Assyria presentation. Presentation "Assyria and Babylon". Tile with the image of a bull

Army 3. Conquests of the Assyrian kings 4. Art and science Assyria 5. Neo-Babylonian state 1 group Highlight the reasons for the power of the Assyrian... Speculate on the wars of the Assyrian kings; Group 3 What is the contribution Assyria and brought the Neo-Babylonian state into world culture? Ancient oven...

WORD” I am the great king, the mighty king, the king of the universe, the king Assyria... The great gods ... magnified my name; It was they who made the government strong... the events that the prophet Nahum saw. B) curse Assyria. B) funeral song about Assyria. 2. What is the fate of Nineveh after the fall of the Assyrian kingdom...

Landscape art of the ancient world...

Assyrian king Sargon II. He laid over Nineveh, the capital Assyria, the city of Dar-Sharukin, surrounded it with a high wall and at the same time... » Landscape art of the ancient world Plants characteristic of gardens Assyria and Babylon rose lilac tulip carnation lily narcissus Rose Lily...

It was considered the cultural capital not only of Mesopotamia, but of the East. Farm Assyria was more based on cattle breeding. But lack of resources, incl. ... incl. under him the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were built. Assyria Assyria was a more militant civilization that reached its enormous size by...

2. Determine the reasons for the prosperity of the economy, culture, and military affairs in Assyria. Assyria- (Assyrian Atur), an ancient state in the Northern Mesopotamia (large armies are equipped with... 2. Assyrian army. A significant part Assyria consisted of foothills and mountains rich in iron ore deposits. Assyrians...

1. India 2. Egypt 3. Mesopotamia 4. Fin...

Assyria Historical figures and countries. Right answers. Hammurabi Babylonia... Darius 1 Persia Ashurbanipal Assyria Thutmose 3 Egypt Ashoka India Confucius China Guess the date: 1 ...

Babylonia 4 Thutmose 3 India 5 Ashoka Persia 6 Confucius Assyria HISTORICAL FIGURES AND COUNTRIES. RIGHT ANSWERS. Hammurabi Babylonia... Darius 1 Persia Ashurbanipal Assyria Thutmose 3 Egypt Ashoka India Confucius China 1 Unification...

The Assyrians lived in the fertile steppe foothills. The land here produced abundant harvests without additional irrigation, so irrigation canals and earthen dams were most often not needed. A large family cultivated their plot independently, without turning to neighbors or the temple for help, and grazed bulls and sheep in the wide and free surrounding steppes. Vintage. Relief

Returning from a campaign with great booty, each time the king built a new capital-fortress to store his treasures in it. The last and most luxurious of these capitals was Nineveh, the most famous of the Assyrian cities. Ancient Ashur faded into the background: the streets of new cities were no longer filled with merchants, but with soldiers. Nineveh became the new capital of the great Assyrian power. Nineveh is the capital of Assyria.

King of Assyria. (BC.). Ashurbanipal was an excellent commander and at the same time an educated man. His 43-year reign is a period of flourishing art and literature. In his inscription he proudly reports that his “ear was open to knowledge” and that he learned to interpret the language of the stars and comprehend multiplication and division. In Nineveh he founded two huge libraries that housed important historical records and religious texts. King of Assyria. (BC.). Ashurbanipal was an excellent commander and at the same time an educated man. His 43-year reign is a period of flourishing art and literature. In his inscription he proudly reports that his “ear was open to knowledge” and that he learned to interpret the language of the stars and comprehend multiplication and division. In Nineveh he founded two huge libraries that housed important historical records and religious texts. Ashurbanipal

King of Assyria in BC Conquered Babylon and Media. In 701 BC. conquered Sidon and other Phoenician cities. Sennacherib was killed by his own sons in 681 BC. Sennacherib

The Assyrian priests knew mathematics well. Already at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. e. they solved complex geometric problems in measuring areas, and knew how to draw up plans of cities, palaces and temples. These records were preserved among the clay tablets of Ashurbanipal. His library also contained works on astronomy. From these books one can trace the origin and development of astronomical science. Scientific achievements

The Assyrians had primitive ideas in the field of medicine. At that time, medicine was closely connected with magic, so the Assyrians believed that all diseases were caused by evil spirits that had entered the human body. To cure the disease, the doctor sought to expel the evil spirit from the patient’s body with prayers and spells. Sometimes doctors sculpted clay images of evil spirits and destroyed them, believing that this would help the patient recover. The Assyrians had primitive ideas in the field of medicine. At that time, medicine was closely connected with magic, so the Assyrians believed that all diseases were caused by evil spirits that had entered the human body. To cure the disease, the doctor sought to expel the evil spirit from the patient’s body with prayers and spells. Sometimes doctors sculpted clay images of evil spirits and destroyed them, believing that this would help the patient recover.

1. Mastering iron. In the 10th century BC, craftsmen began to widely use iron. Read paragraph 1 in the textbook on p. 83 and tell me what changed with the advent of iron? Look at the drawing. Are all the tools depicted on it made of iron? Egyptian instruments. Assyrian instruments

Under King Ashurbanipal, a large library was collected in the royal palace. It contained Babylonian and Assyrian myths and traditions and astronomical treatises written on clay tablets. The Assyrians could distinguish between the luminaries and constellations. 4.Art and Science of Assyria Statue of the god Shedu from the palace of Sargon II in Dur-Sharrukin.

The walls of the library were decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the exploits of the kings. After the death of Ashurb, the Babylonians and Medes rebelled. In 612 BC, they took Nineveh and burned it. The city disappeared but the library survived. Thanks to archaeologists, we restored the myth of the flood, the tale of Gilgamesh and other myths. 4. Art and Science of Assyria The Siege of Lachish. Relief from the king's palace in Nineveh
