How to replace tofu cheese. Tofu cheese - benefits and harm. Tofu recipes - dishes with a complete meat substitute. The harm of tofu cheese, and to whom this cheese is contraindicated

During Lent, legumes and products made from them, such as tofu, are irreplaceable sources of vegetable protein.

What is life without cheese? This is what many inexperienced fasters think with sadness.
How can you get the amount of protein your body needs if you have to eat mainly vegetables and cereals?

But even without meat, eggs and milk you can get high-quality protein. Vegetable. Legumes help us with this. And in general, very decent milk is made from soybeans. And tofu, soy cheese. A great thing that can be used to prepare a million different dishes.

 Tofu is very nutritious and low in calories, contains almost no fat and carbohydrates. Soybeans and products made from it are sources of one of the highest quality proteins. They contain all 9 amino acids that our body needs to stay healthy. And in terms of the amount of protein, soybeans are superior to meat and fish. That is why soy and tofu in particular are an excellent product for vegetarians and fasting people.
Soy protein lowers cholesterol, is well absorbed and dissolves in water. In addition, tofu helps dissolve gallstones, improves kidney function, and is a good source of iron, calcium and dietary fiber, which is depleted in the Russian diet. Tofu is also famous for removing the dangerous poison dioxin, which causes cancer, from the body.

Types of tofu:

Unlike ordinary cheeses, tofu has only three varieties: soft, hard, dry. The first one is tender and moist. It is often used for desserts, various pastas and sauces.

Firm tofu is easy to fry, batter, and bake. It is very often used in cooking.

Dry tofu has more of the moisture removed and is more like aged cheese, except thinly sliced ​​tofu crumbles.

Many delicious dishes are prepared using tofu. He is adored in China, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Tofu is also gaining popularity here. It can already be found not only in specialized stores, but also in supermarkets in big cities.

Vegetarian chili


500 g firm tofu

1 red onion

1 red bell pepper

1 green hot chili pepper

3 teeth garlic

3 tbsp. vegetable oil

1/4 cup hot water

1 tbsp. vinegar

2 tbsp. soy sauce

1 tbsp. Sahara

½ tsp. starch

Ground red pepper


1. Heat the oil in a wok, cut the tofu into cubes and fry until golden brown.

2. Cut the onions and peppers into strips and add to the cheese.

3. Mix starch, hot water, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and ground pepper. Beat with a whisk.

4. Pour sauce over tofu and vegetables. Simmer for 5 minutes until the sauce thickens.


if you want to make the dish not too spicy, reduce the amount of green chili pepper, or do not add it at all.

Tofu with apples


200 g tofu cheese

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

Vegetable oil

½ cup soy milk

Salt and black pepper


Step 1. Cut the tofu into cubes. Chop the apples and also cut them into small cubes.

Step 2. Saute the flour in butter, add milk, pepper, and salt.

Step 3. Fry the tofu until golden brown along with the onion. Add apple pieces and simmer together.

Step 4. Pour the prepared sauce over the tofu and apples and place everything in the oven for 15 minutes.

Tofu fried with rice and celery


2 cups boiled rice

1 onion

1 bell pepper

1 celery root

Vegetable oil

Soy sauce


Step 1. Cut the tofu into cubes and fry in very hot vegetable oil. Add soy sauce.

Step 2. Cut the vegetables into small cubes and fry. Add rice.

Step 3. Bring vegetables until cooked, then combine with tofu.

Buckwheat zrazy with tofu


100 g tofu
1 cup buckwheat

1 tooth garlic

5 onions

2-3 tbsp. chickpea flour

Rye ground crackers

Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper


Step 1. Boil buckwheat in 3 glasses of water. Evaporate all the water.

Step 2. Fry finely chopped onion.

Step 3. Puree the buckwheat porridge in a blender along with the onion (first place it in a sieve to drain the oil). Also chop the garlic along with the minced meat.

