Body itching in different places without rash. Generalized itching is a signal warning of the development of many internal pathologies. What can cause an itchy body?

Update: October 2018

Often itching is caused by individual intolerance to some substance that gets either on the skin or inside the body - through the mouth or by injection. It can occur due to thermal, mechanical or electrical stimulation of skin receptors. The symptom also indicates an excess of substances in the blood other than histamine, which appears during allergies. Some of these diseases can be life-threatening.

Where does the itching sensation come from?

The imperative desire to scratch an area of ​​skin occurs when blood with a high concentration of dissolved substances flows to the pain receptors (nociceptors), spread out in the form of a network under a layer of epithelial cells:

  • histamine and/or histidine. These substances are formed in excess by immune cells when certain – specific to each organism – foreign proteins enter the body;
  • bile acids produced in the liver. They enter the skin cells and cannot leave them when a condition such as cholestasis develops - when bile cannot completely enter the duodenum and is forced to stagnate in the cells of the liver and biliary tract;
  • serotonin is a substance formed from an amino acid, which, when released, leads to a significant contraction of smooth muscles located in blood vessels and internal organs. This is a neurotransmitter, that is, a chemical compound that allows communication between nerve endings (the signal passes from nerve to nerve not like electricity, but rather like a bubble with a chemical substance, depending on the structure of which the activity of a neuron can be inhibited or activated). Its structure is very similar to the psychoactive hallucinogen LSD;
  • cytokines – molecules that enable “communication” between immune cells;
  • endorphins – natural pain-relieving molecules;
  • nitrogenous wastes that accumulate in the blood during kidney disease;
  • some other bioactive substances: thyroid hormone calcitonin, pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, kallikrein), VIP neuropeptides and substance P.

Since each person’s body has its own characteristics, no direct connection has been identified between the concentration of the above substances and the severity of the need to perform mechanical stimulation. Thus, severe itching in one individual may accompany the initial stage of renal failure, while in another it will not appear even with the terminal stage of uremia.

Only the skin and those mucous membranes, the layer of epithelial cells in which is in contact with the external environment and is located near the skin: gums, tongue, genitals, are “subject to itching”. The signal from the pain receptors located underneath them travels along type C and A-delta nerve fibers, reaches the spinal cord and, together with its structures, is delivered to the brain, to its sensitive zone.

Itching can be of a different nature: from a mild “tickling” to severe, painful. Its nature dictates to a person how to “process” its localization:

  • scratch: this is more typical for skin pathologies such as neurodermatitis or eczema;
  • rub gently: inherent in lichen planus;
  • cool (typical for acute urticaria).

However, a diagnosis cannot be made based on these characteristics alone. In determining the cause of itchy body skin, the following are important:

  • its localization;
  • the condition of the skin at the site of such sensations;
  • conditions for the appearance and relief of itching;
  • additional symptoms.

Let’s consider the combination of these factors to make it easier to get examined and choose exactly the specialist who can quickly alleviate your condition.

Types of itching

The prevalence of the symptom is the main criterion from which the diagnosis of the cause of skin itching begins. Based on this measure, pruritus (the so-called itching in medicine) may be:

  • Localized (a person can indicate a specific place where itching is felt).
  • Generalized (throughout the whole body, not necessarily at the same time).

Generalized itching

Itching accompanied by changes in the skin

This symptom indicates pathologies that are within the competence of dermatologists. That is, local changes are accompanied by skin diseases that are less dangerous than systemic diseases.

Diseases accompanied by redness of the skin

Itching and redness of the skin are more typical for inflammatory or allergic diseases. This:

  • Contact dermatitis: irritation and itching are located in the place that came into contact with the allergen. The boundaries of redness are clear. To diagnose, you need to remember what new places you have been to, what new household chemicals you started using, what clothes or accessory you put directly on your skin. So, redness in the armpits may be associated with wearing a new woolen sweater/dress or clothes that are familiar, but washed with a new powder. And itching of the skin of the hands - using a new cream or other chemical product. A characteristic feature of this disease is the complete disappearance of symptoms after the allergen ends.
  • Atopic dermatitis– a disease that most often affects children, but can also occur in adults. Its causes are an allergen, most often taken orally with food. In children, redness is located mainly on the skin of the face (on the cheeks), the flexor surface of the knees and elbows. In adults: the face is excluded, wrists, knees and elbows may turn red - on their bends.

