Showing weakness. List of the main weaknesses of a person and how to learn to be stronger than them? Other causes of weakness

Gentleness of character is inherent in almost every representative of the fair sex, and sometimes even in men. Women's weaknesses in men do not often appear, but it still happens. Showing oneself in this way is not a shameful quality in a person; it demonstrates. With the help of special states, a woman flaunts the imperfections of her life. By showing them, the weak half shows how much it needs support. Sometimes the manifestation of soft traits is associated with exceptional wisdom. Women's weaknesses are a powerful weapon.

Women's wisdom

A man should feel his superiority over a woman, his strength, his power. This is precisely the opportunity his wise soul gives him, showing himself from his weaker side. At such moments, a man feels like the master of the house and feels needed. The need for constant protection and guardianship of a woman allows a man to feel like a male, which satisfies his inherent instincts. Most of the helplessness associated with female wisdom is physical.

A man must be able to hammer a nail, without him the weaker half will not even be able to hang a picture. Here is one simple example of the manifestation of female helplessness, based on wisdom. After all, it’s no secret that the girl herself is capable of driving in this very nail.

Not everyone knows how to show feminine weaknesses, but you should learn how to do it. A man must be strong and a woman must be smart. Using such tricks, any girl is able to win over a person, show how much she needs him, how much he means to her.

Love and tenderness

Every girl has her own feminine weaknesses related to love. The feelings you have for your significant other appear at the beginning of the relationship. For example, I couldn’t resist and fell in love with his beautiful smile; I couldn’t resist and blushed, reacting to his compliment. A woman's greatest weakness is her child. She is ready to devote her whole life, all her strength and resources, all her love and care to him. The most sacred thing in a person’s life is where his greatest helplessness is revealed. incapable of betrayal towards her little child, she loves him the most and this is for life. It's forever.


Soft women show up with her negative and positive emotions.

The first case is associated with tears caused by some situation. Having suffered betrayal, the woman cries, because she is weak in front of the feelings that it caused. Having lost a loved one, a woman again becomes helpless. No wonder they say that men don’t cry. They are stronger in spirit, they do not allow themselves, and the female gender expresses them in full force.

The second case is associated with positive emotions. I couldn’t resist and brought home a little kitten, because I liked him so much. I was on a diet, but this piece of cake is so attractive... It is a little feminine weakness. Purchasing a new dress or shoes without special need is also a manifestation of female weak-willedness, since the absence of these items is depressing, and their presence brings great joy and satisfaction. What a person likes, what he loves, is his own great weakness.

Character traits

Female weakness as a character trait adds attractiveness to a girl's image. You want to protect such a girl, you want to be close to her, to be a real man, a support and a protector. On a subconscious level, representatives of the stronger half of humanity love women who are weaker than themselves. A man must be strong both mentally and physically. If a girl is strong herself, if she is able to cope with any obstacles, then it seems that she does not need a man as a support in life, because she copes with everything on her own...


In a huge number of cases, female weakness is a myth; it simply does not exist. Many women are much stronger in spirit than men. They do business, raise children alone, buy apartments on their own, and invest effort and money in building new houses. Women think about tomorrow. They do not look for additional support and rely only on their own strengths and resources. Women become heads of state, serve in the army, and play sports.

If we talk about physical strength, many female athletes achieve great success. A woman strives for development always and in everything. During childbirth, a woman experiences such pain that a man has never even dreamed of. This is the great feminine power. Sociological studies have shown that women are less likely to complain about their illness during illness, while men portray enormous suffering, demand care, and complain. This example is one of many, but it well reflects the essence of the myth of female weakness.

A person’s spiritual strength and power do not depend on a person’s gender. A person can express himself from a variety of sides, regardless of gender, age and other aspects.

Self-analysis is a useful habit that will come in handy in life. When you perform a more or less significant act, thoughts about it are sure to follow. Did you do everything right? What happened? What didn't work? What should be repeated and what should never be repeated?

