How long does the gastroscopy procedure take? Preparing for gastric FGS: several important recommendations How long does the gastric FGS procedure last?

Currently, the endoscopic method is the most informative and relevant for studying the hollow organs of the digestive system.

Fibrogastroscopy of the stomach is a laboratory-functional medical study in which the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach is examined with a specialized optical gastroscope.

A fibrogastroscope is a flexible fiber-optic device shaped like a thin tube with a light bulb at the distal end.

Medical electrical coagulators can be inserted into the lumen of the gastroscope to collect tissue fragments for histological examination. All information about the condition of the organ wall is displayed on a special monitor.

To carry out this manipulation, equipment is used that differs in the location of the optics at the end of the endoscope inserted into the digestive tract, the diameter of this part, and the number of instrumental channels.

The procedure is carried out by an endoscopist in a specialized and equipped office in a clinic or hospital.

FGS is indicated for:

  • Prolonged pain in the stomach or esophagus, with or without connection with food intake;
  • Abdominal bloating;
  • Nausea that cannot be controlled by medications;
  • Constant heartburn;
  • Frequent, uncomfortable belching;
  • Repeated vomiting;
  • Dysphagia;
  • Pressing chest pain without heart disease clinic

What does an FGS examination of the stomach show?

The analysis reveals:

  • Pathological changes in the mucous wall of the stomach and their nature (varieties of gastritis);
  • The presence of erosions on the surface of the mucous layer;
  • Vascular pattern of the esophagus and its deviations from the norm (dilation of the esophageal veins);
  • Locations of localization of the spread of pathological processes;
  • and the risk of its complications;
  • Perforation of the wall;
  • The presence or absence of hidden gastric bleeding;
  • Motor function, dilation, narrowing, stenosis, paresis of the esophageal sphincter;
  • The presence of polyps and tumors;
  • State of pylorus;
  • Hiatal hernia;
  • Change in stomach volume.

How long does FGS of the stomach last?

The duration of the procedure varies. The timing of the research varies depending on its type and purpose. If probing is carried out for diagnostic purposes, then its duration does not exceed 7-15 minutes.

If a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure is performed, the time increases to 30-40 minutes.


The psychological attitude and moral preparation of the patient is important. If the patient is relaxed and familiar with the rules of conduction, then the probe will not be hampered by an obstacle in the form of a spasm of the walls of the esophagus or stomach.

But if the patient is tense, the endoscope can stop in the lumen of the digestive tract and even injure its walls. The procedure will have to be repeated from the beginning or postponed to the next day.

How is FGS carried out?

The patient should lie on his left side on a specially equipped couch with the head of the bed slightly raised up. The root of the tongue is treated with an aerosol anesthetic. The most commonly used is lidocaine.

Wait about 5-7 minutes for the anesthetic to take effect. Next, the patient must bite and hold with his teeth a special mouthpiece through the hole of which the device passes.

How often can FGS be done?

Indications and frequency for performing FGS are prescribed only by a qualified doctor.

A one-time manipulation is carried out to detect gastric pathology. If no disease is detected, then the examination should not be repeated in the next year.

Sometimes fibrogastroscopy is prescribed as a course of treatment for the gastrointestinal tract. This must be done in order to clarify whether the drugs prescribed by the doctor are effective or not.

If necessary, the gastric cavity or its individual sections are irrigated and washed with pharmacological preparations, and other medical procedures are performed as indicated.

Once a year, an examination is carried out for gastric pathologies that are not complicated by bleeding, perforation or an oncological process.

If the doctor identifies a risk of occurrence or complications of an ulcerative process or tumor formation, then endoscopy is indicated 2-4 times a year.

For preventive purposes, FGS is done no more than once every 2 years.

Also, patients are always concerned about the question of whether it is painful to do FGS of the stomach. But this statement about the procedure is erroneous. The manipulation is not painful if you follow the rules for its implementation.

About 95% of all endoscopies performed result in minor discomfort. It is completely impossible to avoid due to the specificity of the procedure and the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the human body.

Correct breathing techniques help you undergo FGS relatively painlessly. In many medical institutions, a few days before FGS, patients are explained how to breathe correctly.

Basic tips:

  1. Breathing is carried out entirely through the nose. During the examination, a large amount of saliva is released. If you breathe through your mouth, it can enter the airways and trigger a cough reflex.
  2. Breathing should be slow and deep. A forced and short inhalation disrupts the insertion of the tube.

After FGS, patients experience discomfort in the throat and esophagus. There is dryness in the mouth, which disappears within 1 to 2 hours.

Absolutely painless gastroscopy is possible only under the influence of general anesthesia. This method is used if a person has previously been diagnosed with allergic reactions to local anesthetic drugs or has a concomitant pathology that does not allow one to do without short-term anesthesia. An example would be an uncontrolled increase in blood pressure.

The successful outcome of the study depends on proper preparation of the patient.

The main condition is that the stomach is completely empty of food mass.

Diet before FGS of the stomach - what you can and cannot eat:

It is strictly forbidden to eat 9-12 hours before the procedure. This is due to the fact that after eating food before the study, an attack of vomiting may occur, due to which the study may become impossible. In this case, it is postponed to another day.

Dinner the day before should only consist of light foods that are quickly digested in the stomach. Recommended: boiled fish with steamed vegetables or boiled chicken breast with buckwheat porridge.

2 days before FGS, we exclude spicy, highly salty, and fatty foods from the diet. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages during this period.

You should not smoke 3 hours before this diagnostic method, as tobacco causes a gag reflex and increases excess mucus production, which in turn can interfere with the examination of the membrane.

What is allowed:

  • Taking medications that do not require swallowing: lozenges.
  • A couple of hours before sounding, you can drink purified water without gases.

Preparation for FGS of the stomach with biopsy

FGS with biopsy is a combination of two diagnostic methods - FGS with fine-needle biopsy and morphological analysis of the obtained tissue.

The process involves a minimally invasive procedure in which a small area of ​​pathological tissue (several millimeters in size) is removed. Then, the sample is stained with special solutions, which allows individual cells and their condition to be examined under a microscope.

Preparation for this manipulation is the same as for general FGS.

When can you eat and drink after FGS?

After the procedure, the patient experiences some discomfort in the throat. There may be a mild burning sensation in the esophagus. In this regard, it is not recommended to immediately consume rough food.

The first meal should be no earlier than three hours after the examination with a biopsy, and without it - no earlier than an hour. It is healthier to eat soft foods (fruit puree, soup, kefir, yogurt and other fermented milk products).

Drinking water immediately after FGS is also not recommended.

This is explained by the fact that to reduce gag and cough reflexes, a local anesthetic, most often lidocaine, is applied to the root of the patient’s tongue before the examination. Until its effect wears off, a person may choke on liquid food.

How to check the stomach without FGS

There are alternative methods for examining the digestive system. These include radiography of the abdominal organs. This examination is based on the properties of x-rays. X-ray diagnostics are performed with contrast.

Contrast is a pharmacological substance that does not transmit x-ray radiation. It is used as barium suspension or iodine-containing preparations. Safe gas is used less often.

Using radiography, the general condition of the mucous layer, the consistency of the sphincters are assessed, and neoplasms are identified. The study also shows the presence of damage and violation of the integrity of the organ wall and its deformation.

A doctor can prescribe this method when identifying an ulcer, a tumor process, congenital malformations of an organ, diverticular disease, polyps, or obstruction.

This method is contraindicated:

In case of allergic reactions to a contrast agent, pregnant women, persons with severe concomitant chronic diseases, and in the presence of clinical manifestations of bleeding from the esophagus or stomach.

X-ray diagnostics are performed on an empty stomach. You should stop eating 6-8 hours before the pictures. The day before, sorbents such as activated carbon, polysorb and others are prescribed to prevent flatulence. In the evening they give a cleansing enema.

If an enema is contraindicated, medications such as Fortrans are prescribed to cleanse the intestines. X-ray images are taken in frontal and lateral projections at different time intervals to assess the passage of contrast through the gastrointestinal tract.

This method can detect the following pathologies:

  • Narrowing or expansion of the lumen;
  • Change in organ position (prolapse);
  • Esophageal or antral sphincter;
  • “Niche” symptom for ulcerative lesions;
  • Filling defect due to inconsistency - damage to the mucosa;

A symptom of a “niche” in the clinic is considered to be a darkening on an x-ray at the site of the defect against the background of an unchanged organ. If there is a light area that has a round shape with uneven ones, then most often this indicates a neoplasm or polyp. Prolapse of the organ occurs due to a formed hernia of the diaphragmatic opening of the esophagus or injury.

FGS of the stomach can also be replaced by a new and relatively more informative diagnostic study of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity - computed tomography. During a tomogram, the doctor can obtain a three-dimensional image of the organ being examined.

With tomography:

The human body receives very small doses of X-ray radiation, which cannot lead to negative effects. To assess the state of the organ over time, a contrast agent is used.

Ancillary and non-invasive methods for examining the digestive tract include ultrasound. Its main advantage is ease of implementation and safety for the patient.

The technique of this study is not traumatic. The patient is in a supine position. First, a special gel is applied to the skin of the abdomen, and then the doctor installs a sensor with an ultrasound signal of the required size.

When the sensor moves along the abdominal wall, the organ, its location and changes are displayed on the computer screen in projection.

This method can detect gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology will be indicated by the presence of fluid in the cardia of the stomach. If the patient is asked to turn the body in the opposite direction, a reverse cast will occur.

A diaphragmatic hernia is visualized when there is fluid in the organ itself.

A number of changes can be diagnosed only with ultrasound, and some only with FGS.

The main advantages of gastric ultrasound compared to FGD are:

  • Significant information content of the method;
  • No discomfort for the patient;
  • The result is immediately and quickly displayed on the monitor;
  • Not contraindicated for pregnant women;
  • The examination can be carried out many times without harm to health.

How long does a gastroscopy (FGS or FGDS) last? For patients waiting in line, it seems that everything is happening quite quickly, but for those who are undergoing examination at this moment, it seems that time is dragging on endlessly. It is worth noting that the duration of FGS is individual for everyone and ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, rarely longer, so it is worth considering the subjective feelings of a person at the time of fibrogastroscopy and the factors influencing the duration of the procedure.

What does it feel like when a gastric tube is inserted?

First of all, discomfort from the presence of a foreign body, and other sensations depend on the stage of FGDS:

  1. Vomiting. The gag reflex is most pronounced at the moment when the probe enters the esophagus, irritating the root of the tongue. Then, as the gastroscope passes through the esophagus, the gag reflex decreases. At this moment, the person experiences a feeling of awkwardness due to profuse salivation and vomiting spasms, which seem to continue for an unbearably long time. But if you put aside false shame and, on the doctor’s advice, breathe deeply and evenly, then examining the esophagus will take a few seconds.
  2. Then, when the probe is inserted into the stomach, the urge to vomit almost subsides if you breathe deeply and evenly. This stage of FGS of the stomach, if there is no pronounced pathology of the organ, is also short-lived and takes about a minute. During the examination of the stomach, the main cause of discomfort in patients is awkwardness from excessive salivation, some even try to swallow saliva. But attempts to swallow cause spasm of the esophagus and increase discomfort.
  3. Afterwards, the gastroscope is inserted into the duodenum, and many people feel as if there is a hard and unpleasant foreign body in the stomach. Perhaps the most unpleasant moment when examining the duodenum is often at this stage a reflex muscle tension in the patient can occur, which makes it difficult to pass the gastroscope and can provoke pain. But it doesn’t last long either.
  4. After examining all accessible parts of the digestive tract, the doctor carefully pulls out the gastroscope. As a rule, the last stage of gastroscopy of the stomach in most people is accompanied by a feeling of relief from the removal of the foreign object.

Thus, the duration of each stage is related to human behavior. If the patient follows all the specialist’s instructions, FGS will not last long.

What does the procedure look like from the outside?

Probably, having become familiar with the most likely sensations of gastroscopy of the stomach, many want to know how FGDS will occur:

  • first, the patient is given a subcutaneous injection of Atropine to reduce hypersalivation and the pharynx is irrigated with an anesthetic solution;
  • after the injection and irrigation with anesthetic, the person is placed on the table (on his left side) and allowed to clamp a mouth guard with his teeth, which prevents the reflex closure of the jaws;
  • a gastroscopic probe lubricated with gel to improve sliding is inserted through the hole in the mouthguard, placed on the root of the tongue and pushed into the opening of the esophagus;
  • After the esophagus is passed, the probe enters the stomach cavity. If necessary, the organ can be filled with air to straighten the folds of the mucous membrane and study the walls in more detail;
  • after the stomach, the duodenum is examined in the same way;
  • at the end of a detailed examination of all accessible digestive organs, the gastroscope is smoothly removed, the person is asked to remove the mouth guard from the mouth and spit out excess saliva into a special tray.

All data on the examination is displayed on a large monitor in the office, and if necessary, the gastroscopist can take photos and videos of individual moments of the examination for a more detailed study.

On average, a typical examination procedure along with patient preparation takes about 10 minutes, but in some cases, gastroscopy of the stomach can take longer.

Factors that increase the duration of gastroscopy

A routine examination, during which only an examination of the internal state of organs is carried out, is always short-lived, but FGS is carried out not only for diagnostic purposes.

The procedure can be done in the following cases:

  1. Removing a foreign object from the esophagus or stomach. The duration of FGDS is difficult to calculate: it will depend on the structure of the foreign body (smooth or too hard objects are more difficult to remove) and on its location. In some cases, the object that has gotten inside is first crushed, and then gradually removed from the digestive organs.
  2. Removal of polyps. This procedure is done after a detailed clarification of the location of the polyposis, and the doctor can almost always calculate how long the therapeutic gastroscopy will last.
  3. Irrigation of certain areas of the gastric wall with medicine. This type of FGS is performed quickly and takes 3-5 minutes more than diagnostic gastroscopy.
  4. Elimination of certain types of bleeding. Minor erosive bleeding or ulcer bleeding is not always a reason for surgical intervention. In some cases, bleeding can be stopped using more gentle methods during gastroscopy.

But even in therapeutic cases, FGDS lasts no more than half an hour.

The duration of gastroscopy is not very long; if the patient behaves correctly during the examination, it causes almost no discomfort. Then only a slight numbness in the throat after the anesthetic reminds of the examination completed. Probably, this information will help many people to have a positive attitude towards the research necessary for diagnosis and treatment, because every person can endure 10-20 minutes of unpleasant sensations.

How long does a gastroscopy (FGS or FGDS) last? For patients waiting in line, it seems that everything is happening quite quickly, but for those who are undergoing examination at this moment, it seems that time is dragging on endlessly. It is worth noting that the duration of FGS is individual for everyone and ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, rarely longer, so it is worth considering the subjective feelings of a person at the time of fibrogastroscopy and the factors influencing the duration of the procedure.

Subjective feelings of a person

What does it feel like when a gastric tube is inserted?

First of all, discomfort from the presence of a foreign body, and other sensations depend on the stage of FGDS:

  1. Vomiting. The gag reflex is most pronounced at the moment when the probe enters the esophagus, irritating the root of the tongue. Then, as the gastroscope passes through the esophagus, the gag reflex decreases. At this moment, the person experiences a feeling of awkwardness due to profuse salivation and vomiting spasms, which seem to continue for an unbearably long time. But if you put aside false shame and, on the doctor’s advice, breathe deeply and evenly, then examining the esophagus will take a few seconds.

  2. Then, when the probe is inserted into the stomach, the urge to vomit almost subsides if you breathe deeply and evenly. This stage of FGS of the stomach, if there is no pronounced pathology of the organ, is also short-lived and takes about a minute. During the examination of the stomach, the main cause of discomfort in patients is awkwardness from excessive salivation, some even try to swallow saliva. But attempts to swallow cause spasm of the esophagus and increase discomfort.
  3. Afterwards, the gastroscope is inserted into the duodenum, and many people feel as if there is a hard and unpleasant foreign body in the stomach. Perhaps the most unpleasant moment when examining the duodenum is often at this stage a reflex muscle tension in the patient can occur, which makes it difficult to pass the gastroscope and can provoke pain. But it doesn’t last long either.
  4. After examining all accessible parts of the digestive tract, the doctor carefully pulls out the gastroscope. As a rule, the last stage of gastroscopy of the stomach in most people is accompanied by a feeling of relief from the removal of the foreign object.

Thus, the duration of each stage is related to human behavior. If the patient follows all the specialist’s instructions, FGS will not last long.

What does the procedure look like from the outside?

Probably, having become familiar with the most likely sensations of gastroscopy of the stomach, many want to know how FGDS will occur:

  • first, the patient is given a subcutaneous injection of Atropine to reduce hypersalivation and the pharynx is irrigated with an anesthetic solution;
  • after the injection and irrigation with anesthetic, the person is placed on the table (on his left side) and allowed to clamp a mouth guard with his teeth, which prevents the reflex closure of the jaws;
  • a gastroscopic probe lubricated with gel to improve sliding is inserted through the hole in the mouthguard, placed on the root of the tongue and pushed into the opening of the esophagus;
  • After the esophagus is passed, the probe enters the stomach cavity. If necessary, the organ can be filled with air to straighten the folds of the mucous membrane and study the walls in more detail;
  • after the stomach, the duodenum is examined in the same way;
  • at the end of a detailed examination of all accessible digestive organs, the gastroscope is smoothly removed, the person is asked to remove the mouth guard from the mouth and spit out excess saliva into a special tray.

All data on the examination is displayed on a large monitor in the office, and if necessary, the gastroscopist can take photos and videos of individual moments of the examination for a more detailed study.

Factors that increase the duration of gastroscopy

A routine examination, during which only an examination of the internal state of organs is carried out, is always short-lived, but FGS is carried out not only for diagnostic purposes.

The procedure can be done in the following cases:

  1. Removing a foreign object from the esophagus or stomach. The duration of FGDS is difficult to calculate: it will depend on the structure of the foreign body (smooth or too hard objects are more difficult to remove) and on its location. In some cases, the object that has gotten inside is first crushed, and then gradually removed from the digestive organs.
  2. Removal of polyps. This procedure is done after a detailed clarification of the location of the polyposis, and the doctor can almost always calculate how long the therapeutic gastroscopy will last.
  3. Irrigation of certain areas of the gastric wall with medicine. This type of FGS is performed quickly and takes 3-5 minutes more than diagnostic gastroscopy.
  4. Elimination of certain types of bleeding. Minor erosive bleeding or ulcer bleeding is not always a reason for surgical intervention. In some cases, bleeding can be stopped using more gentle methods during gastroscopy.

But even in therapeutic cases, FGDS lasts no more than half an hour.

The duration of gastroscopy is not very long; if the patient behaves correctly during the examination, it causes almost no discomfort. Then only a slight numbness in the throat after the anesthetic reminds of the examination completed. Probably, this information will help many people to have a positive attitude towards the research necessary for diagnosis and treatment, because every person can endure 10-20 minutes of unpleasant sensations.

The essence of gastroscopy

The process takes place on an outpatient basis. Before this, you need to fast for 6-8 hours. Procedure for conducting the study:

  1. Before starting the procedure, the doctor sprays a local anesthetic in the patient’s mouth so that the mucous membranes of the throat are numb and there is no gagging when the endoscope is inserted.
  2. The patient is located on the couch in a supine position.
  3. To comply with antiseptic rules and protect equipment from damage, a mouthguard or mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth.
  4. An endoscope tube with a microcamera is inserted into the oral cavity and slowly moves along the esophagus to the stomach, transmitting an image of the condition of the organs.
  5. Air is pumped through the endoscope so that during examination the stomach stretches and the condition of the mucous membranes is better visible.
  6. Having received all the necessary information, the doctor turns off the device and removes the tube from the patient’s mouth.

To make it easier to endure an FGDS of the stomach, it is important not to be nervous.

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Indications and contraindications

FGDS should be done for the purpose of diagnosing and treating stomach pathologies. However, it is important to know when you can and cannot do endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract:

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How long does FGDS last?

The feeling of fear will not allow the patient to fully relax and carry out the procedure faster.

The duration of the procedure depends on whether it is carried out for diagnostic therapeutic purposes. FGDS is significantly accelerated if the patient calmly tolerates the study and does not experience fear.
when the stomach and esophageal sphincters are relaxed, and the endoscope does not need to introduce excess air into the organ cavity to stretch its walls. The procedure can be completed in 15-30 minutes. If FSH is of a therapeutic or therapeutic-diagnostic nature, then the duration of the manipulation is 40-60 minutes. But if the patient cannot tune in or calm down for a long time, then the time it takes to perform it can double. How long the procedure lasts depends only on the patient’s approach and positive attitude.

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Feelings during FGS

Often the diagnosis is painless, and the procedure does not last long. However, slight discomfort in the patient may occur due to the aspirator - a tube through which the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are removed. The doctor carries out the procedure slowly, having previously discussed with the patient the need to remain motionless, as well as a symbol when the slightest pain appears. All the patient must do to survive the procedure as quickly and pain-free as possible is to prepare correctly and relax.

Historical background and description

Gastroscopy dates back about 130 years. For such a long time, research methods, as well as the equipment itself, have reached a high level. The first instruments were bulky and impractical, using a solid system. Such a device was quite inconvenient to insert inside, which was also complicated by the discomfort the patients experienced during the examination.

Modern medicine uses advanced examination systems and gastroscopic devices. Also, gastroscopy began to be divided into several types. One of these is fibrogastroduodenoscopy and fibrogastroscopy (FGS).

The first type of endoscopic examination is most often prescribed. This diagnostic method allows us to identify pathologies occurring in the stomach and duodenum. The essence of the procedure is the introduction of a special flexible hose called an endoscope into the body. At the end of such a device there is a video camera with backlight. When the device is inserted into the digestive organ under study, the image obtained by the video camera is displayed on a computer screen.

The endoscopic method of examining internal organs allows for diagnostics that are inaccessible to other research methods. It is completely safe and easy to carry out. Moreover, the accuracy of the results depends on how well the preliminary preparation was carried out, which relates to the characteristics of food intake and certain medications. More detailed information about the intricacies of preparatory measures is within the competence of the attending physician.


Despite the serious advantages, the FGDS procedure has a number of contraindications, which include:

  • acute inflammation affecting the pharynx and mouth;
  • diseases of the esophagus, for which the hallmarks are signs of dysphagia;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • some mental disorders.

In this case, the examination is allowed to be carried out by women carrying a fetus, subject to a strong medical recommendation.

It is advisable if preparation for fibrogastroduodenoscopy includes a preliminary x-ray examination of the stomach, which makes it possible to exclude or identify esophageal disease. In this case, it is possible to determine with high accuracy the area required for research. Contraindications must also be stated by a doctor.

Duration of the procedure

Many people are interested in how long an FGDS study lasts. To get an answer to this, it is advisable to consider the process of its implementation. It is worth saying that the procedure must be carried out by an experienced endoscopist. The most comfortable position for gastroscopy is lying on your side. Before inserting the gastroscope, local anesthesia is given with lidocaine, which helps relax the muscle structures of the pharynx, which reduces the gag reflex.

  • a special mouthpiece or mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth, the purpose of which is to protect the endoscopic tube from damage;
  • You may need to take a sip, but subsequently swallowing movements are undesirable;
  • through the mouthpiece into the oral cavity, and then into the esophagus, the tip of the endoscope, previously lubricated with gel, is inserted;
  • a tube inserted into the esophagus no longer provokes the gag reflex and pain;
  • it should be borne in mind that the gastroscope does not interfere with the breathing process, but this eliminates the possibility of speaking;
  • as the tube moves through the esophagus, the stomach and intestines are inflated with air;
  • saliva released during the examination is removed by suction. Air is removed in the same way;
  • the result of the study is reflected on the monitor and recorded.

If the purpose of the study is diagnosis, then the procedure can be done over a short period of time. However, in addition to this, FGDS allows:

  • remove polypous tumors;
  • remove foreign bodies;
  • administer medications;
  • stop bleeding.

If serious pathological changes are detected, a tissue sample may be taken for a biopsy. Tissue from the gastric mucosa is suitable for this purpose. At the end of the FGDS, the endoscope is carefully removed from the esophagus. It is recommended to lie quietly for a few minutes.

The total procedure time can last 3-20 minutes. The effects of freezing with lidocaine may include numbness. Uncomfortable sensations may be present throughout the day. You can eat food almost immediately, but give preference to light dishes. Loading the stomach should occur gradually.

Also, often after the end of FGDS, painful sensations in the throat and vomiting appear. Such symptoms disappear within half an hour. If the patient is put under general anesthesia, he will be sent to the ward at the end of the procedure. After consciousness returns and the effect of the medicine disappears, the patient is allowed to go home. The results of a biopsy of tissue taken during the examination are prepared within a couple of weeks, which is due to numerous tests.

Gastroscopy: how long does the procedure take?

A very exciting question that patients ask about the upcoming procedure. To answer this, let’s look at how it is carried out.

The entire procedure is performed by an experienced endoscopist. The most comfortable position for gastroscopy is lying on your side. Before insertion of the gastroscope, the patient is given local anesthesia with lidocaine. The muscles of the pharynx will relax, and the gag reflex will be reduced. A special mouthpiece or mouthpiece is inserted into the mouth; it protects the gastroscope tube from damage. The doctor will ask the patient to take a sip, but there is no need to make any further swallowing movements. Through the mouthpiece, the tip of the endoscope, lubricated with gel, will be inserted into the oral cavity, and then into the esophagus. A tube inserted into the esophagus no longer causes gag reflexes. There is no painful sensation, the thickness of the tube is less than a lump of food swallowed by a person.

The patient is in a lateral decubitus position; this is a comfortable and comfortable position. The gastroscope does not interfere with breathing, but you will not be able to speak. As you move along the esophagus, the doctor inflates the stomach and intestines with air, otherwise the examination will not be possible. The saliva that comes out of the mouth is removed using a suction device, just like in dentistry. Air is removed from the cavity in the same way. The result of the study is transmitted to the monitor and recorded.

If the purpose of the study is diagnostic, the procedure does not last long. The endoscopy method allows you to remove detected polyps and foreign bodies, administer medications and stop bleeding. If pathologies are detected, you can take a piece of tissue for analysis - a biopsy. To carry it out, tissue from the gastric mucosa is taken, an absolutely painless procedure. Gastroscopy will help avoid many consequences and painful operations.

After the examination is completed, the endoscope is carefully and slowly removed from the esophagus. It is recommended to rest for a few minutes and wait for the results. The results will be prepared by the doctor who conducted the examination; the preparation will take about 20 minutes. You will have to wait up to two weeks for the results of the analysis of a piece of mucous membrane. The tests are complex and will be carried out in a laboratory. The duration of the procedure itself can last from 3 to 20 minutes.

This completes the gastroscopy. The consequences of freezing the larynx with lidocaine will be felt in the form of numbness. Feelings of discomfort quickly disappear during the day. You can eat, but start with light and soft foods. The foreign body that was the endoscope has introduced discomfort and irritation into your digestive system. It is necessary to load the stomach gradually.

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS, gastroscopy) is performed to determine the causes of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, and difficulty swallowing food. FGDS is the best method for detecting the causes of bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract. The examination may be carried out after surgical operations on the esophagus, stomach or duodenum for early detection of possible complications and to determine the resulting changes in the mucous membrane. This method is many times more accurate than x-ray examination for inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane, detection of erosions and ulcers. With gastroscopy, early detection of tumors allows for successful treatment of this pathology.

If necessary, during the FGDS procedure, a biopsy can be performed (taking a piece of the mucous membrane for histological and cytological examination). The biopsy is performed with a special instrument, without causing you any discomfort.

An endoscope is a long, thin (only 9 millimeters in diameter!) flexible tube with a camera installed at the end. By controlling this tube, the doctor controls all stages of the endoscope and inserts it into the upper parts of the digestive tract as safely as possible for the patient. As a result, he has the opportunity to examine the inner surface of the digestive tract, the mucous membrane, and sometimes, based on indirect signs, the condition of other organs can be assessed. The use of this research method makes it possible to make a correct diagnosis for the symptoms of various diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

Local patient preparation

Local preparation for gastroscopy consists of the following:

  • Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the throat, larynx and esophagus, that is, the paths along which the gastroscope will be inserted must be healthy and free of abnormalities. Thus, if the patient has fissures, tonsillitis, or acute respiratory infections, gastroscopy is contraindicated until complete recovery.
  • Stomach cleansing. Endoscopic examination is usually carried out in the first half of the day on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no later than 19-20 pm. If gastroscopy is scheduled for the afternoon, then a light breakfast is allowed at least 8-9 hours before the procedure.
  • Application of local anesthetics to the root of the tongue. Lidocaine spray is most often used for this purpose. This will reduce the patient’s discomfort during gastroscopy and suppress possible gag reflexes when inserting a gastroscope.

Good afternoon. Do you conduct an FGDS study under anesthesia on an adult? and how much will it be?

  • computed tomography, preferably with contrast;
  • X-ray examination using contrast;
  • endoscopy using a video recording capsule;
  • virtual gastroscopy and colonoscopy.

Carrying out a tube examination of the stomach

The procedure can currently be carried out using local anesthetics, medicated sleep, and general anesthesia.
Gastroscopy of the stomach under local anesthesia lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. Lidocaine or dicaine is used as anesthesia, which is used to irrigate the root of the tongue, the mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Basically, anesthesia is intended to inhibit the gag reflex.
Gastroscopy in a dream is performed with the participation of an anesthesiologist. The patient must come to the procedure in advance, have with him a recently completed cardiogram and its transcript. The anesthesiologist assesses the patient's condition and gives permission to use anesthesia. Propofol is used to put the patient into a state of sleep; it acts quickly, immediately after the start of administration. The patient also quickly wakes up from sleep, in the last seconds of Propofol administration. It is finally restored after 15-20 minutes.

Now you know how to prepare for gastroscopy. It's time to find out how safe this diagnostic method is.

This procedure should be performed by a qualified specialist who has experience in such matters. Therefore, before gastroscopy, you should ask how competent the doctor is and whether you should trust him with your health.

If everything is in order, then this procedure is considered completely safe and does not cause any complications.

But there are different situations, and you should know for which symptoms after diagnosis you need to urgently call an ambulance:

If you have severe abdominal pain;

The person coughs continuously;

The helplessness of ultrasound in front of air and other gases, which can accumulate in abundance in the areas under study, can significantly distort the results, or even make ultrasound useless. It is for this reason that doctors recommend following a certain diet for a week or two before an ultrasound. The purpose of such a diet is to limit the consumption of foods that contribute to the formation of gas.

It should be noted that ultrasound methods are less unpleasant than gastroscopy, but also less functional: ultrasound cannot produce any therapeutic effects. But there will be no unpleasant consequences after them. The duration of the procedures is approximately the same.

They occupy one of the leading places. In order to diagnose a particular disease, the patient is prescribed a number of procedures, the main one of which will be FGS. Many people know that there is nothing pleasant about it, and besides, some preparation is needed for the results to be reliable.

FGS is not a very pleasant procedure

One of the most reliable studies of the stomach, as mentioned above, is FGS. FGS stands for fibrogastroendoscopy, during which an endoscope, or as it is also called a gastroscope, is inserted into the patient’s stomach, with which you can clearly examine the stomach, its mucous membrane, and also take a biopsy for analysis.

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. First stage. The doctor administers local anesthesia, which in most cases involves treating the root of the patient’s tongue with lidocaine
  2. Second phase. The patient is placed on his left side
  3. Third stage. After the anesthesia has begun to take effect, which is about 5 or 10 minutes, a plastic ring is inserted into the person’s mouth, which must be clamped with the teeth.
  4. Fourth stage. Then, the doctor will insert the endoscope through this ring. When the endoscope is inserted, the person will be asked to swallow
  5. Fifth stage. After a couple of seconds, the endoscope will be in the stomach, the doctor will pump air into it so that the stomach straightens and begin the examination
  6. Sixth stage. In a few minutes the doctor will take out the endoscope

Typically, gastric FGS is prescribed if:

  • There is suspicion of inflammation of the upper digestive tract
  • Peptic ulcer present
  • There is bleeding
  • There is a suspicion of a tumor

FGS is a very serious study, for which you need to carefully prepare in order to avoid unpleasant sensations and for the result to be reliable.

Preparation for FGS

A good morale is the key to easy research

Despite the fact that this process is quite unpleasant, if you follow all the recommendations of the doctor who will carry it out, you can avoid bad feelings.

  1. Dinner should be very light, and preferably 4 hours before bedtime
  2. 8 hours before the procedure, eating is strictly prohibited, since any meal immediately before FGS can provoke an attack of vomiting, due to which the study will be impossible and will have to be scheduled for another day.
  3. You should not smoke, especially before the procedure, as smoking exacerbates gag reflexes and also provokes the production of gastric mucus, which may cause the examination to take longer.
  4. You cannot take medications, and in particular tablets that must be swallowed.

Before FGS, the following actions are allowed, if this is very necessary:

  1. It is allowed to take medications that do not need to be swallowed. Usually these are tablets for lozenges under the tongue
  2. You can do injections that cannot be done after the procedure
  3. You are allowed to drink sweet, but weak, black tea or plain non-carbonated tea two hours before the procedure.

We should also talk about the evening meal before the FGS, that is, dinner. It should be made exclusively from light foods that can be quickly digested in the stomach. It is usually recommended to eat a piece of fish with vegetables, or a piece of boiled chicken breast with a small portion of buckwheat, preferably well boiled.

A couple of days before FGS, you need to avoid spicy foods and also refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Products that should not be consumed even 10 or 12 hours before the test include:

  • Chocolate or chocolate candies
  • Seeds, both pumpkin and sunflower
  • Nuts
  • Fresh vegetables

Of course, if it is a healthy stomach, then all the foods will be digested in eight hours, but since we are talking about patients with digestive problems, they simply may not have time to digest and the study will either be delayed or give an incomplete picture.

The main thing is to follow all the doctors’ advice and not think that they are just saying this. The procedure is not very pleasant, and therefore few people would want to repeat it the next day because of their mistake.

Preparation for FGS on the day of the study

After waking up in the morning, the patient is prohibited from brushing his teeth and smoking, as this can cause the production of mucus in the stomach, which will prolong the pain.

When you go to the hospital, you need to take with you a referral from your attending physician for FGS, a passport and medical insurance policy (and sometimes an insurance pension certificate), as well as a towel. In order to ensure the most comfortable procedure, it is best to:

  • Unbutton the top button on your clothing, especially on the neck, if there is one.
  • Unfasten the belt on trousers or jeans, as there may be a feeling of constriction
  • Warn the doctor who will perform the procedure about allergic reactions to medications
  • Relax, although it will be difficult to do this, since few people take FGS calmly
  • Breathe evenly, deeply and slowly, preferably through your mouth
  • Try not to swallow, although this will be very difficult
  • Think about something good. This will help you take your mind off

In some cases, examinations may be performed under general anesthesia. This is done when a person is intolerant to lidocaine or is in such a state that FGS with local anesthesia can cause any problems, in particular, a dangerous increase in blood pressure, a panic attack, etc. Also, in people with a low pain threshold, FGS is indicated only under general anesthesia.

Sometimes fibrogastroendoscopy is prescribed for the afternoon. Here it will be much more difficult to follow the doctor’s recommendations, but it still needs to be done.

It is also necessary not to eat anything for 8 or 10 hours, not to smoke before the procedure, etc. In general, follow all of the above points.

Possible complications after FGS

FGS is an informative method for examining the stomach

Complications after and during the FGS procedure are quite rare. But sometimes they can still happen.

Some of the most common complications that may occur include:

  • Bleeding that occurs if the endoscope accidentally touches the wall of an organ or damages a vessel
  • Asphyxia and aspiration pneumonia, which can occur if the correct preparation before FGS was not carried out, that is, the patient ate before the procedure, etc. This problem may occur due to the entry of undigested food into the respiratory tract.
  • This can be especially true if a biopsy was taken. A biopsy is the removal of samples of stomach tissue.

In order for FGS to go as smoothly as possible, you must fully comply with all the recommendations given, since the success of the procedure, as well as its speed, completely depends on them. Preparing for the FGS is not that difficult, you need patience and calm. During the FGS itself, doctors will try to help you, as they understand how unpleasant this process can be.

For more information about this method of examining the stomach as FGS, see the following video:

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