Folk treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies. Schizophrenia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment Treatment of schizophrenia with herbs at home

Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by progression, personality changes, inappropriate behavior, and loss of unity of mental functions. First of all, the emotional sphere, communication skills, and thinking suffer. At the same time, intellectual abilities do not deteriorate; all skills, knowledge and memory remain unchanged.

Most often, schizophrenia is inherited, so the risk of getting sick increases if there have been cases of similar mental disorders in the family. This disease usually appears between the ages of 15 and 35. With proper treatment, a person remains able to work and can be in society.

Reasons for appearance schizophrenia

Modern science has not fully studied all the causes of schizophrenia. Often this mental disorder is caused by prolonged stress, overwork, or psychological trauma. There is also a genetic predisposition. However, there are cases when schizophrenia appears for no apparent reason in a previously mentally stable person. Scientists put forward several theories about the occurrence of this disease, which consider reasons such as:

  • Excessive production of dopamine, which affects the functioning of the nervous system
  • Too productive activity of serotonin receptors
  • Brain abnormalities due to infections or genetic components
  • Split personality, one of which dominates external circumstances
  • Effect of toxic substances
  • Oxygen starvation of the brain

Regardless of the causes of schizophrenia, psychosocial factors play an important role in its manifestations and subsequent treatment.


The symptoms of this disease are varied and easily recognizable. It is important that these manifestations must have a permanent basis and last more than six months. In isolated cases, psychiatrists usually do not make such a serious diagnosis. Symptoms of schizophrenia for which you should see a doctor are:

  • Weakening of physical and mental activity
  • Depressive states, apathy
  • Sudden hysterical attacks
  • Confused speech, inconsistent reasoning due to impaired thinking
  • Closedness, lack of communication
  • Echo of thoughts
  • Aggression, personality change
  • Hallucinations
  • Impaired perception, unreasonable fears
  • Loss of coordination
  • Strange ideas
  • Emotional instability or devastation

Also, various manic, catatonic and oneiric-catatonic manifestations are considered symptoms of a disease such as schizophrenia.


At the initial stage of the disease, the diagnosis is made solely on the basis of symptoms, complaints and the patient’s behavior. Subsequently, the psychiatrist continues to monitor the patient, analyzing changes in symptoms.

During diagnostics, additional examinations are possible:

  • Urine and blood tests
  • Assessment of immune and hormonal status
  • Magnetic resonance therapy
  • Electroencephalography

In some cases, an examination is carried out by other specialists in order to identify diseases that could trigger the development of schizophrenia.

Kinds schizophrenia

Traditionally, there are several types of this disease:

  • Simple. There is a gradual progression of the disease, without significant exacerbations, delusions or hallucinations
  • Paranoid, in which hallucinations (most often auditory) and ridiculous ideas appear, but thinking is not impaired, behavior is relatively adequate
  • Hebephrenic. There is a disorder of thinking, inappropriate behavior, emotional instability
  • Catatonic. Impaired motor skills, speech, lethargy, or sudden agitation. Thinking remains adequate, but aggression or stupor may appear
  • Residual. It is a chronic form of schizophrenia, when symptoms are mild, but there are residual negative symptoms
  • Undifferentiated, in which many signs of this disease exist, but they do not fit the above types

Doctors also distinguish a special form of schizophrenia - this is post-schizophrenic depression, which manifests itself against the background of any psycho-emotional stress or psychotic episode.

Patient Actions

Often the patient himself does not understand what is happening to him, so it is important that loved ones help the patient when the first symptoms of schizophrenia appear. It is important to immediately consult a psychiatrist, undergo an examination and receive adequate treatment. Traditional methods of treatment will be an excellent addition to traditional therapy, will help calm the nervous system, remove fears and anxieties.

Treatment schizophrenia folk remedies

Traditional methods in the treatment of schizophrenia should be used in combination with drug therapy prescribed by the attending physician. It is recommended to use medicinal herbs to calm and restore the functioning of the central nervous system. They are effective for insomnia, feelings of anxiety and fear, aggression, which is not uncommon in schizophrenia. Useful infusions and decoctions will help with hysterical fits, attacks of suffocation and panic.

Wolfberry for insomnia and schizophrenia

In this case, infusion of viburnum will help. You need to steam 3 cups of berries in boiling water. The resulting product sits for about 5 hours and is filtered. The infusion should be taken 3 times a day, a third of a glass, for three weeks.

Strawberries for asthma attacks in schizophrenia

A remedy prepared from 1 tablespoon of strawberry leaves will help. They are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and boiled to a volume of 100 ml. Take a tablespoon of cold filtered decoction every 2 hours.

Mignonette for attacks of aggression

Mignonette flowers will help relieve nervous tension and attacks of aggression. To do this, 100 g of inflorescences should be poured with 500 ml of vegetable oil. The mixture is infused for 2 weeks in a dark, warm place, shaking periodically. Strain and rub 2 times a day into the temple area.

Linden to strengthen the nervous system

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of linden flowers with 1 glass of boiling water. The solution is covered with a towel or poured into a thermos and infused for about 40 minutes. It is recommended to drink 1 glass 3-4 times a day.

Valerian for anxiety attacks

To prepare this remedy, 1-2 g of finely ground poisonous rhizome is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. The product is infused for about 3-4 hours, after which it is filtered. It is recommended to drink 3-4 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Mistletoe decoction for hallucinations, nervous irritations

You need to pour 1 dessert spoon of dry mistletoe with 1 glass of water. The resulting solution should be brought to a boil and left for about 30 minutes, then filtered. Drink 1 tablespoon of infusion 3 times a day.

Prevention schizophrenia

Since the nature of this disease has not been fully studied, modern medical science does not know effective measures to prevent schizophrenia. However, psychiatrists advise spending more time in the fresh air, tempering yourself, and avoiding stressful situations and excessive overheating. You should not abuse diets, alcohol, caffeine, it is useful to eat a varied diet, consuming enough vitamins and minerals.


With improper treatment or a severe form that requires the use of aggressive medications, schizophrenia can lead to the inability to adapt socially, impaired brain activity, and also to neuroleptic disorders. Complications such as:

  • Development of diabetes mellitus
  • Obesity
  • Problems with the heart and blood vessels

In addition, other mental disorders are likely to appear, namely autism, dementia, extrapyramidal disorders, and often such patients exhibit suicidal tendencies.


Many herbs have their contraindications and negatively affect the functioning of the internal organs and systems of the body, therefore, when using any traditional methods, you should consult a doctor and find out about the characteristics of a particular herb. With uncontrolled use of infusions and decoctions, allergic reactions and disruption of the digestive tract and central nervous system are possible.

Mental illnesses include a large group of nosological forms in which the normal course of mental processes is disrupted. They are characterized by the inability of patients to adapt to society, solve everyday problems in the professional and family fields, and achieve their goals. Changes primarily affect the emotional, sensory, and mental spheres of activity.

