What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist and what does therapeutic dentistry do? Surgical dentistry Surgical dentistry deals with the treatment of the following diseases

Surgical dentistry is a special branch of medicine, the main tasks of which are solved through surgical intervention, and as a result, it is possible to relieve the patient from pain and discomfort in the oral cavity. But the common belief that tooth extraction is the only result of dental surgery is erroneous. The main goal of dentistry is to preserve teeth, and surgery is assigned the role of an auxiliary tool on the way to this goal.

Patients of the Creative Dent clinic can be sure that doctors will do everything possible to preserve the beauty and integrity of the dentition, and all necessary operations will be performed as comfortably, carefully and painlessly as possible.

Tooth extraction in Moscow is safe and always under control

Indeed, the most famous operation of surgical dentistry is tooth extraction, but it is performed only in cases where this is the only option to prevent unwanted and dangerous complications in the oral cavity and maxillofacial area. The decision is made by a dental surgeon after a thorough examination, and indications may include:

  • dystopic and/or impacted tooth (improper position, delayed eruption);
  • a tooth root broken due to injury or a chronic inflammatory process (or its exacerbation);
  • severe periodontitis;
  • complex orthodontic situation;
  • significant destruction of the crown part of the tooth, when the doctor no longer has the opportunity to put a filling or install a stump with a crown;
  • a large angle of inclination of the tooth, when the soft tissues of the oral cavity are injured (most often this happens with wisdom teeth due to the same dystopia);
  • ineffectiveness of endodontic therapy (root canal treatment).

Surgical dentistry today can be not only visual (with a demonstration of the expected result of treatment), but also atraumatic, only slightly damaging the periodontal tissues. Patients of the Creative Dent clinic can verify this. This approach is optimal; it allows you to prevent complications, shorten the postoperative rehabilitation period, ensure rapid healing and minimize bone tissue defects at the site where one or more teeth have been removed.

Tooth-preserving surgical dentistry in Moscow

You can see for yourself that even surgical dentistry can be painless and comfortable for the patient thanks to the development of advanced technologies. The image of a dental surgeon whose goal is to remove a tooth at any cost has long been out of date. Modern doctors consider the timeliness of tooth-preserving procedures to be the most promising and important.

Patients of our clinic can be sure that any operation, as well as solutions to dental problems of various levels, will be carried out painlessly. Modern anesthetics and the skillful hands of our specialists work wonders, and visiting a dental surgeon today is as comfortable as possible for patients.

75% of patients need the services of a dental surgeon

Yes, a dental surgeon removes teeth, installs implants, and performs tooth-preserving operations. But his area of ​​activity is not limited to this. Orthodontic treatment and complex cases of dental prosthetics are often not possible without his participation.

With atrophied bone, for example, it is difficult or impossible to install an implant. But a dental surgeon can create the necessary conditions and perform operations: bone tissue augmentation and/or sinus lift. As a result, the doctor can work efficiently, and the patient does not have to worry about the result of treatment. Moreover, today we actively practice the visibility of results - the patient can see what his smile will look like even before the start of treatment.



Edited by T. G. Robustova

Educational literature for medical students

EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE For students of medical universities

Faculty of Dentistry



Second edition, revised and expanded

Edited by Prof. T. G. ROBUSTOVA

„Medicine44 2000

UDC 616.31-089(02)



REVIEWER M. A. GUBIN, DOC. honey. Sciences, prof., head. Department of Surgical Dentistry, Voronezh Medical Academy named after. N. N. Burdenko

Surgical dentistry: Textbook/Ed. T.G. RoX50 boost. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Medicine, 1996. - 688 p.: ill.: l. ill. (Text. lit. For students of medical universities). ISBN 5-225-00928-Х

The textbook provides brief information about the history of the development of surgical dentistry and the organization of dental surgical care in a clinic and hospital. Data on general and local anesthesia and the features of its use during operations on the maxillofacial area are presented. Infectious odontogenic and non-odontogenic inflammatory diseases, diseases of the salivary glands, modern methods of their diagnosis and treatment are described. The clinical picture, features of the development of tumors and tumor-like diseases of the maxillofacial region and modern methods of their treatment are presented. Data on reconstructive surgery of the face and jaws are provided.





