What temperature syrup for newborns. The best antipyretics for children of all ages. Recommendations for the use of antipyretic drugs in children

An increase in temperature in an infant is almost always a signal of trouble in a small body, the cause of which can be both a disease and a reaction to vaccination, teething. Antipyretic drugs will help to alleviate the child's condition at a high temperature.

Dosage forms of antipyretics for newborns

  1. liquid form. It is represented by syrups and suspensions. Using a measuring spoon or the attached device with a piston, the drug is dosed.
  2. Solid form. Candles (suppositories). They are selected depending on the dosage of the antipyretic drug.

Candles and suppositories are inserted into the child's rectum. Syrups and suspensions are administered orally, according to the dosage recommended by the doctor.

List of antipyretics for children under one year old

All modern antipyretics belong to a certain group according to the type of active substance. Good antipyretics include:

  • funds based on paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol, Paracetamol). They can be produced in the form of rectal tablets or suppositories, suspensions. Contraindicated in patients with diseases of the liver, kidneys, suffering from viral hepatitis, diabetes mellitus;
  • drugs that contain ibuprofen (, Ibuprofen, Ibufen). Approved for use only from the third month of a baby's life. They can not be used for asthma, diseases of the liver, kidneys, hearing impairment, blood diseases, ulcers, gastritis;
  • homeopathic group of antipyretics (Viburkol). Presented in the form of rectal suppositories. Have no age restrictions. They can not be used in case of intolerance to the components.

Important! Antipyretic for a newborn (up to 1 month) from birth is prescribed exclusively by a pediatrician. Self-administration of the drug is dangerous with overdoses and the occurrence of side effects.

Antipyretic suppositories for newborns up to 1 year

The main advantage of antipyretic suppositories is the smaller number of side effects compared to the liquid form. Candles are absorbed through the rectal mucosa without affecting the digestive tract. Flavorings and dyes are added to syrups. This dosage form may cause an allergic reaction in infants prone to allergies.

Antipyretic suppositories based on paracetamol

Approved for use from 1 month of age.

  • children weighing 4 - 6 kg (child's age 1 - 3 months) - 1 suppository 50 mg;
  • infants weighing 7 - 12 kg (child's age 3-12 months) - 1 suppository 100 mg .

Apply no more than 3 times a day. The interval between doses is 4-6 hours.

Candles Panadol

At the age of a child up to a year, it is necessary to purchase suppositories with a dosage of 125 mg of paracetamol in one suppository. Allowed for children from 6 months in a dosage of one candle. It is allowed to put no more than 4 candles per day with 4-hour breaks. It is allowed to apply 5-7 days. Panadol has an analgesic and antipyretic effect.

Antipyretic suppositories based on ibuprofen

Candles Nurofen

It is used from the age of three months. One candle contains 60 mg of ibuprofen. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

  • children weighing 6 - 8 kg are prescribed 0.5 - 1 candle no more than 3 times / day;
  • if the weight of the baby is 8.5 - 12 kg, 1 suppository is prescribed no more than 4 times / day.

Suspensions and syrups for children from one month to 1 year

Often there is confusion with the name of liquid antipyretic drugs for children in terms of referring them to syrups or suspensions. Syrups are based on a concentrated aqueous solution of sucrose and / or its substitutes, and suspensions are a liquid medium in which particles of the active substance are distributed in a suspended state. Over time, with prolonged standing, these particles are able to settle to the bottom, so the suspension must be shaken before use. Both are sweet in taste, but in syrups, the sweetness is mostly due to sugar (most often sucrose), and in suspensions, sweeteners (for example, maltitol) and / or sweeteners, much less often sucrose. Sweeteners are able to be absorbed by the body, as they carry energy value, and sweeteners are substances that are not a source of energy, although they taste sweet. Therefore, if the child is prone to allergies, it is better to choose a product that does not contain sucrose.

Antipyretic suspensions based on ibuprofen

It is used from the age of three months. It is allowed to use the drug after 6 hours.