With a long course of the disease without specialized help, somatic disorders are added. This article will discuss schizophrenia and its treatment with folk remedies.

What is schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a chronic disease with a progressive course. The first symptoms usually occur at a young age and are manifested by emotional instability, inappropriate thinking and behavior.

In the early stages of the disease, intellectual abilities are preserved, but later memory and attention deteriorate. The harmony and integrity of the personality, the correct perception of one’s own “I” are disrupted, and the ability to adequately perceive the surrounding reality is lost. As a result, connections with society and family are lost, apathy and degradation develop.

Manifestations of the disease and its symptoms

The hereditary factor plays a major role in the development of the disease. The pathological process can be activated by head injuries, severe mental shocks, and past infectious diseases. Manifestations of schizophrenia are varied and depend on the form and duration of the disease. “Productive” symptoms include:

  • prolonged immobilization in unnatural positions, motor agitation, refusal to communicate;
  • identifying oneself with famous personalities, imparting supernatural abilities;
  • a feeling of voices within oneself that can argue and discuss the actions of the patient and those around him;
  • confidence in openness of thoughts to others, negative assessment of the thought process from the outside;
  • apathy, passivity of motor functions, controllability of activity from the outside;
  • a feeling of suggestibility and foreignness of thoughts;
  • broadcasting, implantation and “stealing” of thoughts;
  • delusions influenced by existing or fictional characters.

Another group of symptoms includes “negative” ones, which play a fundamental role in making a diagnosis and appear in the early stages of development. These include:

  • emotional dulling of perception of the surrounding world;
  • sloppiness, non-compliance with hygiene rules and accepted norms of behavior in society;
  • lack of motivation to act;
  • fragmentary thinking, unfinished phrases, unusual form of expressing thoughts;
  • violation of logic, attention and consistency in mental reactions;
  • social failure.

These pathological manifestations make a person helpless, aggressive, and absurd. In advanced stages, emotional exhaustion and mental immobilization develop.

Forms of schizophrenia

Depending on the predominance of certain manifestations, forms of schizophrenia are distinguished:

  • simple - occurs without acute psychosis, develops unnoticed;
  • hebephrenic – “negative” symptoms predominate, flattening of emotions, episodes of affect, pretentious behavior, decreased will, develops in puberty;
  • catatonic – characterized by visual hallucinations, stupor and motor overexcitation;
  • paranoid - various delusional ideas are combined with auditory hallucinations;
  • residual – manifests itself over a long period of time and is characterized by emotional and speech poverty, lack of will and motivation, and insignificant motor activity.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with drug therapy in specialized hospitals and social adaptation programs. Traditional methods can help maintain the patient’s good condition.

Traditional recipes for schizophrenia

1. Burdock decoction has a calming effect and reduces the occurrence of catatonic attacks. Pour a half-liter jar of water into a saucepan and pour in 35 grams of finely chopped plant rhizomes and cook for no more than a quarter of an hour.

The broth is cooled and filtered from the dry residue. Take small sips throughout the day, therapeutic course is 16 days. If necessary, repeat treatment every 2 months.

2. Tincture of Datura flowers improves mood and reduces the manifestations of affective states. To do this, 55 grams of raw materials are poured into a bottle of vodka and kept for 11 days in a dark place. The liquid is then filtered through a fabric filter. Drink 16 drops dissolved in water three times a day.

3. Aggression is significantly dulled by an infusion of elecampane root, mistletoe herb and thyme. The crushed raw materials are mixed in equal proportions. 5 teaspoons of the medicinal mixture are poured into a half-liter thermos with boiling water and infused throughout the day. The strained solution is taken 4-5 times a day in monthly courses.

4. Hot baths with the addition of a decoction of aspen bark, leaves and branches have a sedative effect. The solution is prepared in a three-liter container of water with the addition of 135 grams of the mixture. After boiling for 12-18 minutes, the broth is poured into the bath and the procedure is carried out for at least half an hour. To prepare a medicinal product, you can use linden or birch raw materials.

5. To improve sleep, use a pillow stuffed with lavender, hops and oregano. At night they drink tea from the flowers of foxglove, mint and thyme. Rosemary infusion is used as a sleeping pill. Place a large pinch of herbs into a thermos, add a glass of hot water and leave overnight. Take 55 ml in the afternoon between meals.

6. In case of hysterical attacks, an infusion of fragrant woodruff is recommended. To do this, pour 45 grams of the plant into 630 ml of water and boil over low heat for at least 7-9 minutes. The solution is filtered and cooled, kept for 4-6 hours in a warm, shaded place. Drink half a glass twice a day to prevent affect, as well as a few sips before the onset of an attack.

7. In case of panic attacks, zyuznik infusion helps well. To prepare it, you need to pour 25 grams of herb into 310 ml of hot water and place in a dark place for two quarters of an hour. The resulting solution is filtered and drunk twice a day, several large sips. The addition of a weak infusion of St. John's wort can enhance the therapeutic effect. Courses of therapy last 28-31 days with intervals of several months.

8. An infusion of comfrey root helps get rid of hallucinations. Pour a liter jar of water and a dessert spoon of crushed raw materials into the pan and boil for no more than 4 minutes. The filtered solution is infused for 2-3 hours and consumed within 24 hours. Ten-day courses are recommended with breaks of 2-4 weeks.

Prevention of schizophrenia attacks during remission

Regular physical activity and hardening can significantly prolong periods of remission of the disease. At the initial stage, the body is wiped with a towel moistened with cold water.

Over time, a contrast and cold shower is prescribed. Long walks and jogging in the morning are recommended. Morning exercises and sports strengthen the nervous system, immunity, and improve mental activity.

You should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, and working under stress and physical exertion. In your diet, you need to stick to light foods containing cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dietary meat. It is prohibited to include spicy, fatty foods, semi-finished products and offal in the diet. The sleep schedule must be strictly observed and last at least 8-9 hours. Favorite hobbies and communication with loved ones improve the emotional background and prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Schizophrenia is a serious illness that, in the absence of specialized help, can lead to irreparable consequences of destruction of a person’s personality. Along with treatment with medications, under the supervision of a specialist, social adaptation, occupational therapy and folk recipes for maintaining health are of great importance.

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder due to internal disturbances in the body, characterized by pathological behavior, emotions, attitude towards people, inadequate perception of the world and reality.

The development of the disease is not associated with exposure to external factors and may have a paroxysmal or continuous course.

With the disease, difficulties with communication are observed in a person at various stages of life - from early childhood to old age, from the period of attending school to working in a team.

According to statistics, every 5-6 people out of 1000 are susceptible to schizophrenia. Gender does not matter, although in men the disease manifests itself at an earlier age - from 15 years, in women from 25 years. Pathology is usually found in people between 15 and 30 years old. Out of 100 people with schizophrenia, about 10 decide to commit suicide.

The pathology affects a person for the rest of his life. Moreover, many symptoms can be eliminated completely with a competent combination of traditional and traditional treatment, which can only be selected by a highly qualified psychiatrist.

Interesting! Not all people with pathology suffer from dementia. Schizophrenics can have varying levels of intelligence - from low to very high. There are famous historical figures suffering from mental disorders who were able to achieve significant success and recognition from others - writer N.V. Gogol, mathematician D. Nash, chess player B. Fischer and many others.

With pathology, a person’s thinking and perception suffer while maintaining the normal functioning of memory and intellect. The brain of schizophrenics is able to correctly perceive information, but the organ cortex cannot process it correctly.


The exact reasons for the development of this mental illness have not been identified. Scientists have put forward a number of factors that increase the likelihood of pathology:

  • Hereditary predisposition. If close relatives have the disease, schizophrenia appears in 10% of cases. When a pathology is diagnosed in one of the identical twins, the probability of the disorder occurring in the second increases to 65%. There is a version that for the development of a mental disorder one hereditary factor is not enough, a combination of several reasons is necessary.
  • Childhood education. One of the assumptions for the occurrence of schizophrenia is the provision of insufficient attention by parents to their children.
  • Pathologies of intrauterine development, mainly the impact of infections on the child.
  • Bad habits. The use of amphetamines contributes to the worsening of signs of mental illness. The use of hallucinogenic and stimulant drugs, including smoking, can trigger the development of the disorder.
  • Social factors. Scientists claim a connection between loneliness or stressful situations caused by a negative social situation with the manifestation of schizophrenia.
  • Brain chemical disorders. The makings of pathology can be laid down during intrauterine development, but appear only during puberty.

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Symptoms of the disorder

In the first stages of pathology, symptoms may be mild and often go unnoticed. At the same time, achieving an effective result is only possible if treatment is started in the early stages of a mental disorder. Therefore, it is important not to miss this moment before the disease progresses to more severe forms.

Manifestations can be very diverse. The main symptoms of schizophrenia are:

  • negative signs- lack of emotions and pleasure from anything, distance from social life and self-isolation, fading desire for self-care;
  • positive manifestations– a person hears voices in his head, becomes delusional, feels someone watching him from the outside;
  • unexpected mood swings– from joy to depression;
  • cognitive symptoms– difficulties with processing even basic information, disturbances in thinking and memory.

There are certain signs of schizophrenia that are observed in males:

  • aggressiveness;
  • self-isolation from society;
  • the appearance of voices in the head;
  • persecution mania.

Features of the manifestation of the disease in women are:

  • frequent reflection;
  • persecution mania;
  • rave;
  • hallucinations;
  • conflicts against the background of social interests.

Signs of a mental disorder in men are most often permanent, while in women they appear in the form of unexpected attacks. For schizophrenic men, there is an increased addiction to alcoholic beverages.

You can suspect the presence of the disease in children based on the following symptoms:

  • Rave.
  • Irritability.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Movement disorders.

It is important for parents to distinguish the child’s wild imagination and character traits from pathological disorders. A specialist can determine the presence of the disease in children from the age of 2 years.

During adolescence, schizophrenics experience aggressiveness, poor academic performance, and isolation.

In severe forms of the disease, severe dementia manifests itself.

Diagnosis of schizophrenia

To make a correct diagnosis, psychiatrists use several effective techniques:

  • interviewing the patient and his relatives;
  • conducting psychological tests;
  • virological study;
  • sleep monitoring carried out at night;
  • scanning of brain vessels;
  • conducting a neurophysiological examination;
  • electroencephalography;
  • laboratory tests.

Based on all the results obtained, the specialist makes a diagnosis and selects the most effective method of treating the patient.

  • It is not recommended to leave the patient alone, which will aggravate his situation and worsen his well-being;
  • Stressful situations that can cause negative emotions in a schizophrenic should be excluded;
  • Perform constant ventilation of the room in any weather;
  • Patients are prohibited from consuming alcoholic beverages and drugs and should stop smoking;
  • It is recommended to take regular walks along quiet streets away from noisy roads;
  • It is advisable to play sports, swimming is especially useful, as it normalizes blood circulation, energizes and increases muscle tone;
  • It is important to get vitamins and nutrients into the body with food;
  • It is recommended to find a job and hobby to reduce the risk of depression and suicidal thoughts;
  • in sunny weather, you should use a hat to prevent overheating;
  • It is imperative to observe a sleep-wake schedule; lack of rest worsens the condition;
  • Do not drink strong tea, coffee or energy drinks.

Traditional medicine's ways to combat schizophrenia include:

  • Medications.
  • Insulin coma therapy is the administration of an increased dose of insulin to induce a glycemic coma. In the modern world, the method is used very rarely.
  • Electroconvulsive therapy is the conduction of electrical impulses through the brain.
  • Social correction – improving the patient’s living conditions and establishing his communication and contact with people around him.
  • Training family members to interact with and help a schizophrenic person.
  • Psychotherapy – alleviates the general condition of the patient and is used as an addition to complex treatment.
  • Surgical intervention is used rarely and in exceptional cases.

None of the methods of modern therapy can completely cure schizophrenia. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the occurrence of recurrent attacks.

How to treat with folk remedies?

Traditional methods of treatment using natural ingredients have a positive effect on the condition of a person suffering from schizophrenia. Before using any recipe, it is recommended that you consult your doctor.

The most effective traditional medicine for mental disorders are:

  • Dissolve 1 tablespoon in 1 glass of boiled water coriander. The remedy must be infused and used in the morning or when a hysterical attack occurs.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped valerian root mixed with 100 grams of vodka, infused for 10 days. The daily dose is 5 drops. Alcohol tincture helps get rid of causeless feelings of anxiety.
  • Dry hop cones and blackberry leaves mix in equal proportions - 1 teaspoon each. The healing mixture is poured with 2 glasses of boiled water and left to brew overnight. Finally, the medicine is filtered and taken ½ cup up to 4 times a day. The decoction strengthens the nervous system and serves as a stress prevention measure.
  • 1 tablespoon viburnum bark combine with boiled water in the amount of 1 cup, the mixture is infused for 30 minutes and filtered thoroughly. The product is drunk 30 minutes before meals, 1 tablespoon 3 times during the day.
  • To 3 liters of water you need to add 50 grams of crushed swamp chickweed, place the mixture over medium heat, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes with the lid closed. The resulting broth should be poured into a bath with a water temperature of 36-38 degrees. Taking medicinal baths before bedtime helps improve coordination of movements.
  • It is useful to sleep on a pillow that is prepared at home by adding medicinal herbs inside - oregano, hops, mint and thyme.
  • Linen bag with bay leaf can be hung around the patient's neck to eliminate nightmares.