Combination of itching and rash

Disease Type of rash Localization, features
Contact dermatitis Redness with a clearly defined border; there may be blisters at the top of the redness Anywhere. Can recall contact with clothing/accessory/chemical


If such blisters protruding above the cover appear after mechanical friction of this area - dermographic urticaria

Redness that has a border, protrudes above the skin level, and tends to merge with each other, similar to a mark left by a nettle. Anywhere
Bullous pemphigoid Initially, redness rises above the skin, after which a bubble of tense properties appears in this place In places where friction occurs with clothing or accessories (bag belt, watch belt)
Eczema At first there is redness and swelling, which have a clear shape, then bubbles appear, some of which open, and crusts develop in their place. Elements of several stages are observed in one place (redness, blisters, crusts) Symmetrical areas of skin, most often on the extremities (especially the upper ones), as well as the face
Limited neurodermatitis Dry plaques, around which there may be red spots that do not have clear boundaries with healthy skin On the sides of the neck, in the folds
Neurodermatitis diffuse In adults - dried spots on the skin, surrounded by a reddish rim, without a sharp transition to healthy skin Eyelids, feet, lips, hands. May be all over the body.
Swelling and redness, swelling and peeling, there may be red rashes, blisters or crusts on top In children - after the introduction of complementary foods - on the cheeks, collar area, upper limbs
Small spots of various shapes protruding above the skin, shiny At the 2nd year of life, located in the area of ​​the folds
T cell lymphoma Red rash on the skin, accompanied by itching, oval In places not exposed to sunlight
Lichen planus Violet, polygonal shaped polygonal polygonal granules with scales that rise above the healthy cover Flexion surface of the wrists
Folliculitis Bubbles and pustules Hips, back, chest
Psoriasis Silvery plaques with peeling on top Extensor surface of the extremities, itching of the scalp and neck, palms and soles
Scabies Paired black dots are visible Arms, armpits, stomach, genitals

Combination of itching and skin peeling

Itching accompanies peeling of the skin in the following cases:

  • The outcome of an allergic reaction, which manifested itself as urticaria. The allergy could be caused by:
    • products;
    • medicines;
    • animal saliva;
    • household and other chemicals;
    • insect bites;
    • cosmetics.
  • Eczema. In this case, various types of blisters and redness were initially noted. These elements, as well as the peeling after them, are localized, often symmetrically on the arms or legs, as well as on the face.
  • Impaired functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland or. In this case, other symptoms will also be noted. For example, insufficient thyroid function is characterized by weight gain, dryness and itching of the skin of the body, and in later stages – slower mental reactions. To change the functioning of the ovaries - cycle disorders, difficulty getting pregnant, and so on.
  • The “settlement” of worms in the intestines can also cause itchy peeling of the skin of the entire body.
  • If it is mainly the face that is peeling, it itches, itches, there is rapid eye fatigue, loss of eyelashes, frequent souring of the eyes, the reason may be infection with eyelash mites, Demodex.
  • Another cause of itching can be diabetes. In this case, there are no rash elements, but there are general symptoms: hunger, thirst, frequent urination, easy addition of pustular infection and poor wound healing.
  • Itching and peeling that appear after signs of acute respiratory viral infection, occurring in patches of symmetrical outlines, most often located on the torso and thighs, can be signs of pityriasis rosea. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a dermatologist.
  • Peeling and itching of the skin of the feet and palms may indicate a fungal infection.
  • and itchy scalp may be signs of:
    • disease caused by the fungus Pityrosporum Ovale;
    • psoriasis, in which dandruff will be severe;
    • folliculitis;
    • buying bad shampoo.

If the itching is accompanied by a burning sensation

Burning and itching most often occur at the site of skin inflammation. This may be a reaction to mechanical irritation when shaving, using a depilator or waxing. Poorly healing inflammation in diabetes mellitus is also possible, which burns due to the pH of the tissues changing as a result of this metabolic disease. Burning and itching may be accompanied by diseases of the veins of the lower extremities - then the skin may be swollen, slightly bluish, but without any visible rash.

A combination of these two symptoms can develop in a person when a rash appears (see the corresponding section) - as an individual reaction to eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria or other dermatitis.

Other symptoms that may indicate the cause of itching

The symptom may also indicate systemic diseases:

  • With cholestasis, in addition to itching, yellowness also occurs, if not of the entire skin, then of the whites of the eyes. Itching more often appears in places that rub with clothing, intensifies at night;
  • the smell of urine from the body, dry skin sprinkled with white “powder” and its itching, a change in the amount or color of urine indicates kidney failure;
  • itching of the skin after taking a warm bath/shower is characteristic of erythremia, a pathology when the number of red blood cells is significantly higher than normal.

However, if the skin itches for some time after swimming (shower, bath) only during the heating season, it is possible that the skin reacts this way to “technical” hot water in the tap, containing various harmful impurities. If itching is felt after swimming and in the summer, perhaps the reason is that the water is very hard, with a high content of chlorine.

Itching without other symptoms

When itching appears, and there is no dryness, no “powder”, no spots, or any changes in color on the skin, it may be:

  • disease of the hematopoietic system, in particular, lymphogranulomatosis. You need to consult a therapist who will palpate a person’s lymph nodes, prescribe and interpret a hemogram and other blood tests, and refer you to a hematologist or oncologist;
  • senile itch, which appears after 60 years of age for an unknown reason. But, even if you fit into this category, you need to rule out more serious diseases;
  • mental or neurological diseases, the symptoms of which you may not notice in yourself;
  • intestinal helminth population, which can be ruled out by a stool test for their eggs, as well as blood tests for antibodies to worms. Prescribing such a diagnosis is the job of an infectious disease doctor (he can be found in the clinic in the office with the abbreviation “KIZ”).

In any case, you may not notice the symptoms that a qualified doctor will pay attention to, so if itching occurs, contact him.


Treatment for itchy skin is prescribed after an examination, the purpose of which is to identify the cause of this condition. The main tests that will help clarify the ethology will be:

  • general urine and blood tests;
  • blood glucose;
  • skin scraping to identify fungi;
  • liver and kidney tests (blood);
  • test for occult blood in stool;
  • detection of helminth eggs in feces.

While the tests are being performed, to alleviate the symptoms of itching - if there are no signs of renal or liver failure, which the doctor must tell you about - antihistamines are prescribed: "Eden", "Fenistil", "Diazolin", which do not cause drowsiness, or more powerful drugs, but with this effect (“Suprastin”, “Tavegil”).

For a localized lesion, an antiallergic ointment for skin itching can be used, for example, Sinaflan, Akriderm, Apulein, hydrocortisone ointment or other corticosteroids. Sometimes other local drugs of non-hormonal origin are prescribed - “Prograf” or “Elidel”.

If itching is caused by cholestasis, bile acid-absorbing drugs have been used successfully. When the cause of the symptom lies in a blood disease, specific drugs are used - monoclonal antibody inhibitors. Psoriasis is treated by combining local and systemic medications that normalize skin cell division.

In case of extremely severe itching, weak opiates are prescribed, and treatment is supplemented with hirudotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation of the skin, etc.

Thus, the causes of itching of the scalp and body are varied. Most often, these are various allergic reactions both to a substance that has entered the body and to a substance that has touched the skin. But there may also be life-threatening kidney diseases, liver diseases, or even blood diseases. To clarify the cause and select treatment, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination.

One of the most common reasons why people consult a dermatologist is itching. At the same time, the person who applied notes that the skin itches all over the body without manifestations. In addition, the patient often cannot independently explain the origin of the unpleasant sensation. In this case, the doctor begins to find out the details: whether some specific places are scratched or the itching covers the whole body, what is its severity, whether it occurs from time to time or worries constantly, at what intervals of the day it begins to bother. The symptoms that accompany the discomfort are also of utmost importance.

Why does the body itch in different places?

Allergies are the first thing doctors associate with itching. A reaction can occur after taking a medicine, applying a cosmetic product, contact with household chemicals, and even due to increased nervous tension. Itching of the body, which occurs in different places, is not an isolated symptom. Also of concern:

  • rash of various types;
  • elevated temperature;
  • discharge from the eyes and nose.

Itching is detected in a number of other systemic diseases. The most common of them are:

  1. Liver pathologies. One of the ailments, cirrhosis of the liver, in the initial stages does not manifest itself in a person with anything other than the desire to scratch the skin in one place or another. A sick person feels itching all over the body for no apparent reason, which intensifies as the disease progresses.
  2. . Most patients suffering from the disease note that the first signal of the onset of the disease was itching. Tiny blood vessels affected by the disease cease to fully nourish the skin cells, the epidermis becomes dehydrated and peels off. As a result, a person complains that his body is constantly itching in different places.
  3. Kidney failure. This condition develops as a result of the progression of certain kidney diseases and is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms that appear much earlier than those described. Often, skin itching occurs without external manifestations when undergoing a type of treatment such as hemodialysis.
  4. Multiple sclerosis. Along with a whole list of unremarkable early warning signs of the disease, itching appears. Sick people do not attach much importance to these signs, because they go away on their own. Often their appearance is associated not with illness, but with some situation: lying for a long time, serving time, etc.
  5. Oncological diseases. Some types of cancer are itchy. People with malignant tumors localized in the genitourinary system complain that the whole body itches for no apparent reason. No rash or other symptoms are observed. Particularly intense irritation occurs if colon or pancreatic cancer is diagnosed.

In what cases is it necessary to see a doctor?

You cannot ignore the signals sent by your body. If your body itches in different places, you need to look for the reasons together with your doctor and do not wait for the sensation to disappear on its own. A visit to a specialist should be scheduled for the near future if any symptom or several signs from the list are discovered along with the itching:

  • there is depression of the general condition (fever, nausea, weakness);
  • the skin and sclera of the eyes turned yellow;
  • urination has become rare or stopped completely;
  • limbs and body swell;
  • arms and legs sometimes seem to “go numb”, “become “wobbly”, and a tingling sensation appears;
  • vision has deteriorated;
  • at night there is a feeling of heat, an unusual amount of sweat is released.

Even if it seems that the skin is itching for no apparent reason, and after a while the itching completely disappears, this is not a reason to postpone a visit to the doctor. Sometimes the disease manifests itself this way: some symptoms fade away, but others appear, and the disease moves to a new stage. It is also important to listen to your own condition and ask yourself questions: what hurts, are there any changes, are there any relatives in the direct line who suffered from cancer? Even a very attentive doctor who carefully collects anamnesis may miss any important sign signaling the onset of the disease, so it is important to independently analyze the situation.

The body itches in different places: how to eliminate itching

Laboratory examination methods help determine the diagnosis when itching is not due to allergies or any dermatological disease. Depending on the history collected and the suspicions that arise in this regard, the doctor may suggest donating blood for the following tests:

  • general (ESR, leukocytes);
  • bilirubin;
  • biochemistry.

You may also need to provide urine. Tests can help identify problems with the kidneys: general and according to the Reberg-Tareev method. Instrumental diagnostic methods will reveal the picture of a hidden disease even more clearly. As a rule, an ultrasound of the organs and possibly a biopsy are prescribed. As a result, it will be clear: everything itches for no reason, or there is a threat to health.

Pharmacy products

Even if the cause of the itching is an allergy, as the simplest of the above, a person without medical knowledge will not be able to cope with the problem on his own. In this situation, the doctor will determine the allergen using tests and prescribe treatment.

Regular use of hormonal drugs, especially if they are not prescribed by a doctor, but chosen independently, is unacceptable.

In the intervals between courses of treatment for the disease that caused itching, you can use the remedies that have always been used by the people. Any herbalist knows the best plant for dermatological diseases and, in particular, for scratching - a string. Dried leaves, flowers and stems are crushed and brewed as tea. Allow to brew, cover with a lid, and drink warm.
Baths with the addition of various medicinal plants will help relieve nervous tension, which often in itself provokes itching, and soothe irritated skin:

  1. Buy ready-made lavender extract at the pharmacy and add 1-2 tbsp to the water before bathing.
  2. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and celandine in a 1:1 ratio in a water bath. To prevent the healing properties of plants from disappearing, use immediately after preparation.
  3. Nettle, mint, pine needles - all of the above are useful to brew and use for washing the body.

Why does itching occur and sometimes the body itches in different places for no apparent reason? The scratching reflex can be caused by external or internal reasons, but it always occurs as a result of an impact on the nerve endings located between the dermal and epidermal layers of the skin.

At times, the body itches for seemingly no reason, but the itching has many possible causes.

Types of itching

But why does a person start to itch? So he massages the itchy area - that is, the place where the pathology arose. After this, blood supply to this area increases, lymph flow accelerates and the toxic component is removed, after which the desire to scratch this area gradually subsides.

In some cases, the skin begins to itch due to the accumulation of certain metabolic products in the body, which is a physiological reaction and stops on its own.

Doctors divide itching into the following 2 types:

  1. Localized or universal - for example, itching in the perineal area during pregnancy or itching in the anus with some types of helminthiases;
  2. Widespread (felt throughout the body) - for example, itching in liver disease.

Each of these varieties, in turn, can present as itching:

  1. Constantly felt;
  2. Occurs periodically.

According to the intensity of the unpleasant sensations, itching is of a different nature and varies from insignificant to extremely severe. With the latter, the patient loses his appetite, his sleep is disturbed, he scratches the affected areas until there are bloody crusts.

It has been confirmed that skin itching occurs more often and is felt more intensely before bedtime, in the evening and at night. It is quite simple to explain: in the evening the blood vessels dilate. The temperature of the skin also increases due to being under the blanket, and this in turn causes increased blood circulation and general sensitivity of the body.

Note! In the evening hours, a person is left alone with his itch, coming into the room from work or from the street, where there were many distractions. This is how an additional psychological factor is triggered, and you get the feeling that the itching has become stronger, even if this is not the case.


If the causes of itching cannot be determined visually, then it is called “itching of unknown etiology” and we begin to determine one of the possible provoking factors:

  • The patient has increased sensitivity. This phenomenon is observed in the case of:
  1. neurasthenia;
  2. states of hysteria;
  3. as a consequence of previous infectious and colds;
  4. for mental illness and stress.

Note! Often this condition is also accompanied by symptoms of other nerves - increased reflexes, pain, etc.

  • The man is simply too suspicious. He may just think or remember something that, in his opinion, may be causing symptoms of itching (fleas, previous illnesses, allergies) - and immediately begin to itch.
  • There was contact with real irritants - plants, insects, household chemicals, rough synthetics, etc.
  • An itchy patient was faced with the impact of internal irritants on the body. This is the so-called toxic itch. This happens with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver and bile ducts, diseases of the blood and endocrine system, obesity and hyperhidrosis.
  • It is impossible not to mention the so-called “pregnancy itch”. During pregnancy, the female body undergoes significant restructuring, as a result of which, due to changes in the properties of the vaginal mucosa, a suitable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi is created for some time.

Pregnant women often experience body itching, which is called “pregnancy itch.”

The most common diseases in which the phenomenon of itchy skin is observed are:

  • Neurodermatitis– a multifactorial disease of a chronic nature, most often caused by so-called neurogenic-allergic factors and manifested in the form of specific skin rashes. This pathological condition develops as a result of disturbances in the functioning of two systems - the immune and nervous, as well as allergic diseases (atopic) and hereditary predisposition.
  • Hives. Pale pink itchy papules with this allergic disease appear quite quickly and also disappear in just a few hours.
  • Increased dry skin (xerosis). Develops as a result of exposure to frequently used detergents, sun and during the natural aging process. The amount of sebaceous gland secretions decreases, which causes skin irritation, and as a result, the skin is constantly itchy.
  • At Blood glucose levels increase, which in turn leads to severe itching. There is no rash. Typically, the body of patients suffering from this disease is dehydrated, and this in itself is a very good reason for the development of itching of the skin. In some cases, dry skin is complicated by fungal infection and cracks.
  • Scabies– is caused by scabies, the itching with this disease is intense and mainly manifests itself at night.

How to treat

What to do to get rid of itching? Before eliminating the symptoms, you need to find out the cause of the pathology (the main ones are listed above). In the case where the patient does not have serious systemic diseases, to eliminate unpleasant symptoms it is often sufficient to take the following measures:

  • do not forget about observing hygiene rules;
  • eliminate irritating factors, ensure that the skin does not dry out;
  • limit as much as possible the consumption of vasodilating products: coffee, alcoholic beverages, too hot dishes, too strong brewed tea, spices, etc.;

  • control the temperature in the room, avoiding its excessive increase;
  • try to avoid situations that provoke the development of stress, depression, and anxiety.

There are effective folk remedies to help combat excessive dry skin:

  • First of all, these are ordinary water baths, which are taken using hypoallergenic - for example, baby - soap. After a bath, the skin should not be wiped, but blotted with a cotton, bamboo or linen towel and lubricated with moisturizing oil. For example, olive oil will do;
  • itchy skin is also lubricated with lard;
  • on forums promoting folk remedies for the treatment of various diseases, a very popular remedy for many ailments is birch tar, which in this case is proposed to be applied to itchy areas of the skin;
  • there are recommendations about rubbing itchy skin with unsalted lard;
  • An effective and relatively comfortable remedy compared to other methods is rubbing with very warm water with the addition of natural;
  • A more effective remedy for severe itching would be bandages (wet-dry), which are applied to the itchy areas of the skin using bandaging;
  • and finally, we cannot fail to mention the famous “Cleopatra’s Bath”, for which two teaspoons of olive oil are added to a glass of milk to prepare the application. The mixture is applied to the desired area, blotted and left to dry.

“Cleopatra’s Bath” – add a couple of teaspoons of olive oil to a glass of milk

Dry skin can develop due to too dry indoor air.
In this case, by eliminating the cause, you will also get rid of the need to take additional measures.

Advice! To eliminate the problem of too dry indoor air, hang wet towels on heating devices or place a bowl of water next to them. You can also install a special device in the room - an air humidifier.

If itching occurs in certain areas of the body after wearing synthetic or woolen fabrics, simply eliminate the irritant. The same recommendations should be followed for any other manifestation of allergies.

In addition, you need to monitor what detergents you use, cut your nails shorter to avoid night scratching, and regularly and thoroughly do wet cleaning. In some cases, the use of special detergents for allergy sufferers (sold in special allergy centers) and the installation of an air purifier are indicated. These measures allow you to minimize the discomfort that your disease causes you.

You should follow a diet that includes easily digestible foods with a minimum content of irritating ingredients. A dairy-vegetable diet is most often optimal for allergy sufferers - of course, in the absence of a history of allergies to milk components.
Milk is a mild diuretic and helps the body get rid of toxins and waste in a timely manner.

The following should be excluded from the diet: canned foods, meat and fish broths, smoked foods, pickled foods, cocoa and chocolate, coffee, non-dietary sweets and spicy dishes.

The following will be useful: vegetable soups with cereals, low-fat boiled meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese and other fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, as well as herbs.

Advice! If another exacerbation occurs while following a diet, try reducing your salt intake to 3 grams per day.

The following drugs are used as drug therapy in the treatment of allergic diseases: Suprastin, Claritin, Trexil, Tavegil and others.
In some cases, ointments and creams based on glucocorticosteroids are used: Triderm, Symbicort, Diprogent, Fluorocort, Sinaflan and others.
Ointments, gels, powders and creams with the addition of novocaine, menthol, anesthesin and other soothing and analgesic components are also used.

Important! If the cause of skin itching is a certain disease of organs or systems, then treatment should be prescribed by a specialist, since, unfortunately, without eliminating the cause, the symptoms cannot be eliminated.

This article is posted solely for the general educational purposes of visitors and does not constitute scientific material, universal instructions or professional medical advice, and does not replace a consultation with a doctor. For diagnosis and treatment, consult only qualified physicians.

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I am a general practitioner, a general specialist. My competence includes issues of early diagnosis of patients and treatment of many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs and respiratory tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular and genitourinary systems, skin diseases, metabolic disorders, etc. 15 years of experience as a general practitioner in clinics Moscow, 5 of which I worked in the same hospital in St. Petersburg.. I will be happy to answer questions from readers of my blog.


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In this article, you will learn why your skin may itch and itch. You will understand that the basis of skin itching is a whole complex of causes and indirect factors that provoke it. You will receive complete information about methods of getting rid of discomfort using traditional means and folk methods, and also learn about ways to prevent this unpleasant symptom.


Itchy skin – an external manifestation accompanied by irritation of the skin area and a strong desire to itch. This symptom can occur in anyone, regardless of age or gender. In medicine, there is a classification of skin itching, which is based on its individual characteristics.

According to the degree of prevalence, itchy skin is distinguished:

  • Generalized. The phenomenon is typical for the skin of the entire body.
  • Focal (localized). A clearly defined pathological area of ​​skin is identified.

Depending on the causes:

  • Dermatological. Develops as a symptom of skin diseases.
  • System as an external manifestation of pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and thyroid gland.
  • Psychogenic. Occurs against the background of stressful situations that give rise to neuroses.
  • Neuropathic. Formed as a result of diseases of the nervous system.

There are several specific types of skin itching:

  • Aquagenic. Occurs when skin comes into contact with water.
  • Senile. Itching appears in 60-70% of people after 70 years of age.
  • Reflex. People who are overly emotional or excited have a desire to scratch if they hear or see a phenomenon or object that irritates them.
  • High-rise. The symptom develops when a person rises to great heights.


The desire to scratch occurs as a result of a rush of blood to the receptors located in the upper layer of the skin. The blood may contain hormones, acids, and waste products, which contribute to irritation of the receptors.

Excessive release of certain compounds into the blood occurs under the influence of diseases or external phenomena. In this regard, several groups of factors can be identified that cause skin itching.

Dermatological diseases

Skin diseases are often accompanied by severe itching. It can either concentrate in one or several areas or spread throughout the body. The skin itches unbearably with the following diseases:

Itching can be a symptom not only of skin diseases, but also of pathologies of internal organs. It is caused by the following diseases:

Physiological reasons

Sometimes itchy skin is not associated with diseases:

  • The period of menopause and pregnancy in women. Hormonal changes in the body provoke the release of hormones into the blood, which leads to irritation of receptors on the surface of the skin.
  • Stressful situations. Overexcitation and stress contribute to a rush of blood to the epidermis, which provokes the desire to scratch.
  • Taking medications. Some medications on the list of side effects have skin itching. It may be caused by an allergy to drugs.
  • Senile itching. After 70 years, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the skin does not retain moisture well and dries out. Lack of nutrition and loss of regenerative functions of the skin with age leads to regular scratching.
  • Overheating, hypothermia or frequent contact with water. Natural factors contribute to dryness and cracking of the skin.
  • Lack of hygiene. If a person rarely washes or uses aggressive washing products, the epidermis is affected and itching occurs.

Important! To establish the exact reason why the skin itches can only be based on a combination of several symptoms.

Dermatovenerologist M.G. Conte will tell you about the causes of skin itching. She will tell you in detail about diseases, one of the symptoms of which is the desire to scratch.

Since there are more than 100 factors that can trigger itching, the dermatologist prescribes a whole range of diagnostic measures. The patient’s initial visit to a dermatologist includes:

  • Obtaining anamnesis, including information about additional symptoms.
  • An examination during which the dermatologist carefully examines the patient's skin.

The second stage of the examination involves:

  • blood test, including biochemical;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • examination of stool for the presence of pathogenic bacteria;
  • scraping from affected areas of the skin to determine the presence of pathogens.

If a disease of the internal organs is suspected, the doctor will refer the patient for examination by specialized specialists (endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, oncologist, etc.).


Methods for eliminating skin itching are selected depending on the reasons that gave rise to the unpleasant symptom.

Skin diseases

Treatment of itching in dermatological diseases is carried out not only with drugs for external use, but also with drugs for internal use.

  • Neurodermatitis. The disease involves taking antihistamines (Astemizole, Loratadine) and sedatives (Phenazepam, Aminazine). For external treatment, ointments are used: antiseptic (zinc, ichthyol, tar), anti-inflammatory (Bepanten, Gistan), nourishing (Radevit), corticosteroid (Sinaflan, Advantan).

  • Hives. Treatment involves limiting contact with the allergen, taking antihistamines (Claritin, Cetrin, Zyrtec), and hormonal medications (Nerobol, Retabolil). Externally, zinc and naphthalan ointments and hormonal creams (Flucinar, Fluorocort) are used.

  • Pediculosis. For hair in the pubic area and armpits, use tar soap, boric or mercury ointment. Shampoos and aerosols against lice (Veda, NOK, Sumitrin) help well.
  • Xeroderma. To relieve itching and exfoliate scales, ointments with salicylic acid and urea (“Keratolan”, “Ureotop”) are used. Baths with collagen, salt and soda are useful. Compresses with a propylene glycol solution give good results.

  • Lichen planus. The treatment is complex, it includes several groups of medications: immunosuppressants (Cyclosporin A, Chloroquine), systemic corticosteroids (Metypred, Prednisolone), interferons (Interferon-alpha 2b, Neovir), drugs with vitamin A (Tigazon, Acitretin), antihistamines (Zyrtec, Diazolin), antibiotics (Metacycline, Azithromycin).

  • Dermatitis. To relieve symptoms, contact with the allergen is minimized, antihistamine ointments and creams (Zodak, Claritin, Cetrin), antifungal and antimicrobial medications (Candide, Terbix) are used.

  • Fungal skin infection. To eliminate pathogens, antifungal drugs are used, both externally and internally (Exoderil, Pimafucin, Candide, Nizoral, Diflucan).

  • Folliculitis. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, take antibiotics (Erythromycin, Cephalexin) or antifungal medications (Fluconazole, Terbinafine). Treat the affected areas of the skin with a solution of brilliant green, methylene blue, salicylic or boric alcohol.

  • Demodecosis. Treatment is predominantly local, consisting of applying sulfur ointment or benzyl benzoate, treating skin areas with tar soap. To prevent secondary bacterial infection as part of complex therapy, use Trichopolum.

Internal diseases

In diseases of the internal organs, skin itching is only one of the many symptoms of the pathology. The course of treatment is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause; topical medications only improve the condition of the skin and reduce itching.

  • Diseases of the liver, gall bladder. To eliminate discomfort, for cholestasis and other diseases of the liver and gallbladder, medications are used that reduce the level of bile acids in the blood: ursodeoxycholic acid, Cholestyramine, Phenobarbital, Rifampicin, Naloxone, Tavegil.

  • Kidney itching. UVB therapy (12 courses) will help soothe itching in kidney diseases. For longer-term treatment, the following are prescribed: Activated carbon, Thalidomide, Naltrexone, Ondansetron, antihistamines (Tavegil), and Capsaicin cream for topical use.

  • Endocrine diseases. If the functions of the thyroid gland are impaired, the course of treatment is usually based on hormonal medications (“L-Thyroxine”). For diabetes mellitus, insulin medications are prescribed. After a course of replacement therapy, the itching goes away on its own.

  • Blood diseases. Treatment of blood cancer is very complex; in severe stages it includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and blood stem cell transplantation. For iron deficiency anemia, iron supplements are prescribed in the form of injections or orally (Sorbifer Durules, Totema).
  • Immunodeficiency states.. Local treatment in the course of therapy for HIV infection consists of moisturizing and nourishing the skin to eliminate dryness. To do this, use fatty creams that create a protective film on the skin (“Silicone”).
  • Diseases of the nervous system. To normalize the patient’s condition, doctors prescribe sedatives (“Adaptol”, “Akatinol Memantine”, “Actovegin”). To relieve itching, use ointments and creams with a soothing effect, for example, Nezulin cream-gel.

  • Avitaminosis. If there is a lack of vitamins A and B, take vitamin complexes (“Alphabet”, “Revit”, “Vitrum”). Radevit cream has nutritional properties.

  • Intestinal helminths. You can cope with an unpleasant symptom (itching) only by eliminating the cause. To get rid of helminths, take “Vormil”, “Vermox”, “Pyrantel”. Creams “Bepanten” and “Actovegin” will help reduce skin itching.

  • Periarteritis nodosa. Treatment of the disease is complex, including immunosuppressive cytostatic drugs “Azathioprine”, “Cyclophosphamide”, drugs against hyperthrombosis “Heparin”, “Pentoxifylline”. For external use, hormonal ointments “Prednisolone”, “Hydrocortisone”, “Akriderm-GK” are recommended.

Important! Be very careful when treating itching in the presence of internal diseases and allergies. Hormonal and antihistamine drugs have many side effects!

Prevention of physiological itching

If skin itching is not associated with the presence of dermatological diseases or pathologies of internal organs, preventive measures will help reduce discomfort:

Folk remedies

Traditional methods help reduce the symptoms of itching, but do not cope with severe diseases. For serious pathologies, they are used only as part of complex therapy.


  1. Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
  2. Onions – 6 pcs.
  3. Wax – 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Boil oil and add chopped onions to it. When the onion darkens, strain the mixture and add crushed wax. Boil for another 5 minutes, cool.

How to use: Apply to the affected area of ​​skin for 15-20 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Result: The ointment relieves itching and moisturizes the skin.

Boric acid mash


  1. Black tea – 50 g.
  2. Boric acid – 5-7 drops.
  3. Medical alcohol – 7 drops.

How to cook: Boil 0.5 liters of water and brew tea. Add alcohol and boric acid to the cooled and strained liquid.

How to use: Lubricate the affected areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

Result: The skin is disinfected and the itching goes away.


  1. Mint or lemon balm leaves – 10 g.
  2. Vodka – 50 ml.

How to cook: Pour mint leaves with vodka and infuse the mixture for a week.

How to use: Wipe the affected areas with the tincture 2-3 times a day.

Result: Peppermint essential oils soothe the skin, itching goes away.

Question answer

What childhood diseases can be accompanied by itchy skin?

When you have chickenpox, your skin will itch and watery blisters will appear on your body. To treat the disease, antiviral drugs are prescribed (“Viferon”, “Cycloferon”). Lubricate the rash with a solution of brilliant green (zelenka). The solution helps reduce itching and disinfects wounds. Sometimes the skin itches with rubella, and the rash is bright pink and occurs against a background of fever, cough, and runny nose.

Is it possible to cure senile itch?

As you age, your skin becomes drier. The reason is a general slowdown in metabolic processes in the body. It is impossible to completely cope with age-related skin itching. To reduce discomfort, use fatty creams to nourish and moisturize the skin (Belita, Green Mama).

How to relieve itching during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman does not suffer from any of the diseases listed above, the cause of itchy skin during pregnancy is hormonal changes and stretching of the skin. Since most drugs for pregnant women are prohibited, use folk remedies: make lotions from oatmeal soaked in milk, wash the skin with decoctions of string, calendula, chamomile. Follow the drinking regime (at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day) and preventive measures.

What to remember:

  1. The cause of skin itching can be both physiological factors and diseases.
  2. Proceed with treatment only after establishing the exact cause.
  3. Do not use antihistamines and hormonal ointments without a doctor's prescription.
  4. Follow measures to prevent itching, whatever the cause of its occurrence.
  5. If ointments or folk remedies are ineffective, contact a dermatologist and get examined.

- This is irritation of sensory receptors, which are free nerve endings. Strong irritation of sensory receptors is felt as pain, minor irritation as itching. However, sometimes the itching is much more difficult to endure; a person inevitably begins to itch, but this should not be done. If the itching is severe, a person may scratch himself until he bleeds. It should be remembered that scratching the skin is injured, and infection can enter the body through wounds. Scratching often causes the development of local inflammation.

What happens and what causes itchy skin?

There are localized and generalized skin itching.

Localized skin itching

Localized called itching concentrated in one place. Most often this itching is observed in the area:

  • anus (for worms, inflammation of the rectum);
  • external genitalia (in case of disease of these organs, as well as in women - during the period);
  • scalp (pediculosis).

Itching all over the body

Generalized(that is, widespread throughout the body) itching can be caused by various reasons, including:

  • liver diseases (including viral hepatitis);
  • endocrine diseases (for example,);
  • some blood diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • some oncological diseases.

When should you see a doctor if you have itching?

Consultation with a doctor is necessary if itching:

  • lasts for a considerable time (more than a week);
  • creates significant discomfort and interferes with sleep;
  • spreads to the entire body (that is, there is generalized itching);
  • accompanied by other disturbing symptoms (rash, fatigue, weight loss, change in stool, etc.).

Which doctor should you contact if you have itching?

In case of localized skin itching, you should consult a dermatologist. Sometimes the allergic origin of itching is undoubted; in this case, it is recommended to visit an allergist-immunologist. Women with itching in the genital area need to consult a gynecologist.

If the skin itching is generalized, then first of all you should consult a therapist. Most likely, a comprehensive examination will be required to determine the cause of the itching.

Qualified and experienced doctors at Family Doctor will help you identify the cause of itching and prescribe an effective course of treatment.