With regard to the manifestation of emotions, it is even more complicated. What to show and what to hide? What is worth talking about and what is not? There is no universal answer to these questions. However, I know one thing for sure: if you show weakness, you will regret it.

Showing weakness is a mistake

Life is a reflection of our actions, reputation, responsibilities and behavior. Developing the right behavior, making a decision, taking responsibility - all this takes a lot of work and effort. Therefore, it makes sense not to show weakness to any person near you, even if he is close to you. If you are one of those who believes that you can get under a woman’s skirt by making her cry, then I wish you good luck.

I stumbled once and disappeared

Do you remember the biblical story of Samson and Delilah? I'll tell you briefly anyway. Samson was very strong, and his strength was hidden in his hair. To cut them meant to deprive him of his strength. Delilah was sent to Samson by his enemies to find out what his secret was, and one day Samson told her his story. One day he fell asleep, and Delilah cut his hair - immediately his enemies appeared and dragged him into prison. Here's a typical story about a man who talked about his weaknesses.

No matter how strong you are, you can be harmed: it is only important to know the sore spot. All great warriors, generals and commanders have one thing in common: they wisely exploited the weaknesses of their enemies.

Worst of all, anyone can turn your weakness against you - not necessarily your enemies. Your colleagues, friends, girlfriend, boss and even family members can play on your weakness when the opportunity arises. The people closest to you usually hurt you the most, because you never expect a trick from them: you don’t expect them to put pressure on your sore spots, because you trust them.

Do you think this will never happen to you? Think again. Nothing lasts forever, including good relationships. One day good turns to bad - and this happens more often than you think, and then from bad everything turns into even worse.

If responsibility lies on your shoulders, if you are a leader, then no one should doubt you. There is no need to provoke a situation in which you discover a complete lack of control, because this will cause those who believe in you to lose faith in your abilities.

Weakness can really tarnish your reputation. If people find out that your reputation is no longer so pure and impeccable, they will no longer respect your words. If you show weakness one day, there is a chance that you will deal with the consequences for years.

When do you show weakness?

When do you reveal your weakness? Unless you film your every move, it's hard to track the process. What can you do to keep control of situations when you might fail? Pay attention to this.

Fear- your primary Achilles heel. Everyone has their own fears, even those who want to die - but not everyone knows how to hide these fears. When you show fear, you are demonstrating that you cannot predict the outcome of events or cope with the consequences of the situation. Your enemy will feel like a kid in a candy store. Show fear of any person - and the attitude towards you will change forever.

Anger is another great way to reveal weakness to your enemy. Everyone who needs it will constantly try to put pressure on your sore spot. Showing anger in a specific situation, especially if it is not justified, is dangerous: it shows your cards and tells everyone what makes you angry. This does not mean that you should never show anger in public: however, it must be controlled, it should not be primitive rage.

Emotions need to be reasonable. No matter how difficult the situation is, how much your heart hurts, never let the enemy know how you feel. Remember: the enemy is anyone who is not on your side. If you are emotionally indifferent, no one will understand what you are thinking. Being emotional is dangerous: you can say something so stupid that they will lose all respect for you.

Addiction, whether it be gambling, drugs, alcohol or anything else, it is a weakness that can be used against you. Revealing your bad habits means provoking a waking nightmare. Do you have any bad habits? Deal with them and keep your mouth shut. If you have problems, solve them. Informing someone about the smallest of your actions is an action that only increases the number of knives that can be stuck in your back.

How not to show weakness

Everyone has weaknesses - which of us is superman? No one is perfect, everyone has sore spots that need to be guarded. Don't make it easy for your enemies.

1. Never show emotion in the face of the enemy. By emotions we mean anger, envy and pain. Let them guess what you have hidden up your sleeve.

2. Be stable. Instability is a sign of potential weakness, even if you don't look weak. A respected person can be trusted, he is constant and true to his word. When something is expected of you, the expectations must be met - this is a kind of code of honor, no more and no less. Anything that does not meet the requirements is considered faulty. Anything that is faulty is weak. Keep everything under control and don't let the situation get the better of you.