Step 4. Add salt and pepper, chickpea flour to the minced meat and mix.

Step 5: Cut tofu into strips.

Step 5. Make cutlets, removing a strip of tofu into each.

Step 7. Dip the cutlets in flour and fry them.

Citrus sweet cream


400 g tofu
Zest of 1 orange

3-4 tbsp. orange juice

4 tbsp. Sahara


Step 1. Remove the zest from the fruit and squeeze out the juice. Mix all this with tofu, add sugar.

Step 2. Beat with a blender until fluffy and homogeneous.

Step 3. Divide the dessert into bowls and sprinkle with the remaining zest, garnish with mint leaves.

Bon appetit!

The word tofu refers to a popular product of Asian cuisine, which is made from soybeans. The main feature is the presence of a large amount of protein. For many residents of Asia (China, Japan), Europe, this product has become the main source of iron, protein, and calcium. Tofu cheese is rich in protein and does not contain harmful cholesterol, and the consistency resembles classic cheese (pictured).

What is tofu

Tofu cheese is not a product of animal origin, but of plant origin. It is obtained by curdling soy milk using additional components: citric acid, calcium sulfate and others. It belongs to the category of dietary products with a minimum of calories, since the composition is maximally balanced and does not contain animal fats. The benefits of tofu are its high protein content; the product is a source of calcium and the basis of sports nutrition and diets.

Modern creation technology allows you to create a convenient and practical form that does not differ from the type of classic dairy product. The main condition for long-term storage is sealing or storage in liquid so that the product cannot absorb the taste and smell of other components that are nearby. There are many useful cooking recipes, for example, when preparing dishes, it can replace meat.

Tofu cheese - benefits and harms

Classic tofu cheese has a wide range of beneficial properties for the human body. Considering the low calorie content, we can talk not only about the usefulness, but about the lightness of this product. It contains vegetable protein, the amount of which exceeds 11 grams per 100 grams of pure product, and has no cholesterol. Milk protein will be a quality replacement for eggs, meat (pork, chicken, turkey) or cow's milk. This is relevant for those who are allergic to these components or do not consume them.

The calcium content in soy milk has a positive effect on strengthening bones, teeth and nails. Bean curd is on the list of the lowest-calorie foods, so it is recommended to use it as the main source of protein when losing weight to saturate the body with essential microelements. Soft cheese contains the right carbohydrates, which increase a person’s energy tone.

Beneficial features

Delicious cheese has a unique energy value. The list of useful substances in this product is not limited to carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. It contains antioxidants that cleanse the body when consumed regularly, and it also does not contain cholesterol. The plant product can be used to prepare soups, salads or as an addition to a variety of dishes. If you add vegetables in significant quantities, you get a salad for weight loss.

The universal product has a dense consistency, which makes it convenient for cooking and processing. The following beneficial properties of cottage cheese for the human body can be highlighted:

  • has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system;
  • the absence of animal fats and cholesterol increases the benefits for those who adhere to the diet;
  • island tofu (curdled in sea water) improves metabolism;
  • has high nutritional value;
  • plant foods are quickly and well absorbed by the body;
  • Calcium salts strengthen the skeletal system of the body.

Calorie content

Tofu cheese has a low calorie content, due to which it differs favorably from conventional varieties. In cooking, cheese appeared as a nutritious element, a meat substitute. Today, tofu is consumed as a protein product - it contains the most proteins. Per 100 grams you will get more than 9 grams of protein, about 4 grams of carbohydrates and 1-2 grams of vegetable fat. Silken tofu (soft) is pleasant, satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating the body with the right nutritional components.

Why is it harmful?

Bean curd itself, as a product of everyday consumption, does not harm the body. Sometimes a person may have a soy intolerance. Then dishes made from this product or the cottage cheese itself can cause minor harm and cause stomach upset. Some people cook their own version of cottage cheese at home. Buy a product that is not harmful to health from trusted stores or from friends.