Suspension Nurofen

Analogues are Ibuprofen suspension, Ibufen suspension, Bofen suspension.

How to give:

  • infants 3-6 months old with a weight of at least 5 kg are prescribed 2.5 ml 1-3 times a day;
  • if the child's age is from 6 months to 1 year, 2.5 ml is used 1-4 times a day.

Antipyretic suspensions and syrups based on paracetamol

Children from 3 months to one year old can take 60-120 mg of paracetamol at a time. If the child has not yet reached three months, then the dose is calculated based on the weight of the child - 10 mg per kilogram. Do not use more than 4 times / day. Children under 3 months old used only after medical prescription.

Suspension Panadol

How to give:

  • with a body weight of 6-8 kg, 4 ml of suspension is prescribed;
  • 8-10 kg - 5 ml of Panadol suspension.

Efferalgan syrup

The dosage is carried out with a measuring spoon, on which divisions are applied corresponding to the body weight of the child, starting from 4 kg and up to 16 kg with an interval of one kilogram. All even digits are indicated, and odd ones are divisions without a digit. Medicines must be taken as much as the child weighs. If the child has not reached 4 kg, the drug is not recommended.

Suspension Kalpol

The analogue is a suspension of Paracetamol for children.

At the age of three months to one year, give the child from 2.5 ml (child's body weight 4-8 kg) to 5 ml (child's body weight 8-16 kg) suspension. Contraindicated in children under one month.

Video: Komarovsky on antipyretics

Antipyretic drugs prohibited for infants

  • Combined tablet formulations containing ibuprofen and paracetamol (Ibuklin Junior tablets). They can be used for children over 3 years of age.
  • Analgin. It is not used for children. It can be used as part of a lytic mixture if it is not possible to lower the temperature for a long time by other methods. It is used only in extreme cases as prescribed by a doctor and in his presence.
  • Aspirin. It is absolutely impossible to use it to lower the temperature in children under 12 years old. The drug is dangerous with complications and the development of dangerous pathologies.

Important! It is strongly not recommended to deviate from age restrictions when choosing an antipyretic drug. The components in the composition of the drug can act in different ways than to provoke the appearance of side effects. For a developing organism, an ineptly selected antipyretic can cause irreparable damage.

Additional temperature reduction methods

  • Plentiful drink. The baby is often applied to the mother's breast.
  • Comfortable clothes. The child should not be wrapped up so as not to overheat further. However, it is not necessary to undress him completely.
  • The temperature in the room should be + 18 + 20 C;
  • If there is no vascular spasm, after consulting a doctor, the child can be wiped with warm water, but without vinegar in the composition!

With a slight increase in temperature of 37 - 37.5 C, you can do without antipyretic drugs. But seeing a pediatrician is a must. The doctor will determine the cause of the fever and the absence of concomitant diseases.

At what temperature to give an antipyretic to a child up to a year

Normal indicators of a child's body temperature from the first days of life vary within 37.0 - 37.5 C. After a few days, the indicators decrease to 36.1 - 37.0 C. The usual temperature of 36.6 degrees is set by the first year of the baby's life. The following numbers are considered normal:

  • 36.0 - 37.3 C - in the armpit;
  • 36.6 - 37.2 C - oral body temperature;
  • 36.9 - 38.0 C - when measuring rectal temperature.

If, after vaccination or during teething, the child's temperature rises above 37.5 C, doctors recommend giving an antipyretic. Such a temperature after vaccination does not contribute to the development of immunity (as in the case of SARS), there is no positive effect from it. Therefore, you can give a safe antipyretic (according to age indications). At subfebrile temperature (about 37.0 C), instead of a drug, it is better to do with the additional measures described below to reduce the temperature. If after vaccination there is no increase in temperature, then it is not necessary to give the baby an antipyretic just in case.