Head Edited by A. K Yashdiirov. Publishing editor I. S. Afanasyeva Editor 3 V Kolesnikova. Art editor O. A. Chetverikova Technical editor G I Zhtsoka. Proofreader M. P


J1P No. 010215 dated April 29 97. Signed for printing on March 16, 2000. Paper size 60x90/Jf. Offset paper No. 1, Typeface Literat Offset printing Uel printing. l 43.5. Uel. cr-ott. 45.0 Academic ed. l. 50.33. Doptir. 5000 copies Order No. 3129 of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, publishing house "Medicine"

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JSC "Shiko" Moscow, 2nd Setunsky pr., 11-27 The quality of printing corresponds to the quality of the provided transparencies.

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The textbook of surgical dentistry was created by a group of authors from the departments of surgical dentistry at the Moscow Medical Dental Institute, which is an educational and methodological center for higher dental education in Russia. It reflects the experience of one of the oldest schools of surgical dentistry in our country - the school of the founder of national dentistry, prof. A. N. Evdokimova and prof. G. A. Vasiliev and includes new provisions, classifications, treatment methods that have been established in this specialty. The textbook also reflects the experience of the country's leading dental surgery clinics.

The material is presented taking into account the latest achievements of medical science and practice. In the sections of surgical dentistry concerning the history of the development of the specialty, the organization of the work of outpatient and inpatient departments, examination of the patient, anesthesia, tooth extraction, inflammatory diseases, along with generally accepted principles and rules, new data are reflected. The section devoted to the organization of surgical dental services provides the main policy documents and orders and provides recommendations for the work of a dentist in modern economic conditions. The principles of ethics and deontology that a specialist must follow in his work are highlighted.

When presenting inflammatory diseases, due attention is paid to the etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy, clinical picture, diagnosis and treatment of each nosological form, as well as rehabilitation and principles of prevention.

Among inflammatory diseases, the most numerous group is odontogenic processes - periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis of the jaw, abscess, phlegmon, lymphadenitis, etc. The textbook describes their current course and changes in the clinical picture. Particular attention is paid to surgical treatment, surgical methods, outcomes, complications and prognosis.

The textbook covers trauma to the maxillofacial region from a modern perspective and outlines traditional methods of diagnosis and treatment. The issues of gunshot wounds of the face and jaws, combined lesions, various types of burns, frostbite and methods of their treatment are covered. The basic principles of diagnosis, treatment of tumors and tumor-like formations, dispensary

observation and rehabilitation of a large group of patients with these diseases. The main methods of surgical interventions and complex therapy for these diseases are presented. Considerable attention is paid to reconstructive surgery of the face and jaws, new methods of compensation of defects and elimination of deformation of the maxillofacial area.

The textbook will allow you to study the theoretical and practical issues necessary for a future specialist to work in the field of surgical dentistry.

Chapter I


Surgical dentistry is one of the independent clinical disciplines of dentistry that studies surgical diseases and injuries of the teeth, oral organs, face and neck, and bones of the facial skeleton, which require complex treatment. Among the methods of such treatment, surgical interventions are leading.

Surgical dentistry is closely related to other dental specialties - therapy, orthopedics, pediatric dentistry and uses diagnostic and treatment methods common to them. This connection is due to the anatomical, topographical and physiological unity of the teeth, organs of the oral cavity, tissues of the maxillofacial region and the pathological processes that develop in them* Complex treatment of dental diseases often consists of sequential treatment measures using the methods of therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic dentistry.

Surgical dentistry is closely related to other medical specialties - therapy, surgery, otorhinolaryngology.

gology, ophthalmology, neurology, radiology and radiology, which opens up great opportunities for its development and improvement. This discipline is also based on the achievements of the natural sciences, physics, chemistry and many sections of fundamental medicine: normal and topographic anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, microbiology, pathological anatomy, pharmacology, operative surgery and

Diseases within the profile of surgical dentistry are divided into a number of groups depending on the etiology, pathogenesis, pathomorphology, clinical picture and features of surgical treatment.

1. Inflammatory diseases of the teeth, jaws, facial and neck tissues, and oral cavity organs. These include odontogenic inflammatory processes (acute and chronic periodontitis, acute periostitis of the jaw, osteomyelitis of the jaw, abscesses, phlegmons, lymphadenitis), difficult teething, odontogenic inflammation of the maxillary sinus; infectious diseases - specific (actinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis), non-odontogenic (furuncle, carbuncle, erysipelas, anthrax, noma), inflammatory diseases of the salivary glands. They occupy one of the first places in frequency among pathological processes observed in a clinic and dental surgical hospital.

2. Injuries of the organs of the oral cavity, face, bones of the facial skeleton of non-gunshot and gunshot origin, combined injuries, as well as combined injuries due to radiation exposure, thermal, chemical and other injuries, frostbite.

3. Tumors and tumor-like diseases of the face, jaws and oral cavity, modern methods of their diagnosis according to the WHO International Classification.

4. Congenital and acquired defects and deformations of the face and jaws.

Surgical dental diseases often require emergency surgical interventions (acute inflammatory and traumatic diseases, including the resulting suffocation, bleeding, shock, etc.) and planned operations (chronic inflammatory diseases, trauma, tumors and tumor-like diseases, defects and deformities of the face , congenital defects and developmental anomalies, etc.).

A dentist, regardless of his work profile, must be able to provide emergency care for fainting, collapse, shock, coma, cardiac and respiratory failure, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis, epileptic condition, allergic reactions, acute injury, including thermal injury, snake bites, poisoning, etc.

Among the operations that a dentist must be able to perform, tracheotomy occupies a special place.

The path of development of surgical dentistry reflects the path of development of other medical specialties, and each of its stages is

determined by the social system, the level of development of the economy, science, and culture.

IN Over the course of many centuries, surgery of the teeth and oral cavity developed slowly, outside of medical science and practice, remaining one of the branches of dentistry. An important role in the development of dentistry was played by the French surgeon of the 16th century Ambroise Pare, who designed instruments for tooth extraction, determined the indications and contraindications for this intervention, and developed the technique of some operations, including tooth replantation.

For the development of the surgical aspect of dentistry in the 18th century in France, the work of the founder of dentistry, Pierre Fauchard, who outlined the issues of dental surgery in his first manual on dentistry, was of great importance.

IN In feudal and serf Russia, the development of dental and oral surgery was slower than in European countries. For many centuries, surgical procedures were limited to tooth extraction, which was performed artisan doctors. And only at the royal court did foreign doctors perform dental surgery.

I am Y. Pirogov (1810-1881)

Y. K. Shima

The development of domestic dentistry, including individual surgical interventions, is associated with the name of Peter I, with the appearance of foreign doctors at his court.

IN In the development of dental and oral surgery, apprenticeship schools for foreign dentists, training of dental doctors and dentists, and, at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, of dentists, were of great importance. In the 19th century, surgery, along with other medical specialties, had a great influence on the development of dentistry. During this period, various sections of surgery began to take shape, develop and acquire independence, including maxillofacial surgery.

IN 1808 Professor A. Bush performed the first operation for cleft lip. In 1820, a student of A. Bush, professor of the Medical University A. I. Pol, developed methods for some operations, including resection of the lower jaw. In 1843, I.V. Buyalsky successfully performed resection of the lower jaw, simplifying the operation.

The attention of surgeons to the surgical section of dentistry contributed to the improvement of maxillofacial operations within the framework of general surgery. The founder of many of them should rightfully be considered the remarkable Russian doctor and scientist N.I. Pirogov. He developed the basics of treating tumors of the maxillofacial region. He proposed one-stage plastic surgery of postoperative defects, gave basic recommendations for the treatment and surgical treatment of gunshot wounds of the face and jaws, and for plastic surgery after injury.

For the development of facial plastic surgery, the activities of Kyiv University Professor Yu. K. Shi played a great role

Manovsky. He developed a systematic principle for indications for plastic surgery, proposed improved versions of them, and created original methods of surgical interventions. The studies of V. Khandrikov, A. Dudukalov, N. Vorontsovsky, A. Pelshansky, N.V. Vysotsky, I. Korovin, V. Antonevich, N.V. Sklifosovsky and others were of great importance in the development of jaw operations.

The schools of maxillofacial surgery were the surgical clinics of the medical faculties of Moscow and Kyiv universities, and the Medical-Surgical Academy of St. Petersburg. State-controlled dental education was of great importance for organizing dental care for the population.

The first educational school for future dentists was the private assistant professor courses of odontology at the Department of Hospital Surgery of Moscow University (N. N. Znamensky), the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy (P. F. Fedorov) and the St. Petersburg Higher Women's Medical Courses (A. K. Limberg).

All the shortcomings and difficulties of dentistry were clearly revealed during the Russian-Japanese and the First World War, when a large number of wounded in the maxillofacial area were observed. During this period, the Russian dentist S. S. Tigerstedt (1914) proposed a technique for immobilizing jaw fragments during fractures using dental wire splints; G.I. Vilga (1915) developed a method for securing jaw fragments with stamped cap splints with elastic traction; R. Faltin, having systematized gunshot injuries to the face, gave specific practical recommendations for their treatment.

The separation of surgical dentistry into an independent discipline began after the First World War and was finally realized in the 20-30s.

A major role in the development of surgical dentistry was played by: the State Odontological Institute, first organized in 1919 in Kyiv (later transformed into the Faculty of Odontology); from 1919 - Department of Odontology (then Dentistry) at the Donetsk Medical Institute (N. A. Astakhov); from 1920 - Department of Odontology and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University (JI. A. Govseev); Department of Odontology and Dentistry at the Kazan Medical Institute (P. A. Glushkov); from 1921 - the Faculty of Odontology of the Kharkov State Medical Institute (E.M. Gofung) and from 1922 - the State Institute of Dentistry, renamed the State Institute of Dentistry and Odontology in Moscow, the director of which from November 1922 was Professor A.I. Evdokimov.

Since 1920, the study of odontology (later

Dentistry). This made it possible to create a personnel basis for dentistry, including surgical dentistry, and at the same time lay the main organizational, scientific and practical basis for the specialty.

Therapeutic dentistry is a type of dentistry aimed at the prevention, prognosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, or more precisely, teeth, gums, mucous membranes and other areas. As a subtype of science, it studies the causes of diseases of the oral cavity, methods of treatment, as well as the effect of diseases of the teeth and gums on other organs.

Therapeutic dentistry is one of the most important and widespread sections in dentistry, because with its help it is possible to predict and treat a variety of diseases in a timely manner. Today, due to the high level of development of medicine, there are many therapeutic procedures and operations that will help maintain dental health, as well as cure dental diseases.

  • diagnosis, treatment of caries and prevention of this type of dental damage;
  • modeling and installation of parts that have been lost on the teeth. This treatment provides patients with the opportunity to partially restore the body of the tooth;
  • endodontic procedures. Aimed at treating tissues that are in close proximity to the tooth, as well as tooth canals;
  • identification of dental damage of different categories and at different stages;
  • treatment of apical periodontitis - a very serious disease that affects the root canals, tissues located in the tooth, the tooth itself, as well as the jawbone;
  • treatment of oral diseases.

How is the diagnosis made?

For different diseases, different diagnostic methods are used, and they also resort to various procedures, sometimes surgical operations. For example, to diagnose caries and pulpitis, the reaction to hot and cold food is monitored. Moreover, by accurately examining the reaction, you can draw a line and diagnose the problem - namely pulpitis (the formation of a cavity inside the body of the tooth), or caries formation (damage to tooth tissue by harmful bacteria and tooth destruction), or periodontitis (inflammation of the dental canal or ligament).
By applying a small amount of electricity to the tooth, a reliable diagnosis can be made. This procedure is called electroodontodiagnosis. This method is often used in dentistry to determine the sensitivity threshold of a tooth.
To predict diseases of the oral cavity, therapeutic dentistry resorts to chemical tests. Materials from the source of the disease are taken as a sample. These materials are then sown on nutrient media. In case of certain chemical reactions, treatment begins.

X-ray examinations are also widely used. Images of varying degrees of visibility are used (tomographic, targeted). Diagnosis of abnormalities in the functioning of the salivary glands is made using specialized compounds.

Therapeutic dentistry – preserve the integrity of the dentition

Therapeutic dentistry is good because, unlike surgical dentistry, it does not require immediate tooth extraction.

Before you do this, there are several ways you can try to solve the problem. Dentists will do everything possible to save your teeth. The doctor will help not only eliminate problems such as caries, pulpitis, periodontitis and many others, but will also carry out procedures for aesthetically beautiful restoration of teeth. Thanks to the abundance of filling materials, their quality, as well as devices with which the dentist is guaranteed to carry out the procedure efficiently, you can keep your smile perfect. The newest materials from which fillings are made are able not only to take the required shape, but also have the required transparency, and are also able to adapt to the tone of the tooth.

Talk to your doctor about which hygiene products are best for you

By following simple rules of oral hygiene and regularly visiting the dentist, you can avoid serious diseases. Talk to your doctor about which hygiene products are best for you. Basically, these are all the preventative measures you can take to keep your teeth healthy.
Features of therapeutic dentistry and treatment of various types of diseases:

  • treatment of pulpitis. Let's understand the concept. Pulpitis is the penetration of harmful bacteria into the tooth cavity through a special channel. This disease is an advanced form of caries. First, a deep cleaning of the cavity is carried out, then the inflamed tissue is eradicated;
  • treatment of caries formation. The cause is damage to the hard tissues of the tooth. At the initial stage, caries consists of only barely noticeable spots and, if treated in a timely manner, does not pose a particular danger to the health of the tooth. Otherwise, ignoring the problem will lead to irreversible consequences, including tooth extraction. In advanced forms of the disease, drilling of the tooth, removal of inflamed tissue and further filling are required. If caries is in the spot stage, only surface fluoridation is carried out. This is also carried out as a prevention of caries;

  • treatment of periodontitis. Due to the complexity of this type of disease, therapeutic dentistry resorts to several treatment methods: mixed, with tooth preservation, surgical. The treatment program is developed taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. The unadvanced form of the disease is eliminated with the help of ultrasound therapy and cleaning of dental plaque. After this, procedures are carried out to prevent gum inflammation. Advanced stages require more complex operations, and sometimes surgical intervention. The canals are cleaned and, if necessary, a cyst or granuloma is removed. Preventive measures are required to eliminate damage to the gums and mucous membrane, if any. In extreme cases, the tooth must be removed.

Many patients, when going to a public or private clinic, say that they are going to a dentist or dentist.

However, not everyone knows that this is not the same thing, and that the dental profession is divided into therapeutic and surgical specialties.

Surgical specialists in dentistry include the following doctors:

  • surgeon;
  • orthopedist;
  • orthodontist.

All disciplines are studied in the branch of medicine called surgical dentistry.

Field of activity

Almost every person on the planet by the age of 30 has sought help from a surgical dentist for various reasons:

  • bad teeth;
  • jaw injuries;
  • inflammatory diseases of the jaw, temporomandibular joint, soft tissues of the submandibular region, salivary glands and their ducts;
  • with neoplasms of various origins;
  • with congenital osseous-facial pathology (cleft palate);
  • faces with bad .

Surgical dentistry deals with the treatment of diseases of the human maxillofacial apparatus:

Such a large number of tasks requires specialization in each specific area. One doctor cannot master professional subtleties in every area. Therefore, dental surgeons work in hospitals and clinics and are engaged in the preservation of teeth and treatment of various diseases of the oral cavity, jaw and facial skeleton.

Professional tasks

During an outpatient (polyclinic) appointment, the tasks of a surgical dentist include:

  • removal of unpromising teeth and their roots;
  • rehabilitation of small purulent cavities;
  • trimming the hyoid frenulum and upper lip frenulum;
  • early diagnosis of malignant and specific diseases of the oral cavity and jaw apparatus;
  • cutting of the gums above the teeth.

In a hospital setting, the range of responsibilities of a doctor increases:

  • opening and sanitation of purulent foci of the jaw, floor of the mouth;
  • bone grafting of the lower or upper jaw;
  • surgical treatment for malignant tumors of the maxillofacial area;
  • immobilization of the jaw with;
  • arthrotomy for temporomandibular periarthritis;
  • plastic surgery of the skin for traumatic injuries;
  • operations on the ducts and salivary glands;
  • osteoplastic surgery for anatomical abnormalities;
  • interventions for neurological diseases (neuritis).

