Great Dane dog. The largest dog breeds. The main advantages of large pets


According to the Guinness Book of Records, the largest dog in the world is currently considered to be a blue Great Dane named George. Typically, individuals of this dog breed weigh no more than 60-70 kg, but the weight of this dog is as much as 114 kilograms! His height is 2 m 13 cm, and his length from nose to tail is 221 cm!

According to the pet's owner, Dave Nasser from Arizona, the animal was brought into the house by his wife Christy - at that time the puppy was only seven weeks old. However, even then he had outstanding dimensions.

George continued to grow and the couple's daughter began to ride him like a pony. Despite its gigantic size, the record holder is very loyal and kind, although it takes up a lot of space and also knocks down many objects along its path. He loves to sleep on his owners' bed, leaving practically no room for them to sleep. The funny thing is that George is afraid of small dogs (such as Chihuahuas) and swimming in the pool for fear of drowning. And in general the pet is quite cowardly.

The pet eats a lot - every day he gobbles up to several kilograms of food. Despite all the difficulties, Dave and Christy love George, because thanks to him they visited, in particular, the Oprah Winfrey show, and also got into the Guinness Book of Records.

By the way, the dog has his own website and page on


Another record holder is a wolfhound named Bulldozer. This name was given to the dog by its owner Alexander Khudyakov - when he saw the trail left behind by an unusually large puppy walking through freshly fallen snow, he immediately formed an association with construction equipment. The weight of the Bulldozer, meanwhile, reaches 130 kilograms, so it should be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

The dog is famous for its magnificent character. So, the wolfhound is simply unshakable - the neighbor boys simply love to ride him, but if he doesn’t want to do this, then there is no way to force him. But the guys are unable to move 130 kg of weight. Why, guys, not even every adult man can move him... At the same time, the Bulldozer never attacked or bit anyone.

Of course, the dog has excellent physical characteristics. True, he does not participate in battles, but he is an excellent household guard and saves livestock from attacks by predators, for example, a jackal or a wolf.

Over the eight years of his life, Bulldozer has won so many awards that they barely fit on the top shelf of the closet. The now middle-aged dog eats about one kilogram of meat and a pan of porridge per day. Alexander also walks with him every day.

Over the course of his long life, by dog ​​standards, the huge dog produced a considerable number of offspring, all of them champions. For example, granddaughter Elita is the Russian champion in conformation, and Yars is the Russian champion in testing. True, the weight of the “relatives” is much lower, but still very considerable - about 90 kilograms.

English Mastiff

If we talk about breeds, then the English Mastiff takes first place. It is believed that the ancestor of this beautiful breed is the Tibetan Mastin, which lived in the territories of such states as Babylon, Ancient Egypt, Assyria and Ancient Greece. Not long ago, during archaeological excavations near the city of Nineveh, scientists discovered a vase that was created in 612 BC - it depicted a large dog in armor, very much reminiscent of today's mastiffs. The same breed of dog, clad in chain mail, was used by Alexander the Great in the war against the Persians.

Already in the 11th century AD, these dogs were used to supervise slaves, hunt and military service. Moreover, the cost of the dog was enormous - 20 hounds and greyhounds were given for one such pet!

Today the mastiff is a fairly expensive dog that requires appropriate care.

It is distinguished by its volumetric, angular head, which creates the impression of massiveness and a large body. Six is ​​short. The color can be varied - from peach to dark; there is a black mask on the face. The eyes are small, but widely spaced. The ears are quite large and normally lie on the cheeks. The neck is of medium length, muscular. The teeth are strong, sharp, the fangs are powerful. The tail is quite thick, and when excited it rarely rises above the level of the back. The paws are large.

The average weight of a dog is about 70-75 kilograms, some specimens reach 100 kg (such cases are very rare). Height - 70-80 cm. Life expectancy is on average 8-10 years, but some individuals live up to 17 years.

German dog

The next step up is the Great Dane breed. Some specimens of this breed can reach a height of up to 80 cm at the withers, females are slightly smaller. The weight of some individuals is about 100 kg!