What is tofu made from?

The base includes soy curd, which is obtained from milk of plant origin. Beans are the key element for preparing the mixture. To make the consistency porous and hard, a special coagulant is added. In order to prepare the final product, suitable for serving, the composition should be heated and placed under a special press.

This recipe is universal - this is how cheese products are produced by residents of Europe and Asia, where tofu is especially popular. Today, numerous types are available in different packages, at different prices, which makes the product accessible to all connoisseurs of high-quality soybean curd. To obtain a special taste, various seasonings and spices are added, and sauces are served with cottage cheese dishes.

Chemical composition

You can make this product yourself without special knowledge. However, the key value and usefulness of tofu lies in its chemical composition. Some people add components (spices), so the composition may partially change. However, third-party additives do not reduce the benefits. Each dish made from this ingredient has high energy and nutritional value. On average, it is distinguished by the following elements:

  • potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium - macroelements;
  • copper, iron, zinc, manganese – microelements;
  • vitamins of various groups - A, E, C, PP, B;
  • amino acids and minerals.

How to make soy cheese

To make such a product, you do not need professional equipment: you can prepare it at home by purchasing soy flour initially. The main thing is to stick to the classic recipe. Third-party non-natural ingredients reduce the value of this product. It is also important to make cottage cheese sweet or add it to desserts. Some people fry the finished mixture and use it as the base of a dish or as an addition. Approximate cooking order:

  1. Initially, fresh soybeans are taken and ground into flour.
  2. Very salty water is added there.
  3. Then the resulting mixture is placed in the prepared mold and the desired appearance is set under pressure.

How to cook tofu at home

The main condition for a quality dish is the selection of ingredients. The traditional recipe contains sea water, which is rich in magnesium. After forming the mass, you need to prepare the right press - you can make it from heavy bottles or other improvised means. The finished cheese is marinated in the same salted water until the desired taste is obtained, then placed under a press.

Types of soy cheese

In total, there are two main types of this cheese, but they practically do not differ in smell and taste:

  • Hard – cotton. It lends itself better to slicing and retains its correct shape even when fried.
  • Soft - sometimes called silk. The peculiarity of the soft product is its delicate structure, which resembles homemade butter.


To get quality cheese at home, you need to prepare the following components:

  • cold water – 1 glass;
  • soy flour – 1 cup (or 250 grams);
  • hot water – 0.5 liters;
  • lemon juice - about 70 milliliters.

The procedure for preparing the product is as follows:

  • First, mix cold water with flour until smooth.
  • After this, add the specified amount of hot water.
  • Cook the mixture for no more than fifteen minutes.
  • Later add lemon or orange juice to give the cheese a more pronounced flavor.
  • Stir and strain it all through a fine mesh (gauze works best).
  • Place the resulting product under a press and store in the refrigerator for more than one day.

Where to buy soy cheese tofu

You can purchase this ingredient for the selected dishes at any large supermarket. Many manufacturers have long learned to reproduce the proper quality and useful chemical composition. Please note that too low a price for tofu should raise suspicion. Farm products are also worthy of attention, but artisanal products may be of questionable quality.

What is the price

Classic tofu curds are about the same price as regular cow's milk cheeses. Sometimes it can be more accessible (cheaper than products on the dairy market) because it uses plant elements instead of animal components, but the final cost depends on the method of preparation, for example, the price of smoked varieties is higher than the classic varieties.

What do you eat tofu with?

Today there are a wide variety of recipes for preparing dishes with tofu cheese. In a vegetarian version, it is consumed with salads. It can often be found in Caesar and simple vegetable salads without eggs. Having a neutral taste, the cheese is easily combined with ingredients in desserts, meat dishes, and vegetable salads. For this purpose, different types of tofu cheese are specially offered in cooking: with herbs, oriental spices or even nuts.