While still in the maternity hospital, young mothers are instructed by the pediatrician to collect a first aid kit for a newborn baby, which must necessarily include antipyretics. As a result of the instructions received, young mothers simply begin to buy up all possible drugs, these are suppositories, tablets, ointments, and syrups. Moreover, when choosing, they are most often guided by the advice of pharmacists, who recommend purchasing several types of antipyretics. Since it is difficult to guess when and what drug may be needed.

However, before you rush into all serious and buy the floor of a pharmacy, think about it, is it necessary?

Fever in the chest

Many parents with great panic relate to an increase in the body temperature of their child. Without thinking about the fact that this symptom indicates the presence of a strong and good immune system. Mother nature has thought of everything for us, so do not panic. It should be understood that not a single child can be completely protected from viruses, bacteria and other bacilli. Anyway, sooner or later a small organism will enter into battle with pathogenic enemies. Therefore, cast aside fears and understand that even the smallest baby is able to defeat any infection. In fact, when a virus enters the child's body, a special protein, interferon, begins to be intensively produced in it, due to which the temperature rises. As a result, the viruses will stop multiplying and disappear completely.

But extremely caring parents, seeing on the thermometer instead of the prescribed 36.6 degrees, for example, 38, immediately run after the “miraculous” chest and begin to shove antipyretic drugs into the child and look forward to the “safe” numbers on the thermometer. But as a result, such behavior of parents only plays into the hands of a pathogenic virus, which, only after feeling “cool”, begins to multiply again.

Naturally, you should not wait for the moment when the temperature exceeds 40. In any case, in a newborn child, an increase in temperature indicates health problems and requires mandatory monitoring. Each child has a different disease course. Some baby at a high temperature will calmly snore in his crib, and some will go into continuous crying. Explaining why this is so is extremely difficult. However, parents should know how to behave properly if the baby has a high temperature. The first rule of correct behavior we have already studied is the refusal to panic. Second, you should definitely show the child to the pediatrician. Only he can correctly determine the cause of the high temperature and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Including antipyretics. You should not think that the temperature drugs advertised today are absolutely harmless and will suit any baby. In addition, it is necessary to choose the right dosage of the drug so as not to cause even more harm to the health of the baby. In any case, if you have to give your baby antipyretic drugs, you should be extremely careful.

As mentioned above, any medicine for taking a newborn baby should be prescribed by a doctor. But in view of the fact that recently more and more parents have ceased to trust modern doctors, it became necessary for parents to study the issue of pharmaceuticals. To make it easier for you to do this, we decided to offer you our help.

So, let's start by learning what it is strictly forbidden to give a baby at a temperature. These drugs include: Aspirin, Analgin and Nimesulide. For your information, these drugs in a number of countries are generally banned not only for children, but even for the adult population. And the ban on them is due to the fact that they cause extremely severe damage to the liver and hematopoietic system.

Rightfully the most harmless, but at the same time effective is the drug - Paracetamol. It is used to reduce the temperature in children of the first year of life. Naturally, it is not recommended to give tablets to young children. Since they have an "adult" dosage, and the division of the tablet into fourths and eighths can be considered conditional. And not every baby will be able to swallow the medicine in this form. But this is not a problem. Such well-known drugs as Dofalgan, Panadol, Tylenol, Eferalgan, Calpol and so on, are nothing more than paracetamol. The main thing is to correctly understand the form of release of these drugs and dosing.

It is worth considering one more thing. Many mothers are extremely fond of using antipyretics in the form of syrup, since this type of medicine always has a sweet taste, which children absorb with great desire. Yes, and this drug additionally relieves pain. However, many babies develop an allergy to such drugs. Therefore, the most optimal is the use of antipyretics in the form of candles. This form of paracetamol does not contain preservatives, dyes and sweeteners. In addition, there are no particular problems with the introduction of this drug to a baby, it begins to act much faster than its “syrup” counterparts, and the duration of action is much longer (at least 6 hours).

