How to peel garlic. How to quickly and efficiently peel fresh or dry garlic? Infusion for cleansing blood vessels from garlic and lemons

Such a capricious plant as garlic, if stored improperly, is quite difficult to clean. There are situations when you may need a large amount of garlic for winter preparations. For unknowing housewives, cleaning takes all day. After this, small cracks form on the fingers, and the hands smell of the specific aroma of garlic. To prevent this, we offer small life hacks on how to quickly peel garlic at home.

Options for peeling garlic quickly and easily

To peel a lot of garlic at a fast pace, you will need a large cutting board and a knife with a wide blade. Several pieces of garlic should be placed on the board in one row. Use a knife to remove the edges of the garlic, where the husks grow from. Then place a knife on top of the garlic and press lightly. You can use a slightly rolling motion. Then the husk itself will quickly move away from the garlic. If small pieces of husk remain, remove them by hand.

But this method has its drawbacks. If you need peeled garlic of an even shape without deformation, then choose another cleaning method where the cloves will not deteriorate.

How to quickly peel garlic at home is the most common question among housewives. Experienced chefs know many ways to make peeling garlic easier. But can all of them be used at home?

A cardboard tube will help you peel garlic quickly and easily. You may end up with one after using paper kitchen towels. Take the amount of garlic you need and break it into cloves. Pour into a tube, plug it on both sides. Then shake or roll the straw thoroughly. Now simply pour the garlic onto a plate and pick out the clean cloves from the husks. Everything turned out to be quite simple and easy.

Quickly peel garlic in the microwave

If we remember past times, then housewives did not use any modern means in cooking. They did everything by hand. Sometimes you had to do menial work all day just to feed your family. Today such a problem does not exist. There are microwaves, coffee makers, toasters and other household appliances with which you can quickly and easily prepare food. And few people know, but such devices help process food faster. For example, using a microwave can quickly and easily peel garlic. Don't believe me? Then read on how to quickly do it.

To do this, you will need to take the heads of garlic without separating them into cloves. And put your garlic in the microwave for 10-15 seconds. Once the time is up, remove the garlic and simply squeeze the cloves out of the heads. That's all. We wish you pleasant culinary discoveries!

People who grow garlic in their gardens act very wisely. This plant with a pungent aroma and pungent taste is not only a wonderful seasoning for various dishes, but also a universal remedy for many ailments. The ancient Chinese called the specifically smelling heads “dragon teeth,” and the Slavic peoples called garlic “snake grass.”

In former times, this vegetable crop was perhaps the only natural home healer, saving people from plague, cholera, scurvy, all kinds of poisoning, and also promoting the speedy healing of ulcers, purulent wounds, and insect bites. Most of us know garlic as an excellent preventative against colds. In addition, the cloves of this garden plant can have an effective anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, and anthelmintic effect.


What explains such medicinal universalism of garlic? The fact is that it contains phytoncides - volatile compounds that can suppress the growth and development of bacteria, fungi, helminths, and protozoa. And the main biologically active substance of this nature is allicin, which is formed when garlic cells are destroyed during cutting or grinding its cloves. But, in addition to the antibacterial, fungicidal and antiseptic effects, the use of this vegetable crop allows you to free the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, lungs, and oral cavity from various harmful substances. Therefore, today such a healing method of traditional medicine as cleansing the body with garlic is very popular.

The need for cleansing procedures for human health

Unfortunately, the realities of modern life lead to the gradual accumulation of a huge amount of toxic substances in the human body. The body is polluted due to poor nutrition, smoking, working in industries with hazardous working conditions, and long-term use of medications. The unfavorable environmental environment does not add to optimism. As a result, a moment comes when the body’s natural forces of self-purification cease to cope with the accumulated “biological waste”.

At first glance, no disease is observed, but suddenly fatigue appears, performance decreases, the face takes on a sallow color, sleep deteriorates, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders and even allergic reactions arise from nowhere. The body thus signals that internal organs are clogged, which can lead to the development of various chronic diseases and a significant reduction in life expectancy. Therefore, in order to maintain health and an attractive appearance, improve well-being, increase immunity and normalize metabolic processes, it is necessary to periodically carry out measures to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. There are many different ways to combat slagging in the body, but many people prefer to use natural remedies, not least of which is garlic.

1. Infusion for cleansing blood vessels from garlic and lemons

Garlic in combination with lemon has unique stimulating, anti-sclerotic and bactericidal properties. This tandem perfectly rids the digestive organs of toxic substances, kills viruses and pathogenic microbes, activates the body's defenses to fight respiratory infections, and most importantly, perfectly cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol deposits. The venous network and blood vessels are invisible to the human eye, so most of us do not think about their condition. Indulgence in fatty foods, fast food, chips and other unhealthy foods leads to the accumulation of low-density lipoproteins and triglycerides, which settle on the vascular walls and reduce their lumen. As a result, atherosclerotic plaques form, preventing blood from circulating fully and delivering oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle.

Clogged vessels inevitably lead to the formation of blood clots, varicose veins, the development of hypertension, angina pectoris, heart attacks, and strokes. Garlic is able to dissolve cholesterol plaques, and lemon juice, as a powerful antioxidant that effectively fights free radicals, strengthens blood vessels and increases their elasticity, which is essential for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Method of preparation and conditions of administration

Making a cleanser using these readily available ingredients is very easy. It is necessary to grind the peeled cloves of 4 heads of garlic and 4 lemons along with the zest through a meat grinder. The resulting garlic-lemon paste should be placed in a three-liter jar and filled to the very top with boiled water at room temperature. It will take three days to infuse the healing agent, and during these days the homemade medicine is periodically shaken. Then the liquid is filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into a clean container and placed in the refrigerator. This volume of infusion is usually enough for a week and a half, so after 7 days you can start preparing a new portion. The cleanser is taken 100 milliliters (half a glass) three times a day for 30 - 40 days. During the cleansing process, the kidneys may be subject to increased stress, so if any unpleasant sensations occur, the dosage should be reduced to 50 milliliters (a quarter cup) three times a day. As a rule, at the end of the cleansing course, very positive results are achieved: headaches go away, complexion improves, mood and vitality improve, and performance increases.

2. Tincture for blood purification from garlic with milk

Not only blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract can become clogged, but also the human blood itself, which is responsible for delivering nutrients to organs and tissues. The composition of the blood can be affected by toxins produced by pathogenic microbes, heavy metal salts, various allergens, medications and many other harmful factors that can cause intoxication of the body. Blood contamination disrupts the functions of the lymph nodes and spleen, which leads, at best, to chronic fatigue syndrome, and at worst, to the development of serious cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal and hepatic pathologies. Of course, medical hardware methods for purifying blood and lymph, such as infusion-drop therapy, plasmapheresis, hemosorption or intravenous laser irradiation, are very effective, but they are used only in extreme cases. And in everyday life, it is useful to periodically cleanse the blood with folk remedies, in particular, with the help of garlic and milk.

Cooking method

Many traditional medicine experts claim that this recipe was found in Tibetan monasteries. With this remedy, the ancient monks improved the composition of “bad” blood, rid it of harmful compounds, which led to a significant improvement in the body. This Tibetan “rejuvenation method” is based on the complex use of garlic and milk. To prepare the healing potion, you will need to mince or crush 350 grams of peeled garlic cloves in a garlic press. Place the resulting garlic mass in a glass container, pour 200 milliliters of pure medical alcohol, seal tightly and let it brew for 10 days in a dark place at room temperature. After the specified time, the tincture must be filtered, the garlic mass must be squeezed out through cheesecloth, after which the cleanser in the form of sticky juice is ready for use.

Admission conditions

Take homemade medicine with boiled, preferably goat's milk, according to a strictly prescribed scheme. On the first day, before breakfast, lunch and dinner, take 3 drops of tincture dissolved in 50 milliliters of milk. In the next day, the dosage is gradually increased so that on the 10th day the volume of the drug consumed is three times a day, 25 drops dissolved in the same amount of milk. The blood cleansing course continues until the garlic tincture runs out. To reduce the increased load on the kidneys, which begin to work actively during the cleansing process, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of additional water daily. This procedure improves the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, and allows you to rejuvenate and improve the health of the entire body as a whole. It is believed that the positive effect of this method of blood purification lasts for the next 5 years.

4. Microclysters with garlic

And if helminths cause unpleasant itching in the anus, then a garlic-based microenema will help. It is necessary to crush 2 - 3 cloves of garlic to a fine paste, dilute it in a glass of boiled water, place the mixture in a syringe, the spout of which must be inserted as deeply as possible into the anus and make a microenema. Of course, the feeling during this procedure cannot be called pleasant, so you will have to be patient, but the worms will quickly leave the intestines in a paralyzed state. Such microenemas can get rid of pinworms forever.

5. Water with garlic to cleanse the body

Our reader shared this method with us. As a result of its use, overall well-being improves; the method helps against many ailments, such as diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels, liver and many others. To cleanse the body, use plain water infused with garlic. To do this, take 1 large clove or 2 medium ones, thinly cut into plates and fill with 250 milliliters of cold, unboiled water. One glass is prepared in the evening and you should drink the infused water in the morning when you wake up, and immediately prepare a second glass of water with chopped garlic, but drink it in the evening. And again prepare a glass of water with garlic. The course of admission is one month. If desired, the course can be repeated after a month.

Warning. When using this method, you must completely abstain from alcohol and not eat garlic or dishes where it is used.

6. Chewing (sucking) garlic

A reader also shared this method of healing and getting rid of many diseases with us. The method is as follows. In the morning, you need to cut a clove of garlic into thin slices, let it sit for 5 minutes, then put it in your mouth and begin to dissolve. The procedure time is 30 minutes. When finished, spit out the garlic pulp. To avoid burning the mucous membrane, you need to start with a thin slice, gradually increasing the amount of garlic to 1 clove. After the procedure, brush your teeth, have breakfast, chew a coffee bean or a sprig of parsley to reduce the smell of garlic. When used in this way, garlic juice immediately enters the blood and lymph. The entire body is cleansed, the condition of the oral mucosa improves, and the gums stop bleeding. You can get rid of anemia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and improve kidney function. The method can be used on an ongoing basis. Some people use this method throughout the year.

Warning. During the cleansing of the body, it is advisable to give up bad habits, at least overeating.

Many people who have tried the cleansing methods discussed in this article have the feeling that they have become younger - they have lost several years of life, their effectiveness is so high. Moreover, the material costs when cleansing the body with garlic are minimal, since all the ingredients are inexpensive and accessible to everyone. But still, before any cleansing procedure, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Garlic phytoncides are considered potent substances, so you should know that in case of hypotension, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, cleansing measures are contraindicated. Otherwise, the methods presented here improve your well-being, ensure a good mood, and most importantly, maintain health, which is more valuable than anything in the world. Good luck to everyone and long life!

Many preparations require garlic. Our article will help you deal with cleaning this insidious plant as quickly as possible.

Peeling garlic is quite inconvenient. Hands smell bad, and peels often remain under the nails, which are then difficult to clean. And if you peel a large amount of garlic without gloves, you can get burns that will take a long time to go away.

How to properly peel garlic?

Traditionally, a knife is used to peel garlic. This method is reliable. Most likely, you will have to do some extra cleaning because a kitchen knife can't do everything for you.

What you will need:

  • kitchen knife with wide blade
  • several heads of garlic
  • cutting board, preferably wooden

How to clean:

  1. Place the garlic horizontally on the board.
  2. Using a smooth knife motion, cut off the ends of the garlic clove on both sides.
  3. Place the wide side on the garlic and press. You can make several “swinging” movements.
  4. As soon as you hear a click, the knife should be removed.
  5. The coarse husk will separate, leaving a thin skin that can be peeled off with your hands.

You can also peel garlic completely by hand using a small knife designed for peeling vegetables. But we must admit that this method is far from the most effective.

How to peel young garlic in 10 seconds?

Young garlic is much worse to peel than old garlic. It's all about thin soft partitions that have not yet had time to “harden”. Two ways to clean young garlic come to the rescue.

First way. Using a special silicone mat for peeling garlic. The device is designed specifically to help housewives (and owners) in the kitchen.

  1. Break the head of garlic into cloves.
  2. Place each clove in turn (you can have 2 cloves) on a special mat and twist it.
  3. Roll the resulting “tube” like a rolling pin for a few seconds.
  4. Unroll the mat and remove the husks.
  5. Proceed to the next clove.

the same mat for peeling garlic

Method two. You’re unlikely to be able to peel young garlic in 10 seconds, but in 10 minutes it’s quite possible! In addition, at this time you will have completely free hands to do other things in the kitchen.

  1. Separate the head of garlic into individual cloves.
  2. Place the still unpeeled cloves into a bowl of cold water.
  3. Do other things.
  4. After 10 minutes, remove the peeled garlic.

Video: How to quickly peel garlic! Method 2?

How to quickly peel garlic in a jar?

How else can you peel garlic? The answer comes unexpectedly - with the help of an ordinary jar! The method works for both one or more heads of garlic and cloves.

What do you need:

  • garlic
  • jar

How to do it:

  1. Place the heads of garlic in a jar.
  2. Close the jar tightly with a lid.
  3. Hold the jar by the bottom and lid with your hands and shake vigorously for a few seconds.
  4. Open the jar and pour the contents into a bowl.
  5. Select garlic from the mountain of peels.

Advice! Instead of a jar, you can use large glasses, bowls and even basins.

We have prepared a video about this!

Video: The FASTEST way to peel GARLIC. Lifehack for the kitchen

How to quickly peel a lot of garlic?

A large amount of garlic can be peeled using boiling water. Just keep in mind that while you save significant time, you will lose in taste. After this cleaning method, garlic loses some of its taste and aroma.

What do you need:

  • garlic
  • bowl or plate
  • hot water kettle

How to clean:

  1. Break the garlic into cloves.
  2. Pour hot water into the bowl, or even boiling water.
  3. Throw the garlic cloves into the water and wait a minute.
  4. Drain the water using a colander.
  5. Pick garlic from the pile of peels.

A quick way to peel a head of garlic: video

You can watch a variation of the very first method of peeling garlic in the video!

Video: How to peel garlic?

How to quickly and easily peel garlic from scales and husks at home: methods, life hacks, tricks

Let us now summarize how you can easily peel garlic:

  1. Using a knife (two ways).
  2. Using cold and hot water.
  3. Using a jar.

Note! If you still decide to peel garlic the old fashioned way, separating the husks with a simple knife, then use medical gloves! This tip will protect you from burns.

Important fact! Peeling old and young garlic needs to be done in different ways. Which ones exactly are indicated in the article!

Video: How to quickly peel a lot of garlic | The art of cutting

Garlic gives dishes a special sophistication, a certain zest, which is why it is found in many appetizers and salads, and winter preparations cannot do without it. In this regard, housewives often ask the question: “How to quickly peel garlic?” We will provide a comprehensive answer right now.

There are several ways to peel garlic quickly and easily. We will present to your attention the top five.

Method number 1. Professional

This method of cleaning garlic is used by professional chefs, but only if the dish requires pressed or finely chopped garlic.

Cut the top off the clove, place the garlic on a cutting board and press down firmly with a kitchen knife. Once you hear the characteristic click, removing the peel from the garlic will not be difficult. If you have a knife with a wide blade in your arsenal, then you can press several cloves at once.

Method No. 2. Suitable for peeling well-dried garlic

This method is great when you need to quickly peel a large amount of garlic, for example, when you decide.

Take a couple of metal bowls of the same diameter. Place garlic cloves in one of them and cover with the other. Shake the structure for 10-15 seconds. Open the bowls and get the peeled garlic cloves. Select them from the husks, cut off the tops and use them for their intended purpose. We remind you: only well-dried garlic can be peeled in this way.

Method number 3. Another option for cleaning dried garlic

If you need to peel just a couple of garlic cloves, and not a large amount, as in the previous case, then you can simply roll the garlic cloves along the table surface, pressing them with your palm. The husk will come off and you can remove it easily and quickly. Just remember again that the garlic must be well dried.

Method No. 4. Suitable for peeling even insufficiently dried garlic

As a rule, you should let the garlic sit in the refrigerator, so it starts to get a little damp. In this case, the second and third cleaning methods will not work, so you will have to resort to another one. Pour cold water over the garlic and leave for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the garlic peel will be well soaked, and you can easily and quickly peel the required amount of garlic.

Method number 5

The last, fifth way to quickly peel garlic is to pour boiling water over the required amount of garlic and leave for a minute. Garlic that has cooled down after such hot baths can be peeled quickly and easily. However, you can peel garlic intended for marinade or sauce in a similar way, since essential oils and vitamins evaporate from it during heat treatment.

Garlic can be found in many winter preparations, salads, and meat dishes. A bulbous plant with a pungent taste and pungent odor gives dishes a special zest, always held in high esteem by lovers of spicy cuisine. How to peel garlic with minimal effort and time, which methods are the most effective, what disadvantages need to be taken into account during this procedure and how to peel garlic correctly - this is discussed in our article.

How to quickly peel garlic at home in less than a minute? To peel garlic cloves in a jar in a short time, you need to do some preparatory work. Separate the fruit heads into cloves. After that, place them on a cutting board, and place a wide-bladed knife flat on top. Strike the blade hard. Then the teeth are easily separated from each other. Then place the garlic in a deep container, cover with a lid and shake vigorously for several minutes.

Now the process goes like this:

  1. Place the garlic cloves in a glass jar.
  2. Close the container tightly with the lid.
  3. Shake the jar vigorously for 15 seconds.
  4. Open the jar and pour its contents onto the table.
  5. Check the peeled teeth for rotten areas.
  6. Remove rot with a knife and rinse in water.

The disadvantages of this method are that the shaking must be quite intense. And, of course, out of habit, your hands can get tired. As a rule, dried garlic is used for this procedure.

How to quickly peel a lot of garlic

There is a great way that allows you to peel a large amount of garlic. This process is simple and will appeal to many housewives who, for example, are busy preparing dishes for a wedding or holiday table. To do this you need to do the following:

  • put the container with garlic in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  • after 30 minutes, take out your garlic and wrap it in a towel, make a bag out of the towel;
  • tap the bag on the table for two minutes;
  • Unfold the towel and place the peeled garlic cloves on a plate.

Large quantities of bulbous plants can also be cleaned using boiling water. To do this, you need to lower the garlic cloves into boiling water for half a minute, and then take them out and remove the softened husks.

How long does it take you to peel half a kilo of garlic?

More than half an hourLess than half an hour

The disadvantages of this method are that it is advisable to peel the garlic in this way, which will later be used in marinades and when sealing jars. Since during heat treatment this product loses its taste and aroma.

How to quickly peel small garlic

The most successful ways to peel garlic are as follows:

  1. Microwave. Heat the onions for about half a minute. Your teeth will turn out without visible damage. Smooth and beautiful. You will notice that the husk comes off easily.
  2. By changing the temperature. Place the onion slices in the refrigerator for a while. After they freeze there, take them out and put them in water at room temperature. The garlic “package” will be saturated with moisture, and the heads will be cleaned faster in this case.
  3. Using two ceramic or metal deep plates of the same size. Place garlic cloves in one of them. And with another bowl inserted into the first, press down the garlic. Then shake well. When you remove the top bowl, you will notice that the slices have separated from the husk. It happens that the top skin does not come off completely. Then take a knife and carefully remove it by hand.

Young garlic is much worse to peel than mature garlic. A young fetus has thin and soft septa. There are two options you can try to clean a young bulbous plant.

First option. You can take a silicone wipe or towel. Place a few slices on one half of the napkin and cover them with the other half. Then gently roll back and forth. In this case, the slices are smooth and whole. You can also use any silicone wipe for this procedure.

Second option. It won't take you that much time. We do the following:

  1. Separate the garlic heads into cloves;
  2. Place the unpeeled cloves in a saucepan or bowl of cold water;
  3. Wait about 10 minutes;
  4. Remove the slices from the water and place in a dry container.

A silicone tube is used to clean the bulbous plant.

It is smooth inside and due to the fact that the slices are lightly pressed and rolled on the table, they are easily peeled. This process consists of several steps:

  • Take the already separated garlic cloves with the peel.
  • Place one or two prongs on a special silicone mat and wrap it in a tube.
  • Roll the resulting tube back and forth for a few seconds.
  • Unroll the mat and discard the “natural” garlic packaging.
  • Take the next clove.

The downside to this method is that you are unlikely to peel a large number of garlic cloves this way!

How to peel garlic before planting

Many people wonder whether it is necessary to peel garlic before planting for the winter? This isn't exactly cleaning, but before you plant garlic in the ground for the winter, you still need to do some prep work.

  1. First cut off the bottom of each head, but leave the peel on the garlic. Then the garlic will grow healthy and whole.
  2. Also check if there are any rotten specimens among the heads.
  3. Then divide the fruits into teeth and plant them in the ground with the sprout facing up. It is better to plant it at a distance of about twenty centimeters from each other. This bulbous crop does not like crowding. The planting depth is approximately two to three centimeters.


In this video they will show you how to quickly peel garlic.

There are a great many methods that can be used to peel garlic. Knives, jars with lids, cold/hot water, and silicone tubes help here. All these techniques and methods are very effective. Thanks to simple steps, you can perfectly cope with this task at home.
