in the protective forces of the immune system.
  6. Headaches are companions of intoxication and may indicate a worsening of the disease process and the influence of the virus on the occurrence of sinusitis and sinusitis. Pain in the head is usually dull in nature, intensified by moving the head or eyes.

Other signs characterizing the course of the disease: decreased taste functions and perception of smells, involuntary release of tears, unhealthy shine in the eyes, noise or buzzing in the ears, dizziness, heightened reaction to bright light, noise, white coating on the lips and tongue, cracks in the corners of the lips , increased blood pressure, rapid hot breathing, increased pulse and heart rate. Diagnosis of influenza is carried out by the attending physician based on an examination of the patient, complaints on his part, as well as signs accompanying the disease.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of this disease consists of following certain recommendations in conjunction with the prescribed course of therapy.

  1. Under no circumstances should you lower the temperature if it does not exceed 38 degrees. The occurrence of such a temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body, which stimulates the production of endogenous interferon and antibodies, the formation of which allows the body to fight the virus.
  2. You need to drink as much warm liquid as possible. Toxins and other harmful substances will not stagnate in the body - they will be eliminated through urine and sweat.
  3. You need to wear a gauze bandage to protect people around you from the virus.
  4. Be sure to maintain bed rest at least during periods when the temperature rises.
  5. In the first days of the onset of the disease, you need to take antiviral drugs, in particular Antigrippin. Taking such drugs in subsequent days does not bring a therapeutic effect.
  6. If the temperature rises above 38 degrees and persists, the patient has a fever, you need to take antipyretics: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or drugs made on the basis of these substances.
  7. For a runny nose, vasoconstrictor nasal drops and oxolinic ointment are needed.
  8. Dry cough is treated with antitussive drugs: Broncholitin, Bromhexine.
  9. Wet cough is treated with drugs such as Mucaltin, licorice root, Alteyka.
  10. Be sure to gargle with special solutions of furatsilin, potassium permanganate, baking soda and salt.
  11. It is recommended to take warm foot baths.
  12. The use of ascorbic acid, antihistamines, vitamin and mineral complexes is indicated.

Folk remedies against influenza

Disease prevention

The main way to prevent the influenza virus is annual vaccination. It is advisable to carry it out in the fall; an earlier vaccination date is not recommended, since the effect of the vaccination lasts no more than 6 months.

You also need to maintain personal hygiene: wash your hands thoroughly with soap. During epidemics, you need to rinse the nasal cavity with soap and water 2 times a day. This helps flush out harmful organisms that enter the nose along with the inhaled air.

Residential premises must be washed with the addition of disinfectants. It is advisable to limit visits to public places during epidemics.

It is not recommended to come into contact with someone who has the flu, especially if it is a complete stranger. It is necessary to strengthen the immune system by hardening the body, taking vitamin supplements, and eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Manifestation of the first signs of influenza: how to resist the disease?

The first signs of the flu are decreased appetite, general weakness, malaise, fever and fatigue when doing normal activities. Colds, including flu, can be easily caught during the cold season.

Many people try to ignore the symptoms of flu and ARVI, believing that the illnesses will go away on their own, that is, the body will be able to cope with them. This approach to diseases is unacceptable: you should not think that the disease can not be treated. Ignoring the first signs of the flu can lead to complications that will be difficult to get rid of.

To avoid serious consequences, you need to consult a doctor in time.

How to identify the flu: the first symptoms of the disease

If a person becomes infected with this disease, he develops a temperature of 38°C, as a rule, it lasts for 4-5 days, along with it the patient may have chills and fever. When a fever occurs, a person feels either hot or cold. With the flu, there is a severe headache, which makes itself felt with sudden movements, and there is a fear of light, but this symptom does not appear in every case. A person with the flu may have high blood pressure, which makes it painful for a person to look at objects that are too bright, including lamps. One of the first manifestations of the flu is shortness of breath: it occurs even when a person continues to work at his usual pace. With the flu, aches in the joints and muscles appear, and the patient feels weak.

Often, when this disease appears, appetite disappears, a scratching pain in the throat occurs in the morning, and gradually it turns into a dry cough. With the flu, as a result of hemorrhage, redness of the whites of the eyes may appear, there may be bleeding from the nose, redness of the face, and paleness of the skin of the body. It is worth knowing that not all the symptoms listed above appear at the same time. Some patients do not have shortness of breath or fear of light, but still have weakness and excessive fatigue.

The manifestation of influenza very often depends on the severity of the disease. If a person has a mild form of influenza, the body temperature will not exceed 39°C: in this case, the patient experiences slight weakness and a slight headache. If a person has a more severe form of influenza, the body temperature will be higher - approximately 40°C. In such a situation, the patient will experience nausea, possibly vomiting, hallucinations, and loss of consciousness.

Influenza is a disease with a short incubation period. After the virus enters the body, a person may feel weak within a few hours; more often - every other day. The first signs of the flu appear quite clearly and acutely - they simply cannot be ignored. Cold symptoms are less pronounced and cause less discomfort. If a person is infected with the flu, he is a source of infection for others for a week. The infected person poses a particular danger in the first 3 days. The patient should be treated, and in order not to infect other people, he needs to wear a protective mask and, if possible, limit contact.

Preventive measures against influenza

To avoid contracting the flu, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures. Today it is customary to distinguish between 3 types of prevention. You can protect yourself from the disease by vaccination, taking antiviral drugs and following simple hygiene rules. Prevention through vaccination is a reliable means of combating influenza. The vaccine can strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. Vaccination is carried out to protect not only against the flu, but also against infection with measles, diphtheria and other dangerous diseases. Annual flu vaccination helps reduce mortality rates.

The goal of this procedure is not to completely eliminate the influenza virus, but only to reduce morbidity and mortality from this serious disease. Vaccination is a measure of protection against influenza, which cannot be used in all cases. There are a number of exceptions based on which vaccination cannot be carried out. If the patient is allergic to the components of the vaccine, the procedure will be contraindicated. If a person has an acute chronic disease, it also cannot be performed, in particular if there is a fever. If you are allergic to chicken protein - one of the components of the vaccine - vaccination cannot be carried out either.

To protect yourself from the influenza virus, it is necessary to observe nonspecific prevention, which implies strict adherence to the rules of personal hygiene. It is important to remember that when a patient coughs and sneezes, a large number of germs are released into the air; these germs can enter the upper respiratory tract of people nearby. Infected young children, unlike adults, are more dangerous.

As mentioned above, an infected adult poses a danger in the first 3-4 days, a child is a source of infection for up to 10 days. The influenza virus can live in the environment for up to 8 hours, and when exposed to a temperature of 100°C it dies. These viruses also die under the influence of soap, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide. Antiseptic preparations made on the basis of iodine are effective in combating the disease. To reduce your risk of contracting the flu, following simple hygiene practices will help prevent the spread of infection.

Healthy lifestyle and medication use

To avoid becoming infected with the virus, try to avoid contact with infected people, and if you do come into contact with them, wear a protective mask. After contact with a sick person, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap or an antibacterial solution, which will prevent the spread of infection. If you sneeze or cough, it is recommended to cover your mouth and nose using simple disposable tissues. To avoid infection, you need to avoid places with large crowds of people, and if your hands are not washed, then try not to touch your nose, mouth and eyes. An active lifestyle and balanced nutrition play an important role in prevention.

Prevention of influenza can be achieved by taking special medications, the most common are Arbidol, interferons (Alfaron), Grippferon drops, interferon ointment. The benefits of herbal medicines are obvious; they have been used to prevent influenza for many years. The most common and popular are garlic and onions, which contain a large amount of phytoncides and other antimicrobial components. Mint and pine can be used for inhalation. Infusions with lemon, rose hips, cranberries, lingonberries, and sea buckthorn will saturate the body with vitamins and help resist infection.

Where does a disease like influenza come from?

A disease like influenza, where does it come from and what happens to it after the pandemic is defeated?

It is very important to know such things, at least in order to understand how serious a danger this virus poses:

  1. It is this disease that can affect a huge number of people (2 billion people or more) in a short period.
  2. The mortality rate for this disease is low, but due to the fact that it is widespread, each epidemic claims thousands of lives.
  3. Old people and children die the most during epidemics.
  4. During outbreaks of influenza epidemics, there is an increase in mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract, since because of it the already weak body cannot withstand the heavy load.

Thus, the flu is a dangerous virus, and it is very important to know at least basic things about the causes of its occurrence, how it is fought, and what to do to avoid this disease.

Seasonal influenza epidemics

Scientists have long noticed that influenza is characterized by seasonality. In Russia, it usually spreads in the autumn-winter period and fades closer to summer. Where does this virus go and where does it come from every year? The thing is that he has the ability to travel. During the fall and winter, influenza migrates from the southern to the northern hemisphere, and returns to the south in spring and summer. The epidemic usually lasts 1-3 months. In addition, the virus constantly circulates in the equator region, where outbreaks of epidemics most often occur. Many scientists even believe that this is where the origins of the flu lie.

However, there is still no clear answer to the question of where the flu comes from. Its varieties are believed to originate in Asian countries. This is facilitated by population density, a large number of children in families and way of life. This last factor is really important because most families have a variety of pets and people living in very close proximity. It is animals that are not just carriers of the virus, but a reservoir in which the flu mutates and arises in its new modifications.

The tendency of the virus to mutate

Mutations are key causes of influenza. It would seem that a person who has already had the flu will not be overcome by this disease a second time. However, many people are diagnosed with influenza over and over again by doctors. The thing is that influenza viruses are constantly evolving.

Scientists suggest that the flu affects not only people, but also animals. There are many types of influenza in pigs, horses, dolphins, other animals and various bird species. All these species circulating in animal bodies interbreed with each other, resulting in the formation of ever new modifications of the virus. There is an assumption that it is precisely new types of human influenza that arise in the body of animals. This hypothesis is confirmed by two facts:

  1. Influenza was originally discovered in animals, and only then was it found in humans.
  2. Typically, influenza epidemics in humans occur in parallel with epizootics of similar viruses in animals.

At the same time, the core of the influenza virus is stable and almost never changes. But its outer shell contains proteins that are susceptible to strong changes. The human body, when faced with these proteins, develops a very strong immunity that can protect it for many years. However, due to the fact that influenza proteins are not as stable as its core and are constantly changing, the human body has to develop a new immunity each time it encounters a new type of this virus. And each new type of influenza can cause an epidemic.

Thus, the main reasons for the appearance of influenza are changes in the protein structure of the virus. Science knows only two options for changing the flu:

  • antigenic drift, when the structure of the influenza virus itself changes;
  • antigenic shift, when the old flu returns or a new variation appears with such strong changes that the human body cannot “recognize” the previous modification in it and succumbs to the action of the virus.

That is why previously developed immunity against one variant of influenza will be completely defenseless against a new modification of this disease. This is where every new disease comes from.

The collision of the virus with the human body

It is not enough for a virus to have a new modification that is unfamiliar to the affected organism. It must still be capable of multiplying inside cells. This is possible if influenza proteins can interact with proteins in human cells. Thanks to this condition, people manage to successfully avoid many epidemics, since not every virus, for example, avian influenza types, is capable of such interaction within the human body.

Scientists say that on average a person is susceptible to such virus attacks at least twice a year and about 200 times throughout his life. Not all of these attacks provoke the development of the disease, but the body develops immunity against them, and sometimes even passes it on to offspring.

If the virus manages to “invade,” the affected cell begins to produce viral proteins. This happens quite quickly, and the infection develops within 1-2 days.

Outwardly, it all looks a little different. The main reason for the appearance of influenza in people is infection caused by airborne droplets through contact with an already sick person. The virus enters the upper respiratory tract and begins to interact with epithelial cells, then ends up in the blood.

As a result, the person exhibits symptoms of poisoning. And in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, cell death occurs, various microorganisms are activated, causing subsequent infections, for example, pneumonia, bronchitis and even tuberculosis. It is then that doctors report dangerous complications that can even lead to death. The causes of death of a patient may be different (depending on the patient’s condition and the possible presence of chronic diseases). The most common cause of death is pneumonia caused by a virus, or bacterial pneumonia resulting from a weakening of the body. That is why, if you get the flu, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and under no circumstances carry the disease on your feet.

Fighting the flu

For many years, scientists have been studying the influenza virus, its causes and ways to prevent infections. The invention of vaccines against each new virus type does not save everyone and not always.

It is known that, like all living organisms, this virus depends on temperature conditions. It reproduces very well at 33-39° C. At the same time, you should not harbor hopes that the influenza virus will die at a high temperature in the human body - it is not afraid of it. An indicator of 65° C will destroy him.

This virus can die in an alkaline or acidic environment, under the influence of disinfectants and ether. Ultrasound and ultraviolet radiation also have a strong effect on it. Sometimes it is enough to irradiate a room with an ultraviolet lamp for 30 minutes to kill the influenza virus in the air.

To avoid infection, it is best for each person to regularly carry out hardening procedures, ventilate and clean the rooms in which he is located, frequently wash his hands with soap and, of course, avoid contact with sick people.

Also, you should not allow the body to become hypothermic, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of interferon, which is an important component in the fight against this disease.

Thus, until scientists have invented a universal remedy against influenza, all people can only use the well-known rules of a healthy lifestyle to prevent it. Still, it's better than lying in bed with a high fever.

How to treat flu without fever

Is there flu without fever? This is a question asked by many patients. The flu is considered a very insidious disease, and as soon as you have it, you must immediately begin treatment: if this is not done, then in the future it will result in large financial costs for you.

Nowadays, every person experiences the flu so often that almost from the first days of the disease he can determine the state of his body. Most often, people diagnose themselves with a cold. But even such a seemingly simple disease can relate to viral infections that affect the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx.

Causes of flu without fever

If you don’t delve too deeply into medical terminology, rhinoviruses are considered the most active. When they enter the human body, they multiply in the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which subsequently leads to the development of an inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract, resulting in the formation of colds and flu. Usually this condition occurs during the cold season, and many people are tormented by the same question: why during this period? And the answer is simple: since some viruses are considered seasonal, they lie in wait for us in the cold.

Medical experts confidently identify 2 more reasons. First of all, this is the likelihood of a purely physiological occurrence of influenza without fever. That is, during the cooling period, under the influence of cold air, the blood supply to the mucous membrane changes so much that this results in a reduction in mucus production. At this point, viruses begin to enter the respiratory tract and begin to multiply intensively.

Another reason is that cold weather reduces the body's defenses. Immunity is so reduced that a favorable environment is created for viruses and infections. And if a person has the flu, which develops without fever, then we can safely say about the strength of the patient’s immunity, which actively copes with pests without the participation of the hypothalamus, which is responsible for the function of producing protective antibodies in the body.

But many medical experts argue that the body’s increased protective function against infections during hypothermia is nothing more than a myth.
Influenza is caused by a virus that is spread through the air or through direct contact when a person is near an infection source.

Flu symptoms without fever

What are the signs of such a disease? The incubation period for influenza without fever is 2 to 3 days on average. A person begins to experience unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat, sneezing and rhinitis occur. If you trust medical statistics, they state that 60% of people begin to complain of a cough, and 40% of pain in the throat. All patients develop rhinitis, but not everyone experiences an increase in body temperature.

The main symptom of influenza is watery nasal discharge. After a few days they become much thicker and take on a greenish tint. A cough will accompany a runny nose: initially it is dry, and then gradually develops into a wet one.

If the disease does not cause complications, then literally after a week the flu recedes. However, the cough may persist for 2 weeks and develop into bronchitis, tracheitis or laryngitis.

During pregnancy, the flu can also occur without fever. Do not forget that flu without fever can also occur in a small child, but generally it increases in them, and this phenomenon can rarely be encountered in medical practice, since the small organism is still developing, and the reaction of the immune system in this case is exacerbated. That is why any cough in children requires finding out the cause of its formation, so as not to miss pharyngitis, laryngitis or bronchitis.

In the most common cases, influenza without fever is diagnosed without much difficulty.

How to treat such a disease

Treatment for colds or flu has been studied and described since the 16th century BC, but there is still no cure for these diseases. As is customary, we do not treat, but only alleviate their symptoms.

Antibiotics are not recommended for colds and flu, as they have no effect on the viruses that cause the problem.

Treatment of influenza without fever is recommended using long-proven methods. If you have the first symptoms of the disease, it is recommended to steam your feet with dry mustard in a basin or rub your feet with turpentine ointment or vodka, and then immediately put on warm socks. Pregnant women with flu and no fever should not undergo such procedures. They are advised to wear a warm scarf around their neck and woolen socks on their feet.

Everyone can drink tea with lemon and honey, as well as ginger. If the throat becomes red and a cough appears, then inhalation based on pine buds, sage, eucalyptus, baking soda, and alkaline mineral water will be a good help. Try to do them 2 times a day, morning and evening: in the morning – an hour before going outside, and in the evening – 1.5 hours before bedtime.

To effectively cure a cough, you need to drink warm decoctions of rosehip, thyme, lemon balm, coltsfoot, elecampane, but do not forget about milk with alkaline mineral water, and at night - with butter. It should be borne in mind that hot milk slows down the production of phlegm, so try to drink it in small sips.

If there is no fever, but the flu occurs with pain in the throat, then it is best to carry out treatment based on rinsing. True, there are a large number of recipes, but the most common is considered to be a solution with the addition of soda, salt and iodine. You can gargle with chamomile. Furacilin solution has a good effect: rinsing should be done as often as possible, at least 5-6 times a day.

Coughing causes irritation in the throat, and therefore attacks occur quite often. To get rid of this problem, you can gargle with a solution of table salt and water.

There is also 1 recipe for a mixture that must be taken orally to relieve a sore throat. To prepare it, take 100 g of honey and the juice of 1 lemon. This remedy is taken 2 times a day, 2 tsp. To treat rhinitis at home, you can prepare nasal drops: you need to take fresh carrot and beet juice with the addition of honey. We drip the taught remedy into the nose during the day, 5-6 drops. Don’t forget about the well-known “Star” balm. It is used to acupressure the wings of the nose and rub the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows.

If you are overcome by the flu during pregnancy, then treatment must be carried out using folk remedies or using medications that are safe for the health of the unborn child.

If you give preference to the medical treatment option, then you can use expectorant mixtures for coughs - for example, syrups based on marshmallow and pertussin. Another treatment option is to take pills, for example, Tusuprex and Mucaltin. To treat rhinitis, you can use the well-known Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Galazolin.

How to provide first aid for flu and colds?

If specific signs of the disease are detected, the patient should be provided with first aid for influenza as soon as possible. In this case, it will be much easier to eliminate the symptoms of the disease and the recovery process will be faster.

Signs of flu and colds

How can you tell if someone has the flu? This disease begins immediately with acute symptoms, including elevated body temperature, which lasts about 4-5 days. The degree of intoxication with influenza is quite strong, sometimes it even leads to disturbances in nervous activity. A cough with the flu is usually unproductive and is accompanied by pain in the chest area.

In the absence of treatment, complications may begin in the form of myocarditis, hemorrhagic pneumonia, nosebleeds, loss of consciousness and disruption of the central nervous system, so the patient should be provided with appropriate emergency care.

With parainfluenza, the patient first develops an unproductive cough, but the body temperature usually lasts only 2 days and there is almost no intoxication. The most severe complication is considered to be laryngeal spasm, which is usually observed in young children.

Respiratory syncytial infection is also characterized by a sharp onset of the disease and an increase in temperature to 37.5 - 38 degrees, which lasts about 4 days. Mild intoxication, severe shortness of breath and symptoms of bronchitis - these signs indicate this type of infection. It can cause complications in the form of bronchopneumonia and bronchial asthma, and there is also a possibility of blockage of the bronchi with too viscous secretions.

In the presence of an adenovirus infection, the body temperature rises to 39 degrees and lasts 10 days. The disease is accompanied by moderate intoxication. Symptoms of the disease may indicate rhinitis, pneumonia or tonsillitis. With the latter, a sharp increase in local lymph nodes is possible.

You should not try to cure influenza and ARVI on your own. First, you should definitely consult your doctor. Taking into account the above complications of diseases of this group, for proper treatment it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. This can only be done by a doctor after a full examination and diagnosis.

Only a specialist can decide how to treat the disease. It is very important to take into account the possible complications of the disease caused by secondary infection. Flu and colds can be caused by viruses. In order to avoid irreversible complications that can threaten the health and life of the patient, you must definitely visit a doctor, and before meeting with him, you can use only basic symptomatic therapy.

First steps for colds and flu

What is first aid for the flu? The first thing you need to do when flu symptoms appear is to put on a gauze mask, which will protect others from infection with influenza viruses. All people in contact with the patient, and the patient himself, must wear a mask at all times and change it every 3 hours.

The patient needs to be kept at rest; bed rest is best. The less physical activity, the easier it is for the body to cope with the toxins of the virus. This will help avoid negative effects on the heart.

If you do not stay in bed during the flu, this can result in pain in the muscles and joints, which will accompany the person for many years, significantly affecting the quality of life. And if the heart is damaged, life expectancy can be significantly reduced.

It is equally important to calm down and avoid psychological stress. Because stress is one of the main factors that inhibit the function of the immune system. It makes any infection extremely dangerous. Therefore, if necessary, you can take sedatives and actively fight any negative emotions.

During flu and colds, it is very important to drink more fluids. The drinking regime will be effective if the patient drinks at least 2 liters of fluid per day. The purpose of this regime is simple: to remove waste products of pathogenic viruses that cause intoxication in the body (muscle pain, fever, headache, chills and other symptoms.)

All these harmful substances leave the body along with urine. As the amount of fluid consumed increases, the intensity of its filtration by the kidneys increases. As a result, the elimination of dangerous toxins from the body occurs much faster.

Proper drinking regimen helps compensate for the loss of fluid from the body caused by heavy sweating due to high temperature. It should be remembered that electrolytes are removed from the body along with fluid, so the patient is recommended to drink not plain water, but various fruit drinks, mineral water and weak tea.

Taking medications

For this disease, the doctor usually prescribes non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, opinions regarding this group of drugs for acute respiratory viral infections are controversial. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects and reduce body temperature.

Despite the fact that the anti-inflammatory properties of these drugs are useful (after all, ARVI is an inflammation), some experts still do not recommend lowering the temperature. It is known that high temperature during illness is a protective reaction to pathological processes occurring in the body. It is caused by a powerful surge of cytokines into the blood and increased activity of the immune system.

Since the choice of drugs in the described group is currently quite wide and it is very difficult to understand which drug is best suited in a particular case, you should consult a doctor.

Children under 12 years of age are usually prescribed Paracetamol. It is not advisable to give Aspirin and Nimesulide to children.

You should know that these medications do not have an immediate effect. The temperature decreases after taking them by about 1-2 degrees for 2-4 hours. In this case, you can use physical methods of lowering body temperature, which include:

  • strip;
  • cold compress on the head, neck and other areas;
  • rubbing with vinegar or alcohol.

Treating cold and flu symptoms

Taking antihistamines is indicated for the following symptoms: nasal congestion and strong mucous discharge from the nasal cavity. These medications are contraindicated in elderly and childhood patients, and in persons with bronchial asthma. At the same time, they should not be taken by people whose activities require high concentration of attention, for example, drivers.

Another symptom of ARVI is cough. It appears due to the formation of viscous sputum in the bronchi. Cough can be treated with medication and non-drug methods. To relieve cough symptoms, you should drink more fluids and be in fresh, humidified air more often, since the lack of humidity makes it much more difficult to remove phlegm. It is not advisable to take medications before visiting a doctor. In case of urgent need, you can take a remedy that contains natural substances: plantain, licorice and others.

To cure a runny nose during a cold, you can use drops that constrict blood vessels. They are indicated even in the absence of discharge from the nasal cavity during congestion, since swelling of the mucous membrane prevents ventilation and the release of secretions, this creates an excellent environment for the active proliferation of bacteria. Drops with a vasoconstrictor effect should not be used for more than 7 days.

Treat a sore throat with frequent gargles (every 1.5-2 hours). Warm decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, sage or calendula, as well as a solution of water and salt, are suitable as a rinse solution.

The most important rule: when treating, you must follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Let's find out how the flu is transmitted?

The source of infection is an infected person, which makes it clear how the flu is transmitted. This disease is classified as viral. The main lesions are localized in the lower and upper respiratory tract. Flu is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body, which can lead to serious complications. The possibility of death cannot be ruled out.

Main types of virus

Today there are three main types of the disease:

  • virus type A;
  • type B virus;
  • type C virus.

The first type of influenza is especially dangerous. Moreover, both people and animals can suffer from it. Each epidemic is characterized by its own degree of severity. This type of virus previously predominated between certain animal species. For example, rapidly spreading among birds, it could only be dangerous for them. Today, viruses are changing, so this pattern does not apply. Now animal influenza is also dangerous for humans.

Type A2 virus spreads among infected populations. It is divided by surface antigen into hemagglutinin and neuraminidase. H5 and H7 are especially dangerous; they can be fatal. The recent avian influenza A(H1N1) virus has worried health experts. After all, it is dangerous not only for birds, but also for people. Avian influenza viruses transmitted by airborne droplets can lead to serious consequences for humans.

Type B. This type of influenza occurs only among humans. It is characterized by a severe reaction, but compared to type A it is much easier to tolerate.

Virus C. This variety is the most harmless. It does not cause severe symptoms or epidemics. The type C virus is poorly understood. The symptoms are mild, sometimes they do not appear at all.

Source of disease transmission

The main source of infection is an infected person. The virus can be released along with sputum, saliva and nasal secretions. Infection often occurs through sneezing and coughing. The virus can penetrate the mucous membrane of the eyes and nose. It enters the respiratory tract directly through the air. This is possible in close contact with a sick person.

Once the influenza virus enters the body, it begins to multiply rapidly. After all, these conditions are favorable for him. A few hours are enough until the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract are completely damaged. This place is one of the most favorite. The disease does not affect other organs; it is concentrated exclusively in the respiratory tract. From this point of view, expressions like “intestinal flu” are inappropriate to use. After all, the disease is not capable of affecting other organs and systems of the body.

To date, the basic protective mechanisms that can provoke recovery have not been established. After 5 days, the virus stops reproducing on its own. It is during this period that a person becomes absolutely safe for others. Recovery comes gradually.

Mechanism of transmission of the disease

The transmission routes of influenza do not include several varieties of this process. The disease can enter the human body only through the air or as a result of eating contaminated, insufficiently processed meat. The viral aerosol released by patients contains highly dispersed and low-dispersed particles. In addition to them, there are also drops of various sizes.

As mentioned above, the main route of transmission of the disease is airborne. Viruses that cause acute respiratory illnesses are localized in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Moreover, they are characterized by their tropism towards them. This indicates that it is enough for the virus to enter the mucous membrane for further reproduction.

Any infection that enters the body can cause the reactions that are necessary for its successful spread.

Respiratory viruses lead to coughing, watery eyes and sneezing.

During these processes, some harmful viruses are released from the human body. In close contact with other people, particles actively settle on their mucous membrane. Simply inhaling the virus is enough. However, infection does not always occur; it all depends on the strength of the body’s immune system and the type of virus itself.