3. Understand who is around you. Always be on the lookout. There is no need to talk too much and freely if you think that you are surrounded only by trusted people. Think about your words: if you don’t need to say something, it’s better to remain silent.

4. If the situation threatens to take an unfavorable turn, think about it in advance. If you expect serious consequences, this means that the unknown no longer threatens you - and usually this is what scares us. That's why men behave with dignity, and boys are always fussing. If you know what to expect from a situation, think about how to solve it - and the fear will go away.

5. Never be embarrassed in public. Never show that you were taken by surprise. When you are dealing with someone, don't let them feel like they are smarter than you or know more about the topic of conversation.

Your head is your strongest weapon. It must be respected and recharged on time.

Weakness for dummies

No one will respect you if you are weak. As long as you are considered a weakling, it does not matter whether public opinion is wrong: it is assumed to be correct by default. Moreover, weakness can and will definitely be used against you.

Therefore, hide it in a safe place, protect it carefully and handle it with care. Don't talk and never show your true feelings in public.

Among women, the proportion of ladies who cannot be called the “weaker sex” as such is growing from year to year. Women occupy positions that were previously purely “male” and have the same rights and opportunities as representatives of the opposite sex.

At the same time, “female weakness,” as before, has not lost its relevance. Many ladies use this trick. What goals do they pursue? What can abuse of female weakness lead to? How to show it correctly? You will receive answers to these questions below.

Reasons for showing female weakness

According to experts, showing weakness is an important element of couples’ relationships, a game beneficial for the man and woman, bringing “benefits” to both parties. Women who show their weakness will be able to pursue the following goals.

  • Increasing your man's self-esteem.

A man who sees a fragile woman next to him will strive to provide her with his protection and try to help with some household chores. And finally, consider yourself a real “man.” Naturally, this has a beneficial effect on relationships. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to “overload” your man.

  • Improving your own state of mind.

The partner of a woman who shows her weakness will most likely take on important matters and resolve complex life issues and, accordingly, will relieve her other half of stress factors that negatively affect mental state and physical health.

There are more reasons for showing female weakness; we have considered only those that are conducive to family relationships.

Consequences of abuse of female weakness

A very weak woman can become emotionally dependent on her partner. There is a high probability that she will forget about self-development. As a result, she will become monotonous and boring, as she will devote herself entirely to her beloved. In the worst case, her partner will become uninterested in her, which promises divorce.

One of the consequences of the manifestation of excessive female weakness is the burden of a partner with both one’s own and other people’s affairs. We must understand that men are not terminators. The moment will come when the husband’s patience will run out and he will leave the helpless woman.

There are men who fundamentally do not want to connect their fate with weak women. Such a potential partner should not immediately show his weaknesses. We need to somehow find out from him how he sees his woman, his wife, how independent she should be?

Rules for using feminine cunning

Keep in mind that men represent weakness differently than women. They compare it with their physical capabilities, which allows them to feel stronger and more courageous against the backdrop of their fragile companions. Women more often attach a psychological meaning to this concept and usually deliberately demonstrate their lack of such qualities as independence, determination, determination and confidence. This behavior can safely be called erroneous. How, then, is it right to show weakness? You can use the advice of psychologists below.

Try to understand that weakness is quite natural. There is no need to be ashamed of the fact that sometimes you cannot control everything. A woman who is too self-sufficient and independent can repel men just as much as one who is too helpless. Therefore, be guided by the so-called “golden mean”.

Don't be shy to ask for help. Unfortunately, succumbing to modern ideas about gender equality, many women strive to become completely independent and self-reliant. In most cases, they are completely successful. Many people probably have a divorced friend who manages to raise a child, build a career, and travel very well. This once again proves that in reality women are not such a weaker sex. But there is no need to demonstrate this to a man. He may feel unnecessary next to such a self-sufficient woman. Therefore, let him carry bags of groceries, change light bulbs, sharpen knives. Believe me, he will be very pleased to help you in this matter.