Doctor fully armed

For such delicate work and with all the variety of tasks for quality treatment, dental surgeons have the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities:

Close cooperation with dentists of other specialties is expected. For example, together with a dental orthopedist, the jaw is prepared (remnants of teeth, sanitation of purulent foci) for dental implantation or removal of existing implants.

It also implies close work with other specialists: therapists, endocrinologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators, thoracic surgeons, etc.

The question of choosing a great specialist

When making an appointment, it is important to pay attention to how many patients are in line in front of you. Choose clinics with an average price range, because low prices may indicate insufficient quality of materials and lack of demand for specialists among the population.

Trust yourself, remember that a good doctor is not necessarily a smiling and talkative employee. Communication skills are not an indicator of professionalism. Every patient should trust a specialist to whom they will entrust the health of their teeth, and in some cases, their life.

The cost of a dental surgeon’s services varies depending on what exactly the specialist does, the duration of treatment and the number of manipulations.

Prices for an initial appointment range from 350 to 700 rubles, a repeat appointment from 150 to 450 rubles. Surgical interventions, depending on the complexity of the task, are estimated from 700 to 45,000 rubles.

Surgical dentistry

Surgical dentistry- a branch of dentistry that practices such treatment methods as: tooth preservation operations, bone grafting, preparation and implantation of teeth, as well as various aesthetic operations in periodontology.

Questions studied

Surgical dentistry in its practice also includes tooth extraction. In cases where treatment is ineffective and tooth extraction is inevitable, a dental surgeon will professionally, quickly and painlessly remove the necessary tooth. It is also possible to remove wisdom teeth that have grown incorrectly and are in the way. When a professional dental surgeon performs tooth extraction, the occurrence of all kinds of complications is minimized. Surgeons also remove cysts located on the top of the tooth.

In addition, each surgical dentist, before removing a tooth, will advise the patient about prosthetics or even implantation in place of the missing tooth.

Surgical dentistry includes:

  • Implantation,
  • Dental-preserving procedures
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes (periodontitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis, sinusitis, abscesses, phlegmons)
  • Tooth extraction (partial or complete removal)
  • Treatment of oral tumors
  • Preparing the oral cavity for subsequent prosthetics
  • Removal of small tumors on the face
  • Treatment of TMJ diseases
  • Treatment of trigeminal nerve diseases
  • Treatment of diseases of the salivary glands
  • Primary surgical treatment of wounds of the face, neck, oral cavity
  • Reconstructive and plastic surgeries on the jaws
  • Diagnosis of specific diseases when they manifest themselves in the oral cavity (atinomycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis)
  • Operations on periodontal tissues

Surgical dentistry in Russia

Thanks to the high level of development of modern surgical dentistry, today it is possible to preserve hopeless teeth.

At the moment, surgical dentistry closely connects its practice with such areas of medicine as aesthetic surgery, orthodontics, and implantology. Therefore, dental surgeons are increasingly collaborating with other specialists.

Every year, cosmetic manipulations on the gums become more and more in demand in dental surgery. The following techniques are especially often performed: gingivoplasty, frenuloplasty, elimination of gum recession, vestibuloplasty, corrective manipulation of the alveolar process, removal of the crown of the tooth.

In addition to the above treatment methods, dental surgery also prepares for jaw implantation. In case of non-standard placement of the maxillary sinuses, atrophy or thinning of the jaw bone, this anomaly is corrected or the altered bone is built up to install an implant.

Surgical dentistry studies the surgical aspects of diseases of the oral cavity, face and neck. Contrary to the popular belief that dental surgeons only remove teeth and perform implantation, they perform a large number of different manipulations, including operations from tooth extraction to plastic surgery.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Surgeon Nikolai Pirogov (train)
  • Surgical instrument

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  • Surgical dentistry, . The textbook provides brief information about the history of the development of surgical dentistry and the organization of dental surgical care in clinics and hospitals. Provides information about...