All folk recipes are aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms of pathology, and not at completely getting rid of mental illness.

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A favorable prognosis for schizophrenia depends on the following factors:

  • late age of onset of symptoms of the disease;
  • female;
  • good social and professional adaptation before the onset of the disease;
  • acute onset of a psychotic episode;
  • weak manifestation of negative symptoms;
  • absence of frequent and prolonged hallucinations.

The earlier a mental illness is identified, the more successful the result of treatment, including traditional and folk methods, will be. Of particular importance in this case are those around and close to a person with schizophrenia, who should support the patient and help him avoid nervous breakdowns and depression.

When reading this article, a false opinion may arise that the author is too harsh in his assessment of the situation with the treatment of schizophrenia using traditional methods. One should not make hasty conclusions.

At home, you can alleviate the course of schizophrenic disorder

Terms and epithets

It is quite possible that there will be definitions that some people will not like. The most offensive thing is that this will not apply to patients with schizophrenia, but to those who are trying to find the answer to the question of how schizophrenia is treated at home with herbs, regardless of the diagnosis of those seeking it or its absence. Please note that the author has carefully filtered the range of words used. You are reading the second edition of the article. It has the most diplomatic attitude towards those seeking a description of how schizophrenia is treated with herbs.

Disappointment and loss of hope

Yes, if you were looking for something about the treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies, herbs, then we take away hope abruptly and irrevocably. This is stupidity, and we will not encourage it. However, the author does not at all believe that all situations associated with schizophrenia are fatal. Moreover, in the above-mentioned home conditions, you can do quite a lot. Especially when you consider that patients do not stay in hospital for very long. Most of the time - still at home, because constant hospitalization is almost impossible. This would no longer be a hospital, but a boarding school. This also happens, but, fortunately, it affects no more than 1% of patients. The rest are sooner or later discharged, which means they end up at home. You can do a lot at home, but not everything needs to be done.

There is nothing good in any nonsense

So, why do you need to throw out of your head the nonsense about treating schizophrenia at home with folk remedies?

Because this is nonsense, and you need to part with any nonsense... With quite a lot of confidence we can say that it is not even the delirium of patients, but of their relatives and friends. Patients know what it really is. They either do not admit that they are sick at all, then information about what herbs are sold for schizophrenia is of no use to them, or they admit it, but are unlikely to rely on motherwort. Well, it is very doubtful that during a period of remission it would occur to anyone that a tincture of hawthorn, chamomile, motherwort and dried flowers could be extremely useful against voices in the head.

Also because this is dangerous nonsense. The conviction that it is possible to treat schizophrenia with herbs at home can be one of the incentives to give up antipsychotics. This moment is delicate. Mandatory use of medications on an outpatient basis is possible only by court decision. There must be good reasons for this. For example, under the influence of hallucinations a patient does something illegal, but not very criminal. In other cases, patients have the right to make decisions themselves. This must be done by understanding all the pros and cons and weighing the consequences. Refusal from antipsychotics leaves a person in remission alone with his fate. No one is saying that withdrawal is 100% associated with a return of positive symptoms, but the likelihood of this increases significantly. It’s one thing if a person for some reason believes that it is better for him to take a risk, but understands that this is a risk. Another is the refusal to hope for any traditional methods of treating schizophrenia.

It is characteristic that in articles that talk about the treatment of schizophrenia with herbs, the same technique is usually used. In the first part they write about the centuries-old experience, God forgive me, of the people, then about the fact that all this is real, and then... The rhetoric suddenly changes. Next we talk about the fact that such and such a collection helps relieve anxiety in schizophrenia, but this one is for aggression, the third is for apathy, and the fourth is good for depression. And, of course, with schizophrenia. What else does it have to do with it?

It's all a lie... Why a lie? Because the cause of the disorder is unknown, and the nature is complex. The most convincing hypotheses are those that consider all components:

  • diathesis;
  • stress;
  • Wednesday.

The disturbance occurs at all levels, and the patient finds himself cut off from this world. The gap is expressed in different ways. Aggression, anxiety, depression are just particular forms of manifestation of a general problem. And this can only be countered by taking into account the general disorder. This simply cannot be done with some herbs.

A schizophrenic may feel disconnected from this world.

Possible developments in the light of treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies

  1. Episode. The patient hears voices, he is sure that his thoughts are becoming someone else’s, his waters are being muddied by evil devils. He doesn't always understand where he is. What kind of herbs could there be? Explanations that any herbal treatment is pointless and even dangerous are needed only for those who have not encountered the problem. True, it is not clear why they would need to know this.
  2. Remission. During this time, the patient must take medications. Why also some herbs? What kind of greed? Haloperidol isn't enough for anyone, but would you like elderberry and quinoa? And... Another picture? Has the patient decided to stop taking medications? Free will, but just don’t connect this in any way with some herbs and similar folk remedies for treating schizophrenia.

There may be other situations. Prodromal or associated with some kind of undiagnosed schizophrenia. (This is when something happened to a person, some suspicions arose, but they have not yet brought it to the attention of psychiatrists.) Unlike many other authors, this one does not push anyone to see a doctor. The time will come... None of those who are destined to end up with psychiatrists have yet passed by psychiatrists. But there is hardly any need to rush. Weigh, analyze and make the right choice. Just don’t create an illusory exit.

What are attempts to treat schizophrenia with folk remedies in reality?

This is people's desire to avoid standard medical treatment. It is also based on antipsychotics and has social consequences. It is quite possible that attempts to do without this have certain grounds. Only in this case, the opinion of the alleged patient that he will be able to solve the problem on his own is connected with common sense much more than the treatment of schizophrenia with traditional methods. Simply for the reason that they don’t exist, and your own strength may or may not be enough, but potentially everyone has a chance.

Don't go to a psychiatrist if you don't want to. Just don’t believe that you can drink weed instead and the devils will disappear, the voices will subside and even autism will go away, and the patient will become like an Easter egg.

By the way, usually all magicians, psychics and other practitioners in the field of alternative medicine, when they hear the word “schizophrenia,” quickly put on a straight face and declare that this is not their profile. And they say correctly...

However, one small caveat needs to be made here. If these folk remedies are a symbol for the totality of what can be done, what is needed, a certain set of rules of psychological hygiene and the techniques themselves, then they need to be considered in the context of answering the question of how to live further. Or, in another wording... How to live with this?

Negative and positive symptoms and treatment of schizophrenia at home

Positive or productive symptoms are all that are formed as a result of the disorder. Depending on the form of schizophrenia and the characteristic features of a particular case, these may be:

  • cognitive impairment, which is expressed in the form of delirium;
  • hallucinations, more often auditory - voices in the head, in the body or in external objects;
  • pseudohallucinations when the patient finds himself in a mental state as if he sees or feels something.

With schizophrenia, a person begins to hear some voices

All this is expressed in a variety of ways, combined in the form of a complex of symptoms, and their stable association takes on the character of separate syndromes. For example, mental automatisms, when thoughts, feelings and movements are perceived not as one’s own, but as made by someone or something.

This is a simple sketch. In reality, things can be much more complicated. We are talking about the absolute failure of attempts to combat aggression or anxiety directly in this case. You see a person worried, but you don’t even suspect that he is worried, because there are a lot of hostile creatures around him. You don't see them, but they are there. And they are in the reality of the patient’s psyche. The same applies to aggression. The patient threw a chair at the wall. You think he is being rowdy, but in reality the chair was flying at a huge carnivorous cat. And if the patient had not thrown a chair at this monster, it would have eaten him to hell.

Let's make one caveat right away. Prayers and conspiracies against cats, devils, mermen, aliens, villains who dig up roads, and employees of special services hostile to the patient do not help. They are like a poultice for the dead.

So far, medicine has nothing but antipsychotics, also known as neuroleptics. And here the author is perplexed. Why do wives and mothers of patients want to understand how to treat schizophrenia in men with folk remedies? Fly agarics? Whitewashed? Datura? Why, if there are neuroleptics, and they make monsters disappear for many?

Without drugs and substances, all this can only be endured. This is quite realistic; in about 70% of cases, the episode subsides after 2-3 months. In the other 30% it does not subside. And no one knows how events will unfold. To endure this is most often painful and painful, disgusting, absurd. And not everyone can endure it. Every psychiatrist knows about the existence of Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome. It is usually taken seriously, but is still not considered a clear sign of a malignant course of the disorder. But not even all experts know what happened to Viktor Khrisanfovich Kandinsky himself. He was an ordinary doctor, but he himself had a mental disorder. Then he sat down to books on psychiatry. Studying them allowed him to learn to be more relaxed about his hallucinations and other signs of schizophrenia. He was able to control his disorder for several years and developed an individual system of psychotherapy. He was the first to describe mental automatisms. However, in 1889, during a new attack, Kandinsky committed suicide by drinking a lethal dose of opium. What kind of treatment for schizophrenia are there with folk remedies at home? What do you mean? Pseudohallucinations and automatisms caused the suicide of the psychiatrist who first described them. We are on the verge of life and death here, and you are thinking about how to cure schizophrenia using folk remedies. Take up folklore, folk songs distract...

Negative symptoms are the visible expression of what a mental defect brings. These include:

  • autism;
  • anhedonia;
  • flattening of affect.

During the development of the disorder, stable changes in personality, character, and thinking patterns are formed. Patients even during the period of remission show themselves to be suspicious, withdrawn, and distant. Depending on the individual characteristics and type of schizophrenia, all this can be expressed in different ways. Of course, no collection of herbs will help against autism for schizophrenia.

And yet... What to do?

Next we will go over some important points that seem to be the most significant. We will indicate the significant components of the symptom complex and talk about the attitude to the problem that we see as the most correct. This is not an attempt to answer the question of how to cure schizophrenia at home, but a story about what can be done about it while we are still alive.


There is absolutely no point in fighting. The main thing is not to let your mental state control your life, but not through perseverance. If you want to go somewhere, but your disorder does not allow you to do it, then you need to do it. If there is no desire or it is impossible to do, then you need to use your time alone to study psychiatry, philosophy and religious teachings. You can also meditate or practice some psychotherapy techniques at this time. It is forbidden to analyze your dreams and get hung up on images. You need to understand that the images of the unconscious are impersonal, and not play with their interpretations.

Thinking seems to be alien, uncontrollable, thoughts are not listened to, their flow is perceived painfully

This is a long and not very correct name for mental automatisms. Abstract from subjective sensations. Not thinking at all about what it is like there is thinking. Instead, practice mentally reading prayers and mantras. Possibly also auto-training installations. But prayers and mantras are much preferable. Painful and negative sensations associated with thinking usually go away after 20-30 minutes of practice.

Reading mantras and prayers helps get rid of mental automatisms

Oneiric conditions

Here we have already taken a swing at productive symptoms. Practice Chidakasha Dharani techniques, Nidra yoga. The main task is to learn to evoke the vision of images of the unconscious at will, fill the mental space with certain structures and change the state of consciousness at will. You can learn more about what these practices are from the materials of the Bihar School of Yoga.

Practice shows that Nidra yoga is an effective tool that allows you not only to get out of depression, but also to work with more serious mental problems. Of course, we are not talking about trying to do yoga during an acute episode.

Depersonalization-derealization syndrome

Study the teachings of the Buddha, read the Dharma sutras and commentaries on them, articles and books by Buddhist teachers. It is not at all a fact that derealization is a false perception of reality. It is quite possible that it is completely true. The problem is that the person himself perceives it as frightening and feels discomfort. Its cause is not a false sense of the unreality of what is visible, but ignorance of the fact that this is exactly what it is. If we are talking about a syndrome, then the whole problem is that it comes on unexpectedly. A person is not ready to perceive the world this way. In the case of increased mental activity in schizophrenia, this is interpreted in a bizarre way. Studying the Dharma and practicing Buddhist methods will change the way you look at such phenomenal phenomena. Don't call it a syndrome, call it an effect, and it will become much easier for you.

You might think that this is some kind of ridiculous minuscule amount. Sometimes very necessary and useful things only seem ridiculous. The author understands that most readers were expecting a completely different answer to the question of how to treat schizophrenia at home.

One of the causes of the disorder is a violation of information metabolism. Its restoration can be facilitated by qigong practices and other methods of working with energy. It is clear that ordinary people and so-called realists do not want this. No meditation is needed, all this is eastern crap. And who is imposing it? You are on the Internet. Finding the addresses of the nearest psychiatric hospitals or psychoneurological dispensaries will not be difficult. Moreover, we recommend doing just that. Everything said above is just an attempt to suggest an alternative way of thinking, an approach to the very life of a person who has been diagnosed or is in a group of those who may be diagnosed. Full treatment of schizophrenia at home is impossible, since psychiatry understands the treatment of schizophrenia as relief of symptoms in any case.

But it is possible to transform the disorder into something else. This is roughly what we are talking about...

The main rule of glucolova

The probability of healing in official psychiatry is about 30%. The probability of remission when taking antipsychotics is about 80%. Another thing is at what cost and what quality will the remission itself have, but still it lets go. If you’re really sad, you don’t even want to think about some kind of yoga, and the local psychiatrist was ignored, then you can do this little. There is little chance that this will work out, but suddenly...

Inspire yourself that everything non-standard, special and other “magical” can be recognized even at the moment of riot of colors of the next manifestation. This recognition must be coupled with the understanding that these are hallucinations. Just a game of images of the unconscious. So that it does not show, no matter what thoughts and ideas arise, you need to treat it only as a hallucination, and in common parlance - a glitch.

You will gain confidence in yourself that you will have time to understand that hallucinations and pseudohallucinations are what they are, that is, the product of one part of consciousness that has flooded another.

Hallucinations should be learned to be perceived as a game of the unconscious

Well, may God help us all, with or without diagnoses. There is no one else to expect help from anyway.

The exact causes of the disease have not yet been established. The question of how to treat schizophrenia in men remains open today.

The treatment is long-term, staged and complex. Includes pathogenetic (based on the supposed theories of the origin of schizophrenia), symptomatic, aimed at relieving certain symptoms, and psychotherapy. Traditional medicine methods are used as auxiliary means.

Treatment tactics depend on the stage of schizophrenia, its form, type of course, duration of the disease, age and general condition of the patient.

Stages of treatment

Debut. Most often, this stage occurs secretly and unnoticed by others. Such changes in a man’s character, such as coldness, alienation from others, isolation, emotional poverty, are attributed to character traits; the generally accepted opinion is that a man is not inclined to vigorously express his feelings. Relatives begin to sound the alarm already at the end of the stage, when the persistence of symptoms is observed - autistic manifestations do not change, they become deeper and deeper, and sloppiness and other symptoms appear. Treatment at this stage is outpatient. Antipsychotics, tranquilizers, and, if necessary, atypical antidepressants are used.

Manifestation. During the period of pronounced manifestation of productive symptoms, hospitalization is often necessary: ​​compulsory (if the patient’s actions pose a danger to society) and planned (if the process worsens).

Hypertension can be cured quickly!

An experienced doctor says: “In order for the headaches to go away and the blood pressure to become 120 to 80, you need to drink one sip of a very powerful drink every evening...

During planned hospitalization, the patient remains in the hospital until the delusional-hallucinatory symptoms disappear, which can be relieved with large doses of antipsychotics, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, and biological therapy. The length of stay in the hospital is determined by the severity and frequency of attacks, and the duration of the disease. On average, the minimum period is a month with proper treatment, correctly selected individual doses and combinations of drugs.

The man is then transferred to “home leave” for a week, where he takes maintenance doses of medications at home. If the condition does not worsen, the remission is stable, he is discharged home under the supervision of a local psychiatrist. An outpatient patient should be examined once every 3 months (with frequent exacerbations) and once every six months (with long-term remission). In the latter case, a course of maintenance treatment is indicated during the seasons of possible exacerbations (spring - autumn) twice a year.

Schizophrenic defect. If the process proceeds for a long time, continuously and progressively, negative symptoms steadily increase - the final stage is expressed by a defect in the form of schizophrenic dementia. Treatment is aimed at partial restoration of mental functions. Nootropics and microelements are used to restore brain function and improve redox processes in the brain. They carry out vitamin therapy and prescribe strengthening agents to maintain a depleted body. In cases of depressive symptoms, new generation antidepressants are used.

Patients at this stage can remain at home under the constant supervision of a doctor, subject to the careful care of relatives or a caregiver. If relatives are unable to provide proper care, the man is placed in a special boarding school for patients with mental disorders.

The global trend of deinstitutionalization in recent years (reducing closed-type institutions to a minimum, living at home) has shown a better prognosis than the constant stay of patients in a boarding school, which threatens the development of hospitalism syndrome (depression, worsening symptoms due to being forced to stay locked up).

Features of therapy of various forms

Hebephrenic. A frequent form in teenage boys 15 years old and young men. The first signs almost always go unnoticed; absurd behavior, foolishness, and swagger are not written off as “bad upbringing.” The danger of this form lies in the rapid progression of negative symptoms with the collapse of mental functions. Therefore, early diagnosis is especially important for this form. Timely treatment includes antipsychotics, tranquilizers, nootropics. Great importance is attached to psychotherapy and support from loved ones.

Catatonic. In this form, treatment is carried out only in a hospital to prevent complications. During the period of catatonic agitation, benzodiazepine tranquilizers and electroconvulsive therapy are indicated. Antipsychotics are not recommended due to the risk of neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which can be fatal.

For catatonic stupor, mood stabilizers and muscle relaxants are used. In advanced cases, when there is a refusal to eat or sleep, intensive infusion therapy is carried out in the hospital to restore the functioning of the vital systems of the body.

Treatment of the paranoid form is carried out according to the scheme described for the manifestation stage.

Pathogenetic therapy

Based on the postulates of the neurotransmitter theory of the emergence of schizophrenia, the neurotransmitter dopamine is given leading importance in pathogenesis. An increase in its concentration causes delusional-hallucinatory symptoms. To suppress dopamine activity, neuroleptics (antipsychotics) have been created that successfully relieve these symptoms. The varieties of the group are presented in the table.

Doses and combinations of drugs, duration of administration, are selected individually. Drugs of the first three groups, in case of overdose, can cause neuroleptic syndrome - a condition in which the patient becomes inhibited, moves like a robot, obsessive hyperkinesis is observed (flapping arms, muscle twitching), pretentious movements, and severe tremors.

At the first symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent the syndrome from becoming malignant. Drugs of the fourth group belong to atypical neuroleptics, the syndrome in them is less pronounced and to a lesser extent. To prevent side effects, antikinetic drugs (cyclodol, akineton) are prescribed in parallel with neuroleptics.

Symptomatic therapy

Involves eliminating the specific symptom currently present. After the drug stops working, the symptom may reappear. In addition to antipsychotics, these may be:

  1. Tranquilizers - reduce psycho-emotional stress, normalize sleep, and have a powerful sedative effect. For schizophrenia in men, diazepam (Relanium, Seduxen) is most often used by injection in the acute period and in tablet form in remission. As maintenance therapy, phenazepam, Xanax, and the daytime tranquilizer Grandaxin are prescribed.
  2. Antidepressants - effectively fight schizophrenic depression. Preference is given to atypical antidepressants of the SSRI group - fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, fluvoxamine. They do not cause severe side effects like tricyclics (amitriptyline, imipramine), but it should be remembered that their combination with some antipsychotics can block the effect of the latter.
  3. Normotimics – stabilize mood. Particularly effective for manic and catatonic agitation, which often occurs with schizophrenia in representatives of the stronger sex. These are depakine, carbamazepine, lithium salts.
  4. Sedatives – used during remission to prevent relapses, have a mild sedative and anti-anxiety effect. These include various infusions, syrups, plant-based tablets, which include valerian, hawthorn, motherwort, peppermint, lemon balm, and hops.
  5. Nootropics – help restore cognitive functions of the brain in schizophrenic defects, increase the brain’s resistance to the effects of provoking factors (intoxication, hypoxia, hypothermia, excessive physical activity). This includes Phenibut, Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, Piracetam, Pantogam.

Biological methods

Biological methods effectively relieve acute psychotic states - constant companions of male schizophrenia. The following types of therapy are used:

Insulincomatous - achieving a comatose state of the patient by daily administration of insulin with a gradual increase in dose. The course of treatment is 15–20 lm. A properly carried out procedure allows you to achieve remission for 20–25 years, which is not possible with antipsychotics. But the method has many contraindications and can lead to complications.

Electroconvulsive (ECT) - provoking convulsive seizures by passing an electric current for 0.2–0.4 s. The course consists of 5–7 sessions. The procedure is carried out every other day. ECT is especially effective for catatonic stupor and drug resistance. Complications such as breath-holding, dislocation of the lower jaw, and vertebral fractures limit the use of the method.

Both procedures are performed by specially trained medical personnel, with the written consent of the patient and relatives.


Psychotherapy is of great importance in the treatment of schizophrenia in men. It begins after the patient recovers from an acute condition. Apply:

  • art therapy - the beneficial effects of music, painting, dance, modeling on the psyche;
  • sand – specially designed exercises with sand;
  • body-oriented – removing tension, muscle relaxation helps calm the nervous system;
  • labor – feasible physical activity, distribution of responsibilities help the patient’s socialization.

A special role is given to psychotherapeutic work with the patient’s relatives, during which the essence, possible consequences of schizophrenia, and tactics of behavior with the patient are explained to them; emphasizes the importance and need for constant support and care on their part.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness with a long-term chronic course, leading to typical personality changes (schizophrenic defect). This disease is characterized by a kind of discordance (splitting, disunity) of thinking, emotions and other mental functions.
Symptoms schizophrenia, signs of schizophrenia:
1. decreased physical and mental activity (depression, apathy);
2. thinking disorders, illogical reasoning, incoherent speech;
3. delusions – unusual beliefs, a feeling of influence on thoughts
4. autism – isolation and unsociability;
5. personality change – negative attitude towards close people;
6. disturbance of attention and perception – hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory);
7. emotional devastation or inadequacy of emotional reactions;
8. motor disorders - disturbances in facial expressions, gait, motor automatisms, catatonic stupor or waxy flexibility.

Treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies in no way excludes traditional medicine:

  1. Spend more time in nature; in the summer, try to walk barefoot more often. Do not be under the scorching sun, wear a hat. Choose clothes made from linen and cotton, and avoid synthetics altogether.
  2. Wash your face with rainwater more often, and in winter, when taking a shower, alternate between warm and cold water.
    Dry only with a linen towel and dry it in the open air.
  3. Avoid alcohol and, if possible, avoid drinking coffee and strong tea. Replace them with herbal teas. For example, mix equal parts of oregano, thyme, fireweed and currant leaves. 1 tsp collection, pour 1 tbsp boiling water, let it brew for 5-7 minutes.
    These herbs can be drunk separately, alternating them. Course - 1.5-2 years.
  4. Wear a blessed cross on your body.
  5. Sleep at any time of the year with the window open.
  6. Limit TV viewing and time spent on the computer. Avoid listening to “heavy” music and reading books on magic and esotericism.

Create a clear daily routine and learn to follow it. Wake up - according to the rhythms of nature - at 7-8 o'clock in the morning, reasonable physical exercise, including housework. A shower is required in the evening. You need to go to bed no later than 10 pm. It usually takes one and a half to three months to get used to this routine. Next, add trips to the store, paying bills and visiting sports sections to your daily routine. That is, slowly expand your areas of activity. During this period, you need to sort out past hurtful and stressful situations. It is advisable to start doing what you love.
Select medications taking into account blood pressure, stomach acidity, concomitant diseases, tolerance, as well as your height and weight.

With hand tremors.

3 tbsp. dry crushed oregano herb pour 3 tbsp. boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos, divide into four doses and drink a day. Course of treatment: drink for a month, take a month off. And so on until the condition improves.

With a constant feeling of fear

1 tbsp. dry crushed zyuznik herb pour 1 tbsp. boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. in the morning and in the evening. The course of treatment is a month and a half. The break is two to three months. In winter, add St. John's wort: one part St. John's wort to three parts zyuznik.

For insomnia.

  1. Mix 100 g of dry crushed cudweed herb and 50 g of dry crushed valerian root.
  2. Mix dry crushed herbs, thyme and lemon balm in equal parts.
  3. 100 g each of dry crushed hop cones and valerian root
    mix with 50 g of dry crushed sweet clover herb.
  4. tbsp any of the listed fees, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water Leave for 30 minutes, strain.

Drink an hour before bedtime.

Collections No. 1 and No. 2 are weaker in action, No. 3 is stronger, so it is better to alternate them. Drink for two weeks, take a week off. The course of treatment is one year.

To strengthen the nervous system

  1. A mixture of dry crushed blackberry leaves and hop cones (100 g each).
  2. Dry crushed centaury herb.
  3. Dry crushed meadowsweet herb.

2 tbsp. Pour any of these herbs or collection into 2 tbsp. boiling water Infuse overnight in a thermos, in the morning about
strain. Drink 0.5 tbsp. four times a day 30-40 minutes before meals or 30-40 minutes after.
The course is long: from six months to two years. It is advisable to alternate herbs.

Amulet for schizophrenia

Try to always wear an amulet made from a piece of peony root around your neck. This plant has a strong, pleasant odor that has a calming effect, which will improve well-being in schizophrenia.

Wormwood will calm you down, strawberries will give you strength for schizophrenia

Nature will help relieve attacks of aggression, which often accompanies schizophrenia. ♦ 100 g of flowering mignonette pour 0.5 liters of vegetable oil (unrefined). Leave for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking occasionally. Strain and rub into the temples morning and evening.
♦ During strawberry season, eat as many fresh berries as possible.
♦ Include juniper in your daily diet: 3 times a day, 5 berries (if there is no acute kidney inflammation).
♦ Take warm baths from willow bark, twigs and leaves. For nervous insomnia, a bath of bitter wormwood decoction will help.
The use of these plants will improve the patient’s quality of life.

Viburnum for hysteria

For hysteria and neurotic attacks of suffocation, prepare an infusion of viburnum bark. 1 Dec. Pour a spoonful of crushed bark into one glass of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes, and then strain without cooling. Give the patient 1 tbsp. spoon of infusion 3 times a day before meals until you feel better.

According to statistics, about 800 thousand residents of Russia are diagnosed with schizophrenia. Even more people suffer from this mental disorder or suspect they have symptoms of it, but are afraid to see a doctor and begin treatment. How to treat schizophrenia and is it possible to do it yourself without resorting to medical help?

The topic of self-medication, seeking help from traditional medicine and even mystical powers, has been popular for many years. This is due to disappointment in the methods of traditional medicine, and to the popularization of all kinds of alternative methods of getting rid of various kinds of ailments.

The availability of a huge amount of information on the Internet plays a big role here. For the query “treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies,” any search engine will offer you all sorts of folk recipes: herbal remedies, magical spells and rituals for self-use, special prayers. For gullible people, such information can create the illusion that traditional treatment is “stronger” than official treatment and can work miracles.

But in order to correctly answer the question “how to cure schizophrenia at home”, it is necessary to fully understand the nature and scale of this mental illness.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which a person’s thought processes and emotional reactions gradually change, behavior becomes inappropriate, and emotions become dulled. Symptoms of the initial phase of this form of mental disorder may not be clearly expressed: irritability, depression, loss of interest in life.

However, unlike simple stress, schizophrenia often leads to the complete destruction of a person’s personality. Typical symptoms of the disease are hallucinations of all kinds, delusions, complete loss of contact with reality, aggressive behavior towards oneself and others. The patient can cause physical harm, maim, even kill, without fully realizing his actions.

Note! It is absolutely impossible to diagnose, let alone neutralize, schizophrenia on your own. A mentally ill person needs to get medical help as soon as possible.

Auxiliary treatment at home is possible in the stage of remission of the disease under the mandatory supervision of the treating psychiatrist. Non-traditional methods of treating the disease, which many people facing this disease rely on, can have only a slight positive impact, and even then not always.

Folk remedies for treating the disease

At the same time, there are many different “folk” methods of getting rid of this mental illness. For example:

Additional information on the video: psychotherapist, candidate of medical sciences A. Galushchak talks about the method of psychodrama and art therapy.

“Home” therapy for schizophrenia

So, let's summarize. How to treat a mental disorder at home and is treatment possible with traditional methods?

During the acute phase of the disease, a schizophrenic person must be under mandatory constant medical supervision. After the condition has stabilized, the patient will be discharged home (if he was treated in a hospital) and medications will be recommended that will need to be taken for a long time, sometimes for life.

“Home measures” refer to concomitant, auxiliary (albeit important) therapy. With the permission of a psychiatrist, treatment with folk remedies may be appropriate. During such therapy, it is necessary to carefully monitor the patient’s behavior and mood and in no case interrupt drug therapy.

Family members of a mentally ill person need to be well aware of the symptoms of the disease in order to be able to adequately assess his condition. Increasing anxiety, aggression, suspicion, inappropriate actions and statements of a mentally ill person cannot be ignored. Anxiety from loved ones about how to calm a schizophrenic at home? – is natural, and in order to relieve it, you need to consult with your doctor, who will tell you what to do if the symptoms of the disease intensify.

It is important to know that when the disease worsens, patients often refuse to take medications, behave restlessly, and experience anxiety and fear.

Also during this period, the patient often loses productive contact with others, and painful symptoms (aggression, delusional ideas, etc.) increase. If loved ones notice such symptoms, then you need to immediately notify the attending physician, and in the most critical case, ensure the patient’s compulsory hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic.

Despite the severity of schizophrenia as a mental illness, many of its forms can be treated quite successfully using traditional medicine. Doctors are able to give sick people a second chance at a healthy and fulfilling life. But in the absence of drug therapy, the result is always the same - an inevitable deterioration in the condition up to complete disability.

Consists of similar symptoms with different deviations. The signs of schizophrenia, for example, are similar to neuroses or somatic problems. Treatment of an incorrect diagnosis may give less than adequate results.

The causes of schizophrenia are not fully understood. At one time, Russian physiologist Pavlov believed that the basis was weak nerve endings in the brain. This pathology can be either congenital or acquired during life. It is expressed in the protective action of neurons that protect against irritants. But for weakened endings, even a slight influence is enough for the cerebral cortex to be affected by inhibition. Sometimes, in advanced situations, inhibition extends to the brain stem. Signs of schizophrenia support this theory.

According to another version, the gradual poisoning of the body with toxic products of impaired metabolism is to blame. The main problem concerns protein metabolism. This variant of the development of the disease also reflects the root problem of this problem. But the cause of the protein metabolism disorder has not been reliably established.

The main signs of schizophrenia are a gradual “deepening” into one’s own thoughts, some inhibition of reactions to stimuli and strange hallucin-like deviations. Such symptoms were identified a long time ago and so far they are only supplemented by more precise definitions, but do not change with further study of the disease.

So, the signs of schizophrenia:

  • a person immerses himself in his own inner world, even to the point of autism;
  • is convinced that someone is controlling him or “placing” other people’s thoughts in his head, denies his actions as his own, done under the control of his personal motivations and consciousness;
  • often “contacts” with extraterrestrial life forms from parallel worlds and other planets, mythical creatures, etc.
  • hears voices that only he can distinguish. These voices can give commands that must be followed;
  • The so-called “delusion of influence” is quite common, following which a person thinks that everyone around him is opposed to him, is incorrectly providing assistance or wants to harm his state of health, is trying to control and confuse him in incredible ways or through hypnosis, etc. .
  • inappropriateness of behavior, confusion or fragmentation of broken speech, apathy towards the surrounding reality with complete excitement in situations that are created solely by the patient’s imagination, etc. are also expressed.

Symptoms of sluggish schizophrenia are described mainly by domestic scientists. In most countries of the modern world, this form of the disease does not exist. And all manifestations are considered a complex of other mental problems. However, the symptoms of low-grade schizophrenia are still clearly defined. Their peculiarity is a weak or gradual, stage-by-stage manifestation of the disease, which extends not over months, as in ordinary cases, but over years. This type of deviation is not easy to notice, because initial signs may be episodic and taken for a person’s particularly stressful state at a given period of life.

Treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies is sometimes quite effective. There is an opinion that this approach is especially suitable for low-grade schizophrenia. The basis of this treatment is to take sedatives that strengthen the nerve endings of the brain and reduce increased excitability. Adequate rest is also important, so it is recommended to use sleeping pills, tinctures, and teas in special cases. Not the least place in the treatment of schizophrenia with folk remedies is the general cleansing of the body from toxic substances. To do this, sometimes they use the technique of fasting and even long-term renunciation of certain foods. It is believed that hydrotherapy also contributes to the overall strengthening of the body.

Tibetan medicine occupies a special place in the folk treatment of schizophrenia. Following her advice, you need to use sunflower or olive oil for rubbing and massage, buried to a depth of about 0.5 m underground and kept there for 1 year. During such procedures, the head is thoroughly massaged, giving it up to half an hour of manipulation.

But no matter how effective any prescription may be, diagnosis in specialized medical institutions is mandatory. Because Only a doctor can establish both the diagnosis and the extent of the disease.

Be healthy you and your loved ones!