Don't forget always take care of yourself. Even a woman with the most luxurious appearance needs attention. Try to devote as much time as possible to caring for yourself in addition to household chores. A sleek and neat woman always creates the impression of fragility, tenderness and vulnerability - weakness in this manifestation is very attractive and pleasant to men.

Wear skirts and dresses as often as possible. They make a woman more graceful and sophisticated. In addition, as you know, clothes greatly influence a person’s internal state, giving him a certain “mood.” So, a woman dressed in jeans or trousers will most likely behave more courageously. At the same time, skirts and dresses still encourage more feminine manners. This is another way to unobtrusively emphasize your fragility.

Learn to pause. Here we are talking about situations where, due to women’s haste, a man simply does not have the opportunity to show his participation and gallantry. So, for example, after a theatrical performance, you shouldn’t rush headlong into the wardrobe and pull on your coat. It’s better to stop for a moment and wait until your man offers you his help in this matter. The same applies to the situation when you get out of the car: do not rush to jump out of it immediately after stopping. It’s better to give your companion the opportunity to go out first, open the door for you and give you a hand. And he will be very pleased to show your attention, and it will be easier for you to get out of the transport. By the way, this is exactly the kind of behavior that the basic rules of etiquette require from a woman.

In no case do not confuse weakness and sacrifice. A woman who shows weakness from time to time, under any circumstances, knows her worth and will not allow herself to be treated with disrespect. In addition, she will not allow anyone to take advantage of her helplessness, because for her this is only a way to exert some influence on her partner. Sacrifice involves the complete loss of one’s “I” in favor of a man. The consequences of such behavior were discussed in the first part of the article. After all, sacrifice is weakness without boundaries.

Give yourself a little indulgence limit self-criticism. Very often, excessive demands on oneself do not allow a woman to relax, feel carefree and at ease. Self-criticism, as a rule, deprives it of its “zest”, drives it into a framework and does not allow it to act spontaneously. In addition, by shouldering a heavy burden of demands and obligations, women do not give themselves any chance to be weak even a little.

Sometimes it is possible and even necessary to show female weakness. The main thing is that it is timely and within reasonable limits. After all, it also happens that sometimes men themselves need support and help.

WEAKNESS, weaknesses, women. 1. units only distracted noun to weak. Muscle weakness. Weakness of memory. Weakness of the vea. 2. only units. Lack of physical strength, the state of a physically weak person. “The legs bent... and lethargy and weakness appeared all over.”... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Labruyère- (La Bruyere) La Bruyere, Jean de (1645 1696) French moralist writer. Born on August 16, 1645 in a village near Paris, in the family of the general controller of rents of the Paris municipality. He studied law at the University of Orleans. IN… …

LOVE- this is selfishness together. Paraphrased by Germaine de Staël Love is mutual sacrilege. Karol Izhikowski Love is a man's attempt to be satisfied with one single woman. Paul Geraldi Love is a short period of time when a person... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Jean de La Bruyère- (1645 1696) writer, master of aphoristic journalism The trouble is when a person does not have enough intelligence to say well, or common sense to carefully remain silent. Only that which is selfless is noble. A noble person is above insults,... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

BREAK- TO BREAK, I think, I think; Sovereign 1. see break 1. 2. Unable to withstand anything. heavy, difficult, lose strength, show weakness, break (in 2 meanings) (simple). S. on failure. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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weaken- weaken|ITISѦ (7*), LYUSѦ, ITСѦ ch. 1. To become weak, to weaken: please yourself to live a fasting life and receive such benefits as your skin will suffer from much lack of nutrition (m) || and cruelty weakens. (ἀνατραπῆναι!) GA XIV1, 190b–c. 2. Show weakness...

weaken- WEAKEN (29), Yu, ch. 1. To lose strength, weaken: and ѿ illnesses ѡweak (ἀνείϑη) ZhFS K. XII, 155 vol.; To those who have been bothered, it’s evil. in anticipation of seven weakened food wounds [vm. equal?] infusion. If not the people did not expect it as expected. nb... ... Dictionary of the Old Russian language (XI-XIV centuries)

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