Sapropel baths: indications and contraindications. Sapropel in cosmetology and medicine. General contraindications to mud therapy

What is sapropel? My guests asked this question today. "Sapropel" - from the Greek. “sapros” - rotten and “pelos” - dirt, silt, organic deposits, consisting mainly of the remains of aquatic organisms.

This is a complex natural complex that is formed in a freshwater reservoir from the decomposition products of aquatic plants and organisms as a result of slow centuries-old synthesis. It is rich in mineral and organic substances of biogenic origin and is easily absorbed by the human body.

Sapropel is on a par with the legendary ginseng and mumiyo.” ( information from the Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Even in Russian folk tales, heroes in the most difficult moments drew strength from the Russian land. Our grandmothers taught: if you have a headache, lean against an aspen tree, if you are weak, lean against a birch or oak tree. The pain will pass, but the strength will come. Popular wisdom is confirmed by scientific knowledge. Man feeds on the living energy of nature - trees, herbs, honey, clay, mud. And if grass lives for one summer, a tree for decades, then clay and mud can accumulate energy for a millennium.

Imagine how powerful the impact of sapropel mud is if it has accumulated energy for 20 thousand years! Interacting with the human body, therapeutic mud creates optimal ion exchange between the skin and the sapropel application. Biological and chemical components of natural mixtures penetrate through the skin. The healing effect is not only at the point of contact and on the entire body.

We have already realized that traditional medicine often cannot cope with the whole bouquet of modern ailments, and therefore, we rush around in search of healers or some universal remedies, we go to distant countries in search of magic cures “for all diseases”. Dead Sea salt, Hungarian peat, healing mud from Spain and Italy - these days they are on everyone’s lips.

According to scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, sapropel is a product of a unique centuries-old natural synthesis of the remains of plant and animal life, as if specially created for treating people.

Modern science is not able to obtain its likeness artificially. Methods and recommendations for the use of therapeutic mud from sapropel were developed by the Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Russian Federation.

Methods for using sapropel.
How is sapropel useful?

Mud therapy is one of the methods of balneology. First of all, therapeutic muds have a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the so-called thermophysical effect - simply the thermal effect that occurs when the drug is applied to the skin.

The second important factor here is a valuable mineral complex, which includes microelements necessary for our body.

The third therapeutic aspect is specific microflora, as well as vitamin-like and hormone-like substances. As for the microflora, its task is to break down the organic components contained in the mud, and thus transform these components into the very medicinal product that we use.

The important thing is that sapropel has a healing effect not only at the point of contact with the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

The techniques are easy to implement, and many are preferable for individual use at home. The biological activity of Sapropel does not require their use in large volumes, and the calming effect of the procedures is well complemented by evening hygiene procedures.

Methods are divided into:

  • external;
  • cavity;
  • enteral

External or superficial:

  • Open applications– masks are when Sapropel Apply to exposed skin of the face, neck and other areas with a layer of 2-3 mm for a period of 10 to 20 minutes.

It is used for juvenile acne, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis in children and adults, photos and dyshormonal pigmentation. Sapropel heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature of 37-42 degrees is applied with a soft wide brush in an even layer without gaps to the skin or area of ​​changed skin, covering 1-2 cm of healthy skin and leaving for 10 minutes on the first day, increasing the duration by 2 minutes for each the subsequent procedure and bringing them to 20 minutes.

To obtain a scrub effect, before removing the mask, it is recommended to lightly massage the skin through the mask. After completing the procedure, the mask is washed off with water or a decoction of herbs. A 20-30 minute rest is required, followed by application of a nourishing cream according to your skin type.

  • Closed compress method.

Compress application on the spine, chest, liver, stomach, pancreas and bladder, large joints. Sapropel heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45 degrees is applied to the skin up to 0.5 cm thick with a soft spatula. Cover with thin plastic film. The joint is bandaged with film.

A warm woolen blanket, blanket, scarf, etc. is placed on top of the film. The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the sapropel is removed with a spatula. The skin is wiped with a warm and damp cloth; after the procedure, a 30-minute rest or sleep is required.

Note: for acute processes in the joints and for the elbow joints, sapropel is applied at room temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours. Attention! The closed compress method should be carried out only after consultation or under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Immersion method– sapropel baths and baths. Baths (immersion method).

Sapropel heated to 37-40 degrees is placed in bags (gloves) where the hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared onto the skin of the hands and feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Sapropel consumption is 100-200 grams. Baths with sapropel mash are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of sapropel per 10 liters of water, bath temperature 40-45 degrees.

Cavity method:

  • Oral. Sapropel in the amount of one teaspoon is taken into the mouth and chewed, rubbed into the gums with the tongue for 5-6 minutes, spat, and so on 10-20 times a day. This strengthens teeth, eliminates periodontal disease and bleeding gums. This is a sure remedy for stomatitis, diseases of the salivary glands and sore throats.
  • Vaginal. Used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases.
  • Rectal. Used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, proctological diseases and hemorrhoids.

Face masks
Mask for dry skin

Add a few drops of olive oil to the sapropel. Apply a 2 mm layer to the face, preheating the mud to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. Leave the mask on for 10-15 minutes. Attention! Don't let the mask dry out! Moisten it periodically with water, or after applying the mask, you can cover your face with cling film, leaving your eyes, nose and lips open. Rinse off the mask with water or herbal decoction. Let your skin rest for 20-30 minutes, then wipe your face with toner and apply nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin

It will help narrow pores, dry out pimples and blackheads. Apply sapropel to your face in a layer of up to 2 mm, preheating it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees. Leave the mask on for 20-25 minutes. After drying, wash it off with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water. Let your skin rest for 20-30 minutes. Then wipe your face with lotion and apply cream for oily skin.

“Steaming” for oily skin before mechanical facial cleansing (for cosmetologists). Apply sapropel to your face in a 3 mm layer, preheating it to 45 degrees. Cover your face with film, leaving your eyes and lips open, and place a wrung-out hot towel on top (you can use it under the cover). Leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove the mask with a well-wrung sponge and clean.

Mask to eliminate scars and age spots

Heat the sapropel to 40 degrees, apply it to a clean, steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with a toner according to your skin type and apply a sun protective cream with maximum SPF in the summer, the most nourishing one according to your skin type.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss

The mask is applied to clean scalp in strands. Then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a cap (insulate) for 1-2 hours. Sapropel is washed off with warm water without shampoo (if necessary, shampoo according to your hair type). During treatment, the hair becomes slightly dull, but after completing a course of mud therapy, its shine is restored.

At the same time, headaches and depression are relieved. A gentle mud body peeling that improves blood circulation. Apply sapropel in an even thin layer over the entire body, except for the chest area. Wait 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water. After this peeling, the effect of your creams, including anti-cellulite ones, will increase several times.

Hand mask

Apply a thin layer of sapropel heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees on your hands, put on cellophane gloves, and then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 20-35 minutes. Wash off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream to your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before bed. Then, after washing off the dirt, apply cream to your hands and put on cotton gloves.

Mud foot bath

Add sapropel to a basin of warm water (40-45 degrees) at the rate of 450 g per 5 liters of water, stir and lower your feet to the ankles. Sit like this for 15-20 minutes, rinse your feet first with warm water, then in cold water, apply foot cream. If used regularly, such a bath will relieve you of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor; in addition, it is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases and heel spurs.

Mud mask for feet (helps relieve pain and fatigue in the legs). Sapropel heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees is placed in bags where the feet are placed. The mud is smeared on the skin of the feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Rinse off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply foot cream. Sapropel consumption is 100-200 grams.

External use of medicinal sapropel.
Diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

  • radiculitis, polyradiculoneuritis, plexitis, neuritis, neurofibroneositis, sympathetic truncitis and solaritis, occupational vibration disease;
  • consequences of wounds and other injuries of the peripheral parts of the nervous system that do not require surgical intervention and in the presence of ongoing functional recovery;

Compresses, warm applications, baths at 45 degrees for 30 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Diseases of the central nervous system due to infections and after intoxication:

  • meningoecephalitis, cerebral arachnoiditis, encephalitis at the end of the acute period;
  • arachnoiditis of the spinal cord, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, meningomyeloradiculitis (without pronounced disorders of the pelvic organs);
  • consequences of epidemic poliomyelitis, residual effects after suffering from the polio form of tick-borne encephalitis in the presence of ongoing restoration of functions.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: compresses, warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures.

Peripheral vascular diseases:

  • obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease;
  • atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  • Internal use – 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Compresses, warm applications, baths 30-36 degrees. Course of 20 procedures, 20 minutes each. To enhance the effect, you can add grated garlic to the sapropel. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply anti-varicose cream.

After a course of procedures, spasm of small vessels is relieved and collateral circulation is enhanced.

Rheumatism and other joint diseases:

  • Cold applications to the elbow and wrist joints and other joints during an exacerbation of pain. Sapropel is taken at room temperature or body temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours without warm wrapping.
  • Heat applications at a mud temperature of 42-45 degrees for 15-20 minutes are indicated for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations during the period of remission of the disease and after drug relief of acute rheumatoid manifestations. Course of 20 procedures. After applications, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket and be sure to rest for 30 minutes. It is recommended to regularly visit the Russian bathhouse.

In hospital settings, you can use the electrophoresis procedure under the supervision of a doctor.

Arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies:

  • rheumatic arthritis no earlier than 8 months after the end of acute, under acute cardiac events;
  • infectious nonspecific polyarthritis (rheumatoid) with a minimal degree of activity of the articular process, infectious arthritis of a certain etiology in the acute and chronic stages (excluding tuberculosis);
  • chronic spondylosis, spondylitis (inflammatory diseases of the spine);
  • fractures with delayed consolidation or painful callus, osteitis, periostitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, scarring and contractures;
  • Spinal diseases: osteochondrosis, scoliosis. Ankylosing spondylitis, infectious, traumatic and other origin;

Method of using medicinal sapropel: warm applications, compresses, baths at 45 degrees for 30-45 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Injuries, bruises, sprains, scars

Method of using medicinal sapropel: warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures. After applications, rub in anti-varicose cream and rest for 30-40 minutes.

Burns, wounds, open wounds and their consequences, furunculosis

Sapropel promotes rapid epithelization of wounds and destroys wound infections. Wound healing occurs with minimal pain and tissue deformation.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: sapropel is applied to the wound after washing, like an ointment bandage. As soon as the patient feels that the bandage has become dry, it must be changed. Do not reapply used mud to open wounds. Course of 20 procedures. After removing the sapropel dressing, it is recommended to wash the wound and apply a thin layer of cream.

Migraines, headaches and depression after traumatic brain injury

Method of using medicinal sapropel: Apply the “mud collar” and mud at 36-38 degrees to the scalp for 15-20 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, caries, etc.)

Applications and mouth rinses eliminate inflammation and toothache.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: To prevent dental diseases, it is recommended to clean them by applying sapropel to a toothbrush. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Gynecological diseases

  • diseases of the uterus, chronic cervicitis, endocervitis, chronic metro endometritis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies with the exception of tuberculosis;
  • chronic pelveoperitonitis, periadnexitis, perimetritis, parametritis;
  • infertility due to inflammatory diseases of the uterus and tubes;
  • postoperative adhesions at the end of the acute period;
  • cervical erosion.
  • External use on the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.
  • vaginal sapropel tampons 50-80 grams at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The exposure lasts 20-45 minutes and ends with douching with a weak solution of manganese. At home, the procedure is best done before bedtime.
  • Electrophoresis in a physical laboratory. A course of 10-15 procedures.

Treatment with Sapropel does not exclude the use of other medicinal and hardware treatment methods.


Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  • Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  • Warming up. Pour chopped onions (2 medium onions) into milk (0.5 l) and bring to a boil. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to a temperature of 45 degrees (half a glass). Then mix everything and cover with a wooden lid with a small hole, on which the patient sits, covered with a blanket. Warming continues until the mixture cools. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days. Usually, after 3-5 procedures, hemorrhoids disappear without a trace. For bleeding hemorrhoids, heating is not used. Cold sapropel cakes must be alternated with anti-varicose cream. The cake is secured with a T-shaped bandage between the legs for 20 minutes.

Urological diseases: male infertility, impotence, prostatitis, cystitis.

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

  • External use:
    • applications to the scrotum (infertility, prostatitis, impotence);
    • applications for the lumbosacral region;
    • applications to the lower abdomen (cystitis);
    • electrophoresis in a physical laboratory.
  • Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  • Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Proctological diseases

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  • Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.

Chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  • Compresses: for pneumonia and bronchitis on the chest, back. For chronic tonsillitis in the area of ​​the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and the submandibular region. For sinusitis on the nose. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees, put it in a layer of 0.5-2 cm, cover with film and a warm scarf for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures greatly facilitate breathing and cause profuse expectoration. It should be noted that this treatment can be used when the patient does not have a fever. Gargling for sore throat every half hour with Sapropel diluted with warm boiled water.
  • Inhalations: heat sapropel in a water bath to 45 degrees (half a glass). Then add half a glass of hot water. Inhalation continues until the sapropel cools down. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days.
  • Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Chronic skin diseases (severe dermatoses, allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, fungal infections), in pediatric practice (cutaneous appearance of diathesis, bruises, scratches)

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

  • External use in the form of applications and baths. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply cream.
  • Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  • Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Internal use of medicinal sapropel.

