A chewing tooth chipped off. Chipped enamel on a tooth, what should I do? Why is there a problem?

A chipped tooth is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, causing discomfort, and besides, the aesthetic appearance of the smile is also disrupted. Both adults and children are not immune to problems arising from mechanical damage or even chewing solid food.

People who are predisposed to the formation of caries or other oral diseases are more likely to suffer. The patient’s first priority is to contact a dentist in a timely manner, who will determine the cause and provide assistance in restoring the damage.

Dentists include the following as root causes:

  • weakening of dental tissue due to excessive consumption of carbonated drinks, juices, sweet, acidic, very hot or very cold foods;
  • low acidity of the mouth;
  • calcium deficiency(occurs in women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause);
  • hormonal imbalance(lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, disorder of the mineralization process);
  • malocclusion(incorrectly positioned teeth press on each other when chewing, which leads to a thinning of the enamel layer and further chipping);
  • advanced form of caries(without medical intervention, caries begins to develop, affecting nearby healthy teeth);
  • weakened immune system;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, which include increased gastrointestinal acidity and others;
  • mechanical damage(injuries, blows, chewing hard food, etc.);
  • incorrectly installed seal, which falls out after a short period of time.


Depending on the degree, minor, moderate and severe damage are distinguished. With a minor chip, only the enamel itself is fractured, where the internal tissue is not affected.

The average is characterized by damage to both the upper and middle layers of tissue. Severe damage is the most dangerous, characterized by the opening of the nerve and pulp.

In this case, the tooth breaks off completely, which is accompanied by severe pain. It is recommended not to tempt fate and contact a specialist.

Several types of damage are identified:

  1. A chip of the enamel itself (crack) appears due to mechanical damage, not accompanied by pain, is considered the most minor destruction. It goes away with virtually no consequences, but it disrupts the aesthetic appearance of the smile. The problem can be easily resolved with a simple correction.
  2. A chip in the enamel is formed due to a weakened enamel layer, this is facilitated by smoking, taking drugs and alcohol, poor diet, the presence of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, and stress. Typically, patients with such damage rarely go to the hospital, which is completely wrong and leads to complete tooth destruction in the future.
  3. Chipping of dentin (tissue layer responsible for its shape). Its structure is harder than bone, but softer than enamel itself. Accompanied by high sensitivity, the enamel reacts sharply to cold, hot, salty or sweet foods.
  4. Chip to pulp chamber accompanied by acute pain, which disappears only under the influence of painkillers. With such damage, a fairly large area of ​​the tooth breaks off, which threatens its complete loss.

Find out about effective means by which and how to do it.

This contains detailed instructions for using Solcoseryl dental adhesive paste.

What to do before going to the dentist

In case of various problems that arise, the first thing the patient should do is seek medical help, but it is not always possible to do this.

Therefore, before visiting a doctor, it is necessary to carry out painkillers and disinfection measures at home:

  1. First you need to do disinfection of the oral cavity, which is carried out by rinsing with warm water, a weak saline solution or water with the addition of baking soda. All food debris, blood, and enamel fragments will come out along with the solution. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  2. If The fragment is quite large, it would be worth saving it. This is done so that in the future the doctor can restore the anatomical shape of the tooth.
  3. If severe pain occurs, painkillers will help relieve it.. For example, a cotton swab is made, which is soaked in novocaine and applied for some time to the site of tooth decay.

    Natural propolis or validol tablets are effective; they are also applied to the sore spot. It is important to note that frequent use of painkillers negatively affects the human body as a whole.

  4. When severe damage is observed, but the tooth remains in place and is wobbly, it must be fixed in the correct position. To do this, you need to clench your jaws tightly for a while, but this should be done carefully. A cold compress is also applied to reduce redness and swelling in the area.

It is important to remember that all home measures are effective only in the first days after the damage occurs.

The video shows the process of modern teeth extension.

Recovery methods

In medical practice, there are quite a few different ways to restore a chipped tooth. Their main distinguishing factors, which determine the principle of selection, are the price of the material and the operating time.

Experts give recommendations in favor of one method or another, taking into account the degree of destruction and the individual characteristics of the jaw structure. For example, if the root part is affected and the walls are preserved, fillings and inlays are used.

If the frontal part is destroyed, it is recommended to make a composite restoration. In case of serious damage, crowns are installed. When damage is accompanied by root destruction, it is advisable to secure the root system with a pin.


Composite is a material that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Often used when sealing canals. It is considered the optimal solution for deep caries. Another distinctive feature is the speed of operation.

However, for global damage this method will be ineffective. The material is mainly used for ordinary enamel chips and minor imperfections.

The restoration proceeds as follows. The site of destruction is treated with an antiseptic drug. For good adhesion of the material and tooth tissue, the doctor passes the damaged area with an abrasive nozzle. After this, hard tissue extension is carried out. The cost of the service ranges from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.


Most often used to restore molars. They are made from a more durable material, such as ceramics or, more precisely, medical porcelain, which is applied in a thick layer.

A good technician will select the shade of the prosthesis so that it will be almost impossible to distinguish it from real enamel. The procedure is delayed for some time while the laboratory assistant makes the insert.

After treatment, the doctor makes an impression of the jaws to reproduce as accurately as possible the original appearance of the damaged tooth. The tab is fixed using a special cement mortar.

The cost of the service depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity, the degree of destruction - from 10,000 rubles. The service life of the prosthesis is up to 10 years.

Veneers and Lumineers

Veneers are plates up to 0.5 mm thick made of porcelain. This restoration method can improve the aesthetic appearance and prevent further destruction.

Often used to correct dental defects, hide cracks, prevent the development of caries, and reduce high sensitivity.

Install the product on previously disinfected areas. After this, hard tissue is prepared and special cement is applied, which serves as a fixative for the veneers.

The price for one unit ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Lumineers are porcelain plates, the installation of which does not require preliminary grinding. They are considered new generation plates; their thickness is no more than 0.3 mm. They replicate the characteristics of enamel as much as possible.

Used to correct defects, treat and prevent caries, correct bites, and lighten enamel. They are attached in the same way as veneers - with cement. When it is necessary to treat a tooth again, lumineers can be easily removed without causing harm to hard tissues.

The price of one unit is from 40,000 to 50,000 rubles. In addition, lumineers are usually ordered from European manufacturers, so in addition to the cost, the price for delivery of the product is added, and this is about 15,000 - 20,000 rubles.


Crowns are installed on severely damaged teeth, restoring the anatomical structure, and represent a kind of “cap”. The advantages of this method include tightness and structural strength.

The crown protects the tooth from germs, which prevents the development of caries. Made from durable materials that last for many years. However, the material of the product is much tougher than tooth tissue, which adversely affects neighboring teeth and gums.

The price of crowns is from 3,000 rubles per unit, the cost depends on the material from which the product is made.


Often, pulpless teeth are subject to destruction, so you need to try to prevent this process and carry out preventive measures more often. It is recommended to visit the clinic at least once every six months.

To preserve your teeth, you must follow some rules:

  • visit the dentist regularly;
  • strengthen enamel using fluorides and remineralizing agents;
  • maintain oral hygiene(use dental floss, brush your teeth twice a day);
  • maintain a proper diet(you can’t eat solid, floury, sweet foods, you also need to give up carbonated drinks);
  • eliminate bad habits(smoking, alcohol, drugs) that destroy the integrity of teeth;
  • you need to maintain the health of your internal organs, at the first manifestation of problems, appropriate treatment should be started;
  • in professional sports you need to use mouthguards, which protect against mechanical injuries.