Despite their appearance, Great Danes have an unusually good-natured character, they are loyal to their owner and love children. But they treat strangers quite reservedly. By the way, this breed loves to hug, but holding such a “dog” is extremely difficult even for a strong man, not to mention women or children.

The color can be very different, but there are three main groups: blue, black and marbled, brindle and fawn.

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhounds are a hunting breed. The height of males can reach 80 cm, females - 70 cm, but the weight is no longer amazing - up to 60 kg. The wolfhound, although muscular, has an elegant physique.

This breed was developed by the Irish Celts, who were interested in large dogs. True, they were interested in breeding a smooth-haired breed, but the wire-haired ones eventually began to predominate, probably due to local climatic conditions.


The full name of the breed is Scottish Deerhound or Deerhound. As you might guess, it was bred for the purpose of unarmed deer hunting.

It is believed that these dogs appeared in the 16th century AD. At the same time, there is evidence that deerhounds appeared before our era. In Scotland, at first this breed was bred exclusively by local nobility for deer hunting. Only after the dog became known outside its homeland did it become much more popular.

The maximum height of deerhounds is 72 centimeters, and their weight does not exceed 45 kilograms. The body is powerful and lean, muscular. The most popular colors are brown, sand and gray.

Deerhounds are excellent hunters. They are able to instantly respond to the slightest rustle. They are very active, they need to be constantly on the move, but they practically do not show aggression.


Leonbergers were bred in the German city of the same name, in honor of which they received their name. The creator of the breed is Heinrich Essig, born at the beginning of the 19th century. He crossed three breeds: the Serbernard, the Landseerva and the Pyrenean mountain dog, resulting in the Leonberger - a strong and brave dog.

Leonbergers have a balanced character and are great with children. At the same time, they are very strong dogs, capable of guarding anything. Therefore, by the way, these dogs are often used as guards.

The height of some males can reach 75 cm and weight 80-90 kg.


A fairly popular breed of dog today, which at one time was used exclusively as a working dog in Canada. Its homeland is the island of Newfoundland, in honor of which it received its name.

These dogs are not just incredibly beautiful, they are also very smart. Scientists believe that Newfoundlands are capable of making independent decisions in various situations. This probably happened due to the fact that the inhabitants of the island once used dogs in a variety of circumstances: some helped carry heavy loads, others looked after children, others were just four-legged friends... Therefore, if you need a dog that will perform If everything you say is unquestioning, then the Newfoundland is at least not the best choice, because the dog may ignore your request or simply fulfill it in his own way. But in critical situations, he almost always makes the right decision.

Interestingly, Newfoundlands are completely devoid of aggression. They don’t even know how to bite properly, although you wouldn’t say that when looking at a dog...

The maximum height of males reaches 71 cm, and weight is about 70 kg.

When choosing the largest dog breeds, you should take into account the general impression of the appearance of their typical representatives, which combines several parameters - height, bones, muscles, weight. And even in this case, the choice will be very difficult.

The breed, which combines the genes of mastiffs and great Danes, took first place in the ranking thanks to two giants - Aikama Zorba (Great Britain) and Hercules (USA).

Zorba, listed in the Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as the “largest dog in the world,” weighed almost 156 kg with a height of 94 cm, and Hercules (with a meter neck diameter and weight 123 kg) joined the company of record holders in 2001.

In the 11th century, hunters exchanged one mastiff for a pack of 20 hounds and greyhounds - the dog’s fighting skills were so highly valued.

The “reconstruction” of the breed began in 1872, creating the Club of Lovers of the Old English Mastiff (this is a more accurate name for the dogs), and a year later the ancestor of the modern mastiff, Taura, appeared before the public.

Now this is the heaviest breed with impressive dimensions: the average weight of a male is from 75 kg, of a female - from 70 kg.

The second largest dog breed. This fact was confirmed by Zorba’s contemporary - a St. Bernard named Benedict, who made the scales jump to almost 140 kg.

Their ancestors are considered to be Tibetan (according to one version) or Roman fighting mastiffs (according to another). Saint Bernards are not only large, but also powerful dogs: in 1987, an 80-kilogram male moved and dragged a load 4.5 m, pulling 3000 kg.

Saint Bernards are loyal, friendly and obedient. They are extremely gentle with small children and loyal to adults. There is a minus - they don't like miniature dogs. There is only one way out - raise the puppies together. Another drawback is excessive drooling in the heat.

They live, on average, a short time - about eight years.

German dog

The list of the largest breeds of domestic dogs includes Great Danes and Irish Wolfhounds, which are superior to St. Bernards and Mastiffs not in weight, but in height.

From Arizona (USA), named Giant George, he entered the Book of Records due to his height at the withers (110 cm) and weight (111 kg). The dog died three years ago, a month shy of his eighth birthday.

After George’s death, the record holder’s laurels went to a resident of the state of Michigan, Zeus, who was significantly inferior to the Arizonan in weight, but was one (!) centimeter ahead of him in height.

The blue dog Zeus got along peacefully with his owner's cat, but for long journeys he required a separate minibus. Zeus lived less than George (only five years), going to his canine forefathers in the fall of 2014.

Great Danes are calm and friendly: if they knock you down, take it as a sign of sympathy. Dogs simply do not know how to calculate their strength.

Irish Wolfhound

The breed, which originated from the Irish greyhounds, almost disappeared at the end of the 17th century. But in 1885, the Irish Wolfhound Club appeared, which became concerned with its reconstruction. And 12 years later the breed was registered by the American Kennel Club.

A sheep at home, a lion on the hunt: this is a characteristic of the Irish Wolfhound, known throughout the world. The dogs supported the hunters by chasing wolves and deer. A modern representative of the breed will become your easy companion during your morning/evening jog.

These are muscular and very tall dogs: males grow up to 79 cm and above, females - up to 71 cm and more. Irish Wolfhounds captivate with their harmonious appearance and peaceful disposition.

A descendant of fighting dogs that fought in the arenas of Ancient Rome. The dogs were known as excellent watchdogs, so they lived in the yards of ordinary people, who almost did not engage in their targeted breeding.

The Mastino Napoletano standard was adopted only in 1949. Now these are dogs of impressive size with a strong skeleton and powerful muscles. Males stretch up to 75 cm (at the withers) with a weight of 70 kg, females - up to 68 cm with a weight of 60 kg.

Mastinos have not lost their guard skills and protect the territory well. Sociable and affectionate to the owner. The second quality can easily develop into jealousy, which will manifest itself as aggression. They do not get along well with other pets, and are not recommended for families with children under 12 years of age.


He is also an Asian, a Turkmen wolfhound or a Central Asian shepherd dog. Dog handlers are confident that this is not only the oldest breed (which arose from 3 to 6 thousand years ago), but also the least spoiled by selection.

An excellent example of a smart, wayward and independent Alabai lives in the Stavropol region. The bulldozer (that's the dog's name) is 12 years old, he has long since retired and, despite the diet, weighs 130 kg. He was recognized as the largest dog in the CIS and confirmed his title with numerous awards and titles.

Asians are kind to their owners, but do not trust strangers. They will protect everything that is dear to their breadwinner to the last drop of blood: home, relatives and children.

Tibetan mastiff

He has a wide muzzle, straight back and well-developed shoulders, as well as tall height (up to 71 cm) and impressive weight - up to 100 kg.

This is not only a selectively large dog, but also the most expensive dog on the planet. In the Celestial Empire, they did not spare $1.5 million for a red Tibetan mastiff puppy.

They are similar in intelligence to Great Danes. These mastiffs are calm and reserved towards both humans and other animals.

In order to unconditionally obey the owner, they require absolute leadership and understanding of dog psychology.

Scottish Deerhound

The middle name is Reindeer Greyhound. This hunting breed appeared in the sixteenth century, but gained official status later - in 1892. The Deerhound is classified as the largest dog due to its considerable height (up to 72 cm) and weight (up to 46 kg).

Dogs have a balanced character: they rarely get angry and almost never bark. They have developed empathy, responding to the owner’s mood. They love and take care of children. A priori, they trust strangers, which makes them practically unsuitable for protection.

They take their name from the island of the same name. In Canada they were considered working dogs, changing their “specialty” in Russia, where they are more often called divers (possibly due to the membranes between their toes).

Cynologists have not yet decided on a single theory of the origin of these majestic dogs with thick (brown/black) fur. One thing is clear - the breed completely lacks the hunting instinct. These dogs are able to inspire respect with their respectable dimensions: males grow up to 71 cm (gaining 68 kg), females - up to 66 cm.

The Newfoundland is not just an intelligent dog: in an emergency, it will make an independent and error-free decision.

Russian greyhound

Until the 17th century, the Russian canine was called the Circassian greyhound, receiving its current name from the “dog” (the wavy, silky coat) that distinguishes the dogs from other greyhounds.

The breed is characterized by high growth (75-86 cm), restrained muscularity, narrow build, and grace. The dog is indispensable for hunting: it sees perfectly, runs quickly (especially over short distances), and smells the animal.

At home, he demonstrates an easy-going character. The favorite dog of painters, poets and sculptors.

In the past, breeders tried to crossbreed dogs that were large in size and strong. These qualities were useful for hunting and protection. However, there is no universal height or weight at which a breed is officially classified as "giant". There is only an unofficial opinion that biggest dogs in the world- those that weigh 45 kg or more. However, their height can vary greatly, as some breeds are strong and heavy, while others are tall and thin. The heaviest dog that ever lived was a St. Bernard named Benedictine, who weighed an incredible 166 kg.

Despite their menacing body proportions, most of the largest dog breeds are good-natured, calm pets. If you're thinking of getting yourself a really big four-legged companion, we're happy to make your choice easier with this list.

10. Deerhound

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 50 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 35-43 kg.

These greyhounds were bred to hunt deer. The predecessors of the Deerhound were the dogs of the Scots and Picts, who helped people hunt ungulates. For a long time the breed was unknown outside of Scotland and only in 1892 was it officially recognized. Deerhounds are very hardy, have instant reactions and a very keen sense of smell. They rarely bark, and are very trusting of people, so they are unlikely to be good guards. But this is a great dog for a hunter.

9. Irish Wolfhound

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 86 cm and 55 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 86 cm and 48 kg.

A very ancient breed of hunting dogs. The first written mention of Irish wolfhounds appears in the records of the Roman consul in 391 AD. Unlike other members of the top 10 largest dogs in the world, Irish Wolfhounds have a diverse range of personalities and are renowned for their individualism. They are rarely stupid or aggressive.

8. Komondor

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 60 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 50 kg.

Hungarian Shepherds are one of the largest dogs, the photo of which looks like “oh, a living mop!” There is a version that they appeared as a result of crossing ancient shepherd dogs and wolves. Komondors helped shepherds and protected livestock and other property. Easily recognizable thanks to their long, cord-like coat, these dogs are one of Hungary's national treasures. They adapt well to urban conditions and are good guards.

7. Leonberger

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 75 cm and 68 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 52 kg.

Sometimes these dogs are called "gentle lion", although the name "Leonberger" comes from the German city of Leonberg. The Leonberger is easily recognizable due to its luxurious, water-resistant coat. These dogs are generally very loyal, intelligent, and playful, making them ideal companion animals. Unfortunately, Leonbergers do not live long - on average, 7 years.

6. Tosa Inu

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 82 cm and 100 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 65 cm and 90 kg.

The Tosa Inu was originally bred in the Japanese kingdom of Tosa as a fighting dog. Representatives of the breed vary significantly in size. The Japanese breed generally weighs between 36 and 61 kg, while breeders outside of Japan have focused on producing dogs that weigh between 60 and 100 kg. The Tosa Inu was crossed with large European dog breeds such as the Mastiff, St. Bernard, and Bull Terriers to produce a larger, stronger animal.

5. Caucasian Shepherd

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 81 cm and 110 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 76 cm and 76 kg.

A dog breed popular in Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the North Caucasus region. “Caucasians” are very capricious and intelligent, ideal guards, but they require a strong hand. It is enough to watch any video of a Caucasian Shepherd to understand how dangerous such a giant can be for an inexperienced dog owner and those around him.

4. Newfoundland

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 71 cm and 120 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 66 cm and 55 kg.

These fluffy beauties were originally bred as working dogs for fishermen. Huge, intelligent Newfoundlands are known for their excellent swimming abilities. A relative of Newfoundlands is the longest dog in the world - Boomer (213 cm in length and 90 cm in height). Boomer is a Landseer breed derived from Newfoundlands.

3. English Mastiff

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 80 cm and 156 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 91 kg.

In third position of the rating are giants who are “terrible on the outside but kind on the inside.” The English Mastiff is one of the largest dog breeds in the world in terms of body weight. The first reviews of these massive dogs date back to the 6th century BC. And during the Roman conquest of England, the loyalty and strength of the mastiffs impressed even Caesar. The heaviest mastiff in the history of the breed was a male named Aikama Zorbo, who weighed 156 kg.

2. St. Bernard

  • The maximum height and weight of males is 90 cm and 166 kg.
  • The maximum height and weight of females is 70 cm and 100 kg.

St. Bernards were originally bred for mountain rescue tasks in the Italian and Swiss Alps. The proportions of the St. Bernard are enormous - at the withers they can reach 90 centimeters and often weigh 120 kilograms. And the record holder reached 166 kg. Saint Bernards are very fond of small children and really dislike small dogs.

This breed of dog does not weigh more than the Leonberger, but it is significantly taller: the average height of males is from 81 to 86 centimeters, while Leonbergers grow “only” to 72-80 centimeters. This is a kind and devoted dog, about which in their homeland they say: “A sheep at home, a lion on the hunt.”

Neapolitan Mastiff

Mastino Neapolitan, as this breed is also called, is not very tall, but males weigh from 60 to 70 kg. This dog loves its owner very much, and therefore is extremely jealous - owning a Neapolitan Mastiff is not recommended for families with other animals and small children. But he makes an excellent watchman.

Moscow watchdog

This dog breed is impressive in both height and weight. The average height of males is 76 centimeters, and weight is from 60 kg. As you might guess, the main function of the Moscow watchdog is to protect the owners. At the same time, the dog is sociable and kind to all family members.


"My puppy looks a little likea bulldog and a mastiff, nand a diver dog andfor all the shepherd dogs at once,” sang the hero of the children’s song. If his puppy was similar in size to a diver (the second name for the Newfoundland breed), then it was a very impressive puppy! After all, the average height of representatives of this breed is 71 centimeters and weight is 68 kg. Newfoundlands are amazingly smart, not at all aggressive and are ready to give their lives for a person.

German dog

Great Danes are the tallest dogs in the world, the minimum height for a representative of this breed is 80 cm, while males weigh on average 70-75 kg. It was the Great Dane that was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest dog in the world: the dog with the nickname Giant George had a height of 110 centimeters and a weight of 111 kilograms. Great Danes have a calm and friendly character.

Saint Bernard

The popularity of this breed peaked in the mid-90s, when films about St. Bernard Beethoven were released. The average height of males of this breed is more than 80 cm, and their weight is at least 80 kg. Saint Bernards are excellent rescue dogs and are also used as guard and companion dogs. This is a loyal and obedient breed.

Spanish Mastiff

Dogs of this breed are very large and strong, the average height of a male is above 80 centimeters, and weight is about 100 kg. Spanish Mastiffs are excellent hunters and are affectionate and friendly to people. These dogs feel best outside the city, in nature, as they need physical activity and space.

English Mastiff

The leader of our selection is the English Mastiff. This breed is officially recognized as the largest in the world, and it is not surprising, because the average height of these dogs is from 70 to 90 cm, and the weight of males ranges from 70 to 110 kg. Despite the fact that English Mastiffs were previously used for baiting bears, they are very calm, balanced and friendly dogs.

Who owns the title of "The Largest Dog Breed in the World"? In 2004, the Great Dane Gibson from California (USA) received it - his height was 107 cm.

In 2013, this record was broken by another Great Dane named Zeus, whose length from feet to withers was 111.8 centimeters. Does this mean that the Great Dane breed is the largest?

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale recognizes 343 dog breeds, which are classified into 10 groups according to type and use.

There is no official division of dogs based on size.

However, there is a generally accepted division of breeds into large, medium and small. If the dog’s height at the withers is more than 60 centimeters, and its weight as an adult (over 2 years old) exceeds 25 kilograms, then it is considered large.

The largest of the large ones include 10 breeds, which will be discussed below.

Breeds with photos and descriptions

10. Irish Wolfhound


6. Newfoundland

It grows up to 75 cm and gains weight up to 69-70 kg. with infinite patience. Knows family members and treats each of them with respect and friendliness. The dog has a touchy nature, so training is carried out as gently as possible.

Newfoundlands shed all year round. He needs to be brushed once a day, otherwise his long, thick coat gets tangled.

You should not bathe such a pet. It is better to use dry shampoo, as bathing can worsen the condition of the coat. Eyes and ears need to be examined daily as they are susceptible to infections.


5. Anatolian Shepherd (Kangal, Karabash)

It is rightly included in the large-sized dog breeds: it grows up to 82 cm and gains weight up to 65 kg. Brave and not afraid of anything. She is very proud and highly intelligent.

She treats well only the members of the family in which she grew up, she loves children. - a tall dog with well-developed muscles. Has thick and short fur. He is hardy and not afraid of the cold. For short hair, brushing once a week is sufficient. Bathing once a month is enough.

Anatolian Shepherd

4. Pyrenees Mountain Dog

It has a thick double snow-white coat. The dog's height can reach 80 cm. They are devoted to their owners and love to spend as much time as possible with them. Very affectionate, noble and good-natured. They treat children well.

Mountain dogs make good watchdogs and show aggression when the situation requires it.

Pyrenean mountain dog

3. Scottish Deerhound

It grows up to 85 cm and gains weight up to 50 kg. This is a tall but thin animal. He is always in excellent physical shape. The coat is hard and not long. Color gray with graying.

The Deerhound is easy-going, quick-thinking and needs exercise. He does not show aggression and has a quick reaction. The coat needs to be combed once a week. The mouth is cleaned every other day. Have your ears checked and cleaned regularly.

Scottish Deerhound

2. Hungarian Kuvasz

It grows up to 76 cm in height and gains weight up to 63 kg. It has a thick, wavy coat of medium length that needs to be brushed regularly to prevent it from matting.

The fur is white. Kuvasz is brave and will never give up first in a confrontation. He has his pride. Capable of outbursts of aggression if mistreated. Be wary of strangers.

Hungarian Kuvasz

1. Great Dane

Height reaches 85 cm, and body weight - up to 90 kg. Each paw is equal to the palm of a person. Representatives of the breed are easy-going, patient and good-natured, getting along well with family members. The Great Dane is not picky and does not need frequent bathing. This procedure should be replaced by brushing with dry shampoo.

The main advantages of large pets:

  • security qualities;
  • sociability and loyalty;
  • provides the owner with regular long walks in the fresh air;
  • keeps lonely people company.

There are fewer disadvantages, but they are there:

  • a big dog needs space;
  • Maintaining a large animal will cost more - it needs more food.

There is no doubt that every owner selects a pet according to personal preferences, as well as taking into account his financial capabilities, because every dog ​​needs maintenance and care. The costs of food and transportation of a large dog will be significant. Therefore, you need to purchase an animal not at the first desire or first request of the child, but after carefully weighing your capabilities - physical and financial.

Decide in advance for what purpose you need a pet: as a guard, a hunting assistant, or just a friend. Listen to the advice of breeders, read the material. Carefully study the breeds of large dogs with photographs. Only then make the decision to buy a puppy.

Additionally, we suggest you watch a video about the largest dog breeds:
