Where is the beard in the valley of rustles? Call of Pripyat Dolina Shorokhov and the Lord of the zone for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat download for free, without registration Code money for the valley of rustles

Custom modifications for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. universe a huge number appeared. Some change the graphical component of the game, others add a new plot and locations. But there are not so many modifications that have fully realized their potential. One of them is S.T.A.L.K.E.R. – Valley of Shorokhov.

The Valley of Rushes is an addition to the original trilogy. The plot takes place after the completion of the Call of Pripyat plot. The main character, the experienced stalker Max, was offered a quest by merchant Beard to find a unique artifact, rumored to be located somewhere in the Valley of Rustle. No one knows the exact location. At the same time, he instructed Max to find out the fate of his friends who had previously searched for this artifact. Max will have to find the artifact while unraveling the mysteries of the Valley of Rustle, from studying local anomalies to wandering spatial bubbles. The ending of the plot is basically the same for different playthrough options, however, there are moments when the player influences it through his actions. This is connected with some characters and tasks.

There is only one new location in the game, which gives the modification its name. The plot of the game will unfold on it. It was developed from scratch by the author of the mod. The location is very large and there is a lot to look for.

New features have been introduced into the game. For example, the possibility of modification of artifacts by scientists was implemented. To do this, you need to collect certain items, mainly mushrooms, common in anomalous zones throughout the location. Modified artifacts are much more expensive than their counterparts, do not have negative properties and can acquire new ones.

The fauna of the modification has been replenished with several types of monsters. In addition to the monsters familiar from the trilogy, the modification adds a “mitten” - a mutant whose habits and style of attack resemble a snork. A subspecies of jerboa has also been added, after killing which there are no corpses left.

The weapon component of the game has not undergone any changes and uses models. Taken from Call of Pripyat. There is a patch that changes all weapon models to right-action variants.

You can earn money in the game in several ways - completing tasks, selling things from killed NPCs, selling artifacts, or driving tourists (becomes possible after completing the storyline).

The only drawback is the short duration of the plot - the game can be completed in a few days. This prevents you from fully enjoying it.

The Valley of Shorokhov is an excellent example when high-quality development of the plot and location, without changing the graphics, allows you to win a huge audience of fans.

Valley of rustles and the lord of the zone. I tried my best, and don’t indulge too much, otherwise the god of lags and crashes will punish you! Description of the lord of the zone and the valley of rustles. Lord of the Zone - allows you to:
1) Have fun 2) Make beautiful screenshots 3) Test the game and mods for “strength” Using the mod for other purposes can cause vomiting in the stomach and heaviness in the head. Game version: 1.6.02 New game: Optional Author of the mod: Unknown Features of the mod: To trigger a cheat menu, load the level, go to the menu (esc) and press F11) During the game, you can change the amount of money the main character has.2) During the game, you can speed up/decrease the rate of change in game time.3) Call Ejection at any time. 4) Change the weather and stop its change.5) Instantly move to any location at any point.6) Place on the map: Single stalkers\Monsters7) Give the GG any cartridges, weapons, things, artifacts, armor, quest documents8) Place on the map anomalies.9) Place various dynamic objects on the map: exploding barrels, wooden shelters, slabs, helicopters, and so on10) Join any group from Monsters to Monolith.11) Watch all videos of the game, including the full version of the ending with all options. 12) Listen to game music.13) Teleport by coordinates (as well as receive and save them)14) Place new squads (detachments of staolkers) on the map: that is, for example, you can settle Dolgovtsev and Svobodovtsev on Zaton, add Monolithovtsev to them and they will all be under the influence simulation of life to walk there.15) Also now weapons are not removed in Cleaning Zones. But sometimes in order to enter you need to remove it, and then you can raise it again.16) When you click on H in the menu, the entire interface is removed and the GG becomes immortal. J - returns everything to its place. NOTES1) You can specify the distance at which new objects will appear, starting from the GG and ending with 100 meters in front of it2) To add a new squad of stalkers to the map, you need to teleport to any point, get as close to it as possible center (by default the GG appears in its center). The squad will be added to the nearest smart phone at a distance of 20 meters from GG3) Sometimes when trying to watch a video, the game seems to freeze. This is not true, you just need to wait a little. 4) The mod is quite easy to adapt to other mods. All changes in the original game scripts are marked with the line “Lord of the Zone.”5) If you spawn singles, under no circumstances press the “What are you doing now?” button while talking with them. The game will crash.6) Single stalkers and monsters (not in squads) do not move offline.7) To add a new item to the mod, you need to add its section to the desired table in the god_tbl.script script.
Stalker White Squad is a small plot modification built on the platform of the original version of the game Stalker Call of Pripyat. The main feature of the mod is a completely new plot content, despite the fact that the original plot of Call of Pripyat was cut out. The game will take place in three locations, and the gameplay has remained virtually unchanged, which explains the light weight of the modification. Numerous quests will not let you get bored from the start, and those who like to shoot will have plenty to do - these are not only battles with the monolith and mercenaries, but also deadly battles with mutants; moreover, when completing some quests, the player will have to fight with air targets.
The plot of the White Squad begins its development in Pripyat, after a free stalker named Garik, by a strange coincidence, ends up at the stalker base located in the laundry building. The last thing the main character could remember was accompanying a group of stalkers to Pripyat as a guide. After short but rather painful memories, Garik could only find out that he was safe among his old friends Degtyarev and Strelok, but the only discovered entry in the PDA haunted him. It said that he needed to find and help the group, but what kind of group it was and how he ended up in Pripyat he had to find out.


New story (original cut)
New story quests 35.
The presence of secondary quests.
The original locations were used.
Some gameplay changes.

You can learn more about all the changes made directly during the passage of the White Squad mod.


Install the game Stalker Call of Pripyat version 1.6.02
Unzip the downloaded archive with the mod.
Copy the resulting gamedata folder to the game folder.

Title: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. White Squad Developer: V.I.V.I.E.N.T. Team Mod version: 1.0 Of. project page: vk.com/vivient_team_mods

Developer: Den-Stash
Platform: ZP 1.6.02
Modification version: Final

About the project:
A new plot that does not intersect with the plot of the original game. The story of a simple stalker named Max, who decided to earn extra money before leaving the Zone. All actions in the mod will take place in one new location. In fashion there will be somewhere to wander, there will be something to look for, there will be someone to shoot at, there will be something to think about.

Weapon pack (author - Goroff): Download Yandex Disk
Weapon pack (author - -Shoker-): Download Yandex Disk About the plot

After long wanderings around the Zone, stalker Max decided to leave the perimeter. But before returning to the mainland, he wanted to hit the big jackpot.
By coincidence, Beard, a well-known artifact dealer on Zaton, had a serious order for the extraction of a valuable anomalous formation, which the stalkers called the “Heart of the Oasis.” Having collected information about the possible location of the artifact, Beard sent three of his friends, whom he trusted with the most profitable orders, to search for it. After some time it became clear that the guys were missing.
Beard decided to organize a search and instructed Max to find out about the fate of his comrades. Stalker Max went to the Valley of Rushes.

About the location

“Valley of Rushes” is a desert area not far from Zaton, in which a local ejection of such force occurred that it reshaped the land in the valley. As a result, many anomalous formations appeared there. Following them, stalkers appeared. You can learn more about the Valley of the Rustle in the game from the quest NPCs.

Some features

The valley is distorted by a powerful eruption. The earth practically cracked at the seams, resulting in the formation of faults that divided the area into several plateaus.
If the main character falls into a rift, he will inevitably die. It is not possible to jump from one plateau to another; in most cases, you can only cross over a bridge or a log.
This makes it possible to prevent the player from entering certain places until the necessary quests have been completed.

The player will have two main tasks, but in essence, all tasks are important for the main character, since his main task is to earn more money before leaving the Zone.
Therefore, you should not shy away from completing seemingly unimportant tasks - they may not be offered later. Many tasks can be completed in radically different ways, which may be a reason to go through the modification again. Dialogues are as concise as possible, but quite informative.
If possible, an element of banter has been added, because the fashion will not contain clues to the secrets of the Zone and other global motives.
The main character will periodically have to go to the bathhouse or take a shower in stalker camps. Otherwise, as the stink increases, other NPCs will refuse to talk to him.
And at the “total stench” level, they can be confused with zombies and attacked. A stinkiness scale will appear below the satiety indicator. This is, of course, a joke. There will be no such gameplay changes.
The system of camp operations has been more thoroughly developed. For example, stalkers, except for guards, will look for possible shelters during the rain, and not sit by the fire on their fifth point. Sometimes this should be taken into account when attacking enemy camps.

The graphical component and weather did not undergo any changes, since the main emphasis was on the location and plot. Although it would not be bad to adapt some kind of weather modification later.

Help with modification:
1) First, two stalkers will meet, who hint that there is a cave in which lies an artifact.
We read the dialogue, find a cave, go down, kill everyone, search the corpses (Vovka’s PDA - give to Ozersky (7)), take away a useful artifact.
A teleporter will appear. You have to go into it with your back - this is how the anomaly plays cat and mouse with you.

We get to camp (2). We meet with Mutny, who gives the task to take the flash drive from the stalker.
We go to where this stalker is supposed to be (3). We fight him off from the bandits and take the flash drive. If the bandits still overwhelm him, it’s okay, we remove the object from the corpse.
But if the stalker survived, he will tell you in gratitude about the location of a good cache (cache - container warehouse (9), on a tree. You can jump from the roof). We hand over the task to Mutny.

In camp (2) there will be a stalker who will offer to hunt mutants. If you refuse, this task will no longer be available. It is most profitable to give Ilya Barbos' PDA to Mutny.
In the same camp (2) there is a quest from a merchant to find an anomalous plant. (a secret - another merchant will give more money for this plant, so don’t rush to give it to the first one)

So, Mutny tells GG that the stalkers have gone to Maximilian. And that the GG can not waste time and immediately help the latter. Namely, to take his thing from the bandits.
On the way to the bandit camp we will pass an anomaly. There is a cave nearby (4). There are zombies and a corpse in the cave. We kill the zombies, remove the PDA (Fierce PDA) from the corpse. As we read, it becomes clear who needs it.
We go to the bandits (24). There are two options - either redeem the parcel or take it by force. It's up to you to decide (It's more interesting to kill the brothers)

We meet with Maximilian (5), give the box. Maximilian asks for help in destroying the mercenary camp. It is better to agree, although you can refuse. Let's consider the main option - YES.
We take equipment from the merchant. We take a quest from him to find a helicopter that didn’t even reach the laptop.
We immediately take a quest from the technician to find someone named Gena, who stole the tools. When you find Gena (6), do not rush to kill him - there is no box with him. Gena needs to be wounded and questioned.
On the way to Gena, we search the caves (10) and remove the PDA from the corpse. There's a hint about a good hiding place. Subsequently, the PDA itself can be sold to a merchant (5)
You can also give the technician (5) Lyuty’s PDA with a further simple quest to find the barrel (the cache will appear on the map (8)).
At the same base (5) you can complete a quest from the stalker Arthur sitting in the basement - he will throw some money and an artifact. You don't have to run far, so you can do it right away.
So, we run with Maximilian to place (11). His comrades are already meeting us there.

We clear the mercenary base (9). If Maximilian survived, then we talk to him and he sends us to Radik. If you don’t survive, a mark will appear on the map where Radik is located (12)
We go to Radik, not forgetting to take with us 5-6 units of something edible (bread, sausage, canned food, tea cake...)
On the road, in one of the anomalies (13), lies the corpse of a military man (from the missing helicopter), from whom we take the key.
We meet with Radik and give him the provisions. He says that the guys were captured by mercenaries and held at their main base (14). Gives away the Goonie's PDA. Offers to cooperate - we agree.

We read dialogues about Radik’s plan. And the first thing you need is to get a hiring suit. There is no need to look for it, because... he was in the package that GG took from the bandits.
We run to the stalkers' base (5). On the way we find a fallen helicopter and a box next to it (15). We already have the key - open it and take it. The laptop assignment can be submitted (5).
On the way to the stalkers' base, you can complete the new merchant's quest (9). At least it's worth taking - another cave will become available for visiting.
At the stalkers' base we pick up the mercenary suit. We read the dialogue, look around, recruit another stalker into the group. The two of us go to Radik (12).
We speak with Radik. We carry out an easy task to find a mercenary's PDA.

