M dvach good girls. What are “dvach”, “forchan” and other imageboards. How do they become victims of “dvachers”

0 If you started asking the question “Sap Dvach”, what does it mean, you probably watched a very popular video in which Karina Strimersha shares his thoughts. This video sequence was skillfully set to music and became very strikingly different from the original, the unpleasant shrill voice disappeared somewhere, and the girl turned into a tube nurse. In one of her phrases, this squeaky beauty mentions Sap Dvach. What does Sap Dvach mean?? Most began to wonder what language she speaks, what kind of sounds come out of her mouth?

Sap Dvach- means hello forum!

What does Sap mean?

Glanders is a greeting that is very often used on imageboards (forums where you can not only write messages, but also attach graphic files to them ( image)), such as 2ch, 4chan(ch or chan is short for channel ( channel)). Many believe that the term "Sap" comes from the English expression " What's up", usually they say "wassup", after a while it became just "Sup".
And the impetus for the emergence of this jargon was Budweiser beer advertisement, which was released in 1999 and played until 2001.

What does Dvach mean?

Now the time of anonymous imageboards is coming to an end, now only similarities, copies of the most “mighty and terrible” forum 2ch (dva.ch, dvach) remain. After he was solemnly buried on January 17, 2009, and the remains were scattered throughout the World Wide Web, his followers began to sprout, but it was not the same. The very name “2ch .ru” was stolen from the Japanese imageboard, which was called “2ch .net”, however, the people who created the Russian imageboard were more focused on the English-language analogue - 2chan, and this is understandable, because English is much easier to understand than Japanese.

Imageboard Dvach had forty different thematic sections. However, /b/ (nonsense) was considered the most visited and in demand. There was no specific topic in this thread. It was in this section that the most famous memes on the Internet were born. Some believe that Dvach is the largest center of Russian Internet culture in RuNet. After the closure of Dvach, a good follower of the deceased imageboard, called Lurkomorye(Lurkmore), this site is built on the Wiki engine and is a modern encyclopedia of culture and subculture.

So, Dvacha users developed their own special language, which was incomprehensible to the uninitiated, until you yourself became a Dvacher; it was sometimes very difficult to understand the meaning of jokes and memes. Since now it has not existed for a long time, and the anons bitterly claim that the current copies are not at all the same.

An example of how Dvacha users communicated:

"Chick crowing on

Imageboards are a very broad category of Internet resources, which includes the portals “Dvach” and “Fochan”. The name comes from the English word imageboard, which translates as “image board”. This is a type of web forum that allows you to attach photos and other graphic files to your posts.

Imageboards appeared in Japan, and English-language forums adopted Japanese style and culture. The technology is based on the Textboard concept, which differs only in that graphic files cannot be attached to it.

The atmosphere on imageboards is relaxed and informal, thanks to the anonymous posting of messages. Sometimes this feature leads to aggressive and negative comments. Users can leave comments and messages without registering or creating accounts. Moreover, some sections imply exclusively anonymous comments and messages. If desired, the user can follow or use the same photo to stand out among anonymous people. But this is not necessary and is often frowned upon by other users.

Usually there is a file attached to each message, sometimes several files. More often, only images are allowed; less often, music can also be attached. All saved files are stored on the imageboard server.

Archiving is not enabled by default. Each section can contain no more than a certain number of threads. When a new thread (discussion) is created, the oldest one is deleted. If archiving is still necessary, it is carried out by third-party services, in which case old threads are transferred to a separate directory.

Imageboards differ from other forums in several ways:

  • No archiving by default;
  • Anonymity;
  • Ability to attach files.

What is "Dvach"

The most famous, popular and demonstrative imageboards are “Dvach” and “Fochan”. Both sites have a large number of sections and are built on a similar principle. Discussions are posted in threads united by topic. Users discussing the topic are anonymous.

“Dvach” is a domestic imageboard, the idea of ​​which was borrowed from a Japanese site with a similar name. The functionality and visual design are also similar. There are similar sites in almost all countries of the world where the Internet is actively used.

There are 40 sections on Dvacha. Among them:

  • Cars
  • Anime
  • Design
  • Job
  • Series
  • Space.

And much more. Only two of the sections are debatable; a few topics are devoted to politics and social issues. Most of the sections are general and dedicated to entertainment, such as anime.

A special feature of the site is an online graphic editor. Posters used it to create their own images.

On this resource, each section has a specific topic, which allows you to structure a large amount of information and discussions. These sections are called boards. Each board can only have a limited number of threads (discussions). This is due to memory savings and lack of archiving. The oldest, unpopular threads were deleted in favor of new ones. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on the site, and anonymity allows you to write witty messages with complete frankness.

What is "Forchan"

If “Dvach” is one of the most famous Russian-language boards, then “Forchan” was very popular in foreign countries. It was this site that gave birth to a huge number of popular memes, which then spread throughout the Internet.

This English-language resource appeared a long time ago and attracted a large number of users. The basic principles of its operation are the same as other imageboards: anonymity, no archiving, the ability to attach an image.

Fourchan was opened on October 1, 2003 by Christopher Poole. Japanese imageboards were also taken as a basis. First of all, sections were created for publishing images and discussing manga and anime. The site quickly gained popularity, new discussions appeared on various topics:

  • Video games
  • Music
  • Literature
  • Policy
  • Fitness
  • Sport.

In 2007, for a short time, the imageboard turned into a regular forum where you need to register to leave messages. This did not please the users of the resource, who openly expressed their indignation. It turned out that everything happened due to a hacker attack, the consequences of which were eliminated.

Another unpleasant incident occurred in 2009, when a user decided to joke and posted information on the site that a shootout would take place in one of the American schools. The police occupied this school, but the alarm turned out to be false.

Stylistics of communication on imageboards

There is a special atmosphere on imageboards, which is largely determined by the anonymity of users. This gives freedom, and in some cases, impunity. Such forums have moderation, but users are punished only for the most egregious violations that violate the law of the land. This is propaganda of violence, Nazism, insults. At the same time, even dangerous messages often go unnoticed by moderators.

Here they do not monitor the topic of discussion, so it is sometimes difficult to find useful information: it is lost behind hundreds of flood messages. Anonymity allows dangerous, usually hidden topics to be exposed.

There is also a special phenomenon of general stream of consciousness. When many messages come not from specific people, but from anonymous users, they are perceived as a general line of information. At the same time, the desire of a particular user to identify himself causes condemnation and seems to be a betrayal of general principles.

Imageboard sections

Imageboards are divided into sections by topic. In theory, this makes it easier to select a thread of interest and not interfere with users’ discussion of other topics. In practice, threads often intersect and in the movie topic they discuss, for example, kittens.

Therefore, the most popular topics are the forums “Brad”, “Chatter”, etc., which are intended for communication on any topic. Special rules of communication ethics apply here. In these sections you can even find pornography or other dubious content. On the other hand, future popular memes and viral content often appear here and spread throughout the Internet.

Some imageboards have boards for international communication, which is most often conducted in English. Here memes can gain worldwide popularity, and national cultures intertwine with each other and with Internet culture. On any board you can create a topic “for your own” and conduct a conversation in your native language.

Jokes involving flags and national attributes are especially popular in international discussions. For example, on a German website a popular image of the Polish flag is upside down; England is depicted in the image of a British gentleman - in a top hat and monocle.

Communication on imageboards is attractive due to its informality and breadth of topics. However, now the popularity of such resources has dropped significantly, and many young Internet users have not even heard of Dvach, Fourchan and other similar sites.

Various imageboards are a very popular topic on the Internet. But modern Internet users sometimes do not know what it is, since they simply did not see the popularity of such sites. Let's look at this topic in more detail. At one time, the two most popular imageboards were “Dvach” and “Forchan”. When analyzing the concept of “imageboard” we will analyze these sites. After all, it was they who at one time gave rise to a huge number of memes. Okay, let's start looking at this in more detail.

What is an imageboard?

Imageboard(English image board, “board for images”, also chan from English Channel) - a type of forum with no registration and organization of communication in a section-thread way. The informal definition also includes the concept that it is a site where users conduct lively conversations through messages with attached graphic files.

An imageboard consists of thematic sections or boards (also sometimes the imageboards themselves are called boards). The discussion on each board is divided into separate threads, consisting of posts - sequential responses to the first (initial) message. Any visitor to the imageboard has the opportunity to create their own threads or respond to existing ones, anonymously or by subscribing.

Stylistics of communication

The main essence of communication on imageboards, and what made them popular at one time, is anonymity. Here, not only is it not required, it is not even necessary to sign messages. Existing only for the convenience of users’ statements, the conditions of anonymity laid the foundation for an entire qualitatively new segment of culture. The consequences of anonymity include a wide range of characteristics that have emerged during the development of imageboards.

1. Firstly, they result in absolute freedom of expression, they ban anonymous people only for things prohibited by the law of the IRL country: child porn, propaganda of violence, Nazism, however, on most image boards there is a /b/ section created for any topics, but on In practice, all prohibitions come down to only the first, everything else is possible! This creates a special type of thinking in the minds of users, when you can not be responsible for your words, your own creativity, or your behavior. The negative consequence of this is the formation of preconditions for total flooding, purposeless (spam) and off-topic (offtopic) messages. It also opens the door to the formation of a “cancer that kills /b/” community.

2. Secondly, anonymity, in the absence of fear of condemnation from society, allows you to raise topics that are prohibited or unacceptable in real society, and even on forums, such as planning a murder or homosexuality. This also has a positive effect: topics for communication are arbitrary, there is no fear, conscience is away, which allows image boards to become a place of free cultural perception, awareness and combination, turning them into places open to all thoughts and all possibilities, something that is in the understanding of culture The world's IRL cities can be compared with online cities, of course only psychologically.

3. Thirdly, the anonymization of communication has led to the creation of the illusion of Anonymous. The essence of Anonymous is that you not only don’t know who is answering you and from where: the very thought of different people is not shared - the flow of information forces participants to contribute the first thing that came to mind, or at least not thought about it for too long, usually this is not very good things. If you forget that anyone can post from anywhere, then dividing the message into “us” and “not yours”, you may get the impression that you are communicating with one person, while an outside observer gets the impression of an instant blog of one person - Anonymous . And everything would be fine if people did not always go further - amazed and enchanted by the beauty and aestheticism of anonymous culture, people who do not have their own culture in real life begin to create, which as a result resembles only an imitation of creativity. Anonymous himself calls them cancer. In fact, cancer is people for whom the process of communication itself one day becomes more important than its content. The first steps towards cancer, apparently, were those who, only after the emergence of this type of communication, began to create parodies and various macros of this, write pasta, most likely his name is hidden to us forever. But the thousandth, well, maybe the millionth, Anonymous continues in the best traditions the development of a topic that has long tired of everyone, and has exhausted itself, it would seem, but the direction of culture continues to live, developing. Well, I wonder what will happen next.

4. Fourth, in the already established anonymous culture itself, the identification aspect of posts often causes a lot of drama and lulz, giving rise to such terms as “neimfag” (named), “seimfag” (Semyon, also a male) and “trypfag”. The latter arise due to the presence of the ability to enter an individual tripcode in the name field - a pseudo-registering set of numbers and letters to identify messages from one person. You can simply subscribe in any way and any number of times.

5. As already mentioned, the only real alternative to anonymous communication on an imageboard is a tripcode. To use the tripcode, write in the nickname field after your nickname, the # symbol and your password (without spaces). For example: Nickname # tripcode → Nickname! 3GqYIJ3Obs After this, do not forget to put in the name field after the name of the symbol # with the SAME password, which you do not disclose to anyone, do not forget

6. Due to the presence of numbering of posts, the concepts of “get” (taking) are common - a deliberate post with a get number, and doubles - on very fast boards, the requirements are a post number with the same two last digits.

7. The last, and perhaps final, investigative property is the length of time that different anonymous people communicated on the imageboard. Unlike a forum, where one user cannot be confused with another, on an imageboard it is impossible to distinguish one unsuccessful meme user from another, so drama is often caused by the sadness of users with experience in communicating in the community - oldfags, over misinterpretations, too much passion, or simply themselves the desire to immediately add something of their own by newly arrived users - newfags. Unlike frequent myths, memes are ubiquitous, from the very essence of humanity, and are not a feature of imageboards.

What are “Dvach” and “Fochan”?

These two sites, as we have already figured out, belong to one very large category of Internet resources, which are called imageboards. This is one of the types of forum that has advanced capabilities regarding attaching pictures. In fact, the term literally translates to “image board,” which makes it easier to understand this phenomenon, which has now almost disappeared into oblivion. Typically, imageboards are built according to the same scheme, full of a large number of sections.

These sections contain so-called threads in which people discuss certain topics. The remarks themselves (sometimes with pictures) are posts. A similar forum system still exists today. The advantage of the imageboard compared to other forums was that all users there are anonymous.

Some consider this a drawback that creates chaos in such systems. However, despite the absence of the need to register, on such sites it is often possible to identify and determine that posts were written by the same person. Let's look at the two most famous imageboards at the moment: “Dvach” and “Forchan”.

What is "Dvach"?

Dvach is a popular site 2ch.ru, which had a variety of forums where people could communicate on popular topics and express their opinions. A lot of memes and slang words came from this project.


Dvach consisted of 40 thematic sections, the largest of which was /b/ (nonsense) - a section without a specific topic. Most of Dvach's memes originated from there. In turn, these memes were borrowed both from abroad and from RuNet memes in general; however, many memes were of local origin and were popular only on Dvacha. Dvach has become one of the largest centers of development of Internet culture in Runet. Lurkmore was created as a continuation of Dvach: one of its founders, Zoi, was the hoster of Dvach, and most of the words of Lurkmore came from the Dvach jargon; In addition, Dvach and his memes are one of the few things that are almost not ridiculed in Lurka.

Dvach was an anonymous imageboard and preached “forced anonymity” (that is, the fundamental impossibility of registering), but sometimes it is not difficult to understand whether two certain messages were written by the same person or by different ones. However, it was possible to fill in the “Name” field (when publishing a post with an empty “Name” field, “Anonymous” was indicated in the title), but those who did this were persecuted, calling them neumphags. The lack of moderation (since 2007) and anonymity were the reason for the impunity that reigned on Dvacha, which attracted many notorious trolls or people who, hoping for anonymity, were not afraid to disgrace themselves on Dvacha, but there were frequent cases of so-called. “de-anonymization”, when, according to some indirect indications in posts or images attached to them, it was possible to establish the name of the anonymous person in real life, and sometimes some other data. If the de-anonymized person was disgraced on Dvach, then there could well be a wave of persecution of this person outside of Dvach. A similar anonymity system is common on other imageboards, but it was on Dvacha that the largest de-anonymizations in the history of the Runet at that time took place.

Due to the same anonymity and impunity, obscene and unparliamentary expressions were extremely common in the Dvach culture, including insults of opponents as such, so Dvach regulars rarely took these insults seriously, but were merciless in them towards newcomers, who were called newfags (nowadays the offensive connotation of this word has been lost). The images published on Dvach were also often extremely naturalistic and often consisted of shock content.

In the last days of Dvacha’s life, he was flooded with the so-called. “cancer” (there is an opinion that Lurkomorye is also to blame for this, but there is also the opposite opinion). According to one version, this was the reason for the closure of Dvach. According to another version, the closure occurred at the request of the owner of Dvach (in addition, the owner does not want to part with the domain itself, as evidenced by the extension of the domain twice already, after Dvach ceased to be available, proofs in the whois and alexa history). conspiracy theorists claim that the destruction of Dvach was not least the work of the special services. Many dvachers switched to other imageboards, some of them became regulars of Dvatirech.

What is Fochan?

4chan(Japanese 四葉 yotsuba, “four leaves”, Fochan, Forchan) – an English-language imageboard and anonymous web forum, created under the influence of the Japanese futaba channel. At the moment, it has surpassed the futaba channel in traffic and popularity and is probably the largest imageboard in the world. Fourchan was opened on October 1, 2003 by Christopher Poole (moot). On January 21, 2015, 11.5 years after its creation, moot announced that it was leaving the position of resource administrator. On September 21, 2015, 4chan founder Christopher Poole announced that the site was being taken over by 2channel founder Nishimura Hiroyuki


4chan contains over 60 imageboard-style sections, including one oekaki section and one flash section. Previously, on the world4ch domain, and then on the dis.4chan.org subdomain, there were also exclusively text sections, similar to Japanese forums like 2channel, which were later liquidated.

Each section has a short letter code (for example, /a/ for anime and manga, /k/ for weapons, /mu/ for music, etc.) that is usually used as the section name. Each section has its own topic (except for /b/), its own rules, and its own subculture. All sections allow you to send anonymous messages.

Moderators and cleaners monitor activity on the site. The first - they are called mods - post content, delete posts, communicate with users and, if necessary, ban them. Cleaners are selected from ordinary users. They monitor individual sections, but do not have the right to ban users. Moderators and cleaners must remain anonymous. Those who reveal their identity or status are kicked out without warning.


The most popular section on 4chan is /b/ (random), recently receiving an average of 200,000 messages per day. Users of the section call themselves /b/tards (from the English retards or bastards; can be translated as “/b/olvans” or “u/b/lyudki”; the Russian transcript equivalent is “/b/tards” or “bitards”). Unlike other sections, it does not have a specific topic. The section does not have local moderation rules, and only a number of global ones apply. Due to the rapid flow of messages and the high density of original memes, it can be difficult for newcomers to the section to understand the meaning of the discussions. Due to the number of users, some memes originating on /b/ are widely shared and even received publicity in the press.

Character of users

Despite the anonymity, analysis of publications and behavior of /b/ users suggests that:

  • The age of the majority of users publishing posts is between 18 and 30 years old. This statement is based on an analysis of references to pop culture phenomena that mainly date back to the late 1980s and early 1990s;
  • they belong to the white race or to people who, consciously or not, demonstrate a “white” mindset: /b/ is characterized by trolling people of color in general and African Americans in particular;
  • the majority are Americans living in the suburbs and belonging to the middle class. How to read 4chan?

The anonymous image board 4chan, needless to say, can be a truly terrifying and disgusting place! However, if you get used to it and survive the first shock, then everything will go like clockwork. This article will teach you how to use 4chan.


1. Find out if you can join 4chan. If you are under 18, if you are offended by innocent jokes about your mother and her sex life, pornographic content, racism and all that, or if you are... ahem... a representative of the intellectual majority (however, even in this case, 4chan will be interesting to you - but only /b), then you shouldn’t go to 4chan or boards in general.

2. Read the rules. As a rule, “newfags” are banned precisely for ignorance of the rules. Bans on 4chan are a thing that are very, very difficult to remove. Remember, however, that even following the rules will not save you from a ban - for some phrases, images and tripcodes you can be banned forever. And remember that 4chan has two sets of rules: the 4chan rules and the /b (non-topic) rules.

3. See which discussion board is more interesting to you. Of course, the most popular is /b, where there is no topic. It was there, by the way, that most of today’s popular memes appeared (it was there, and not on the RuNet). However, if humor, porn and other “cancer that kills boards” are not particularly interesting to you, you are welcome to the topic.

4. Lurk. Don't immediately start new threads without knowing the local rules, otherwise you will rightly be called an idiot. Do everyone (and yourself too) a favor - sit in the “ridonli” for at least two weeks. Look at how the board lives, how it breathes, how it speaks. Make sure you know the basics of how to leave messages, how to unfollow threads, how to quote, how to spot trolls, etc. before you actually start posting.

5. Learn local slang. Does anyone remember some Muta? If you come across a word you don't understand, look it up on, say, Lurkmore.to to understand what it actually means.

6. Don't be a cancer killing /b! Cancer threads on /b are the plague of 4chan and many other boards. These immensely disgusting and annoying threads created by newfags, these endless “platinum threads” - threads like “newfags can’t play triforce”, “roulette”, “copy-paste threads”, “laughed - lost”, etc. In general, don’t create them, don’t subscribe to them, drive them away, despise them!

7. Start unfollowing. If you read the article carefully and didn't miss anything, then you're now ready to dive into the vat of g... that is, 4chan. Good luck, and remember the rules!

  • Type carefully. Illiterate people are not liked on 4chan.
  • Learn the slang (OP – original poster, author of the thread).
  • Don't click on all the links, no matter how tempting they may sound. Don't know what this site is? Don't go there.
  • Don't be afraid if the thread disappears from zero. Even good threads sometimes get washed away.
  • Remember that for some words and images the ban occurs almost instantly, and forever.
  • Don't be afraid to respond to anonymous people. You can have a very sincere conversation with them.
  • Of course, you shouldn't put personal data in /b. Be anonymous, don't give yourself away.
  • Don't take advice from /b. Seriously.
  • What you see cannot be unseen! What you see may be removed from the board... but not from your head.
  • Remember, no matter what anyone tells you, don't delete system32.
  • Don't fall for the old tricks like “open a picture and save it as 4chan.jse” etc. Such viruses can seriously damage your computer.

“Dvach” is a site for anonymous communication, which is visited by 100 thousand users per day. The persecution of a teacher who starred in porn, the detection of crimes of the “Khabarovsk knackers” and the exposure of a pedophile - all these cases found their way into the media and to law enforcement agencies precisely thanks to the users of Dvach.

« Paper» spoke with dozens of active participants in such actions and their victims to understand what motivates the site’s users.

Last week, a trial began in Khabarovsk in one of the most high-profile cases of last year. Two local minor girls were in the dock (it was initially stated that they were over 18 years old). They are accused of insulting the feelings of believers, robbery and several other articles of the Criminal Code. But they became known as the “Khabarovsk knackers.”

In the fall of 2016, a wave of spontaneous rallies of animal rights activists swept across Russia. They came out with their pets to protests and stood with slogans like “They hurt too.” The reason for this was a scandal with two girls from Khabarovsk. They regularly responded to advertisements seeking new homes for cats and dogs and adopted animals from shelters. After that, they mocked them: they gouged out their eyes, cut off their paws and crucified them. The murder weapons were hammers, knives and even an air pistol. In personal correspondence, they exchanged photographs of murders and jokingly described the next crime. In total, according to investigators, 15 birds, cats and dogs became victims. The girls are also known to have tortured a homeless man.

As a result, the girls were detained. A young man who allegedly helped record a video of the man being abused went on trial with them. Now the knackers have admitted their guilt and the prosecutor’s office is demanding real sentences for them. And the investigation began with a post on “Dvacha” - the Russian analogue of the famous imageboard 4chan (a site where users can communicate and exchange pictures anonymously and without registration).

The girls’ correspondence and photographs of abuse first appeared on Dvacha. Its users figured out where the murders took place, began harassing the girls online (they wrote them threatening messages en masse), and began to organize information about the crimes on the Internet. This is how the media and law enforcement agencies learned about the situation, which ultimately led to a scandal and trial.

How does Dvach work?

Now the site is a system of several dozen forums; such “raids” make up a very small part of it. Users discuss memes and news, share rare porn and discuss where to buy weapons, argue about politics and football, comics and music, religion and programming.

However, Dvach is primarily known as a place for anonymous communication with harsh trolling and cynical jokes.

Screenshot from 2ch.hk

Screenshot from 2ch.hk

Screenshot from 2ch.hk

At the same time, representatives of the site assure that this is not the essence of its work.

Dvach is not only about gibberish and senseless throwing shit at everyone and everything. Dvach is not only a place where people look for “cute” pictures to like and tell their friends. Everything is much deeper and subtler. Here you can talk about all your problems, no matter how strange or scary they may seem. Tell dreams, fantasies, no matter how perverted they may be. Discuss any exciting event that happened at home or in the whole world,” explained 33-year-old administrator and alleged owner of Dvach Nariman Abu Namazov.

Indeed, the communication here is generally friendly, but due to anonymity, users do not hesitate to use insults and swear words. The imageboard also has its own slang using professional vocabulary, abbreviations, deliberate distortion of words and borrowings from other languages. There are both forms common on the “external” Internet (for example, “sap”, “chan”, “sych”), and internal forms for the forum (“divanon”, “brute force”, “target”).

The site is visited by 100 thousand users per day, who write 200,000 posts. The number of unique visitors per month exceeds a million, which allows the site to earn money from advertising. According to the creators, “Dvach” is the most popular imageboard in Russia and Europe and ranks third in the world.

However, Dvach is primarily known for the large-scale actions of its users outside the site. Thus, “dvachers” solved crimes and identified porn actresses among VKontakte users, mocked patriots on Odnoklassniki and sought to block Nikita Dzhigurda’s Instagram, spy on people through web cameras, and sabotaged many Internet beauty contests, inflating the votes of applicants, not meeting the standards of model appearance.

At the same time, only since the beginning of 2016, Dvach users have created about 500 topics on the site with calls for “raids.” “Dvachers” harassed rapper Basta and famous porn actor Pierre Woodman. There were also “raids” on feminists and nationalists, “nasty fat women” and Caucasians, girls cheating on their boyfriends, and schoolgirls who killed a homeless man.

Dvach is a place where such demarches spontaneously arise, or, as they also say, raids on different people, on different events. On the normal Internet, so to speak. Starting with raids on a classmate’s VKontakte wall and calls to troll someone’s mother, ending with events with quite serious consequences. Basically, of course, these raids come with a minus sign, they carry negative energy, but sometimes, as with the beauty contest, they also carry creative energy. “We don’t want another glamorous TP to win the competition, but a happy, pretty and kind chick,” explained Abu, emphasizing that a small percentage of users participate in the raids.

From an in-depth interview with " Paper" Abu refused, explaining that the material could become a reason for him to be “harassed by people who are not happy” with him. Namazov previously stated that he received threats due to the activities of Dvach.

At the same time, he emphasizes that he tries not to interfere with “raids” of users and does this only at the request of law enforcement officers. However, there are no known cases of any high-profile trials or sentences against participants in such actions. The file of court decisions about Dvach only mentions demands to block certain topics on the forum due to “information prohibited for dissemination on the territory of the Russian Federation.”

Who participates in Internet raids

Vladimir was born and raised in a small town in Western Siberia. A population of 40 thousand people, an average salary of less than 20 thousand rubles, unemployment and an almost complete lack of prospects for the majority of residents. Vladimir was bored with his peers, and he preferred to spend his free time on the Internet.

In my hometown there were often only cattle houses. I spent my free time better and more usefully on the computer than in garages,” he recalls in a conversation with “ Paper" He valued the Internet precisely for the opportunity to find everything you want, you just have to look.

In 2007, 12-year-old Vova was once again scouring the Internet in search of “interesting topics for thought” and came across the Internet encyclopedia Lurkmore. Six months later, through a cross-reference in one of the articles, he first got to Dvach. The boy liked reading the opinions of anonymous users, and Vladimir began spending several hours on the site every day.

Ten years have passed since then. Vladimir moved to Novosibirsk and from a teenager running away from the reality of a provincial town, he turned into a typical young resident of any of Russia's millionaires. He dresses in H&M and listens to underground music, earns money through programming and design, and also grows his small business and unsuccessfully tries to launch startups. However, he still visits Dvach and actively participates in the life of the site. “This has already become part of everyday life,” he explains.

Vladimir left his first comment on Dvacha only in 2010, three years after appearing on the site. He was forced to join the discussion by discussing the case of the “wheel throwers” ​​- two teenagers from St. Petersburg, who on the evening of November 8, 2010, fired a car tire from the fifth floor and accidentally killed a passerby with it. Dvach users were outraged by the “stupidity” of teenagers and launched “raids” on their pages on the “My World” social network. Vladimir then felt sorry for the “throwers”, and on the forum he stood up for them, but his message was ignored.

It seemed to me then that they were just stupid, and everyone should have a chance to make a mistake. But that's not true. “I was stupid myself,” he explained, “ paper».

Screenshot from 2ch.hk

Screenshot from 2ch.hk

Two weeks later, teenagers from St. Petersburg were detained by the police, and the discussion of the strange murder reached Channel One. In the episode of the show “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to teenagers who did not even think of repenting, Dvacha users appeared. Not wanting to reveal their identities, just like on the imageboard, they sat with paper bags on their heads.

27-year-old Sergei Konovalov was present at the same program as a friend of the suspect. During the show, Konovalov and Dvach users had a serious argument about whether the teenagers were guilty. The anonymous people did not like the opposition opinion, and after the broadcast, the “dvachers” hacked Konovalov’s email. There they found child porn he had filmed. Users passed this data to the Investigative Committee, and the man was detained. The next day Konovalov died in the bullpen. It is assumed that he committed suicide. “Dvachers” still remember this case as one of the most epic cases. The site administrator Nariman Namazov, who mentioned this story in an interview, agrees with this opinion.

Still from an episode of the “Let Them Talk” program

Vladimir did not participate either in the opening of Konovalov’s mail, or in the first raids on the “wheel throwers” ​​themselves. His position changed in the spring of 2011, when, as a result of the investigation, one of the St. Petersburg teenagers received 1.5 years of house arrest, while the second went completely unpunished. Dvach users were not satisfied with this verdict, and they continued to harass the teenagers.

Then Vladimir came across data from the teenagers’ emails, hacked by “dvachers”: in personal correspondence, young St. Petersburg residents joked about the murder and did not think of regretting what happened. Then Vladimir decided that both teenagers deserved much more punishment, and entered into his first “raid.”

We wrote various insults to the parents, teachers and friends of these teenagers. They said they raised killers. They were burning, but we continued because we could,” Vladimir recalls with nostalgia in a conversation with “ Paper". Since then, the young man has participated in more than 50 similar actions.

Until now, on Dvacha, at least every week, another topic is created with a call to persecute someone, but, according to Vladimir, organizing a mass action is quite difficult.

Because this is not your personal army. Maybe people won’t be in the mood, or maybe a sense of justice will play out and because of your stuffing they’ll hound you. Maybe, on the contrary, they will react and hunt down the one you want. "Complete chaos," he explained. paper" These data were also confirmed by the administrator of Dvach.

Why do dvachers engage in bullying?

Vladimir emphasizes that users most often support calls for raids not for the sake of fighting for justice or other lofty motives, but in order to lift their spirits.

All this is just for the sake of lulz (fun - approx. "Papers"). And lulz can be brought about both by the victim’s reaction itself and by the process of bullying. We kind of manipulate, we decide destinies. Think about it, play with the person as you want,” he explains, adding that ideally every bullying should end in the suicide of the victim.

« Paper“I spoke with a dozen more active users of Dvacha who have been on the resource for at least five years. All of them confirmed that it was the “lulz” received during bullying that completely justified their actions.

At the same time, the anonymous respondents from Dvacha do not have anything in common. 17-year-old Vladislav from Moscow, for example, learned about the “raids” only a year and a half ago, and before that he followed other thematic sections of the site. Now the student actively participates in such events.

34-year-old Sergei, who works as a “typical middle manager with an income of more than 100 thousand,” said “ paper” that, on the contrary, he used to often “get tired” of bullying, but now he’s bored with it.

Bullying is a test of stupidity. The victims make excuses, bomb, break down, cut themselves out. If a guy is normal, he’ll just ignore him, and anonymous people won’t care,” he explains.

Sergei sees another reason for the popularity of such actions in simple envy: “There are a lot of hiccans at Dvacha (people who, for various reasons, lead a very secluded lifestyle - approx. “ Papers") and schoolchildren who have achieved nothing. And the targets of raids are often successful and fuckable people. Here the anons proceed from logic: I don’t have it, even if they don’t have it either. Like making a trick."

However, sometimes users join the “raid” not out of a desire to assert themselves, but out of simple boredom. “Someone started it, and you sit at home, do nothing, whine. Well, you think: why not?” he explained. paper» 24-year-old Pavel, graduating from a pedagogical university.

20-year-old Karim from St. Petersburg has a completely different attitude towards “raids.” He studies at a university in the physical education department, dreams of becoming a football player and considers “Dvach” a “real outlet.” He only takes part in harassment when it involves sex workers. “It's a matter of honor. Such girls need to be kicked out of society,” he explains.

The heterogeneity of the audience and its motives is confirmed by the surveyed users themselves. Most of them explain this by the anonymity of the site. “Anon cannot be given a personality at all, because we are legion,” explained “ paper» 34-year-old manager Sergei.

The head of the imageboard, Nariman Namazov, also refused to somehow characterize the site’s audience, saying that Dvach is home to everyone who “truly values ​​anonymity and impersonal communication, subtle (and thick) humor, as well as versatility.”

How do they become victims of “dvachers”

In March 2016, St. Petersburg programmer Andrei Mima
