How to delay your period by a week without pills. Safe ways to delay your period by a few days. Folk remedies for delaying menstruation

One of the main features of the female body is its ability to self-cleanse, which occurs monthly during menstruation. Unfortunately, this process cannot be controlled, so it happens that critical days come at the wrong time, often destroying a woman’s plans for this period. It is impossible to completely avoid this, but there are several options to delay your period for a few days.

Delay your period by 3-4 days

Postponing the onset of menstruation by a couple of days is much easier than, for example, shifting the dates by a week. Exist several proven and relatively safe methods that will help a woman achieve her desired goal:

Medical methods

If a woman is wondering how to postpone her period by a week or more, folk methods will not help her in solving this problem.

One of the few ways to move your period a week later is suitable for the fair sex who regularly take birth control pills.

In this case, in order to achieve the desired result, the girl just needs to give up the planned 7-day break between taking the pills.

There is also a way to delay the arrival of your period by taking birth control pills three days before it starts. Contraceptives will only play the role of a hemostatic agent, and not a contraceptive, so during this period it is recommended to engage only in safe sex.

The method is 100% guaranteed to work, and can only be used with the permission of the attending physician. We are talking about taking gestagen drugs or their artificial analogs of progestins, which allow you to control the arrival of critical days. They should be taken no later than five days before the start of menstruation, and should be stopped on the day when they usually end.

Another fairly popular drug that allows you to cause a delay is Dicynon. Before taking this medication, you should definitely consult a gynecologist to avoid the risk of harming your body. The same applies to other medical methods to delay menstrual periods.

It is extremely important that the woman is examined by a gynecologist, who will assess the condition of her body and, if there are no problems, indicate the name of the medicine that is suitable for her.

Reducing the duration of menstruation

The duration of menstruation is also a fairly pressing problem for modern women. Many girls cannot wait for it to go away on its own, and therefore are exploring ways to shorten their periods to 3 days, or even less, thereby freeing them from the burden of experiencing constant discomfort, often accompanied by pain.

The most effective ways to reduce the duration:

  • Decoctions. Raspberry leaf tea can help reduce bleeding if you start drinking it a few days before your period. Ginger tea has a similar effect, which is enhanced by adding sugar cane to it.
  • Contraceptives. The use of oral contraceptives often leads to the fact that the duration of critical days is reduced from the usual 5-7 to 3. However, before using this method, you should consult a gynecologist.
  • Sport. Regular exercise can also have an impact on a woman's body and her menstrual cycle and lead to the fact that the duration of menstruation will be reduced to 3-4 days. To achieve this result, you need to spend at least 1 hour in the gym every day and be more active in your daily life.

But it is worth remembering that unauthorized use of the listed medications can be harmful to health, so you should not take unjustified risks.

A consultation with a doctor will help determine how a woman’s hormones work, whether she is allergic to the components of the drugs, and whether it is possible to artificially stop her menstruation without subsequent negative consequences.

Almost every woman at least once in her life has encountered a situation where menstruation, which is a normal physiological process, made adjustments to her plans.

When traveling on a business trip or on vacation, visiting a hospital or at an intimate meeting, you don’t want to experience a feeling of discomfort. Girls and women use all sorts of tricks to delay the so-called “critical days,” and hormonal contraceptives are no exception.

In terms of reliability, this method occupies a leading position, but at the same time it is extremely dangerous. Even taking medications approved by a specialist, sometimes it is not possible to avoid complications. A large number of hormones have a strong effect on the endocrine system, so for the safety of your own health it would be wiser to give preference to folk remedies. Thanks to recipes tested over generations, you can make adjustments to your cycle without fear of harming yourself.

Postponement of the menstrual cycle. Risks

When deciding to delay the onset of menstruation, it is necessary to understand the seriousness of the possible consequences.