There is another way of transmitting the disease – contact. It can be considered more dangerous than airborne. However, many people are confused when they hear about this method of transmission. Most of them believe that influenza can be transmitted sexually. This judgment is not correct. The contact path implies something slightly different. When coughing or sneezing, a person covers his face with his hand. This allows bacteria to settle on his limbs. With a hand containing bacteria, a person can touch various objects or shake hands. Thus, all viruses end up on the limbs of a healthy person. Failure to comply with hygiene rules can easily introduce bacteria into the body. This entails infection. Viruses easily spread and multiply in the human body.

It is worth noting the fact that most bacteria are resistant to the external environment. They are able to remain on objects for a long time. This indicates that infection may not occur immediately.

Do I need a flu shot?

Flu vaccination and disease prevention is a very important point. Prevention is always more important than treatment later. Today there is no panacea for the flu, there is not a single miracle drug that guarantees a quick and complete cure, so flu vaccinations act as a preventive measure for the disease. It is very important to prevent the disease by getting vaccinated on time. Every year more and more people are vaccinated against this dangerous disease.

However, there are both opponents and supporters of this procedure. There is no clear, concrete answer about the benefits or harms of the flu shot. Vaccination should be carried out after research and on an individual basis.

This vaccination is not included in the vaccination calendar and is paid for for adults, but for children it is still free.

Vaccination against influenza in Russia is voluntary, each person has the right to make his own choice - for or against, and the parent makes the choice for the children.

The word “flu” comes from the French “to seize”, “to catch”. The definition speaks of the suddenness and speed of penetration of the virus into the body. Influenza is a dangerous infectious disease that is acute and usually affects the respiratory system and is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • heat;
  • severe weakness;
  • general deterioration of condition;
  • pain in the head;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Dangerous influenza viruses, what is the danger, indications

You can get the flu at any time of the year. But usually people still get sick in the fall and winter, since at this time the body lacks vitamins, the rooms are not ventilated and temperature changes occur. In the autumn-winter period, an epidemic of the disease usually occurs. Young children more than six months old may become ill because the antibodies transmitted by the mother no longer provide a protective function. The disease is caused by influenza viruses A, B, C. The influenza virus mutates easily, so children and adults should be vaccinated against influenza annually. As soon as the virus penetrates the upper respiratory tract, it instantly seizes the mucous membrane and destroys its cells.

The cells are rejected and, when coughing, sneezing, or breathing, enter the external environment, infecting others. This type of infection is called in medicine “airborne”. You can also become infected through personal hygiene items and underwear. As soon as the virus has entered the body, symptoms of the disease begin to appear, severe weakness appears, body temperature rises to 40 degrees, dizziness, convulsions may even develop, mucus is released from the nose, and the throat is sore. When a person has had the flu, he acquires a kind of immunity to the disease, but the problem is that the virus mutates and the antibodies that have been developed will not provide any protection in the fight against the mutated virus.

The flu is very dangerous because it completely suppresses the human immune system. In addition, the flu provokes an exacerbation of other diseases.

Complications after infection may include the following:

  • acute pneumonia;
  • otitis;
  • changes in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • altered processes in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The Ministry of Health recommends vaccination as the only way to avoid infection and create immunity to the terrible disease. WHO (World Health Organization) has identified risk groups for whom the flu vaccine is indicated: these are people:

  • including children who often suffer from various infections;
  • with a diagnosis of bronchial asthma;
  • suffering from diseases of the central nervous system;
  • with heart disease or vascular problems;
  • with kidney diseases;
  • with blood diseases;
  • who have been diagnosed with diabetes;
  • with a deficiency of the body's defense system;
  • who go to kindergartens and schools.

An effective flu vaccine is improved every year as the virus constantly mutates. The experience of scientists allows us to create an effective and safe vaccine. Vaccination with the drug that was given this year will no longer be effective next year, and therefore vaccination against influenza with an improved drug is carried out annually. As statistics have shown, the vaccine works, but cannot guarantee 100% that a person will not get sick, however, even if infected, the disease will occur in a milder form and serious consequences will not occur.

The best flu vaccines, vaccination schedule, when to get vaccinated against flu

Live and inactivated vaccines are used for vaccination today. Live vaccines are used very rarely today, as the latest generation of live vaccines is being developed. But the inactivated vaccine has practically no serious consequences. This vaccine may be:

  • whole cell;
  • split vaccine;
  • subunit.

The difference between the drugs is that they break down the virus into component particles in different ways. The whole cell vaccine causes complications and has contraindications, but it creates stable immunity to influenza. The most harmless ones today are the second and third types of vaccines. They practically do not cause complications. These drugs do not harm even the child, actively stimulate the immune system and do not cause adverse reactions. Today, 11 flu vaccines are used and approved in Russia. More often than others, vaccination is done with the following drugs:

  • “Flu-arix”;
  • “Vaxigrip”;
  • “Begrivak”;
  • “Influvac”;
  • “Grippol.”

How does the vaccine work?

After the drug is administered to a person, the process of producing antibodies occurs. This creates multi-level protection. 14 days after vaccination, a sufficient amount of antibodies accumulates in the body, and the body does not perceive the disease. The protective protein instantly recognizes the virus and eliminates it.

Immunity lasts up to six months or throughout the year. The effectiveness of immunization reaches 90%. This means that there is a chance of catching the flu, but it is negligible compared to if the vaccination had not been done in a timely manner. Today there is a standard vaccination schedule. Vaccination begins in September or October, due to which the body develops immunity to influenza by winter. It is very important to get vaccinated before the epidemic. Babies can be vaccinated when they reach six months of age. It is recommended that children who have not yet received a flu vaccine be vaccinated twice at half the adult dosage, 30 days apart. The vaccination is done intramuscularly or very deep under the skin.

Modern flu vaccines practically do not give a negative reaction after administration; occasionally, vaccinated people may develop a fever or swelling around the injection site. People who have been diagnosed with an allergy to one or another component of the drug, for example a protein or a preservative, should not be vaccinated. The vaccine should not be administered during illness. You can get vaccinated only a month after the disease has passed. You cannot get a flu shot if there were complications during the previous vaccination.

The vaccination must be done in a licensed medical facility. Vaccination should be carried out by an experienced doctor. After the drug has been administered, the doctor must issue a certificate containing all the data about the drug. You cannot buy the vaccine yourself. Science today has proven the high effectiveness of anti-influenza drugs, especially for children at risk. Whether or not to vaccinate should be discussed with the pediatrician on an individual basis.

Consequences after vaccination, vaccination rules

The following complications may rarely occur after vaccination:

  1. Inflammation of the lungs of a bacterial type. If the temperature does not subside for more than five days, this is a sign of pneumonia.
  2. Reduced immunity.
  3. Sinusitis.
  4. Acute otitis media.
  5. False croup.
  6. Myositis.
  7. Meningitis.
  8. Exacerbation of chronic respiratory diseases.

Vaccination can be free, paid or passive immunization. Schools, kindergartens and clinics purchase the vaccine using money allocated by the municipality. This vaccine is Russian-made. Some employers also provide free vaccinations. Vaccinations are provided for a fee in private clinics, and the price depends on the drug and the cost of the service itself.

Attention! Flu vaccines purchased at a pharmacy must be stored according to the rules specified in the instructions, otherwise the drug will lose its valuable properties. Vaccination yourself is strictly prohibited.

It would seem that just recently you were enjoying the summer, spending time near bodies of water, drinking refreshing ice drinks. And then autumn burst in completely unexpectedly with a trail of all the seasonal troubles. One of the companions of autumn is an acute respiratory viral infection. It is very easy to find yourself in a risk zone, especially when it becomes epidemic.

What is ARVI?

This infection includes different types of pneumotropic viruses, which have more than a dozen subtypes. ARVI is localized in the upper and lower respiratory tract. It is very easy to catch this infection through airborne droplets, especially in large crowds of people. Therefore, if you have a personal car and the opportunity to limit your stay in the crowd during the ARVI period, that’s great.

Once a pneumotropic virus enters the body, it settles in the nasopharynx and larynx on mucous tissues. This is indicated by a sore throat, runny nose and an unpleasant dry cough. As the virus multiplies, it enters the blood vessels and thereby causes fever and weakness.

The invincible power of interferon in the fight against ARVI

At this point, your body begins to resist by producing a substance called interferon. This is a unique component to which viruses are not resistant. After all, he himself does not take part in the fight against ARVI, but only activates certain resources of the body to protect against infection. Cells immediately begin to produce substances to fight the virus.

If there is not enough interferon in the body (this happens with weakened immunity), it is administered artificially. It exists in two forms: human (leukocyte) and synthetic (recombinant).

This substance is used in medicine in different doses and in different ways. It is administered intramuscularly or intravenously as a powerful antiviral agent in case of a threat of fatal disease (HIV, tumors, papillomavirus, hepatitis). Nasal interferon is prescribed for the treatment of ARVI. However, it should be used at the first signs of the disease, then the effectiveness will be much higher, and the disease will be fleeting.

How to kill a virus?

There is one long-proven medical truth. The virus settles in a cell, and in order to kill it, you need to kill the cell, which can be extremely unsafe for the body. Therefore, all existing antiviral drugs only stop its progression. But the body itself must destroy the virus. This is why maintaining a good, fighting-ready immune system is so important.

What to do if you get sick with ARVI?

First of all, you should consult a doctor so that he can establish a diagnosis and help prevent all possible complications.

It should be noted that complications most often appear when certain mistakes are made. By following the recommendations outlined, you can significantly alleviate your condition and overcome the disease easily.

Drink plenty of fluids. The body affected by the virus quickly becomes dehydrated. Shortness of breath appears and sweat production increases. Therefore, you should drink liquid as often as possible. In this way, you can prevent the appearance and accumulation of thick mucus, which entails many complications.

The stronger the sweating, the higher the temperature and the dryer the room, the more fluid you should drink. Moreover, the drink will be absorbed best if it corresponds to the room temperature. As a liquid, you can use compotes from fresh fruits or dried fruits, mineral water, tea.

You can find out that dehydration is beginning by a rare urge to relieve yourself. Then the volume of drinks needs to be increased.

Nutrition. If you have lost your appetite, do not be afraid that without food your body will weaken. On the contrary, both the stomach and liver are freed from food and focus on fighting the infection. Be guided by your wishes. If you don't want to eat, don't force yourself.

Room. There is no need to tightly close the windows, put on woolen socks and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. Indeed, in such an atmosphere, viruses will feel at home and actively multiply. But there is no need to go to the other extreme. Excessive cold will cool the skin while the internal organs will be hot. This can trigger painful spasms.

Experienced doctors recommend frequently ventilating the room, doing wet cleaning every day and maintaining the air temperature no more than 20 degrees. The humidity should be about 60%, and the clothes on the body should be warm, but not hot. You can provide the required humidity with a special humidifier or cover the battery (in winter) with a wet towel.

This is perhaps the most common advice you hear. Indeed, the vast majority of viruses reach us by airborne droplets through the nasopharynx.

Therefore, frequent ventilation of the room in which the virus is circulating is, of course, a way out, but it will not completely protect us from infection.

Because, to paraphrase a well-known proverb, you can’t open the window for every sneeze. In addition, viruses and bacteria are not only in the air, they settle literally everywhere. And even in dust they can maintain their vitality for up to 5 weeks! Therefore, you will have to roll up your sleeves and pick up a rag.

Wet cleaning and washing

First, let's remove all the “dust collectors” - carpets and soft toys. Cleaning must be carried out at least twice a day with special disinfectants.

Monochloramine solution is suitable for wiping floors, walls, tiles, plastic, furniture, plumbing fixtures, door handles, and surfaces painted with oil paint. Just remember to protect your hands with latex gloves while cleaning.

If you absolutely do not want to use a chlorine-containing product, you can replace it with 9% table vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). You can fill a spray bottle with a 3-7% vinegar solution and use it on children’s toys, clothes, floors, and upholstered furniture. If you're concerned that vinegar will ruin things, try it on a small area first.

White linen can be disinfected by immersing it in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution; it has bleaching properties (100 g of the drug is dissolved in 10-12 liters of warm water, the laundry is immersed there, brought to a boil and boiled, stirring, for 15 minutes).

When washing by machine, boiling water is poured into the drum, 100 g of hydrogen peroxide is added and pre-washed laundry is placed in the solution for 5-10 minutes. Colored items can be disinfected using the same vinegar. Immerse them in a weak vinegar solution before washing (50-100 g of table vinegar per 5 liters of water) or pour this solution into the washing machine tank before rinsing already washed clothes.

Ultraviolet irradiation

This is a great way to kill all viruses and bacteria. Just keep in mind that open-type irradiators are used indoors in the absence of people, otherwise you can seriously damage the cornea of ​​the eye or get a “sunburn” of the skin.

Germicidal closed-type ultraviolet lamps can work all day in the presence of people. If you have a regular household quartz tanning lamp in your house, then it can also be used for disinfection, including 10 minutes every one and a half to two hours.

Air aromatization

Essential oils containing large amounts of phytoncides are also our allies in the fight against viruses and pathogenic bacteria. There are especially many of these beneficial volatile compounds in the oils of lavender, eucalyptus, monarda, basil, fennel, lemon balm, and conifer oils. However, most aromatic oils have an antiseptic effect, so choose according to your taste. For a room of 20 sq. m with a ceiling height of 2.5 m, just two drops of 100% essential oil are enough. You can saturate the atmosphere with them using an aroma lamp or an ultrasonic diffuser - the latter will also humidify the air in the room.

By the way, today there are also portable diffusers that connect to a personal computer via a USB socket; however, instead of this gadget, you can hang an amulet or aroma pendant filled with essential oil around your neck.

You can also place saucers with finely chopped onions or garlic throughout the house - they contain a lot of phytoncides.