The vast majority of pediatricians recommend using paracetamol as an antipyretic, as it copes better than others with the main functions - lowering the temperature and reducing pain. But if the baby has a bacterial infection or some serious illness, then paracetamol will not help here. By the way, with the help of this drug, you can believe whether the baby is sick with the usual SARS or if he is worried about a more significant problem. If, after taking paracetamol, the temperature began to decrease, we can safely say that the child is sick with a common cold. If the temperature remains at the same level or, even worse, continues to rise, you should look for the cause of the fever in another, more serious way.

Also remember that any antipyretics are not given according to the scheme, but only as needed. Babies generally should not put more than 2 candles during the day, and for no more than 3 days.

Treatment of fever in infants without antipyretic drugs

Often, parents do not believe that it is possible to bring down the temperature of a child without the use of antipyretic drugs. Believe me, this can be done, but only under certain conditions.

1. A controversial issue that always worries parents, what temperature can be brought down? Some pediatricians say that you should not allow the temperature to rise above 38 degrees, while others recommend using antipyretics only if the temperature is above 39 degrees. We can conclude that the golden mean is 38.5 degrees. Here, stick to it. In addition, the condition of your child is of great importance, since in some cases a high temperature can provoke convulsions.

2. Of great importance for lowering the temperature is the conditions surrounding the child, namely the air temperature in the room. If your child is on fire, don't wrap him up any more. It is better to strip him naked and cover him with a thin diaper, especially if the room is stuffy and hot. But when the room is cool, dress the baby, so to speak, “according to the weather,” and wait for the temperature to normalize on its own.

3. And last, but the most important condition for the fight against the virus is drinking plenty of water. A baby, just like an adult, needs to restore the fluid that he loses. But in view of the fact that it is extremely problematic to drink a baby, just apply it to your chest more often.

And finally, I would like to say a few words about common methods without drug lowering the temperature. You should not experiment and apply heating pads with ice to the baby, rub it with vodka-acetic solutions and resort to other manipulations. Believe me, the consequences of such methods of treatment can be extremely deplorable. Thus, you can easily add acid or alcohol poisoning to existing viruses. And the use of cold compresses can lead to spasm of skin vessels, since the protective thermoregulation of the child is still extremely imperfect.

Similar instructions:

How much panic causes many mothers to have a fever in a small child! After all, this fact indicates an inflammatory process in the body. If the kid could talk, then he would tell what exactly worries him. But it was not there! There are cases when, before the arrival of an ambulance, it is necessary to anesthetize and lower the body temperature in order to alleviate the suffering of the baby. What is the most effective antipyretic for your baby: paracetamol-based miles with ibuprofen? In what form and dosage is it safe to take the funds? Many parents ask these questions.

What antipyretic drugs are best for newborns

Modern pharmacology offers a variety of antipyretics for newborns in the form of suspensions, syrups, solutions and rectal suppositories.

In the event of their inevitable use by infants, parents need to learn some rules. It is important to remember that none of the antipyretics is completely harmless. All medications that help reduce fever have contraindications, and their use can cause some complications. Almost all of them include paracetamol. Newborns are not recommended to use an antipyretic if the body temperature is below 38 ° C.

For infants, the following medications are most effective:

  1. Children's paracetamol (syrup).
  2. Children's panadol (suspension and suppositories).
  3. Efferalgan (syrup, solution and suppositories).
  4. Kalpol (suspension).
  5. Ibuprofen (suspension, suppositories).
  6. Ibufen (suspension).
  7. Nurofen (suspension and suppositories).
  8. Ifimol (solution).
  9. Tylenol (suspension, solution, suppositories).
  10. Cefekon D (candles).
  11. Dolomol (suspension and suppositories).
  12. Doleron (suspension).
  13. Viburkol is a homeopathic remedy.

Parents should remember that drugs such as Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid), Analgin, Amidopyrine, Antipyrine, Phenacetin and other drugs based on them are not recommended for use as an antipyretic for newborn babies.

Antipyretics for children with teething

When babies teething, their body temperature usually rises, diarrhea and vomiting are also possible. But do not rush to give an antipyretic if the body temperature is below 38 ° C. Thus, the immune system naturally fights the inflammatory process.

A positive effect in this case will have children's Paracetamol and drugs, which include it: Calpol, Efferalgan and others. Paracetamol is well tolerated. But it is not recommended to use it for more than three days in a row. Some children may have individual intolerance to these drugs. Be sure to do a drug tolerance test before use.

With an increase in body temperature during teething, Ibuprofen and preparations based on it are recommended: Nurofen and Ibufen. But parents should be aware that these drugs have more contraindications than Paracetamol. In addition, they are recommended to be used only after the first year of life. It should be noted that these drugs can aggravate diarrhea and vomiting, as they have an adverse effect on the stomach and intestines. In addition, Ibuprofen and related drugs are not recommended for use for more than two days in a row.

Antipyretic for infants after vaccination

In the US, many pediatricians prescribe an antipyretic immediately after vaccination, without waiting for a rise in body temperature. An elevated body temperature after vaccination does not have a particularly positive value, since it does not affect the development of immunity, as, for example, with ARVI. Therefore, Paracetamol suppositories or Ibuprofen should be used. In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to use candles.

If the temperature exceeds 38 ° C, then you should give the child a suspension of Ibuprofen. If this condition persists for three days, then you need to call a doctor or an ambulance.

Antipyretic drugs for newborns with angina

Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis or acute tonsillitis) in children is infectious. This is a common disease in children under the age of five. Older children also get angina, but less often. Body temperature during inflammation of the tonsils rises sharply and reaches 38-40 ° C. Antipyretics should be used if the temperature exceeds 38°C. Basically, with angina, doctors prescribe a suspension of Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol and Efferalgan. The use of candles is also recommended.

In order to enhance the effect of the above funds, you can give an antihistamine drug (Suprastin, Fenistil, Zirtek) 1-2 times a day.

Use fever relievers at the usual dosage, without exceeding the recommended frequency of use. They should be used no more than 3-4 days, as side effects may occur.

What is better for babies: antipyretic suppositories or syrup

It is important for parents to know that medications in the form of suppositories are absorbed through the rectum more slowly than drugs taken orally. If the antipyretic is prescribed in the form of suppositories, then its dose should be greater than the dose of the drug in the form of a syrup or suspension. If the child has a very high body temperature and a quick effect is required, then a syrup or suspension is preferable in this case. Candles are used when a longer effect is required. For example, a child's body temperature is above 38°C, and the night is ahead. Before going to bed, doctors recommend using candles.

If the child has an individual intolerance to an antipyretic in the form of a syrup or suspension, it causes nausea and vomiting, then the use of suppositories is preferable.

Antipyretic for newborn children with allergies

These drugs begin to act quite quickly, provide a long-term antipyretic and analgesic effect. In addition, they do not cause allergies, which is the main criterion when choosing medicines for children prone to allergies.

Some pediatricians claim that Ibuprofen has a positive effect on the functioning of the immune system.

How to reduce the temperature in a baby with folk remedies

For newborns, in addition to medicines, you can use folk recipes to reduce body temperature, which were used by our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Many in search of fragrance-free products opt for alternative treatment.

Often, mothers use vinegar or alcohol to reduce body temperature. These methods are dangerous for a child under three years old, since the baby's skin is able to absorb the substance used, which can lead to poisoning of the body.

The baby should be wiped only with water at room temperature. Rubbing is used in combination with other measures or in the absence of medications. This method is used if infants have not previously experienced convulsions against the background of elevated body temperature and in the absence of neurological diseases.

At elevated body temperature, the newborn should not be warmly dressed and wrapped. Dress it lightly so that excess heat escapes. Maintain the room temperature to 20-21°C.

Antipyretic for an infant: Komarovsky

Body temperature in infants usually rises with SARS and infectious diseases.

The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that in this way the body produces substances that will fight the pathogen. But each child tolerates a rise in body temperature in a different way. Each organism is individual, therefore there are no universal recommendations for all children. Some kids are easier to tolerate this process, others are much worse.

With an increase in body temperature in the baby, all necessary measures should be taken to alleviate his condition.

Drinking water should be at body temperature.

Of the antipyretics, the doctor primarily recommends Paracetamol, as it is one of the priority over-the-counter drugs. This tool is used all over the world and is quite effective. In the event that Paracetamol did not produce an effect, Ibuprofen should be given to the baby after 40 minutes. These drugs are completely compatible. If the effect is absent for 30-40 minutes, then you need to see a doctor.

The temperature should be reduced at an indicator of 39 ° C. And you can use antipyretics no more than four times a day.

Especially for - Ksenia Manevich

A rise in temperature in a newborn is a serious cause for concern for parents. After all, a high temperature can be a harbinger of a disease or infection. Antipyretics will help to relieve the temperature and alleviate the condition of the child.

Important points when taking antipyretic drugs:

  1. Only the attending pediatrician can prescribe an antipyretic for a newborn child.
  2. It is recommended to bring down the temperature if it is above 38 °.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions, observe the doses of the drugs.

On the topic of temperature in newborns:

  • (what thermometer and in what place to measure: in the mouth, under the arm, rectally)

List of antipyretics

Medicines for newborns for temperature are available in the form of syrups, suspensions, solutions and rectal suppositories.

  • Daleron. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. You can not take more than 4 times a day. The time between doses of the drug is 4 hours. The maximum duration of administration is 3 days.
  • Dolomol. Suspension. Dosage: 1-3 months. - determined by the doctor, 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Drink at least 1 hour after eating. Drink plenty of liquid. Take 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The maximum duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Dolomol Candles. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 80 mg 5 times a day, 6-12 months. - 80 mg per day 2-3 times. The daily dose is a maximum of 4 grams.
  • Ibuprofen. Candles. Dosage: 5.5-8 kg - 1 supp. per day 3 times, 8-12.5 kg - 1 supp. per day 4 times. The interval between doses is 6 hours. Not desirable for children under 3 months. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Ibufen. Suspension. Dosage: 7-9 kg - 2.5 ml (50 mg). Take after meals, no more than 3 times a day. The minimum time between doses is 6-8 hours. Shake the bottle before use. The drug is not recommended for children weighing up to 7 kg.
  • Ifimol. Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take at intervals of 4 hours, no more than 4 times a day. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Kalpol. Suspension. Dosage: 3-12 months. - from 2.5 to 5 ml. Newborns up to 1 month don't want to give. Drink after meals, at least 1 hour later. Drink plenty of water. The recommended dosage per day is 3-4 times with a 4-hour interval. The duration of application is 3 days.
  • Nurofen. Suspension. Dosage: 3-6 months. (not less than 5 kg) - 2.5 ml (1-3 times a day), 6-12 months. - 2.5 ml (1-4 times a day). To accurately calculate the dosage, use the instructions and a measuring spoon. Give a maximum of 4 times a day. The duration of admission is 3 days. If children 3-6 months. after taking the drug there is no improvement within a day, you need to contact your pediatrician.
    • Nurofen Candles. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 0.5-1 supp. (maximum 3 times a day), 8-12.5 kg - 1 supp. (maximum 4 times a day). The interval between applications is 6 hours. It is not advisable to put children under 3 months old. and body weight up to 6 kg. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Panadol for children. Suspension. Dosage: 6-8 kg - 4 ml, 8-10 kg - 5 ml. It is not recommended to give more than 3-4 times a day. Children up to 3 months. only prescribed by a doctor.
    • Panadol children's Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Put a maximum of 4 times a day with a 4-hour interval. Can be used 5-7 days.
  • Paracetamol for children. Syrup. Children 3-12 months. give 2.5 - 5 ml 3-4 times a day. The frequency of admission is 4-6 hours. Take the drug before meals. It is allowed to add to water and give through a bottle. Children up to 3 months. give only as prescribed by a doctor. It is not advisable to use up to 1 month.
    • Paracetamol for children Suspension. Toddlers 1-3 months. - about 2 ml, and 3 -12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Daily intake - 3-4 times. Give undiluted, always before meals. Drink water. 4 hours - the minimum time between doses. Babies up to 1 month old Not recommended.
  • Tylenol. Suspension. Dosage: up to 3 months - the doctor sets, 3-12 months. - 2.5-5 ml. Take no more than 4 times a day. Children up to 1 month. contraindicated. The duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Tylenol Solution. Dosage: 3-6 months. (up to 7 kg) - 350 mg, 6-12 months. (over 10 kg) - 500 mg. Maximum 4 times a day, after meals. Children under 1 month old drug is not recommended.
    • Tylenol suppositories. Dosage: 3-6 months. - 160 mg in two doses, 6-12 months. - 80 mg 3 times a day. Apply no more than 4 times a day. Babies up to 3 months do not put.
  • Cefekon D. Candles. Dosage: 4-6 kg (1-3 months) - 1 supp. (50 mg), 7-12 kg (3-12 months) - 1 supp. (100 mg). Apply 2-3 times a day. The time between applications is 4-6 hours. Children up to 1 month. Not recommended. The duration of admission is 3 days.
  • Efferalgan. Syrup. A measuring spoon is included with the syrup, into which the amount of syrup is collected, which corresponds to the weight of the child. Take a day no more than 3-4 times. Between doses, the minimum time is 4-6 hours. The maximum period of use is 3 days. Newborns weighing up to 4 kg syrup is not recommended.
    • Efferalgan Solution. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months. - 60-120 mg. Take no more than 4 times a day with a 4-hour break. The duration of admission is 3 days.
    • Efferalgan Candles. Dosage: up to 3 months. - 10 mg, 3-12 months - 60-120 mg. Use 4 times a day. 4 hours is the minimum interval between applications. The duration of admission is 3 days.

Additional proven methods

You can try to bring down the temperature without the help of drugs or just alleviate the condition of the child. A few proven public measures over the years:

Plentiful drink. The more liquid there is, the better the child will sweat, thereby bringing down the temperature in a natural way. If the child still cannot be drunk with raspberry tea, then apply it to the chest more often.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

Comfort temperature. It is not necessary to dress the child “warmerly”. It would be better to undress him, covering him with a diaper.

Wet rubdown. The main thing is not to overdo it with the cold, so that there are no vasospasms. And even more so, no vodka compresses that can cause poisoning.

Prohibited drugs

Video about which antipyretics can be given to children, and which ones cannot?

To relieve temperature in newborns, it is forbidden to give drugs that do not include paracetamol or ibuprofen: phenacetin, analgin, amidopyrine, nimesulide, antipyrine, acetylsalicylic acid. These funds are dangerous to the life of the child, because. can cause severe damage to the liver and circulatory system.

In young children, immunity is at the stage of its formation. Therefore, the body temperature during infectious and greatly increased. In rare cases, the body reacts this way to. Doctors recommend not to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees. At this time, there is an increased production of leukocytes, which are needed to overcome viruses and bacteria.

In some children, such a temperature should not be allowed. Manufacturers offer many drugs that are available in the convenient form of syrups and suppositories.

Features of children's antipyretics

Relate to non-steroidal. This group also includes those that relieve inflammation.

Some medicines have clear age restrictions. For example, if the composition contains Nimesulide or a combination of several active ingredients, then it is better not to give them to children under 12 years of age.

Active active ingredients contained in antipyretics block the production of COX. These are special enzymes responsible for raising the temperature. At the same time, the work of the nerve centers located in the medulla oblongata is inhibited. They are responsible for the appearance of fever. The severity of the action is directly related to the temperature and dosage of the drug.


An increase in body temperature is protective in nature, since it leads to a decrease in the rate of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. With most diseases, the maximum temperature for children, which will not lead to a deterioration in the work of other organs, is 38.5 degrees. There are children at risk. They justified reception at lower thermometer readings. This category of children includes those who have:

  • metabolic diseases,
  • febrile convulsions in history.

An indication for taking antipyretics is fever, which is accompanied by muscle and. It is impossible to allow a strong increase in temperature in children of the first months of life.

Drugs are mandatory for use in severe weakness and delusional states. Additionally, bed rest, plenty of fluids and regular monitoring of bowel cleansing are provided.

Dr. Komarovsky about antipyretics for children:

Forms of drugs for children

Antipyretic drugs are available in different forms:

  • syrup,
  • candles,
  • soluble powder
  • tablets,
  • injections.

Children drink sweet syrups quite easily. They take effect in about 30-40 minutes. The duration of action depends on the active ingredient. Candles begin to act faster - after 20 minutes.

They are an excellent option in cases where the child refuses treatment or vomiting occurs when eating. It is best to administer suppositories after cleansing the intestines. Then they will start to act faster. Syrups and suppositories are the most popular forms of antipyretics.

Special chewable tablets are suitable for older children. Due to chemical additives, they can cause allergic reactions. Such drugs are prescribed for children over three years old, since the kids still have the opportunity to choke on a pill.

Medicines in the form of a powder for children of younger and preschool age are rarely used. Such products dissolve in water, have a rather pleasant taste. Modern manufacturers supplement such drugs with ascorbic acid, several antipyretic components at once.

The fastest way to relieve the temperature is an injection. It is she who is used by doctors when syrups, suppositories and other forms do not bring the desired result. Most often, if necessary, to provide an ambulance, a lytic injection is given. It combines three active ingredients: analgin, diphenhydramine and papaverine. The effect of such an injection is observed after 15 minutes.

Overview of the most popular tools


For infants from 6 months to a year, Efferalgan is allowed to use. These are rectal suppositories. Doctors are allowed to use when the child weighs more than 4 kg. The onset of action of the drug is approximately 40 minutes, and the effect lasts 4-6 hours.

The main active ingredient is 150 mg. Paracetamol. Auxiliary components - semi-synthetic glycerides.

Paracetamol is also found in:

  • Cefikon D,
  • Baby.

These drugs can be used no more than 4 suppositories every 6 hours. The duration of treatment is about three days.

Candles that contain the active ingredient ibuprofen are represented by drugs such as:

  • ibuflex,
  • for kids.

They are used for babies from the third month of life. The maximum daily dosage is calculated from the ratio of 30 mg of the active ingredient per 1 kg of body weight. The action persists for 6-8 hours. It is recommended not to use more than 3 candles per day.

Previous drugs can be used for fever after vaccination, teething, infectious diseases.

In inflammatory processes and teething, many parents prefer Viburkol. These are homeopathic suppositories, which also have anti-inflammatory effects. They contain chamomile and other components of plant origin. They are used 4-6 times a day.

Popular antipyretic candles for children


Children older than 3 years are more often prescribed syrups, powders for the preparation of oral solutions. All of them contain sugar, so children drink them with pleasure. It is issued in this form:

  • Efferalgan,
  • Kalpol,
  • Panadol.

The average dose depends on age and starts from 10-15 mg / kg per day.

Ibuprofen-based syrups are prescribed for fever with a pronounced inflammatory component, for example, with tonsillitis. The recommended dosage is 5-10 mg/kg in children of the first years of life. These drugs include:

  • Ibufen,
  • bofen,
  • Nurofen.

Popular children's syrups with antipyretic effect

Capsules and tablets

They are mainly shown from 6-7 years old. This age limit is associated with an impressive dose of the active ingredient. Tablets may include minor substances in their composition. Effervescent types begin to act in 1-15 minutes. These include Efferalgan. After 20-30 minutes, Nurofen, Piaron, Panadol begin to act.
