Akita inu black and white. Akita Inu is a dream dog, a national treasure of the Land of the Rising Sun. Famous Akita Inu kennels and puppy prices

A lot of books and films about the devoted friendship between a dog and a person have been written / shot. But the most memorable and most touching of all was and remains the story of Hachiko. The one who, after the death of the owner for nine years, came to the railway station every day, was waiting for the deceased owner. In Japan, this dog has become a national treasure, and around the world - a symbol of unlimited devotion to man. The description of the Akita Inu breed will allow you to understand whether an ancient dog with a disposition can become a friend for you and family members.

It is believed that the breed is divided into two different types. The first is "Japanese" and the second is "Americans." Adepts of the Japanese Akita "recognize" only a few colors. While their "opponents" are sure: the American Akita can wear a "fur coat" from snow-white to deep black. Even options are allowed in which the "Americans" have a dark monophonic "mask" on their face and a spotted fur coat. Outwardly, the two types of breed are also slightly different. Basically, in the shape of the head. The Japanese Akita looks like a fox, its muzzle is slightly elongated. The American has a blunt skull, but taller at the withers.

Akita Inu is one of the 14 oldest breeds, among which there are also "voiceless" Besenji, Afghan Hound and Alaskan Malamute.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

The first and most important characteristic of the Akita Inu breed is restraint in its maximum manifestation. The dog immediately shows that it is of oriental blood. The dog will not pull the leash, get nervous over trifles, test the strength of the owner's nerves. In public, he behaves like an aristocrat. And only in the company of loved ones gives vent to emotions, unrestrained inner strength, which gushes over the edge, forcing the dog to chase the ball for hours in the backyard. Such animals are called companions. They are wary of strangers, but they are ready to “kiss them to death”.

  • The weight . The average weight of an adult varies from 30 kg to 45 kg.
  • Height . The average height in bitches is 50 cm. In males, the height at the withers is significantly higher - up to 72 cm.
  • Color. The breed of dogs Akita Inu is represented not only by red color. These fluffy beauties can be black, white, gray and even brindle.
  • Life span... With proper care and nutrition, a dog will live a decade. The maximum life span of the Akita Inu was previously 15 years. However, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the life cycle of the breed was reduced by a third. It is noteworthy that females usually die later than males.
  • Character . The carriers of the breed have a difficult character. Despite the friendliness and tenderness towards their owners, they are very stubborn. This becomes the main reason for the difficulties in raising and training a four-legged friend.
  • Intelligence. On a five-point scale, an animal's intelligence deserves a solid four. They are quite intelligent and understanding dogs that, having lived in the same family for a long time, remember the habits and habits of their owners. Therefore, sometimes it may seem that the pet understands you perfectly.
  • Security and sentry potential... The owners' comments about the Akita Inu confirm the high security and sentry potential. True, if a thief gets into your territory, the dog will not fight him to death. He will in every possible way block his path and prevent him from getting into the dwelling, but he will not lose his composure.

The Second World War became a real blow for the breed. During this period, the Akitas had the same hard time as the people. The breed was on the verge of extinction. Some of the dogs died of hunger. Another part was eaten by the starving population.

Height and weight change table

Representatives of the ancient Japanese breed grow extremely slowly. Fully formed can only be called a dog that has reached the age of three. The table will guide you in the approximate height and weight of the animal at different age periods.

Table - Standards for height and weight of Akita Inu

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgNote
6 56 21 - Puppy roundness disappears;
- the dog takes on forms that fully correspond to an adult
10 62 25 The dog gains from 4 kg to 7 kg per month
12 64 30 By this time, the bitches are in heat, but an adult cannot be considered yet.
24 70 40 Physical development is much slower than before.

The slowdown in physical development occurs when the pet gains a mass of 35 kg. However, the dog continues to change. Over the next 12 months, her chest expands, she becomes taut, gains a proud look.

History of origin and interesting facts

The Japanese who inhabited the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido were born hunters. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was they who bred one of the oldest dog breeds on planet Earth - the Matagi Inu. Translated into Russian, this breed is called hunting. It is believed that the history of the Akita Inu breed began with Matagi.

The latter got their name from the prefecture in which they were bred. Therefore, from time to time in some sources there are other names for the breed. For example, odate-inu - according to the name of the Odate district, in which the above-mentioned prefecture is located.

Born at the foot of Fujiyama

Mount Fujiyama is considered the highest point in Japan. It is here, at the foot of an active stratovolcano, in the north of the island of Honshu, that the oldest remains of dogs were discovered, which, according to the characteristics restored by scientists, resemble the modern Akita. Inu means dog in Japanese. And if you translate the name of the breed literally, you get "a dog from Akita". It is noteworthy that there is no merit of the breeders in the development of the breed. Only Mother Nature can and should be grateful for the pretty "fluffies".

Mixing blood

During the Second World War, a special law was in force on the territory of Japan, which - if it appeared today - would have plunged into a deep shock not only ardent defenders of animals, but also the entire civilized society. The law said that four-legged friends who are not fit to fight in the war must be destroyed.

It is worth recognizing that in those dark times, not only canine lives, but also millions of human lives were at stake. To preserve the breed, the Japanese began to crossbreed Akitas with alien dogs. As a rule, these were German shepherds, mastiffs, mastiffs and St. Bernards. Very few pure Akitas have survived since World War II. But it was thanks to them that the breed was restored.

Mating and pregnancy of Akitas is permissible from 15 months. Until that time, the bitch is considered a puppy. The optimal period for meeting a potential groom is from the tenth to the 14th day after estrus. If all goes well, labor will take place in 56-72 days.

Do you know that…

The Akita Inu breed is, in fact, a living legend. It is enough to look at the smiling face to understand: it was these four-legged friends that became the prototype for the creation of the famous Internet meme - the ulybaki dog.

  • Hachiko means "eight"... The University of Tokyo professor gave an unusual numerical name to his pet for one simple reason: the dog was his eighth in a row.
  • Monument during life... In April 1934, a monument to the most faithful dog was erected in Tokyo. The hero of the occasion was personally present at the event. During the war, the monument was melted down into metal, and in 1948 the monument was restored again. Today, the square at the railway station, over which the statue of the faithful dog rises, is a popular meeting place for lovers.
  • A dog for good luck. The ancient Japanese believed that the Akita Inu attracted good luck to the house. Therefore, communication with the four-legged favorites of the emperors and nobility took place strictly according to the ceremonial. For a long time in the land of the rising sun, there was a law according to which a person who offended an Akita was punished with all severity.
  • Rescuers and bodyguards... In the United States of America, Akita is used as bodyguard. Dogs confirm their title of bodyguard at the annual competitions. The Japanese, on the other hand, train representatives of the breed to participate in rescue operations.


There are two types of Akita Inu - Japanese and American. The first is the result of the hard work of Japanese dog handlers, who restored the breed, which was virtually extinct during the Second World War. American Akita is a merit of breeders who began working on the breed in the post-war years, when puppies began to be exported en masse to the United States.


The Japanese Akita is often called a triangular dog due to its characteristic head structure. The breed is given by narrow small eyes and an upturned nose like a fox. The table will tell you about the varieties and distinctive features of the Japanese Akita.

Table - Types of Japanese Akita Inu

Periodically, in both forms, puppies with a snow-white color are born. They are distinguished as a separate species - the white akita. The main requirement is pure white coat and black nose.

There is also a mini-Akita, which differs from the usual "Japanese" only in size. The parameters of a miniature animal are half the size of a standard individual. All other characteristics are unchanged.


"Americans" are distinguished by their apparent stockiness. Individuals of this species are larger, higher at the withers. Several decades ago, the breed, bred by breeders from the United States, had a different name - the large Japanese dog. However, today the name of the breed sounds like the American Akita Inu. It is noteworthy that it is the Akita-Americans who are especially popular on the territory of the Russian Federation. They have more pronounced qualities of fighters; in case of danger, they can protect not only property, but also the owner.

About 25% of the puppies of the total number of Akitas are born long-haired. This is a genetic trait, not a breed standard for a particular species. Long-haired puppies can appear in both American and Japanese litters.

