Wrong bite problem. Malocclusion in adults is formed over the years almost from childhood. Wrong bite: abnormal

Abnormal closure of the dentition due to maxillofacial deformity. It is manifested by aesthetic defects in appearance, impaired breathing, facial expressions, chewing, speech. It can be a risk factor for the development of frequent respiratory diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, caries. It is diagnosed during orthodontic examination, including the manufacture and analysis of diagnostic models, TRG, orthopantomography, CT of the jaws. Correction of malocclusion can be carried out using special devices and aligners, retainers and braces.

General information

The bite is the main parameter for the normal development and functioning of the dentition. An orthognathic bite, in which the upper teeth slightly cover the lower teeth, is considered normal, such a bite occurs in most people. Malocclusion develops due to genetic determinism, in the presence of a thumb-sucking habit, due to chronic disturbance of nasal breathing. The orthodontist is responsible for bite correction.

The reasons for the wrong bite

The main reason for the formation of a malocclusion is a hereditary predisposition. Improper child care during the formation of the bite can lead to various defects in the dentition. During the neonatal period, the baby's upper jaw is larger than the lower one. Due to natural feeding, by the end of the first year of life, the jaws are aligned. If the child is inactive while sucking at the breast, then the alignment of the jaws will not occur in full, which is fraught with the development of an incorrect bite.

Poor posture can affect bite formation in preschool and primary school age. Due to the incorrect position, the head goes forward of the body, which can provoke deformation of the jaw and the formation of an incorrect bite.

Frequent diseases occurring with impaired nasal breathing, in combination with other factors, increase the risk of developing one of the types of malocclusion. The soft tissues of the lips, tongue and cheeks take part in the formation of the jaws, and if nasal breathing is impaired and the mouth is constantly open, the development of the jaws occurs with deviations.


There are five periods of the formation of a correct orthognathic bite, if there are deviations in any of the periods, then the formation of an incorrect bite and other anomalies of the dentition is possible:

  • The first period from birth to six months;
  • From 6 months to three years, a temporary bite is formed - this is the second period during which all temporary teeth erupt.
  • The third period from 3 to 6 years is preparatory, as the active growth of the jaws begins for the further eruption of permanent teeth.
  • From 6 to 12 years old, active growth of the jaws is observed and permanent teeth erupt in parallel, therefore this period is called mixed.
  • And the fifth period from 12 to 16 years is characterized by the final formation of the bite and the replacement of all temporary teeth with permanent ones.

If there are disturbances in the growth of the jaws or disturbances in teething, then this can lead to the formation of an incorrect bite. For example, to crowding of teeth, this happens if permanent teeth erupt on time and are large, and the growth of the jaw has stopped. Sometimes the growth disorder of the jaw can result in the absence of canines, incisors or premolars, or in the formation of gaps and diastemas.


An incorrect bite due to a violation of the growth of the jaws can manifest itself as a deviation from the normal position of the teeth and the rotation of a part of the teeth on one of the jaws. Sometimes the incisors of one jaw significantly overlap the other; in rare cases, an open malocclusion is formed, when the incisors do not close at all. Types of malocclusion:

  1. With distal malocclusion, the upper jaw is overdeveloped, or vice versa, the underdevelopment of the lower jaw is noted.
  2. With a mesial bite, the lower jaw is pushed forward.
  3. With a deep bite, the upper teeth cover the lower teeth by more than half.
  4. An open malocclusion is formed if most of the teeth do not close when the jaws touch.
  5. If a one-sided underdevelopment of one of the dentition is formed, then such a bite is called a cross bite.
  6. Dystopia is called a malocclusion in which the teeth are out of place in a row.

Malocclusion symptoms

An incorrect bite is both an aesthetic defect and a cause of disturbed nasal breathing, speech and facial disturbances. Sometimes a malocclusion leads to the development of ENT diseases and frequent respiratory viral infections, which ends in the formation of chronic otitis media, sinusitis, sinusitis and pharyngitis.

With an incorrect bite, food is poorly chewed, since the teeth do not fully close or there is no contact between them at all. This can lead to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and tooth decay, as proper oral care is not possible.


Orthodontics deals with the diagnosis and correction of malocclusion. At the first stage, preparation for orthodontic treatment takes place, which includes a set of diagnostic measures, according to the results of which the degree of complexity of therapy is determined. For this, an orthopantomogram (panoramic image), radiovisiography, or computed tomography data are used. Pictures allow you to see and evaluate the degree of changes in the dentition.

Correction of malocclusion

Before the main treatment, the oral cavity is sanitized: caries treatment and professional oral hygiene. It is important to treat concomitant diseases that can be exacerbated during the braces installation process. For the period of malocclusion correction, it is necessary to abandon carbonated drinks, viscous food, chewing gum, nuts, sweets and honey, as these products are difficult to remove from the tooth enamel and can damage the bracket system.

The duration of orthodontic treatment is from six months to 2 years. All this time, it is necessary to pay special attention to the care of orthodontic appliances. The effectiveness of malocclusion correction depends on how well and regularly they are cared for.

Installation of braces

During the main stage of malocclusion correction, braces are installed; adhesive composites are used to fix them. However, depending on the type of braces, different installation techniques are used. Each vestibular bracket is glued to the front surface of the teeth that need correction, then support rings are attached to them, and a power arch is threaded into the locks. The arc is made of materials with elasticity and resilience, due to which it strives to take the shape that it was originally given.

Lingual braces are more difficult to install, since the internal relief of the dentition is more varied. First, an impression of the dentition is made, after which the bracket system is worked out on this structure and only then is it fixed with glue on the inner surface of the teeth.

The process of installing braces is painless and rarely accompanied by discomfort. However, within a week, the patient may experience a pain syndrome, which is recommended to be stopped with analgesics, but in case of severe pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor who is engaged in correcting the malocclusion.

When wearing braces, access to the teeth is difficult, which can contribute to the development of caries. Brushing your teeth should be done after each meal and use special brushes for patients undergoing a course of malocclusion correction. The use of superfloss, which, thanks to the firm tip, is easily threaded between the teeth at the edge of the gums, helps to remove food debris from areas that are inaccessible to cleaning with a toothbrush and brush.

Retention period

The third period is recovery, or retention. The activities carried out during this period are aimed at consolidating the results obtained with the help of braces. In case of an incorrect bite, after a sharp removal of the braces, the teeth will return to their position after a while, in order to avoid this, retainers are used, the period of wearing which is 2 times longer than the period of wearing braces.

The duration of wearing retainers depends on the general condition of the dentition, on the patient's age and on the presence of systemic diseases. Retainers can be removable or non-removable, non-removable devices are attached similarly to braces on the lingual surface of the teeth, which makes them invisible to others. Removable retainers are orthodontic plates that are attached at night. The pressure that moves the lower jaw is created by plastic bows and aligners. Silicone retainers are becoming more popular as they are almost invisible when talking and smiling.


With artificial feeding, the hole in the nipple should be small so that the child makes efforts to suck, an excessively large hole does not require active chewing and sucking movements, so the jaw does not develop.

The child does not have to sleep in the same position all the time, so parents need to control the position of the child during sleep. In general, the bed should be comfortable, but not overly soft, the child's body should be relaxed in sleep, in addition, the child should not put a fist or toys under his cheek. It is necessary to suppress the child's bad habits of sucking a finger, a pacifier and foreign objects. This causes the teeth to move back as far as the size of the pacifier allows. As a result, a gap is formed between the upper and lower dentition.

Dysocclusion is the most common dental anomaly. In some people, the deviations are insignificant, in others, they are very pronounced. A malocclusion has serious consequences and affects the functioning of the whole organism.

Dysocclusion is an abnormal position of the upper and lower jaws relative to each other. There may be insignificant deviations of detached units (dystopia), or serious disorders: underdeveloped or overdeveloped jaws, narrowed or enlarged palate, abnormal contact of the cutting and tuberous surfaces of the teeth or its absence.

If a patient has a malocclusion, it inevitably leads to dental problems:

Additional Information! Often, patients with crooked teeth have a permanent one. It occurs due to the accumulation of plaque and the inability to maintain adequate hygiene.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Dysocclusion is accompanied by an atypical structure of the jaws, and some types, for example, by mouth breathing. This disrupts the normal functioning of the ENT organs. Such patients are prone to:

  • sinusitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis media.

Patients with malocclusion are prone to respiratory diseases.

Therefore, it is important to correct the bite in childhood. Otherwise, ENT diseases will flow into a chronic form, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of them.

Cardiovascular abnormalities

Respiratory distress due to disocclusion also leads to cardiovascular disease. There is a lack of oxygen and shortness of breath.

A common consequence of a malocclusion is sleep apnea or snoring. It directly affects the functioning of the heart. Patients with disocclusion often have:

  • arrhythmia;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia.

Diseases of the digestive tract

One of the key health consequences of disocclusion is indigestion. Since a full-fledged primary processing of food is impossible, enhanced work of the digestive tract is required. This contributes to the development of:

  • gastritis;
  • heartburn;
  • reflux esophagitis - throwing stomach contents into the esophagus;
  • colitis;
  • problems with bowel movements;
  • enterocolitis.

Inadequate chewing of food provokes the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

Important! Inadequate chewing also reduces the digestibility of food, leads to a lack of useful elements and vitamins in the body.

TMJ pathology

The most severe consequence of disocclusion is diseases of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Due to the misalignment of the jaws, excessive stress, disc abrasion, arthritis and arthrosis occur. The following symptoms are noted:

  • frequent subluxations and;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • difficulties in opening the mouth and closing the jaws - they seem to "jam";
  • bruxism - involuntary grinding of teeth;
  • spasm of the facial muscles.

The most severe consequence of an abnormal bite is TMJ disease.

In the future, TMJ pathologies entail consequences for the whole organism, including the spine. Often, the cervical spine is bent, and in the future, the incorrect position of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae is possible.

Diction deviations

Even the wrong position or the absence of one tooth affects diction. If the entire row is curved, a serious impairment of speech function is noted. It is especially difficult for the patient to pronounce diphthongs, hissing, whistling sounds.

Additional Information! For this reason, orthodontic methods for correcting malocclusion are complemented by classes with a speech therapist.

Impaired diction, coupled with shortness of breath, complicate singing lessons, recitation, and public speaking.

Aesthetic changes

Dysocclusion leads to a violation of the formation and distortion of facial features. After orthodontic treatment, the patient's appearance is improved.

Each type of bite affects facial features and facial expressions in its own way:

Psychological discomfort

Appearance directly affects a person's self-esteem. People with a malocclusion and distorted facial features are insecure, embarrassed to talk, smile, laugh, they often refuse to speak in public.

Children are especially worried about the wrong bite. Crooked teeth, poor diction, distorted facial expressions become the reason for peer ridicule.

An incorrect bite leads to numerous problems with the teeth, gums, TMJ, digestive and respiratory organs, and the cardiovascular system. It is advisable to correct it in childhood and adolescence. The earlier the correction is made, the more successful the therapy will be, and the negative impact on the body will be minimal.

Malocclusion - violations of the dentition and physiological closing of teeth are observed in almost 40% of the world's population. In some patients, this is almost imperceptible, however, if such a condition interferes with speaking, eating, brings some inconvenience, and also changes appearance, then it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the problem.

In addition to external anomalies, malocclusion also has physiological consequences. in the form of early tooth decay and disruption of the digestive tract.

The anomaly can be corrected at any age, but the greatest effect is observed in the treatment of children and adolescents under 14 years of age. What are the reasons for the violation of the formation of the jaw region? What should the bite look like ideally? What are the features of malocclusion correction in children and adults?

Types of malocclusion, methods of correction

The bite is the location of the lower and upper teeth at the moment of closing the jaws, which are in a calm state. In dentistry, there is another term - occlusion, which means the closure of the periodontal tissue while chewing food.

Dental classification molars, canines and incisors is based on factors such as the position of the teeth in the jaw row and the age of the person. According to the time periods, the closing of the jaws is divided into the following categories:

Dairy (temporary). Lasts up to 6 years, until the first molar appears.

Mixed (replaceable) - from 6 to 12 years (until the complete replacement of milk teeth with real ones). This period is characterized by an accelerated exchange process and maximum growth of the jaws. Treatment of malocclusion at this age is quick and effective.

Permanent. Age category - after 14 years... Treatment of malocclusion at this age is possible, but the effectiveness is determined by the number of years. The older the person, the slower the metabolic processes take place and the harder the crowns move in the jaw.

How should the teeth be positioned in the jaw?

Correct closing of teeth is called physiological. Specialists distinguish several types of normal bite, which are characterized by one common feature: they do not create abnormal consequences of a physiological nature.

Normal jaw closure has the following external signs:

  • The lower teeth are located directly under the similar crowns of the upper row;
  • the oval of the face is symmetrical with regular features;
  • the midline between the anterior incisors coincides exactly with the midline of the face.

There are several types of physiological closure:

Progenic... It is characterized by a slightly protruding jaw, however, the cutting edges of the teeth close at the same time.

Biprognathic... Both tooth rows are slightly inclined forward towards the lips, but at the same time the cutting surfaces are evenly closed with each other.

Orthognathic... The upper dentition slightly (up to 1/3 of the crown) overlaps the lower one.

Straight... The cutting edges of the teeth are exactly adjacent to each other.

An incorrect or abnormal bite is manifested in incomplete closure of the extreme surfaces of the opposite molars, canines and incisors, which leads to additional stress when chewing food. In this case, you should consult with a specialist and undergo appropriate treatment.

There are several types of abnormal arrangement of the dentition in the jaw. These anomalies have arisen due to the incomplete development of the jaw bone tissue in childhood. For improper closing of the jaws the following signs are characteristic:

  • The edges of the opposite teeth do not match;
  • the lower jaw protrudes forward;
  • the upper lip is protruding;
  • incomplete closure of the teeth, as well as their curvature.

Mesial bite... It is characterized by the lower jaw that is strongly shifted forward. External signs: a sunken upper lip, a massive chin protruding forward.

Distal bite... It is the most common disorder, the main manifestation of which is an underdeveloped lower jaw and / or an overdeveloped upper jaw. When the jaws are closed, the front teeth of the upper row protrude too clearly forward.

Deep... The main feature is that when the jaws are completely closed, the lower incisors are overlapped by more than 1/3 by the upper ones. This arrangement of the teeth leads to their rapid abrasion.

Open bite... The main symptom is that when the jaws are closed, a gap is formed between the lower and upper dentition. Basically, it appears from the front, sometimes from the side. In this case, the lower half of the face is disproportionately lengthened. Such a defect is very difficult to fix.

Crossbite... The main symptom is the displacement of the lower jaw to the left or to the right, while one of the jaws looks wider than the other. There is a pronounced asymmetry of the face. People with cross-bite are most susceptible to diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease.

Often the cause of the defect is an anomaly of intrauterine development of the fetus: viral diseases, metabolic disorders, intrauterine infection, anemia and other pathologies of pregnancy, leading to the further development of the disease.

An important role in the formation of the bite is played by genetic factor when the shape of the bite and the size of the teeth are inherited from the parents.

But even excluding intrauterine and genetic prerequisites, the likelihood of the formation of a defect in the dentition is very high. This is due to many reasons, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • Nipple or thumb sucking;
  • birth injury;
  • breathing disorders;
  • artificial feeding;
  • lack of calcium and fluoride in the body;
  • abnormal bite after prosthetics;
  • injuries and pathologies of the dentition;
  • teething problems;
  • metabolic disease;
  • caries and poor nutrition.

In addition, a malocclusion can be formed under the influence of the following factors:

Feeding a baby... In a newborn child, the upper jaw is slightly pushed forward in relation to the lower (by about 1.5 cm). This position reduces the risk of injury and makes it easier for the mother to pass through the birth canal. By the time the teeth erupt, the position of the jaws changes: the lower one moves forward a little.

Breastfeeding stimulates the formation of a physiological occlusion very well. The baby needs to make a lot of effort to get a portion of milk from the mother's breast, which makes the lower jaw move more actively. As a result, the load on the bone tissue increases, and the muscles of the oral cavity develop.

In addition, the sucking reflex is fully satisfied, making breastfed babies less likely to suck on a pacifier or thumb.

Premature loss of milk teeth and jaw injuries... The gap formed after the loss of teeth, they will immediately try to fill the adjacent teeth both from the opposite jaw and from the sides.

ENT organ pathologies(frequent runny nose, chronic tonsillitis, adenoids, etc.). Since children suffering from such diseases are forced to breathe through the mouth, the chewing muscles located in the cheek area give an additional load on the dentition, which causes the latter to narrow. In addition, there is a shift of the lower jaw backward and it remains in this position.

Body position during feeding and sleeping... The habit of sleeping in the same position (for example, putting your hand under your cheek) can cause the lower jaw to move or narrow.

Sometimes the formation of an abnormal bite is observed when the child throws his head back during feeding or sleep.

Signs to watch out for

Parents the following factors should alert:

  • The child breathes through the mouth;
  • the baby cannot close his lips or play with his mouth open;
  • snores or snores during sleep;
  • the baby's front teeth cover only part of the teeth of the lower row;
  • the lower jaw is closed by the upper more than 50%;
  • the child has large gaps between the teeth;
  • the lower jaw is pushed forward;
  • diction is broken, sounds are pronounced incorrectly. Sometimes it is because of the abnormal bite that the child is unable to pronounce hissing and sibilant consonants.

Correction of bite

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile, however, for a number of reasons, not everyone can boast of it. And here the physiological bite plays an important role, so its anomalies must be corrected.

Methods for correcting bite

The following are used in dentistry ways to correct bite:

  • Correction of bite with braces;
  • bite correction with a mouthguard;
  • surgical correction of the occlusion;
  • laser correction.

Correction of occlusion with braces

Today, braces are one of the most popular and effective ways to correct malocclusion. In fact, a bracket is brace device, which are connected to each other by a power arc. The braces are fixed on the teeth with a special glue, and the arch helps to form the correct position of the teeth. This method has its advantages: with the help of braces, you can correct almost any anomalies concerning the bite. In addition, the patient does not need to do anything himself - all installation manipulations are carried out by a specialist in a hospital.

The duration of treatment with this method ranges from 6-8 months to 2.5-3 years, depending on the complexity of the situation, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient's oral cavity. Throughout the entire period of treatment, you will have to periodically visit the orthodontist's office to change ligatures and correction.

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • The appearance of braces is not always aesthetic (especially metal);
  • such devices complicate oral hygiene procedures.

Correction of a bite with a mouthguard

If for some reason you do not want to wear braces, you can try to correct the bite in other ways, for example, with a mouthguard.

What is a mouth guard? This is a special construction made of transparent polymer. It does not have a harmful effect on tooth enamel, is visually completely invisible and practically does not cause a feeling of discomfort in the oral cavity. And most importantly, the mouthguard has a removable design that can be removed while eating and brushing your teeth.

Before installing the mouthguard, a dental X-ray is taken, which will serve as the basis for the manufacture of the structure. For the entire period of treatment, which continues on average 11-12 months, you will need to change a few caps, and the effectiveness of this method largely depends on the time of the design change.

Surgical occlusion correction

In difficult cases, when the use of traditional methods does not give the desired result, a method of occlusion correction with the help of an operation is used. In particular, we are talking about asymmetry or irregular proportions of the jaw bones, deformities of the dentoalveolar system and a complex malocclusion.

The jaw is corrected by cutting the bone tissue in the area of ​​the teeth being moved, which further improves the performance of the swallowing and chewing muscles, and sometimes even facilitates the respiratory processes.

Bite correction surgery lasts several hours and takes place under general anesthesia. After 2-3 weeks, the patient can already return to his usual way of life, and after a month, perform facial gymnastics for the earliest possible development of the jaw. After surgery, a specialist may prescribe the placement of braces (usually for a period of 6 to 12 months).

Correction of occlusion by surgery is contraindicated in patients suffering from pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, tuberculosis, HIV, oncology, as well as children and adolescents under 16 years of age.

Correction of occlusion with a laser

This method is used both before the start of the bite correction procedures, and in combination with them, as well as laser treatment is widely used after surgery. The laser has excellent anti-inflammatory properties and promotes rapid restoration of damaged tissues... As an independent method of occlusion correction, the laser is not used, it acts only as an aid in other methods of treatment.

Correction of bite in children

There are several main ways to correct an abnormal bite in children:

  • The use of orthodontic appliances. In this case, removable and non-removable orthodontic devices are used to facilitate the forced rearrangement of the teeth into the desired position. To correct the anomaly in a child under 6 years old, trainers, mouth guards or plates are used. For older children, these methods are no longer suitable.
  • Myotherapy (a set of exercises) aimed at restoring the physiological tone of facial, chewing and oral muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the jaws.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • Complex treatment of malocclusion, combining surgical and hardware methods. It is used to correct bite in children from 6 to 12 years old.
  • Orthopedic treatment.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the health of your child, in particular, the state of his maxillofacial apparatus, and in case of any anomalies, you should immediately contact the clinic to prevent the development of serious pathologies and jaw anomalies.

Many people are diagnosed, but not all of them turn to a specialist with this problem and get rid of it. For some people, it does not cause discomfort, while others may not even be aware of its presence at all. As a rule, a person turns to an orthodontist only for those pathologies that significantly spoil the aesthetics of appearance. The consequences of an incorrect bite can be very serious, therefore it is recommended to correct it as early as possible.

Dentists distinguish between several types of abnormal occlusion. The norm is the bite in which the teeth of the upper jaw slightly overlap the teeth of the lower jaw. Let us consider in more detail the distinctive features of each type of irregular occlusion separately.

Name of the disease Specificity and main features
It is considered one of the most dangerous bites, since most of the teeth in both jaws cannot close together. This ailment has pronounced signs: problems with diction, strong tension in the muscles of the face, slight lengthening of the lower part of the face. Due to the open bite in a person, the process of normal chewing of food may be disrupted.
This type of ailment is characterized by a too developed upper jaw (or underdevelopment of the lower jaw), it is included in the category of occlusions in the sagittal direction. The pathology is easy to visually identify by the strong protrusion of the teeth of the upper row. Distal occlusion significantly complicates dental prosthetics and is capable of provoking the appearance.
The most common pathology, in which the upper incisors cover the lower ones by more than ½ part, as a result of which the aesthetics of the appearance is reduced. It will receive its second name due to the fact that it is accompanied by rapid abrasion of the enamel and wear of the teeth. Deep bite can cause migraines.
Like the distal bite, it belongs to the category of sagittal anomalies. With it, the lower jaw is pushed slightly forward in relation to the upper jaw. The shortening of the lower part of the face and the protruding chin is visually noticeable. Any dental manipulation becomes difficult to perform.
This ailment is characterized by underdevelopment of the upper or lower dentition. Most people who cross bite suffer from frequent tooth decay and gum disease. Breathing problems may occur.
DystopiaSome of the teeth are localized out of place, which interferes with the normal eruption of the rest of the teeth. In advanced situations, the tooth may be outside the alveolar process. In most cases, canines, incisors or wisdom teeth act as dystopic teeth. This can lead to problems with chewing and speech functions.

Oksana Shyka

Dentist therapist

Important! Usually, serious pathologies of the dentition are corrected even in childhood or adolescence. Doctors advise adults to correct the bite in the presence of such problems as: incorrect localization of the teeth, large intervals between them, underdevelopment of one of the jaws, increased twisting of the teeth.

Why can a malocclusion form?

There are several reasons for the formation of an incorrect bite. It often forms during infancy. In this case, doctors diagnose it in those children who are not breastfed, but fed with artificial formula. The way milk is obtained plays an important role: when the baby covers the nipple with his mouth on his own, he slightly pushes the lower jaw forward. In infants, the lower jaw is always shorter in relation to the upper jaw. When a newborn sucks milk from the breast, his muscles are actively developing, and when drinking milk from a bottle, the muscles are not used.

Oksana Shyka

Dentist therapist

Important! Scientists have found that the formation of an incorrect occlusion is of a hereditary nature, capable of being transmitted genetically. If a person has such a defect, then there is a high probability that later children will inherit it.

Many babies have a habit of always sleeping in one position, which can provoke an abnormal development of the bite. For the normal development of the chewing apparatus, solid foods must be present in the child's diet (from 1 year old). Their absence is also a provoking factor. At the same time, a number of other factors are noted that can lead to occlusion anomalies at different ages:

  1. Impaired posture of the newborn.
  2. Premature loss of milk teeth.
  3. Congenital defects of the oral cavity.
  4. Endocrine system abnormalities (thyroid problems).
  5. Bad habits (such as finger sucking or nail biting).
  6. Multiple and advanced caries.
  7. Regular colds (leading to the benefit of mouth breathing).
  8. Acute lack of calcium and other beneficial minerals in the body.
  9. Lack of area for wisdom teeth eruption.
  10. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  11. Development of inflammatory and infectious processes in the mucous membrane.
  12. Untimely replacement of extracted teeth by means of incorrect prosthetics.
  13. Unfavorable ecological situation.
  14. Mechanical injuries to the jaw.

All of these factors can, to one degree or another, lead to occlusion anomalies. The consequences are different (in accordance with the type of occlusion pathology and the specifics of the development of the anomaly). Let us consider in more detail the danger of an incorrect bite (occlusion) at different ages.

The consequences of an incorrect bite during a temporary stage of formation

The period of formation of a temporary bite falls on the age of children from six months to 3 years. At this time, the baby's teeth begin to grow. There is a misconception that this stage of formation should not be given special attention. Although milk teeth are temporary, it is important to take into account that when the bite is formed, active growth of the upper and lower jaw occurs. As a result, improper development can lead to a number of severe complications, such as:

  • narrowing of the jaw arch (due to early tooth extraction);
  • damage to the hard tissues of the teeth;
  • the occurrence of intestinal diseases of a chronic nature.

The mixed bite period for children and adolescents occurs between the ages of 6 and 12 years. This period is characterized not only by the growth of the upper and lower jaws, but also by the emergence of permanent teeth. For the formation of the correct occlusion, this period is more significant. Abnormal development can provoke the appearance of complications such as:

  • insufficient development of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This leads to various diseases of the cervical spine and ENT organs;
  • deterioration in the quality of tooth tissues (dentin, enamel). As a result, a person often develops diseases of the oral cavity (caries, pulpitis, periodontitis), which can cause premature tooth loss;
  • violation of facial aesthetics (pronounced asymmetry).

One of the serious complications is problems with correct (intelligible) pronunciation of words. Dentists distinguish between 2 types of speech disorders: functional and mechanical. The first is associated with a disturbance in the brain of nervous processes. Such an ailment can be corrected by speech therapists and neurologists. The cause of mechanical speech disorder is an incorrect bite, an abnormal structure of the oral cavity and the absence of some teeth. Most often, in children with impaired occlusion, burrs appear, the sound "P" is absent in speech. In this case, it is important to consult an orthodontist in a timely manner.

The consequences of an incorrect bite with a constant stage of formation

The period of forming a permanent bite falls on the age of 12 to 15 years. At this stage, all milk teeth change. Many patients are interested in the doctor, what is the danger of malocclusion in adults. In addition to the low external aesthetics of the face, a person has many other problems. Disturbed occlusion makes it difficult to carry out prosthetics, leads to injuries to the cheeks and tongue. Almost always, deviations from the norm of occlusion are accompanied by abrasion of the teeth and a significant increase in the tissue around the tooth. With the progression, a person develops exposure of the roots of the tooth (a decrease in the volume of the gums). This increases the likelihood of tooth decay. Also, an incorrect bite interferes with the proper cleaning of teeth, which provokes the appearance of diseases in the oral cavity.

Often, people with impaired occlusion have problems with the temporomandibular joint. This is because the upper jaw stops growing at the age of 15, but the lower jaw can grow up to 20 years. As a result of a change in the size of the lower jaw, the displacement of the articular disc into the zone of the ligaments, which are involved in its connection with the skull, is provoked. With a defect in occlusion, the head begins to affect the area where many nerve endings and capillaries are located. This leads to the appearance of migraines (headaches). A disturbed occlusion can cause spasms of individual muscles, which can lead to dizziness. Also, due to improper localization of the jaw and dentition, a person has increased loads on the temporomandibular joint, which makes it prone to an inflammatory process, a person has discomfort in the chewing muscles while chewing food.

The quality of chewing food directly depends on the bite of a person. Due to the pathologies of occlusion, a person chews food poorly, as a result of which it penetrates into the digestive tract in large pieces. Because of this, beneficial nutrients cannot be fully absorbed. With pathologies of occlusion, the likelihood of pathogenic bacteria entering the gastrointestinal tract increases, which leads to serious infectious diseases.


The consequences of a malocclusion can affect a wide variety of organs and systems of the body. If a person is often worried about migraines and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, it is worth making an appointment with an orthodontist. Carrying out high-quality diagnostics will reveal the presence of occlusion anomalies and select the most appropriate technique that can correct it. Thanks to the progress of medicine and the abundance of modern methods (braces, surgery, removable constructions), it is possible to correct a malocclusion at any age.

What are healthy teeth for us? No holes, no caries, in a word - no pain. And you can insert implants, straighten your teeth, correct the bite (underline the necessary) only later, in the last place, not now, it does not burn. The main thing is not to hurt? This is a fundamentally wrong judgment.

Fear! Uneven teeth and malocclusion

Crooked teeth are not "just ugly." This is very harmful. Correct positioning of teeth, their closing, distribution of the load when chewing - all these are important aspects of a healthy life, and not a gimmick of dentists.

Did you know that an incorrect bite, lack of teeth can provoke headaches? Poorly chewed food impairs the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Incorrect closing of the teeth can simply affect the face - additional wrinkles, a sullen expression - do you need such consequences?

You need to treat teeth in general, knowing how to prioritize. It's a matter of your health and comfort.

Which bite is correct and which is not?

Before we get into orthodontic terms, let's find out what a bite is in general.

In simple terms, bite is the closing of the teeth. The upper dentition should be in contact with the lower one: chewing teeth with chewing teeth, frontal teeth with frontal ones.

All possibilities of maximum contact of the teeth are important, the so-called central occlusion. In this case, we can talk about an ideal orthognathic bite, when the dental apparatus performs 100% chewing, swallowing, speech and aesthetic tasks.

Who can boast of perfectly straight teeth? Almost no one. In the modern world, to be born with such a bite and keep it without pathological changes is a rare success.

The consequences of an incorrect bite

Correct bite: variations on a theme

Not only orthognathic bite is considered an immutable standard. Let's see what other correct positions of the teeth are:

  • Progenic, when the lower jaw extends slightly forward.
  • Biprognathic - the dentition is, as it were, tilted forward at an angle.
  • Straight - characterized by precise closing of the upper teeth into the lower ones.

It is possible to give a general description of the correct bite of the teeth: if the functioning of the maxillofacial system is not disturbed, it is worth talking about the normal arrangement of the teeth.

Wrong bite: abnormal

Problem bite is very common and there are five main types:

  • Distal or prognathic - it is characterized by an excessively protruding forward, strongly developed upper jaw. The lower one is less developed.
  • Medial, mesial, better known as the reverse - the lower dentition is much more pushed forward and covers the upper teeth;
  • Open is when the teeth do not fully close together. Such a bite can manifest itself only on the front (front) teeth, then the side teeth remain ajar, or vice versa - the side teeth close, but the front teeth do not.
  • Cross - teeth on the left or right sides of the jaw overlap the other, like scissors.
  • Deep - when the lower dentition is strongly overlapped by the upper one.

"Tell me, do I have a wrong bite?" - our online visitors ask, attaching their photos to the face and profile. We are happy to help, but without a face-to-face examination, there is a high probability of error. You need to ask such questions to the doctor personally - for example, to one of the clinics from the list below.

Causes of malocclusion in children and adults

Who is fortunate enough to have a more or less correct bite? Judging by the long queues at the orthodontist's office, there are not many such lucky ones. What are we all doing wrong?

Occlusion disorders can be laid even before a person is born. The genetic factor also leaves its mark here, as well as the nutrition of a pregnant woman.

In childhood, the type of feeding affects the formation of the bite - in artificial people, the jaw is less developed without the need to suck on the breast. The use of a pacifier can backfire during the formation of a bite, however, as well as the habit of holding a finger in your mouth.

Replacing milk teeth also affects their location. The process should happen naturally and in due time - not too early, but not too late.

Gum disease, tooth decay, damage and trauma to the jaw can all lead to malocclusion.

At a conscious age, the change in bite is affected by the absence of teeth. The load is distributed unevenly and the deformation of the bite gradually begins. This is why it is so important to restore lost teeth with implantology.

Wrong bite - you cannot be treated

You can correct the bite, and at any age. Treatment methods will, of course, be different. This process is easier for children and it takes less time for them. Until the age of 15, while the jaw system is being formed, it is possible to straighten crooked teeth in a child without much difficulty. Especially if you ask for help at the first sign.

There are also many ways to correct a bite in adults. Braces, mouthguards, surgery, after all. The latter is undoubtedly a radical way. And it could have been avoided by contacting the dentist in time.

The bite of the teeth is not a given, which must be resigned to. A simple consultation with a dentist will tell you what needs to be done to keep your teeth even and beautiful. Why then deny yourself this pleasure - to have healthy teeth?

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