The fact is that the regularity of the cycle is evidence of a woman’s excellent health. And making changes can lead to imbalance. It is especially undesirable to resort to such actions for women over thirty-five years of age, prone to thrombophlebitis, and suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Ways to delay menstruation using medications

Combined oral contraceptives

Using birth control pills, you can shift the timing of your menstruation in the following cases:

  • If a woman takes COCs and the tablets are multiphase, then in order to achieve the desired result, they must be taken continuously. Blood discharge in this situation is not menstruation, the body does not need it and will not suffer in any way. In addition, no additional contraception is required;
  • if COCs are three-phase, then to delay menstruation it is necessary to start taking pills only in the third phase and use additional means of contraception;
  • when a woman does not take COCs, this method will be effective if used no later than three days before the start of the expected menstruation. It is also necessary to take precautions and expect bleeding three days after the pack is finished.

Gestagens and progestins

It is immediately necessary to pay attention to the fact that this method is used only with the permission of a doctor.

Count down two weeks (at least five days) until your period arrives. This period will be the beginning of the use of these drugs. And the end will be the day that, according to your calculations, would be the last day of menstruation. You should expect bleeding to appear a few days after the course is completed.

  • women over thirty-five years of age;
  • having problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • suffering from liver disease;
  • women who do not adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

Only an experienced specialist can select the dosage, taking into account individual characteristics. You should resort to this method only when absolutely necessary.

The use of folk remedies

Menstruation... This process occurs in all women capable of childbearing without exception. And if your periods are irregular, you need to think about your own health. This may be a signal of problems in the body.

The cycle consists of 28-30 days. When drugs had not yet been invented, women were able to delay the onset of menstruation using traditional methods.

The first method is nettle, or rather a decoction of it

It is the most famous in application. Method of preparation: you need to take about five tablespoons of dried leaves of this plant, add 500 ml. water, bring to a boil over low heat and hold for about five minutes, and then leave for thirty minutes. The decoction is used throughout the day; it can replace water. It usually takes 20 to 30 hours for the menstrual cycle to stop without causing complications.

There are almost no contraindications for the use of nettle. Thanks to its properties, it is one of the softest and at the same time effective methods.

However, those suffering from stomach ulcers or those with large cuts are strictly prohibited from using this miracle decoction. Nettle can increase blood clotting, which can cause undesirable consequences in the above cases. For example, cause thrombophlebitis or necrosis of already damaged tissues.

Method two - water pepper

To prepare such a decoction, 40 g of herb is required. Fill it with 500 ml. water and boil for about 5 minutes, then leave for about two hours, or preferably three. Take 150 ml of the decoction. two to three times a day, preferably before eating. This helps to delay menstruation by approximately four to five days, but has a number of prohibitions.

It is not recommended to use the decoction if you have kidney disease, as well as those with low blood pressure or inflammation in the bladder. Water pepper contains toxic substances that can cause an allergic reaction.

Method three - honey

The oldest medicine used in folk medicine and the most harmless. In order for the menstrual cycle to begin two to three days earlier, you should eat fresh natural honey every day for one week preceding the first day of your period.

Method four - lemon

Just as old and just as famous. This is a lemon. To postpone the onset of your period by a small number of days, you need to eat one piece of lemon throughout the day for seven days without a break.

Method five - use vitamin C in increased dosages

This method can also be called an improved version of the previous one. Its essence lies in the fact that the walls of the vessels are gradually strengthened, thereby reducing the amount of secretions, until their final absence.

Attention! This method can be dangerous because an overdose of vitamins is harmful.

Method six - parsley

Rinse 50 g of fresh plant, finely chop and pour a glass of boiling water. The decoction should be infused and then strained thoroughly. You need to drink it 100 ml. in the morning and evening. In about three to four days, menstruation will begin and proceed as usual.

Making adjustments in this way is absolutely harmless and does not cause any harm to the body, but parsley can only help if you started using its decoction before the egg ovulates. Otherwise, hopes for the result will not be justified.

Remember the harm!

Giving preference to any of these methods, it is necessary to remember that even using folk remedies with their gentle effects, such actions are perceived by the body as an invasion of the activity of the endocrine system. And therefore, it is worth interrupting or postponing menstruation only in the most extreme cases, in which it is not possible to find an alternative way out of the situation.

How to delay your period for a few days

There are times in a woman’s life when she has to argue with her body. During vacations, summer holidays and holidays, menstruation often interferes with your plans. Every girl at least once in her life was dissatisfied with the appearance of this female feature. And when you are planning your long-awaited day off and you know that this “ill-fated” day falls on it, thoughts of postponing it come to mind. In this article you will learn how to delay your period for a couple of days.

Traditional methods of delaying menstruation

How to stop menstruation for a day using folk remedies? Everything is quite

Just. There are several folk methods. The first is to ingest lemon juice and parsley decoction every morning. Vitamin C contained in these products strengthens blood vessels and allows you to delay your period for up to 10 days. To make them start earlier than usual, you need to pour a little parsley into a glass of boiling water and after three hours you can use it. You should drink this decoction half a glass in the morning and evening for 3-4 days. And to delay their onset, eat 1 or 2 lemons a day a couple of days before the start date.

How to delay your period for a few days using medications

To do this, you need to purchase progestins or oral combined contraceptives at the pharmacy. The first drugs are used in the treatment of some gynecological diseases. In order to use them to delay

menstruation, you need to start taking it a maximum of two weeks in advance. Before using them, you should definitely consult a doctor. As for contraceptives, many women take them to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies. To delay your period, simply do not take a break between using the old and new packs of pills. They act on the hormonal system, causing fluctuations in it. With the right approach, you can easily manipulate your cycle. You can also delay menstruation with the help of a special drug “Postinor”. This option is the most effective, but at the same time the most dangerous. This medication is classified as emergency contraception. If you use it, you are likely to have problems in the future trying to conceive and bear a healthy child.

A stable cycle is worth more than one ruined weekend

In order to understand how to delay your period for several days, you need to know well the characteristics of your body and have a stable menstrual cycle. If you often resort to artificially delaying menstruation, you can get serious health problems, especially when taking medications. If you really need to delay your period, it is best to seek advice from a gynecologist. Frequent and incorrect delays can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and all kinds of hormonal imbalances in the body. Of course, you can resort to gentle folk methods, but they do not always help out and have a positive effect. I hope this article will be useful to you and will fully answer the question of how to delay your period for a few days. Use these tips, but do not forget that there is nothing better than a stable, regular menstrual cycle for the female body.

There are times when your period should start at the wrong time. Typically this should happen before a competition, vacation or filming. This is why actresses, athletes and ordinary women sometimes want to delay their periods.

This can be done using traditional methods and hormonal drugs. Traditional recipes are not always effective, but they are safe. Hormonal medications work flawlessly, but can cause health problems.

Common ways to delay your period by a week:

  • Monophasic birth control pills
  • Progestins
  • Combined oral contraceptives
  • Hemostatic drugs

How to delay your period by 3 days?

There are several ways to delay the onset of your period by a few days. Traditional medicine offers safe, but not always effective methods. It is usually recommended to use large doses of “water pepper”, ascorbic acid and nettle. If you want to delay the “red days” by 3 days, contact your gynecologist. He may prescribe the following medications:

  • Vikasol
  • Norkolut
  • Dicynone

These are hormonal and hemostatic medications. Dicinone forms blood clots, which causes menstruation to be delayed. But you can use the medicine no more than once a year.

How to delay your period with birth control pills for a few days?

It all depends on what medications you are taking. Here are approximate instructions for delaying your period with contraceptives:

  • Three-phase. At the end of the cycle, that is, before the expected start of menstruation, you need to continue taking the drugs of the third phase. That is, you extend it by 3-4 days. After stopping the medication, your period will begin in a couple of days.
  • COOK. You should not stop taking your medication after the entire package is gone. Start taking a new pack and continue for 3-4 days. After this, take a break for 7 days as usual. In this case, for several months the cycle may be slightly longer than usual, for example, instead of 28 days, 32
  • Mini saws. These are single-phase drugs that are often prescribed during lactation. To delay your period, you just need to extend their intake

How to delay Yarina's period?

Yarina is a combined oral contraceptive. In order to delay your periods using this medicine, you need to finish taking the first package (21 pcs) and start a new one, without taking a week's break. After drinking 3-7 tablets, take a break for a week. At this time, bleeding should begin. Then start taking it again for 21 days, again take a week break.

How to delay Janine's period?

Janine is also a combined oral contraceptive, which can be used to delay your periods a little. There are a total of 21 tablets in the package, all pills are the same in composition. Accordingly, you need to start taking it from a new package after you drink all the old one. You can completely finish the entire new package and take a break for 7 days. But it’s better to just take 3-4 pills and take a regular week break. This way, you won’t delay your menstruation by much, and your cycle will recover faster.

If you have never taken Janine before and purchased a package to delay your period, then start taking it on the first day of your expected period, this will stop the bleeding.

How to delay your period with Dufason?

Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone. This drug is prescribed when there is a threat of miscarriage. It makes the endometrium in the uterus more porous and pliable for conception. In addition, it slows down the process of egg maturation and thickens cervical mucus. With this drug you can slightly delay the onset of your period.

Instructions for taking Duphaston to delay menstruation:

  • 10 days before your expected period, take 1 tablet morning and evening
  • Continue taking the medicine until the first day of your period
  • On the day of your period, stop taking it.
  • Your period will start in 3 days

How to delay your period Jess?

The packaging of Jess is slightly different from the plate with standard COCs. The package contains 28 pills instead of 21 tablets. Four of them are inactive, that is, dummies.

To take it correctly, you need to drink 24 active pills, and then 4 pacifiers. But to delay your period, after taking 24 active pills, you need to take 3 active ones from a new package. Then take 4 inactive ones from the old package. Your periods will be restored.

How to delay your period for a week using folk remedies?

Folk recipes often use water pepper, parsley, lemon and nettle. All of these herbs and foods work differently. Nettle thickens the blood, and water pepper stops bleeding.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • Water pepper. Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of dry herb and simmer for 2 minutes. Strain. Take 150 ml decoction three times a day. Start taking it 3-4 days before your expected period
  • Nettle. This method will slightly delay the period that has already begun. The delay will be a day. To prepare the drink, pour 10 g of dry leaves into 500 ml of boiling water and let stand for 2 hours. Drink 200-250 ml three times a day before meals
  • Currant. Eat currant fruits and take leaf tea a week before your period. A glass of berries a day is enough. The effect of currants is due to the high content of vitamin C

How to delay your period with lemon?

Lemon has been used to delay menstruation since ancient times. However, this product should not be considered completely safe. It is not allowed for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

Instructions for using lemon:

  • Eat 2 lemons with skin a day
  • It is not recommended to add citrus to tea; it is advisable to eat it fresh
  • Lemon should be used 5 days before your expected period.

How to delay your period with parsley?

Parsley is a common spice that helps delay the onset of menstrual bleeding. There are several ways to use parsley:

  • Eat a pinch of the seed 4 times a day. Start using the spice 3 days before your period
  • Tea from the seeds must be prepared by pouring a spoonful of crushed seeds into a liter of cold water. Leave the liquid for 8 hours and strain. Drink 230 ml three times a day. Continue taking 3 days
  • Chop a large bunch of parsley (150 g) along with the stems and pour boiling water (1000 ml). Leave for 3 hours. Take 120 ml decoction in the morning and evening a week before your period

Delaying your period is quite easy, especially using hormonal medications. Keep in mind that such experiments can be carried out no more than 2 times a year.

VIDEO: Delay your period

Menstruation is a natural process that indicates the ability to perform reproductive functions. Sometimes there are times when the days of menstruation fall on important events, which greatly disrupts a woman’s plans. That is why you need to know how to delay menstruation for several days.

Dicinone is one of the non-hormonal drugs that can delay the onset of menstruation

Ways to delay menstruation: hormonal drugs, traditional medicine

All ways to delay your period can be divided into several options:

  • Use of pharmacological agents.
  • Using traditional medicine methods.

Methods approved by the Ministry of Health to delay the appearance of menstruation:

  1. Use of oral contraceptives. Combined drugs of this group can delay the onset of menstrual flow for several days.
  2. Taking hormone replacement therapy drugs. The composition of such drugs includes: progesterone and gestagen.

Methods such as taking hormonal medications help delay menstruation for the required period. But you cannot use it over time, as this is fraught with the development of pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system.

Use of contraceptives

The use of combined oral contraception helps delay the onset of menstruation for several days. But birth control pills can also cause harm, so such emergency measures to stop menstruation are not recommended by experts. All drugs that can be used to influence the cycle contain female sex hormones. Therefore, their uncontrolled use has a negative impact on the female body. Such measures to suspend menstruation for several days should be agreed with a specialist.

Contraceptive drugs can harm a woman's health

How contraceptives work

Oral contraception is designed specifically to protect against possible unwanted pregnancy. Their intake should begin on the first day of the individual menstrual cycle. But if you take the medicine later, the effectiveness of the drug will decrease several times. Therefore, they should be used strictly according to the scheme.

Combined oral contraceptives normalize a woman's cycle and it lasts 28 days. If you use the contraceptive for two or three days longer, the cycle for this period will increase by several days and menstruation will occur later.

Thus, by taking contraceptives, a woman can independently delay the onset of menstruation by a day or even a week. And as soon as you stop taking contraceptives, menstruation will begin the next day.

How to use contraceptives correctly

There are several ways to use combined agents to regulate the cycle, each with its own individual characteristics:

Contraindications to taking contraceptives

Hormonal contraceptives, although they can delay the onset of menstruation for a day or more, have a number of contraindications that negatively affect the body.

There are a number of diseases in which the use of hormonal oral contraception leads to complications in the functioning of the whole organism:

  1. It is not recommended to take combined oral contraceptives for women over 35 years of age.
  2. The drugs are also contraindicated for those who abuse smoking.
  3. Peripheral vascular disease and a diagnosis of thrombosis are an absolute contraindication to the use of such drugs.
  4. The risk of blood clots, and the presence of an increased blood clotting rate, varicose veins.

It is precisely because of the risk of blockage of blood vessels by blood clots that it is necessary to undergo examination before taking contraceptives. Such an examination will not take much time and money, and as a result, the specialist will be able to select the necessary remedy.

Blood clots in blood vessels are one of the possible consequences of taking contraceptive drugs

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine was relevant when there were no combined oral contraceptives to regulate the cycle, and continue to be so now. Such popularity of traditional medicine is due to the absence of obvious contraindications. To stop menstrual bleeding and delay menstruation, the following are used:

  • Nettle decoction. Thanks to the great content hemostatic substances, nettle helps delay the onset of menstruation for some time. No additional products are required, you only need to take dry nettle leaves and water. For half a liter of water you need to take six tablespoons of leaves. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for a few more minutes. Then you need to cool the broth and let it brew. Use it a quarter glass several times a day.
  • Ice water. This method is not suitable for women with diseases of the excretory system. You need to take a basin of ice water and lower your feet into it for a few seconds. It is advisable to perform such actions at night. Menstruation will be delayed for several days, but there is a high risk of complications in the form of an inflammatory process.
  • The use of vitamin K. The use of this vitamin will help stop menstruation for several days or delay its onset without the risk of complications. But its use must be started in advance, at least ten days before the expected start of menstruation.

All methods of causing a delay in menstrual flow must be agreed with the supervising specialist in order to avoid pathologies in the reproductive system.