Fumigation of the premises

This effective way of fighting viruses has been known since ancient times. To repel viruses and bacteria, you can burn a handful of dried eucalyptus, sage, rosemary, lavender or juniper leaves. However, it is much more convenient to use incense or traditional incense sticks soaked in natural essential oils of jasmine, orange, rose, mandarin, clove, lemon, sandalwood, myrrh, ginger, eucalyptus, cedar, fir, juniper, and lavender. True, you should not get carried away with incense sticks: they can irritate the eyes or nasal mucosa and even provoke an asthma attack.


Many of them contain large amounts of phytoncides, which help protect the home from colds.

For example, cyperus reduces the bacteria content in the air by 59%, begonia and pelargonium by 43%, asparagus by 38%, and coffee tree by 30%. Geranium, azalea, asparagus, dieffenbachia spotted, ficus benjamina, and all citrus fruits are rich in these beneficial compounds. By the way, essential oils emitted by plants not only purify the air, but also improve the well-being of everyone living in the house and increase their resistance to acute respiratory diseases. So if you have not yet joined indoor floriculture, we advise you to quickly become a “green friend”.

By the way

Influenza viruses retain their viability in the air for about 4 hours in drops of saliva and sputum. When dry, they can live up to 2-5 weeks.

Adenoviruses feel great in water, including tap water, remaining alive for up to 4 months or more. But even in a dry environment - on furniture or clothing - they remain viable for up to 2 weeks at room temperature and up to 2 months at + 4 °C.

Rhinoviruses, one of the main culprits of colds, are usually transmitted through direct contact rather than through airborne droplets. People with colds often mechanically touch their nose. Viruses remain alive on their hands for up to 4 hours. And it is through them that infection of other people occurs - through a handshake, through household items that the patient took, through door handles that he touched.

Almost every person hears the word “virus” many times in his life and even encounters it in practice. Viruses infect the human body, inhabiting it and actively reproducing. For many centuries, people have been looking for ways to fight viruses. However, it is not possible to completely eliminate them. Is it worth trying?

The virus, as a living organism, takes part in the cycle of substances and natural processes. To completely destroy it means to disrupt the natural balance of the world’s ecological system. But still, it brings quite serious troubles to humans and animals. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to coexist with them and know ways to combat the multiplication of the virus in the human body.

Doctor Virus and Mr Hyde

History of the virus

The virus became one of the first inhabitants of planet Earth. About three to four million years ago, according to scientists, the first microorganisms appeared on Earth. Even in those distant times, there was a division into the animal and plant worlds. However, it is believed that the organisms that gave life to plants appeared first. They are simpler in structure. It is assumed that then more complex microorganisms appeared - single-celled animals.

Scientists disagree about the origin of life on the planet. Some believe that life originated naturally in ice or water bodies, while others are of the opinion that life was brought to Earth by asteroids from other planets. But, unfortunately, no one can know for sure. Therefore, all that remains is to consider the theories and choose the one that seems most reliable. But the main theory of the appearance of viruses is the mutation of bacterial cells and the strengthening of the protective functions of these microorganisms.

Immune system of the human body

Human research on viruses

Knowledge of the structural features and functioning of the virus helps to find effective ways to combat it. It was the discovery of the viral organism and its microscopic examination that allowed man to begin scientific acquaintance with this amazing and ancient representative of the fauna.

Despite the long existence of the virus, it was discovered by humans relatively recently. At the end of the 19th century, the Russian scientist D.I. Ivanovsky, while studying tobacco plants, discovered a microorganism that causes tobacco mosaic. From the scientist’s publication it is clear that he could not fully understand the nature of the origin of this organism and its properties. However, he saw a connection between the plant disease and the effects of the virus. He pointed out that they were “bacteria passing through a Chamberland filter.” That is, conventional antibacterial protection is not a hindrance for them.

Only a few years after these studies, the Dutch botanist M. Beijerinck gave the microorganism the name “filterable virus”. Viruses were also discovered when studying the causes of foot and mouth disease in cattle. Analogies have been drawn between plant and animal pathogens. Somewhat later, viruses were discovered that cause diseases in humans. The first virus discovered that was dangerous to him was the yellow fever virus. It was opened in 1901. Then in 1911, the Rous sarcoma virus, an oncological disease, was identified.

The development of microbiology has made it possible to discover many other viruses and study their properties. This helped to significantly increase the effectiveness of combating them. Today scientists know so much about them that they can even create them artificially. In particular, the first artificial virus (poliomyelitis) was created in 2002. This was done by specialists from New York University.

Structure of the viral organism

Like any other representative of the biological community, the virus has its own individual structure. It determines the characteristics of his behavior. Despite the differences between the viral pathogens of different infections, they have similar features that distinguish them from other microorganisms.

It is noteworthy that the virus is much smaller in size than bacteria. That is why they are able to pass through the antibacterial filter. The size of the virus varies from several tens to three hundred nanometers. They are inaccessible for microscopic examination using light equipment. This is precisely what prevented them from being detected for a long time even when examining the tissues of infected organisms.

Place of the virus in the natural community

In the balance of nature, viruses are quite important. Despite their harm to many living organisms, viruses can also benefit their hosts. However, such benefits are a side effect of the viral infection, and not the primary purpose of the microorganism itself.

Especially in the plant world, cases of peaceful coexistence of viruses and viruses are known. At the same time, viruses can infect the body of one of their hosts to make the life of another easier, restoring the natural balance and maintaining the metabolic (food) chain between representatives of flora and fauna.

There are several examples of this behavior of viruses:

  • Tobacco mosaic virus infects not only tobacco plants, but also the fruit fly that feeds on it. Thus, by prolonging the life of the fly and its fertility (bringing benefits), the virus harms plants;
  • The virus infects a fungus that grows in grass near geothermal vents, allowing the plant to survive in elevated temperatures. This is beneficial for the viral organism to preserve the host in places that are difficult to reach for extermination, where the temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius;
  • Some viruses protect the host body from penetration and reproduction in the body of other viral agents. The virus protects its territory and in some cases does not cause significant harm to the owner in order to preserve its place of residence.

Routes of transmission of viruses

Human skin has quite complex protective mechanisms and does not allow viruses to enter the body. However, she often gets injured. In this case, the virus finds an entrance gate to get inside. Moreover, the virus can penetrate both at the time of injury and later during the period when the protective functions of the damaged skin decrease. Blood poisoning often occurs from injections with unsterile syringes or bites from animal carriers.

Viruses can infect the entire body, burrowing into tissues, and also cause skin diseases, forming local tumors and neoplasms. For example, the origin of some types of warts is viral in nature. Viral molluscum contagiosum is also known to affect the skin. Both of these viruses are transmitted through microtraumas of the skin and cause the disease.