Now the complete set is a suit and a recruitment PDA. We break through the dense ranks of mutants with Radik’s squad closer to the mercenary camp (16).
The GG must go further alone. We make sure that the GG is wearing the right suit and has a recruitment PDA in his inventory.
We calmly go to the mercenary base (14) - they take the GG for one of their own. We are looking for hostages. When the GG is revealed, we will kill the hires.
If Radik's squad survived, good. If not, it's okay. Only the task itself from Radik will fail, but not the further plot.
We find the leader, search him, take the key to the cell where the hostage and Experienced’s PDA lie. If the hostage Fyodor survived, then open the door and watch the cutscene.
We're in no hurry to leave. Further from the base along the path there will be an anomaly, and a homeless person will live nearby (17). We carry out his task, we get a “compass” - it will come in handy.

In search of the Coward we find the Svoboda base (18). We talk with the main one. We read the dialogues. We speak with Tesla and complete his quest to find the missing items - a “compass” (already there) and a microcircuit.
The microcircuit is in the possession of Oleg, who is hiding not far from the containers (19). [lyrical_digression] As my grandmother used to say: “don’t walk down a narrow corridor towards a man with a machine gun”
The safest way to take down Oleg: there is an opening right above him - you can throw something there from the street, for example a grenade.
We take the microcircuit from Oleg and hand over everything to Mishka Tesla (18). He will give a simple task to clear the area - we carry it out.
Next, we go from Tesla to the teleportation place (20). We install the scanner and jump into the anomaly.
We go into the cave, kill the mutants, find the artifact and the corpse of the Coward (do not forget about the detector - there are artifacts there). We remove the PDA. We go back and watch the cutscene.

Everything was taken from GG except the PDA. We run to Maximiliana (9), if he is alive, and tell him about what happened. He will give you the key to his personal box at the stalkers' base and tell you what to do.
If Maximilian is dead, then we immediately break into the stalkers’ base (5), find Volodya there, and get ready. Together with Volodya we take out the Svoboda camp (18). This can be done alone.
We take our things. You can remove documentation on teleports from Tesla’s corpse, give it to the technician at the base (5) and he will tell you what to do (read the dialogues)

Now you need to kill Mutny (2) in order to get to the exit from the Valley. We kill Mutny ourselves or in cooperation with stalkers. When approaching Mutny's base, Grisha will invite the GG to cooperate (21).

Then you can leave the Valley (22), but... there are still quests left - helping scientists. The first one is at the base where the containers are (9). Just for fun, you can combine it with the “guide” quest (22).
After completing the quest about measurements - a line of quests based on stalkers (5). Don't forget about the detector in the cave - there are artifacts there.
Well, for fun you can take tourists around the valley (22).

When we get tired of it, we leave the Zone.

Map of the area with caches and places where quest NPCs appear:

(23) - cache not marked anywhere. Backpack on a tree. (sound swag)
(9) - Backpack on a tree. Jump from the roof. (sound swag)
(10) - Backpack on a tree (sound swag)
(2) - there are cartridges in the toilet.
the remaining caches will be marked with marks when searching the corpses of quest characters.

An incomparable mod that deservedly received the highest ratings from players. “Valley of Rustles” is just one large location, but it is absolutely original, carefully drawn, populated by new monsters. The mod is extremely stable, has virtually no bugs and plays great. Installs on top of the latest version of “Call of Pripyat”

  • a new location with complex terrain dotted with crevices;
  • new interesting plot;
  • additional quests, the hero will give us something to think about;
  • new monsters with their own specific characteristics;
  • new artifacts and anomalies;
  • signature humor, indescribable stalker atmosphere;
  • Pleasant voice acting of dialogues and cut scenes.
  • new hero models, their animation and voices.
  • well-functioning economic system and upgrade tree.
  • many small additions and edits to the game world.

The plot of the mod reveals the story of a stalker named Max. The decision has been made to leave the zone, but before that we need to earn a little money. Max decides to complete a couple of money tasks - this is where his journey in the “Valley of Rustles” begins. The hero will have to investigate the disappearance of stalkers, deal with a new anomaly, find a mysterious artifact, expose traitors and do much, much more.

The disadvantages of the modification include only one location, but it is new, large and well populated, full of events.

Download “Valley of Rustles” from Yandex disk.

Fix (correction patch) for the mod - placed on top of the game with file replacement.

The mod is installed on top of the original "" version The mod was initially Russified, as it was created by domestic developers.

Good review of the mod on YouTube:
