Broccoli baked with cheese egg. Broccoli casserole with cheese and eggs. Casserole with broccoli and salmon

Broccoli with egg is the perfect food combination. An omelet prepared from such ingredients will appeal not only to adults, but also to children. In addition, broccoli is a very healthy vegetable. When properly prepared, it retains most of the vitamins and microelements. In addition, it is ideal for those who are watching their figure or are forced to adhere to a strict diet. How to cook broccoli with egg in the oven and in a slow cooker?

How to choose the right one

Before you start cooking, you should choose the right ingredients. This primarily applies to broccoli. Today in stores this product is sold not only fresh, but also frozen. To make a dish like broccoli with egg tasty, you need to carefully choose the product. Here are a few secrets:

Broccoli with egg in a frying pan

This is the easiest way to prepare an omelet. The calorie content of the finished dish is 667.2 kcal. To prepare an omelet you will need:

  1. 6 eggs.
  2. 180 g broccoli.
  3. 20 ml olive oil.
  4. 2 cloves of garlic.
  5. 100 g cheese.
  6. Spices and salt.

Cooking process

To cook broccoli with egg and cheese, you need to prepare the ingredients. It is recommended to wash the vegetable, dry it, and then divide it into inflorescences. The frying pan should be placed on the fire and vegetable oil should be poured into it. When it warms up, you need to put the inflorescences into the container. Cabbage needs to be fried in oil for 3 minutes.

The eggs should be beaten into a container and mixed. There is no need to beat them. Pour water into the pan with broccoli until it fills the cabbage halfway. Vegetables should be simmered until the liquid has completely evaporated.

You need to add salt and spices to the stirred eggs. It is recommended to peel and crush the garlic. It also needs to be added to eggs. The resulting mixture should be poured over the omelette and placed over low heat with a lid on. Sprinkle the finished broccoli with egg with grated cheese.

How to bake in a slow cooker

Broccoli and egg casserole is easy to make in the slow cooker. You can add various spices and tomatoes to this dish. They will add piquancy to the casserole. For preparation you will need:

  1. 5 eggs.
  2. 200 g broccoli.
  3. 2 tomatoes.
  4. 1 head of onion.
  5. 60 ml cream.
  6. 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise.
  7. Pepper, nutmeg, salt, oregano.

Cooking steps

It is recommended to boil broccoli for 4 minutes in boiling water before cooking. When the cabbage has cooled, it must be divided into inflorescences, and then cut each into two parts. The tomatoes should also be chopped. They need to be cut into cubes. The onion should be peeled and chopped. It should be fried in a slow cooker. To do this, select the “Frying” function.

At the end of the program, place broccoli, oregano and tomatoes in the multicooker bowl. Cook food for 10 minutes with the lid open. The eggs should be beaten into a deep container and combined with cream, spices and nutmeg. The ingredients should be lightly whisked. Pour the prepared mixture over the fried cabbage and onions. You need to bake the food for half an hour, setting the “Baking” mode.

The finished dish should be divided into portions and placed on plates. You can serve the casserole with mayonnaise or sour cream, first sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Casserole in the oven

Broccoli casserole with cheese and eggs takes longer to cook in the oven than in a slow cooker. It is worth noting that this cooking method allows you to maintain the splendor, dense, but at the same time delicate structure of the dish. The casserole will not contain excess liquid, as well as carcinogens that are formed when frying foods in a frying pan. In addition, the dish bakes evenly in the oven. To prepare the casserole you will need:

  1. 4 eggs.
  2. 50 ml milk.
  3. 200 g broccoli.
  4. 1 clove of garlic.
  5. Spices and salt.
  6. Green parsley.

Food preparation

To cook broccoli with egg in the oven, boil the inflorescences until half cooked. After this, it is recommended to divide the cabbage into 3 parts. The garlic must be peeled and cut in half. It should be used to rub the pan in which the casserole will be prepared. Place broccoli florets in the prepared form. The yolks should be separated from the whites. This can be done using an empty plastic bottle. The whites must be beaten with salt until foam forms. It is recommended to mix the yolks with milk. After this, both liquids can be combined in one container.

The cheese needs to be grated on a grater, preferably with large cells. The resulting mass should be divided into two parts. You should add chopped herbs to the egg mixture. After this, you can add 2/3 of the cheese into the mixture.

How to bake

Pour the egg and cheese mixture into the container with the broccoli. There is no need to mix the products. Top everything with a layer of grated cheese. After this, it is recommended to cover the form with foil. Products must be baked in the oven at a temperature of 160°C.

The finished dish should be served hot, after dividing it into portions.

If the casserole is intended for children, then the cheese should be one that has a delicate creamy taste. For an adult menu, you can choose a more piquant product with spices and other additives.

Salad "Original"

You can make not only a casserole, but also a salad from broccoli and eggs. This dish has a unique taste and contains a large number of useful ingredients. To make broccoli salad you will need:

  1. 2 tomatoes.
  2. 500 g broccoli.
  3. 6 lettuce leaves.

For the sauce:

  1. 3 eggs.
  2. ½ cup mayonnaise.
  3. Salt, sugar, green onions - to taste.

If desired, you can also make your own mayonnaise. For this you will need:

Preparing mayonnaise

To prepare mayonnaise for salad, you need to combine mustard, lemon juice and yolk in a deep container. The ingredients should be whisked together. You need to add vegetable oil to the resulting mass. It should be at room temperature. It is not recommended to use oil from the refrigerator. The ingredients should be mixed well. After this, mayonnaise is worth trying. If necessary, you need to add sugar, lemon juice and salt. The number of components depends on taste preferences.

Preparing the salad

Broccoli salad with eggs can be a great addition to the main dish. The main thing is to prepare everything correctly. It is recommended to boil the cabbage with sugar and salt in a container with an open lid. After this, the broccoli should be drained and divided into inflorescences. The cabbage must be covered with sauce.

To prepare the sauce, you need to hard-boil the eggs, peel them and chop them. To them you need to add sugar, mustard, salt, chopped green onions and mayonnaise.

The finished dish should be decorated with chopped tomatoes and lettuce.

Tasty and aromatic broccoli has such a delicate taste that you can cook it in any way, in any case it will turn out very tasty. Broccoli is a dietary product on the one hand, and a universal product on the other, because... very satisfying and can be used on the table as a decoration, appetizer or part of the main dish, part of a side dish. The peculiarity of this type of cabbage is that it goes well with other products, especially vegetables. Broccoli baked in the oven will turn out very tasty and juicy. You can safely experiment with broccoli in the oven and create new recipes. It is perfectly prepared in different ways, both in a vegetarian version and in a richer, more satisfying and high-calorie version. In any case, it retains its value. Cabbage goes well with meat, so it is often served as a side dish or the main ingredient in many meat dishes. Chicken with broccoli in the oven is an excellent illustration of these product capabilities. This cabbage can be included in salads or as part of a dish with cereals. It is most often prepared on its own with cheese. Broccoli in the oven with cheese is a tender, light and original dish. Serving broccoli baked in the oven with cheese is appropriate for a holiday table.

Broccoli casserole in the oven is very popular; in this dish you can effectively use the quality of this cabbage and harmonize well with other products. Here there is more room for the imagination of housewives. A very beautiful and original duet is broccoli and cauliflower. In the oven, in a single dish, they complement each other beautifully and tasty.

Any recipe for broccoli in the oven has some nuances, you need to know them. Cooking broccoli in the oven is not a complicated process, but, like any other dish, you need to study it well first. For broccoli in the oven, it is also advisable to look at the photo of the finished dish to learn important points, serving methods, etc. When cooking broccoli in the oven, recipes with photos have undeniable advantages.

A number of simple tips on how to cook broccoli in the oven will definitely come in handy:

When buying broccoli, pay attention that the stems are elastic and the inflorescences are tightly packed and do not crumble;

For salads, broccoli should be divided into small florets, carefully separating them from each other. There is no need to cut the broccoli;

Broccoli florets cook faster than stems, so use one of these parts in the oven;

Frozen broccoli is also used in cooking. To defrost efficiently, you need to remove it from the bag and place it on a flat dish. If you need to defrost it instantly, place the cabbage in a deep, large bowl and cover with cold water for a few minutes. All that remains is to rinse the vegetables a few times and you can start cooking;

Broccoli is good in independent dishes. But you need to know that it goes well with grains and herbs;

In order for cabbage to retain more nutrients, you should not cook it for a long time. Especially if it is preceded by boiling it;

When parsing the inflorescences, hard veins must be removed; they can spoil the taste of the finished dish;

It is convenient to prepare the casserole in a ceramic form greased with butter. This dish will not burn, and you can serve it directly in the form;

It is advisable to periodically check the readiness of broccoli with a wooden stick. It is not permissible to heat cabbage unnecessarily;

Broccoli is baked in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

I, like many modern housewives, love dishes that do not require long preparation and standing at the stove. In this regard, casseroles are an excellent dish for the whole family for lunch or dinner.

Broccoli Cheese and Egg Casserole is one of my favorites. It cooks quickly and always turns out beautiful and tasty. I often prepare it as a hot appetizer for the holiday table, since the casserole cuts well and holds its shape. And how delicious it is!!

Let's prepare all the ingredients for the casserole.

We will separate the head of broccoli into small inflorescences; large inflorescences can be cut in half with a knife.

Let's prepare the filling for the casserole. In a bowl, mix eggs, spices, add flour.

Pour cream into the mixture.

Mix the mixture well with a whisk.

Add grated cheese (half the amount specified in the recipe). Let's taste the filling for salt and, if necessary, add more salt. It is important to remember that cheeses usually contain a lot of salt.

Boil the broccoli in boiling salted water for 3-5 minutes and drain it in a colander to drain all the liquid.

Grease the inside of the baking dish with butter. Place broccoli florets in one layer.

Fill the broccoli florets with our filling. Place the casserole dish in an oven preheated to 190-200 degrees C for 15 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven and sprinkle the top of the casserole with the remaining grated cheese. Place the casserole in the oven for another 10 minutes until the cheese melts.

Take the finished broccoli casserole with cheese and eggs out of the oven, let it “rest” in the pan for 5-7 minutes, then transfer it to a dish and serve.

Bon appetit!

- perhaps the simplest and also fastest dish that you can prepare from this not only tasty, but also healthy vegetable. is a close relative of cauliflower, it is for this reason that these vegetables taste very similar to each other and all recipes for cauliflower can be safely applied to broccoli.

You can fry broccoli in a frying pan in different ways. For example, with vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, meat or eggs. Today we'll look at how to quickly cook fried broccoli with eggs in a frying pan. This broccoli will taste similar to fried broccoli in batter, but it will still be more tender, since the batter contains flour, and the cabbage pieces will come out with a lot of dough.

It turns out no less tasty broccoli with egg and cheese fried in a pan. I’ll tell you how to prepare it at the end of the main recipe. I didn’t make a step-by-step recipe for fried broccoli with eggs, since it is very simple and I think that everything will be very clear from the description.


  • Broccoli – 400 gr.,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon,
  • Sunflower oil for frying – 50 ml.,
  • Cumin or sesame - a small pinch,
  • Parsley - a couple of sprigs.

Broccoli with egg in a frying pan - recipe

Divide the broccoli inflorescence into sprigs, as for. Pour water into the pan. Add salt to boiling water. Place broccoli sprigs. Without covering the pan, let the cabbage simmer for 4-5 minutes. During this time, the inflorescences will become soft, and the branches will still be hard. Place the boiled broccoli in a colander.

In a small, deep bowl, beat the egg with salt and black pepper. Place cooled broccoli on a plate. To fry broccoli in eggs, place a frying pan with sunflower oil poured into it on the stove and heat it. Dip broccoli sprigs in egg and place in a frying pan. After 2-3 minutes, turn the cabbage over with a spatula. This way the bottom of the inflorescences will also be fried. Then you can turn the broccoli over and fry it on different sides until golden brown.

At this stage of cooking, you can add cheese to the cabbage. To do this, hard cheese is grated on a medium or coarse grater and sprinkled with broccoli florets already fried in egg. Cover the pan with a lid and keep it on low heat for another 2-3 minutes to give the cheese time to melt.

Broccoli with egg in a frying pan. Photo

Both children and adults often dislike vegetables. For those picky eaters, you can cook broccoli with eggs. Fried or stewed cabbage easily fits into the usual ingredients. This omelet will be an ideal healthy breakfast or light diet dinner.

Broccoli with egg - healthy breakfast


Broccoli 200 grams Cheese 100 grams Ham 200 grams Bulgarian pepper 1 piece(s) Chicken eggs 5 piece(s) Vegetable oil 20 grams Garlic 1 clove Salt 3 grams Milk 200 milliliters Nutmeg 1 gram Ground black pepper 3 grams

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Recipe for broccoli with egg and bell pepper cheese and ham

Omelette for breakfast is included in many traditional cuisines. Some recipes call for the presence of milk or cream; they make the dish softer and its consistency fluffier and lighter. You can add any vegetables to the eggs, such as broccoli, to pleasantly diversify your diet.


  1. Place broccoli in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Cool and disassemble into small inflorescences.
  2. Peel the pepper from seeds and cut into thin strips.
  3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the ham into strips the same size as the pepper.
  4. Finely chop the garlic or pass it through a press.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the garlic until a slight aroma appears, then add the broccoli to it and cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Place the peppers and ham in the pan, stir, cover and simmer for 5 minutes.
  7. Whisk milk with eggs, add salt, nutmeg, white pepper and grated cheese to the mixture, pour over vegetables and ham.
  8. Cover the pan with a lid and reduce heat to low. Cooking time is approximately 20 minutes.

After pouring the omelette mixture over the vegetables, you can place the pan in a preheated oven. Then the dish will turn out with a golden brown crust.

How to cook broccoli with egg in the oven

You can make quick and healthy casseroles based on eggs and vegetables. The calorie content of broccoli is less than 100, and if you remove the frying stage, then the dish can be safely eaten on a diet.


  • broccoli – 200 g;
  • hard cheese – 100 g;
  • chicken eggs – 5 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 20 g;
  • salt – 3 g;
  • nutmeg – 1 g;
  • white pepper – 3 g.


  1. Blanch the broccoli, cool and separate into florets.
  2. Grease a deep baking dish with vegetable oil.
  3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  4. Beat eggs with salt and spices, add cheese and mix well.
  5. Place the broccoli in the bottom of the pan and add other vegetables, such as carrots or mini corn, if desired.
  6. Pour the egg mixture over the cabbage and bake for 15-20 minutes.

This omelet will look original if prepared in muffin tins. This snack can be taken for lunch, on the road, or even served at the holiday table.

Broccoli is a real storehouse of nutrients. Combined with eggs, this makes a nutritious yet light breakfast or dinner.