Viruses can also be transmitted from sick animals. Often the cause is the consumption of contaminated meat or close contact with infected individuals. Although there are viruses that cannot be transmitted between species. Such microorganisms are relatively safe for humans and other animals. Most often, a person becomes infected by consuming meat from cattle and poultry. But there are known viruses that are spread by wild animals, such as pigeons. In addition, the bites of infected mammals transmit the rabies virus and others.

Despite the numerous possibilities of contracting viral infections, man has learned to fight many of them. Therefore, in some cases it is possible to prevent the development of an epidemic and stop the replication of the virus.
Methods of combating the virus and prevention

Today, the fight against viruses is of particular relevance. Due to changes in the composition of atmospheric air and the human body, viruses successfully mutate into forms that humans do not yet know how to fight. There are a huge number of antiviral agents. But even doctors often notice a decrease in the effectiveness of these drugs to overcome the infection. To destroy the virus, larger doses of drugs or new drugs are needed every year. It can also be noted that the virus mutates and sometimes adapts much faster than humans.

However, advanced technologies make it possible to relatively quickly find means to combat viral infections and vaccines against their occurrence. By the way, vaccination of the population is one of the most effective ways to prevent epidemics of viral infections. Although the quality of vaccines and safety for humans cannot be guaranteed, since they were invented not so long ago. Various side effects, allergies and other body reactions often occur.

Some viruses also require surgery to eliminate the source of infection. In particular, representatives of molluscum contagiosum or papillomatous formations (HPV) must be removed surgically. After removal, immunomodulatory therapy is carried out, which is aimed at restoring the protective functions of the body. Any virus is dangerous because it suppresses the immune system, exposing the body to the risk of contracting any diseases. This is especially true for HIV. That is why it is so difficult to fight it and maintain the patient’s viability.

Viruses are quite dangerous forms of life

Due to the possibility of transmission of the virus even through the air or through mucous membranes, you should strengthen your health and avoid questionable contacts. Promiscuous sex and close interaction with a sick person can lead to infection. In this case, a person may not even know that he has a disease and lead a very ordinary lifestyle. Therefore, it is better to always be careful in your communications and also take care of yourself and your loved ones.

During epidemics, it is very important to monitor your condition and adhere to certain rules after being in public places. It's actually possible to protect yourself!

Watch yourself and!

that the influenza virus, after being introduced into the human body, “sits” on the mucous membrane for about 6 hours, quietly and calmly, doing nothing or undertaking anything, and only then begins its menial work of cell destruction. It is in these 6 hours that you need to deal with him. What should you urgently do if you feel that you have caught the virus from someone?

Blow your nose. The first important action, while the virus is still on the mucous membrane, is to try to remove it mechanically, that is, simply blow your nose.

Take a steam bath. If someone has a sauna in their house, be sure to steam in it. This will spur the immune system to fight the virus. In general, during a cold period it is useful to visit the sauna or bathhouse more often. Take a hot shower. If you don't have a bathhouse, at least take a hot shower or soak in a hot bath. By the way, this must be done every time you get cold outside. Hot water will restore plethora and thereby stimulate the immune system.

Drink 100 grams of alcohol. Now I’ll say a seditious thought, but what to do if alcohol really helps to deal with viruses. During experiments, scientists found that alcohol has no effect on the RNA (or DNA) of various viruses. But it perfectly dissolves the shell of the viral cell, and without it, RNA, although it retains its capacity, loses the ability to use this capacity, and therefore loses its infectivity (by the way, in addition to alcohol, carbolic acid also affects the shell of viruses). Therefore, taking the notorious “one hundred grams” makes sense. Attention! Alcohol is able to cope with viruses while they have not yet multiplied in large numbers. Therefore, colds are treated with alcohol only in the first hours from the moment of illness. Then it will be ineffective.

Drink medicinal grog. If someone does not accept vodka, you can try another medicinal drink. Grog, known to everyone in English literature. Grog is a warming and cleansing agent. First you need to boil the syrup. To do this, take 400 grams of sugar and one glass and a quarter of water. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly, until all the sugar has dissolved. Then add 250 grams of rum or cognac and the juice of one lemon to the syrup. Grog should be drunk hot. Medicinal grog can be prepared in another way. Take half a glass of rum, 2 lumps of sugar, 1 lemon, 1 single tea bag and put all these products in a glass cup or fireproof glass. Pour a quarter cup of boiling water over it. The mixture must be stirred and drunk.

Drink tea for teetotalers. If your soul cannot tolerate anything alcoholic at all, then drink hot tea with ginger. Ginger increases immunity and resistance to colds. It is better to brew green tea and add only fresh tea. Lemon will provide you with the same help in fighting viruses.

Attention! Never drink green tea! It has a powerful effect on the secretory function of the stomach. Be sure to eat some sandwich or a couple of cookies.

Do acupressure. After the steam room and a strong drink, you need to lie down for a while, wrapped up. In order not to waste time in vain, we continue to deal with viruses - we give a massage. You need to rub your palms, especially in the indentations. Then stretch your fingers. The movements during this massage are reminiscent of removing a ring from a finger. You need to “remove the ring” from each finger. Wrinkled our hands, we move on to our feet. It turns out that a cold can be cured... with your feet. The Chinese do just that. To protect yourself from a possible runny nose, you need to thoroughly rub the first, or, as it is also called, the big toe. When your throat hurts, massage your third finger. Or better yet, rub the entire foot. This will not harm, but, on the contrary, will be beneficial.

Smell the phytoncides. Now let's move on to phytoncides, which are known to have a bactericidal effect. You need to take a freshly cut piece of onion, wrap it in gauze and put it in your ear. Since the ear, throat and nose can be safely called “communicating vessels,” onion fumes will definitely reach the nose. Yes, and the throat too. You can understand this as soon as your throat becomes sore. If you don't like this procedure, then at least smell the onion. You can smell lavender oil, which doctors consider the most universal oil remedy for cold viruses. In addition, lavender, cloves, bergamot, juniper, and calendula can be used against cold viruses.

Do inhalation. This is an excellent tool for destroying viruses that have penetrated the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In a pan of hot water, add some bactericidal essential oil (lavender, clove, bergamot, juniper, calendula) or Vietnamese Golden Star balm (a lump the size of a match head is enough), or medicinal plants (such as bay leaf, lemon balm, chamomile, oregano or lavender). If someone is used to using the old folk method - breathing over potatoes boiled “in their jackets”, this also helps, so you don’t have to change the habit. Attention! Inhalations for colds can only be done on the first day of illness. On day 2-3 this is already dangerous, because along with the medicine you can inhale viruses that have multiplied in large numbers by this time into the lungs.

Procedure for the night. Place your feet and hands in hot water. Keep them on for about 5 minutes until the skin turns red. The main thing is that there is no “overkill”, that is, a burn. As a result, steamed and pinkened skin should look like “gloves” on your hands and “socks” on your feet. Pour dry mustard into a cotton sock, put it on, and pull a woolen sock over it. And that's it - we go to bed. If you are lucky, then after all these procedures the virus that has entered the body should surrender to the mercy of the winner.
