Pimples itch under the arms. Causes of acne under the arm: treatment methods, prevention, useful tips. Pimple under the arm: treatment methods

Pimples can form on almost any part of the human body where there are hairs. And since they grow throughout the body, you can expect troubles everywhere if the conditions arise for this.

The armpit area is no exception.

  • On the contrary, this area is supplied not only with large sebaceous glands, but also with sweat glands.
  • In addition, the skin here is subject to constant friction against clothing, shaving or depilation, both in women and men.

Therefore, you may not be very surprised by the rashes that appear here.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Another thing is that not everyone thinks about how dangerous they are.

But it is under the armpits that there are many blood vessels and large lymph nodes, which, if infected, will quickly spread the infection throughout the body.

Therefore, a pimple that appears under the armpit, at a minimum, requires very careful handling.

Why do they appear?

The main causes of acne under the arms are the same as in other parts of the body - blockage of the sebaceous gland duct and bacterial infection of its secretion.

This happens under the influence of the same factors that provoke acne, for example, on the face. But in the armpit area there are even more favorable conditions for inflamed rashes.

During puberty

During puberty, hormonal surges occur in the body.

Male sex hormones - androgens - are often produced in excess, even in girls.

  • Their excess is responsible not only for the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also makes their secretion thicker.
  • At the same time, the natural exfoliation of dead cells of the stratum corneum from the surface of the skin is delayed.
  • All the prerequisites for pore clogging and formation are created.

It is not only the face that suffers in this situation.

When the sebaceous glands are overactive, acne can also appear under the armpits.

The hormonal reason for their appearance is evidenced by the difficulty of cure - some pimples go away, but others immediately appear.

Photo: rashes may appear after depilation

After depilation

Pimples after depilation or shaving should not be confused with skin irritation and an allergic reaction to the cosmetics used.

The reasons for them will be different, as well as the methods of treatment.

In the first case, the red rashes that appear are small and do not have a white purulent head.

  • Itching or burning may occur in the armpit area.
  • Irritation is caused by microdamage to the upper layer of skin from razor blades, and an allergic rash is a skin reaction to some components of cosmetic products (such as foam or shaving gel or perspirants and deodorants).

Pimples after shaving actually form when the follicles become infected.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • using someone else's shaving equipment;
  • poor hygiene during the procedure or depilation;
  • after the previous procedure, the blades were poorly washed;
  • the blades are very dull.

In this case, purulent pimples appear, which indicate infection.

And another common problem after depilation is pseudofolliculitis.

  • When a hair is pulled out, its bulb is damaged.
  • The next hair grows weakened and cannot break through.
  • It curls up and begins to grow inward under the skin.
  • A foreign subcutaneous element causes inflammation.
  • A reddened tubercle appears above it, which is soon filled with purulent contents (white head). This kind of pimple is common.

Video: “How to treat a boil”

Increased sweating

Sweating is an important function of the human body associated with thermoregulation.

It is not surprising that a person sweats most heavily and often in the hot season or in a warm room, especially if he is dressed warmly enough.

The sweat released onto the surface of the skin not only cools the skin, it is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

This is evidenced by a sharp specific smell, which appears during the life of microorganisms.

  • In such conditions, the follicle often becomes infected with bacteria, which is why acne appears.
  • They can be quite painful, and if the cause is golden, then dangerous.

Usually a large internal pimple (furuncle) appears.

  • The skin over it turns red and thickens. It can also cause your body temperature to rise, weakness, and nausea to appear.
  • It ripens slowly, within 2-3 weeks.
  • All this time the person experiences unpleasant symptoms.

Due to the proximity of the lymph nodes, if a boil appears under the arm, you should immediately.

Photo: swelling in the armpit

It is dangerous to confuse a boil with an enlarged lymph node.

  • In both cases, compaction and pain appear.
  • But an internal pimple manifests itself as redness, whereas with inflammation of the lymph node such a skin reaction does not occur.

In some people, increased sweating goes beyond normal and turns into a disease - hyperhidrosis.

They sweat profusely and are not in proportion to environmental conditions. This disease should be treated by a specialist.

Acne inversus

Acne inversus is a secondary bacterial infection that affects the apocrine sweat glands.

In the body they are located just under the armpits, as well as around the navel and nipples.

This type of acne occurs only after puberty, when the apocrine glands begin to function.

  • Acne vulgaris is primarily formed, the contents of which infect the secretion of the apocrine glands.
  • Multiple inflammations appear on the skin, which, due to their close proximity, are visualized as one subcutaneous tubercle. It hurts when palpated.
  • The situation becomes more complicated if fistulas (connections) form between the purulent sacs under the skin.

Such acne is treated only with antibiotics and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.


– a shock to the whole body.

  • overexertion can lead to hormonal imbalance, and it is often accompanied by increased sweating.
  • Stress reduces the body's protective functions.

As a result, purulent pimples may appear under the arms.

Poor nutrition

Consumption of harmful foods and lack of a regime lead to disruptions in the digestive system.

  • The skin is always very sensitive to them and can react by forming acne.
  • First of all, rashes appear in areas with thin skin - cheeks, elbow bends, stomach, armpits.

Therefore, this cause of acne should not be discounted.

Weakening of the immune system

When the immune system is weakened, the body cannot properly resist infections.

Since a large number of different microorganisms are always present on the skin, some of them may be activated.

This can also cause acne.

The true cause of armpit acne is not always easy to determine, but it is necessary to try to prevent relapses.


Treatment of acne under the arms

How to treat acne under the arm?

The most important thing is to never squeeze them out.

If the infection enters the systemic bloodstream or lymph flow, disaster may occur - damage to the membranes of the brain or heart muscle.

In both cases, this is fraught with serious consequences.

Photo: products used to treat acne

What can you do yourself?

If the pimple is small but purulent, it can be anointed with products used on the face - Differin, Zenerit, Zerkalin and the like.

How to get rid of subcutaneous pimple?

  • You can only help him faster. To do this, use Vishnevsky's liniment, Ichthyol ointment or Levomekol.
  • Apply a bandage with these ointments to the resulting lump. They will help draw the pus closer to the surface.

But it is better, if an internal pimple appears, to consult a doctor. Sometimes they are treated surgically if they pose a real risk of infection.

If there are a large number of purulent pimples or a large painful subcutaneous formation, treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies

How to remove acne in the armpit using traditional medicine?

Photo: herbal infusions will relieve inflammation and soothe the skin

These recipes can help.

  • Oak bark and birch leaves will help relieve inflammation and reduce sweating. Take them in equal quantities, pour boiling water and leave. Wipe the skin of your armpits twice a day.
  • Vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) will help get rid of skin irritation, dryness and flaking. Heat a small amount of it in a water bath for 15 minutes, and then lubricate the inflamed area. Use twice daily.
  • 1 tsp will help relieve severe itching. lemon juice, diluted in a glass of warm water. Just wipe the rash areas 2 times a day. You can use apple cider vinegar instead of lemon juice.
  • Prepare a decoction of walnut leaves (1 tablespoon per glass of water). All of them have excellent anti-inflammatory properties and will quickly help with pimples.
  • Mint or sage compresses will quickly soothe irritated skin and relieve red spots.

Folk remedies can only be used for minor rashes.

In the case of purulent pimples or boils, they will not be very effective.

Prevention measures

Pimples under the arms are not that difficult to prevent.

Basically, following basic hygiene rules is enough:

  • on hot days, wash off traces of sweat as often as possible, this will prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria;
  • do not forget about daily hygiene of the armpits;
  • take care of your immunity, eat more vegetables and fruits, take a course of vitamin supplements if necessary;
  • If you have hyperhidrosis, be sure to consult a doctor; the symptoms of the disease can be relieved with medications;
  • the razor or machine must be for your individual use only;

Photo: moisturizing and softening the skin after shaving prevents the formation of rashes

  • the skin of the armpits also needs proper care, like the skin of other areas, use mild detergents to cleanse away impurities, moisturize the skin with special creams, and if ingrown hairs occur frequently, change the depilation method.

Questions and answers

Is it possible to squeeze out

Pimples under the arms should never be squeezed out.

  • Blood vessels and lymph nodes are located very close.
  • They can instantly spread infection throughout the body.

The membranes of the brain are the first to be affected. This could be fatal.

What to do if it hurts

In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Internal pimples can cause pain, and the lymph nodes also signal pain when inflamed.

The doctor will most correctly understand the seriousness of the situation and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Armpit acne is a serious problem and should be treated as such.

It’s good if it was possible to establish the cause of their formation and prevent relapses.

But if you cannot cope with this on your own, rush to the doctor.

Sometimes the situation requires treatment as quickly as possible.

Video: “Boil under the armpit (hidradenitis)”

- Although an unpleasant phenomenon, it is quite common. But if a pimple appears under the armpit, it always becomes a reason to doubt whether everything is okay with the body.

A pimple on the floor can cause hidradenitis

After all, as many people think, they rarely appear in such an unusual place for them.

In fact, anyone can face this problem, regardless of age and gender. AND

in this case, it is very important to find out why acne appears under the arms.

What causes the problem

If a person has acne under the arms, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Folliculitis. The skin in the armpits is thin and delicate, and it is very easy to damage it - by rubbing against clothing, shaving, or hair removal. The resulting microtraumas are easily penetrated by infection, which provokes the inflammatory process. Folliculitis is an inflammation of the hair follicle, accompanied by the formation of an abscess at the site of growth of the hair shaft and minor pain. As the infection develops, the pustule opens, the contents pour out, and a small ulcer, covered with a crust, forms at the site of inflammation. As a rule, with folliculitis, multiple purulent pimples appear, but sometimes a single abscess can occur. Similar pimples appear in the armpits and with pseudofolliculitis, when a growing hair cannot break through the surface of the skin, bends and begins to grow inward, which also causes inflammation.
  2. Hidradenitis. This disease, also known as purulent inflammation of the sweat glands, causes an internal pimple in the armpit. This is a dense and immobile subcutaneous formation, accompanied by redness of the skin at the site of development of the inflammatory process. However, the purulent contents on the surface of the epidermis are invisible - it is located in the deeper layers of the skin. An internal pimple that appears with hidradenitis is always very large and painful. At the final stage of development of the inflammatory process, which can last for 2 weeks, pus breaks out, leaving behind an ulcer.
  3. . A large pimple that appears in the armpit and has a necrotic core is a symptom of furunculosis. It is the purulent point on the surface of the subcutaneously located formation that distinguishes it from hidradenitis, which has similar symptoms. The boil hurts and itches, the skin at the site of inflammation becomes very red, and after a while the abscess opens.
  4. Atheroma. A benign cyst that has popped up under the armpit looks like a moving subcutaneous lump, which is often accompanied by painful sensations, especially when pressed. For a long time it may not cause any particular inconvenience, but under the influence of certain factors, the atheroma transforms into an abscess that tends to spontaneously burst. However, after the pus comes out, the atheroma reappears after some time.
  5. Lymphadenitis is a dangerous disease characterized by inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes. Purulent formations on the skin indicate that the disease is severe. Also, lymphadenitis can be accompanied by fever, enlarged lymph nodes, weakness, and redness of the skin.

These are the most likely and most common causes of armpit acne. To find out the true sources of the problem, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially if the ulcers are multiple and occur frequently.

In addition, it should be remembered that inflammatory processes in the armpit are fraught with the rapid spread of infection throughout the body, since the lymph nodes are located in this area. Therefore, under no circumstances should you ignore a pimple that has popped up under your armpit.

What to do

Treatment of acne in the armpits depends entirely on the reasons that caused the appearance of ulcers. First of all, you need to refrain from squeezing them out, as this is fraught with serious complications.

You should not use any medications without a specialist’s prescription, since at best, medications used off-label will not help, and at worst, they can aggravate the situation and cause numerous adverse reactions. Underarm acne should be treated in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

If possible, conservative therapy is used to eliminate ulcers. These can be various topical preparations - antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ointments and solutions.

Underarm acne should be treated in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations.

In some cases, hormonal agents are also used, usually in the form of subcutaneous injections. In severe forms of the disease, it is necessary to take. For example, this type of treatment is mandatory for infectious lymphadenitis.

If drug therapy does not bring results and the risk of complications of the purulent process increases, surgical methods are used. Most often, hidradenitis and boils are opened.

Atheroma also requires mandatory surgical removal, since it often recurs and cannot be treated with medications. After opening the abscess or eliminating the cyst, antiseptic treatment of the wound is required until it is completely healed.

It should be borne in mind that even surgical removal of acne under the arms does not exclude their reappearance. If ulcers appear again, you should definitely find out what is the reason for the frequent relapses.

Sometimes such formations on the skin may indicate internal problems in the body - disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, the presence of various infections, a significant deterioration in general immunity.

With proper treatment, getting rid of acne in the armpits is quite simple. However, if certain conditions are not met, this unpleasant and painful skin defect will return again. To avoid the recurrence of acne under the arms, you need to follow simple but important recommendations.

First of all, you need to reconsider your approach to personal hygiene: perhaps it is insufficiently frequent showers that is the reason for the frequent appearance of ulcers in the armpits. It is necessary to regularly and thoroughly cleanse the skin of the body, using mild hypoallergenic detergents.

When shaving your armpits, be sure to disinfect the skin.

When shaving your armpits, it is necessary to disinfect the skin, not only after the procedure, but also before it begins. Of course, a prerequisite here is the use of individual accessories, which need to be updated from time to time.

To prevent pores from becoming clogged and inflamed, causing the formation of purulent acne, it is very important to choose safe deodorants.

Experts advise giving preference not to roll-on antiperspirants, but to aerosol antiperspirants, and at the end of the day, be sure to wash off the cosmetic product from the skin using soap.

Wearing tight synthetic clothing significantly increases the risk of developing acne under the arms. If possible, you should choose loose-fitting outfits made from natural fabrics and always wear only clean items of clothing.

The condition of the skin largely depends on nutrition. It is recommended to reduce the amount of sweet, fatty, salty, smoked foods in the diet, and increase the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutrition also greatly affects the immune system, the weakening of which often leads to the frequent formation of ulcers in the armpits.

As a rule, it is quite difficult to get all the necessary nutrients from the daily menu, so if the body’s defenses are weakened, multivitamin complexes should be consumed.

Usually, following these simple rules allows you to forget about acne in the armpits for a long time. If ulcers continue to appear in this area, you should definitely consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo a full examination of the body.

Rashes in the armpits are quite common. After all, in this place there are many sebaceous and sweat glands, the blockage of which most often causes the appearance of acne. A pimple under the armpit is often painful and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Causes of acne under the arms

Pimples under the arms are quite a noticeable problem. These formations pose a serious danger, since in the armpit area, in addition to hair follicles and sebaceous glands, there are a large number of blood vessels and lymph nodes. If the infection gets into the deep layers of the skin tissue of the armpits, there is a huge risk of its rapid spread throughout the body.

Unfortunately, there are many reasons why armpit sores can form:

  1. Excessive sweating, according to experts, is the most common cause of acne under the arms. Sweat acts as an irritant to the skin. In addition, the body in this place is subject to constant friction, which, taken together, causes inflammatory processes.

Sweat performs the function of cooling the human body. But at the same time, it is an ideal environment for the development of microbes. The unpleasant specific smell of sweat appears precisely as a result of their vital activity.

(boils) most often appear under the armpits with excessive sweating. They can ripen for a very long time - up to 3 weeks. This period may be accompanied by general malaise, weakness, nausea, and fever.

A furuncle under the arm can be easily confused with an inflammation of the lymph node. In both cases, a painful lump appears under the skin. But, in the case of inflammation of the lymph node, the skin does not change its color, but with a boil, redness appears on it.

  1. Mechanical damage to the skin during shaving. A razor blade, unfortunately, often leaves small cuts and damage on delicate skin. Sweat easily penetrates into the resulting open wounds, along with dust, dirt, and pathogenic bacteria that cause acne.

You can avoid infection of wounds during shaving if you strictly follow the rules of hygiene: use only individual razors, wash them thoroughly after use, and promptly throw away dull blades.

  1. Pseudofolliculitis. This pathology often appears after depilation. When removing armpit hair, partial destruction of the hair follicle occurs. As a result of this, it begins to reproduce a very weak hair that is unable to break through the skin. The hair curls up and continues to grow under the skin. This phenomenon often causes inflammation. In such cases, the pimple hurts and a white, purulent head forms on it.
  2. Allergy. Sometimes even the most expensive and advertised deodorants, powders, lotions, and other products become the real cause of acne. They can cause an allergic reaction, dry out or over-moisturize delicate skin. And, if in open areas of the body these manifestations may go unnoticed, then sweat, in this case, significantly aggravates the situation.
  3. Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules often causes acne to appear under the arms.

In addition, do not forget about the general condition of the body. After all, acne under the arms can also appear due to poor nutrition, weakened immunity, hormonal imbalances, etc.

Pimple under the arm: treatment methods

The answer to the question of how to get rid of underarm acne depends on what type of rash you are dealing with. Experts say that you can treat yourself only acne that appears as a result of irritation, when the inflammatory process is mild.

If a large pimple under the armpit has obvious signs of inflammation and the presence of suppuration, then, most likely, you will have to seek help from a surgeon. The doctor will determine the need to surgically open the abscess and also select antibiotics for treatment.

Squeezing purulent pimples under the arm is prohibited!

Treatment of acne under the arms without the participation of a doctor at home should consist only of using external agents: antibacterial ointments, disinfectants, compresses with a pulling effect.

To treat minor rashes, you can use “Zinerit” or “” ointments.

Purulent pimples and small boils can be treated with Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol. These remedies will help the abscesses mature and open faster.

In addition to pharmaceutical drugs, acne under the arms can be treated using traditional medicine recipes:

  1. A compress of mint or sage leaves will help reduce irritation and remove red spots from the armpits.
  2. A decoction of chamomile or walnut leaves can get rid of small red pimples.
  3. An infusion of oak bark and birch leaves, taken in equal volumes, will help significantly reduce sweating and eliminate inflammation. Wipe your armpits with this product twice a day.
  4. Olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) will help with flaking and severe dryness of the skin under the arms. Wipe the inflamed areas with oil twice a day.
  5. If armpit rashes cause severe itching, you can try to get rid of it with water and lemon juice. A glass of water will require approximately a teaspoon of lemon juice. By the way, lemon is an effective remedy for post-acne (scars left by acne), which can be discussed in more detail

Every person without exception has observed acne under the armpits. These are quite unpleasant and painful formations that you want to get rid of quickly. Today we will find out for what reasons acne occurs under the arms and how to remove them from the surface of the skin most effectively.

Pimples under the arms have indeed, at least once, visited absolutely every person, and we are absolutely sure of this. But not all pimples are red and bulging, and therefore, be extremely careful and treat the axillary area as seriously as the nasolabial triangle, where pressing, scratching and picking at pimples and other growths is generally very dangerous. Now we will explain our position to you.

  • First, armpit pimples may not be pimples due to normal reasons at all, but irritation due to cuts while shaving.
  • Secondly, such formations may only appear to be pimples, but in fact represent subcutaneous inflammation caused by cold. At times, it may seem that a large and unpleasant pimple appears, grows and slowly creeps out, but this is an internal inflammation of the tissues, which is highly not recommended to be affected externally. Often, such internal formations go away on their own within a few days.
  • Thirdly, painful sensations under the skin of the armpit are not always a pimple. Very often, barely noticeable swelling and pain inside is inflammation of the lymph nodes, which means there should be no talk of any physical impact, urgently go to the hospital and find out the cause of the inflammation from a doctor.

Pimples under the arms: causes

As you can see, pimples may not be pimples at all, but if you notice really specific inflammations, then you should treat them accordingly, but first, you need to find out the cause of acne under the arms.

  • Experts believe that the first and most common cause of acne under the arms is excessive sweating.. Sweat irritates the skin, inflammation appears, which intensifies as a result of friction between skin on skin or skin on clothing, resulting in entire lesions;
  • Underarm irritation after shaving. This reason is also related to increased sweating, but in combination with mechanical damage to the skin as a result of scratches with a razor and cuts, for example, papillomas, which are frequent guests under the arms. Sweat gets into small open wounds, along with dust and dirt, infection occurs, inflammation develops... as a result, the same lesions with redness and entire colonies of acne under the arms;
  • Cosmetics with the wrong formula. The skin under the arms is very delicate, and therefore it can be affected by anything, even expensive cosmetics. Deodorants, antiperspirants, oils, powders, lotions, soaps and other household chemical skin care products are the real causes of acne, which dry out, over-moisturize, irritate the skin, and in combination with sweat, and in general, give a person abundant areas of inflammation;
  • Improper hygiene– one of the main reasons why acne under the arms can not only appear, but also grow in number, bringing with it obvious discomfort. Therefore, even if the hot water is turned off at home, using a light shower or rinsing is mandatory;
  • Weakened immune system. For this reason, acne occurs on any part of the body, and the armpit area is no exception. Due to poor immunity, various microbes and infections penetrate the body, which means that the development of inflammation and neoplasms increases;
  • Stress, nervous system disorders. Oddly enough, it is the nervous system of the human body that may be responsible for most of our diseases. It is quite possible that acne under the arms occurs for the same reason. Stress at work, nerves at home, financial instability, problems with personal relationships - this is just a short list of what the skin can react negatively to;
  • Nutrition, or rather, incorrect diet and failures in regimes. Many people are used to not taking diets seriously. This is extremely wrong - poor nutrition (as well as disruptions in the nervous system) can cause quite a lot of diseases, the symptoms of which can include acne under the arms. After all, there are different diets and it is far from necessary to spend mountains of money on seafood and expensive delicacies; you can simply eat right, do not overeat, do not eat unhealthy foods, do not fill your stomach at night, and so on.

There can be many causes for acne, but the best solution is to identify them before you take any action.

So, we found out that pimples can appear under the armpits after shaving, large and red pimples under the armpits due to excessive sweating, as well as for reasons of stress, hypothermia, and so on. This is all clear, but how can you treat acne in this area, and what can you do to remove unpleasant and even painful inflammation from the surface of the skin? As always, there is an answer, and we are happy to share it with you.

The right way to fight acne under the arms

So, from the very beginning we fix everything that is wrong with us; perhaps we won’t have to resort to any means.

We establish nutrition, determine the correct eating and sleeping patterns, try to lead a more active lifestyle, observe the rules of personal hygiene, minimize questionable cosmetics, do not get nervous for no reason, and also take vitamins to maintain a healthy immune system. Next, we move on to treating the root causes, and not masking the symptoms - we go to the doctor and consult about increased sweating. Initially, hyperhidrosis seems to be a very serious problem, but we don’t have it out of the blue either, which means there is a certain disease or malfunction that is responsible for the overactive functioning of the sweat glands. The doctor’s recommendations must be followed and we are waiting for the results.

Only if such methods of struggle do not help should one move on to more serious treatment; initially, we do not recommend jumping into the deep end.

Who among us has not encountered pimples that suddenly appeared under the armpit? This situation is familiar to almost everyone. Sometimes these are purulent pimples that cause great inconvenience. They hurt, and the mere presence of a large new formation in the armpit is unlikely to make anyone happy... It would be natural for any person to want to understand the causes of the problem and quickly solve it by all available means.

So why do acne appear under the arms?

Photo 1 – Pimples under the arms

Dermatologists identify several reasons for the appearance of acne in the armpits:

  1. Excessive sweating and/or skin irritation after shaving under the arm;
  2. Incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  3. Improper care or lack of hygiene;
  4. Stress and/or nervous tension;
  5. Some diseases;
  6. Poor nutrition.

Causes of acne under the armpit

  1. Excessive sweating and/or skin irritation after shaving this area

Excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis usually accompanies heavy or prolonged physical activity. Such conditions are typical for professional athletes, people performing heavy physical work, and also for all those who lead an active lifestyle. But often hyperhidrosis occurs and provokes the appearance of acne in the armpits not only due to physical activity, but also due to the physiological characteristics of the body.

Many people choose to shave their underarm area to prevent excessive hair growth in this area. This approach may be justified if the entire procedure is carried out under conditions close to sterile. Otherwise, through the top layer of skin covered with microcuts, access to various kinds of pathogenic agents (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, etc.) opens up, which can cause the appearance of a large number of painful pimples, sometimes even purulent ones.

Photo 2 – Excessive sweating

ATTENTION! It is unacceptable for several people to use one shaving machine!

  1. Incorrectly selected cosmetic products

Modern people use a lot of different types of cosmetics that are widely available on the market. Among the most well-known, there are several classes of such products:

  • antiperspirants;
  • deodorants;
  • lotions;
  • powders;
  • soap.

But the skin under the arms is quite demanding; not always any, even proven product, can interact without problems with this area of ​​our body. It’s paradoxical, but often it is precisely these products that cause acne under the arms. The wrong soap can unnecessarily dry out the delicate skin under your arms.

And a product that counteracts the appearance of sweat (antiperspirant) can cause clogged pores, and even the appearance of a large number of purulent pimples!

IMPORTANT! When choosing the necessary cosmetic product, it would be a good idea to consult a specialist, not to mention that the treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

Photo 3 – Incorrectly chosen cosmetics
  1. Improper care or lack of hygiene

Personal hygiene is not just an ordinary morning or evening ritual. This is an urgent necessity, which in many ways distinguishes civilized people from all others. To prevent the appearance of painful acne, you must carefully maintain body hygiene. If for some reason there is no access to warm water, use rinsing the armpits. Frequently changing your underwear can also be a means of preventing acne under the arms.

Photo 4 – Improper care
  1. Stress and/or nervous tension

Being in stressful situations can in most cases be the cause of increased sweating. The nervous system controls the functioning and interaction of all body systems. Excessive sweating during stress in some people is nothing more than the body's reaction to stress. The appearance of painful, sometimes purulent pimples can be caused by excessive sweating caused by nervous tension.

One of the ways to avoid being in such situations is to correctly perceive this kind of life conflict. Quickly forgetting negative emotions, “self-banning” memories of negative emotions will help you quickly abstract from the negative impact on the nervous system.

Photo 5 – Stress
  1. Some diseases

The causes of purulent, painful pimples under the arms can indirectly be caused by various diseases and conditions. These include obesity, diabetes, and others. These conditions can increase sweating and cause painful pimples in the armpits.

Another serious problem can be hidradenitis, sometimes popularly called “bitch udder.” First, a painful new formation appears under the arm, sometimes with a purulent head. Such a formation brings great discomfort: it hurts, often there are several such formations.

Photo 6 – Diseases

ATTENTION! Treatment of hidradenitis requires mandatory medical supervision!

  1. Poor nutrition

As in all other cases, proper nutrition is a huge help in preventing purulent, painful acne in the armpits. The inclusion of a large number of unhealthy foods in the daily diet (mayonnaise, smoked meats, cakes, white bread, sausages, etc.) helps to change the acid-base balance of the body. Simple carbohydrates increase the amount of fat fiber in the total body weight.

Photo 7 – Poor nutrition

But you don’t need to be a nutritionist to replace fatty smoked meat with lean fresh rabbit meat, and sweets can give way to a variety of fruits, fresh juices and berries on the menu.

Also, do not forget about the required amount of fresh, clean water, which will help remove toxic substances from the body.

The listed reasons may be answers to the question - why do acne appear under the arms?

ATTENTION! But treatment of acne under the arms can and should be carried out by a dermatologist!