Requirements for content and nutrition

The size of an adult Akita Inu, as well as the unpretentiousness of the breed in care, allow you to keep a smiley dog ​​not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is not to neglect the basic rules, to be prepared for the fact that the dog sheds heavily twice a year (usually in the off-season).

How to care

Even a schoolboy will be able to care for a representative of the oldest Japanese breed. Sore spots are teeth, ears and hair. Below - about everything in order.

  • Brushing schedule... Wool is the main advantage of the Akita. And at the same time - the main problem of the owner. In winter and summer, when the pet does not shed, it is enough to comb it with a special brush once every seven days. If the molting period has started, more effort will have to be made: you need to scratch the dog at this time three to four times a week. Otherwise, the wool will clump, and on the carpet, armchairs and sofa you will find woolen "presents" every now and then. Pet grooming should be taught from childhood. It is extremely difficult to force adults to cut their hair. But dogs, accustomed to the process from puppyhood, perceive grooming as something ordinary, for granted.
  • Teeth cleaning . Teeth are the calling card of the breed. The owner must make sure that they are healthy, not covered with stones and plaque. Proper feeding and regular brushing are the keys to healthy teeth. To carry out cleaning, you need to purchase a dog toothbrush. But if the animal in every possible way denies the hygienic procedure, or the owner cannot, for certain reasons, carry out it regularly, special chopsticks can be dispensed with. It is a chewable product that, when consumed weekly, helps to remove plaque from the dog and prevents the formation of stones.
  • Ear cleaning. This is another mandatory hygiene procedure that needs to be done every seven days. The peculiarity of the breed is erect ears, susceptible to all kinds of pollution. Every week, using an ordinary cotton swab, the auricles should be cleaned, carrying out the procedure carefully so as not to injure the animal.

It is necessary to bathe the dog every two to three months, with the obligatory drying of the wool. However, you are unlikely to be able to carry out bath procedures less often - Akita loves to jump through puddles, roll out in the mud.

What to feed

The feeding rules that apply to Akitas are practically no different from similar rules for other breeds. First of all, it is a categorical refusal to feed from the table. Even if the pet asks very much. But Akitas are cunning and can skillfully play on the owner's feeling of compassion, which in this case turns out to be completely inappropriate.

  • Dry food . The best option is high-quality and balanced feed for representatives of this particular breed. Food selection is best done in the presence of a veterinarian or on the basis of his recommendations.
  • Alternating feed and traditional food... If desired, dry food and traditional human food in the Akita's diet can be alternated. Three to four times a week, one meal of the four-legged friend can be replaced with vegetable or meat broth cooked on white meat (for example, based on chicken breast), cottage cheese, kefir or porridge with dietary meat and vegetables.
  • Pure water . The dog's bowl should always contain clean drinking water. Even if the bowl is full, the water needs to be changed to fresh water every two days.

During the molting period, you need to feed the Akita Inu with a special fortified food that promotes the growth of healthy wool.

Training issues

Akita Inu training is not an easy task. The dog handler, of course, can handle it. But a novice dog breeder is unlikely. It is highly discouraged to start the Japanese breed as a firstborn. Education should be started at an early age, without delay.

  • My home is my castle... An important rule that an Akita must understand from childhood. Remember, the breed was bred as a hunter and a guard. And genes are a stubborn thing. Therefore, having brought the puppy into the house, tell him daily and hourly that this is not a place to hunt, and be sure to back up the words with demonstrative actions. The dog must understand that home is a place where people are loved, expected and never hurt.
  • Early socialization... The dominant character trait of the Akita Inu is alertness. Understanding and the ability to distinguish "good" from "bad" must also be learned by the dog in puppyhood. It is the owner's job to facilitate this. The dog should show family ties, relentlessly visualizing them in the form of hugs and kisses. An emotional reaction to those who find themselves in the house as an uninvited guest will also help.

Akitas are aggressive towards other dog breeds, especially of the same sex. Bitches react aggressively to other people's bitches, and males - to their own kind.

Diseases and treatment

Each breed of dog has diseases to which representatives of a particular species are more predisposed than others. The Akita Inu also have those. In the first place in the list of breed ailments is hip dysplasia. If a dog is intended for selection and breeding, then at the age of 24 months it must be sent for an X-ray examination. The dog must necessarily receive a certificate denying the presence of dysplasia. Otherwise, the individual is not suitable for breeding. Unfortunately, this is not the only "sore" that Japanese dogs suffer.

  • Hypothyroidism Thyroid dysfunction often leads to skin diseases. When the animal is observed by a specialist and unconditionally following the treatment program, the function of the thyroid gland is restored, and skin ailments disappear without a trace. It has been scientifically proven that hypothyroidism in Japanese dogs is inherited from mother to cub.
  • Congenital eye diseases... Problems with vision and with the organs that are responsible for this are also hereditary. Most often in dogs of this breed, there is an inversion of the eyelid, cataract, retinal dysplasia. The result of improper treatment or oversight of the owner (and as a result - untimely contact to the veterinarian) can be blindness. For this reason, all Japanese dogs are advised to visit an ophthalmologist once a year.
  • Erythrocyte abnormalities... Dog breeders should be aware of this feature of four-legged pets. In their blood, red blood cells K + are contained in an increased amount, and this is normal. Ignorance of this feature leads to false diagnoses. For example, hyperkalemia - a condition in which an excessive amount of potassium is detected in the blood of a living being.
  • Volvulus of the stomach. This is a dangerous and common disease in Akita Inu. Prevention consists of frequent feeding in small portions, increased activity immediately after a meal and preliminary soaking of dry food in a small amount of water.

Top nicknames

The pet's nickname must correspond to its character, be easily pronounced for the owner. After all, subsequently, over the course of ten years, you will have to pronounce it dozens of times a day. And since you have chosen a complex, but very beautiful name, come up with a simplified version of it in advance.

For boy"

Experienced dog breeders recommend, after buying a puppy, to abstract from the need to decide on his nickname. Watch the dog, do not call the first name that comes across. Perhaps some habits or habits of the animal will be a hint or impetus for you. The table offers top nicknames for the Akita-inu - "boy" in the Eastern and European versions.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for a dog Akita

European nameEastern nameTranslation
MarsNatsumiBeautiful summer
HugoHarukoSpring baby
CasperMatikoChild of beauty
WallyRokuroSixth son
LeicesterHosicoStar child
HarryOkiThe open sea

For girl"

When choosing a name, it is worth considering the purpose of the dog. A service pet or a dog designed to perform a security function should not become a bearer of an overly “soft” name. The pronunciation and pronunciation of the nickname plays an important role in the formation of character. And even when it comes to a bitch. The table offers the 20 most popular nicknames for Akita Inu - "girls". Perhaps one of these nicknames will become familiar to your family.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for Akita - "girls"

European nameEastern nameTranslation
LuliI knowBlooming plum
RubyAkikoAutumn child

Photo review

Many potential dog breeders are worried about how Akitas relate to children and the elderly. In principle, there are no problems with the latter. In Japan and the United States, these dogs are often used in hospices to support terminally ill elderly people. It's a little more difficult with children. If the child is part of the family, then the Akita will consider him family. With friends who come to visit, the dog will be careful.

Photos of puppies and dogs of the Akita Inu breed cause sheer affection, but appearance is often deceiving.

Cost and where to buy

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much an Akita Inu puppy costs. The average price ranges from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles. Having a spare time, you can travel to exhibitions and fairs to find the "right" puppy for your family. True, the cost of exhibition specimens is usually too high for the average buyer and can reach 170,000 rubles (data as of January 2018).

If you do not intend to win medals with your future pet, you can purchase a dog “without a passport”. In this case, no one guarantees 100% purity of the breed, but the savings in the family budget will be very tangible.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to choose an Akita Inu puppy on your own, without the help of specialists, you should pay attention to five main points.

  1. The ratio of muzzle to ears... Taking the puppy by the face with both hands and lifting it slightly, evaluate how the ears look against this background. It is important that they are proportional. Too small or too large auricles - evidence not in favor of the purity of the breed. The cartilage of the auricles should be quite dense, even thick.
  2. "Knocked down" to become. Feel the baby, feel the thickness of the bones with soft pressure. A distinctive feature of Akitas is a dense and large skeleton. The bones should feel very strong to the touch. Pay attention to the paws - they should be large, weighty.
  3. "Femoral" wool... The quality of the puppy's coat differs from that of an adult. But there is one point: both in adult Akitas and in babies in the area of ​​the thighs, the hair is somewhat stiffer than on the rest of the body.
  4. Playfulness. Akita puppies are alive in every sense of the word. They are jumping, fooling around with brothers and sisters, they cannot stand still for a second. If your chosen baby shuns his relatives, there is a risk of psychological problems at a later age. The alienation of the Japanese dog is not at all peculiar.
  5. Health . The activity of the baby is a litmus test of the state of his health. A sluggish and inactive baby may be sick with something. Such things are difficult to hide. If visually everything is in order with the puppy, ask the breeder what vaccinations he managed to get, what vaccines were used for this. A competent breeder will give you a list of vaccines with empty vials without prompting, so that you can continue the vaccination he started.


This is not to say that Akita Inu kennels are a rarity for the country. But there are really not so many of them on the territory of Russia. The largest ones are stationed in the capital, however, Japanese dogs are also bred in other cities of Russia:

  • Kennel Indigo-Smile in St. Petersburg- http://www.indigo-smile.com/;
  • Mai Hoshi kennel in Moscow- http://mai-hoshi.ru/;
  • Kennel Milana Light in Penza- http://milanalight.wixsite.com/akita;
  • Kennel MOOO Zoomir in Podolsk- http://www.zoomir-club.ru/;
  • Hangy's Anet kennel in Ramenskoye- http://www.anetdog.ru/.

Thinking about making the Akita a member of your family, weigh all the pros and cons. The first are many times more. This is the aristocratic restraint of the animal, stress resistance and cheerfulness. Japanese dogs are friendly to their owners, strict with their enemies. They are very loyal and highly intelligent.

The disadvantage of a four-legged pet can be strength and dexterity: if the owner fails to curb these qualities, in the future they can entail significant problems associated with damage to property, socialization of the animal. Akita puppies do not perceive training through force at all. And it doesn't matter what name your Japanese Akita Inu dog gets, it will certainly become "Hachiko" for your family - the most loyal and most loyal.

Reviews: "Very curious, they stick their nose everywhere"

Our Japanese Akita has been living for more than two years. The dog is kind, very beautiful, not difficult to care for, cleanliness. On the street, outsiders calmly come up to stroke, react adequately. She treats all family members evenly, not hysterical, not intrusive. He loves to be with people, but one remains calmly. Knows his place, gets along with the cat and protects him from stranger cats with whom there are clashes. It can surprise you with its quick wit. I do not recommend giving it to people who are unbalanced or those who require blind obedience. Restrained in showing emotions. If he does not like the person, he may try to protect the owner from contact with him. A very peculiar dog. We love very much and are glad to communicate!

Elena, http://poisk-druga.ru/breeds/poroda-a/16-akita-inu.html

We have an American Akita, a wonderful dog, lives on the street. Our particular feature is that he cannot stand other animals. But we have a place to walk through the fields. Extremely child-friendly, silent, does not bark for no reason at all. Until one and a half years old, there was a straight stupid child, now it's easy with him, he obeys in general. But if somewhere in the vicinity there is a bitch in heat, then she strives to run away.

JUNE BUG D, https://eva.ru/forum/topic/messages/3477649.htm?print=true

By the way, many people turn on after the movie "Hachiko". They make a big mistake, as the character of this breed is completely different. This breed of dog is for those faithfully and faithfully ready to deal with their dog. Daily training is the key to success. This is such a creepy breed, in order to get along together you need to have a lot of patience and love your pet. They are very curious, they stick their nose everywhere, but as for a walk, you need so much strength to keep it. This breed has its own philosophy.

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Many people fell in love with Akita Inu dogs after watching a movie about Hachiko, this story touched everyone and, of course, many people wanted to make friends with such a faithful dog. If you are considering taking a puppy of this breed, first read the description of the Akita Inu breed. Perhaps some details and nuances will interest you.

Physical characteristics of the Akita Inu

Wool: short and fluffy.
Colour: brown, sesame, brindle and white. All colors, except for white, must be "colored", that is, whitish hair on the sides of the muzzle, under the jaw, on the throat, on the chest and on the abdomen, as well as on the lower part of the tail and the inner side of the limbs.
The size: from 64 to 70 cm for males and from 58 to 64 cm for females
The weight: from 30 to 50 kg

Origin and history

Akita is a very old dog breed, originally from Akita prefecture, Japan. He was born as a hunter, later became a watchdog and a fighting dog. Currently, in Japan, the Akita Inu breed is considered a "national treasure", that is, it is part of the list of Japanese traditions that need to be protected and preserved.

In Japan, there were two main lines of the Akita breed: Deva and Ichinoseki. The first branch of the breed, which showed obvious traces of crossing with Molosoids, was transported to America to produce the so-called American Akita, known today as the Great Japanese Dog.

The second branch of the breed, which was much closer to the original type, was chosen by the Japanese as ideal and is today a true Akita Inu breed.

The Akita Inu is also known as the Akita Ken, the Japanese Akita and the Great Japanese Dog. These dogs originated in the mountains of northern Japan, in Akita prefecture. Akitas are among the oldest native dogs in Japan and the breed has remained unchanged for centuries. Their ancestor is the Matagi dog, which accompanies the traditional winter hunter of Northern Japan - Matagi. The breed was developed to help Matagi hunters for wild boars, Japanese deer and Asian black bears, as the dogs will wash the animal until the hunter comes and kills it.

This breed became widely known after the history of the Hachiko, the Akita Inu, which attracted the attention of people around the world, leading to the breed's official declaration as a Japanese National Monument in 1931. Hachiko was born in 1923 and belonged to a professor from Tokyo who lived on the outskirts of the city and traveled to work by train every day. Hachiko walked with his master to and from the train station every day, waiting for him to return home on the 4-hour train. One day its owner died at work, but Hachiko continued to walk to the train station, waiting for his return, every day for 9 years. Akita became a Japanese symbol of loyalty and loyalty associated with the institution of the emperor, and a bronze statue was erected in his honor at Shibuya Station in 1934. In addition, the statue of Akita is traditionally given to newborns as a symbol of health and a long, happy life.

In 1937, Hellen Keller visited Japan and fell in love with the Akita Inu. She was presented with two Akitas (as the first died of turmoil shortly after she returned to the United States). These were the first Akita dogs to arrive in the United States.

During World War II, the breed nearly disappeared because they lacked food, were eaten by hungry people, or were killed following a government order to prevent the spread of disease by culling all non-military dogs. Thanks to the efforts of some people, Akitas were liberated in remote mountainous areas, where they continued to breed with their ancestors, thus surviving the war. Others began to breed them with German Shepherds in order to turn them into war dogs and save them from death. In the early 20th century, Akitas were also interbred with other breeds such as the English Mastiff, Great Dane, St. Bernard and Tosa Inu to give them certain fighting dog traits.

After the war, Akitas were re-bred and efforts were made to give them a more standardized look to make up for some of the damage done by past breeding. Some members of the US Army took some of the Akita dogs to the US as they wanted to recreate the breed. They preferred larger dogs with heavy bones and bear heads.

These were the first dogs that later evolved into a different breed, the American Akita. The American Akita is considered only a different type of Akita in the US and Canada as it is considered a separate breed in other countries. In Japan, this topic is rather controversial, and since the Akita is the national symbol of the country, there are breed standards developed for careful breeding that clearly distinguish between Japanese and American Akita.

Akitas were recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1955. They were first introduced to the UK via Canada in 1937, although they only became more popular in the 1980s. Akitas reached Australia from the US and New Zealand from the UK in 1982 and 1986, respectively.

Characteristics of the Akita Inu breed and the ability of the dog

The Akita Inu is a majestic dog that behaves with dignity and restraint. Not trusting strangers, he is very affectionate with people in the family, but always expresses his affection in a calm and dignified manner.

Usually dogs of this breed have good guarding skills. They love children at home, but they are not very sociable with those whom they do not know, and try to avoid them, leaving them to observe their indifferent and unflappable dignity.

A dog of the Akita Inu breed fights a lot with other dogs of the same sex, especially if it is a male. If someone approaches him too sharply, he may even bite, especially if he does not know this person: after all, he is a samurai!

Akita is not a dog for beginners, it has a strong character, education will need to be introduced for this dog from an early age. This applies to both calm and nimble dogs.

Living conditions

Sib-ina (American Akita) can live outdoors at any time of the year and at any temperature, but prefers to live as a human.

At home, he almost never barks. Akita Inu lives very well in the apartment, because it is a very calm dog.

Akita Inu Health

Although the Akita Inu is a simple and therefore hardy dog, the breed is usually affected by two diseases: sebaceous adenitis (skin disease, hair loss) and VKH (inflammation of the brain and iris, skin and nose depigmentation, etc.).

These are two autoimmune diseases: the dog's immune system reacts to its body, it attacks diseased cells, but also healthy ones.

The mode of transmission is not clearly defined, but it is a hereditary pathology.

Life expectancy: about 10 years

Physiological features of Akita Inu

The erythrocytes of the Akita Inu can be small, not having any pathological significance in this breed. They also contain more potassium, which must be considered when interpreting certain blood tests (potassium).


Interventricular septa and congenital heart defects occur in this one 4.1 times more often than usual.

Akita Inu also has a significantly increased risk of pericardial effusion (6.5 times). This condition usually occurs in middle-aged dogs.


In Akita Inu, granulomatous sebaceous adenitis is an unusual inherited condition affecting older or middle-aged dogs. The disease tends to develop into isolated gray hair.


Familial hemophilia A is sometimes found in Akita Inu.


In Akita Inu, multiple hereditary eye abnormalities are suspected (congenital cataracts, retinal abnormalities, posterior linticon and microphthalmia).

Hereditary generalized progressive retinal atrophy, responsible for night blindness, which appears between the ages of 1 and 3 years has also been reported. Dogs become blind between 3 and 5 years of age.

Orthopedics: Musculoskeletal

In Akita Inu, patella disease is a common disease with a risk multiplied by 6.7.

Cruciate ligament rupture is a common cause of chronic limb disease, and spayed dogs are more prone to this.


The breed risked extinction the first time due to an outbreak of rabies in Japan, the second time during World War II when dogs were killed to feed the population.

Akita is a medium sized dog whose origins date back to Japan.

Affection level (5/5): These dogs are known to be good family dogs.
If properly trained, they are known to follow commands and get along with family members. They are good as guard dogs.

Akita Accommodation (2/5): Akita Inu are aggressive and therefore not good as a house dog. They have the potential to get away from home.

Walking in cold weather (4/5): Akita dogs are very good for cold weather. You can take them outside even in freezing weather.

Hot weather tolerance (2/5): They work well in cold conditions, so it is difficult for them to survive in hot weather.
After 32 ° C it gets too hot for Akitas and should be kept indoors.
The idea of ​​shaving their hair seems appealing, but you shouldn't shave your dog's coat in the summer. The dog can become susceptible to direct sunlight and this can cause rashes or burns.

Barking tendencies (2/5): If you're looking for a quiet and silent dog that doesn't bark too much, this might be perfect for you.
They grumble and mutter from time to time. American Akita dogs have a high predilection for prey. They are required to chase cats if they see them.
Better to keep them away from cats. Akita dogs are aggressive towards dogs of the same sex.
They can get involved in fights. Keep them away from same-sex dogs.
However, they get along well with dogs of the opposite sex.

Exercise needs (4/5): They have an aggressive personality, so avoid taking them to dog parks.
They need exercise for 30 minutes to an hour. They are energized, so you have to keep them busy with some other activities.

Care Needs (3/5): Akita spills a lot. Two or three times a year, he spills more than usual.
Brush your hair regularly with a bristle brush. They are affectionate and playful, keep an eye on members of the house and want to participate in household chores.
Akita training requires an owner who never accepts defeat. You have to set some ground rules and the dog has to accept it.

They have average intelligence.

They require almost 25-40 repetitions to understand a new command. Ranked 54th on the list of Intelligent Dogs.
Akita Inu enjoy carrying things in their mouths and chewing them. This is a chatty breed. Likes to play, bite and chew.
Make sure you provide them with enough gummies.
They have the trait of carrying things around the house and following the owner, which shows their love in some way.
They are average and very expensive to buy. Akita costs roughly in the $ 750 to $ 2,000 range.

Quick facts

About breed

In the 1920s, a loyal dog named Hachiko brought fame to this breed. A statue of Hachiko still exists at Shibuya Station in Tokyo to honor his loyalty to his owner.
Akita is the national dog of Japan. He is loyal, dignified and courageous. It can survive in cold regions, but it is not suitable for hot climates.
With erect ears and erect posture, he looks no less than a brave wolf!

Where do you come from

The Akita breed has been known since the 1600s in the royal northern province of Japan. It was brought to America by Helen Keller. The dog nearly disappeared during World War II. But some breeders kept Akita in remote places, and today we can see a lot of them. Akita belongs to medium and large dogs.
The breed is known as the Akita Inu in Japan. They are slimmer than American Akitas. American Akitas are heavier and have a hardened body.


Akita puppies are known to be stubborn when trained. The best way to train them is to teach them the basic commands first. Basic commands include sit, stand, no, and stay.
When his puppy has been vaccinated, start communicating with him in his environment. Communication will help him keep calm among these people. Be sure to reward them with a treat if you see any good behavior.


Akitas tend to drool. They also have a high spillage rate. But Akitas are like cats, they keep themselves clean. They are easy to clean. Their coat needs to be brushed regularly.
Spray some water on their fur and then use a hard comb. This makes it easy to comb through wet hair. Doesn't require frequent bathing.
Trim your nails regularly to avoid injury to your feet. Use a damp cotton swab to clean your dog's ears and prevent water from getting inside the ear as this can cause infections.

General diseases and health conditions

Generally, an Akita is in good shape and healthy if he receives food and exercise correctly. But there are some diseases that specifically occur in high numbers in this breed. In particular, Akita dogs are prone to the following health problems.

Diseases of the bones:

  • Dysplasia of the hip and elbow
  • Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the femur does not match the hip joint.
    This causes the dog to walk abnormally and painfully.

Akita or Akita Inu

How to speak correctly - Akita or Akita Inu? The above question is often raised when talking about the Akita breed - there is still a lot of confusion about the split of the breed.
The following should clarify some of the differences:
Firstly, there is no such breed as the Japanese Akita, there are two types of Akita: Akita and Akita Inu.
Back in 2004, the Kennel Club finally admitted that there were actually two Akita breeds, until that time the UK and America were the only countries in the world to have only one Akita breed registered. It took the club another two years to separate the breeds - to register the Akita Inu, three generations of pure Inu (Japanese) bloodlines must be provided. There are still breeders in the UK today who still prefer one breed and believe that the club made a huge mistake in dividing the breed.
The Kennel Club of America still rejects this division, their argument is that both breeds (they use the term "type") have the same DNA, so they cannot be different breeds, whether they are put together is unlikely to happen in the near future.

Akita Inu breed standard

General form A large, well balanced, well built Spitz-type male. Slightly longer than its height.
The characteristics are worthy. Broad head with relatively small eyes. The thick, triangular ears are pierced and tilted forward. A distinctive feature is a strongly curled tail and markings.
Temperament aloof, obedient and loyal. The head and skulls look like a blunt triangle when viewed from above. The skull is broad, without wrinkles, with moderately developed cheeks. A foot with a distinct groove is determined. The muzzle is straight, of good depth, gradually tapering. The lips are firmly set. The nose is large and black, except for white dogs where a flesh colored nose is acceptable.
Eyes relatively small, almond-shaped, moderately divorced and dark brown. The eyes are dark and dense.

Ears relatively small, thick, triangular, slightly rounded at the ends. Slightly spaced, prickle and lean forward.

Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and full scissor bite, that is, the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and close to the jaws.

Neck thick and muscular, of moderate length, without dew. The pronounced ridge merges with the back of the skull.

Front limbs The shoulders are well developed, moderately laid back. Elbows close to chest. Nice bones. The front legs are straight when viewed from the front.

Body length from shoulder point to buttock point slightly higher than the height at the withers. The chest is deep, the forechest is well developed, the ribs are moderately prominent. Well matched.

Small of the back broad and muscular.

Hind limbs strong, muscular with moderate angulation. Well developed thighs. Moderate knee rotation. Strong hocks, well drooping, turning neither in nor out.
Paws round, curved and tight with thick pillows. They turn neither in nor out.
Tail set high. Thick, full and of good length. Curled tightly over the back. A bobbed tail is highly undesirable.
Gait / movement free flowing, energetic and powerful with moderate stride length. A negative gait is undesirable.
Wool the outer coat is coarse and straight. Slightly longer at the withers and rump. More abundant on the tail. The undercoat is soft and dense. No sign of ruff or feathering.
The color is red-fawn; sesame; brindle; White. All of the above colors, except for white, must have a whitish coat on the cheeks, on the sides of the muzzle, on the inside of the legs, as well as on the lower part of the jaw, neck, chest, body and tail.
The size Height at the withers: dogs 64-70 cm (25 27-27 ½ inch); bitches 58-64 cm (22-25 inches).

Akita breed standard

General form Big, powerful, alert.
Characteristic Large, broad head, with relatively small eyes and straight ears, pushed forward along the back of the neck; large, curled tail, in balance with the head.
Temperament Decent, courageous, aloof; tends to show dominance over other dogs, although this trait is discouraged.
Head and Skull large, in balance with the body, the skull is flat, the forehead is wide, the stop is clearly defined and the groove is clear. The head forms a blunt triangle when viewed from above, without wrinkles. The muzzle is broad and strong, the cheeks are well developed. The nose is large and black, a straight bridge. The lips are tight and black. In white dogs, flesh-colored pigmentation is allowed on the nose and lips.
Eyes Relatively small, almond-shaped, clean, moderately divorced and dark brown. The eyes are dark and dense.
Ears Relatively small, thick, triangular, not seated, worn forward along the back of the neck when viewed in profile. Moderately separated from each other, slightly rounded at the ends.
Mouth The jaw is strong, with a perfect, regular and full scissor bite, that is, the upper teeth closely overlap the lower teeth and lie close to the jaws.
Neck Thick and muscular, relatively short, gradually widening towards the shoulders. The pronounced crest merges with the back of the skull.
Front limbs The shoulders are strong and powerful, moderately relaxed. Elbows are very tight. The forelegs are well boned and straight when viewed from the front. The pasterns are tilted about 15 degrees.
Body longer than height. Well developed forechest. The back is straight, muscular, the loin is moderate, tucked up. The skin is pliable, but not loose.
Hind limbs Strong and muscular, with moderate angulation and flexion of the knee. Well developed thighs, strong hocks, well drooping, turning neither in nor out.
Legs Thick, well-built, very tight, turning neither in nor out. The pads are hard. Strong nails.
Tail Large and full, set high, carried back, full or double curl, always descending to or below the level of the back. Three-quarters of the curly tail, the tip descends down the side. The root is large and strong. Hair is coarse, straight and full with no plume. A sickle or loose tail is highly undesirable.
Gait / Movement Energetic, powerful and fluid with small steps. The back remains firm and level. The hind legs move in line with the front legs, while the gait can follow the same path.
Wool The outer coat is coarse, straight and well apart from the body. The undercoat is soft and dense. The coat at the withers and gluteal region is approximately 5 cm (2 inches), slightly longer than the rest of the body, more abundant on the tail. No sign of ruff or feathering.
Colour Any color, including white brindle or pinto. The colors are brilliant and crisp. Markings are well defined with or without mask or flame.
The size Height at the withers: dogs: 66-71 cm (26-28 inches); females: 61-66 cm (24-26 inches).

Distinctive features

Many people think that the main differences between breeds are size, believing that if an Akita is slender and long-legged, then it is actually an Akita Inu, where large and massive means an Akita, unfortunately this is not the case, but the reason why many dogs are considered Akita-other, although in reality they are just slender or small Akitas.

Akita Inu tend to be smaller and more athletic, with little difference in height, but if the dogs stand together, you will notice a difference in their physique.

The head is where both breeds really differ: the Akita has a "bear face" while the Akita has a much more triangular face with a thinner tapered muzzle, the ears are small, set much closer to the side of the head and tilted forward almond-shaped eyes.

Coloration also where breeds differ, any dog ​​with a black mask is not an Akita Inu. Inu comes in sesame, red, white or brindle color.

All of the above colors, except for white, must have a whitish coat on the cheeks, on the sides of the muzzle, on the inside of the legs, as well as on the lower part of the jaw, neck, chest, body and tail.
Fur texture is another area that is different for both breeds: the coat of the Akita is rougher and slightly longer than that of the Akita, which has a much softer and thicker coat to the touch.

Dog personality

Akita was never raised to live or work in groups, not alone or in pairs. Today's Akita reflects this breeding. Akita is happy to be the only dog ​​and can be aggressive towards other dogs outside of his family group.

With proper socialization, the Akita can learn to tolerate other animals, but will most likely try to maintain its status as the main dog at any cost. Akita is loyal and affectionate towards his family and friends, but rather territorial about his home and away from strangers.

They are excellent watchdogs and will only bark when something is really wrong.
The large size of the Akita can make it difficult to control, so it is not suitable for everyone. He has extraordinary strength and stamina and needs special training to help him manage energy correctly. However, being a smart breed, the Akita can easily get tired of training. He thrives when challenged and given a job.

Despite the fact that the Akita is a large, hardy breed, they have been bred at home for centuries. The loyalty and dedication they display is highly beloved among Akita owners.

Typically, Akita will follow you from room to room in your home, as if his only purpose in life is to protect you and keep you company.

Akita, however, can have aggressive tendencies. Usually the aggression is directed at other dogs. They are generally not aggressive towards people, but they have highly developed protective instincts and care should be taken when strangers enter your home. As for the children in the family, the Akita will be as devoted to them as to any family member. Of course, small children should never be left alone with any large dogs, especially when they are new to the family.
In addition to their extreme loyalty, Akita likes to be kept clean and easily destroyed. Some people call the Akita Inu breed almost "feline" because they are so clean and odorless.

Japan is mysterious and amazing - a country of contrasts, a country of progress. The land of cherry blossoms and samurai. It has a rich history and many national treasures.

One of them is the Akita Inu dog breed. A detailed review of the breed follows.

Japanese Akita Inu dog breed - The largest of dogs related to.

The breed appeared in the 17th century in the Akita town of the Japanese island of Honshu. But their ancestors are Matagi Inu, dogs, known since the 8th century.

Initially, the Inu were used for hunting or sentry duty. But gradually their hunting status changed to elite, dogs became available only to wealthy people.

After the Second World War, the breed spread throughout Europe and the American continent.

Exterior description

FCI standard No. 255 dated 03/13/2001 "Akita".
Group 5 "Spitz and primitive breeds".
Section 5 "Asian Spitz and related breeds".

The growth of a dog at the withers reaches 70 cm, the growth of a bitch is 63 cm.

Exterior Resistant Standard:

  • small eyes of a dark color, the upper eyelid is slightly raised;
  • erect, triangular ears, slightly pointed, thick, small in size;
  • paws are strong, large;
  • large muzzle.

Akita has a massive back, a tightened abdomen, a thick tail raised in a half ring.

The appearance is expressive, it is not for nothing that they enter. The coat is distinguished by short, straight hairs with a fluffy undercoat.

Allowed four types of coat color:

  • red or fawn;
  • with dark hair tips;
  • brindle;
  • white.

Standard color (except for solid white) includes urazhio - white hair on the muzzle and inner surface of the body.

Akita Inu

Characteristics of the breed

They are smart they have a wonderful memory. Dogs are playful and restless from an early age.

Akita's puppy age lasts up to 2.5 years.

With age, a dog's childishness gives way to calmness and equanimity.

Adults tend to hide their emotional state. But despite the seeming indifference, the dog loves its owners.

Akita Inu is human-oriented, becomes a human companion. The dog is fearless, but not aggressive, and in case of danger it will protect family members to the end.

They are independent, curious. This is due to belonging to the Spitz family. Akitas are easy to learn. But you need to be patient. Learning should be gradual.

During training, one should not show aggression and rudeness - the animal withdraws into itself.

A balance must be found between affection and firmness.

A negative feature of the breed is rancor. With a cruel attitude towards a dog, there is a risk of finding an enemy. He is also distrustful of strangers, but he will never show it.

Akita Inu are the only pets.

Akita does not tolerate other dogs, often fights, especially with representatives of her breed.

Another feature of the breed is that they do not bark. Only in extreme cases.

Capabilities. Due to their qualities, dogs were used as bodyguards. Akitas have not lost their hunting abilities either. They have excellent eyesight, hearing, the ability to move quickly and silently.

Akita Inu are excellent swimmers and are often used by lifeguards on the water.

Akita Inu is suitable for home and apartment maintenance. In a private home, the dog can be kept outside the house, they tolerate cold and heat well.

The animal must have its own place. But they don't like sleeping on mats or baskets. The dog is clean, she will always wait until she is taken out on the street on business.

Akita Inu sometimes likes to be alone. Therefore, he needs a place where no one will disturb him. When kept in an apartment, the dog needs constant physical activity.

Akita is unpretentious in care. The coat does not require a haircut, and the dog needs to be brushed once a week, unlike. Dogs shed actively twice a year. This period lasts a couple of weeks and must be combed out daily.

If molting continues for more than three weeks, you need to contact your veterinarian.

Akita is fed with special food or natural products. An adult dog is fed twice a day. If the pet has little physical activity, it can eat once a day or less often.

The diet includes:

  • cereals
  • lean meat
  • vegetables
  • dairy products

At the same time, nutrition is supplemented with vitamin complexes.

It is forbidden to feed the animal with bones, flour products, potatoes and sweets.

The dog needs regular treatment from, ticks, the use of funds. The danger of infection exists constantly.

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficulty in leaving
Cold endurance
Heat tolerance

Someone associates the country of the Rising Sun with sakura or Mount Fuji, with a red circle on a white background or samurai. But for dog lovers, it is the Akita Inu that is the symbol of Japan. The breed got its name from the Akita province, where it was bred. Recall that this province is geographically located on the island. Honshu.

The breed belongs to the 5th group in the ICF classification, that is, Spitz-like, and the representatives of the breed are the largest in size among the dogs of the owl group.

Akita Inu- a breed that appeared as a result of crossing mastiffs and Chinese spitz-like breeds. This is one of the hypotheses for the origin of the Akita Inu. It is known that even in antiquity, his ancestors went with their owners to hunt large animals, up to the bear. The ancestors of the Akita Inu were called matagi ken, and they were bred to hunt deer, wild boars and even black bears of the Akita province, weighing up to 400 kg.
History shows that they are one of the most ancient breeds, including 13 other breeds: Afghan Hound, Pekingese, Siberian Husky and others. The evidence for this theory is as follows:

  • archaeological excavations: the remains of similar dogs belong to 2 thousand years BC;
  • the results of genetic studies. They indicate that the genotype of dogs, which are representatives of the most ancient breeds, has the least differences with the genotype of the wild wolf - the ancestor of all dogs.

Gradually, the status of the Akita Inu changed. From bugbearing dogs, they turned into elite animals that could only be kept in palaces and houses of dignitaries. In the 18th century, Akita Inu began to function as guard dogs at palaces. Hunting dogs became pets, the content of which was available only to the elite of society. Ordinary people, peasants could not even dream of becoming the owners of these dogs.

Interesting! History of the Akita Inu It is also noteworthy that one of the Japanese shoguns (fifth), the governor of Akita prefecture, issued a decree according to which the one who killed the dog was subjected to the death penalty.

But there were tragic moments in the history of the Akita Inu. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Akita was crossed with the Tosa Inu, a Japanese fighting dog. This happened to please the dog fighting that was popular during this period. The result of this crossing was aggressive dogs of large sizes. Gradually, the existence of the traditional Akita Inu breed came under threat. And after the epidemic of rabies, which happened in Japan a little later, the number of Akita was reduced to a minimum. But at the beginning of the 20th century, a society organized to preserve the breed achieved its resuscitation.

In modern Japan, Akita is one of the national treasures. Monuments are erected in her honor, her images can be found everywhere in public places.

The breed came to Europe and America after the Second World War. The Europeans began on the basis of the Akita, they began to breed their own species - the large Japanese dog. Now this is a separate breed,

Feature, description, character

Do you know the most famous Akita Inu? Of course, this is Hachiko - a legendary dog, famous all over the world for its loyalty.

Color, weight and height

In modern cynology, the Japanese Akita Inu is characterized as a dog that combines decorativeness and hunting characteristics.

The growth of Akita dogs is up to 75 cm in males, bitches are smaller - up to 64 cm at the withers. Weight ranges from 40 to 45 kg and from 32 to 45 kg in males and bitches, respectively.

For Akita, only three color options are characteristic: red with white urazhiro, brindle with white urazhiro and absolutely white.

Interesting! Urazhiro is a characteristic accepted in relation to Japanese dogs. Means: white color of the coat on the inside of the limbs, chest, abdomen, neck underneath, mask of the muzzle, capturing the cheeks, nose, chin. Urazhiro is characterized by symmetry, clarity and the absence of fragments of a different color.

Akita-inu have a life expectancy of 10-12 years. Well built, strong, strong and muscular - this is an Akita. The dog's muzzle is slightly bearish because of the short muzzle and flat head. Also, the shape of the ears, small eyes and wide forehead make it even more similar to the animal for which it was bred to hunt.


Huge dignity, restraint and calmness - these are the traits that speak about the "oriental" of the breed. But this equanimity hides a lively mind and the ability to control oneself in any situation. You can draw a certain parallel with the Japanese samurai: they rarely show emotions, be it joy or sadness. She selflessly guards her territory, distrustful of outsiders, and her loyalty is brought to the absolute.

They are cunning. So remaining indifferent outwardly, they carefully hide their interest, for example, by a stranger who came to visit. However, there is no limit to their friendliness: they are friends with all pets, including cats. Friendship is even stronger when pets grow up together. This is due to the fact that Akita Inu are characterized by an accurate and developed memory, that is, they remember everything, up to facial expressions, words, commands. The perfection of memory reaches the point that they can remember that they ate a month ago at a certain period of time. Impressive? Amazing creatures!

Character and temperament

Akita Inu owners are not lying when they say that their dog is devoid of negative traits. This is indeed the case. Akita - the focus of positive aspects in character and behavior, which are inherent in all other breeds combined. In childhood, this is mischief and playfulness that are not accompanied by mood swings. But she has one feature that can bring inconvenience to the owners - irrepressible curiosity and the desire to "stick your face in the thick of the events taking place." It is these properties that explain why there are sometimes too many small Akita –inu. But along with childhood, this quality also disappears. But be prepared to endure your pet's curiosity longer than usual, as Akita's childhood lasts up to 2-25 years.

Growing up Akita brings composure, restraint and equanimity. You will be surprised how a puppy who once wants to get into everything, demonstrates indifference, for example, to strangers. But this is false.

Akita is a true family friend, and for singles, an irreplaceable companion who zealously defends his own territory.

But don't forget that Akita Inu character develops under the influence of hunting instincts. He is a hunter, so early training and socialization of the dog is a mandatory stage in his upbringing. This should be taken into account by dog ​​owners. She is easy to learn. Hosts who complain of stubbornness during class should determine what is going wrong in their training.

The nature of the Akita is inherent in individuality, so she does not know how and does not want to work in a team. And he does not like to share the location of the owners with someone else. She can show an act of aggression towards “non-family members” and stranger dogs. Akita Inu barks infrequently, but only when there is a need for it.


Despite their excellent physical characteristics, some dogs, although rarely, are susceptible to diseases, among which hereditary and acquired ones stand out.

  • One of the genetic ailments is joint dysplasia, which can severely affect the hip joint until the animal is immobilized. The insidiousness of the disease is that only a veterinarian can detect its mild degree, and when obvious symptoms appear, the dog's movements are already impaired.
  • Other Akita Inu diseases associated with the eyes: entropy (when the lower eyelid is turned inward), which can only be treated surgically, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal atrophy.
  • Inadequate grooming and nutrition can lead to volvulus, so it is important to keep track of whether your dog is exercising enough and not to overeat.


The Akita Inu breed does not require special care. To do this, you should purchase a standard grooming kit for dogs:

  • Shampoo for dogs (carefully look at what age the product is designed for)
  • Down brush
  • Clipper
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs
  • Ear sticks, cotton wool

Correct Akita Inu care- the guarantee of healthy teeth, hair. The teeth should be constantly examined and cleaned, about once every one and a half weeks. Fortunately, there are dental products with a special taste (meat, fish) that are pleasing to dogs.

Eyes should be periodically wiped with a cotton swab dipped in boiled cold water or chamomile decoction. This should be done if the dog has irritation from sand and dust.

The ears should be cleaned three to four times a month, since in this breed the ears are in an open position, which allows dirt to accumulate there without obstructions. Dogs living in an apartment need such care less often.

Akita Inu requires constant long walks and outdoor activities every day. Therefore, this breed is not suitable for those who want to get themselves just a lap dog. Akita are serious dogs with a hunting instinct that needs to be developed. With enough physical activity, your pet will be calm and satisfied all day.

Regardless of where the Akita is kept, it needs to be dealt with. Whether in an apartment or in a spacious enclosure, the dog will just lie and eat in the same way, if you do not walk it. Buy special educational toys for walking. This will diversify the daily routine a little and allow the dog to play on its own.


When choosing Akita Inu puppies, future owners are interested in the peculiarities of their development. The period of childhood in puppies of this breed lasts up to 2 years, since Akita Inu are dogs of late development.

Do not choose a future pet from a large litter, especially if it is not uniform in size of puppies. If you are offered a small, even litter, this is a great option to pick up from.

Japanese Akita puppies are curious, mischievous and cheerful. With age, these qualities are transformed into restraint, calmness and external equanimity. should not be afraid of loud sounds. If you notice aggressiveness and fear of sounds behind him, she may be mentally unwell.

Even in childhood, puppies know when to stop in everything, they are unobtrusive. If Akita wants to play, he will bring a toy himself, and when she gets tired of frolicking, she will stop playing. The education of dogs should begin from the first months. But in the relationship between the owner and the pet, even hints of submission should be excluded, only cooperation and communication on an equal footing.

By its nature, an Akita Inu puppy is a predator, therefore it is important to teach her the correct attitude towards household members, especially children, so that unforeseen situations do not arise with the manifestation of a fighting character. Patience, affection, praise and goodies are the main tools in education.

A puppy at 2 months reaches a weight of 7 to 10 kg. It is noteworthy that at this age, babies may have a black or gray mask instead of a white mask. Over time, by six months, it will become a traditional white - the hallmark of an adult Japanese Akita.

Akita Inu puppies should be socialized from 2 months, communication with all family members and guests is important.

Education, training

Each Akita Inu, like any dog, must be well trained, or at least be elementary educated. This will prevent many unpleasant moments in your communication with this breed.

Akita Inu training is not an easy task. It should be carried out either by a very experienced owner or by a specially trained specialist. The upbringing of this breed should begin in childhood, since this breed is distinguished by a dominant, wayward character, which in the adult state is fixed in the animal. Owners with little experience in keeping dogs can quickly "lose" to this breed in the struggle of characters, as a result, the animal will decide for itself whether to obey him or not, thereby becoming the leading one in the relationship between man and dog.

Akita puppies from a very young age understand what the owner wants from them, but they do not always obey his will. We must pay tribute to this breed: Akita Inu are distinguished by intelligence, intelligibility, ability to analyze and remember what is happening.

Where to begin upbringing the Akita Inu? The first is to train the puppy to the toilet. In childhood, it is not difficult for them to wean them from gnawing things, to stop biting the owner during the game, to pick up food from the floor. From the very beginning, it is better to show who is the boss. It is recommended to immediately show the dog her sleeping place and not let him sleep in bed. It is better to close the door to the bedroom altogether.

If you become the proud owner of an Akita Inu, dog training should be patient and persistent. It is important to complete everything. For misconduct, you cannot punish with aggression or shouting - only a menacing look or a calm reprimand. Dogs of this breed have an incredibly good memory, as well as qualities such as vindictive vindictiveness. The person who caused her physical harm will forever be remembered for her as an enemy, whom the animal will take revenge on.

Dogs of this breed do not like monotonous repetition of the same exercises. It is recommended to alternate education with play and physical activity. However, it must be remembered that at puppyhood, the formation of bones and joints is still continuing in Akitas, so it is better to avoid or carry out physical activity until the age of 18 weeks, but to a minimum.

  • Problems Akita Inu training it is easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences. Start raising your dog from the first days it gets into your home.
  • Without a specific activity, frequent games, Akita begins to get bored. Therefore, take the dog with you for walks, jogging.
  • On their site, dogs of this breed feel like masters, so there are frequent cases of attacks on uninvited guests.
  • It is very difficult to resist not to pamper your little companion with something tasty from the table. A dog can achieve what he wants for a very long time, jump at the table, look into your eyes with a pleading look, repeating this even when you take the animal to another room or order to stop. Do not get fooled: such indulgence can develop a hysterical type of behavior in the dog, in which it will listen to you less and less, and more and more achieve what you want, showing aggression, resentment and other manipulation.


Akita Inu price depends on the status of the animal: show, breed or pet class.

It is "dignity" that would be most suitable for describing this breed in one word. These dogs are one of the national symbols of their homeland - Japan, the breed was proclaimed one of the monuments of its nature, "the treasure of Japan."

The breed is popular not only for its attractive appearance, but also for its noble balanced character and exceptional devotion to its family. The real story of the dog Hachiko, world famous for his loyalty, happened precisely with a representative of the Akita Inu.

History of the origin of the breed

Akita Inu belongs to the 14 oldest dog breeds in the world, as evidenced by genetic studies carried out on these dogs by scientists, as well as cultural monuments with images that are very reminiscent of the appearance of the Akita. More than two millennia ago, in the north of the Japanese island of Honshu, the ancestors of these dogs were found, and the usual type of breed was formed around the 17th century. Perhaps, in ancient times, nature brought the Chinese Spitz-like dog with a mastiff, or the descendants of mastiffs and Siberian huskies became the ancestor.

At first, Japanese dogs were the favorites of peasants and big game hunters, then they attracted the attention of the nobility. In the 18th century, they were already considered "elite", they were revered as an honor to keep representatives of the ruling aristocracy, and, of course, the imperial family. The dogs were treated with exceptional care, elevated to the rank of a palace ceremony. The Emperor signed a law prohibiting, on pain of severe punishment, offending or taking the life of Akita Inu.

It is interesting! Why Akita Inu? The name of the breed is not very complicated: the word "inu" in translation from Japanese means "dog", and Akita is the name of the prefecture in the northern part of Honshu, from where the breed originates.

In 1927, the newly created "Society for the Conservation of Akita Inu" took under protection the purity of this breed. During the war, the dogs honorably showed their skills at the front, after which the breed had to be restored again at the expense of the purebred individuals that had survived.

Today Akita is sometimes crossed with more aggressive breeds, so the Kara-Futo and Tosa Inu breeds were bred. Over the past half century, the appearance of the Akita has become more massive, and the character has become somewhat more temperamental.

Description of Akita Inu

Akita Inu belongs to large dogs, very attractive due to the harmony of constitution. The high head position and proud posture make this dog appear majestic.

  1. Torso strong, muscular, slightly elongated. The chest is wide and powerful.
  2. Head large, commensurate with a mighty body, slightly flattened between the ears, resembling an obtuse angle in shape. It has strong square jaws, triangular rounded ears of small size, a not too elongated nose with a large black lobe (brown occurs only in snow-white Akitas). The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly visible. A characteristic feature - deep-set, slanting, small, truly "Japanese" eyes of a dark brown shade.
  3. Tail - not particularly long, thick and fluffy, curved with a tight ring, single or double.
  4. Paws - strong, strong, the fingers are adapted for swimming - they have membranes between the toes. The fingers are pressed tightly together, like a cat's.
  5. Wool- dense, dense, with a pronounced structure. It sheds very much. The color can be different, it is regulated by the breed standards.
  6. Voice - Akita is considered a "vocal" dog, although it is not at all prone to barking and growling, this is a rarity even during an attack.

This breed is characterized by curious sounds: snorting, moaning, muttering, as if the dog is talking to itself, grumbling under its breath. Attentive masters discern even the semblance of human words.

Breed standards

According to the ICF classification, Akita belongs to group 5, section 5, № 255. The judges are quite strict about the appearance of these dogs, because it is important to preserve its purebred characteristics.

  • The weight - adults should range from 40-50 kg, bitches can weigh from 30 kg.
  • Height - at the withers:
    • in males - about 67 cm;
    • bitches - about 61 cm.

Exceeding or decreasing this indicator within 3 cm is not considered a deviation from the standard.

Coat of wool- according to the standard, it should be three-layer. The first layer is made of long and coarse hairs. The second is a hard, short guard hair. The third is a soft and dense undercoat.

All three coats are required. The longest hair is on the tail, on the back surface of the paws (“pants”), somewhat longer than on the body. The total length is not so significant: shorter-haired Akitas are considered standard, and they are collected with an elongated coat.

Important! If the coat is very long, and not harsh, but softer, such dogs are separated into a separate group - long-haired Akita Inu.

Color- it can be different, one important rule is clean and not blurred color outlines. The dog can be completely the same color or with spots, but the colors should not transition into one another and mix. Sometimes Akitas have "urazhiro" - the white color of the coat on the chest, the inner surface of the paws and tail, and the mask on the muzzle. For the Japanese Akita Inu, the standard allows only three colors:

  • red and white urazhiro;
  • brindle with white urazhiro;
  • pure white without spots.

Important! The American variety of Akita has black urazhiro, but for the Japanese standard this type of color is not allowed and is considered a breed defect.

The nature of the dog

This dog is downright the embodiment of ideas about its eastern homeland: a remarkable temperament hidden under a layer of dignity and restraint. It is harmonious in its manifestations, the owners reasonably believe that it is practically devoid of obvious flaws.

Since childhood, puppies of this breed are playful and inquisitive. It is uncharacteristic for them to suddenly fall into aggression or a changeable disposition. When communicating with the Akita, one gets the impression that she is downright "oriental" always holding herself in hand, her slanting eyes seem to be splashing with prudence and wisdom of centuries.

Meanwhile, this is by no means a slow and phlegmatic breed: the Akita perfectly protects the owner and his family, knows how to fight, but does it headlong. Before that, the dog will assess its strength and environment, plan its behavior.

The only trait that could be called negative is the excessive curiosity and restlessness inherent in young age. Akita should always be in the know: she will instantly appear at any noise, stick her nose into any box or door. This behavior lasts long enough - this breed seems to have a puppy age that lasts up to 2-2.5 years, and then the dog grows wiser, as if gaining experience and acquires diplomacy and restraint.

Dogs are very loyal and affectionate to children, they are great friends and nannies.... It will be good with her both the single owner and the big noisy family. The main thing is to pay attention to her and deal with her from her very first days in the house. In response to respect, she will respond with boundless love and devotion.

As much as Akita is tolerant of people, even strangers, so intransigent to other four-legged on its territory. She will not tolerate another four-legged in her house or yard, it is worth treating even other animals on a walk with caution.

Important! These dogs are very compassionate and kind to the young. In the London Zoo, the Akita Inu raised a newborn Sumatran orphan tiger, while very tenderly looking after and playing with the baby, becoming a real mother to him.

Akita Inu is a very clean dog, it has no smell. Experts note in this breed the so-called "feline behavior" - dogs lick their fur like cats or tigers. They have similar grips when attacking: the dogs sneak, crouching to the ground, and then jump sharply at the prey or offender.

This dog belongs to the category of companions, aimed at protecting and protecting household members, their territory and food. A very smart, even intelligent creature who needs early socialization and constant communication.

Life span

Akita Inu lives for about 10-14 years.

On the one hand, these dogs are very unpretentious in keeping. They can be kept in an ordinary city apartment, and in a private house, in an aviary (in the yard). On the other hand, it is believed that Akita Inu is not for beginners in dog breeding, since it requires attention and skill in training and education.

Akita inu in the apartment

Your dog will need a daily long walk, preferably in the morning and in the evening with the dog for at least two hours. This is necessary in order to prevent the "apartment" dog from gaining excess weight, because the Akita is a calm dog, she does not like to run around, so you need to provide her with adequate physical activity.

Akita on the street

You don't have to worry about the dog freezing, because it has a thick and long coat with a warm undercoat.... But nevertheless, you need to take care that the dog has a spacious booth with a warm floor in the aviary, then even wintering in the street is not afraid of it. The main thing is that when kept in an aviary, the dog gets enough communication with all family members every day.

Care and hygiene

The Aktita Inu has a very "successful" coat in terms of grooming, which does not require complex and expensive procedures to make the dog look great. You only need to thoroughly comb your pet 1-2 times a week so that mats do not form. No clipping or trimming is applied. Molt presents some difficulties: it is very intense for Akitas. During this period, it is worth helping the dog and combing it out every other day with a special mitten or brush.

Is not the most beneficial procedure for these dogs. Too frequent wetting is harmful to them - they lead to various diseases. One a season or even a couple times a year will be enough. After the animal has been bathed, take care of the quickest drying of the coat - use a hairdryer or a large towel.

Akita Inu diet

The diet and the composition of the diet of purebred dogs should be treated with full attention. Never feed your dog scraps and leftovers from your table. Human food may not just be healthy, but dangerous for your pet. The easiest way is to choose the right dry food with a balanced composition of vitamins and minerals. If natural food is preferred, it should be lean meat combined with vegetables, cottage cheese and a raw egg 1-2 times a week.

With natural feeding, be sure to take additional vitamin complexes. During shedding, the dog will need a feed to improve the condition of the coat - additives will improve its growth and condition. Ensure the constant availability of fresh drinking water.

Diseases and breed defects

Akita Inu is not very susceptible to systemic diseases, it is a very healthy and hardy breed. Meanwhile, some tendency in such dogs can be observed for the following diseases:

  • bloating or volvulus (with feeding errors and improper diet);
  • dysplasia of the hip joint;
  • eversion of the century (transmitted genetically);
  • von Willebrand disease (blood disease);
  • eye diseases - cataract, glaucoma, retinal atrophy.

As a rule, with a timely visit to the veterinarian, these problems are solved medically or surgically.

Education and training

Akita Inu needs to be brought up as a self-confident person who, from the first days in the house, will be able to set himself up as the owner. A timid and shy person will not be able to bring up such an individuality as an Akita, she will impose her own rules on him.

The most correct thing would be to establish subordination at the same time as mutual respect. This dog cannot be kept by people who only want to feed it and not remember it during the day.

Important! Not socialized in childhood and uncommunicative Akita Inu, instead of calm and reasonable, can become aggressive and uncontrollable.

The owner must find a "golden mean" between authoritarianism and flexibility. Rough pressure and attempts to "break", subdue the dog are unacceptable. Positive reinforcement (praise, delicacy) is much more effective. Akita does not execute commands automatically, but after thinking well, she seems to be looking for meaning in the owner's requirements. For a person whom she loves and respects, the dog is ready for anything. He will be indifferent to the rest. This respect should be given to the dog before the expiration of its puppyhood - 2-2.5 years. Further re-education will be pointless. If you start training in childhood, the dog will be able to fully realize its unique intellectual potential.

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