Many years of experience in enteral nutrition (Enteral nutrition (EN) is a type of therapeutic or additional nutrition with special mixtures, in which the absorption of food (when it enters through the mouth, through a tube in the stomach or intestines) is carried out in a physiologically adequate way, i.e. through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract) intestinal tract.

In this sense, enteral nutrition is contrasted with parenteral nutrition (when nutrients are delivered to the body bypassing the intestinal mucosa - most often intravenously)) the use of Sapropel for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes has helped hundreds of patients forget about medications and their illnesses. Today, only those who have not tried sapropel, those who have not felt the renewal of the body, argue about the usefulness of this method.

Try to convince women who have recovered from severe colitis that this is bad, that this is impossible. Anyone who swallowed a spoonful of Sapropel once and after 15 minutes got rid of burning pain in the chest and painful belching, who did not suffer from food poisoning thanks to 2-3 spoons of Sapropel, cannot be dissuaded. Once they receive the result, people become advocates for this product for life.

Therapeutic mud is taken orally for general health and treatment of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnant, nursing mothers and children during the period of growth, with toxicosis and lack of appetite;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder, hepatitis and its consequences (sapropel will gently relieve stagnation in the gall bladder and ducts. It will have a stimulating effect on liver cells. It will relieve pain in the right hypochondrium already in the first week of use);
  • gynecological, proctological diseases;
  • to restore the immune system;
  • to relieve hangover syndrome;
  • to stimulate mineral and vitamin metabolism in the body with vitamin deficiency;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, folliculitis, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, childhood diathesis, etc.);
  • migraines, headaches and depression;
  • gout;
  • after using a large number of drugs and radiation exposure;
  • diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • urological diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, male infertility, etc.);
  • cellulite;
  • severe poisoning (at the first signs - estgastric pain, nausea, headache, weakness: start taking one tablespoon of Sapropel, repeating doses after 15 minutes up to 3-4 times per hour. If after 60 minutes there is no result, consult a doctor );
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (use one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks);
  • dysbiosis (sapropel - this living miracle of nature contains more than 30 different microorganisms that participate in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, secrete vitamins, produce antibacterial substances and biostimulants, they gently protect the body's microflora);
  • cholecystitis (for those who are familiar with pain in the pancreas, when you constantly have to monitor your diet, when you are afraid to leave the house without pills, sapropel will relieve you of this fear, you will forget about the need to carry Festal, Mezim or "Pancreatin");
  • gastritis;
  • heartburn (one teaspoon of Sapropel will relieve you of heartburn and relieve pain from overeating);
  • constipation, colitis, enterocolitis (sapropel is a natural stimulator of intestinal motility, it actively renews the cells of the intestinal wall, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of food taken).

Recommendations for the use of medicinal sapropel: take 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals (pre-dilute sapropel in warm boiled water to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane). The course is 1 month, then a month break, and then repeating the course. In case of exacerbation of diseases, use sapropel 1 teaspoon every 2 hours during the day.

Therapeutic sapropel against cellulite.

Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, so toxins are not eliminated but accumulate in cells. Their shells cannot withstand the load and burst, but the contents, that is, fat, remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense islands. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite through diet alone, because... the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it through a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercises, body wraps). Internal use: 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach daily.

It is best to apply sapropel externally in a bath. 60-40 minutes before the procedure, do not drink or eat, empty your bladder and intestines. Wash under a hot shower with gel and scrub (drunk coffee is suitable as a scrub). Then you need to steam in three passes for 5-7 minutes. After each entry into the steam room, take a very warm shower. A pool with cold water must be excluded, because... When sweating stops, the weight loss effect decreases. If you want to lose weight, eating and drinking in the bathhouse is also not recommended! Then the mud is applied to a clean, steamed body in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm for 20 minutes.

With such a thickness, it retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes occur more actively:

  • pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase;
  • sweat releases toxins;
  • microelements contained in mud are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism;
  • fat is broken down.

At the end of everything, you need to apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done 1-2 times a week regularly.

It is best to go to the bathhouse in the evening. Before going to bed, do not eat or drink anything (at least half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water). By morning, you will lose 1.5-2 kg.
At home, if it is not possible to go to the bathhouse, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with salt baths. The sequence is as follows: on day 1 – mud wrap, day 2 – salt bath, day 3 – rest, for 20-30 days.

To wrap, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees and applied to clean skin after a 10-minute hot shower in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Then you must immediately wrap yourself in a thin film and a blanket to maintain warmth for 20-30 minutes. Afterwards, you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking are also not recommended. One wrapping procedure can reduce the volume by 1-1.5 cm.

For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The bath temperature should be 38-40 degrees, duration 15-20 minutes. For one bath, 1-2 cups of salt.

HERE IS A DETAILED DESCRIPTION - everything where and how it can be used

The techniques are easy to implement, and many are preferable for individual use at home. The biological activity of Sapropel does not require their use in large volumes, and the calming effect of the procedures is well complemented by evening hygiene procedures.
Techniques are divided into external, abdominal and enteral.

External or superficial:
1. Open applications - masks - this is when Sapropel is applied to the open skin of the face, neck and other areas with a layer of 2-3 mm for a period of 10 to 20 minutes.
It is used for juvenile acne, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, psoriasis, atonic dermatitis in children and adults, photo and dyshormonal pigmentation.
Sapropel heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature of 37-42 degrees is applied with a soft wide brush in an even layer without gaps to the skin or area of ​​changed skin, covering 1-1.5-2 cm of healthy skin and leaving for 10 minutes on the first day, increasing the duration for 2 minutes with each subsequent procedure and bringing them up to 20 minutes. To obtain a scrub effect, before removing the mask, it is recommended to gently massage the skin through the mask.
After completing the procedure, the mask is washed off with water or a decoction of herbs. A 20-30 minute rest is required, followed by application of a nourishing cream.

2. Closed compress method.
Compress application on the spine, chest, liver, stomach, pancreas and bladder, large joints.
Sapropel heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40-45 degrees is applied to the skin up to 0.5 cm thick with a soft spatula. Cover with thin plastic film. The joint is bandaged with film. A warm woolen blanket, blanket, scarf, etc. is placed on top of the film.
The duration of the procedure is 30-45 minutes. At the end of the procedure, Sapropel is removed with a spatula. The skin is wiped with a warm damp cloth. After completing the procedure, a 30-minute rest or sleep is required.
Note: for acute processes in the joints and elbow joints, Sapropel is applied at room temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours.
ATTENTION!!! The closed compress method should be carried out only after consultation or under the supervision of a doctor.

3. Immersion method - sapropel baths and baths.
Baths (immersion method). Sapropel heated to 37-40 degrees is placed in bags (gloves) where the hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared on the skin of the hands or feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Sapropel consumption is 100-200 grams.
Baths with sapropel mash are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of sapropel per 10 liters of water, bath temperature 40-45 degrees.

Cavity method
1. Oral
Sapropel in the amount of one teaspoon is taken into the mouth and chewed, rubbed into the gums with the tongue for 5-6 minutes, spat, and so on 10-20 times a day. This strengthens teeth, eliminates periodontal disease and bleeding gums. This is a sure remedy for stomatitis, diseases of the salivary glands and sore throats.

2. Vaginal
Used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases.

3. Rectal
Used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, proctological diseases and hemorrhoids.

Therapeutic and cosmetic use of Sapropel.
The world's leading perfumery and cosmetics companies have declared healing mud to be the cosmetics of the 21st century. Sapropel masks and applications will help:

Mask for dry skin
Add a few drops of olive oil to the sapropel. Apply a 2 mm layer to the face, preheating the mud to a temperature of 37 - 40 degrees. Leave the mask on for 10 -15 minutes.
ATTENTION! Do not let the mask dry out. Moisten it with water periodically, or after applying the mask, you can cover your face with cling film, leaving your eyes, nose and lips open.
Rinse off the mask with water or herbal decoction.
Let your skin rest for 20 - 30 minutes, then wipe your face with toner and apply nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin
It will help narrow pores, dry out pimples and blackheads.
Apply sapropel to your face in a layer of up to 2 mm, preheating it to a temperature of 37 - 40 degrees. Leave the mask for 20 - 25 minutes. After drying, rinse the mask with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water. Let your skin rest for 20 - 30 minutes, then wipe your face with lotion and apply cream for oily skin.

"Steaming" for oily skin before mechanical facial cleansing for cosmetologists
Apply Sapropel to the face in a 3 mm layer, preheating it to 45 degrees. Cover your face with film, leaving your eyes and lips open, and place a wrung-out hot towel on top (you can use it under the cover). Leave for 10-15 minutes. Remove the mask with a well-wrung out sponge and clean to remove scars and age spots.
Heat Sapropel to 40 degrees, apply it to a clean, steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with tonic and apply sunscreen with maximum SPF.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss
The mask is applied to clean scalp between the strands, then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a cap (insulate) for 1-2 hours. Sapropel is washed off with warm water without shampoo.
During treatment, the hair becomes slightly dull, but after completing a course of mud therapy, its shine is restored. At the same time, headaches and depression are relieved.

Gentle mud body peeling that improves blood circulation
Apply Sapropel in an even, thin layer over the entire body, except for the chest area. Relax and wait 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
After this peeling, the effect of your creams, including anti-cellulite ones, will increase several times.

Hand mask
Apply a thin layer of Sapropel heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees on your hands, put on plastic gloves, and then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Wash off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream to your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before bed. Then, after washing off the dirt, apply a nourishing cream for dry skin to your hands and put on cotton gloves.

Mud foot bath
Add Sapropel to a basin of warm water (40-45 degrees) at the rate of 450 g per 5 liters of water, stir and lower your feet there ankle-deep. Sit like this for 15-20 minutes, rinse your feet first in warm, then in cold water. Lubricate your feet with foot cream. If used regularly, such a bath will relieve you of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor; in addition, it is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases and heel spurs.

Mud mask for feet (helps relieve pain and fatigue in the legs)
Sapropel heated to a temperature of 37-40 degrees is placed in bags where the feet are placed. The mud is spread over the skin of the feet and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for 30-45 minutes. Rinse off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply foot cream. Sapropel consumption is 100-200 grams.

Taking Sapropel orally - enteral method
Eight years of experience in the enteral (internal) use of Sapropel for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in Yekaterinburg and other regions of the Urals has helped hundreds of patients forget about medications and their illnesses.
Today, only those who have not tried Sapropel, those who have not felt the renewal of the body, argue about the usefulness of this method.
Try to convince women who have recovered from severe colitis that this is bad, that this is impossible. Anyone who swallowed a spoonful of Sapropel once and after 15 minutes got rid of burning pain in the chest and painful belching, who did not suffer from food poisoning thanks to 2-3 spoons of Sapropel, cannot be dissuaded. Once they receive the result, people become advocates for this product for life.

Therapeutic mud is taken orally for general health and treatment of the following diseases:

pregnant, nursing mothers and children during the period of growth, with toxicosis and lack of appetite;
diseases of the liver, gall bladder, hepatitis and its consequences (Sapropel will gently relieve congestion in the gall bladder and ducts; will have a stimulating effect on liver cells; relieve pain in the right hypochondrium already in the first week of use);
gynecological, proctological diseases;
to restore the immune system;
to relieve hangover syndrome;
to stimulate mineral and vitamin metabolism in the body with vitamin deficiency;
skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, folliculitis, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, childhood diathesis, etc.);
migraines, headaches and depression;
after using a large number of drugs and radiation exposure;
chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs (pneumonia);
bronchitis, sinusitis and other urological diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, male infertility, etc.);
severe poisoning (at the first signs - pain in the esgastrium, nausea, headache, weakness, start taking 1 tablespoon of Sapropel, repeating after 15 minutes up to 3-4 times per hour. If after 60 minutes there is no result, consult a doctor) ;
peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (use 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks);
dysbacteriosis (Sapropel - this living natural miracle contains more than 30 different microorganisms that participate in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, secrete vitamins, produce antibacterial substances and biostimulants, they gently cleanse the intestinal microflora);
cholecystitis (for those who are familiar with pain in the pancreas, when you constantly have to monitor your diet, when you are afraid to leave the house without pills - Sapropel will relieve you of this fear. You will forget about the need to carry Festal, Mezim or "Pancreatin");
heartburn (1 teaspoon of Sapropel will relieve you of heartburn and relieve pain from overeating);
constipation, colitis, enterocolitis (Sapropel is a natural stimulator of intestinal motility, it actively renews the cells of the intestinal wall, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of food taken).

Recommendations for use: take 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals (pre-dilute Sapropel in warm boiled water to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane). The course is 1 month, then a 1 month break and repeating the course.
In case of exacerbation of diseases, use Sapropel 1 teaspoon every 2 hours during the day.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

Radiculitis, polyrediculoneuritis, plexitis, neuritis, neurofibro-neoeitis, sympathetic truncitis and solaritis, occupational vibration disease;
consequences of wounds and other injuries of the peripheral parts of the nervous system that do not require surgical intervention and in the presence of ongoing functional recovery.
Compresses, warm applications, bath at 45°C for 30 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Diseases of the central nervous system due to infections and after intoxication:

Meningoencephalitis, arachnoiditis of the brain, encephalitis at the end of the acute period;
arachnoiditis of the spinal cord, myelitis, encephalomyelitis;
meningomyeloradiculitis (without pronounced disorders of pelvic organ function);
consequences of epidemic poliomyelitis, residual effects after suffering from the polio form of tick-borne encephalitis in the presence of ongoing restoration of functions.
Compresses, warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures.

Peripheral vascular diseases:

Obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease;
atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;
Internal use - 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Compresses, warm applications, baths 30-36°C. Course of 20 procedures, 20 minutes each. To enhance the effect, you can add grated garlic to Sapropel. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply anti-varicose cream.
After a course of procedures, spasm of small vessels is relieved and collateral circulation is enhanced.

Rheumatism and other joint diseases:

Cold applications to the elbow and wrist joints and other joints during an exacerbation of pain. Sapropel is taken at room temperature or body temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours without warm wrapping.
Heat applications at a mud temperature of 42-45°C for 15-20 minutes are indicated for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations during the period of remission of the disease and after drug relief of acute rheumatoid manifestations.
Course of 20 procedures. After applications, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket and be sure to rest for 30 minutes. It is recommended to regularly visit the Russian bathhouse.
In hospital settings, you can use the electrophoresis procedure under the supervision of a physician.

Arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies:

Rheumatic arthritis no earlier than 8 months after the end of acute, subacute cardiac events in the absence of cardiovascular failure or with symptoms of circulatory failure not higher than the first degree;
infectious nonspecific polyarthritis (rheumatoid) with a minimal degree of activity of the articular process, infectious arthritis of a specific etiology in the subacute and chronic stage (excluding tuberculosis);
chronic spondylosis, spondylitis (inflammatory diseases of the spine);
fractures with delayed consolidation or painful callus, osteitis, periostitis, myositis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, scarring and contractures;
diseases of the spine: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis, infectious, traumatic and other origin.
Warm applications, compresses, baths at 45°C for 30-45 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Injuries, bruises, sprains, scars:
Warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures. After application, rub in anti-varicose cream and rest for 30-40 minutes.

Burns, wounds, open wounds and their consequences, furunculosis:
Sapropel promotes rapid epithelization of wounds and destroys wound infections. Wound healing occurs with minimal pain and tissue deformation.
Sapropel is applied to the wound after washing, like an ointment bandage. As soon as the patient feels that the bandage has become dry and hot, it must be changed. Do not reapply used mud to open wounds.
Course of 20 procedures. After removing the sapropel dressing, it is recommended to wash the wound and apply a thin layer of Aquaftem.

Migraines, headaches and depression after traumatic brain injury:
Apply the “mud collar” and mud at 36-38°C to the scalp for 15-20 minutes.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, caries, etc.:
Applications and mouth rinses eliminate inflammation and toothache. To prevent diseases? It is recommended to clean your teeth by applying Sapropel to your toothbrush. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Gynecological diseases:

Diseases of the uterus, chronic cervicitis, endocervicitis;
chronic metro endometritis;
inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies, with the exception of tuberculosis;
chronic pelveoperitonitis, periadnexitis, perimetritis, parametritis;
infertility due to inflammatory diseases of the uterus and tubes;
postoperative adhesions at the end of the acute period;
cervical erosion.

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

External use on the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.
Vaginal sapropel tampons 50-80 g at a temperature of 40-45°C. The exposure lasts 20-45 minutes and ends with douching with a weak solution of manganese. At home, the procedure is best done before bedtime.

Electrophoresis in a physical laboratory.
A course of 10-15 procedures. Treatment with Sapropel does not exclude the use of other medicinal and hardware treatment methods.


Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Warming up. Pour chopped onions (2 medium onions) with milk (0.5 l) and bring to a boil. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to 15°C (half a glass). Then mix everything and cover with a wooden lid with a small hole, on which the patient sits, covered with a blanket. Warming continues until the mixture cools. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. After the procedure, you must apply A-20 cream. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days. Usually, after 3-5 procedures, hemorrhoids disappear without a trace.
For bleeding hemorrhoids, heating is not used. Cold sapropel cakes must be alternated with anti-varicose cream. The cake is secured with a T-shaped bandage between the legs for 20 minutes.

Urological diseases: male infertility, impotence, prostatitis, cystitis. The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

External use:
applications to the scrotum (infertility, prostatitis, impotence);
applications to the lumbosacral region;
applications to the lower abdomen (cystitis);
electrophoresis in a physical laboratory.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Proctological diseases

Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs.

Compresses. For pneumonia and bronchitis - on the chest, back. For chronic tonsillitis - on the area of ​​the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and the submandibular region. For sinusitis - on the nose. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to 40°C, place it in a layer of 0.5-2 cm, cover with film and a warm scarf for 15-20 minutes. Such procedures make breathing easier and cause profuse expectoration; It should be noted that this treatment can be used when the patient does not have a fever.
Gargle with sore throat every half hour with sapropel diluted with warm boiled water.
Inhalations. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to 45°C (half a glass). Then add half a glass of hot water. Inhalation continues until Sapropel cools down. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

Chronic skin diseases (severe dermatoses, allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, fungal infections), in children's practice (skin manifestations of diathesis, bruises, scratches) The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

External use in applications and baths. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply Aquaftem.
Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of 40-45°C. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, so toxins are not eliminated but accumulate in cells. Their shells cannot withstand the load and burst, and the contents, that is, fat, remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense islands. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite through diet alone, since the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely exhausted. Therefore, it is necessary to combat it through a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercises, body wraps).
Internal use: 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach daily.
It is best to apply Sapropel externally in a bath. 60-40 minutes before the procedure, do not drink or eat, empty your bladder and intestines. Wash under a hot shower for 5 minutes with gel and scrub. Then you need to steam in three passes for 5 - 7 minutes. After each entry into the steam room, take a very warm shower. A pool with cold water should be avoided, since when sweating stops, the weight loss effect decreases. If you want to lose weight, eating and drinking in the bathhouse is also not recommended! Then the mud is applied to a clean, steamed body in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm for 20 minutes. With such a thickness, it retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes occur more actively: pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase; Toxins come out with sweat, microelements contained in the mud are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism, fat is broken down.
To finish everything off, you need to apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done 1-2 times a week regularly.
It is best to go to the bathhouse in the evening. Before going to bed, do not eat or drink anything (at least half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water). By morning you will lose 1.5-2 kg.
At home, if it is not possible to go to the bathhouse, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with mudflow baths. The sequence is as follows: on day 1 - mud wrap, day 2 - salt bath, day 3 - rest, for 20-30 days. To wrap, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40°C and applied to clean skin after a 10-minute hot shower with a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Then you must immediately wrap yourself in a thin film and a blanket to maintain warmth for 20-30 minutes. After You need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking are also not recommended. One wrapping procedure can reduce the volume by 1-1.5 cm.
For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The bath temperature should be 38-40°C, duration 15-20 minutes. For one bath - 1-2 glasses of salt.

Therapeutic and cosmetic use of sapropel from Lake Moltaevo.

“Preventive body procedures are best carried out in the evening; they relieve skin irritation, calm the nervous system, and improve sleep. The so-called “sapropel meditation” occurs.
It is advisable to apply face masks in the morning, twice a week. They have a calming, relaxing effect, cleanse pores, improve their drainage, and help remove comedones. Sapropel absorbs excess sebum, dead cells and evens out the skin texture. Regular use of masks helps to gradually reduce acne and relieve inflammatory skin reactions. Please note that masks significantly whiten the skin.
If there are scars or age spots, apply a slightly warmed mask for 40-45 minutes. To enhance the effect, a plastic film is placed on top.
This expands capillaries and improves microcirculation. The mask must be wet; it can be moistened with water.
For health purposes, it is recommended to apply 10 procedures every other day in the evening. The maximum number of procedures is 20-25. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, cold compresses should be used - at room temperature or body temperature.
The activity of the procedures increases at a temperature of 45 degrees or more, but they should be taken under the supervision of a doctor, as they affect cardiovascular activity.
At home, sapropel is heated to 35-40 degrees C and applied to the cleansed skin surface with a layer of 2-3 mm.
On the same day as the mud procedure, massage, physical therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, inhalation, and air baths are allowed.

It is not allowed to make masks on the face, body or head at the same time. This is not only harmful (especially for hypertension), but also reduces the effectiveness of the procedure (the effect of mud is largely based on the rush of blood to the local area).

The pasty consistency of sapropel simplifies local applications; the procedures do not require special equipment or medical training. They are simple and pleasant.

Attention: When carrying out procedures, you can only use enamel or glassware. The use of metal utensils is not permitted.
To apply sapropel, you must use wooden or plastic spatula.

Storage conditions.
At room temperature, sapropel is usable for 12 months. In the refrigerator, the shelf life is not limited, since the temperature of its natural environment is 3 degrees C. After opening the package, it must be covered tightly with polyethylene to limit the access of oxygen. On average, two packages of 450 grams are consumed per course of treatment.

Methods of using sapropel
For cosmetic purposes, sapropel is used in the form of masks for various skin types and baths. Compresses.
Masks and applications allow you to:
get rid of acne and restore the water-lipid balance of the skin;
“tighten” aging facial skin;
whiten the skin (remove freckles, pigment spots, traces of uneven tanning, vitiligo);
relieve swelling;
smooth out wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones;
strengthen nails;
normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands of the scalp during dandruff and seborrhea;
strengthen hair, especially with early baldness and increased hair loss;
improve blood circulation throughout the body and, if not eliminated, then stop the spread of cellulite;
relieve leg pain and soothe “varicose veins”;
cope with many dermatological diseases;
get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor.
Masks and applications.
They are used for cosmetic purposes to improve the general condition of the skin, to treat acne, dandruff and seborrhea, burns, chronic skin diseases, rheumatism, and joint pain.

Mask for dry skin.
Apply sapropel to the face with a soft brush in a layer of up to 2 mm by 10-15, preheating the mud to 37-40 degrees C. The mask should be periodically moistened with water, not allowing it to dry completely, or cover the face with cling film, leaving the eyes, nose and lips open .
If desired, the mask can be enriched with various oils: olive, flaxseed, sunflower, you can even add sour cream, but this must be done before the procedure. Rinse with water or tonic and after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin.
Apply sapropel to the face with a soft brush in a layer of up to 2 mm, preheating the dirt to 37-40 degrees C. After drying, the mask is washed off with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water, then after 20-30 minutes of rest, apply a nourishing cream for oily skin.

Mask to eliminate scars and age spots.
Heat the sapropel to 40 degrees C, apply it to a clean, steamed face for 40-45 minutes. Then rinse with water. After 15-20 minutes, wipe your face with tonic and apply sunscreen with maximum SPF.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss.
The mask is applied to clean scalp between strands of hair. Then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a cap (insulate) for 1-2 hours. Then wash off with warm water without shampoo. During treatment, the hair becomes slightly dull, but after completing a course of mud therapy, its shine is restored. At the same time, headaches and depression are relieved.

Hand mask.
Apply a thin layer of sapropel heated to 37-40 degrees C on your hands, put on plastic gloves, then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Wash off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream to your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before bed.

Baths, baths and compresses.
Used on hands, feet and adjacent joints.
Baths (immersion method)
Sapropel heated to 37-40 degrees C is placed in bags (gloves) where the hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared on the skin of the hands or feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees C) for 30-45 minutes. Sapropel consumption is 100-200 grams.

Baths with sapropel mash are prepared for 15-20 minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of sapropel per 10 liters of water, bath temperature 40-45 degrees C. As a rule, they are used in sanatorium conditions under the supervision of a doctor.

Compresses are applied to the back, chest, and problem areas - elbow, shoulder, knee joints, mammary glands, neck.
Sapropel is heated to 40-50 degrees C, applied as a flat cake up to 0.5 cm thick on a cotton cloth and applied to the skin with the side on which the sapropel lies. Place a thin plastic film on top of the compress and a warm blanket or terry towel on top for 30-45 minutes.

Using sapropel for cellulite.
Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism; toxins are not eliminated and accumulate in cells. The cell membranes cannot withstand the load and burst, and the contents (fat) remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense lumps. Using a diet does not allow you to get rid of cellulite, since the body begins to use this fat reserve only when completely exhausted. To combat cellulite, it is necessary to use a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercise, body wrap in combination with the use of sapropel (internal and external).
It is best to use sapropel in a bath. 40-60 minutes before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the bladder and intestines; drinking and eating is contraindicated.
Take a hot shower with gel and scrub for 5 minutes. Then you need to make three visits to the steam room for 5-7 minutes. After each visit, you need to take a very warm shower. The use of a pool with cold water should be avoided, since when sweating stops, the weight loss effect decreases.
Then sapropel is applied to a clean, steamed body in a layer of 3-5 mm for 20 minutes. This layer of dirt retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes actively occur:
pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase;
toxins are eliminated with sweat;
microelements contained in sapropel are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism;
fat is broken down.

At the end of the procedure, you need to wash off the dirt, apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done regularly 1-2 times a week.
It is best to visit the bathhouse in the evening. Drinking and eating before bed is contraindicated (as a last resort, you can drink half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water).
At home, if it is not possible to visit the bathhouse, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with salt baths. It is necessary to follow the following sequence of procedures for 20-30 days: the first day - mud wrap, the second - a salt bath, the third - rest.
For wrapping, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees C and after a 10-minute hot shower, applied to clean skin in a layer of 3-5 mm. Then you need to wrap your body with a thin film and a blanket to maintain heat for 20-30 minutes, after which you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking are not recommended.
For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The water temperature should be 38-40 degrees C, the duration of the procedure is 18-20 minutes. Use 1-2 cups of salt per bath.

Basic composition of sapropel
Н2О 94.82 Fe2Оз 0.21
Calcium-magnesium skeleton 0.7753 SiO2 0.06
C2SO4+H2O 0.0783 Core 1.15
Ca3(PO4) 2 0.0176 Colloidal complex 3.29
CaCO3 0.6309 Organic. in-va 3.02
MgCO3 0.0485 Amount 99.84

Sapropel composition:

Organic carbon, nitrogen-containing substances, volatile fatty acids, S1O2, F2O3.
Vitamins: A. B12, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, D, E, B-carotene, folic acid,
Vitamin Bi2. and iron - help cope with anemia.
Physiological group of microorganisms, incl. a microorganism that produces antibiotics active against pathogenic bacteria. They successfully cope with pathogenic flora, eliminating the inflammatory process without damaging beneficial microflora.
Up to 50 microelements. Among them:
Biogenic calcium is easily absorbed by the body and is necessary for stabilizing bone tissue.
Phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, bromine - have a pronounced sedative effect and have a beneficial effect on nervous tissue, restoring performance after emotional and physical stress.
Silver - has an antimicrobial effect.
Potassium - is a stimulant of the heart muscle and strengthens muscle tissue throughout the body
Amino acids - lysine, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, etc. - are an irreplaceable building material for our cells (enzymes, hormones and other vital substances).
Therapeutic mud also contains hormone-like substances such as folliculin and androsterone, which maintain hormonal levels in the body of men and women, thereby helping to maintain sexual activity and stopping the aging process of the body for years.
The humic substances contained in sapropel remove toxins and poisons accumulated in the liver, gastrointestinal tract and skin, which are often the cause of many skin and allergic diseases.

It is known that mud therapy sometimes gives amazing results. But it is wrong to consider mud a panacea for all diseases. Even mud treatment has a list of contraindications, without which you can have serious health problems. That is why it is not recommended to engage in mud therapy, setting the duration of the procedure and the temperature of the mud yourself.

The simplest and most logical advice is that such a specific procedure as mud therapy should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of specialists, and in special institutions! Mud is a serious medical preparation, and treatment with it must meet all restrictions and requirements. The list of contraindications to mud procedures is quite long.

First of all, mud therapy is contraindicated if there are acute inflammatory processes or chronic diseases that are in the acute stage. If the patient has skin tumors or malignant organ tumors, dirt is also strictly prohibited. The same applies to tumor diseases that affect muscle tissue (these are fibroids) and connective fibrous tissues (these are fibroids). Under no circumstances should you use mud if cysts are found in the ovaries, and if the ovaries are not functioning well due to various endocrine problems. If the patient’s organs are affected by tuberculosis, or other forms of systemic infectious diseases (such as brucellosis), dirt will also do harm rather than good.

Strict contraindications to mud therapy are also:

  • heart defects that are in the stage of decompensation;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • serious stages of hypertension;
  • aneurysm of the heart and aorta.

To this list you can add all ailments that occur with a tendency to bleeding, as well as diseases that are closely related to the human circulatory system. Certain lesions of the urinary system are also incompatible with mud, these are, first of all, nephrosis and nephritis, and several others. Thyroid dysfunction and other problems with endocrine organs also exclude mud therapy. Dirt is unacceptable when various types of infectious diseases arise, including sexually transmitted diseases. Nervous diseases that deplete the body are also incompatible with mud. Another serious contraindication to mud treatment is pregnancy.

If there are problems of this kind, before purchasing a ticket to the sanatorium, you should contact the appropriate specialist, who should either allow or prohibit mud therapy.

General contraindications to mud therapy:

All diseases at a stage requiring hospital treatment, including after surgery, diseases in which patients are not capable of independent movement and self-care, require constant special care.

  • All contraindications to sanatorium-resort treatment;
  • All diseases in the acute stage, chronic diseases in the acute stage and complicated by acute purulent processes;
  • Acute infectious diseases before completion of isolation periods;
  • All sexually transmitted diseases in the acute or contagious stage;
  • Mental illnesses and all forms of drug addiction and chronic alcoholism;
  • Epilepsy;
  • All blood diseases in the acute stage and in the acute stage;
  • Cachexia;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Hemangiomas;
  • Echinococcus of any localization;
  • Bleeding that is often repeated or with large blood loss;
  • Pregnancy at all stages;
  • All forms of tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • Thyrotoxicosis grade 2-3;
  • Kidney diseases with impaired kidney function;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system with circulatory failure;
  • Consequences of septic thrombophlebitis;
  • Lactation period in women.

Special contraindications

Rheumatological and orthopedic diseases

Severe synovitis
. Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases of the joints above grade 2 activity.
. Arthrosis in the stage of severe exacerbation.
. Osteochondrosis of the spine in the stage of severe exacerbation.
. Chronic osteomyelitis in the presence of large sequesters or a large foreign metal body in the osteomyelitic focus.
. Septic forms of nonspecific infectious polyarthritis.
. Early rehabilitation period after surgical treatment, fractures (postoperative period less than 6 months).

Neurological diseases

Diseases accompanied by severe disturbances in the motor sphere (paralysis that prevents independent movement) and significant disorders of the functions of the pelvic organs.
. Amyotrophy, multiple sclerosis.
. Syringomyelia, syringobulbia, parkinsonism.
. Taste of the spinal cord with symptoms of ataxia, cachexia and optic nerve atrophy.
. Hemangioma of the vertebral body.
. Consequences of severe skull injuries with significant loss of motor functions, epileptiform seizures, and mental disorders.
. Dyscirculatory encephalopathy stage III with pronounced cognitive disorders.
. History of acute cerebrovascular accidents.

Gynecological diseases

Hydrosalpinx, pyosalpinx
. Acute salpingitis and oophoritis, stage of incomplete remission (less than 2 months)
. Endometriosis.
. Vesico-enteric-vaginal fistulas.
. Ovarian cysts.
. Cervical polyp.
. Subinvolution after abortion.
. Erosion and ectropion of the cervix for 2 months after treatment.
. Cervical dysplasia grade 3.
. Leukoplakia of the cervix.
. Heavy and frequent menstruation with irregular menstrual cycle.
. Uterine fibroids, uterine leiomyomas
. Benign neoplasms of the ovary and other genital organs.
. Condition after surgical treatment, post-abortion period less than 1 month
. Pregnancy at all stages.
. History of hydatidiform mole.
. Fibrocystic mastopathy (nodular form, presence of cysts more than 1 cm)
. Fibroadenoma of the breast

Urological diseases

Chronic prostatitis in the acute stage.
. Chronic pyelonephritis with pronounced renal dysfunction of various origins.
. Urosepsis.
. Chronic kidney diseases: chronic pyelonephritis in the acute stage, chronic glomerulonephritis, renal amyloidosis, renal sclerosis, polycystic disease and large kidney cysts
. Hematuria of any origin, urethral stricture, primary wrinkled kidney, urinary incontinence.
. Urolithiasis with the presence of stones requiring surgical treatment.
. Prostate adenoma stage II, III.

Dermatological diseases
. All diseases in the acute and contagious stage (fungal diseases, scabies, pemphigus, Dühring's disease, etc.).
. Acute stage of psoriasis.

Therapeutic diseases

  • Malignant neoplasms of any location, including after radical treatment (surgical, radiation, chemotherapy)
  • all blood diseases.
  • A history of myocardial infarction (post-infarction cardiosclerosis).
  • Angina pectoris above FC II.
  • Arrhythmias: atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal form of atrial fibrillation, frequent polytopic extrasystole, complete block of the left bundle branch, complete AV block).
  • Circulatory insufficiency of II-III degree.
  • Hypertensive disease of II-III degree.
  • Nodular goiter, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, severe form of diabetes mellitus, frequent glycemic conditions.
  • Polyposis of the stomach, intestines; cirrhosis of the liver; disease of the operated stomach.
  • Heart surgeries (coronary artery bypass grafting, stenting).
  • Pneumosclerosis, COPD above stage II, bronchial asthma above stage II-III.
  • Varicose veins of the lower extremities with thrombophlebitis.

When it comes to mud treatment, special attention should be paid to the independent use of mud for medicinal purposes. In promotional materials for various mud resorts, we are shown people covered in mud from head to toe. Very often you can hear the opinion that healing mud is almost a universal remedy for rashes, arthritis, psoriasis, hernia and other diseases. But no one has ever been able to simply come to the sea coast, smear themselves with mud and recover. Doctors warn that treatment in this way can lead to disease complications and even a heart attack.

Mud therapy, like any other therapeutic procedure, should be used with caution. The fact is that all muds differ in origin, have different chemical compositions, and each is intended to treat certain organs, so mud therapy has both indications and contraindications. For example, peat mud is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, sapropel mud is contraindicated for those with heart disease, and silt-sulfide mud containing iodine is not recommended for thyroid diseases.

Therefore, when going to a mud resort, it is better, instead of self-medication, to prefer a specialized mud sanatorium where you can receive qualified medical care.

Conditions for providing mud therapy procedures in the sanatorium Poltava Crimea, Saki

The full range of balneotherapy and mud therapy, in the absence of contraindications, can be provided by the sanatorium only to adult guests. Children under 18 years of age are not eligible for sanatorium-resort treatment at the Poltava-Crimea sanatorium. In some cases, after consultation with a pediatrician at the sanatorium, children under 18 years of age may be prescribed separate procedures.

Therapeutic muds (sapropels) are natural formations of an ointment-like consistency, consisting of water, mineral and organic substances. They are formed at the bottom of stagnant fresh lakes and swamps due to incomplete decomposition of plant and animal organisms. This is a liquid gelatinous mass of various colors - from dark gray to light brown. Sapropels contain enzymes, vitamins, hormones and other biologically active compounds. They contain many microelements: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, iron, copper, ensuring the course of many physiological processes. They also contain amino acids and carbohydrates. Sapropels are a habitat for microorganisms that secrete antibiotics that can suppress the action of pathogenic microbes. As we can see, nature has worked hard for thousands of years, creating a product that is unique in its richness and medicinal value.

What effects do therapeutic muds have?

Therapeutic mud irritates numerous receptors and has a neuroreflex and neurohumoral effect on the course of physiological processes in the body. The mechanism of action of mud is based on thermal, chemical and mechanical effects.

The thermal effect is due to the fact that mud has the properties of a coolant. Irritation of thermoreceptors leads to an increase in temperature and energy potential of tissues - when the thermoregulatory mechanism is activated, metabolic and redox processes are accelerated. Heat generation is accompanied by vasodilation, improved microcirculation, changes in the permeability of vascular membranes, and acceleration of blood flow. Acceleration of biochemical processes, increased cellular permeability and improved blood supply to tissues, which occur under the influence of heat, stimulate tissue regeneration (bone, connective, muscle, etc.).

The chemical effect of mud is due to the presence of organic and inorganic substances in them that can penetrate through the skin and mucous membranes into the blood and have a humoral effect on the vital functions of the body.

The mechanical effect is less pronounced and manifests itself mainly when prescribing general mud procedures, mud baths and large-area applications. Mechanical compression of the skin and underlying tissues by a layer of sapropels is accompanied by deeper penetration of heat.

For what diseases are therapeutic muds useful?

Muds have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, absorbable, desensitizing, analgesic, trophic-regenerative effect. They activate the neuroendocrine system and help normalize the body's reactivity. Mud applications accelerate the resorption of adhesions, scars in diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous system, improve the conditions for regeneration (restoration) of peripheral nerves, ease the pain of nerve trunks, relieve spasticity and muscle rigidity, and promote the restoration of motor functions. General and local mud applications and mud baths are used.

The following diseases of the musculoskeletal system are subject to mud treatment:

  • rheumatoid arthritis, dystrophic-metabolic polyarthritis, traumatic arthritis, bone fractures with delayed consolidation, osteitis, periostitis, myositis, tendovaginitis, adhesions after surgery;
  • residual effects of injuries and intoxications of the central nervous system, accompanied by paresis and hemiparesis in the presence of stiffness in the joints;
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system (subacute period).

Mud is also used to treat neuritis of the facial nerve, radiculitis, neuralgia, and polyradiculoneuritis.

Mud therapy is effective for:

  • respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma in remission, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • diseases of the digestive system: inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines outside the acute phase, chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis.

The role of mud therapy is invaluable for:

  • gynecological pathology: chronic adnexitis, infertility;
  • for diseases of the male genital organs: prostatitis, epididymitis, infertility;
  • for urological diseases: pyelocystitis, cystitis, cystalgia.

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx are widespread among adults and children, which are also successfully treated using mud procedures. These are diseases such as chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, and neuritis of the auditory nerves.

Mud therapy is one of the most effective procedures for skin pathologies: acne, itchy dermatoses, psoriasis, scleroderma, erythema nodosum, bedsores.

Sanatorium and home use of sapropels

Mud procedures are widely used in spa treatment. Their use at home became possible thanks to the opening of a mud-mining site in the republic on Lake Dikoe, Dyatlovsky district, Grodno region. There is also a workshop for packing mud into sealed bags of 5 kilograms, which can be used throughout the year.

To use mud applications at home, you need to determine the area of ​​influence and the required amount of mud for one procedure. The thickness of the application must be at least 2-4 cm. To realize the effect of mud therapy, the temperature of the mud and its exposure (exposure time) are important. There are mud applications of high (45-50° C) and moderate temperature (42-44° C).

The principle of arrangement of procedures during the course of peloid therapy may be different.

  • With the “deflated” method, mud procedures are taken for 2-3 days in a row, a break of 1 day, the course of treatment is 15-18 applications;
  • with a course of medium intensity, procedures are taken every other day, a course of 10-12 applications,
  • with the “sparse” method - after 2 days on the third, a course of 8-10 applications.

To carry out mud procedures, the required amount of medicinal sapropels is heated to a temperature of 50 ° C in a water bath with periodic stirring.

Local mud applications are usually carried out as follows: a blanket is laid out on a trestle bed (couch, sofa), an oilcloth is placed on top of it, and a diaper made of rough canvas is placed on top of it. A layer of mud, heated to the desired (45-50° C) temperature, 5-6 cm thick is applied to the diaper in the place where the part of the body to be affected will be located. Then the patient lies down on the mud cake. The desired area of ​​the body is carefully coated with mud, after which it is successively wrapped in a diaper, oilcloth, and blanket.

To help the dirt cool down more slowly, you can place a heating pad on top of the blanket. The duration of the procedure in the general satisfactory condition of the patient should be from 20 to 30 minutes. For weakened patients, one should limit the use of sapropels at a temperature of 38-45 ° C, and the duration of application should be reduced to 15-20 minutes. After completing the procedure, dirt should be removed from the body and the skin should be washed with warm water. It is advisable to rest for 20-30 minutes after this and dry wrap.

Do not rush to throw away used dirt. They can be reused for medicinal purposes, in addition, this is a very good, environmentally friendly fertilizer for your indoor and garden plants.

In addition to mud applications at home, you can use local mud-water baths (baths) for your hands and feet. Technology for preparing mash: add the required amount of sapropel to the required amount of water (preferably sea or mineral) in a ratio of 2:1 or 3:1. Over low heat with occasional stirring, bring the mixture to a temperature of 37-40° C. Place your hands or feet in the warm mash for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure is completed, the body is washed with warm water.

The ancient Egyptian method of mud therapy has not lost its significance. This is a method of mud applications of natural solar heating. On a warm sunny day, patients are coated with sapropel, taken from the bag immediately before the procedure. The dirt in the bag must first be heated by sunlight to a temperature of 37-38° C.

The sufferers are then heated in the sun until the dirt covering the body turns into a cracked crust. After the procedure is completed, the crust is washed off with warm water. This procedure does not require special preparation and is easily tolerated by patients. The principle of solar natural heating of mud makes it possible to combine the holiday of mud treatment with climate therapy (staying in the fresh air), reliably ensuring the preservation of the natural properties of mud.

Mud therapy is also widely used in dentistry. For periodontal disease, warm mud swabs made of gauze are placed on the gums, soaked in ointment-like mud, removed from the bag in advance and passed through a fine sieve. Before the procedure, mud tampons are heated in a water bath to 38-39° C, applied to the gums and pressed against the cheeks. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Then the tampons are discarded and the mouth is rinsed with warm water. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures.

For effects on small areas of the body (for example, for ENT diseases), electromud therapy, a combination of peloid therapy with magnetotherapy, is indicated.

The experience of mud therapy shows that the effect sometimes does not occur immediately, but 1-1.5 months after its completion. The duration of the effect after a single course of treatment rarely lasts more than 6-8 months, therefore, to consolidate the results, it is advisable to repeat the course of peloid therapy after 8-10 months.

Indications and contraindications for mud therapy

Indications for mud therapy are determined on the recommendation of the attending physician.

We must not forget about contraindications to mud therapy:

  • acute and chronic inflammatory processes in the stage of severe exacerbation,
  • malignant and benign neoplasms,
  • tuberculosis of all organs,
  • cachexia (sharp weight loss),
  • systemic blood diseases,
  • severe dysfunction of endocrine organs,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation,
  • tendency to rebleed
  • infectious diseases in the acute and contagious stage.

When used skillfully, our lakes store huge treasures of rich raw materials. This is truly a bonanza.

Lyudmila Kozlova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the Republican Association “Belmezhkolkhozzdravnitsa”.

Explanation from the site author

Since 2001, the Republican Association “Belmezhkolkhozzdravnitsa” has been called the open joint-stock company “Belagrozdravnitsa” (Minsk).

Mud therapy indications and contraindications

Mud therapy or peloid therapy (from the word “peloids”) is a popular and frequently used method of ball therapy and has long established itself as an effective treatment procedure for various ailments in various branches of medicine. Nature gives us everything we need to feel healthy and full of strength. But is mud therapy really useful and who should beware of this procedure, what indications and contraindications are there for this method of healing, read on.

Mud therapy has been used since ancient times. Mud baths existed even before our era in Egypt, Greece, India and Rome. Guy Pliny the Elder used the mud of the Crimean Peninsula to treat various diseases. And Claudius Galen, an Italian doctor who lived in the 2nd century AD, described in his writings the mud of Lake Chokrak, located near Kerch, and the silt mud of the Nile.

Types of therapeutic mud

Therapeutic muds are organic and mineral deposits in various bodies of water: lakes, seas, swamps. Such mud, as a rule, has a homogeneous and finely dispersed structure and in most cases has an ointment-like consistency. Thanks to this semi-liquid state, the mud can be heated and used in the form of mud baths and applications.

All therapeutic muds are rich in minerals, enzymes, biologically active components and gases.

The use of mud to treat various diseases goes back hundreds of years. Since the 19th century, mud treatment has become one of the main procedures used at resorts, including here in Russia. In many places where there were sources of healing mud, clinics were opened: in Odessa, Lipetsk, in the Caucasus, Anapa.

Today, mud treatment can be done not only at the resort, but also in many beauty salons and health centers.

Based on their composition, therapeutic muds are divided into the following types:

Peat mud has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, promotes rapid healing.

Silty salty mud contains water-soluble salts, is rich in gases, pigments, etc. The thermal properties of such mud are not high.

Sapropel muds have high thermal properties and contain a rich composition of organic compounds.

Properties of healing mud

Today, mud therapy is one of the main methods of treatment in many world resorts, including our country. Healing mud is widely used in Caucasian health resorts, in the Crimea, resorts in Altai and the Urals, Israel, the Czech Republic and many others.

Mud therapy can be obtained in many health centers and at home. The main benefit of this treatment is its naturalness. Mud is a substance of natural origin with a rich mineral composition, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The beneficial properties of mud are due to:

Large amounts of magnesium and calcium salts;

Dissolved salts of alkalis and organic acids;

Complex colloids consisting of organic compounds.

Thanks to its composition, mud therapy:

It has a chemical, thermal, mechanical effect on the body of a therapeutic nature, due to which deep penetration and a targeted effect on the pathological focus of the disease and a complex effect on the entire body are determined;

When applying mud to the skin, nerve receptors are stimulated, the central nervous system is excited, as a result of which metabolism is normalized;

Blood circulation improves, all cells of the body are saturated with oxygen.

When the skin is exposed to heat, the pores open and the body is cleansed of harmful toxins and waste. This process continues long after the end of the mud procedures.

As a rule, after a course of mud therapy, blood pressure, metabolism, and the functioning of the nervous system are normalized, and the general condition improves.

Indications for mud therapy

Mud therapy helps in many areas of medicine. It is also used in gynecology, neurology, and joint diseases. Indications for the use of mud therapy are:

Skin diseases, including eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis and others;

Diseases of the genitourinary system of both men and women;

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

Diseases of the stomach and intestines;

As for the use of therapeutic mud in gynecology, it has proven itself in many aspects. The most popular are the treatment of inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages, and use in combination when planning pregnancy. Today, even special preparations are created based on Dead Sea mud.

Peloid therapy is well used for the following disorders of the nervous system:

Polyneuritis and neuritis;

In a therapeutic complex you can often find mud therapy prescribed for diseases:

Nose, eyes, ear and throat;

Musculoskeletal system: arthritis, polyarthritis, spondylitis, fractures, osteomelitis;

Respiratory organs: bronchitis, asthma, adhesions in the chest and more;

Digestive organs: postoperative adhesions, stomach and duodenal ulcers, colitis;

Diseases of the cardiovascular system: thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia, myocarditis.

Mud therapy techniques

Mud therapy techniques are developed for each specific disease. Most often used for mud therapy:

A mud bath is when the patient is placed in a special bath with heated mud and, depending on the disease, remains in it for a certain time.

Mud applications are carried out when there are certain contraindications to performing mud baths or the source of mud is located far from the sanatorium and the deposit of therapeutic mud. Such applications are often done in health centers and clinics, or at home. An application of mud is placed on a certain area of ​​the body, most often in the place where there is a focus of the disease.

As a variation of this method of treatment, there is a reflex method of treatment. With this method, a mud application is placed on the spine in a certain place on a biologically active point.

Mud tampons are used in the treatment of genitourinary tract and oral cavity diseases.

Before taking mud therapy, there are certain rules that must be followed before treatment.

Before starting the procedure, you need to take a shower without using gel or soap.

You cannot conduct a mud therapy session if you have open wounds or cuts.

After completing the procedure, wash off the dirt also without using detergents.

When applying applications, as a rule, it is not recommended to shower for 2 hours after the procedure.

Contraindications for mud therapy

But, like any procedure, peloidotherapy (mud therapy) has its own contraindications:

Experts do not recommend using this procedure for skin prone to allergies.

Under no circumstances should mud therapy be used for vascular diseases.

This procedure is also contraindicated for heart patients.

Mud therapy is prohibited for:

Exacerbation of chronic diseases;

Acute infections and inflammatory processes;

During pregnancy and breastfeeding;

Kidney diseases and liver failure;

Mud therapy in cosmetology

Healing mud is used successfully not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Every woman dreams of this effective procedure. It is, of course, not comparable to chocolate wrapping, but it brings a much greater cosmetic effect.

Peloid therapy is a treasure trove of cosmetology that can make the skin elastic, remove problem areas on the skin, and get rid of cellulite. Muds are used in different directions. Often in beauty salons you can find procedures for rejuvenation and figure correction through baths or mud applications.

Applications are usually applied either to the problem area of ​​the skin or using a mud wrap. Baths should not be used by everyone, as there are a number of contraindications for them. Therefore, despite the appearance of this procedure being frivolous, it is still worth consulting with a doctor before using it.

Mud therapy at home

You don’t have to go to a SPA center or beauty salon to experience the beauty of mud treatments. Today, pharmacies sell specialized Dead Sea mud for cosmetic procedures. It’s true that it’s not easy to get it, but it’s still possible.

Using beauty recipes, you can transform yourself in a matter of weeks. Moreover, you can use not only face masks at home, but also applications on all problem areas of the skin.

Therapeutic mud promotes facial skin rejuvenation, cleansing and renewal. Peloid therapy is also actively used in the treatment of acne, but it should be approached with caution, since the procedure is contraindicated for people prone to irritation.

Before using any mud mask, it is worth conducting a skin sensitivity test. A small amount of mud should be applied to a small area of ​​skin (it is advisable to take an area similar to the skin of the face, just as delicate) and wait 10 minutes until the mud begins to dry out.

Then rinse with a cotton swab and look at the result. If the skin turns slightly pink, it’s okay, this is possible with this procedure. But if a rash or red spots appear, this is a signal that it is not worth the risk.

In order not to make a mistake when choosing medicinal mud, always buy it in pharmacies.

About treatment with medicinal mud, which mud is better: Dead Sea or Saki mud, watch the video

Sapropel - what is it, where to get it and what to use it for?

What is sapropel? I didn’t know either, I became interested, I studied the issue and everything that I learned, I pass on to you.

The history of the appearance of sapropel mud

The concept of sapropel (bottom sludge), from the Greek “sapros” - rotten and “pelos” - dirt, literally “rotting sludge”, was first introduced by the German scientist R. Lauternborn. Sapropel is a thousand-year-old bottom sediment of fresh water bodies, formed by the remains of dead animal and plant organisms, plankton, soil particles and which have gone through the full phase of biosynthesis. Simply put, sapropel is a gelatinous mud mass of gray or brown color, odorless, which makes it different from other muds, does not decompose and can be stored for months at normal temperatures. Sapropel loses its properties when frozen!

The process of formation of such a mass occurs at depth, in the almost complete absence of oxygen, which triggers the formation of colloidal organic matter with a high hydrogen content and high activity of its constituent substances.

Sapropel deposits were initially used as organic fertilizers, to increase soil fertility, increase crop yields and as a feed additive in livestock farming.

Although the world since ancient Egypt has used river and lake sediments of the Nile, Euphrates and Tigris, thanks to the annual floods of which the fertile lands were enriched and gave people countless harvests of grain, rice, and fruits.

Healing properties of sapropel

Thanks to modern scientific research and analysis of the composition of bottom sludge, a whole range of its truly unique properties has been revealed, primarily due to the following indicators:

  • high heat capacity, and, consequently, high therapeutic activity,
  • high content of micro- and macroelements, salts, vitamins, amino acids, hormone-like substances and stimulants.

Sapropel is the only one of all types of mud that has bactericidal properties.

Analogs of sapropel with a similar composition and effect today simply do not exist either in pharmacology or cosmetology.

Why is silt sapropel so good?

Composition of sapropel

Since the formation process takes place under unusual conditions over many thousands of years, a storehouse of useful substances accumulates in the mass.

  • First of all, sapropel is proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • B vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, E, D;
  • folic acid, amino acids (lysine, leucine, isoleucine, histidine, etc.);
  • natural antibiotics;
  • micro and macroelements and metal salts (calcium, potassium, copper, iron, silver, selenium, magnesium, bromine, phosphorus, iodine);
  • natural biostimulants, growth enhancers, estrogens;
  • Microbes were found in sapropel that are capable of secreting natural antibiotics that suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes.

Treatment with sapropel

Bottom silt of fresh water bodies is widely used in healing, recovery and prevention of many diseases in four ways:

The most common method of application is external (sapropel baths, masks, wraps, applications)

In addition to it, there is abdominal - oral, vaginal and rectal use.

When sapropel masses influence the body, the biologically active substances contained in them have a beneficial effect and improve vital processes:

  • Improves lymph and blood circulation in tissues, strengthening capillary walls.
  • Reduces the content of harmful cholesterol in the blood, resolves cholesterol plaques.
  • They enhance the metabolic process in tissues, improving oxygen metabolism.
  • They have a pronounced antibacterial effect.
  • Being a powerful physiological irritant, it stimulates the functions of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Activate the body's protective and immune reactions, increase resistance to diseases.
  • reduce swelling,
  • break down fats
  • remove toxins from the body and have a pronounced detoxification effect.
  • Practically do not cause allergic reactions.

What diseases does sapropel treat?

Sapropel is effective in treating almost all body systems and the following diseases:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, bone fractures, osteitis, osteoarthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, diseases of muscles and ligaments;
  • Diseases of the nervous system caused by injuries, bruises, even cerebral palsy and other congenital pathologies, neuritis of the facial nerve, radiculitis, neuralgia, meningoencephalitis.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Malfunctions of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, colpitis, cystalgia.
  • Respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma (only in remission), chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • ENT diseases: chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, tonsillitis, neuritis of the auditory nerves.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: chronic hepatitis, chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Skin problems and diseases of a dermatological nature: acne, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, erythema nodosum, bedsores, enhances skin regeneration after burns;
  • Gynecological diseases: chronic adnexitis, uterine adhesions, erosion, female and male infertility;
  • Dental diseases: stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis.

Sapropel in cosmetology gives truly magical results. But there will be a new detailed article about this.

Contraindications for sapropel baths

However, the use of such a seemingly unique natural gift is not without contraindications. Sapropel should not be taken for the following number of diseases:

  • acute tuberculosis;
  • tachycardia, heart disease and other serious cardiovascular diseases in severe form; presence of a pacemaker;
  • kidney diseases;
  • aneurysms;
  • severe hypertension;
  • fibroids, fibromyomas, cysts, functional ovarian failure.
  • blood diseases, tendency to bleeding;
  • malignant formations.
  • any manifestations of inflammatory processes accompanied by high body temperature above 38°C*;
  • infectious diseases.
  • individual intolerance.

Lakes and sanatoriums with sapropel treatment

Mud procedures made from sapropel are called peloidotherapy and are used in sanatorium treatment. Although it must be admitted that, given the degree of uniqueness of this type of rehabilitation of the body, they are rather poorly developed in our country. In Russia, sanatorium treatment with sapropel mud is used in resorts in the Urals and Siberia. They are also quite rare in the world; sapropel mud is found in health resorts in Germany, Poland, Estonia and neighboring Belarus.

The oldest and most famous lake from which sapropel is extracted is Lake Moltaevo in the Urals, in the Alapaevsky district, Sverdlovsk region.

On the shore of the lake Maly Taraskul, 20 km from Tyumen, there is a federal-level rehabilitation center “Taraskul”, where they are treated with sapropel.

There, near Tyumen, there is Lake Tulubaevo with unique sapropel deposits.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is Lake Borovoe.

Deshembinskoye Lake 120 km from Ust-Ilimsk and the Rus resort - a health resort that uses its unique healing mud.

Large reserves of sapropel (with a layer thickness of up to 10 m) are located in the Galich and Chukhloma lakes of the Kostroma region and are successfully used in treatment at the sanatorium in the city of Soligalich.

Lake Berezovskoye is located 20 km from the city of Karpinsk, Pskov region.

Sapropel for medical purposes will be obtained on Lake Chernamskoye, which is near the village of Studenets, Ust-Vymsky district, in Komi.

The effect of treatment with sapropel often does not occur immediately, but after 1-1.5 months. Improvement from treatment sometimes occurs after 6-8 months, so it is advisable to repeat it after 6-12 months, depending on the type of problem.

Sapropel baths, wraps, applications at home

Today, self-treatment with sapropel mud at home has become available.

The procedure is carried out depending on the diagnosis and the desired effect (treatment or space procedure)

First of all, you need to determine the source of the disease and the area of ​​influence. Most often they are treated at home with applications.

To do this, sapropel sludge is heated in a water bath to a temperature of degrees, depending on the desired effect and the patient’s diagnosis, it is diluted with a small amount of water to the state of thick sour cream, and applied to the body with a layer thickness of 2-4 cm, usually for 20 minutes. After a while, wash off with warm water.

You can make local wraps with sapropel when treating joints: apply sludge heated to 50°, undiluted and therefore thick, onto the joint area and wrap it in oilcloth, a diaper and a warm blanket. To prevent heat from escaping, you can put a heating pad on top. We stand for 30 minutes. For weakened patients, 20 minutes will be enough.

We don’t throw away the dirt after the procedures, you can reuse it up to three times and then pour the infusion over your indoor flowers and even arrange foot baths and baths for your feet and hands.

The usual procedure is 2-3 days in a row, a break of 1 day, a course of treatment - 15 applications; or every other day, course of 10-12 applications.

The ancient Egyptian method of mud therapy is very popular. The point is this: patients coat themselves with a thin layer of sapropel, heated in the sun, and take sunbathing until the mass dries and cracks. After half an hour, the sapropel crust is washed off with water.

Where to buy sapropel

Not everyone always has access to sanatorium treatment. But you can treat yourself at home and use sapropel to prevent diseases. You can buy sapropel extracted from the relict lake Moltaevo in the Roskosmetika online store by typing the word “sapropel” into the search bar of the site.

Now you know what sapropel is and how to treat it. Next time we’ll talk about the use of sapropel sludge in cosmetology.

Indications and contraindications for mud therapy

Mud therapy is one of the oldest methods of therapy, which is effective for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the digestive system, and excretory system. Similar treatment was used in Ancient Egypt; river silt from the Nile was used for mud therapy. Millennia have passed, but even today medicine uses the healing properties of mud. In Soviet times, mud baths were considered one of the most elite health institutions. But in order for the treatment to be effective, as well as to avoid possible complications, you should know the indications and contraindications for mud therapy.

Mud is a product of natural origin, the main advantage over drugs is its naturalness. The mechanism of action of these substances is penetration through the skin and mucous membranes of active substances, as well as thermal and mechanical action. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial properties, and mud is also an excellent immunomodulator. They normalize metabolic processes and help with skin diseases.

Therapeutic effects depend on the specific mineral source, because the muds are very different in their composition, therefore, they have different properties and different therapeutic effects. To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, their composition should be taken into account. It is the composition and content of active substances that form the basis for the classification of medicinal mud. Before talking about the indications and contraindications of mud therapy, you should understand what types of therapeutic mud are.

What is healing mud, its main types

Healing mud (in medicine they are called peloids) are colloidal substances of natural origin that have a rich mineral composition, which has a positive effect on the human body. The therapeutic effect of mud therapy is achieved due to the following factors:

  • A large number of useful inorganic substances that contain dirt;
  • high heat capacity;
  • great plasticity.

Muds are divided into several groups, depending on their origin. Here are the main ones:

Peat mud. They are swamp deposits with a very high level of decomposition of organic residues. This species has good thermal properties and is very rich in organic matter. They have strong bactericidal properties, accelerate tissue regeneration processes, normalize metabolic processes, and have a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

Sapropel mud. These are freshwater deposits. Sapropel mud has good thermal qualities and is very rich in useful organic and inorganic substances.

Sulfide-silt mud. This type of mud is the bottom sediment of salty bodies of water; it contains little organic matter, but a lot of inorganic substances. The thermal effect is small, but the action of the mineral component is very effective in treating many diseases. There are especially many iron and sulfur compounds in sulfide mud; in addition, a large amount of gases are dissolved in them, as well as substances that are synthesized by bacteria and algae. They are formed in continental salt lakes (the famous Dead Sea), in coastal estuaries and bays.


Mud therapy is an effective way to combat many serious diseases, and it is also excellent for recovery after illness, injury and surgery. Typically, this method of therapy is resorted to after the acute stage of the disease has passed.

The list of diseases for which mud therapy is prescribed is very wide:

  • Skin diseases: chronic eczema, various neurodermatitis, limited psoriasis, scleroderma, ichthyosis, keratoderma. Mud therapy perfectly helps to recover from burns, injuries and frostbite, and helps with hair loss. This treatment method is especially helpful for skin diseases of various etiologies.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Diseases of the digestive system.
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (except tuberculosis).

Mud therapy helps to activate the adrenal glands, which begin to secrete large amounts of glucocorticoids, which are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

Biologically active substances, penetrating inside, increase muscle tone, promote rapid recovery after fractures, and reduce blood cholesterol levels. They increase the protective function of the skin and improve immunity.


However, this method of treatment also has contraindications. For some diseases, mud therapy is not recommended. For example, a large number of active substances can activate the growth of malignant and benign tumors, so mud therapy for cancer is contraindicated. This method of therapy is also contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. You should not take mud baths if you have the slightest bleeding or with most diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Treatment at elevated temperatures is contraindicated.

Today you can buy various types of mud for use at home. It should be noted that self-medication with mud is not the best idea and is not recommended. Here is a list of contraindications for mud therapy:

  • Inflammatory processes of any nature, especially those occurring in an acute form;
  • during the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • with hyperthermia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, regardless of stage and location;
  • severe hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • blood diseases;
  • kidney disease;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland: thyrotoxicosis and others.

It should be remembered that different types of these substances are used to treat different diseases. Before going to a mud bath, you should consult a doctor. In the sanatoriums where mud therapy is carried out, there are specialists who will help you create an effective treatment plan, taking into account your characteristics.

It is necessary to exercise caution in case of general exhaustion of the body, both physical and nervous exhaustion.

From dirt to beauties or sapropel in cosmetology and medicine

What is sapropel? My guests asked this question today. "Sapropel" - from the Greek. “sapros” - rotten and “pelos” - dirt, silt, organic deposits, consisting mainly of the remains of aquatic organisms. This is a complex natural complex that is formed in a freshwater reservoir from the decomposition products of aquatic plants and organisms as a result of slow centuries-old synthesis. It is rich in mineral and organic substances of biogenic origin and is easily absorbed by the human body. Sapropel is on a par with the legendary ginseng and mumiyo.” (information from the Encyclopedic Dictionary).

Even in Russian folk tales, heroes in the most difficult moments drew strength from the Russian land. Our grandmothers taught: if you have a headache, lean against an aspen tree, if you are weak, lean against a birch or oak tree. The pain will pass, but the strength will come. Popular wisdom is confirmed by scientific knowledge. Man feeds on the living energy of nature - trees, herbs, honey, clay, mud. And if grass lives for one summer, a tree for decades, then clay and mud can accumulate energy for a millennium.

Imagine how powerful the impact of sapropel mud is if it has accumulated energy for 20 thousand years! Interacting with the human body, therapeutic mud creates optimal ion exchange between the skin and the sapropel application. Biological and chemical components of natural mixtures penetrate through the skin. The healing effect is not only at the point of contact and on the entire body.

Sapropel in cosmetology and medicine

We have already realized that traditional medicine often cannot cope with the whole bouquet of modern ailments, and therefore, we rush around in search of healers or some universal remedies, we go to distant countries in search of magic cures “for all diseases”. Dead Sea salt, Hungarian peat, healing mud from Spain and Italy - these days they are on everyone’s lips.

According to scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, sapropel is a product of a unique centuries-old natural synthesis of the remains of plant and animal life, as if specially created for treating people. Modern science is not able to obtain its likeness artificially. Methods and recommendations for the use of therapeutic mud from sapropel were developed by the Institute of Balneology and Physiotherapy of the Russian Federation.

The world's leading perfumery and cosmetics companies have declared healing mud to be the cosmetics of the 21st century. And why? And because sapropel masks and applications will help:

Mud therapy is one of the methods of balneology. First of all, therapeutic muds have a pronounced therapeutic effect due to the so-called thermophysical effect - simply the thermal effect that occurs when the drug is applied to the skin.

The second important factor here is a valuable mineral complex, which includes microelements necessary for our body.

The third therapeutic aspect is specific microflora, as well as vitamin-like and hormone-like substances. As for the microflora, its task is to break down the organic components contained in the mud, and thus transform these components into the very medicinal product that we use.

The important thing is that sapropel has a healing effect not only at the point of contact with the skin, but also on the body as a whole.

The techniques are easy to implement, and many are preferable for individual use at home. The biological activity of Sapropel does not require their use in large volumes, and the calming effect of the procedures is well complemented by evening hygiene procedures.

External or superficial:

  • Open applications - masks - are when Sapropel is applied to the open skin of the face, neck and other areas with a layer of 2-3 mm for a period of 10 to 20 minutes.

It is used for juvenile acne, furunculosis, oily seborrhea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis in children and adults, photos and dyshormonal pigmentation. Sapropel heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature of degrees is applied with a soft wide brush in an even layer without gaps on the skin or area of ​​changed skin, covering 1-2 cm of healthy skin and leaving for 10 minutes on the first day, increasing the duration by 2 minutes with each subsequent procedure and bringing them up to 20 minutes. To obtain a scrub effect, before removing the mask, it is recommended to lightly massage the skin through the mask. After completing the procedure, the mask is washed off with water or a decoction of herbs. A minute's rest is required, followed by application of a nourishing cream according to your skin type.

Compress application on the spine, chest, liver, stomach, pancreas and bladder, large joints. Sapropel heated in a water bath to a temperature of degrees is applied to the skin up to 0.5 cm thick with a soft spatula. Cover with thin plastic film. The joint is bandaged with film. A warm woolen blanket, blanket, scarf, etc. is placed on top of the film. The duration of the procedure is minutes. At the end of the procedure, the sapropel is removed with a spatula. The skin is wiped with a warm and damp cloth; after the procedure, a 30-minute rest or sleep is required. Note: for acute processes in the joints and elbow joints, sapropel is applied at room temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours. Attention! The closed compress method should be carried out only after consultation or under the supervision of a doctor.

  • Immersion method - sapropel baths and baths. Baths (immersion method).

Heated sapropel to degrees is placed in bags (gloves) where the hands and feet are placed. The mud is smeared onto the skin of the hands and feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for a minute. Sapropelyagram consumption. Baths with sapropel mash are prepared for minutes at a concentration of 1 kg of Sapropel per 10 liters of water, bath temperature degrees.

Cavity method:

  • Oral. Sapropel in the amount of one teaspoon is taken into the mouth and chewed, rubbed into the gums with the tongue for 5-6 minutes, spat out once a day. This strengthens teeth, eliminates periodontal disease and bleeding gums. This is a sure remedy for stomatitis, diseases of the salivary glands and sore throats.
  • Vaginal. Used in the treatment of various gynecological diseases.
  • Rectal. Used in the treatment of gynecological, urological, proctological diseases and hemorrhoids.

Face masks

Mask for dry skin

Add a few drops of olive oil to the sapropel. Apply a 2 mm layer to your face, preheating the mud to a temperature of 0 degrees. Leave the mask on for a minute. Attention! Don't let the mask dry out! Moisten it periodically with water, or after applying the mask, you can cover your face with cling film, leaving your eyes, nose and lips open. Rinse off the mask with water or herbal decoction. Let your skin rest for a minute, then wipe your face with toner and apply nourishing cream.

Mask for oily skin

It will help narrow pores, dry out pimples and blackheads. Apply sapropel to your face in a layer of up to 2 mm, preheating it to a temperature of degrees. Leave the mask on for a minute. After drying, wash it off with a decoction of chamomile, celandine or water. Let your skin rest for a minute. Then wipe your face with lotion and apply cream for oily skin.

“Steaming” for oily skin before mechanical facial cleansing (for cosmetologists). Apply sapropel to your face in a 3 mm layer, preheating it to 45 degrees. Cover your face with film, leaving your eyes and lips open, and place a wrung-out hot towel on top (you can use it under the cover). Leave for a minute. Remove the mask with a well-wrung sponge and clean.

Mask to eliminate scars and age spots

Heat the sapropel to 40 degrees, apply it to a clean, steamed face for a minute. Then rinse with water. After a minute, wipe your face with a toner according to your skin type and apply a sun protective cream with maximum SPF in the summer, the most nourishing one according to your skin type.

Hair mask for seborrhea, dandruff, hair loss

The mask is applied to clean scalp in strands. Then you need to do a light head massage from the periphery to the back of the head, put on a cap (insulate) for 1-2 hours. Sapropel is washed off with warm water without shampoo (if necessary, shampoo according to your hair type). During treatment, the hair becomes slightly dull, but after completing a course of mud therapy, its shine is restored. At the same time, headaches and depression are relieved. A gentle mud body peeling that improves blood circulation. Apply sapropel in an even thin layer over the entire body, except for the chest area. Wait a minute, rinse with warm water. After this peeling, the effect of your creams, including anti-cellulite ones, will increase several times.

Hand mask

Apply a thin layer of heated sapropel to a temperature of degrees on your hands, put on cellophane gloves, and then immerse in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for a minute. Wash off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply hand cream to your hands. It is very good to carry out this procedure before bed. Then, after washing off the dirt, apply cream to your hands and put on cotton gloves.

Mud foot bath

Add sapropel to a basin of warm water (40-45 degrees) at the rate of 450 g per 5 liters of water, stir and lower your feet to the ankles. Sit for a minute, rinse your feet first with warm water, then in cold water, apply foot cream. If used regularly, such a bath will relieve you of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor; in addition, it is an excellent prevention of fungal diseases and heel spurs.

Mud mask for feet (helps relieve pain and fatigue in the legs). Heated sapropel to a temperature of degrees is placed in bags where the feet are placed. The mud is smeared on the skin of the feet, and then immersed in a bath of warm water (50 degrees) for a minute. Rinse off the dirt with water and after 15 minutes apply foot cream. Consumption of Sapropelyagrams.

External use of medicinal sapropel.

Diseases of the peripheral nervous system:

  • radiculitis, polyradiculoneuritis, plexitis, neuritis, neurofibroneositis, sympathetic truncitis and solaritis, occupational vibration disease;
  • consequences of wounds and other injuries of the peripheral parts of the nervous system that do not require surgical intervention and in the presence of ongoing functional recovery;

Compresses, warm applications, baths at 45 degrees for 30 minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Diseases of the central nervous system due to infections and after intoxication:

  • meningoecephalitis, cerebral arachnoiditis, encephalitis at the end of the acute period;
  • arachnoiditis of the spinal cord, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, meningomyeloradiculitis (without pronounced disorders of the pelvic organs);
  • consequences of epidemic poliomyelitis, residual effects after suffering from the polio form of tick-borne encephalitis in the presence of ongoing restoration of functions.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: compresses, warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures.

Peripheral vascular diseases:

  • obliterating endarteritis, Raynaud's disease;
  • atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers;

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  1. Internal use – 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Compresses, warm applications, baths of degrees. Course of 20 procedures, 20 minutes each. To enhance the effect, you can add grated garlic to the sapropel. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply anti-varicose cream.

After a course of procedures, spasm of small vessels is relieved and collateral circulation is enhanced.

Rheumatism and other joint diseases:

  • Cold applications to the elbow and wrist joints and other joints during an exacerbation of pain. Sapropel is taken at room temperature or body temperature. The duration of the procedure increases to 1.5-2 hours without warm wrapping.
  • Heat applications at a mud temperature of degrees per minute are indicated for the prevention of seasonal exacerbations during the period of remission of the disease and after drug relief of acute rheumatoid manifestations. Course of 20 procedures. After applications, it is recommended to cover yourself with a warm blanket and be sure to rest for 30 minutes. It is recommended to regularly visit the Russian bathhouse.

In hospital settings, you can use the electrophoresis procedure under the supervision of a doctor.

Arthritis and polyarthritis of various etiologies:

  • rheumatic arthritis no earlier than 8 months after the end of acute, under acute cardiac events;
  • infectious nonspecific polyarthritis (rheumatoid) with a minimal degree of activity of the articular process, infectious arthritis of a certain etiology in the acute and chronic stages (excluding tuberculosis);
  • chronic spondylosis, spondylitis (inflammatory diseases of the spine);
  • fractures with delayed consolidation or painful callus, osteitis, periostitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, scarring and contractures;
  • Spinal diseases: osteochondrosis, scoliosis. Ankylosing spondylitis, infectious, traumatic and other origin;

Method of using medicinal sapropel: warm applications, compresses, baths at 45 degrees for minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Injuries, bruises, sprains, scars

Method of using medicinal sapropel: warm applications, baths. Course of 20 procedures. After applications, rub in anti-varicose cream and rest for a minute.

Burns, wounds, open wounds and their consequences, furunculosis

Sapropel promotes rapid epithelization of wounds and destroys wound infections. Wound healing occurs with minimal pain and tissue deformation.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: sapropel is applied to the wound after washing, like an ointment bandage. As soon as the patient feels that the bandage has become dry, it must be changed. Do not reapply used mud to open wounds. Course of 20 procedures. After removing the sapropel dressing, it is recommended to wash the wound and apply a thin layer of cream.

Migraines, headaches and depression after traumatic brain injury

Method of using medicinal sapropel: apply a “mud collar” and a degree of mud to the scalp for minutes. Course of 20 procedures.

Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (stomatitis, glossitis, periodontal disease, caries, etc.)

Applications and mouth rinses eliminate inflammation and toothache.

Method of using medicinal sapropel: to prevent dental diseases, it is recommended to clean them by applying sapropel to a toothbrush. Course of treatment procedures.

Gynecological diseases

  • diseases of the uterus, chronic cervicitis, endocervitis, chronic metro endometritis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages of various etiologies with the exception of tuberculosis;
  • chronic pelveoperitonitis, periadnexitis, perimetritis, parametritis;
  • infertility due to inflammatory diseases of the uterus and tubes;
  • postoperative adhesions at the end of the acute period;
  • cervical erosion.
  1. External use on the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region.
  2. vaginal sapropel tampons per grams at a temperature of degrees. The exposure lasts for a minute and ends with douching with a weak solution of manganese. At home, the procedure is best done before bedtime.
  3. Electrophoresis in a physical laboratory. Course procedures.

Treatment with Sapropel does not exclude the use of other medicinal and hardware treatment methods.


Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  1. Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  3. Warming up. Pour chopped onions (2 medium onions) into milk (0.5 l) and bring to a boil. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to a temperature of 45 degrees (half a glass). Then mix everything and cover with a wooden lid with a small hole, on which the patient sits, covered with a blanket. Warming continues until the mixture cools. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days. Usually, after 3-5 procedures, hemorrhoids disappear without a trace. For bleeding hemorrhoids, heating is not used. Cold sapropel cakes must be alternated with anti-varicose cream. The cake is secured with a T-shaped bandage between the legs for 20 minutes.

Urological diseases: male infertility, impotence, prostatitis, cystitis.

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

  1. External use:
    • applications to the scrotum (infertility, prostatitis, impotence);
    • applications for the lumbosacral region;
    • applications to the lower abdomen (cystitis);
    • electrophoresis in a physical laboratory.
  2. Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  3. Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Proctological diseases

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  1. Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.

Chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs

Method of using medicinal sapropel:

  1. Compresses: for pneumonia and bronchitis on the chest, back. For chronic tonsillitis in the area of ​​the cervical and thoracic vertebrae and the submandibular region. For sinusitis on the nose. Heat the sapropel in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees, put it in a layer of 0.5-2 cm, cover with film and a warm scarf for a minute. Such procedures greatly facilitate breathing and cause profuse expectoration. It should be noted that this treatment can be used when the patient does not have a fever. Gargling for sore throat every half hour with Sapropel diluted with warm boiled water.
  2. Inhalations: heat sapropel in a water bath to 45 degrees (half a glass). Then add half a glass of hot water. Inhalation continues until the sapropel cools down. At first, care must be taken not to burn the mucous membranes and skin with steam. The mixture can be used several times within 1-2 days.
  3. Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Course of treatment procedures.

Chronic skin diseases (severe dermatoses, allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, fungal infections), in pediatric practice (cutaneous appearance of diathesis, bruises, scratches)

The greatest effect is achieved by the complex use of Sapropel:

  1. External use in the form of applications and baths. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply cream.
  2. Rectal sapropel enemas are done at a temperature of degrees. The tip is inserted to a depth of 5-6 cm into the rectum and 100 g of Sapropel is used. Its effect continues until the next normal bowel movement.
  3. Internal use: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

Internal use of medicinal sapropel.

Many years of experience in enteral nutrition (Enteral nutrition (EN) is a type of therapeutic or additional nutrition with special mixtures, in which the absorption of food (when it enters through the mouth, through a tube in the stomach or intestines) is carried out in a physiologically adequate way, i.e. through the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract) intestinal tract. In this sense, enteral nutrition is opposed to parenteral nutrition (when nutrients are delivered to the body bypassing the intestinal mucosa - most often intravenously)) the use of Sapropel for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes has helped hundreds of patients forget about medications and their illnesses. Today, only those who have not tried sapropel, those who have not felt the renewal of the body, argue about the usefulness of this method. Try to convince women who have recovered from severe colitis that this is bad, that this is impossible. Anyone who swallowed a spoonful of Sapropel once and after 15 minutes got rid of burning pain in the chest and painful belching, who did not suffer from food poisoning thanks to 2-3 spoons of Sapropel, cannot be dissuaded. Once they receive the result, people become advocates for this product for life.

Therapeutic mud is taken orally for general health and treatment of the following diseases:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • pregnant, nursing mothers and children during the period of growth, with toxicosis and lack of appetite;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the liver, gall bladder, hepatitis and its consequences (sapropel will gently relieve stagnation in the gall bladder and ducts. It will have a stimulating effect on liver cells. It will relieve pain in the right hypochondrium already in the first week of use);
  • gynecological, proctological diseases;
  • to restore the immune system;
  • to relieve hangover syndrome;
  • to stimulate mineral and vitamin metabolism in the body with vitamin deficiency;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, folliculitis, furunculosis, trophic ulcers, eczema, fungal infections, childhood diathesis, etc.);
  • migraines, headaches and depression;
  • gout;
  • after using a large number of drugs and radiation exposure;
  • diabetes mellitus, chronic diseases of the ENT and respiratory organs (pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • urological diseases (pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, male infertility, etc.);
  • cellulite;
  • severe poisoning (at the first signs - estgastric pain, nausea, headache, weakness: start taking one tablespoon of Sapropel, repeating doses after 15 minutes up to 3-4 times per hour. If after 60 minutes there is no result, consult a doctor );
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (use one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals for 2-3 weeks);
  • dysbiosis (sapropel - this living miracle of nature contains more than 30 different microorganisms that participate in the breakdown of carbohydrates, fiber, sugar, secrete vitamins, produce antibacterial substances and biostimulants, they gently protect the body's microflora);
  • cholecystitis (for those who are familiar with pain in the pancreas, when you constantly have to monitor your diet, when you are afraid to leave the house without pills, sapropel will relieve you of this fear, you will forget about the need to carry Festal, Mezim or "Pancreatin");
  • gastritis;
  • heartburn (one teaspoon of Sapropel will relieve you of heartburn and relieve pain from overeating);
  • constipation, colitis, enterocolitis (sapropel is a natural stimulator of intestinal motility, it actively renews the cells of the intestinal wall, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of food taken).

Recommendations for the use of medicinal sapropel: take 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach, minutes before meals (pre-dilute the sapropel in warm boiled water to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane). The course is 1 month, then a month break, and then repeating the course. In case of exacerbation of diseases, use sapropel 1 teaspoon every 2 hours during the day.

Therapeutic sapropel against cellulite.

Cellulite impairs tissue blood circulation and metabolism, so toxins are not eliminated but accumulate in cells. Their shells cannot withstand the load and burst, but the contents, that is, fat, remain in the intercellular space, sticking together into dense islands. It is impossible to get rid of cellulite through diet alone, because... the body begins to use this fat reserve only when it is completely depleted. Therefore, it is necessary to fight it through a set of procedures (diet, massage, exercises, body wraps). Internal use: 1-2 teaspoons in the morning on an empty stomach daily.

It is best to apply sapropel externally in a bath. One minute before the procedure, do not drink or eat food, empty your bladder and intestines. Wash under a hot shower with gel and scrub (drunk coffee is suitable as a scrub). Then you need to steam in three passes for 5-7 minutes. After each entry into the steam room, take a very warm shower. A pool with cold water must be excluded, because... When sweating stops, the weight loss effect decreases. If you want to lose weight, eating and drinking in the bathhouse is also not recommended! Then the mud is applied to a clean, steamed body in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm for 20 minutes.

With such a thickness, it retains heat for a long time, under the influence of which the following processes occur more actively:

  • pores open, sweating and blood circulation increase;
  • sweat releases toxins;
  • microelements contained in mud are absorbed into the skin and improve metabolism;
  • fat is broken down.

At the end of everything, you need to apply anti-cellulite cream and dress warmly. This procedure must be done 1-2 times a week regularly.

It is best to go to the bathhouse in the evening. Before going to bed, do not eat or drink anything (at least half a glass of citrus or pineapple juice or mineral water). By morning, you will lose 1.5-2 kg.

At home, if it is not possible to go to the bathhouse, it is recommended to carry out a mud wrap, alternating it with salt baths. The sequence is as follows: on day 1 - mud wrap, day 2 - salt bath, day 3 - rest, for a day.

To wrap, the mud is heated in a water bath to 40 degrees and applied to clean skin after a 10-minute hot shower in a layer of 0.3-0.5 cm. Then you must immediately wrap yourself in a thin film and a blanket to maintain warmth for a few minutes. Afterwards, you need to take a hot shower, rub anti-cellulite cream into problem areas and go to bed. Eating and drinking are also not recommended. One wrapping procedure can reduce the volume by 1-1.5 cm.

For a salt bath, it is best to use sea salt, which is sold in a pharmacy. The bath temperature should be degrees, duration minutes. For one bath, 1-2 cups of salt.

Attention! The information published on the site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute a recommendation for use. Always consult your physician regarding any diagnosis or use of any medications or treatments.

Natural organic fertilizers are valued much more than chemical ones from the store. Along with the usual humus, straw, peat, and sawdust, experienced gardeners use sapropel. This fertilizer will not only provide the plants with adequate nutrition, but will also restore severely damaged soil.

What it is?

Sapropel is a natural bio-raw material containing many useful components. It is formed at the bottom of reservoirs and is mined ready for use.

Note. Sapropel cannot be found in ponds or rivers - it simply does not survive there.

This raw material consists of tiny particles of plants and animals and decomposes at depth. Sapropel is used to fertilize cultivated plants, and is valued for its rich mineral composition. There is sodium, ash, phosphorus, copper, as well as organic components, vitamins, enzymes.

There are several types of this valuable natural raw material, each of which has its own application characteristics.

Sapropel is a special sorbing filter: it contains a huge number of bacteria that continue to work even in cases of severe contamination and in the complete absence of oxygen.

Main differences from sludge

This material is often confused with silt. However, the latter, unlike sapropel, is formed in rivers and ponds. But it is less valuable in terms of the content of organic components.

Composition and properties

Sapropel is valued for its rich composition. It contains fulvic acids (a combination of different humic acids), a mixture of humic acids, macro- and microelements (potassium and iron, nitrogen and phosphorus, molybdenum and magnesium, calcium and bromine, manganese and boron, copper and cobalt), many vitamins and amino acids. As well as plant growth catalysts and microflora favorable for cultivated plants.

Important! Sapropel is simply a unique fertilizer that not only nourishes garden crops, but also restores the fertility of any soil.


If we are talking about garden plants, then bottom fertilizer guarantees:

  • Increased yield.
  • Excellent quality of finished fruits.
  • Rapid and long-lasting flowering of all ornamental plants without exception.
  • Rapid development of rhizomes of any crops.
  • One hundred percent survival rate of young seedlings.
  • Providing plants with adequate nutrition during all periods of their growth.

If we talk about soil, then here is bottom fertilizer:

  • Promotes the launch of all processes of normal life.
  • Increases the percentage of humus.
  • Improves the structure of any soil. It even loosens alumina and loam.
  • Promotes the formation of a fertile layer on damaged soils.
  • Improves moisture retention function. Especially on sandstones.
  • Kills pathogenic microflora, neutralizes the harmful effects of nitrates.
  • Within 2-6 years it completely restores any soil.

Can it be used?

Bottom fertilizer cannot cause any harm to garden crops, so it can be safely used, especially on depleted and problematic soils. Gardeners like to add it directly to the soil when planting.


  • Eco-friendly.
  • Improves the structure of any soil.
  • Increases the productivity of beds.
  • Excellent water retention.
  • Fights fungus and harmful bacteria.
  • Stimulates the growth and development of the plant root system.

Sapropel applied to the soil continues to act for 7 years.


  • Perfectly sanitizes the soil, clearing it of pathogenic microflora.
  • Increases the percentage of organic matter in the soil.
  • Promotes rapid growth of garden crops.
  • There are no contraindications for use.
  • It is permissible to apply throughout the gardening season.

Types of sapropel

There are four types of this natural fertilizer:

  • Organic.
  • Glandular.
  • Carbonate.
  • Siliceous.

After extraction, sapropel is given several forms. Bottom fertilizer can be liquid or bulk, in the form of paste, tablets, emulsion or granules.

Gardeners most often use granular or powdered.

Note. Even scarce lands, after fertilizing with such organic matter, give a rich harvest of potatoes and other vegetable crops.

Using sapropel, the fertility of soils that were previously landfills, mines, and repositories for mining ore is restored.

Granular fertilizer has a prolonged effect - it releases nutrients to the soil for a long time. This is beneficial for those gardeners who do not want the extra hassle of adding a bunch of different fertilizers.

Liquid or in paste form - indispensable for global reclamation. It is preferable for application before planting garden crops.

Sapropel as fertilizer

This environmentally friendly organic matter is used to feed all garden and house plants. However, that's not all.

How is it used?

  • As a complex fertilizer for feeding all vegetables and flowers without exception.
  • For feeding fruit trees and berry fields.
  • Composed of composts.

Note. Sapropel contains quite a bit of phosphorus. Additional use in pure form will be required.

Submission rules

  • Due to its absolute harmlessness to plants, sapropel is recommended to be applied in the following dosage: per sq. m. – up to 5000 g of fertilizer.
  • It is added during planting or pre-composted.
  • Such organic matter is able to neutralize the acidity of the soil, while simultaneously enriching it with a full range of useful microelements.
  • Up to 120 tons of sapropel per hectare are applied to potato fields. Fertilizers will significantly increase their yield.
  • For other vegetables, up to 100 tons per hectare are applied.
  • The effectiveness of natural raw materials is increased by combining them with other fertilizers: manure, mullein, slurry, compost.
  • To grow healthy seedlings, mix sapropel with soil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • When replanting fruit trees or berry gardens, you should add this fertilizer to the hole. In this case, the plants will take root faster and actively grow.

Practical use

Sapropel stimulates the development of garden crops at all stages. The following are specific examples of the use of this fertilizer in the garden.

  • To improve soil health

It will help achieve good yields on heavy soils. For example, make clay soil more porous and lighter. Application dosage – 3 kg per meter. Fertilizer is simply scattered around the area before digging. It is enough to apply it once every 5 years.

  • In tablets

Before applying the compressed fertilizer to the soil, it should be thoroughly crumbled to make it easier for the nutrients to pass into the ground.

  • For seedlings

A wonderful harvest is impossible without strong seedlings. Different vegetable crops will require different ratios of components for a fertile mixture.

So, for cucumbers, melons, and zucchini, a special mixture is used. It consists of 3 parts earth, 2 parts sand and 1.5 parts sapropel. For tomatoes the ratio will be as follows: 3.5-1-0.5. For spicy crops, cabbage – 1:2:1.5.

The universal composition is prepared at the rate of: 6 parts soil, 2 parts fertilizer.

  • To prepare beds for sowing

Plants that are planted directly into the ground also love organic fertilizing with sapropel. Therefore, when superficially digging up beds, you should definitely apply this fertilizer (4 kg per meter).

  • For garden trees and berry gardens

When planting new fruit and berry crops, pour a mixture consisting of 4 parts soil and 1 part sapropel directly into the holes. The effectiveness of this method will manifest itself in the form of intensive growth and accelerated fruiting.

In addition, fertilizing is widely used as mulch. It is scattered around the trunk of apple trees, pears (6 cm layer), and berry trees (3 cm layer). Then the soil is loosened and thoroughly watered. It is permissible to carry out similar feedings three times throughout the entire season.

  • For potatoes

The use of sapropel increases the yield of this crop by 2 times. Biogenic raw materials are introduced during spring digging or dosed into each hole during planting. The norm is 4-5 kg ​​per meter.

  • For home flowers

Lake raw materials are also used to feed indoor plants. An excellent substrate is obtained from a combination of 6 parts soil and 2 parts sapropel. Flowers from such feeding bloom together and for a long time, and also do not get sick at all.

Do-it-yourself mining

If your personal plot is located in close proximity to a lake with valuable bio-raw materials, then it is quite possible to extract it yourself.

Usually, special equipment is used for this, similar to a dredger, but weaker in power than it. Now there are many similar machines, through which about 30 cubic meters of valuable raw materials are extracted at a time.

To transport special equipment, you will have to use a Gazelle. To transport smaller equipment, a regular passenger car is suitable.

The process of self-extraction, although labor-intensive, is extremely profitable financially. One ton of such raw materials in the spring costs from 1 thousand rubles. Dried fertilizer costs twice as much.

The highest quality sapropel, nutritious for plants, is found in flowing, clean reservoirs. After all, they have the richest flora and fauna.

In shallow reservoirs, you can try the old-fashioned method of extraction - using a pitchfork. Their teeth are pre-intertwined with wire.

Raw fertilizer certainly needs drying, which is important to organize correctly, otherwise the sapropel will simply begin to sour and rot.

First, the semi-finished product is sifted through special large sieves. The process is long. But only hard work can turn the jelly-like material into dry powder.

In-store purchase

Ready-made fertilizers, widely available in specialized stores, vary by brand. The latter determine the purpose of use in the garden.

A-brand– a universal fertilizer that can be used on all types of soil.

B-brand– organic matter intended for lands with a high level of acidity.

B-brand– used for neutral or slightly alkaline soil types.

Sapropel is sold both wholesale and retail.

For wholesale distribution, fertilizer is packaged in special bags or standard containers. And only then each intermediary is involved in packaging the raw materials for sale in retail chains. The main thing is to ensure complete safety of useful components.

Pricing depends on several factors. If you purchase raw materials in the spring from large fish farms that periodically clean reservoirs, then their cost will be small - up to 1,500 rubles per ton. Fertilizer in powder form will cost twice as much.
