The child's front permanent tooth broke off. The front permanent tooth broke off in a child Treatment of lateral teeth

Oral diseases develop in different ways. Sometimes a healthy row of teeth can be broken by a chipped tooth, which is painful and has and looks unaesthetic. Regardless of the degree of chipping, urgent medical intervention is necessary. A damaged tooth can cause the development of complex dental diseases, and over time, a source of infection.

  • Symptoms
  • Types of chipped teeth
  • Causes
  • Complications
  • FAQ


The main symptom of chipping is pain and sensitivity of the tooth.

The degree of pain depends on the type of chip. If a piece of enamel on the tooth has broken off, there may be a reaction to cold and hot food. If the nerve is exposed during the break or the pulp chamber is affected, the tooth may hurt as with complicated caries - pulpitis.

Types of chipped teeth

Dentists distinguish the following types of chips:

  • incomplete chip - enamel crack;
  • chipped enamel on the tooth;
  • dentine chip:
  • cleavage, leading to the opening of the pulp.

Depending on the type of chip, dentists also determine the degree of damage to the tooth: minimal, medium and severe.

Cracks and chips in the enamel are minimal damage, the average degree is damage to the dentin. Exposure of the nerve and pulp chamber is a severe injury.

Depending on the type of chip and the degree of damage, the dentist chooses the technique of treatment and restoration of the tooth.

enamel chip

Tooth enamel is the hardest bone material in our body, it requires special care.

Often we do not think about the health of enamel and cause irreparable harm to it. Eating high in carbohydrates, eating too hard food, improper care, bad habits thin the protective barrier and provoke enamel chips and cracks.

Cracks and chips of enamel without damage to the dentin usually do not cause significant discomfort, so patients often turn to the dentist late. Untimely treatment can lead to a number of serious diseases and lead to the destruction of the dentition.

Dentin chip

Dentin is the mineralized hard part of the tooth that envelops the pulp chamber and nerve.

Dentin is responsible for the shape of the tooth; it is softer than enamel but harder than bone. With moderate chipping, there is a risk of washing out the dentin and subsequent damage to the pulp chamber.

With chipped dentin, the patient may not feel acute pain, there is a reaction to sour and sweet foods.

Chip exposing the pulp

When the pulp is exposed, the tooth hurts badly, painkillers bring only temporary relief.

When the dentin is chipped, exposing the pulp, dentists remove it, clean the canals, remove the nerve, and only then they are engaged in the restoration and prosthetics of the chipped tooth.


For successful treatment and restoration, the dentist needs to correctly establish the causes of a tooth chipping.

The main causes of tooth decay include:

  • traumatism of teeth;
  • decrease in acidity in the oral cavity;
  • reminilization of tooth enamel;
  • incorrect bite and position of teeth;
  • untreated dental diseases;
  • bad habits;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Under the traumatism of the teeth is usually understood breaks and chips that occurred, for example, from a blow or a fall.

However, more often than not, we injure our teeth day after day. Think, which of us at least once in our lives has not chewed caramel, has not untied knots with our teeth, has not eaten ice cream and hot coffee at the same time?

You can list bad habits for a long time, they all injure the enamel and violate the integrity of the teeth. Eating carbohydrate foods disrupts the acid balance in the mouth, smoking and drinking alcohol are responsible for the thinning of enamel, the appearance of cracks and chipped teeth.

Nutrition is an important part of dental health. The lack of trace elements can cause reminilization of tooth enamel, and in the future - fractures and loss of the dentition. The best prevention of the appearance of chips will be proper nutrition, the implementation of elementary rules of care and a timely visit to the dentist.

Another reason for the appearance of chips can be a hormonal imbalance, for example, with diabetes, thyroid disease, or during pregnancy. In this case, to find out the reasons, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

An overbite that has not been corrected in time and pathologies of the position of the teeth can also cause injuries.

The lower and upper row of teeth can injure each other even when chewing, not to mention the fact that bite defects cause nightly teeth grinding. Teeth grinding leads to abrasion of the enamel and visible defects of the teeth.

Incorrect bite can also cause chips of dental tissue adjacent to the gum. If the enamel breaks off at the gums, then the second reason may be caries of the cervical region of the tooth.

In both cases, you should immediately consult a dentist. It will take not only the restoration of a damaged tooth, but also the elimination of the underlying cause.

Video: strengthening tooth enamel

What to do if a piece of tooth has broken off

You need to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

Only quick action will help to fully restore the tooth and prevent further destruction. In case of injuries of the tooth and tissues of the oral cavity, first aid should be provided.

First aid

With chips and fractures of the teeth, a visit to the doctor is mandatory, but anyone can provide first aid.

What measures are taken in case of a chip?

  • Rinse with warm boiled water to remove food debris and enamel fragments.
  • In case of traumatism of the gums and bleeding, it is necessary to apply a sterile bandage to the sore spot.
  • Ice should be applied to the fracture site to relieve swelling and pain.
  • For severe pain, you can take pain medication.

Treatment in the clinic

To restore the aesthetic appearance of the dentition in dentistry, various tooth restoration techniques are used.

Small enamel chips are repaired with composite light-curing materials. The same materials are used for chipped dentin, in which case the dentist will make a special hard inlay and install it with glue.

The technique of making inlays refers to micro-prosthetics and will require a pre-prepared cast.

However, there are clinics where it is possible to make composite inlays in one day, and this saves time and does not feel psychological discomfort, especially if a piece of the front tooth has broken off.

External chips of the front and side teeth are eliminated with the help of veneers - special plates made of a translucent material, most often made of ceramics. Small internal chips of molars can be eliminated with conventional fillings, and sharp edges are smoothed by grinding.

The loss of a significant part of the tooth, but without damage to the pulp, can be corrected by installing a metal-ceramic crown.

If the pulp is damaged, the dentist necessarily conducts depulpation to prevent inflammation and relieve pain.

Restoration of the tooth in this case occurs with the help of a pin. The pin allows you to relieve the pressure on the walls of the injured tooth, thereby relieving the load and preventing possible destruction.

It makes no sense to restore wisdom teeth, since they practically do not carry a chewing load and do not affect the aesthetics of the appearance. Usually, dentists with chips and fractures of wisdom teeth offer patients to remove them.


When carrying out the restoration of molars, the dentist chooses the technique of restoration and treatment on an individual basis. The choice of technique depends on the degree and type of chipping.

For example, it is more practical to restore internal invisible chips of molars by filling, and to eliminate external ones, the use of composite materials will be required.

To restore the lateral teeth, metal-ceramic crowns are often installed. Metal-ceramic is a durable material that can withstand a significant chewing load.

Video: cermet

front tooth

Chips of the anterior teeth are of particular concern to patients, since visible defects in the frontal part of the dentition cause psychological discomfort.

A person is embarrassed to smile and talk; over time, chipped front teeth can lead to speech defects and changes in facial expressions. All these unpleasant consequences can be avoided by contacting a doctor.

If a front tooth has broken off, there are several ways to restore it:

  • damage to enamel and dentin - filling and grinding;
  • slight damage to the pulp chamber - removal of the pulp, necrosis of the nerve, sealing sometimes with the installation of a pin;
  • in difficult cases - microprosthetics with veneers and composite inlays.
Video: veneers


As a result, you can get a number of diseases:

  • caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • periodontitis.

All these diseases can lead to complete destruction of the tooth.

In addition, an infection in the oral cavity causes diseases of the stomach, heart, liver and kidneys, since the teeth are directly connected with the organs through the circulatory and nervous systems.

A photo

In the photo you can see chipped front and molars teeth. The apparent catastrophic nature of the damaged dentition is now successfully treated in dental clinics.


What to do if a piece of a milk tooth breaks off in a child?

Chipped milk teeth are a common occurrence. The cause most often becomes childhood trauma, and the anterior incisors suffer.


  • calm the baby and not panic yourself;
  • remove dirt by rinsing the mouth;
  • disinfect the wound, as well as the cheeks, gums and tongue with hydrogen peroxide;
  • contact a pediatric dentist within a day;
  • if possible, save the fragment of the tooth and take it to the doctor.

A pediatric dentist begins treatment with an examination of the chip, anesthesia and x-rays. The picture will show the position of the root of the tooth, the condition of the dental tissues and the jaw after the injury.

For the treatment of milk incisors, dentists use a special gel, which will preserve the damaged tooth for 2-3 weeks until the wound is completely healed. Further, the method of treatment and restoration is selected from the degree of chipping.

This can be filling, the use of veneers or other micro prostheses, restoration with reflective materials.

Statistics show that 95% of chipped teeth in children can be restored without removing the nerve. Prevention of fragility of teeth in children is the habit of regular hygiene and eating foods containing calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Causes of chipped teeth

Frequent clients of dentists with chipped teeth are children aged 3 to 10 years. During this period, the main stage of the development of the child, as well as his knowledge of the world around him, takes place. The main reasons leading to this situation are:

Parents need to watch what the child takes in his mouth: too hard objects or foods can break the tooth. It is not recommended to give hot, and the next moment cold food.

Classification and symptoms

The main symptoms of a chip:

  • pain in the area of ​​the injured tooth;
  • increased sensitivity to hot and cold.

When a large piece of tooth has broken off, anesthetics may not help. Despite rinsing and painkillers, the pain does not go away, and you cannot do without a doctor.

In dentistry, there is the following classification of chips:

Enamel chip

With such damage, the child does not feel any discomfort, so they often do not go to the dentist. This is wrong, since there is a high risk of complications, in particular, damage to the dentition.

Despite the strength of tooth enamel, improper care, an unbalanced diet and the use of solid foods can harm it, which is expressed in the thinning of tooth enamel and the formation of cracks on it. Subsequently, sensitivity appears when eating cold and hot food.

Dentin damage

Dentin is the mineralized tissue behind the enamel. In terms of strength, it is an intermediate link between enamel and bones, being responsible for the shape of the tooth. When the tooth has broken off along with the dentin, there is open access to the nerve endings and to the pulp chamber. This is fraught with the onset of infectious processes. The presence of painful sensations is not necessary, but the reaction to sour and sweet is a frequent occurrence.

exposed pulp

The main symptom of pulp exposure is severe toothache, as well as a complete or partial lack of response to anesthetics and compresses. In case of chips with pulp exposure, dentists perform the following measures:

  • complete removal of the pulp;
  • channel cleaning and removal of nerve endings;
  • tooth restoration.

What to do?

When a tooth is chipped in children, parents do not know what to do and how to help in such a situation. Especially when the chip occurred due to a fall or injury, since the child experiences not only pain, but also fear. The first recommendation for a parent is to calm down and not panic himself. After that, try to calm the child, seat him comfortably and give him a cold compress to reduce pain.

First aid

Armed with calm, you can try to provide first aid. What to do? In such cases, doctors give a list of tips:

  1. Inspect the injured area. Clean your mouth from dirt and food debris, rinse and disinfect.
  2. You can apply ice and take pain medications to relieve swelling and reduce pain.
  3. In case of bleeding, apply a bandage to the injury site.
  4. It is necessary to consult a doctor within the first two days after the incident. Otherwise, the risk of infection and complete loss of the tooth increases.

Restoration of the front tooth in the clinic

The most common variant of chipping is a small piece from the front molar tooth. Turning to the clinic, the doctor will see on the spot how serious the tooth injury is. To do this, he will disinfect the oral cavity, then refer the patient to an x-ray. Then he will cover the tooth with gel and send him home until the wound heals. Further treatment of the tooth is individual and will depend on the type of injury.

When a chip hits the root and the crown breaks, the specialist will remove such a tooth. When the pulp remains intact as a result of trauma, the dentist may resort to installing a metal-ceramic crown. If the pulp is damaged, he anesthetizes and disinfects the site of injury. Then he will restore the destroyed tooth with a pin.

In the case of a small chip, dentists restore the broken part of the tooth. To do this, they use small plates of ceramics - veneers. If enamel and dentin are damaged due to trauma, doctors fill the damaged area and grind it.

Chip on milk tooth

Injuries to milk teeth are not uncommon. The most common cause is falls and bumps that hit a child's front teeth. When a situation arose that the front milk tooth broke off, the actions would be the same as if the permanent one had broken:

  1. calm the child and clean the oral cavity from foreign objects, disinfect the mouth;
  2. visit a pediatric dentist who will examine the injured tooth, take an x-ray and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of milk teeth with chips is the same as with chips on the molars. The only difference will be advice not to rush to remove the nerve endings. Only in 5% of cases such a tooth cannot be treated without removing the pulp.

Complications in case of late visit to the doctor

Also, due to infection, problems with the digestive organs are possible, the development of liver, kidney and heart diseases is likely. Teeth communicate with the entire body through the blood and nervous system.

Preventive measures

As with any other disease, it is useful to resort to prevention. To do this, it is important to teach your child how to properly brush their teeth. If you visit sections where there is a chance of getting a tooth injury (hockey, boxing, etc.), you can buy a mouth guard. In case of an incorrect bite, or if the teeth grow crooked, sign up for a consultation with a specialist, since cases of chipping on uneven teeth are quite common. Eating foods rich in calcium will make your child's teeth stronger.

Causes of chips

A chipped tooth should undoubtedly alert a person. If this happened, then certainly something goes wrong in life and health. To understand better, you need to know the most common causes.

  1. There was a trauma to the teeth.
  2. Weak immune system.
  3. Incorrect and inaccurate wear of structures installed by the orthodontist.
  4. Hormonal imbalance.
  5. Eating unhealthy food.
  6. The presence of dental diseases in an unhealed state.
  7. Malocclusion.
  8. Unhealthy arrangement of neighboring teeth.
  9. The presence of caries.
  10. Having bad habits.
  11. Low acidity in the mouth.
  12. Damaged filling.
  13. Tooth enamel is subject to reminilization.
  14. The presence of a long-formed crack.
  15. The presence of chronic diseases.

Let's take a look at some of the reasons. Incorrect bite undoubtedly leads to the formation of chips and damage to the soft tissue. The lower and upper teeth injure each other even during the ordinary experience of food. Also, people with such an overbite have a night rattle, which eventually erases the enamel. In the event that a piece of tooth has broken off near soft tissue, then caries of a complex shape will soon appear in this place.

Chips, bruises, displacement or loss of teeth can occur as a result of trauma. For example, due to a fight, a fall or a strong blow. But in our life there are milder trauma to the teeth. For example, hard sweets (caramel), simultaneous intake of cold and hot (coffee and ice cream) can cause a slight injury.

Bad habits also injure our teeth. Alcoholic beverages and tobacco use greatly thin the enamel of the teeth. As a result, cracks soon appear on it, which necessarily turn into chips.

Dental health depends on nutrition. The acid-base balance in the mouth greatly disrupts improper carbohydrate nutrition. This reason also thins the enamel. Only healthy food provides the necessary trace elements to strengthen it.

The scourge of our century is diabetes. It occurs in every third inhabitant. Elevated sugar levels lead to hormonal imbalance, which in turn affects the teeth. This category also includes thyroid disease.

Hot and cold food causes cracks. Severe caries harms the enamel, increases its fragility.


The symptoms of a chipped tooth are as follows:

  • The functions of the dentoalveolar apparatus are impaired.
  • There are cracks in the enamel.
  • Filling falling out.
  • The tooth is open, the nerve endings are exposed.
  • The tooth crown is broken.

In addition, the person is tormented by pain and severe sensitivity. Feelings of strong or weak pain depend on the nature of the chip. A chipped piece usually leads to a reaction to a temperature difference.

Types of chips

There are several types of chips:

  1. Dentin chip.
  2. Enamel chip.
  3. Enamel crack.
  4. Chip and opening of the pulp.

The hard material of enamel definitely needs attention and care. Often a person is not worried about her health. Eating carbohydrate foods, hard foods, illiterate care and unhealthy habits destroy enamel and lead to cracks and chips. Enamel chips do not cause discomfort, so people do not rush to the hospital with them. In vain. In the absence of enamel, the load on the tooth increases significantly. Pathogenic bacteria enter the open area, from which the entire tooth begins to collapse. As a result, the entire dentition may be affected. A chip on the front tooth, which does not look aesthetically pleasing, greatly depresses a person.

Dentin is the hard mineralized part of the tooth. It is located near the nerve and pulp chamber. This part of the tooth meets the shape. In terms of hardness, dentin is slightly weaker than enamel, but stronger than that of bones. The most dangerous situation for dentin is moderate chipping. Because of them, the dentin is washed out and the pulp chamber is damaged. If you do not build up the tooth, then it will soon be completely lost.

Pulp fracture causes severe pain. Painkillers only give temporary relief. With such symptoms, the pulp is removed and the channels are cleaned. In addition, the doctor carries out tooth restoration and prosthetics.

What to do if a tooth breaks off

The first action of the patient is an appeal to the dentist. There is no need to panic. The situation is not fatal. Initially, you need to independently assess the severity of the damage and rethink your actions. In the case of mild to moderate, you need to make an appointment in the coming days. The main thing is not to delay. When the pulp is exposed, it is necessary to rush to the dentist on duty. Otherwise, the pain will disturb greatly, the patient will not be able to eat and sleep.

Help at home

It is necessary to organize and conduct first aid for yourself:

  • First step: Rinse your mouth with water.
  • Second action: apply an ice compress and reduce swelling of the gums. In case of bleeding, apply a medical bandage.
  • Third action: drink painkillers analgesics. Here you can also put a bandage with novocaine on the aching place.

It is better not to throw away a small chipped piece, but to show the doctor. Broken bone tissue may be needed to restore enamel.

The first two actions will help reduce discomfort, the third action will remove the pain. Further treatment will be taken by the doctor.

Doctor's treatment

The dentist uses several methods to treat a broken tooth:

  1. Artistic restoration.
  2. Veneers and Lumineers.
  3. Dental tabs.
  4. Dental crowns.

The first method is used if the face has minor mechanical damage. For the purpose of restoration, composite materials are used. At the same time, the shades of the materials are different. They are necessary for more accurate color matching. With the help of a special material, the tooth is given the correct shape.

If there are gaps on the teeth in addition to cracks and chips, then the dentist decides to install veneers or lumineers. These orthodontic devices are made of ceramic material. Devices are attached to the front teeth and apparently hide the chip.

For more serious damage, a dental tab is installed. This device allows you to restore a significant part of the tooth. It is made specifically for each patient in a laboratory setting.

If half or more of a tooth is missing, it will be replaced. That is, a dental crown is placed over the damaged tooth, which makes the tooth aesthetic and protects it from further destruction.

Special cases

Some teeth are restored in their own ways. Let's consider them.

Wisdom tooth

If a chip occurs on this tooth, it is not restored. The procedure is meaningless. The fact is that this chewing organ is not involved in the process of chewing and is not important for the species. A chipped wisdom tooth is removed by dentists.

front tooth

The deplorable situation with chipped front teeth seems to public citizens. In this case, the dentist can offer different methods of treatment. For example, artistic restoration. The dentist will use the paste to select the desired color and restore the tooth. The material is resistant, durable and well imitates naturalness. The doctor will fix the applied layer with special light radiation. It cannot be determined from the outside that the patient's tooth has been restored by extension.

The second way to restore a tooth is the use of a veneer. It is used for serious injuries. The material is strong, resistant, durable and does not change color over time.

In the third case, they resort to installing a crown. For these purposes, zirconium oxide, ceramics or cermets are used. The choice of material is influenced by the opinion of the patient and his ability to pay.

Lateral teeth

On the side teeth, you can use the same methods of restoration as on the front. However, this is not entirely justified. These teeth are hidden from the eyes of others. Therefore, to restore them, you can use a conventional seal. But it is better to resort to the extension method. Veneers are not installed on the side teeth.

If a nerve has opened at the lateral tooth, then first the dentist will do an antiseptic treatment, possibly remove the diseased nerve or completely the tooth and make a new one again.

Baby tooth

A parent is often mistaken in thinking that it is not worth taking a child to the hospital with milk teeth. It's in vain. In the event of a chip or crack in milk teeth, the doctor will stop further destruction with a filling or preservation gel. For chipped incisors, a special gel is mainly used. Healthy milk teeth will lead to healthy permanent teeth.

Especially often children get injured. This happens due to falls or bumps. The resulting chips lead to further stomatitis and increase the sensitivity of the teeth. Therefore, a visit to the pediatrician is important.

It is important for a child to carry out the following pre-medical measures:

  • Calm down a frightened baby.
  • Give water to the child for rinsing teeth.
  • In case of damage to soft tissues, disinfect them.
  • Be sure to save the broken tooth for the doctor.

During the first day of a child with a chipped tooth, you need to see a doctor. During the appointment, the doctor will most likely send a picture to the baby, which will help check the condition of the roots and soft tissues. For chipped incisors, a special gel is mainly used.

Special case - vertical crack

It seems that the vertical crack is not dangerous. It's a lie. She seriously touches the pulp. As a result, it is not possible to restore the enamel with a filling. In severe cases, the patient feels that one half of the tooth is loose. In severe cases, the patient feels that one half of the tooth is loose.

In the case of a small crack, pressure is applied to the teeth. As a result, the tissue gradually loses its integrity. The result of this state of affairs is a big chip. If you go to the dentist, they will cover up a small crack, thereby restoring enamel and health. If this action does not help, then the doctor may install veneers or a crown.


If a tooth breaks off and a visit to the dentist is postponed for a long time, then the patient faces the following consequences:

  1. Pulp infection. It is pain, destruction and its final loss.
  2. The appearance of granulomas and dangerous cysts.
  3. Violation of the bite, if there was a shift of the root after the injury.
  4. Inability to eat food with pronounced sensations.

Causes of a chipped tooth

The appearance of this type of problem is mainly associated with a painful state of the body.

There are many reasons why a chipped tooth can occur:

  1. Crumbling of the filling - reduced immunity;
  2. The destruction of the crown - caries;
  3. Getting injured is a lack of vitamins and calcium.

Tooth enamel is the strongest tissue in the human body., but it is very sensitive to the pH of the environment. With increased acidity of the mouth, the enamel becomes thinner - its weakening is mostly prone to chipping. The formation of a small crack or a small chip does not cause pain, but in the future leads to complete destruction of the tooth.

The measures to be taken depend on the severity of the damage.

enamel chip

Enamel chipping is the most gentle and harmless kind. Due to the lack of discomfort and pain, patients very rarely turn to a specialist.

But this case cannot be ignored at all, because the absence of enamel is a straight line. It is in this area that harmful bacteria will develop to a greater extent, which negatively affect the damage, as a result of which the tooth is rapidly destroyed.

Chipped front teeth

The chipping of the front teeth when the nerve is exposed is very dangerous and the most painful of all types. When you see a chipped piece of the front tooth, you should not panic, first you need to determine the urgency of going to a specialist. If the nerve is affected, then when taking drinks, pain is felt inside the tooth, in which case you need to urgently visit a dentist.

Here we covered the issue of removing the nerve of the tooth.


The average severity of tooth damage. This tissue is softer than enamel but stronger than bone. Such a chip is dangerous for further functioning, but acute pain is not experienced.

pulp exposure

One of the serious damage to the tooth, accompanied by acute pain in the tooth. Because the sensitive part opens up and remains defenseless.

In this case, urgent dental intervention is required. Having found a chipped piece of a tooth, you should immediately contact a specialist, preventing the further development of this disease.

If a visit to the dentist is not possible, then you need to do the following:

  1. Rinsing the mouth with warm water - removing fragments of enamel and food debris;
  2. Prevent swelling by applying ice - when packing the gums, use a sterile bandage.

How to relieve pain?

The introduction of a dental infection into the body carries with it unpleasant consequences, which can be prevented with the help of a broad-spectrum antibiotic, most often dentists recommend taking the drug Amoxiclav.

With unbearable pain, you should take a strong painkiller: ketorol, nurofen, pentalgin, analgin. The use of a cooling serum for the mouth will help get rid of discomfort.

Treatment of a chipped tooth, restoration options

Restoration will be needed if a large piece of the tooth has broken off, with a small chip, a light-cured composite is enough.

  • On the front tooth- good disguise with the use of ceramic overlays - veneers, they completely repeat the shape of the tooth.
  • With a very serious chip restoration occurs with the help of crowns. Metal-ceramic will allow to save a destroyed tooth for a long time, in terms of aesthetic qualities it is not inferior to veneers, crowns have recently been made from it.
  • With damaged pulp the tooth is restored on the pin and, if necessary, the doctor performs depulpation. This reduces the load on damaged walls. The price of tooth depulpation is about 3000 rubles.
  • Wisdom tooth does not affect the appearance of the dentition, while it is difficult to treat. If it cannot be restored, it is simply torn out.
  • In case of damage to the front teeth use layers of ceramics, completely copying the shape of the tooth. It is virtually impossible to determine the difference between a veneer and a native tooth, although the manufacturing process takes a little time.
  • On chewing teeth small chips are covered with fillings, then polished.

What to do if a child's tooth breaks off?

Chipped milk teeth not only spoil the future condition of the molars, but also the smile of the child. Severe injuries lead to poor tooth growth. Sometimes a problem with a child’s teeth does not arise due to injuries, but to oral hygiene. A common cause is poor heredity and genetic failure. The rudiments of the teeth erupt with defects, but do not forget about the reasons from the outside.

Food quality plays a huge role, it is it that has an impact on milk teeth, as well as the amount of vitamins and minerals that have entered the growing body. Basically, the teeth begin to crumble due to a lack of calcium in the saliva that saturates the enamel. This deficiency is undoubtedly related to the diet.

Review your child's diet, it may be lacking foods high in calcium: fish, eggs, beans and others. The lack of phosphorus and fluorine also leads to chipping and crumbling of teeth. These elements are found in high quantities: seafood, nuts, legumes and curds.

If there is a small accumulation in the body vitamin D This also leads to hypovitaminosis. This element is found in the skin under the influence of the sun, so such a deficiency usually haunts during the cold seasons. However, do not jump to conclusions before consulting with a specialist in this field.

If the tooth is severely loosened, see a dentist immediately. Today there are a huge number of good paid clinics. In the emergency room, you will also be assisted by on-call dentists. Keep a close eye on your child, if a tooth falls out, he may choke on it.

If the tooth does not stagger and is not going to fall out, then this case does not require an urgent appeal to the dentist. Eliminate hard and sticky foods from the child's diet, as pressure on the tooth can cause severe pain to the child. In addition, it can have unpleasant consequences.

Causes of tooth injury

A large or inconspicuous gap in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe teeth spoils the whole look. To treat and restore a tooth, it is necessary to know the main causes of tooth injury. There are several.

1. Basically, children get mechanical injuries when falling, bruising, when parents see, for example, that the front tooth has broken at the root.

2. Children's teeth are not yet strong enough to experience a serious jaw load. Therefore, it is worth making sure that children do not get used to, for example, clenching their teeth strongly.

3. If half of the tooth crown is broken, then this is due to a poor-quality filling.

4. The seal or inlay may pop out or break when the service life is over.

5. Teeth with thinned enamel become a risk zone.

6. Due to thinned enamel, the tooth may be destroyed due to carious formation.

7. The quality and quality of food also affects tooth decay.

Do not give children too hard or rough foods. Even seeds can cause a piece of tooth to break off. To avoid all these unpleasant consequences, you will need to pay more attention to care, as well as the quality of food.

To strengthen tooth enamel, you need a sufficient amount of calcium in the body. To strengthen the structure, remineralization is required. The appearance of microcracks is due to the fact that the child receives too contrasting food. This affects the state of the enamel, it becomes vulnerable. A loose tooth can break at some point. This is the result of exposure to food and ingestion of hot and frozen drinks.

Typology of dental trauma

If a piece of tooth is broken, the fragments can capture the enamel during destruction. The tooth in these cases breaks in an open or closed way, the pulp may open. Tooth injuries are distinguished by the fracture area - at the root, from above, etc. In case of injury, when a piece can break off, the tooth is often displaced.

The nature of the damage depends on the size of the chipped part, for example, if the upper wisdom tooth in a child is half broken:

  • minimum degree of injury;
  • the average degree of injury;
  • severe injury.

When a tooth is damaged, the enamel is often affected. This is the minimal nature of injury when the inner layers are not affected. The reverse indicates the average severity of the tooth fracture. In such a situation, the damage touches the pulp, the nerve is affected.

Consider the main options for dental damage. This is important for understanding what to do if a piece of tooth has broken off.

1. Broken tooth in the root zone. The child's tooth root is not yet strong enough to be difficult to remove.

The greatest risk, as always, falls to the share of the anterior upper incisors. In order to determine why a baby tooth broke off, modern diagnostics will be required. A tooth fracture in the root area is determined by a series of x-rays. It is found, as a rule, with the appearance of characteristic sensations, with inflammation of the gums. Depending on the degree of root destruction, the pulp will be affected, and this already leads to more serious consequences.

2. If the front tooth broke off, and it is milk. Most often, a small piece breaks off from a small tooth. This can happen for various reasons. The doctor will determine the degree of danger. With a broken crown under the root, the tooth will have to be removed. When a tooth breaks off at a distance from the root, then cosmetic restoration can be used to solve the problem. Usually the dentist carries out building.

Often, a displaced or dislocated tooth is the result of a lateral blow to the jaw. For example, a child hits something when falling or another baby accidentally hits, and your child's front tooth breaks off. As a result, swelling of the gums may occur. The entry of microbes into the wound leads to tooth loss, even if we are talking about milk. It can be restored, but for this it must be kept in warm milk or saline before the implantation procedure.

Helping children with dental injuries

Parents often do not know what to do if a child has a broken tooth or chipped enamel. It is possible to put him in place, pressing him tightly against the gum, clenching his jaw. To reduce pain, use a cold compress.

If the tooth is broken in the middle or just loosened a lot, then the doctor's verdict will be more encouraging. Any chipped piece should be saved for possible restoration by a specialist.

Now consider another situation. A wisdom tooth broke off in the gums - what to do?

If a tooth is broken or fallen out, do not treat the area with peroxide, alcohol, touch the wound, or brush with a toothbrush. In a situation where there is a suspicion not only of a broken tooth, but also of a jaw, she needs to be kept calm and immobilized. To do this, you will need to make a dressing passing through the top of the head.

Severe trauma to the jaw can lead to nosebleeds. In this case, it is necessary that the child lower his head, and put a cold compress on the bridge of his nose. Simultaneously with these actions, someone should call the doctor.

After identifying the nature of the damage in the hospital with the help of X-rays, it will be possible to determine how damaged the surrounding tissues are, whether there are dislocations or subluxations.

Possible Complications

Complex injuries can often have serious consequences, manifested in complications. It doesn't matter which tooth was injured - the front incisor, chewing tooth. After the examination, the doctor will decide how to save the child's tooth. If you neglect the recommendations of a specialist, this can lead to more serious consequences, not to mention aesthetics.

Types of complications

1. The possibility of infection of the pulp area.

2. Increasing the sensitivity of the teeth.

3. The appearance of a bend in the root of the tooth.

4. Violation of occlusion.

5. Formation of cysts and granulomas.

It is necessary to prepare for the fact that a damaged children's tooth will begin to change the angle of development. And this leads to deformation not only of the damaged tooth, but also of its prosperous neighbors. If it is necessary to remove a broken tooth, the space must be filled with an implant. If filling is not carried out, then other teeth will begin to move and approach, which leads to violations of occlusion - bite.

Why are dental injuries dangerous?

Tooth decay is associated with damage to internal tissues. If caries is not cured in time, the pulp will be damaged - the core of the tooth with the presence of nerves and blood vessels. And then - the inflammatory process. The child will begin to feel a constant toothache, complain of well-being. The inflammatory process will affect different areas. In children with inflammation, pulpoperiodontitis develops. This is due to the fact that the roots of a child's tooth develop and grow stronger over time, so the damage occurs faster.

How to repair a damaged area?

A child with a chipped tooth should be taken to the dentist immediately. The doctor will fill the canals in the exposed pulp, remove the nerve bundle. In general, different methods and technologies are used today to restore and save a tooth.

  1. When a tooth is broken, dental crowns are used.
  2. The doctor can put children's veneers.
  3. When a tooth is broken or chipped, the doctor may put inlays for children.

The use of a crown is advisable in case of a broken tooth of the upper row of incisors or in case of damage to the chewing teeth. But at the same time, processing (turning) is also carried out on neighboring ones.

You can restore the front teeth thanks to thin overlays - veneers, which can be matched to match the rest of the teeth. With a broken tooth that can no longer be restored, the doctor will clean the canals and install a tab (implant).

With the help of intracanal pins, it is possible to restore a chipped tooth if the parents guessed to save it. With this method of prosthetics, aesthetics are maximally preserved. The operation will not affect the bite, will not affect the chewing function.

Prevention of tooth decay

It is necessary to try to avoid the occurrence of serious problems with the teeth, to prevent situations where the child can be injured, break a tooth. Parents should try to minimize all risks. To do this, it is enough to put into practice a few simple rules.

For the proper growth and development of bones and teeth, it is necessary to provide the child with complete, high-quality nutrition. Then the body will receive the whole complex of necessary micronutrients, vitamins, substances.

When the baby has all the milk teeth, somewhere from the age of three, it would be good to give him more solid food. Various vegetables, fruits, crackers are suitable for this. So the child will get used to more adult food, which will strengthen the teeth.

To maintain healthy teeth, you need to pay attention to the development of chewing muscles in a child, for this you should control the consistency of food.

Pins in the teeth and MRI Is it possible to drink after a tooth filling Prosthetics on implants How a tooth is restored

What are the reasons for the numerous problems with teeth and gums that expectant mothers suffer from? How can they maintain a healthy smile, and is it possible to be treated by a dentist during pregnancy? We answer the most important questions about pregnancy and teeth.

Dentists at the reception often hear the same story from patients: "Doctor, my teeth" fell out "during (after) pregnancy." Many women have the feeling that the baby during fetal development "takes" calcium from the mother's teeth, causing tooth decay and gum disease.

In fact, this is a myth that has no scientific confirmation. The calcium reserves necessary for the development of the baby are not replenished by the mother's teeth. Why, then, during pregnancy, problems with the teeth are aggravated?

What happens to teeth and gums during pregnancy?

Most often, during this period, women complain of an exacerbation of diseases such as caries, gingivitis, periodontitis. Each of them can lead to tooth loss in the absence of timely treatment.

Toxicosis can also become a catalyst for carious processes. Nausea and vomiting, as well as a change in eating habits (large amounts of carbohydrates) cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the oral cavity, demineralization of the teeth and the development of caries. If you do not sanitize the oral cavity before pregnancy, then even minor carious lesions can turn into large foci in nine months.

During pregnancy, there is a change in the hormonal background (estrogen and progesterone levels) and a decrease in immunity, which can lead to a violation of the reaction of the gums to the formation of plaque. Leaving ordinary dental plaque unattended and untreated, you risk causing it to degenerate into tartar, which can damage the entire tooth.

Plaque also provokes the development of gingivitis - an infection of the oral mucosa, which is manifested by swelling, redness and bleeding of the gums. Due to the altered hormonal background, any inflammatory reaction in the body of the expectant mother passes more rapidly, therefore the disease is called "hypertrophic gingivitis" or "pregnancy gingivitis" in another way. If it is not cured, then it can turn into periodontitis, which means that gradual resorption or loss of bone tissue, suppuration of gum pockets and tooth mobility will be added to the listed symptoms.

However, it is still not worth associating a sharp deterioration in oral health with pregnancy. If you maintained proper oral hygiene before pregnancy, regularly attended preventive examinations and had a professional cleaning every six months, then all of the problems listed above will most likely not affect you.

Another thing is if you have never removed dental plaque and have not cured caries. Even if they practically did not bother you before pregnancy, then during it the problems already "acquired" earlier are likely to worsen.

Can "dental" diseases of the mother affect the health of the baby?

Sore teeth and inflamed gums are a source of infection for the whole body. From the carious cavity, microbes can penetrate the root canal into the bloodstream and even provoke disturbances in the functioning of internal organs (heart, kidneys, etc.).

In addition, recent studies suggest that the birth of children with reduced weight may be associated, including gum disease - infection in the mother's body can adversely affect the health of the child. Therefore, preventive examinations at the dentist are extremely important for the health of both the child and the mother.

When to visit the dentist and what procedures are allowed?

The best option is to solve all dental problems and do a professional cleaning in advance, in order to minimize possible risks. But if you have started the situation, and treatment at the dentist during pregnancy cannot be avoided, then you should remember the precautions.

So, in and should be limited to only urgently necessary procedures, be sure to consult with the attending gynecologist about anesthesia or medication. Based on these recommendations, in the first trimester your dentist should determine the need for hygienic cleaning and therapeutic treatment.

The safest time for dental treatment is the second trimester (from to ). At this stage, all manipulations can be carried out - with precautions, of course. However, if possible, it is better to avoid the introduction of pharmaceuticals into the woman's body.

Women are allowed to treat caries during pregnancy and periodontal disease, inflammatory processes in the gums and teeth, tooth extraction (non-surgical), installation of braces (if there is no tooth mobility).

Is it possible to do x-rays and anesthesia during pregnancy?

Many experts, including those from the American Dental Association, note that if it is possible to avoid X-rays during pregnancy, then it is better to play it safe and abandon this type of diagnosis. The same goes for anesthesia.

However, if x-rays and anesthesia are still necessary, you should resort to them during, because. in the laying of the vital organs of the child, and in the third, it is already physically difficult for a woman to do any procedures. When choosing an anesthetic drug, your dentist should choose anesthetics with a minimum amount of adrenaline.

As for x-rays, the type of study officially approved for pregnant women and nursing mothers is diagnostics on a dental computed tomograph. Radiation exposure in this case is minimal. In addition, the device gives the doctor the opportunity to accurately identify problems at the earliest stages of diseases, which helps to avoid diagnostic errors and complications.

How to take care of your teeth during pregnancy?

  • Limit the intake of carbohydrates, sweets - they provoke tooth decay.
  • Replace carbonated drinks with water or low-fat milk, and fruit juices with fruit.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and use dental floss. Also effective are special pastes with sage, chamomile, mint, which have anti-inflammatory effects.
  • For frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting, chewing gum without sugar or with xylitol, as well as rinsing your mouth with baking soda after an attack (1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water), can help. This will neutralize the negative effects of acids on the enamel.

So, so that diseases of the teeth and gums do not overshadow the most important period in a woman's life, you should prepare for it in advance - go to the dentist, get rid of caries and inflammatory gum disease, and also regularly undergo professional hygienic cleaning.

There is hardly a person who has managed to avoid such a problem as a chipped tooth during his life.

Completely different living conditions and a combination of circumstances can cause this trouble, but the main thing is to take appropriate measures in time to save the tooth and extend its service life.

Causes of chipped teeth

There are many factors that can affect the strength of teeth. Even the slightest deviations in a person’s well-being can affect the enamel, as a result of which it will break off and provoke tooth decay. Among the most popular reasons:

There can be many reasons, but if such a nuisance occurs, it is necessary to take action promptly. This will help to at least partially save the tooth.

Damage is different

Types of chips are distinguished by the degree of their impact on the tooth:

In the photo, a chipped enamel of the front tooth

  1. It is considered the most harmless. The victim complains of a chipped tooth wall, but does not feel pain. Often in such a situation, they do not even go to the dentist. But this is the wrong approach to the problem. The absence of enamel is a direct load on the dental tissue. It is this area that will be attacked to a greater extent by harmful bacteria. From the negative impact, the affected tooth will begin to rapidly collapse. In addition, if the enamel chip occurred on the front tooth, then the smile will look unaesthetic.
  2. If a piece breaks off damaged tooth tissue - dentin, then such a chip can also be painless, but dangerous for further functioning. Due to damage, the tissue is significantly weakened, with mechanical action, microcracks are formed, which destroy the dentin day by day. If you do not build up a tooth in time, you can completely lose it.
  3. The most dangerous type of chip is tooth decay with nerve exposure. Such damage often occurs when a tooth splits into two parts and it will not go unnoticed, as it is accompanied by severe pain. It is urgent to visit a dentist so as not to bring bacteria into the tooth and take measures to restore it.

What to do if a tooth is broken?

If a piece of tooth has broken off, do not panic. The situation is not so dangerous as to once again torment your nerves. First of all, you should look at the degree of damage and, based on this, build an approximate action plan. For mild to moderate chipping, you need to call the dental clinic and make an appointment.

Chipped tooth with pulp damage

If the nerves are exposed, it is simply pointless to wait for the appointed date, since the pain will not allow you to calmly eat or sleep. It is better to immediately go to the dentist on duty or, if possible, arrange an emergency visit to the attending dentist.

To reduce pain, you can lubricate the damaged tooth with a swab soaked in novocaine.

If it is not possible to visit a doctor in the near future, it is necessary to carefully observe oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth with salt water after eating.

Help from a specialist

No matter how minor the chip may seem, in any case, it must be shown to a professional in this field in order to receive recommendations and fix the problem.

Dental treatment is intimidating for many, but it is better to patch up a tiny crack instantly than to have a tooth extracted later.

The dentist will assess the situation with an experienced look and offer the best treatment option, which may differ depending on the nature of the chip and the location of the tooth.

What should I do if my front tooth is broken?

The front teeth are visible, so a chipped piece on them can turn into a “catastrophe” for public people. Depending on how large a piece is broken off, the doctor will advise different methods of treatment.

In almost any situation, a piece of tooth can be restored by artistic restoration using composite materials. The dentist will select the color of the restorative paste and apply it in layers, fixing each level with light radiation.

An unaware person will not even understand that the tooth has been extended. This is one of the most effective and economical methods that will be offered in any clinic. The filling is very resistant and durable, while repeating the color of the teeth and has a natural shine.

In the photo, the restoration of a chipped front tooth with a veneer

A more expensive way to treat a chip is considered to be covering with a veneer. As a rule, it is resorted to in case of significant damage, if it is not possible to build up a seal.

Ceramic coating is applied from the base of the tooth and completely repeats the desired shape. strong and durable, while they do not lose their color over time.

If a significant piece has broken off, then a crown will be required. As a rule, ceramic, cermet or zirconium oxide are used depending on personal preference.

The process of installing a crown is accompanied by its fixing either on the extreme teeth, or by installing a pin. In prolonged cases, the last method has to be used to treat the front tooth. If you visit the dentist in time, you can get off with only a minor intervention.

Treatment of posterior teeth

When treating a lateral or, as it is also called, back tooth, the same methods can be applied, but not all of them are justified. Since the side teeth, as a rule, are not visible to others, it is enough to eliminate the chip with a filling.

The dentist will increase the lack of a tooth with the help of a light-hardening filling, which will extend its service life.

True, unlike the front teeth, veneers are rarely installed on the side teeth. Even if a very small piece of the tooth wall and root remains, you can build up the rest with the help of composite materials or install a crown.

Particular attention should be paid to the problem with open nerves. In such a case, the treatment is first aimed at antiseptic action. If the nerve is damaged, it will be removed in several steps and a tooth will be formed, which will last for a long time, even being “dead”.

vertical crack

The most unpleasant thing about chipped teeth is the presence of a vertical crack that touches the pulp, which means that tissue restoration with a filling is not possible. In such cases, patients complain of a tooth split in half, and often one of the halves is loose.

Even a barely visible crack can cause massive damage, not to mention deeper damage. Every day, pressure is exerted on it, so the tooth tissue, although imperceptibly, is destroyed. Ultimately, a split will occur, which will cause not only inconvenience, but, most likely, severe pain.

the tooth is split in half, one half is loose

Small cracks can be "patched" using the enamel restoration procedure. Strengthening the surface of the tooth will extend its life.

If this does not help, and the microcrack will progress in its growth, the dentist will offer to strengthen it with veneers or a crown.

Refusal of such measures will result in tooth crumbling, which, based on statistics, cannot be restored. The tooth will be removed and a prosthesis will need to be placed in its place. The same treatment will be carried out when the tooth is split in half.

Milk tooth damage

Many parents believe that milk teeth do not need to be treated, as they will still change over time. This misconception is especially true for chips.

Healthy milk teeth are the key to strong teeth in adulthood. If a piece of a milk tooth has fallen off, it is important to determine the cause of the destruction. Most often, the problem lies in getting injured.

Parents should disinfect the mouth and chip and go to the dentist. The dentist will apply a preservation gel, as well as prescribe a treatment that is suitable in a particular case. Most often, you can get by with a conventional filling, which will strengthen the tooth until it falls out.

Chips on the teeth are also undesirable for children because they can negatively affect the resistance to such a disease as stomatitis. In addition, even increased sensitivity of the tooth can affect the mood of the child and his well-being.

Possible difficulties and problems

The presence of a chip in itself is an unpleasant fact, but if you close your eyes to its treatment, you can earn a number of accompanying problems:

  1. One of the undesirable consequences is pulp infection. Infected tooth tissue will not only cause severe pain, but can also be completely destroyed, leading to tooth loss.
  2. Chips can provoke the appearance cysts and granulomas.
  3. A severe chip caused by trauma can change the angle of the tooth root. From this, its displacement will occur, sometimes the entire row is shifted, broken bite. When the root is tilted, the damaged tooth is removed and prosthetics are prescribed so that the dentition does not move from its usual place.
  4. The smallest complication is increased tooth sensitivity. A person will react to the temperature of the food and drinks consumed, discomfort may appear from the use of the usual hygiene products: toothpaste, mouthwash, refreshing spray.

And although chips do not seem to be a dangerous problem, they must be addressed in a timely manner. It is much more efficient to instantly respond to the slightest changes, whether it be a small crack or a minor chip, than to get into a stalemate for tooth extraction and further prosthetics.

It is recommended to treat your teeth at the dentist at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. However, it happens that the help of a doctor is required while carrying a baby. A lost filling, a chipped tooth, gum disease and other problems require urgent intervention, as they threaten complications and more expensive treatment in the future. There is no need to postpone a visit to the doctor for the postpartum period, because then the young mother will have much less time for herself.

Is it necessary to treat teeth during pregnancy?

When carrying a baby, the condition of the teeth may worsen already in the first trimester due to hormonal changes. An increased level of progesterone leads to increased blood supply to body tissues, including the gums. They become loose, which provokes gingivitis, stomatitis, exacerbation of caries. With poor oral hygiene and poor heredity, teeth quickly deteriorate and fall out. Their enamel becomes sensitive to hot, cold, sour foods.

Hormones also affect the amount and pH of saliva. It becomes more, the balance shifts towards acidity. In the absence of preventive and therapeutic measures, hard plaque and tartar quickly form, due to which you can lose teeth. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, there is a lack of calcium, which also leads to tooth decay.

Expectant mothers are wondering if treatment and prosthetics are necessary during gestation, or whether these procedures can be postponed. Doctors recommend coming for check-ups at least once every three meters, or with specific complaints. The decision on dental intervention is made individually, based on the problem and condition of the pregnant woman. Often manipulations are carried out immediately, using local anesthesia. Sometimes treatment is delayed until the postpartum months.

When is the best time to go to the doctor?

A dental examination is mandatory when registering during pregnancy (for a period of 6-12 weeks). If nothing bothers the expectant mother until this time, you can not go to the doctor. During the examination, the doctor may identify:

Also, the expectant mother should consult a doctor with acute and aching pain. In this case, pulpitis or periodontitis is diagnosed (complications of caries that gradually affect neighboring tissues). In severe situations, periostitis and osteomyelitis are possible - severe purulent processes that are observed in the absence of treatment for caries complications.

If dental problems are identified, the doctor conducts sanitation, which is recorded in the pregnant woman's card. In difficult cases, treatment is carried out immediately. If possible, the procedure is postponed to the second trimester. At this time, the placenta is formed, which protects the baby from the effects of anesthesia. Early toxicosis passes, and the expectant mother feels good, she can sit in the chair for the allotted time.

1 trimester

In the 1st trimester, the organs and tissues of the fetus are laid. It is highly undesirable to treat teeth until the fertilized egg is fixed. The excitement and stress of the expectant mother, as well as the anesthetics used, also affect the health of the fetus, and can provoke an early miscarriage. Dental intervention is also undesirable within 8-12 weeks.

If possible, fillings are postponed to the second trimester. An exception is made for acute pain, pulpitis, periodontitis, which cannot be ignored. As a freeze in the first trimester, "Ultracain" often acts - the safest drug for the fetus. Lidocaine, popular in dentistry, is not used because it leads to increased blood pressure and heart palpitations.

2nd trimester

In the second trimester, dental diseases are prevented and teeth are treated, the condition of which threatens to worsen at 30-38 weeks. If there is no risk, manipulations are postponed by the dentist for the postpartum months. Small pockets of caries can be cured without an injection. The doctor carefully removes the lesion with a drill and places a filling without touching the nerve endings. Thanks to modern equipment, filling is painless and comfortable.

3rd trimester

The period of intensive growth of the fetus, in which the expectant mother experiences increasing fatigue. In the prone or half-sitting position, the pressure of the fetus on the inferior vena cava, the aorta, increases, which leads to a strong heartbeat, migraine, and sometimes even loss of consciousness. The sensitivity of the uterus to external influences increases, which sometimes leads to premature birth.

Treatment in the third trimester is indicated in extreme cases (it is desirable to carry out manipulations up to 36 weeks):

  • irreversible processes in which it is important to remove dead tissue;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • unbearable pain.

What procedures do not affect the fetus?

Dental treatment while expecting a child is not dangerous. At the appointment, the expectant mother should tell the doctor at what stage of pregnancy she is, inform about her state of health and the medications she takes. The information will allow the doctor to choose the optimal treatment tactics.

Pregnant women are allowed to remove soft plaque, fill teeth, treat gum disease, gumboil, pulpitis and periodontitis, and remove teeth. The issue of prosthetics is solved individually.

It is important not to give up anesthesia and not to endure pain, especially when treating teeth for long periods (35-36 weeks). The pain leads to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which increases the tone of the uterus. This negatively affects the condition of the fetus.

Permitted types of anesthesia

When prescribing an anesthetic, the dentist will take into account the allergic reaction of the expectant mother to medications. With increased pressure, Novocain is allowed (we recommend reading: how to use Novocain for toothache?). If the pain bothers at home, you can take "No-shpu", "Spasmalgon", "Paracetamol", "Nurofen" in the doses recommended by the doctor. It is forbidden to use "Lidocaine", "Septanest", "Imudon", "Sodium Fluoride" during any period of pregnancy. Drugs can lead to pathology, adversely affect the fetus.

Can an X-ray be taken?

Ultrasound of the teeth of pregnant women is not performed. To assess their condition, the doctor uses an x-ray, which shows the location and condition of the roots, dental canals, hidden carious cavities. The procedure is done after 12 weeks using radiovisiographs - modern devices that give the minimum dose of radiation. In this case, the patient is covered with a lead apron, a highly sensitive film is used, and the necessary pictures are taken at the same time.

Removal of a tooth

Extraction of teeth is an extreme measure, which is resorted to only in the most serious cases. Thanks to modern anesthetics, the procedure is painless, but very exciting for the expectant mother. In order for the hole to heal quickly and correctly, it is necessary to follow the doctor's recommendations for caring for the oral cavity after surgery. You can remove teeth according to indications at any time. The anesthetic "Lidocaine", popular in dentistry, is not used in this case. It can disrupt the pressure and work of the heart, lead to shortness of breath, vomiting, rash, migraine.

caries treatment

Crown caries and its complications negatively affect the course of pregnancy, become a source of infection, purulent inflammation and pain. By themselves, pain does not affect the fetus, but leads to discomfort for the mother, which is transmitted to the baby. With an infection and an inflammatory process it is much more difficult. They can lead to various pathologies.

Caries during pregnancy is treated at any time, but better in the second trimester. When depulping and complicated forms, anesthesia is used. The use of arsenic is unacceptable. There are no restrictions on the choice of fillings. The doctor will select either chemical filling materials or light-curing fillings.

Can crowns be placed?

Dental prosthetics during pregnancy has no contraindications. Dentists-orthopedists carry out manipulations painlessly and safely for health. However, it is important to remember that the gums are swollen during this period, and the casts may be incorrect. This will lead to discomfort during the installation and operation of finished prostheses. Whether it is possible to insert teeth, put veneers and onlays, and from how many months to do this, the orthopedist will determine during an individual consultation.

Other restrictions to be aware of

A number of dental procedures are prohibited for pregnant women. Among them:

  • orthodontic treatment (undesirable installation of braces, bite correction, normalization of the functions of the dentoalveolar system);
  • teeth whitening;
  • implantation and other manipulations where general anesthesia is required;
  • removal of tartar with highly abrasive and chemical devices.

It is highly undesirable during the embroidery period to remove the “eights” (wisdom teeth). It is often accompanied by swelling, bleeding and other complications, after which you need to drink antibiotics. The removal time is agreed with the gynecologist.

This may be the 2nd or 3rd trimester, when the freezing is not reflected in the intrauterine development of the fetus. They tear a crookedly growing tooth, which interferes with the neighboring one and causes inflammation of the gums, as well as “eights” with deep caries of the crown.

Prevention of dental diseases

Healthy teeth during pregnancy are the result of competent care and timely preventive treatment. To save them and forget what caries, gingivitis, dental cyst are, you should follow the recommendations:

  • brushing your teeth 2 times a day using a brush and paste selected by your doctor;
  • use of dental floss;
  • thorough rinsing of the mouth after vomiting caused by toxicosis;
  • a diet rich in calcium and phosphorus;
  • to strengthen the gums will allow a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort, oregano for rinsing;
  • taking vitamins of groups A, C, D, E and mineral complexes for pregnant women;
  • self-massage of gums and teeth.

The future dad should also go through the sanitation of the oral cavity. Dentists explain why this is necessary. Rotten teeth and unhealthy gums are a hotbed of infection that can be passed on to a newborn. Close contact with the baby (hugging, rocking, kissing) is acceptable only with healthy teeth.