A damaged tooth is always a source of infection. Food debris gets clogged into the deep chip, where microbes multiply, causing inflammation of the roots and gums.

If the tooth still cannot be restored, the neighboring ones lose lateral support, which subsequently, under load, forces them to be pushed out to the empty side. Such defects are quite difficult to correct in the future.

It is important to remember that teeth cannot recover or grow back on their own; any damage entails further irreversible processes, up to and including complete tooth loss. Therefore, at the first signs of a chip, treatment should be started immediately, even if the patient is not bothered by frequent pain attacks.

Chip of baby tooth

It is very common for children to have chips on their baby teeth. Serious destruction causes improper growth and formation of permanent teeth.

If a child has a tooth injury, parents are required to do the following:

  1. Force the baby rinse the mouth warm water, which will help get rid of splinters and food debris. You can make a weak saline or soda solution, which will serve as additional disinfection.
  2. If there are wounds on the cheeks, lips or gums, you need to disinfect with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. If the chip is large, save the rest of the tooth to show it to the doctor. Using this sample, the dentist will restore the original shape.
  4. Try to show the child to a specialist within the first 24 hours.

The first step is to take an x-ray to rule out a possible root fracture, dislocation or crack of the jaw. Based on the established diagnosis, appropriate treatment is carried out.

Sometimes the tooth is simply covered with a special gel to heal the wound. If a tooth begins to loosen after an injury, it is fixed. Only after complete healing does the dentist begin restoration.

Damage to teeth, as a rule, occurs quite unexpectedly, which causes a lot of inconvenience. The situation becomes especially dangerous and unpleasant when it is not possible to immediately seek help from a dentist. If a piece of a tooth breaks off, it is important to take some preventive measures on your own that will help prevent further destruction of the enamel and the development of serious oral diseases.

Why do teeth chip?

There are quite a few reasons leading to the problem under consideration:

  • tooth damage while eating (nuts, berries with seeds, dried fish, caramel);
  • mechanical chips (injuries due to impacts);
  • calcium deficiency in the body;
  • presence of a crack;
  • caries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • pathologies of internal organs.

There are also cases when the described phenomenon occurs due to a person’s irresponsible attitude towards oral hygiene. For example, if a piece of a tooth with a filling broke off, the incident could have been prevented by visiting the dentist for preventive examinations every 6-8 months.

What to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off?

The necessary actions largely depend on the type of chip:

  1. Damage to enamel. This is the most minor destruction that can be easily dealt with. The only danger may be the lack of treatment, which will provoke the gradual destruction of the remaining healthy tissue.
  2. Dentitis chip. It does not cause pain, but the defect is very noticeable visually. In this case, filling will not work; extension or restoration will be required.
  3. Volumetric chip with exposure of nerve endings. If a tooth breaks off near the gum and it hurts, immediate intervention by a professional doctor is required.

Having discovered the problem in question, you need to immediately contact a specialist. In cases where this is not possible for some reason, you should:

  1. Continue brushing your teeth daily, at least 2 times a day.
  2. Rinse your mouth frequently with slightly salted water to prevent tooth decay.
  3. Use dental floss.
  4. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly and ensure that no food remains near the damaged tooth.
  5. If you have a large chip in your front tooth, try to find part of it and save it until you visit the doctor. This will help the doctor quickly restore the shape and build up the tooth.
  6. If the pain syndrome is severe, especially when nerves are exposed and the pulp is damaged, apply cotton swabs soaked in Lidocaine or Novocaine to the problem area.

Only a dentist can provide real help. Treatment tactics also depend on how badly the tooth is damaged.

For minor chips and destruction of the enamel, filling will be sufficient. The same technique is used if a small piece of a back (molar) tooth has broken off.

Violation of the integrity of dentitis requires more complex and delicate work - restoration. This type of tooth restoration requires careful determining its original size, structure and shape. It is important to choose a material that perfectly matches natural enamel in shade.

If the dentist is dealing with a chip accompanied by exposure of nerve endings and pulp, the canals are completely filled under local anesthesia and the bundle of nerves is removed. The reliability and strength of the tooth area being restored can be increased by installing intracanal pins.

It is worth noting that sometimes it is impossible to restore a tooth. In such cases, it is recommended to install a crown, veneer or implant.

What to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off

There is hardly a person who has managed to avoid such a problem as a chipped tooth throughout his life.

Completely different living conditions and circumstances can cause this problem, but the main thing is to take appropriate measures in time to preserve the tooth and extend its service life.

Causes of chipped teeth

There are many factors that can affect the strength of teeth. Even the slightest deviations in a person’s well-being can affect the enamel, causing it to break off and cause tooth decay. Among the most popular reasons:

There can be many reasons, but if such a nuisance occurs, it is necessary to take prompt action. This will help to at least partially save the tooth.

There are different types of damage

Types of chips are distinguished by the degree of their impact on the tooth:

The photo shows a chipped front tooth enamel.

  1. Considered the most harmless chipped enamel. The victim complains of a chipped tooth wall, but does not feel pain. Often in such a situation they do not even go to the dentist. But this is the wrong approach to the problem. The absence of enamel is a direct load on the dental tissue. It is this area that will be most attacked by harmful bacteria. From the negative impact, the affected tooth will begin to rapidly deteriorate. In addition, if the enamel is chipped on the front tooth, then the smile will look unaesthetic.
  2. If a piece breaks off, damaged tooth tissue - dentin, then such a chip can also be painless, but dangerous for further functioning. Due to damage, the tissue weakens significantly; mechanical stress causes microcracks to form, which destroy dentin day by day. If you don’t build up a tooth in time, you can lose it completely.
  3. The most dangerous type of chip is tooth decay with exposure of nerves. Such damage often occurs when a tooth splits into two parts and it will not go unnoticed, as it is accompanied by severe pain. It is necessary to urgently visit the dentist so as not to introduce bacteria into the tooth and take measures to restore it.

What to do if a tooth is broken?

If a piece of a tooth breaks off, you should not panic. The situation is not so dangerous as to torment your nerves once again. First of all, you should look at the extent of the damage and build a rough action plan based on this. For mild to moderate chips, you should call the dental clinic and make an appointment.

Chipped tooth with pulp damage

If your nerves are exposed, it is simply pointless to wait for the appointed date, since the pain will not allow you to eat or sleep peacefully. It is better to immediately go to the emergency dentist or, if possible, arrange an emergency visit to the treating dentist.

To reduce pain, you can lubricate the damaged tooth with a swab soaked in novocaine.

If you cannot visit a doctor in the near future, you must carefully observe oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth with salt water after eating.

Specialist help

No matter how insignificant the chip may seem, in any case it must be shown to a professional in this field to get recommendations and fix the problem.

Dental treatment scares many people, but it is better to immediately repair a tiny crack than to have the tooth removed later.

The dentist will assess the situation with an experienced eye and offer the optimal treatment option, which may differ depending on the nature of the chip and the location of the tooth.

What to do if your front tooth is broken?

The front teeth are visible, so a chipped piece on them can turn into a “disaster” for public people. Depending on how large a piece has broken off, your doctor will recommend different treatment options.

In almost any situation, it is possible to restore a piece of tooth using artistic restoration using composite materials. The dentist will select the color of the restoration paste and apply it in layers, securing each level with light radiation.

An ignorant person will not even understand that the tooth has been augmented. This is one of the most effective and economical methods that will be offered in any clinic. The filling is very resistant and durable, while it matches the color of the teeth and has a natural shine.

The photo shows the restoration of a chipped front tooth with a veneer

A more expensive method of treating a chip is veneer coating. As a rule, it is resorted to in case of significant damage, if it is not possible to build up a filling.