Tofu cheese – recipes with photos

One of the most popular dishes with tofu cheese is a delicious and aromatic soup, which is served as a main course. You can also add vegetables and mushrooms, which radically changes the taste and color of the entire soup. The structure and composition of such soy milk products differs from those that we are used to consuming, but their properties and richness are not inferior to milk or cottage cheese of animal origin.

If you want to create not just an appetizer, but a dense and high-calorie dish, then try making pork kebab with firm tofu and vegetables. Some people manage to smoke cottage cheese along with meat and get a very impressive aroma and delicate, refined taste. Long-term storage of cheese must be carried out in a special brine, otherwise the structure of the product will be damaged.

Vegetable salad with cheese

Vegetarians or people with gastrointestinal diseases can get all their nutritional needs with this ingredient. Chop a standard set of vegetables: lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, add olives and onions. Mix all this with pieces of cottage cheese and pour in a small amount of olive oil. This salad is recommended to be consumed not only for weight loss, but also to replenish energy.


  • soft cheese - 150 g;
  • lettuce leaves (iceberg) - 1/4 pcs;
  • small tomatoes or cherry tomatoes - 100 g;
  • green peas (frozen can be used) - 100 g;
  • a drop of lemon juice;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • salt, black pepper (to taste), vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut hard cottage cheese and small tomatoes into small squares. If you choose cherry tomatoes, cut them into two halves.
  2. Roughly tear the lettuce leaves with your hands or cut them.
  3. Mix in a container with peas, soy sauce, and spices.

Fried tofu

Although this product is called soy, it is of plant origin - tofu can be freely amenable to heat treatment. Frying takes place in a standard frying pan. It is advisable to use olive oil that contains more valuable micro- and macroelements. It is recommended to use batter as a flavorful addition. It will create a golden brown, crispy crust for the tofu cheese.


  • soy curd – 500 g;
  • soy sauce – 50 ml;
  • garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil.
  • salt, seasonings to taste;
  • starch, breadcrumbs or flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the cottage cheese into rectangular thin pieces, remove excess moisture with a paper towel.
  2. Roll the pieces in breadcrumbs or flour, sprinkle with garlic and/or honey.
  3. Heat a frying pan, pour oil into it and fry a little until a nice crust appears.

Cheese soup

Classic cheese soup is a traditional dish for many folk cuisines. It is loved by Europeans and is often prepared in China, Japan or Korea. The simplicity of the recipe guarantees a delicious dish in just one hour without spending extra money. At the same time, you can choose the main set of vegetables yourself, each time receiving a new menu. It is recommended to use champignon mushrooms for aroma and taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare the cottage cheese, cut into thin slices.
  2. Chop the vegetables and finely chopped greens, throw them into boiling water, add salt and spices.
  3. After a couple of minutes, add chopped cottage cheese to the soup and stir with a spoon.
  4. Wait about 5 minutes until it gives the broth a creamy color.

The use of soy cheese in cosmetology

Tofu is also called a cosmetic product that has anti-aging properties due to its chemical composition. Application in cosmetology is to whiten facial skin, forming its more delicate structure. To prepare a universal cream, only three components are used: a little tofu cheese, olive oil, herbs (dill is best).


What is life without cheese? This is what many inexperienced fasters think with sadness. How can you get the amount of protein your body needs if you have to eat mainly vegetables and cereals?

But even without meat, eggs and milk you can get high-quality protein. Vegetable. Legumes help us with this. And in general, very decent milk is made from soybeans. And tofu, soy cheese. A great thing that can be used to prepare a million different dishes.

Tofu is very nutritious and low in calories, containing almost no fat or carbohydrates. Soybeans and products made from it are sources of one of the highest quality proteins. They contain all 9 amino acids that our body needs to stay healthy. And in terms of the amount of protein, soybeans are superior to meat and fish. That is why soy and tofu in particular are an excellent product for vegetarians and fasting people.

Soy protein lowers cholesterol, is well absorbed and dissolves in water. In addition, tofu helps dissolve gallstones, improves kidney function, and is a good source of iron, calcium and dietary fiber, which is depleted in the Russian diet. Tofu is also famous for removing the dangerous poison dioxin, which causes cancer, from the body.

Types of tofu

Unlike ordinary cheeses, tofu has only three varieties: soft, hard, dry. The first one is tender and moist. It is often used for desserts, various pastas and sauces.

Firm tofu is easy to fry, batter, and bake. It is very often used in cooking.

Dry tofu has more of the moisture removed and is more like aged cheese, except thinly sliced ​​tofu crumbles.

Many delicious dishes are prepared using tofu. He is adored in China, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. Tofu is also gaining popularity here. It can already be found not only in specialized stores, but also in supermarkets in big cities.

Vegetarian chili

Vegetarian chili Photo: 500g firm tofu

1 red onion

1 red bell pepper

1 green hot chili pepper

3 teeth garlic

3 tbsp. vegetable oil

1/4 cup hot water

1 tbsp. vinegar

2 tbsp. soy sauce

1 tbsp. Sahara

½ tsp. starch

Ground red pepper

Step 1. Heat the oil in a wok, cut the tofu into cubes and fry until golden brown.

Step 2. Cut the onions and peppers into strips and add to the cheese.

Step 3. Mix starch, hot water, vinegar, soy sauce, sugar and ground pepper. Beat with a whisk.

Step 4. Pour sauce over tofu and vegetables. Simmer for 5 minutes until the sauce thickens.

Tip: if you want to make the dish not too spicy, reduce the amount of green chili pepper, or do not add it at all.

Tofu with apples

Tofu with apples Photo: 200 g tofu cheese

1 onion

2 tbsp. flour

Vegetable oil

½ cup soy milk

Salt and black pepper

Step 1. Cut the tofu into cubes. Chop the apples and also cut them into small cubes.

Step 2. Saute the flour in butter, add milk, pepper, and salt.

Step 3. Fry the tofu until golden brown along with the onion. Add apple pieces and simmer together.

Step 4. Pour the prepared sauce over the tofu and apples and place everything in the oven for 15 minutes.

Tofu fried with rice and celery

Tofu fried with rice and celery Photo: 250 g tofu

2 cups boiled rice

1 onion

1 bell pepper

1 celery root

Vegetable oil

Soy sauce

Step 1. Cut the tofu into cubes and fry in very hot vegetable oil. Add soy sauce.

Step 2. Cut the vegetables into small cubes and fry. Add rice.

Step 3. Bring vegetables until cooked, then combine with tofu.

Buckwheat zrazy with tofu

Buckwheat zrazy with tofu Photo: 100 g tofu

1 cup buckwheat

1 tooth garlic

5 onions

2-3 tbsp. chickpea flour

Rye ground crackers

Vegetable oil

Salt and pepper

Step 1. Boil buckwheat in 3 glasses of water. Evaporate all the water.

Step 2. Fry finely chopped onion.

Step 3. Puree the buckwheat porridge in a blender along with the onion (first place it in a sieve to drain the oil). Also chop the garlic along with the minced meat.

Step 4. Add salt and pepper, chickpea flour to the minced meat and mix.

Step 5: Cut tofu into strips.

Step 5. Make cutlets, removing a strip of tofu into each.

Step 7. Dip the cutlets in flour and fry them.

Citrus sweet cream Photo:

Citrus sweet cream

400 g tofu

Zest of 1 orange

3-4 tbsp. orange juice

4 tbsp. Sahara

Step 1. Remove the zest from the fruit and squeeze out the juice. Mix all this with tofu, add sugar.

Step 2. Beat with a blender until fluffy and homogeneous.

Step 3. Divide the dessert into bowls and sprinkle with the remaining zest, garnish with mint leaves.

What is tofu? Europe learned about its existence only in the second half of the twentieth century. Can we say that tofu is a product of globalization? It’s unlikely... And the Chinese say the opposite. They believe that tofu was invented in the Middle Kingdom back in the second century. Around the eighth century after the birth of Christ, this “cheese” became known in Japan. Even later, it gained popularity in the countries of Southeast Asia. Many Vietnamese and Korean cuisines are unthinkable without tofu. The harm and benefits of this product will be discussed in this article. This cheese is received with a bang by vegetarians, especially those who avoid consuming dairy products. People who are lactose intolerant can also eat tofu. What about everything else? What is the chemical composition of tofu? We'll talk about this too.

How tofu is made

According to legend, soy cheese arose by a happy coincidence. A Chinese chef, whose name has been lost for centuries, decided to add nigari seasoning to the puree to flavor the dish. In this case, magnesium chloride, which is part of the spice, acted as a coagulant. He curdled the milk. Thus, the process of preparing tofu is similar to the method of cheese making. Only the starting raw material is not cow, goat or vegetable - soybean. First you get tofu curd. It is pressed and kept for some time. This results in a white, porous product similar to soft cheese. It is sold in sealed packaging filled with water. After opening, the tofu should be stored in the refrigerator, adding cool water twice a day. This cheese, like a sponge, absorbs foreign odors, so it should not be kept near strong-smelling foods.

What do chefs say about tofu?

And cheese is like a “blank sheet of paper” that awaits the master’s brush. It has no taste or smell of its own. But tofu soy cheese perfectly absorbs other flavors. It gets along well with all the products that chefs use in the kitchen. Therefore, chefs deservedly call tofu a universal ingredient in dishes. It is used for the first and second. The soy delicacy is good for a snack and even for dessert. It is boiled, fried, baked, smoked and pickled - in a word, it is subjected to all types of culinary processing. But since tofu is practically tasteless, it always goes side by side with some other ingredients. The porosity of the cheese allows it to be served with a variety of sauces - from ketchup to jam. It is customary to add tofu curd or soft varieties to soups. And when preparing the second one, hard cheese is used. Shanghai cuisine uses "stinky tofu" - the Chinese version of Roquefort. It is almost unknown to Europeans. But you can buy “silken tofu”. This creamy cheese is similar to everyone’s favorite “Yantar”.

Tofu: composition

Now let's talk about what the ingredients of this product are. So, we found out that tofu is a soy cheese made by fermenting bean milk. Thus, its composition is rich in complete plant protein. In hard cheese it is 10.7 percent, and in cottage cheese - 5.3%. You should know that vegetable protein is better absorbed by the human body than substances of animal origin. It contains amino acids essential for health. At the same time, soy cheese is low-calorie: only 73 kcal per hundred grams of tofu. The composition of a product says a lot about its benefits. Here you have iron - which helps fight anemia, and calcium, which, as you know, is a “building material” for bones. Tofu does not contain cholesterol, but it is rich in vitamins. Among the line of useful substances, it is necessary to highlight group B. This vitamin is responsible for good memory, strong teeth and nails, shiny and thick hair, and healthy skin.

Tofu: harm and benefit

All properties of soy cheese, both positive and negative, are determined by its composition. Since the product does not contain cholesterol, it is good for heart patients. Vegetable protein obtained from boiled and pureed soybeans is perfectly digestible. And therefore it is prescribed to patients with a weak stomach. The low nutritional value of tofu (reviews often mention this) makes it indispensable in dietetics. Soy cheese is also prescribed for athletes. Regular consumption of tofu slows down aging and is an excellent preventative against cancer, since it removes dioxin, the causative agent of cancer, from the body. Soy delicacy helps to more successfully fight osteoporosis, menopause, and heart disease. And, of course, tofu is just a gift for allergy sufferers, those who cannot tolerate dairy products. It is also good for those who have recently suffered fractures. Soy cheese helps bone tissue recover and makes it denser and stronger.

Who benefits from tofu?

We can say that everyone. In China, the product's homeland, soybeans were treated as a poor man's product. In Ukraine they say that chicken is for the beggar and honey mushrooms. And in the Middle Kingdom it is believed that soy is “meat without bones.” However, vegetarians have increased the demand for this product. “Chops”, “goulash” and, of course, “cheese” appeared. To get enough, you need to eat more of these cutlets than their meat counterparts. But this is almost the only disadvantage of tofu. Its price is quite affordable - 150-290 rubles per package (depending on weight and type). Of particular note are the benefits of tofu for people who care about their appearance. Soy cheese contains isoflavones - powerful antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. It also contains the substances daidzein and genistein, which prevent the action of estrogen. Thus, cheese saturates our body with energy, strengthens bones, and the selenium and iron contained in it give us physical strength.

Harm of soy cheese

All food products - depending on the amount they are consumed - have positive and negative properties. Tofu is no exception. The harm and benefits of this product mainly depend on the dose. Do not overuse soy cheese. This can lead to thyroid diseases and negatively affect the reproduction of women and men. Bean curd and cheese should be given to children with extreme caution. Tofu can cause diarrhea and, in adolescents, provoke early sexual activity. But this product can act as a mild laxative for constipation. By the way, not all allergy sufferers can use it. Doctors have recorded several cases of allergic reactions to tofu, which resulted in nausea and hives. This is caused by individual intolerance to soy products.

What can you make from soy cheese?

In Japan, many diets have been developed in which tofu is the main product. We have already discussed the harm and benefits of this product. It only remains to add that the soy diet allows you to lose from seven to fourteen kilograms. And this despite the fact that you do not need to change your usual lifestyle and limit yourself in the amount of food. Just replace the meat with soy cheese - and the result is obvious. Now let's look at how to eat this product. Simply consuming it as it is sold is like eating Dutch cheese. Momen - firm tofu - can be put on a sandwich, cut into cubes into a salad, or fried in breading. It can be pickled. And if you smoke dense soy cheese tofu, you won’t be able to distinguish it from ham. Kinugoshi (“silk”) is a delicate soft curd. It is used for soups, desserts and sauces. Sometimes you can find tofu on sale with fillers (spices, herbs, nuts) or sweetened - for making “vegetarian cheesecakes”.

Benefits in cosmetology

Women use soy tofu not only for weight loss. Chinese women have long used it to whiten the skin and make it velvety and soft. In order to prepare such a mask, you need to grind this Japanese curd with one teaspoon of olive oil. The face must be thoroughly cleaned and steamed before application. Apply the mask to the skin with light patting movements with your fingertips. Keep in a state of absolute rest for about ten minutes. After this, rinse with cool water. The procedure should be repeated once or twice a week.

Any real vegetarian will be able to tell you exactly what this product is and why it is needed at all, but for people who eat meat, tofu cheese should be an interesting and very useful discovery.

In essence, this is a curd mass, which according to the rules is obtained from soybeans, however, today soy powder is most often used for these purposes. Soy milk is obtained from it, which, in fact, goes through all the stages of preparation, like regular cheese: it is curdled using a coagulant (most often using magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate).

The result is a mass that, in all external features, resembles ordinary cottage cheese, which is sealed under a press in special sealed packages along with water.

The history of the appearance of such an interesting product has several possible options: the most common of them originates in Ancient China, several centuries BC. According to legend, one Chinese chef decided to experiment and added a little nigari (coagulant) to ordinary bean puree, so to speak, for flavor.

As a result, the puree quickly curdled and the result was cottage cheese, which the population eventually liked and called it tofu. It was brought to Japan a little later, along with Buddhist monks who used it in their rituals, but over time, tofu spread among ordinary people.

In Europe, such cheese appeared relatively recently, approximately in the middle of the 20th century, when active connections with Asian countries began. From those distant years to this day, tofu cheese has been one of the most common food products in Thailand, Korea and Vietnam.

Composition and beneficial properties

Many housewives are interested in how to prepare such a healthy and amazing soy cheese tofu, because thanks to its unique composition, it is very popular among vegetarians, people with stomach diseases, as well as those who adhere to healthy eating rules, athletes and those who want to gain muscle mass.

What is so unique about this product? The fact is that soy cheese contains a record amount of vegetable protein, which is rich in essential amino acids.

This makes it a product that, in terms of protein, can replace meat; it is successfully consumed during fasting, as well as by people who are prone to or struggling with obesity.

In addition to vegetable protein, it contains important micro- and macroelements: magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, folic acid, which can have a positive effect on many areas of human life.

A large amount of vitamins B and C are useful for people who have heart problems; tofu is useful for those who suffer from diabetes, gastritis, it protects the human body and promotes the active removal of dioxin, which causes cancer.

In its homeland, soy cheese is called “boneless meat” because it is not only rich in protein, but also in carbohydrates, which are easily digestible, so it is recommended for consumption by children and adults.

There are several varieties of soy cheese, including hard and soft varieties. Firm tofu, or “momen” as it is also called, is most often used for preparing fried and smoked dishes, and it is also used for deep-frying.

Based on its consistency, it is also divided into two types: Western and Asian, the latter will be more watery. Soft soy cheese, or “kinugoshi,” has a high water content; in appearance, it rather resembles a soft pudding, so it is most often used to prepare various sauces, salads, and sweet desserts.

There are also savory types of tofu, which are more common in China; their specific taste is achieved through the use of a variety of seasonings and spices.

Due to its low calorie content (there are only 73 kcal per 100 g of product), tofu has become a favorite product among people who watch their weight; it can easily replace meat or rice in their usual diet.

What’s nice is that by consuming such a product, you feel full quickly enough, but no extra calories are added; there are even special techniques that explain how to lose weight using the “tofu diet.”

True, you should pay attention to the product you are buying; tofu with various additives is now very common, for example, with nuts or oil, spices; naturally, its calorie content immediately skyrockets.

What can you cook?

As you know, such cheese is truly unique, despite the fact that it has virtually no taste or smell of its own, it is successfully used in a wide variety of culinary fields.

The thing is that it has a special property of absorbing other tastes and smells, as a result of which a very aromatic and tasty dish is obtained, and what this taste will be depends entirely on what you season it with - sweet, salty, spicy or sour.

The most important thing is to skillfully use a variety of seasonings, because, in many respects, the final taste of tofu will depend on them. At home, you can bake it, stew it, pickle it, stuff it into dumplings and pancakes, smoke it so that it acquires the taste of ham or mix it with raisins and jam, bake cheesecakes from it, or make pasta.

Tofu and crab sticks salad recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • tofu – 300 g;
  • crab sticks – 6 pcs.;
  • krill meat – 1 jar;
  • green onion, dill, mayonnaise.

Making such a tasty and healthy salad couldn’t be easier. To do this, just cut the tofu into small cubes, chop the crab sticks there and chop a couple of sprigs of green onions with dill into rings.

Drain the water from the jar of krill meat, knead it with a fork and mix with the rest of the products, add mayonnaise.

Despite the fact that the benefits of soy cheese for the human body are undeniable, there are also a number of contraindications under which it should not be eaten, otherwise it can cause serious harm.

For example, its use should be limited to pregnant and lactating women, young children, and people who suffer from urolithiasis.

It has also been established that a person’s memory may begin to suffer from overeating such a product, especially if the soybeans from which the product was made grew in some unfavorable area. In order not to stumble upon such cheese, you need to pay attention to its labeling.

It should be remembered that tofu cannot be stored for too long; usually its shelf life does not exceed several weeks; long-term storage can only be achieved by freezing it.

Aug 23, 2015 Olga
