The stitches were removed after a cesarean section, how to care for it now. Recovery after caesarean section. The suture itches after a cesarean section, discharge from the scar

Suture management after cesarean section is an important aspect of rehabilitation therapy. The rules for cleaning a wound are explained in the hospital. All points must be strictly followed. This will help minimize the development of infection and rough scar tissue. After the formation of a neat scar, you can resort to various techniques to reduce the external signs of the surgical intervention.

Modern doctors perform a caesarean section in three ways. The most accurate incision is made using the Pfannenstiel technique. This incision is made above the pubic hair growth area.

After healing, such a scar remains invisible to others. The length of the incision using this method is no more than 12–15 cm. The small size is easily explained by the characteristics of the tissue. In this area, the epidermis, muscles and uterus are tightly adjacent to each other. Due to this, the cut is made in one movement. The doctor instantly gains access to the fetus. The healing of such a suture occurs quickly. In order for the tissue to form correctly, a woman must follow certain rules. They will help the tissue form correctly. After recovery, traces of surgical intervention are easily removed with cosmetics.

There is another common technique for cesarean section - Joel-Cochin laparotomy. This method is carried out by making an incision under the umbilical area. The distance to the navel is 5–7 cm. This method allows you to cut the upper part of the uterine cavity. The average length of the incision does not exceed 20 cm. It is used in many clinics. The healing of this wound form is less painful than the previous type of suture. Painlessness is explained by the presence of a fatty layer under the upper layer of the epidermis. But the postoperative scar will be noticeable to others. To minimize its manifestation, you should visit a beauty salon.

The most unpleasant thing for women is the vertical scar left after emergency surgery. It is rare in modern surgery, but has a lot of unpleasant consequences for the patient. The incision using this technique is made from the upper area of ​​the pubic bone to the lower part of the diaphragm. Dissection allows you to separate the diaphragmatic muscle fibers and open access to the abdominal cavity. An operation using a vertical incision is used in emergency cases. This technique allows you to save the life of a fetus that is experiencing various negative influences. The healing of such a seam is very unpleasant. A long longitudinal scar forms in the postoperative area. Restoration of damaged tissue takes place in several stages. The postoperative hospital period can last a month or more. Such a scar can be made less noticeable to others only by using modern hardware technologies.

Stapling the wound

Sutures are applied with various medical materials. The rate of scar tissue formation depends on them. Often there are sutures made using silk thread. Silk leaves minimal marks on the skin and allows the edges of the epidermis to be tightly pulled together. The suture material has a strong structure and is not exposed to the negative influence of the external environment. It should be taken into account that three types of fabric are sewn.

The uterine cavity is also subject to surgical damage during a caesarean section. It is held together with a self-absorbing thread or special staples. The threads allow the uterus to repair itself. The stitches disappear after two months. Staples provide a tighter fit of tissue, but do not allow the woman to further plan a pregnancy without additional intervention from a surgeon. Surgical thread is rarely used.

The recovery process involves monitoring the healing of the uterine cavity and skin. Muscle tissue can only be tracked using hardware diagnostics. Its edges are also secured with self-absorbing sutures.

Postoperative care

Suture care after cesarean section is carried out in two stages. The first stage takes place in a hospital setting. After the operation, the woman remains in the recovery room for observation. The doctor makes sure that various complications do not arise. The following negative processes that occur after surgery are identified:

Bleeding can be detected by the presence of fluid on the postoperative dressing. Bleeding may occur due to improper wound healing or intracavitary injury. To determine the cause of bleeding, the woman is sent for an ultrasound examination. It is not recommended to ignore pathology. Large blood loss leads to the death of a person.

There is a slight risk of bacterial infection. The risk arises from improper wound care or poor personal hygiene. Bacteria settle on the surface of the wound and begin to actively multiply. Pathogenic microorganisms have a negative impact on the characteristics of tissue cells. The site of infection becomes inflamed. Strong development of pathology is accompanied by additional surgical intervention. In most cases, antibiotic drugs effectively fight infection.

Inflammation is also observed when the sterile dressing is not replaced in a timely manner and there is no antibacterial therapy. The pathology causes partial tissue necrosis. The mixing of dead cells and leukocyte fluid leads to the appearance of pus. In this situation, additional treatment and increased medical supervision are necessary.

After a cesarean section, another problem often occurs. Many patients have stitches that come apart. This phenomenon is associated with increased physical activity. Many mothers strive to carry their baby in their arms. This entails untying the suture thread. For this reason, doctors do not recommend increasing the load during the first week.

A doctor monitors the healing process. Treatment is carried out by nurses. The edges of the wound are treated with an antiseptic solution. Most clinics use an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine for this purpose. The cleaned surface is dried with a brilliant green solution. The seam is sealed with special sterile dressings. The dressings come in a variety of sizes and are made from cellulose fibers. Removing the bandage is not painful. It is replaced twice a day.

In parallel with caring for the external seam, it is necessary to properly treat the genitals. After childbirth, you can use special liquids to wash the genitals. Douching with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin can reduce infection of the uterine cavity. Washing with soap is not recommended. It changes the acidity of the vagina. The risk of developing thrush increases.

After a week, the woman is examined and discharged. Before discharge, the specialist explains the rules of how to care for the suture after a caesarean section at home.

Self-care rules

The rules for caring for a suture at home are not difficult for the patient. They include the following items:

  • antiseptic treatment;
  • washing the skin with water;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • tracking scar tissue formation;
  • care of gynecological organs.

Antiseptic treatment at home should not be different from hospital cleansing. Patients ask how to treat a suture after a caesarean section at home. It is necessary to purchase chlorhexidine or a sterile solution of furatsilin. Both solutions can be applied to the wound with a cotton pad or using a special nozzle. You can also use a hydrogen peroxide solution. After cleaning, the edges of the seams are generously smeared with brilliant green. A bandage is glued to the seams or a sterile napkin is attached. The suture after a cesarean section needs to be treated daily.

Washing the skin is carried out in the process of washing the body. The postoperative area should not be rubbed with a washcloth or subjected to other physical influences. The surface can be covered with foam and washed off with running water. After the shower, you need to thoroughly dry the seams and perform the usual processing.

Also, a woman at home should not make sudden movements or carry heavy objects. High physical activity causes spasms of muscle tissue. Spasm can affect the condition of internal sutures after cesarean section. Muscle tissue separation may occur. Also, such a load is accompanied by a change in the position of internal organs. Such patients often experience the appearance of hernial orifices. The pathology is accompanied by prolapse of the intestine into the free cavity of the peritoneum. The problem can only be corrected surgically. For this purpose, the operated woman should ask household members for help.

It is also necessary to monitor the formation of scar tissue. It appears gradually. A thin film of young epidermal cells forms on the surface of the wound. Gradually the layer increases in thickness. For the first 4–5 months, the scar is red in color. Vessels are distinguished through the tissue. After 3 months the tissue becomes dense. The color becomes lighter. At this time, cosmetic treatments can be applied to reduce the external signs of the scar.

Sometimes the scar appears unevenly. A fistula forms in certain areas of the wound. Through it, necrotic fluid is brought to the surface. The surface of the fistula is an ideal environment for bacterial infection. If a woman notices the appearance of a small round wound in the suture area, she should consult a doctor. The fistula does not heal on its own. It requires additional tissue suturing.

At home, you should also monitor the condition of the gynecological system. The uterus also has sutures. They require careful treatment, as bacterial infection of the wound by the woman’s own microflora may occur. How to treat a suture after uterine surgery? To do this, special antiseptic solutions should be used. Organs should be washed with intimate hygiene gels. They have the acidity necessary to maintain the vaginal microflora. Washing is carried out twice a day. The patient should report the appearance of unpleasant discharge or odor to the attending physician.

It is recommended to do douching yourself. For treatment, you can use chlorhexidine or miramistin. You can also buy Bepanten foam. It contains dexpanthenol, which helps enhance metabolic processes in tissues. The scar will form faster under its influence.

Restoring the appearance of fabric

After the formation of a dense, light scar, you can resort to restoring the appearance of the skin. There are two methods to remove rough tissue:

  • sand grinding;
  • laser microdermoplasia.

Sanding is carried out in a beauty salon and allows you to gradually smooth out scar tissue. Several procedures may be required to achieve a noticeable effect. If this method is not suitable for a woman due to price, you can use homemade scrubs. Scrubbing should be done with coarse large particles. Sea salt is used for this purpose. It should be mixed with a spoon of honey. The resulting mixture is rubbed into the scar for at least 10 minutes. To get a good result, you need to carry out the procedure 3 times a week for a month.

There is a more effective method for removing scars after a caesarean section - laser microdermoplasia. This method allows you to completely eliminate scar tissue. The laser causes a pinpoint burn. The inner layers of the scar begin to disappear. Their place is taken by cells characteristic of the skin of the abdominal region. Additional treatment is also required after the procedure. The burn surface is treated with panthenol. It is not recommended to remove the crust manually. This can lead to the formation of new, rougher scar tissue.

Recovery after a cesarean section is long. Young mothers are especially worried about a scar on the lower abdomen. Proper care of the suture will minimize the pathological appearance of the scar. The doctor will tell you how to treat the suture. Failure to comply with the rules leads to various complications, the treatment of which is carried out only in a hospital setting.

The postoperative period after cesarean section depends on the characteristics of the operation performed. It should be understood that surgery is accompanied by significant damage to several tissues. Negative effects of anesthesia are also observed. All these changes require the woman to comply with a number of special rules aimed at quickly restoring health.

Caesarean section is accompanied by consequences for the general well-being of the woman. It is necessary to consider such phenomena as:

  • presence and treatment of the seam;
  • the appearance of discharge from the uterus;
  • removal of anesthesia;
  • treatment of genitals;
  • the appearance of lactation.

All these processes must be carefully controlled. If a woman does not know what to do after a cesarean section, she needs the help of a doctor. The attending physician will explain what to do and how to behave after surgery.

Discharge after surgery

Surgery is performed under anesthesia. Modern doctors use two types of anesthesia. For many patients, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. This allows you to eliminate the psychological trauma of the woman in labor. But this method has a negative impact on the patient’s condition in the postpartum period.

In the first days, care after a cesarean section is provided by medical personnel. The woman in labor is prohibited from getting up and walking for several days. This is due to the residual effect of anesthesia. Under the influence of the drug, various pathologies of the nervous system can occur. Most patients report dizziness and severe nausea. If in the first days a woman in labor tries to sit or stand up, these phenomena intensify.

Anesthesia also affects the child’s well-being. A small amount of the drug enters the fetus during surgery. The substance causes a decrease in the baby’s motor activity. He becomes lethargic. The child sleeps for a long time. The sucking reflex may also be impaired. Such children may refuse to breastfeed. For this reason, a large number of babies born through surgery are fed artificial formula.

The drug used for anesthesia is completely washed out of the body on the fifth day. After this, the body begins to recover. The first sign of removal of the substance is severe pain in the area of ​​the sutures. To reduce pain, you need to use analgesic medications. A large number of analgesics excludes breastfeeding. The remedy should be selected only by a doctor. Self-administration of analgesics can lead to the development of problems for the mother or child.

The second sign of eliminating a substance from the body is a decrease in dizziness. The woman begins to feel better. Her condition is returning to normal.

Seam processing

The postpartum period after a cesarean section requires the woman to properly care for her stitches. The incision for this intervention can have a different shape. Often, to remove the fetus, doctors dissect the abdominal area along a physiological fold. In this area, the scar that forms at the site of the wound will not be noticeable. This incision also minimizes the risk of injury to the child.

If the woman was subjected to emergency exposure, then the wound may be located longitudinally. This intervention allows the doctor to quickly give the child access to oxygen. But the wound will take a long time to heal. The scar after a longitudinal emergency section is rough.

The edges of the cut are fastened in various ways. Most doctors use silk and self-absorbable thread for this purpose. Silk fiber leaves no marks on the scar. This thread is applied only to the outer edges of the wound. The muscle tissue is held together with a self-dissolving thread. Complete disappearance of the nodes occurs after a few weeks. The uterus is stitched with the same material. Staples are sometimes used for emergency caesarean sections. They are made of medical metal, which does not undergo chemical reactions in the patient’s body.

After surgery, the sutures should be properly processed. In the hospital, the sutures are processed by a procedural nurse. The surface of the wound is washed with an antiseptic solution and generously lubricated with a drying agent. For this purpose, the hospital uses brilliant green. Fucorcin is used less frequently. After thorough cleansing, the sutures are covered with a postoperative napkin. The bandage is made from natural materials and has a special pad. It does not stick to the wound and is removed painlessly. The first week the seam is processed 2 times a day. In the second week, treatment can be reduced to once.

A woman should understand that improper and untimely cleaning of sutures can lead to the development of complications that are difficult to treat. If the patient takes proper care of the wound, the sutures will be removed 10 days after surgery.

During the first few days, you should learn to stand up correctly. This will help prevent the seams from coming apart. To do this, the patient lies on her side and lowers her legs from the bed. After this, a sitting position is assumed with a straight back. Only after this can you get up. All movements should be smooth and slow.


Not all women in labor have sutures that heal without complications. The first days after a cesarean section, the doctor monitors the condition of the wound. Improper care and contamination of the wound can lead to problems such as dehiscence. This problem occurs due to high physical activity. To understand what you can do if you have stitches, you should consult your doctor.

If wound treatment is carried out improperly, there is a risk of inflammation. It appears due to severe contamination of the wound. Pathogenic microorganisms settle on the wound surface and change the tissue. Heavy contamination is also fraught with suppuration. Pus in the incision may appear due to the accumulation of leukocytes, dead cells and microorganisms. To eliminate the cause of suppuration, the treatment process should be reconsidered.

After a caesarean section, a woman should monitor the discharge from the wound. During the first week, ichor should appear on its surface. This fluid is formed in damaged tissues and contains a large number of white blood cells. If it does not appear, you must inform your doctor. The probable cause is the formation of a cavity between the tissues. The risk of complications can be reduced by using drainage, which is installed in the suture after surgery.

Also, a lot of ichor can be released. If the suture bleeds for a long time, intracavitary bleeding is considered a possible cause. The patient undergoes an urgent ultrasound examination, which allows us to determine the cause of the disease. In order for healing to occur correctly, you should adhere to the prescribed treatment.

Rarely, a fistula canal appears at the suture. It is formed due to partial preservation of the threads after surgery. The tissues surrounding the thread become inflamed. Purulent fluid forms. Gradually, tissue cells die. Cell atrophy promotes channel formation. A tumor filled with pus forms on the surface of the suture. It can open up on its own. Healing of the fistula canal takes a long time. If during palpation the patient notices a painful lump, she must inform the doctor about it.

Discharge after surgery

After a cesarean section, a woman should closely monitor her discharge. The recommendations apply to the first 4 weeks of the postoperative period.

A woman's pregnancy begins with the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. For this purpose, the endometrium is formed in it. At the beginning of ovulation, this tissue consists of several layers and has a thickness of 12 mm. During pregnancy, the endometrium continues to stratify. Flakes are formed. After surgery, the flakes are mixed with blood and fluid. Doctors call this mixture lochia. They must be removed from the uterine cavity on their own. Lochia is abundant for several days. Due to this feature, it is recommended to use special postpartum pads that can absorb a large volume of liquid. For some time, the discharge is dark in color. From the second week there is a change in the quality of lochia. The discharge becomes lighter and the volume decreases. By the end of the first month of the postoperative period, the discharge stops.

Lochia is not always a sign of cleansing of the uterus. If there is an accumulation of blood in the discharge, a doctor's advice is needed. Prolonged bleeding can lead to a deterioration in a woman’s well-being. There is a risk of bleeding. You should urgently look for its cause. A woman can die from a large loss of blood.

Do not confuse lochia with regular periods. Menstruation after a cesarean section may begin six months or more later. If the discharge appears earlier, the help of a specialist is needed. An examination by a gynecologist will help rule out divergence of the internal seams.

Beginning of lactation

Restrictions after cesarean section also arise due to the onset of lactation. The ability to breastfeed occurs under the influence of prolactin. This hormone is formed in the female body under the influence of natural labor.

Before contractions begin, the pituitary gland produces oxytocin. It helps the uterus contract. Its activity also helps to increase prolactin levels. The hormone allows the mammary glands to produce fluid. In the first days, colostrum appears from the breast. This liquid contains a large amount of nutrients for the child. Gradually, colostrum is replaced by milk.

Surgical intervention is prescribed by the doctor at the end of the last trimester. Caesarean sections are often performed at 37 weeks. At this time, the body does not begin prenatal preparation. Oxytocin and prolactin are not formed.

An increase in prolactin may occur at the end of the first week of the postoperative period. To speed up the appearance of milk, you can use the following methods:

  • frequent attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • taking stimulant medications;
  • taking mixtures to enhance lactation;
  • following a nursing diet.

Many women ask what can be done to increase lactation in a hospital setting. Doctors advise putting the baby to the breast more often. The sucking reflex causes the baby to take the empty gland. Under the influence of massaging movements, milk begins to be produced more actively. If it is not possible to attach the baby, you can use a special device.

A breast pump can be purchased at any pharmacy store. There are two types of breast pumps: manual and electric. The hand-held device is applied to the breast and with the help of a special lever the woman can express. An electric device is more convenient to use. You don't need to hold it. Upon contact with the chest, a vacuum is created. This device allows you to increase blood circulation in the breast and increase milk flow.

During a caesarean section, the postoperative period takes place in the hospital. To increase your milk volume, you can consult with other women in labor. Many women know that they can take a special mixture that increases lactation. You can also use a special diet. You should increase your consumption of hard cheese and sour cream. Bee milk can also help. It comes in tablet form and is sold in pharmacies. Before taking this advice, you should consult your doctor. He will say that it cannot be used to increase lactation.

But lactation after surgery is not always possible. Many women do not produce milk. A doctor can also prohibit breastfeeding. The reasons for the ban are the use of antibiotic drugs, the negative effects of anesthesia, and antibacterial therapy.

Intimate problems

All patients are interested in when sexual activity is possible after cesarean section. Permission to begin sexual activity depends on the duration of the postoperative period. The doctor is interested in the condition of the suture on the uterine wall. Before starting sexual activity, the following phenomena should be established:

  • completion of uterine cleansing;
  • cessation of contractile activity;
  • formation of a dense scar;
  • no genital infection.

In the second month after surgery, the doctor conducts a control examination of the uterus. It is carried out using an ultrasonic device. On the screen, the doctor examines the presence of residual fluid in the cavity. If a collection of blood is detected, there is a risk of occult bleeding. The presence of fluid prevents a woman from having sexual intercourse.

An important point in the study is to study the thickness of the scar and the cessation of contractile activity of the smooth muscles of the uterus. The normal thickness of scar tissue should be 2 mm. If it is less, there is a risk of rupture of the uterine wall during sexual intercourse. Permission is given only when the fabric reaches the required thickness.

The state of the vaginal microflora should be studied. Caesarean section after surgery increases the chances of replacing healthy microflora with pathogenic ones. The risk arises from damage to the inner layer of the uterus. The body of every woman contains opportunistic microorganisms. Under the influence of surgical intervention, the flora may change. In this case, the doctor examines the smear for the composition of the microflora. If there are no pathogenic microorganisms in it, the doctor allows sexual activity.

The first contact after surgery can be unpleasant for a woman in labor. The muscles of the uterus are fully restored only by the end of the fifth month. The scar also causes pain. Gradually the uterus returns to normal size. Sex life is returning to normal.

Decreased libido

A woman’s sexual activity in the postoperative period is not always restored immediately. Sometimes problems arise. Decreased libido can occur for the following reasons:

  • psychological condition;
  • excessive worries about the child;
  • fatigue;
  • bad feeling.

During the first month at home, a woman may be stressed. It occurs due to hormonal changes. To prevent the patient from becoming depressed, loved ones should support and help. Gradually the woman will get used to the new status. Sexual activity will return to normal.

Libido also decreases due to the activity of prolactin. During lactation, a woman experiences constant anxiety about her baby. Only a psychologist can help reduce anxiety.

Fatigue also occurs. Staying in hospital conditions for a long time tires a woman in labor. After the operation she needs rest. Not everyone can relax at home. Cleaning, cooking, feeding and bathing the child does not allow you to rest. In this case, a change of environment can help.

Problems with intimate life also arise due to deterioration in appearance. Women in labor are embarrassed to expose themselves. It is impossible to lose weight in the postoperative period using conventional methods. Diets are prohibited due to lactation. Active physical activity is prohibited due to surgical intervention. It will take some time for the figure to return. To support the mother, the man must explain all the positive qualities of her new status.

A caesarean section avoids many of the problems that can cause natural childbirth. Recovery after surgery should be carried out according to the rules announced by the doctor. Correct actions by the patient will shorten the postoperative period.

Proper antiseptic treatment of postoperative sutures is an important stage in the rehabilitation of a woman who has undergone a cesarean section. Key aspects of this hygienic event are discussed within the walls of the maternity hospital.

The recommendations that the young mother receives must be implemented in a clear manner and in compliance with all standards. The use of auxiliary techniques that can reduce the manifestations of surgical intervention is permissible only after the formation of a durable scar.

What types of scars are there?

In modern medical practice, obstetricians and gynecologists use the most gentle techniques for surgical incisions, which avoid the formation of rough keloid scars. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect after surgery, the Pfannenstiel technique is used, the essence of which is to make an incision above the area of ​​pubic hair growth.

In the postoperative period, such scars are not noticeable and do not affect the self-esteem of the young mother. In addition, scarring of such sutures occurs in a short period of time. Despite this, the speed and quality of formation of postoperative sutures directly depends on compliance with measures for caring for the wound surface.

If there are appropriate indications, women in labor undergo a vertical dissection of the anterior abdominal wall, resulting in the formation of a rough vertical keloid scar. The main indication for performing this type of intervention is an urgent situation when the life of the mother or fetus is at risk. During the rehabilitation period after performing a vertical incision, women experience daily pain and discomfort. The duration of such a recovery period can be more than 1 month.

Suture options

When performing a caesarean section, various types of suture material are used. The speed and quality of formation of connective (scar) tissue depends on their structure and origin. Catgut and silk threads are often used for this purpose.

If the sutures were applied using silk, this allows the edges of the wound to be brought as close as possible to each other and prevents the postoperative suture from coming apart. During this period, while the suture material dissolves on its own, the young mother is under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Post-operative care

Hygienic measures in the period after caesarean section are of a two-stage nature. The first stage of processing is carried out within the walls of the maternity hospital. After surgery, the woman is under daily supervision of a medical specialist to monitor the condition of the sutures.

If the restrictive regime is not observed in the postoperative period and if sutures are placed incorrectly, a young mother may experience the following complications:

  • Entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound surface and suppuration of the wound;
  • Seams coming apart;
  • Bleeding from the wound;
  • The formation of an inflammatory process in which different layers of soft tissue are involved.

Bleeding from a suture can be recognized by the presence of liquid contents on a special bandage. This complication can be caused by damage inside the cavity, as well as lack of proper contact between the edges of the wound. In order to exclude intracavitary bleeding, the young mother undergoes an ultrasound examination.

The lack of proper antiseptic treatment entails the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial nature. Against the background of this process, suppuration and an inflammatory reaction develop. If measures to eliminate the infection are not followed in a timely manner, the purulent-inflammatory process will cause partial tissue necrosis.

An equally common problem is the separation of postoperative sutures. This condition occurs when a young mother fails to comply with the restrictive regime. Carrying a child in your arms, lifting heavy objects, sudden movements and squats are prohibited.

When a young mother is in the maternity hospital, paid nurses are responsible for the antiseptic treatment of the postoperative suture. Both edges of the wound surface are lubricated with a broad-spectrum antiseptic solution. Most maternity hospitals use an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antimicrobial and bactericidal effect.

After this, a solution of brilliant green is applied to a clean wound surface, which avoids the wound becoming wet. The final stage of treatment is the application of a sterile bandage or a special patch.

In addition to caring for the postoperative wound, it is necessary to pay attention to the antiseptic treatment of the external genitalia. This procedure is carried out by washing the area with antiseptic liquids (Chlorhexidine). You should not use regular soap to cleanse the external genitalia, as it affects the pH of the vagina, opening access to pathogenic microorganisms.

Self care

The basic rules for hygienic treatment of postoperative sutures at home do not cause difficulties for young mothers. Caring for the wound surface at home includes the following activities:

  • Compliance with a regime of limited physical activity;
  • Treating the wound with antiseptics;
  • Care of the external genitalia;
  • Cleansing the skin around the wound with water;
  • Monitoring the quality and speed of keloid scar formation.

Important! It is necessary to begin cleansing the wound surface after basic body washing. While taking a shower, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth or brush to wash the body in the area where the postoperative suture is located. Any physical impact on this area will lead to divergence of the edges of the wound and bleeding.

Until the wound completely heals, the young mother is strictly prohibited from performing any work that involves bending, squatting, or lifting heavy objects.

After taking a shower, a woman needs to dry the seam area with a soft cotton cloth using gentle blotting movements. The previously mentioned brilliant green is used as an antiseptic solution. In order to avoid traces of brilliant green on clothing, after treatment, the seam is covered with a piece of sterile bandage and secured with a plaster.

Alternative remedies include a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), Chlorhexidine, furatsilin solution and 3% hydrogen peroxide. For treatment, cotton swabs or pieces of sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution are used. This hygienic measure is performed daily until the wound heals completely.

Important! For antiseptic treatment of the wound surface, it is strictly forbidden to use such products as soap solution, baking soda and salt diluted in water, pharmaceutical iodine, vodka, 96% alcohol. The listed chemical components have an aggressive effect on soft tissues, thereby leading to irritation and chemical burns.

In order to maximally protect the wound surface from injury and pathogenic microorganisms, it is important for every young mother who has undergone a cesarean section to wear a postpartum bandage. This medical device speeds up and facilitates postpartum recovery and gives a feeling of security. In order for the postpartum bandage to help achieve the desired result, it is worn around the clock, periodically removing it for 10-15 minutes to allow air to enter the skin.

In order to prevent separation of internal and external seams, a young mother should not lift weights exceeding 3 kg. Despite following all the described recommendations, the rehabilitation period does not always go smoothly.

The following symptoms are reasons to seek medical advice:

  • Pain and discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative suture;
  • The appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the wound;
  • Noticeable divergence of suture material;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin around the scar;
  • Increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 degrees.

Women who have experienced suture infection are advised to undergo surgical revision of the wound area, additional antiseptic treatment, re-application of suture material and excision of the wound edges involved in the process of necrosis. To avoid such severe consequences, women after a cesarean section are advised not to neglect key recommendations for caring for the postoperative suture.

Caesarean section is a surgical delivery. These days, this method of childbirth is quite widespread. This state of affairs is due to the increasing number of pregnancy complications, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the child.

How is a caesarean section performed?

A cesarean section is performed only under anesthesia. Nowadays, there is a gradual transition from general anesthesia to spinal anesthesia when performing such operations. The meaning of such anesthesia is to “turn off” the lower half of the body. The woman is conscious, she can take her baby in her arms immediately after removing him from the uterine cavity. In addition, when performing general anesthesia, the child receives a certain amount of medications that are administered to the mother and is born slightly “stunned,” but when choosing spinal anesthesia, there are no such features.
After anesthesia, an incision is made in the lower abdomen, the uterine cavity and amniotic sac are opened, and the child is subsequently removed. As with normal childbirth, the umbilical cord is tied and cut. Then, through the surgical incision, the amniotic sac and placenta are removed. The wound is sutured layer by layer and a sterile bandage is applied. During a caesarean section under spinal anesthesia, the baby is immediately applied to the mother's breast; during general anesthesia, after some time necessary for the woman to recover from anesthesia.

Early postpartum period

The postoperative period after a cesarean section does not differ significantly from the period after other abdominal operations. A common practice is to mobilize the patient early. After 6-8 hours (depending on the general condition), the woman is allowed to sit up in bed; after 10-12 hours – get up and walk. This tactic allows you to minimize the risk of developing adhesive complications in the abdominal cavity and congestion in the lungs (especially likely after intubation anesthesia).
If the condition of the mother and newborn does not cause concern to the doctor, then on the second day they are transferred to a shared ward (if such wards are available). A woman is most often prescribed antibacterial therapy to prevent infectious complications during the postpartum period, as well as painkillers. During this period, it is worth warning the young mother against being too active in caring for the baby, frequently lifting him in her arms (especially for large children), and sudden movements. To relieve discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, it is recommended to wear a special bandage that supports the abdominal muscles.

Duration of the postpartum period

The postpartum period in the case of physiological childbirth lasts 40 days. The postpartum period after cesarean section is up to 60 days. One of the main indicators of the course of the postpartum period is the so-called involution of the uterus: the process of its contraction and epithelization of the inner surface. During this time, the woman has bleeding from the genital tract (lochia) of varying severity. It should be noted that, as a rule, the intensity of discharge in women delivered by cesarean section is less: after vaginal delivery, discharge from the uterine cavity is joined by discharge from the cervix and vagina, which are injured to one degree or another.
Since the integrity of the muscle fibers of the uterus, its vessels and nerves was damaged during surgery, the rate of involution of the uterus slows down. If necessary, the woman is prescribed appropriate drug therapy that stimulates the contractile activity of the uterine muscles and reduces bleeding from vessels damaged during the incision. Most often, precisely because of the slow shrinkage of the uterus after childbirth, a mother and baby after a cesarean section are discharged home several days later than after a physiological birth.

Nutrition after caesarean section

On the first day after a cesarean section, you are allowed to drink only still water and unsweetened tea. From the second day, the diet gradually approaches the diet of a woman who has given birth: starting with broth and pureed dishes, we gradually move on to a complete diet, rich in proteins, vitamins, and microelements, which is recommended for a nursing mother.

Hygiene after caesarean section

The hygiene of a woman who has undergone a cesarean section in the first days after the operation must necessarily include the toilet of the external genitalia. Washing the body is allowed, excluding the area of ​​the postoperative suture. You can shower immediately after leaving the hospital. The scar area must be washed with clean water, very carefully, excluding friction and exposure to detergents. It is recommended to take a bath and swim no earlier than one and a half to two months after giving birth.

Postoperative scar

The postoperative scar will remain visible for quite a long time: up to six months, in some women – up to a year. This is due to the fact that during the surgical incision the integrity of the nerve endings was damaged, and their restoration is a long process.
Two months after surgery, a woman who has had a cesarean section is advised to begin exercises to strengthen her abdominal muscles. I would like to note that the better the muscles of this group were developed, the smaller the subcutaneous fat layer, the faster and better the postoperative wound heals. It is not forbidden to use ointments that promote the resorption of scars, although you should not expect any special effect from their use. The course of the healing process is also influenced by the lifestyle that the woman will lead after the operation. A big role in how the postpartum period proceeds after a cesarean section lies in the help of relatives and close people to the woman who gave birth. It is ideal that one of them is constantly at home at this time. Any woman after childbirth needs proper rest to ensure recovery of the body and quality breastfeeding. The postpartum recovery period after a cesarean section requires serious restrictions on the weight of lifting objects. Overexertion of the abdominal muscles can lead to deformities in the area of ​​the postoperative scar, including the formation of hernias.

Family planning after cesarean section

Resumption of sexual activity after cesarean section is recommended one and a half to two months after the operation. Be sure to visit a gynecologist by this time, make sure that the recovery period is proceeding smoothly, and discuss acceptable methods of contraception. It is better to postpone planning a subsequent pregnancy for two years - this time is enough to restore the strength of the mother’s body and form a durable scar on the uterus (an ultrasound is performed to determine its quality).
Medical practice is currently moving away from the idea that a history of cesarean section is a direct contraindication for natural childbirth in the future. Quite often, women who have had a caesarean section give birth to subsequent children through the vaginal birth canal.

In some countries, the caesarean section rate reaches 80-90%. In the subconscious of many women, easy births are associated with surgical ones. However, those who have had to undergo this operation often remember it with a shudder and are afraid to undergo it again. Why is recovery after a cesarean section so scary, what should you be prepared for, and what tips and recommendations will you have?

Natural and surgical childbirth are equally dangerous for a woman. But a caesarean section seems simple only to those who have never had one and were not present at the operation. And if a woman can give birth on her own, even alone, a cesarean section is fraught with serious complications without proper medical care, especially in the first day after the operation. It is important to know what you can and cannot do during this time.

How is it different from normal childbirth?

Despite the fact that there are uniform recommendations on the technique of performing a cesarean section, each doctor operates with his own twist. Indications for surgical delivery also differ. There is one recovery period after the first cesarean section, a completely different one after the third intervention. Each subsequent operation is more difficult for both the doctor and the woman. That is why there is an unspoken maximum number of births by cesarean - ideally two, but no more than four. Although there are examples of successful five or more operations performed on one woman, this is more the exception than the rule. Caesarean section differs from natural childbirth in the following ways.

  • Can be performed without contractions. The concept of “planned caesarean section” means that the operation will be performed not with the onset of contractions, when the body is ready for childbirth, but even before them. According to indications, the intervention can be carried out up to 37 weeks. This affects the speed of milk arrival, the woman’s psychological state and her subsequent recovery.
  • Surgical extraction of the child. If after a natural birth the pain is concentrated in the perineal area, then after a cesarean birth it is on the abdomen in the area of ​​the suture. Recovery is also influenced by whether the incision was transverse (in the form of a “smile”) or longitudinal (along the linea alba). Every movement after surgery is associated with contraction of the abdominal muscles and tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, which causes pain.
  • Need serious pain relief. Surgical delivery can take place with spinal anesthesia (“an injection in the back”) or under endotracheal anesthesia. In the first case, the woman is conscious, but does not feel pain. Drugs injected into the spinal space have an analgesic effect for several more days, so new mothers do not need additional painkillers. Endotracheal anesthesia involves tracheal intubation, “turning off consciousness,” and breathing through a ventilator. After the operation, the wound hurts, because from the moment the woman turns on consciousness, the effect of all medications ends. After such anesthesia, additional analgesics are required.

Often, women after a cesarean section note that all their physiological processes are somewhat slower - milk arrives later, the uterus contracts more slowly. All this is connected with an artificially imposed process for which the body might not yet be ready. The choice of anesthesia method and the characteristics of a cesarean section depend on the clinical situation and are determined by the doctor.

Why is it harder to recover from surgery?

Recovery after a cesarean section takes longer than after a natural birth. This is due to the following:

  • major blood loss- a woman loses about 600 ml of blood during an uncomplicated operation, hence weakness, lethargy, and increased fatigue;
  • wound healing - excess subcutaneous tissue in the lower abdomen can lead to poor and prolonged healing of the suture and its divergence;
  • severe pain - the wound area, especially in the first three days after a cesarean section, hurts greatly every time you rise from a horizontal to a vertical position;
  • the child can be separated- often the operation is performed according to indications from the fetus, while the baby may be in intensive care or the children's department for some time, which aggravates the postpartum psycho-emotional state of the woman.

Features of recovery after cesarean section

The most difficult period is the first week and month. Physical ailment is layered with psychological stress, which increases the likelihood of developing postpartum depression. During this period, the help of not only doctors, but also close relatives is important.

First day

After a caesarean section is performed (usually about 40-60 minutes), the woman is transferred to the intensive care unit for at least two hours. Most often, women in labor are observed here for 24 hours, after which they are transferred to the postpartum ward.

In intensive care, dynamic monitoring is carried out, and drug restoration is carried out through intravenous infusions of solutions and drugs. The basic rules for a successful recovery are as follows.

  • Get up carefully. It is forbidden to get up after anesthesia for about six to eight hours. You can turn over in bed, rise, move your legs. After a caesarean section, you need to get up slowly for several more days so as not to provoke a drop in blood pressure and fainting. First, it is recommended to sit up, then lower your legs, sit a little and only then get up. It is better if someone is nearby - a nurse, relatives.
  • There is nothing. After a caesarean section, you cannot eat anything for about 20 hours. Then you should start with broths and light foods.
  • Monitor urine output. By the end of the first day, if there are no complications, you can ask to remove the urinary catheter, and then urinate on your own. At first, a woman may not feel a strong urge to go to the toilet. It is necessary to empty your bladder regularly, sensitivity will soon be restored.

By the end of the first day, you can calmly get up, go wash, drink broth. Movements should not be sudden. The baby has not yet been given to the mother. If endotracheal anesthesia was performed, you may experience a sore throat or discomfort for some time. It's okay, these are signs of intubation that will go away on their own.

First week

The average length of stay in the maternity hospital is about a week. During this time, the woman masters feeding and learns to care for the baby. The following tips will help you recover faster during this period.

  • Buy a bandage. Any tension in the abdominal muscles will lead to pain. The bandage helps to reduce it somewhat, the main thing is to choose the size and comfort of wearing.
  • Use special underwear. For feeding - bras with easily exposed nipples. They are simple and easy to use. Instead of regular panties, you can use disposable ones and even with built-in pads. Such underwear will save time and be convenient from a hygiene point of view. Simple baby soap is suitable as an intimate cosmetic product.
  • Process the seam. While the woman is in the hospital, the suture after a cesarean section is processed by medical staff twice a day. This prevents infection and accelerates tissue regeneration. Usually the suture material is removed from the skin on the fifth to seventh day.
  • Drink a lot and eat well. Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to restore fluid balance after blood loss. It is also important for normal lactation. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Food in the first week should be light but healthy. The signal that the “intestines have started working” is rumbling and the release of gases. The diet should include low-fat broths, chicken meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables can only be eaten baked or boiled (carrots, potatoes, apples). The category of what you should not eat after a cesarean section includes gas-forming foods, heavy fatty, smoked, salty foods. The fermentation and putrefaction they cause in the intestines can impair tissue healing.
  • Sleeping with your baby. At first, a woman should rest to preserve her remaining strength. The baby mode is ideal - immediately after feeding the baby it is useful to lie down next to him.
  • Establish lactation. During your stay in the hospital, lactation should be fully established. In women after a cesarean section, milk remains on the third to fifth day. Until this time, the baby should be fed colostrum, feeding the baby correctly. At this time, they simply “hang” on the chest - this is how the baby stimulates lactation in the mother, this is the norm. If necessary, you can use a breast pump or supplement with formula.

The first week is the most difficult for mother and baby. Medical personnel, support from relatives and pre-planned essentials come to the rescue. The healing of the suture after a cesarean section is complete by the time of discharge, so all suture material is removed.

First month

After discharge home, the woman feels much better, but may remain psychologically depressed, especially with various complications. Once in her usual environment, as a housewife, a new mother can grab onto all the things in the house. However, you should take care of yourself.

  • The seam . After discharge, the suture that remains after a cesarean section should be treated only on the recommendation of a doctor. Usually Chlorhexidine, brilliant green, or even iodine are used for this. If necessary, the gynecologist will recommend healing agents, for example, Panthenol, Levomekol.
  • Discharge. By the 42nd day after birth, bleeding from the genital tract should end. This is evidence that complete restoration of the uterus has occurred. From this moment on, those who do not support lactation may begin menstruation.
  • Milk . The first month is the most important for breastfeeding. The baby's needs increase by 10 ml daily, reaching approximately 200-300 ml per feeding by the second month. Milk production does not always occur at such a pace, so women, even multiparous women, need to be patient.

In the first month, it is better to be with your baby around the clock. At the same time, the baby feels a familiar smell, so he is calm. It is recommended to apply to the breast upon request. At this time, the baby can literally “hang” on the chest. Therefore, it is better to distribute all household responsibilities among close relatives. A quick recovery after a caesarean section will only occur if the woman gets enough rest, eats well and is psychologically calm.

The rest of the time

The postpartum period lasts 42 days. By this time, the main recovery period after a cesarean section ends, only a few extra pounds remain. From this time on, women can already carry out basic housework, but should not exhaust themselves with physical activity or fasting. The diet consists of the mother’s preferences and the baby’s food tolerance (if lactation is supported). At this point, you can already take a bath; it is better to postpone visiting the sauna for another couple of weeks.

At this time, a woman may face the following problems.

  • Indigestion. Often women report constipation, as well as impaired intestinal motility with bloating and abdominal pain after spinal anesthesia. Such long-term consequences cannot always be immediately associated with a cesarean section; women can be treated for a long time and unsuccessfully on their own - with proper nutrition, herbs, and remedies for constipation. But often the help of professionals is necessary, a visit to whom should not be postponed.
  • Haemorrhoids . Abnormal bowel movements provoke stagnation of blood in the pelvis and the appearance of hemorrhoids and anal fissures.
  • Numbness in the lower abdomen. During a caesarean section, the layer-by-layer opening of tissue damages the nerve endings. Particularly noticeable is the decrease in sensitivity in the area of ​​the scar and numbness next to it. It happens differently for everyone, but not earlier than after three to six months.

By this time, many people fall into postpartum depression. Often, reflections in the mirror, falling hair, brittle nails, a constant feeling of fatigue and lack of sleep add fuel to the fire. It is important to organize your life, a place to sleep. It is still recommended to make time for shopping and going to the hairdresser. You can play sports after a caesarean section no earlier than three months later. If there were any complications - even later.

Sports activities

You should not exhaust yourself with physical activity, trying to regain your previous figure. On average, weight normalization occurs within a year. It all depends on the intensity of metabolism and the number of kilograms gained during pregnancy. If a woman maintains lactation, the weight will come off faster, because the process of milk formation takes a lot of energy.

It is recommended to start minimal exercise no earlier than 42 days after birth. You can practice exercises, elements of gymnastics, yoga, and breathing exercises. You should not strive to immediately reach the pre-birth level in terms of the number of approaches or training time - the load should be gradual. If a woman feels pain or malaise, this should be taken as an indicator of a sharp increase in load, which should not be done.

After three months, the following exercises are good for recovery after a cesarean section:

  • Nordic walking;
  • jogging;
  • swimming;
  • yoga and similar areas.

It is better to postpone shaping, aerobics and other serious exercises for another couple of months.

Problem areas for women after childbirth are the stomach, sides and buttocks. Here you should understand that if the ideal press did not exist before, it will appear nowhere. You need to start with normalizing your weight, and exercises to train your abdominal muscles can begin after three months from the date of birth. You can return to professional sports and serious loads no earlier than in six months to a year.

Stretched skin of the abdomen, especially after carrying a large fetus or twins or triplets, may not go away without additional surgical intervention. The same applies to the discrepancy of the rectus muscles - diastasis. Any plastic surgery is possible only after the end of breastfeeding and a six-month break after it.

Intimate relationships

Throughout the entire period after childbirth, while bleeding from the vagina continues, sexual activity is prohibited. On average this is a month. After this, the couple can begin a love relationship. A man should be attentive to a woman, observing her reaction and understanding her fear. Minor pain is acceptable and will go away over time. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

When any restrictions end

The main restrictions apply to the first six to eight weeks after birth. Sometimes called the “fourth trimester,” this period is important for both mother and baby. After this, you can introduce your old habits, observing the body's reaction, without exhausting or causing pain.

If the cesarean section operation was completed without complications, after just six months, almost all restrictions are lifted. If there are difficulties during the intervention, large blood loss or an expanded scope of the operation, the interval increases to a year.

It is important to understand that a caesarean section in any case leaves a mark on a woman’s health. The severity of adhesive disease and other functional disorders cannot be predicted. Some women feel absolutely healthy, while others note periodic pain in the lower abdomen, with bloating, and with exercise. Every woman's body is individual.

When can I give birth again?

The next pregnancy after a cesarean section must be planned. It is recommended to take a pause of one and a half to two years, since recovery after a cesarean section, even with normal general health, is not possible very quickly.

Otherwise, the likelihood of complications for the woman and fetus increases. Pregnancy before this period most often leads to the following:

  • incorrect location of the placenta;
  • germination of placental tissue through the scar and sometimes into the bladder;
  • More often, detachment of the “children's place” occurs at different times.

The postoperative scar heals within a month, but only after six months do full-fledged tissues form in this area.

A caesarean section is a major operation. The postpartum period does not always go smoothly, both after the first birth and subsequent ones. Rehabilitation after a cesarean section involves being more gentle with yourself and limiting physical activity for two to three months after the operation.