The ceramic coating is applied from the base of the tooth and completely repeats the desired shape. Veneers are strong and durable, and they do not lose their color over time.

If a large piece breaks off, a crown will be required. Typically, ceramic, cermet or zirconium oxide are used depending on personal preference.

The process of installing a crown is accompanied by its fastening either to the outer teeth or by installing a pin. In prolonged cases, the latter method must be used to treat the front tooth. If you visit the dentist on time, you can get away with only minor intervention.

Treatment of lateral teeth

When treating a lateral or, as it is also called, a posterior tooth, the same methods can be used, but not all of them are justified. Since the side teeth are usually not visible to others, it is enough to eliminate the chip with a filling.

The dentist will use a light-hardening filling to fill in the tooth deficiency, thereby extending its service life.

True, unlike the front teeth, veneers are rarely installed on the side teeth. Even if a very small piece of the tooth wall and root remain, you can build up the remaining part using composite materials or install a crown.

Particular attention should be paid to the problem of exposed nerves. In this case, treatment is first aimed at antiseptic action. If the nerve is damaged, it will be removed in several steps and a tooth will be formed that will last for a long time, even if it is “dead.”

Vertical crack

The most unpleasant thing about chipped teeth is the presence of a vertical crack that touches the pulp, which means restoring the tissue with a filling is not possible. In such cases, patients complain of a tooth split in half, and often one of the halves is loose.

Even a barely noticeable crack can cause enormous damage, not to mention deeper damage. Every day there is pressure on it, so the tooth tissue, although it is imperceptible, is destroyed. Eventually a split will occur, which will cause not only inconvenience, but also, most likely, severe pain.

the tooth is split in half, one half is loose

Small cracks can be “patched” using an enamel restoration procedure. Strengthening the surface of the tooth will extend its service life.

If this does not help, and the microcrack continues to grow, the dentist will suggest strengthening it with veneers or a crown.

Failure to take such measures will result in tooth decay, which, based on statistics, will be impossible to restore. The tooth will be removed and a prosthesis will have to be installed in its place. The same treatment will be carried out if a tooth is split in half.

Damage to a baby tooth

Many parents believe that baby teeth do not need to be treated, since they will still change over time. This misconception especially concerns chips.

Healthy baby teeth are the key to strong teeth in adulthood. If a piece of a baby tooth falls off, it is important to determine the cause of the destruction. Most often the problem lies in injury.

Parents should disinfect the mouth and the chip site and go to the dentist. The dentist will apply a preservation gel and also prescribe a treatment that is appropriate in a particular case. Most often, you can get by with a regular filling, which will strengthen the tooth until it falls out.

Chips on teeth are also undesirable for children because they can negatively affect resistance to diseases such as stomatitis. In addition, even increased tooth sensitivity can affect the child’s mood and well-being.

Possible difficulties and problems

The presence of a chip in itself is an unpleasant fact, but if you turn a blind eye to its treatment, you can develop a number of accompanying problems:

  1. One of the undesirable consequences is pulp infection. Infected tooth tissue will not only cause severe pain, but may also be completely destroyed, leading to tooth loss.
  2. Chips can cause cysts and granulomas.
  3. Severe chipping caused by trauma can change the angle of the tooth root. This will cause it to shift, sometimes the entire row will shift, the bite is disturbed. When the root is tilted, the damaged tooth is removed and prosthetics are prescribed so that the dentition does not move from its usual place.
  4. The most minor complication is increased tooth sensitivity. A person will react to the temperature of the food and drinks consumed, and discomfort may appear from using the usual hygiene products: toothpaste, mouthwash, refreshing spray.

And although chips do not seem to be a dangerous problem, they must be corrected in a timely manner. It is much more effective to instantly react to the slightest changes, be it a small crack or a minor chip, than to get into a hopeless situation with tooth extraction and further prosthetics.

Chipped tooth - what to do if a piece of enamel breaks off

Has sensitivity recently increased or have you noticed an obvious defect on one of your teeth? How to determine if you have a chip and what kind of disease it is, is it worth urgently running to the dentist because of it? This article will answer basic questions about the causes of chipped teeth, the severity of the consequences if left untreated, methods for restoring chipped teeth, and preventive measures that will help you prevent this type of tooth damage.

Mechanical reasons for the appearance of a chipped tooth can be accidents when riding a bicycle, rollerblades or skating without appropriate protection, sports equipment getting caught in the jaw while playing active sports (hockey, football, basketball, volleyball), lack of a mouth guard when practicing wrestling, car accidents, trivial falling on a hard object, getting a piece of hard food or a foreign object on a tooth, carelessness of a doctor when treating adjacent teeth, and much more.

There are other reasons why teeth chip. They are most often associated with the general condition of the body: a reduced level of immunity due to frequent illnesses, chronic diseases of internal organs, lack of calcium, fluorine and other minerals and vitamins, non-compliance with basic rules of oral hygiene.

There are also frequent concomitant diseases that can result in a tooth chipping: carious destruction of the crown or walls, crumbling of a filling made from low-quality material, which increases the load on the damaged tooth, a previous injury that led to a weakening or crack of the tooth. All this can affect the integrity of the bone tissue and lead to tooth fracture.

What is a chipped tooth? Tooth enamel, no matter how hard it may seem, is very sensitive to increased levels of acidity in the mouth. As a result of this increase, the acid washes out substances from the bone tissue that make it resistant to external influences, which contributes to the gradual destruction of the tooth. Visually we don’t notice this, but over the years we increasingly react painfully to hot, cold, sour and sweet foods, which means that the condition of the enamel is very deplorable. Microcracks form in it, into which pathogenic bacteria constantly enter, promoting further destruction.

A tooth chip is a mechanical damage to bone tissue, as a result of which a small piece of enamel breaks off, or a larger piece that exposes the dentin layer, or a large part of the tooth covering the pulp. It is worth keeping in mind that not only moderate and severe damage needs treatment. Even a small chip requires attention, since over time it can develop into something more serious.

Treatment of chips

How often does a person start to panic when faced with an unexpected situation? Yes, almost always. It would be very nice to have detailed instructions on hand for all occasions, but, alas, this is not feasible. In this regard, the Internet is an excellent assistant these days. I typed the essence of the problem into a search engine and received an immediate answer. For example, in this article you can find out what to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off.

First of all, don't panic. Even if the damage is quite serious, you first need to pull yourself together. Rinse and disinfect your mouth, remove foreign objects if present, inspect soft tissues for the presence of enamel fragments. If you can't cope on your own, ask someone close to you to help. If, for example, a piece of your front tooth broke off and you found it while rinsing, try to save it until you visit the dentist. Most likely, it will not be possible to heal it, but it will be easier for the doctor to build the tooth back to its original shape.

If you have a serious injury, for example, a chipped tooth under the gum, you should urgently consult a dentist. This way you minimize the risk of further damage to damaged tissues, and not every person is able to endure pain for a long time, and drinking handfuls of strong painkillers is harmful to the body.

Modern dental practice offers many options for artistic restoration and restoration of a chipped tooth. Of course, treating a chipped tooth is not a one-minute procedure and the doctor will have to tinker, but the result is really worth it, since not only the anatomical, but also the aesthetic properties will be restored.

For a small chip, it is quite enough to use a light-curing composite, but if half of the tooth has chipped off, you cannot do without restoration. For example, if there is a chip on the front tooth, using veneers is an excellent option. These are thin ceramic onlays that are made directly to the shape of the patient's tooth. Of course, their production takes some time, but after installation it will be impossible to discern the difference between a natural tooth and a restored one.

For a seriously chipped tooth, restoration can also be done using a crown. Today, metal ceramics are very popular, which in their aesthetic properties is in no way inferior to veneers, and allows you to preserve a damaged tooth for many years, protecting it from external influences and destruction.

In case of the most significant destruction, when the dental pulp is damaged, the doctor will perform depulpation and, if necessary, restore the tooth on a pin to relieve the load on the damaged walls. In some cases, for example, if there is a chipped wisdom tooth that is difficult to reach for treatment, or a chipped tooth that cannot be restored at all, the dentist may suggest that you remove it so as not to waste extra time and money.

So, your tooth has chipped, what should you do? Visit your dentist as soon as possible, since delay allows pathogenic bacteria to penetrate into the damaged area and quickly destroy tooth remnants that can still be restored.


What precautions should you take to prevent your tooth from chipping?

  • Of course, follow the rules of personal hygiene. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably with toothpastes enriched with fluoride and calcium, especially if you have weak enamel.
  • Eat less sugar and more vitamin-rich diet foods, fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid chewing candy, nuts and other hard foods.
  • To avoid chipping your front teeth, give up bad habits such as biting thread, holding hard objects in your mouth (pens, pencils, hooks, knitting needles, needles, etc.), biting your nails.
  • When practicing active sports and wrestling, use protective equipment.
  • Visit the dentist for a preventive examination at least once every six months.

Even a minor mechanical defect can develop into a serious problem over time. This is why it is so important not to put off visiting the dentist.

What to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off, why could this happen, and is it worth removing the damaged unit?

People most often visit a dentist when they experience toothache. There are situations when you should consult a doctor, even if the tooth does not hurt - for example, if there is a chip. It is important to provide timely assistance so that the aesthetic problem does not lead to more serious oral diseases.

Why might a piece of a tooth break off?

Exposure to various factors disrupts the condition of the enamel, which can crack or chip. When a pathology appears, the dentist first determines its cause. Depending on the cause, different methods of hard tissue restoration are used.

The most common factors that cause parts of teeth to break off are:

  • lack of microelements, in particular calcium; most often occurs during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in older people;
  • injury (fall, blow);
  • a decrease in the protective properties of enamel, which occurs with the abuse of sour and sweet foods;
  • malocclusion;
  • weak immune system;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • dental diseases (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis);
  • improper filling;
  • consumption of solid foods (nuts, seeds);
  • demineralization of enamel;
  • abnormal growth of neighboring units;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus).

Types of chipped teeth and accompanying symptoms

For different types of chips, different methods of saving teeth are used. Main types:

  • enamel damage;
  • dentin chip;
  • destruction with exposure of the nerve.

Enamel is most susceptible to external factors. Poor cleaning of the oral cavity, consumption of carbohydrate foods and drinks at contrasting temperatures, and the habit of gnawing nuts or seeds lead to its weakening. Cracks and chips appear in the protective layer. As a rule, they do not cause pain, so a visit to the dentist is postponed indefinitely.

This is extremely incorrect behavior; if assistance is not provided in a timely manner, a minor crack in the enamel can lead to the development of serious dental diseases. Harmful microorganisms easily penetrate into open channels and destroy enamel, increasing its sensitivity. In addition, if a piece of the front incisor falls off, aesthetic discomfort appears.

If the dentin is chipped, the damage is more noticeable. Pain may also be absent or appear with pressure. The danger lies in the fact that dentin is located above the pulp and, despite its hardness, its protective properties are much lower than those of enamel. If the broken piece of the unit is not built up in time, the dentin is washed away, exposing the nerve. This leads to the fact that the chipped unit is removed and the tooth is replaced with a prosthetic.

Chipping with pulp exposure is the most dangerous type. When the nerve is unprotected, bacteria easily penetrate into the soft tissue, causing inflammation. Severe pain appears, which is briefly relieved with painkillers. The injury requires an immediate visit to the doctor, since the unit functions for about 5 hours, then it dies. It is necessary to remove the pulp and clean the canals. Most often, restoration is recommended after the procedure.

First aid at home

Methods for restoring front, side and back teeth

Methods for restoring a damaged unit depend on:

  • nature of the chip;
  • places of damage in the dentition.

When a large piece is chipped and dentin is damaged, crowns are installed. This method is the most common, since there is a huge selection of materials used (glass-ceramic, zirconium), which people of different incomes can afford.

A small chip is restored using overlays. This is a long procedure in which a special material is inserted into a piece of tooth. If the nerve is damaged, depulpation is performed. The method allows you to stop inflammation and maintain the health of the dentition.

The method of restoring chips on the front incisors depends on the degree of damage:

  1. If a small piece of a tooth breaks off, extension is carried out using composite materials. Each applied layer is illuminated with light, and then the remaining part of the tooth is given the required shape. The procedure is painless, restoration occurs in one visit. Sometimes the veneering method is used. A veneer is an overlay that is glued to the outside of the unit, imitating enamel. The material is strong and durable, its color does not change over time.
  2. If the internal layers are damaged, a crown (fixed to the outer incisors) or an implant is installed, after cleaning the canals.
  3. In case of a vertical crack that touches a nerve, an enamel restoration procedure is performed or a veneer is installed. With this pathology, half of the unit may fall off. It is impossible to fill such a tooth.

The lateral incisors are restored in the same way as the front ones. The lateral teeth do not cause aesthetic discomfort, so ordinary filling material is used for restoration. Veneers are not installed on such incisors.

Posterior molars are completely hidden from view, so they are restored using methods that preserve the functionality of the tooth. If the tooth has broken off slightly, it is restored using composite materials or ceramic inlays. In case of serious damage to the chewing teeth, crowns, bridges or implants are installed.

What to do if a chip forms on a child’s baby tooth?

Most often, baby teeth are damaged as a result of trauma. If an incisor breaks off, parents are in no hurry to take their child to the dentist. This decision may negatively impact the health of permanent units. In addition, due to injury, sensitivity and the risk of developing stomatitis may increase, which will affect the child’s well-being and mood. Treatment is carried out by applying a filling material or preservation gel to the damaged unit.

What to do when chipped:

  • stop the crying of a frightened child (explain why it hurt);
  • rinse the baby's mouth with warm water;
  • disinfect soft tissues;
  • do not throw away the broken piece;
  • take the child to the dentist.

In what cases is removal of a damaged tooth indicated?

In other cases, a procedure is used to remove damaged pieces followed by restoration. Before removal, you need to undergo an examination and take a picture of the oral cavity.

Possible complications of untimely treatment

If a unit breaks off, you should visit your dentist as soon as possible. A chipped incisor brings aesthetic discomfort and also increases the risk of developing dental diseases:

Preventing chipped teeth

To avoid cracks and chips in the enamel, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Eat right. Limit your intake of fast carbohydrates, eat vegetables and fruits.
  • Brush your teeth morning and evening. Use the right brush and toothpaste.
  • Clean the interdental spaces with floss. Use mouthwash.
  • Strengthen your immune system.
  • Stop smoking and alcohol.
  • Do not chew candy, nuts, or seeds.
  • Treat dental diseases in a timely manner.
  • Do not delay in correcting your malocclusion.
  • Visit your dentist regularly.

What to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off?

During their life, almost everyone has at least once encountered the problem of dental damage.

In most cases, we simply do not notice this - upon closer examination, you can see that there are multiple chips and scratches on the enamel.

In fact, these are all phenomena of the same order with more significant injuries - fractures and so on. We will tell you in more detail what should be done when such a problem is detected, as well as what the causes of “breakdowns” are.

Causes and types of chips

Knowing the cause of a chipped tooth is important for the dentist, who will handle the restoration. This is necessary in order to to choose the right treatment and restoration techniques.

What causes chips to appear?

  • Injuries– blows, falls, etc.
  • Long lasting and significant decrease in acidity level in the oral cavity.
  • Process demineralization of enamel, greatly weakening it.
  • Abnormal bite changes.
  • Bad habits.
  • Various diseases that weaken teeth.
  • Hormonal disorders.

Minor injuries can occur almost every day, especially if the enamel is weakened - chewing caramel, simultaneous consumption of hot and very cold food or drinks, and so on.

All this subsequently leads to the fact that pieces can break off from the teeth, noticeable without special means.

Proper nutrition is also important. This is the only way the body receives a sufficient amount of minerals and trace elements necessary for healthy, strong enamel.

Otherwise, demineralization greatly weakens the protection of teeth. and can lead to the fact that even a slight and almost imperceptible injury will cause tooth breakage.


This point is also important for future restoration.

Depending on how badly the tooth is damaged, various techniques and methods are used to restore the aesthetic and functional components.

There are three degrees of severity of damage– minimal, medium and heavy.

Depending on what kind of damage is detected, it is classified as one of the types and appropriate measures are taken. The answer to the question of what to do will be different if a small piece of a tooth breaks off or a significant part of it is injured.

  • Incomplete chips are cracks or scratches in enamel.
  • Chip affecting only the surface layer is enamel.
  • Damage resulting in dentin affected(the hard part of the tooth, in fact, its base).
  • Chips and fractures that open the internal areas, that is, the pulp.

Among these varieties, the first two (affecting only the enamel) are considered minimal injuries. Medium ones are deeper, affecting dentin, and heavy ones affect the pulp.

Chips and cracks

Minor damage that most often appear on the front teeth and arise due to the careless attitude of the person himself. Biting into inappropriate things (for example, hard caramel and nuts), constant consumption of high-carbohydrate foods - all this over time leads to a weakening of the natural protection - enamel.

Because similar damage in most cases for a long time do not cause any particular inconvenience and are not felt at all, patients do not go to the dentist. However, this is not correct as it can lead to more serious problems in the future.

Read how to properly care for your teeth. Recommendations for adults and children.

In the next article we will discuss whether laser whitening is harmful.

Dentin chips

Immediately below the enamel is dentin. Quite often, a broken piece will expose this inner layer.

Dentin, although a hard tissue, does not have the same protection as enamel. In addition, when dentin is exposed under pressure, a painful reaction may occur, since the pulp with nerve endings is located directly underneath it.

Pulp-exposing chip

Painkillers in this case can only bring short-term relief.

Treatment for front row injuries

As already mentioned, chips most often occur on the front teeth. They are used for biting, and the front of the face accounts for most of the herbs of a household nature.

What does it have to do with Any options are possible, from the smallest cracks to complete fracture of the entire coronal part.

Treatment options depend on the complexity of the damage.

Extensions using composite materials

Used in cases of minor fractures and enamel chips, which do not affect the inner layers of the tooth.

The materials used here are the same as for filling. are composites that acquire their final solid form under the influence of directed light radiation.

The procedure is painless and goes quite quickly. The doctor applies the material in layers directly to the damaged area, having previously prepared it. The patient receives the finished result – a full-fledged tooth – immediately in one visit.

Use of veneers and lumineers

This thin overlays, which replace the facial part of the front and several lateral teeth. They are glued to the prepared ground crown part.

Externally, they completely imitate tooth enamel.

The difference between veneers and lumineers is small - the latter are very thin. To install them, only minimal turning of the base is carried out.

Restoration with crowns

The installation of a crown is carried out in cases where the inner layers of the tooth are damaged, and the crown part is broken off quite strongly - about half the length.

Before this, the pulp is removed, the root canals are cleaned and filled.

Implant installation

Implantation – the most reliable method of restoration, which is used if the coronal part is completely destroyed and there is no possibility of installing a stump tab in the root canal.

On the posterior chewing surfaces - how doctors can help

For back teeth The same techniques are used as for the front. However, despite the impossibility of installing veneers, there are much more choices here.

There is no need for perfect aesthetics, since the molars are not visible when talking and communicating. Only future functionality matters.

Restoration with composite materials

Often, chipped parts of the chewing teeth are covered with a composite used for filling. Sharp edges can simply be sharpened with special tools so as not to injure soft tissues.

If the chip also affects the chewing part, ceramic inlays are used that perfectly restore the surface, repeating all its curves.

Crowns, bridges and implants

If the damage is serious, then it is advisable to use crowns or bridges for the chewing back teeth. And implantation, as well as for the front row, is the most reliable and durable method of restoring serious injuries.

If we talk only about the back teeth, then it is worth noting that “wisdom teeth”, that is, the eighth teeth, the last in the row, in most cases are not restored in case of severe damage.

They do not bear a serious load, so restoration of minor damage is carried out, but the installation of crowns or implants is not.

What to do at home

Of course, there's only so much you can do at home. Especially when you consider the first shock after the injury, the lack of qualified help, the pain or fear for the child.

However, everyone, knowing what exactly should be done, will be able to take measures to prevent the damaged tooth from hurting, provide first aid and pre-medical aid to avoid possible problems.

  • The first and very important rule is no need to panic, all such problems can be solved quite quickly using modern techniques.
  • What follows is mandatory rinse your mouth thoroughly either lukewarm water or a weak saline solution. This is necessary to remove food debris, dirt, blood and chipped enamel particles.
  • Such rinsing will need to be done two to three times a day until you see a doctor. In this case, brushing your teeth twice (morning and evening) is also mandatory. You just need to be careful, especially at the site of damage.
  • If possible, you should find and save a chipped piece of tooth. This applies to quite significant damage. With the help of this piece, the doctor will be able to restore the original shape of the crown much faster and more efficiently.
  • If you experience severe pain, you should, first of all, not postpone your visit to a specialist. However, it is temporarily possible relieve pain with strong painkillers.

For example, a tampon soaked in novocaine works quite effectively. Such a tampon is simply applied to the problem area for a while.

In addition, you can also use natural propolis or a validol tablet, applying them to the sore spot.

  • Additionally, you should disinfect possible cuts, scratches and other damage to the oral mucosa, as well as on the lips. This will prevent infection from entering the blood.
  • In case of severe damage, when the tooth is loose (perhaps the root is broken), you need to fix it in the correct position. To do this, it is enough to gently, but quite firmly, squeeze your jaws. It is better to apply a cold compress on top.
  • Don't know how to properly brush your teeth with braces? Read in the new publication!

    In a separate article, we will talk about the benefits of using tea tree essential oil to whiten enamel.

    Possible complications

    Despite the first aid provided at home, it is necessary to seek advice from a dental clinic at the first opportunity. Indeed, in addition to the inconveniences associated solely with the aesthetic side of the issue, in some cases serious complications may arise:

    • Penetration of infections into the pulp and development of the inflammatory process.
    • Essential sensitivity enhancement in the area of ​​damage.
    • Bend and fracture of the root, which can cause periodontitis or other problems.
    • Mobility.
    • Malocclusion(correct closure of the dentition).
    • Development of cysts or granulomas.

    To avoid this, it is necessary to take an x-ray and make sure there are no abnormalities. If they do exist, then if appropriate treatment is started soon, more serious complications can be avoided.

    For information on the possibilities of dental restoration with veneers after injuries, watch the video:

    Restoration price

    The cost of restoring a broken tooth primarily depends on the degree of damage.. In accordance with this, the doctor advises the patient one or more restorative techniques that are suitable in this case:

    • Restoration of chips and cracks using the direct method and the use of composite light-curing materials - from 2.5 to 6–7 thousand rubles.
    • Restorative inlays and onlays– from 5 to 16 thousand rubles.
    • Veneer for one tooth b – from 21 to 35 thousand.
    • Veneer produced by Cerinate, USA (lumineer) - from 38 to 45 thousand rubles.
    • Metal-ceramic crown– from 10 to 25 thousand.
    • Metal-free crown based on zirconium dioxide– from 30 thousand and above.
    • Implantation– from 28–30 to 50–60 thousand.

    This is not a complete list of all possible types of restoration of a broken tooth. Here approximate estimated prices for the most popular and in demand services are given.

    It should be borne in mind that clinical cases vary greatly, and in some cases you may need to pay for additional services. In addition, each dental clinic has its own pricing policy.

    One of the common reasons for visiting a dentist is damage to a tooth with deformation of its surface or chipping of the crown. This situation not only causes pain and psychological discomfort, but is also fraught with the development of complications that can arise in the absence of timely medical assistance.

    • mechanical damage: impact, fall, etc.;
    • excessive load on the tooth that occurs when biting knots, chewing nuts or caramel;
    • weakened enamel, in which the crown is damaged even due to slight pressure;
    • some types of abnormal bite: cross, deep, gnathic. With them, the crowns are not aligned correctly, which leads to constant pressure on each other and chipping of the weak parts;
    • damage to the crown by infection: pulpitis, caries.


    Depending on the degree of damage to dental tissues, there are 4 types of chips:

    1. Chip on the enamel. It is characterized by minimal damage to the crown, manifested in the form of a small microcrack.

      As a rule, deformation does not cause pain or discomfort, but is a place for the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria, which can subsequently cause inflammation of the tooth.

    2. Chip of the enamel itself. It is a localized loss of enamel in one area of ​​the crown, without dentin opening. The damage is accompanied by increased sensitivity of the crown in the area of ​​the chip, which can only be eliminated in the dentist's office.
    3. Dentin chipping. Characterized by damage to the tooth with exposure of dentin. It is distinguished by the appearance of severe aching pain. If left untreated, dentin quickly thins, allowing bacteria access to the pulp chamber.
    4. Chipping to the pulp chamber. It is expressed by the fracture of one of the parts of the tooth, which opens the pulp chamber and exposes the neurovascular bundle located in it.

      This injury is most often characteristic of childhood. It is characterized by severe, sharp pain and the rapid onset of the inflammatory process in the pulp chamber. Lack of dental care can then lead to tooth loss.

    Before visiting the dentist

    Even if a small crack or chip appears on the surface of the enamel and there is no discomfort, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Before visiting the dental office, you can help yourself at home. To do this you need:

    1. Rinse the damaged crown with warm water to remove bacterial plaque, food debris, and broken particles.
    2. To reduce pain or discomfort, apply a cold compress or application with an anesthetic intended for injection, such as Novocaine, to the chipped area.
    3. If the gums are simultaneously injured, it must be treated with an antiseptic and a gauze swab dipped in cool water applied.
    4. If severe pain occurs, it is recommended to take painkillers: Nurofen, Analgin, Ketorol.
    5. In case of damage not only to the crown part, but also to the root, it is necessary to fix the tooth in its normal position and lightly press it.
    6. If the main part of the crown breaks off, you should contact your dentist as an emergency, as bacteria can penetrate into the pulp and provoke the development of inflammation within several hours.
    7. In order to facilitate the correction procedure, it is recommended to save the broken part for the dentist.

    Recovery methods

    Today, dental clinics easily cope with the problem of partial damage to crowns. To do this, various methods are used, differing not only in their correction principle, but also in cost.

    Composite material

    As a rule, this method is used for minor damage to the coronal part. It represents the restoration of the missing element using composite material by building it up layer by layer.

    The composite is a light-curing material, which in its qualities is practically not inferior to enamel. The service of tooth restoration using a composite is one of the most affordable. Its cost is about 4500 rubles.


    Dental inlays are used to restore extensive destruction of the coronal part, exceeding half of its area. According to this method, correction is made using volumetric fillings, manufactured in a laboratory by direct or indirect method.

    Inlays can be made of metal, durable synthetics, zirconium oxide and composite. Depending on the material used, the cost of this service may vary. from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

    Veneers and Lumineers

    The best option for minor tooth damage would be to install veneers and lumineers. Both of them represent ceramic thin linings, which are fixed on the vestibular (front) surface of the teeth and cover their cutting part.

    The only difference between these pads is the thickness. Lumineers are much thinner than veneers, so they can be installed without prior grinding of crowns. In addition, they differ in cost. The price for installing one veneer starts from 12,000 rubles, and Lumineer from 20,000 rubles.


    Crowns are designed to restore a badly damaged tooth that is missing more than half of its area. They look like caps that completely replicate the shape and appearance of a real tooth.

    Just like inlays, crowns can be made of various materials: metal, zirconium oxide, plastic and ceramic.

    The cheapest option is a metal-plastic crown, which will cost 3000 rubles. The most expensive are zirconium dioxide crowns, the cost of which is 25,000 rubles.


    In order to reduce the likelihood of chipping, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures:

    1. It is necessary to pay oral hygiene increased attention. It is not enough to just brush your teeth morning and evening.

      In order to ensure the health of dental tissues, it is recommended to use additional devices for cleaning the oral cavity: floss, rinses, etc.

    2. Balanced diet, which should include foods rich in minerals. Since they are the elements that strengthen dental tissues.

      In addition, you should limit the consumption of sweet and sour foods, which make the enamel structure porous.

    3. Avoiding excessive strain on teeth: do not chew candy, nuts, pencils, do not bite threads or wires.
    4. During active sports, you should use protective elements and linings.


    Even slight deformation of dental tissues is pathologically dangerous, as it can lead to a number of serious dental complications:

    • with an extensive chip with deformation of the root part, the position of the crown or adjacent teeth may change, which will tend to replace the free space;
    • pathogenic microorganisms begin to accumulate in small cracks, which provoke inflammation of the gum or dental tissue;
    • penetration of infection into the pulp will lead to damage to the neurovascular bundle and the spread of inflammation beyond its boundaries. This increases the likelihood of purulent infections in periodontal tissues: cysts, granulomas;
    • constant injury to the mucous membranes of the damaged area can provoke stomatitis with extensive growth of ulcers;
    • If the chipped area is localized in the gum area, then after a short period of time inflammation of the periodontal tissue develops. If left untreated, inflammation can also spread to the periodontium of adjacent teeth, causing them to become loose;
    • Damage not repaired in a timely manner will lead to further destruction of the healthy part of the crown and root, and tooth loss.

    Problems with milky enamel

    Damage to a tooth during primary occlusion is a fairly common occurrence due to the restlessness of young children. If chipping could not be avoided, it is recommended within the first 2 hours Contact your dentist to have the damage repaired.

    Even with minimal enamel deformation, the tooth must be examined by a specialist and corrective actions taken within the first day.

    Before visiting the dentist, you need to rinse your mouth and clean the damaged crown from plaque, warm boiled water. It is imperative to treat the teeth and oral mucosa with an aseptic, non-irritating solution.

    When visiting the clinic, you must x-ray examination, since not only the upper part of the tooth can be damaged, but also the root.

    To treat small chips in baby teeth, the dentist uses a special gel that restores dental tissue and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating the damaged surface.

    In case of extensive chipping and severe damage to the pulp chamber of a baby tooth, the vascular bundle is removed in extreme cases, since the pulp in children tends to recover quickly.

    According to statistics, about 95% of chipped baby teeth with damage to the pulp are restored without removing the neurovascular bundle.

    In this video, the dentist talks about the measures that need to be taken if a tooth is broken:

    ) - dentist therapist, orthodontist. Engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of dental anomalies and malocclusion. Also installs braces and plates.

    A chipped tooth should not be considered a trivial matter. This is a problem that requires immediate medical attention. We are not just talking about aesthetics here. A damaged tooth will definitely lead to more serious dental disease. Now let’s learn more about what to do if a tooth breaks off.

    A chipped tooth should certainly alert a person. If this happens, then something is certainly going wrong in life and health. To understand better, you need to know the most common causes.

    1. A dental injury has occurred.
    2. Weak immune system.
    3. Incorrect and careless wearing of structures installed by an orthodontist.
    4. Hormonal imbalance.
    5. Eating junk food.
    6. The presence of dental diseases in an untreated state.
    7. Unhealthy arrangement of adjacent teeth.
    8. Presence of caries.
    9. Having bad habits.
    10. Low acidity in the mouth.
    11. Damaged filling.
    12. Tooth enamel is subject to reminilization.
    13. The presence of a long-formed crack.
    14. Presence of chronic diseases.

    Let's look at some of the reasons separately. An incorrect bite undoubtedly leads to chipping and damage to soft tissue. The lower and upper teeth injure each other even during normal eating. Also, people with this type of bite experience night grinding, which wears away the enamel over time. If a piece of a tooth breaks off near the soft tissue, complex caries will soon appear in this place.

    Chips, bruises, displacement or loss of teeth can occur as a result of injury. For example, due to a fight, a fall or a strong blow. But in our lives, milder dental injuries occur. For example, a slight injury can be caused by hard candies (caramel) or the simultaneous intake of cold and hot foods (coffee and ice cream).

    Bad habits also damage our teeth. Alcohol and tobacco use greatly weaken tooth enamel. As a result, cracks soon appear on it, which inevitably turn into chips.

    Dental health depends on nutrition. The acid-base balance in the mouth is greatly disrupted by improper carbohydrate nutrition. This reason also thins the enamel. Only healthy food provides the necessary microelements to strengthen it.

    The scourge of our century is diabetes. It occurs in every third resident. Elevated sugar levels lead to hormonal imbalance, which in turn affects the teeth. Thyroid disease can also be included in this category.

    Hot and cold food causes cracks to appear. Severe caries damages the enamel and increases its fragility.


    The symptoms of a chipped tooth are as follows:

    • The functions of the dentofacial apparatus are impaired.
    • Cracks are visible on the enamel.
    • Filling falling out.
    • The tooth is open, the nerve endings are exposed.
    • The dental crown is broken.

    In addition, the person suffers from pain and severe sensitivity. The sensation of strong or weak pain depends on the nature of the chip. A broken piece usually results in a reaction to temperature changes.

    Types of chips

    There are several types of chips:

    1. Dentin chipping.
    2. Enamel chip.
    3. Enamel crack.
    4. Chipping and opening of the pulp.

    The hard enamel material definitely requires attention and care. Often a person does not worry about her health. Eating carbohydrate foods, hard foods, poor care and unhealthy habits destroy enamel and lead to cracks and chips. Chips of enamel do not cause discomfort, so people do not rush to the hospital with them. In vain. In the absence of enamel, the load on the tooth increases significantly. Pathogenic bacteria enter the open area, which begins to destroy the entire tooth. As a result, the entire dentition may be affected. A person is greatly distressed by a chipped front tooth, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.

    Dentin is the hard mineralized part of the tooth. It is located near the nerve and pulp chamber. This part of the tooth corresponds to the shape. In terms of hardness, dentin is slightly weaker than enamel, but stronger than that of bones. The most dangerous situation for dentin is moderate chipping. Because of them, dentin is washed out and damage to the pulp chamber occurs. If you don’t do it, you may soon lose it completely.

    A pulp fracture causes severe pain. Painkillers provide only a temporary effect. With such symptoms, the pulp is removed and the canals are cleaned. In addition, the doctor performs tooth restoration and prosthetics.

    What to do if a tooth chips

    The first action of the patient is to contact the dentist. There's no need to panic. The situation is not fatal. Initially, you need to independently assess the severity of the damage and rethink your actions. For mild to moderate cases, you should make an appointment in the coming days. The main thing is not to delay. If the pulp is exposed, you must rush to the dentist on duty. Otherwise, the pain will be severe and the patient will not be able to eat or sleep.

    Help at home

    It is necessary to organize and provide yourself with pre-medical care:

    • First step: rinse your mouth with water.
    • Second action: apply an ice compress and reduce gum swelling. In case of bleeding, apply a medical bandage.
    • Third step: take painkillers analgesics. Here you can also put a bandage with novocaine on the aching place.

    It is better not to throw away a small broken piece, but to show it to the doctor. The broken bone tissue may be needed to restore the enamel.

    The first two actions will help reduce discomfort, the third action will remove pain. Further treatment will be carried out by the doctor.

    Treatment by a doctor

    The dentist uses several methods to treat a broken tooth:

    1. Artistic restoration.
    2. Dental inlays.
    3. Dental crowns.

    The first method is used if there is minor mechanical damage to the face. Composite materials are used for restoration purposes. At the same time, the shades of the materials are different. They are necessary for more accurate color selection. Using a special material, the tooth is given the correct shape.

    If there are gaps in the teeth in addition to cracks and chips, the dentist decides to install veneers or lumineers. These orthodontic devices are made from ceramic material. The devices are attached to the front teeth and apparently hide the chip.

    For more serious damage, a dental inlay is installed. This device allows you to restore a significant part of the tooth. It is made specifically for each patient in a laboratory.

    If half a tooth or more is missing, it is . That is, a dental crown is installed on top of the damaged tooth, which makes the tooth aesthetically pleasing and protects it from further destruction.

    Special cases

    Some teeth are restored in their own ways. Let's look at them.

    Wisdom tooth

    If a chip appears on this tooth, it is not restored. The procedure makes no sense. The fact is that this chewing organ is not involved in the chewing process and is not important for the species. Dentists remove a chipped wisdom tooth.

    Front tooth

    The situation with chipped front teeth seems deplorable to public citizens. In this case, the dentist may offer different treatment methods. For example, artistic restoration. The dentist will use a paste to select the desired color and restore the tooth. The material is resistant, durable and imitates naturalness well. The doctor will fix the applied layer with special light radiation. It is impossible to determine from the appearance that the patient’s tooth has been restored using extensions.

    The second way to restore a tooth is to use a veneer. It is used for serious injuries. The material is strong, resistant, durable and does not change color over time.

    In the third case, they resort to installing a crown. For these purposes, ceramics or metal ceramics are used. The choice of material is influenced by the patient’s opinion and ability to pay.

    Lateral teeth

    The same restoration methods can be used on the side teeth as on the front teeth. However, this is not entirely justified. These teeth are hidden from the eyes of others. Therefore, you can use it to restore them. But it is better to resort to the extension method. Veneers are not installed on lateral teeth.

    If a nerve has opened up on a side tooth, the dentist will first do an antiseptic treatment, perhaps remove the diseased nerve or the entire tooth and make a new one again.

    Baby tooth

    A parent often makes the mistake of thinking that it is not worth taking a child to the hospital with baby teeth. It's in vain. If your baby teeth are chipped or cracked, your doctor will stop further decay using a filling or preservative gel. For chipped incisors, a special gel is mainly used. Healthy baby teeth will lead to healthy permanent teeth.

    Children are especially often injured. This happens due to falls or blows. The resulting chips lead to further stomatitis and increase tooth sensitivity. Therefore, a visit to your pediatrician is important.

    It is important for the child to carry out the following pre-medical measures:

    • Calm a frightened child.
    • Give your child water to rinse his teeth.
    • If soft tissues are damaged, disinfect them.
    • Be sure to save the broken tooth for the doctor.

    Within the first 24 hours, a child with a chipped tooth should be shown to a doctor. During the appointment, the doctor will most likely take pictures of the baby, which will help check the condition of the roots and soft tissues. For chipped incisors, a special gel is mainly used.

    Special case - vertical crack

    The vertical crack does not appear to be dangerous. It's a lie. It seriously hurts the pulp. As a result, it is not possible to restore the enamel with a filling. In serious cases, the patient feels that one half of the tooth is loose. In serious cases, the patient feels that one half of the tooth is loose.

    In the case of a small crack, pressure is applied to the teeth. As a result, the tissue gradually loses its integrity. The result of this state of affairs is a big chip. If you go to the dentist, they will cover up a small crack, thereby restoring the enamel and health. If this action does not help, then the doctor may install veneers or.


    If a tooth chips and a visit to the dentist is postponed for a long time, the patient faces the following consequences:

    1. Pulp infection. This is pain, destruction and its final loss.
    2. The appearance of granulomas and dangerous cysts.
    3. Malocclusion if a root shift occurs after an injury.
    4. Inability to eat food with pronounced sensations.


    To prevent chipping of a part of the tooth you need to:

    • Treat caries regularly.
    • Avoid mechanical damage.
    • Eat right and in moderation.
    • Do not delay correcting your bite.
    • Monitor the health.

    A chipped tooth is a fixable matter. It is better to heal than to have complications later.

    Sources used:

    • Klyomin V. A., Borisenko A. V., Ishchenko P. V. Combined dental fillings. MIA, 2008
    • Practical therapeutic dentistry" (Nikolaev A.)
    • Scheller-Sheridan C (8 May 2013). Basic Guide to Dental Materials. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Faculty of Dentistry and Medical Technologies St. Petersburg State University

    If a piece of a tooth breaks off, many patients think what to do nothing is needed until problem will not cause serious discomfort. This opinion is incorrect; you should immediately visit a dentist when a defect appears. Enamel chips often appear against the background of chronic disorders, which also require correction.

    How do teeth chip?

    Will be obvious only if a large element of the incisor is lost or fang. If the injuries are minimal, it is difficult to see the problem with the naked eye; you can only understand it by the accompanying symptoms.

    The following signs indicate that a tooth has chipped:

    • increased sensitivity;
    • painful sensations;
    • swelling and bleeding of the gums.

    Symptoms can be expressed to varying degrees, depending on the scale of the problem. Painful sensations may appear in rare cases cases , with excessive irritation, and can be intense and permanent if a large piece of the tooth has broken off. There are three type of destruction:

    • crack;
    • chipped enamel;
    • chipped dentin.

    If a tooth just begins to break off, a crack appears in the enamel, the so-called incomplete chip, the person does not feel discomfort. Chipped enamel may occasionally cause pain when drinking hot or cold drinks. Only when the next layer, dentin, is affected, when chewing hot or highly acidic food, the damage will make itself known. A molar or incisor may split completely, or a small fragment may be lost. If a piece of a tooth breaks off and the pulp is exposed, what you cannot do is try to solve the problem yourself: a complete removal of the molar is necessary; it is rarely possible to restore the crown.

    Causes of pathology

    With a question why do teeth chip, many people face. Parents are most worried when the disease affects their children. Often a loss parts canines and molars brings aesthetic discomfort; it is much more dangerous when the chipped area injures the surrounding tissues.

    Reasons why I broke away piece or whole a tooth cracked, several:

    • dental pathologies and anomalies;
    • traumatization;
    • lack of calcium and other beneficial elements;
    • reduced level of immunity;
    • hormone imbalance.

    Some scientists believe one of the reasons for frequent spalling decreased acidity of the oral cavity.

    When a tooth breaks off on the sides near the gum, malocclusion or tooth decay is more common. T crack or break The tip of the incisor may, when trying to chew a hard object, or untie a knot with its teeth.

    What to do?

    In a situation when a canine or chewing tooth breaks off, in the doctor comes first to help . But before going to him you need to take care of following some rules. First,what to do if a piece of a tooth breaks off, is to rinse your mouth. For cleansing, ordinary boiled water at an acceptable temperature is suitable.

    1. If there is bleeding, apply a cotton swab to the area where the tooth has broken off.
    2. Use anti-inflammatory dental ointments or creams.
    3. Apply cold to the damaged area.
    4. Take painkillers.

    If the chipped tooth does not bother you, you need to see a dentist to make sure there is no inflammation or other pathologies. The question of the need to visit the dentist disappears, If a piece of the front tooth broke off - toa cosmetic defect can ruin promising plans, so it is necessary recovery affected area, what to do will have to be done in several stages.

    Participation of the dentist in treatment

    Dentistry offers a whole range of services to correct the current situation.What will the dentist do if a tooth chips?depends on the type and scale of the problem.

    Cracked a tooth, if the damage is minor, can be restored, that is, disguised, restoring its structure and shape. Restoration includes the following complementary methods:

    • veneers;
    • tabs.

    The first most popular correction method is veneers, the second most effective is the use of special inlays. In difficult cases, if a large piece of a tooth has broken off, prosthetics are used.

    In Moscow and other large cities, it is possible to restore damaged dental structure within one working day.

    Extension of a tooth fragment

    RestoreThe dentist will shape the lost part using a special material that can harden in the shortest possible time under the influence of a photopolymer lamp. The method is suitable in a situation where it is too early to install a crown, that is, a small piece of the tooth has broken off.

    The recovery goes like this:

    1. The shade of the material is selected; it should be as close as possible to the color of the remaining area.
    2. The material is applied layer by layer and the shape is restored using tools.
    3. Minor inaccuracies of the new fragment are polished, the surface should be smooth.

    The procedure rarely takes more than 3 hours.


    Veneers are suitable if cracks or pieces have formed chip didn't start. Thin ceramic or composite overlays are placed on the damaged area, thereby allowing the color and lost shape to be somewhat corrected. Veneers will be effective in case of malocclusion.

    To install the plates correctly, you need to visit the dentist several times; you not only need to prepare the dentition for the onlays by grinding, but also make them using an impression.


    Veneers and extensions are relevant for incisors and canines; for chewing painters, invisible to the eye, special inlays are suitable. These are the same fillings, but are installed differently. In the denture office, a kind of filler is made from an impression, and later it is installed on the tooth from which the fragment has broken off. The only condition for installing a tab is that the lost fragment is less than 50%.

    If a large piece of a tooth has broken off, crowns will help.

    Metal-ceramic or zirconium crowns are suitable if a significant piece of the tooth has broken off, or it has completely cracked. Ideal for damaged incisors and canines. The artificial part, made in the laboratory, is attached to a pin in the mouth or to the root, if it has not been lost. Crowns can be made from different materials that differ in price and quality.

    If a piece of a tooth breaks off, there is no need to worry; you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible. Inaction in this matter may not be to the benefit of a person, since the development of concomitant pathologies of the oral cavity is possible.
